#and it's Challenging but i Can play it AND there's a lot of settings and accessibility features!!!!
sugarypinecones · 1 day
a panic challenge is busted and having to avoid the cops with dodge… sneaking you into his bedroom while his mom and sister sleep… giving you a rodeo t-shirt to sleep in… maybe making the first move straight away… or maybe going to bed and then waking up a few hours later tangled together in his bed…
we were jet-set, bonnie and clyde — dodge mason x reader
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warnings: SMUT(?) he never actually gets close enough but he gets.. pretty close, like cum in your pants close oops but i can do a pt2 i just kinda got confused and unsure how to really.. like do things idk and i kinda hate it but it took so much time and writing i feel bad if i scrapt it, mentions of reader living in texas obviously, reader has no real desire to win panic, whiny desperate dodge, idrk how to tag its late im tired, dayna interrupts without knowing
a/n: oh i love this actually. like actually love this. like im foaming at the mouth thinking about this actually. title from getaway car by taylor swift also, love u all and ty for the request!! 💐💐 also sucks esp the ending but like idk im down to rewrite the ending if not continue the tangled thing! just lmk if you actually wanted it and dont be afraid to leave other requests.
Living in Carp, Texas meant that there weren’t many fun things to do. You can only drive around an empty parking lot for so long before getting bored. So when the opportunity of playing Panic rises, you rise with it.
And surprisingly, you didn’t immediately get eliminated. In fact — you’ve somehow made it this far, round two, which.. you’re sure you’re going to fall to your death or just entirely not do it. And you were fine with that, truly. You had your fun.
Now it was time to focus on something a little bit more real – your chances of winning the pot were low, especially because of all that stuff last year, and because of Dodge Mason.
If you didn’t know what determination was before that boy, you definitely did now. It was hard not to see him and not see determination, especially after the first challenge. He didn’t have fear in his eyes when he did it, unlike any of the other contestants. He had something else.
You shift on the hood of the beat-up car, sighing as you look over your shoulder for any sign of your friends. It was hard to tell through the sea of people — some juniors who were eager to see the game, some graduates who refused to play, such and such.
Dodge’s eyes roamed over to you, taking in the way you fiddled with the bracelets on your wrists and the tight, nervous expression on your face. He knew what you were thinking — he could see it in your eyes. I don’t belong here.
He watched you look around for your friends and found himself wondering why you were alone. Why weren’t you with them?
He seems to recognize you from the first challenge, and when you meet his gaze, he raises a hand. A small smile follows, and you can’t stop yourself from smiling in return.
Something sparked in Dodge’s chest as your lips curled into a small smile — he hadn’t expected a smile in return. Nor had he expected your eyes to soften at the sight of him, or your cheeks to flush a pretty shade of pink.
Maybe he had more of a chance with you than he thought.
The sight of you smiling in return gives him just enough confidence to walk over, stopping in-front of you. It was slightly unnerving, but it felt nice. Exhilarating, even.
He smirked to himself, shoving his hands in his pockets to keep from reaching out to you — and just like that, his bravado returned.
“So,” he started, turning his head to the side to look down at you as he leaned against the car. “Here to root for me?”
Your gaze tilts to him, and you almost laughed. “No, I’m here to win.”
Dodge raised an eyebrow at your response, a scoff and chuckle of disbelief slipping between his lips. He turned around, leaning his hip against the hood of the car, the smirk never wavering from his face.
“Oh, really?” He said, cocking his head to the side. “You honestly think you stand a chance against me?”
He wasn’t sure where all this confidence was coming from - because if it were anyone else, he would’ve just been nodding along with simple responses by now.
You grin. “I know so.”
He let out a hearty laugh and shook his head.
“I’m serious!” You exclaim, although, you really aren’t. You planned to chicken out the second you got called on that death-trap of a beam, no way in hell are you risking your life just to possibly lose in the end.
“Yeah,” he begun, but you shook your head; letting laughs fall from your lips. “No, not really.” You grin up at him, and he acts surprised; but he kind of had a feeling from the start you wouldn’t actually go through with any of this.
“No? What do you mean, ‘no’?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “You’re backing out just like that?”
Your eyes catch on the flex of his muscles as his arms fold over his chest, before flickering back up to his face with a shrug. “I guess—“
You’re cut off by the sound of sirens approaching, closing your eyes as you let out a frustrated exhale. Playing panic was dangerous — watching it, even.
Dodge’s expression quickly turned serious as the sound of sirens filled the air. He immediately turned his head towards the noise, his muscles tense and eyes narrowing.
He quickly looked back over at you, silently cursing how distracted he had become from your presence. He should have been on guard — his focus needed to be on the task at hand, not on some cute girl.
“Cops,” he said lowly, looking back at the police cars approaching.
“Obviously,” you retort, sliding of the hood as you glance over your shoulder. There wasn’t really much places to scatter to, but –
Your train of thought is cut off by his hand on your wrist, pulling you along towards a patch of woods.
Dodge moved fast, tugging on your wrist and pulling you away from the car. He quickly led you towards a patch of woods nearby, trying to put as much distance between you and the cops before they got out of their cars.
He kept his grip on your hand as you ran, his fingers wrapped firmly around your wrist. They were rough — calloused from working on the farm and years of horseback riding.
As they made it into the safety of the trees, Dodge pulled you behind a large oak, pinning you against the trunk.
He quickly retracted, internally cursing himself for doing such. “Sorry, instinct,” he grumbles, although not angry towards you, god, not you.
“You lead a lot of girls away from cops?” You quip, fighting the urge to laugh to yourself.
Dodge let out a huff of a laugh, shaking his head as he ran a hand through his hair. Adrenaline was still coursing through his veins, his heart thudding loudly in his chest.
He’d somehow managed to pull you almost 500 yards within that span of three minutes.
“Yeah, all the time,” he replied sarcastically, his smirk returning as he leaned his shoulder against the tree next to you. “You’re the twenty-third one I’ve led this month alone.”
You roll your eyes, “How charming.”
Dodge chuckled at your eye roll, leaning closer to you and looking down at you. His smirk widened as he pushed himself off of the tree, turning to face you fully.
“Yeah, I’m a real charmer,” he joked, crossing his arms over his chest once more. He paused then, noticing how close he was to you.
He cleared his throat before speaking again, pulling away, partially in fear of scaring you, partially in fear he couldn’t stop himself from asking to kiss you. “So, uh… you got a ride home or something?”
Fuck. No you did not. You hadn’t actually accounted that part down — you came with your friend, who is currently nowhere to be found, if not currently in the back of a cop car.
“No.” You huffed, narrowing your gaze as you looked at him, “I was gonna crash at Natalie’s,” You said, trying to explain your situation, which wasn’t hard to understand to begin with. Came with a friend, planned to leave with a friend, currently 500 yards away from said friend’s car, can’t exactly account to go home, as you told her you were going to bed three hours ago.
Dodge’s eyebrows furrowed at your answer — not out of annoyance, but concern. He knew the cops would be searching everywhere, and you didn’t have a ride home.
He thought for a moment, weighing his options. He couldn’t leave you out here alone until the police left. It was too dangerous.
He let out a sigh, running a hand through his hair again before speaking. “Alright,” he said, looking down at you. “You’re comin’ home with me, then.”
Your eyes widen, and you seem to swallow as you tilt your head forwards, perplexed. “What?”
Dodge raised an eyebrow at your reaction, his expression shifting to confusion. He was surprised that you seemed so shocked by his offer.
Although, he got it. You didn’t know him well — not outside of school at least. You had seem him a few times, sat by him in a few classes. Thought he was cute, too, but never would’ve admitted that.
“You need a place to stay for the night,” he explained, his eyes locked on yours. “And you sure as hell can’t stay here.”
He paused, eyeing you up and down before continuing. “So you’ll stay at my house. It’s not a big deal.”
You opened your mouth to argue, but quickly snapped it shut, knowing he was right. Spending the night in the woods with the cops searching was a recipe for disaster.
Going home would be even worse.
And yet… spending the night at his house still stirred something within you — anxiety, excitement, curiosity — you couldn’t tell.
“Okay,” You nod, eyes darting around. “Yeah.” You exhale, it was for the better. You weren’t gonna sleep on the side of the road, and you knew Dodge.. to an extent, enough to know he’s not gonna pull an axe on you in your sleep.
Dodge’s face morphed into a sly grin as you agreed, his eyes sparkling with amusement. He knew he was probably going to regret this later — he’d never brought a girl to his house before, let alone a girl his mother didn’t approve of.
“Atta girl,” he said, lightly patting your shoulder before shoving his hands into his pockets. “Let’s go.”
