#and im lonely i cant talk to my friends and i feel like shit venting to the internet
cavity-collector · 25 days
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i genuinely need to be put down like a dog i cant do this anymore man holy shit
#yall dont know the meaning of terminally online til u meet me#i hate myself so much its not even funny i am the most miserable worthless scum#my sleep schedule is 7am to 3pm all i do all day is rot on the couch and sometimes draw if i have a drop of motivation#depression is completely kicking my ass and im not even fighting back i give up what the fuck man#theres not even a point for me to keep trying i just want to stop feeling such deep despair 24/7 please#i dont want to die i just want the pain to stop so i can peacefullylive out the rest of this year before i turn 18 and its all over for good#but i cant even have that! im just gonna suffer the whole time thanks great#i wish i could just get better and fix all of this but i cant its not working we dont have the money to#actually get me the help i need to make it work. i just have to figure it out or die#i just wanna go back to ***** ** *** i just want to stop being lonely and useless#i dont know why im posting this shit to tumblr. its so stupid i should just be journaling or something#probably because im worthless selfish scum. idfk.#the last 6 months have been a complete blur. just rotting on the couch or in bed occasionally seeing friends once every other month or so#ive already wasted half of being 17 abd im probably gonna waste the rest too. ill do nothing of worth before i die.#even my art is ugly and horrible and not worth leaving behind. people tell me to work to improve it but i dont have the time left#ill never create any of the things i wanted to create ill never be a good artist im just going to die exactly like this#an absolutely terrible person.#the only people i can talk about the things that make me a terrible person with are people who are terrible in even worse ways#no one can comfort me except them because theyre the only people who know what ive done and actually do see it as less than absolute evil#because they know absolute evil because it is them. but i actually don’t believe that i think theyre bad but could be good#idk what im saying anymore#someone shoot me#please im not kidding#just make it stop#tw vent#tw sui#delete later
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aroacesigma · 8 months
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solaaresque · 2 years
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sad-leon · 1 year
Hello! I hope you're having a good day!
So many people in my life seem to be going through something right now, and I just wanted to give you an opportunity to share anything you might be going through. Good or bad, as specific or as vague as you're comfortable with. Or feel free to ignore if you'd rather not. No pressure at all!
I hope things are going well for you! But if not, I'll be sending prayers your way if you're comfortable with that!
I am... not.
and i haven't for a long time
I'll preface this entire post with a warning: THIS IS A VENT POST the only tags will be trigger warnings
I thinks i've said it once or twice, but I started school this year. This is my first year in college after taking a gap year and also telling everyon i wasnt gonna go. I know jack shit about what im doing and its fucking exhausting. Theres so many things that i feel like I should know but dont because all the college information given out in my highschool was geared toward the college in that town specifically, which is not the college im going to.
I've also moved. im entirely on my own, physically and financially. I just met with my job and am starting very soon which is not good because my sleep schedule is all wrong. I may be switching jobs soon, but i can't just quit becuase, like i said, im on my own.
and those are only the big two. lets speedrun this. my anxiety, my autism, i need new glasses, my feet hurt more than i think they should, im a system, my eating disorder, my aversions that make it hard to drink the water up here, the burnout, the exhaustion, executive dysfunction, i also likely have adhd which mean rsd. im touch starved and touch adverse
those are just what i can think of off the top of my head
but all of this had been leading to what might be a pretty nasty breakdown and soon.
im so fucking tired all the time and that makes it hard to draw, but thats one of my only ways to relax. i like playing mc, but i get bored easily and also i cant sit at my desk for long becuase it feels like my head is too heavy for my neck. it hurts. everything hurts and my job doesnt help me at fucking all.
i was able to draw tsob while dealing with most of my issues becuase all i had to worry about was work. looking at my current schedule, i can find the free time. the issue is using that freetime to draw and not just sleep or dissociate. finding home is very dear to me, but drawing it the way i am can be exhausting and i dont want to start hating it, so i just.. dont draw it most days
i stress constantly about how i appear on my blog becuase i want so badly to do this right. i want to be good at something, like, as a person, not just as an artist. but i hate myself too much to believe in any progress i make.
i know its the rsd mostly but i see groups and i feel gross. its not as bed now (any of you beans that have made it this far, ily /p) becuase i found a community i can actually interact with, but it still comes up, especially because i've moved away from all my irl friends and its so fucking hard for me to make them in the first place. like.. actual friends, not just people i can work with at school
if i keep going i'll probably talk myself in circles, so ill stop it here. theres a lot more but im not going to ramble about my suicidal, intrusive, or sh thoughts on this blog. this is a post to inform you guys of the state of mind im in. im lonely and sad and its all building up to a massive breakdown.
