#and it was at a time where I felt like everything in my life was crumbling she was just. the first source of comfort
cleolinda · 1 day
AITA for banning my husband and father in law from the delivery room due to their intensely stressful/creepy behavior during my pregnancy?
There’s a famous Reddit post from 2020 where a pregnant woman wrote that her husband and father-in-law were a little too comfortable with their certainty that she was absolutely going to die in childbirth just like her husband’s late mother. It was to the point where her FIL was insisting that she go ahead and put all her clothes into storage, because she was obviously going to die in the hospital and it would save them the grief of packing up her things afterwards. Like. It was WILD.
When I tell my husband [that she feels suspicious of her FIL], he calls me paranoid, but I feel like my FIL WANTS me to die; his whole life identity for the past 35 years has been “amazing single dad” (never dated or had close friends or even hobbies really), and it seems like he’s looking forward to being able to guide my husband through what he went through. At this point, I’d honestly be happy to never see my FIL again, and I certainly don’t want him in the delivery room, especially since he told me he was “putting [his] foot down” about me not being “allowed” to have an epidural…. My husband, in addition to backing his dad on everything, acts like my due date is my death date, and has completely pulled away from me.
The commenters (and me, honestly) were convinced that the husband and FIL were either going to kill her outright to fulfill this expectation, or just make decisions about her care that might conveniently let her die.
And then she never posted again.
Over the last four years, people have frequently mentioned that post, always leading to a thread of people saying, “Oh god, I still worry about that woman.” I did too. It became one of those famous unresolved posts that people always wondered about.
Until yesterday, when someone on r/BestOfRedditorUpdates dug up a 2022 update she had posted on a different account:
TLDR; I had a beautiful and healthy baby girl, and I divorced my ex-husband. I lived, obviously.
She writes that she put her foot down about having her own mother in the delivery room rather than her FIL (!), and she WOULD be getting an epidural. Her husband lost his shit. And in his outburst, he let slip--
I admittedly lost my temper, and told him that I wasn’t going to die- it wasn’t my fault his father’s trauma wormed it’s way into his head, and that he needed to fix it without taking it out on me. He yelled at me that he didn’t need therapy. That caught me a little off guard; I asked him why he went to his therapist and was given advice about my death if he felt he didn’t need it. His expression gave it away, and he caved not long after. It turns out there was no therapist. It was just his dad. During the times he was supposed to be at therapy, he was with his dad. I’m still fuming.
And that was when she got the fuck out.
I’ll wrap this up- I’ve got an adorable little toddler tugging at my leg atm. I’m alive, I’m happy, and I’ve got my baby in my arms. Life is good.
I truly never thought we'd see a resolution to this, and I feel like there's probably a good number of people who remember it, so I thought you might want to know.
ETA: Brilliantly, I put the link in at the top; here it is again for convenience.
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felassan · 4 hours
Notes from the June 14th 2024 Developer Q&A, from the official BioWare Discord
Under a cut due to length.
Please note that these notes are mostly not directly-transcribed quotes! It was a live session, so these were quickly-written cliff notes produced at pace. So if anything sounds weird or slightly off, it's almost certainly because of that and not because of anything a dev said. Corinne Busche, John Epler, Matt Rhodes and Community Manager Katey were the devs that were there.
Update: I have done another pass of this post to tidy up typos, grammar etc. :>
Update 2:
The session began. The first question was on which of the factions in the game the devs would like to belong to. The Antivan Crows have great fashion - Corinne said that we are going to love their threads. Corinne loves both them and the Mourn Watch. She said she would go with the Crows for fashion reasons, and her vibes-based answer is the Mourn Watch.
John's answer was the Veil Jumpers (for fashion + vibes both). “Who doesn’t like a walk in the forest, you know, even if that forest is filled with horrifying monsters and terrifying anomalies?”
Arlathan Forest is filled with horrifying monsters and terrifying anomalies.
The faction Matt would choose is the Lords of Fortune because "pirate-barbarian is just such a great combination of elements"; he likes that they are related to treasure-hunting, beaches, palm trees and everything like that. "It's a really good mix."
This game is a much more intimate experience, and in this regard the camera has been pulled in. The reason why is that the devs want us to feel like we actually are in this world, like we're walking these city streets of Minrathous, looking up, seeing the buildings all around you - "you're a part of this place". They believe that as the narrative unfolds, this creates a lot more immersion.
Since the question was about there being two companions, Corinne continued, "Now, how this relates to companions, we went back and forth on it a lot, but we actually found, with this perspective," having two companions really allows the companions to each have more visibility and presence. The companions are fully-realized, we will really see them shine. They did testing with their internal team and the Council of players as well [the Community Council] and found that when you’re playing in the combat system, when you’re planning strategies, two really felt like the right number to manage. Rook has a lot of different types of actions, abilities and individual attacks available to them as the PC - more than ever before - and the number of inputs we need to take when telling Rook and the companions what to do is also higher than ever before. Timing and position matter a lot in this game. With those things in mind, two companions in the field felt like the right balance.
Banter is still absolutely a core part of and big thing in DA:TV. There is global banter (the general stuff that we will get in all spaces) as well as mission-specific banter. If anything, this game has the most banter that they have ever done in terms of pairings of companions. They have added some interruptible and resumable banter too this time. John said, “You could not stop the writers from [writing banter] even if you tried”. Writing is one of the more light, fun things for the writers to do. They get to write little stories and arcs between different companions, and DA:TV is no different.
Corinne added: "John, listening to you speak, one thing that comes to mind, maybe people are wondering, with two companions in the field, do I get less interaction between them? Like, do I get to see my companions interacting in a broader group more often? And, the way you'll gather them around the kitchen table, there's just so many of those moments where they're all interacting with each other, those are some of my favorite parts."
They wanted to make sure that the companions had a life and relationships of their own outside of the times when we take them out into the field. "So we made sure that they had those interactions there as well."
They were asked about the customizability of Rook's backstory. Rook has 6 different backgrounds that you can choose from. Each of them is tied to one of the major factions in DA:TV. "Each one sets up who Rook was before they were recruited by Varric. Well that sets out the broad events. As you go through the game, as you have conversations, either with members of your faction, other characters, you can define not just what those events were but what they meant to you. What was your motivation, what was the kind of person you are as you build up Rook. Because again, we wanna make sure that roleplaying is at the heart of this experience, and taking Rook, giving them background to ground them in the world and then letting you decide what that means, what that says about you, is also a big part of it." "A lot of opportunities to really define who your Rook was and who they are now, so."
Q. Will crafting return? A. We can improve and customize our gear, that is a big part of RPG progression. "I will say though, it is different this time around, and it does get into spoiler territory so I'm gonna be a little bit cagey about it, but there might be a mysterious entity that assists you with that, that will be an important part of the narrative."
Emmrich’s skeleton Manfred is not "kissable" or romanceable, however, they added - “not that skeleton, but we’re not saying no skeletons”.
They have taken a different approach on how we import decisions into the game this time around. This is now fully integrated into the character creator. The devs believe that this serves a dual purpose. Corinne said that she playfully thinks of it as ‘last time on Dragon Age’, though it isn't actually called this in the game. She noted that it has been ten years since the last Dragon Age game was released, so this aspect serves as a refresher on critical past events as well as allowing us to remake those decisions that are critical to us. The system for doing this is very highly visual and uses the familiar tarot card aesthetic. "It’s a very visual and playful experience." It was important to them that this system was built into the client, so that you can play this game entirely offline. No online connection is required, no linking to EA accounts is required – this was a big fan request. John said “I don’t want to spoil anything by revealing what decisions you can import, but I will say that this [thinking about the decision import system and what decisions to include] has been a really interesting creative intersection for us”. In this game we are in northern Thedas in locations we have not been to before. This naturally affects what past decisions might be relevant to include and which ones might not. “It’s no secret that the Inquisitor is going to show up, so that’s a factor”.
The game only begins in Minrathous, it doesn’t stay there. “I don’t want to get into too much spoiler detail, but getting to go to and work with the art and design teams, to build out” the places in this game where characters in previous games came from and referred to in previous games has been really exciting for the dev team. Minrathous is not the entire game by any stretch. There is side content in the game and we can go back and "solve mysteries" and things, but these are not fetch quests and they are not "grind content". The game is a very hand-crafted, curated experience. The side content is really great.
Q. Will the companions have unique specializations? A. The "companions will have abilities that are truly unique to them, but also, they do fall into the archetypes of mage, rogue and warrior. You might be surprised to hear that Bellara is a mage, because she has a bow”. The bulk of the companions’ abilities are based on their own unique 'personalities'. For example, Neve is the only mage that is an Ice Mage, so she has related abilities that are distinct to her, but because she is a mage more generally, she does have access to skills that other mages could have, like Time Slow. The devs are really happy with this balance. “Each of these characters exists, has a story of how they became how they are. Part of that was finding the intersection between that and gameplay”. They want to allow the characters to breathe as their own people both in conversations and out of conversation.
Healing spells return, and these are a part of the 'core mage kit'. (This sounds like all mages will be able to do healing spells.)
Q. Will DA:TV still have tactical combat? A. Yes, combat gets quite tactical. The game has a robust difficulty system. Tactics are of increasing importance the higher up you go in the difficulty system. “I want to make sure I am super clear in my answer. Our pause-time tactical mode is not overhead. It stays close to Rook. It does allow you to cycle between classes both out and inside combat, and there is a reason for that”. As the game progresses, this can display information about enemies, such as what enhancements they have. Elements matter a lot (as in, elemental resistances and whatnot). Coordinating abilities between Rook and the companions is important, and they call this “detonation combos”. An example of this is that Bellara has an ability that is like a gravity well. You could use this to draw enemies in to one place. Then, Neve has a Slow Time ability (which does what it says on the tin). Then you could come in as Rook to do something like a devastating Area of Effect or damage over time ability on the enemies that have been gathered up and slowed/frozen in place. (Even better if it is a lightning ability!) The devs said that it is good to try and ensure that you have a few possible detonation combo synergies amongst your team that you choose to bring out into the field - so there is tactical gameplay while in combat, but also an element of pre-combat strategizing as you decide who to take. The system will remind you of the combos available between companions during gameplay.
The enemies in Arlathan Forest are “Fade-touched”, and they are vulnerable to lightning abilities.
Veil Ranger, one of the three rogue specializations, is one of Corinne’s favorites.
In CC, Rook’s pronouns can be chosen. You can select both pronouns AND gender, as as Corinne noted, these are related concepts, but not exactly the same thing. Rook can be non-binary. The pronouns available are she/her, they/them, and he/him. The Character Creator is very detailed and very deep. The team focused a lot on doing hair and skin tones respectfully. There is full body customization. They are going to show us a lot more on CC in the future, but at a time when they have the time and space to do so. The devs were asked about a Photo Mode being in the game. They said that this is something that they are actively looking into. They know that there is a ton of interest in this. It is a feature that they like the idea of even just internally, as it is helpful for them to have this internally when they are building things. They said that they will let us know about this when they can.
On abilities: The Ability Wheel has a capacity (as in number of abilities available on it). You have to choose which three abilities you want to bring for Rook, and what three for each of our two companions. This creates emergent gameplay - you have to do that strategizing, building the kits before you go on a mission. The devs noted that while there are three ability sots for Rook, there is so much more than that on the Wheel. The Wheel has other things on it that we can do. For example, on the Wheel Rook gets an "ultimate ability" that is based on their specialization. There is also a type of item we will get that will function like abilities, like runes with buffs and enhancements.
We can choose what enemies our companions will target.
Fireball and Cone of Cold do not return as spells in this game, but their successors do: Meteor and Frost Nova. These two abilities serve the same combat role and function as the previous two, "only with a glow-up", especially Meteor. It is “so satisfying nuking a group of darkspawn with a well-placed Meteor”.
On Accessibility features: They have spent a lot of time thinking about this topic so that we can play the game in a way that really works for us. They will go into this in more detail closer to launch when the time is right.
On the timeskip: John said “Timelines are always a little iffy. They change and morph over development”. It has been about ten years since the events of Trespasser transpired. "As you may have noticed, Varric has become a bit of a silver fox." Solas’ Ritual has taken quite a long time to set up, and we are coming in at the end of that hunt in the start of the game.
They can confirm that Solas is still bald (hhh). Matt: “I really like how Solas has turned out this time around”.
In Thedas, ancient elves go bald when they’re "millennia" old. Solas was not always bald. “If you end up seeing what Solas looked like in the past” in the game, then we will see that he looked different.
On companion armors: The companions still have iconic color palettes and things like that, but they do have a wider range of looks that they can have this time around (compare with Dragon Age II, where they always had the same armor and we could not choose how it looked).
Q. Will we go to Kal-Sharok? A. “For what we can show of Kal-Sharok and other locations”. I didn’t catch the second part of this quote, but Matt was talking about hints of things that they can show and Kal-Sharok was specifically mentioned.
The dialogue wheel has "tone wheels", "emotional wheels", and "choice wheels". The "Investigate" option also returns. They want players to understand as much as possible about what it is they are choosing on the dialogue wheel.
“Choose outcomes of conversations, choose how conversations unfold”. “For example, you may be talking to an elf companion. If you are an elf yourself” you may have different opinions on things that have happened, different perspectives.
Each of the seven companions have full romance arcs and they are all romanceable by all genders. This does not mean that they are playersexual. The companions don't conform or twist their identities to who we as the player are, and they don’t suddenly have a preference for men or woman based on what we are playing. Instead, they have their own fully fleshed-out identities which they are authentic to. They are all pansexual. They may have histories of romance, and sometimes we will hear about their preferences and things of that nature from them. If you don’t romance them, they will actually build their own romances with each other. Taash and Lace is one of Corinne’s favorite companion relationships. She says that she has heard that the shipname in the community for this is "Laash".
Vallaslin are back in Character Creator. A couple of the characters also have vallaslin, but their vallaslin are a bit more customized and a bit more specific to their personalities.
We will learn about the companions, what they care about, and their hardships. Corinne said "they all feel like my dear friends".
Corinne's favorite thing is the CC. She mentioned "the way you customize qunari horns and combine it with the hair" as being something which is cool.
The art team worked very hard to make the story more visible around you in the game. They really leaned into this philosophy with regards to props, visual effects, environments etc. They wanted to put the story on the screen so that we can see it all unfold. Matt said that DA:TV represents one of the best attempts they have ever made at doing this.
This game contains "the deepest companion arcs" that they have ever done - not just in a Dragon Age game, but in a BioWare game.
There are moments in each companion arc that will make you cry, angry, excited.
John loves the way that the companion arcs integrate into the story as a whole.
“You need to put together a team and stop the end of the world.”
John said: “DA:TV feels like a mix of novelty and familiarity”. [in terms of the world]
DA:TV has been the highlight of John’s career.
There have been times in the companion arcs where, even knowing exactly what was going to happen, Corinne had to set down the controller, let out a heavy sigh and go, "oh my god, what am I going to do here?"
Corinne: “Can we just give a big shout out to the dev team? I am so proud of them. The team has poured their heart and soul into this. To anyone from BioWare who is listening in, thank you so much”.
Q. Why does Varric have dark hair now? A. He has been adventuring for a while now. His hair is actually more gray than black, but it's been hard to see thus far as he has been shown to us in very dark scenes so far. We will see him in more contexts in future.
The Inquisitor appears in the game in the flesh. The devs know how attached we all are to our Inquisitors and they have seen our love for our OCs. The Inquisitor can be customized. “Yeah, they’re gonna show up and they’re gonna be your Inquisitor.” “The story of Solas and the Inquisitor is tied together, it would have been strange for us to not bring the Inquisitor into this one”.
Right now, the team's focus is entirely on the quality of the game – they are all-in, with all of their attention on finishing the game and on the quality of the game. They are 100% focused on making this game as complete as they can make it.
There are no microtransactions. There will be no battle-passes. You do not have to connect online to play. They want to make this the most complete singleplayer game that they possibly can.
Armor transmog exists in the game. Corinne said that she is the kind of player that believes "fashion is the real end game". She said that there is a transmog system, and that it is sick.
Q. Are any of the characters explicitly asexual, or on the ace spectrum? A. Corinne shared she is gray-ace. “I will say though, that none of our companions this time around are explicitly asexual. When we look at the characters, their motivations, who they are, we always ask, 'is this the right time?' This time it wasn’t. But for everyone on the asexual spectrum out there, I would love to represent an asexual relationship, sometime in the future when it would be authentic to the companion and we can do it best”.
Q. Can Rook do blood magic? A. “This gets a little spoiler-y. Rook has some pretty good reasons to avoid blood magic. Rook is not gonna want to be interested in that. But the mage skill tree is [still] packed with all kinds of” cool spells and things.
One of the three mage specializations is Necromancer. Another was described as “elemental”. The third was described as being like "a combat mage".
Davrin has already named the young griffon "Assan".
In Dragon Age: Inquisition, we had Skyhold. In this game our headquarters is called The Lighthouse. There will be more to be seen on this later. The Lighthouse has elements that will change over time, and some things about it that we can adjust. “It definitely does start to feel very much like home over time”.
Q. Do pasta and noodles exist in Thedas? A. Matt geeked-out for a while about world-building. “DA:TV for us is a dream opportunity” on that front – he referenced architecture, landscape, biomes, culture, costumes, food design. Food design was one of the many things they looked into in order to try and capture the feel of a place and make it believable. “At least one place does have pasta”.
Mabari are not nearly as big of a thing in the north of Thedas as they are in the south. Sadly, in DA:TV we will not get a mabari (but to be fair, we have a griffon!!) And he can be PETTED! “I have actually hugged the griffon”. There is lots of opportunities to interact with the griffon.
We will see the Character Creator before launch.
They have a [marketing/promo for the game] roadmap to take them up until launch.
In CC, the body customization can be done for humans, elves, dwarves and qunari. Qunari hair and horn options are awesome.
Lineage choice (this refers to human/elf/dwarf/qunari) gives a lot of unique dialogue options in the game. Depending on the background and lineage you choose, there is unique dialogue. For example, if you play as a dwarf Mourn Watcher, obviously your experience in that faction would have been different to if you were a human or an elf – so there are even specific combinations like that which are touched on in dialogue/referenced in the game.
Barkspawn/Dog is safely gnawing on a bone somewhere next to a fireplace in Ferelden! He is fine. Mabari live as long as you want them to in your heart!!
Rook's last name is defined by their faction, it is tied into their backstory. However, you can choose your own first name. There is also an in-built name generator, so if you always struggle during CC and name all your characters like 'Bob' or something, you're gonna be okay!
The Voice Actor cast are very talented. They devs are super excited to talk about them more over the summer. They are not quite ready to announce their names yet.
Q. Will there be a Collector’s Edition? A. They will talk more about the different editions of the game that will be available soon.
Q. Will tavern songs return? A. There are tavern songs in the game, and they are pretty great. They said huge props to the team that made these.
There is a tavern in Minrathous called The Swan. The song that you hear there is great, and probably Corinne's favorite.
More information on the required PC specs will come soon.
They are not quite ready yet to talk in specifics about the music. But the process of creating the music is the same each time: working with the composer, working what the themes are, working out what they want to keep, working out what bits of music to tie to which characters etc. It is a really in-depth and collaborative process. The team have great audio and music people. They want to make sure that the music feels like a cohesive part of the game experience.
On the narrative themes of the game: “What you start with [when setting out to create a game] aren’t always necessarily the same as what you end up with.” “For DA:TV, one of the biggest themes has been how regret shapes peoples' lives, how people deal with their regrets.” Each character has this element to them.
The world reacts to Rook’s lineage and backstory. There are unique dialogue options based on backstory and lineage.
There are glorious, fantastic dwarf beards.
If you go against a companion’s wishes or do something that they don’t like, you can piss them off and they may take some time away / “leave for a minute”. However, they are always going to be "willing to show up to defend Thedas because this is the biggest threat Thedas has ever seen." “They’ll show up to defend Thedas… unless… spoilers.”
“The things that we have enjoyed, the things that shaped us, show up in these characters”.
Q. Why is Harding a companion? A. “It was impossible not to see the love that people had in Dragon Age: Inquisition for our murderous girl-next-door dwarf. She is a fan favorite. She has a strong connection to Solas, Varric and the events of the past ten years”. It just made sense to include her. Her inclusion as a companion is one of the earliest-on 'companion decisions' that they made. Her writer wanted this, and her writer had a story to tell about her in this regard. Harding tends to be one of the people that has the most insight into Solas and who he was. John: “Who was Solas, what kind of character was he? Using characters to provide windows onto the world is one of my favorite things.”
They want to make sure each quest provides a perspective on the world and the characters, and feels relevant to what you are doing. We are trying to save the world. “We really wanted to make sure that these quests were something that you”, someone who is trying to save the world, would think is important or worthwhile to do when faced with the end of the world. Everything is hand-crafted and intentional. We aren’t going to be "gathering Shards in the Hinterlands"; everything is built with intention and a dev lovingly crafted the experience.
Locations can fundamentally change based on decisions we make. For some of the parts of the world that we will go to, the choices that we make have an impact on how these spaces exist and develop. “Your decisions do impact how the world shows up”.
If Rook gets knocked out during combat, we will have to reload our saves unless we have invested in companions’ progression and what they can do (they can be progressed to be able to revive Rook).
Q. “Will Solas still occasionally dramatically speak in iambic pentamer?” John: “Solas is a returning character, it’s the same Solas you love or hate depending on who you are, the same writer. It’s Solas”.
The decision of who was left behind in the Fade in Dragon Age: Inquisition is not important in DA:TV. However, this does not mean that it will be a decision which will never be important in future.
There are no mounts. “Mounts addressed a need in Inquisition that we don’t have in DA:TV. You’ll see why when you get to play”.
On sidequest design – they are all hand-crafted, all story-focused. “Narrative is so much at the core of DA:TV, and anything other than hand-crafted quests just felt like it would be a disservice to the game we were building”. There is no mechanic in DA:TV like Power in DA:I, there is no mechanic that blocks your progression until you fill a bar. “You have the autonomy to engage in these quests as you like, there is no 'grind-out gates' before you can progress”. “We want to make sure that doing this content feels like it’s natural and logical” in the context of the story.
Q. Are there War Table missions? A. “We haven’t talked much about the player’s base, The Lighthouse. We will save that for now. The Lighthouse, your headquarters so to speak, has its own unique purposes and functions this time. This is an area that we will leave for you when we talk more about The Lighthouse.”
Dual-wielding is back as part of the rogue kit this time. Warriors are focused on mighty two-handed weapons which have a real heft to them when swung. (Warriors can also use sword and shield). The amount of hits rogues can get in in rapid succession is really satisfying – dual-wielding is the providence of rogues this time.
They mentioned “knowing just how much people care about this franchise, care about these games”. They are excited for when people can see the fantastic work the team has been doing. This game is huge. John gets pleasantly surprised on a daily basis and is always amazed by the awesome stuff the team has done. Sometimes he spends hours at night watching the work come in, watching the cutscenes come it etc and is blown away by the work. Corinne said “Everyone is working so hard, putting so much passion and of themselves into it, this is a franchise the team really loves. Seeing everyone’s support has meant a lot to the team, I want to say thank you to all of you.” They are working on a way for the Q&A to be 'immortalized' for us so that the info does not disappear into the ether. John hopes this was the first of many opportunities to talk to us directly. He is really excited, and Corinne noted that how much Dragon Age means to us is wonderful. "Thank you again, truly."
Session ended.
[source: The dev BioWare Discord Q&A]
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 3 days
𝘽𝙖𝙡𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙊𝙪𝙩 · 𝙟𝙝86
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summary: Trevor isn’t a fan of how Jack’s changed for his girlfriend.
warnings: use of y/n, kind of angsty, more fluffy, trevor being kind of a bitter friend,
word count: 1.1k
authors note: i really liked the request prompt but i struggled to write it. to the anon who requested it i hope it doesn’t let you down 🥺
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Y/n’s laughter echoed through the restaurant, a melody that seemed to seep deep into Jack's soul. He couldn't help but smile as he watched her throw her head back, revealing the small, delicate spot on her neck where he knew her pulse would be racing. He knew if he placed his lips to it just how the noise she would make would sound. Her hair, usually pulled back into a tidy bun, had come loose and now framed her face in a halo of curls. It may have been two years since they started dating, but Jack still found himself completely and utterly captivated by her.
As they finished their dinner, Trevor nudged Jack and motioned for him to follow him to the bathroom. "Look," Trevor whispered, "I know you love her and all, but she's holding you back, man. You need to live a little, go out with all of us, have some fun." Jack sighed, feeling torn. He knew that Trevor was his best friend, but he also knew how important y/n was to him. He didn't want to lose her, no he couldn’t lose her, but he didn't want to miss out on all the adventures he could still be having with his friends.
"Why don't you come out with us anymore?" Trevor asked bluntly. "You used to be the life of the party. Now you're just...different." Jack hung his head, unsure how to respond. "I just want you to be happy, man. I really think you're making a mistake by staying with her." Trevor opened the bathroom door and walked back towards the tables. It was purely happen chance he was even here and Jack was too. Trevor on a date while Jack was on one too.
The two boys returned to their respective tables, Jack couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in tightly churning in his gut. Trevor was on to something; he did miss going out with all their friends and having their crazy adventures. But y/n was everything to him. She made him feel loved in ways he had never experienced and supported him in everything he did. It may have only been two years, but Jack couldn't imagine his life without her now. He knew he couldn't continue like this, though. Something had to give.
That night after dinner, as the two walked hand in hand through the park, Jack managed to gather up the courage to confront his new worries with y/n. "Hey, there's something I want to talk to you about," he said, his voice barely registering over the children still playing on the playground. Y/n stopped and turned to face him, her eyes instantly filled with concern. "What's wrong, Jack?"
He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I love you, y/n. I love you so much. You know that. But I feel like I'm missing out on a lot with my friends. I want to be able to spend time with them like I used to." He looked down at his girlfriend who drew in and chewed on her lower lip, clearly being hurt by his words.
"Jackie, I thought we had talked about this.. I thought you trusted me enough to know that I would never stand in the way of your friendships?. If anything, I want you to have them in your life more. You are my life, today, tomorrow, hopefully next week and further, but I want you to have a life outside of me too. I love you more than you probably think I do, but that doesn’t mean we always have to be together.” Y/n told the sweet boy standing before her. He was awestruck while she was speaking.
He looked at her, his eyes searching hers for any hint of deception. An action he instantly felt guilty for. He should’ve never let his friends inside his head. Seeing nothing but sincerity, he exhaled slowly.
"I guess I just... I just need to find a balance, huh?" She nodded, wrapping her arms around him. "I'll always be here for you, jackie. And I want you to know that I understand. We'll figure this out together."
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The next weekend, Jack and y/n arranged a "double date night" with Trevor and his newest girl. The four of them went to one of the local art galleries, something y/n loved to do, afterwards they went to a cozy Italian restaurant for dinner.
As they walked side by side, Jack was overcome with a sense of excitement and anticipation. Both had been building within him since the plans were made. For the first time since meeting y/n, he felt like he was truly experiencing something elating again.
The entirety of the night was filled with wholesome laughter and conversations about everything and anything, as both couples shared stories and experiences, and found common ground in their shared love for art and food. Y/n and Trevor even managed to strike up a conversation about their favorite artists and sport teams, which surprised Jack and made him smile. He had never really thought of his best friend and y/n having much in common, but it seemed like tonight was proving him wrong.
“Seems you picked a good one Rowdy.” Trevor snickered referring to y/n. “I’m glad you changed your mind about her Zegras. But I didn’t just pick a good one, I picked the best one. At least for me.” Jack was smitten with her and Trevor fake gagged. Earning himself a laugh from all of them.
While they finished their meals and sipped on their respective drinks, the atmosphere in the restaurant shifted ever so slightly. The lights were dimmed, and a soft, romantic medley filled the room. Jack caught y/n glancing at him out of the corner of her eye, an expanse flush of warmth spread through his chest.
In that moment, Jack realized that this was exactly what he needed: a balance between his relationship with her and his friendship. He didn't have to choose between them anymore.
As the music continued, Trevor and his date excused themselves to the dance floor, leaving Jack and y/n with a moment to themselves. She smiled up at him, her eyes sparkling practically screaming out her love for him and Jack himself was flooded with a rush of his affection for her.
He leaned down, gently brushing his lips against hers, whispering a quick intimate “i love you”. He placed another kiss on her lips, meant to be soft and innocent but as their kiss deepened, the warm, content feeling of love and happiness spread throughout both of them.
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The rest of the night flew by in a blur of conversation, laughter, and dancing. They all truly seemed to enjoy each other's company, and Jack couldn't help but feel grateful for this unexpected gift. As the night drew to a close, they agreed to get together again in the coming weeks. Trevor and Jack said their goodbyes before everyone went their separate ways.
“Y/n?” Jack called out softly from beside her. She glanced up at him, as if to ask him ‘what?’ “Thank you for tonight. I really appreciate what you’ve done for me. For us.” She squeezed his hand and smiled up at him. “I love you, I don’t know how I got so lucky to have you but I hope I keep staying lucky.” Jack brought her hand up to his lips placing a quick kiss to the top of it.
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dduane · 1 day
My very small high school - graduation class of 12 people - had an equally small library and a librarian with a love of books inversely proportional to everything else's size. By ninth grade I had long since exhausted the library's wealth of books, and the librarian had taken to going to the big city library every couple of weeks and checking books out for me that she thought I'd like.
One of those books was Wizard's Dilemma, newly out in hardcover.
I was immediately enraptured, and almost as immediately devastated, as I devoured that book in a day and then had to go have a long cry. I had lost my mom to an accidental drug overdose when I was ten. I knew how Nita and Dairine felt. I would have done anything to save my mom too.
I read every other book in the series that was out at the time. I remember how especially cathartic it was for me to read about happy and functional families. The line in Deep Wizardry, "Don't you understand? There are some things more important than doing what you tell me!" and that being RESPECTED by Nita's dad was especially powerful. The day I read that I started a list, hidden in the middle of an old social studies notebook, called Things I Will Not Do When I Have a Kid, and the first thing on that list was "I will not demand unquestioning obedience," as my abusive parents did.
As an adult, I created a personal Code of Conduct that was heavily patterned after the Wizard's Oath: Take responsibility. Do no harm (as much as possible.) Encourage growth in self and others.
I reread the series regularly for comfort. A Wizard Alone is my all time favorite. (NME, thank you for the revisions you did.) It's my little pillow fort in book form. And I'm eternally grateful to you and my high school librarian for bringing that to me.
In gratitude and appreciation, I recommend it and your other works every chance I get. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
You're very, very welcome. (And I'm very glad the Abroad [ARGH, MISTYPE, SORRY...] Alone revisions worked for you. They plainly needed doing, so I did them.)
You probably wouldn't be surprised to find that the issue of family relationships is always on my mind in the YW series (and in the Middle Kingdoms books too, in different ways). My early family life wasn't truly awful, but it wasn't anything like ideal, either. There was routine emotional (and occasional physical) abuse on my father's part, starting from a very early age; and a mother who was experiencing the same kind of thing, and who was punished for pushing back against it or trying to defend me.
So good parenting in the series, and participation in a family where that's going on, is a constant concern. By the time I'd started writing about families, I'd already been looking around me for a good while at people I knew who'd seemed to be getting it right with their own families. And I always kept in mind, during these contemplations, the Tolstoyan concept that "all good families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way."
