#and it just growing bigger and bigger
rationalisms · 4 years
i think this idea that we can glean a whole and unbiased insight into anyone's life solely from their social media presence is a really weird unconscious bias in general. and i know that's in large parts because of the whole influencer thing and how people have started to monetize authenticity and parasocial relationships, but i think it's good to remind ourselves every once in a while that someone's social media account is only a small, curated and often highly edited slice of a person regardless of how "real" or personable or open they come across. including myself in that because i'm certainly not immune to it lol
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shadeswift99 · 2 years
Anybody else notice how the Entity is getting not only more complex with every update, but also more and more alive? To the extent that it can now get up and walk? To the extent of implied organs, implied magic? And meanwhile, coincidentally, Grian seems to be losing his sense for his own durability. Stood right there and took a hit from a trident thrown straight up, expecting to live, but didn’t. The surprise in his voice when Keralis was able to take him out in one punch. Having less health than he expected to have is becoming a trend...except for that time in front of the Rift.
“...I didn’t die?”
You know. The last near-death incident before the over-estimations started happening.
Debt is a powerful, powerful thing. Perhaps the Rift, and the Entity it spawned, know that. Perhaps that loan of life to Grian was the permission they needed to start taking back their due - slowly, of course, so that he never quite notices.
Slowly, of course, one sip of life at a time, so that the thing at the other end of the straw can feed in steady peace. Because debt and deals might rule the eldritch, but equivalent exchange rules nature, and the Entity is above all else both. Life cannot simply spring from nothing, not without cause, not without fuel. Grian is the reservoir of life that the Entity is pulling from. As it grows, he depletes.
Maybe the Rift is a conduit, the pipe for the transfer to take place - or maybe it’s the mastermind, or an impassive observer, or hey, maybe it’s just a coincidental tear like any other tear. Randomness is a law of nature too. But the idea that the Entity’s growth will be capped by how much life and power is left to be pulled from Grian is terrifying in MULTIPLE ways and I’ll be turning it over in my brain for the rest of the day at least
#Grian#the Entity#Hermitcraft#''So did Grian completely forget about the cliffhanger from two episodes ago or did he just troll us all by not giving any answers?'#< sentences thought before disaster#the disaster being This Idea#listen#am I stringing together several unconnected coincidences that were almost certainly not intentionally implying anything? yes#should you be even a little bit surprised by that if you have been following this blog for more than a couple months? No#Absolutely The Fuck Not dlfkjsdls#I don't care if it's anything close to what's happening really but it's PLAUSIBLE and that's TERRIFYING#terrifying in the best way#because just. imagine#I'm not usually a non-human Grian headcanoner but ik a lot of people think he's got some vast wells of unused power#and just. the /consequences/ of some parasitic otherworldly Entity choosing that person out of everyone to feed on#could it smell the life that saturated Grian? the power? or was it just coincidence?#/how much bigger will it grow with that as a source to feed on?/#and in a non-magical Grian scenario it really only gets WORSE#because how long can one human being hold out as the sole source of nourishment for a Thing like that?#is it like a blood donation where the life it takes from Grian will regenerate slowly over time?#leaving him exhausted and weakened but too gradually to notice? just gradually enough to adapt to without thinking?#is that why the Entity is doing this slowly? as a strategy?#....will its patience for strategy run out as the end to its means draws near?#man. man. I love what Grian is doing this season#I've been too exhausted myself to have many writing ideas lately but this is giving me more than I've had in ages#oh ah. also#tw horror#tw parasite#ik there are some people squicked out by the Entity in general so let me know if I've missed any tags for that#but I personally am having the time of my life right now
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cata-strophes · 2 years
twinsduo or bedrock bros hair braiding :] for the reqs
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kvlen · 3 years
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drbtinglecannon · 2 years
Me, externally: Manifesting canon Dadrius lol
Me, internally: Ok but the way the narrative used part of its v e r y limited time left to include
Hunter & Darius having an amicable rapport that was both a clear progression from how they previously acted towards each other and ended as positive character growth for both of them
Darius being the one to give Hunter a scroll, his only means to finally communicate with others outside the coven with the important point of it being another high-ranking member of Belos' inner court to do so, and furthered it by having Darius actively encourage such behavior
building off the ultimately failed first attempts of reaching out by Luz & Amity but done in a way that doesn't leave Hunter feeling worse, instead it's a small step encouraged by someone that actually knows what it's like being around & "loyal" to Belos, not by someone that openly opposes Belos
making that moment be such a positive experience for Hunter it gave him renewed confidence (even if only temporarily) AND having it happen back when Darius still appeared to be a full fledged antagonist
throwing in brief details that Darius was the student of the previous Golden Guard, how important he was to him, and that he now thinks Hunter is a worthy successor, and Hunter noticing in the "memory" of his promotion that Darius looked sad -- all important details given the overarching themes in TOH of found family, student-mentor relationships, and adults overcoming their own toxic/solitary habits to be better role models for the younger generations
and then finally paralleling Darius' frantic concern for Hunter to Raine's composed-but-just-as-deep-concern for Eda & her kids, a relationship that is set up to be the narrative conclusion for one of the main characters (Raeda will be married by the end without a doubt 💖)
Given all of this, I can't see how Darius won't end up as Hunter's main guardian, if not one of them. Every one of the moments between Darius & Hunter happened in S2-B after the crew knew the show got cancelled and they had to rewrite a bunch of stuff, if they wanted to write Darius as "actually he's cool lol" all they needed to do was reveal he was secretly a rebel too, they didn't need to throw in any backstory details or build a connection between him and Hunter (who has already had like 5+ other major connections built for him since his introduction), but they actively chose to keep those details.
