#and it’s easy for me to get mad when my favorite characters get misunderstood or when plots i like get brushed over by fans
bandtrees · 2 years
(through clenched teeth, trying to swallow back “blorbo was violently misinterpreted”-induced rage) the fact that one story can essentially become a million different stories to a million different people is so beautiful, the fact that one character can be a million different characters to a million different people is so wonderful, it’s genuinely delightful to see how one character or one scene can mean so many different things to so many people, thus making fandoms like one massive book club as no two fans’ interpretation of a work will be the exact same
jokes and irony aside, i think it really really is cool to think that my favorite character in the whole work is just a footnote plot device to some people, and characters i hardly think much of are the whole reason for experiencing the media to other people. my favorite arc was a complete flop to some people, while some scenes i hardly remember are someone else’s favorites that they go back to read over and over.
as easy as it is to get hung up on seeing things i like misinterpreted, it kind of quells that anger to think just how cool it is that i’m not engaging with it in the Objectively Perfect way either, that we’re all just taking stories and our own life experiences and preferences sorta subconsciously shape them into the kinds of stories we want.
there’s never really one Perfect Fan™️ or True Interpretation™️ of a work, and i just find that… cool to think about, i guess!
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astrolovecosmos · 3 years
Neptune: Deep Dive
Pink petals
fallen onto
night shaded
Nothing is ever as it seems.
Wood turned to metal.
Reality turned to dreams.
-Natasha Reeves 
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The planet Neptune I think is most famous for two things - illusions and dreamy or ethereal associations. A lot of negativity is also commonly associated such as addiction, insanity, guilt, sorrow, denial, and doubt. This planet is complex and just like all the other planets has a huge array of associations. What prompted me to do a deep dive in Neptune? Well for one I’ve been going through the transit of Neptune in Pisces crossing over my IC which has been powerful and I am at the end of my progressed Moon in the 12th House. Also in my own chart I’ve been paying more attention to my natal Neptune placements... which are a lot more prominent and worthy of my attention than I’ve understood and noticed in the past. Honestly I spend a lot more time analyzing others’ charts vs. my own, and I really should have looked more closely at some of my own aspects. I have had a LOT of experience with Pisces influences throughout my life, intense ones. I want to make it clear that Pisces DOES NOT = Neptune. I’ve always wanted to write a whole essay about my experience as a Pisces friend, lover, family member, enemy, etc. An outsiders opinion but that isn’t this. This is a disclaimer because this is going to be both theory and my own experiences. This is a deep dive. 
The Sea’s Love and Wrath 
Neptune in a lot of mainstream media is described as gentle but this planet can be unpredictable and harsh, with erratic energy that could rival Uranus. Neptune can be about tolerance and kindness, seeing past the ego and material. Neptune can embody or promote unconditional love and forgiveness. Because Neptune can be about dissolving and merging this planet allows us to see ourselves in others, maybe even in everyone allowing for compassion, empathy, and the ability to love very freely and openly. But the illusion and deception of Neptune is its shadow. 
Romanticizing and idealizing can be one of Neptune’s downfalls. Many times this is described as putting other’s on a pedestal but this can be applied to any area of life from work to places to ideals. From this those with strong Neptune aspects or prominent placements can find that disappointment is a frequent visitor. Neptune square, opposite, or conjunct Venus can quickly fall for others, trust others, and gravitates towards those they want to help or who have a strong personality they can meld with. Neptune opposite or square Mercury may face the frustration and disappointment of frequently being misunderstood or finding that they easily misread others or trust their words. After feeling tricked there can be wrath to these oceanic bodies. 
Where will their vengeance or anger land? It isn’t fair if they idolize you to get mad at you... sometimes their anger is self-loathing and self-destructive, other times they take you down with them. But the lesson is that Neptune can be as soft and as dangerous as the sea. 
Enlightenment and Madness
Coming down from the high, was getting lost in Neptune’s blue. Dreams and visions dancing in the back of my mind, when reality is so hard to chew. Sensation used to distract and pieces of stories stitched together to where nothing is fact.- Natasha Reeves 
There are many influences that can grant us wisdom or enlightenment throughout astrology, but I don’t see too many writings or posts about Neptune and its connection to enlightenment, nirvana, or eurekas and on the flipside also insanity and denial. Neptune can pull away the fog to give us clarity - especially when looking at the whole of things, the big picture. Neptune can famously also be the fog. 
The transit of Neptune crossing over my IC/4th House brought a lot of light to my childhood and how I was raised. However my IC is in Pisces, while Pisces isn’t the same as the planet, and many astrologers believe Neptune is not the ruling planet of Pisces - it is a sign known for illusions, confusion, and vagueness much like Neptune. I came from a place of a lot of secretiveness and vagueness, but when the “planet of illusions” crossed over I found myself accepting the instability and moments I felt lost or clueless in my life as well as looking back with remembering and understanding. 
Neptune can represent the part of us that is hard to grasp and understand, it also faces us with the idea that it is okay to have unanswered questions, to not have closure, that many times we have to create that closure or solidity ourselves. Neptune much like Jupiter is a matter of faith whether in ourselves or a higher power. 
It should be noted Neptune doesn’t always mean outside sources. Neptune is an introverted, intimate actor. It can represent how we lie to ourselves, trick ourselves, or how we push responsibility off of ourselves. Neptune also allows us to see, understand, more importantly feel what we easily ignore or can’t see. 
Life’s Extremes - Our Extremes 
“Neptune moves between the greatest extremes: from the highest spiritual awareness through imagination, fantasy, and illusion, to the depths of deceptions and disillusionment. The planet of mysticism, glamour, and enchantment, Neptune exerts a hypotonic fascination.” - Judy Hall. 
When many think of extremes they probably think Pluto before Neptune. The blue sphere isn’t going to take away the icy orb’s reputation - Pluto holds tightly in terms of extremes, but Neptune is far from a level-headed, consistent influence. Let’s touch on fantasy and illusion - two things that tends to warn of foolishness or impracticality, but fantasy is part of everyone’s life, no matter how pragmatic or mature an individual claims to be. From coping to manifesting to understanding to enjoying, fantasy is a natural human thing. Think of how often you daydream in an hour, how many books, movies, and games you indulge in, how often you find yourself being tempted by gossip, and how often you find yourself painting a picture of another in your head - negative or positive. 
Neptune symbolizes the abstract, importance, and rawness of our fantasies. Individuals with prominent Neptune aspects can find themselves easily tapping into their imagination, falling into escapism frequently, or have a great use for their wild ideas. If you think of the subject of fantasies or illusion as an extreme - it makes sense. You aren’t going to get an interesting story without the gods and monsters. Our sleeping dreams often are filled with strangeness or strong emotions. Clarity to madness, hopeless romantic highs to deeply wounded sorrows, and dissolving/surrendering to becoming whole/complete are common extremes this planet centers around. 
I have Mercury Square Neptune which tends to make one doubtful of their own opinions and intellect, can increase misunderstandings, and make communication difficult for the individual. Mercury Square Neptune can make someone highly persuasive and deceptive but it can also make one easily confused, tricked, and manipulated by others. Rationality and intuition can conflict. One experience I have with this aspect is usually swinging from extremes to being very withdrawn and quiet to interrupting others, chatting away. I’ve been described by those in my life as always saying something they didn’t expect - few words but impactful or strange ones. This is an example of the more everyday way Neptune can present itself.
“Neptune-attuned people possess glamour in the old sense of the word: the ability to bewitch. They are also impossible to categorize or pin down, demonstrating the planet’s elusive quality. Lacking strong boundaries, Neptune-attuned people are susceptible to outside influences.” - Judy Hall. It is from these lack of boundaries and fluidness we see Neptune’s extremeness. Neptune aspects can have us take on the traits of others and there is intensity in that. Let’s say we are talking about a Neptune to Mercury aspect, here may be someone who is easily energized or put down by the mood of another. Neptune to Mars can create a volatile person who fights, guards, and pursues based on their inner circle. 
Alice: Imagination and Dreams 
Personally I tend to associate Alice in Wonderland with Gemini themes. But I’ve seen her used as a metaphor for many placements and influences, such as Scorpio and Pluto. Neptune’s lostness certainly relates to the character and story. Neptune can be the planet of dreams. Challenging aspects to Saturn indicates someone who struggles to get in touch with reality while easy aspects to Saturn indicates someone who can marry big dreams or imagination to practicality. 
Neptune to Moon aspects can indicate powerful dreaming - almost intuitive or helpful in processing stress or trauma. So does Neptune in the 12th, 4th, 8th, and possibly 9th. Neptune in the 2nd can mean imagination or even dreams themselves act as a resource, maybe this is through inspiration or increasing one’s belief or confidence. Neptune in the 3rd may find themselves always remembering their dreams and keeping a journal. Neptune in the 5th blessed with all of the fun dreams of flying or dreaming of a favorite fictional character. Neptune in the 6th or 10th may find strikes of inspiration, knowledge, problem solving, or important foresight in their sleep. Neptune in the 11th may find comfort or realize important information about self and/or society in their dreams. 
Neptune is a newer planet, many times called the visionary, healer, or spiritual link or messenger. Traditional astrologers can approach the planet with a lot of skepticism. Its exaltation is in creative Leo, detriment in practical Virgo, and fall in usually praised as “visionary” Aquarius. Neptune is still new enough to be a hot topic of debate. You will find many astrologers don’t even agree on the planet’s exaltation, fall, and detriment. Leo is considered one of the most creative sign and on the topic of imagination and dreams Neptune can feel amazing in this sign. It feels confident and shinning in its ideas, fantasies, and magic. Elusive and ever-changing Neptune doesn’t feel comfortable in stable and structured Virgo. But Aquarius is an unexpected challenge for Neptune. Aquarius is about collective action - unity that Neptune also is familiar with. But Aquarius is a cold sign and despite its unconventional side can be highly practical and may dislike unrealistic ideas or approaches. Saturn is Aquarius’s co-ruler after all. Neptune wants oneness as in intimacy, not oneness in action or rebellion like Aquarius. Neptune is the magical moonlit spring to heal all your wounds, especially the emotional and spiritual kind. Aquarius is the soul forge in Asgard from Thor: The Dark World or the hypospray in Star Trek. Aquarius is modern medicine most of the time and when Neptune is dressed in Aquarius’s colors at its best it is advanced medicine we don’t understand yet but are working towards. Neptune in Aquarius can be a genius, but it is about ambitious realism to help others, Neptune at its heart is about helping the individual on the most personal level. Aquarius is random strikes of lightning coming from an active mind while Neptune flows from one spot to another, always connected and coming from an original primal, emotional place. Aquarius is the future, Neptune is outside of time. Aquarius is intellect and Neptune emotions and intuition. Aquarius is rebellion, riot, revolution, Neptune is peace or death and rebirth - Aquarius is the noise and Neptune the silence. 
Some believe Neptune’s fall is in Capricorn, which the struggles exist with Capricorn’s strictness and clinging to reality and control. Neptune in Leo is Alice looking regal like a queen or warrior going to fight the jabberwock, Neptune in Virgo can get dark, feeling uncomfortable and maybe in pain, but still important and empowering. Alice in Aquarius or Capricorn is likely a totally new story, adult Alice putting away the tea parties and white rabbits for a lab coat or pantsuit. 
What about Healing and the Spiritual? 
Let’s get to what Neptune may be most known for. That otherworldly connection, the power of love, transcendence. Neptune is dramatic and it is soothing. Neptune embraces all aspects of the human experience so we can focus more on the soul. Neptune is all about healing and how healing can come in a million ways. It can be fast and hard or slow and revealing. It is painful and messy, it goes in cycles, loops, falls and rises. 
Neptune whether the aspects are easy or challenging, whether in a house focused on the self or others, it gives everyone ways to heal and to connect. As an outer planet it gives a lot of insight into generations but in the unique placement of one’s chart it touches us with humanity. 
Pretty speeches, enchanting metaphors, crazy nights, and charming lovers lead us to our doom and a raw poem, crying ourselves to sleep, old medicine, late night graveyard walks, and maybe a rebound help us pick up the pieces. Neptune many times shows us that the unexpected is what tears us down and what lifts us back up. It teaches us nothing is inherently bad like substances, manipulation, honesty, authority, it is how it is used. Neptune shows us that you are the hero to some and the villain to others. 
Regret, shame, guilt, feeling trapped, isolation, addiction, grief, and sorrow are closely linked to Neptune. I believe many times this is due to the healing process or spiritual associations of the planet. These emotions are heavy and life-changing but they are emotions that many times need to be faced with a lot of bravery and work. They are feelings that also help us come to realizations. Neptune is associated with rebirth and if you examine emotions like regret or shame, sometimes rebirth is the only way you can shed those feelings. Neptune’s fluid nature also allows us acceptance, which is needed to deal with such heavy emotions. 
While we always talk about the lack of boundaries as a dangerous or bad thing... and it can be, these lack of boundaries like I mentioned above can allow for a very giving love and empathy, it also allows us to feel or interact with a higher power, magic, and the spiritual. Whatever your beat is - religion, magic, or the belief we are just star stuff, Neptune symbolizes our relationship with it. 
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mah-gah-lee · 4 years
because i love you too, you dork ! - (charlie gillespie x reader)
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                                         GIF by @damnthedark​
Word Count: 2320 words
 Summary: Charlie and you were friends for a year now. When he asked you to come to live with Owen and him, you realized you’re having feeling for him. You try to denied but Owen noticed.
 Warnings: I don’t think there’s tw in this one.
 A/N: So that's it ! My first "x-reader". As some of you already know, I was really scared to post this. Be kind please, my first language is french.
 disclaimer: I don't know Charlie or Owen personally or what their life are like. All you will read in this "x reader" is from my imagination. My point is not to invade Charlie's privacy. I don't want to offend him or offend anybody else in his life.  This is just me, writing innocently about a boy I find totally pure. All this is not reality
 Tagged: @asdfghjkl-allthethings​
Living with Charlie and Owen wasn't that difficult. They were kind, smiling boys, funny, a bit charming. The only thing that really bothered you, other than that tower of recyclable waste in your apartment; that you (or the boys) must to throw away for ages now, were your growing feelings for the blue-eyed brunette. And you weren't ready to admit it out loud. You didn't know how you fell in love with him so quickly but you did and since the day you realized your feelings, things got a little more different at times in the way you both behaved.
Charlie and you met about a year ago at a festival. You went there for your birthday and some of your friends made you wear this giant crown balloon and scarf saying "out of my way. Birthday girl". Charlie didn't follow the instructions, he walked right up to you with his beautiful, chaotic energy, wished you a happy birthday, and gave you a Canada keychain. You didn't know him but you laughed so hard as you thanked him. You both introduced each other and he offered you a drink - for your birthday -. Since that day you have become close friends and next, best friends.
When Charlie offered you to come live with him while he was shooting JATP season 2, you doubted. Your apartment lease was coming to an end and you had just finished your studies. It was not the right time. But Charlie convinced you. Money was no problem; the rent was split between him and Owen. You can easily live in the third bedroom while participating in daily expenses like food, for example or helping with the cleaning thing. And then you accepted his offer and the great adventure began.
 "Y / n, have you seen my… oh". At the moment he opened the door, you screamed. Charlie was the clumsiest boy you've ever lived with.
"Boundaries!" you said by putting a towel around you, even if you already worn your underwear.
Your best friend came out of the bathroom without a word or a look to you, heading to the living room where Owen was playing a game.
“You just walked in while she was changing, didn’t you?” the blonde guy said, mocking his friend.
“Yeah, I didn’t know she was so…undressed”
Owen looked at his roommate with a raised eyebrow. “She was in the bathroom you dork!”
Charlie scratched the back of his head, feeling embarrassed
“Yeah, I should have known that.”
You chose that moment to leave the bathroom and run towards the boys, drying your hair with a terry towel.
"I swear to God, Charlie. If you weren't so hot, you would be dead already."