im not going to be leaving tumblr or giving up on my comic, but i probalby wont update as often as i did tsob. i just dont have the energy.
i also will probably post some of my traditional art cuz i gotta fill up a sketchbook for my animation class, so that also takes away from the time i use to draw digitally.
im so tired
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tea-and-formaldehyde · 6 months
tw vent i suppose.
can i just say. i am not hanging by a thread. i am not hanging at all. i am at the bottom of the cliff alone and sad desperately waiting for someone to save me because there is not an ounce of comfort I can find in anyone except people i rarely see. and by rarely i mean rarely. And instead i am slowly going deeper and deeper into a cave i found that only gets sadder and quieter and darker.
I like being alone but sometimes i just need a friend to sit next to me and tell me that my life will get better and that I will love myself again and i wont stop being so mean. when i dont want to be mean. i need someone i can cry next to.
im sad and lonely at the bottom of a cliff, waiting for someone to come and help because i feel like i cant live without someone beside me yet i have no one. I am looking up at the sky wishing i could be up there with everyone else.
im always so scared with everything i do, as if someone will hate me for simply saying hello. sometimes i think that maybe this is all just in my head and that im doing fine and that im not wishing i was someone completely different because my own reflection feels so alien to me. it looks like a different person to who i feel i am.
ive got so many things due and overdue, so many people i never talk to, so many decisions i regret.
i sometimes wish i wasnt a living being so i didnt have to worry
because sometimes im happy but sometimes i wake up to reality
but no one will help. i'll only be denied and turned down. my parents when i say anything always argue with me and tell me that im just thinking it in my head and that its just me and that i shouldnt give a goddamn shit at my age but theyre not me so idk how they could say that because they feel so entitled to making me like them theyre acting like i belong to them like im their property like i have to be what they want me to be and they do that to my siblings and everything around me is falling and i cant possibly sweat enough about the sadness and anger that boils inside me when i think about this because i try so hard yet no one accepts it and everyone denies that i can do anything at all without instantly failing and i cant fucking take it anymore i want to scream and cry and hit my head against a wall and the floor and break glass and bones and sometimes i think of hurting people but i know i cant do that but at the same time i do but even when i speak i hate it i cant do anything without hating it and yet.
you. the people who understand me. the people who say such positive things about me. the people who are honest good which are the people i havent even seen the face of. i am on the verge of being so desperate that i trust people i havent even met because i dont have anyone. im young. im a kid. a minor. this is too much on my shoulders and i just want to live how i want and yet people in my life say that i cant do that.
so can i ask
who is here at the bottom of the cliff with me.
who is here at the edge of the deeper cave im about to crawl into
who is here with me
though i cannot see you
i love you and i wish you all the best
because i feel so alone
and i feel so thankful for your company even if it is short
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Personal share: I just needed to vent this out to a void of some sort.
Nobody warns you about the 'literal' COST of Living you face once your born. I feel like my childhood was me being scammed into spending a bunch only to be later slapped in the face with the receipt and expected to pay it. "What?You can't pay it? Well let's make it a debt you owe me, now get to work bitch"
I'm sharing this here because honestly, I think if anyone I know and love in my real life were to hear me out they'd tell me what I already know "That's just Life".
With how sensitive i am right now, I'd break down into a sobbing mess and I can't afford that right now......
- Im on the verge of feeling numb again, like brittle and so ready to disappear.
-Im struggling to feel passion and feel stuck in an endless cycle of work, sleep, eat repeat.
- I feel empty and a constant thrum of nausea at everything I say, do or when I see my reflection.
-Ive tried buying my joy and short bursts of satisfaction but it always leaves my bank account empty and fades too quickly.
