#and it reawakened a suppressed obsession
kajinovaa · 2 years
after i wake up tomorrow, i know I'm gonna have to yap about Ramattra. for a moment i had been considering to make yips over on twitter cuz i kinda did already do a bit of brain dumping over there-
but then i quickly reminded myself how shit twitter is as a platform for spewing over fandom stuff, so expect my rambles to be on here instead. i totally need the space to just howl into the abyss over a probable new fixation forming/re-encouraging an already deep fixation for mecha in general hhhh
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kingdomeromega0816 · 5 months
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Believe it or not, this Beanish girl, who wears impoverished overalls, possesses star-spirit/flutter traits with star piece powers is actually Mimi!! (Her original name was "Amelia" according to my Mario/(Crossover) Fanfic's lore.
During the 11-Part Mario fanfic, Rosalina encounters Mimi and uses her powerful star-spirit magic to reawaken Mimi's original dormant good personality and suppress and slowly destroy the evil personality/(~?dakumata?~) that has possessed Amelia's body for far too long.
During about Part 3 of the fanfic, Rosalina reawakens Amelia for two purposes,
(1). Rosalina has felt empathy for Amelia, knowing that the evil-personality has ruined her reputation over the years, feeling that Amelia deserved better.
(2). Rosalina needed Amelia's extensive knowledge on crystals, (due to her evil-personality's ruby obsession) to help understand the crystal traits of "The Great Ancient Threat" in order to defeat it.
Rosalina promises Amelia that she will eventually destroy that evil-personality/(spirit?) that has been possessing her, but she may not be able to remove the "mechanical item box" part of her.
Amelia during Part 3 begins to slowly assimilate into the Mario crew, she already saw Rosalina as a mentor figure already. Amelia began to befriend Goombario, Mario, Peach, Captain Toad (who already had a crush on her as Mimi), Bombette and Lina (both begin gaining trust and feeling comfortable with Amelia).
Lastly, Amelia throughout Part 3 to early Part 5 becomes best friends with Toadette due to sharing similar interests. As well as unexpectedly becoming best friends with the now good-hearted Iggy Koopa (despite Amelia remembering the ice cream mishap she had with Iggy when she was evil Mimi).
(If you want to know more about Mimi's original good personality "Amelia" just visit my DeviantArt page named "unarpan0816").
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willowlillysunnyday · 2 years
what years of unmasking looks like
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I, like many others during COVID-19, realised that something wasn’t quite right. I’d been struggling for years, trying to figure out what was going on with me mentally, having formal diagnoses of social anxiety and depression. But living by myself for three whole months, barely seeing anyone for such a long amount of time, really put things into perspective for me. If you, dear reader, by some miracle, haven’t experienced solitude as I and many others have, then allow me to take you on a journey of how I figured out that I have autism.
           I was always the weird kid in school; I sat by myself, daydreamed in class, and had a too-specific interest in astronomy. Mrs Russell always gave me detention for zoning out in class, Thai would always tell me to go away once I got too annoying to hang out with her, and Aisha and Lauren would follow me around and call me a ‘lezbyund’. It’s like they all knew something I didn’t, and looking back on it now, they probably did. ‘Don’t do that,’ was a lesson I recalled too many times.
           I suppressed as much of my behaviour as I could, learning what was and wasn’t acceptable to others with each passing year. I told no one of my obsessions with Minecraft and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, swallowed back any out-of-place thoughts threatening to bubble out, and kept myself at a distance from others lest the mask slip. And it did slip, on many occasions actually, and each time I’d feel the sting of awkward silences and the disturbed ‘Okayyyy’s. I even feel ashamed to remember keeping the mask up around my best friend, thinking that she, too, would reject me if she saw what I was really like.
           (Rachel, you were silly, she’s just as cooky as you, and you literally live together now.)
           Looking back on it now, school kids are assholes. Things change once you enter a more diverse, adult world; sexuality, gender expression, nationality, and disability. These, however, were all turbo-charged by the time COVID-19 hit its peak. Early 2021, I’m not only realising that I don’t feel like a girl, but all the learned behaviours I’d built up over the years were all starting to crumble. I’d have a set routine, I talked to myself often, and vocal and physical stims started to come out. While completely alone for three months, I also felt the freest. No one was around to tell me I was weird for chirping on the way to get snacks from the fridge, no one could look at me funny for rubbing at my nose when I got excited, and no one could judge me for how I chose to dress and do my makeup. I accumulated hyper focuses on Pokémon, Stardew Valley, Miraculous Ladybug, and then reawakened my obsession with Voltron from 2017. The mask was finally gone and I could be who I wanted to be; both in how I understood my gender but also where I was at mentally.
