#and is two seconds away from chokeslamming him to get him to shut up about bug-type pokemon ecology
sophiegoose · 6 months
Need to save up some money so I can commission someone for one of those "I think we're gonna have to kill this guy, Steven" comfort character memes
Like just imagine Guzma from Pokémon casually sliding his arm across Miguel O'Hara's shoulders reassuringly and just-
"I think we've gotta kill this guy, Migs"
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wrestling0neshots · 3 years
I Believe You. - Kane
You've known for two weeks about the planned attack on Kane.. the only problem is that you've felt too bad about him not believing your feelings to tell him. Will you be able to save him in time? Or will it be too late?
Requested by the_unkn0wn_writer Originally posted on Archive Of Our Own --------------------------- Guilt. That's what you feel. You should have told him. He deserved to know.
Unfortunately contact with him is limited, you were nervous, too afraid of your own feelings to tell him. And now he's on his was to the ring, unaware of the plans of his enemies. It wasn't often you overheard people's plans, often actively avoiding eavesdropping. In this case you had done it on purpose.
"When you get back I want a full on attack on Kane. He needs to be dealt with for giving you a concussion." You had been shocked hearing it, it was such a rash thing to do over something so small.
In this business a concussion wasn't out of the ordinary, it only took a slight mis-positioning or wrong angle to cause a hit to the head. So to go after someone for just that was frankly rude.
Out of fear you hadn't said anything to them, not when it happened, not last week, and not this week. This had been your last chance to stop them.
You stare at yourself in the bathroom mirror, angry with yourself for not having the courage to tell Kane. But how could you? You had been outside his locker room on multiple occasions, ready to knock on the door and notify him of the danger. Yet every time your hand stopped just short of the door, before you could knock.
You know your reasons, being as drawn to someone as you are to Kane really gets the heart beating and sends the nerves through the roof. Well, it doesn't help that last time you spoke to him he denied your feelings. Certainly doesn't make for a good situation.
And so every single time you had stopped. Walked away. Felt worse and worse about it every time.
Now you're here, listening to his theme song. Knowing his demise is coming. Knowing he is going to be attacked. You could have stopped it, you could have done something. You still can.
With a sudden burst of courage you leave the bathroom, breaking into a jog. You're determined to make it in time. You can almost hear a clock ticking in your head, reminding you of every second that passes by. Kane's theme has stopped, an eerie silence having fallen.
It's clear that whomever Kane was supposed to face tonight will not be going to the ring. You hope you're not too late to stop what is about to happen.
Sure enough the second theme starts up. You knew they would be going down next. You're almost there, almost at the gorilla. You can do it, you can still stop them.
You pause as you round the room that sends you to the stage, filled with nerves. Not just nerves for Kane but nerves because you really didn't think out your plan.
The array of steel chairs set neatly to the side is enough of a plan for you. You pick up the closest one and fold it, not waiting another second to run out onto the stage.
The music is still loud, your eyes lock onto your targets. They're still on their way to the ring, slowly stalking toward Kane if they have all the time in the world.
Luckily they're also unaware of your presence. Something you keep up by using the sound of the crowd to your advantage, but also ensuring you're quiet on your feet. As they reach the bottom of the ramp they stop, allowing you to properly catch up. "This is it Kane, this is our revenge for what you did."
Without hesitation you swing the chair, hitting the speaker in the back of the head. A blow that sends him to the ground.
Unfortunately now his two teammates know you're here. They know you're a threat. There's one to your left and one to your right. Perhaps hitting the guy in the center first wasn't the best idea.
You don't have time to think, simply swinging again and hoping for the best. Your second swing hits, although it's not as successful as the first, only causing the second guy to stumble back.
You turn to hit the third with the chair but he's already thought ahead, snatching the steel object from your hand. You duck as he swings the chair at you, spinning while you're low and sweeping his legs from under him.
It's an effective move, although as you stand straight again you realise than both of his friends are ready for you. You're overwhelmed quickly, trying your best to fight them off. Unfortunately it doesn't last long, having your arms quickly locked in place
The guy in front of you grins, helping his other friend off of the ground while you struggle in the hold. "A valiant effort I must say, it's a shame you waste it on Kane and he's not even come to help you."
"Shut your mouth." You spit, receiving a slap to the face in return. He chuckles, gripping your chin and forcing you to look at him again. "Since you care so much you can watch us do what we came down here to do, beat the shit out of Kane. If you keep quiet we'll maybe let you off lightly after, got it?" He moves your head up and down for you, his grin filling you with an anger you never thought possible. And you're unable to do anything about it.
He lets go, turning around and walking right into Kane's fist. The guy with the chair swings, smacking Kane's arm. Kane moves to attack him now, snatching the chair and smacking him in the head with it, hard. Hard enough it causes the guy holding you to flinch.
You see blood slowly begin to pour from a newly opened wound on the man's head, although you don't have time to process it, the other one on the ground at your feet after being chokeslammed.
Kane now turns his attention in your direction, or rather behind you. The man holding you doesn't loosen up his grip, clearly intending on using you as a meat shield for as long as he can.
With Kane staring daggers at him you seize the opportunity to help yourself, stomping hard on his foot. He lets out a quiet yelp, letting go of your wrists and freeing you. You turn to deal with him further but he's already at the top of the ramp, showing no signs of stopping.
Kane's hand on your arm fills you with nerves once again. He spins you slowly to face him. You don't avoid his eyes, no point in showing your nerves now. He shows no emotion, simply staring down at you.
Seconds pass with nothing, so you look down. His lack of any communication makes you feel awful. You wish he would do something, say something. Anything.
You hiss as he gently lifts your head to look up at him again, his hand on your still sore cheek. He goes to recoil but you put your hand on his, keeping it there.
It stings, but his touch makes up for it. His thumb moves slowly across what you can only imagine is a sore looking patch of skin. You don't pull away. You don't want this moment to end.
When it does you sigh softly, accepting that that is probably all you will get from Kane. He denied your confession before, you're sure he's doing the same now.
You step away, ready to leave. You can't handle the disappointment.. not in front of all these people.
There was a small part of you that hoped that if he saw what you were willing to do for him he would see things for how they are, he would see your feelings as true.. Maybe that's not possible.
You don't look back, you don't want to. Your heart feels heavy. You tried.
"Y/n" you don't stop. You can't stop. Whatever it is you don't want it.
"Y/n." He calls again, nearer this time. "Y/n!" "What, Kane?" You turn to him at last, seeing the mix of emotions swimming in his mismatched eyes.
"I believe you."
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v-hope · 4 years
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»part seven - denial
»tiger flower
»jeon jeongguk x reader | college!au
not many people knew the shy guy who used to do everything alone in high school was the one to secretly leave flowers in your seat every week. you most certainly didn’t know the introvert guy you were just befriending in third year of college was the reason flowers meant so much to you now. and jeongguk? he most definitely didn’t know he would once again be silently aching for you to please love him.
a/n: i know this is late but in my defense i was writing a smol drabble for this 🥺 just because ksñajs. so... i hope you enjoy! 💞 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
“Such a bad picture” Jeongguk sighed over dramatically once again at the picture you had uploaded of him a couple of minutes ago, placing his phone down on the table and stealing a giggle from you as your eyes travelled from your mobile to him.
“You look so cute!” you repeated what you had just typed in reply to his comment, completely missing the way his cheeks had flushed ever so slightly at your compliment. “Even Haeun said so!”
Jeongguk shrugged nonchalantly. “Don’t know who that is”.
Your mouth opened a little bit in surprise. “She’s a hottie everyone wants, that’s who she is” you explained, placing your phone down as well before you moved the laptop in front closer to you, so you could finish giving what you had written down that evening one last read. “She’s really nice, if you ever want her number just ask me and you’ll have it” the way you winked right then had him rolling his eyes in amusement.
“Yeah, dating is not really my thing” he moved closer to you so he could have a better look at the laptop as well.
“Well, if you ever feel like it, just hit me up”.
“Huh?” he managed to let out, having to remind himself not to fucking choke once again in front of you.
Your eyes fell on him for a second, smiling teasingly before they went back to the screen. “So I can hook you up with someone”.
“Oh” he breathed out, somehow feeling at ease, yet for some reason not feeling quite content with that clarification. “Right”.
“Okay,” you said after a few silent seconds had gone by, sitting up straight and fixing your eyes on his once again. “I think we’re done here, don’t you?”
Guk nodded quietly. “Yeah, I think there’s nothing else to add”.