Dodge stepped away from the protective cover of the trees, gesturing for you to follow him. The coast was clear for now, but he wasn’t taking any chances.
As you fell in step with him, he leaned down to your ear. “Just so you know,” he began in a low voice. “My mom doesn’t know you’re coming over. So.. don’t talk too loud when we get to the house, alright?”
You cock your head to the side, a slight laugh escaping under your breath. “Doesn’t know or isn’t okay?”
Dodge chuckled, shaking his head as he continued walking. “Both,” he answered, his hands still shoved in his pockets.
“She wouldn’t exactly be thrilled to have some girl she’s never met before spend the night out of nowhere.”
You nod, wondering why he’d offer in the first place then. He could’ve left you to get in trouble with your mom, left you to get eliminated, anything else.
“Is that your car?” You tilt your head forwards, breaking the silence that fell over the two teens, eyeing a white car.
Dodge followed your gaze, looking at the car you were eyeing. He nodded, a proud smile forming on his lips. “Yeah,” he said, a hint of boasting in his voice. “That’s her.”
You find it slightly funny that he’s gendered his car.
He quickly started towards the car, reaching it within a few long strides. He pulled the passenger side door open, motioning for you to get in. “C’mon.”
You almost hesitate — but, it’s not like you have another choice — or enough self control.
You hesitated for a moment, looking at the open door before climbing inside. You settled into the leather seat, shutting the door behind you, your stomach twisting with nervousness.
Dodge walked around to the driver’s side and got in, settling into the seat and buckling his seatbelt. He twisted the key in the ignition, the engine of the car coming to life with a low, rumbling purr.
He pulled out of the field and onto the road, navigating the deserted streets skillfully. You sat in silence for a few moments, the only sound being the low hum of the engine and the occasional crunch of gravel beneath the tires.
Dodge glanced over at you out of the corner of his eye, noticing how tense and quiet you seemed. He cleared his throat, breaking the silence. “You alright?”
You nod. “Yeah, I guess it’s just..” You trailed off, unsure of how to actually describe the feeling.
It wasn’t scary, but it was. You were almost excited, but you didn’t know him well. Any knowledgeable person would be wary, but god, was Dodge Mason cute.
“I don’t know.”
Dodge chuckled, a sympathetic scoff falling from his lips at your failed attempt at putting your feelings into words.
He could tell you were conflicted about all of this — going home with a guy you barely knew, spending the night in a home you’ve never been to before… he didn’t blame you.
He sighed, his hands gripping the steering wheel tighter. “Yeah, I’m sure this isn’t how you planned to spend your night, huh?”
You scoff. “Who doesn’t plan to go home with a boy they barely know after cops raid them?”
He shook his head with a grin and looked over at you again, his eyes scanning over your features. Despite the absurdity of the situation, he couldn’t help the fluttery feeling in his chest as he looked at you.
You stayed silent for a moment, your eyes fixed on the passing scenery outside the car window. The night was still and quiet, only the hum of the engine breaking the silence.
“Dodge?” You spoke up suddenly, your voice soft.
Dodge’s attention immediately went to you, his eyes flickering over to glance at you. “Yeah?” He responded, his tone just as quiet as yours.
You shifted in your seat, turning to face him. “Can I ask you something?” you inquired, your expression slightly serious.
Dodge raised an eyebrow, curiosity piqued by the sudden shift in your demeanor. “Shoot,” he replied, keeping his eyes on the road.
You paused for a moment, collecting your thoughts before speaking. “Why did you offer to let me stay the night?”
The question had been weighing on your mind since the moment he suggested it. You knew he wasn’t exactly the most responsible or trustworthy person, yet he’d gone out of his way to offer you refuge at his home.
Dodge’s grip tightened around the steering wheel as you asked the question. He expected it, knowing it was bound to come up eventually, but he wasn’t exactly prepared to answer it fully.
The truth was simple — he found you attractive, intriguing, and he was drawn to you in a way he couldn’t explain. But he wasn’t going to say that out loud, not yet.
Instead, he shrugged nonchalantally. “Seemed like you needed a place to stay,” he responded, keeping his tone casual.
Your eyebrows furrowed, sensing the hint of evasion in his answer. You knew there was more to it than that, but you also knew it wasn’t your place to push him for the truth — especially given your options in the current moment.
You let out a sigh, leaning back in your seat and looking out the window again. The rest of the ride passed in silence, only broken by the sound of the engine and the occasional rumble of the road beneath the tires.
After a few minutes, Dodge finally pulled into a long gravel driveway, leading up to a house. The house was modest, but well-kept. Even in the dim light, you could make out the meticulously maintained garden and the freshly painted exterior.
He shifted the car into park and killed the engine, turning to look at you. “We’re here.”
You unbuckled your seatbelt and looked out the windshield, taking in the sight of the house. It was cozy, but not overly extravagant. It looked lived in — a home owned by a family who actually spent time here.
You let out a shaky breath, nerves starting to bubble up inside you once more. This was really happening. You were really going in there.
It wasn’t like regular nerves you’d had before. Not like panic, more like when you’re hanging out with a friend you’ve met for the first time — although, you technically know Dodge.
Dodge could sense the anxiety radiating from you, your nervousness evident in the way you fidgeted in your seat. He let out a low sigh, his eyes flickering over your features for a moment before speaking.
“You’re gonna be fine,” he reassured you, his voice soft. “My mom and sister are probably already asleep, so just stay quiet.”
You nodded, smiling. “Well, let’s go then. I’m tired.”
Dodge returned your smile with a nod of his own, his gaze lingering on you for a moment before he turned his attention to unbuckling his seatbelt.
He pushed the driver’s side door open, the soft creak of the metal mixing with the sound of the crickets chirping in the night air. He got out of the car and shut the door, rounding the hood and opening your door for you.
You stepped out of the car, your shoes crunching on the gravel beneath them. You followed Dodge as he led the way to the front door, your eyes darting around nervously, taking in the surroundings.
He paused in front of the door and fumbled through his pockets, searching for his keys. After a moment, he fished them out and unlocked the door, pushing it open quietly.
He wasn’t exactly worried about making noise - his mom usually didn’t pay mind to him coming late. She figured he’d be home way later in any other circumstances, anyways.
As Dodge opened the door, a warm, inviting light spilled out from inside the house. You followed him inside, stepping into the entranceway and closing the door softly behind you.
The interior of the house was cozy and homey, with warm wood accents and comfortable furnishings. There was a sense of order and cleanliness, but it didn’t feel overly stiff or overly lived-in.
Dodge gestured for you to keep your shoes on, before nodding towards a hallway. “My room’s down there,” he whispered, indicating the direction of a long hallway to the left of the entryway.
You followed his gaze, looking down the hallway. You could see several doors lining the sides of the hallway, presumably leading to different rooms — bathrooms, bedrooms, and the like.
You looked back at Dodge, your heart rate increasing as you realized the implication of his words. His room. Where he sleeps. Where you’ll be sleeping, in close proximity to him.
Dodge noticed the look on your face, noticing the way your eyes widened slightly, betraying your thoughts. He chuckled softly, trying to ease the tension.
“Relax,” he whispered, his tone playful. “You’ll be fine. My room’s big enough for the both of us.”
You roll your eyes, “OK, cowboy.” You step into the open door, taking in the dimly-lit room. It wasn’t much. Just trophies, a wardrobe and a bed and small clutter around the room.
You liked it. You could get used to it.
Dodge chuckled at your nickname, following you into the room and shutting the door behind him. The atmosphere grew more intimate as you both entered the enclosed space, the faint smell of his cologne mingling with the scent of his laundry detergent.
He leaned against the wall, watching you look around with a slight smirk on his lips. “Make yourself comfortable,” he said, gesturing to the bed.
You don’t take any convincing, and immediately flop down onto the bed, exhaling at the feel of the differing comfort in comparison to his car and old truck.
Dodge let out another chuckle as you flopped onto the bed, his eyes watching you sprawled out on his sheets. the sight amused him - you looked like a starfish on the soft material of the mattress.
He pushed away from the wall and walked across the room, sitting down on the edge of the bed next to you. “Comfy?” He teased, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Yeah,” you hummed, a soft grin adorning your face. “although,” you sit up, glancing to him, “wish I would’ve known i’d be having a sleepover. All my stuff is in Nat’s car.”
Dodge chuckled, his eyes scanning over you as you sat up next to him. “Well, I didn’t exactly plan for this either,” he retorted, a smirk still playing on his lips.
He thought for a moment, his gaze flicking towards the door and then back to you. “You can borrow something to sleep in, if you want.”
You nod vicariously, laughing. “I am not sleeping in this.”