           Fast forward two years, and I’ve been identifying as a genderqueer autistic since those three lonely months. As expected, the mask went up again once I moved to a new town, but there’s not a lot of pressure to keep it up as long. I learned quickly that my best friend, her boyfriend, and our old flatmate were all so similar, nothing was ever truly weird or annoying, and I never get a warning tingle of ‘don’t do that’ but I’ll admit some stims have yet to make an appearance. My current workplace is so accepting and supportive, even if I literally have a meltdown on shift but I’m glad that I feel safe enough there to do so. The old me would have bottled it up and let it get worse until I exploded.
           (The first time I had a meltdown on shift, that was exactly what happened.)
           I allow myself to feel upset when my routines are broken, I allow myself distance when I feel overwhelmed, and I allow those I’m close with to know what they can do to help. I would like to get a formal diagnosis; maybe someday when it’s more physically and financially accessible to do so. For now, I know my mind, I know how it works, I do my best to keep it in check where need be, and I know where I can let it run free. Since my rebirth two years ago, I’m different from the child who hid away behind a crude imitation of ‘normal’ to evade rejection. Sure, I still feel that sting, but who really gives a shit y’know?
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years
Truth is Healing ~ Disorders, Illness, Sickness - healed through 'truth'
Truth is healing
Any energy suppressed, guilt, shame, energies are energies and if it is not allowed, honoured, accepted, it is repressed into the cells, organs, brain, tissues;
clarity is truth - why the more enlightened one is, the lighter, the pure, rarified and attuned - is more truthful =
Truth is everything to health
Control, fear, negativity, any emotion, is energy and how we manifest - all in matter is manifest
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What you hide, what you deny, what you suppress will absolutely cause imbalance until you can no longer operate in the old stories - all stories are meant to be transmuted anew; the only way to do so is to release the emotion, in safe, honouring, valuing ways, to your own inner child, and if you choose not to do what is best for your spirit, the inner child, not healing the past issues - then the now will be the equal to what you face; mentally, physically, energetically and spiritual and emotional -
Love costs nothing - but means everything - we have been given notions and ideals through warped beliefs, dogma, social superficial systems that have been the breaking of us - now it is time to reawaken and go within ;
Love does not boast, not force, not suppress and depress and want or force another to do as they wish, or force another to stay in unhealthy situations - all are meant to thrive and refine - so allow and respect all for their choices -
If one can accept one for taken choices of negativity - the equal respect for someone that chooses to move on;
There will be many light workers having to make peace, and make right with past stories and be at peace leaving behind what many choose not to change, alter, be in truth, be in service to their own spirit, and as you respect their path, souls lessons, wishes; one could feel the guilt of success and liberation - or survivors guilt -
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So be at peace and allow the emotions and honour the stories for all that you have been showed and taught - but never stay stagnant and place protection, refinement, of what tried to inhibit you moving on in liberation and free will - for remember - Universal Laws and self love will always prevail -
When you intend love; you are love and become love, become clear, colourful; when you intend abundance for all - you are in that mix too; when you intend darkness, pain, suffering; that is what you vibrate and call to yourself - all is energy - intention is the 'IN' of who you are - forgive and move on -
You can forgive yourself for allowing yourself to abuse energy, abuse others, abuse information, abuse the innocence of yourself and others - be ok with those you think you want, due to opportunistic means, or what another may do for you, bring you, of clout for you; and be ok with them not wanting or not needing you - if this triggers you - then go within and heal the wounds that make you want to punish someone for not being with you - all have free will and all are meant to be your path -
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Being a maverick is to never surrender to less than and think or believe that this is meant to be - you are meant to soar and be grander and allow all others their path if they choose limitation, fear, control, less than - all is purposeful but never sacrifice who you are for the forced, manipulated, lower stories of control - release the ideals, notions, dogmatic distortions, that roles, and stagnation of patterns and platforms remain - when we are meant to transcend and evolve - this is the garden of God - simplicity, truth, integrity, creative joy and expression - ©