“Let’s send our dreadful child away and forget about it then” you said rather excitedly, opening another tab so you could email your project to Mrs. Jang — a small giggle escaping your mouth once you heard Jeongguk letting out a quiet, breathy laugh next to you as he rubbed his eyes in disbelief.
“That sounds so wrong out of context”.
“Shut up, you know what I meant” you laughed as well, starting to type your teacher’s email.
And once you did send it, you turned at him with a smile that earned such admiration from him, he completely missed the way his heart had jumped at the sight of it.
“Yay! We’re done!” you lifted your hand up, going for a high five he did not wait to return with a bright smile taking over his face.
As if on cue, and before he could say anything else in reply, both your heads snapped to the entrance at the sound of keys jingling outside — the door opening not even three seconds later, and then all three of your project partner’s friends making their way inside the apartment.
One of them in particular catching your attention.
“Taehyung” you found yourself greeting him before you could even stop yourself, feeling your heart skip a beat when he smiled brightly at the sight of you and let out a small ‘hey’.
“Well, hello to you too, Y/N” Hoseok teased, making his way into the living room and throwing his backpack on the sofa before he slumped down on it.
“Hey, guys” you felt the heat reach your cheeks in an instant, only then realising you had only greeted Taehyung and pretty much ignored the rest of them. Smooth. “I thought only Namjoon lived here too, I didn’t… I was about to leave” you nervously excused yourself, starting to shove your things back into your bag.
“Yeah, only I live here with Jeongguk-ah” Namjoon confirmed, throwing his backpack on the couch as well. “But we wanted to have dinner together and these idiots are here every single day anyway, s—”
“You guys are at ours all the time as well, don’t act all bothered” Taehyung called him out, then having his eyes soften when they locked with yours. “Hoseok hyung and I live two floors up, so…”
You smiled, nodding understandingly before you closed your backpack and stood up — your eyes fixing on Jeongguk right as he closed his laptop. “I’ll just go now, since we’re done...”
He nodded — eyes instinctively fixing on the open pizza box lying on the table, which still had one slice left. “You don’t wanna have that?”
Before you could even answer, you heard an obnoxious gasp coming from Namjoon, causing all your heads to turn to him as he dramatically clutched at his chest. “Are my ears deceiving me or did Jeon Jeongguk just offer to give up the last slice of pizza? The same guy who chokeslamed me last time, when I was about to have it?”
Taehyung and Hoseok laughed at the memory, causing you to laugh as well although you could not quite picture the quiet guy you had gotten to know those last couple of days fighting over food —yet, in all honesty, really wishing to get to see that side of him at some point—.
And Jeongguk? Well, he was half laughing, half sulking in embarrassment at the fact that he had just been called out in front of you.
“I didn’t… do that” he tried to poorly defend himself.
“Seriously, Y/N. You’re a lucky one” Hoseok pointed out. “Not everyone gets to have the last bite and live to tell it”.
You shook your head in amusement. “I guess I am” your eyes fixed once again on Guk. “You can have it though, I’m kinda full...”
“Okay...” his voice came out in what sounded more like a mumble. “It was nice working with you...”
Those words caused a bright smile to take over your face. “It was nice working with you, too” you reassured him back. “I guess I’ll see you around”.
“Hey, uh…” Hoseok caught your attention right as you stood up from your seat. “Why don’t you stay for dinner?”
Jeongguk opened his eyes wide, knowing well enough what his hyung was trying to do. “We literally just ate, hyung...”
“Who says no to food and good company though…” Namjoon shrugged, earning a chuckle from you.
“Thank you for the invite, but don’t worry, guys. I don’t wanna crash your boys’ night”.
“You wouldn’t” this time, it was both Jeongguk’s and Taehyung’s voices being heard at the same time — both of them deciding to ignore it, meanwhile Joon and Hoseok exchanged knowing looks.
“You can stay if you want…” Jeongguk decided to speak up, for although he had felt like dying when Hoseok invited you to stay, a part of him really wanted you to.
And somehow, that was all it took for you to take the offer, looking at him with a smile before you sat down next to him once again. “Okay”.
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myheartmightexplode · 4 years
As of Now I'm Down Straight Up
by MusicalSense
"He’s on his back again and this time he’s not looking at the sky; he’s looking right into the surprisingly blue eyes of Bert McCracken who just chokeslammed him into the ground and is now standing above him with his feet planted left and right of Gerard’s hips." Hallelujah.
In this AU Bert and Gerard didn't meet prior to warped tour and neither Three Cheers nor In Love And Death are out yet so technically it should be set in 2003, but like, the timelines don't really matter for this one. Inspired by an interview with MCR where Gerard talked about Bert chokeslamming a kid who got up on stage during their set.
There’s blood in Gerard’s mouth and he’s not sure if it’s his own. He runs the tip of his tongue over his aching front teeth and turns around to see if whoever headbutted him got away unscathed. He definitely felt his teeth slice through… something, which is kind of worrying since they are freakishly small and that means that he had a mouthful of some stranger which is… all a little unsanitary, isn’t it? A guy with a bloody nose bumps into him and Gerard gets a face full of Eau de Sweaty Armpit. He chokes a little and ducks and shoves – his go-to move in the pit – to keep Tall and Sweaty at a safe distance and then brushes his greasy hair out of his face. He’s standing at the edge of the mosh pit at Warped, probably too close to the speakers given his bad ear, but right now he does not care even in the slightest. He can feel each beat of the kick drum resonating in his bones and his heart is racing along with the music as the song crescendos and comes to a crashing, slightly off-key end. He will definitely have to incorporate something like that into their next record, he thinks.
“The next song is called ‘A Box Full Of Sharp Objects’.” Announces Bert McCracken. He looks good today, Gerard thinks. Really good. Sure, he’s just as sweaty as Gerard is, but the way his wet tangled hair looks with the red makeup smudges on his cheek and the manic glint in his eyes… Gerard gulps. Perhaps he does have a thing for boys who look like they would beat him up without hesitating and make out with him afterwards.
“Marry me!” Tall and Sweaty hollers next to him with the fervor and timbre of a frat bro after his sixth bear of the night. Gerard winces. Yeah, his hearing is definitely not going to improve anytime soon. Maybe he should start wearing the second in ear monitor too; he thinks he might be developing a tinnitus.
“Who, me?” Bert asks with wide eyes and an even wider grin on his face. He presses a hand to his chest in mock-surprise. Gerard’s not entirely sure but he thinks Bert’s wearing white nail polish on the left and black on the right hand. He wonders if it’s a Queen reference.
“Fuck yeah!” Tall and Sweaty yells. Gerard twitches. How did that guy even manage to keep his baseball cap in the pit? He’s pretty sure that he himself lost one or two pins and maybe his belt to the crowd.
Bert wags his eyebrows. “We’ll see about that later.” He turns to his bassist and giggles in that weird high pitched way of his. “Looks like I’ve got a date tonight, Jepha.”
Fuck. Fucking fuck. Why can’t Gerard be a sweaty frat bro? Sure, his Gran always told him to worry less and just ask for things because really, what could happen besides him getting rejected? But somehow he didn’t think that her advice would be applicable in this situation and yet… Oh god, she’d be laughing so hard if she could see him right now, thrashing wildly with the crowd at a The Used show mere hours before he had to be on stage himself just because he thought the singer was kind of cute and wanted to check him out live. The band launches into the next song, kicking Gerard back into action. He shakes his head a little and allows himself a small smile. So what if he has a tiny man-crush on another singer, he can still have a good time. He looks around quickly to check for people who look like they wouldn’t appreciate him throwing himself in their midst and when he doesn’t find any, he dives straight back into the pit.
God, he loves this so fucking much. The hot press of bodies around him, the elbows connecting with his ribs, even the feeling of sweaty skin sticking and unsticking from his. For a while he loses himself in the push and pull of it, careful to keep his head down so he doesn’t get hit in the face. Somehow he seems to be just the right height for that, not big enough to really stand his ground and not quite small enough to weave through the crowd like Frank does either. He feels someone pulling on the white stage shirt he’s wearing because it was the only semi-clean thing in his wardrobe after touring for a while. Somehow his stage clothes are always taken care of while his normal t shirts decompose in a smelly pile in a corner of their bus. Right now though, his last good shirt is dotted with small red blood splatters and he briefly worries about the state of his face which seems to be one big dull ache right now. He really hopes that the blood isn’t his; having to sing with a broken nose would suck balls.