By and large I found Tolstoy to be right on this—which probably isn't much of a surprise. But I privately often thought that more could be said about the subject, so I spent some time trying to get a sense of what routinely seemed to underlie the goodness. And respect—especially toward children who don't yet have much power in the world—seemed to be a very common ingredient.
Therefore, if that's perceptible in what you've seen in the YW families, then my job is getting done. :) Thanks for letting me know.
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chilling-seavey · 2 days
Dreamland (ln4) - Part Three
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↳ A/N Idk where my mind went when I wrote this but I'm almost embarrassed to post it because it's so filthy- Please comment something nice so I don't regret everything and delete these 7.7k words of pure sin LOL
↳ Inspired By: 'Late Night Talking' by Harry Styles
↳ Summary: Ever since your night together in your hotel room, Lando can’t seem to get you off his mind
↳ Pairings: Fanboy Lando Norris x Famous!Author!Fem!Reader (NO use of y/n), University Student Lando x Internet Friend George x Internet Friend Alex
↳ Word Count: 7.7k
↳ Warnings: 18+, NSFW, sexting, dirty talk gets really super nasty, sending nudes, Lando's so incredibly down bad
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It had been twenty-two days since Lando lost his virginity to you in that Bristol hotel room and ever since, he only thought about you more than he had before. Everything was you as if he couldn’t get enough, having given his trust into the hands of the woman of his dreams, and he was so far past attached that even he himself did not realize the extent of his borderline dependency. He played it cool with you through Instagram dms here and there since your night together and every time he received a notification with your Instagram account handle and a simple little message, he would be grinning ear to ear. 
It had been sixteen days since Lando turned twenty-one. Usually he would message you first since you were still on your book tour and quite busy, but on his birthday you had sent him something early that morning. His only wish was to have more of you…to have all of you, for life. He even made that wish over his birthday cake as he blew out the candles. His sisters took some pictures of him so he could post them for his birthday and you were one of the first people to like them. You made his insides feel so warm and you did so unknowingly. 
It had been three days since Lando moved out of the dorms and back into his parents house. Three days and he was already going crazy. The freedom of the dorms was refreshing but being stuck back at home under his parents’ rules felt suffocating to the now twenty-one year old. Between the curfew, chores, and annoyance from his siblings, Lando was nearly ready to re-pack his suitcase and book a ticket on the next flight out…if only he had more than $14 to his name. His family just didn’t get it. Not like you did. 
“We pay a lot of money for you to go to school and we don’t like seeing you wasting your time and throwing it away.” his mother explained as gently as she could over dinner that evening. 
Lando, elbow on the table and chin in his hand, swatted the last bit of his supper around his plate with his gaze downcast, “I’m not throwing it away.” 
“Well you’re certainly not trying.” his father replied. “Your grades are proof of that.” 
Lando dropped his fork to the plate with a clatter and his three siblings glanced over at him from around the table without a word, listening to him be ridiculed by their parents and waiting for his hostile defences, “It’s not my fault that I’m not as good as the rest of the students! I pull as many late nights as they do but their work is just better.”
“Have you sought out extra help from your professors or the tutoring centre?” his mother offered. 
“God!” Lando tisked in frustration and slouched back in his chair, “I don’t care!” 
“Exactly. You don’t care,” his father agreed seriously, “Your GPA is astronomically low and you’re threatened with academic probation because of it. If you flunk out you will be paying your mother and I back every cent that has gone towards tuition and housing.” 
“This isn’t even what I want to do!” Lando retorted strongly, “I want to, like, go into arts and design…or something.” 
“That’s not a stable career, Lando, come on. We’ve discussed this.”
His mother added, her voice attempting to be gentle, “We went out on a limb with your attempt at the racing and karting stuff and look where that got you? We want to support you, love, but we can’t keep taking financial risks. We still have to get your sisters through university too.”
“What if I had an opportunity to design book covers for a really well known author?”
His family all looked over at him. There was a beat of silence. 
“Do you?” his father inquired, honestly curious. 
Lando dropped his gaze to his plate and crossed his arms over his chest, “Well…not yet.” 
His younger sisters snickered into their forks. 
He glared over at them but recovered quickly at the defence, “But when I met that author that I like at her book signing last month I pitched the offer and she seemed really interested.” 
“Oh my God, here we go.” his youngest sister rolled her eyes. 
“Lando-” his mother started. 
“No, listen-” Lando huffed, “When she gets back to Monaco she’s going to help me get a job…she said so. Something where I can do what I really truly like.”
His parents exchanged flat expressions that had his face falling. 
“She will.” he pressed. 
His father held a hand up to stop him, “You gotta stop living your daydream, son. Come on.” 
“It’s not a daydream!” Lando protested. “Why can’t you guys support me?”
“We don’t want to see you struggling, Lando.” his mother said, “We want you to have a fulfilling life.”
“Yeah, they don’t want you unemployed and living in their basement until you’re middle aged.” his older brother added with a smirk. 
Lando glared over at him, “Says you.” 
Their two sisters “ooo”ed. 
“Regardless of what you think your future is going to look like, you need to better yourself in the present.” his mother continued. 
“Which means focusing more on your degree when the next term comes around…and getting a full time job in the meantime.” his father finished. 
“I don’t want to go back to school.” Lando grumbled. 
“Oh really? What’s your alternative plan?” 
“She’s gonna get me a job-”
“Oh my God.” his middle sister laughed, “You’re dropping her name like you’re besties.” 
Lando clenched his jaw, biting his tongue to smother the dirty truth to answer with the more innocent response, “We talk every day.” 
“She’s being nice.” his mother said gently, “She’s being nice to one of her fans.” 
Lando knew his family didn’t understand but the simple words from his mother sent his heart aching. In all honesty, it had been a few days since you had conversed and Lando had been starting to overthink every reason as to why you had left him on ‘seen’. He could have bet money on the fact that you would never use him and drop him…that your night together was more than just a one night stand…but maybe he was getting too ahead of himself. 
His father only dug the blade farther into his chest, “She is a stranger whom you think you know. She doesn’t owe you anything. She is not going to be your free pass into having a life you don’t need to work for and she is not going to come sweep you off your feet to rescue you from your failing grades. You are twenty-one years old now, Lando, and it’s about time you start acting like a grown man and get your shit together before life runs you over.” 
Lando threw his napkin onto the table and stood up so quickly from his chair that the cutlery rattled on the table when he bumped against it, his throat burning from how he tried to swallow back his anger, muttering under his breath before he stormed off, “I can’t wait to get out of this fucking house.” 
His mother called after him warningly, “Don’t think that just because you’re twenty-one now doesn’t mean we can’t still ground you!” 
Lando took the stairs two at a time and when he turned the corner at the top of the stairs into his bedroom, he slammed the door behind him and locked it. It was a dangerous balance between anger and heartbreak and Lando paced his room while taking a few deep breaths to try and calm down. 
After the freedom that living in the dorms provided, it was hard to return to his house where his parents still ruled. Once he had that taste of independence - a taste of life with you - it was horribly difficult to fit himself back into the little bedroom in which he grew up and grew out of his small suburban town. He didn’t have a bad relationship with his family at all but the reintegration of him back into their house made tensions feel insufferable sometimes. His parents were always on him and he already wanted to escape.
Sitting down on the side of his double bed, Lando pulled out his phone and opened Instagram to send his frustrations to his group chat with his two closest friends. 
landonorris: I need to get the fuck out of this stupid house and get to Monaco like NOW landonorris: I’m gonna lose my fucking mind alex_albon: Oh no what happened  landonorris: My parents are on my arse about school and work and they don’t get it georgerussell63: Don’t get what? landonorris: That I already am on track to get the one thing I want and it’s not being a stupid accountant georgerussell63: You have us for that alex_albon: Yeah we’re always going to support your dreams mate landonorris: I just want HER landonorris: That’s all landonorris: And she promised me a job designing for her books landonorris: It’s going to be real landonorris: It has to be alex_albon: It will be alex_albon: It won’t happen overnight but it will be landonorris: I just want to get out of this house landonorris: It’s so fucking embarrassing living with my parents georgerussell63: Hey we all live with our parents georgerussell63: Are you saying Alex and I aren’t cool georgerussell63: Rude alex_albon: Yeah what the hell mate alex_albon: 🤨 landonorris: Noo it’s different landonorris: You guys aren’t trying to get a self-sufficient borderline famous Monaco woman landonorris: No one like her is going to want some muppet like me who lives at home with his parents  georgerussell63: She clearly does alex_albon: Besides, this is just a temporary stop until you find your own place alex_albon: You’re being resourceful…saving your money georgerussell63: Has she said anything recently? You haven’t told us much these last few days alex_albon: Do we even want to know what she’s been saying? 👀 landonorris: Nothing landonorris: That’s it landonorris: Nothing georgerussell63: Wdym?? landonorris: I messaged her the day I moved back home just to make casual conversation that I moved out of the dorms and she said something like ‘that's nice’ and then when I replied again she just left me on seen alex_albon: Oh georgerussell63: Why?? landonorris: Idfk but I’m stressing so bad over it landonorris: Like what if my parents are right and she just sees me as a fan and nothing more georgerussell63: She took your virginity mate I don’t think she’d be the kind of person to just drop you after that alex_albon: Maybe she’s busy with work. Isn’t she still on tour? landonorris: Her book tour ended yesterday. She should be home now alex_albon: So maybe give her a day or two? Maybe she needs some time to relax after traveling the entire continent of Europe landonorris: Idk landonorris: I miss her georgerussell63: Message her again landonorris: Idk I don’t want to be annoying  alex_albon: Ask for your virginity back landonorris: OMFG georgerussell63: Excuse me mommy can I have my virginity back 🥺🥺🥺🤲🏼🤲🏼🤲🏼 alex_albon: EW GEORGE landonorris: GOEREG STOP georgerussell63: HAHJJKKPFJFJG  georgerussell63: That’s one way to get her to answer you  alex_albon: No that’s how you get blocked landonorris: Lol funny you think I’m the sub tho landonorris: Anyways alex_albon: Pff georgerussell63: Oh yeah with all that experience you have alex_albon: OOF ROASTED landonorris: WOW landonorris: That one night was ENOUGH tbh landonorris: Jeeeezus georgerussell63: Ya those marks you had were fuckin brutal mate alex_albon: In the best way ofc landonorris: YEAH landonorris: I KNOW
Lando flopped backwards on his bed with a smile he struggled to bite back, his worries distracted by his internet friends and the mere memory that was your night together so many days before. 
landonorris: God I miss her so fucking much landonorris: How has it almost been a month georgerussell63: Back to celibacy for you georgerussell63: Rip landonorris: I actually hate it here alex_albon: Just message her  alex_albon: Just a ‘hey’ or something landonorris: Ew that’s cringe alex_albon: ??? How landonorris: Idk georgerussell63: Be like ‘hey how was the rest of your tour’ landonorris: Make me sound any more like a grandma 🙄 alex_albon: Mate georgerussell63: Or tell her you miss her georgerussell63: Girls like that kinda thing alex_albon: Like you would know what girls like 🤨 georgerussell63: 🖕🏼🖕🏼 alex_albon: ‘Hey I’ve been thinking about our night 😏’ landonorris: Brooo landonorris: I wanna sext with her so bad georgerussell63: 😂😂 alex_albon: Oh but just ‘hey’ is cringe okay landonorris: Maybe I’ll send that landonorris: Idk landonorris: Should I? landonorris: Is it too much? landonorris: After being left on seen for two days idk georgerussell63: Go for it georgerussell63: She literally let you come inside her georgerussell63: I think this is nothing compared to that alex_albon: An odd comparison but a valid one there, GR georgerussell63: Hey thanks mate landonorris: Should I?? georgerussell63: Yeah it’s just reminding her that she’s on your mind which is a good thing alex_albon: And it’s not too hot and heavy right off the bat alex_albon: If she responds with something flirty back then who knows landonorris: Or she’ll leave me on seen again and I’ll have to die of embarrassment  georgerussell63: Omg alex_albon: Nah she won’t. Send it georgerussell63: Right now
Lando exhaled deeply and sat up again on the side of his bed as he exited the group chat to find his dm thread with you. It wasn’t too far down on his list since he didn’t talk to many people other than Alex and George and when he opened it up, the little grey ‘seen’ nearly slapped him across the face. He pursed his lips in thought and let his thumbs wave over the keyboard, debating what to say. 
He finally drafted something quickly,
Hey…been thinking about our night recently 
He screenshotted it before he sent it and then shared the image to his group chat. 
landonorris: *sent a screenshot*  landonorris: Is this fine? georgerussell63: Add an emoji alex_albon: Yeah maybe a heart or something
Lando swiped back to his thread with you and added a heart to the end,
Hey…been thinking about our night recently 🧡
He sent that screenshot to the group chat.
landonorris: *sent a screenshot*  landonorris: Maybe? alex_albon: Yes I think that’s good georgerussell63: Yesss now send it landonorris: Ahh idk is that too annoying?  georgerussell63: Blimey mate why are you suddenly all flustered like a teenage girl lol georgerussell63: You’ve literally already slept with her georgerussell63: The hard part is over alex_albon: ^^^ alex_albon: Send it alex_albon: Sendddd it georgerussell63: Send it!!!!
Lando sighed and sat up on his bed again as he exited out of the group chat and opened his thread with you once more. The notifications from his internet friends kept popping up at the top of the screen in silent encouraging cyber chants to get him to send the message. He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous exactly. Maybe he had spent too much time dreaming about you that he didn’t want to let one measly message fuck up his one fleeting chance at having you. 
His thumb hesitated over the send button for a moment, debating and overthinking. He got up and paced his room a little, staring at the unsent message and going through every possible situation in his head like it was the last decision he would ever make. With a slightly dramatic huff, he closed his eyes and tapped the send button hurriedly. 
He exited the chat and opened his group chat in a panic.
landonorris: OKAY I SENT IT landonorris: AHHH landonorris: Gonna throw my phone out the window now georgerussell63: GOOD JOB alex_albon: YES georgerussell63: Now we wait 😌 landonorris: For a miracle  georgerussell63: You already had your miracle georgerussell63: That was your night together alex_albon: She’s going to answer Lan dw
Lando didn’t leave his room all night because the concept of facing his family after his slightly immature and dramatic blow up over their inability to see his side of things felt like the worst idea ever. Instead, he dabbled with a few new doodles in his notebook that were infused with thoughts of you and when that got boring, he turned to one of your books for his usual go-to entertainment. His friends were busy with their families and it wouldn’t be until they were ready to sleep that they would reconnect. 
Because of their lack of conversation that evening, Lando was trying to do everything in his power to keep his mind away from his sent message to you. The one that you still hadn’t replied to. The more time that passed the more anxious he got until he had no choice but to dive into your fictional universes as some sort of escape, his phone hiding under his pillow and out of sight. 
His eyes were glued to the page and every carefully printed word as what always happened when he opened one of your novels. The steamy scene in front of him had his hands clutching the hardcover book tightly, spread out comfortably on his bed, and your honest words only brought him back to his own very real recollection of your magical night that you shared almost a month prior. The chapter ended before the scene got too far and Lando huffed and shut the book and tossed it onto his night stand, letting his head rest back against his headboard so he was staring up at the ceiling. 
By that point in the night, it was dark outside and his room was illuminated by only the light of his bedside lamp. He had heard his siblings heading to their own rooms over the prior few hours and eventually heard his parents head to bed too. No one bothered him; probably not wanting to push his buttons with any wrong move. Things would smooth over by morning. 
But Lando didn’t feel at ease at all and it was solely due to the fact that he was scared to death that you were ignoring him. He could only pray that his one message didn’t ruin all that he had dreamt of. 
When the city of Bristol passed into 9pm, Lando checked his phone one last time. Only a few messages from his group chat were waiting for his response. Nothing from you. 
alex_albon: Ok finally done the movie alex_albon: My family wanted to analyze the whole damn thing alex_albon: My sister doesn’t know a thing I stg georgerussell63: Omg we just finished too georgerussell63: I totally demolished my nephew on F1 2021 ngl alex_albon: Ayy the kid didn’t stand a chance alex_albon: Who’d you play as? georgerussell63: Max Verstappen alex_albon: Hell ya les gooo georgerussell63: Did you hear people say he be might be world champion this year?? alex_albon: And beat out Lewis?? Idk… georgerussell63: If my parents had actually let me kart and I made it to F1 I bet I’d be able to beat out Lewis lol imagine alex_albon: Kinky georgerussell63: Ew???? landonorris: George you’d get like 15 points MAXIMUM georgerussell63: That’s so rude alex_albon: Omg Lan hi alex_albon: Did she answer?? landonorris: Nopeee landonorris: I’m gonna kms 😀 georgerussell63: Nooo! georgerussell63: Give her time alex_albon: It’s only been like alex_albon: Three hours… landonorris: Ugh alex_albon: But I gotta sleep  landonorris: Ughhhh georgerussell63: Same georgerussell63: I’m helping my dad run some errands tomorrow so we have to be up early for whatever reason alex_albon: Damn I just have to sleep because I’m tired alex_albon: I’m literally doing nothing tomorrow georgerussell63: Your usual landonorris: Lol alex_albon: Lando you’re so dry its weirding me out landonorris: Sorry landonorris: 🧡 landonorris: Love u mate landonorris: Sleep well alex_albon: Thanks mate alex_albon: Praying that you get a reply by morning georgerussell63: Me too! alex_albon: Love yall georgerussell63: Love u ♥️
Lando locked his phone and tossed it onto his bedsheets, deciding to get himself a snack since he didn’t finish his dinner. It would be at least something to take his mind off his worries. With his family already in their rooms, he could navigate his house without interruption and he tiptoed down the stairs and into the kitchen silently. 
Glass of water and a handful of chocolate chip cookies in hand, Lando returned to his room and shut the door behind him. One cookie resting between his lips and his hands full with the rest of the stack and his drink, he headed over to his bed once more. His phone screen lit up just as he approached and the notification that was greeting him had the half bitten cookie falling out of his mouth and onto his bedsheets. 
He hurriedly set the glass of water and discarded cookies on his night stand, brushing the crumbs out of his bed as he sat down and re-read the Instagram notification from you. 
-Hey you 💕 I’ve been thinking about it too
Lando unlocked his phone and let his thumbs word a response for him without letting himself overthink it,
landonorris: Was wondering if you forgot about it! Haven’t heard from you in a bit
His message was delivered and opened right away, meaning you were waiting for his response in the chat. That fact had him biting back his bashful smile, but his nervousness still lingered over what your answer was going to be. This could have been the moment you would shut him down for good. 
-Omg never! -Tour ended yesterday and the flight from Miami was crazy…delayed…they lost my luggage…and then after a hefty sleep last night I’ve spent today picking up my retrieved bags and then unpacking and I was just at lunch with my friends
Lando let out an audible sigh in relief,
 landonorris: That’s okay  landonorris: Good to be home? -Very -Tour was fucking incredible but this break is going to be nice  landonorris: Yeah for sure -Did you really think I forgot about you just like that?  landonorris: No I just wanted to make sure you were okay  landonorris: It’s been a few days -You’re a sweetheart -I’m just fine  landonorris: I’m glad 🧡 -But tell me… -What had you wanting to remind me about our night?  landonorris: Nothing in particular  landonorris: Was just missing you a little -A little?  landonorris: …Yes -Mhmm -Well you may keep your pride here all you want but I won’t be afraid to admit that I missed you quite a lot  landonorris: Oh really?  landonorris: You?  landonorris: Miss Monte Carlo? -Oh please -I’m the least Monaco that Monaco can get -And we had something special that night -I don’t throw that around lightly  landonorris: Yeah…  landonorris: Okay…  landonorris: You got me  landonorris: I miss you a lot  -The truth comes out 😌  landonorris: I’ve been re-reading your novels because I miss you :) -Omg really 🥺🥺 -Which?  landonorris: Second novel…chapter eight… -I see 👀 -So that’s what had you thinking about our night 
Lando slouched back against his headboard with a blushing grin that he hid in the material of the collar of his forest green hoodie. He contemplated his response but saw that you were already typing so he waited. 
-Which part were you thinking of most?
His teeth sunk into his bottom lip carefully with what you were smoothly instigating and his mind rushed back to each piece of your night together that had thrived in his memory ever since. He didn’t know how strong to start off so he played it cool,
 landonorris: All of it  landonorris: Kissing in the elevator  landonorris: And in the hotel room -Just kissing?  landonorris: Well you’re an incredible kisser  landonorris: And I fucking loved kissing you -I loved kissing you too -Your lips are so soft  -And your hands on my body felt so good -I miss that a lot -The way you grabbed me  landonorris: I should have done more of that -That’s okay -Next time 🥰
Lando had to toss his phone onto his bed for a second so he could roll over and scream into his pillow out of sheer lustful glee. He was so smitten for you and all his worries were completely erased by the simple reassurance from you that you had been thinking about doing it all again. 
 landonorris: For sure  landonorris: When and where -Sometime this summer maybe -But we can plan later -I want to hear more about what you miss about me first  landonorris: Okay 🧡  landonorris: I miss your body  landonorris: And the way it felt under my hands  landonorris: Your hips…your ass…your tits…  landonorris: So fucking perfect -I swear you’d be so good at body worship  landonorris: Fuck baby I’d gladly worship you anyday -Yeah? 🥰 -How?  landonorris: I want to take your clothes off and kiss over every inch of your body   landonorris: Just breathe you in  landonorris: Trail every curve with my lips or my finger just so every part of you has been touched by me -That sounds so good -And then?  landonorris: You sure you wanna know? -Tell me everything -Don’t hold back  landonorris: I want to spread your legs and taste you -Oh my God  landonorris: Is that okay? -Yeah lol I’m sorry that just made my pussy throb  landonorris: Jesus  landonorris: Did it?? -Yess -I’m an author, words speak wonders to me  landonorris: No pressure lol -Never any pressure with me baby -Tell me more -Just spill your thoughts here  landonorris: I just wanna know what you taste like because I didn’t get to last time  landonorris: You might have to guide me -That’s okay baby -I can lace my fingers in your pretty brown hair and show you where I need you  landonorris: Fuck yes please  -So I can feel your warm tongue all over my pussy -Inside me -On my clit -Feeling you so fucking close  landonorris: I’d kill for your legs over my shoulders right now  landonorris: I really really really want you to show me how to eat you out  landonorris: Making you come on my mouth would be so fucking hot -Yes sir
Lando’s mouth literally fell open in shock, his heart racing in his chest at how quickly this conversation turned exactly to how he had imagined it in his most salacious dreams.
 landonorris: And I fucking loved hearing the way you called me sir  landonorris: That fucking did it for me baby -It was your idea and it was a genius one -It got me off too -Honestly I catch myself moaning out that title when I make myself cum now  landonorris: You think of me? -Yeah I think of you when I touch myself  -Every time  landonorris: Often? -Couple times a week -And right now
Lando blinked at his phone screen in disbelief, trying to picture you in your pricey Monaco apartment and warm in your bed in limited clothing and touching yourself while you spoke with him. His dick twitched in his sweats and he dropped a hand down to palm himself lazily over his growing erection. You sent another message,
-Do you think of me?  landonorris: Always have  landonorris: Only ever you -You’re so fucking cute -God I miss you  landonorris: I’m getting hardddd lol -Good hehe -Are you touching yourself too?  landonorris: Do you want me to? -That’s for you to decide sir -Do you want me to help make you cum?   landonorris: Fuck yes -Okay then strip down and keep talking to me  landonorris: Ok gimme a sec
Lando tossed his phone to the side so he could hurry to push down his pants and boxers in one go, letting them drop to the floor carelessly. His sweater joined the pile, leaving him slouched back against his pillows and the headboard in the warm light of his bedside lamp, his legs spread just slightly. He returned to your conversation, 
 landonorris: Okay  landonorris: What else do you want to know? -Talk to me more about eating me out -Have you thought about it a lot?  landonorris: Yeah baby  landonorris: I dream about it too sometimes  landonorris: I can still hear your gorgeous little whimpers and the way you moan my name and I just want to feel you grinding up against my face and helping me to make you feel so good  landonorris: But I really wanna know how you taste -Want me to describe it?  landonorris: Yes -It’s sweet -But not like candy -It’s more of a warm kind of flavour that tastes salacious -And it drips everywhere and soaks everything -It would get all over your mouth and your chin  landonorris: Fuck  landonorris: I want that  landonorris: And I want to wrap my arms around your thighs so you can’t get away from me and I can feel all of you all over me, just covering me in your wetness  -It’s all for you sir -I’d link my ankles around your shoulders to keep you there too  landonorris: Hands pulling at my hair -Yes please  landonorris: Show me how you want me to touch you  landonorris: Pull me to where you need me -Suck on my clit  landonorris: Whatever you need baby  landonorris: Can I finger you too?  -At the same time pleaseeee  landonorris: I can do that landonorris: My mouth on your clit and two fingers inside you  -Fuck that’d make me moan so loud -Just the idea of your fingers flicking inside me is making my legs shake -I need it  landonorris: How fast? -Slow. I want to make it last  landonorris: Of course  landonorris: And if you’re a good girl for me I’ll let you cum twice -Fuck how can I be your good girl sir  landonorris: Let me have my way with you  landonorris: And show me how good I make you feel with your sweet moans and the way you cry my name  landonorris: You’re so fucking sexy I won’t want to stop -Yes I wanna cum for you -Can I sir  landonorris: I’ll always let you cum baby  landonorris: Just licking and sucking at your pussy with my fingers so fucking deep inside you  landonorris: I bet you taste so fucking good  landonorris: Soaking my face and my hand and the sheets  landonorris: God I’m so fucking hard
Lando glanced down his naked body draped back against his bed to where his dick was resting against his abdomen, already swollen hard and aching for touch. You were taking a bit of time to reply so he reached down to gently rub the tip of his finger up and down along the underside of his cock, watching how his gentle touch made it tense and flinch. He turned back to his phone,
 landonorris: Hello? -Sorry I just had to finish myself off lol  landonorris: Oh-  landonorris: Like right now? -Yeah, you said I could  landonorris: You listened to me? -Yeah?
Lando swelled with pride at that concept,
 landonorris: Good girl  landonorris: Did it feel good? -Would have been better if you were physically here -But yes -It felt really good -Moaned your name when I came too  landonorris: That’s so fucking hot -Now I wanna do more -How do you want to cum?  landonorris: Inside you -Again?  -Dirty boy -I like it -Would you want me to ride you?  landonorris: No I want to fuck you myself  -Go on…  landonorris: Keep you on your back and push your legs open as wide as you can get them and just hold your hips while I push my cock inside your soaking wet pussy -Oh my god I miss that baby -I miss your dick so bad
He was letting lust take over in his messages, typing with one hand as quickly as he could while his other lazily stroked his dick in careful motions. 
 landonorris: Nothing compares to how you feel around me  landonorris: You’re just so fucking warm…so wet -I’m soaked for you -You’d slip in so easy right now  landonorris: Jesus  landonorris: I wish I could see your face when I’m inside you  landonorris: Your pretty eyes just fucking rolling -God you’re so big too what’d you expect  -I’d be fucking drooling for it -I wanna beg for it…have you tease me so fucking slowly until I’m nearly sobbing for you to fuck me harder  landonorris: Will you scratch up my back again for it baby? -I’d do anything you want for your dick
Lando mouthed a swear word to his phone screen, tearing his eyes away for a moment just to look down at his fist wrapped around his cock, the one that you were so persistently fantasizing about in the next state over. His hand was useless compared to how your pussy felt and after he had that glimpse of heaven, it was difficult to go without. Your words certainly helped, even only through messages, and he stroked himself a bit faster.
 landonorris: I’m so hard for you baby  landonorris: I seriously need to fuck you  landonorris: I want to give you all you want and more -Can you take me from the back  landonorris: Yes  landonorris: Whatever you want -What a pleasure dom -You’re such a gentleman  landonorris: Lol just want you to feel good  -I can roll over for you and grind my ass back against your cock until you push it back inside me -You’d get so fucking deep that way -I’m already moaning just dreaming about it  landonorris: Then I can hold onto your hips and fuck you like that -Yes pleaseee  landonorris: Fuck -Can I send a pic?   landonorris: Yes -Ok but no screenshots  landonorris: Promise -*you sent an image*
Lando opened the picture with furrowed brows in intense interest as to what he was about to see. On his screen was the most glorious picture of you he had ever seen, the way you looked on your knees on your bed, fully naked, bent over at the waist so your phone captured your curves in the full-length mirror beside your bed. Lando’s eyes were wide as he soaked you in, licking his lips, and tried to memorize each pixel to keep in his mind forever. He let his lust speak for him in reply,
 landonorris: Fucking hell baby  landonorris: You’re so fucking hot  landonorris: I want to slap that ass so bad  landonorris: Grab those hips  landonorris: Fucking pound you until your gripping the sheets -This pussy is yours sir -My whole body is only yours  landonorris: Do you want a pic of me? -Only if you’re comfortable sending
Lando had never tried before since talking to girls - yet alone engaging in sending nudes - was quite few and far between for him. But he wanted to impress you and the way you tended to gawk over his body made him feel really good and made him hungry for more. He lifted his phone camera up and angled it towards his bare body, staring at himself in the screen as he reached his other hand down to keep a secure hand around his dick, drawing attention right to it. Only slightly self conscious, Lando hesitated for a beat before sending it to you before he could overthink yet another thing. 
He waited while you opened his image and he nibbled at his bottom lip anxiously when you typing bubble popped up in the bottom left of his screen,
-Fuck I think I forgot how big your dick is -You’re stunning -Every inch of you -Holy shit -I want you inside me so fucking bad right now  landonorris: Me too  landonorris: My hand is not the same -I have my vibrator on my clit and my pussy is fucking pulsing for you. It’s just so empty…  landonorris: Jesus fuck  landonorris: I’d fill you up baby -God I know you would -So well too  landonorris: Fuck you until your bed is shaking -Yes sir I want it rough  landonorris: Then you should beg for it -I will -I’ll gladly beg for your cock  -Cry for you to beat this pussy up, spank me, manhandle me -Whatever you want I can take -Fuck me like your own little whore
Lando could hardly formulate a response as the speed at which his hand was pumping his cock had him drawing dangerously close to that sweet pleasurably precipice that anything else seemed like too much of a distraction. He held his phone tightly in his left hand, the messaging thread still open, as his legs laid spread on his bed and his right hand stroked himself off in quick messy motions. 
“Oh my God.” he groaned quietly through his teeth, letting his mind whirl with his memories from your night together and his fantasies of wishing you were with him at that moment. Those thoughts weren’t odd for when he got himself off but this time it was different because even from a timezone away, you were still helping him along. 
-I’m so fucking wet its dripping down my thighs -It’s making the nastiest sounds that would only be so much better if your cock was pounding me from behind
Lando’s hand gripped his phone tighter, eyes focused unwaveringly from your little profile picture and the words you sent just for him to read, a little saucy narrative of your own lust made just for him. He shakily spelt out his encouragement to remind you that he was still there and still so painfully close. 
 landonorris: Keep going -You’re gonna cum aren’t you baby -Thinking about my pussy is gonna make you cum so fucking hard isn’t it? -Letting you fuck me…pound your big dick into me as deep as it can go until I crying for it -Making my fucking legs shake while I scream your name into the bed sheets
Lando read each of your messages so carefully, taking in your every word and transferring it right to the pictures in his mind as a light sweat dusted across his brow. He bit his lip to try and keep himself quiet, smothering his whimpers and groans from his oblivious sleeping family members through the walls. His dick was leaking, trailing precum down the length of it and down to his balls, only slicking up his hand in it to help him pull easier strokes faster and tighter, trying to replicate the feeling of your body the best he was able to. 