Dodge chuckled, leaning back on his arms as he looked you up and down. He took in your outfit, noting how out of place it seemed in this setting.
“Yeah, it’s not exactly sleepwear,” he agreed, amusement in his voice. He hesitated for a moment, his eyes flickering over your body before he spoke again. “I got some old T-shirts you can borrow.”
He stood up, walking over to the closet, before tossing a shirt your way. It was larger, but you could tell that it was his. It smelt faintly like him, and you can make the outlines out of a cracked pattern from an old rodeo.
You smiled up at him, appreciatively. “Thanks,” you said, placing the clothes down beside you. “Do you mind if I change here?”
Being caught by his sister or mom wasn’t exactly a want for you right now.
“Nope, go ahead,” he replied, leaning against the wall lazily. “I won’t look.”
You nodded, watching as his gaze shifts towards the closet, adjusting clothes.
You waste no time peeling the clothes off of you, pulling the T-shirt over your body as you exhale, and then pulling the old sweatpants over your body, tying them as tight as you could around your waist.
“Okay.” You said.
He quickly shook the thoughts away, clearing his throat. “You decent?” He asked, looking over at you.
“Yep.” You nod, shifting back on the bed some, “Oh,” you glance away, “you can change too, sorry.”
Dodge chuckled at your realization, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. He pushed himself off the wall and walked over to the bed, sitting down next to you again.
“Don’t worry about it,” he reassured you, reaching down and grabbing the hem of his shirt. “I wasn’t planning on sleeping in this, anyways.”
He pulled the fabric over his head and tossed it onto the floor, revealing his bare chest.
He knows how badly this could’ve ended - but, he was already here, and honestly the lack of sleep was beginning to make him more bold than he’d like to admit.
Your eyebrows raise, a soft laugh escaping your lips as you met his gaze.
Dodge noticed your reaction, his smirk widening as he caught your laugh. He chuckled in response, his eyes locked on yours.
“What?” He asked, his voice playful. “Never seen a guy shirtless before?”
You shake your head, blinking back shock. “I have,” you note, trying to pretend as if your eyes weren’t raking over his body.
“Just.. wasn’t expecting this.”
Her close proximity was intoxicating, the scent of her perfume filling his senses and clouding his thoughts.
He leaned in slightly, his face inches away from yours. His gaze flicked from your eyes to lips, the desire to kiss you overwhelming any logical thoughts in his mind.
"Tell me," he murmured, his voice low and rough. "Tell me you want this. Tell me to, and I will. But I need to hear you say it."
He leaned in further, his lips hovering just above yours, the gap between them practically non-existent.
"I want this," you admitted, barely audible.
Without another word, he closed the minimal gap between them, capturing your lips in a bruising kiss.
His hands moved from your cheek to grip your hips, pulling you flush against him.
But it wasn't just about physical need, you could sense. There was a sense of desperation in the way he held you, as if this moment was more than just a passing lust.
As the kiss deepened, Dodge backed you up against the bed, gently maneuvering you until you were trapped between him and the mattress.
His hands moved under your shirt, tracing a path up your bare skin, causing you to shiver against him.
Dodge trailed hot kisses down your neck and collarbone, leaving a trail of burning desire in their wake. His hands roamed over your body, worshiping every inch of your bare skin.
His mouth returned to yours, claiming your lips in a passionate embrace. He rolled his hips against you, eliciting a gasp from your lips as the friction between your bodies intensified.
With a smooth movement, he pulled away from your lips and moved to your jawline, nipping and nibbling at the sensitive skin there.
“You have no idea,” he rasped, his voice low and ragged with desire, “how long I've wanted to do this.”
His hands moved from your hips to your thighs, gripping the flesh hard as he shifted between your legs.
Dodge took a few moments to admire the sight of you beneath him, your face flushed and lips swollen from his kisses. He couldn't get enough of you, the way you tasted, the way you felt beneath him.
He leaned down to capture your lips again, his hands roaming further up your thighs. His fingers toyed with the waistband of the sweatpants, the thought of going further crossing his mind.
Dodge broke the kiss, panting slightly as he looked down at you again.
“God,” he rasped, his gaze roaming over your flushed face and disheveled hair. “You’re so damn beautiful like this.”
He leaned back down, his breath hot against your ear. “I want you,” he whispered, his voice low and rough. “All of you. Right here. Right now.”
His lips moved to your neck, trailing hot kisses down your collarbone as his hands continued to wander over your body. His fingers dipped beneath the waistband of the sweatpants, tracing patterns against your skin.
“Okay,” You nod, “okay,” you repeat softer.
Dodge's breath hitches at your agreement, his fingers stilling. He pulls away just enough to look at you, his expression a mixture of surprise and relief.
"Yeah?" He asks, his voice slightly shaky. "You're sure?"
You nod, “I’m sure.”
Dodge's response is immediate, his mouth crashing back down onto yours in a passionate kiss. His hands move faster now, pushing down the sweatpants and discarding them onto the floor.
He positions himself back between your legs, his body pressing against yours as he kisses you hungrily. One of his thighs slides against you, causing you to gasp into the kiss.
Dodge takes advantage of your moment of surprise, his tongue slipping past your lips to explore your mouth. His hands roam over your bare thighs and hips, gripping the flesh tightly as he continues to move against you.
You can feel his hardness pressing against you, the evidence of his desire evident and urgent. He pulls away from the kiss, panting slightly, and looks down at you.
“God,” he mutters, his voice ragged and hoarse. “You have no idea what you do to me.”
He shifts his hips, pressing against you more purposefully. The friction between your bodies causes him to let out a guttural groan, his head dropping down to bury in your neck.
He peppers your neck with kisses, his lips and teeth leaving behind a trail of marks and bites. He continues to rock his hips against you, the friction growing more and more intense as the seconds pass.
His hands roam over your body, mapping out every dip and curve with fervor. He's almost feverish in his touch, his need for you overwhelming his rational thoughts.
"I need," he gasps, his breath warm against your skin, "I need..."
He doesn't finish his sentence, instead moving to capture your lips in another bruising kiss. His hands move to your hips, gripping them tightly as he increases the pace of his movements. The friction between your bodies is enough to send waves of pleasure through you, the feeling consuming your senses.
Dodge breaks the kiss, pulling back just enough to see your face. He takes in the sight of you, hair mussed, eyes glazed over with desire, cheeks flushed with color.
He looks wrecked himself, his breathing labored and his body taut with tension. Every muscle in his body is pulled taught, as if he's holding back from completely letting go.
His grip on your hips tightens, his fingers digging into your skin. He's on the edge, you can tell. But he's still holding back, still trying to control himself.
"I want... I need..." he pants, his words coming out in shuddering gasps. "I need to hear you say it. Tell me I can... tell me you want..."
He trails off, unable to finish his sentence. He's desperate, his need for you almost palpable in the air.
He know’s he’s gotten your permission beforehand, but he needs to be sure.
“Please.” You whine.
Dodge exhales a ragged breath at your response, the sound almost a moan. He leans down, pressing his forehead against yours, his body trembling with need.
"Thank god," he gasps, his voice cracking slightly. "Thank god."
He captures your lips in a desperate kiss, his tongue slipping into your mouth hungrily. His hands move from your hips to your thighs, spreading your legs further apart as he positions himself against you.
The friction between your bodies is maddening now, the pleasure building with every movement. Dodge bucks his hips against you, causing you both to moan into the kiss.
He breaks the kiss again, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "You feel so good," he whispers against your skin, his words sending shivers through your body. "So perfect, so goddamn perfect."
His hands roam over your body, touching and caressing every inch of exposed flesh. He's everywhere at once, his touch igniting sparks of pleasure that spread through your body like wildfire.
You almost whine out at the lack of contact to your body as his hands travel to his belt.
Dodge's hands fumble with his jeans, the frantic motion a clear indicator of how desperately he needs you. He pushes the material down, kicking them off the edge of the bed with a hasty movement.
He's bare now, his body exposed and vulnerable in a way he rarely lets himself be. He positions himself back between your legs, bracing himself above you.
He pauses for a moment, taking in the sight of you beneath him. You're flushed and trembling, your eyes glassy with desire. You can see his gaze flickering over your body, taking in every detail, every curve.
He leans down, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss. His hands grip your hips again, holding you in place as he rolls his own into you.
The friction between your bodies is enough to drive you both insane. Dodge lets out a guttural moan into the kiss, his grip on your hips tight enough to bruise.
He swears he could come at the sight of this alone, and he honestly might.
A rapid knock to his door stirs him out of his frenzy.
Dodge grunts in surprise, pulled out of his passionate haze by the interruption. He looks up at you, his eyes still dark with desire but confused by the sudden intrusion.