His gaze connects with a short-ish dude with a bloody bitemark on his jaw and a bright grin. For a split second Gerard recognizes him as the person whose face he hit his teeth on but then he’s being hoisted up and carried on top of the crowd. He takes in a gasping breath and blinks up at the almost cartoonishly blue sky for a few moments. Sure, he’s crowdsurfed before, but usually inside smaller clubs and never at Warped where the audience looks like a boiling kettle full of rage and drunk scene kids. Maybe he should reconsider though, he thinks idly as he’s being carried away from the pit. Someone’s jewelry catches on his hair and the buttons of his shirt and he tries to keep his feet still so he doesn’t kick anyone in the head and there’s sky around him and the wavelike movement of the crowd under him, and he thinks maybe this is what it feels like to drift in the ocean during a storm, and then he’s being hoisted on stage.
‘Oh fuck’ He thinks. “Oh fuck.” He says. While no one’s technically going to kick him out for it he is technically also not supposed to be here and it’s taken him too long already; he should be jumping back right now; he’s seen other people do it and they always got away with it as long as they didn’t disturb the set, and he turns around and then someone grabs his throat and slams him to the ground and. Holy Shit.
He’s on his back again and this time he’s not looking at the sky; he’s looking right into the surprisingly blue eyes of Bert McCracken who just chokeslammed him into the ground and is now standing above him with his feet planted left and right of Gerard’s hips.
Actually, maybe he hit his head harder than he thought. He’s feeling a little faint right now. Bert’s hand is still around his throat. Gerard tries to swallow and chokes on his spit. He feels his pulse beating away frantically, even faster than the music now, and he wonders if Bert can feel it. The moment seems to stretch like the string of a bow being pulled back and Gerard worries that if he makes one wrong move he’s going to make it snap and hit him in the face.
Fucking hell. He’s going to die here. Above him Bert grins with all of his teeth and mouths along to the final chorus as the crowd goes wild. He locks eyes with Gerard and winks and then he. He licks his hand, from palm to fingertips, and wipes it on Gerard’s face and suddenly he’s painfully hard in his jeans. There’s sweat dripping down from Bert’s hair and his teeth still ache and he still can’t breathe properly and he thinks he just fell in love. He’s dying but man, what a way to go.
Bert, who doesn’t seem to have picked up on Gerard’s epiphany, gets up from his crouch and gets back to performing and after a second Gerard picks himself back up and leaps into the crowd before one of the security guys can usher him down and he still feels like he’s floating.
He doesn’t get back up on stage; it’s not like he could ask Bert for his number in the middle of a concert, right? Right. They’re either going to meet backstage or maybe they’re going to collab or, or, maybe they will never see each other again (‘Shut the fuck up Gerard you’re literally touring together’ His logical side tells him) but even if that’s the case, so what? It’s not like he just met the love of his life or anything. Ha.
He might be panicking a little.
Later that day, before he had time to change out of his blood splattered clothes (He thinks he might just keep them for the show, the red adds a certain element to the whole look…), he’s just wandering around when he comes across one of the billboards showing messages from fans and really just anyone who submits something via text message.
‘MCR rox my soxx’ He reads and smiles. Next up is a longer message. ‘Bleeding dude uknowho I choked meet me @10 bhind mainstg luv bert’.
Oh. Okay then. That’s definitely him, right? Gerard grins and touches the bruises starting to form on his neck. It seems like Bert wasn’t the only one who left an impression.
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iamchikara · 6 years
Results for the May Hour of Power under the cut!
Match #1: Tag Contest Cornelius Crummels and Sonny DeFarge (2 points) vs. Danjerhawk and Razerhawk According to the #HourOfPower hashtag over on Twitter, Crummels and DeFarge are sporting what seems to be termed a “Spring look”: no jackets and pants with kneesocks. They’ve already been mocked for it. Unfortunately for the Hawx, their tailspin continued, as the legitimate businessmen picked up the win and their third point. WINNERS: Cornelius Crummels and Sonny DeFarge (3 points) Match #2: Singles Contest Thief Ant (1 point) vs. Cajun Crawdad Certainly the Queen of the Deep has been more than a little upset at Crawdad and his partner Hermit Crab lately. I’m sure he looked at this as something of a redemption match. The rookie Ant fought hard to try to keep his sole point, but eventually fell prey to the Clawsome Bomb. WINNER: Cajun Crawdad (1 point), Thief Ant is out of the standings Match #3: Trios Contest The Proteus Wheel vs. Bodyslam Bobby, Waistlock Wayne, and Full Nelson Nelson SQUASH. Professor Nicodemus loves him some crab legs (amen to that!) and according to his Twitter had a table reserved for himself and his experiments at the Ruby Buffet (”And they had to close the restaurant.” - Ralph Wiggum. Be thankful this isn’t Japan Hugo, they ban wrestlers from the buffets over there), so I bet he was glad to get out of there...well, before what happened later on, anyway! Oh, and when are these guys actually going to get anyone other than the move name boys as opponents? WINNERS: The Proteus Wheel Match #4: Singles Contest Blanche Babish (2 points) vs. Travis Huckabee There seems to have been some confusion as to the state of Blanche’s points, if I read the Twitter hashtag correctly. I’ve no idea who disputed it, but she did enter the match with two points, thanks to two previous wins. Blanche and Huckabee were said to be pretty evenly matched, with Huckabee more aggressive than usual, no doubt fueled by his desire to prove Icarus wrong about the rookies. Good for you, Travis, good for you. A bridging butterfly suplex secured Huckabee the win. Rave reviews for Blanche’s performance during the match over on Twitter as well! WINNER: Travis Huckabee (1 point), Blanche Babish is out of the standings Razerhawk interrupts the next announcement from Preston Blathers, demanding a mic. He’s sick and tired of Icarus verbally abusing the rookies on commentary and demands he come out. Can’t blame him there, Ick’s being a massive hypocrite about this. It might be time to unearth that Season 1 Apuesta and shut him up. Sylver may never come back, Nyte’s injuries turned out more severe than what was first thought (which explains him being pulled from Aniversario), and there’s even a shot at the failure that was the Furies in there. Ick shows up, and Razer has a proposal for him: if he’s such a big guy, why not join the remaining Hawx at Aniversario next week? While this is going on... ...INTERRUPTION! Damn you, Cam Zagami! People were watching that! I’m hearing Ick walked away without giving any response. Still, bad timing on the Zagami video. Match #5: Singles Contest Green Ant (1 point) vs. Ursa Minor w/Still Life (1 point) Worker Ant was absent from the proceedings, forcing Green to go it alone. A hard-fought contest that resulted in Green scoring the win and his second point with a crossbody. WINNER: Green Ant (2 points), Ursa Minor is out of the standings Ick’s back and feeling disrespected! Good, you should. He calls Razer back out. Razer arrives with a mic for some pretty funny back and forth. Ick calls forth some insane troll logic by blaming Razer for the YLC being over in Beyond. Um, no. Ick then says that he’ll have the greatest tag team partner for the Hawx next week, clearly indicating that it’s not going to be himself. Please don’t track down Marty Jannetty, Ick. Match #6: MAIN EVENT Tag Contest The Beast Warriors vs... SUBSTITUTION! No word as to why the Legion of Rot were pulled, but they were replaced by The Whisper and the no-longer-Zilla’d Troll. Apparently Nicodemus had tried to tell Whisper something about troll biology but never got the chance. Maybe the whole thing was temporary, maybe it’s an Incredible Hulk situation, who knows? Anyways, seeing that his plans had backfired, Whisper tried to go it alone, but that failed too. You’ve lost your touch, dude. The Warriors end up knocking him out of the ring, then seize Troll and murder him with a double chokeslam for the win. WINNERS: The Beast Warriors
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neoraven · 5 years
NWA TNA Episodes 2+3, June 2002
Here are my thoughts on the next two weekly PPV episodes of NWA:TNA.
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this move won two titles
There's a lengthy recap package of last week's major stuff. Sign spotted- "Heyo I’m Drunko 4:20". Same. Don West is wearing the same Hawaiian shirt as they are not hiding that this is the same taping as last "week". A TNA chant overcomes the announcers until Jarrett kicks us off.
Challenge Match Jeff Jarrett vs Scott Hall w/ Jackie Fargo and Toby Keith
At least some Total Nonstop Action starts in the ring. It's a little blatant that Jarrett, the evil heel, is still playing the hero face role. But whatever. Scott Hall is still trying decently hard here. Southern wrestling crowds, god bless 'em, pop pretty huge when Hall reverses a sleeper into a sleeper. The announcers are selling the exchange of punches at the 5 minute mark like it's trading headbutts at minute 29 of a G1 climax match. K-Krush saves Jarrett from The Edge (not U2), and all hell breaks loose at ringside, including a camera man getting run over by Brian Christopher. Eventually Toby Keith low blows Double J before he can pull off The Stroke (phrasing) and the ref doesn't care.