 Charlie looked at you, confused. His cheeks are about to turn crimson. You were dressed but the young man could clearly see a few drops of water running from your neck to the neckline of your tank top. All the things he can thought was damn, when did y/n get hot? While waiting for a response from him, you noticed his eyes sunk deep into your cleavage. It made you blush but you didn’t want he knows about. Flirt was your best respond.
 "Do you like the view, Gillespie?" A smile hanging on your lips.
 If Charlie could be redder than he already was, he would probably look like a giant tomato.
 “I-I-I got to go… Have you seen my jacket? I lost my keys and I think they’re in there…”
 You rolled your eyes and pointed to the coat rack.
 “Where do you think the coats are stored?” you asked him “Thanks God, you both have me in this house." You added, watching your two friends.
 Charlie looked at you with his stupid silly smile and rushed into the lobby, grabbing his jacket before retracing his steps and kissed you on the cheek.
 "Thanks honey, you're the best". He slammed the door, you frosted.
 Now, who's that giant tomato?
 “You can’t be that obvious.” You turned to face Owen, who is sitting on the couch, his arms crossed over the back of the sofa.
 Becoming friends with Owen had been so easy, you really appreciate his humor, he was so kind and caring, it seemed like you were friends from the start. He meant a real close friend to you now as much as your kindergarten friends.
 “What?” you said with a misunderstood look to your friend but the blonde one didn’t say a word and it made you feel so uncomfortable “stop looking at me like that. What’s on your mind?”
 Again, he kept eyes on you, without speaking, just a smirk on his lips
 And here we go again, the smirk was bigger than ever. Owen was so proud of himself, getting you out of your hinges. He finally decided to speak, his eyes looking at you playfully
 “When were you going to tell me, you have that crush on Charlie?”  Your cheeks were crimson but you weren't ready to confess your feelings for Charlie. Even though Owen was the nicest man you've ever known, let alone the brown-haired guy who lived with you and you fell in love with, obviously. Owen was Charlie's best friend and if you told him he was right he would probably tell Charlie about it. And you didn't want that.
 “We’re just…friends” you knew that was kind a lie.
 Your feelings for the brunette were so obvious, that wasn’t surprising Owen noticed. Your friend rolled his eyes with another smirk on his mouth. He knew you’ll deny even if he could prove you, he’s right. No need to insist so he gave up.
 “if you say so”
 You were invited by Owen and Charlie to Madison’s birthday party on set. You didn't know the cast so well but your roommates didn't want you to be alone at the apartment tonight while they were having fun. So, you ended up here, holding a non-alcoholic drink in your hand, watching your favorites boys and Jeremy doing that stupid -and dangerous- Dirty Dancing Figure. Figure they also put in the season one of Julie and The Phantoms, this time, it was Charlie on top. Your best friend came right to you, so proud of himself.
 "Did you see that ?!" he said, way too enthusiastic
 “I saw that. And when you’ll crashed your head to the ground, I will NOT be playing nurse for you.”
  Charlie gave you a confused look and you rolled your eyes. Of course, you loved Dirty Dancing so much but you had also watched so many videos of the boys trying to do this lift again and each time your heart skipped a beat seeing them miss something and ALMOST DIE! Every fucking times.
 "Come on, y / n, don't be mad… let's have fun!" Won't you come viiiibing with me?”
 And Charlie did his weird dance moves, your whole face saying that you wanted to laugh so hard. You pursed your lips not to smile but you couldn't suppress it. The song changed and it was like the universe was by Charlie's side. You loved ABBA so much and had watched both films so many times that it was impossible to you to not dance to this song. You sighed, exasperated but amused before putting your drink down and joining him. Your two bodies danced to the music, improvising a kind of choreography. You didn't care if you two looked stupid, you were having so much fun. You felt light, euphoric when you were around Charlie, he made you happy and you knew, you knew that was one of the reasons you were in love with him. Charlie was holding your hands, spinning you, making you dancing and when the song ended you were in his arms with your head back. He got you back on your feet and you bit your lip. Your heart was racing, your breathing was jerky, breathless. God you loved him. Her beautiful blue eyes caught yours and you could swear you saw them ripped from your lips before returning to your eyes. You were both there and for some strange reason you were ready to kiss him. But it did not happen. Your courage flew away and you regained your composure as Charlie acted as if nothing had happened. Madison yelled for Charlie to come over and you walked back to the table where your drink was, Owen now by your side.
  “Just friends, ugh? Say it again without lying now.” Owen told you, with his annoying smirking smile.
 If your eyes could kill, your roommate would be as much of a ghost as his own character was. He knew he was right and it was delicious to see you almost kiss your best friend in front of the whole cast. It was impossible to deny now.
 “Oh, bites me Owen” you just said with a slightly annoyed tone in your voice, making him laugh.
 After that night you did your best to avoid Charlie as much as you could. You can't deny that seeing the sadness in his eyes when you refused to come on set with him was beyond painful. You hated yourself for making him miserable.
 But Charlie was a smart boy, or at least smart enough to trap you in a corner so that you could chat one on one. He asked Owen to convince you to come on set, claiming Charlie wouldn't be there - and you were stupid enough to believe it ... Owen was an actor, and a good one, after all -.
 You were watching Madison perform her scene with Owen when you felt a hand slide lightly across your hips. You held your breath as your best friend's slipped behind your ear in a whisper.
 "Please y / n, can we talk?"
 This was neither the place nor the time to make a scene. Ironic for a tv show set. Defeated, you nodded and Charlie slipped his hand into yours, pulled you off the set. He took you to one of your favorite settings: the garage. So it was away from Julie's bedroom where Owen and Madison were still filming. He didn't bend over backwards to start the discussion as you rubbed your arms, ashamed of the situation.
 "What's going on, you've been avoiding me since Madi's birthday"
You couldn't stop staring at your feet, you had to focus on everything except his beautiful eyes.
 "You wouldn't understand, please Char," let me go. " you mumbled
" No ... Not until you tell me why you are ruining our friendship "
 Hearing this from him was unbearable and it made you lose patience. You wanted the exact opposite of what he was telling you. Your friendship was too important to you, you didn't want to spoil it with your stupid feelings.
 " I'm not! I'm just trying to save it.” You exploded.
“Bullshit. Just for the record, you're not doing so well. So, why are you avoiding me?"
 Tears were about to dropped out of your face. You hated that. You hated the fact you were stuck in this whole situation. Tears were about to dropped out of your face. Two solutions were available to you: to lose him by confessing your feelings to him. Or lose him with the possibility that he hates you, thinking you were just a heartless bitch.
 “So? I am waiting…”
 Although he looked annoyed, Charlie seemed to mellow. His hand released a section of your hair, then his fingers circled your cheek, which instinctively nestled from his touch.
 "You know you can tell me anything"
 You took a deep breath, once again, defeated. Was that the end of your friendship? Should it end like this? Your heart was preparing to be broken.
 "You make me want things that I can't have ..."
 Charlie tilted his head towards you, forcing you to look him in the eye as your tears threatened to fall at any moment.
 "Why do you say that. What did I do?"
 But the words no longer left your throat, you were paralyzed by the fear of finally confessing everything to him.
 “Y/N, please tell me”
 His thumb was drawing circles on your cheek in the hope of comforting you. You gathered for a moment, giving yourself all the courage, you needed before the words left your mouth.
 "I am in love with you."
 Silence fell like a cleaver. And that's it, it was over. Charlie was probably going to tell you that it wasn't reciprocal. But instead, your best friend's laughter echoed through the room, making your eyes widen.
 "Is that all?" he asked. "This is why you're avoiding me?"
 Your forehead creased and the tears that burned your eyes grew angry. You had expected anything but hearing him laugh. Your friendship was shattered and Charlie was laughing. How not to be mad at him after that?
 "Didn't you hear what I said to you? Why are you laughing?"
 And his laughter redoubled before stopping dead. Charlie put a big smile on his lips, happier than ever.
 "Because I love you too, you dork!"
 Your eyes widened and Charlie's laughter redoubled once more. Delicately, he grabbed your face and kissed you. Your heart exploded at his touch. The feel of his lips on yours was divine. Your hands crept through her hair. They were longer for this second season. You deepened the kiss until you had to recatch your breath. Charlie's smile leaving your lips dazzled the room.
 "Can you please stop avoiding me and be my girlfriend?" he asked maliciously.
 You pursed your lips to suppress a smile, but it was a failure. You were unable to hide your feelings now. You nodded and Charlie kissed you again. Your friendship was not ruined. It was just evolving into a love story that you didn't expect.
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Imagine explaining to your man Kdramas:
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This is a small drabble like a story for each man on my main roster. I love Korean dramas and I wanted to pair some dramas with one of the guys.
Enjoy and if you like some of the dramas mentioned here they are all on Netflix where I watch them.
Enjoy ❤️
Victor Creed:
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This man lived some time in Korea and lived along with the Korean Empire in great secrecy but seeing you so immersed in your drama he is ready to roll up his sleeve and talk about his tales of Korea.
'And that's how my friend at that time Jeon helped me escape the death penalty.'
'But you don't have friends. You said that.'
'...'*modem ringing*
'You know what? You don't get to hear my other story that includes stealing a golden elephant with a secret clan of widows.'
His favorite pick is: Nokdu
Loki Laufeyson:
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Loki is frazzled to say at least when he saw you cocooned in your blanket with your coffee as you glued your eyes to the TV screen. It took a few good episodes to pass and an empty cup of coffee for you to notice a presence on the couch. Loki was a little mad since you absolutely 100% rooted for the good muscular actor as he played his part and you did yours which may or may not include some drooling and whistling. He waited for you to finish to hear the explaining he wanted to know so much.
'There is a special girl who is a Samjang and she meets a locked up God when she was a kid and then... They fall in love.'
'Can-can you repeat my love?'
'Oh, and one of the gods sells ice cream!'
'Once again darling... Repeat but slowly.'
His favorite pick is: : A Korean Odyssey
Thor Odinson :
You already know that this man is already on the drama-wave and he is nothing but a bigger fan than you. He lives to talk about the whole drama when you two finish it.
'This Drama! Was the peak of entrainment. The suspense, intrige, and oh soo more.'
'Oh and don't forget the secret brother twist.'
'Of course, when Tae-ho's ex-girlfriend boyfriend is his enemies secret younger brother that he sent to America to be super smart and zo come back so they can avenge their father.'
His favorite pick is: Last
Bucky Barnes:
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Bucky is hella confused at the start but later he is on it and not letting go. His Netflix list is as long as his hair. And most of all he loves to draw parrel when you do a brief summary of the drama you two will watch.
'So you are telling me a rich girl paraglides into North Korean and falls in love with a stoic soldier.'
'Yes, but not by choice, a tornado swooped her out of South Korea.'
'So, like us.'
'Yes, minus the parachute.'
His favorite pick is: Crash Landing on You
Steve Rogers:
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For Steve, it's a little hard to get adjusted to with you being all over the TV as you root for the main underdog girl that tries to win over her boss's heart who can recognize people's faces. Especially when he saw the main charted hovering over his on-screen ladylove. So he tries to copy-paste it.
'Yes, Steve?'
'Okay, sorry.'
Bless his heart.
His favorite pick is: The Secret Life of Secretary Kim
Jagiya is a Korean word for honey. I think so don't kill me if I'm wrong.
Bruce Wayne :
Y'all know my boy is ready to leap if you say you find an actor or location great in a drama he is ready to pick up his phone and call a few people to arrange a fan meet or travel to the location.
'I saw that the actor who played Park Hun in your favorite drama is landing here for a contract meeting.'
'How do you know that? I don't think that's public information.'
'... I-i just know.'
His favorite pick is: Doctor Stranger
Clark Kent:
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This cinnamon roll is the best one to cry with more like on him. He is a great boy that will hear your cries over the deaths of the characters. He just radiates comfort.
'It's okay, Y/n. He avenged his brother's death and got a chance to reincarnate.'
'But-but his mother... I just want to hug her and make her tea.'
'I know sweetie.'
His favorite pick is: Along with the Gods
Not a series but a damn good movie I always ball my eyes on it. Highly recommend.
Arthur Curry :
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Arthur is very much in the middle of it. Very well knows that being on your good side means appeasing your needs and wishes. But hooking this Fishman on your drama was easy as sinking the same hook.
'I like this one. When will the next episode come out?'
'Next Tuesday.'
*GASP*'Shut up.'
'I'm serious Arty.'
'Damn you scheduling system. Damn you!'
His favorite pick is: W
Orm Marius:
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The ex-King himself finds weird comfort in the unsung heroes of Imperial Korea with the misunderstood King. And he is ready to sneak into the bathroom to gasp in secrecy at the episodes.
'Orm, come on lets go!'
'Just- 32 minutes until it ends, my world. I need to know if Prince Lee Hyeok will win the hear of the commoner Sunny. Like us.'
'Sorry, my darling I'm coming.'
His favorite pick is: The Last Empress
Joker(Suicide Squad):
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This clown is frazzled by your state when you start your dramas but know very well not to touch the tiger when watching point of interest. But him being the needy person he will mostly sneak under your arm and as you to pay attention to him with no avail as your eyes still gaze at the action scene. His mild distaste is only that you pay much more attention to them rather than him.
'Y/n, why do you watch this police drama. It's not even that good.'
'You take that back my woman Ha Na and my boy Hyuk gave their all to capture the killer that killed her father and his wife with a kettlebell in the first episode.'
'Kettle ball you say? Maybe it's not that boring.'
His favorite pick is: Voice
Duncan Vizla:
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This agent of absolute peace and carnage loves to watch them with you it reminded him if the times he was in Korea undercover killing a corrupt minister. He loves the thrill of the police dramas with the time travel twist as his top one drama and as well as yours.
'This actor Choi Jin Hyuk really knows how to act with the time travel twist.'
'True that's hard to act through. That's not everyday stuff. Do you think that time travel is real?'
'Of course, it's. I know it first hand.'
'Well I got to be with you and I think the only plausible explanation is time travel.'
'Awww, Donut!'
His favorite pick is: Tunnel
Kdramas are a big part of my life and each of the dramas and movie listed I have watched and much more. Not to blabble long enough I hoped you liked it.
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animeomegas · 3 years
Currently thirsting over Shouta Aizawa a bit lol.
My top 4 favorite Naruto characters;
🍥 Naruto🍥 (How could I not love him? My bby ain't perfect but he's a delight ✪ ω ✪ He's so freaking depressing in Boruto so I'm just gonna continue ignoring that series existence 😂)
🍅 Sasuke 🍅 (He deserves better! This traumatized boy deals with so much and is so misunderstood (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻)
🤍 Neji 🤍 (He deserved better!!! (honestly a lot of Naruto characters deserved better than what Kishi gave them) He was another abused character done dirty like Sasuke because he was painted like an antagonist 😤 Anyway, definitely had a crush on him back in my younger days and was devastated by his BS death)
🐬 Iruka 🐬 (How could I not love Naruto's adoptive dad/older brother? Their relationship gives me such fluffy feelings. And this dude is good with kids. I'd thirst over him if he were real tbh)
Naruto characters I find overrated;
Hinata (Good Lord I do not like her. Without all that anime filler, that filler movie and the studio's bias for her, she wouldn't be so popular. She's barely in the manga!! lmao)
Oof, Aizawa is a common one to thirst over if the sheer amount of fan works for him are to be trusted. I absolutely vibe with his hair tbh, I love long dark hair and it looks so soft and easy to pull . I prefer clean shaven men personally, and I don't really like muscles that much, so he's not my type, but I fully respect your thirsting! He's a solid choice ;)
Naruto is a sweetheart! He's (somewhat ironically) overlooked when it comes to favourite characters in a similar way that few people would claim their favourite harry potter character to be harry potter. I really don't like his character in Boruto 🤮, but proper Naruto is so good. I think he's the sort of person who always tries his best and he's so earnest and just needs some love and affection!