All energies affect the matter world; be very discerning of what you vibrate at and what you put out - it affects the all -
Addictions, obsessions don't have to be the death of anything; balance, release the past, make peace, heal the emotions that ignite addictions, obsessions, all is energy and there is a reason;
Obsessed; to be balanced and make peace; bring truth, bring balance, bring leadership to your own life;
If you are continuing in magic and the forcing of choices, matter, outcome of another - you are interfering and God, Spirit will step in - and immediate return - spirit and all have been offering such for years - all are meant to go within and sort out what is going on to release the wounds; rejection, abandonment, do the inner healing of abuse, control, enslavement, etc., and what new beliefs are ready to be birthed - this is a spiritual journey not a monetary one; what do you value ? begin there - then return within - it is evolutionary and is storied with infinite timelines and beings, and forms;
If you continue to act in such ways; it will be returned, and if the lessons are still not being heeded, it will affect what you wish to control the most; health, abundance, children, and so on - so be discerning of what you wish, prey, and intend on any one - your life is your choice - period - it is now showing itself before you - this is your own proof - your reality - is your choice, your vibration; so now you have a new choice to change it; is love the new way?
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This is the NEW YOU - Liberated and loving life - Accept the NEW VERSION - Choose NEW ENERGY and NEW LIFE - allow all to be where they sit and move through what they need to for their own lessons; sense of self and self value -
It is not your role to owe, sacrifice, or be obligated to anyone and anyone that chooses to use you, abuse energy and environments to take from you, to force you to be in their story will learn what is needed - all are meant to be their own saviour - this is sovereignty and liberation -
The past is done, make peace, and love on you - move on - make life anew! You are worthy of love all are worth the highest form of love - the past is stagnant - there is denial - so move on -
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As you evolve, raise in consciousness - the more refined and pure your fields, and bodies become - truth is changing, truth is for the release and making right, or re-aligning, re-calibration - if you are feeling jealous, envious of anything outside of you -
Go within and see how you are not aligning with yourself - not being honest with yourself and what your gifts and skills are - what beliefs and what perspectives you have about you and how competition and judgement and comparisons are really of ego, lack of self and not the honouring of free will for all;
Free will and the honouring of it - never to interfere and not press, force, push your wishes, views, and beliefs onto anyone - those that are attracted to you - is vibrationally meant to be;
Racism, discrimination, is of our highest healing for it is what has been a mental imprint, code, and all is healable for you are a part of all things, all beings, all nations;
The judgments of colour, sex, others light, others beliefs - these as I was shown, the healing of the foundation of all DM and DM energies within - ideologies of control, enslavement and detachment of the spirit and intuition vs ego, oligarchy, so be of good will and know how, why you are triggered -
these are your wounds to take accountability of who you are to challenge yourself to let go and reach higher - all is choice
Blessings be
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chaosxcrushed · 3 years
OKAY FUMBLR USERS AND YHS/TS FANDOM AFTER PUTTING MYSELF THROUGH HELL AND WATCHING TOKYO SOUL’S WORLD RESET I HAVE FOUND SOMETHING VERY INTERESTING. Is there not much known about this character and I’m making so many weird connections? Yeah. Is this post gonna be related to Sam? Of fucking course.
and this time I’ll be including an image of this ‘interesting character’ which only appeared in one episode, yet is just so,,, unique? Cool? I have no idea, but they sure are interesting.
spoilers for ts season 2/world reset ahead so if you plan on watching that, then go do it first there’s like 23 episodes. If you’ve watched it or you don’t care then continue reading!
so tonight, I’ll be talking about this character!
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aka, “???” and/or “The Entity”. For writing sake, I’ll call them the Entity.
Their first and only appearance is in Episode 9, “weird dream”, wherein the episode starts in Sam’s dream inside a dark void and a lamp in front of him, but he encounters a humanoid being that insists them and Sam are one person. They’re believe to be Sam’s subconscious and does act like him. I thought this was just his dreams messing with him, but after looking into the Entity more I found some similarities.
They speak a little slow and doesn’t let the other finish until they’re done, along with always sounding unsure of what they’re saying and has a habit of talking to themselves.