Scott Hall via Angry American in 7 minutes. *1/2
Cheex w/ The Brown Eyed Girl vs Frank Parker
Cheex' gimmick is weighing over 400 pounds. The announcers tell us about Hall/Christopher vs Jarrett/K-Krush next week, and Alicia returns to ringside to get a wad of money from ring announcer Jeremy Borash for some reason. They also put over next week's tag team title tournament during the finish. This is not good.
Cheex via gravity in 2 minutes.  1/4*
Grudge Match K-Krush vs Brian Christopher w/ Hermie Sadler and Sterling Marlin (NASCAR)
K-Krush does not rap to the ring. I'm ready for Ed Ferrara to leave the announce booth. They're giving us a match worthy of 2001 Sunday Night Heat. The NASCAR fellas crotch poor K-Krush with the middle rope to set up the Hip Hop Drop.  More faces cheating like heels via celebrities.
Brian Christopher via Hip Hop Drop in 5 minutes. *1/2
Announcers again put over the tag match next week, making the previous bits seem even more meaningless. Well, speaking of important things, time for the Lingerie Battle Royal for the title of Miss TNA. The women are all wearing odd scrubs/pajamas over their lingerie. Sign spotted "NWA Nonstop Whoop Ass"
Lingerie Battle Royal
Forgive me for not catching every move and elimination in order. The announcers are saying too many awful things for me to keep up with. Francine gets triple teamed fairly early and dumped leading to Ed Ferrara abandoning the announcer booth to console her. She starts whipping him with his own belt while the cameramen and announcers ignore the rest of the battle royal in the ring. Taylor Vaughn takes it, Francine strips and whips her anyways.
Taylor Vaughn in 5 minutes. ZERO.
Goldylocks is backstage with Apolo. Bobcat and David Young interrupt her chat and argue until Goldylocks 'cuts' the segment.
Apolo vs David Young w/ Bobcat
Apolo's music sounds like generic Carlos Santana, and David Young's is Motley Crue knockoff. Bobcat distracts David Young by flirting with every official at ringside. David Young hits his spinebuster finisher, but takes too long talking to Bobcat before missing a moonsault and falling to Apolo.
Apolo in 5 minutes via F5/stunner. *1/2
These matches are all kind of short, forgettable nothing affairs. I'm still on board for the X Title thing later, but this is very dire. Speaking of dire, Joel Gertner is in the ring talking about the Rainbow Express and homosexuality.
Rainbow Express w/ Joel Gertner vs The Dupps w/ Fluff Dupp - buuuuut The Dupps refruse to come out, lamenting wrestling hippies and "left-wingers", a frantic official convinces Chris Harris and James Storm to team up and run out.
Rainbow Express w/ Joel Gertner vs Chris Harris and James Storm (Not America's Most Wanted)
What a start to the best tag team storyline I can remember for the length of the TNA Asylum years. After some back and forth, Lenny takes control and tags via kiss to Bruce. They keep control beating up Storm with a couple more kiss tags. Chris Harris is able to get his own clever cheating on to break up Lenny's "Tiger Tamer" submission. After a couple traded roll ups for 2, Harris is able to win yet another 5 minute match.
Harris and Storm in 5 minutes via Miscommunication Rollup. **
Ricky The Dragon introduces the champ, Ken Shamrock. The Sinister Minister finally interrupts a really boring promo asking all the "crackers in Huntsville Alabama to shut up" and introduces his Disciples of the New Church. Malice eventually ends up getting Shamrock with the chokeslam, holding on to the choke part until officials swarm the ring. We finally get to hear the New Church theme song, which is really great. At some point I'm going to add a theme song power ranking to these reviews. X Division time.
Double Elimination Round Robin for the X Division Title AJ Styles vs Jerry Lynn vs Low Ki vs Psichosis
AJ comes out to a very bad Born in the USA rip-off. It's some kind of Round Robin / double elimination format, and AJ and Psichosis start us off. Styles survives the Guillotine Leg Drop and then quickly hits the Styles Clash for the first fall in about 2 minutes. Lowki speeds into the ring. AJ takes him out in about 3 minutes flat. Jerry Lynn speeds in, pouncing on AJ Styles and hitting a Cradle Piledriver in about 10 seconds. Psichosis enters the ring with a dropkick on poor Jerry Lynn's head. Jerry ends a fun sprint with the cradle piledriver in about 3 minutes. Psichosis is now eliminated. Low Ki and Jerry Lynn start going at it. Don West is calling this the greatest show on earth every other move. Low Ki reverses the cradle piledriver into an armbar, but still gets a gut wrench power bomb. After 4 minutes, Jerry reverses Low Ki's muscle buster finisher into a sick DDT, and cradle piledrives him away. AJ is in the ring, and we're down to two. Styles has to get two falls on Lynn to capture the title and end the match. The young gun is throwing everything at Jerry and getting 2 counts. The Styles Clash finally gets Lynn away after another 4 minutes. Ricky Steamboat rolls in the ring as the final fall begins. They tease a couple double knockout spots before brawling to the outside, including Styles hitting a moonsault reverse DDT from the apron. AJ Styles wriggles out of a spinning vertebreaker, then Lynn hits some kind of powerbomb facebuster for 2. AJ gets out of the cradle piledriver, and survives a brainbuster by Lynn. The last fall is really benefitting from some time to breathe after the early blitz.  Lynn's superplex only gets 2, frustrating the veteran. Lynn goes back up top but AJ is able to fight him off and hit the Spiral Tap, which is odd to see as a higher-tier finisher than the Clash, and it beats Lynn after 10 minutes.
AJ Styles finally eliminates Jerry Lynn via Spiral Tap after 27 minutes to become the new and first X Division champion. ****1/4  Easily the best match in the short history of TNA, and worthy of the double taping main event.
The crowd goes wild, pyro, terrible Born in the USA theme blares, Ricky raises both of their hands. Tenay puts over all the tag team action and Shamrock vs Malice next week at ringside.
I lied, we are not actually at the TNA Asylum yet. We are live from the Municipal Auditorium in Nashville for a one night tag team tournament though to crown the tag champions.
Tag Tournament Match Cowboy James Storm and Chris Harris vs The Johnsons w/ Mortimer Plumtree
The announcers put over that the future America's Most Wanted was a last-minute addition last week. We are blessed with a Mortimer Plumtree promo on the way to the ring. Sign spotted: LET'S GO DICK. Also, the announcers are now calling him "Wildcat" Chris Harris. The Johnsons look infinitely better here than their first match. However, the Johnsons suffer a flash pin after the future AMW hits a good crossbody/dropkick combo move in 5 minutes. **  The Johnsons beat up their nerd manager when he tries to spank them after the match.
Scott Hall comes out to a live mic wearing an elementary school t-shirt. Jeff Jarrett interrupts with the zinger "Hey yo my ass!" The NWA President gets sweaty and yells at Jarrett; this heel vs authority storyline never makes sense. K Krush attacks Hall during the confusion unsuccessfully. Goldylocks is with a bloodied Chris Harris in the back.
David Jobber vs Monty Brown
The poor jobber in the ring doesn't get an entrance and also gets a last name drowned out by Monty Brown's entrance as we are introduced to The Alpha Male. He runs through a few impressive power moves in 2 minutes and ends with a fallaway powerbomb. 1/2*
Goldylocks is looking for Jim Miller backstage. The Hot Shots have no idea. Puppet the Psycho Dwarf is angry and not leaving tonight until he makes a midget bleed.
Tag Tournament Match Rainbow Express w/ Joel Gertner vs Buff Bagwell and Apolo
The surprise no one ever wanted: Buff Bagwell. Alicia comes down during the match to get some cash from Ed Ferrara. The Stuff botches a cross body out of the ring awkwardly after a few minutes of boring action. Apolo and Buff hit their finishers, but the latter walks into a superkick that ends it in 7 minutes. *1/2 I think this means there's a rematch from last week for the tag titles. Apolo seemingly abandons Buff after the match, then he whines about being called Marcus since Buff has ruined his career.
Ken Shamrock comes out with a mic and the belt. He gets heavy WHAT chants as he goes over all the challengers he's already concerned with for his title, including the new Monty Brown. Thankfully, the lights cut him off and the Sinister Minister appears in section C3. The lights come back on showing Malice standing over a writhing in pain Ken Shamrock.