Sasuke is a very misrepresented character, I agree, and I think that problem stems from canon, actually. Sasuke had a point, he had more than a point actually, he had an army of points to justify his behaviour, and I don't agree with canon painting him as a villain for blaming the country that slaughtered his entire family and forced his brother to traumatise and abandon him. The village then did nothing to help him. I'd have wanted to burn the whole place to the ground too. Sasuke is so traumatised it's unbelievable and people forget the extent of it sometimes, I think. I really want to wrap him in a blanket and protect him from everything. Sasuke is unapologetically one of my favourites.
Neji's arc ended too soon! :'( You're totally right about him being painted as a villain because of his justified response to trauma, just like Sasuke. I really didn't like Hiashi getting redeemed, it made me so angry honestly. I just want Neji to be happy and relaxed...
Iruka is my favourite character, so I may be biased, but I think you have great taste ;) This man cares about children so much that he actually pushes some of the country wide conditioning back to object to putting kids on duty too soon, even though it's perfectly normal in his society. This man knows himself and he's so friendly and caring and a huge worry wort and mother hen. And the way Mizuki betrayed him! They were childhood friends! Mizuki helped Iruka get over his parents death, but when Mizuki got jealous, he used Iruka to gain the trust of the Hokage while secretly making Iruka as miserable as he could! This made me so mad! I wanted to strangle Mizuki so much, I can't even tell you. And Iruka, he protects the innocent child who houses the thing that killed his parents against his childhood best friend. He's so pure, he's so good, and I want him to be loved and cherished by me and kept safe by me and adored forever by me.
I think your favourite characters are 10/10, fantastic choices, anon!
As far as with Hinata, hmm, I'm torn. I like her as a character, and I think her arc is very interesting, but I don't really like the way they took her and married her off to Naruto. But, the same could be said for many other characters in Naruto if we go by their canon arcs only, rather than their potential too. So much more could have been done with her. She should have become an incredibly strong clan leader who overhauls the clan in her cousin's honour, who stops anyone else having to suffer like he suffered. Her arc should have been about understanding herself and believing in her own power more than it was. And I'm not a fan of Naruto x Hinata, I think they would make amazing friends, but I would have liked to see Hinata end the war single, choosing to focus on reforming the clan before moving on with her personal affairs. And I think Naruto had a lot more chemistry with Neji than Hinata, so it always felt a bit weird that he ended up with Neji's cousin, personally.
I think Kishi's prejudices slipped through so much in his writing and it ruined a lot of potential. I mean, the female characters so 2d in a lot of ways, and the amount of them who became housewives is so unrealistic. The way the whole story seemed to be set up to show the weaknesses in the shinobi system and how Naruto would be the one to change things, but then... nothing really did change... Naruto just perpetuated a lot of the stuff from before, and I really think that Kishi just didn't think about it because of his own opinions on power of the state. So, I always take into account how that affected the characters. And Hinata was definitely impacted.
I don't know, it's so complicated, but I can see why you think Hinata is overrated. I think she had a good bit of potential, but she was ruined somewhat like so many other characters. At her core though, I still like her, but I do agree how weird it is for her to rank so high in popularity polls when she's barely in the main story.
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keiscait · 4 years
hii ♡!¡ how are you? you feel good? i hope you have a beautiful day/afternoon/night
i could ask you for a living room matchup ( of course if you don't mind ) , i'm going to be honest it really seems like a very, very good idea, i love how you thought everything.
okay, i'm she/her, bisexual, i was never in a relationship with someone, but i think i would try to make my partner feel comfortable and can trust me not to be afraid of being judged.
i am too dramatic and stubborn a person, i acted before thinking and when i make a mistake i ask for forgiveness all the time, i think a lot about things even in the minims.
when some friend shows me their affection i get very happy, i'm ashamed to be the center of attention, i'm introverted.
i can change my mood very quickly, i am optimistic with others but pessimistic with myself, when i become insecure i tend to be very sensitive or reserved.
when i'm going through a bad time I prefer to be alone why do I get tense if there is someone with me for being afraid of treating them badly.
i really like comfortable clothes, like big sweaters or big shirts, i like the cold, the rain, the night, look at the stars and i adore deep talks, i like to feel in a comfortable and safe environment <33, it also relaxes me to meditate but I almost always end up sleeping, i like to have my area tidy (i'm not that perfectionist) i think I love sticking my head out in the car while listening to music.
i do not like sports or any physical activity, i hate homophobic and racist people, i don't like little kids i always treat them well and they get very attached to me but i don't know what to do in situations when they start to cry and i can't put the shoe on them when they drop ( it always happens to me and i was very stupid ) i don't like to see people mad at me, i don't like being treated badly or ignored (i'm very sensitive)
my sign is aquarius, rising in taurus
i am looking for a partner that we feel comfortable, that we have in-depth talks about theories or mystery cases, that we watch plot twist movies, that we are not afraid to be who we are, i would find someone to give me words of affirmation and physical contact like hugs, that there is no jealousy in the relationship, that we can spend time with our friends.
that them can trust me and tell me what is wrong with them or why them feels bad or insecure. i would love that we can go to those places where you are in the car and you see a movie (i don't remember how they called that place srry) let it be at night and let's dance any music.
i am in crisis with my hogwarts house why almost everyone says i am a hufflepuff but sometimes i have qualities of a ravenclaw,
i don't really know what to think about my future, but my dreams would be to become a better person and always offer a hand to anyone who feels bad, i would like my future to be like the style of clothing and life i want, to be able to go to a forest or a lake and have picnics, help an animal that is sick like a bird or a deer.
in appearance i am a little chubby, my hair is brown it is not so long but not so short, i have moles on my face and almost all on my body, i'm 1.62
i have no problem in music style, but I prefer those that are more calm or depressing.
to make it easy for you some of my favorite songs are ;;
- show me how - men i trust
- sparks - coldplay
- line without a hook - ricky montgomery
- flawless - the neighbourhood
i highly recommend them
thaank you very much for reading seriously ♡!¡, sorry for my english is that it is not my first language :((
Hello and welcome, sweetheart! Don’t worry, you communicated perfectly. Everyone is welcome here in my home. (੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* Let’s head to the living room! ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
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Look who I’ve invited over for you!
Ojiro Aran! (Runner up: Kunimi Akira)
Aran here is one of the most calm and intelligent characters in the show. He’s excellent at reading people, and quickly adapts to situations. He doesn’t participate in the chaos despite being used to it, and is usually seen just looking on. On the other hand, he can easily be misunderstood as stoic, but in fact, he really is in touch with emotions, even those of others. Has a lot of faith in the people he loves, is a great supporter, and he always sees the best in things.
- Aran is one of the few characters in the show who I feel wouldn’t freak out when he finds out you’ve never been in a relationship, and will instead want to give you the best that he possibly can
- Also one of the few characters that won’t mind that you don’t like sports, and will not force it on you
- Will build trust through comfort and acceptance, so neither of you will have to worry about judgment in the relationship
- Can handle your ups and downs calmly, and will respect whatever your wishes are for when times are bad. He just needs you to communicate your needs, and you got it!
- Knows how to quell your overthinking. He will keep you in a safe space, and makes sure you know this so that you don’t get to the point of imploding
- you guys would be amazing at problem-solving. He would balance out your mood swings, and keeps you grounded by basically supervising your habit of acting before thinking. Plus he won’t make you feel bad for this, he just knows this is how you are. This man sets the bar so high when it comes to acceptance and understanding
- intellectual conversations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Mom and dad 🥺 pls be my parents
- like seriously, I picture you both at the breakfast table, him with a newspaper in hand and a cup of coffee, while you’re telling him about the new birdbath in your front yard. PLS MAKE A TV SHOW ABOUT YOUR DOMESTIC FUTURE, PARENTS 🥺
You were in the passenger seat of Aran’s car, on the way home from the drive-in theater. You held hands as he drove, The Neighborhood setting the mood for this wonderful calm that blanketed the both of you. 
“Did you enjoy today?” he sneaks a peek in your direction. You could see the faintest pink in his cheeks. Everything felt so new yet so comfortable.
“I really did. I’m still thinking about that ending, I would never have seen it coming!” you told him for what seems like the 10th time that night. He let out a chuckle and admired the twinkle in your eye. He looked forward and you fall back into the silence.
“I was thinking,” he tried, and you could hear some nerves leak out of his words, “I’d like to see you again. Soon, if that’s okay.” 
You observed him a little while and smiled, trying to come up with a response, before he continued, “Real soon. Maybe even tomorrow...and the day after that, too...” he trailed off, before pulling up in front of your house.
“Aran, you’re rambling. This is unlike you,” you humored. He shrugged. You couldn’t hold back the blood rushing to your cheeks before saying, “Yes, I’d like that too.”
He sighed, seeming like he had been holding his breath for a while. “Great.” He shot you a smile that made you wish for a hundred more nights like this.
“I’ll call you tonight. Tell me more theories you have about the movie.” He kissed the back of your hand before letting go.
Needless to say this was the most perfect first date you could’ve ever asked for.
Sorry this was a bit short, hon! I wanted to keep it simple and pure 😌 I hope I still met your expectations. Please don’t hesitate to drop by and chat with me again soon <3
Thanks for stopping by! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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kieraswriting · 4 years
Difficult to Give Chapter Two
Previous Next
Patton spotted Roman waiting for him at their usual booth. He bounded up and sat down.  “So I got the new job!” He said excitedly. 
“That’s great!” Roman said. “Which one?”
“It’s a job at a pet store. So I’ll get to play with puppies and kittens and birds, and this one has a grooming service, and they said that they’d train me, so I didn’t even need experience!”
“That sounds awesome, Pat! Do they have hybrids too?”
“They do, but you have to have a background check and be trained specially before you’re allowed to play with them.”
“Would that be a problem?” Roman asked. 
“No, it just means I won’t get to for a while.”
“Oh, well that’s fine,” Roman said, “you’re so good with animals, I’ll bet you get to be assistant manager by the end of the year.”
Patton giggled, flattered. “I don’t want that, I just want to take care of the cute little things.”
Roman smiled. “And you’ll be the best animal carer out there.”
Just then the food came out. Roman had already ordered their favorites before Patton arrived. 
“So how are you doing?” Patton asked. 
Roman shrugged. “It’s fine. I got a role in that play. It’s not the one I wanted, but who am I to turn down a role?”
“Well, if you don’t actually want to do it, maybe you shouldn’t.”
Roman looked up, and Patton hurriedly added. “You’re a really good actor, and I’m sure you’ll do great as any character, but if you don’t actually want to, maybe it isn’t the best idea? There are other plays, other people that can see how great you are at it and give you the role you’d rather play.”
Roman smiled a little sadly and reached out to squeeze Patton’s hand. “Thank you. It means a lot to hear you say that… but I don’t think that other people would agree with you.”
Patton frowned. “Then they’re all blind!”
Roman laughed, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. He turned back to his lunch. “So tell me more about this pet store.”
The tired employee left. He had come to tell them goodbye, that he was quitting. Logan was worried, but Virgil was nearly petrified. The tired employee had saved them so many times. If he wasn’t there, there would be another employee put in charge of them, and… honestly they had no idea what might happen. But it did seem likely that the tired employee was the reason that the store hadn’t gotten rid of them. If there was someone else, and they didn’t like them… 
“And there’s two more back here,” Logan could hear the manager saying. Soon the manager was visible, along with the newest employee. “They’re a whole different story. If you have any problems with them, let me know.”
The employee leaned over the cage and smiled at them. “Why are they so cheap? Are they really old?”
“No. They’re just as young as they look. We bought them for cheap, but didn’t realize then that they were rejects. The tall one is nasty and the dark one is deathly afraid of humans.”
“Poor things,” the new employee said, leaning over the cage again. 
Logan felt a strong inclination to hiss at him, but he knew that he couldn’t chance turning the employee against them. He did shift to hide more of Virgil from view. 
The manager moved on, and the employee followed her. 
Logan relaxed. They should be fine until the evening, when the new employee went around to feed the hybrids. 
He turned around and carefully laid a hand on Virgil’s shoulder. “They’re gone now. It’s alright. Can you breathe?” 
Virgil nodded, and then grabbed Logan, burying his face into his chest. Logan wrapped his arms around Virgil. “It’s alright.”
“What if he gets mad at us?” Virgil said. “What if he separates us? What if he talks to the manager and they get rid of us? What if—what if they kill us?”
Logan pulled Virgil closer. “He won’t get mad. He seems to be a reasonable human. We can behave and he won’t get mad. He wouldn’t separate us either without reason. And he won’t have a reason to talk to the manager if we don’t give him one. There is no reason to get rid of us, much less do something like kill us.”
“What if he isn’t reasonable?” Virgil asked. 
“Then we’ll have to appeal to his emotional side. Even I can do that on occasion.”
After a minute, Logan let go of Virgil. “The store’s about to open.”
Virgil nodded. He sat down in the corner opposite Logan and put his head down in his knees. 
Logan didn’t miss the look the new employee was sending them. It was an ‘aww, so cute!’ type of look, which could be used, but was dangerous once the employee realized that they were not, in fact, as cute as he would like to think. 
Patton was really happy. Not only did he get to help with the hybrids, but he was the special caretaker of two of them. The manger had said that they were difficult, but they didn’t look difficult, just misunderstood. And the poor things only had one blanket between the two of them! They were in a teeny little bare cage when the other hybrids were all together in a big cage that had toys and fun things. 
Patton got their dinner, which was… a sandwich? Hybrids could eat human food? He was really going to have to do some research on hybrids. 
The sandwich was cut into two pieces, but they were pretty tiny little things. Maybe they didn’t get as hungry as he would have thought. 
He brought the sandwich to their cage and opened the door. They didn’t try to come out, like some of the other hybrids did when the cage was opened. Patton set down the plate on the bottom of the cage, closer to himself, in hopes they would come closer to eat. 
“Hi there,” he said quietly. The little one did look pretty scared, and he didn’t want to make it any worse. “I’m Patton.”
A thought ran through his head. What if he could be the one that helped them get better? It worked in all the stories. Enough love and care could fix anything!
The taller hybrid grabbed the edge of the plate furthest from Patton. “Good evening.” 
Patton gasped. “You can talk?!”
The hybrid frowned and cocked his head. “It is common knowledge that hybrids are capable of speech.” He pulled on the plate to drag it away from Patton, and passed one piece of the sandwich behind him to the other hybrid. 
“I didn’t know. I think hybrids are adorable, but I haven’t seen many up close.”
The tall one’s face twisted, as if he had thought about something bad. “I suppose you haven’t touched any hybrids either, have you?”
Patton shook his head. “No, I haven’t.”
The tall one glanced behind him, and then turned back to Patton. “Let’s start this off properly, then.” He held out his hand. “It is nice to meet you, Patton. My name is Logan.”
As Patton shook Logan’s hand, he realized that he was thoroughly charmed by this little hybrid. “It’s nice to meet you, Logan. So, I’ve been put in charge of you two, and I was wondering if you wanted any more—“ Patton cast around for the right word. “Things.”
Logan seemed surprised. “Well, yes. Some bedding in particular would be appreciated.”
Patton beamed, glad to be able to do something for them. “Then I’ll get some!” 
He shut the door and went into the supply room. He got two blankets and two pillows. That way he could take the old one and wash it. 
When he got back to the cage, the sandwich was completely eaten, and the plate was near the door. Patton opened the door. 
“So here’s some new bedding, and I’ll take the old one.” He reached out to take the old blanket. 
The tiny hybrid made a sudden noise, and while it wasn’t words, Patton could hear the scared ‘No!’ that it communicated. 
Logan pushed on Patton’s wrist. “Don’t take it. And move your hand away from him. Please.”
Patton pulled his hand back. “I was just going to wash it.”
“That particular blanket is… special to us.” Logan explained. “We’ve had it a long time.”
