chimkin-samich · 11 months
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First month on the job and Sun seems already smitten.
They're lonely and touchstarved your honour.
Tari is also practically vibing, which is a nice change for them.
Part 1/2
This was originally just something silly to explain their drastic design divergence from anything even remotely canon in this au, but I went and I turned it into angst cuz that's what I do best 🙃
Part 2/2
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tangledinink · 1 year
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you know what so long as he's enjoying himself.
[ i'm sorry, teenage mutant what now? ]
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kazbrekkerfast · 10 months
I love being non-binary but the amout of times I see a post I relate to but it's titled "girl ____" and I'm like well then. that's made me sad
or like "this is for the men" and im sat there sad because why is life so gendered all the time with such stupid things
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samioli · 4 months
sometimes i feel like the fandom forgets that Phoenix is good at his job
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kingofthe-egirls · 10 months
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!!! SPOILERS !!!
(cw: reader is a survivor, sex, gear 5 luffy, sweet, kissing, creampie)
(a/n: big trigger warning here. working through my own past with luffy to help me. ah.)
Songs: "Have One On Me" by Joanna Newsom, "South London Forever" by Florence + the Machine
words: 1.2k
"M'gonna go slow, kay?" Luffy soothes his hand over your belly. You're fluttery and shaky, breaths coming in shallow gasps as your boyfriend kneels over you. Your legs are spread wide, bare for him after hours of foreplay. You're ready, you tell yourself, I'm ready.
"Gonna give you a new memory, okay?" Luffy asks you, his eyes wide and shining as he waits for your permission. You nod.
Luffy leans down to kiss you, fluttering his fingers over your cheeks. "Ya sure? You look kinda scared, y/n. I don't wanna do anything you don't wanna do," he frowns, tilting his head. His hair is all spiky in the black night, barely lit at all by the starlight filtering in through the cabin window. It's a new moon, tonight.
"M'not scared with you," you mumble, swinging your knees up and down. He's sitting between your legs, his strong form naked in front of you. He's tracing his fingers down your abdomen, softly drawing invisible spirals on your skin. "Just...scared it'll happen again."
"I've got ya, y/n."
"I know," you say, squeezing your eyes shut. You reach up, making grabby hands for him in the darkness. He leans his face into your waiting hands, letting you squish in his cheeks. He giggles.
He shifts, bringing the hot skin of his thighs closer to yours, as he wraps your legs up in his arms. He leans down, kissing along your inner thighs: first one, then the other. His eyes glint up in the darkness as he surveys your expressions. "How's that?"
"Better," you say, nodding. He's been eating you out for hours, and you've been playing with him, too. You've both been dancing around the idea of sex for a while, now. He's had it before, and so have you. His experiences were a lot less...traumatizing. Than yours have been.
"Here," he says, pressing his hand onto your lower belly. "I'm gonna...stretch ya a lil bit. Just so it doesn't hurt, okay?" His fingers are soft, as he strokes his thumb over the coarse hairs at the apex of your thighs. He holds your knee in his other warm hand.
"Like this," he soothes, his hair starting to turn white. His eyes glow pink, and you gasp. You don't know how much energy his fifth gear takes, but--you don't want him to waste it on you.
"N-no, Luffy! That's too much for you," you try to say, try to sit up, but he pushes you down. He gazes at you, seriously.
"Don't trust me?"
You stop, cowed. "I trust you, captain."
He grins. "Good!"
His transformation is nearly complete, with white hair floating around his face. His clothes have turned a brilliant pearl, too. His sash is violet; his skin is almond and honey. Something sweet you'd stir into your tea. He leans forward to kiss you again.
Luffy's lips taste like skin.
"Here," he whispers, tracing his fingers over your breasts between the two of you. He swipes over your clit, dragging his hand down and over your shaking body. "D'ya want me, y/n?"
"Of course," you whisper, reaching your arms around his neck. He smells like apples. You feel yourself getting pulled into the gravity of him, his electric elasticity stretching you out at the corners of your being. It's funny, you think, wriggling a little in his grasp.
"Feels funny," you say, smiling. He snickers, lining himself up with your entrance. His thumb is stroking over your pelvis, and you feel yourself start to relax. It's--warm. It feels like when you drink sake, a little, except your head doesn't hurt. Your head feels light as feathers. Your body is relaxed, too. All warm and goopy as he starts to press inside you. You gasp.