Goldylocks is backstage talking to NWA officials and Jerry Lynn about the tag situation, but he shoos them away.
Midget Showcase Match Puppet vs Stone
Sign spotted: Midgets scare me. Puppet issues an open challenge answered by vanilla dork Stone who slowly gets in the ring and takes a few weapons shots. Puppet wins with a TKO on a trash can after 3 minutes, then attacks the ref, the announcer, and Stone some more. Don West offers a high five and gets kendo sticked in the face. *
Francine vs Miss TNA Taylor Vaughn
Francine starts belt whipping Taylor immediately until the ref pulls it away. Taylor steals the belt from the ref and then whips Francine to the ground until the ref tries to take it back, then whips him too. The ref throws out the match before it starts. Zero.
Hermie Sadler comes out for another nothing segment until K-Krush interrupts in a hilarious t-shirt with a huge airbrushed image of his face.  He talks smack until Hermie walks away and unleashes a spear on the entrance ramp. They get pulled apart and K-Krush challenges for next week.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match Ken Shamrock (champ) vs Malice
A very sweaty Ken Shamrock saunters to the ring and Malice takes control stomping and beating immediately as the announcers put over that Shamrock is not at 100%. After a slow round of ringside brawling, Shamrock hits his signature moves ending with the belly to belly to pin Malice in 6 minutes and keep the title.
NWA X Division Championship Match AJ Styles (champ) vs David Young w/ Bobcat
Not sure why David Young deserves a title match after losing last week, but oh well. The Bobcat thing is still going on. AJ Styles hits some great stuff, and Young even does a nice middle rope moonsault to the outside that gets a 2 count in the ring. There's another good exploder suplex into the corner for 2. Young mostly keeps control despite some flurries from AJ. After going back and forth, Young spikes a great twisting spinebuster for only two. AJ rebounds from Young's finisher and ends up winning with a second rope Styles Clash in 9 minutes. **1/2. Pretty solid match, but it felt like AJ was in too much trouble in his first defense over a mostly jobber. David Young and Bobcat have more drama in the ring as the latter celebrates the loss.
Gertner and the Rainbow Express celebrate being the Tag Team champs in the back since all the teams are injured.
NWA Tag Team Championship Match The Rainbow Express w/ Joel Gertner vs Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles
Borash announces they must have opponents.  Jerry Lynn spends a lot of time getting worked over by Rainbow Express while AJ sells his immediately previous title defense. The cradle piledriver gets reversed thanks to Gertner, and at long last, AJ Styles gets the hot tag and starts to go wild. Everything breaks down and Lynn hits the cradle piledriver inside and then takes the other tag member outside. AJ Styles hits Spiral Tap as Gertner trips over himself trying to break up the pinfall and they win in 11 minutes. *** Very solid match, setting up a cool simple story and putting AJ Styles even further over as a star and double champ.
Main Event Tag Match Jeff Jarrett and K Krush vs Scott Hall and Brian Christopher
We start almost immediately with a crowd brawl. Hall and Jarrett trade punches in the TNA Girls' Dancer Cages. They eventually circle back to ringside and Hall throws Jarrett across the announcer table. Christopher misses a Hip Hop Drop and after Hall and Jarrett finally return to ringside, it slowly settles back into a tag match. The bad guys isolate Hall for a really long beatdown segment. After an agonizing 10 count, Christopher gets tied up with the ref in the corner and misses a Hall tag attempt. Hall makes it back at long last and Brian pulls his hand and decks Hall. He still cleans house, including a ref bump, as it degrades into a 1v3. He drops K Krush with an Outsider's Edge, but Jarrett gets saved and goes right into the Stroke, plus a Brian leg drop for good measure. Jarrett pins at 12 minutes. *1/4. The turn was good and somewhat saved the idiotic middle of the match, but it still went on way too long.
The bad guys celebrate, with Jeff getting real "You ain't worth a shit!" He takes the dumb trophy from the opening and cracks it over Scott Hall as his stealth face turn continues. Double J continues talking about whooping the whole Titans offensive line as they sell Hall's injuries on a stretcher, with an elbow drop out of the ring added on. He exits after pushing Hall's stretcher off the entrance ramp just for good measure.
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happenable-blog · 5 years
Raw Review 09/04/19: A HUGE WWE Legend Returns!!
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A lot was expected to happen at the Raw after Mania. Did it deliver or did it fail. Find out in the following Raw Review. New Universal Champion Seth Rollins Opens Raw The crowd is cheering and is happy for Seth Rollins. A very loud “You Deserve It” and “Thank You Rollins” chants. He said he was run over by a truck named Brock Lesnar but he got back up. Some might say he had taken a questionable path but he didn’t do anything Brock wouldn’t have done to him. Brock Lesnar can stay in Las Vegas. He is a reigning, defending FIGHTING universal Champion. He was interrupted by the New Day. They get in the ring with the new WWE champion Kofi. Big E said they are here as they couldn’t wait till SmackDown to celebrate. Kofi said that he was watching the main event later the previous night, winner take all. Kofi said how about the new Universal champion and the new WWE champion go one on one in a winner take all tonight. The crowd chanted “Yes!” and “This is awesome!”. Rollins accepted the challenge What a way to open the show. I didn’t expected the New Day to come out there. And especially challenge Rollins in a title vs title match. The crowd was super hot too. this was great opening. I thought they have booked themselves into a corner but we will see... Rating: 4.5/5 Raw Tag Team Championship Match: Zack Ryder & Curt Hawkins (c) vs The Revival Dawson takes out Hawkins with a muscle buster on the outside. Hawkins blind tags himself. The Revival didn’t realize and delivered a shatter machine to Ryder but Hawkins rolled over Dawson for the win. Winner: Curt Hawkins & Zack Ryder This was a fine match nothing special. I thought Revival might get their titles back here but no, Hawkins won it for the Edge-heads. Rating: 2.5/5 Baron Corbin Promo The ring announcer ran down all of Corbin’s accolade before he comes out. The crowd chanted “As*hole” and “shut the f*ck up” to him as he continues to speak. He said he deserves a gold medal of his own after last night. Kurt Angle music interrupts Corbin. He comes out and tells that Corbin did get better of him last night. While his career might be over Baron’s is just starting so he is here to wish Baron luck. Both of them shake hands when Kurt continued, “Bad Luck” and delivers an Angle Slam to Corbin followed by Anklelock. Corbin got out of the ring and I thought this is it. But Lars Sullivan came out next to face off against Angle. Lars delivers an Urinagi and a diving headbutt from the top rope to Angle to get some heat. He leaves Angle laying in the ring.
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If you wanted to put over Lars he should have just faced Angle in a match. I have no problem building new talent who is really talented like Lars or any other guy from NXT but Corbin was not worthy. It will always leave a bad taste in mouth how Kurt’s career ended. Rating: 3/5 Alexa Bliss vs Bayley We saw Alexa Bliss’ tweet challenging any one of the former women’s tag champs Sasha and Bayley. It was accepted by Bayley. Bliss mocks Bayley asking where is her title. Bayley replied with a punch. Bayley drives alexa into the corner with a sitting sunset flip near the end of the match but Bliss got her hand on the rope. she came back with a DDT to win the match. Winner: Alexa Bliss A filler match does nothing for me. I thought Banks could have come out to assist Bayley at ringside at least. Rating: 1.5/5 The Man is ready for all challenges Last night replays from the main event were shown of how Becky won the titles. The crowd is super hot for Becky. “You deserve it” and “Becky” chants. She also started her own chant "Becky two belts". The Man said that for months Ronda was bragging her accomplishments but at WrestleMania, she was the one standing tall. She said whenever Ronda wants to come after her she will be here ready to knock off her empty head out of her shoulders. And McMahon family might just give Charlotte tag title shot or something to go over her defeat. She said she will break anyone’s arm off who wants to challenge her and poses with the title. Becky is about to leave but Lacey Evans come out to do her catwalk down the ramp. She stood face-to-face with Becky before punching her in the face. Becky got furious and attacked her back leading into a brawl. Lacey was fighting Becky while in heels! Becky tried to lock in the Dis-arm-her but Lacey got away. Referees ran down to stop both of them.
