#and it isn't even the final boss!!
theworstfangirl · 2 months
The overblot boys all being confronted with their own ugliest emotions, thoughts and impulses, stripped down to their rawest form, is exactly what I needed, on so many levels. Not only do we get their kickass overblot forms again, it's very satisfying to see how they've progressed past being trapped in that mindset.
Also, I love that Vil and Jamil both immediately were like: "Did I really act like this back then? Pathetic." I'm honestly really curious to see if the rest are also going to take one look at their mirror-phantom selves and go: "Is this really how I looked from the outside? Ew, gross."
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rindomness · 28 days
hello hi tell us about mementos and the security level
OH HELLO. Welcome to my personal hill to die on. This post is long. It's one of my out-loud rants in text form. Sorry in advance. There's a cut down there somewhere.
Thesis statement of whatever's about to come next is that Mementos fucks actually as a concept its execution was just horrible and also Yaldabaoth is a terrible final boss. OKAY LET'S GET INTO IT
First things first I really do think Mementos should have gotten a security level. The game plays "Mementos is the public's Palace" very straight, all the way to the end, insisting that Yaldabaoth is created by the public's desire for a status quo yadda yadda yadda. So like. Here's the screenshots actually
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I didn't get the whole conversation mostly because I think I was streaming at the time and complaining out loud but like. He just straight-up says this? And then they do nothing with it???
Imagine this with me. Enter the imagisphere or whatever.
It's October. You've just defeated Okumura, and you just watched the mysterious black-masked figure you've been told cryptically about for a while now kill his Shadow. You watch Okumura have a mental shutdown live. It's horrific! It's worrying! What happened? What's going to happen to you? The Phan-Site meter starts dropping rapidly. You go to Mementos to prepare for the next Palace.
There's a security level.
NOT ONLY did this act make the public lose faith in you, but now you're enemy #1, and it's reflected in the collective unconscious. This Chekov's gun that they set up back in May goes off. You have to be much more careful in Mementos because if you aren't, you could get kicked out. The stakes are higher. Mementos, the public view of you, has changed. It's not just doors opening for you anymore.
THAT WOULD BE SO COOL. RIGHT? RIGHT??? BUT NO! No we don't get a security level until the depths, which contradicts itself, actually, because once you get to the depths, the whole POINT is that the public ISN'T reacting to you or your actions! Why the hell would they care that you're In There!
The obvious answer is that it's because the security level belongs to the Holy Grail/Yaldabaoth/the fuckass cup/whatever you personally call him. And okay, whatever, but the game goes out of its way to establish that the Grail isn't really a separate entity from "public desire," he IS "public desire," the status quo incarnate, so once again, I ask, why is this the only time you have a security level! (I know it's because this is the home-stretch to the final boss and mechanically it has to act like a proper Palace. I still think it's stupid.)
And now that I'm talking about the Grail. Hi. Hello. If you've talked to me on Discord you already know this but I fucking hate the Grail. I think it's stupid. I think it's thematically inconsistent. I think its only purpose is to be the "Let's fight God!" final boss. I truly believe that if I hadn't gotten into Persona 5 through Royal, I would not still be into Persona 5, because I would have gotten so frustrated with Yaldabaoth that I would have dropped the game. I regularly complain for half an hour straight about this thing in voice calls. One person once told me the only thing they knew about Persona 5 was that this cup sucked because I wouldn't shut up about it.
I've somehow managed to not do this on Tumblr but I can't really talk about Mementos without talking about it so I guess we're talking about the cup
Narratively: Yaldabaoth just sort of comes out of nowhere??? The whole game is building up to Shido. The whole game. And you do it! You defeat him! And then... there's this other thing??? Apparently??? I was genuinely really confused when I got to this part of the game the first time because I was going ok we beat the final boss complete with eight hundred phases! Hooray! And now there's this other fucker. Going back through the game there's some foreshadowing for him? But it's kind of all concentrated in the start of the game, around Madarame's Palace, when you're just getting used to Mementos, and then it all sorta just disappears.