They also have violent tendencies in which they instantly act upon, killing Sam’s dream form in order for him to wake up. It’s shown that they can manipulate his dreams, as they made Bobo appear and kill him in the dream.
Along with Sam, they also experience amnesia and is “reawakened” when Weston mentions ‘old blue’. Both Sam and the Entity has taken an interest with the topic and are eager to find out who that is, with the Entity placing down a blue object while talking about old blue.
Something they don’t have in common is how unsure they are compared to Sam. Sam usually has somewhat confidence in what he does/say, but the Entity is doubtful of their own existence. Still, they make an effort to make sure Sam understands what they say without really explaining much, another thing they share in common.
While both of their behaviors are drastic in difference (the Entity being more calm and soft spoken, while Sam sounds like he’s panicked 24/7), looking back at how Sam acted during YANDERE, yhs and ts, doesn’t it make sense for whoever this is to be his subconscious ? Y’all may have doubts but hear me out,
Sam used to have a softer tone, at least in YANDERE and the beginning of yhs. He takes his time to read and makes awkward pauses after he’s unsure of what he just read, plus ignores people whilst valuing the current conversations he’s having with his friends than listening to the side characters.
Even though Sam has some morals, he still commits to crime. He gets progressively violent from yhs to ts, wherein his empathy is completely gone, he does not hesitate to stab/shoot someone, and tries to prove that he could destroy the universe. I think his subconscious is truly more violent than he is, but he suppressed his urges until he finds a good reason or snaps, and during the time he did he threatens everyone with zero hesitation, much like how sure the Entity sounded with killing Sam in his dreams.
And another thing is possibly their clinginess or obsession in general. Much like how Sam is obsessed with Taurtis, I think the Entity could be as well. Despite being amnesiac as well, they clung onto what re-awoke them and placed a blue item down to make sure Sam remembers. Since the ‘old blue’ has never been confirmed to be Cthulu, I think it would be Taurtis (or Jerry since he’s a clone + appears near the end). And the fact that they only awakened that time and not when Sam was on the bench just seems to explain a lot. Taurtis holds a special place in Sam’s heart, making his subconscious contact him through dreams after waking to a familiar term.
Anyways that’s it for tonight I am just ranting about a yhs/ts character again and it’s like. almost 12 am, I need fuckin SLEEP ty for coming to my ted talk. might make a part 2.
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pussymagicuniverse · 5 years
Revisiting Adrienne Rich’s "Twenty-One Love Poems"
Published in 1977, Adrienne Rich’s Twenty-One Love Poems was one of her first books that addressed lesbian identity and desire. This revelatory context is felt throughout the work, as she details the tender and painful experiences of a lesbian relationship.  
I discovered this book a few years back in Córdoba, Argentina, where I was visiting a boyfriend who loved independent bookstores as much as I did. At the time, I struggled to reconcile my queerness and my relationship with a straight man, and this manifested in my fixation with lesbian feminist literature.
Veintiún poemas de amor was a small sliver in a pile of books, but the familiarity of Rich’s name convinced my hand to pull it from the shelf. Published by the small press Postales Japonesas and translated by Sandra Toro, each page features the English version of the poems and a Spanish translation. 
Later that day, my partner and I alternated reading each of the poems, mine in English, his in Spanish. I wanted to hear them spoken in a different language than what Adrienne intended, curious to discover if they had the same effect as reading the work. Although he sounded beautiful, I couldn’t help but be disappointed.
The ache and longing was lost in translation; his voice seemed exist on a different plane. It was alienating, clutching at a part of my identity that felt nonexistent in my present circumstances. I wasn’t experiencing bi-erasure, which often feels like oscillating between an impossible dichotomy. This was different; my love for women was a lake frozen over, and I was trying to break the ice with a pen. 
In the fourth poem of the collection, where Adrienne addresses the lack of lesbian and female experiences in literature, she writes:
“…we still have to stare into the absence of men who would not, women who could not, speak to our life–this still unexcavated hole called civilization, this act of translation, this half-world.” 