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This was a great promo and great brawl too. After MONTHS, Lacey Evans finally is doing something. I don’t know if she is any good in the ring as I haven’t watched her at NXT, but atleast they are progressing ahead now. Seems like she will be the next challenger for Becky. Rating: 4/5 Aleister Black & Ricochet vs Chad Gable & Bobby Roode Ricochet did a moonsault on the outside to Gable. Black takes out Roode off a hot tag. He deliver his kicks and strikes to roode. Followed by second rope springboard moonsault. Gable did a moonsault on Ricochet but Black breaks the pin. Gable went for rolling German suplex but ricochet lands on his feet. Ricochet hits chad with a kneebreaker to the face for the win. Winner: Ricochet and Aleister Black This was a good match. The crowd was busy doing their Mexican waves through the match but in-ring action was decent. After the match, I think we got a heel turn as Roode laid Ricochet out with just one strike and rolled out. I think a beatdown would have been good to solidify the heel turn. Rating: 3/5 Dean Ambrose vs Bobby Lashely never started This was advertised as Dean’s last match in WWE. Lio is not saying anything despite having the mic. Lashley just asks for the mic to tell Dean not to worry as he will take care of his wife after he is gone. This led to a brawl between the two which ended when Dean was put through the announce table right in front of Renee. She left the commentary to attend to her husband. Lashley’s insult was of the Yo mamma levels. I am thinking he has re-signed with WWE and this is leading to a storyline. Renee even left the commentary team after this. The crowd did chant “Thank You Ambrose” Rating: 2/5 We got Mojo Rawley backstage staring into a broke mirror. He also had his right side of the face painted. I don’t know where this is leading. Sami Zayn Return Sami Zayn gets on the mic and said his schedule is free so anyone of the locker room superstars wanna challenge him he is ready. This was answered by the new Intercontinental champion Finn Balor. The ring announcer also informed us that this is now for the title. Intercontinental  Championship Match: Finn Balor (c) vs Sami Zayn A great sequence between these two as Sami delivered a tornado arm drag followed by strikes and an overhead kick. This was a good match. Finn kicked out of a blue thunder bomb. The finish came when Finn drives Zayn into the corner with a shotgun dropkick followed by Coup De Grace to pin him. Winner: Finn Balor The match was good. Nice exchanges between both of the competitors. Good to see Sami back Rating: 3.5/5 Sami grabbed the mic after the match to say that it genuinely felt like people have missed him. He continued to say that he didn’t miss any of you. WWE is a toxic environment not because of McMahon or anyone in the backstage it is because of every one of you. He went onto say that we judge everyone except ourselves. He was talking a lot of things I didn’t catch. The delivery was good but the content was rubbish. He basically turned heel that’s what I got. He ends it by saying "See you in hell". Rating: 3/5 Backstage interview with Dana she congratulates Becky on being the double champ. She said there is a line forming backstage to face the champ and she may not be in front of it but she is not in the back either. She took too much pause and seemed like robotic. Elias performance Elias said that Cena has interrupted his WrestleMania performance for two years in a row. Then he demonstrates how easy it is to rap and had his last line as “The next one to interrupt me will be a deadman” which got a huge pop from the crowd cause they knew what was coming… GONG! Undertaker returned on Raw! He made his way to the ring giving us goosebumps.
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At first, Elias seemed like he was leaving the ring but he ran straight to taker trying to attack him but ate a boot instead. This followed by chokeslam and Tombstone. This was great. Undertaker returns are always great. I think this sets up  match for future Saudi show? I don't know good to see Taker back Rating:4.5/5 Winner Take All: WWE Champion Kofi Kingston vs Universal Champion Seth Rollins
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The crowd was split between the two champions. Seth caught the springboard cross body attempt into a dropkick. Rollins tried for the curb stomp but Kofi rolled him for a two count. Kofi is on the top rope, Rollins joined him there but got pushed down on the floor. Kofi is still at the top rope seems like he is about to dive but The Bar came from out of nowhere to beatdown both the champions. Winner via DQ: Kofi The faces stand tall at the end of the beatdown. Rollins grabbed the mic and tells Kofi that they will settle this some other time. And challenged the Bar for a tag match. The crowd booed this and called it BS. What was the motive of Bar interfering in the match? This was really BS. The Bar vs Kofi Kingston & Seth Rollins Rollins and Kofi work over the heel. Kofi hit Sheamus with an SOS but Cesaro breaks it up. He went for a trust fall on the Bar. But got caught Rollins drives them through with a suicide dive. The Bar hit Kofi with double white noise but Rollins drives Sheamus into the Cesaro to break the pin. Crowd were chanting random things and weren’t into this match at all. Trouble in Paradise followed by Curb Stomp to Sheamus for the win. Winner: Kofi Kingston & Seth Rollins The babyfaces celebrated and gave each other a fist bump to close the show. This was a very rubbish ending to an otherwise good show. I enjoyed some of the stuff on it but the main event sucked. Why would the Bar interrupt the match? Why did they book such an awesome match and then end it too quickly into a meaningless tag team match? The wrestling was good but the booking was terrible. Rating: 1/5 Overall the show was good. But just like yesterday the ending damaged a good show. Loved the opening promo, Becky segment, Taker & Sami's return. Just the ending was a bunch of BS. Raw Rating: 3.5/5 That was our Raw Review. Also, check out our WrestleMania 35 Review and stay updated with future posts and future Raw Review by following us on social media by clicking on the icons at the bottom of the page. We will be posting our SmackDown Review tomorrow. Have a Nice day! Read the full article
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fcablog · 6 years
Flashback Friday: Survivor Series 2003
Fifteen years ago, we saw the end of 2 eras. The end of Stone Cold Steve Austin as a full-time on-screen character and the end of The Undertaker’s American Badass biker gimmick. If you were a fan of either or both at the time, this was a depressing PPV. Entertaining, but depressing.
Date: November 11, 2003
Location: American Airlines (c) Center in Dallas, Texas
Team Angle (Bradshaw, Chris Benoit, Hardcore Holly, John Cena and Kurt Angle) vs Team Lesnar (A-Train, Big Show, Brock Lesnar, Nathan Jones and Matt Morgan) // Traditional 5-on-5 Survivor Series Elimination Match
“Doctor of Thuganomics” Cena came out 1st so we got one of his classic freestyles where the highlights included the idea of trading his team for an one night stand with Sable and pretty much telling Big Show to suck his d***
The 1st two eliminations came quick. Hardcore Holly got himself disqualified seeking revenge by trying to take out Brock Lesnar (Lesnar broke Holly’s neck back in September of 2002 and put him out of action). Bradshaw make quick work with a Clothesline From Hell to A-Train for the pinfall.
Bradshaw went just as quick as he eliminated A-Train as Big Show eliminated him with chokeslam.
Kurt Angle went crazy, cleared house and eliminated Matt Morgan with an Angle Slam then after a miscue between Nathan Jones & the Big Show, he forced Nathan Jones to tap to the Ankle Lock. Unfortunately, Angle fell to the F5 from Brock Lesnar eliminating him from the match.
Lesnar & Benoit went move-for-move until after several attempts he was finally able to lock in the Crossface and forced Lesnar to tap. The fans immediately started to chant “YOU TAPPED OUT”
Due to a blind tag and referee distraction, John Cena nailed Big Show with his signature chain and lift Big Show on his shoulders for an F-U (now known as the Attitude Adjustment)
Molly Holly (c) vs. Lita // WWE Women’s Championship
This match was big for Lita because she was returning from a neck injury she suffered the previous year.
This was a 7-minute back & forth match. After Molly Holly got frustrated from Lita kicking out the Molly-Go-Round, she pulled off the middle turnbuckle, threw Lita into it, and rolled her up for the pinfall to retain her title
Kane vs. Shane McMahon // Ambulance Match
The video package building up to this was great
Kane’s pyro was close to setting an ambulance on fire which was insane
Shane went after Kane quick sending both over the top ropes with a cross-body
Shane pulled off one of his classic daredevil elbow drops sending him & Kane throw the Spanish Announce Table
Shane then lured Kane backstage to set him up with kendo stick attack then backed up an SUV right into Kane. A camera got taken out in that backstage brawl.
Shane hits a Coast To Coast from the top of the ambulance to Kane who was pinned on the barricade by a trash can and a box
Kane hit Shane with the Tombstone on the floor and tossed him into the ambulance and shut the doors for the win.
The Basham Brothers (Danny Basham and Doug Basham) (c) (with Shaniqua) vs. Los Guerreros(Chavo Guerrero and Eddie Guerrero) // WWE Tag Team Championship
I forgot about Shaniqua. I’m still trying to figure out whose decision to give Linda Miles that gimmick and pair her up with tag team. Was she that bad in the ring. I remember her, but I don’t remember that much about her career.
