#and interlocking fingers is also a wanda thing! she LOVES it lol
krasnayavedma · 2 years
[ INTERLOCK ] : sender interlocks their fingers with the receiver during sex. (this is such a nick move)
❝ Nick .  .  . ! ❞ Wanda murmurs his name while she’s in a daze, high on euphoria. Head tilted back on a pillow, teeth retract from her exposed neck and soft lips meet the spot where a bruise was almost certainly going to form. While she was the one known for giving love bites, the ones she received from the musician were equally intense, loving, and passionate. Feeling him suddenly shift away from her neck, Wanda moves her head back where her hands go to his hair and fingers gently run through short brown strands. Green hues take in his beautiful blues along with the rest of his handsome features. This was the person she fell in love with and loved completely.
Almost immediately and without much time to think, their bodies connect and begin to move causing her to whimper softly and sigh in relief. She bucks her hips against him in response as her hands move to his upper arms before settling on his back. It does not take long before her hushed moans fill the room. No matter how gentle or rough, having sex with Nick was always impassioned and never dull. Her body was in-sync with his, meeting every thrust and touch with equal fervor. She leans up to kiss him and, in the heat of the moment, utters the words, ❝ harder .  .  . deeper. ❞ One hand moves lower down his back to encourage it while Nick surprises her by taking the other and interlocking his fingers with hers. It’s a gesture that makes her smile against his lips. Even when they’re in bed together, he’s ever the romantic. She squeezes his hand and kisses him again, hungry for more.
nsfw memes pt 2 / @jazzloved​ !
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captainsimagines · 7 years
RENT - Part 6
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In which eight old friends in dire need move in together for one year. 
Warnings: language; mentions of drug overdose; mentions of drugs; PTSD; Bucky being stupid lol
Word Count: 4,800+
A/N: Is this a late AS FUCK update or what? I'm sorry, but writer’s block is a bitch. Enjoy, babes.
Natasha - “Tango: Natasha”
(5) (7)
“I just... need some time for myself.”
Steve shuffled slightly on the hot concrete, head down and face somber. The extra heat this spring made soccer practice that much more difficult. Although, Natasha’s words added a foreign heat within his chest- one that he chose to ignore.
He didn’t want to look Natasha in the eyes because if he knew himself, he would break down sobbing in the middle of the quad. But surprisingly, he held it together and managed to look up for once, taking in her purple highlights mixed in somewhere with all that blonde, just blazing in the spring sunlight. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” he replied, interlocking his fingers with hers for the last time. Natasha stuttered over her next few words, pulling her hand back and giving Steve an equally devastating grin.
“Alone, babe.”
He didn’t want to fight and he didn’t want to pressure her. All he could think about was Sam’s constant blabbering about love and how it never works. ‘If you love something or someone, let it free!’ Sam would cry, making his words even more dramatic with the sound effects he would include. Gunshots, bell noises, yodeling- literally anything you can think of to make Sam even more annoying than he already was.
But Steve ignored his inspirational words, letting go of Natasha physically but not emotionally.
Natasha stood from the playground bench and dusted herself off. “You understand, right?”
No, he didn’t.
“Yeah. Some time apart might do us good.”
With an almost unnoticeable nod, Natasha walked away and left Steve to ponder about what the hell just happened. Two years they had dated and Natasha woke up one morning calling it quits. Steve knew she must have had her reasons, but he forgot to ask what they were.
With a broken heart and a wad of cash in one hand, Natasha sprinted down the alleyway looking for a familiar face. Checking to see if the coast was clear, she jumped up and held onto the balcony railing, pulling herself up and unlocking the bedroom window. On the inside sat a couple men in a circle, each rolling up their own specialty treat.
“Where’s Scott?” Natasha asked, avoiding eye contact at all possible costs.
No one responded, but one man pointed through the doorway and resumed his work. Natasha followed instructions, heading through the wooden, swinging doors. Once in, she saw the man she bargained with almost every week.
“I’ve got his money,” Natasha sighed, holding up the cash and stuffing her free hand in her pocket. Scott looked up from his paperwork and hummed, holding his hand up in the air so Natasha could throw it.
“Think he’ll have the rest ready by next week?” Scott asked, putting the money in a nearby drawer.
“He’d be lucky to have half.”
Scott chuckled and leaned back in his chair. “I’m sorry you have to do this for him.”
Natasha gave a nonchalant shrug, struggling to hide her true feelings about the whole situation. “He’s my dad. If I can’t get him off the needle then the least I can do is make sure he doesn’t go into massive debt.”