-I miss my parents, but I'm a adult now and they expect adult things from me. They don't have time for my mood swings because I'm "just too much"
-My sister is drained from work and I don't want to be an additional burden
-My best friend is preparing to fight for her new career and I don't even have my liscense to drive. (I have no idea why she still keeps me around when I'm so unambitious)
- My cousin has lost so much weight and im growing jealous of her confidence. (She's married and has 3kids!! I'm jealous that she's found someone she trusted to start a family with and I'm still a lonely sob)
-My brother is moving out to live with his long term gf and start his studies. (He has no loans thanks to my sis and I, Obvs doesn't respect or care for me as much as he does her. I deserve it honestly, but it still stings sometimes)
- I struggle to speak most days because I just don't think. I have anything worth saying. (But my job requires me to call ppl and I cant afford to lose this gig)
-I struggle to eat because I just can't find the balance between starving and overindulgence. (I love my body. But there are parts of me I feel I need to change because society or loved ones say I should)
-I struggle to socialise because I just don't share the same interest as those around me or my work colleagues. (Is this because I don't know who I am some days? Or because I just don't have the energy to be contradictory to somebody else's opinion?)
-Im constantly sick and feel guilty for taking days off and still getting sick leave pay. (My job caters to this!! It's in my contract so why can't my brain stop making everything feel like doomsday!?)
- I don't often make mistakes but when I do their huge and I feel immense shame and guilt everytime. I'd offer up my limb if it would make the bad feeling go away. (These are the moments I wish I could read minds, I just want to know what I'm doing wrong so I can fix it!? Is it actually ok or are you just saying that then talking shit bout me behind my back?)
Honestly..... I just don't think I value myself enough right now, I don't think Im seeing my worth and I desperately need to fix it before it becomes worse.
I've had this fight before and I won, I'm not doing it again.
I'm tired.
God am I tired.
If this doesn't ease up before my next one to one with my boss, I'll ask them to send me to therapy (work benefit is that'll be free)
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climaxbattles · 9 months
vent dont read (unless the curiousity consumes you i guess. if you know me personally it might suck)
i havent been able to leave the house since may and it seems like every day i get worse and worse
i just cant deal with anything i dont know why
i dont go outside, i cant be alone, i cant even eat too fast/slow or i just like completely freak out
i started therapy and this is the first time ive ever been hopeful about interacting with a therapist but i still kind of dread it every week. im not even sure its helping like maybe shorter sessions would be better but i use so much energy just getting through the day i cant communicate until its too late
i dont even understand what made this happen my only guess is that one of the medications i tried really messed me up (or i have a brain tumor or thyroid problem or something) because a few of them had really really terrible side effects and i almost had to go back to the hospital for the 3rd time in a year, but i dont get why im not getting better when i dont do anything and im not on those meds anymore.
and if it is physical i cant leave the house without panicking like. i dont know how else i would go anywhere to get it checked out unless it got so bad i had to call an ambulance again so they could lie me down and give me oxygen and turn all the lights off and hold my hand again but that also was like very traumatic so im afraid i would just completely break
my friend is over visiting and i havent seen her in forever bc she moved 4 hours away and i cant even bring myself to hang out with her because she brought her boyfriend and i already have problems talking to anyone but her even though i fucking live with her family and leech off them. so im just hiding in my room
i dont really talk to anyone much anymore and i dont even know if its Because i want to be left alone or if its something making me lonely/im upset about. it also kind of seems like people r moving on from me but that could be like entirely self inflicted bc one on one conversation terrified me even before and now i like have panic attacks if a breathe wrong let alone attempt something thats always scared me
i think like some of them maybe also have a seperate discord server i wasnt invited to. this happened literally months ago where i accidentally found out and its not really my business i guess. and i dont even rly know if its true or even used anymore
it just feels bad because i lost a friend of like 7 years and a friend i really related to but didnt know long because i took their side in multiple arguments and i dont regret the 2nd one but the first one kind of still sucks. the people i lost had a lot of their own problems that made them unpleasant but idk. the first person was kind of always open to talking to me even though we r both fucked up and wouldnt ignore me even when i sometimes would bc of my own problems
and then if there Is a second server thats kind of why the second person lost their shit. so its like Maybe they were right in a small way (they were completely fucked though they would like suicidebait randomly and ive never had any other friend do that so its still for the best i think)
it seems like i keep losing or pushing away good friends kind of. or maybe im bad at all friends idk. ive never enjoyed socializing so it seems like my fault probably
i honestly just wish i could get on food stamps and/or disability on top of medicaid but i think people are still insisting i can go back to the way i was before. idk if thats possible. i just want to be able to stop taking As much Directly from other people and maybe like. buy legos or a 3d printer or something. i dont have much to do in the house 24/7 and my computer is getting old. and i think the internet is making this all worse but thats like my only activity
im so tired
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zoppzoop · 2 years
dude. literally every relationship i have rn seems so surface-level.