So yeah, manifesting canon Dadrius lol.
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ultra-art-blog · 2 years
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my dollz
🌼posted a vid of them irl on my insta🌼
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Daycare! Hanma x y/n. ~ 750 words. Angsty? Eh.
It takes a lot to make Shuji cry.
When you get home that night, you freeze in utter panic as you hear him crying on the couch. You peer around the doorway, and see him hunched over, head in his hands. You assume the absolute worse when you hear a choked out “They’re gone. They’re all gone.”
You rush over to his side, and whisper “Shuji... hey, Shuji...”. He looks up at you, his face and eyes red from crying for who knows how long. “What happened?” You asked as gently as you could, trying your best to keep your own tears at bay. You had never seen him cry. You had seen him emotional. Angry. Upset. Depressed. But never crying. “Who... who’s gone?”
“They’re... gone.” Shuji repeats again, his voice getting caught on the words. “Who?” You run through all of his friends, and your blood runs cold wondering which one of them is gone. 
“My kids. At the daycare. They’re gone. They’re off to kindergarten. Today was their last day.” Shuji says, the look in his eyes splintering your heart.
Everything finally clicks into place as you realize why he’s seemed so distant and on edge lately. Preschool graduation had finally arrived. Your mind flashed to the scribbled note Shuji had written on your shared calendar on the the fridge. You sighed. You really dropped the ball on this. Shuji was careful about remembering your important days and meetings, figuring out little pick me ups, and was just overall attentive when you needed the extra care, and here you were forgetting about preschool graduation, even if they weren’t your own kids.
“Oh Jesus, Shuji, they’re... they’re not dead.” You say softly. “They’re just going on to kindergarten.”
“Then why do I feel so, so… so empty!” He exploded in a breath, tears rolling down his cheeks. “I won’t be able to look after them anymore. I won’t be able to roll my eyes in exasperation when they get on my nerves. I won’t be able to draw chalk animals that they then criticize like highly trained art critics because the head was too big. I won’t be there to comfort them when they fall down or are sad or just need a hug. And how do I know their new teachers will be good to them?! There are some really shitty teachers out there! And the world can be bad and scary and, and, and...” Shuji trailed off, returning his head to his hands as another sob rocked his body.
“Shuji.” You gently rub his back. “You have done what you can. You have loved them and cared for them and taught them what they need to know.” You reassured him.
“But some still don’t even remember the alpha-” Shuji rasped out.
“What they really need to know.” You interject. “That there are adults that love them. How to be a friend. Who to go to when they’re in trouble. That they matter. They will be okay. And, most importantly, they know where to find you. They know they can always come back and see you. They will miss you too. I mean look.” You gesture to the fridge, covered from top to bottom in cards, notes, and pictures drawn by all of Shuji’s students. “They know how hard you work and how much you care. And now it’s time for you to share that with a new group of students. You can mourn for those leaving. I will give you space and time for that. I just also hope that you can then spend some time getting ready to meet these new kids and planning how to make this one of their best years yet. Because everyone needs a teacher like you. Someone silly and fun and willing to listen to all of their stories. You will make this year their most memorable.”
“It’s not that hard, they’ve only had three other years.” Shuji sniffled, rubbing at his eyes. You roll your eyes, and give him a playful shove, grateful the tears have stopped.
“Still.” You say with a smile. “Take the time. And then get ready.”
You two spend the rest of the night going through Shuji’s memories with his past group of kids, laughing at all of their antics, and cuddle on the couch while watching the latest movies his kids always talk about so that he has something to talk about with any new kid who might be nervous on the first day of class.
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b4kuch1n · 3 years
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happy valentine’s!