"What?" he asks, his voice slightly hoarse as he called out to his sister in the hallway. "What's wrong?"
“I can’t reach the cereal above the fridge.”
He rolled his eyes, huffing as he pulled your — his, sweatpants over his body.
He raises a finger, as if telling you to wait, and you nod, but you were asleep by the time he finished helping Dana.
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togamest · 3 days
Hi there could I please get headcanons for hajime umemiya, jo togame, hayato suo and kyotaru on how they act when they’re deeply in love/how they show their affection☺️
-> how they show their affection | gn!reader, all fluffy stuff. [feat. hajime umemiya, jo togame, hayato suo and kyotaru sugishita]
author’s notes: i love this concept, anon, and i wanted to pick from the love languages as well to springboard off of! thanks for coming by!
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Hajime is definitely the type to enjoy doing things together. After all, he has a garden to take care of, and he really enjoys how excited you get when you harvest together. Seeing you unafraid to get your hands dirty, dirt covering your arms up to your elbows as you hum a sweet tune while planting the cherry tomatoes he just bought makes his heart sing. He even makes a separate planter just for you to plant flowers and other odd flora that doesn’t quite fit into the vegetable patch.
It doesn’t have to be just gardening, though; I feel like he’s very outdoors-y as well, really into hiking and exploration in general. He’ll carry you up the mountains he scrambles up with ease if you get too tired, and he’ll have packed lunch with him to have at the summit. Seeing the world spread out below you, stretching for miles, never fails to take your breath away as you lean your head on his shoulder. His hand is warm, encompassing almost your entire shoulder as he rubs your skin.
Jo is happy just being with you, wherever you go. I imagine he’s really into parallel play as well, sitting on the couch with a blunt in hand as you play one of the video games you’re really into. Or, going out for a walk at dusk, when the town begins to settle in for the evening and everyone’s gone home so it’s quiet.
Walks, errand running, whatever you are off doing, he’s happy to join you. But he also enjoys uninterrupted time with you, given how much he hangs out with Choji, who can be a little needy of his presence. Due to that, he’ll make “no phone evenings” where you sit and watch silly videos or a good background movie as you chat about your day, what’s been bothering you, and all that. He may not have the answers, but he’s happy to simply sit and listen to you, bright eyes lighting up the room as you ramble on about your latest creative ideas. He’s satisfied with just that.
Suou feels like the type of person to really enjoy challenging you on an intellectual level. This is the type of person that you ask “would you love me if I was a worm?” and he’s already sketching out terrarium layouts and set ups. He’s soft-spoken, naturally, but he poses a lot of interesting questions. He also tolerates your ridiculous scenario questions with a light laugh, but it’s always somehow the right answer for you. He’s perceptive enough to know what you want to hear.
I feel like he’s also really into documentaries, video essays, and tier lists. A video essay on Pokémon legendaries will devolve into you both creating your own for your own reasons, and arguing why some are placed in different tiers. It’s interesting, seeing some inner peeks of how his mind works, and it stimulates you as well; there’s nothing like a man who challenges the way you think, opening your mind up to other possibilities you’d have never considered.
Sugishita feels like the type of guy who never fails to have a hand on you somewhere. He was initially teased about it from Suou and Sakura, but it was all in good fun with no harm meant. And besides, Sugishita managed to double down on the physical touch after, keeping a hand on your back when you’re out walking with him, or holding his hand. Even when you’re sitting on the couch reading and he’s playing video games, every time he gets to a checkpoint he’ll give you a kiss.
Hugs, for him, are a huge way he shows his love. He’ll even go as far as to lift you up in the air, swinging you around just to listen to the tinkling noise of your laughter. Anything to make you smile, for him, is a massive win; and he loves touching you whenever he can. Even in the car, his hand will drift to your thigh and stay there for as long as he can have it there, thumb rubbing the soft, plush inside of your thigh.
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divider credit: @/cafekitsune networks: @interstellar-inn @themovingcastlez
disclaimer: DO NOT copy or repost my works for any reason. translations are acceptable, but please ask for permission first!
© togamest 2023-2024
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jonquilyst · 3 days
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Total Drama Sims: Season 2
That's right, baby! We're back. Is your teenaged sim bored and wanting something epic and awesome to do to spend their summer? Does your teenaged sim want a brush of fame and notoriety? Well, you've come to the right place. Total Drama Sims, the freshest, awesomest reality show on simblr, is back for a 2nd season, and I'm ready for you all to send 14 more teenagers to compete in crazy, wacky challenges (safety/lack of danger not guaranteed) in pursuit of the grand prize!
To keep things fresh, TDS2 will be set in a new location and will have new gameplay mechanics! TDS has claimed an abandoned film lot in Del Sol Valley because this season, our challenges will be based off of movie genres, just like the 2nd season of TDS's inspiration!
As for our new gameplay mechanics, TDS2 will be introducing a double elimination (two people are eliminated rather than one), a team swap elimination (someone is eliminated, but instead of leaving the game, the eliminated person joins the other team), and purge challenges (instead of a vote, the worst-performing contestant of a challenge is automatically eliminated) to mix things up and keep the game interesting!
I am primarily looking for people who did NOT participate last season, or their sim got out early. However, everyone may still participate! I just want as many people as possible to get a chance to have their sim play 💖 A lot of people were interested last time and unfortunately spots filled up so fast that some people weren't able to participate because of it (That being said, to promote transparency, I am now REQUIRING RESERVATIONS! That means if you want to participate, you MUST contact me before submitting your sim. You can do this by DM'ing me or sending an ask).
Read on for a refresher on what this competition is all about and UPDATED submission rules (so if you had a sim compete last season, make sure to read them again!)
This competition is, obviously, based off of the Total Drama series (a show that’s near and dear to me), but you do not need any background knowledge of this show to participate! The show (and this competition) functions similarly to a Bachelor Challenge, where contestants will be routinely eliminated until there is a sole winner.
This competition will also focus on the contestants building relationships with each other (hence the drama part, which is bound to happen when you put 14 teenagers together!)
Reservations for spots are first-come-first-serve. If for any reason you'd like to give up your reservation, contact me ASAP so I can give that reservation to someone else!
Your sim must be a teen
If you had a sim compete last season, you may not resubmit that same sim. I'm looking for an all-new cast!
No occults; contestants must be human only (to prevent unfair advantages)
Contestants must not have high-level skills (they can have some level of skill but nothing above lvl 5; also to prevent unfair advantages)
Any amount and type of CC is fine, just make sure to include it when you send your sim over to me ^^
Only one outfit per category please
Must be okay with slight changes in sims' appearances (as I may use different mods/presets than you do)
Must be okay with me writing dialogue for your sims (for confessionals (example from last season here). I read all entries down to the word and will try my very best to keep everyone in their intended character)
Must be okay with the possibility of your sim entering romantic relationships with other sims (PLEASE SPECIFY THEIR SEXUALITY/ROMANTIC ORIENTATION. Sims with unspecified sexualities/romantic orientations will be assumed to be pan). Nothing NSFW will be shown or mentioned, as of course I'll be portraying minors, but please let me know if you don't want your sim to enter any romantic relationships!
Please give your sims a backstory. The more detailed the better. Describe what they're like, why they're competing on Total Drama Sims, etc.
Your sim can have any traits/aspirations
The 14 contestants will be split into 2 teams of 7
The 2 teams will compete in challenges in attempt to win invincibility (safety from being voted off). The losing team will have to vote someone off (the winning team will not be part of voting)
This process continues until 7 contestants remain. Afterwards the teams dissolve and everyone competes individually (this is known as merge). This means that only 1 contestant can win invincibility; everyone else will be at risk for elimination
When merge occurs, all eliminated contestants at that point will be eligible to rejoin the game through a special challenge. The winner of that challenge will rejoin the game (bringing the number of contestants back to 8)
This process again continues until 2 contestants remain. In the finale, all eliminated contestants will vote for a winner
Challenges will occur half the time. The other half of the competition will be socialization days, where contestants are free to socialize with each other as they please
The competition will start with a socialization day first to establish relationships before the first challenge
If the numbers between teams get too uneven, then a team swap will occur to one random contestant on the larger team
Voting will be determined by relationship dynamics and how everyone did in the challenge. Contestants who do poorly are more likely to get voted. Contestants who have a negative relationship with each other are also more likely to get voted. Conversely contestants who have a positive relationship with each other are less likely to get voted. The contestant with the most votes at the end is eliminated. All of this will be determined by a spinner (in case of a tie I will use a random number generator to determine who’s out). This will also determine who wins at the end of the competition.