the friends i had last sem, we're just falling apart and more than falling apart its like I've been just legit separated from them (lets call the T, A and S). and the other two friends I have rn are nice but then it all just feels so obligatory because one of them (lets call her R) was also a part of the group I was in earlier but now it feels like we're friends because we arent that close to anyone else and if she did find someone else she'd also just move on. and the other friend (lets call her D) I have I feel like she's friends with me only because of R and we wouldn't even be talking if it weren't for her because shes got her own group of people she talks to. and the thing with R and D is that they're like the social butterflies so its like are they talking to me because they actually want to or is it just the social butterfly-ness of them that they are just good with talking to anyone.
man i cant wait for this semester to get over so that I can go home..
our college has like an exchange program with another college in sweden and the academic fees are almost the same but the food and hostel fees might be a little more.. i'd love to be able to go there because honestly I would very much thrive with a change in environment, this whole place just feels so lonely I literally cant go through the day without feeling like crying my heart out.
on one hand im sad about the fact that I've drifted apart from T,A and S but on the other hand I also feel like hanging out with them wasn't good for my mental health either.. like I felt like I had to always keep up appearances and just try to appeal to them and what they'd want to do and it was getting tiring. and the times when i did end up doing things on my own they just got mad and it felt really unfair now that i think about it.
hHhHhHHHh i am not used to being in one place for so long... usually we just moved every year or every other year but this 5 year course seems like so much. my brain is literally like okay the relationships here have all gone to shit, cool, when are we getting away from this whole place and then I have the painful realisation that three more years of this bs are left and hhHHh man I just want to go home. i am so fucking done with this.
i thought academics would be the only stressor in my life but turns out that life had other plans and those were not gonna be stress-free :'D
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effymefy · 2 years
every night i feel so lonely. whenever someone need i’ll be there no matter what the time is, but when i feel down, sad and lonely and i need someone to talk to theres nobody as fast as i am to reply. it does feel lonely and sad sometimes. whats the point of being “well known” and have lot of friends when non of them are there for me when i feel like im at the lowest. im lying to myself. i force myself to be okay. im actually not okay. im actually in pain deep inside my heart making the scars of my own. i shouldnt have care anymore. i dont miss her but it hurts so much to know ive been replaced so damn fucking fast. its been like what ? 4 weeks and she already have someone new as her SO ? im that worthless that im not worth to move on from ? im not suck as a partner that my love just being replaced like that ? when u said no i would be single cause u got tired and cant commit and yet u accept some guy and what worst is its someone u called and say bestfriend to my face. reason is u accept cause he didnt give up having feelings for u for 4 years? u literally make him as your rebound cause deep inside u know u cant be alone . but i shouldt have feel bitter about it cause probably thats what your coping mechanism are like. u hide your stories from me cause u aint ready telling me yet but i knew about it already. whats the point of u hiding it again from me when i sitll knew ? hiding things make it worst honestly and u never learn from your mistakes and keep making it again. u sure are not that matured enough to deal with this kind of situation. i might be over reacting but know my place of feeling shit that ive easily replaced just like that. should have listen to my head and my mom. fyi mom never like u anyway cause she can feel u aint right for me and here your actions speaks louder. so kids, trust your mom instinct and advice cause believe me its going to come true. oh everytime i had a nightmare something bad gonna happen. it did happen. twice. sucks right ? waiting for the day of your pain might come cause u knew that worst will come based on the hint given in your dream. God really love me that He show me signs. i have to let things go but its really hard for me to forgive your mistakes hiding things from me. u know them well how my past happened and u did those shit anyway. fuck u for that. anyway i saw your new picture with him and u look happy. eventho youre with him but deep inside i feel calm looking at you seeing u look happy. eventho its not me who make you feeling that way. reason why i ended the relationship/friendship we had cause i know things gonna become toxic and i cant deal with it professionally. its better we become stranger where its easier for me to forget about u and not care about your shit anymore. hope this rant helps me with what i wanna say in my heart and in my mind. this is the only safe place without people knowing my stories and judging me. the only place i can write and vent things out. fuck this is so sad. im the most happiest and happy go lucky person and people destroy me. screw u shitt. night
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blissful-clown · 2 years
Vent-ish? idk just thoughts ig (this is gonna get longer as i think of some stuff i think)
you know when you wanna talk about something related to a certain fandom but you don't know how to talk to ANYONE in the fandom and you're scared of talking to your irl friends about it because if they find out you're in the fandom they might think the material is weird and then they'll look at you weird so you just keep to yourself but you feel restless since you only have yourself to talk to about it 🤯🤯🤯
this shit has been plaguing my thoughts and I hate being always on my toes idk and I just feel so 😢😢😢 when I don't have anyone to talk to dear lord
this is probably another reason why I don't get into fandoms my friends aren't in because 1 i dont trust myself like oh no what if this is wrong what if this is problematic idk, 2 i dont have anyone to talk to and im a very talkative person it kinda makes me feel really down when i cant ramble about stuff to anyone and uh idk wowowowow!!!@!!