Imagine with me x2 because this is where I thought the game was taking us when it went "btw we need to tackle the depths now"
Morgana has no memories. Morgana knows there's something in the depths that explains who he is. Morgana assumes it's because he's human, and will become human again if he finds out what it is. The WHOLE POINT of exploring Mementos was for Morgana's memories! And then he starts getting these really unsettling dreams, right, where he's a Shadow, or has a Shadow, or whatever. And then you get to the depths.
What I thought was about to happen was that we were going to find out that Morgana was more or less what the Grail claims to be(a being created by the wishes of the masses) and that Mementos was going to be Morgana's Palace. "Oh but Morgana has a Persona-" Morgana's already a weird case I could easily see him having a Shadow or being a Shadow himself while also having a Persona. I'm ignoring Maruki because we're talking about vanilla and Maruki didn't exist yet.
I thought our final boss was going to be Mona's Shadow and that by defeating him(the part of Morgana(as a Shadow/Metaverse being/etc) representative of what they were trying to make Yaldabaoth: wanting to let the status quo handle everything, more or less, the desire to let the system do what it's designed to even if that thing is "crush everything in its path") we would reaffirm that change is possible as long as we all work together. Morgana getting to be this very physical symbol of rebellion and force of will and getting to go NO I want to try even if it hurts me.
What actually happened was... a lot more underwhelming.
What we got was, in a game where one of the primary themes is "rebellion against systemic injustice, you can't just get rid of the One Guy and fix Everything," a final boss who was... one guy who if you got rid of him you'd fix everything?
And I get it Atlus doesn't want to actually shake the boat that much but at the same time Yaldabaoth comes out of nowhere and says absolutely nothing of substance in a game that, over and over again, gets SO CLOSE to saying something really powerful and then sinking back into what's comfortable. It's the aesthetic of rebellion without the teeth of it.
Anyway now that I've complained for an essay's worth here's some positive stuff
I really do like Mementos. It gets a lot of shit for being repetitive and boring and like I sort of get that but on the other hand it is a JRPG. I'm not sure what you expected from the area that is, mechanically, "Here's where you go to grind." I don't see a problem with having this area. I think the special floor events manage to spice it up enough that it's not all that boring. I like Jose being there in Royal, I think he adds a lot, actually. The implications of everything Jose says are fascinating to me. The fact it's impacted by the weather! Like, as a world component, Mementos is so so cool actually guys. I know it's a Persona game so "world impacted by cognition" is sort of the bare minimum but it's really cool!!! The aesthetics fuck! The only layer I really don't like is.. fuck, I think it's Kaitul? Whichever one gets unlocked after Kaneshiro's Palace, I haven't gotten there in my current playthrough yet. It's just... too dark to see, all the time, imo. Mementos feels(except for... 90% sure it's Chemdah) very oppressive and spooky and I honestly think that's great. It's a depressing place to be! For a game about how corruption and systemic violence hurts everybody, it's really good!
In conclusion... don't ask me about Mementos unless you want an essay LMAO in seriousness I understand why Mementos gets shit but I think it should get less of it. And also that I could have fixed it(the cup. The cup is the big bad part of Mementos. Not the grinding you're going to get that with a JRPG no matter what you do you signed up for it when you launched the game.)