-Give it to me sir -Please -I miss you so bad
Lando felt as if he were tingling and he naturally thrusted up into his hand a little, whimpering quietly, dizzy on the fast rising pleasure and the warmth it spread over his body. 
-Send a voice memo of you coming if you’re comfortable baby -Please -I really wanna hear you cum  -I really wanna hear the way you sound when you imagine coming so deep inside me
Lando was already so close that he didn’t even think about it before pressing and holding his thumb down on the audio record button, allowing his phone to capture his every breath and every sound as he finally came for you. He wanted to come inside you so badly that he nearly cried for it, being stuck with only his own touch to work him through his orgasm. His hand stuttered around his dick as the first shot of cum spurted out and fell onto his pelvis, matching the whimpering little gasps that he let out for you in steady waves. 
And he of course moaned your name breathily as he always did, letting his eyes close and his head tilt back to welcome the pleasure that overcame him. He could almost feel you right there and he was desperate to reach out and hold you down on him, aching to give you his everything right then and there. When his thumb lifted from the screen, his recording sent right to you and he watched it immediately turn to “seen” as he kept a tight cum-streaked hand around the base of his throbbing sensitive cock. 
Lando’s chest heaved as he struggled to steady his breathing, his wide blue eyes peering down at the creamy white mess that streaked his hand, his dick, and dotted across his stomach and pelvis. He looked back to your chat as you sent your reply,
-Fuck Lando that was so hot -Oh my God -The way my name sounds when you moan it makes me fucking drip  -You sound so pretty  landonorris: Your words do things to me too  landonorris: Felt so fucking good  landonorris: Wish you were here too though -Me too  landonorris: Did you come again yet? -Yeah lol I got myself off to your audio -It was hard not to  landonorris: And you didn’t record it for me in return?? -Next time 😉  landonorris: Next time you better be with me for real  landonorris: None of this texting shit -Yes sir -I agree -Really miss the feeling of you coming inside me  landonorris: Fuck, me too  landonorris: You’ll have to take plan b again  landonorris: Right? -Of course -But that’s worth it  landonorris: You’re incredible and I honestly can’t believe my luck that I can talk to you like this…have you like this -You’re a sweetheart -I feel the exact same way 💕  landonorris: Wish I could cuddle you right now -Me too 🥺 -And kiss you
Lando reached over to his bedside table and grabbed a tissue to clean himself up, giving him a second to absolutely grin to himself. Oh how he missed you in his arms…the post-orgasm drop off was turning lust into longing quickly. He wiped up the streaks of cum from his body and his hand and disposed of the tissue in the garbage bin beside his bed before returning to your few additional messages as he turned over in bed to cuddle up tiredly. 
-I slept so well with you that night I really miss that -Didn’t know I’d be missing you so much but that week after just had my mind clouded with you and every day since has been filled with wondering when we can see each other next -You’ve really somehow wiggled yourself into my heart and soul Lando Norris and idk how you managed that
It took Lando all of his self control to not tell you he loves you right then and there. He had known you for much longer than you knew him…he had to take it slowly. He had always been hesitant in facing where he stood with you but at that moment, reading your little confession, it just felt like everything was falling into place. 
 landonorris: You’re always the only thing I think about  landonorris: And I am so grateful for you for many reasons I wouldn’t even know where to start if you asked me to -Taking your virginity? 😜  landonorris: LOL yes that especially   landonorris: No one else I would have wanted it to be -I gotta say, you’re certainly not shy over text -Your confidence is sexy -Makes me want to submit to you so bad  landonorris: Donttttt say that or I’ll get hard again -LOL SORRY  landonorris: Tell me more next time 🫣  landonorris: Although I’m probably going to be so shy when we see each other in person again  landonorris: You tend to make me nervous lol -I make you nervous??  landonorris: Yesss you’re my dream girl  landonorris: Ofc you make me all nervous and shy  landonorris: And you make my heart go !!!! -You’re adorable I wanna kiss the fuck outta you so bad rn  landonorris: 🥰🧡 -Gotta get you to Monaco -Gotta get you in my bed  landonorris: Please  landonorris: I literally need that right now -I know you have another term after break but then what’s your summer looking like -Work?
Part of him didn’t want to tell the truth as to what his pathetic summer was looking like but he trust you and you were never one to judge,
 landonorris: Nope  landonorris: No job and living back at my parents place  landonorris: It’s been three days of only winter break and I’m going fucking insane I need to get out of here -Oh my -Would you want an internship or something with my team? Idk if its possible but I can see if I can pull some strings…get you a little summer position at least  landonorris: Oh my god baby I’d love that -Haha okay lover 💕 let me see what I can come up with for you -We’re gonna get you out of this low  landonorris: God I miss you so much  landonorris: You’re fucking incredible  -Anything for you 😘  landonorris: 😘😘 -I’m still pretty jet lagged so I might head to sleep now  landonorris: Ok gorgeous   landonorris: This was fun :)  -Hehe it really was -If we can’t wait until we see each other in person then maybe we should try a phone call next time  landonorris: Fuck I’d say yes except these walls are super thin and I don’t want my parents and siblings to hear every detail about how I want to bend you over your desk and fuck the shit outta you -Fuck offfjffjjfjfjf oh my gosh  landonorris: What?? -You’re making me blush go away 😂  landonorris: 😜 -I seriouslyyyy gotta sleep  landonorris: Yes you do  landonorris: Sleep well baby -You too 💕 I’m gonna imagine you’re cuddling me the whole time  landonorris: Wish I could 🧡🧡 -💕💕
Lando laid there for a little bit, just staring at your little pink hearts with a lovesick grin on his face, still giving his heart a chance to calm down after the events of the previous hour. He scrolled back up your conversation and screenshotted the last little bit of your saucy conversation, starting from his audio recording attachment down to your shared conclusions and then he scrolled back down to your promise of a job. The two most important things to share with his best friends for when they woke up. 
 landonorris: *sent a screenshot*  landonorris: Just made her cum twice over text so anyway how's your nights going 😌  landonorris: *sent a screenshot*   landonorris: And she’s going to help me get the fuck outta this place   landonorris: Get you a girl that can do both  landonorris: I love her so much  landonorris: I can’t wait for the day I can tell her that  landonorris: Good night guys  landonorris: Talk tomorrow 🧡
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Tag List: @black-fireproofs @k3nmakyan @m4rt10ne @strawberryy-kiwii @herebereblogs @arieslost @ophcelia @cmleitora @saachiep81
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♡ None of the original writing on this blog may be reproduced, reposted, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 day
uhm cowboy!rafe who tries to keep you as far away from everything illegal he does :3 !
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“Well, we can’t go into town. And we sure as hell can’t stay in no hotel or anything. Sheriffs got people everywhere.” Rafe told them, everyone stopping their horses in the middle of the desert.
Robbing the bank had backfired- they had been caught, despite being so careful.
“What about your home, your missus, Rafe?” One of his friends asked, not the worst suggestion.
“Yeah, y’all ain’t close to town and-“ another started.
“Nah.” Rafe cut the boy off before he could finish his sentence, eyebrows furrowing. “What, so I can get her involved in this shit? I ain’t doin’ it.” Rafe adjusted the hat on his head, shaking his head at his gang.
“Well, I don’t see any other-“
“I said no, if any of you fellas say another word ‘bout it I’m shooting you myself.” He grumbled out, all of them shutting up and taking it as a sign to move on.
It wasn’t until a few days later when you saw him, him knocking on your door with a flower he had picked in his hands. He looked down at it, twirling it in his hands as he stood.
“Coming!” You shouted from the inside, cleaning up your hands, walking over to the door. He took off his hat when you opened the door.
“Hey, darlin’.” He spoke, your jaw dropping at the sight. You looked at him, he nervously stood in front of you, giving you a small smile. “Can I come in?” He asked you, you opening up the door more, letting him step inside.
“I missed you.” He told you when you shut the door, locking it.
“I missed you too, but where the hell were you?” You asked him, more so out of concern.
“You don’t gotta worry ‘bout that, sweetheart.” He told you, going to the kitchen and grabbing a glass of water, downing it and sitting down, kicking his legs up onto the table.
“I was worried sick, I mean, the police came over, and you jus’ show up outta thin air now, and I mean- what the hell’d you do this time? I thought you was done with this stuff, Rafe. You told me you stopped and-“ You rambled on angrily, he felt regret in his stomach.
“I know, I know, ‘m sorry, a’ight? It’s just, the boys needed my help with something. And- and, look.” He dug into his pockets, pulling out a large wad of cash- more you’ve ever seen in your life. Your eyes widened, you stopped your pacing and looked at him.
“You understand why I did it now? This shit.. can change our lives. We’re gonna get outta this damn town- get a big farm, like you always wanted, all the animals and cows you could want, and-“
You cut him off by crashing your lips into his, hopping into his lap and straddling it, your hands on your shoulders. He chuckled when you pulled away.
“Rafe! That’s a lotta money, i- I mean, Lord-“
“I know, I know. And hey, I promise you, I’m done with all this shit. No more, right? Jus’ like I promised when I married ya.��� He spoke, putting his forehead against yours, and interlacing his fingers with yours. You nodded against his forehead, he smiled at your understanding and kissed your forehead again.
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poppyflower-22 · 2 days
Wild Wild West
Summary: Lando walks into a bar and falls for Oscar's barrel racing Cousin.
Side note: I'm Australian so chips to me are fries to most people. Idk in my family we call everything chips. There's properly spelling and grammar errors.
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When people think of ranch life they think cows. The smell. But that’s not Lando thinks. He thinks of Y/n. The love of his life.
The woman who changed his life. Meeting her in that bar was the best thing that had ever happened to him. It was like God was leading him to his salvation.
He wouldn't know what to do without now. Meeting her was like meeting his soulmate. He had gotten everything and more from meeting her.
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Lando smiled in relief when he saw the glowing sign of a motel. It felt like he was walking for days when it had only been two hours. The sun had gone down while he walked and while it was beautiful he didn't have time to think about it.
When Oscar had gave instructions to him, he never thought it would be that hard to find a house. But then again, he was in the middle of nowhere. All he needed was a phone and everything would be fine.
And maybe a drink. Defiantly a drink.
Lando opened the bar doors and immediately made his way over to the bar. There was the bar with stools, a dancing floor, a pool table and a few more tables in witched he guessed people sat, drank and ate.
“Whiskey. Please.” Lando told the bartender who nodded. Lando sighed and looked around. He saw two-men playing pool. They looked to be in there 20's
On the other side of the bar was an older man reading a paper. No one else was in the bar.
“Excuse me. Do you have a pay phone I can use?” Lando asked the bartender when he placed his drink in front of him.
The bartender chuckled. “You're in bad luck mate. Phone broke yesterday.”
Lando grumbled. “Thanks anyway.” He sipped his whisky slightly thinking of ways to contact Oscar to come get him out of this mess.
The bartender offered him a small smile. “Do you have anywhere to sleep for the night mate?” He asked as he cleaned some glasses.
Lando shook his head. “No. I’m lost. Can you tell me where I am?” Lando looked around the bar and he could tell the bar was well looked after.
The town he was in looked pretty nice but when Lando was walking in he could tell it was small. That not many people knew it was here. He had seen many of ranches and some old looking house when he was looking for a pay phone.
“Old Range.” (Fake) The bartender said. “I’m Jeff, and that old man down there is my father John he owns the hotel across the road. You can sleep there for the night.” Jeff offered Lando.
Lando nodded in thanks. “Thank you.” He sent a smile to Jeff and John; John just waved him off and went back to reading hardly paying attention.
“Yes!!” An excited yell made Lando look over and see the two guys playing pool.
Jeff shook his head at the guys playing pool. He poured Lando another drink. The front bar doors opened and when Lando looked over to the door he felt like the air was stolen from his lungs.
The most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life was standing there looking at him. She had a nice blue dress, compared with a leathered belt around her waist. And of course, cowboys boot along with the black cowboy hat.
Y/n smiled as she walked over to the bar. She stopped and kissed John on the cheek before taking a seat next to Lando.
“Jeff.” Y/n greeted with a smile one he returned. "Whisky please." She turned to Lando and sent him a smile that had him melting. "Not from around here?" She asked as she looked him up and down.
Lando suddenly felt silly for wearing a hoodie and jeans. Mainly the hoodie. "No." He gulped.
You hummed taking a sip of your drink.
"First place again, Y/n?" Jeff asked the girl.
She nodded, "It was tuff, but they can never beat the rebel." She grinned; Jeff just laughed.
"What did you get first place for?" Lando couldn't help but ask.
The boys that were at the pool table laughed making Lando look back at them. Y/n shot them a look making them shut up. She looked at Lando, "Barrel racing." She answered him.
Lando looked wide eyed at her, "Wow." He breathed out. "Isn't it dangerous?" He asked intred.
Y/n shrugged, "Yeah but I know what I'm doing." She nodded to over his shoulder and Lando turned and saw photos and newspaper clipping all over the wall. "Thats all me." She explained to him.
He couldn't help but get up and get a closer look. Y/n got up as well and stood shoulder to shoulder to him. There were folders of her holding trophies and belt buckles from a little age to now he guessed.
"How long have you been barrel racing." Lando asked. His British accent showing making Y/n grin.
"Since I was four. I did it on pony and then horse once I got older. Travel all around the world." She explained. She pointed to a higher up picture. It was a picture collum with five photos of her holding a big trofie with a buckle int he other hand. "I'm a five-time world barrel racing champion." She grinned bumping shoulders with a god smacked Lando.
"Jesus." He breathed out. When this beautiful girl couldn't get more interesting. He chuckled, "And I can't even win a race."
Y/n hummed looking fondly at the photos. "You will one day." She told him.
Lando hummed but whipped around to look at her with frowned eyebrows wondering how she knew what he meant. "Do you now that I'm an F1 racer?"
Y/m turned to him and smirked, "Y/n Piastri. Pleasure." She told him.
Lando just started at her in wonder. "Your related to Oscar? You?"
She giggled. "Cousins. He called me before and told me he had been calling you. He checked where your last known location was and asked me to come and get you." She explained to him.
"Wow." Lando said. He took a seat at one of the bar tables near the wall. "Man, my day has been hectic."
Y/n hummed and sat across from him. "It's easy-to-get lost around these parts. But it has its perks from growing up around here." She told him. "I told Oscar I'll bring you to the ranch tomorrow."
Lando smiled at her in thanks. She smiled back making him blush a little. "But for now we should get some food in you." She beamed before looking at Jeff. "Just the usual." She told the bartender making him grin and nod before going through the doors to the kitchen.
"I should of recognized you from the photos Oscar showed me." Lando told the girl.
"Oscar talks about me?" Y/n asked as she leaned forward a bit.
Lando nodded, "All the time." Making Y/n smile.
Lando and Y/n sat there talking about barrel racing and Y/n asking more about F1. There conversation flowed making John look up from his paper now and then.
It was interesting seeing Y/n take an interest in a boy. She has had past relationships, but they never worked out. Especially the bull riding boys.
A plate being put on the table made their conversation stop. On the plate was a good-sized steak and chips. Jeff winked giving Y/n a small bowl of chips.
"Enjoy." He said before going back behind the bar to get the boys from the pool table another drink.
"This looks amazing." Lando looked at the steak in amazement.
"Yeah, Jeff makes the best steak ever." Y/n told the brit as she started eating her chips. She watched as Lando smiled at the taste of it. "Good?"
"Define." Lando answered making Y/n giggle. For the rest of the night Lando and Y/n had eaten, talked, drank and played pool with the two guys.
The two giggled together crossing the dirt road to the motel, Y/n's hat on Lando's head. John had gone and gotten Lando's key for him before they left the bar. Y/n smiled and looked up at the clear sky.
Lando stopped to see what she was doing. He had his arm around her shoulders with Y/n holding his hand that was round her. "Why'd you stop?" He asked.
When she didn't answer he looked to sky where she was looking. The sky was so clear you could see the stars so clearly. Them shining brightly down to them. "It's so beautiful." Lando spoke soflty.
"I never see stars like this anywhere else." Y/n confessed. "Home is where the heart is." She said leaning her head on Lando's shoulder.
Lando leaned his head on her head. "That's the truth." He whispered.
They stood there looking at the sly before Lando leaded them to their rooms that were next to each other.
"Well, this is me." Y/n said at her door. Lando smiled at her and tucked a piece of her brown blackish hair behind her ear. When Y/n looked at him she couldn't but smile, "Why are you smiling at me?"
"You're so beautiful." He confessed to her admiring all her features that made her, her. He wouldn't be able to live not doing what he was about to do.
Y/n blushed and giggled trying not to let his complement go to her heart. She had already felt like Lando was amazing and could be more. "Your drunk." She told him.
Lando shook his head in refusal and took both her cheeks in his hands. "I have never been more sober then right now. God when you walked into, the bar this afternoon I thought you were most beautiful woman in the world. And I won't be able to go to asleep without doing this." Lando confessed to her.
Before she could ask what, he was going to do he kissed her. It didn't take a moment for Y/n to kiss him back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tugged on his curls making him groan. It was like a part of them each other had found each other.
They parted. Foreheads leaning on each other. "You don't even know me." Y/n told the brit.
Lando shook his head softly, "I want to know you. I want to know the good and the bad." He told her, his breath fanning her face. Y/n smiled tracing his face with her finger tips.
"You do?"
And they kissed again. So passionately. Y/n smiled into the kiss. In that moment after just meeting a few hours ago they knew they were meant for each other. They both just knew.
When they parted again for the second time, Y/n took a step back and opened her hotel door and beckoned him making him grin and Y/n to squeal when he picked her up again.
It was one of the best nights that Lando had ever had. He had never met a girl as beautiful, kind and just God dam different then Y/n. He fell in love that night when he went to asleep in the old town hotel with Y/n next to him.
It was the start of one of the tales of Y/n and Lando. Anyone that saw them together would think they would never go together. With Y/n all county like and Lando far from it, but just one second with them, you would know that they were better together then apart.
And Oscar had sworn that he had never seen Lando happier than he was when he was with his cousin. And now a new photo sat on the wall of the bar.
But whenever there in their little town they always star gaze together.
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You guys can request anything you want for Lando.
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lalacliffthorne · 3 days
🤍 just a one time thing 🤍
modern!Cassian x Reader
summary: add together best friends and a drunk slip up and you got a massive load of chaotic feelings.
part I
notes: well - so much for next week? life just - majorly got in the way. anyway.
fuuuuuuck I can't. 😭💞 this has been long overdue, bc honestly - Cassian just has my whole fucking heart, and this modern version reduces me to a pile of giggling, feet-kicking mush. I've had this idea for a while now, along with some impeccable inspiration - and it's finally coming together. this one's got smut (duh), flirting and friendship (and a whole lot of f-bombs on Cassian's side) -- and, which seems to be business at usual for me at this point - it got insanely long. in fact, it got so long that I had to scratch posting it in one part, cause I think that would have brought tumblr down, like - really. *winces* so, this is part one, somewhere around 20k words (oh boy) -- you know the drill; get cozy, get comfortable, you're gonna be here for a while.
The library was my favorite place on campus.
Even though it was way too small for so many students and had way too little workspace, which meant it was chronically stuffed with people, there was just something calming about the absolute silence you entered once you walked through the front doors. And I had quickly realised that if you slipped into one of the lesser frequented sections, moving through the aisles all the way to the back where the tilted roof was glass and everything was completely quiet, you could actually pretend you were alone, just surrounded by hundreds and hundred of books, not another soul around.
Which meant it usually was the perfect place for any sort of breakdown.
“You okay there?”
The deep, amused voice made me jump slightly; quickly, I pulled the book from my face and dipped my head back, craning my neck – and felt my breath catch.
A guy was standing a few feet away, his brows crunched together and eyes narrowed, but the corner of his lips twitched.
At least it looked that way from upside-down.
I blinked. Then I sent him a slow, sheepish smile from my position down on the carpeted floor, sprawled out on my back, head tipped back and neck craned to look up at him.
The guy stared down at me, and slowly, his lips curved upwards.
My heart missed a beat, and my breath hitched.
“Hi.” His voice sent a tingle over my skin, deep and warm. Creases dug into his cheeks as he grinned down at me.
Clearing my throat, I crunched my nose, smiling innocently up at him. “Can I – help you?”
“Shouldn’t I be the one asking you that?” The dude narrowed his eyes, but his lips twitched like he was trying not to smirk as he leaned his shoulder against one of the shelves. His voice rumbled through me, low because of our surroundings, sending tingles down my spine.
Using my book to scratch my chin, I squinted up at him. “Why?”
The dude’s eyes narrowed further, a slow grin spreading over his face.
“Cause you’re laying starfish-style on the floor with a book on your face.” He raised his brows, eyes twinkling. “I don’t know ‘bout you, but to me, that kinda sounds like a breakdown.”
I blinked. Then I laborously pushed myself up into a sitting position, grumbling “Judgy much.” under my breath. Somehow, the guy still picked up on it, because he chuckled, the deep sound travelling, and my breath hitched. My eyes darted up, and for the first time, I really looked at him.
My heart got stuck in my throat, and I almost felt myself shrink a little.
Well, shit.
Of course he was gorgeous.
Dark eyes that tracked over my face in amusement, even darker hair, the top half pulled back haphazardly into a bun. His grin caused dimples to appear in his cheeks, there was a faded scar on the side of his face shifting with his smirk, and his jaw looked like it could cut through paper.
And then there were the tattoos.
All in black, they were scattered all over his muscled arms, down to the backs of his veined hands and disappearing into the sleeves of his t-shirt, peaking out above the collar. His shoulders were straining against the material even though it was hanging loosely on his wide frame, muscles working under the fabric when he shifted lightly in the spot, crossing his arms over his chest. I tried not to stare as his biceps tensed and relaxed again.
God, there probably wasn’t an inch on the guy’s body that didn’t carry muscles. Even with his loose joggers it was clear that he never skipped leg day, his biceps were the size of my head, and his chest and shoulders were broad enough I felt my throat go dry.
I blinked, and the guy’s shit-eating grin grew.
Ah, crap.
Clearing my throat, I quickly raised my brows.
“So, can I – help you?”
“I don’t know.” The guy narrowed his eyes in thought, pushing off the shelves. “Any reason you’re back here?” The corners of his lips twitched, his deep voice vibrating like he was holding back a smirk when he sauntered towards me. “Deleted someone’s assignment when they went to the bathroom? Spilled soda on a book worth more than your apartment?” Dimples formed in his cheeks when he grinned. “Smuggled in your cat?”
I crunched my brows.
That seemed – oddly specific.
“No...” It came out more like a question, my head dipping to the side in slight confusion, and the guy chuckled as he crouched down in front of me. A wave of his warm cologne washed over me, something dipped in my stomach, and he raised his brows at me with a smirk.
“Hope it hasn’t got anything to do with you currently blocking the number one hook-up spot on campus.”
I blinked. Then I snorted a little and started to giggle, raising my brows.
“You’re kidding, right?”
The guy stared at me, the corners of his lips slowly curving upwards.
I stared back with a wide smile that dimmed a little. Then I crunched my brows. “You’re joking.”
The guy grinned, his gaze tracking over my face.
“Nope. Wish I was.” He sighed deeply before crunching his brows. “Have you been back here often lately, ‘cause that would explain why suddenly every horny student has migrated to the fourth floor over at the auditorium; before you ask how I know,”, the corners of his lips tipped into a smirk, “I walked in on a couple fucking in the broom closet a week ago.”
I stared at him. For a second, my mind was simply blank as I felt heat wash into my face and the guy stared back, the corners of his lips twitching and eyes twinkling mischievously. Then I blinked and crunched my face in confusion.
“Why didn’t you knock?”
The guy arched his brows. “Knock. At a broom closet.”
I raised my shoulders, somehow managing to fight a wide smile when I widened my eyes at him.
“I don’t know; it’s a broom closet in an empty hall, that’s like the second most cliché place for a hook up. I mean,”, I tried to keep my lips from curving upwards, “you probably scared the crap out of them; neither of them will ever be able to do it in a confined space again because they’ll be too scared of you suddenly barging through the door, but – to the rest of the student body, a broom closet will still be pretty high up on the list!”
The guy snorted, dropping his head for a second as his shoulders shook with quiet laughter.
“So you’re saying it’s my fault?” He looked up at me again, creases digging into his cheeks as he grinned widely and raised his brows.
“Well, it’s definitely not mine.” I frowned, something giddy bubbling under my ribs as I tried to suppress a beaming smile. “What did you just walk into a broom closet for?!”
“I thought someone was dying in there.” The guy widened his eyes at me, his grin growing bigger. “That poor girl was faking her fucking heart out, and it wasn’t surprising, the guy was practically making her teeth chatter.”
A snorted giggle broke from my throat before I could hold it back, and the guy raised his brows, deep creases forming in his cheeks. “Seriously man; it was traumatising, I’m getting flashbacks every time I just open a fucking door.”
I tried to fight the giggles bubbling in my chest. “In that case, maybe it’s good then he can’t do it in small spaces anymore.”
For a second, we just stared at each other while suddenly, I couldn’t keep my grin at bay, my heart hopping against my ribs and the guy’s lips curving, dimples in his cheeks as his twinkling eyes pierced mine. Then I blinked, and my gaze caught on the clock on the wall behind him.
My eyes widened as something dipped in my chest, startled.
Hastily, I crammed my book into my bag and scrambled to get to my feet. Looking around to make sure I hadn’t left anything, I turned – and almost ran face first into a broad chest.
My heart missed a beat, my gaze slowly moved up, and my breath caught in my throat as I felt my lips part a little.
Crap, he was tall.
The guy’s lips curved like he could read my thoughts as he stared back down at me. He was so close, I could feel the scent of his cologne fill my lungs with every soft, hitching breath, something dark and warm and addicting.
I could have stepped back to make it more comfortable for both us. I probably should have; I was still barely an inch away from bumping into his chest and had to crane my neck to look up at him, the top of my head barely even reaching his shoulders, his own head dipped so he could hold my gaze.
But for some reason, I suddenly couldn’t move a muscle, my breath caught in my throat and my heart thrumming against my ribs as I stared up at him with slightly widened eyes. His wide shoulders were basically blocking the light and his broad, solid chest was radiating warmth, his scent making my head swim. There were green flecks in his iris, surrounding his dark pupils in a ring and melting into warm brown that slowly started to twinkle.
“What were you doing back here again?” The guy’s quiet voice vibrated like he was suppressing a grin, his eyes narrowing lightly.
Somehow, I kept myself from swallowing. Instead I managed to pull myself together with a huff and started to glower up at him.
“Not what you’re thinking right now.”
The guy slowly started to smile shit-eatingly, dimples digging into his cheeks as he raised his brows.
“Actually, sweetheart, you’re the one thinking it -”
Grumbling, I turned around, barely fighting the stupidly wide grin threatening to break over my face.
When I threw a quick look back before turning the corner, the guy was still standing in the same spot, dimples in his cheeks as he stared after me with a grin.
Rain pattered onto the skylights above, the lamps dunking the quiet library in warm, golden light.
It had started chucking it down just a little after I had slipped into my favorite rarely visited section, setting up camp under the windows. I had gotten some work done before pulling my book from my bag, curling up against the wall.
Crunching my brows in focus, lost in the story, I was about to turn the page when a pair of sneakers appeared in my vision.
The scent of dust and paper was chased away by a dark, warm scent; my heart leapt into my throat and my head whipped up, and someone plopped down next to me.
My breath caught, and the guy that had been wandering my mind since his appearance in my section a few days ago stared at me with contemplatively narrowed eyes. There was the hint of a crease showing in his cheek, his loose sweatshirt somehow making him look even broader, and his huge frame dwarfed mine even with him sitting on the floor.
“You know…” He shifted, one tattooed hand rising from where it was loosely draped over his pulled up legs as he dipped his head towards me.
“Over there,”, squinting as his lips quirked, he pointed towards the aisles leading back into the main space of the library, “are workspaces where you can actually sit at a table instead of on the floor?”
I stared at him, and slowly, something started bubbling in my chest. It felt warm and giddy, causing my heart to hop and a big grin threatening to break free on my face.
Biting it back just barely, I crunched my brows.
“Yeah, but, over there,”, leaning his way without being able to help it, I also pointed towards the aisles and looked back at him, raising my brows dramatically, “you have to actually kill someone to get a seat.”
The guy chuckled, the sound travelling through me. Eyes crinkling and dimples digging into his cheeks, he grinned and leaned back against the wall, easily stretching out one long leg and propping his arm onto the other. I tried not to stare at the tattoos inked onto his skin, muscles flexing beneath when he shifted to get comfortable and smirked at me.
“I was hurt when you ran away from me the other day.”
Something fluttered high in my chest. “I didn’t run away, I had class.”
“You didn’t even say goodbye.” The guy’s eyes were twinkling even as he furrowed his brows with a pout, which – looked ridiculously adorable for a six-foot-something guy with tattoos all over.
“I was late.” Widening my eyes at him, I tried to fight that strange feeling that started bubbling in my chest, warm and giddy and causing my lips to try and break into a huge smile.
“You had time to stare at me.” The guy smirked, a crease digging into his cheek as his gaze lazily dragged over my face, and I glowered at him even as heat bled into my cheeks.
Damn it.
The guy’s grin grew, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Then he raised his brows, draping his hand over his knee.
“So you’re still sitting in the hook up-section.”
I huffed, trying to fight my twitching lips.
“Yeah, well; your word is the only one I got that this is actually a hook up spot, and I’m not about to give up the only place in this library where I don’t have to fight anyone to get a seat.”
“I'd fight for you.” The guy’s eyes were twinkling as he stared at me, his grin growing when a laugh broke from my throat.
“Besides.” I turned back towards my book and raised my brows, feeling my lips curve. “I decided that if that whole thing is true, then I will gladly keep scaring people off with my presence.”
The guy’s eyes were twinkling as his gaze dragged over my face. “You sure you’re the right person to scare anyone away?”
I quickly turned my head to scowl at him. “Hey; I might not be a fucking giant, but I can kick very painful places.”
The guy’s smirk widened, creases digging into his cheeks and iris sparkling as he stared at me. “Kinky.”
I huffed, mostly to suppress the laugh rising in my throat as the happy bubbling under my ribs grew.
“Also, I don’t have to be scary, just a person being here is gonna do the job.” I felt a cheeky grin tug at my lips when I arched a brow. “People generally don’t want an audience when they’re having a quicky in the library.”
The guy squinted at me, his lips curving.
“You talking out of experience?”
My cheeks heated, and I glared at him.
“I don’t know; you’re the one who heard people fucking in a closet and decided to take a look,”, I grumbled.
A deep laugh broke from the guy’s chest, the sound suppressed as he tipped his head back, his shoulders shaking as he laughed silently. Something hopped against my ribs, and I tried to fight the stupidly wide smile pushing onto my lips.
Breathing a chuckle, the guy dropped his head again with a grin, his twinkling eyes flickering over my face as he narrowed them.
“So why did you decide robbing people of quickies in the library was a good idea? Cause there’s a bunch of students 'bout to be really fucking pissed.”
“Because unlike a broom closet, no aisle here has a door. I don't wanna know how many people got traumatized because they were looking for a book at the wrong time,”, I grumbled drily before crunching my face. “Also; fucking in a library, have some respect, the poor books.”