oh i jsut realized this might be one of the reasons why I've been feeling "lonely" recently um!!!!!
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transgender-scout · 2 years
Do not send me asks or messages about this or I’ll block you. I don’t want any comfort and I don’t want to talk about it beyond this. I just need to vent or I’m going to explode.
I honestly genuinely want to kill myself. I have not had honest to god suicidal thoughts since high school but every day feels worse and fucking worse. Awful shit keeps happening and I can’t fucking take it anymore. Every time something even mildly good happens, it feels like sometimes 50 times worse happens. Every week something awful happens. It keeps stacking up and I have no relief from it.
I cant even fucking kill myself though because my partners would be devastated, and there would be no one to tell my internet friends what happened, and I would have no one to take care of my cat, and I live alone now so no one would even find me until the smell of my corpse becomes too unbearable and someone calls the main office of my apartment to complain. I don’t want to leave note. I want everyone to think long and hard that I killed myself because of them. I want them to feel even a fucking iota of the shit that I’ve been going through and making them lose sleep over thinking it’s their fault would be perfect. But I can’t because I have too many people relying on me even though I am genuinely nothing. I seriously don’t know how I haven’t lost all of my friends yet.
All of my artistic motivation is gone. I don’t make good art anymore. There’s just nothing there anymore and it’s eating me alive. Everything is just a rehashing of something I’ve done or someone else has done. I’m no longer original. Im just a hack copy artist. I will actually genuinely never be good enough. I will never be anything.
I am so goddamn lonely all the time but if I hang out with someone, I want to go home and be alone. I constantly feel like I’m wasting my time no matter what I do, even if I enjoy it. Which leads me to a look where I don’t take interest in anything my friends are doing which makes me feel like an asshole so I try harder to hang out with them but I feel like I’m faking enjoying myself and I lose interest in what they’re interested in. I am a facsimile of a person.
I know things are supposed to get better. I know your twenties are the worst years of your life. But it does not feel like it’s going to ever be better. It feels like things can only get worse from here.
Im not going to kill myself because I can’t but I don’t know how much longer I can make it.
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the-smiling-grinner · 7 months
hey uh dont read this 👍 TW vent
okay so basically everything has gone to shit. lets get a lil back story here
so ill be 17 soon (terrifying) and it will be almost 4 years sober of everything and i could not be more miserable. when i was 12 i abused perscription medication during the 2020 lockdown and in the process got into other things (cigs and alchol).
i dont really think that anyone understands how deep it goes. i mean think about it, a 12 yearold already suffering from halucinations, delusions and other things. on two kinds of anti psychotics, drinking, smoking and taking way to many pills. its pretty messed up.
my parents had never been the best but a brain tumour caused my mother to become abusive. i dont remember much of 2020-2021 bc i was either high, drunk, in a psychotic episode or sometimes all three. but i remember some things and the things i do remember are bad. it got so bad that i barely knew what was going on half the time.
safe to say my appearence was less than ideal. i wore a covid face mask constantly. even when you stopped having to at school. and i still wear it. simply bc i know people will make fun of me for it more than they already do if i take it off. as much as i want to stop wearing it, i know i cant.
my hair was dyed black and greasy, my achne was bad and my teeth were messed up. i was over weight, then under weight, then over weight again. i was hidious. evey photo taken of me, i looked through the camera. i had nothing left behind my eyes. i was so close to giving up entirely.
my mother had her brain tumour removed and my life was starting to take shape again. thats when she came in. she was beautiful in every way. i hated her but i loved her all the same. she caused me so much pain but it felt great.
it seemed like a good idea at the time. to date her. but i soon deacovered that she was not like she seemed. in many ways ill not describe. she ripped me appart, absolutly gutted me from the inside. i developed FND (look it up i cant be bothered explaining). my life was starting to go down hill again. i felt sick constantly. my halucinations were terrible and my mental state was even worse. i had sezures and headaches every day.