"Oh!" You say, arching forward. Luffy catches you around the shoulders, his hand splayed at your lower back. "I didn't know!!" You start, and stop. Your mouth opens and closes like a fish. I didn't know it would feel so good.
Luffy hums. "How's that?"
He's staring at your face, his own blush starting to form around his honey cheeks. You reach up to play with the ends of his floaty hair. You feel drunk. "It's hot," you say, giggling, "That you love me like this."
Luffy beams.
"Course," he growls, hiding his face in your neck. He breathes in deeply, slipping out his tongue to taste your skin. He likes biting you a lot, apparently. "How could I not?"
He snaps his hips, starting to fuck you in earnest.
It feels--good.
It feels weird, to have your body bouncing around like this. Your tits are shaking, your hips are shuddering, all the fleshy parts of your body are jiggling around as he softly thrusts into you. You want him to fuck you harder, now.
"Harder, Luffy," you say, fisting your hand in his hair. It feels like feathers. You want to start a pillow fight. Luffy giggles, and a puff of downy white feathers explode behind you. He's sacrificed one of his pillows apparently, you dimly think as soft white fluffs flutter down around you. They fill your vision like snowflakes.
He speeds up, thrusting into you in missionary as he holds you in both arms. He kisses up your neck, all along your cheeks. His lips are puffy and warm, and you hum into his affections with unbridled joy. He loves when you just accept his love. He has so much to give you, you can barely contain it all. Your heart is overflowing with it, spilling out from a golden chalice in salty, shimmery waves.
"Feels good, kitty?"
Luffy pants into your shoulder, biting softly at your skin. He's always covering you in hickeys, which the crew had started to make fun of at first, but had quickly lost interest in. Since you're always covered in hickeys now, it's no fun to tease you over it anymore.
"Feels so good, Luffy," you say, meeting his hips with thrusts of your own. It's slow, and steady, but your orgasm is building up behind your knees. It creeps up, up your legs and explodes between them.
"Oh!" You gasp, mouth falling open as you spasm around his length, "Fuck, Luffy, that feels so good--"
"Cum for me, angel," he whispers, voice hoarse. He's not lost to the pleasure, either. He grunts, holding your hair in one hand while the other snakes around your waist in loops. The white fluffs of feathers have settled now, intermingling with the fluffy white behind his head.
He glitters for a moment, pink hearts sparkling into being around his flushed face. They sizzle and pop, little magenta pleasures that fizz through the air as he gets closer to his climax.
"Love you, Luffy," you say, fireworks now dancing at the edges of your vision. You giggle, drunk on his love and the pleasure that's coursing through your body. It doesn't hurt. It doesn't hurt, at all.
His eyes are pink hearts, now, as he gasps and pants and moans out your name. He's so in love with you.
"Fuck, kitty--," he rasps, speeding up his sweet, sweet pace. "Love when you're so wet for me, love when you take it so so good for me, fuck--" He cums into your core, his face buried in your chest. He whines, bucking into you for the lasting waves of his orgasm.
You clench around him, letting the shivers of aftermath push you over the edge another time, too.
Hearts fizzle out of existence as his hair fades back to black.
The feathers around you are now just feathers, and the two of you are now just lovers, tangled together in his bed.
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softiedingo · 7 months
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watercubebee · 11 months
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What he might be thinking about....
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sky-fire-forever · 6 months
Edward Teach, my beautiful man. Why are you so fucking PRETTY
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a-kind-of-merry-war · 2 months
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dufrau · 5 months
I was honestly not a Buffy/Faith shipper back in the day somehow???
I definitely read Buffy/Faith fic and enjoyed it but I never really had strong feelings about it which seems insane because here we have the girl with the weight of the world on her shoulders who has just witnessed the only other person who could ever understand that feeling die, and then this other girl shows up and she is the absolute dark mirror of the main girl, of you, in all the saddest ways, just the absolute vision of "who would you be without all of this, your friends, your family, your support system. who would you be if you were all power and no guidance and no support and no love?" AND she's hot. AND she's slutty. AND she has your opposite hair color lol. AND even when she is everything you hate about your potential and your destiny and your duty, even when she fails in all of the ways you have nightmares about failing every fucking day. Even when she chooses the thing you would never choose but you are jealous of the people who get to choose it. She is so TEMPTING. It is all so tempting. She is all the worst parts of you because she was never taken care of and you hate her and you want nothing more than to take care of her. I am no better than you, you think, even as you hate her. You could be so much more than what you are, you think, even as you stab her in the stomach.