Los Guerreros’ truck with the spinners…
This match was pretty much was all about Los Guerreros until Shaniqua got involved. Eddie and Chavo took her out and gave the crowd a show, but it cost them. After Chavo took out Eddie accidentally with a tornado DDT, the Bashams pulled “Twin Magic” (they barely looked the same) and Danny Basham rolled up Chavo for the win to retain the tag titles.
Team Bischoff (Chris Jericho, Christian, Mark Henry, Randy Orton and Scott Steiner) (with Eric Bischoff, Theodore Long and Stacy Keibler) vs. Team Austin (Booker T, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Rob Van Dam and Shawn Michaels) (with Stone Cold Steve Austin) // Traditional 5-on-5 Survivor Series Elimination Match
The stipulation was set for this match where if Austin's team were to win, then the restriction that Linda McMahon had put on Austin previously (Linda McMahon put a restriction on Steve Austin, saying that he could not physically assault the other Raw superstars unless Austin was physically provoked) would be null and void; however, if Bischoff's team were to win, Austin would step down as Co-General Manager of Raw.
The match got chaotic and a Stacy Keibler distraction led to the Dudleys double-teaming Scott Steiner which led to Booker T eliminating Steiner with the Book End. It was only a few seconds later Mark Henry came in and eliminated Booker T with the World’s Strongest Slam.
It took the teamwork of RVD and The Dudleys to hit Mark Henry with the 3D and the 5-Star Frog Splash to eliminate the World’s Strongest Man.
Orton hits RVD with the RKO to eliminate him
Jericho slammed D-Von’s face to the mat to eliminated him
Jericho hits the low blow on Bubba Ray behind the ref’s back which led Christian to hit the Unprettier (Killswitch) on Bubba to eliminate him.
Christian slingshots Shawn Michaels into the ring post on the outside and busts him open
Christian gets hit with Sweet Chin Music out of nowhere and he gets eliminated
 Shawn Michaels reverses The Walls of Jericho into a small package to eliminate Chris Jericho
Shawn Michaels fought like hell, but due to a ref bump, interference from Eric Bischoff and a Batista Bomb from Batista, Orton covered Michaels to get the win for Team Bischoff
 Austin came back out to say goodbye and thank the crowd after the match. He pointed out that he got his start to his wresting career in Dallas, Texas which made this moment extremely bittersweet. Jonathan Coachman flanked by security came out to interrupt Austin. Austin proceeded to beat the crap out of Coach and the security guard then hits Coach with the Stunner. He celebrates with some Steveweisers after the beatdown. What a farewell...
Mr. McMahon vs. The Undertaker// Buried Alive Match
Video package: At the SmackDown! brand PPV, No Mercy, Vince McMahon interfered in a WWE Championship Biker Chain match between the Champion Brock Lesnar and Undertaker, helping Lesnar retain the title. Also at the same pay-per-view, Vince defeated his daughter Stephanie McMahon in an "I Quit" match. Due to a pre-match stipulation between the two, Stephanie had to quit her job as SmackDown! General Manager.The following week, on the October 23 edition of SmackDown!, Vince announced Paul Heyman as the new SmackDown! General Manager. In his first act as General Manager, Heyman booked a handicap match, with Undertaker facing Brock Lesnar and The Big Show, with the stipulation that if he won, Undertaker could choose to face any superstar at any event. Heyman put many stipulations in Undertaker's way during the bout, but despite this and taking a huge beating, Undertaker won the contest. As a fallen Undertaker laid in the entryway, McMahon began screaming at him, saying that he would never be WWE Champion again as long as he was alive and that he demanded to know what kind of match Undertaker would seek now that he could pick anyone to face at any time. The injured Undertaker told McMahon that he would be competing in a Buried Alive match at Survivor Series. Assuming Undertaker would choose Lesnar as his opponent, McMahon continued to berate him by saying he hoped that Lesnar would bury him "six feet under". Undertaker then snatched the microphone away from the owner of WWE and declared that he would not be facing Lesnar in the match, but instead would face a stunned and angry McMahon. On the October 30 edition of SmackDown!, Heyman announced that he had given Undertaker time off until Survivor Series, which made McMahon very unhappy. McMahon stated that he would "burn down Undertaker's house and order Undertaker's wife to be gang raped" if Heyman didn't do anything about the Buried Alive match. Both Undertaker and Vince were interviewed on the November 6 edition of SmackDown!. In his promo, Undertaker stated that the feud with Vince was personal. He went on to say that McMahon respects nobody and that McMahon disrespects his family. Later in the show, McMahon asked for forgiveness from the fans for his actions over the past few months.
Taker came out and beat the crap out of Vince in this match. Busted him open and he bled like crazy the entire match. 2 back-to-back matches where someone got busted open. Man, a lot has changed in 15 years. Nia Jax had to accidentally hit Becky Lynch in the face for us to see a woman bleed on TV. He smack him across the head with a shovel
Taker proceeded to take Vince to the grave to bury him, but Vince  manage to get away and hit Taker with a shovel and Taker falls into the grave. It didn’t last long as Taker drug Vince into the grave and tried to climb into the payloader to bury Vince when pryo went off near the payloader causing Taker to fall off the payloader. Kane appears, beat Taker into the grave, pulls Vince out the grave and tells Vince to go into the payloader to dump dirt onto Taker to win the match
Goldberg (c) vs.Triple H (with Ric Flair) // World Heavyweight Championship
Video package shows how Goldberg gets injured. Triple H put a $100,000 bounty to take Goldberg out. Batista collected the bounty by using a steel chair to take out Goldberg’s ankle which is why he came out to the ring with his ankle bandaged up
So 2003 Triple H decided to make ring gear changes which some fans didn’t approve of. At Wrestlemania 19, he decided to wear purple trunks and white boots. On this night, He decided to wear custom bike shorts. I thought the look was cool, personally.
Out the gate, Goldberg hits the Spear on Triple H before the bell rings. Ric Flair goes crazy and gets beat down for his troubles.
Triple H targets the injured ankle for the majority of the match and Flair decides to takes shot at Goldberg while the ref’s back is turned.
Triple H tries to work on Goldberg’s ankle again, but Goldberg pushes him off and right into referee Earl Hebner. Triple H then tells Ric Flair to give him a pair of brass knuckles while the ref is down and he nails Goldberg and goes for the pin, but Goldberg kicks out. A frustrated Triple H knocks Hebner out then goes under the ring for a sledgehammer. Goldberg kicks the sledgehammer out of Triple H’s hands. Ric Flair and the rest of Evolution try to run interference, but they all get taken out Goldberg with the sledgehammer in his possession. Triple H tries to go for the Pedigree, but it’s reversed. Goldberg picks up the sledgehammer and considers using it, but changes his mind. He hits the Spear followed by the Jackhammer and gets the pin and the win and retains the World Heavyweight title.
Overall, I give this PPV an 8.5/10. This was a great card. Better than what I remembered. The opening contest wasn’t long which is strange because you felt like it should have gotten more time with the talent involved, but it was entertaining (I had a minor issue with this in my Survivor Series ‘97 review). The backstage segment with Vince, Shane and Austin was good. The in-ring interview with Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban seemed unnecessary, but it got a little heat on Eric Bischoff and Jonathan Coachman with the crowd before the Raw Survivor Series elimination match, but it did more for Randy Orton’s “Legend Killer” run after he hit the RKO on Mark Cuban. The backstage interview with Brock Lesnar was interrupted by Goldberg and I found that funny because it was foreshadowing their Wrestlemania 20 match and many WWE fans know how that turned out. The Tag Title match wasn’t that great, but this was used to continued the storyline where after months of miscommunication eventually Chavo would turned on Eddie. I wasn’t a fan of the Women’s Title match been 7 minutes long, but this was par for the course at the time and Lita just came back from an injury so it was understandable. The ambulance match was solid. Raw’s Traditional 5-on-5 Survivor Series Elimination Match was 10+ minutes longer than Smackdown’s, but it made sense because Austin was tied to the story and Austin is over AF especially in Dallas. The Buried Alive was a great way to end The Undertaker’s American Badass run and it made Kane and Vince even bigger villains (If you ever get a chance, listen to the American Badass Undertaker episode Something To Wrestle w/ Bruce Prichard podcast to understand why this version ended here). The main event was overbooked, but this again, was par for the course at the time,(Check out Wrestling With Wregret to get a better understand of what I talking about when it comes to the booking of Goldberg and Triple H around 2002-2005) but it didn’t take away from this match. Solid PPV overall and I enjoyed it.
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usatrendingsports · 7 years
WWE Uncooked outcomes, recap: Braun Strowman, Kane battle seems endless
With the vacations quick approaching and greater than a month remaining earlier than the 2018 Royal Rumble, it is likely to be tough to search out confidence in Uncooked delivering a three-hour present able to transferring you.  