Scott opened another drawer and threw Natasha a new iPod, with new headphones and everything. “For all your hard work.”
Natasha rolled the gift over in her hands and sighed deeply, “You don’t have to.”
Scott held his hand up, “Don’t even mention it. You deserve so much more. Now go, before the scum of the operation show up.”
Natasha always took that advice, leaving from the same window she climbed through to get in. And every single time she left Scott to run his business to enter her own reality, Natasha wanted to scream. She wanted to scream and run away, tell you, Sam, Bucky... Steve!- about everything she had to fix and suffer with everyday after school.  
Ironically, the entrance into her own reality allowed her to finally scream once she opened her father’s bedroom door to let him know she got home safely, that she was heartbroken over Steve and wanted to talk, that she had dealt with his debt and would most likely take care of it next month as well. Rolling him over and slapping him repeatedly did nothing- shaking him and yelling did nothing- and when she dragged his limp body from his messy bed and removed his clothing to submerge him in the freezing tub water, it did nothing. So, she called 911 and sat on the closed toilet seat while watching her father’s index finger twitch every so often, his eyeballs brushing alongside his thin blue eyelids as if he were peacefully dreaming.  
Steve stumbled out of bed, stretching his sore muscles and cracking almost every bone. Looking over at the clock he noticed it was only six in the morning, December 24th, early as shit.  
He wrapped a blanket around his shoulders before standing from his bed to walk to the bathroom, eyes closed halfway and body sagging. Without thinking twice because let’s face it, he has only had roommates for three days now, he pushed open the bathroom door to take his morning piss. 
 “Oh my god!”  
Steve tumbled to the ground at the sudden yell, scrambling across the floor to find some sort of balance. “I am so sorry!” 
You held the towel close to your wet body, an expression of surprise and absolute mortification etched into your sleepy face. You rushed to the door to close it, to slam it in the pervert’s face, but you were quickly met with another tired individual who rubbed at his eyes in order to make sure he was seeing what he was really seeing. Except this individual- the exact individual responsible for your perplexed state- ran in with a handgun held high.  
“What’s going on?”  Bucky’s yells of confusion and Steve’s cries of “Bucky! Fuck! Bucky, put that shit down!” coupled with your outbursts of curses as well. You shielded your face, as if that was going to stop a bullet, and Steve just held onto the side of the door, looking in between you and the scared veteran.  
“Boy, if you don’t-“ Sam stumbled in, yawning until he noticed Bucky’s current weapon in hand. “Oh, hell!”  
It was a funny scene, a rather comical one, one that neither one of you would ever forget, but it caused mayhem. Two men cowering on the floor, you gripping onto the sink both angry and terrified, and Bucky just being... Bucky? No, he wasn’t in that moment because his sudden approach to the whole situation was a bit overdone and exaggerated. That was saying something- running in with a loaded handgun, and all. 
All of you fiddled with your fingers and knocked your knees together, avoiding eye contact with the one and only Peggy Carter.  
She stood there with her arms crossed, her left foot tapping, and her eyebrows raised in an almost comical sense. “Well?” 
It was silent for a second, just for a bloody second, before Steve spoke and if he had known any better, he would have realized that his input wasn’t really needed. “I didn’t even know Y/N was here...” 
The three of you facepalmed. You could literally feel Peggy’s cheeks redden in absolute anger.  
“Okay... let’s get one thing straight,” Peggy started, pacing slowly from one side of the room to the other. You were sat in between Steve and Sam, normal clothes on now, hiding your face in your hands. “Why is there a gun in the apartment?” 
You all looked at Bucky. He cleared his throat and shrugged. “Ex-vet.”  
Peggy’s face seemed to change dramatically, almost as if she understood the obvious struggle. “I understand... but Bucky, I have to ask- why was your first instinct to pull out your gun?”  
Bucky looked to the floor, “Like you said, it’s an instinct.”  
Steve shuffled slightly, changing the focus for Bucky’s sake. “Why did no one tell me Y/N was here?”  
“Dude, you got home at like... two,” Sam answered. You decided to finally speak up.  
“I needed a place to crash for a couple of nights. Only until I get this creep to stop following me home.”  
Bucky was about ready to pull his gun again, obviously forgetting it was in the hands of the ex-cop. “Some guy is following you?” 
You brushed off his surprise, “It’s fine. Luke’s got it covered.”  
Sam almost flew off the couch, “Ooo! Who’s Luke?”  