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plantanarchy · 2 years
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Mr. Norway Pendula which i got for free last year looks more and more like a real Weeping Norway daily. It has also produced many big cones probably to impress my neighbor's giant 30+ year old regular Norways. I am hoping that maybe the big ones will accept this little crooked one as a strange and awkward protege and then when they inevitably fall down it will be into their empty front yard and not my house.
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A Quiet Time
Raon: Human.
Cale: What is it?
Raon: Thank you.
Cale: For what?
Raon: *flapping wings* Just... Thank you.
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aidensm8 · 3 years
Remus and Roman: Arson
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Another quick ramble in the tags cause damn you all got me in a talkative mood today
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hansoeii · 3 years
it's my absolute favorite loki headcanon that mobius spent ages at the tva just studying the life of every single loki in detail. But he had special interest in our loki's life and studied this one as detailed as one can. And the more he did, the more infatuated with him he became. So when they handed him that file he immediately ran off because FINALLY he gets the chance to meet his favorite loki and safe him from getting pruned, so that he can keep him at his side for as long as he allowed.
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deadmomjokes · 2 years
My cherry tomato is out there trying to grow beefsteaks, the snack size bell peppers are bigger than the “giant” eggplants, the “giant eggplants” are the size of my thumb, the chamomile reseeded itself in the middle of the gosh dang summer, I somehow have a entire celery plant I have no memory of propagating and it’s outcompeting both the invasive morning glories and the “everbearing” strawberries that haven’t bloomed since May, and out of three zucchini plants I have yet to materialize a single zucchini this entire year.
We’ve clearly entered some kind of upside down parallel universe where nothing means anything anymore, but at least the un-spicy jalapenos are, in fact, as un-spicy as advertised, so it can’t be all bad. Or maybe that’s just further proof we’re living the Bad Timeline, idk at this point
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momo-jpeg · 2 years
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My own personal headcannons for mumriks :]
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shyshitter · 3 years
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more doodles from class (with jack!!!!)
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theorangerangers · 2 years
How do you feel about the JaviAmelia shippers who hate on OllieAmelia (and Ollie in general)? For me, I think it's kind of silly and we should respect each other's ships/faves even if they aren't for us
I do think we should respect each other’s ships but I would be lying if I said the actions of some Javiamelia shippers haven’t left a sour taste in my mouth. I had someone attack me on a post I made about having a feeling about Amelia and Ollie being cannon as well as quite few people thinking it was appropriate to slide into my DMs about it. Ollie is almost a modern Connor in my eyes, (everyone knows a jerk like this in real life and generally he is also receiving the same character arch as Connor did). I like Ollie a lot he reminds me of my dad for all the good and bad that comes from a guy who told me that ‘it’s only multi variable calculus, it should be easy’ (it wasn’t but I still love him even if he wasn’t too happy with my B-). He’s also really really funny in the context of a show that fully acknowledges mystic force happened in a way similar to Preston believing in magic. I think we should make some fun of him but no more than any other ranger because also it’s a bit like how everyone hated on Dax in Operation Overdrive but when I rewatch, sure I cringe a little but he’s still fun in his own right. There’s a difference between making some light hearted ribbing at a character’s expense and then just whatever’s been going on with some of the Javi x Amelia shippers.
Generally though I didn’t care about Javi x Amelia either way I just figured it was different but nothing else about it until people attacked me just just reading into the subtext of a children’s show which since it for children normally follows a predictable plot. after that even just seeing that ship made me feel rotten inside and I’ve done my best to block it since it’s not the ship it’s self that’s ever made me feel any type of way but the my way or the high way kind of shippers and the way they’ve made me connotate being yelled at online with their ship . As a veteran of the supernatural fandom I can easily say this is not the worst thing I have ever seen on tumblr but it feels different when people choose to call you a bad person just for making one post about a couple in a kids show that was very obvious from a story telling stand point since most of the time when they have two rangers pretend to be a couple early in the show they almost always end up cannon by the end so the psychic scene kinda gave it away for me. It’s a pattern we’ve seen multiple times in the show like with Shelby and Tyler and I thought it was kinda cute so I made a post which opened Pandora’s box of just unwarranted attacks.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with the ship and Ollie is a good character and I wouldn’t have him be replaced with anyone else on the show but the way the shippers feel the need to act sometimes does make me actively avoid it block it on all my socials. I don’t have a problem with anyone who ships anything or likes any character as long as they don’t come after me for liking something else or taking something I’ve made for my ship and turning it into something it isn’t to fit their views.
Frankly I only post as much Ollieamelia on my blog as I do now as a way to ward off more people like that. If you don’t like sand, stay out of the sandbox.
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