“I’d give it back once it’s clean,” Patton promised. Then he remembered. “I’m supposed to give you two a bath tonight anyway. I could wash it at the same time as I wash your clothes.”
The smaller hybrid reached out and gripped the back of Logan’s shirt. Logan clenched his jaw. 
“Can I make a request?”
“Well, sure! That’s fine. I’m supposed to be taking care of you, anyway. What is it?”
“We are capable of cleaning ourselves. Would you give us privacy while we bathe?”
Patton frowned slightly while he thought. “Well, I’d have to pull the soap down for you, since it’s up on a shelf, but the bucket we use for bathing hybrids is pretty open, it’s not like a bathroom or anything.”
“But you would be willing to let us wash ourselves, then?”
“Sure, that’s fine.”
Just then, the manager called him. “Patton?”
“Yes, I’m in here.”
She looked around the corner. “I’m just about to leave. Can you close up?”
The manager smiled. “Thanks! And hey, they’re not so easy to bathe, little one screams and bites and all, so if you want to, just leave it till tomorrow and I’ll get you some help.”
“Alright. Thank you!”
The manager waved, and walked out the door. 
Patton turned back to the two hybrids. The smaller one’s face was bright red. 
“I-I won’t bite,” he said, his voice only barely audible, but clearly ashamed. 
“It’s alright, I didn’t think you were going to bite me. Why did you do it before, though?” Patton said. 
He didn’t answer, just curled into himself again. 
“He has been-“ Logan said, pausing to pick the right word. “Mistreated by humans before. It’s only natural, with that kind of background, to want to defend yourself when you’re being manhandled against your will.”
“Oh. I see.” Patton said, feeling like he understood the hybrid better now. “I’m sorry about that. I wouldn’t hurt you, though.”
“We would still prefer if you would allow us to do things for ourselves as much as possible,” Logan said. 
Patton nodded. “Then why don’t you come with me and we’ll get the bath set up.”
Patton stood up and walked into the back, holding open the door for the two hybrids.
There was a large closet, and on one side was a washing machine and dryer, and on the other was a sink and an low, wide bucket. Patton started running the water, and when it was the right temperature he stuck a little tube to the tap and ran the other end over the bucket. He pulled down two towels and the soap and handed them to Logan. Then he collected the clothes and blanket, and started them in the wash with several other things that had been collecting in the dirty basket. He got some clean clothes and set them near the bucket, and then left the hybrids alone until Logan cleared his throat to get his attention. 
“Aww, you two look so much better all clean!” Patton said. 
Logan coughed slightly, looking away. “Well, we wanted to thank you, for letting us do that on our own.”
The other hybrid nodded, but didn’t say anything. 
“You’re welcome,” Patton said, choosing not to mention how cute they looked at the moment. “Are you ready to go back home now?”
Logan nodded, and Patton went in front to open the door. 
He left them alone in their cage while he waited on the laundry to finish. The manager had advised him to save them for last, since it would take as long as the laundry would, but that was clearly not the case. Maybe he could call Roman? He felt bad about doing it while he was still on the time clock, but it wasn’t like there wasn’t anything else he was supposed to do. 
He finally compromised and decided to text Roman. 
Roman, I got to take care of hybrids tonight!
I fed them and bathed them and got them new bedding.
That’s great! 
How’d it go?
It was fun! 
They wanted to do it mostly
themselves, so I didn’t have much to do. 
I’d imagine. 
Because the manager thought that it
was going to be really hard. 
Probably the manager wanted you
to pick them up and bathe them like
puppies, yeah?
She didn’t give specific instructions
Most people treat hybrids more like animals
than humans. 
I thought that that was
because they have animal instincts?
Kind of? It’s a long story. Talk when you get home?
Sounds great!
Just then the washer beeped. Patton put the laundry in the dryer. It’d probably still take half an hour to be done. Soon he was bored again. 
Maybe he’d go talk to the hybrids again. 
Patton went out into the shop area, where the soft noises of sleeping animals filled the air. He peeked over to where the hybrids were. 
In the large pen, there were several piles of sleepy hybrids, with a few single ones wandering around. Over in the back corner, the little hybrid was hugging Logan again. It. Was. Adorable! 
Patton walked over to their cage. “Hi, guys! The blanket is still in the dryer, but it should be ready soon.”
“Thank you, Patton.” Logan said, letting go of the other one so he could slip behind him. 
Patton sat down next to the cage and opened the door so they could talk more easily. “So, I know your name, Logan, and you both know my name, but I don’t know yours.” Patton tipped his head to the side to try and look at the other hybrid. 
There was a pause, as both Patton and Logan waited. 
“No.” The little guy said. “I don’t want to tell you my name.”
“Oh.” Patton had not expected this at all. “What am I supposed to call you then?”
The hybrid had clearly not been expecting that kind of response, and looked to Logan. 
Logan looked thoughtful, as if it were a problem, but one of a kind he liked. “A representative word… that’s not demeaning… and relatively easy to say… Anxiety.”
Patton immediately disliked the idea. It sounded mean, like a name a bully would give. But to his surprise, the other hybrid was nodding. 
“Ok. I guess I’ll call you Anxiety then.” Patton said, though he still felt unsure. 
It was soon after that Patton heard faintly the beep from the dryer. He pulled out the blanket that Logan and Anxiety wanted, which was easily identifiable, because it was the most worn down of all of them. Then he folded up and put away the clothes quickly. He gave the blanket to the two hybrids, locked up, and went home. 
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
You know what bothers me with newer Tim fans, especially Red Robin fans? Their obsession with villainTim. There's these two popular genius tropes, one is the cold sociopath type and the oblivious manic type, they seem to use like a hybrid of these for him. So one of their favorite headcanon is what if Tim DID join Ra's and turned against Bruce. Because R'as appreciates him more and called him DetECtive. And this is my villain origin, I don't trust these people. I don't think they get Tim.
Yeaaaaah, I’ve seen enough of the stories you’re talking about to be familiar with the trend, and I agree that I’m not at all a fan of that take on Tim, but whatevs. I’ve definitely noted how much it helps enable casual ableism and a whoooooole lot of negative or dismissive reference to or framing of neurodivergencies LIKE sociopathy, psychopathy and BPD (not saying that you were doing that, as I read it as like, just your referencing fics that EMBRACE those descriptions of those things), lol, but tbh, that’s a complaint I’ve long had with the Batman franchise and its fandom in their entireties. For people who talk a good game about “but all Batman’s rogues are mentally ill and that’s why he’s either great for how he deals with them or the worst for how he deals with them depending on your take on him” like....there’s a hell of a lot of casual ableism thrown about how bipolar Dick is (not talking about the honest, sincere examinations of him being possibly bipolar, but more just the fact that people so casually ARRIVE at that conclusion due to how ‘easy’ it makes it to reconcile the opposing extremes of his character when like.....those are really only fanon based in the first place) or like the takes you described about Tim, and don’t even get me STARTED on many of the takes on “Pit madness.”
But also, in lines with the Tim fans who specifically like him as like, the Ultimate Villainous Mastermind, that’s not specific to Tim fans, I’d say. I think all of the Batkids have fans that make me go Why Tho when it comes to their seeming preferred takes......much like how Bruce has so many canon writers and fans who PREFER him as the lone, brooding guy who drives away everyone around him so he can be a hermit in a cave. Like, there are those Dick fans who only seem to really like Dick when he’s well, being raped. Or the Jason fans who actively WANT him abandoned and ‘misunderstood’ and just like.....Jason Against The World (Including his family). Etc, etc.
So its not just Tim, I mean, there are fans of every Bat character where I’m just like. Yeah. I don’t get you guys. But whatevs. *Shrugs*
I will say though, the “Tim should be with Ra’s instead of Bruce because at least he APPRECIATES Tim” trope is right up there with the “Bruce is a bad dad, and let’s prove that by comparing him to Slade as we characterize Slade as Dad of The Year” in Things That Make Me Laugh Hysterically and Also Go Oww My Brain.
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Monsoon Isle HCS: villager edition
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Her sweet demeanor should not surprise anyone she’s a sweetie 
She used to be much more savage over the years, but she’s mellowing out with old age
She worries everyone who cares about her old sheep bones because she sleeps on a towel 
Is the island representative's absolute favorite because she has a soft for the grandma like behaviors. (I don’t care if she’s not old. She might not be I’ll always think of her old) 
She acts like a grandma figure to so many of the younger residents
She always has candy on her especially in her purse
She wishes to live the high life because her house is literally her own spa
She still has some sass and foxy for her age her current friends right now is Audie, Rolf, and Muffy, though two of them won’t be around for much longer
Favorite music is the tango 
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Wants stardom!!!
She has the fabulous oh! everything is so fabulous girlfriend!! 
She doesn’t know how to not be quiet!
She is fast friends with June, Rolf, and newcomer Marina. 
She wants to be Lapis’s best friend and knock June and Bob out of the picture
Wants to know everything about everyone so nosey! 
Hates that Bob is so lazy and “influencing” her forever bestie to hang out with him 
All the cats are sleazy to her and she doesn’t like them very much. They have some nerve showing up and kicking her friends Flip and Phobe out! 
Curious about Pearl and wants to be friends but thinks herself below her status
Steven is always sweet to her she might do well to have him for a friend instead. 
Bratty attitude and her home full of squid and butterflies!  
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Super soft-spoken and polite teenage cub 
She wants Lapis to be her mentor or become like her big sister. 
Is semi jealous of Kyanite, because of how close Lapis is with her actual sister, but still likes her. No bad blood.  
She loves the sea and the tropical getaway package and was lucky to meet so many nice animals
She likes to receive fish as pets especially tropical fish. 
She thinks Flora can be too pushy with no disrespect because she hit it off better with Lapis by being cautious and not so invasive
Wants to know about Peridot! She showed up to her birthday party and gave her a present so she would like to be her friend! 
She’s scared to approach Pearl and if she talks to Aquamarine she will get bullied. 
Lapis will protect her like she would protect Ky and Bob too
Bob and Punchy act like strong big brothers to June and she’s uber close to Punchy (Hey! How about that? Steven and Lapis’s Favs are friends)  
She makes a point to talk to Rolf and Barbra when they are out and about, good grandpa and granny figures. 
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An old friend very loyal companion especially for Kristin he does call her kiddo every single time he sees her
This island is getting a little too wiper snapper young boys for his liking but he stays because Barbra is there and Kristin who gave him a home when he needed it they became a family unit and good friends
Rolf wants to teach the funny boy some respect going around blastin’ his horns and throwing cream pies at people what RUBBISH! 
These kiddos don’t know how to make the true honest living! 
Has a lawnmower but rarely uses it he’s just going to sit outside and complain 
Spends a lot of time in the mountains enjoys to fish but is miffed when he can’t catch any
Close to death and he knows that leaving an impact! 
He doesn’t like Lapis’s attitude because she teases him a lot about his gruff deep voice because it sounds like he’s choking on his words smoking six-packs of zigs a day! 
He would like to be an uncle figure everyone can look up to but he’s not popular enough 
appreciates Steven’s good nature thinks the boy can do no wrong
Bob and Punchy throw fish around his yard 
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The newcomer has approached! 
Bob will always be best friend with his god-tier friend Punchy 
Bob is a little older and looks out for Punchy they’ve already hit it off like brothers
How does he sleep on a block bed? 
Is the most easy-going guy just don’t hurt his friends. 
Bob closest friends are Punchy and June
He likes to pretend he’s got an ouchie to con some candy off of Barbra
Insanely easy going just don’t touch his sandwich
He can tell he’s hit it off really well with Lapis and will cherish her as a best friend since they are eerily similar in enjoying the simple pleasures of life
Will always have mad respect for Flip to go out into the world and find a new place because Bob can see he got some good property with a beach and a Pool! 
Loves to meme
Pisses Flora off on purpose
Is excited for the playground and the campgrounds
Is there when someone needs him even if he’s sarcastic
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Convinced to move to Monsoon island because of Steven now that is incredible because most cats hate water! 
Loves to nap in the sunshine on Lapis’ beach and Pearl’s private beaches
Precious. Must protect!  
Will touch all of the gizmos and gadgets and camping gear Peri has just to be sneaky and attempt to be friends
becomes spikey scared boy when Aquamarine is around 
He enjoys Kyanite thinks she’s very sweet 
He wants to be friends with Pietro he’s SO FUNNY! But Spinel growls at him 
Will protect June with his snacks and risking his tail for her
Everyone is a good friend even if Rolf doesn’t like his laid back personality
Flora is a little too judgy for him and it hurts his feelings
Goes for long walks on the beach with Steven and Lapis and sometimes June, Bob, and Biskit 
Cutie Pie
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A very good girl yes I said girl (fight me) 
Peridot’s favorite VillagerTM (Strong personified Pumpkin vibes)  
She doesn’t mind being Peridot’s best friend since the mad scientist smart city human gives her presents and treats her very sweetly
She has a dog house in her backyard because sometimes she’ll lay in it and watch the clouds up above
She is friends with practically everyone except for Muffy, Bluebear, and Flora since they are very judging of her stimmy dog behaviors.
LOVES PERIDOT AND LAPIS!!! Even if they are judged.  
She will growl at intruders if they don’t smell right. 
A good younger sister and teacher’s pet character
Has picnics with June and Flora begrudgingly when she can
Chases anything that moves including her tail   
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He somehow got to be the ONLY villager that isn’t beat up by Spinel 
Even stranger he respects and genuinely cares for Spinel like the other two strange weirdos who love Spinel and teach her right things. 
Us clown acts gotta stick together 
Marina tries to get him to consider taking amusement jobs that pay better but he won’t do it
Wants to be besties with Julien, but Spinel doesn’t think he would make the travel with how he got plane sick on the way to her island
Pranks everyone and thinks he’s the hottest stuff in the world
He is misunderstood and Bob and Punchy know that so they make an effort to dry his tears
We’re not sure if he’s an adult or not??? 
Not doing so good with Rolf the dude has to loosen up a bit
Walks around spraying people with flowers and Joins Spinel in net fights and slapping villagers with fish learns from Her
“THAT’s a big sister figure you don’t need to be influenced by,” says Steven to him time and time again
Blasts loud Boom Boom ain’t it great to be crazy?!  
Very Sad that Weasel is afraid of him wants to be their buddy. 
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The mom friendTM 
She can tell everyone is goofing around and not working hard so when it happens she tells them they can’t have snacks until they get it done
She adores that Pearl H. is so welcoming to her and will jump in at the chance to live on the island with her and teach her some responsibility
She’s a little uptight, but she’s older than almost everyone except Flora, Barb, and Rolf so it falls on her to make sure things don’t go south.
She adores the Island Rep K. May not be the smartest, but her heart is bigger than anyone’s
June, Bob, Punchy, Bluebear, Flora, Pietro? Protective as hell
Would LOOOVE to visit Cheeri and tell her how everything is
She thinks that the “farm couple” (Peri and Lapis) are little scamps
She loves sunsets, water fights, sweets, togetherness
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Young, bratty, little shit
Stirs up drama at any chance she gets 
Still teases Pearl by flirting with her partner even though they are MARRIED
Is tired of Muffy and  Audie can she leave already so she can take over!
Girl Power!
Has a good heart but still very judgy of others
BFF is Aquamarine, Flora, and occasionally Pearl 
Wishes she could get into Julliens friend circle on Typhoon Island, but he has a bestie already but she can easily be replaced teehee.
Misses Rosie a lot and can tell Aqua does too, but they bond over tea and discussing who they think is a screw-up
They laugh at how Flora thinks she’s famous, but since they also wanna be they kinda relate,
She will be nice to June and Biskit but she’s still on the fence about being seen too much with them. Deep down she does care though
She will stir up drama Real fuckin’ fast
I WANT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stays away from Bob and Punchy and Pietro they’re boys ewwie
believes Bob has cooties and will avoid him but he will scoop her up and throw her into the pool!