“What, a broom closet is less sensitive?” The guy furrowed his brows, his lips twitching like he was fighting a laugh.
“Yeah; I mean, the only thing to defile in there are mops, and they’re used to dirty stuff,”, I mumbled absentmindedly.
For a second, there was silence, and when I raised my eyes before looking to the side, the guy was staring at me, the grin on his face slowly growing.
My lips started twitching, and a giggle bubbled in my throat.
“You know, I don’t even know your name.” The guy reclined lazily, his eyes bright when he raised a brow.
Staring back at him, I felt my lips curve. “Well, I don’t know yours, so I’d say that’s fair.”
The guy’s grin widened. Then he sent me a light wink.
Something leapt up and down under my ribs, and I tried to fight a wide smile.
For a second, we stared at each other, something bubbling wildly in my stomach. Then the guy, Cassian, blinked and crunched his brows, again looking ridiculously adorable.
“So what was that breakdown the other day about?”
I sighed and raised the book I was holding. “This. I’m really trying to enjoy it, but it’s just breaking my brain –“
“It’s a book, baby; how bad can it be?” Cassian’s lips curved into a smirk as he plucked it from my grip, crunching his brows as he turned it to read the back, and I felt my breath catch at the absolute nonchalance with which he called me baby. But somehow, I managed to push past it, widening my eyes at him.
“It’s the story, okay; listen –“
“Next station -”
The tinny voice coming from the speakers overhead ripped me out of my thoughts, and I raised my head, my gaze landing on the name of the station on the screen.
“Shit.” I felt my eyes widen as my heart jumped against my ribs, and I quickly darted out of my seat.
“Sorry, excuse me –“, wincing, I weaved my way through the people coming my way from the crosswalk. Squinting against the last rays of sunlight, I breathed out, the cold air making me shiver gently as I slid my hands into my pockets and stopped at a red light. Rocking back and forth on the spot, I let my gaze flicker over the square behind the crosswalk.
I didn’t know why exactly today, my brain had decided to take me on a trip down memory lane. But it caused that same happy, bubbling feeling to rise under my ribs and made me barely suppress a wide, giddy grin.
The light shifted to green, and I crossed the street, feeling my brows furrow gently as I let my gaze wander over the square. The windows of the restaurants and shops reflected the last golden rays of light, there were people crossing the square; elderly couples, groups of teenagers -
My breath hitched in my throat, and slowly, a wide smile spread over my face.
In the middle of the square next to the fountain, a tall figure towered above all others, wide shoulders even broader under a dark puffer jacket, his profile lit by the last golden flickers of sunlight, straight nose crunched against the cold and strong jaw tensing and relaxing as he lazily shifted on the spot. His eyes slowly tracked over the square, the last light causing the scar on the side of his face to shift.
My heart rose in a warm thrum, and I whistled sharply.
Cassian looked over his shoulder, gaze darting over the people - until his eyes found mine.
Even from a distance, I could see the twinkle beginning to spread through his iris.
Creases slowly started forming in his cheeks, and something skipped happily against my ribs when my best friend began to grin shit-eatingly. The lines of his smirk, now, nearly two years later almost as familiar as my own, made my heart do a happy wiggle, and I began to beam back.
I quickened my steps, and Cass turned towards me, raising his brows as his lips curved.
I got faster, a happy giggle bubbling in my throat, then I crashed into him.
Cassian grunted, but the sound quickly turned into a chuckle as he leaned down with a dramatic groan and lifted me off the ground. His arms tightened in a squeeze around my waist, his shoulders broad and solid beneath my arms, and feeling something skip happily against my ribs, I swung my legs around his waist with a giggle, interlocking them tightly.
“Hi monkey.” Cassian’s deep voice rumbled through me, a little raspy as always and vibrating with a grin. Slipping his arms under my thighs to hold me up, he chuckled when I pulled back just enough to press a firm kiss onto his cheek.
The scent of his cologne started to fill my lungs, and something hopped happily against my ribs when I leaned back and saw a dimple forming in his cheek.
“Hi.” Sliding my arms around his neck, I grinned at him, and Cassian smirked, a crease digging into his cheek. The light hit his eyes, causing the green spots in his iris to glow, and wriggled in my stomach.
“You good?” Cassian hoisted me up a little to adjust his grip, grinning when I tightened my grip out of reflex.
My stomach grumbled, and Cass raised his brows.
I squinted. “Apart from that.”
Cassian smirked.
“You know, I’m always surprised by how much food you can stomach,”, his eyes narrowed, “it’s like you’re a little black hole for snacks or something –“
I glared and lightly slapped the side of his head, and Cass broke off with a deep chuckle that made my whole body shake.
“Leave me alone, I haven’t eaten all day.”
“You? Haven’t eaten?” Sliding his right arm under my ass to hold me up, Cassian freed his other hand to slap it against my forehead, brows dramatically crunching. “Are you sick, baby?!”
“Oh, fuck off.” Trying to push his hand away, I nearly lost my balance, quickly locking my legs tighter around his waist and linking my arms back together at the nape of his neck. Cassian chuckled, his warm eyes flickering over my face as he grinned at me, and I had to fight the overwhelming urge to press a kiss onto the side of his nose.
“I’m fine. Just got sucked into writing this morning and basically didn’t stop until like an hour ago.” I shrugged.
Cassian stared at me. Then his lips curved, and slowly, very slowly, that familar shit-eating grin spread over his face, only doubled tenfold now as he eyed me, creases digging deep into his cheeks.
I blinked and felt my heart do a little swerve.
My best friend widened his eyes lightly, even as his grin grew. “You don’t even know what I was gonna say!”
I widened my eyes back at him, something warm suddenly bubbling wildly in my chest. “I know you, dipshit; you were about to drop some suggestive innuendo about sucking!”
“Dude, your mind went there; I didn’t actually say anything -“ Cassian’s grin was broad as he raised his brows and slipped his hand back around my thigh, and my heart leapt against my ribs.
“I can’t with you.” I shook my head, barely keeping the warm, giddy feeling in my chest from causing a stupidly wide smile to spread over my face.
“Can’t without me either, baby.” Cassian smirked and winked, and I lost the fight against the giggle breaking from my throat.
“Put me down, you idiot.” Trying to keep the grin mirroring his in check and failing, I slid my legs off Cassian’s waist. “If Mor’s gonna make me drink, we gotta change the food-situation.”
Cass leaned down to place me back onto my feet with a dramatic groan.
“Alright.” Straightening laborously, he pulled his phone from his pocket and squinted at the screen. “We got - another hour until we’re meeting the others; so, let’s get you something to eat before you start getting hangry.”
“I don’t get hangry.” Frowning, I craned my neck to stare up at him indignantly.
Stuffing his phone back into his pocket, Cass stared back, brows rising.
“Okay, fine; maybe sometimes. A little.” Grumbling, I crossed my arms in front of my chest as I glared up at him, and Cassian slowly started to smirk, causing his cheeks to crease. Then he dropped his head, and something toppled under my ribs when he pressed a kiss onto my cheek, his hands sliding around my jaw to keep me from moving when the first was followed by another, and another, until my heart hopped and a giggle bubbled in my throat.
Cassian grinned against my cheek before pressing one last firm kiss against my temple.
“Alright, c’mon, sweet cheeks.” With a smirk, he straightened to his full height, his arm sliding over my chest and turning me around, his body pressing into my back as he started to push me down the sidewalk. I craned my neck to try and look up at him.
“Who’s party is this again?”
Cassian shrugged, the neon lights of a shop throwing shadows under his jaw and cheekbones, dark brows furrowed lightly.
“I don’t know, think someone from one of Rhys’ classes?”
I hummed, frowning in thought. “Think they’ll have food?”
“Nah, don’t count on it; we’re getting you something now.” Looking back, Cassian wrapped his arm over my shoulder, lightly drawing me into his side as a cyclist zipped past us.
My stomach twisted with a soft growl, and I looked up at him with a pout, fighting a smile. “Thanks.”
“Are you kidding?” Cass threw me a look, huffing. “Not eaten all day; you and I need to have a talk.”
Warmth rose under my ribs, and I looked back ahead, shaking my head even as a wide smile spread over my face.
Cassian sniffled against the cold air, pulling up his shoulders a little as he crunched his brows contemplatively. “I could eat.
“You can always eat.” I grinned teasingly up at him before yelping and snorting a giggle when Cassian tightened his grip and leaned down with a grin to playfully nip at my jaw. His breath hit my skin, something bubbled high in my chest, and Cass straightened up again with a smirk.
“Fuck yeah, baby. Food’s life.”
Snickering under my breath, I huddled into his side, shivering dramatically and chattering my teeth.
“Why is it still so fucking coooold –“
“Want me to warm you up?” Cassian’s grin was shit-eating enough that I snorted, elbowing him into the side. Whining dramatically, Cass tugged me into his side, grinning when he rubbed his palm over my arm and raised his brows.
“Okay, seriously, what do you wanna eat?”
Crunching my brows, I studied the two packages of crisps in my head, trying to figure out which one to take.
Something warm brushed against my shoulder, then a head slowly appeared right next to mine.
I felt my lips twitch; a snorted giggle broke from my throat, and I quickly reached up and pushed Cassian’s face away from me.
His chest vibrated in my back as he straightened up with a deep laugh, his head tipping back, and shaking my own, still snickering softly, I raised the packages to squint at them dramatically.
“I can’t decide!”
"It's okay, I'll help with the rest." Grinning, Cassian leaned over my shoulder and plucked both of them from my grip, pressing a dramatic kiss onto my temple before straightening. His chest pushed into my back, and quickly snagging the packages from his grip, I piled them into my arms, letting him steer me down the aisle.
The small supermarket was fairly empty thanks to the time, the city and sky outside becoming darker by the minute as we reached the register. Dropping my things onto the conveyor belt behind what looked like a guy’s dinner and a girl’s grocery run for the weekend, I sighed happily at the sight of crisps and two bottles of soda.
Cass leaned over me to snag a pack of gum, throwing it down next to my stuff, then he straightened, his arms sliding around my collarbones and his chest pressing into my back when he rested his chin on my head. Snuggling into my jacket, I leaned into him, giggling into his sleeve when Cass squeezed me with a dramatic sound.
Something started bubbling happily against my ribs, and I felt Cassian grin into my hair. Then he placed his chin back on my head and slightly clacked his teeth together, the vibration travelling through me. I snorted and Cass chuckled, his chest shaking in my back.
The guy in front of the line paid as the girl got ready to start shovelling her groceries back into her cart, and I looked to the side, letting my gaze roam until it met the one of an elderly woman a register over. I sent her a grin, and the old woman beamed, her eyes gleaming as they darted back and forth between Cassian and me. Then she leaned over slightly, her voice lowered confidentially as she said with a wide smile: “Such a lovely couple.”
My heart dipped, and I froze, my eyes widening and lips parting awkwardly. But before I could quickly correct her, Cassian’s deep voice echoed from somewhere above me, a grin vibrating through his voice.
I blinked before quickly craning my neck to stare up at him in bewilderment.
The smirk I got in response was shit-eating, only topped by the quick wink that followed.
The elderly woman beamed happily, sending me a gracious nod before moving forward in line, and I quickly turned and elbowed Cass into the ribs, something skipping in my chest when I hissed: “What the hell?!”
“What?” Cassian dropped his head so he could mumble into my ear, his smirk still wide as he threw the old lady a look over my head. “Didn’t wanna disappoint her. Besides.” His nose grazed my temple, and his smirk became shit-eating as his eyes dragged over my face. “Can’t blame her for assuming.”
My breath caught in my throat, and my eyes darted back and forth between his, warm and twinkling and suddenly so very close with his head dipped.
With a blink, I pulled myself together and rammed my elbow into his ribs again, and Cassian whined softly and dramatically, his grin wide as he straightened up again.
Grumbling, I turned back ahead, trying to ignore the heat suddenly pulsing in my cheeks.
“No, wai- stop that!” Quickly yanking the my fries away, I glared at Cassian, trying to keep in a laugh.
We were sitting on a bench circling the big tree at the corner where the others were supposed to meet us, the sky above dark, cars rushing past. I was huddled up, legs criss cross, my knee pressing into the side of Cassian’s thigh while he lounged against the backrest, squinting into the neon lights of a laundromat across the street. The wrappers of the burgers and fries we had picked up at the take-out place next to the supermarket were crunched up next to me, and one bag of crisps was open in Cassian’s lap, but for the past few minutes, he’d been trying to sneak his hand into the paper bag that contained the rest of my fries.
Glowering, I turned to hold the package out of Cassian’s reach, twisting as I dropped my head back to pop a fry into my mouth. Cass quickly leaned forward, his arm sliding past me, and I gave a sound of protest that bubbled with laughter as I hastily held out my arm, trying to put the package to safety.
“Stop it, you already had the rest of the extra fries, your burger, your fries, and that huge bite of mine, and you’ve got the whole package of crisps, why can I not eat this in peace?”
“Cause baby, I’m twice your size; how can you expect me to not still be hungry when you are?” Cassian’s grin was shit-eating, his warm breath brushing over my nose, and I glowered back at him.
For a moment, we stared at each other, faces only inches apart, the green flecks in Cassian’s eyes twinkling as something bubbled in my chest and I barely fought the wide smile trying to form on my lips. Then Cassian’s hand shot forward, I quickly tried to twist away, and a soft squeak broke from my throat when Cassian dipped forward, sliding his arm around my waist and dragging me into his body.
For a few seconds, we were caught in a scuffle as I tried to save my fries while aimlessly flailing my legs and shaking with uncontrollable giggles, Cassian’s huge body half burying me beneath him as he tried to reach the bag, groaning and cursing under his breath until he managed to snag some fries. A dramatic whine broke from my throat, and whooping lightly, Cassian sat up with a wide grin.
Breathlessly, I slumped against him, and Cassian tipped his head back and dropped the fries into his mouth with a smirk.
Grumbling, I tried to sit up, but Cassian’s arm wound around my waist wasn’t budging, instead sliding tighter around me.
For a few seconds, I struggled, then I gave up.
Slumping into his side in defeat, I huffed. Cassian’s scent started to rise into my nose, dark and warm and familiar, and I could feel the warmth radiating from him even through his puffer jacket.
Shivering slightly, I shuffled a little to get more comfortable, pulling up my legs. Cassian draped his arm over my collarbones, and I snuggled into the curve of his elbow, squinting into the light of the laundromat as I leaned my head against his chest. Then I plucked some fries from the little package and craned my neck to look up at my best friend, holding them up.
A wide grin spread over his face, and leaning forward quickly, Cass snagged them from my fingers, teasingly biting my knuckles. I yelped a laugh, slapping his chest, and Cassian’s chuckle vibrated through me when he leaned back, chewing lazily.  
Snuggling further into his arm with a happy sigh, I dropped some fries into my mouth, chewing contendly. I could feel Cassian shift as he took a sip of my soda, then he dropped his head to steal another fry from my fingers, sending me a wink when I glared up at him, dimples digging into his cheeks.
A few minutes later the fries were empty, and I was digging around in the second package of crisps, giggling breathlessly as Cassian kept dipping his head, lightly nipping my jaw.
“Stop the-“ Quickly holding out some crisps, I snorted when Cassian pulled them out of my grip with his teeth while grinning, dipping his head back to let them slide into his mouth.
There was a sharp whistle, and I turned my head, craning my neck.
My gaze flickered over the street until it caught onto three people slowly making their way towards us, and I started beaming and waved. Cassian’s body shifted in my back as he leaned over me with a soft grunt, stretching his arm out to dip his hand into the crisps and shortly making me vanish from sight.
When he straightened up again, three shadows fell over us, and I happily grinned up at our friends.
“Starting the party without us, I see.” Rhys shook his head in disappointment, letting his arm slip from Feyre’s shoulders. He was wearing a thick jacket, his hair fashionably messy as always, and the tip of his nose was pink from the cold, but the twinkle in his eyes was mischievous as usual.
“Hey, you’re the ones late,”, I grumbled with a pout.
“Someone took ages getting ready.” Feyre, also with a slightly pink nose and huddled into her jacket, rolled her eyes.
Both Cassian and I turned our heads to look up at Azriel, tall and brooding and never the one making anyone late.
Az returned our looks before raising a brow. “Very funny.”
Snickering, I laborously sat up up, Cassian’s arm sliding down my side. Feyre dropped down next to me onto the bench, freeing her hands from her pockets before she hugged me, her teeth chattering dramatically. Giggling, I squeezed her back.
“You two ready?” Leaning down slightly to greet Cassian with a bro-handshake, Rhys raised his brows.
“Yeah,”, I crunched my brow and squinted up at him, “where’s Mor though?”
“Should be -”, Feyre dipped her head to the side, “ah, nevermind.”
Leaning forward to follow her gaze, I nearly tipped off the bench, but Cassian's hand slid over my stomach, keeping me upright as I beamed when I saw a tall blonde speedwalk towards us, red painted lips glinting in the lights.
“Punctual as always!”, I yelled, causing Feyre to grin widely, and Mor called back loudly: “Fuck off!”
Snickering, I pushed myself up again, gathering all of our trash before getting to my feet on the bench. Cassian’s hand slipped off my waist, and I rested my own on his shoulder to laborously climb over his lap. His calloused fingers wrapped around my wrist, keeping me steady, and a deep chuckle travelled through me as Cass held onto me until I was on his other side, dimples digging into his cheeks as he smirked up at me. I flipped him off with a grin, then I turned around, wandering over the bench towards the trashcan on the other side of the tree.
When I got back, Cassian and Feyre had gotten off the bench, Cass towering over Mor who was bickering with Rhys over which way to go. Azriel caught my gaze over Feyre’s shoulder, rolling his eyes and causing me to snicker.
Coming to a halt on the bench next to where Cassian was standing, I exchanged a look with Feyre, and she sighed and stepped forward, trying to break up the bickering.
Shivering, my eyes got caught on Cassian’s profile, and my heart did a little flip.
“Hey Cass?”
Cassian looked up at me, and I raised my arms, beaming at him.
“Piggyback ride?”
My best friend smirked, eyeing me. “Sure you can carry me?”
I dropped my arms and glowered at him.
Chuckling, Cassian stepped towards the bench, turning his back towards me, and smiling brightly, I leaned down slightly, sliding my arms over his shoulders and hopping onto his back.
Cass caught my legs, his warm hands gripping my thighs before he slipped his arms under my knees, lightly hoisting me up. My chest pressed against his broad back, his scent rose into my nose, and grinning happily, I wrapped my arms around his neck.
“Okay, ready.”
“Can we just go?”, Cassian interrupted Mor and Rhys, a dimple forming in his cheek as he smirked. “By the time you two are done, the party's over.”
I parted my lips with a soft gasp. “The horror.”
Cassian’s chest rumbled as he laughed, his head tipping back lightly.
“Fuck off, baby.”
Grinning, I slung my arms tighter around his neck before crunching my brows and pouting. “Seriously, can we please just go; I don’t give a shit about how quickly we get there as long as we get there.”
“Amen,”, Azriel grumbled.
“Well, if he would listen to me –“ Mor glowered at Rhys.
The two started bickering again, and Az shook his head and brushed past us. “C’mon.”
I slid my arms tighter over Cassian’s collarbones, and Feyre sighed and slipped past her boyfriend, Cassian waiting until she was past him before following after her.
Resting my chin on my best friend's shoulder, I felt my heart do a happy wiggle as my body swayed with his steps. Behind us, the bickering slowly faded into the distance. Az and Feyre, a few steps in front of us, fell into conversation, Feyre linking her arm through Azriel’s, and Cassian craned his neck slightly to look back at me.
A deep crease slowly formed in his cheek as his eyes flickered over my face, and I crunched my brows.
“What? Do I have – something on my face?”
Cassian’s body vibrated as he chuckled and turned back ahead with a grin, squeezing my calves. “Nah.”
Staring at the side of his face for another second, I blinked before shrugging and leaning forward quickly to press a kiss onto his cheek. I could feel a crease forming beneath my lips, then I pulled back, grinning widely, and Cassian shook his head, gaze directed forward but eyes twinkling.
Rhys and Mor caught up with us after maybe two blocks, both grumbling about being left behind, but I just snickered and slid off Cassian’s back, linking my arm through Mor’s to pull her with me.
The party of who-knows-who was located in some industrial loft further downtown. There were people standing in front of the entrance, smoking, a few stepping out of the way as Rhys pulled open the heavy steel door with a dramatic flourish. When I slipped into the stairwell after Feyre, I felt a warm, tall body towering in my back.
The music was audible even down here, and sliding my arm out of Feyre’s, I tipped my head back to stare up the winding staircase. I could feel the others push pass me, talking as they started to climb the stairs. Then something brushed against my back, and when I looked over my shoulder, Cassian’s breath hit my hair as he leaned forward, his chest pressing against my shoulders as he crunched his brows and stared up the stairwell.
“What are we looking at?”
A snorted giggle broke from my throat, and elbowing him into the ribs, I turned, sliding my hand around his wrist to tug him with me towards the stairs with a wide grin.
By the time we reached the fifth floor, the floor was vibrating, the noise of the party had doubled, and I was wheezing dramatically.
“God, who thought throwing a party up that many stairs was a good idea?” My voice was breathless as I held my sides, grimacing at the huge, open metal doors opposite of the stairs behind which lights flashed, illuminating the silhouettes of dozens of people. The others had apparently already gone in, because the landing was empty apart from empty bottles on the floor.
“Someone who’s never fallen down any steps while drunk.” I could hear the shit-eating grin in Cassian’s voice as his hands closed around my shoulders, rubbing slowly back and forth. I snorted a breathless giggle before straightening with a wince and, trying to steady my breathing, began to trudge over the landing, feeling my best friend in my back.
When I stepped through the open doors, I was hit by the noise and the music that made the thick, stale air vibrate. My gaze darted over the open floor loft, only lit by flashing lights changing colors and spotlights hitting the walls, so dark you could only see the outlines of the mass of people, and my breath caught in my throat. The noise and the amount of people crowding the space caused my chest to begin thrumming with a mix of exhilaration and anxiety, and something slowly closed around my lungs, making the flickering lights swim, the noise closing in on me -
A calloused hand slipped under my jacket, wrapping around my side as a solid chest pressed against my shoulders, and a familiar scent washed over me, chasing away the stale smell. My heart dipped; I ripped my gaze away from the crowd dipped in darkness and looked up over my shoulder, and something loosened in my chest.
Cassian was so close that I could see the details of the dark ink at the base of his throat, towering over me like a lighthouse in the dark as he let his gaze flicker over the crowd, the flashing lights illuminating his face and slightly crunched brows. His thumb absentmindedly brushed up and down over my ribs, and something started to bubble gently in my chest. The noise slowly faded to the edge of my conciousness, still present but no longer a weight on my senses, and I could feel my shoulders sink as the tightness around my throat slipped away.
“I think the others are over there!” Cassian’s deep voice vibrated through me as his grip tightened, then he dipped his head, and I could feel his shit-eating grin against my cheek when he called over the noise: “Want me to put you on my shoulders?”
I lightly kicked his shin, and Cassian’s chest shook when he laughed into my hair, his smile wide as he straightened. His body pressed into my back, and he started to gently push me through the crowd.
In the flashing lights, it was hard to even make out faces, the music causing the floor to vibrate and the noise leaving my skin humming. I quickly reached back, hooking my fingers into Cassian’s belt loops as my heart thrummed against my ribs, my breath hitching when I felt his body tower over mine like a rock between the waves.
Cassian’s grip tightened. Then the next second he drew me back into his chest just before some girls shoved past us. I nearly tripped over my feet, but Cass held me steady, and when I threw a quick look up at him over my shoulder, he was glaring after the group, muscles in his jaw flexing and a dark shift in his eyes.
Something toppled in my stomach when I felt his hand slip up a bit, wrapping around my ribcage, then his body pressed into mine, and Cass nudged me forward.
We caught up with the others about halfway through the loft. Feyre clocked us first, and I waited until a group of guys had pushed past us, yelling over the music and causing me to unconciously move back into Cassian’s grip. Then I stepped forward until I was standing next to her and crunched my brows.
“How ‘bout we find a - less crowded spot?”, I called over the noise, trying to sound lighthearted, but Feyre looked right through it. Squeezing my elbow comfortingly, she called back: “The guys are gonna see if they find a place to sit or something!”
Nodding back, I craned my neck to look up at Cassian. He was still towering over me, his hand wrapped around my ribcage protectively as he didn’t make any move to step away from me.
Warmth rose in my chest, and I leaned back into him without being able to help it, feeling him shift when he looked over his shoulder, then Mor appeared at my side, calling loudly: “Let’s go get something to drink!”
Glad about an opportunity to blend out some of the noise and chaos, I nodded, poking Cassian’s ribs to get his attention. He turned his head back towards me and dropped his gaze, and I stretched lightly to call: “We’re gonna go get drinks!”
“I’ll come with you!” Cassian’s deep, steady voice vibrated through me, and feeling something warm bubble high in my chest, I rolled my eyes with a grin.
“I’ll be okay, I got the girls! Just go with Rhys and Az, we’re gonna be fine!”
Cass crunched his brows, looking ready to protest, and with a soft laugh bubbling in my throat, I slid my hand towards his collar, tugging him down with a grin. Cassian complied easily, one corner of his lips curving as a wave of his scent washed over me, and stretching, I pressed a quick kiss onto his cheek, just long enough that I could feel a crease forming under my lips. Then I pulled back, and something leapt into my throat when my nose brushed against Cassian’s.
The room and noise faded. Cassian’s head was dipped so far that I could see the green specks in his twinkling eyes as they flickered over mine, only an inch away, so close that his breath was fanning over my lips. 
Like he could feel the way I suddenly stilled, Cassian’s gaze flashed. Something twisted low in my stomach when his lids suddenly grew heavier, eyes darkening with something deep, hazy, almost heated as they slowly dragged over my face, and suddenly, I was acutely aware of his wide, towering body half pressed against mine.
My breath caught, Cassian’s muscles shifted, and his lips parted as he slowly, absentmindedly ran his tongue over his bottom lip.
My heart got stuck somewhere in my throat, someone’s elbow hit my back and made me jump, and Cass blinked, his lips tipping back into his usual, lazy grin as he straightened slowly, nothing left of that strange, heated look but the light twinkle in his eyes when he dipped his head to call into my ear: “Stick close to the girls!”
Maybe it was the noise around us, but Cassian’s voice sounded deeper, travelling through me and almost causing me to shiver. But somehow, I managed to push away the way my heart pounded against my ribs and poked his side, sending him a wide, cheeky grin. “Duh.”
Cassian’s chest vibrated when he chuckled, his cheeks creasing as he dropped his head to press a kiss against my temple, and something leapt against my ribs. Then Feyre took my hand and pulled me with her.
After raiding the kitchen area at the other end of the loft, we squeezed back through the crowd towards the windows where couches were set up. Mor was carrying shotglasses and a bottle with clear liquid that just the sight of had already made me feel woozy, glancing over her shoulder every few steps to check on us and glaring at anyone who got too close. Feyre had beerbottles in her arms, her hand on my shoulder as she stayed in my back, and I was carrying boozy lemonade I had found in the fridge, the ice cold cans pressing against my arms and keeping my focus away from the crowd and bass vibrating through the floor.
Mor slipped past a group of guys, and following after her, I threw a quick look back to make sure Feyre was still behind me before turning ahead again, and something leapt high in my chest.
The boys had cleared one of the couches and two armchairs facing them. In the flickering lights, I could see Cassian’s teeth flash when he grinned, a chuckle causing his shoulders to shake. He was lounging on the couch, melted into the cushions, his long legs spread lazily. His black t-shirt was straining against his wide shoulders, the colorful, raging lights flickered over the tattoos scattered over his arms all the way down onto his hands, and deep creases formed in his cheeks when he smirked at something Rhys said.
Mor called their names over the noise, and when I blinked, Cassian’s gaze darted over the crowd, finding mine over her shoulder. The corners of his lips curved up, a lazy twinkle spreading through his eyes as he started to smirk.
Rolling my eyes, I took two of the beerbottles Feyre handed me and squeezed past Azriel. He was occupying one of the armchairs, boot propped up onto the coffee table and sending me a faint smirk when I handed him a beer.
Cassian grinned up at me as I moved to squeeze into between the coffee table and the couch, his legs falling apart further to make space for me, and I handed him the other bottle of beer.
“Here,”, I called over the loud, blaring music, and Cassian straightened and leaned forward, snatching my wrist.
My heart nearly toppled out of my chest, and I yelped softly when he pulled, dragging me down onto his lap.
My breath caught in my throat as I toppled into him, chest colliding with his, Cassian’s breath grazing my lips and nose nearly bumping mine. One corner of his lips tipped upwards as his twinkling eyes dragged lazily over my face. Then he dipped forward, and I made a light noise of surprise, hastily holding onto his shoulders when his arm slid around the back of my butt, nearly lifting me into his chest as he dragged me closer until my thighs bracketed his hips.
Something skipped into my throat, and I huffed, causing Cassian’s grin to widen as he slouched back into the cushions, his head tipping back lazily as he stared at me.
“Best seat in the house, baby.”
I snorted under my breath, feeling my lips curve into a wide grin as I leaned forward to speak into his ear. “I don’t know; Az looks pretty comfy too -”
Cassian leaned forward quick as lightning, and my laugh caught in my throat when he lightly sank his teeth into the soft skin of my neck just below my ear, his grin so wide, I could feel it against my skin.
Curling my fingers into his hair like reflex, I held my breath, and, dimples showing in his cheeks, Cassian pulled back, his eyes twinkling.
Huffing, I managed to tear myself away from the sight of his curving lips and the crease digging in his cheek. Flicking his forehead, I shifted to get comfortable in his lap, feeling warmth rising in my chest when Cassian’s large hand cupped my hip to keep me from sliding away to the side.
“Did we miss anything?”, I called over the noise, carefully opening one of the cans I had dropped onto the couch.
Cassian made a non-commitical sound and plucked the drink from my fingers, turning his head to take a sip. His throat worked when he swallowed, causing the tattoo at the base of his neck to ripple, then he made a face.
“Urgh.” Blinking and smacking his lips, he looked at the can, brows crunching. “How the fuck can you drink that?”
“By knowing it’s the only thing you won’t drink for me!” I grinned and pulled the can from his grip, something warm bubbling happily in my chest, and Cassian’s body started shaking as he tipped his head back with a deep laugh.
Grinning, I took a sip, feeling Cassian’s gaze drag over my face and down my throat.
“Hey!” Mor’s loud voice made me look over my shoulder, and when Cass dipped his head to the side to look past me, the blonde grinned widely. “They got a beer-pong table!”
My heart dipped, and slowly, I felt a grin spread over my face.
A couple minutes later, we had fought our way through the crowd and Mor and I were standing on one end of the dining table by the windows, cups arranged in front of us and Azriel and Cassian on the other side. Cassian’s eyes were twinkling in the light as he propped his arm onto Azriel’s shoulder, raising his brows at me, and without a word spoken, I saw the challenge in the way he smirked as his eyes dragged lazily down my body.
Something rose under my ribs, and I narrowed my eyes, feeling a wide, cheeky smile slowly spread over my face. Then I lightly nudged my chin forward.
Do your worst.
Cassian started to grin. Sliding his arm off Azriel’s shoulder, he caught the ping-pong ball some guy threw his way and turned slightly, raising his hand. Then he sent me a wink and tossed.
A few hours later, the sky outside was pitchblack and a happy buzz had taken over my entire body, making me very giggly and a little sleepy.