then we broke up. it was drawn out and long but to leave it all behind was freeing. i felt free for the first time in months. then she back stabbed me. i wont say what happend but this is the reason i can not trust people. my paranoia is through the roof. i constantly think about how everyone is conspiring against me and that they arent really my friends.
anyway. enough about her.
i am lonely and i fear that i will always feel this way. i have friends and a boyfriend yes but they also have friends. my halucinations icolate me. i behave agressively and erratically. nothing as bad as 2021 and 2020 but still bad.
i dont know what to do so i throw myself into school. its all i really do anymore. that and pretend i have friends. i sit at the kitchen bench and speak to no one. i have many friends there. i can act how i want and they like it. i have no one to talk to about this.
i try to talk to God but i feel bad burdening him with it like i am with everyone else. i dont feel good enough for God or any one for that matter.
im nothing like the pretty Christian girls on tiktok who look so pure and sweet. the look so kind. true women of God. i am not. i try to be but it never works out. i look scruffy, my hair is always messed up, i wear weird clothes, im rude, i cuss way too much and im just not a very nice person to be around.
i want to be tho. more than anything i want to be kind. i want to be good enough. and it doesnt even seem like im trying.
i really want cigs and alchaol. to medicate like i did all those years ago but i cant. sinning every day with small things is bad enough but those are worse.
i do my best in school and thats enough. it makes me feel like enough. im good at school. im good at it. im not good at many things but im good in school. i got dux in two subjects last year and finished top 10% of my grade. thats enough right?
every day i feel my sanity slowly slipping away. being replaced by paranoia and horrible halcinatoins. i tell myself that ill never get as bad as i was back then but deep down, i want it. bc this time, people would see it. they would know how bad it is and how my jokes are just a cry for help.
i have been put on more medication as of recently and im scaired. i dont know what it will do to me. will it kill me? will it make me put on weight? who knows. ive already had bulimia i dont need it again.
on top of this, im loosing my best friend. i can see how much they suffer. i can see how bad it is for them. they have made heaps of new friends recently and i am so happy for them but we so rarely talk now. when we do, its great. we used to see eachother every weekend, now we dont. i ask first to hang out and i feel bad, like im forcing them. i dont want to force them.
there was more i could have done for them that night. if it wasnt for those drugs. those fucking drugs. the dugs that i took to take me away from everything. to make me happy. but i wasnt happy. i was insane. i was deranged. surely anyone who looked at me could see it. that night i ripped out 4 teeth. one of them was an adult tooth. a mf adult tooth. i tore out a tooth. i was 13 by then.
i have to make my parents happy and when i dont i feel bad. i want to make my dad happy and go to his house but i hate that house. i want to make my mum happy but it always ends in an argument. i want to make my friends happy but i cant and if they can find friends to make them happy. then thats okay.
i just dont know anymore. everything is so blury. the paranoia is imence. i hate it. anyway. hope no one actually reads this.
there is SO much more but this is all for now
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lovphobic · 8 months
want to talk (vent) about how lonely im feeling since all my closest friends are now in romantic relationships and im left alone because theyre all too fuckigin in love to talk to anyone else but i dont because i dont want to be met with "just go out more you can meet new people too you can make new friends" like no i cant i Literally cant 1) i cant drive and even tho im learning 2) i live in a small town theres NOTHING to do and even if i could i look ugly as shit nobody would talk to me let alone date me so instead im a stewing cunttress trying so hard to keep it inside and being so close to failing because all i want to do is block everyone under the sun and kill myself
and then on top of that even if i wasnt met with that response someone would for sure stop telling me to be jealous someone for sure would tell me to be happy for them someone would for sure tell me im a bad friend. i cant win