This competition is mostly for the funsies, but whoever wins this competition will personally receive an actual reward from me! You have a choice between the following options:
Discord Nitro for 1 month
A tumblr badge
NO DEADLINE! Submissions will close when all 14 spots are filled/reserved. Please provide your sim's tray files as soon as convenient! (Lmk if you need help with this. I will teach you if you don't know how!)
I will be updating the number of spots reserved periodically and will announce when all 14 spots are taken, but if you're ever unsure, don't be afraid to DM me/send an ask!
That should be it! Please comment, DM me, or send an ask if you have any questions, and feel free to reblog or share this with anyone who might be interested in participating!
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birdmitosis · 2 days
Voice of the Cold for the ask game, i hope I got here first D:
OMG, you did! :D And I am so happy to answer about Cold.
First impression
Pretty sure my first impression was of him in the Spectre route, and I was curious, a bit positively inclined, mostly on the strengths of how well he fit how we got him and also how hot his voice was. 😔 Yeah, I'll admit it. I looked forward to seeing more from him and was intrigued by the seeming discrepancy between his "emotionless" claims and his blatant grudge against the Narrator.
Impression now
I LOVE COLD SO MUCH. Ohhh, he is as much of a trauma response as the rest of them and is both driven to keep himself safe and also experience something new (which is itself not safe) and also not care about safety... He is dismissive and deeply caring and he can't stand stagnancy and yet he feels at home when everything unravels into the Long Quiet. One of my Top 3 faves I think.
Favorite moment
There are a lot of moments I could choose here but I think I still have to give it to my bias: Cold in the Wraith chapter alongside Paranoid. Especially this sequence:
This has lived rent-free in my head since I first saw it, it just hits me so hard in a "none of them are fully wrong but none are fully right either" way and says so much about Cold in the context of other things... Especially the absolutely wild "If you can tolerate joy, you can tolerate pain" line, like UM EXCUSE ME?
(But the whole chapter is great, with Cheated as well as with Paranoid, but I have a bias for so many moments with the Paranoid version, like the "you think you are brave" line from Wraith and the fact that Cold must have helped with the efforts to toss the body into the void... Wraith is a severely underrated chapter, I feel!)
Idea for a story
Look, because of the way I fandom, all my ideas are for shipfic and ParaCold is 1000% my OTP, soooo...
That said, a specific idea I've actually had that I still kinda want to use with something, that I may have mentioned before, is Hunted making a point that they need each other (as a group) and at their best they cover each others' blind spots and shore up each others' weak points.
When Cold pulls something along the lines of his "I'm special" thing, Hunted ends up challenging him to a "play" fight (no actual wounds being left, "wounds" marked with something like chalk or berry juice or something, fake blade, etc.). And by the time Cold calls that he's "killed" Hunted (and so obviously he's right that he doesn't need help/he has no weak spots that actually matter), Hunted can point out that he's managed to land enough "minor" blows that Cold would be bleeding out by now too, because he doesn't guard himself at all.
(I also kinda want to look more into a super queer TTRPG called Moonlight on Roseville Beach because I wanna play around a bit with an AU for it where the six possible player character "origin stories" are filled by Hero, Contrarian, Cold, Paranoid, the Princess, and the Narrator... "[In] Moonlight on Roseville Beach, it's the summer of 1979 and you work in the village by day while protecting yourself, your housemates, and your neighbors from supernatural monstrosities and occult horrors by night," and it's in a queernorm setting where LGBTQIA+ characters are considered the norm, with a "focus on queer people succeeding at keeping themselves and their communities safe (at least for a time).")
Unpopular opinion
TBH I also agree that Cold isn't all that edgy. I think he's quite straightforward most of the time and definitely has some issues -- I think he likes prodding at some of the other characters more than some people realize but also less than some people act like, he really does jump to "we could stab" very quickly as a response, he seems happy to encourage potential violence against himself if he finds it interesting in some way, he has a surprisingly big ego -- but also blatantly cares despite how he often talks, is curious and wants new things, and seems to like connecting with the other voices and even, sometimes, the vessels.
I also think he isn't as hard to get along with as some people think, in the sense of, I think he has like three different "modes" when it comes to interacting with people:
He vibes with how you do things, in which case he goes along quite well, is agreeable and calm, and seems to like you. (Skeptic in the Drowned Grey chapter is a clear example, but so is Cheated in the Wraith I think; IMO Hero and Hunted would go here as well.)
There's enough push-and-pull there that he finds you interesting, in which case he can get a bit intense, prod you some just to see the push back, might sometimes go along just to see what you'll do, and it's a bit harder to tell if he likes you (but honestly he does). (IMO Paranoid would go here, and I do actually think Smitten goes here as well.)
Neither of the above apply, in which case he's just bored of you, and if forced into constant proximity with you, annoyed. (Stubborn in MOC is the most blatant example; IMO Broken would go here as well, ironically outside of if you somehow managed to get Cold alongside him in the Tower route.)
(The first two can be true simultaneously for some people; I feel like Contrarian would be in both. Weirdly, I feel like Opportunist is somehow in both #2 and #3? Stubborn could eventually go into #2, under better circumstances. And the Narrator fits a special category of "fuck you" where He doesn't quite fit #2 but there are some similarities, Cold just doesn't like Him.)
...This got a bit weird and long and out of Unpopular Opinion territory, huh. WELL, TL;DR Cold isn't edgy and actually likes a good number of the other voices.
Favorite relationship
I mean, y'all can guess this one, right? >_>
No, but honestly, as a ship it's definitely ParaCold. But in a totally platonic way, I also really love his dynamic with Hero in the Spectre route, especially if you free Her, and with Skeptic in the Drowned Grey chapter (okay, okay, I can see that one as either platonic or shippy). And his dynamic with the Narrator fascinates me but I can't ever see them getting along.
Favorite headcanon
I love the idea that Cold picks up new things all the time, and whether he sticks with them or not he gets surprisingly good at them first. Skills, hobbies, other languages. I can imagine his handwriting getting better more quickly than a lot of the other voices because of this, and him also managing to bond with the others over doing their hobbies with them.
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bairdthereader · 2 days
Charlie Spring, An Appreciation: Part 3, Cool
Charles Francis Spring is epically cool, and no, I won't be taking questions. Yes, Nick is undeniably awesome, and he's popular, and he's the rugby king, but Charlie is by no means outclassed here. It's even stated (by some of the rugby lads, no less) in the first comic that Charlie is generally liked wherever he goes and fits in with everyone. So let's take a stroll through the many ways Charlie embodies cool--all, it must be noted, while being his authentic self.
We'll go for the obvious first: our guy plays the drums, which has been synonymous with coolness basically since time began. And Nick agrees, so there's no point denying it. [Side note: I really wish we got to see more of Charlie playing for fun in the show. Other than when he's trying to teach Nick to play and preparing for the spring concert, we only see him play when he's upset about something. And only once in S2, which is criminal. Can't wait for that festival gig in S3.]
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If musical talent isn't enough, we've got Charlie's academic prowess. Sure, this could class him as a "nerd," but really, I think we all know this just means he's all-around brilliant. Not to mention that he's maintained his high academic standards (with the exception of that history coursework, and who could blame him) throughout some really challenging life experiences. I mean, look at Nick's I-know-the-answer-to-this-question-because-my-super-smart-boyfriend-helped-me-revise face. That's all you need to know.
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It's well established that Charlie is a "super fast" runner, so he also has physical accomplishments we can add to the list. But let's talk about rugby, because as we all know, this is not something that comes naturally or easily to Charlie. And yet. He attacks it, learns it, and ultimately succeeds. Will he ever be a rugby king? No, but the fact that he manages to go from a complete novice to a competent, productive part of the team reveals yet another facet of his determination and tenacity. And I challenge anyone who doubts Charlie to watch this little moment (with Flor's pitch-perfect "Heart" playing in the background) and still think this boy can't do anything he sets his mind to.
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Charlie may not be the rugby king, but he is indisputably the Mario Kart king. Honestly not sure why anyone bothers challenging him anymore. That throne cannot be toppled. 👑
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Charlie has a lot more self confidence than I think he's usually given credit for. He has periods of doubt, of course, but who doesn't? I love seeing these moments where his confidence is on display, whether they're big, consequential moments or quiet ones, because it shows that his past trauma hasn't completely overruled his sense of self. He knows his worth, and his strength, even if he occasionally forgets. Charlie is as strong as they come.
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Let us not overlook the fact that Charlie Spring is a huge, unapologetic (and very successful) flirt. And, I'd venture to argue, a little bit more of a smooth operator than even Nick. Even though he occasionally second-guesses himself, these flirty shenanigans reveal that Charlie has a core of confidence both in Nick's reciprocation of Charlie's feelings, but also in himself and his own desirability.