This half-world felt like a room of mirrors, where I saw reflections of myself everywhere, but only when I stepped inside it. These poems acted like a count-down to my break-up and reawakening to my queerness. I began to see my love of women everywhere, even in objects and places that weren’t explicitly “female.” Rocks, buildings, the awnings of trees spoke to me in whispers, reminding me of who I was. The eleventh poem of the collection reveals the way our external world acts as an echo of our interior lives. It opens with the lines:
“Every peak is a crater. This is the law of volcanoes, making them eternally and visibly female.”  
Twenty-One Love Poems queers the famous work by Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair. Written in 1924 when he was only 19-years-old, the book was controversial due to its frank depictions of sexual content. Almost a hundred years after its publication, it remains widely read and purchased.
I was aware of Neruda, but not enough to understand or care about his work. When researching for this piece, I read through Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair. His poetic portrayals of sex made me uncomfortable, as his metaphors were lewd and painfully tacky (i.e. “Body of skin, of moss, of firm and thirsty milk!”). The first poem in his collection is called “Body of a Woman,” and includes the stanza:
“I was lonely as a tunnel. Birds flew from me. And night invaded me with her powerful army. To survive I forged you like a weapon, like an arrow for my bow, or a stone for my sling.” 
While reading his poems, I discovered a pattern of violence when describing love and desire. Neruda’s poem “I Have Gone Marking” begins up with the line: “I have gone marking the atlas of your body with crosses of fire.”
I asked myself: Is this what men find erotic? The visceral experience of weaponizing a woman’s body for their own protection and pleasure? Patriarchy created a system that weaves intimacy with violence, to the point where one is indistinguishable without the other. These images flowed through Neruda’s consciousness as he wrote, planted by the repetitive models of heterosexual coupling.  
His descriptions of pleasure are equally reflective of these socialized patterns. In his poem “Drunk with Pines,” he writes:
“Hardened by passions, I go mounted on my one wave, lunar, solar, burning and cold, all at once, becalmed in the throat of the fortunate isles that are white and sweet as cool hips.” 
Is this the kind of writing that impacts our world? Pablo Neruda’s Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair is one of the best-selling poetry books in the Spanish language. I wonder, what would the world look like if Adrienne Rich’s work had the same impact, if women-loving eroticism could alter the male-centric model of human sexuality? 
In her essay “Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power,” Audre Lorde states:
“The erotic has often been misnamed by men and used against women. It has been made into the confused, the trivial, the psychotic, the plasticized sensation. For this reason, we have often turned away from the exploration and consideration of the erotic as a source of power and information, confusing it with its opposite, the pornographic. But pornography is a direct denial of the power of the erotic, for it represents the suppression of true feeling. Pornography emphasizes sensation without feeling.”
This articulation of eroticism, especially within images evoked through writing, is what runs through my head when I read Pablo’s work. Men are obsessed with the “universality” of their literary canon, asserting that women’s writing is so obviously female and esoteric. The irony makes me laugh; for when men write about eroticism and desire, it’s so clearly rooted in their own preoccupations and sexual experiences.
Meanwhile, Adrienne Rich embraces the lesbian perspective as a subjective, personal experience. She writes about the limitations placed on her sexuality by a heterosexist society and how she struggles to live openly in a world that forces people like her to remain closeted. Her eroticism is infused with feeling, not purely sensation. It’s undeniably lesbian, and this deliberate focal point is what makes it impactful.
In my favorite poem, the second one of the collection, she writes:
“…I dreamed you were a poem, I say, a poem I wanted to show someone… and I laugh and fall dreaming again of the desire to show you to everyone I love, to move openly together in the pull of gravity, which is not simple…” 
I think of how gravity is taken for granted, how we are all bound by an invisible force that makes life possible. Women who love women gravitate to one another by energy that cannot be explained. We use language to describe love, desire, and romance, but it remains inadequate in the face of feeling. Yet despite this, lesbian writers continue to write. If only to capture a small, inconsistent fragment of a narrative that exists beyond words.
Cassidy Scanlon is a Capricorn poet and witch who uses her artistic gifts as a channel for healing herself and others. She writes poetry and CNF about mental health, astrology, queer love, pop culture representation, and how social structures shape our perceptions of history and mythology. When she’s not writing, she can be found petting the local stray cats, exploring the swamps of Florida, reading 5 books at a time, and unwinding with her Leo girlfriend. 
You can visit her astrology blog Mercurial Musings and explore more of her publications on her website. 