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Its been a while since i vented. I only vent when i need to let go of heavy baggages. Like a pile of shit in my chest. Idk if aum likes me. She out there with jonny in bangkok. With her friends. Theyre drinking. She doesnt call me. She looks like shes having rhe time of her life. Happy. Thats great. Thabks jonny of taking care of her. But personal i dont like that. I rather have her just wait st pattaya like a real girlfriend. And not go out drinking. She didnt have to go. Why her. Natapon couldve went. Why it had to be her. Why she making fun videos with jonny in the same room. Why is she seem so happy. Why she dont call me. Why she only ask what im doing and dont tell me what she doing. Why. Why so i even care. I dont like her. Shes too big for me. Her wnergy is good. But shes not the match for me. I think imma let her go. Its ok if we can still be friends. But i think im done with her. Im not jealous. Im not angry. Im kinda of sad. I want to do some muay thai. I think im going to stay in pattaya. Or im going to koh samui. I dont want to go home. Im going to save much money and live out here much as possible. I dont care about a silly tradtional dinner. Its my life. Its my last time i might be out. Im not going back until i use up all my money and more. I dont care about my credit. I just need to relieve my shit in my chest. I thought she csred sbout me. Im at these few days were i feel the most lonely ive ever been. Past month i been so fill with people. Today i meet yan and izaya. It was fun listening to and talking sbout japanese culture anime and songs and showing them thailand. But in the end im alone. And im sad. I need some company. The time i need company rhe most i dont have anyone to share with me. Its 3 in the morning. Cant sleep. But ill try. Tmrw i go eat more laksa. Because thsts my favorite. I wont post anymore on ig. Im done with ig. I dont care unless its somone tryig. To contact me. Which thwres nobody to really contact. Maybe we go see alien eye girl. Maybe not. She kind of freak me out. Tmrw we go for a run. Then a workout. The. We go eat laksa. We get in shape this year. We get smart. We est fish. We get fast. And we live well alobe. We need to take care of ourspeves. We can only rely on our own company. We dont need anybody else. We dont want to reply to anybody. Anyone. We dont need anyone. We have ourselves. Thats all. We only eat good. No. Tmrw we go eat poke. We only est dry food from now on. Bread. Pasta. Salad. Fish. Kura kura is ok. We will no longer reply ro aum. We are finish. She wasnt there for me these few days. She make me worry during tike i neeed company the most. I needed someone to talk to. She wasnt there during these most critical times. When school starts in 3 days or 2. I wont have the time to be lonely. Ill be busy. So busy i dont have time for anybody. Not for love. Not for anybody. Just me and the spirits and lessons. After this 4 weeks. We go back to soi 7. We get our roght chest done. We dont drink for a day. We go pattaya at night. We get the piece done the morning of. We dont drink that day. We go and simple relax at the beach in jomtien where nobody is. We just chill. We drink coconuts and eat at terminal 21. Becuade thats our favorite chill time. We go find a gym. We work out. We lift. We relieve ourselves we get fit. We just strong. We go shopping. We got buy expensive necklace for protection. We go visit our friend in big buddha. We pray to the gods for protection and guidance. We give back to the great society of thailand. We stay in pattaya until tatto is finish healing. On the 6 or 7 we leave to koh samui. And thatll be that. We dont want to go home. We dont need to go home. Home is not where we belong. I need to live my life my way. I need to become my pwn adult. I need to take responsibilities for my only life. We dont not need to chade fame. We just need to know oursleves. Life live life outside our comfort zone. Live below our means. And ask marco if we can borrow 3k. Or 2k. We go koh samui we race we love. We meet and see new places. And we go koh tao
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depressedcatboy · 1 year
im really reall sorry for all the vent posts today, ive just been feeling so so terrible n i just wanna cry
i just feel so goddamn lonely and unseen. not even people at school know me well bcs im too scared to make the effort to make friends. it makes me feel like shit. i just wish that i could be a person that people actually like being around. i wish i liked being around other people. im so lonely but i cant even talk to anyone, so whose fault is it but mine? if i were actually brave enough to go out there, maybe i would have friends who dont hate me but no matter what i do, i always fuck everything up.
its happened so many times. i say one wrong thing and i cant go back and everything i worked so hard for is gone. and its my fault. and i feel so guilty to exist because i know im hurting these people. i jyst wish i were a better person thaf wasnt all fucked up. i wish none of this had happened and i had a boys childhood, playing in the mud and scraping my knees. i wish i had a childhood at all. i wish i had friends, and i could keep them, i wish everything i touched didnt turn to dust, i wish i didnt always screw up so badly it was irreversible.
i hate this. i hate this so much. i wish i were better, i wish i deserved something better. i deserve this, im a shitty person, but it hurts so much. all i can do now is pull away and beg for forgiveness. id rather leave of my own volition than destroy everything.