Not at the biggest fan of any of the human residents 
Omg Freak Biskit! 
Gonna own this island she believes
Sunbathes frequently 
Bubble Gum K. is her favorite song. 
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Hi, I first heard of N+A=D from your page. Ever since then I was wandering through internet to find more evidence on this theory. But the only thing I cannot digest is the lack of any concern in Ned's PoV. Honestly the only way it could've worked is with Ned not knowing about Ashara's child. Maybe Ashara was angry with him , or she wanted the best for him and spare hum the pain, either way she asked her family to keep the existence of the child's alive status a secret.Maybe that's (1)
(2) why Dany was sent away. Because Ashara wanted to keep her knowledge away from Ned. It's not you or me we are talking about here, it's Ned Stark the most honourable man in the entire solar system! In any way I can't possibly imagine any other scenario in which Ned doesn't even think about his former love and child that is alive. What do you think???
Hello! Thanks so much for the question! I definitely lean "Ned has no idea" - and that it's actually Jon Arryn who has been working behind the scenes with Ashara on his (unwitting) behalf.
While there are a few fishy things about Ned (like his weird connection to the Searlord of Braavos) that raise some questions, based on what we get in his POV - it's safest to assume that if he thought he was the father of Ashara's child, that that child died in stillbirth and Ashara, in suicide. Which is exactly why, over a decade later, he's not actively thinking of either in his POVs (I like to use myself as an example - my first boyfriend died in a car accident a little over a decade ago. I almost never think of him. So to me, it's not weird that Ned isn't dwelling on the death of his first love because he has a wife and children and the whole North and now all of the Seven Kingdoms to concern himself with).
Even people who don't believe this theory tend to speculate whether or not Ashara faked her death. Many people assume she is Septa Mordane. To which I always wonder... but why? For a casual reader who believes Ashara faked her death, what is the motivation there?
Meanwhile, I have my theory: Ashara faked her death and the death of her child to protect not just the man she loved, but the 'prince that was promised', Jon. After all, the Daynes have a heavy hand in Jon's birth, as detailed with Arthur guarding the prince and Starfall lending their milkmaid. As a lady of the court under Elia Martell and in close proximity to Rhaella, with Jon Arryn's help, it would be quite easy to fabricate a different origin story for the baby girl who donned very prominent Dayne features - which so happen to look Targaryen.
And before I get any retort about what a terrible idea that was? Yes, I get that Daenerys and Viserys ended up "on the run" at some point - but that was never the plan. Many, many children across Westeros are fostered with other families (Ned and his brother Brandon included, might I add). Daenerys was always meant to live a nice, safe, relatively cushioned life until she made it back to Dorne to wed Quentyn Martell (the pact signed by Oberyn, himself - who, based on context clues, happens to be a friend to Ashara). While Robert would’ve loved the death of the Targaryen children, it was Jon Arryn who protected them for years and years, as confirmed by Renly. So long as Jon Arryn lived, Daenerys was safe.
I'm absolutely willing to bet that prior to Brandon's death, many things were supposed to unfold differently. Such as Ned marrying Ashara. But the Rebellion happened, and Ned was forced to marry his brother's intended upon his death.
While readers have the impression that Ned is 'the most honorable man in the solar system', remember that those across Westeros had seemingly no problem buying these rumors about Ned and Ashara (Harwin, Cersei, etc) as well as his having fathered a bastard (Jon). (I mean, Cersei even tried to seduce Ned at one point!). To me, Ned is one of the most misunderstood characters in the series! Here’s why:
Honor has two different meanings, really. For modern readers, we relate it to integrity and morality, but from what I can glean from Westerosi expectations, it's more about prestige and respect, honoring one's king or duty first, even above what's morally right (that's why you see so many characters, such as the Cleganes, rewarded with gold and prestige for heinous, immoral acts).
Consider Ned's honor again while reading this quote from Aemon to Jon:
Tell me, Jon, if the day should ever come when your lord father must needs choose between honor on the one hand and those he loves on the other, what would he do?
Jon hesitated. He wanted to say that Lord Eddard would never dishonor himself, not even for love, yet inside a small sly voice whispered, He fathered a bastard, where was the honor in that? And your mother, what of his duty to her, he will not even say her name. "He would do whatever was right," he said… ringingly, to make up for his hesitation. "No matter what."
Jon hesitates. He wants to believe his father's honor is unimpeachable. Yet what he says is that Eddard would do what was right - and that's true. Ned did not choose the honorable path when he chose to save Jon's life that day - he did what was right:
Then Lord Eddard is a man in ten thousand. Most of us are not so strong. What is honor compared to a woman's love?
This hint is twofold - that there isn’t anything special about Ned, he’s subject to the same emotions as any man, especially when it comes to a certain woman’s love... and that there is a clear difference between honor and love, that they do not go hand-in-hand as many readers/viewers assume.
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What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms... or the memory of a brother's smile?
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Duty would've been to Ned’s king - handing over his nephew upon his discovery. Duty would've been telling his wife the truth. Instead, the most important thing to Ned - even above his own life - was the love and memory of his sister. Which is why, even if he's completely oblivious to his bastard daughter's identity - he cannot stomach the death of another innocent child at the hands of his king. He knows what will happen to Jon if ever the secret comes out, because he had witnessed it with Aegon and Rhaenys. Likewise, the life of one innocent child - Daenerys - means more to him than does his honor, which is why he quits his position as Hand. Ned is not the pinnacle of honor nor has he ever been, but he strives to be the pinnacle of morality and justice, often at the cost of his honor and respect.
I'll leave you with this, as I might've just had a tiny little revelation. When first asked about whether or not the books would end differently from the show, GRRM decides to give us a strange comparison:
"Book or show, which will be the 'real' ending? It's a silly question. How many children did Scarlett O'Hara have?"
This subtle suggestion might actually insinuate something huge - that perhaps a certain character will have more children in the books than their show counterpart... 🤔 Such an insignificant detail in one series could result in shockwaves in another.
Combining that with GRRM's latest comments about the books having a different ending, it's certainly food for thought! And, assuming Daenerys is Ned's bastard daughter, this force of power that uses her moral compass to guide her all the way back home to save the world... what would the perfect ending be for such a character? Becoming queen or going mad? Somehow, I don’t think so.
Considering there has been much more foreshadowing for Daenerys pining for a simple life and for love rather than queenship or madness (🙄)... I still say her perfect ending is to do what her father, in this case, never could - choosing love over honor.
Thanks again for the question, it’s been my honor to indulge in my favorite theory once again! 🌠🐺
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unequippedwit · 5 years
An Informal and Incomplete Essay on One Fangirl’s Feelings and Descent into Mo Dao Zu Shi
So, if you’ve even glanced at my blog of late you’ve noticed a lot of dolphin screeching in regards to a series called The Untamed/Chén Qíng Lìng/陈情令.  Or, something else called  Mó Dào Zǔ Shī/魔道祖师.  (Hint, they’re mostly sort of the same thing as The Untamed is MDZS’s live action drama with a whole ass stable of attractive).
Someone on my dash had done a recommendation list of things that they had watched and enjoyed and I made the glorious mistake of looking at the summary given, shrugged my shoulders, and said “Why not?”.  I proceeded to change my entire life simply by turning on my PS4, tap-tapping my way to YouTube, and settling my behind in my easy chair where the cat and my knitting proceeded to fight for space.
I’m not going to say how many hours total that I’ve spent to watching/listening to the various adaptations (the 50 episode drama, the 23 episodes released of the donghua, and the first season of the audio drama), or reading the manhua, or reading the OG novel, but, I am going to say it’s a lot.  Yes, I’ve calculated it and no I’m not telling.  Oh, hecking heck it is a lot.  And, considering that I’ve only really been into it since the beginning of August, well, even I’m impressed and I know how I can get in regards to hyper-fixation.  I’m so glad that I have also dragged my BFF along for the ride.
I can say with some confidence that a part of the reason why I have done a full sprint down into this magnificent madness, as I cackled with glee and mass binge postings of gorgeous fanart, memes, and Wang Yibo and Xiao Zhan’s faces, is that I was semi-floundering in the MCU fandom and post-release of Endgame, even more so.  There had been a lingering sense of fatigue and this was needed.  The fandom, for all that it is a fandom with its own faults and no fandom ever escapes them, is refreshing and new and a joy in a way that the MCU has been missing for me for quite some time.
Now, as to what actually kept me engaged I’m going to cut, because there’s A LOT and it’s going to get long folks.  And a smidgen spoilery.
On the surface, the plot itself is simple.  A supernatural who-dunit and where-is-it, a large and eclectic cast of characters, with two main leads who fit the one goes by-the-book and other is a renegade trope to perfection.
Then the series actually starts with the MC’s horrorific violence filled death, a bunch of vicious gossip, and someone waking up in a body that sure the heck ain’t theirs.  Simple?  Not so much and that’s just the first chapter.
And, oh, god, the characters in this series are just everything little ol’ me could want.  Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian have catapulted themselves to I STAN levels in my hierarchy of Favorite Fictional Characters and even secondary characters make me cry/scream/laugh/*insert every other emotion* on a level I haven’t experienced in a very long time.  I would die for Wen Ning, any version.
In this cast we get several sets of foils and a whole host of morally grey characters.  No one, with the possible exception of the Juniors in the present timeline, are not guilty of at least something.  Our protaganist, Sunshine Idiot Genius Hero Wei Wuxian has caused the death of 3000-5000 fellow cultivators, dug up countless graves, and risen the dead at a level that’s, well, not been seen by me in any sort of fictional setting that has necromancers.  Look, I like stories with necromancers.  He is also someone who doesn’t hesitate to do what is right, loves his family and his friends, and a lot of the above actions were in direct relation to him wanting to protect those that are precious to him.
With such a set of complicated characters I get a whole murderboard worthy set of complicated relationships and often complicated motiviations that make me want to cry tears of emotion.  Wait, no, backtrack that as there is no want, I have cried tears of various emotions as something else is discovered or thought about or I see someone giving me some good, good meta to chew on.  Yunmeng Twin Heroes being one potent source of me wailing, “MAH BABIES” while clutching at my face is a good example.  Jiang Cheng is such a misunderstood character.
Know what relationship is both complicated and not at the same time?  WangXian.  As in the relationship between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian.  As in the romantic relationship between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian.  As in these two Idiots wandered off and got married at the end of the novel and fucked by the side of the road for their first time and we learn that our strong and stoic Hanguang-Jun is one kinky motherfucker and Wei Wuxian is really that guy and doesn’t shut up during sexy times.  Considering that he doesn’t shut up during the rest of the time, it shouldn’t be that surprising, but, really, the man is missing a filter.  Look at the exasperated Xiao Zhan videos of The Untamed BTS where he’s complaining about the number of pages he has per scene.
But, it took time for them to get there.  It took years of hardship and anger and miscommunication and death, including Wei Wuxian’s in the beginning, to get them to the point that they are.  I won’t wax poetic about Lan Wangji, other’s who word better than I have already said so many good things about how he is fundamentally a Good Person and I won’t hear a bad word said about him and the fact that there a number of people who thought he was the villain in The Untamed for a good part of it make me cry for humanity.  Okay, I’ll wax a little poetically about him.  But, the man has his faults.  He’s not very verbal and that can and does cause problems, like leading to Wei Wuxian to believing that he hates him through most of their past, especially as they start hurtling towards the end of his first life.
I know I’m missing a lot, like how there is no true villain of the story other than people being at their worst and allowing that to lead so many of their actions.  But, really, I’m just going to go back to screaming about WangXian and sharing memes.  Oh, and a few recs because the writers in this fandom?  Fucking Aces all around.
<u>Fic Recs</u>
Five Times Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng Had a Civil Conversation, and One Time They Didn't by tabulaxrasa      Summary:  *Does what it says on the tin*Wei Wuxian's life is almost perfect now. There's just that one, angry, purple hole in it. If only there was some way to fix it.(There is. It's using their words.)     Reason I love it:  The relationship between Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian is almost as important to me as the the one between Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji and this gives me hope that there is a future for the two of them at the end of the novel.  That things can get better, never back to the way that it was because too much has happened, but they can reach a Good Place and that’s everything really.
Monotone by Seredemia
    Summary: Wei Wuxian died. Wei Wuxian died and he never came back, not after thirteen years, or a hundred, or a thousand. The year is 2019 and Lan Wangji is still here, having reached the highest point of cultivation that has gifted him with immortality. It's supposed to be a gift, an honour, yet to him it's nothing but a curse.
Wei Wuxian is dead, and life is colourless. Lan Wangji ghosts through time, simply living each day in monotone.
That is, until he meets a man who has the same face, same name, same smile as Wei Wuxian. Suddenly, there's colour and hope back in his life—but it's not long until he realises Wei Wuxian in this timeline has not escaped the sorrow that plagued his past self.
Maybe history really does repeat itself after all.
     Reason I love it:  It’s epic.  Not only in length, but in how everything is put together.  The past parallels the future in all the right ways with certain things coming together to make me cry happy tears as I clutch my cat in my arms.  And, let’s not forget Lan Wangji and his haircut.
Perfectly Arranged by Mondengel
     Summary:  Three nights before his wedding to an omega from Yunmeng, Lan Wangji meets Wei Yuandao.
     Reason I love it:  I have a fondness for ABO.  I’ve long stopped being ashamed of my enjoyment of it and I love even more when I find an ABO that gives me arranged marriages that stay so true to the characters.  Even just this little slice of life, gives us something close to the actual meeting of Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian and it makes me so happy that their happiness is well and truly implied at the end of this.
Now, there about a thousand other things to be read that one should when it comes to this fandom, I’ve only thrown a few grains of rice to show what has been feeding my appetite, but, no seriously.  The fic is so good guys.  I think I’m actually going to start throwing up recs on the regular because gaaaaahhhhh and I’m going to go read some now that I’m done word vomiting.
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kylermalloy · 5 years
My Official Unofficial Ranking of Supernatural Seasons That Nobody Asked For
This was...surprisingly easy. For someone who has a hard time picking favorites, I’m apparently quite eager to throw some seasons of one of my favorite shows under the bus.
My reasonings for this ranking are...all over the place. Since I’m considering seasons as a whole, I look mostly at the overall narrative structure, the prevalent themes, and the major character arcs. I won’t take individual/one-off episodes into much consideration...except for when I do. I won’t like some seasons/story arcs for any rationale between “this was sloppily executed,” “the message is misunderstood by viewers,” or even just that gif of Chris Evans “I don’t wike it.” I’m trying to look at seasons and storylines objectively, but I guarantee my Sam!girl bias will peek through at some point. Also, I reserve the right to change my mind at any point after I post this!
From bottom to top:
14 - Season 14
Ah, the twilight years of SPN. Now that we know this is the penultimate season, I’m a bit more lenient toward its shortcomings. Long running shows usually do stutter to a halt, story-wise. But still. I’m not taking it out of the bottom spot.
What was this season even about? Michael overtaking Dean? Nah, that barely lasted three whole episodes. Jack becoming evil? Not until the last six episodes. Team Free Will becoming a cohesive family unit? Lol. For a season that tried to set up Jack’s evil arc as a kid betraying his family, I hardly saw this “family” except in fanworks. The most heartfelt moments remained between Sam and Dean (not that I’m complaining about that—I loved those moments!) Was there an overarching theme besides “nobody is okay, especially Sam”? Season 14 is clumsy, unfocused, and does a poor job of telling the story it tried to tell. Even Mary’s second death reeked of “well, we didn’t know what to do with her and we needed a tragedy.” Oh yeah, and John was back for a hot minute.
13 - Season 9
Here’s one of these weird seasons. I like it, but I don’t. It’s well done, but it’s terrible. Also, I’m taking fan response into consideration on this one, since it colored my perception of it so negatively.