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But really, all we needed to see to know Charlie is cool is this: epic jumper collection, ripped black skinny jeans, raglans, Nick's hoodies, plaids...
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And this:
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Your honor, I rest my case.
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bruhnze · 24 hours
After the game baby - Part 3
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4
Summary: Lucy Bronze and Ona batlle are in love. They are having a great time but then Lucy doesnt think Ona is competetive enough and thinks of a way to fix that.
After the game baby - Part 3 (18+)
They had fallen asleep cuddled up.
Lucy woke up to an empty bed and the smell of scrambled eggs being cooked. She looked at the time and saw it was 1h and 25 min till they had to go.
She got out of bed and walked to the kitchen, Ona had earbuds in and was swaying to the music cutting up some food.
Lucy walked to Ona and hugged her from behind. Ona backed up to Lucy and put one of her airpods in Lucy's ear. It was reggaeton, ofcourse it was.
Lucy smiled and swayed with Ona for a bit, Ona turned around and danced with Lucy.
"Good morning Luce" ona gave Lucy a kiss on her cheek "did you sleep well?"
"Mhm" lucy was looking over onas shoulder "what are you cooking up there then?"
Ona laughed.
They had their breakfast and got ready.
1 minute before kick-off
They made the team picture and the playera gave eachother highfives and hugs. Ona hugged Lucy, and got goosebumps when she heard Lucy wisper "dont forget to score".
She looked at Lucy with a challenged look, "i will, watch me".
Ona was really focused and wanted to score, normaly it sometimes hard for her to get into the game, or she was too focused on who her opponent would be, who she had to defend. But this morning she had been completely focused.
With the warm up everyone was just fooling around a bit, when they noticed Ona taking the rondo really serious, they first joked "whe will win Ona, dont worry" Ona didnt budge, they stopped with the joking and just laughed to eachother about having a morning mood.
Ona hated that Lucy's plan seemed to be working this good, she was worried this would become regular occurance.
The wistle blew.
Barcelona immediatly pushed forward, the defending off the other team was quite okay actually, it was just the goalkeeper that was really bad. Thats why Jonatan wanted a lot off goals. It was possible, especially for Barça.
'9 - Goal from Graham, assistet by Brugts.
Good, the tone was set. Lucy thought, this will make a cut in the confidence of them. Now i can get a bit more forward aswell.
A few more chances passed and the team were up 4-0 already, the other team had gotten in their box only once and that was cleared easily. There were a few more minutes on the clock until half time.
Ona was ran up to the left corner and got the ball from Patri, she passed the defender and shot the ball to the goal. Shit she thought, when the ball left her foot, this wouldnt go in..
The GK jumped forward to punch the ball away with her fist,. But she missed.. Ona watched as she saw who stood at the back post, it could only be one.
The team ran to eachother to celebrate and Ona didnt know if she was happy for her girlfriend to score or sad that she had skrewed up the shot.
Ona patted Lucys chest smiling "good goal, great assist"
In their team hug Lucy wispered in her ear, "yeah that was a proper assist, we still need you to score though".
The whistle blew and they went to their locker room, Jonatan held a little talk. "Good, we are halfway there, 5-0 and we want 10-0, and we have 45 min left to get to our goal". "I want to compliment everyone on their focusedness, we are playing a serious game, eventhough we knew we'd win, and that the difference between professionals and amateurs" .. "now we see that setting different goals is sometimes necessery, we are at a level that winning is not enough" we are winning with 10 to 0!!!!
1,2,3 - TEAM Patri shouted and they got back to the pitch.
'88 minute, it was 10-0, a goal by Pina, her 2nd one of the match did it. The team got together and had a group hug, the team was really happy but were silenced by Ona.
"The match is not yet over guys, we stil have 2 minutes and probably 3 minutes extra time, thats 5 minutes to score another one"
Patri laughed "you want to be a captain also Ona?" "But its true, lets go, lets make Jonatan proud, show the fans what Barça Femeni is worth!!!!"
The team got back to their positions, Lucy was smiling running back to hers. She knew very well why Ona was still deadly focused and hadnt joined the celebratory mood just yet.
Ona has had 2 chances this game, the first one resultet in a Lucy goal. The second one was tapped by the GK resulting in the ball hitting the post and Aitana scoring off the deflection.
Ona needed this goal, she had almost forgotten her defending job, but the girl she was marking was not that good so it hadnt been an issue..
Until now, Ona was on the opposites half still when the opponent she had to cover was standing in a great spot to recieve the ball when the game turned over and the opponent team got the ball . "Joder" she sprinted to the player.
Right as another player wanted to pass to her opponent, Ona got inbetween, got the ball and turned around with it. Almost the whole team had ran up for the action, as they were already set to loose they wanted to try and score one to try to mess up the clean sheet.
Ona passed a few players and ran up to the opponent goal, only the GK was infront of her now. Lopez called from her left.
She knew it wouldve been the nice thing, letting the young player score, but Vicky didn't need this as much as her in this moment.
Ona chipped the goalie and ran after her ball, eventhough it was already going in. She ran in to the goal and grabbed the ball. She ran back with the ball and had the biggest smile on her face.
The team shared a hug again and the match was whistled to and end. Patri spoke up "Good job everyone, good game, but Ona you have to tell me now, why were you so determent to score" Pina and a few others laughed "yeah, you got an ex in that team or something?"
Ona turned red "no guys, i just have a strong mentality, every game is important, this says more about you guys than me"
"Okay miss professional" Mapi laughed, as the other players from the bench also joined the celebration "you sure you dont just hang around with Bronze to much"
"Hey" Lucy called "there is no such thing as being too competetive"
Everyone laughed, they walked off and most players went to take some pictures with the fans.
After recovery, what they had immidiatly after because it was a morning game, they all had lunch together and after that they had some more recovery.
Lucy wondered in to the dininghall, looking for Ona. She had just gotten out of the icebath and felt quite good, she had played the whole game, but her opponent hadn't been very physically challenging.
She spotted Ona, Ona sat at the table with Vicky and a few others, there was no chair left there.
Ona caught Lucy's eyes and smiled, then looked at her table and signed that Lucy could grab a chair and put it next to her.
Lucy wanted to walk to her and do just that, when Mapi came behind her and pushed her to the side, come on Bronze, sit with us, dont fall a sleep standing in the middle of the hall. Being completely oblivious to the thing Lucy was doing.
So Lucy sat with other the other players and they were laughing and eating, she couldn't help glancing over to Ona every now and then.
Ona seemed to be completely caught up in conversation with her table, they were drasticly waving with their hands and from the other side of the hall Lucy could hear they were speaking in Catalan. Their table broke out in laughter, so it must've been a funny conversation.
Paños cought "helloo, hellooo, i thought you could understand spanish" . Lucy turned "Si, si, sorry what"
Ingrid and Mapi laughed "its not the language, she'd sit with Ona probably, thats it" "yeah" ingrid said "they look at eachother with hearteyes all day"
"What was up with Ona anyway" Paños said.
"Wha- what do you mean?" -lucy
The table laughed, "why did she have to score so bad, that last one she couldve passed to Vicky but she scored herself, and the whole game actually, she was way more forward focussed"
"I dont know" lucy laughed "i guess the game was important to her"
It was 4pm when the finally had gotten home.
Ona parked and walked to the elevator, Lucy grabbed the bags and followed. She smiled "didnt even have to fight to carrie the bags, wow".
Ona looked at Lucy, and came back to the here and now as if she had her head in the clouds before. "Sorry, was distracted, wanted to get home as quick as possible"
Lucy grinned "a i see, thats why you declined the invitation to chill with Vicky and the rest" "didnt you wanna hang by the swimming pool?"
The elevator stopped at their floor and Ona pushed Lucy to the door. "Open the door"
Lucy gulped, she liked this very much, she had Ona right were she wanted her.
Lucy opened the door, being very pleased with herself, she discarded of the bags and was then pushed back into the wall of their hallway.
Ona had shut the door and was now pressed against Lucy. She kissed Lucy's neck and ear and wispered "i scored'. She felt Lucy getting chills and kissed her neck furter.
Lucy took Ona's face and brought it to her own. "Yeah you did, now let me reward you"
They kissed and Lucy lifted Ona from the ground. Ona put her legs around Lucys waist and still kissing they walked to their bed.
Lucy turned and sat on the bed, so that Ona now sat on her lap. Ona took of her shirt and Lucy did the same, after that she went to kiss Ona's neck.
Ona cupped the back of Lucys neck, she groaned and looked up.