Answering for you, Steve waved his hands. “Co-worker who could beat all of ours asses... at once.”  
“Alright,” Bucky fist-bumped. “I trust this, Luke!”  You rolled your eyes and stood from the couch.
“Yeah, and I also have to head to work.”  
“Woah, this early in the morning?” Sam asked.  You sighed and went to grab your backpack. “Lunch time is when we get the most customers. Working during that time is considered a freaking privilege.” 
It was silent again and no one knew what else to say. You pulled on your coat and grabbed your gym bag, looking over the people standing in the below-freezing living room. 
“Um... do you guys want me to pick up dinner?”
With a couple shrugs and slight mumbles, you nodded your head and sighed. Ducking your head to the floor, you quickly left the apartment with a heavy weight on your shoulders- the weight obviously resembling unspoken feelings about everything. It wasn’t love, it wasn’t jealousy- it was just so uncomfortable.
“Get up,” Wanda said, slamming the fluffiest pillow she could find onto Natasha’s back. “You have work, babe!”
Natasha groaned and rolled over, tucking her hornet’s-nest of bed hair underneath the mountain of pillows on the king-sized bed. 
“Babe, if you’re late again I don’t think I could convince your boss to let you keep your job.”
“Okay,” Natasha drawled out, rolling over and over until her leg hung off the side of the bed. “I’ll be right there.”
“Alright.” Wanda scurried across the bedroom, putting on her earrings and stepping into the high heels she had recently bought. “I’ll see you at dinner?”
Natasha finally rolled off the bed, still wrapped in the duvet and warm as a child on Christmas. “Yeah, definitely.”
Multi-tasking. That’s what Natasha does best. With a dead-end job and poor income from her side, Natasha felt as though her love for Wanda was all she had to offer. She loved her, with all her heart, and if that meant suffering while making hundreds of copies of a single sheet of paper and texting Scott about the money she just acquired, then so be it. 
Natasha struggled to leave that part of her life behind but the sudden rush it would give her was just too addicting and every time she brought home a little extra dough, Wanda would smile. And not one those, ‘I haven’t seen you all day, let’s go to bed’ smiles, but the one that clearly illustrates compassion and acknowledgment. She was trying, and Wanda realized that. 
No, Wanda did not know about Natasha’s side business- no one did nor will anyone ever know.  She no longer aided in her father’s downfall, but she did it for herself. Deal with purpose, Natasha would say, sneaking through every dark alley in New York City with her key positioned in between her index and middle finger. 
“Are the copies almost finished?” T’Challa asked, walking into the copy room to check on his new proposal. Natasha hummed her response, handing him the fifty copies she had already piled up. 
“Will you be taking an early lunch break as well, today?”
Natasha shrugged and answered with a quiet ‘sure’, giving T’Challa the last of the copies. 
Lunch breaks for Natasha consisted of two things: actual lunch and a drug deal almost always going right. It was the rarest occurrence for a drug deal to go horribly wrong, the only instance being when Natasha had to stab some guy in the neck to get him to leave her alone. But Scott didn’t mind, he really didn’t- the less of those crooked men buying his drugs, the better. A weird drug dealer Scott was, but that’s what made him the best and it’s what kept Natasha around for so long. 
“Care to join me?” 
Natasha leaned back just a little, surprised by her boss’s question. “Why, may I ask?”
It was T’Challa’s turn to shrug. “I just want some company.” 
So she agreed, quickly returning to her desk to shut down her computer and pick up her purse.  
“I wanted to tell someone. Even a complete stranger...”
Natasha rolled her eyes and sipped her drink casually. “I bring you your coffee everyday.”
T’Challa seemed to shrink, his hands coming to rest on his thighs as he stared at his untouched lunch.
“I’m sorry about that,” he admits, looking around the restaurant, at nothing in particular. 
“It’s not even my job,” Natasha continues, picking at her fries now and debating whether she should challenge her boss even more. “When I made you get my coffee, it was your job. Interns get coffee.”
T’Challa tried his best to hide his smirk, finally lifting his full burger to his mouth. 
“I’m not meant to get your coffee, boss,” Natasha declared, crossing her arms and staring at the man whose mouth was currently full of food. “Interns, I tell ‘ya.”
“I admit I make you get my coffee because you annoyed me with that bowl-cut you once sported.”
Natasha’s face twitched slightly but in an amusing way, allowing T’Challa to label this lunch as friendly and overdue. “My girlfriend was never good with scissors. It was the only style I could manage.” 