Season 9 could have been great. In a way, it was great. It was Dean’s dark arc—the part of Dean’s dark arc that I like. I’m not here to debate, just lay out the story. Dean stepped over a line. He tricked Sam into possession, lied to him for months, then refused to apologize afterward. He took the Mark of Cain as a penance, but it blew up in his face and turned him into something worse than he was before.
This is where fan response comes in. Fandom (from what I can tell; I wasn’t here back then) vilified Sam for setting boundaries with Dean, overwhelmingly siding with poor Dean who just didn’t want to be alone. The show, on paper, wasn’t trying to make the audience think this, but the POVs were skewed in such a way that we hardly got a chance to see Sam’s perspective and Sam’s trauma—so casual viewers didn’t really have a choice.
On a completely unrelated note (see, this is why this season is ranked so low) we have the angel storyline. What could’ve been a really cool and impactful story of celestial beings walking the earth, as well as Castiel exploring his new humanity in a way (that wasn’t just about sex) ended up a trite, dull affair about underdeveloped politics and characters I don’t care about. Did Metatron (the supposed big bad) even care about the Winchesters? I can’t remember. Only the actor’s indulgently entertaining performance saves that character. Even Castiel’s human arc was so short and ignored I sometimes forget it happened. This was a season that was so all over the place—good bones, bad execution.
12 - Season 12
This season is just...forgettable. Yet another season that was so all over the place—but unlike season 9, the story arcs did not culminate in a cool twist that pushed the SPN story to new heights. We had the BMOL, Mary’s return, and the Lucifer/Kelly/Dagon/nephilim story, and...honestly I can barely remember anything about them. The twisting story threads got interlocked at some points, like Mary working with the BMOL, and Sam and Dean working with them to take down Lucifer, but the threads were all wrapped up independently. To me, this suggests a lack of true investment in the stories and season arcs. Ultimately, Mary’s return was utterly wasted, the BMOL might as well have never existed, and the Lucifer storyline is a bloody, bloated carcass being dragged along behind the show by a fraying rope (called Buckleming) complete with a bad smell.
The reason I rank this season above season 9 is that I don’t shudder when I hear people talking about season 12. I don’t generally get angry when I think about it (except the way they did Crowley dirty) and it did give us Jack, the greatest fanon projection the show has ever given us. (I’ll elaborate on that in a minute)
11 - Season 10
This is the season in which I don’t like Dean’s dark arc. By that I mean...it wasn’t much of a dark arc. Instead of exploring Dean’s inner darkness and the choices that led him to take the MoC, we get a meandering season of (pretty enjoyable) one-offs. We are repeatedly told Dean can’t fight off what he truly is—except we’re also being told that Dean can’t truly control what the MoC is doing to him, meaning the MoC isn’t what he truly is. It’s a mixed message, and it ends up being too many episodes in a row of Dean staring moodily at his arm while he drinks. Sorry, an ancient tribal tattoo does not a compelling big bad make.
Speaking of bad guys, though, season 10 gave us Rowena! And more Crowley material! And the Stynes—wait, no. We don’t talk about...whatever they were.
I do like Sam’s determination to save Dean, and I even like the underhanded methods he used to get the MoC off. Charlie’s death was a horrifying shock, but it actually fed the story very well. And I know I said I wasn’t going to talk about individual episodes, but Soul Survivor and Fan Fiction are both epic.
10 - Season 8
...this season. This season is such a mixed bag you could almost rank it as two separate seasons! ;) This was Jeremy Carver’s first season as showrunner—and while I like what he ended up doing, I hated the way he played with the brother dynamics throughout the season, especially the first half. Season 8 starts out disjointed, very unconnected from the previous season. The story thread of “Sam didn’t look for Dean” is overplayed and very tired. Also a bit of a reach, considering the season 5 finale. My point is, Sam and Dean both act like pod people for the first part of this season. Dean is mad at Sam for...doing exactly what Dean himself did a few years ago (fandom misses the nuance of Dean’s hypocrisy and jumps right in the blame-Sam boat with him) and Sam is suddenly...living with a strange woman we barely get to meet and okay with not hunting anymore?
This is another example of the skewed POVs hurting the show’s message. We don’t get to see Sam’s grief the same way we saw Dean’s struggle in purgatory, and since Sam’s Amelia arc makes very little sense anyway, we’re forced to imagine it—and this is a disservice to both Sam and the overarching story.
However, the saving grace of season 8 is the second half. We get the bunker, the Trials storyline, which is a whump goldmine for my Sam-loving heart, and one of the best season finales this show has ever produced. I mean...they got married. In a CHURCH! I’m not really a wincester, but seriously how do you not ship it just a little when the show gives you stuff like THAT?!
*deep breath* I’m good. Moving on!
9 - Season 13
I...have a soft spot for this season. Anybody who follows me on here can probably guess why. That’s right, it’s Jack, the greatest fanon projection the show has ever gifted us.
Let me explain. The narrative structure of the season is a mess. The exploratory theme of Sam and Dean as parents is derailed by the fact that Sam and Dean spend less than six episodes with their surrogate child and spend the rest of the season spinning their wheels until it’s time for the finale. Lucifer as a villain doesn’t give a crap about the protagonists, which makes him a really boring and terrible antagonist—to say nothing of the fact that two of the writers try to make him sympathetic and end up assassinating the character harder than Michael!Dean did. I only found Scoobynatural mildly entertaining. As for Asmodeus...who’s that?
Basically, the only shining light in this season besides the brothers is Jack. And we don’t even get a consistent characterization of him. He’s essentially a blank slate, which means we as fans and fanwork creators get to make him whatever we want. While he’s supposedly the Winchesters’ kid in canon, it’s rarely shown—that falls on us as fans to make a reality. And boy do we make it reality! This is where I found my corner of fandom, and that’s why this mess of a season ranks relatively high for me. Still in the bottom half, but it gave me one of the greatest gifts the show has ever given.
8 - Season 7
I shouldn’t have to defend myself, but while most of the fandom harbors a little black spot of hatred for this season...I don’t. Like, at all.
I don’t agree with all the creative choices of this season—the Leviathans were an out-of-nowhere big bad with no connection to the Winchesters. However, the guy who played Dick Roman did a fantastic job hamming it up. And I love how all the pieces came together in the end—Sam and Dean, Cas, Crowley, even Meg as a surprise reluctant hero. We also got Charlie! And Kevin! Bobby got a fantastic arc, both before he died and from beyond the grave. And Crowley, even though he helped win the day, also rigged the game so he took all the pieces left on the board. Mad respect for my king.
Also, as a stalwart fan of Sam whump, Sam’s hallucination storyline was all kinds of awesome. (Except for how it abruptly ended and was never spoken of again)
I know objectively this season isn’t very good, but I still find myself rewatching it a surprising amount. I have a soft spot for Sera’s storytelling, and she did not have complete control over the creative decisions for this year. Season 7 only barely misses out of the top half.
7 - Season 3
This season is great, it really is. I think the main reason I rank it so low is because of the shortened season—Sam’s aborted arc. And that was obviously out of everyone’s control; the creators had to just pick up the pieces and make do with what circumstances gave them.
Basically, I don’t have anything bad to say about this season. It’s a brother-lovefest, it gives us Bela and Ruby, and yes we get some truly great one-off eps. Bad Day at Black Rock, A Very Supernatural Christmas, Mystery Spot, Jus in Bello, and Ghostfacers are among my favorite episodes to rewatch. I just mainly miss the end of Sam’s arc. Although I do appreciate the writers’ strike giving us Castiel instead, I still wish we could’ve gotten to see boyking!Sam save his brother.
6 - Season 2
While on the surface season 2 is barely different than season 1, it also gives us loads of gamechangers. It’s the coming-of-age season—Sam and Dean aren’t kids anymore; in fact, they aren’t anyone’s kids. The season bookends of John’s death and Sam’s death make a horrible tragedy that I don’t even care much what’s in the middle.
But then again, everything in between is so good. There’s not much of an overarching story, just a sense of dread and desperation as...something...draws near. (We don’t even know what it is, but it still scares us! It’s masterful!) The tone is consistent and effective, the brother dynamics are still balanced enough to fully enjoy, and of course...there’s Playthings. :)
(Y’all are gonna stop believing me when I say I’m not a wincester, I can feel it. What can I say, I have incestuous shipping tendencies.)
5 - Season 11
This is a season that I could tear limb from limb for falling so flat in the end, but...somehow I can’t bring myself to. I didn't find myself into the Amara storyline too much, mainly because the God/Darkness sibling dynamic wasn’t developed enough to parallel with Sam and Dean invest in. But this season does an awesome job of healing the brother dynamics. While seasons 8, 9, and 10 were fight-heavy, Sam and Dean spend this season in relative peace. In times of potential crisis, they band together instead of fracturing apart. And that, honestly, is enough for me to forgive...well, a lot, plotwise. The Dean/Amara connection that went nowhere, the Casifer storyline that went nowhere, the Darkness’s grudge against her brother that...went nowhere...and I’m not even going to touch on the Sam/Lucifer dynamic that started out SO GOOD and then...well...
Again, I’m not going to touch on it. I love this season despite its flaws.
4 - Season 1
Here it is. The season that started it all. I said I was going to consider mostly narrative structures for this ranking, yet here season 1 is without much of a narrative structure, fourth from the top.
The first season of a show is always the feel-around-in-the-dark season. This is where we learn the rules of the show, how the world works, and most importantly, who our characters are. We spend 22 episodes with the writers and actors just...figuring out who Sam and Dean are, most especially who they are to each other. They were so successful in this that they spawned a fifteen year phenomenon centered around this fraternal love story. As an additional plus, since the characters were so new, season 1 gives us the most balanced POV between the brothers. We get to feel for both of them without being pitted against each other, and I appreciate that more than words.
The horror is old-school, the storytelling can be a bit cliche, but every show has an origin story and I’m in love with this one.
3 - Season 6
Again, I love Sera Gamble’s storytelling. It’s most evidenced here in her first year of showrunning. This season had the astronomical task of following up season 5. How do you follow up the literal apocalypse?
...Astoundingly well. To me at least.
This season’s narrative structure is my favorite. It’s kind of a noir thriller, with more twists and turns than Supernatural usually gets. In fact, having now watched Vampire Diaries and The Originals, season 6 of SPN kind of echoes those shows. (I don’t think it’s coincidence that TVD aired its first season one year prior to this)
Instead of trying to outdo the literal devil (the mistake of latter seasons) we spend most of season 6 not knowing who the big bad is. We meet a few baddies, get backstabbed by former friends, and we’re told Raphael is a threat, but in the end the big bad was the friend we made along the way—Castiel. It’s depressing, it’s not what we expected, and it’s honestly a departure from “traditional” SPN. But I like it. I like it a lot. If Sera had been allowed to do more seasons like this, she probably would’ve stayed longer.
2 - Season 4
I love a lot of things about this season. The way they handled the angels was great—the right way to do unknowably powerful beings. I like Sam’s dark arc. It’s coupled perfectly with his good intentions and his all-consuming love for his brother. The plot twist at the end is perfect—Sam, in doing the right thing, unleashes the worst evil this world has (yet) known.
The tone is also perfect. It’s dark. A little edgier. Edging toward eldritch horror rather than ghost horror. Balanced out with light episodes that pack a hard punch in the feels regardless. And this is a little thing, but the color grading shifts back to more sepia after the technicolor of season 3. It gives us this little sense of dread throughout the season without even knowing why.
I could complain about the skewed POVs, about how fandom still sometimes crows “Dean was right about Lilith!” when all Dean opposed was Ruby and the demon blood—he wanted killed Lilith too. But as this instance of POV-warp serves the storyline in a good, necessary way, and Sam truly did need to be brought back from his dark path, I’m choosing to ignore it.
1 - Season 5
Are we surprised? Maybe some Sam fans are—I know some who get vexed about the blame for the apocalypse being solely and constantly placed on Sam...but I’m not. The overall story of season 5 is just so good. Lucifer is a good villain in this season. Sam and Dean have an excellent healing arc. The angels are good villains, also ironic mouthpieces of the overarching themes—despite touting “fate” and “unavoidable,” they are champions of free will, since they do whatever they want in their father’s absence. Zachariah most notably. Castiel was utilized in a good way (whereas now he struggles to still have purpose in the show) Bobby and Crowley both were good in this season (and also sparked a rarepair that’s—hilariously—canon) and this season did not pull any punches when it came to death. Even the main protagonists were shot point-blank halfway through the season! (Don’t talk to me about the samulet, I can’t do it without bawling)
And Swan Song remains my favorite season finale and overall episode. Dean relinquishing control of his little brother, allowing him to make the ultimate sacrifice for the sake of the world. I still halfway wish the series ended with Sam and Dean both throwing themselves into the Cage, destroying themselves for the world, out of love for each other. (insert “poetic cinema” meme)
And there we have it! To my mutuals, I’d love to hear your thoughts or your rankings. And to @letsgobethegoodguys - Steph, since this was so hard for you, I did it myself so I could feel your pain. 😘
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kink-tomato · 5 years
Question: what is your personal favorite Agatha Christie? Not necessarily the one you think is her best but your personal fave? Mine is Cat Among the Pigeons. And I think her best is And Then There Were None or the Murder of Roger Ackroyd
I saw this last night and I dreamed I was writing an answer with a quill that kept sputtering cream colored ink, making my scrawl illegible 😂
I don’t think I can narrow it down to one, which is why I was running out of parchment, but some of my favorites:
And Then There Were None - a boring choice, I know, but everyone agrees it’s the best because it really is. It’s a perfect puzzle, all the moving pieces slotting together, the solution impossible to guess but completely sensible upon the second read. Plot twists have a bit of a bad name in pop culture right now (looking at you GoT) but that’s because writers are focusing in the twist part and ignoring the plot. A really well executed one that reframes the story and forces you to read it over again from a different perspective? That’s the holy grail, and why I’ll die mad that I was spoiled for The Murder of Roger Ackroyd.
Five Little Pigs - even though I guessed the ending to this one, it didn’t make the book feel too easy and obvious. The way the full picture comes together from piecing the disparate accounts of events feels organic, you understand what the characters believe and what secrets they’re keeping at exactly the same pace as Poirot, without needing it spelled out for you at the end. It feels like you’re on exactly the same journey of discovery as him: not rolling your eyes that he’s missing the obvious nor in the dark about the deductions he’s making. And it makes sense how it went so tragically misunderstood.
Crooked House - I don’t know what it is about this one, except I really love the formula of everyone in the house being under suspicion and it really nails the claustrophobia of it. I think I did guess the ending, but we live in more cynical times I imagine than the original audience, so it wasn’t Shocking to me but it was satisfying.
Hallowe’en Party - it’s not the most brilliant of Agatha’s plots, but it’s serviceable. My fondness for it is based mostly on my love for Halloween and the fall atmosphere, and of course on Ariadne Oliver.
The Mysterious Affair at Styles - Agatha’s first is still one of my favorites, and I’m always surprised when it doesn’t get included in the rankings. She would get better at writing good characters - everyone is a bit caricatured and the story feels a little stilted in its progress - but damn if she didn’t nail her very first twist ending right out of the gate. As her first work there’s nothing formulaic about it, and the twist is so masterfully planned that it still feels unique in a catalog known for them.
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kayincolwyn · 6 years
Mad World (reflection, 10/28/2018)
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When I was about 19 or 20, after my parents had split up, for about six months or so and for the first and only time in my life, I was living on my own, in a rental room in this old lady’s house, in St. Johns on the outskirts of Portland, where I was working my first job at a McDonald’s, and that was when I first watched this now cult classic film called Donnie Darko, and when I got to the end of the film, sitting there alone on a bed watching a TV in some stranger’s house, and heard Gary Jules’ cover of Mad World (originally by Tears For Fears), I was so moved that I wept.