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franeridan · 10 months
reading volume 105 and I had forgotten we actually got mihawk's bounty and on page acknowledgement that he's a better swordsman than shanks??? they have half a billion difference in bounty mihawk's is still over half a billion above luffy's this is absolutely fantastic to me for many many reasons but especially because by god zoro seriously fought him ten volumes in. he really tried to fight someone with three times king's bounty with only one named sword and three weeks of experience as a pirate. he actually left his village at age sixteen specifically looking for him and went up to him at age nineteen convinced he was gonna win. and he had the guts to complain about mihawk using the butter knife to fight him too how is he alive he's so lucky mihawk felt like adopting that day
#i have already extensively lost my mind over final boss mihawk cruising the waters of the plot since the early chapters for#absolutely no reason whatsoever and tricking you into forgetting he's an actual god walking between ants#but when i read these things in the manga it fucks me over all over again like#yes sure shanks was there first chapter too but not as an enemy??? not sitting smack in the middle of the shichibukai#nearly all of them luffy defeated when he was still nothing more than a rabid chihuahua???#insane!!! mihawk is insane!!!!#but the fact that he has only half a billion difference with shanks ESPECIALLY trips me cause#strength isn't the only factor in deciding a bounty in one piece!!!#influence! power on the seas! number of territories and subordinates!! the type of crimes they committed!!#they all play a factor in deciding someone's worth together with their strength#and shanks has all of that#all of that factors in his four billions bounty#but mihawk has none of that!!! no power! no territories! he doesn't even have crewmates!!!#he's alone doing his thing by himself!!!!#he /was/ called the marine hunter so I'll guess he does have the incidents to make his bounty increase#but aside from that it's all calculated on his strength??? his strength alone is worth 3.5 billions?????#how high would his bounty even be if he had a fleet and territories like shanks does??????#dude#dude I'm obsessed with mihawk#in case that wasn't clear or obvious enough#......he's pretty much worth the added bounties of marco king and katakuri i cannot wrap my head around this#he straight up says he doesn't want to be an emperor is this why he isn't one it is isn't it dude made it so himself#oh i LOVE him when is he becoming relevant already#if oda doesn't give me either a fight between him and shanks or with them allied fighting side by side before the end I'll cry fr
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varethane · 1 year
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I did Hullbreaker Isle something like five times in a week (as various friends unlocked it and for relic weapon purposes), and this was BEFORE it was announced as one of the featured dungeons in the current event..... but no, I will not run it again, I refuse, you can't make me!!!
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henrysglock · 2 years
Every day I'm driven more insane by The First Shadow because it confirms so much just by existing, let alone the actual content of the show.
The team really went "No, no. You don't have all the information about Henry yet. We intentionally kept that from you. Also, all the adult characters? Yeah. They knew him. They all fucking knew him, which is why we couldn't have any of them be present in ST4. Kept that one from you too."
Just by making the play they confirm that there's at least another hour's worth of content at least tangentially related to Henry's story. We're missing so much about him if we just go off what we see in ST4.
Just by the synopsis, they tell us that Henry is already running from something, a Shadow that predates Hawkins and the Creel house. They also confirm that Henry might even have had friends. That some of those friends may have been the main adult crew. There are people who ought to remember him.
Like be serious. Be so so incredibly serious. Mindblowing.
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shevr · 2 years
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akemiiya · 5 days
i can't wait for deltarune chapter 3 and all the new asriel facts to come. because it takes place in the dreemurr house. which asriel lives in. which has asriel's belongings. which would mean that we will find out more about asriel. right. right. right. right. ri
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emissary-of-dog · 2 months
sometimes i look back at the super mario series and i'm like Jesus Fucking Christ they really had a song like the Elder Shroob theme in one of their games. god..
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spheciform · 1 year
Funny thing I opened the app right as you answered that
Other cool games for the DS that make use of both screens
The world ends with you, 999 Zero escape in it's last puzzle, rhythm heaven, probably more that I'm missing shdkd
Oh people have been talking about all of those in the notes and I think that's so cool!! Twewy in particular has been getting a lot of love! A second shoutout in my heart goes to bravely default. They didn't really do anything too special with it (unless you count the bravely second system which is made crucial to play the second game) as a DS game but putting it on the switch absolutely fucked up their UI to the point that I never played bravely default II because the UI was that bad. Look at this shit.