It's really an everything ship. It has everything. I would be unhinged if this aired now. I would be inconsolable and howling at the moon.
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omakosohc · 11 months
i hate hate hate fics where gojo is in a relationship with reader and he is fawning over reader and reader is like 😐 towards him LIKE BABYGIRL YOU ARE NOT IMMUNE !!!!! STOP TREATING MY MANS LIKE THIS !!!! HE DESERVES SOMEONE WHOS EQUALLY IN LOVE WITH HIM OKAY 😭
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tangledinink · 1 year
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ninja turtles are here for projecting and processing grief, apparently.
i've seen lots of 'the death of future donnie' comics, most recently ofc being from @somerandomdudelmao (i went back and forth abt tagging but then decided i would, because this is directly their fault, /pos) and then, of course, all the fan content that was made in response to said comic... and i love seeing so many people make so much awesome work! but it's also really fucking sad.
so often in the real world, there are no goodbyes, no dying in the arms of a loved one, no heroic sacrifices, there's just... death. people just die and it sucks. especially because in real life there's also no cool storyboarder assuring you that there's gonna be a happy ending and you'll see them again. and so it's like... then what?
i dunno. i was just sad about it for a while, and i wasn't really sure what to do with that, but i guess this is my answer. sometimes you don't get to say goodbye or hold them when they leave you, and you dunno if you'll get to see them again. but you can still have the mark they left on the world and hang onto that. because no matter what, once upon a time, they were there, and you remember. other people probably do, too.
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babypanther95 · 2 months
Just to add to my ongoing saga about the antisemitism from students at my school, apparently at least one of them is calling me a k*** behind my back because one girl that likes me told me...
Additionally, my principal does basically nothing. Time to go to the union!
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kvothbloodless · 8 months
I will say the whole "that's AI" "no it isnt" thing, the whole "AI is ginna make it impossible to tell whether a photo is real or not" thing, kinda drives me insane. Like. You remember photoshop exists, yea? This is nearly word for word the way the (only somewhat unjustified) panic about photoshop went. And its true! The existance of easily accessed photoshop Did make it slightly harder to determine whether a photo was real or not! You had to use some common sense and always retain some skepticism about anything other than a well verified image. But this didnt cause any like. Massive widescale issues.
So Im always just Baffled by this line of fear about AI cause like...this doesnt actually make the problem any worse? Photoshop is already extremely widespread and accessible? AI is probably not going to have a large effect on the number of well disguised fake images circulating, once the initial buzz runs out (alsp happened with photoshop, afaik).
Continuing with slightly more serious thing under the cut
This is also true for AI porn. Like, im not gonna get into the ethical debate about it, but regardless of anything else. Fake porn of celebrities already exists! There are in fact multiple websites dedicated to it. Using photoshop. A creep taking someones photos off facebook and using photoshop to make porn of them is Already an issue, which is why there are already policies about it, which can neatly be used with AI doing the same thing, because its functionally identical.
I cant remember the exact post, but there was one going around a while ago that essentially said "the barrier to doing [bad thing] isnt really how easy it is to do or how accessible it is, its people being willing to do it". AI is a decent step up from photoshop in terms of accessible ways to make decent quality fake images, but its a Miniscule increase compared to the one that occured when photoshop and social media became widespread. Since then, the barrier has been "how many people are willing to lie or be creeps", and AI isnt really going to have that big affect on how skeptical you need to be of important images that might be fake or how careful you should be with images of yourself online.
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Honestly, though, one of the things I find bizarrely relatable about Stede can be explained just by that scene where he gets stabbed and just nicely asks, "Did you mean to do that?" Like yes, honey. Yes, he did.
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shimishtar · 3 months
The Fallen Angel
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A lovely commission done by Caspie! 😭 im going insane this is really old but i love it!!"!$!*?*? I have to share it... iforgot whether i posted or not but either way i love itt...g. i commd him again ^_^
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