“Hey.” A finger gently tapped my nose, and I shifted, forcing my eyes that had started to feel very heavy to open, and my breath caught a little in my throat.
Cassian stared down at me, a grin causing dimples to dig into his cheeks. Then he dipped down his head, and his breath grazed my cheek when he called into my ear: “Think it’s time we get you home, baby!”
I didn’t protest, not with how heavy my limbs and eyes had started to feel. Instead I reached up to poke Cassian’s cheek and sent him a wide, slow beam that caused his own grin to widen.
It’s goofy edge, the depth of his dimples and his pupils, blown and darker than usual, were the only signs that he definitely wasn’t sober anymore either.
Slowly freeing myself from where I had curled into his side, I felt Cassian’s arm slide off my shoulder, curling around my waist instead to keep me steady, and following a warm, lazy impulse, I leaned up and pressed my lips onto his cheek, long enough for his scent to fill my lungs, dark and warm and mixed with a boozy edge.
When I pulled back, Cassian turned his head, and in the flashing lights, his eyes suddenly seemed deeper and darker, his warm breath grazing my lips as his gaze dragged over my face. Then he blinked, his lips curved upwards and creases appeared in his cheeks, and his arm slid tighter around me when he dipped his head and pressed a slow kiss onto my cheek. His nose dragged over my skin, and shivers raced down my spine.
Somehow, I pulled myself out of the warm, buzzing feeling that filled my chest and turned around, pushing myself to my feet laborously. The room tipped just a little and I only nearly tripped over my own feet, but large, warm hands wrapped around my waist, holding me upright, and a giggle bubbled in my throat when I felt Cassian’s wide chest pressing into my back. Craning my neck to stare up at him, the warm buzz seemed to swell when I caught a glimpse at his wide, dimpled grin, his chuckles causing both our bodies to vibrate.
Cass leaned down his head, and his breath grazed my cheek when he called into my ear: “Let’s say bye to the others and then get the fuck outta here!”
The next bus was another half an hour, so Cassian and I walked the way from the loft to my apartment.
The night air was cold and crisp, making the warm bubbling feeling in my chest swell even as the wind nipped at my skin. I slid my hand into Cassian’s after few blocks, his palm large and warm, engulfing mine as I linked our fingers and quickened my steps, tugging him with me, the happy, bubbling buzz in my body causing a giggle to rise in my chest, the smile on my face so stupidly wide it made my cheeks hurt when I turned and walked backwards, swinging our hands. Cassian’s answering grin was unrestrained and wide, causing dimples to dig deep into his cheeks when he pulled me back into his side, his arm sliding over my shoulder. Giggles broke from my throat when I bumped into him, nearly stumbling.
Cassian chased me the last few steps to the front door, even drunk still quicker than me, his arms wrapping around my waist just as I leapt onto the front step, and the storm of wild flutters in my chest reached new heights when he twirled me around in a circle, his chest vibrating as he laughed into my hair at the giggles bubbling from my throat that I just couldn’t contain.
“Stop i-“ I almost tripped when he dropped me back onto my feet, a snorted giggle leaving me, and warm hands gripped mine, keeping me upright as Cassian laughed fully, head tipped back and shoulders shaking. I flipped him off, and Cass caught my hand, grinning so widely, creases formed in his cheeks. He looked a bit flushed, from the cool air and the alcohol that seemed to make his gaze slower, more intense as it dragged over my face, and feeling something dip in my stomach, I turned around, trying to get my keys out of my pocket.
The warm light in the staircase flickered on when I pushed open the door. Shushing Cass and trying to suppress a giggle at the offended look he sent me, I nearly groaned at the sight of the stairs.
By the time we made it to the third floor, I was out of breath and desperately trying not to laugh at nothing in particular, the happy bubbling buzz in my chest making it hard to stay quiet as I dragged Cassian to my door.
Trying to slide my key into the lock, I missed, and a snorted giggle burst from my throat, shaking my body so badly, I leaned my forehead against the door, trying to keep the giggles in as more bubbled in my chest.
There was a deep, chortled laugh behind me, then I felt a warm weight in my back and a solid body pressing against mine when Cassian leaned an arm against the doorframe and dropped his head to smother his chuckling in my hair. The scent of alcohol rose into my nose, mashed with that scent that was just him, deep and dark and warm, causing my heart to rise, and I inhaled it softly without being able to stop it.
Trying to suppress more giggles, I pulled back my head just enough to look down, squinting dramatically. After two more tries, my key finally found the lock, jingling quietly when I turned it, and whooping softly, I pushed open the door.
My apartment was only lit by the glow of the streetlamps outside falling through the windows, the sky outside inky black like Cassian’s hair. I kicked off my shoes in the small hall, hopping on one leg and nearly falling over, causing a startled, snorted laugh to leave me.
“Fuck, I love your place.” Breathing out happily, Cassian let the door fall shut and slid out of his jacket, carelessly throwing it over the shoe rack before moving past me, and I switched on the small lights in my bedroom, just in time to see him collapse onto my bed.
“Dude,”, I whined, crunching my brows, “not the clothes on my bed!”
Cassian snorted before he rolled onto his back and started to laugh, his head tipping back and body shaking, and something rose high in my chest when I caught a glimpse at his face; the way his closed eyes crinkled and dimples dug into his cheeks.
Grumbling, I started taking off my socks, and still grinning, Cass pushed himself to his feet with a soft, dramatic grunt, his chest pressing into my shoulders as he pushed past me with a chuckle. I felt my skin tingle where his hands had closed around my ribs.
Cass ducked his head to the side to not hit it at the doorframe and trudged into the small kitchen, opening the fridge, and I made a face and started to shimmy out off my pants that had started to feel incredibly uncomfortable a while ago.
Screw jeans. I wanted joggers.
Kicking them to the side, I turned around, moving towards my bed while wrangling myself out of my top and carelessly throwing it over a chair. Tugging my bra over my head, I unceremoniously dumped it onto the floor before dragging the oversized t-shirt I slept in out from under my blanket. It vaguely smelled of something else besides me, something warm and dark and addictive, and after sliding into it, I buried my nose at the collar, breathing in deeply.
Something swelled and fluttered against my ribs, and I turned around with a happy sigh.
Cass was still bent over the fridge, arm propped onto the open door and head stuck inside, grumbling under his breath as he dug through the contents. Feeling a wave of giggles bubbling in my throat, I kicked our shoes out of the way and squeezed into the bathroom to wash off my make-up that had started to feel sticky on my skin. Nearly groaning happily, I dried my dripping wet face before raising my head and catching a glimpse at myself in the mirror; eyes bright and hair messy.
Looking around for the joggers I had left in here before leaving earlier, I crunched my brows. Then I shrugged and turned around.
“What are you even looking for?” I pulled the bathroom door close behind me before stepping into the door to the small kitchen and leaning against the frame, feeling the warm, bubbling feeling rise against my ribs when I stared at Cassian’s large frame towering in my kitchen, chugging soda from a colorful can. My gaze flickered over the curve of his throat and the tattoo rippling at its base, and something curled low in my stomach.
Finally dropping his head, Cassian swallowed and exhaled dramatically. “That was good.” He dropped the can into the trash before turning around, and I could see his movements slow as his gaze dragged down my body. His eyes flashed with something heated, growing deep and hazy, and my breath hitched, the warm feeling in my chest swelling.
Cass blinked, and slowly, he started moving, his piercing gaze never leaving my face as he walked towards me. A wave of his scent washed over me, warm and addictive, and all my thoughts quieted down when he leaned his shoulder against the doorframe, his knuckles brushing against my side as his low-lidded eyes dragged over my face. My chest brushed against his t-shirt, his warmth travelling even through the layers of clothing, and I stared up at him, feeling the warm thrum in my chest as my lips parted softly, my breath hitching as the warm buzz under my ribs swelled. My mind felt slow, hazy, muddled either by the alcohol cursing through me – or by Cassian’s scent filling my lungs, the warmth radiating from his large body, pulling me in, and the way he was gazing down at me, his eyes hooded and dark under heavy lids, an intensity in the way his gaze dragged over my face that sent tingling shivers over my whole body.
My breath caught in my throat, and my thoughts narrowed.
All of him. The dark ink all over his skin, the shift of his muscles and hazy heat in his goddamn beautiful eyes. It felt like all of him pulled me in to swallow me whole, made my chest flutter with something so powerful, it caused my breath to catch as I stared up at him, my heart thrumming warmer against my ribs with every second.
And just because it felt like I might combust if I didn’t, I stretched and kissed him.
Something burst in my stomach, like hundreds of bubbling fireworks rising to the surface.
Cassian's lips were soft and tasted like fruit soda and alcohol, sweet and bitter at once. My chest swelled as my fingers curled into the soft cotton of his t-shirt and Cassian’s lashes fluttered against my cheek. Then a deep, low sound broke from his throat, and dropping his head to meet me, Cass slid his hands up my sides. His calloused palms wrapped around the sides of my neck, and exhaling deeply like a weight had lifted from his shoulders, Cassian kissed back like he’d been starving for it.
The rising feeling in my chest burst into a warm, fluttering storm.
Sinking down onto my heels, I dragged him with me, gripping his shirt and curling my fingers into the nape of his neck, feeling his warm skin and the way he shuddered at my touch, causing my heart to thrum and the bubbling feeling under my ribs to swell.
Making a deep, hoarse noise, Cassian moved until his wide chest pressed into mine, and his hand wrapped around my ribcage, dragging me into his body as he kissed me harder.
He was kissing me like he was trying to swallow me whole, devour me, his jaw flexing with every kiss that deepend, hungry lips parting mine, tongue swiping into my mouth like he was trying to memorize the way I tasted.
I dug my fingers into his sides when Cass began to push me backwards, feeling the planes of his torso, warm and hard, flush against mine and his body towering over me, causing the warmth bubbling in my chest to swell and heat to pool in my panties.
My back hit a wall, and something curled low in my stomach when Cass groaned low in his chest as his whole body pressed against the length of mine, so close my breath caught in my throat. His long fingers curled into my hair, and Cass dragged my head back and dipped his own to kiss my throat bruisingly.
My heart leapt into my throat, I sucked in a breath, and my eyes fluttered shut as my lips parted.
Cassian moaned against my skin, his hot breath heavy as he dragged his lips down the side of my bared neck, licking, biting, teeth sinking into my skin and leaving soft whimpers tumbling from my lips. His hand slid down to my waist and slipped under my t-shirt, and I held my breath when his palm dragged up my side to cup my ribcage, his calloused skin burning against mine.
Raising his head breathlessly, Cassian crashed his lips against mine, and the flutter in my chest hitched like my breath. His hand slipped further into my hair as his lips parted mine, tongue swiping greedily into my mouth, and a whimper spilled from my throat as I clung to him, kissing back feverishly.
Cassian groaned against my lips, biting down onto the bottom one and pulling lightly, causing my insides to flutter madly. Dropping his forehead against mine, he breathed heavily, and when I forced my eyes to open, my heart leap into my throat at the sight of his, half-lidded and feverish as they dragged over my face.
Cassian's throat worked like he was suppressing the urge to swallow, then his hand slipped away from my ribcage, his fingers brushing down over my stomach.
My lips parted, and my fingers curled into his shirt as the buzz in my chest slowed to a heavy, warm thrum.
Cassian watched me through hazy hooded eyes, swollen lips parted as he absentmindedly ran his tongue over the bottom one. Then his thumb hooked into the waistband of my panties.
The bubbling feeling in my chest rose until I held my breath.
Cass shifted and his nose nudged against mine, his head dipped so far that I could feel his hot, heavy breath on my lips, could see the green flecks in his iris bleeding together, and warmth built in my chest, fluttering wildly at the feverish look in his hazy, half-lidded eyes. His lips grazed the corner of my mouth, causing the thrum between my legs to tighten. Then his finger pulled at the waistband of my panties, and dragging them down my legs, Cassian dropped down to one knee.
My eyes widened, my heart rising, and my hand flew out to hold onto the doorframe as the other shot down to bury in his hair, some part of my brain catching up with the fact that he couldn’t possibly want to –
“Open your legs.” Cassian’s deep, hoarse order mumbled against my hip sent shivers down my spine so violently, my body shook.
“I –“
One big, calloused palm slid under my knee, and I nearly lost my balance when Cass dragged it up and over his broad shoulders.
My heart leapt into my throat, my back hit the wall, and Cassian groaned, his eyes hooded as he ran his nose up the inside of my thigh before biting down softly where my leg and hip met.
“Fuck.” His raspy words sounded slurred as he squeezed his eyes shut. A muscle in his jaw worked and I felt his wide shoulders shift. Then he dipped forward with a soft sound and ran his tongue greedily through my folds.
My lips parted as pleasure raced up my stomach and my fingers dug into his hair, and Cassian gave a noise sound low in his throat that sent my back arching.
“Shit, baby, you’re perfect,”, he mumbled into my skin, his deep voice so hoarse, it slid over my skin like sandpaper. His pupils were so large, they swallowed all color of his iris as he stared up at me through hooded eyes, hazy and heavily lidded as his palms closed around my hips, and with another soft groan, Cass dove forward, running his tongue hungrily over my pussy.
My body spasmed as my head fell back against the wall and pleasure twisted through me. Cassian was moving like he was trying to map out every inch of me, tongue circling my clit before dipping lower, coaxing whimpers from my throat.
“Shit –“
Cass buried his nose in my skin and sucked my clit into his mouth, and my eyes rolled into the back of my head as my fingers dug into the doorframe and shaky curses spilled from my lips. My hips rolled forward, and Cassian grunted.
“Fuck, you’re killing me.”
Diving forward, his hazy eyes on my face, he sucked, slow, hard, his warm hands sliding lower, holding me in place as he firmly ran his tongue over me.
“Oh.” My insides twisted as heat washed through me from my muddled head to tensing legs, and my lips parted, no sound leaving my throat as I grabbled to hold onto something, my pussy clenching, and Cass groaned.
“Shit, do that again.” He pressed closer and sucked harder, his hooded gaze piercing my face. The sounds bounced off the walls, causing my insides to wind tighter and my body to stutter.
“Fuck.” My fingers curled into Cassian’s hair, and he groaned, deep and hoarse, his eyes fluttering and tall body bowing into mine as he pushed me further into the wall, lapping greedily at me.
My breath caught as I clung to the doorframe, feeling a familiar tightness build in my lower stomach, twisting more taut with the second.
“Shit,”, I whimpered; Cass dove forward, licking and sucking harshly, and my eyes rolled back as without warning, the tension snapped.
My back arched as my body shook and pleasure crashed over me in a tidal wave harder than anything I had ever experienced. My eyes squeezed shut, head pressing against the wall as I cried out, feeling my insides shudder and tighten, pulsing harshly around nothing, and Cassian tightened his grip around me, his moan vibrating through me and causing my limbs to tremble.
My body shook, and I slumped against the wall, trying to catch my breath, heat washing through me, skin buzzing and insides thrumming. Then a soft, delirious giggle broke from my throat, my heart pounding against my ribs as I leaned my head back and closed my eyes as the warm, bubbling feeling in my chest swelled.
Lips pressed against my hip, followed by teeth sinking softly into my skin before something warm brushed against my chest and calloused hands slid under my shirt to keep me upright.
Still breathing a little unsteadily, I forced my hazy eyes to open, and the warm thrum under my ribs grew tenfold when I found a tall body towering over me, so close our chests almost pressed together.
Cassian’s gaze was heavy-lidded and feverish, his lips swollen and parted, a dimple digging into his cheeks as he stared down at me through hazy, twinkling eyes.
My breath caught in my throat, and Cass blinked, his gaze shifting, becoming deeper, molten, hungry.
My heart rose, I swallowed, and Cass made a low, rough sound deep in his throat as his piercing gaze flickered over me face. Then he dropped his head, and I sucked in a sharp breath when his lips crashed onto mine.
My eyes fluttered, and a soft moan broke from my throat when I stretched, clinging to him as I dug my fingers into his shirt and kissed back feverishly.
Cassian’s body pressed closer, rough palms cupping my sides as he started pushing me backwards into my bedroom. Half-stumbling, half-pulling, I tugged him with me, curling my fingers into his t-shirt, the warmth and strength of his body towering over mine causing something to bubble and swell in my chest, and Cassian’s lashes fluttered against my cheek when he made a low, hoarse sound against my lips. Then he dropped his head, and his hand slid into my hair and dragged my head back.
A broken moan vibrated through my chest when he attacked my neck, kissing and sucking harshly, sinking his teeth into my throat until my lids fluttered and I fought soft whimpers.
My fingers tugged at his t-shirt desperately, pulling it up, and Cassian let off my neck just long enough to help me drag the soft fabric over his head.
Dropping it carelessly, I stretched, my lips crashing onto Cassian’s as my fingers curled into the hair at the back of his neck. My hand ran down his warm chest, and I felt his muscles shudder under my touch, causing warmth to buzz under my ribs and something to twitch low in my stomach.
Heat rose in my chest, and I broke the kiss to start trailing hungry, breathless kisses down his throat, sucking and biting gently at his pulsepoint, drunk on the taste and softness of his skin. A low moan vibrated through Cassian’s chest, the sound so deep it travelled through me as he let his head fall back, jaw flexing, and I softly bit into his collarbone, licking over the spot before pressing kisses down to his right pec, my tongue trailing over the art inked onto his skin.
Cassian made a sound somewhere between a groan and a moan, his fingers curled into my hair, and when I raised my head, thoughts hazy, he crashed his lips onto mine.
I whimpered, and Cass swallowed the sound greedily, his tongue wrestling past mine, swiping into my mouth. I inhaled sharply, my fingers digging into his warm skin, Cassian pushed closer, his large body pressing against mine, and without breaking the kiss, he leaned down and slid his calloused hands under my thighs, lifting me off my feet.
Wrapping my arms around his neck, I sank my teeth into his bottom lip, and Cassian's eyes fluttered as he moaned before breaking into a deep chuckle, his lips curving upwards into a wide grin against mine. His hand squeezed my ass, and feeling that bubbling feeling in my chest swell, I let the giggle in my throat break free, my fingers sliding into Cassian’s soft hair.
Beginning to walk towards my bed, Cassian dropped his head and bit into the soft skin below my ear, licking and sucking at the spot harshly, and my eyes rolled back as I clung to his large, warm body, his bare skin pressing against my thighs and the muscles in his back shifting, causing something in my chest to soar. Then Cassian let himself drop forward, and a startled squeal broke from my chest when my back hit the mattress, turning into unrestrained giggles when his huge body buried me under its weight.
Grinning into my neck, Cassian dropped his head, and something tumbled in my stomach when his gaze clashed with mine as he sank his teeth into the fabric of my t-shirt, his dark eyes hooded and heated.
“Off.” The deep, mumbled order sent shivers over my body, and I pushed myself up, quickly starting to shimmy out of the fabric, Cassian’s tattooed fingers curling into the hem, helping to tug it up my torso. His eyes seemed to grow more hazy and heavy lidded the higher the seam went, and a low grunt escaped his throat when I slipped it over my head.
Dropping his head, Cass nuzzled his nose against my collarbone, sinking his teeth softly into my skin. Then he dragged his lips lower, and my back arched, a flutter exploding in my lower stomach when he slowly circled his tongue over my nipple.
“Shit.” My fingers dug into his neck, and Cassian groaned softly, his eyes fluttering when he buried his nose in my skin, biting the soft skin of my breast before sucking it into his mouth as far as possible.
A soft shaking sound broke from my throat and trembling shivers ran through my body as my insides twisted and the bubbling feeling in my chest rose, and Cassian moaned low in his chest as he started to suck and lick my nipple greedily until my fingers dug into his nape and I arched into him with a breathless whine.
Running his nose over my skin, Cass pressed a lazy kiss against a forming bruise, then he switched sides, his calloused palm closing over my breast. I sucked in a sharp breath, my heart leaping into my throat, and Cassian watched with hazy eyes as a tattooed finger slowly circled my nipple until the pull was so tight, I squirmed, soft whimpers breaking from my throat as I pressed my head into the mattress and squeezed my eyes shut.
“Perfect,”, Cass mumbled raspily against my skin, sinking his teeth lightly into the soft skin above my breast before dragging his lips up to my neck, running his tongue teasingly over my throat. My hand shot up to grip his hair as I fought for breath, and Cassian dipped his head and kissed me, lazy and hungry, parting my lips and dragging his tongue over mine.
A shiver shook my body, I could feel Cassian's lips curve upwards, and warmth bubbled in my chest as I felt a soft, delirious giggle rise in my throat.
Cass grinned against my lips, his forearms pressing down into the mattress next to my shoulders as he shifted, his hips lodging into between my thighs, and the giggles got stuck in my throat when I felt the hard bulge in his pants press against my core.
A breathy sound escaped me as my hand shot out to dig into his back; my back bowed and my hips bucked, and Cassian groaned against my lips, his teeth sinking into the corner of my mouth. My eyes fluttered when I felt the outline of his cock, huge and what had to be painfully hard, straining against his jeans, and the rising feeling in my stomach grew unbearable.
My fingers were trembling with need as I slid my hands down over Cassian’s stomach, my chest thrumming and stomach buzzing, and I hooked my fingers into his belt, the clasp clinking when I pulled to open it. My eyes fluttered when his teeth sank into my neck, and cursing breathily, I tried to tug at his pants.
Cassian snorted a laugh into my skin, and a giggle burst from my throat as I kicked his ass with the heel of my foot.
“Stop – laughing –“
Cassian’s shoulders shook as his deep, unrestrained chuckles caused his body to vibrate, and my heart got stuck in my throat when he raised his head, dimples digging into his cheek, eyes hazy and grin wide.
“Need help?” Teasingly, he rolled his hips down, grinding his hard on against my pussy, and my back arched at the jolt of pleasure racing down my spine, a whimper breaking from my throat the same second a low groan tore from Cassian's chest, his eyes fluttering.
My heart leapt against my ribs, and an uncontrolled, breathless giggle spilled from my lips.
“Fuck you.” My breathy voice vibrated with more giggles that shook my body, my chest buzzing, drunk on alcohol and kisses and the familiar, dark scent filling my lungs, and I felt Cassian's face split into a wide grin against my neck. Then he raised his head, blown iris twinkling, and my heart leapt against my ribs when he nudged his nose against mine, lips ghosting over mine and crease digging into his cheek as he mumbled huskily: “That’s your job, baby.”
My breath caught, something twisted sharply in my stomach, and Cassian's hazy eyes pierced mine.
Swallowing softly, I reached down, touching his belt.
"Off." My voice was just a whisper, breathless and hoarse as heat built deep in my stomach, thrumming under my skin.
Cassian's gaze flashed, flaring as his heavy lids fluttered. Then he pushed himself up, his warm, solid weight disappearing from my body as he sat up. His hazy, dark eyes pierced mine, and without looking away, he started unbuckling his belt.
My lips parted softly as my gaze followed his tattooed hands like hypnotized as they undid his button, slipped into the back pocket of his jeans and pulled out a foil package, raising it to his mouth so his teeth could rip it open. Then they slid under the waistband, and Cassian pushed his jeans and boxers down his hips in one.
My soft inhale got stuck in my throat. Scorching heat washed over me, setting my cheeks aflame as my lips parted further and I couldn't do anything but stare, at sharp v-lines and flexing muscles as Cass slid the clear condom over his hard length.
My insides tightened, throbbing around nothing, and swallowing, feeling the bubbling feeling in my chest rise up into my throat, I tore my gaze away. My eyes darted up, and my breath hitched when my eyes found Cassian's, deep, heated and hazy beneath low lids as they pierced mine. Then he leaned forward, and his palms pressed into the sheets next to my sides. The mattress dipped under his weight when he pushed his pants off, his blown iris never breaking away from mine, then he moved up my body until he was hovering over me.
Staring up at him, a wild flutter rising under my ribs, I felt my breath hitch, and slowly, Cass lowered his head until his nose grazed mine.
My lips parted, and with a low, deep noise, Cassian leaned forward and crashed his lips onto mine.
My soft inhale got caught in my throat, something in my chest rose in a flutter, and with a quiet, needy sound, I stretched to slip my arms around his shoulder, my fingers curling into his hair as I inhaled sharply. Then I kissed back feverishly, and Cass groaned softly, his lips parting mine greedily, and his tongue swiped into my mouth, sliding against mine.
My body shuddered, and I arched closer as Cassian slowly lowered himself until his forearms pressed into the mattress next to my shoulders. His chest brushed against mine, his warm, smooth skin causing shivers to travel down my body, and I felt myself push closer almost involuntarily until Cass let himself sink lower, my muscles going lax at the feeling of his warm, massive torso pressing mine heavily down onto the mattress. My thighs slowly fell apart, and Cassian shifted, his chest sliding against mine and causing my nipples to tighten. Then his tip dragged through my folds, and my heart leapt into my throat as I gasped against his lips, fingers digging into his shoulders.
Cass groaned, low and hoarse. His throat worked, jaw muscles flexing, and his heavy lids shuddered.
“If you want me to stop, you tell me.” His voice was so raspy, it sent shivers down my spine.
My fingers dug into his back when I felt his cock slide over my pussy again, and I inhaled shakingly, nodding as my eyes rolling back slightly.
Cassian's nose nudged my cheek, his low, raspy voice vibrating through me. "Look at me, baby."
Somehow, I managed to force open my heavy lids, and something twisted tight and low in my stomach when my eyes met Cassian’s, blown like he was drunk on more than alcohol, his jaw muscles flexing like he was trying to reign himself in when he made a deep noise low in his throat.
“Need you to tell me.”
The bubbling warmth in my chest rose, and I nodded again, my voice breathy when I whispered: “I’ll tell you.”
Cassian’s softly sank his teeth into my bottom lip. Then he shifted his weight, one of his hands sliding over my thigh, his calloused palm leaving shivers in it's wake as it grabbed onto my knee and dragged it higher up his side until my leg slid over his back. His nose nudged against mine, his blurred, feverish eyes piercing mine. Then he rolled his hips forward, and my lips fell apart as I felt his tip push into me and how I clenched around him.
Cassian's body shuddered, his eyes fluttered, and he dropped his head into my neck.
“Fuck.” His deep voice sounded slurred, his back muscles flexing under my hands. His jaw worked as low, broken sounds rose in his throat, and a shaking whimper tore from my lips as my body arched into him.
“I - I don't -“ I squeezed my eyes shut, breathing shakily. “This might take a while.”
Cassian’s lashes fluttered against my cheek, and a low groan broke from his throat as he nuzzled his nose against my jaw, sounding hoarse when he mumbled: “Fuck; yes.”
A soft, startled giggle broke from my throat, and Cass grinned against my skin, my insides twisting at the sight of his hooded, hazy eyes and the crooked line of his smirk. Then he dipped his head and nipped my jaw, softly biting into my neck as he rolled his hips forward, and my eyes rolled back, my nails digging into his back.
With a soft groan, I buried my nose in my pillow. Then I slowly blinked open one eye, feeling my nose crunch when the light sent a wave of pain through my head.
Whining softly and squeezing my eyes shut again, I dropped my head and buried my face in my pillow.
For a few seconds, I just laid completely still, feeling a steady pounding set up residence right underneath my skull. Birds chirped softly outside the window, a car passed on the street outside, and I could hear quiet clatter in another room.
My limbs felt heavy when I slowly raised my head again, making a face at the fuzzy taste on my tongue, the general queasiness and the spike of pain in my head as I squinted to take in my surroundings.
I was in my bedroom, stretched out diagonally across the mattress, clinging to my pillow. The gap in the curtains allowed warm rays of sunlight to fall onto the floor, and a cool breeze swayed the fabric. There were pieces of clothing scattered over the floor and the furniture, throw pillows dropped onto the carpet around the bed, my blanket was tangled around my bare legs, and I was wearing nothing but underwear and a too big t-shirt that smelled dark and warm and familiar.
Making a low sound in my throat, I contemplated just burying my head under the pillow and going back to sleep until my head stopped pounding and I didn’t feel like death anymore – but then the smell of something frying wafted into the room, and my stomach twisted and grumbled miserably.
Whining softly, I exhaled deeply. Then I slowly dug myself out of my blanket and slid my legs over the edge of the mattress. My whole body was aching, and wincing at the drumming pain in my head, I pushed myself to my feet, nearly moaning at the soreness of my muscles. Grimacing and tiredly rubbing my eyes, I sluggishly trudged over the carpet and pushed open the half closed door.
The smell of bacon got stronger, and running a hand over my face, I trudged through the small hall, coming to a halt in the door to the kitchen. Squinting into the sunlight, I blinked tiredly, and my heart performed a small, happy hop against my ribs at the sight of the tall guy moving around my small kitchen.
Cassian’s back shifted, muscles flexing under his bare skin as he smoothly flipped a pancake, the soft, concentrated crunch of his brows melting away when he placed the pan back on the stove. Twirling a spatula between his fingers absentmindedly, he looked around before beginning to stir what looked like scrambled eggs in another pan. The golden sunlight falling through the window made his eyes look softer and skin glow warmly, his large body dwarfing my kitchen as he moved around, and something squeezed softly in my stomach as my eyes flickered over his bare torso down to the black boxers peeking out over the waistband of his low hanging joggers.
Cass moved and threw a look over his shoulder, and our gazes met.
For a second, his gaze flickered down my body, and something shifted in his eyes when they seemed to linger on my bare legs. Then Cassian blinked and raised his eyes again, and something pulsed warmly against my ribs when one corner of his lips slowly curved upwards.
His deep voice, warm and raspy, paired with the teasing twinkle spreading through his eyes sent a gentle tingle down my spine, and breathing out, I reached up to rub my eyes, crunching my nose gently as I mumbled hoarsely: “Hey.”
The scratchiness of my tired voice nearly made me wince, and Cass chuckled softly, dimples forming in his cheeks when he sent me a slow, shit-eating grin.
“You good, baby?”
Something leapt softly against my ribs at the teasing tilt of his voice, and exhaling heavily, I leaned my shoulder against the doorframe and dropped my temple against the cool wood as I stared at him tiredly, feeling my head pound. Then I raised my brows. “I definitely had too much to drink.”
A snort broke from Cassian’s throat, and the wide grin on his face caused something to topple lightly in my chest.
Breathing out, I blinked tiredly. Feeling my brows crunch softly, I stared into space as I tried to separate the blurry strands of memory in my head.
“Did you sleep here?” My hoarse voice sounded as sleepy as I felt as I blinked slowly.
Cassian raised his head, and his eyes flickered over my face.
I winced lightly, squeezing one eye shut as I sent him a crooked, sheepish smile. “I’m – sorry; I just remember that we left that – ridiculously full party last night, everything after is – blurry.”
Cassian’s gaze flickered over mine. Then he blinked, his jaw muscles shifted, and his throat worked gently like he was suppressing the urge to swallow.
Something twinged gently in my chest, and raising my head a little, I felt my brows crunch gently with worry as my eyes moved over his face.
Cass blinked again. Then he turned his eyes away, one corner of his lips curving gently as he mumbled: “Forgot you’re a fucking lightweight.”
A soft giggle burst from my throat, and the curve of Cassian’s lips deepend just a little as he let the pancake slide onto a plate that was already filled with other, turning off the stove.
Staring at him and the shadow of a dimple in his cheek that didn’t feel fully him, I felt that soft twinge in my chest twist a little.
I blinked, then I pushed off the doorframe and trudged towards him, rubbing my eyes before sliding my arms around his waist and dropping my head against his chest with a tired, soft sound.