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They had to do a lot of reorganization to fit it on one screen, which is partially why it feels odd, but the thing I missed the most was being able to tap any ability a job gives you and get a quick blurb about it rather than having to manually select it each time- something small but that added up when each job gives you like twenty abilities, in a game that one of the gimmicks is combining job classes to make the most insanely gamebreakingly busted combos possible.
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The pause screen just felt cluttered in comparison too. There's so much dead space and nothing stands out enough to feel important, the text color is incredibly low contrast against all the heavy textures, it's just a nightmare. Which is so funny because they did open beta demos to get feedback(which I participated in), overwhelmingly the feedback was "your UI Is Bad And Unreadable" and they in fact did not make it better. As a side note it is sad what they did to the aesthetic of the game once they scaled it up for the switch- the low poly models in the original two games were at least simplistic and cute, and the hand drawn portraits in the pause menu and aesthetic choices overall lent itself to a very cosy sort of storybook feel, meanwhile the heavily detailed but still scaled down models of bravely default II feel almost uncanny and lost a lot of charm IMO
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sortanonymous · 7 months
Just remembered this one comment I had on AO3 (kinda forgot the fic) and now I can't stop imagining Elfilis as Elvis Presley.
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lydiacatfish · 1 year
i'm trying to write a dnd oneshot based on a recurring dream i have and one, when i mentioned that a guy in the group made fun of me for having so many dreams (it's not my fault! i have a lot of vivid dreams corey!!), and number two i'm three npcs in and this is already spiraling out of control
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#it's sucks so much that like 6 weeks later i still feel meh about tl and it's just made me bitter and fed up with it that im not looking-#-forward much to emmys#im only here for the actors nominated and any non-writer noms...#i will not shut up if the finale wins for best writer let that be known#regression of two male characters for last minute love triangle sh*t... trying to give keeley a girl boss ending when they didn't even show#-her being a boss in her own storyline...#ruining all the r/k scenes for s1 and 2 so what would be the point of a rewatch...#making ted so detached and tbh the ep felt detached too and sending him back to kansas when rebecca had an offer right there and not even-#talking with his family all because of his mother showing up once and doing a tell but not show about henry#yes his son is important but ted is more than existing for his son and the last shot just felt like he was d*ad inside#their lead female character's big plot about finally getting someone to love who will treat her right in her life because she wants it...#only for the said guy to be some guy who showed up half way through the show and had barely 20 mins of screen time with her and most of it-#-was him being creepy pushing her boundaries (like ohhh he made her dinner and washed her clothes and didn't hurt her the bare minimum) and#-giving them t/r 1x02 callbacks which was a kick to the face#never mention him again only once after the ep and no seeing him until the last f*cking second on no seeing them together in the montage#quickly shoved in dude who is dutch!ted#freaking teased t/r throughout s3 knowingly with the matchbook and soldier and hallway moment and having ted pining for her in the ep she-#was with boat guy#they have actual build up and it felt natural to go there but they shoved her in with a random dude#and they made a wedding for a toxic ab*sive couple that one writer thinks isn't abusive and also made t/r fans feel sh*t for seeing the-#-love with scenes and parallels THEY WROTE#THEY ACTED...#so yeah f*ck that they don't deserve that win
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Maybe my hottest ToTK take is that I think, keeping all the gameplay mechanics the same, it would have worked better as a low stakes game with the goals of helping Hyrule rebuild and investigating Zonai ruins, with the later triggering the appearance of the Sky Islands and the depths as well as granting Link (or Zelda, there's zero reason Zelda can't be playable) Ultrahand and the other abilities (which in turn are super helpful for rebuilding!)
You can even keep most of the Regional Phenomenon without changes, either as things caused by the Sky Islands' emergence or frame it as the monsters' final attempts to maintain control after the Calamity's defeat.
There just wouldn't be Ganondorf waiting in a hole the whole game and Zelda wouldn't have been lost in the past. There wouldn't be really urgent things you should be doing instead of exploring or helping the towns, that would be the whole point. Just Link and/or Zelda making discoveries and helping people.