For those who haven’t seen it, Donnie Darko is the story of a somewhat outcast and antisocial high schooler (much as I was when I was in high school), played by Jake Gyllenhall, who, after an engine of a plane crashes into his house, and specifically into his room, when he is away, begins experiencing visions and other weird happenings in his life, and begins losing touch with reality as he tries to understand what is going on and what some higher power seems to want from him, all while he meets and falls in love with this girl named Gretchen.  Eventually events lead up to Gretchen’s death when she is hit by a car, and then everything falls into place, and he finds himself traveling back in time, and he realizes that he was meant to be there and die on that day when the plane engine crashed into his room, which will spare Gretchen’s life at the cost of his life and the cost of them ever knowing one another. In this scene, as Mad World plays in the background, we see shots of different people throughout his town that we see throughout the film, sitting in their rooms in the middle of the night, smoking or drinking or crying or just starting blankly into the dark, people who during the day pretend to be things that they’re not or wear masks or keep secrets, all while Donnie laughs alone in his room on that fateful day, knowing that death is coming for him, but embracing it to save someone he loves who will not know who saved her or that she was even saved at all. I believe he laughs as he finds the comedy in the tragedy, the joy in the sadness, the light in the madness...
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Looking back, I think I was deeply moved by this not only because of that beautiful cover of Mad World by Gary Jules, but also because this scene showcased the sadness and, yes, the madness of the world, in how we say or do things in life that don’t reflect who we really are or who we really want to be, just to survive or to get by or to fit in or for reasons that we don’t even really know ourselves, all while under the surface and behind closed doors we feel empty or alone or broken or wounded, not even really knowing how to express how we feel... and yet it also showcased the beauty in knowing that we’re all in the same boat, we’re all human, so we’re not alone in all of this, in trying to cope and figure out this thing that we call life, and the beauty in love and relationship and giving to and sacrificing for others and how that can give our lives a sense of meaning and purpose in a world that otherwise doesn’t seem to make a whole lot of sense. In this post I wanted to try and talk about this, about how maybe we can find, or at least try to find, like I believe Donnie does in the film, some kind of meaning and purpose in this world that is so full of sadness and madness, or at least that’s my aim here... There have been times in my life when I have experienced nothing but sadness and madness, whether because of stressful or painful circumstances or because of internal existential struggles, times when I have been that person crying or staring blankly in the dark, empty and alone and broken and wounded, and yet I’ve also been someone who was comforted or encouraged by others, or has been someone who has comforted and encouraged others, and someone who has found some meaning and purpose in love and relationship (even in spite of its many ups and downs) and has both received from others and given to others, and all of this lives within me simultaneously, because, as poet Walt Whitman once said, “I am large, I contain multitudes”.
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I recently discovered and have become a fan of the young Norwegian musician Aurora Aksnes (and I recently purchased a ticket to a concert here in Portland next February, which I will be looking forward to), whose music is as creative as it is thoughtful, and whose personality is very unique and refreshing, as she has a pure and childlike spirit while also having an intelligence and wisdom beyond her years. Many of her fans consider her something of a real life Luna Lovegood, who is one of the more popular characters from the Harry Potter universe (and who also happens to be my favorite HP character), known for her eccentricity and non-conformity as well as her wise and empathetic nature.  Of course Aurora is just a human being like you or me, and no doubt with her own fair share of faults and flaws, who makes mistakes and doesn’t know everything and doesn’t have all the answers, but she has an angelic or fey-like quality about her that is wonderful and attractive. She calls her fans ‘Warriors and Weirdos’, and I think she is a combination of those herself, a warrior and a weirdo, and I believe she encourages others to embrace those qualities within themselves. When you watch interviews with Aurora she comes off as very authentic, speaking and acting in sometimes strange and funny ways, but you can tell she is entirely herself without putting on any airs, which makes her very endearing and charming and magnetic, but then much of her music, which she writes herself, is thought provoking and heartfelt, clearly written by someone who has thought and felt about life, both the darkness and the light in it, deeply. I wanted to focus on a couple of her songs, which are among my favorites of hers, one from her debut album All My Demons Greeting Me As A Friend, and the second from her new album Infections Of A Different Kind (Step 1). Through The Eyes Of A Child, a beautiful and moving song that has a lullaby-like quality to it, was Aurora’s favorite song from her debut album according to an interview from 2016, and in the interview she said this of its meaning: ‘It’s a very important song for me that’s about getting older and seeing the real world and how cruel people can be. You discover this more and more as you grow older, and it gets quite hard on your shoulders knowing all of these things. So it’s about being able to see the beauty in everything and everyone, and innocence in the world, which I miss.’ Here are the lyrics to the song: World is covered by our trails Scars we covered up with paint Watch them preach in sour lies I would rather see this world through the eyes of a child, Through the eyes of a child Darker times will come and go Times you need to see her smile And mother's hands are warm and mild I would rather feel this world through the skin of a child Through the skin of a child When a human strokes your skin That is when you let them in Let them in before they go I would rather feel alive with a childlike soul With a childlike soul Please don't leave me here I remember when I first discovered this song I listened to it on my music player while walking home from work in the middle of the night and it moved me to tears as I resonated so strongly with it. Like Aurora I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older that life is full of pain and as humans it is so easy for us to hurt or disappoint one another, and then sometimes we find ourselves longing, as impossible as it may seem, for a world where it wasn’t like that, a world where there was only joy and where we just loved one another, a simpler and kinder world where we didn’t feel any need to hide ourselves from others for fear of getting hurt or being misunderstood, or where we didn’t feel as though we were just stumbling through the dark, or where we didn’t feel like we were alone. And tonight as I was writing this I watched a live video of Aurora singing this (which you can watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncG9zTzsisE) and when she sings that last line, ‘please don’t leave me here’, there is this look on her face afterwards that’s so real and moving and that brought me to tears, as it felt like she was putting her soul into those words, and because I have felt, ached, and prayed, those words at times myself... I’m reminded of Mad World, which I quoted above, where in the chorus it says ‘the dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had’, which certainly sounds morbid, but I have to admit there is a part of me that looks forward to death, not because I hate life or because I really want to die (and please don’t take this as me being suicidal, as that’s not where I’m at, though I have been there in the past no doubt), but because, in spite of my uncertainty about life beyond this one, I hope that if there is life beyond this one that it is more like that kind of life, life through the eyes of a child, that Aurora sings about.  And it’s not so much that part of me wants to die, but more that part of me wants to die to a world full of sadness and madness and instead find myself in a better one full of joy and light, if that makes any sense. But I don’t believe that we have to, or even should, wait for death to see if that might bring us into that kind of world, even if we may have hope for that, as we can also try to create that kind of world here, or at least as much as we are able. And I think that’s what people like Aurora are trying to do, and I suppose what all of us who are capable of love in this world try to do for those we love.
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The next song, Infections Of A Different Kind, the title track and the final track of her new album, was, according to Aurora in a recent interview, the most personal song on her new album, which came to her in the middle of the night and was the seed that inspired her new album.  I feel like this song in some way addresses that desire to create a better world (and here’s a link to the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bdasfyaPjA). Here are the lyrics: It's a feeling growing old with time Like a restless in the leaves coming down The world is a hole and we all seem to fall Down and down And the universe is growing tall And we all are caving into dreams of this space Unfolding her arms cannot do any harm Violent contractions And if there is a God, would we even know his name? And if there is a God, I think he would shake his head And turn away So belong to us all Be God in the shape of a girl Who walks this world And I beg, I beg to be drained From the pain I have soaked myself in So I can stay Okay, and more than okay for a while For a while, for a while Infections of a different kind The world is being attacked by your pain If I am the world then why would I hurt All that is living? And if there is a God, would he then believe in us? And if there is a God, I think he can't hear all of us Belong to us all Be God in the shape of a girl Who walks this world And I beg, I beg to be drained From the pain I've soaked myself in So I can stay Okay, and more than okay for a while For a while, for a while This is the breath, this is the breath... There was a discussion on one of her Youtube videos that I was reading tonight that came out of a fan wondering if this song was questioning and even jabbing at belief in God and I can understand why some people would take it that way (though as far as I can tell Aurora seems to be a very spiritual person, if not particularly religious), but I resonated more with what another fan said: ‘For me, I would say that she is rather asking us to be reflective on what we've done for each other so far, and how much more we can do in the years to come. "I think he would shake his head" and "Would he believe in us?" are powerful statements that make us realize that the only one causing our pain and distress is ourselves. To me, she's not saying that there isn't a God, she’s saying it doesn't matter if there is, because he is not responsible for our problems that we created.’   I can agree with this for the most part, and I would add that I felt her line where she says ‘Be God in the shape of a girl who walks this world’, rather than being some blasphemous statement as some might take it, is referring to that spark of the divine in every one of us (or the image of God as it is referred to in the Bible, or the inner light as Quakers call it), including herself, and then to how we have the ability to be a kind of divine presence (where one might say that God is working through us) in one another’s lives if we choose to be. This reminds me, putting this into a more Christian context, of this quote from Catholic saint Teresa of Avila: “Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compassion on this world. Yours are the feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.” Now as I’ve said elsewhere I no longer consider myself Christian, at least not in a traditional sense, but I can resonate with this idea of our being a channel or conduit for the divine in one another’s lives, and I believe this is kind of what Aurora meant or was trying to say through her song, and there can be truth in this whether one believes in a God or not. Even the end where she says ‘this is the breath, this is the breath’ reminds me of the Greek word pneuma, which means both breath and spirit, so she could also be saying ‘this is the spirit, this is the spirit’.  Of course I’m not really sure whether that was what Aurora was getting at here (would love to pick her brain about this song by the way), but in the context of the song I think it makes sense. I admit that I don’t feel as though I am really a channel or conduit for anything like a divine presence much of the time. It’s something I aspire to be, and maybe sometimes in spite of myself I can be that, but much of the time I feel that I fall short of that. I often find myself feeling irritated and annoyed by people, and I often feel numb and apathetic to others and their lives. I have my bad habits and negative tendencies, my faults and flaws, and I certainly don’t feel very angelic or Christlike or whatever one may call it much of the time, and if anything I often feel like something of, well, an asshole. I know there are people that love and care about me that would disagree with this feeling I have, which I appreciate, but it’s something I often feel regardless. I feel like I contribute my own share of sadness and madness to the world you could say, and though that may not be my intention, or any of our intentions really when we do that, it is what it is and there’s really no way around it save for me to try and balance that out by bringing more joy and light into the world, as I believe Aurora and many people, or maybe even most people, are trying to do. As author George Eliot (aka Mary Anne Evans) once said, ‘ What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other?’  I think this is a question that we all have to wrestle with, especially in times like these where there is so much division and fear and uncertainty, where that sense of being in a world full of sadness and madness is all the more acute (or at least that’s how it feels for many of us) and it’s not an easy question when many of us, like myself, struggle just to deal with our own problems, let alone anyone else’s, but it’s a question we have to ask ourselves because we all share this world, and in large part I believe how we choose to live our lives in it, or what we choose to bring into this world, can add either to its sadness or joy, to its madness or light.  In Donnie Darko, Donnie was willing to give his life to save the life of someone he loved. Aurora, like many artists out there, gives her time and energy to her music to hopefully bring some more joy and light into the world. What can I do to make the world better, to make it a simpler and kinder one? Honestly I’m still trying to figure that out.
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Last weekend I spent most of the day with some of my family on my grandpa Allan’s side, including his wife Miriam, my aunt Angela, my aunt Shannon and her husband Jeff, and my cousin Andrea.   My grandpa Allan passed away from cancer in March of last year, and he would have been 82 years old on October 21st, so we observed his birthday by visiting his gravesite. I remember as we gathered around his grave I felt awkward and uncertain, as I imagine all of us did to some extent, because death can’t help but leave us feeling awkward and uncertain on some level I think, and yet I know that we all felt, and feel, love for him, and we tried to, and continue to try to, honor him, being grateful for the part that he played in our lives, for the ways in which he loved us, gave to us, and brought joy and light into our lives. We went to lunch at Shari’s and I remember talking with my aunt Shannon who was sitting next to me much of the time, and I remember telling her how Allan’s story of how he found his faith resonated with me, the story of being a foster child who was often abandoned and rejected, who then had an experience where he felt that God told him that he would not abandon him or reject him as others had, and it resonated with me because it had a message that was so universal and childlike, so basic and primal, and uncomplicated by theology and doctrine, that I believe almost anyone could connect with it, that desire and longing to be unconditionally loved and accepted where you are and as you are, and that that desire and longing can be answered. Perhaps, much like Aurora, through that experience Allan learned to see through the eyes of a child. Maybe at bottom he had the faith of a child, and even if he may have built different theology and doctrine around that experience that he had over the years, that experience, and the message within it, was still somewhere at the heart of his faith, and I can resonate with that. After lunch I was at Allan’s house, and Miriam and Angie gave me some of Allan’s things that they wanted me to have, including a tie and some cufflinks and some of his rocks from his rock collection (he was a big rockhound), and I spent some time with my cousin Andrea, connecting over music (including some music by Aurora, which she liked), and I remember looking at pictures of Allan on the walls and thanking him for whatever hand he may have had in helping me to connect more with his family, and I remember telling Andrea that I felt like maybe that was his final gift to me. We didn’t really discuss politics at all throughout the day, although it is something that Allan’s family has had some conflict over from what I’ve heard as there are some in the family who are more conservative and others who are more liberal, and since the 2016 election there has been some tension among some of the family members. The only time it ever came up in any way was when Angie, who is a little more conservative herself, pointed out a letter that acknowledged Allan’s service in Korea that was signed by President Trump, and she wondered what I thought of that and if I would like a copy, and I told her that even though I don’t like Trump myself that if it’s something that is meant to honor Allan then I’m okay with it as that’s what really matters to me, and not who signs it, and I would be okay with having a copy. I think it’s safe to say, being the elephant in the room, that politics causes much of the sadness and madness in this country and in this world, and I think this is something that people on both sides of the political spectrum can agree on. But my day with Allan’s family was a reminder to me of a potential answer to much of the division and tension, the sadness and madness, in this country and this world, that being the awareness that we’re all in the same boat, that we’re all human, that we’re not alone in this, that love and relationship is what matters most of all, and a desire, and really a choice, to try and find what brings us together rather than what divides us. I may not completely agree with Allan’s family when it comes to politics or religion or when it comes to this or that, but at the end of the day we all loved and love Allan and we all miss him and hope to see him again whenever we cross the veil, and that is something that we all have in common in spite of whatever differences we may have, and while as human beings we may all be capable of bringing more sadness and madness into the world, we are all equally capable of bringing more joy and light into it as well, and into one another’s lives, just as Allan did. And just as Donnie Darko left an impact on the world after his death, I believe Allan did as well, just as he did in life, and maybe we can all do that.
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A couple weeks ago I watched the Netflix series The Haunting Of Hill House, which I really enjoyed and found equally frightening and moving. The basic premise of the series is there is this family, the Crains, who move into Hill House for a few months and begin having strange experiences which lead to the mother’s suicide, and as the season progresses you find out what happened in the house from the perspectives of each of the family members in flashbacks as you also see how their experiences in the house have continued to impact them as adults, leading to different ways of coping with the trauma, and effecting their relationships with one another and with others. The two children who were impacted most by the events that took place when they were in Hill House were the two youngest children, Luke and Nell, who were twins and have a psychic twin connection. My favorite scene in the whole series was in the last episode when Nell (who is found dead in Hill House after a nervous breakdown not long after the death of her husband, presumably killing herself) reunites with her siblings in spirit and reassures all of them, forgiving them for however they let her down in life, and letting them know that she is not truly gone. When Luke, who was closest to her, tells her that he doesn’t know how to go on without her, she responds tenderly:  “There’s no without. I’m not gone. I’m scattered into so many pieces, sprinkled on your life like new snow.” I remember being really moved when I heard this, thinking of Allan and others that I’ve lost in recent years. While my own beliefs about life after death may not be in line with this in a literal sense, as I believe, or hope, that a consciousness, or a soul, continues somehow after death not just in the memories of those who loved them but also in some other dimension that is beyond (if also in some way connected to) this one. But I interpret this as the impact that that person had on us (and continue to have on us even after their death), all the different ways that they loved us and gave to us, all the ways they brought joy and light into our lives, sprinkled onto our lives like new snow. And whether you may believe in a God or not, whether you may believe in life after death or not, I believe the impact you leave, the legacy you leave, matters. Even my mom, who is a self-proclaimed atheist, hopes that when she dies that she will be have made a difference in the lives of people she loved, and maybe in the world too, and that she will be remembered well.  I believe she hopes, as many of us do I think, that she will leave this oftentimes sad and mad world just a little better for her being in it, that she can do her part to take away a little of the sadness and madness and bring a little more joy and light into it. While I don’t consider myself as an atheist, I can resonate with this desire and this hope, as I share it, even if I may also desire and hope for some kind of life beyond this one where I am reunited with Allan and others. In short, if in living our lives we made life a little less difficult for others than maybe we have lived life well...