If final week was an aberration in that sense — with robust in-ring work and a collection of quick-moving and impactful segments — Monday night time noticed a return to the anticipated. Whereas the lengthy and entertaining matches have been fortunately nonetheless there for the second successive week, the dedication to inventive over the size of the present sadly wasn’t.
After which there was the ending. If the concept was to ship followers dwelling blissful, WWE woefully failed once more as Kane was booked to yet one more most important occasion on Uncooked in 2017 with the form of reserving that places a damper on something good that got here earlier than it.  
Braun Strowman, Kane shut the present … once more 
Introduced early Monday on social media as a No. 1 contender’s match, the winner of Strowman-Kane would safe a possibility to problem for Brock Lesnar’s common championship at Royal Rumble in late January. The match did not start till 11:01 p.m. ET and ended shortly after. Strowman’s sizzling begin was countered by a pair of chokeslams which pressured him to twice kick out on two. Kane was then pressured to do the identical after Strowman responded with one among his personal.  After spilling outdoors and into the group, Strowman hit a working clothesline by means of Kane and the barrier wall, leading to each superstars getting counted out. Strowman continued the beatdown by utilizing the metal steps and organising a desk contained in the ring. Following a quick rally from Kane with a chair, Strowman shocked him by sitting up in Kane/Undertaker trend. Strowman closed the present with a working powerslam by means of the desk.  
The thought of 50-year-old Kane, in 2017, routinely securing useful actual property in the principle occasion of Uncooked has jumped the shark to such epic proportions that it must be a troll job at this level by WWE inventive. If it is not, the corporate has inadvertently succeeded in each burying Finn Balor’s character and watering down its most red-hot famous person in Strowman. Taking the heartbeat from the group response (or lack thereof) but once more was sufficient to substantiate that.  
With nonetheless greater than six weeks to go till Royal Rumble, it is comprehensible that inventive is likely to be dragging its heels a bit to stretch storylines out by means of the vacations`. However the gratuitous use of Kane, which no fan of their proper thoughts might’ve requested for or been enthusiastic about, stays an unforgivable sin. Overlook the much less offensive job of forcing viewers to droop disbelief sufficient to simply accept his favorable reserving of late, the truth that it has been offered in such a mailed-in trend solely exasperates the difficulty. Does WWE have the heart to incorporate Kane in a triple menace title match at Royal Rumble? Like a automotive wreck you may’t flip away from, we will solely sit and watch to search out out.
Kurt Angle, Jason Jordan angle builds momentum
Jordan approached the Uncooked normal supervisor backstage and apologized for barging in and demanding a match one week in the past. However after Angle accepted with a smile, Jordan pulled a whiny 180 and questioned his father for not giving him a match with Samoa Joe tonight earlier than including, “No marvel Stephanie [McMahon] was in your case final week.” An aggravated Angle lastly snapped: “Pay attention, I’ll say this to you because the GM and never your father.” He went on angrily clarify to Jordan how “holding your individual” in massive matches just isn’t the identical as successful and that he’ll get the match he covets when Angle says so. “OK, dad,” Jordan mentioned, “or perhaps I ought to say, ‘OK, Kurt.'”  
Nonetheless sore upset about final week, Jordan crashed Joe’s match in opposition to Dean Ambrose and watched from a folding chair on the stage like Joe beforehand did to him. Lured to ringside mid-match by Joe’s trash speak, Jordan’s presence practically price Joe when Ambrose rolled him up for 2. Jordan continued to become involved when the motion moved outdoors as Joe utilized the Coquina Clutch from behind till Ambrose knocked down each with a suicide dive.  Jordan’s mood bought the perfect of him and his try and enter the ring and assault Joe created a distraction of the referee. Ambrose hit an elbow from the highest rope onto Joe however the referee was late to the depend. After Ambrose bought into Jordan’s face outdoors, Joe hit a flying forearm by means of the ropes on Ambrose and a senton onto Jordan. Joe then utilized his Coquina Clutch on Ambrose within the ring to supply the faucet.  
Jordan wasn’t given wherever close to the 47 minutes he shouldered to open final week’s present, however he was simply as impactful this time round when it comes to furthering the storyline and growing his entitled character. His fixed bickering with Angle has produced loads of planted seeds towards an intriguing heel flip that feels before later. And take into account the brand new wrinkle of his beef with Ambrose to be nothing in need of promising. Jordan can do no unsuitable in the mean time and Uncooked can be sensible to experience the recent hand whereas killing time forward of Royal Rumble.  
What else occurred on Uncooked? 
Samoa Joe units lure for The Defend: Joe opened the present by saying Reigns is nothing with out The Defend and challenged him to return out solo and end their beef. With Ambrose and Seth Rollins watching backstage, Reigns took the bait and a hockey struggle ensued. The Bar rapidly ran in from the group to triple crew Reigns as Joe utilized his Coquina Clutch. Ambrose and Rollins ran in to assist, just for the trio of heels to beat and stand tall.  
Paige & Mandy Rose def. Bayley & Mickie James through pinfall: “Girls, I believe it is time to put your hair up and sq. up as a result of Absolution is a symphony of carnage and the music is about to begin,” Sonia Deville mentioned through the pre-match promo. Her stablemates then stayed sizzling with one other victory as Paige took benefit of late chaos by interrupting James’ MickDDT try with a superkick, resulting in a pin by Rose.  
Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy repeat dueling video promos: Not a lot new was revealed for Week 2 because the alternating laughing returned. Hardy mentioned “the good warfare has perpetuated for eons … and now it continues on the battlefield often called WWE.” Bray known as him “the yin to my yang” earlier than saying, “how I’ve been ready for you.” After Hardy talked about beforehand “strolling hand in hand” with Sister Abigail’s soul earlier than she turned hooked on evil and inhabited Wyatt’s physique, Bray closed with, “Why would you comply with a jester when you may stroll within the footsteps of a king. Select your sides correctly. Solely one among us can survive.”  
Finn Balor def. Curtis Axel through pinfall: Axel and Miztourage stablemate Bo Dallas mocked Balor’s entrance earlier than beating him down earlier than the match. After promoting an injured left shoulder, Balor rapidly rallied and went on to hit his Coup de Grace for the win as he slowly rebuilds.  
Seth Rollins def. Sheamus through pinfall: With their tag crew companions banned from ringside, these two placed on a heck of a free TV match over two lengthy segments. Rollins bought an injured left knee all through and rallied for a trio of dramatic close to falls late. The end got here when Rollins sidestepped a brogue kick earlier than hitting a superkick of his personal and a Kingslayer knee for the 1-2-Three.  
Cedric Alexander def. Ariya Daivari (through pinfall), Tony Nese and Mustafa Ali: WWE pulled the suspended Wealthy Swann from his No. 1 contender’s match following his real-life arrest for home assault. A brand new bout was created with the winner going through Drew Gulak subsequent week. The match featured one excessive spot and close to fall after one other, highlighted by Alexander’s combo of a standing Spanish fly right into a lumbar examine on Ali. Alexander would go on to hit the latter on Daivari for the pin.  
Nia Jax flirts with Enzo Amore: The cruiserweight champion started with a backstage lecture of Gulak for insinuating that he would take Amore’s title after defeating Alexander. Jax interrupted and answered Amore’s catchphrase query with a sultry, “I am doing simply advantageous.” After the champion responded in nervous however trend, Jax closed with a flirty, “Enzo, we should always speak a while when you find yourself not busy.”  
Intercontinental Championship — Roman Reigns def. Cesaro through pinfall to retain the tite: Contemplate this the match of the night time with unimaginable pay-per-view depth. Each guys bought out from begin to end as Reigns labored additional time to promote a proper arm damage that turned the storyline of the match. Every try at rallying from Reigns was met by Cesaro countering to accentuate the damage. In the long run, Reigns countered out of a Gotch neutralizer try and hit his spear for the 1-2-Three.  
Absolution pressured to face down: Asuka’s scheduled match with Alicia Fox by no means occurred because of a backstage assault on Fox’s arm by Absolution. The heel faction got here out to method Asuka and threaten her to get out of their manner. After initially preventing them off, Asuka succumbed to the quantity’s sport. However simply as Paige was set to try her finisher, Sasha Banks’ music hit and the whole Uncooked girls’s division — heels and faces alike — ran in to assault Absolution. Paige and Deville finally escaped and pulled Rose out by her legs earlier than scurrying away. 
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