"What do you want baby" lucy spoke against Onas skin inbetween kisses
Ona kissed lucy and her hips started to grind against Lucys right thigh.
Lucy smiled, usually she would push and get Ona to use her words, but today she deserved to bo treated nice. "Lets undress then cariño"
Ona whimpered and stood up, she got naked in .2 seconds
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 5 months
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Welcome to the Dungeons of Fear and Hunger.
#Fear and Hunger#D'arce Cataliss#Cahara#Ragnvaldr#Enki Ankarian#Unlike Dungeon Meshi - I cannot in good faith recommend this game to a broad audience.#My background with F&H goes as follows: I am hanging out with a friend. He says “hey try this game I've been playing.” I say “Okay!”#I have never heard of this game. I pick the mercenary. I go through 5 min of character history and background. I am mauled to death by dogs#It took me 4 resets to even get in the dungeon. But I finally get there. I am caught by a guard. He cuts off all but one of my limbs#I am forced to crawl around in a blood and corpse pit until the game tells me 'give up idiot'.#I reset. I am mauled by dogs again. I realize this is not for me but I am intrigued enough to go home and watch some playthroughs#And WOW what an interesting game it is! I really do appreciate games that blend their design philosophy with the theme it wants to set#This is a game about fear and hunger. And persevering. And penis (my god is there a lot of penis)#I recommend this to people who like extremely challenging games and can handle the many *content warnings* within this series#If the idea of Bloodborne/eldenring and undertale having a little RPG maker baby sounds appealing to you - give it a shot#It's made by ONE GUY and it's a great horror game. I am just really bad at it.#My friends just enjoy putting me in situations where I scream and yell. We don't talk about the corn mazes. Or the other horror game nights#Apparently I'm funny when I'm Scared!#As people who follow me on twitter might know; I am deep in the pits of this series right now. I will be back with more art.
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bogkeep · 4 months
truly videogames are such a good medium for stories where Something Is Wrong With Time... every game with a saving mechanic has a time travel function, be it acknowledged in universe or not. games can give you the option to experience pieces of story in a non-linear fashion or skip them entirely. time and timing is no longer bound to the confines of a movie's runtime or pages of a book...!
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emmafaeru · 1 year
one of the things that's insane to me about terraria is it's lack of online prescence. it's the 10th best selling video game of all time. there's like 3 people who make videos about it. it's been around for 13 years. there's not even 400 fics tagged as terraria on ao3. 45 million people have played it. there are maybe 4 pieces of fanart somwhere if you really dig for them. and the crazy part is I totally agree. I have never wanted to create about terraria. I have rarely if ever wanted to consume content about terraria. this is a game I have a disgusting amount of hours in and I would give a very high rating of and I have never once gone feral over it like I have with other things I consume. terraria is this ball of awesomeness of a game mixed with this complete fucking undecipherable void of a prescence and i think it's insane
#if we're actually thinking about why though#1) the complete lack of story/worldbuilding/setting/ heavily discourages any attempt of a narrative#it would be like trying to write a captivating story about minecraft steve in minecraft block world#'but minecraft has so many stories thought up in it! like [insert minecraft smp]'#2) yes but consider that minecraft's relatively short - and frankly unfulfilling - progression#means that after you beat minecraft the only thing left to do is to create - either with yourself or other people#which incidentally is also why minecraft servers are such a big thing - becuase of that natural steer into playing with other ppl#however (as anyone who's tried to beat it knows) terraria has a LOT of progression - and it's all built to be extremly satisfying progress#which means when you beat terraria. you can beat it again! in any one of 2098456 ways you choose all of which give you a unique playthrough#incidentally this is also why in my experience servers are so much less of a thing in terraria#while the modding scene is sososo much bigger and relevant - tapping into that 'replay the thing but DIFFERENT' again type of replayability#I'm comparing terraria and minecraft btw because both are sandbox games but they have wildly different prescences#and often times people will write minecraft having more content down as 2d/terraria being more limiting creatively#but actually some of the prettiest builds in a videogame I've seen were in 2d/terraria#I think there's a more fundamental difference at play there#in the type of replayability that mc and terraria offer#one kind of forces you to create or play with others if you want more out of it#while the other offers this kind of seemingly endless well of challenges that never steers you in that co-op/creative direction#both are great in their own right#but it means that minecraft has more content 'staying power' as it is a space designed first and foremost to steer players into creating#and also most importantly - cooperating and playing with others to creat together#while terraria more often focuses on that core gameplay experience/challenge#while never steering/forcing players into that creating/co-opting space#unless they intentionally seek out that experience for themselves#see - the terraria builder community (not massive last time I checked) and server players (I don't think they exist)#also 3) eye of cthullu is stupid hard to draw in 3d without doubling over laughing#like 👁️ <- oh man look who's floating ominously!! he sure is gonna getchu!!#^ I ramble about things#also i still think terraria is better than minecraft. for the record
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tw: abuse discussion, intimate partner violence, grooming discussion, power and control. Trying to be vague here and not fly too close to the muse Sun
Re: red tv and the manuscript discourse, I wonder if people realize that it is actually possible to have abusive/toxic/harmful relationships with people your own age, too? Like even if Taylor and jg were 2 years apart, harm still could’ve occurred….? Like it was obviously not grooming bc that is a very specific set of experiences usually involving a child and a person in a position of trust/power like a parent or teacher or coach etc (I know this bc I lived it!!!). But like… that is not the only kind of harm that can happen to young people???? Her youth/naivety was definitely a factor in how fucked up the situation was but it was not the only element. Power dynamics do not begin and end at age. Adults can fuck each other up, too…
#This is not a vague post I promise#I’m just in awe of some anons other blogs get about this#And I think what lots of people are calling “grooming” is actually what we call “love bombing”#training someone to ignore harmful behaviors by showering them with affection/praise/apologies after tension building and explosion phases#You wear your best apology type vibes#The last time#and that behavior often occurs without the love-bomber realizing they’re doing it#People who cause harm rarely set out to do it with evil in their hearts#But it can still be abusive#And that gets murky when the only perspective we take on harm is from the carceral system#Like oh but he didn’t mean it and he loved her and he didn’t force her so it obviously wasn’t abuse (not necessarily jg here! Generally)#but like the truth is that people do have real love for those they hurt. And they often do genuinely feel guilty and apologetic!#Doesn’t make it okay or excusable! And people should feel safe/empowered to leave but that can be Uh.. challenging#But yeah it is extremely clear to me what happened with jg and it is at best toxic as fuck and at worst… coercion and manipulation#Taylor has every right to be traumatized by that situation like it was Very Bad and lasted So Long and deeply influenced her self-image#“He said that because she was so wise beyond her years everything had been above board… she wasn’t sure” is all I need to know tbh#He knew exactly the ways that midnight rain and dear john had changed her and he used all of that to play The Good Guy#And used that to convince her to sleep with him repeatedly (off and on at his whim for years)#Like!!! Not good!!!#C#relationships#abuse#ipv#gbv#trauma#would’ve could’ve should’ve hours#The manuscript#all too well#dear john#jg
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outeremissary · 25 days
Running a TTRPG for complete beginners is always interesting in terms of where people fall on character concepts- like, I've seen a lot of beginners whose first question is "what can you do in the game" and then make the most basic interpretation of one of the first few archetypes they grasp (scholar wizards, knight fighters, etc), but when you go "it's a game of imagination" some of them will leap ahead with huge and amazingly specific concepts that the question is then "how do we bring this to the table mechanically according to your vision." All systems are created to do certain things and to suggest certain modes of play and archetypes- I've seen big dreams for every system I've run for or tried to set up a game for. I just really enjoy seeing both ends of the spectrum with people who are new to a game or to TTRPGs in general: what do I think the entry point is vs what is my biggest dream based on the idea of the game.