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ghostabocky · 2 years
thinking about kh3/khux/khdr and wondering if there’s any iconography or characters who have the potential for the same sort of intrigue as lingering will/the mysterious figures/the kh2 secret ending
#angel.txt#i mean this in like... how we hear ''the disappeared'' when fighting the kh1 enigmatic man#and then we hear it again in kh2 when we fight xemnas for the first time#how we know nothing abt who or wat lingering will is until we hear motifs from rage awakened come back in terra's theme#and finally see the conclusion of his story#the entire kh2 secret ending and it's blatant recreation at the end of bbs#things that are like. very much different from theories being proven true‚ like the luxu-xigbar reveal#bc we didn't know anything abt xemans in kh1 or terra in kh2 or young xehanort in bbs!#and im looking at like... ok there's yozora#but we know his face even if he says its not what he ''really looks like''#so it already isn't going to have the same sort of intrigue as the mysterious figure/enigmatic man/lingering will#and there's also dark inferno but the music that plays during that boss is. the same as like half the kh3 bosses#there's nothing to look forward to in that regard#kh3/khux also have secret endings that play around with concepts we're familiar with to a certain degree#so im like. i think im just 👀 at sigurd rn#faceless and also confirmed to be the person narrating in the kh4 teaser? hmm?#now give me smth in missing link that'll HIT DIFFERENT in kh4#sorry im probably making no sense lmao#i just think that sort of subtle excitement has been missing from recent kh stuff#that moment of realization as you recognize a musical motif‚ or the satisfaction of an answer at the end of a long story#im not really here for like. *who* the MoM is unless its like. oh shit we've heard this theme before. oh god oh fuck
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thecoolertails · 2 years
i cannot believe you have to do the entirety of impact crater every time you die against metroid prime
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waywardsalt · 2 years
before i actually go through the phantom hourglass manga to critique it i’m going to quickly just toss out a bullet point list of things i actually liked in the ph manga
- i like how the stuff w/ tetra in the first chapter not only sets her up but serves to contrast how she is as a captain vs. how linebeck initially is as a captain. the line ‘as captain, nothing is more important than the lives of my crew’ specifically
- link’s cute. hes just a little guy
- i’m a big fan of the added detail that linebeck tends to stick out his bottom lip. it fits really well with his character. as a smaller side note i like the way his nose is drawn. i just like the shape they went with lol
- the bit with the point card for eddo’s garage that is specifically noted to be Not In The Video Game is good
- for all intents and purposes what is done with the bellumbeck fight is really good
thats it everything else i either feel neutral about or hate/feel frustrated with
#salty talks#bitching about the loz manga#anyways i think its also worth adding some of my personal opinions about ph in general to add some context for my later opinions#i dont like jolene. like to a visceral degree. i dont know why but im physically incapable of enjoying her.#which is bizarre bc like??? i think griffith is a great character i think makima is fascinating. but jolene ph is the one i cannot stand#i hate her because i think she's fucking annoying and isn't justified in half of what she does but like. why the visceral hatred. idk#maybe its a side effect of my rabid linebeck special interest. anyways sorry i think shes awful#in all fairness tho to me shes actually better in the manga#also. i dont actually like fatherly linebeck stuff much and dont read him as being fatherly towards link so i wont talk abt that stuff#uhhh i think linebecks arc in the game is really good and i also think that the normal order of the three final bosses is great#i also think that the second half of the game has some good stuff in it even if it's less plot-heavy compared to the first half#i think that phantom hourglass has genuine unique potential to be fantastic if given an extended adaptation that gives a shit#and that is partially why im going to spend a bit more time on this one#i will also say that despite whatever i say abt this one i do admit that i like and appreciate it. it still has problems tho#why'd they do astrid like that. i dont like manga astrid. i dont like her design or most of her dialogue.#why was she weird to linebeck like that. be nice to him. hes clearly gay#as far as im concerned at least
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