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jaynibloch · 7 years
When I use images in my psychotherapy work with clients, I find that their psyches respond more positive to their ‘healing’ process. Images, and especially archetypal images like those found in the Tarot, are medicine in the healing process.
Our Souls are seeking guidance on our path through life with all its challenges. I believe that our human nature longs for connection with the mystical side of our beings, which are usually suppressed in our linear, rational obsessed society. When using images, we reawaken that side where we find ‘soul-guidance’. After all, ‘divination’ comes from the word Divine, which is about connecting to something higher, deeper and beyond our rational minds and physical existence. Images connects us to the world of essential universal principles, the world of archetypes, which is where we connect to the Divine.
During a recent workshop where I taught healing principles and general psychological philosophical subjects about the workings of the psyche, I presented two completely different image types, of which the 12 participants had to choose one of each set, blindly. The one was the Mary-El Tarot – Landscapes of the Abyss by Marie White (http://www.schifferbooks.com/the-mary-el-tarot-4816.html). The other set of images was the Medicine Cards – The Discovery of Power through the Ways of Animals, by Jamie Sams and David Carson. (https://www.amazon.ca/Medicine-Cards-Discovery-Through-Animals/dp/0312204914#reader_0312204914)
Most of the participants are familiar with the Tarot, so I surprised them by juxtaposing two unexpected card sets, in the same reading, to stimulate their emotions and their imagination in their encounter with the unfamiliar. It is amazing what transpires immediately by association and imagination.
After choosing the images, they had to, without looking at the official interpretations, write a short story, with a clear title, about the cards they got, as well as create a ceremony, or action, to consolidate the ‘message they got. Importance was given to their psyche’s very first response to the images.
An additional task is always to observe the synchronicities immediately after the reading, in the material world, as well as their dreams at night, to recognize connections and correspondences with the reading.
This process is powerful in the sense that the reading continues in daytime ‘dream-time’, as well as in nighttime dreams. The other factor is the action they take or the act they perform to consolidate the message in their psyches. A message left in the brain only, is half a message. It’s got to become manifested through action. Our psyches believe the message when we act on it.
Here is an example of one of the participants, a woman in her late forties who has just lost her mother and is also experiencing changes in her career. This is her story. She arranged objects and herbs around a printed sacred geometry image I gave them all, to start the inspiration on which they could build whatever came to them in their process.
The cards she drew were, a Blank Shield Card (from Medicine Cards) and the Knight of Cups (from Mary-El Tarot).
  Her story is titled: The Illumination of the Medicine Woman. ‘On the morning of her birth, the Medicine Woman awoke to the fullness of the sun. Dazzled and dazed, she couldn’t remember who she was. She patted around but could find nothing to either identify herself or tell her what to do next. A beautifully dressed Knight rode up. His horse had a handsome saddle, and his own plumed hat indicated a high station. Most notable was his throat jewelry: lapis lazuli of the finest quality. By merely looking at her he seemed to understand her predicament and said, “I was told in a dream that I would find a Medicine Woman, born this day and in need of my guidance.” Attempting to answer, the Medicine Woman could only grunt — tapping at her throat frantically. The Knight smiled kindly in response, and pointed to some sacred herbs, trees and flowers growing close by. “Take this sack and gather as many of those plants as it will hold.” The Medicine Woman did as she was asked and returned to the Knight, her little medicine bag bulging with leaves, flowers, bark and berries. But still she could utter no words of thanks. Unfazed the Knight instructed the Medicine Woman to catch a fish and offer it to the Creator as thanksgiving. She did this, but was still unable to speak. The Knight continued his instructions, this time asking her to wait for an animal sign. The Medicine Woman sat and burned some sage, offering another silent prayer of thanks. When the smoke had cleared, a lovely blue feather fell to the ground. Looking up, the Medicine Woman saw nothing more than some wispy clouds and the radiantly shining sun. Certain she had everything she needed to begin her journey, she ran to the Knight to show him her sign. But when she tried to speak: nothing. The Knight reassured her. She had done everything perfectly and the Creator was well-pleased with her efforts and offerings. However, the final step in her initiation was not known to him. It was something she needed to discover on her own. Tired and somewhat discouraged the Medicine Woman climbed down the bank to the river that ran along the forest’s edge. She sat awhile, finally closing her eyes to sleep. It was in her dream that she saw it: the sixteen-petal lotus floating luminously in the water. She opened her eyes and was surprised to see the moon rising over the tree tops, the sky nearly dark. And there in the moonlight she could see it: her lotus flower: Only too far for her to reach; and she couldn’t swim. The flower seemed to glow in the moonlight, rivaling the moon’s own beauty. Something deep inside her ached and cried out — and she couldn’t believe her ears. She was speaking softly to the flower, beckoning it to come a little closer, so she could have it to cherish and love. Hearing her lovely voice, the lotus moved gracefully to the shoreline and allowed itself to be lifted from the water. The Medicine Woman had all she needed now and could remember her life’s purpose. Her healing journey could begin.’