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thebigsick · 2 years
venting in the safe house
if someone finds me on tumblr then i gotta end it all. just somewhere to speak my mind, hopefully find relief for the thoughts having. i keep thinking someone is coming behind me but its 12:30. i find myself in a redundant cycle of "attachment" issues with people, i want to leave the only real "friends" i have and just be myself, or just ghost everyone i know because everything so far has just been a waste of time. all the time shared with my friends was for nothing as i realize i "don't even really like them". I start thinking that and it's not real, it's not true, it's probably not honest. I see everyones lives progressing and moving in a great direction, the way id want mine to be but it feels like i just keep getting held back for a reason. i keep feeling like i have no real attachment to these people. at the end of the day, after all the things we do and say like getting food and laughing or making fun of other people, there is nothing solid between and any of them. they all wanna hang out with each other and some people just between them, but never everyone. sometimes i'm excluded and usually i get it; people do their own thing and i shouldn't be reliant on others for my happiness but they are supposed to be -my friends-. when i'm bored i talk with -my friends-, when i want to hang out i message -my friends-, when i have problems i can tell -my friends-. it's not like that tho and i get i can't have it they way "I want to", i just wish i some form of that. it feels like everyone has a much stronger bond to each other except me. i'm a loose end, it doesn't matter that much if i am there when they're hanging out or not. it seems like everyone has that thing to back to, that thing to fall back onto, that safety pad but i don't. I can't explain it that well but i will try. i don't think i'm close with anyone enough to rely on them the way everyone has/does.
i feel lonely around this time of year, it's annoying. i have been telling myself i dont need anyone for a long time, now it feels like the castle of lies ive built for myself is coming crashing down. i think someone like me, someone in my situation or in my position should have a kind of person like that, but no. idk why i think especially me but i think that would be nice. it would be great to have that sort of connection. its so late jeez work tmr too. i think ive been trying to fill my time/ keep my myself busy to avoid feeling like this. it has worked so far but it feels the effect just wore off. maybe this is a moment of weakness but the feelings have stuck with me for some time. iv'e had these thoughts many times before but never got them together and written them down. again, i wish i could tell someone i trust this instead.
my worst fear coming from this is that my friends will move on past me and hang out with each other because they are closer or have more similar personalities. i know our friends aren't perfect but it feels like their flaws are being amplified right now. i gotta brush my teeth.
ok done. my airpods are shit too. had some time to reflect and these thoughts will probably age poorly, whatever. i think i said "but" too much, its ok. i think this form of venting is helpful for me because it's like im telling someone this. i know no one is gonna see it yet it feels like the only way to could actually relieve myself from the dark room my mind is in rn. i hope it gets better. its 1am. idc we up already so long atp couple minutes cant make much difference. I wish someone was there for me emotionally. i dont think i have a "ton of baggage" but for the basic stuff. i dont know how my mom does it. just her, for years. she has more actual problems too. she is the strongest no doubt.
it doesn't seem like anyone actually wants -me-. if we are talking about making jokes, playing the game, music making talk, it's great. but when it comes to real, deep, ego-hurting feelings we all have, im a ghost. no one turns to me or think i need someone to turn to.
you know it might actually be partly my fault for not being vulnerable but that's only because i have some trust issues i think. just wish i had that one person, that ride or die, that go out "guns-a-blazin" person. im 16 now and im feeling like i might never get that person for myself. its like there was a pre-partner choosing period that i missed and now that we started, i'm stuck by myself.
im definitely not ugly or anything like that so i dont issues of that stuff, its purely rejection. lets say if i start talking to a girl i like, what i think very likely will happen will be this: we start talking, i do most of talking, the start and end of the conversation. she is clearly not interested in me but is just messaging because shes bored. she tells her friends about how i keep messaging her and dont stop. i try to move past the talking stage and she shuts it down. things are weird with us and i try to talk to someone about it and *poof*. nothing.
this music is really my main thing 🤞🏾. listening to it and making it has been there everyday for me for years. people must think i have it figured it out, right? There isn't a support system for this stuff. I MEAN theres OBVIOUSLY the "yo ur music is acc fire" comments all the time which i am honestly grateful for but it doesn't seem like anyone truly cares about this shit as much i do at all and you know, that's ok. if that was my only issue i had, id be that guy fr. it's just another thing.
i hope i find it tho, so badly, i think it would be such a positive impact on my life. maybe this music shit could get me that attention im so badly craving but probably not. is that it tho? am i just craving attention? is the lack of attention in my life effecting everything else? i hope this inspires me to go find that someone. i essentially want that special someone is what ive been trying to say this whole time but when i say it like this, i just think "wow buddy, you and everyone else".
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