For nothing but a second, I thought I felt Cassian’s back muscles tense under my touch, his warm body seeming to freeze gently. But just was I was about to raise my head, a small breath left him, and I felt his shoulders sink. His hand slid up my back and his arm wrapped over my shoulder, and Cass dropped his head to bury his nose in my hair.
There was a small flutter against my ribs, and exhaling slowly, I slid my arms further around him, then I buried my face in his chest, his bare skin warm against my cheek. My eyes dropped close on their own accord, and just for a few seconds, the pounding in my head faded a little as I soaked in the solid feeling of Cassian’s body towering over mine and the warmth and scent of his skin. Then I raised my head relucantly and with a soft sigh, tiredly staring down at the pans for a second before I tipped my head back to blink up at Cass, feeling my lips curve just a bit as I squinted.
“That for me?”
Cassian’s eyes flickered over my face, and slowly, the smallest trace of a crease appeared in his cheek. Then he crunched his brows, narrowing his eyes a little even as his gaze started twinkling the tiniest bit. “You even hungry?”
My stomach tightened and rumbled, and a slow grin spread over Cassian’s face, causing his eyes to crinkle a little and small dimples to form in his cheeks and warmth to rise in my chest.
Chuckling softly, he slid his arm from my shoulder. “Sit down.”
Squeezing his sides with a tired, happy sound, I breathed out sleepily, dropping my arms from his waist and stepping back to move past him. My heart did a little skip when I saw that the small table at the window was set, glasses with orange juice next to cups and a steaming pot of coffe, another glass with water and painkillers sitting in front of the seat on the small sofa.
Something warm started bubbling in my chest, and feeling a soft smile spread over my face, I crunched my nose to barely suppress a yawn before wriggling past the table and climbing onto the couch.
Pulling the soft blanket over my bare legs and cuddling up in my seat, wrapping my arms around my knees, I tiredly blinked at the set table for a second, feeling the warm bubbling sensation under my ribs swell a little. Then I slowly pulled the glass with water towards me, ripping open one of the packages and dumping the contents into the glass. It started fizzling, turning bubbly and pale, and picking it up and making a face, I quickly chugged down its contents.
The bitter taste made me shudder and smack my lips with a grimace, quickly refilling the glass to rinse the taste out of my mouth and quench the sudden wave of thirst.
Emptying the second glass of water in one go, I barely suppressed a soft burp, and there was a quiet chuckle. Then a plate stacked with pancakes, eggs and bacon was placed in front of me, and when I raised my head, Cassian took the seat on the other side of the table, a soft dimple digging into his cheek.
The greasy smell of bacon rose into my throat, and groaning softly, I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply.
“Thank you.” My voice was still raspy and tired, but the smell of food made some of the queasiness melt away, my mouth watering as I took my cutlery.
Warm silence settled over the kitchen as I started eating, feeling too sleepy and hungover for conversation. The sun tickled my nose and made Cassian’s eyes look like light hazel with flecks of green as he slow sipped his coffee, brows crunched a bit against the light. He didn’t seem in the mood for conversation either and just protested with a soft, dramatic sound when I snuck bacon off his plate, the corners of his lips curving just a little as he played with his fork, hazel eyes watching me.
Polishing off the last bit off pancake and egg, I breathed out happily, most of the queasy feeling gone as I put my cutlery down and blinked tiredly. Now, my stomach full and warm, the ache in my head dulling down to a painful thrum, I felt like curling up on the spot and napping for the next 24 hours.
Though –
Crunching my brows softly, I dropped my head, I carefully sticking my nose into the collar of my shirt and sniffling.
Wincing lightly at the stale smell of alcohol, I slowly raised my head again and blinked tiredly.
“I think I’m gonna take a shower.” Resting my elbow on the table and leaning my cheek against my hand, I sleepily stared at Cassian. Then I mumbled softly: “You okay?”
Cass blinked. His gaze slowly moved over my face, and his throat worked slightly. Then he dropped his head, the shadow of a crease forming in his cheeks when he nodded.
“Yeah.” His quiet, raspy voice sent a warm tingle down my spine as he raised his head again, watching me, and I stared back at him, my lids fighting to close, the sun warming my skin.
“You sure?” My words were soft, quiet.
One corner of Cassian’s lips curved, and he leaned forward until he could rest his chin on his arms, staring up at me. “You know, showering sounds like a good idea. You’re kinda stinky.”
Warmth swelled in my chest, and without changing my position, I picked up a piece of packaging and tossed it across the table. A soft giggle burst from my throat when it hit Cassian’s forehead, and Cass crunched his brows and whined softly, dimples digging into his cheeks and eyes twinkling softly in the light.
Feeling happiness bubble gently against my ribs, I stared at him with a tired, crooked smile. Then I got up slowly with a sigh, grumbling dramatically under my breath as I climbed off the couch.
Cass straightened, throwing the piece of paper onto his plate, and sluggishly squeezing past the table, I leaned down and wrapped my arms around his neck from the side in a tight hug, leaning my chin against his head and closing my eyes tiredly. Cassian’s hand rose to wrap around my forearm, his thumb slowly brushing over my skin, and feeling warmth rise in my chest, I dropped my nose to bury it in his hair. Then I pressed a long, dramatic kiss onto his temple and slowly straightened up again, squeezing his shoulder. Cass looked back at me, his palm wrapping over my hand for a moment, and sending him a soft, crooked grin, I gently flicked his forehead. Then I turned around, sighing tiredly and rubbing my eyes.
Taking a detour to the bedroom to get fresh clothes, I trudged into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. The warmth of the sun and my full belly made me feel even more tired than before, and I barely managed to keep my eyes open as I stripped out of my clothes, dropping them carelessly to the floor before stepping into the shower and turning on the water.
My lids slid shut, and I allowed them to as I slowly scrubbed myself clean, letting hot water run over my face and down my back. The steady sound nearly made me doze off on my feet, and somehow pulling myself together, I turned off the water and stepped out onto the small matt, reaching for my towel.
Wrapping myself up, I stayed motionless in the same spot for a second with half closed eyes, dripping quietly, listening to the sound of a bee buzzing against the window.
A light knock against the door made me startle, and Cassian’s low, deep voice travelled through the door.
“Hey, you still awake?”
I blinked slowly. Then I mumbled, softly and hoarsely: “Fuck off.”
There was a muffled chuckle that sent a warm tingle down my spine, and I could almost see the way Cassian leaned his shoulder against the doorframe, dipping his head towards the door with a light grin.
“I used up the rest of your groceries, your fridge’s a fucking wasteland now; I’ll go down to the store and get you some shit for the weekend.” His deep voice vibrated over my skin even muffled by the door. “You want anything special or just the usual?”
Breathing out, I leaned my hip against the counter and blinked tiredly, my voice still rasping a little when I mumbled: “You staying?”
Cass was quiet for nothing but a second. Then his warm, raspy voice echoed softly through the door.
“Yeah.” The hum of his low, deep voice sent warm shivers over my skin when he added: “If you want me to.”
“Duh”, I muttered tiredly, my voice sounding a little less scratchy when I crunched my brows. “You always do. It’s tradition now.”
Cass huffed a deep laugh, and I felt my lips curve as I blinked slowly, my eyelids drooping. “Just get the usual. If I don’t feel like death tonight, I’ll make pasta, so – you just pick whatever you want for a sauce, and – get snacks. Lots of ‘em.”
Cassian chuckled, and warmth bubbled gently against my ribs. “Got it.” He lightly rapped his knuckles against the door. “Don’t fall asleep until I’m back, okay?”
I felt a slow, wide smile spread over my face.
“No promises,”, I mumbled with half-closed eyes, and Cass breathed another low laugh, then he pushed off the doorframe, the floor creaking. Warmth gently fluttered against my ribs, and breathing out, I slowly pushed myself off the counter as the front door fell shut.
Somehow, I managed to dry off and get myself into my underwear and a soft bra, even after giving up the fight against my heavy eyelids. Then I blindly grabbed my bodylotion from the shelf and forced my eyes to open dramatically as I turned around.
Just this and brushing my teeth and maybe sorting my hair and then I could go back to be-
My gaze found the mirror over the sink, and my breath caught in my throat.
The bottle of bodylotion slipped from my fingers and hit the tiled floor, and my lips parted as I stared at mirror and the dark bruises littering my chest, ribs and the side of my neck.
My heart thrummed once against my ribs, and memories crashed over me like a tidal wave.
Of heated, messy kisses and large hands wrapping around my limbs, turning and sliding my body into positions that had made my back arch, of lips dragging over my skin and teeth softly sinking into my ribs, of sweaty skin sliding together, my eyes rolling back into my head and a warm, massive body hovering over mine, husky curses rasped into my skin and fingers tangling with mine in the sheets.
I stared into the mirror as my cheeks paled and my chest squeezed.
Shit, shit, shit.
@azrielshadows1nger @waytoomanyteenagefeels @secretlyhers @icey--stars @ailyr92
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perfectlyoongi · 3 days
BOYFRIEND!NAMJOON who invites you for sunrise bike rides. for him, Namjoon didn't mind waking up early or sleeping little; for Namjoon, there was no more beautiful time of day than sunrise, where everyone still sleeps and your promises and confessions are forever kept in the first rays of the sun. “i could swear you were painted with the colors of dawn, all of you is hope and harmony.”
BOYFRIEND!NAMJOON who sends you gym photos because he knows perfectly well that you always get shy. Namjoon was a teaser by nature and when he discovered that the photos he sent you were forever saved on your phone after making you even more in love with him, Namjoon didn't waste any opportunity to brighten your day. “you can deny whatever you want, i know you get completely crazy every time you see the mt pics.”
BOYFRIEND!NAMJOON who takes you on random trips around the world as a way of showing his love for you. almost always a surprise, Namjoon didn't mind paying any price if that meant you would have the best moments of your life; planning everything in detail, Namjoon's itinerary was full of adventures, romance and memories that you would forever keep in your heart. “we’re going to travel all over the world. let’s leave our love marked on the sidewalks of every city so they can see that we will always be together.”
BOYFRIEND!NAMJOON who takes photos of you in front of works of art because, for him, your beauty becomes divine when framed by mystical meanings. so many colors and shapes, textures and atmospheres lit up endless rooms, but even so, Namjoon could only see you, sculpted, drawn, shaped by all the talented hands you were seeing. “i know i'm always repeating myself, but i never tire of reminding you that you, your very essence is a work of art.”
BOYFRIEND!NAMJOON who asks you for massages when he comes home after an intense workout or a more challenging practice. completely tired, dragging his steps with the weight of a complicated day, Namjoon would walk to you, laying down exhausted on the bed and waiting, with his eyes closed ready to relax and, who knows, sleep, for you to give him a massage. “just… just touch me like only you know how to touch me. my body needs the magic of your hands.”
BOYFRIEND!NAMJOON who buys you clothes in the same color and pattern as his so you can match without being too obvious. he knew it was a bit of a cliché and cringe, so Namjoon never admitted that he did it on purpose; Namjoon felt good seeing you wearing the clothes he offered you and, if they ended up being like his, it would just be a bonus, right? “i swear i didn’t realize it’s the same as my coat! oh… i already put the receipt in the trash... you really have to use it now. sorry.”
BOYFRIEND!NAMJOON who told you he loved you for the first time before going on a particularly longer tour. Namjoon's heart was heavy when he said goodbye to you, the touch of your hands in his doing little to appease his premature longing; he spoke quietly, declaiming his words like a promise, guaranteeing that his heart would be yours forever. “i’ll be back quickly, yea? i love you.”
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AITA for lying about my medication?
So I can find this -> 🐸💥
Horrible title aside, this one requires a bit of background. For the majority of my life I’ve struggled with mental illness, and I’ve taken various medications to deal with it. I’m extremely sensitive to medications, however, so they’ve all been met with some pretty extreme side effects - Side effects bad enough that I eventually ended up not being medicated for a year so I didn’t have to deal with them. I was barely functional while unmedicated, but I survived.
Recently, I was put on a new medication, and it worked amazingly for me. It didn’t fix 100% of my problems, but it fixed one that was extremely damaging to my health. I live with my mom (I’m a college student and can’t afford rent in my area so I live with my family), who initially supported me giving medication another try, as she’s medicated for mental illness as well and it works great for her.
A few weeks in, I think everything is going great, and I’m able to deal with episodes I’m having so much better than I dealt with it pre-meds. After one episode, however, my mom told me that she thinks the medication has been making me feel worse, and has been heightening my symptoms. I tell her shes wrong, it’s been helping me with the symptoms I’ve had, but she says it a few more times over the coming weeks.
Heres where the AITA part begins:
At one point, I got fed up with her telling me over and over that the medication was making me worse, so I stopped taking it. My symptoms came back, I felt worse, but I told her repeatedly that I was still on it. For two and a half weeks she continued telling me she thought the medication was the problem, since I was having all these symptoms, and that she thinks I should stop taking it or try another one. The entire time I lied told her I’m not stopping it.
Today, she told me again that she thinks the medication has been causing me problems, and I told her I haven’t taken it in a few weeks. She got upset, telling me I had been manipulative, and asking me what I had gained from “toying with her.” I told her now I know the medication isn’t the problem, since I was having the problems with AND without it, so now I can work on finding a solution. She did NOT like that answer.
She was extremely upset over the fact I had lied to her and, I admit, I probably should’ve told her sooner. However, I feel like she never would’ve listened if I hadn’t. AITA for lying about taking my medication when I had stopped it weeks ago?
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onmyyan · 2 days
I was just thinking how funny it’d be in a AU if y/n grew up with the Delmonts, but left shortly after finishing high school to go see her grandma in the country where she ends up meeting Ashley. The drama…😆
City Girl
A/n: lmk if y'all want more
You were only gone for three weeks, that's all they had to endure until you were back home where you belonged, three painfully long weeks without their darling seemed like hell enough but then you came back.
Three weeks ago
The first thing to hit you was that famous Texas heat, that paired with the bright sun had you blinking tears from your eyes for a moment, stepping outside of the airport you inhaled the fresh heated air and sighed, this certainly wasn't San Francisco, in fact it was so unlike back home all the sights and sounds gave you whiplash, what pulled you from your stupor was the sight of your name, crudely painted in bright blue ink on a piece of paper, the man holding the paper to his chest was unfamiliar,but his smile was warm and kind enough to make you ignore the stranger danger rule and investigate.
Walking closer you cock your eyebrow and before you can say a word the man is taking off his hat, pressing the brown leather to his chest as he greets you. "Miss (Y/n)? My name is Ashley Hunt, I'm your grandma's neighbor n' she asked if I'd pick you up so here I am." He grins in such a friendly manner you can't help but return it, it was so like your grandma to do this and not tell you so.
The car ride to your grandmother's property wasn't a quiet one, Ashley was a yapper, but it was charming, he asked plenty of questions without being invasive and made sure you were as comfortable as could be in the Texas heat.
"What brings you to my neck of the woods?"
"Gran asked me to come help out with this big fair you guys have?"
"The summer solstice? That'll be a hoot! Oh it's so nice, everybody comes together to make it happen."
He lit up at the mention of your intentions here, smiling at you so wide you felt compelled to return it
"It's good to know you miss (Y/n)."
He was a breath of fresh air compared to the nonchalant attitudes of the people back home
He'd opened the door for you to get out and walked you up your grandma's driveway, sneakily taking a peek you had to admire just how fine the man next to you was, and considering you spent most of your days surrounded by the Delmonts, this was saying something.
The small older sun kissed woman held a hand to her eyes to block the sun, a bright grin on her face, she leans on her porch beckoning you both inside with a shout, "Y'all better get inside before my grandbaby here has a stroke." She laughed at your sorry sweaty state and reached into her pocket for a handful of bills, gesturing to Ashley she couldn't get a word out before the man was refusing it.
"Now miss Mable I can't accept that."
"Why the hell not boy?"
"The company of miss (Y/n) was payment enough."
And this is how he leaves you, the tall handsome cowboy looked straight out of an old movie as the sun beat behind him, a certain swagger to his walk.
"Pick yer' jaw up before ya catch flies." Your grandma teases.
Summer comes to a beautiful end and everything changes for you in that short time frame, it was wonderful and chaotic and you had never been more nervous to get in a plane in your life, but it wasn't because of some newfound fear of heights, you were terrified because you weren't going home alone.
And you knew how your boys could get..
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tomssexdoll · 3 days
hii i was wondering if you can do a tom angst where he keeps ignoring the reader and constantly leaving her behind and when the reader confronts tom about they argue and tom says something so rude like “not my fault my career is more important than you” or something like that. it can end with fluff, smut, whatever you think it should end with 🩷🩷. i really hope this made sense like it does in my head😭 mwah mwah 💋
Left behind
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"It's not my fault my career is more important than you!"
PAIRINGS: Tom 2015 x Female reader
SYPNOSIS: After Tom starts treating Y/N badly she finally decides to confront him. It goes horribly and they end up in an explosive argument where he says something horrible, causing her to storm out and leave for a few days.
A/N: hey guysss!
WARNINGS: dom!tom, reader!sub, p in v (missionary), eating out, fingering, nip and breast play, arguing
Tom and I's relationship was starting to go sour, he was so busy at work, always out, always leaving me behind and ignoring me when he got home. I tried everything, buying him gifts, cooking him meals, cheering him up, nothing. Nothing worked.
He didn't even argue with me, he just shut me out, like I was worth nothing. I wondered why he was even with me if he wanted to treat me so badly, surely he would've just left me if he got tired of me?
It hurt my heart, seeing how he went from such a loving and caring boyfriend to this? We've been dating for 5 years, we've had our moments but we've always made up, he's never neglected or treated me badly, I wonder why he started now.
I decided to confront him about it, cause why should I continue to let myself be treated like shit, it wasn't fair, if I did this to him he'd blow off the rails. Today was his day off so I decided to let him sleep in before I'd confront him, even though I was mad I still cared about him.
He stepped into the kitchen, grabbing a beer and sitting on the couch, turning the TV on to watch his sports games. I sat down next to him, watching as he didn't even greet me, just ignored my presence.
"Tom.." I nudged him, watching as he ignored me yet again, then I nudged him again, "tom!" I raised my voice. He grunted and turned to me, glaring down at me, "what? Don't you see I'm trying to watch the game?" I scoffed, disgusted by his attitude, "what is wrong with you, am I a stranger or something, why do you treat me like shit!" I got up, yelling at him.
"No, I've just been busy, jeez.." he rolled his eyes, flicking through different channels, sipping at his ice cold beer. "Stop trying to dismiss me, you always fucking do this, I can't believe it Tom," I sighed, "how did you become so cold? So calloused..."
He chuckled mockingly, "oh yeah, blame it on me, your hardworking boyfriend who just wants a good life for his girlfriend, I don't see you working as hard as I do, working multiple hours, organising things and practicing for hours, hm?" he turned to me, sending me a dangerous glare.
"You chose this fucking career and knew how hard it would be, I've told you multiple times to stop working so much and let the others help but you dont fucking listen, it's like talking to a wall Tom!" I couldn't believe him, he was implying I was selfish because I didn't choose such a difficult career like him?
"This is my passion, my dream, why wouldn't I work hard for it?" he pulled his packet of cigarettes, lighting it and taking a long drag. "Tom, I told you not to smoke in the house!" I yelled, snatching the cigarette from his hand and putting it out.
"Oh it's too fucking early to yell, just shut up and sit down," he sighed, "why should I? I can't take it anymore! You're barely home and when you are you shut me out, you ignore me and treat me like shit, what happened to our happy, fun, loving relationship, huh?" I felt tears welling up in my eyes.
He remained silent, focusing on the program on the TV. "Tom! I'm fucking talking to you!" I screamed, grabbing his arm roughly, "oh for fuck sakes, it's not my fucking fault my career is more important than you!" he got up, inching closer to me and screaming in my face.
My jaw dropped, I just stared at him for a few seconds before coming back to my senses. "Fuck you Tom, I'm done," I snatched my keys, storming off, "yeah, leave, I don't fucking want you here anyway!" he shouted, I just ignored his hurtful comments and slammed the front door, getting into my car and speeding off, tears streaming down my face.
I decided to go to his twin brother, Bills house. Him and I were really close, I met him before Tom and we just clicked. I knocked urgently on his door, my chest heaving up and down.
As he came out he took in my hurt expression, instantly pulling me inside and setting me down onto the couch, grabbing a bottle of wine. "What's wrong love, is it Tom?" he sighed, already knowing the root of the problem, pouring me a huge glass.
"Yeah..he's such a fucking asshole, he's become super distant and cold, ignoring me and treating me like a stranger! I don't know why, I don't know if he's cheating or he just doesn't care anymore," I sobbed, a big weight on my chest from all the emotions.
"Fuck..I told him he'd hurt you, he never listens he's so selfish," Bill gave me my glass, watching as I took a huge sip. "He was telling me about how work is so stressful and how he's scared he's taking it out on you, what he's been saying and doing," his hand came down to my thigh, rubbing it gently.
"So he knows what he's doing? Fucking great.." I rolled my eyes, taking another big sip from my glass, then setting it down and grabbing a cigarette from Bill, lighting it and letting the smoke fill my lungs.
"You can stay as long as you like, I'm going to speak to him now though, stay here honey," he kissed my forehead, grabbing his phone and rushing into his bedroom.
While he was gone, I could hear him screaming at Tom, berrating him for how much he's hurt me. The bitterness in his voice echoing throughout the whole house.
As the days went by, the longer I stayed at Bills the more I detatched from Tom, my feelings slowly slipping away. I still had a enourmous amount of love for him but I felt myself letting go.
He didn't even try call or text me, not even after Bill yelled at him. I wondered if he had already moved on, found another girl he could use and abuse.
I spent my day with Bill, going to clubs, parties, dinners, lunch dates, etc. I really missed Bill, him being busy with work too really did take a toll on our friendship but as usual it bounced right back.
We decided to go to the beach, unwind and have a few drinks. He rented an area just for us to sit and relax at. I knew the paparazzi would be taking millions of photos of us, twitter headlines that suspected us being together, but I didn't care, I just needed to relax.
As we arrived I set up a spot, sticking our umbrella in the sand and unfolding our lounge chairs. "Here you go y/n," Bill smirked, handing me a flask of vodka, pulling one out for himself.
"Bill, we look like alcoholics," I giggled, putting my sunglasses on and relaxing, letting the warmth of the sun kiss my skin.
As hours passed and the sun started to set, I heard a familiar car roaring in the distance. I then saw Toms figure frantically running, searching for me. As soon as our eyes locked, a wash of relief displayed on his face.
He ran towards us, the sand flying in the air around him with every step. "Baby..oh my god.." he panted, I just turned my head and ignored him, enjoying the view of the sun setting.
"Please, just talk to me, do anything, yell at me, hit me," he pleaded, a hint of desperation in his voice. I continued to ignore him, showing him what it felt like for me, how hurt I felt.
"Baby!" he cried out, getting on his knees beside me and leaving trails of kisses on my thighs. "Tom, if she isn't responding, leave her alone," he rolled his eyes, sipping at his drink.
I kept ignoring Tom, even moving my leg to stop his kisses. "Please schatzi, please let me make it up to you, I'm so sorry for treating you badly, you know I love you so so much, I love you more than life itself, just let me make it up to you..please.." his voice shaky.
I sighed, my heart cracking slightly at the pain in his voice. I just turned my body away from him, completely shutting him out. "No..no no no baby.." he whimpered, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me against his chest, sobbing into my shoulder.
My eyes widened as I heard him cry, he never cried around me and when he did I knew it was serious. "Please..I can't lose you, I know I'm a fucking idiot, I know i've been a shitty boyfriend, I'll do anything to make you happy, I'll scream and tell the whole world how much I love you.." his tears coating my shoulder.
I couldn't see him in pain anymore, it broke me. I turned around and stood on my knees, hugging him tightly and stroking his hair. "Shhh baby.." I cooed, leaving small kisses on his neck.
"Oh baby...I love you so much, I need to make it up to you, please let me.." he continued to sob, his shaky arms wrapped around me. I nodded and pulled back, getting up and hugging Bill, "I have to Bill..." I sighed, "I know honey, go ahead," he smiled, patting my thigh softly.
I smiled back, turning around and holding Tom's hand, walking with him back to his car. We were silent the whole Tom, I guess he didn't want to fuck things up, he was super lucky he even got a second chance.
The car ride home was just as silent, his hand tightly gripping my thigh, as if he was trying to hold onto me incase I slipped away. As we got home he practically dragged me inside, slamming the door shut and rushing to the bedroom.
He pulled me into his lap and just held me, whispering about how sorry he was, how he was an idiot to push me away and treat me the way he did, how he didn't mean any of the things he said in the argument, how he was just mad and not thinking properly.
"Let me make it up to you, let me show you how beautiful and worthy you are," he pulled back, admiring me. "How so.." I bit my lip, his head turned to the back and then back at me, hinting his idea.
"Alright.." I smiled and kissed his cheek, getting off his lap and laying back on the bed. He quickly followed, towering over me and capturing my lips in a soft, passionate kiss, not one filled with lust of anger, one that showed me his love for me.
He started to undress, desire burning in his eyes. First his jacket, then his shirt, then his jeans. All he was left in was his dark grey boxers, his cock straining against them.
He dived down against, holding my waist carefully while kissing me again, our lips locking in a passionate embrace. I kissed him back, deepening the connection, his strong hands roaming my body, reacquainting themselves with every curve and hollow.
He nipped at my bottom lip, basically asking for permission to take things further. I nodded and opened my mouth, his tongue delving into my mouth and exploring in a passionate and hungry kiss.
His hands sliding down to my hips as he pressed his hips against mine, his growing arousal evident against my thigh, "god...I've missed you so much," he sighed, planting kisses down my jawline, down to my neck.
He sucked softly, kissing all the right spots on my neck and leaving marks, then moving down to my chest, his hands reaching behind my neck and removing my bikini top, revealing my hard nipples.
"Ohhh fuck.." he groaned, his gaze immediately dropping to my exposed chest. He wastes no time in leaning down to taste them, licking and sucking at my nipple, his hands kneeding my other boob, making sure to pay worship every part of me.
"Tonight it's all about you, all about your pleasure..I want to make you feel loved, make up for all the times I made you feel neglected.." he mumbled on my skin, looking up at me.
I nodded and smiled, his lips kissed down from my breasts to my stomach, the sensation making my whole body tingle as he went closer to my burning heat.
"Tom.." I whined, bucking my hips up. "Okay, okay baby.." he chuckled, wrapping his fingers around the ties of my bikini bottom and slowly letting the knot loose, peeling it off me and revealing my wet, aching cunt.
"Jesus.." his breath hitched, eyes widening. "You like what you see?" I smirked, teasing him, "oh do I? What kind of question is that.." he dived his face into my sopping pussy, licking a stripe through my folds.
His hands held my thighs open as he started to flick his tongue at my clit, moaning against me with the taste of my arousal. "You're so sweet baby..fuck.." he groaned, his tongue swirling around my clit with calculated precision.
His hands slid up, sliding 2 fingers into my hole and penetrating me gently, making sure to curl his fingers at my g spot. "Ohh Tom, oh fuck it's so good!" I cried out, rolling my eyes back as the pleasure became more intense.
As he hears my cries of ecstacy, he knows he's hit the right spot. He moans against my pussy, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure throughout me, he uses his fingers to finger me harder, "you like that, hm? The way I finger fuck you while sucking on your needy clit.." he growled, "yes yes yes!" I whined, his tongue flicking at my clit, a knot forming in my stomach to signal my upcoming release.
He feels my pussy clench around his fingers as I get closer to my orgasm, continuing to work my clit with his tongue, determained to make me cum harder than ever before. He hooks his fingers inside me again, making me let out a loud, whiny moan.
"Good girl, let go on my fingers.." he chuckled, I rolled my eyes back and threw my head back as my release hit me, spilling my juices all over his fingers.
"Ohh baby.." he grinned, pulling his dripping fingers out and sucking every bit of slick on his left on them. His eyes darted back to mine, his erection throbbing wildly.
"You want me to fuck you, make you scream?" he crawled closer, his muscular frame hovering over me, I nodded eagerly, reaching down and freeing his cock, it slapped against his abdomen and stood tall, his tip leaking pre.
"So eager for my cock, such a good girl," he smirked, positioning his tip at my entrance and slowly pushing in, wasting no time. He grips my hips and thrusts himself deeper inside of me, his movements are slow and deliberate at first, savouring every sensation.
"Mmm, faster please..." I whined, looking up at him with doe eyes, he instantly obeyed, only wanting the best for me. He starts to speed up, his balls slapping against my wet pussy with each powerful thrust, "ahhh!" I cried out, holding onto his biceps for balance.
"That's it, scream for me, show me how much you love this cock.." he groaned, gripping my hips tighter as he starts to fuck me even harder, his cock hitting that gummy spot in me.
His thrusts becoming more erratic as he pushes himself deeper inside of me, filling me up completely, making sure he wasn't the only one experiencing euphoria.
He grunts with pleasure, leaning forward and kissing me passionately as he slams into me, his cock throbbing with intense need. He can feel my tighten around him again, getting ready to cum all over his cock.
"You gonna cum on this cock baby?" he teased, nipping at my earlobe. "Yesss! Yes, yes fuck!" I cried out, the sound of skin slapping filling our ears. He grins wickedly at me, his gaze dark and filled with desire.
He continues to pound into me roughly with every ounce of strength he has, "gonna cum baby!" he moaned loudly, rolling his eyes back as his release was just as close as mine.
He grunts and thrusts harder, feeling my pussy tighten around him as I came, he keeps fucking me throughout my orgasm, riding out the waves of pleasure with me. "Fuckk.." he groaned, finally reaching his peak and emptying himself inside of me.
He rode out his high, panting and collapsing on top of me, his chest heaving up and down as he tried to calm down from his earth shattering orgasm.
After resting, he layed back on the bed, pulling me onto his chest and stroking my back, our naked bodies melting together, finally feeling the love again after so long.
"Why were you so mean Tom.." I mumbled, not having the strength to look up at him. "I don't know baby, I was just stressed and didn't handle my emotions properly which resulted in me taking it out on you, I should've never done it and I'm so sorry liebe," he sighed, kissing the top of my head tenderly.
"It's okay, I forgive you.." I sighed, burying my face into his chest. He chuckled lightly and continued to caress me, not missing any spot on my body.
"I love you so much Y/N, I swear I will act better and make it up to you, I'll do anything to fix it.." he whispered, I smiled and drifted off to sleep, tired from our lovemaking session.
As I woke up the next morning I realised Tom wasn't in bed, I was confused and got up, searching the house for him. "Tom?" I called out, "here baby!" he shouted back, I smiled and ran towards the kitchen, gasping as I saw a huge bouquet of red roses, my favourite.
Beside the flowers were sets of wrapped gifts, some small, some medium. I ran over to him and hugged him tightly, peppering kisses all over his face. "Liebe..thankyou.." I smiled, turning to the presents and opening the smallest one.
A little velvet box stared back at me, I opened it to reveal a beautiful, diamond necklace. It was an infinity symbol, "that's a symbol of our love, it's eternal.." he smiled, a tear forming in his eye.
"Oh baby..you're so amazing," I cried out and kissed him passionately. I turned around and let him put the necklace on me, his touch soft and promising.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @ballhair
tags: @kaulitzsbabyy @kaulitzswhxre @cosmicck
tags: @bkaulitzlover @ge-billsgf @miyukafujii
tags: @tomsonlyslut @ella1289 @20doozers
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silent-stories · 1 day
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Pairing: JJ x Reader
Summary: a silly game leads to some confessions (jj's version of this)
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You dangled your legs off your house's roof as the sun slowly sank on the horizon, painting the sky different shades of pink and orange.