T’Challa nodded, “You will no longer get my coffee.”
“Wow, my prayers have been answered.”
“Because I’m quitting.”
Natasha spit out her french fry and watched it land near her boss’s soda. The two were silent for a moment before Natasha reached over and grabbed the potato, wrapping it in a napkin. 
“I don’t want to be apart of the mess my father has made. I don’t want my name anywhere near it.”
“So, your plan is to run?”
“Excuse me?”
Natasha no longer sipped her drink but gulped it, nervousness spilling from the sides of her lips. “I mean, you could stay and fix it. But if you want to quit, then quit.”
T’Challa couldn’t remember the last time he spoke to someone who wasn’t trying to sign his name onto a piece of paper. It was sort of comfortable and new, a feeling T’Challa used to be well acquainted with. With a change in position and a whole new outlook on life, it was almost distasteful in the eyes of capitalism. He should be destroying buildings and constructing new and shinier ones, writing checks and stamping the outbox letters, attending gala after gala to bring home the prettiest woman there! All for the cameras, all for the spotlight, and for what exactly? 
“I am not running.”
“I take it back,” Natasha stated, slurping the ice cubes from her empty glass. “But it’s what an intern would do.” 
 “You were met with a what this morning?”
You had to stifle your giggles after telling Luke about your rude awakening. The shower did nothing to freshen you up, but the gun, oh that worked perfectly. You quickly extracted the dollar bills from your clothing to hand them over to Luke for safe keeping. Not many of the girls did it, but everyone trusted Luke. If you didn’t have a break to put the money you earned for that hour in your locker, he would gladly keep it safe in a respected pile. 
“All three of these guys I went to high school with. It was like choir all over again, except with guns instead of horribly practiced piano.”
Luke shook his head in disapproval, sliding a full glass of beer to the man down the isle. “Why does a man suffering with PTSD have a gun, anyway?”
You set down your tray of empty glasses and stared at Luke in confusion. “PTSD?”
“Sounds like a bad case if his first instinct was to kill.”
You sucked in a single ragged breath, focusing on Luke’s chin while you formulated your response to that. Bucky? PTSD? Sure, you knew he was excited to join the army after high school and ‘save the world’, he would say. He definitely wasn’t the same man considering ten years had passed since you last saw him- what, with the full grown beard, muscular build, and constant smoking habit. Oh, you could smell his breaks each time he left his bed in the middle of the night to smoke through the broken window in the living room. But PTSD? How hadn’t you figured that out by just this morning’s encounter?
“You think?”
Luke sighed and nodded, “The guy probably feels safe with that gun under his pillow. That’s enough info.”
You grimaced, “I don’t feel safe knowing it’s even there.”
“Understandable. But what are you going to do? Take it away from him?”
You chuckled slightly, picking the tray back up now that Luke changed the empty glasses to full ones. “It already has been. Steve’s neighbor took it without even asking.”
“You planning to stay there again tonight?”
You groaned, “I’m picking my shit up after my shift.”
Luke opened his mouth to speak but your boss rounded the corner to interrupt. 
“Do I pay you to talk to the whores?”
Luke breathed through his nose and scrunched the napkin in his hand. You ignored your boss’s gruesome remark and instead looked over at your friend, silently begging him not to risk it. Luke resisted, like always, and whispered a small ‘sorry’. You gave Luke a little grin, walking over to the booth with the drinks and your famous hip sway.
“Could you just keep her company for a few minutes while I arrange the paperwork? She came all the way from the upper east-side because she heard my classes were just that good.”
Steve sighed but agreed anyway, because refusing the simplest request from Peggy was near damn impossible. “Sure thing.”
“Oh, thank you! Thank you!” Peggy cheered, grabbing her phone to head to her small office space. “I won’t be long! She’ll be here any minute!”
“I’ll make sure she enjoys herself.”
“Don’t scare her off, Rogers!” 
“I won’t-!”
A small yet shrill voice sounded from the side of the studio. Peggy waved at her new customer.
“Wanda! So glad you could make it. Steve, here, will keep you company while I handle something real quick. I’ll be right back!”
“O-“ Peggy left before she could finish her sentence. “-K.” 
“Um, hi! I’m Steve and I probably can’t teach you tango but I’m good company.”
Wanda set her stuff down and walked toward the middle of the room. “It’s alright.” 