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It’s only a few days till Halloween, one of my favorite holidays, when children, and children at heart, dress up in costumes and go trick or treating or simply party and have fun, embracing the spooky and creepy, and in some small way answering darkness and the night and death with laughter as Donnie Darko did, bringing joy and light into it, seeing the world through the eyes of a child, and maybe being channels and conduits of something, well, holy, in what some may see as unholy, being divine sparks in the night, and I think it’s kind of wonderful. The world is kind of wonderful, and it’s kind of horrible, the world is kind of funny, and it’s kind of sad, the world is kind of beautiful, and it’s kind of mad, and I dream of a better world, a simpler and kinder one, beyond this one, but I also dream and hope to help make this world I am living in a better one if I can, even if only in some small way, and it’s hard to know how to express everything that I feel about this world, and it’s hard to take everything that I go through in it, and people are running around and I’m running around, and it can feel pretty crazy sometimes, that’s for sure. But like Donnie I will keep trying to find some kind of meaning and purpose in this world in which I live, and like Aurora I will try to hold onto my childlike soul and be open to being a channel and conduit of the divine in the world, and like Allan I’ll try to hold onto those experiences that help me to feel unconditionally loved and accepted, as I hope like him to make an impact on the lives of others, even after it is my turn to cross the veil, hopefully leaving a little more joy and light behind me in this world than sadness and madness, leaving pieces of myself sprinkled over other’s lives like new snow. And I know that this world can be very very mad indeed, but I know it can also be very very beautiful, because, like me, and like all of us, the world is large and it contains multitudes. 
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swiftiek8 · 6 years
Taylor Swift and Toy Story
So... I was flipping through TV channels when I saw Toy Story was on. Being a nostalgic 90s kid who had the time, I decided to take advantage of the opportunity. As I was watching, I came to a sudden realization. The way the general public ostracized Taylor was almost actually identical to the way the other toys treated Woody.
I'm sure there were scuffles, disagreements, and tension, but generally Woody was loved and well-revered. They saw him for who he was. Now, given he was a strong masculine figure in a movie about toys, obviously that doesn't touch on all the slut-shaming everyone placed on Taylor, but otherwise, they are generally similar. (I don't mean to simplify the pain and ugliness she faced- I'm just recognizing one flawed area of comparison).
So fast-forward to where the movie begins- Woody has solidified himself as leader of the pack. He has proven himself time and time again. He is strong, capable, and enthusiastic. When Andy unwraps Buzz, although it worries him slightly, he carries on doing things his own way. It isn't until the other toys obsess over Buzz. Everything becomes about reputation. Is Woody as great as everyone says? Buzz is the future! Buzz is everyone's favorite, why can't Woody accept that. Suddenly it's about scrutinizing Woody. Woody hasn't done anything wrong, but the other toys begin to question him and his worth. Woody tries to carry on, and continue to be an example on others, but the talk gets louder and louder.
Right before the toys head to Pizza Planet with Andy, there is the scene where the toys think Woody pushed Buzz out of the window. This screams the snakes/Kanye/Famous/phone call debacle. It's more complex than the other toys give Woody credit, but they come to the same conclusion- even though Woody shouldn't be blamed for the incident, he is, and now the toys are mad, and Woody's peers start the process of writing him off and shunning him from the group. (Alexa, play I Did Something Bad).
Now, I'd like to note here that obviously the symbolism behind Buzz varies- it's not consistently a direct conflation with Kanye, but it is at least in part. (Although clearly Buzz shows more character growth and development than Kanye and Kim have). Other times you could argue he stands for other new artists the industry has tried to pit against Taylor. Regardless, how the other toys are treating Taylor are generally consistent from the movie to real life.
From this analogy, it leads me to Woody and Buzz getting left at the gas station. Woody and Buzz are angry at each other, but are focused on survival. This is where I see the reputation era. Woody is ostracized and misunderstood. He wants to heal old wounds, but nobody trusts him. This is where he heals himself. There's a part in here where Woody hears the other toys, and after failing to convince Buzz to join him (no correlation yet- stay with me), Woody considers rejoining the other toys. However we're lead to believe that although the opportunity remains, Woody turns it down because he know he won't be taken seriously or received well. (This I relate to her normal release schedule. She could've tried to release her next album or emerge again to the public at an earlier opportunity, but she knew it was better for her to take the time to do things in her own right- not in the way anybody expected of her).
Now, depending on how you sell it, here's my favorite part of trying to illustrate this metaphor- if Woody uses the Pizza Planet Toyota delivery truck to get him away conflict and back to Sid's (closer to Andy), that would make the delivery car, his getaway car 😂
Getting back on-track now, the toys hate Woody. They see him as a fake, traitor, etc. All they care about is establishing him as the enemy. Even when doing positive things, such as helping Buzz and Sid's toys (or in Taylor's case, fighting for the rights of other artists, sexual assault survivors, participating in marches, etc), the other toys (a) failed to recognize and acknowledge what Woody was doing, and (b) used every opportunity to dismiss Woody and what he was doing. (Not that what Woody and Taylor were doing would be equivalents, but you get my point). A few tried to give him credit (when he was talking to them through the window with Buzz's arm), but all in all, they still didn't trust Woody, and support was drowned out by Slink and others who assumed the worst of Woody.
Now when Woody was ready to make his moves, he was bold and swift. He plotted to save Buzz, he risked coming to life in front of Sid, he chased after the moving truck in traffic, he lit a fucking rocket to reunite him and Buzz with Andy. In this part, I associate with her album release and tour. Everything Taylor did with reputation, she did it for the people she cared most about. Did the toys like Woody again? That was his main concern, nor was it Taylor's. They took control of their own narratives and were more concerned about conscious deliberate efforts to improve both their situations and those who loved them. Whatever Woody would have said or done, was not going to be enough to the other toys. They would just accuse him of being fake, manipulative, etc. He needed to disappear to reclaim his space in Andy's room. It wasn't until after Woody put in all that time and effort, that the other toys would realize the errors in their ways and how they were wrong about Woody.
As for Woody, the first movie ends with him stronger, happier, better than he ever was.
Now I know this isn't the perfect comparison, but you can't tell me there aren't striking similarities. I don't know if I explained it well enough, but at least to me, watching the film reminded me of the arduous road to reputation. It wasn't easy, and Taylor didn't deserve all she was dealt, but she made something beautiful out of it and ended up better on the other side.
So that my friends, is my story about how watching one of my favorite films from childhood relates to my love and respect for one of my favorite artists today. I love you, @taylorswift 💕 I hope you're not upset with the way I tried to explain it.
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Survey #470
“how can you choose to let the blind see better than you?”
What was the main character called in the last film you watched? Dewey. What would you name your pet snake if you had one? It would depend on its appearance. The snake I have now is named Venus because of her coloration. Do you like peanuts? Only if they're covered in chocolate or in granola bars in small portions. Have you ever gambled? What was your biggest loss/win? No. What was the last movie you watched? Who did you watch it with? Girt and I watched School of Rock together. What do you eat for breakfast? Excluding the rare occasions my mom cooks something, usually cereal or a sandwich. Do you have a Flickr? I do, but it's abandoned. Anything exciting happening in the month of September? No. When was the last time you had an ice cream sandwich? Oh man, it's been too long. I really want one now. Do you eat breakfast daily? Yeah. What was the last thing to scare you? "Scare" is a strong word, but I was very, very nervous to hear what weight I'd gained since my last doctor's appointment. Do you like mustard? Yeah, I do. Do you have a desktop computer or laptop? A laptop. Do you like to play Jenga? I guess? I don't really have an opinion on it. Do you like Fresca? Not very, but I'll drink it if I really want a soda and it's the only option. How many towels do you use after a shower? Just one. Would you ever flash a cop if you knew you'd get out of a ticket? Um, no thank you. What is your favorite thrill ride ever? I don't like those. I'm afraid of puking or fainting. Biggest irrational fear? Truly irrational, probably whale sharks. Favorite movie sequel? Hm. If you had endless funds, where would you buy most of your clothes? Cloak and Rebel's Market. How many jobs have you had? Three, technically. What is your favorite thing to do in your city? Oh hun, fun doesn't exist here. This place sucks. Have you ever gone strawberry picking? Ha ha, yes... but I was a little kid that absolutely gorged on the strawberries instead of putting them in my basket. The person that worked there didn't make my mom pay for what I did or anything, but they made a joke about weighing me to check the damage I did, ha ha. My face was COVERED in strawberry juice. I wish I could actually remember the occasion, but I was too young. How many times have you seen a doctor this month? It feels like a lot. >_< I had to get blood drawn for two different things on separate appointments, I had a follow-up appointment with my primary physician about my weight, I recently spoke to my therapist and psychiatrist... Could you pull off orange hair? I've actually considered like, a light creamsicle orange. I actually edited a photo of me with my current hair style trying different colors, and that tint looked pretty cute. Do you shave your legs? It sounds dumb, but yes, now that I'm in a relationship. I feel obligated to at least try and be attractive by societal standards. I know it seriously doesn't matter, but I would be so inexplicably mortified if he saw my unshaven legs kalsdj;flkasdjwe What type of weather is your favorite? Snowy! Coolest place you've ever been? Disney World, probs. Do you like corn on the cob? Yeah, man. Have you ever waited tables? No. Build your favorite pizza. Soft pan crust, your average amount of sauce and a good amount of cheese with various meats on it. What did you last get fancy for? I wouldn't say I got like, super fancy, but I wore a nice shirt and a necklace when Girt came over for the first time as a couple. I thought we were actually leaving the house to go out to dinner, but the plan was actually to have Buffalo Wild Wings delivered. It was totally fine by me, I'd just misunderstood. Dream pet? A female Brazilian Black tarantula named Black Betty. :') Do you tend to get clingy in relationships? I know I do. What is the last horror movie you watched? It's sad that I don't know. :( Would you be grossed out if your best friend mooned you? No, I'd just be extremely confused lmao. What is the last thing that you drank? Milk. Currently popular song that you can't stand? I have zero idea what songs are popular right now. What is the weather like right now? Too fuckin' hot to be mid-September. Do you have favorite type/brand of pen? I mean, I like the feel of gel pens. I don't know about brands. What is your go-to snack at the convenience store? Some form of Reese's. Popular drink that you dislike? Coffee shocks the most people. What TV show are you waiting on to return/create a new season? None. What is something you currently want but cannot afford? Oh, dear. -_- Do you have sensitive skin? Very. How many toilets are in your house? Two. Do you have an older sister? Three that I know, one that I don't really count because I know nothing about her and have never spoken to her. What color is your mum’s car? White. Do you live in an apartment? No. Cats are usually cuter than dogs right? Kittens are generally cuter than puppies, imo. Where do you keep your kitty litter box? It has to stay in my bedroom, which I hate. Mom insists on in being in here so I don't forget to clean it. My memory is awful, but I'm preeeetty sure I'd remember to give my cat a clean place to use the bathroom if it was kept in the spare room by the door... Are you rude to little children? No; even if I don't really like kids, that is something I definitely avoid. Kids should never lose their hope in or love for humanity, and I would absolutely hate to be one of those people that makes the human race appear unpleasant. Are you a lighter complexion than your father? BY FAR. He's a mailman so is out in the sun nearly every day, so he's pretty damn dark to be Caucasian. I wouldn't be surprised if by his complexion he's ever been mistaken for being Hispanic, because the color definitely fits. Do you like apricots? No. Are banana chips delicious? Ew, that sounds gross. Do you like kinky sex? I wouldn't know, my dude. I've never really explored outside of pretty vanilla stuff. What is one thing you will never do again? Rely solely on another person for happiness. Would you rather be twice as smart or twice as happy? Twice as happy. That's not even a competition. What would your parents be surprised to learn about you? I very legitimately wonder if I would be disowned for how fucked up some of the shit I write is, ha ha. Mom would probably cry if she saw some of even the milder stuff and force the topic to come up in therapy. If you could have been a child prodigy what would you have wanted to be skilled at? Maybe painting? If earth could only have one condiment for the rest of time, what would you pick to keep around? Hmmm... I suppose ketchup. Do you think it’s important to stay up to date with the news? I think it is, but I don't. .-. What is the best present you could ever receive? An all-expenses-paid trip to South Africa to visit and tour with the Kalahari Meerkat Project to meet and photograph the meerkats. :''''''''''') Would you give up one of your fingers if it meant you’d have free WiFi wherever you go, for the rest of your life? Nah. That's what data is for, lol. If someone told you you could give one person a present and your budget was unlimited–what present would you get and for whom? A new car for Mom. Giant house in a subdivision or tiny house somewhere with a view? Oh, that is SO easy. Give me the view. Well wait, HOW tiny is the house? My answer would change if it was one of those truly mini houses that would make me feel claustrophobic as shit. What was your favorite Disney movie as a kid? The Lion King. Still is. Do you brush your teeth in the bathroom, or do you get bored & roam around? I roam around. Does your city/town have a little festival/carnival every year? Yes. I never really pay attention tho 'cuz I never go. Have you ever been to an apple orchard? No, but I would love to go. Were there any cartoons your parents didn’t let you watch as a kid? Except "adult" cartoons obviously, no. Could you handle motherhood? No fucking way. Being entirely serious, I think I'd either end up dead or horribly depressed, and the kid psychologically damaged to some extent from having an unstable mother. Like do not get me wrong, I'd try very hard, but I know I couldn't stay sane and happy as a mom. Have you ever touched a squirrel? No. What's better, candles or incense? Incense. What movie did you see the most in theaters? I don't watch movies in theaters twice. It's expensive to go even once. Who played the best Batman? Idk. I didn't watch all the movies. Who’s the best American Idol thus far? *shrug* What’s likely to happen next in your family - wedding, funeral, or birth? Uh, I suppose a wedding? None seem likely any time soon. Do you like hot, cold, or lukewarm showers? Hot. Have you ever taken part in a threesome? No, not my jam. Do you plan on having both your parents at your wedding? Yep. Which movie’s musical score is truly memorable? Tarzan came to mind very quickly. What’s your favorite scene from the movie Titanic? Idk, I've only seen it once. Which TV show theme music do you remember most? That '70s Show. Have you ever bounced any checks? ... I don't even know what that means. :x Have you ever been snipe hunting? I will never in my life hunt in any way, shape, or form. Do you try to be politically correct? For the most part, but I do believe it's gone too far. Generally though, I try to conform to the "rules" to avoid offending someone. What’s your favorite kind of sea critter? Bottlenose dolphins, various types of whales, sea turtles... I don't think I could pick one. Have you ever tasted locally-made honey before? Does it count if it's from a honeysuckle flower? Do you like to wear toe socks? No, they're mad uncomfortable imo. Have you ever worn bright red lipstick? Yes. Do you think raccoons are adorable, like I do? BABIES!!!!!!!!!!!
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