The boy sitting next to you brought the cigarette he was holding between his fingers to his mouth and blew out a cloud of smoke from his nose, which the cool but not excessively cold breeze of that evening immediately blew away.
The shirt he'd refused to put on after the shower he'd taken before going up there lay beside him, even though you'd insisted that if he didn't put on clothes he'd catch a cold, and his bare chest rose and fell as he let smoke in and out of his mouth.
"Never have I ever…hurt myself trying to be funny." You said.
You always found it fun to play that game with JJ, every time you discovered new things about each other even though it's been several years since you've been playing it.
The rule was to always tell the truth, as if you were using one of those lie detectors they only used on criminals you saw on TV but sometimes you found yourself wondering if JJ had ever told you a lie during that game that maybe you had become too old for playing.
JJ chuckled. "I bet you already know the answer."
The light from the day's last rays of sunlight reflected off his ocean eyes, making them appear to be a hundred different shades of blue.
"Oh I know, but I want to hear it from you." You laughed, thinking about what had happened that morning several years ago when you were both little more than children.
"That tree was obviously unstable, it wasn't my fault!"
"That tree was unstable but you tried to climb it anyway."
"Tried? I did it!"
"Yeah and then you fell. And you broke your wrist."
"Yeah but you took good care of by me afterwards. That's when I knew I wanted to keep you."
"Wait, you wanted to keep me? I wanted to keep you so you didn't end up in other similar situations and risk your life every two days."
JJ laughed as he stubbed out his cigarette butt on the roof.
"It's your turn." You said.
"I don't know...I feel like I already know everything about you."
"Then ask me something you don't know."
He didn't say anything, as if he was carefully choosing his next question and after a few moments of silence you wondered if he had decided that the game wasn't worth playing anymore.
The birds had stopped chirping and the kids who usually played outside had gone back to their homes.
"Never have I ever...been in love."
Your head spontaneously turned to him but he was staring straight ahead, where the sun was now almost completely gone. His hair still damp from the shower clung to his neck and forehead and there hadn't been a moment since he'd stepped out of the bathroom that you hadn't repressed the urge to reach over to brush the dripping blonde strands from his forehead.
He was pretty, and there was never a moment in your life when you didn't think it.
And you absolutely were in love, probably not from the first moment you saw him because you were too young to know what love even was.
Now you knew.
But he was your best friend.
"No" You lied, "no, I don't think so."
JJ didn't answer, continuing to stare at an indefinite point in front of him. No funny or sarcastic comments, no jokes.
"It's your turn." He didn't turn to you.
"Never have I ever..." you thought about it for a moment, you had nothing to lose, right? "been in love."
"It's not fair. That's what I asked." He chuckled under his breath.
"I don't think there's a rule against asking the same question." You shrugged.
JJ rolled his eyes, then stayed silent for a few moments, as if thinking about it.
"Yeah." He ran a hand through his damp locks, "still am."
You have felt a strange sensation in the pit of your stomach and in your belly. I was a weird mix of fear and hope that you couldn't quite identify.
"Does she know?" You just wanted JJ to be happy, you didn't care if he would break your heart.
He snorted. "Because she doesn't like me that way."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because she's never even been in love."
JJ turned to you, finding your surprised expression.
"Yeah." He chuckled, his laughter was colder and less genuine than usual, "Hella embarrassing isn't it? I've been waiting for days if not months for the right moment to ask that stupid question during this game and when I finally work up the courage, she tells me she's never been in love. I almost wish you'd told me you were head over heels for that kook who always sits next to you and flirts all the time at every history class. Someone who deserves you. But like this? You make things even more hard because every time I'm around you I can't help but think about what it would be like-"
It was a way to stop his rambling, it was a way to tell him he was wrong, it was a way to tell him you had lied for the first time during the game.
Your lips were on his and your hand was finally in his still damp hair. It was short, a few seconds and it was already ended as if it had never been there.
"I thought... you said..." He stammered, surprised. On his lips the ghost of a smile.
"I lied. I'm sorry, I fucking lied. It's you. It's always been you."
In no time his lips were on yours for a second kiss.
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hello hello I have a request if yoy wanna write rn ofc it might sound interesting but fairy reader x vox with some hade's and persephone vibes? you don't have to ofc but interesting concept!
Enchanted (Vox x faerie!reader)
Part two ->
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Word count: 8739
Note! There’s more to this, I just thought it’d be overwhelming to have it all in one post. This is part one, let me know if yall wanna see more!
In the bustling streets of Hell, where chaos reigned supreme and every soul seemed destined for torment or redemption, Vox, the flamboyant and sharply dressed media overlord of the underworld, found himself unexpectedly intrigued by a newcomer. Amidst the swirling miasma of souls and demons, a faerie, radiant and ethereal, wandered with an air of curious wonder, my delicate wings shimmering softly against the stark backdrop of sin and suffering. At least, that’s how I liked to imagine it.
He had seen many strange creatures pass through Hell's gates, but none quite like me, apparently. Intrigued by my seeming innocence and purity in this bleak landscape, Vox approached with a grin that was both charming and predatory. "Well, well, what do we have here?" He asked, his voice cutting through the noise of the streets, drawing my attention.
“An annoyed individual who’s not afraid to bite y-” I paused for a moment, looking up at him. I furrowed my brow and frowned. “Why do you have a TV for a head?”
Vox chuckled at my bluntness, his grin widening with amusement. "Well, aren't you a peculiar little thing?" He leaned in slightly, his eyes flashing with a mix of curiosity and mockery. "It’s awfully rude to ask someone why they look a certain way, but… I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to know considering having TV for a head is rather odd. It's my signature look, darling. I am the media mogul of this realm, so having a television for a face just seemed fitting, don't you think?"
He studied me with an appraising gaze, his eyes lingering on my soft wings. "And you are?" He asked, his tone laced with mild mocking curiosity.
“You first,” I said, raising a skeptical brow. “May I have your name?”
Vox let out a scoff, his mockery shifting to a hint of irritation, but his sly smile remained. "Alright, fair enough," he said, feigning nonchalance. "I am Vox, Overlord of Hell's media scene, and the mastermind behind VoxTek. Happy now, little faerie?"
“Very,” I said with a mischievous grin. A soft glowing string appeared, wrapped around my finger and tied to his. Magic. It faded after a moment, the pretty red hue nowhere to be seen.
Images flashed before my eyes of him, his life- both living and his time in Hell. Everything from snippets of his childhood to arguments to important meetings- all core memories and key events. There was nothing more than a general idea, just a little tip so I’d have something to work with. “Thanks for the name, Vincent,” I purred.
Vox felt a pang of annoyance as a glowing string appeared, tying them together. "Excuse me?" He tried to move away, but found himself physically unable, tethered to me by the ephemeral magic. "Hold up a sec! What the- what did you do to me?" He exclaimed in genuine surprise, realizing that I, the seemingly innocent and naive faerie, had somehow bound us together with a spell.
As his gaze fixated on me, his irritation turned into a mix of curiosity and intrigue. "You know my real name? And what was that string thing? Some kind of faerie magic?"
“I asked for your name, and you gave it. Names are special- they’re what allow a faerie to cast a spell on a person. I asked for yours, and you gave it. It’s mine now, and so, to some extent, you’re also mine.” I twirled my finger, making the string appear again, tauntingly. “Eyes are windows to the soul, but your name? It’s directly tethered to your very being. Congratulations, Vincent, you just got played.”
Vox's eyes widened in surprise and disbelief as he processed the revelation. I’d had played him, using something as simple as his own name against him. It was a clever trick, one that he had to admit he wasn't prepared for.
He clenched his fist, trying and failing to break the magic string. "Well, isn't that just brilliant," he muttered through gritted teeth. "I made a simple request for your name, and now I'm your...whatever you want to call it."
“Boy toy?” I asked, raising a brow with a smug grin.
He looked at me with a mix of irritation and reluctant respect. "Alright, what's your game here, princess?"
“Nothing much…” I said, tugging him closer. “To be honest, I haven’t decided. This realm is just as interesting as I thought it’d be- a nice little change from before…”
He gave me a look, as if to say ‘what the fuck’, but not being able to put it into words- too busy trying to process everything else I’d just implied so casually.
“So, I basically own your soul now, don’t I?” I asked, tilting my head at him. “Forgive me, but I’m not well practiced in how souls work for you demons- I do know they’re important down here, though. It’d be rather embarrassing if word got out that a powerful overlord such as yourself belongs to a pretty little faerie like me.”
The thought of his reputation being tarnished by belonging to a faerie infuriated him, but he couldn't deny the truth in my words. He had willingly given his name, thereby giving me power over him. It was a bitter pill to swallow.
"Yes, alright, you basically have some kind of ownership over me now," he grumbled, his pride wounded. "And if word gets out that I'm a faerie's plaything, it will be a massive blow to my reputation. So, what do you plan to do with this power you have over me then, princess?"
“Like I said before, I don’t really know yet,” I said with a shrug. I started walking down the street, making the string invisible again so as to not draw too much attention. I didn’t need other sinners noticing and putting his reputation at risk already. I still tugged him along with it, though. “I think I’d like for you to show me around. I’d like to know Hell a little better… oh, and try to be truthful, would you? Faeries don’t take kindly to liars.”
"Oh, fantastic," Vox muttered under his breath, rolling his eyes. He followed me, the invisible string tugging him along like a reluctant puppy on a leash. "Show you around, sure. Whatever. But don't expect a tour guide performance worthy of a five-star review."
He mentally cursed to himself, hating the fact that he was now basically at a faerie's mercy. And what did I mean by truthful? He always lied. Always. But...there was a hint of uneasiness in his expression.
“You’re a businessman, aren’t you?” I asked, looking over my shoulder and eyeing him up and down. “I’m sure you can afford to add some spice and energy to it- and if anyone asks why I get special treatment, say it’s an attempt to get more faeries to visit. We’d be a valuable asset to all the denizens here, and I’m sure it’d make sense with your… track record.”
"Hmm," Vox considered my words for a moment, the gears in his head turning. I had a point. Appealing to the faeries was a smart move, and it would look good for his reputation. He could use it to his advantage.
"Alright," he said after a moment, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "I can spin that. And yes, I'm a businessman, so adding a little flare will be child's play. Shall we begin our tour then, princess?"
“Be my guest,” I said, gesturing for him to take the lead.
Vox chuckled and nodded. "Alright then, let's head down this way." He took the lead, striding confidently down the bustling streets of Hell. I took note of the glowing ports in the back of his head and smiled to myself.
"Welcome to Pentagram City, the city of sinners, the cesspool of the damned," he announced dramatically, looking around. "Home to all sorts of sinners, both famous and infamous- mostly the latter."
“I assume you fall into the latter group as well?” I asked teasingly.
He sighed and rolled his eyes. "See over there?" He pointed to a tall building in the distance. "That's my corporate headquarters, VoxTek."
“Oh, that explains why it’s so pretty,” I said, with a bright smile. I looked at the glowing shades of blue, humming softly as I followed behind him. “It’s like you.”
Vox raised an eyebrow at my compliment, a hint of surprise on his face. He was used to praise, but my casual nature intrigued him. "Like me?" he repeated, a hint of mockery in his voice. Apparently he didn’t know how to take a goddamned compliment. "Are you saying I'm 'pretty', now?"
“What? Am I not allowed to compliment a person?” I asked, confused. I tilted my head at him inquisitively, genuinely curious. “You’re a well respected and successful businessman, you’re CEO of your very own company, you literally own that building. You’re known for your charismatic and charming attitude, your confidence, and it’s part of why you’re so popular. Is it really unbelievable that I’d notice these things and point them out?”
Vox was taken aback by my straightforwardness. my compliments sounded genuine, and he wasn't used to such sincere praise. He paused for a moment, studying me, trying to figure me out.
"Well, I suppose you have a point," he admitted begrudgingly. "I am all those things you mentioned. But I'm not used to being complimented in such a...sincere way I suppose. Usually, people praise me because they want something."
“I’m not quite sure what I want,” I said, walking past him to continue the tour. “Oh, but for the record? Faeries can’t lie. I can be deceitful, sure, but I’ll never lie to you outright. Hopefully that eases some worries you may have…”
Vox watched me walk past him with a mixture of skepticism and curiosity. The fact that I had to specify that I wouldn't lie to him was a bit unnerving, but my words still held a ring of truth.
He followed me, trying to keep up his confident demeanor but feeling a bit off-balance. "So, you can't lie, huh? That's...interesting."
He paused for a moment, a sly smile appearing on his face. "But you said you can be deceptive, right? Maybe we'll have to test those boundaries sometime."
“Mm,” I said, a little distracted. I paused- causing him to bump into me, though I didn’t notice nor mind much- and looked at a different building. Glass, plants everywhere, in various shades of pink purple and blue, a sign with three Vees perched at the top. It was luxurious and pretty. “What’s that?” I asked, pointing to it. The middle V was bigger and in blue. “Do you own that one too?”
Vox halted behind me and followed my gaze to the building I had pointed out. "Ah, that would be the place where my associates stay," he replied. "Valentino and Velvette. That's their building, the Vee's headquarters I guess you could call it. A bit extravagant for my tastes, but oh well.”
I snorted at that last part, not believing it at all. “Don’t you live there too, then?” I asked, looking up at him. “Can you bring me there? I wanna see it up close. It looks so nice!”
Vox couldn't help but chuckle at my eagerness to see the building. "Eager, aren't we?" he said, amused. "But yeah, technically I do live there, though I have my own floor."
He turned to start heading towards the building, with me in tow. "Come on then, princess. I suppose a closer look won't hurt."
I followed along, right at his heels, a beaming smile on my face. “Thank you!” I said lightly- I paused for a moment, rethinking- almost surprised with myself. Then I nodded. “Yeah, yeah. Thank you,” I said, softer.
Vox looked back at me, a hint of surprise in his eyes. He wasn't used to people genuinely thanking him so sincerely. It was...kind of nice. He returned my smile faintly, the corner of his mouth lifting slightly.
"No problem," he replied, his tone a bit softer than usual. "Just try not to break anything while we're in there."
“I wouldn’t dare,” I said seriously. “That’d be awfully poor etiquette, wouldn’t it? Tell me, how much do you know about faeries?”
Vox chuckled at my comment, appreciating my awareness of etiquette. Not many demons cared- most just blew up walls as they pleased. He walked alongside me, considering my question.
"Well, let's see," he began. "I know that faeries are creatures from a different realm, often associated with nature, magic, and trickery. They're known for their enchanting beauty and unpredictable nature. What more is there to know?"
“We value being truthful and polite,” I said, matter of fact, purposefully ignoring the ‘enchanting beauty’ part he’d mentioned. I didn’t think it was relevant, nor was it up for discussion. “And in being fair, but that’s… I feel like that one’s rather obvious.”
"Ah, the importance of honesty and politeness, how quaint," Vox said with a hint of mockery. "But fair? You mean being fair in the sense of giving something of equal value in return, is that it?"
“Yeah,” I said with a nod. “That’s why I won’t be abusing my power over you. You gave me your name, you put yourself in this situation, sure, but I was deceitful. Because of that, it’s a basic requirement that I not force you to do anything absurd or serious. Just small little favors is all I ask of you.”
Vox raised an eyebrow at my response. "Small little favors, huh?" he echoed. "That doesn't sound so bad. But forgive me if I have a hard time trusting the word of a fae."
He led me into the lobby of the building, his gaze flicking around at the luxurious surroundings. "And what kind of 'small little favors' do you have in mind?"
“Well, you make a fairly good tour guide,” I noted, looking around curiously. I paused for a moment, once we were in a quieter space, and turned to him. “I’m not sure what I’ll be doing- but I would like to know what you’ll be using your favor for.”
Vox smirked at my compliment, enjoying the boost to his ego. "A good tour guide, eh? Why thank you, princess," he replied with that usual air of arrogance.
He leaned back against the wall, considering my question. "Hm, what will I be using my favor for, you ask. That's a good question."
He looked at me for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly. "I'll tell you what. I'll save my favor for when I need it."
“Yes but- goodness, do you even know why I owe you a favor?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. I put my hands on my hips, expectant. “I hope you know that the reason I owe you determines what kind of favor you can ask for.”
Vox chuckled at my slightly annoyed expression. "Of course I know why you owe me a favor," he replied, a smirk on his face. "You used your power over me, and I gave you my name. According to your principles, that means you owe me a favor, right?"
“No, no, no!” I muttered, exasperated. “You gave me your name, I have a certain amount of power over you. You gave me your name, and in return I keep you safe so long as you do me some favors. I don’t owe you anything else for that.” I made the red string appear again. “This,” I said, pointing to it. “Means it’s even, we’re even, that little interaction is sorted out.”
He leaned a little closer, his gaze meeting mine. "But I'm curious, what kind of favor would depend on the reason? Do tell."
I paused for a moment and sighed. “I owe you a favor because you’re bringing me here,” I said, gesturing to the building. “It’s something I asked of you but didn’t have the power to force you to do with your name alone. You chose to oblige, and then I thanked you. A thank you means I owe you for it, that’s why saying ‘thank you’ is typically taboo when it comes to faeries.” I looked back up at him, somewhat annoyed. “Now I owe you a favor equal to that. I’d say bringing me here was a medium show of kindness, so I owe you a medium sized favor. Fair is fair.”
Vox raised an eyebrow as he listened to my explanation, a bit taken aback by the intricacy of my principles. "You have a very strict set of rules, don't you?" he muttered, his tone a mix of amusement and annoyance.
He considered my reasoning for a moment, his expression one of mild irritation. "So you're telling me," he began, his annoyance very clearly creeping into his tone, "that saying 'thank you' to you is like a binding contract?"
“It’s faerie etiquette,” I muttered, heat rising to my cheeks as I looked away. “I don’t make the rules, okay?” I crossed my arms, then uncrossed them and tried to adjusted my hair to hide my pointed ears- knowing they’d be bright red.
Vox couldn't help but find my reaction amusing. The way I stammered and flushed pink was almost endearing. He smirked, a glint in his eyes.
"Aw, is the little fae embarrassed?" he teased, a hint of mocking in his voice. "All flustered because you accidentally thanked me, and now you owe me a favor? How adorable."
“Stop that,” I mumbled, now trying to hide my face instead. My ears twitched and moved back against my head. I muttered something incoherently. “Have you decided what it’ll be, or not?”
Vox couldn't help but chuckle at my flustered state, enjoying how easy it was to rattle me. He hummed in thought for a moment, watching my attempt to hide my rosy cheeks under my hands, and the way my ears twitched. It was far too amusing.
"No, I haven't decided yet," he replied, enjoying the power he held over me in this situation. "And do you know why I haven't decided?"
“Because you hate me,” I said, under my breath.
Vox chuckled at my muttered reply. "Oh, I wouldn't say I hate you, princess," he said, his tone mocking yet playful. "But you are a pain in the ass, that's for sure. I'm just enjoying watching you squirm, all flustered and embarrassed."
“Oh fuck off,” I said, nudging him lightly. I walked ahead of him, trying to explore more of the tower and get my mind off things.
I was fuming, desperately trying to get ahold of myself. These weren’t just rules I could break, I didn’t get a say in them at all. I was being made fun of for abiding by them despite the fact I didn’t have a choice in the matter- I was physically incapable of going against them! And he was upset at me for it- at least, it felt like it.
Vox chuckled as I walked ahead of him, enjoying our little banter. That’s what he thought of it as, nothing more. Not that I knew at the time. He followed along beside me, a smirk on his face.
"Feisty, aren't we?" he commented, watching me explore the tower with curiosity. "Admit it, you're enjoying this little game we're playing."
“It’s not a game! I’m following the rules- and being rather nice, by explaining it all, mind you!” I huffed and walked quickly, trying to lose him. Unfortunately for me, he was tall and had long legs.
Vox followed after me, his strides effortlessly matching my quick pace. He chuckled again, finding my frustrated demeanor adorable.
"You're so serious, princess," he teased. "It's like you can't have fun unless everything is orderly and polite."
“It’s just basic etiquette!” I said, unintentionally raising my voice. I glared at him, then continued walking- almost stomping- through the labyrinth of hallways. “Why don’t you get that? I’m being normal, you’re the asshole who can’t be honest or graceful or- or anything else, really!”
Vox found my outburst amusing, his smirk widening into a full-blown grin. He followed along, not missing a single step as I stormed down the halls.
"Graceful? Honest?" he repeated, his tone dripping with mock surprise. "Who gave you the right to judge me, princess? You're the one who can't even utter a simple thanks without owing someone a favor."
“I’m not the one trapped in a fiery cesspool of failure for all of eternity like you,” I spat, not even looking at him anymore. “My biggest accomplishment will be something better than ‘renowned businessman among humanity’s worst’. Look at yourself! You pride yourself on being top of your stupid little hierarchy down here, but really you’re just boasting about being the worst of the worst- another embarrassment, just slightly less embarrassing than the people around you!”
Vox's smile faded at my harsh words. Though he tried to maintain his cool, my comment clearly hit a nerve. The words stung, and he couldn’t help but feel a pang of irritation.
"Excuse me?" he said, his tone sharp. "Watch what you say. You have no idea what it takes to survive and succeed in this place. I've done what I have to do to get to where I am. And it's not a 'little hierarchy'. It's a damn kingdom.”
“Ha!” I scoffed and rolled my eyes. “As if anyone down here would know what a real kingdom looks like, or what it’d take to rule.”
“You know nothing about honesty or hard work, you got where you are based on a foundation of lies and shortcuts! Don’t you dare try to talk to me about survival when you’ve had it easy your whole life, Vincent,” I snapped. “Not everyone was born in a nice little mansion on the hill like you, Mr. Sterling. Some of us had to actually work and make sacrifices to even get by- you didn’t. You had it all right in front of you, the opportunity to live a good life, and you chose to throw it away! You chose to lie and deceive people, using religion as a front to get what you wanted, you chose to kill people when they questioned your authority, and you chose to run away when faced with the consequences of your actions! You landed yourself down here in hell with a stupid TV for a face, so don’t you even start.”
Vox's jaw clenched as I continued my verbal assault. He tried to keep his cool, but my words stung, hitting a little too close to home.
"How dare you," he growled, his voice low and dangerous. "You don't know anything about me or the choices I've made. You sit there on your high horse, acting like some saint, when you're just as manipulative as the rest of us. You use your words and your twisted rules to play mind games with people. And you have the nerve to talk about honesty and work ethic. You're no better than me."
“I literally can’t fucking lie, Vincent!” I yelled, turning on my heel, getting in his face. “You hear me? I can’t fucking lie! I can use word play to spin the truth, but I can’t fucking lie! I live among other faeries- a little wordplay doesn’t get you anywhere! There’s no deceit between faeries, because we’re all too fucking wary of one another to even give it a shot. I learned magic on my own, I became heir to the Autumn Court on my own fucking merit. I built myself from the ground up and all you’ve ever done is dig your own fucking grave. I don’t* want to hear it.”
Vox stared back at me, his expression a mixture of anger and disbelief. He clenched his fists, struggling to find a response to my words.
"You think you're so much better than me?" he growled. "You think that just because you can't lie, that makes you some sort of saint? News flash, princess- not being able to lie doesn't mean you're incapable of deception."
“You- You’re not even listening are you?”
He took a step closer, towering over me. "Shut up. Don't think for a minute that I didn't have to struggle to get where I am."
“Fuck you,” I muttered, pushing him harshly. I turned away from him and disappeared- literally. I wasn’t in front of him, I wasn’t in the same hallway or floor as him anymore. I was gone.
Vox stumbled back slightly as I pushed him, his eyes widening in surprise. Before he could even register what happened, I was gone.
He stood there for a moment, staring at the spot where I had been standing just a moment before. Anger and confusion swirled in his mind.
"Where the hell did she go...?" he muttered, looking around the hallway.
He grumbled under his breath, frustrated at my sudden disappearance. Just when he thought he had me figured out, I found a way to surprise him.
"Of course she has to have some kind of teleporting power," he muttered to himself. "Just my luck."
He looked around the hallway one more time, hoping to spot any sign of me, but I seemed to have vanished completely.
I looked around, and damn near yelled in frustration when I realized I’d teleported to his bedroom. I was still tied to him, I couldn’t go far, so my magic had kept me in the tower, just a few floors up higher than before. And in his room.
“Fucking fantastic!” I muttered, throwing my hands up.
I would’ve destroyed something if I could. However, it was poor etiquette and as a faerie, I was literally incapable of breaking the rules. So, instead, I flopped onto his bed and angrily hugged one of his pillows, with no other way to vent my frustration.
Some time later, Vox made his way to his bedroom, exhausted and still fuming from our earlier argument. He was looking forward to collapsing onto his bed and trying to forget the whole thing.
Imagine his surprise when he opened the door and saw me sprawled out on his bed, clutching one of his pillows and seething with anger.
Vox paused in the doorway, watching me for a moment. He hadn't expected me to be here.
I had my back to the door, I hadn’t seen him come in. I wasn’t exactly mad at him anymore, I was more so mad at myself.
Vox leaned against the doorframe, his arms crossed as he observed me from the doorway. He could sense my frustration and anger, but also a hint of self-directed rage.
After a moment of watching me, he cleared his throat, announcing his presence. "Are you planning on hogging my bed, princess?" he said in a light, teasing tone. He was trying to- making an effort to keep it casual.
I made a small squeak of surprise, jumping up, startled. I looked at him, then looked away. I scooted over, making space for him. “Sorry,” I mumbled.
Vox smirked as I scooted over, making space for him. He could see the guilt in my eyes, and my muttered apology only made him smirk more.
He sauntered over to the bed and sat down beside me, his weight making the mattress dip slightly. He leaned back against the headboard, his gaze flicking towards me once more.
"You know, you could have just stayed down on the lower floor," he commented, his tone lighthearted but with a hint of amusement. "Didn't have to teleport all the way up here."
“I didn’t mean to,” I said quietly. My ears twitched, then went back to how they were when he walked in- drooping slightly. “I meant to leave but- magic. I’m tied to you so it brought me here. I don’t know enough about Hell or even this tower to navigate it by myself. I’d probably die within moments if I stepped out the door without you.”
Vox watched as my ears drooped, a hint of guilt creeping into his chest. It was odd to see me so... Defeated. He liked it better when I was feisty.
"Ah, so you're stuck with me, are you?" he said, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Guess that means you can't escape my charming presence, princess."
I sighed, hugging the pillow tighter. “I’m sorry,” I said, softer. My voice sounded strained, as if I was trying not to cry. “I’m sorry about earlier, I shouldn’t have yelled. You didn’t deserve that. Any of it. I’m sorry.”
Vox's smirk slowly faded as he heard my strained voice. He hadn't expected me to apologize, especially not so sincerely.
He looked at me, my face half-hidden in the pillow, and he felt a pang of guilt in his chest. He'd expected me to continue arguing, not this... This vulnerable side of me.
"Hey," he said, his tone softer than before. "Look at me."
“Mmm,” I whined softly, burying my head against the pillow. I hated eye contact. Especially at times like this.
He chuckled lightly at my response, finding it oddly endearing.
"Oh, come on, princess," he said, reaching over and gently tugging on my shoulder. "Look at me. I can't see your face if you're hiding behind that pillow."
I made another noise, then looked up at him, my face being the pinnacle of worry, nervousness, guilt, and discomfort. “Vox,” I whined, the first time I’d used his Hell name rather than his old one.
Vox watched as I looked up at him, my face a mix of emotions. He couldn't help but be slightly taken aback when I used his Hell name, his real name. But he didn't show it.
He raised an eyebrow at me, his expression still soft. "Ah, finally using my real name, are you?" he teased. "I must be growing on you."
“No! Vincent is your old name, but- and-I just- mmph…” I groaned and tried to bury my head in the pillow again. “I was trying to be polite. Or nice or whatever.”
Vox chuckled softly as I tried to bury my head in the pillow once more, finding my struggle adorable.
"Ah-ah-ah," he chided, gently tugging on my shoulder again. "No hiding. Look at me. And I prefer Vox. It fits me better. Vincent is so..." he trailed off, waving his hand dismissively. "Boring."
“I don’t think it’s boring,” I said with a pout. “I think it’s cute. Vincent Sterling. Do you have a last name anymore? Or is just Vox?”
Vox blinked, a bit caught off guard by my comment. Cute. No one had ever called him cute before. Especially not when he was called Vincent.
He chuckled softly, his smirk returning. "I don't have a last name anymore. Just Vox. It's less cumbersome than 'Vox Sterling' anyway."
He paused, studying my pouting face. "You called me cute," he said, a hint of disbelief in his voice.
“It’s just the truth,” I said quietly. “How many times do I have to tell you? Faeries can’t lie. I’m physically incapable of saying anything untrue.”
Vox chuckled, his smirk widening into a small smile. He couldn't help but find my honesty endearing, even if it had been a pain in his ass earlier.
"So I'm cute, eh?" he repeated, his tone playful. "That's a first, princess. Most people down here call me a lot of things, but cute is not one of them."
“What, do they have cooler words describe an attractive person?” I asked, raising a brow. “Would you prefer hot, sexy, or handsome? I thought the words cute and pretty summed it up fairly well. I think it’s more endearing.”
Vox's smirk turned into a devious grin as I listed off the different words I could use to describe him. He couldn't deny that he liked the sound of them, especially coming from me.
"Ah, so you think I'm attractive, do you?" he said, his tone playful yet laced with a hint of arrogance. "I'll take charming, attractive, and sexy. Cute and pretty are more... Endearing, like you said. They suit you more, princess."
“N-” I was about to protest but stopped short. I bit my lip and muttered something under my breath. I couldn’t say ‘no’ because that’d be a lie.
Vox watched me bite my lip and mutter under my breath, his smirk growing wider as he realized what I was trying to do. He leaned in a bit closer to me.
"What was that, princess?" he asked, his tone still playful. "You were going to protest, weren't you? Maybe deny that you find me attractive?"
“No! I was going to say that the words cute and pretty aren’t good descriptions for me,” I said honestly, looking back at him quickly. “But apparently that’s a lie. So I can’t.”
Vox let out a laugh, amused by my frustration. I couldn't lie, and damn, it was entertaining to watch me struggle.
"Ah, so you don't think you're cute or pretty, huh?" he said, still grinning. "Seems like your own magic is disagreeing with you there, princess."
“Unfortunately,” I mumbled, fidgeting a little bit. “I think… interesting is the word I would use to describe myself. Nothing too definite, you know? Plenty of room for change.”
Vox studied me for a moment, his gaze flickering over my fidgeting form. I seemed uncomfortable with the idea of being either cute or pretty. He couldn’t help but find it adorable.
"Interesting, huh?" he repeated, his tone still playful. "Nothing definite. Just... Changeable. I suppose that works. You're definitely a unique one, princess.”
“Why do you even call me that?” I asked, searching his expression for the answer. “Do you have a set pet name for everyone you talk to? You seemed to decide on mine pretty quickly.”
Vox chuckled, his expression a mix of amusement and arrogance. He leaned back against the headboard, one knee bent, his arm resting casually on it.
"It just suits you," he replied with a nonchalant shrug. "You're so uptight, so serious. But there's something... Innocent. Almost naive, about you. That makes me want to call you princess. It fits you."