The air was thin for some unknown reason, but Wanda could have sworn she had the right idea. His last name sounded familiar, oh so familiar, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. There was a heavy weight in her stomach and she begged silently for Peggy to come back. “Want to dance anyway?” 
Steve chucked, “I don’t really dance.”
“Why are you here, then?”
Steve released a long “Uhhhhh...” before he crouched down to check if his shoes were neatly tied. 
“You sound familiar,” Wanda verbally admits, walking over to her bag to get her dancing shoes. “Not your voice, obviously, but your name.”
“I’m not really recognizable,” Steve joked, patiently waiting for Wanda to put on her shoes or for Peggy to save this awkward encounter. 
“Did we go to college together?” 
“I went to NYU for like... a year.”
Wanda knew. She knew who Steve was. It took a few seconds, a few quick glances, but she knew who was standing in front of her. There was no way she could miss it considering Steve’s name spilled from Natasha’s lips every single day. Steve used to say this- Steve used to do that!- Steve was my first love!- it would never end. And it never bothered Wanda before because there wasn’t a time in her life where she thought she would ever meet the guy. 
She was going to nudge it out, reveal their similarities in partners, out of spite and a little out of pride. 
“My girlfriend was going to go there but she decided to go to community college instead.” 
“No shame in that,” Steve said, walking over to the stereo to start Peggy’s music and completely oblivious.
Wanda pushed further. “Yeah, Natasha was always destined for great things anyway!”
Steve stumbled a bit, clicking the buttons and blinking repeatedly. It was like he was slapped in the face with her constant, agitating tone. “That’s nice!”
Well, what else could he say? It was only a coincidence, Steve thought. There was no way the world was that small. However, Steve wasn’t stupid and knew there was a catch with this woman. If he ever knew Natasha, then he would understand the reason Wanda had traveled to the depths of fucking Brooklyn to take a dance class with a complete stranger. It was the same feeling Steve experienced when he was dating her- a feeling Wanda, without a doubt, was suffering under.
So he decided to play Wanda’s game for a while longer, nodding along to whatever ‘new’ information Wanda fed him about Natasha- how she dyed her hair red after the blonde completely killed her hair, how she studied in communications, and how she works for a brilliant martial arts studio in the winter. 
Steve wasn’t about to lose this battle no matter how much he wanted to laugh at her silly attempts at picking at his insecurities. He wanted to catch Wanda completely off-guard, and that’s exactly what he did. 
“Natasha sounds so different from when I used to sleep with her.”
It was low. A low blow. An incredibly derogatory, pitiful, but necessary low blow. 
“Excuse me?”
The music sounded lowly, a quiet tango enveloping the two rivals. “I didn’t mean it in-”
“What did you mean, Steve?” Wanda seethed, angry that her attempts at making Steve crumble snapped back at her. The comment wasn’t even directed toward her and Wanda almost begged for it to be, but the comment centered around the love of her life. Steve insulted Natasha and all she wanted was for Steve to insult her.
“You were just going on and on! You obviously knew who I was!” Steve yelled quietly, not wanting to alert Peggy of the commotion.
“No,” Wanda said, reaching for Steve’s hands and interlocking their fingers in a tight stance, their chests resting against each other’s. “You meant something else.”
A rock to hide under sounded so good right about now. “I just wanted to make you mad.”
Wanda didn’t appreciate his response, even if she did egg him on. She was hurt, emitting the emotion throughout the studio to the one person she believed deserved to be on the receiving end. 
“Hey, you’re dating my ex. Small world, but you don’t have to make me jealous about it. It’s been ten years.”
Wanda stuttered when Peggy pulled the door to her office open, both her and Steve standing close in a not-so compromising position. It felt like one, though.
“Hey! You’re dancing! Okay, I’ll only be a few more minutes!”
Then the door shut again, the music seemed to become louder, and the anger radiating from the small girl in front of Steve clogged his brain. 
“This is weird.”
Steve twirled Wanda once, impressed by how quickly she snapped back into his arms, almost as if she was challenging him again with freakin’ tango. “It’s weird.”
Wanda groaned, backing up slightly but still allowing Steve to lead. “Very weird.”
“Fucking weird.”
“I’m so mad that I don’t know what to do,” she admitted, taking the liberty of leading from now on since Steve was so horrible at the simple task. “She skipped dinner and I had reservations! I was freezing while waiting for her outside that damn restaurant and to top it all off I’m with you!”
Steve swayed to the music, studying Wanda’s swirls of madness creeping from the sides of her eyes. It was familiar and from that moment on, Steve used the music and dancing to channel her anger from her. “Oh, I know this act.”