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raiiny-bay · 10 months
ok i think i have a plan for simblreen: monster boyz/apocalypse CC pack, monster boyz short story, & maaaaybe a mini apocalypse event in which all of your sims/OCs can get put into the MBz universe
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my-thoughts-and-junk · 3 months
hate it in yandere horror games when even the romantic path has flavor text like "he's so fucking creepy and i hate him but also he's so handsome" like no you're godmodding im hanging up
#random thoughts#listen there are three yandere love interest horror protags#the naive one who accidentally friendzones the yandere because their head is dense as brick#the normal verging on aggressive one who shuts down all advances and threatens to call the cops#and the one who is actually into the yandere#the third one doesn't have as much of a stable story structure already built in so a lot of games ive seen have trouble with it#like the ending'll be 'we ran away together' or 'he killed me out of love' or 'i freaked him out and became the yandere' or 'i can fix him'#or 'i can fix him (gets fucking bodied)' or 'my friend is trying to keep us apart so he killed them' cuz like#'naive and friendly' and 'good at setting and enforcing boundaries' tend to play off 'fucked up romatic interest' in very limited ways#like the dynamics ARE interesting but there's not much variation to be had#because yknow. those are personality traits.#unless you're actively trying to subvert the norm 'naive and friendly' usually lends itself to soft innocent characters#and 'good at setting and enforcing boundaries' becomes Generic Bitchy Main Character#the kind whose entire personality is being snarky and whose boundaries are usually challenged by the narrative#as though they are unreasonable and should be done away with#(not always but enough it is noticable! god)#anyways so the main character being established as being into the yandere love interest is . . . complicated#mainly because any personality traits of the mc would depend on the dynamic between the mc and the lo#which would depend on the lo's personality which varies WILDLY#(like imagine an mc who is in love with sunny day jack vs fucking. shuu iwamine. completely different)#(or like. shuu iwamine and the witch from cherrywitched! if you wanna compare characters with common interests)#but like the thing about dating sims is the mc is meant to be a placeholder for viewers like you#and any choice you make is meant to be 'in character' for you at any point in the playthrough#so a series of choices designed specifically for ONE ROUTE would stick out like a sore thumb#like those old creepypasta 'would you survive' quizzes where it's obvious which choices you were supposed to make#so ive noticed people tend to just... merge the aggressive headstrong personality and the lovestruck personality together#which honestly im not THAT mad about#because the main draw of yanderes is the idea someone can be in love with you no matter your flaws#and you can just lose yourself in the feeling of being loved#and a bit of protesting can keep you feeling like youre still the innocent while ALSO getting dicked down ran out of tags damn
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kirnet · 1 year
I’ve been workshopping a battle royal dnd map for maybe like level 10 characters that I need to play test so if that sounds like a game You’d wanna join lemme know 👀
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asterdeer · 1 month
my third (full) run is about halfway through act 2 and my major updates are:
the astarion romance is progressing EEP this is exciting, finally making some HEADWAY
knowing next to nothing about minthara and yet nearly recreating her with my tav (blonde lolthsworn drow oath of vengeance paladin with a noble background) is Some Kind of Coincidence
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sttoru · 2 months
fav concubine trying to top but sukuna is... sukuna so he fucks her full nelson <3
𝝑𝑒 SYNOPSIS. trying to show lord sukuna that you can indeed be on top of him in bed ends up backfiring almost immediately & results in you nearly passing out.
wc. 1.2k
tags. true form!sukuna x concubine!female reader. smut, pwp. size difference. full nelson position. degredation. objectification. mention of (almost) passing out. reader gets called ‘doll, little girl, woman.’ beta read? nope
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“i can do it, my lord,” you huff stubbornly. you don’t know where you got the courage from to be so assertive tonight. maybe it’s because of sukuna’s earlier words—those mocking words that he uttered to get a rise out of you. or to see you scared, perhaps.
‘y’re gonna need to do a lot more to keep me entertained, doll. gonna get bored of ya if y’ don’t.’
the sentences repeat in your head like a never ending chant. on one hand, you know sukuna was simply trying to play with your emotions, but on the other hand, you’re afraid that there might be some truth to his words. so, you take up the challenge.
“y’ can’t do shit, little girl,” sukuna rolls his eyes as he sees you climb onto his lap. his thick thighs are spread, his broad back against the headboard of the bed.
he doesn’t even try helping you like he usually does, with his hands guiding your hips. if you’re stubborn enough to try and be on top of the king of curses out of all people, you’re going to get minimal help.
“yes i can,” you mumble with a sense of uncertainty in your voice. you’ve never really done any of this. you’re usually on the receiving end, having sukuna easily move and bend your body however he sees fit. you’ve never imagined being in his place, “just watch me, my lord.”
you’re desperate to please him. you’re scared to lose your position as his favorite. you let the words get to your head—just like sukuna expected. the fact that you’re so gullible makes him stifle a condescending laugh.
“all ‘m seeing is you struggling to ride me,” the tall man clicks his tongue and his eyes lazily watch your attempts to sink down on his two, hard and dripping cocks. the contact his leaking tips makes with your cunt is enough to make sukuna grunt.
he’s trying hard to not slam you down on him fully. he’s used to take control—too used to it. seeing you struggle to even start is making him impatient.
“i-i’ll get it eventually, my lord,” you hiccup, nervous because of the fact that you’re on top of such a huge man. he’s staring at you menacingly, all his arms crossed over his chest. your hips tremble as you slide one of his cocks into your warm pussy, both of you hissing at the direct contact.
you try to fit the other in the same hole, but you simply cannot handle it at the moment. his upper dick slips right out and bumps against your clit instead. you clumsily fumble with the same one, trying to make place for it in your cunt.
sukuna can’t hold it in anymore. having you clamping down on one of his massive cocks, his girth stretching your small canal to fit all of it to the base and your face contorting in both discomfort and pleasure is making him lose it. “this isn’t gonna work. need to fuck you properly, doll.”
you’re not even one minute in and he’s yanked your small body off his lap, forcefully turning you around until your back is pressed against his chest and your head is rolled back to rest near his shoulder. sukuna’s upper hands hold your legs up by the back of your knees. his bottom set of hands wrap around his cocks and pushes one through your sensitive cunt whilst he fists the other.
“fff— mhhh! my lord! nonono,” you tear up. partially because the sudden intrusion hurts your insides and the stretch is unexpected, but mainly because you’re scared that sukuna’s angry with you. you don’t wish to lose his interest in you, “i’m sorry, let me try again.”
the king of curses slaps your clitoris harshly after that comment of yours. “that a demand? foolish woman,” he scoffs and his hips thrust upwards against the fat of your ass. squelchy noises fill the chambers and spill outside of the room—it’s loud. the bed creaking is unmissable as well with how fast he’s pounding you.
sukuna bites into your shoulder and holds back his grunts like that. he’s relentless, drilling into your cunt so hard that you’re getting numb. your body is limp in his beefy arms and your rationality leaves your mind. you’re more than overwhelmed.
“sorry, ‘m sorry,” you whine and try to babble about something, but it’s all incoherent. you’re feeling lightheaded due to how much you’re taking of him. it feels amazing, soul ascending, but your emotions are in the way. even when you try not to show any attachment to the man you swore not to like.
sukuna ignores your pleas. his focus is on your slutty cunt swallowing every inch of his lower dick like its nothing. you’re used to it—he’s made you used to it—and somehow you’re still as tight as the first time. that and your submission to him is exciting. your adorable noises. the form of your body as it fits perfectly against his like you’re made for him.
you are made for him. your purpose is to please him, submit to him and give him what he deserves. that’s why he keeps you around.
“stop y’r whining,” sukuna grumbles. your knees are forced up against your ears and your tits are bouncing with each harsh thrust. “y’r a dumb fucking thing,” the king of curses presses down on the bottom of your stomach, increasing the pleasure for you, whilst also pleasing himself by knowing how deep you’re taking him, “do you think ‘m actually going to let you go?”
your eyes widen as sukuna picks up on your internal worries. you know there’s no hiding your feelings from him, even if you don’t talk about them to him. it’s like he can sense them. or see right through you with those piercing red eyes that leave you shivering for days.
“y’re too delicious to let go of. i don’t intend on letting anyone else get a taste of this pussy,” sukuna smirks and his tongue rolls out to lick your left ear. you gasp at the feeling and moan right after. you don’t try being quiet. you don’t care if anyone hears you. the reassurance was all you needed.
everyone around the estate knows you’re getting your guts rearranged by the same lord they serve. it’s the same routine every day.
“y’re mine,” sukuna grumbles and speeds up his thrusts until you’re seeing stars. you’re not sure if you can hold out for much longer. you can already feel your orgasm building up—and judging by sukuna’s tight grip on your thighs—he’s close to emptying himself deep inside you as well.
you try your best to keep up with everything, but your human mind can only focus on so much at once. you mumble some words in agreement as your head tilts to the side, your vision turning blurry and fuzzy, “all yours, m’lord.”
sukuna grins mischievously. he’s completely won you over. he’s got you wrapped around his finger. you’re easy, even if you think you’re the complete opposite. the skilled curse knows just what to say to make you all putty in his hands.
you’re gullible. easily manipulated. a perfect target for his mockery and teasing. that’s why he always has fun with you—whether it’d be in bed or not. his comment earlier was just to mess with you.
and expected, you walked right into his trap. you’re his favorite. his favorite to play around with. his favorite human.
“all mine. only mine.”
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