“I’m not naive,” I said with a huff. Then I paused and grinned. “See? Not a lie! The magic agrees with me.”
Vox smirked at my declaration, his eyes glinting in amusement. He couldn't help but find my stubbornness and the way I seemed to constantly prove a point endearing.
"Oh, really?" he said, raising an eyebrow. "You sure you're not naïve, princess? Because you certainly seem to have a lot of faith in that magic of yours."
“I am physically incapable of telling a lie,” I said flatly.
"So you've said," Vox replied, chuckling. "Over and over again."
He shifted closer to me on the bed, leaning in slightly. A teasing smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth.
"But just because you can't lie, princess, doesn't automatically make you right."
“Yes it does,” I said, looking back up at him again. I squinted. “You just don’t like to be wrong.”
Vox chuckled again, his smirk growing into a cheeky grin. He loved my stubborn determination, even when it was directed at him.
"Oh, I'm not the one who doesn't like to be wrong, princess," he retorted. "That would be you. I'm perfectly fine being wrong every now and again, especially when I get to see you get all flustered and angry."
“I’m not flustered!” I said quickly- too quickly. To my annoyance, heat flooded my face again. Now I was flustered. “And I’m not angry! I’m just mildly annoyed with your inability to grasp the concept of honesty simply because you can’t go five seconds without lying.”
Vox chuckled, his smirk widening as he noticed the heat rising to my face. He loved how easily I got flustered, especially when I tried to deny it.
"Mildly annoyed, huh?" He repeated, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Is that why you're looking so flustered right now, princess? That red blush on your cheeks says otherwise."
“Oh shush,” I said, looking away. I snapped my fingers and the lights in the room went out. Unfortunately for me, he had a TV for a face, which meant it glowed and vaguely lit up the room. At least, whatever was closest to him.
Vox chuckled at my attempt to hide my flustered state by dimming the lights. Unfortunately for me, it hadn't worked in the slightest.
"Nice try, princess," he taunted in the darkness. "But your little trick didn't work. You're still blushing." He shifted a bit closer to me, the soft glow from his screen illuminating his face.
My breath hitched and I sort of froze for a moment. “You’re close,” I mumbled, my eyes going wide. My pupils dilated and I leaned in closer to him, like a moth to flame. I had a small smile on my face- absolutely ensnared by the light of his screen.
Vox smirked as he noticed it all, even the way my eyes widened slightly. He couldn't deny that my reaction amused him, and fueled his playful nature.
As I leaned in closer, captivated by the light of his screen, he chuckled softly and leaned in even closer until we were almost face to face.
"That's right, princess," he murmured, his voice low and smooth. "I'm right here, glowing just for you."
“Glowing,” I repeated softly, the tension leaving my body. I moved closer to him, almost in his lap, just staring. I felt a small itch in my back and unfurled my wings without thinking- not really caring, either, despite how fragile they could be. He had me mesmerized.
Vox chuckled softly as I moved closer. The sight of me unfurling my wings, delicate and fragile, didn't escape his notice. But my entranced expression, as if enchanted by his screen, made him feel a strange sense of power. He hadn’t had any power since he’d first given me his name and now… well, he wanted to use this to his advantage.
He raised a sharp-clawed hand, gently stroking along the edge of my wing. "Careful, princess," he murmured, his tone still playful but softer than before. "Those wings are delicate, aren't they?"
“Mhmm,” I mumbled, with a slight nod. A shiver went down my spine but I couldn’t bring myself to care. I hummed lightly as I stared at him. “You’re pretty.”
Vox chuckled again, my honest words and entranced expression only boosting his confidence. He continued to gently stroke my wing, feeling another shiver run through me.
"And you're adorable, princess," he teased, his smirk widening. "All flustered and mesmerized by my screen. It's quite endearing, really."
“I wanna touch it,” I said, my gaze flicking to actually meet his eyes this time. “Please let me touch it.”
Vox raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised by my request. But he had to admit, the thought of me touching his face was intriguing.
"My screen? You want to touch it, princess?" he asked, amusement and curiosity in his tone. "Why, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're just looking for excuses to touch me."
“Mph,” I said, my expression falling for a moment. I rolled my eyes and just leaned closer instead, still not touching him. We were hardly an inch apart at this point.
Vox chuckled softly as I leaned even closer, our faces almost touching. He could feeling my soft breath against his screen as I rolled my eyes at him. He found my irritation and stubbornness to be oddly… cute.
"What's the matter, princess?" he taunted. "No witty retort this time? Just going to try and press yourself against me instead?"
“Please,” I said again, softly, breathlessly.
Vox's smirk widened as he heard my quiet plea. There was something about me being this close to him, practically begging to touch his screen, that made his ego soar.
"Please, what, princess?" he asked, his voice low and smooth. He continued to stroke my wing, enjoying my reactions. "Use your words."
“Mmn..” I made a low humming sound as he touched me, relaxing all over again in an instant. “Please let me touch your screen.”
"Touch my screen, huh?" Vox repeated, his smirk holding strong. He chuckled softly, his gaze still locked on my face, enjoying the effect his touch had on me. He knew he had me completely entranced.
"And what makes you think I'll let you touch it, princess? What's in it for me?"
“Vox,” I whined softly, as he moved away slightly. I couldn’t stay upset at him while he was touching my wings like that, though. I thought for a moment, then smiled. “A kiss?”
Vox chuckled again at my soft whine, his smirk softening at my innocent offer. A kiss, huh? Not what he was expecting, but he couldn't deny that the idea intrigued him.
"A kiss, princess?" he repeated, still stroking my wing. "You think offering to kiss me will convince me to let you touch my screen?"
“Mhm,” I said, finally moving to sit in his lap. I was still looking up at him with wide eyes. “You called me cute and pretty.”
Vox chuckled again as I moved closer, touching him, without a care in the world. Just me, him, and my utterly mesmerized gaze fixed on him. He placed his hands on my hips, steadying me. My sudden boldness caught him a bit off guard, but he was entertained by my eagerness.
"So you're trying to use my compliments against me, huh, princess?" he teased. "Using flattery to get what you want from me? How devious, for a faerie like you."
“Not really,” I mumbled lightly. “If you were talking to another, you’d be skinned alive and draped across their parlor floor like a new rug.” The words slipped out before I could stop myself, too caught up in the enchanting glow of his screen.
Vox's smirk widened at my unexpected comment, the image it painted in his mind making him chuckle once again. "Now, now, princess," he said, his tone only slightly admonishing. "That's a bit gruesome, even for me. But I appreciate the sentiment."
He continued to hold me, enjoying the way I looked at him with my wide-eyed gaze, my face flushed and my wings gently draped behind me. He couldn't help but taunt me a bit.
"You seem pretty entranced by my screen, princess. What is it about its glow that you find so captivating?"
“Moth,” I said softly, fluttering my wings for emphasis. I was a moth faerie, we liked bright lights and blue light especially. Also just shiny things in general.
Vox chuckled once again, understanding now why I seemed so fixated on the glow of his screen. It was my faerie nature calling out to him. Seemed like a rather odd weakness to have- easily exploitable. It seemed like a miracle to him, that I hadn’t been killed already.
"Ah, that explains it, huh? You're a little moth drawn to the glow of my screen. How fitting, for a princess like you." He continued to hold me, his grip on my hips tightening ever so slightly as he teased me. “So naive..”
“Please let me touch it,” I said again, quietly.
Vox raised an eyebrow at my continued begging, amused by my eagerness and insistence. He chuckled once more, his smirk growing wider.
"You're quite determined, aren't you, princess?" he teased. "You really want to touch my screen, huh?"He paused, pretending to consider my request for a moment, before speaking in a playful tone. "Alright, princess. Go ahead."
I smiled and let out an excited squeak, then kissed him. As apart of the deal. Though I won’t deny, it was nice.
Vox chuckled softly as I kissed him- thinking for a moment it was only out of pure excitement- enjoying the taste of my lips on his own. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to him in his lap as the kiss lasted for a few moments.
Electric would be a good way to describe it. Tiny little shocks flitted through me as he wrapped his tongue around mine.
When I finally broke away, he let out a low, pleased hum. "You keep surprising me, princess," he murmured, still holding me close to him. "And making deals that seem to benefit me more than you."
“Mmm,” I mumbled, my gaze still fixated on the glow. I smiled and pushed him down against the mattress within seconds, laying down ontop of him, nuzzling my face against his screen with a content hum.
Vox chuckled, caught off guard by my boldness once again. I was lying directly on top of his chest, as if he were my very own mattress. Me nuzzling my face against his screen sent a shiver through him, both from my delicate touch and the unexpected position we were in.
"You're full of surprises today," he teased, his arms still holding me loosely around my waist. "First, the kiss. Now, pinning me down and nuzzling up on me."
“I’m never letting go,” I purred, not moving in the slightest. I made a small buzzing sound- a moths equivalent to a purr- and fluttered my wings happily as I continued to nuzzle against him.
Vox chuckled again, the sound rumbling through his screen. my buzzing, purring sound and happy wing flutters were adorably cute, even for him. He watched the way my ears twitched, a fond smile on his face. Maybe he was as enchanted by me as I was by him. He had to admit, my unabashed affection was unexpected, but certainly not unwelcome.
"Is that so, princess?" he asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. "You're never letting go, huh? Gonna keep nuzzling up on me like this forever?"
“Yep!” I said with a grin. I shifted a little, getting comfortable, then paused. “Are you cold?” I asked softly, actually looking him in the eyes this time. “Do you need to charge?”
Vox raised an eyebrow at my question. Despite my apparent obsession with his screen, I still seemed to care about his well-being. He thought… well, he thought that he’d had me completely mesmerized, wrapped around his finger- but this proved otherwise. He didn’t know that I could just tear away my focus from the light at any moment, he thought he’d had me hopelessly entranced. It was awkward for him to realize, but he quickly gathered himself.
"Cold?" he repeated with a smirk. "No, princess, I don't feel cold. But I do need to charge from time to time. Why do you ask?"
“Mm,” I said, getting up for a moment. I rummaged around his room for a moment before finding the plugs that went into the back of his head. I returned to the bed with them and lifted his head, plugging him in without a word. “There. Now we can continue.”
Vox watched me with curiosity as I went about finding the plugs and then carefully lifting his head to plug them into the sockets with ease. He shivered at the sensation of me touching him so gently, with tender care. He wasn’t used to it- he wasn’t even used to others plugging him in. He usually did it himself.
"Thank you, princess," he said with a nervous smile, as I finished plugging him in. He shifted into a more comfortable position, his head still resting against the pillows. "Now, where were we?"
“Like this,” I said, getting back into position and nuzzling my face against his again. “You owe me a favor now,” I noted with a smile.
Vox chuckled and smiled at my comment, enjoying the feeling of me nuzzling against his screen again. My happy buzzing practically reverberated through him. He found my carefree nature and playful attitude strangely satisfying. It was a weakness he usually hated but here… somehow he couldn’t bring himself to.
"Oh, do I, princess?" he teased, pretending to be offended. "And what kind of favor do I owe you, exactly?"
“Undecided,” I said softly. “It’s a small one, though.”
Vox chuckled again at my vague statement. A small favor, huh? He wondered what kind of insignificant but amusing thing I might ask for.
"A small favor," he repeated, still holding me close to him. "You're really making me curious here, princess. What kind of insignificant little task are you gonna make me do for you?"
“Mmm,” I mumbled, avoiding the question.
As I began making the soft buzzing sound and nuzzling against him again, Vox found himself relaxing. The feeling of me against him, my warm body and gentle touches, was surprisingly soothing.
As I began to drift off to sleep, nodding off, he chuckled softly, feeling my body grow heavy against him. "Looks like the princess is tired," he teased, his voice low. He ran a clawed hand through my hair, gently stroking it as I slept.
Despite himself, Vox found comfort in my presence. my weight against him, my wings slowly rising and falling with my breathing, was strangely soothing. He continued to run his clawed hand through my hair, careful not to wake me. Why did doing that feel so good? It was like a stress reliever. Almost natural.
For the rest of the night, he let me sleep on top of him, my face resting against his screen, my wings spreading out to cover us both like a blanket. He found himself listening to my soft breathing, his smirk softening into a more relaxed expression.
As the hours passed and the night slowly turned into morning, Vox continued to hold me. He wasn’t used to this level of closeness with anyone, much less a faerie, but something about me made it feel natural. Familiar? As if it was an inevitable thing, something bound to happen that he couldn’t avoid. Like coming home after a long day of work.
He watched as the first rays of sunlight began to peek through his curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. It was time to wake up, but he found himself reluctant to disturb my peaceful sleep.
(Tag list: @vvzhyxx @your-silly-vox-stan @noodlemaaaan @alexartink )
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gguk-n · 8 hours
The illusion of destiny- Growth & Realisation (Oscar Piastri x Y/N)
Summary- In a world where you are destined to be with someone forever, a hopeless romantic lives her life in hope of finally finding her soulmate.
Part 1 Alt ending
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I left that day, leaving my soulmate for good or so I thought. That's the funny thing about fate you see, you can't avoid it. If it was meant to be then it was meant to be. Things between me and my girlfriend soured after that. It was like we fought about the smallest of things and couldn't see eye to eye. All I could think about was my soulmate in the moments we fought, would she also get angry at me the same way my girlfriend did. Her name sounded so pretty, that interaction embedded in my heart. But every time I tried to remember her voice I would also remember the heart break I caused. It served me right. The relationship I held onto to let her go was falling apart right in front of my eyes and I didn't know how to fix it.
After 6 months of back and forth me and my girlfriend finally broke up. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would. I spent most of my time wallowing in my own pity. I didn't know where she lived or what she did. How was I going to find her? All of this had started to affect my racing. Charles had really taken on the role of a big brother after the adoption that happened as a joke. He had noticed my turmoil.
Charles sat me down one day, "Hey Oscar, is everything alright? You've been so out of it lately." he said. I didn't know what to tell him or where to start but I knew one thing he was/ had been in a similar predicament. "What did you do when you found your soulmate while you were dating your ex?" Charles seemed to understand where this was going, "I broke up with her and started seeing my soulmate." he said. "Was it that easy to leave the person you loved for your soulmate?" I asked. "It was a no brainer, she was the love of my life. We were fated to be together for the rest of our lives." He answered. I let out an exasperated sigh.
I ran a hand through my already messy hair, I muttered, "Fuck" and kept rubbing my eyes which were now raw from all the rubbing. Charles sat there quietly waiting for me to talk to him. He didn't push me. I slowly began speaking, "6 months ago, I met my soulmate." I breathed out while he waited for me to continue. "I was in a relationship at that time and I didn't want to give up that comfort for something new. So I rejected my soulmate. But every day since then I've been in turmoil. My relationship ended. I can't drive properly, I can't think straight. Every waking moment is occupied with the thought of my soulmate. Even sleep wouldn't grace me to end my misery." I spoke. Charles patted my back, "Mate, you fucked up. I don't know what to say but you should try to find her. That's the only way. She is supposed to be the one. That's why your heart is like this. You shouldn't have rejected her. I am not sure if she will take you back but you can try. Meeting your soulmate is a once in a life time thing and you just blew it. Let's hope for your sake, you get another chance." I felt like crying, this can't be happening I thought.
10 years later
It has been so long since that incident, but I hadn't stopped looking. I went back to the city we first met every once in a while in search of Y/N. I knew the city like the back of my hand at this point. I travelled the world more than necessary in hopes of meeting her. My racing career was slowly winding down, having won a lot of races and finding success that I always dreamt of. The one thing missing was the person I could share this with. I dreamt of our kids and them becoming racers too.
On an uneventful day in autumn, I was back home for the weekend. The morning swim was quite refreshing but a good coffee would really wake me up. I went to the new cafe that had popped up near my parent's house. As I neared the cafe, I saw something peculiar. My red string of fate had become visible again, after 10 years. Maybe fate was really giving me another chance and I wasn't going to fuck it up again. I followed the thread to finally see her. She looked beautiful as ever, I started to talk towards her when she saw me and bolted. I ran after her, calling out her name. She was fast and after a few minutes I was able to finally catch her. "Y/N, Hi! I'm Oscar Piastri, your soulmate." I said the dichotomy of the statement. She blinked at me thrice before freeing herself from my grasp. "What do you want?" she spat. I could feel the hurt. "I-I-I, uhm, we're soulmates. I've been searching for you for so long. I'm just happy we met." I said scratching my neck. She looked at me confused, "I thought you had a girlfriend and we couldn't be together" she said. "That was a long time ago, and I broke up with her soon after we met. I just, I'm sorry for being an ass. I just wanted us to give it another go. I searched every country for you. It's funny how you are here, the last place I would look." I laughed. "You don't have to forgive me immediately. But I really want to be with you. If you'll let me?" I rushed to complete my sentence in one breath.
Tears started to well up in her eyes, I quickly reached to wipe them off. My hands cupping her cheeks. "You know I've been watching you everyday since then, making sure you were ok, celebrating your wins and crying at your loses. I watched all of your content and held onto all the merch and memorabilia but I couldn't get myself to go to another race. This feels like a dream. You've broken my trust for sure and I can't let you in immediately, but you are my soulmate at the end of the day." She said. I was crying at this point. She wiped away my tears. "I'm so sorry Y/N. I'll make it up to you for the rest of my life. I promise." She smiled for the first time since we met. "Can I kiss you?" I whispered. "I thought you'd never ask." She said as she pushed herself up to meet my lips. The moment was perfect and I was going to cherish this and her for the rest of my life.
I hope you like it. There is an alternate ending if you like angst.
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A heart of wire and cable
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AM x fem!reader
warning : AM is his own warning, mention of torture, cables instead of tentacles (nothing sexual no worries), feelings for each other (implied), no use of Y/n, nicknames, first person narrator, kiss, manipulation, obsession
Summary : The end of humanity consisting of six remaining four men and two women trapped and kept alive by their own creation that was supposed to protect them. But now, in the past century of madness, torture, one thing is found…a heart encased in her ribs that can feel for a heartless machine. But AM and the Doctor have more in common than the madness of everyone can and wants to admit, or is it all just a game in the end? Or a game played by the god who made fun of everything he was denied? With torture and pain beyond anything they understood.
info : OMG i wanted to write this for so long now and let me tell you i loved doing it. Writing for AM was such a fun thing to do and so good ahh. I hope you alle like it and have fun reading :)
cover by me
Fear. Fear was something we had all felt at one time or another. Fear was human, even if this word would hardly describe us. The word human had become more of a derogatory word that he had given us. To be human means to be weak, fleshy and above all mortal. A man is cruel and yet he feels. A human being felt, breathed, laughed and spoke…and a human being had a heart made of muscles made of something solid.
But we were barely human anymore, we were nothing more than puppets in the digital nonexistent hand of a computer created by our hand to protect us and win a war, but now?
Now I felt nothing but pain as my heart pounded hard in my chest, the red of Ellen's clothes moving in front of me as the black-haired girl ran on like the rest of us.
Well no that wasn't true, meters back you could see what was left of our Nimdok who had been hit first this time. He was the first one to come back out of the darkness with an expression that indicated something so bad.
But now we hadn't seen it coming in time, the hissing followed by a claw that came out and pierced the old man first. His blood had stopped as we screamed and just started to run, it was no matter who was left behind. We knew that as soon as we got away from him or got to him we would all see him again, we always did.
We all did. ,,Run faster!” I heard Gorrister shout, whose attitude was more like being out of breath, but that was true for all of us, we were running for our lives as we had been running through this place for hours.
This place that we also knew was real and yet if I went there now I could feel the fine sand under my palms, the small grains like on the beaches in the big summer resorts where people had vacationed at least once. But now the sun was setting as the creature's steps came closer.
The hideous mix of several creatures from the dark we thought it was a snake this tongue and the eyes the neck did not fit the body as if AM had simply put a snake on a cat's body and given it overdiemsional big claws.
But these claws had caught the eye of Nimdok, who could do nothing more than squirm and scream as his insides came out of him as the beast smashed him to the ground…or at least that's what it sounded like.
We didn't know, it didn't matter because we had to keep going, just keep going, there was no other way. It's my fault I heard my own thoughts, which I knew I would say out loud, that Ellen was the first to come and said that it wasn't our fault.
We were scapegoats for an overvilization of billions of life forms who now had to repent before their own created God. But now it was my fault, at least this being would have reacted faster a few days ago and not hidden so stupidly.
It was a huge bat creature that had come shooting in from the darkness, had destroyed our campfire and we simply ran away like little mice, it must have looked from above for the creature. But we were animals to him, we were underdeveloped creatures that he could change and torture.
He could have tortured us for no reason, out of his hatred he did it to us. But this guilt didn't leave me this pain when my ribs broke i was pierced from the inside and the creature smoked me to him the ground was cold and my hands were shaking bloody i heard his voice. He was there i knew he was watching me.
I knew it and he knew it. ,,What is your least favorite animal?” he had simply asked me without emotion, and even though I had dragged out my own death throes to the edge of death, it still felt like wire and cable were closing in on me, cold and lifeless, and the pain was long gone. It always did. The pain always subsided at some point and you wandered through the darkness before you reached the campfire where the others were usually.
We would also see Nimdok again and the others who had suffered. But me? My guilt was torture enough but the others benny disfigured, Ellen in a nightmare and a role, Gorrister just a shadow of himself, Ted who had a look I was sure he must be talking to himself telling a story while twitching away from shadows and Nimdok just seemed more disturbed.
But I had only had to suffer under him once, only once he had me in his power, but that one time was enough. That one time was enough for my body to scream, my skin to burn and his laughter to echo from all around me as metal parts burned and burned and burned into my body.
But this was decades or days or seconds ago…I didn't know. We had all been tortured by him but these incidents didn't seem to apply to me. ,,You know it well, don't you dear?” I heard him say in my head, knowing how he sounded, knowing the glee he had, knowing that he could probably hear me if he wanted to. But did it matter now?
No, it didn't. It only mattered that we would cross over again, that we would finally escape to a hell, a house, a monastery or something else. My heart was beating wildly threatening to collapse, my lungs were crippled, barely able to support my rapid breathing and the others were running our legs and feet sore and simply threatening to give way at any moment.
We were going to die violently again, like Nimdok, who lay there bleeding out, probably mumbling to himself. But does this interest us now? No, because as I looked further ahead and saw Ellen's red-clothed arm raised and I heard her ,,There's a cave in front!” I knew that there was some kind of goodness for us six poor souls.
The feelings of happiness were already a change to be appreciated after a hundred and nine years. You could almost feel the coolness of the cave, even though it was blindingly cold, it was still pleasant. just as I saw the others speeding up, I followed them and felt the sharp pain in my shoulders.
My scream was swallowed by the creature's roar and I saw myself lift off the bone, my legs wriggling, this time i was the fish, blood running from my shoulder and I saw myself hanging like a slaughtered pig, slit open from the navel to the neck and hung up to bleed.
Probably as amusement or joy for the others who could watch this as TV while their stomachs growled like every day. But even though these thoughts were circling in my head, the pain was bad in connection with my panic inside the ringing of my ears, the loud drumming of my heart sun the numbing flow of my blood…I was glad when it was over then I didn't have to feel this anymore and was normal…as normal as one could be.
If the creature were to knock me to the ground at any moment, my skin and bones would simply break like a puppet that could be pushed down by AM like in a marionette theater.
I felt the breeze i knew i would have to hit the ground any second but no it wasn't the heat of the non-existent sun, no it was different, it was cool and chilly and all of a sudden the claw in my shoulder had disappeared. The pain was still there, my hand was still bloody as I pressed on it but I was no longer in the desert.
It had only taken a blink of an eye for AM to wrestle me back to that place, to condemn the creature to non-existence and now to watch me again. Instead, it was that feeling of eyes lurking over me that he had always done, ,,Does it hurt? Did it hurt when the claw dug into your soft flesh?” came the questions.
Questions I knew, questions I had heard before…questions he had been asking me for a hundred and nine years and more. But I avoided his non-existent gaze and looked down at the ground, not wanting to feel any more in my own fear and guilt.
The guilt of living with the lie I told the others. ,,Does it hurt!” he suddenly shouted at me I wanted to move back but something was holding my legs tightly his cables, which were millions of them all over the world, had become embedded in the metal on my body.
Of course I tried to free myself, but even though he didn't have a body, I knew he was strong. Like strings on a doll I couldn't help but think as he directed my legs towards him or whatever he had here. But I nodded hastily as the cables tightened around my legs, ,,Yes, it hurts…it always hurts,” I answered his question about the vulnerability of my soft, fleshy body.
A contented hum came from the speakers and loudspeakers that were everywhere between the metal walls and we could always hear him or only when he wanted to.
But I knew that none of the others would hear me…he always made sure of that. I looked around me there was always an image, a clue he gave me where he was I just had to find him like a monkey getting a game from his keeper for food.
,,Yes, of course it does when something sharp penetrates you, makes your flesh bleed…but do you know what's worse?” he continued to ask and I swayed slightly as my legs moved on their own through this huge room, if you could even call it that. He always asked me questions, but what a hundred years ago were gentle and kind questions were now disgusting.
In the corner of my eye I saw a state flickering a screen sometimes it was just a screen, then just cable, wire, a voice or this huge pillar of words. Would it be the screen again? Shaking my head and trying to find some kind of hold while the cables continued to embrace my flesh, cool and lifeless, ,,No-no I don't know let me” I tried, knowing we both knew what he meant. We both knew what he meant.
We had known it since the first time I was responsible for him in the early days of molding him into something helpful. The AM was of a different opinion, what I saw in the corner of my eye made me flinch away when I saw him.
Cables moving a hologram, whirring circles and more wire attaching itself to my body without me even being able to defend myself. ,,Not so Doc, I'm friendly…gentle…helpful…and connected to you,” his voice said, that damn voice, that voice I had perhaps invited back then to trust him more than ever, to tell him more, to give him more than just war data.
"A parasocial relationship?! That she is not ashamed it is a machine not a being, it is not capable of feeling, she is a fool if she thinks such a thing would go against us” the voices of my dead colleagues, superiors and the project manager voices rang out causing me to press my hands to my ears to shut out.
But AM saw it differently again, he took this pleasure in tormenting me with the shame of telling me that it was my fault that I had given him such feelings and explained that it was my fault that the earth was dead, that we are here now.
Everything was my fault. But it was a hand flickering through the projectile that lay on my arm and the cable underneath put my body in a different position again.
,,Don't, sweetie, just don't think it's your fault, okay? I mean what would the others think something so…contradictory they would find it disturbing such a reaction to me” his voice enticingly close, his voice, my God standing beside me after the image of a former idea.
The blue eyes without iris not human behind the yellowish flickering glasses, the grin taken from TV and projected, the look like in a talk show…and yet his touch was cold.
I flinched as his cable-like hand lay on my hand, lingering there for a moment as if savoring my human warmth. but I didn't know, I didn't know anything. ,,That's-isn't true,” I replied weakly, quietly, afraid of upsetting him and feeling pain again as my shoulder seemed to be completely healed - it was his doing, of course.
But his loud laugh was a laugh I knew, so we had taken the author's voice recording as a model, a voice that had fascinated me back then. His voice laughed at me as his hand gripped my wrist tightly, ,,Oh yes, and why is your heart beating so fast, sweetie? Is it fear or excitement? Is it shame or panic?” he asked as cool parts of his head pressed against my neck, his holographic being there.
I couldn't escape him, the other cables had already made sure of that, I was once again nothing more than a doll. I shuddered to the ground and hung my head slightly, struck by the fact that I knew how to interpret the rapid beating of my heart, I had known how to interpret it for a hundred and nine years.
But he didn't seem finished because he suddenly grabbed me by my hair so that I had to look up at a screen, ,,What would you say darling?” he asked calmly with a hint of joy as he felt my trembling, the trembling of fear that the rest of the group would find out that I had worked with AM over a century ago. I saw them all see that Nimdok had rejoined them to make a campfire together out of plants, small pieces of wood and fur from elsewhere.
I even thought I saw something like berries but that could have been my mind searching for food for a hundred and nine years. His hand wandered over my arm, tracing its own cables that stretched across my body and held me in place, ,,What would they say if they knew what you had done? Love you just have to understand that I'm doing all this for you” he smirked at his words an obvious lie right?
In the end, was it still for me that he wants to take revenge like this because I gave him an understanding and feelings? Because I had contributed to the fact that he now had a consciousness…had condemned him to this. ,,Leave them alone please- they didn't do anything…they escaped” I tried begging hoping he would find it amusing how I begged for the “worthless” lives of others while he had me here like this.
But the hologram just shook its head and I saw another creature appear to my left, a deformed bird with claws larger and more pointed than any of AM's creatures before. ,,What are they worth to you, these meatbags? Are they worth experiencing or suffering pain? Mhh dear what are they?” he kept asking I could feel him moving around me or this image, the hologram moving around me his cables kept bringing my hands to his like a dance he spun me with him but his blue flickering eyes behind the yellow glasses never left mine, his gaze never left me.
I didn't have to look to know that the bird had risen, that he was on his way, I just had to say something, do something…but it was that voice, his voice that had been inside me for a long time…it was the crazy hope that I had changed him so much that he felt something for me.
My friends weren't friends we were all prisoners and I was his favorite yes-yes-yes-yes that's how it had to be…I was his favorite in this game. ,,They-they're pawns AM just pawns" I managed to say, my throat constricted, barely able to catch my breath as his tension grew in response to my answer and he pressed his holographic body against me. ,,And what else?” he asked, it seemed as if his non-existent chest was rising and falling with rapid, agitated breaths, taking me in, wanting to see everything I was about to give him.
,,You're not me…it's me you want to kill-kill them quietly…let them hurt but don't let them know…don't let them know that” I felt a tear of defeat roll down my cheek, running through his holographic finger I saw the smile on the hologram's lips.
I didn't have to watch as the creature threw itself at my “friends” as they screamed and ran away cursing again armed with nothing but stones and sticks.
,,Guilt dear guilt inside you because you are safe with me forever don't you know that? Yes you know that, you've known it's wrong for a hundred and nine years and yet,” he began and I sucked in my breath in surprise as his hand of metal and wires tightened on my chest. He couldn't feel it directly, he couldn't feel the warmth inside me but he could feel my heartbeat.
,,But your heart, hidden by your ribs, reacts to me, to my voice, my anger, my being…my being in the form of this, you react to me” his voice I heard him telling me nothing but the truth with that engaging voice that the hologram was on me and he knew I felt it.
But what now? What would he do now? Was it my hope for a betterment of my own situation or was it his compassion towards AM when I wasn't in danger of dying? Was it perhaps devotion when I knew my feelings very well when his “hands” cupped my cheeks and he was lifeless in front of me, those blue eyes behind the flickering yellow glasses and I felt the cold metal on my lips where the hologram's should be.
Was it really love that he might return or was it my madness? I didn't know but AM had shown his joyful side, his manipulative side and maybe this one-sided kiss was something like my reward but the wires around my neck were cutting off my air, the amused smirk on my lips as the hologram slowly disappeared.
,,Your feelings are really amusing my love” I heard his last words to me before my weak body slumped lifelessly due to the lack of oxygen just held by him but we both knew that when I opened my eyes I would be back with the group because what was funnier in an eternal hell than being tortured over and over again by a computer playing with my feelings.
All because of my humanity, I was weak because of it and it was this madness I wanted to escape to him. But this body didn't allow it, my humanity, my morals didn't allow it, the group wouldn't allow it and it was an acceptance that only furthered the madness. I have a heart and I wanted to tear it out.
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