Wanda released her grip from one of Steve’s hands, unraveling and spreading her arms out. “What act?”
“It’s called, the Tango: Natasha.”
Wanda completely untangled herself from Steve, pushing him away to stare in bewilderment. “That sounds so fucking stupid.”
“Yeah,” Steve chuckled, crossing his arms and smirking. “It’s a dark, dizzy merry-go-round where she keeps you dangling and you never know what to expect! She skipped dinner, you said?”
Wanda shuffled uncomfortably, “You’re wrong.”
“She skipped dinner and her excuse was that she simply forgot, right?”
Wanda huffed a loud breath of air, “It’s different with me.”
“But you toss and you turn because her cold eyes can burn, and you’re waking up to the same routine all over again. Right?”
Wanda shook the thoughts from her head. Everything Steve was saying was unbelievably true, so sickeningly true, and her stomach was starting to churn. “Did you swoon when she walked through the door?”
Steve grinned, looking at his feet. “Everytime, so be cautious.”
Wanda rolled her eyes but persisted, “What did you think she was doing every time she skipped out?”
Steve sighed heavily and responded with a shrug. He held his hand out for her to take, eager to start the dance again instead of talking about an ex he hadn’t even spoken to since graduation. “I never assumed the worst of her. I loved her. She was just so secretive that it was slowly killing me.”
Wanda followed Steve around the studio, absentmindedly dancing for a while before she pushed him away again. Steve stumbled back but before he could ask why she did it, Wanda practically screeched, “She cheated!”
“Woah, woah! What makes you think she cheated on me?”
“No, not with you! Even though I see why she would, but she cheated on me!”
Steve stuffed the back-handed compliment deep within his chest. It wasn’t the right time to dissect that proposal. Still, he didn’t feel like comforting his ex-girlfriend’s, new girlfriend- someone he barely met- because it was just so weird. 
“I doubt Natasha would-”
“I’m defeated, I should give up right now,” Wanda sputtered almost incoherently, running over to her bag to pack her things. 
“Hey, don’t just assume-”
“Okay! Let’s dance!”
Steve stood completely still, eyes dramatically landing on Peggy and Wanda, Peggy and Wanda, until he threw his hands up. “Well, that’s my cue! I’ll start fixing the floor tomorrow, Peggy.”
Peggy happily giggled, unaware of the fight and revelations that just sneaked into the hard cracks on her studio floor. 
“Where did you say he was?” Natasha asked, climbing through the all-to-familiar window. 
“Out back.” 
The apartment smelled like smoke. Not from a cigarette or a fire, but days old smoke that made even the heaviest drug addict sick to their stomach. Scott didn’t dare stay there for more than two hours. He only sat, received the money his clients made that week, and left. Each client came and went, one after the other with a fifteen minute division between each of them. No one knew each other, no one fought, and no one would even know they were working for Scott unless they stayed at his place for more than requested. 
“Got it all?”
Natasha threw the wad towards him and lifted a single finger.  “Don’t underestimate me.”
“I never do,” Scott smiled, taking out his checkbook to write the monthly allowance. “Still coming to the workshop this week?”
Natasha nodded, gladly accepting her earnings. “Teaching people how to fight? A fun hobby.”
“Well, when I’m not dealing heroin it’s a wonderful pastime!”
Natasha smirked and waved a small goodbye to her second boss. However, her day seemed to tragically rust because there was always that one person who found out- someone who didn’t follow the rules- and could possibly ruin the whole operation. 
“I didn’t know Lang employed women.”
Stepping from the window onto the ground, Natasha clicked her key and shoved it between her fingers. She wanted to kill him, scream at him for pissing on Scott’s brilliant business tactics. 
“You’re fifteen minutes early.” 
The man shrugged and turned his head to chuckle, allowing Natasha to scan his body up and down. His pale skin made the smallest scratches visible, even the noticeable needle marks along his arms. If Natasha took anything away from this type of business, any rule that could follow her for the rest of her life, it would be that no one experiments with the merchandise if you’re actively selling it. 
But Scott wouldn’t argue with it, because the more people he got hooked was just income. 
“I see no problem here. Our little secret,” the man snickered, stepping around Natasha and climbing through that damn window. 
TAG LIST: @4theluvofall @ihavemymomentsstill @sumafamouxx @chook007 @shrekssunflowers @seems-sosimple @evyiione @fireflyloki28 @smollyssa 
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