This is a beautiful example of a true healing experience that will still unfold in the future. The medicine name ‘Music’ came up for her while in the group. The following are photos of her developing arrangement of herbs and objects around the geometrical image.
A second example of a healing story that came out of this two Card reading is the following:
A lady got the images of the Wild Boar and the Star.
  This woman struggled to tell a story about these two images. She came for an individual session for that reason, so she could overcome her resistance. She also reported dreams filled with anxiety about fear of failure. Her current circumstances demonstrated that the fear of failure clearly created a hesitance in her ability to take on new innovative tasks in her job and life. She clung to the familiar and conventional. It is obvious to me how desperate her soul was to be creative and innovative, but her conservative ideas of herself inhibited her to venture further than the accustomed.
I asked her to just begin to tell me what she imagined when thinking about the images she got. Her first instinct was to climb a tree out of fear for the Wild Boar. She felt that the Boar had a message for her, but she was too scared to get out of the tree. Sitting in the tree, made it impossible for her to see the Star, and that too made it more urgent for her to get out of the tree, but the fear prevented her doing so. Because she tends to intellectualize and has previously divided herself into practical ‘body-intuition’ and ‘higher mind’/true-Self, I realized that she is separating herself from these two aspects of herself by hiding in the tree of intellect, where she is out of touch with both her body-instinct and her higher guidance. I wanted her to realize this without me telling her what I think, so I prompted her with a suggestion.
“If this were my story, I would want to be in touch with both my instinctive practical power to do things that work, as well as have access to the higher guidance that I know is there for me, so it would be important for me to get out of my tree of rationalization that kept me from both.”
Her eyes lit up as she realized the suggestion resonated true for her. She completed the story by getting out of the ‘tree of hiding’, to receive the message from the wild Boar where she could also see the Star, and be able to act and move in the presence of the Star.
I asked her what action she plans to take upon this realization to make it real in her life.
The visceral sensation of truth was so powerful in this experience that she promised herself to bring the essence of the Wild Boar and the Star inside her by reminding herself of the following affirmation: “hiding in the tree of intellect confirms my fear of failure. I love and accept myself completely and choose to get down to earth so the star in me can shine – and the sky is now the limit.”
Eventually it was possible to give her story a title: Coming Down to Earth gives me the Limitless Sky. And the action she takes is to notice when she is in the tree of rationalization, so she can climb out of there, to be in her Wild Boar side, that has access to the Star. She will practice this process and adjust as she becomes aware of more.
Helpful Summery of the Process:
Always start with an intention, statement of intention to see, hear and speak from ‘truth’, or what you need to see as truth, or ask a specific question.
Ask for protection and guidance.
Use unexpected, unfamiliar images from unusual, different card sets, so you stay out of your ‘rational mind’.
Keep it very simple: two cards or three card readings.
Tune into your Soul-imagination, and write a short story.
Give your story a title.
Observe synchronicities in actual events as well as your nightly dreams, and recognize how they relate and correspond to the reading in surprising ways.
Adjust your story according to the dreams and synchronistic information.
Act on your awareness, following the direction of the reading, or design a ritual to make the reading prominent to your psyche. Use fun objects as well as herbs, stones, feathers, candles, fires, images, and whatever speaks to you.
Thank the Universe.
  Love and Blessings,
Jayni Bloch – http://www.genian.net
Working with Tarot in Psychotherapy and in Psychological Groups When I use images in my psychotherapy work with clients, I find that their psyches respond more positive to their ‘healing’ process.
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