#and it's OCs for mr men of all things
dear-ol-bot · 1 year
The Dear Ol's
Hello! I've been meaning to create stories with these characters but have been pretty lazy! Didn't help that I got Covid also and then immediately got another illness after that where I got prescribed medicine that makes you sleepy as a side effect RIP
(I meant to finish this on the first day of this month and I started like a few days before that so I guess that's how things are going)
So the Dear Ol' thing is like my own take on what a title(?) for nonbinary characters in the Mr Men universe would be like! The idea was to make the title as general as possible! Honestly, I'm still wondering if it should have been "Ol'" or "Old"! I know that Mx exists though! I do like it and I honestly don't remember why I don't just use that, but I'm much too attached to "Dear Ol'" at this point tbh! Oh, maybe this Dear Ol' thing could just be my own thing now that I think about it LOL
Anyways, I actually came up with some Dear Ol' characters! Press "Read More" for some Dear Ol's that I came up with as of current! I haven't designed how they would look yet, but I have some general ideas! I will either draw them individually (like as on the covers of the books) first, or just draw them all in one picture, or reveal them along with their own story (please trust that I will actually not be lazy and create them eventually (impossible))! So far, I only have a general idea of their personality and plot!
Dear Ol' Oblivious
As if living in their own bubble, they tend to be very oblivious to what is happening around them! Not only that, but it seems that they are not able to read between the lines! You have to tell them precisely what you want or what you mean or else they just won't get it!
Dear Ol' Memory
They actually have another alternative name, which is Dear Ol Archivist! This character was truly inspired by the Internet Archive, hence the alternative name! Dear OI' Memory is the kind of people who would love to write in their diaries, take pictures, and maybe even make scrapbooks with them!
The story reveals the reason why they feel like it is important for them to keep these memories, but I think you may be able to guess what the reason may be already! Maybe it's something that you may personally relate to?
You can't stop the whimsy.
Dear Ol' Whimsy
A pretty jolly fellow, just living their own life, hopping around trees and buildings and sometimes doing a silly little dance just for the heck of it! They're pretty tiny too, probably the tiniest one on this list! Seeing them living their life would probably make witnesses feel a little bit joyful and whimsical themselves!
Just hope that you don't become their target whenever they decide to feel just a bit mischievous that day! Even if you do get targeted, please do not make too funny of a reaction that you become one of their regular targets!
Sure, you can always try to stop them from playing tricks on you! Maybe even try to stop them from being so whimsical if you don't like whimsy! Try as you might, but soon enough you'll learn a very important lesson!
Dear Ol' Elusive
Ok, so this is a very strange one because I technically have finished drawing them! That's because you won't be able to see them at all or at least not that much, not even on the cover! This obviously won't be a good idea for a book just for that alone LOL
The plot for this one is also very strange! I'm actually not too sure if this story would work or end at all! The story is that some of the other characters have managed to see a glimpse of them, though not enough to confidently define some features! It's just that whenever they look even a millisecond at them, they kind of just ran away! Nobody knew who this is and why they keep escaping. Some of them had been making theories on what kind of person they may be, and some of them even tried to look for them and might even go so far as to try to trap them just so they can get some answers! However, this whole ordeal does bring up some interesting questions: just when are we going too far to know someone, and do we really need to know who they are?
Dear Ol' Villain
Dear Ol' Kind
Dressed like a villain, acts like a villain, too bad it takes more than that to be one! They really want to be a villain just because they feel like it's so much more fun than being all nice, but unfortunately for them, they're really awful at trying to do evil things!
It seems that in pretty much every evil scheme that they carry out, there's always a positive thing that comes out of it that greatly outweighs the con! Basically this one ProZD skit (they're literally based on this skit)
Of course, because of that, nobody really considers them as a threat! They're kind of a cringefail tbh, the poor thing! At least they will also have a happy ending in their story!
Probably the simplest character in here, they are simply a very kind person! They always try to give help to those who need them, and do not expect anything in return!
Their plot doesn't revolve around how kind they are though! Instead, it will be about a rather unusual but welcome chain of events one day caused by one of their kind gestures! A chain of events that they don't even realize was caused by them!
Dear Ol' Bot
Oh no this isn't a character, it's actually just me, but I do have Dear Ol' on my name after all LOL
I guess this technically doubles as a reintroduction!
Hello there!!!! I really like robots and machines and stuff! That's actually why I named myself Dear Ol' Bot! :]
Anyways hope you guys will like these characters when they're finished!!!!
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bcneheaded · 6 months
u see my problem is that I want to WRITE but i also want to DRAW the shop boys smfh.... i want both..
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jeoncasino · 2 months
Prospects | teaser |
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Tired of life and all it had to bring for you, things take a turn when you find out two of your friends start to take a liking to you. With newfound emotions and a whole lot of drama, what happens when they start competing for your love?
Pairings: JJK x fem! reader [x KNJ]
Genre: college au, love triangle, friends to lovers, fluff, angst, slow burn, eventual smut.
Tags: rich! jjk, law student! jjk, dark hair! jjk, sweet! jjk, jealous! jjk, needy! jjk, obsessed! jjk, but also dom! jjk, slightly toxic! jjk, english major! knj, boy bsf! knj, co-worker! knj, husband material! knj, brown hair! knj, sweet! knj, jealous! knj, sad knj:(, everything’s so complicated and everyone’s in denial, jk's love language is physical touch and acts of service, jk has mommy issues so he's too attached to oc, joonie is so sweet i feel bad for him, gguk will try everything in his power to make oc his, ggukkie lowkey hates joonie lol, my characters are flawed don’t expect them to be perfect.
Warnings: jealousy.
⋆ †₊ Series Masterlist
Minors do not interact.
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“So, what are we having today, Mr. Jeon? Will you get me a cookie again?” you teased, looking up at him from behind the counter with those captivating eyes Jeongguk couldn’t get enough of lately.
He smiled sheepishly. “You know you owe me eight bucks, right?”
You gasped. “Hello? You literally beg me to take your cookies!” Pointing a finger at him, you both laughed. Just as he was about to defend himself, a stern voice interrupted.
“Y/n, I can take over if you’d like. Go on your break now.” Your shift manager, Namjoon, appeared beside you, pushing you aside with his hip in a friendly manner, trying to lighten his previous tone. After apologizing to Jeongguk and saying it was your duty to follow your manager’s orders, you left.
Jeongguk was immediately irritated. This wasn’t the first time Namjoon had come between you two, always trying to distract you and take you away from him whenever he had the chance. It was obvious that the man you called your best friend didn’t plan on staying friends forever, and the only one who couldn’t see it was you. The funny part? Jeongguk didn’t know why that bothered him most.
Both men, irritated by each other’s presence, exchanged heavy, intense gazes. Namjoon spoke first. “Your order?”
Jeongguk leaned over the counter, gripping the edges so hard his knuckles turned white. “Pull this move one more time, and I’ll get you fired,” he said through clenched teeth.
“Mr. Jeon,” Namjoon mimicked, “I’m just trying to take your order.”
Jeongguk fumed. “Cut the act, Namjoon. You know you hate that she likes me, even after you’ve tried to throw dirt on me just to get a chance,” Jeongguk stepped back. “Which, by the way, is nonexistent.”
And just like that, Jeongguk broke the moment and walked out of the café.
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Author: what do we think what do we thinkkk, yall liked it yall hated it lmkk. if any of you are interested in joining the taglist for these series also lmk!!
This is a work of fiction. The scenes, characters and events depicted are purely fictional and not intended to represent real-life procedures or individuals. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Do not use this story as your own.
@jeoncasino 2024 ©
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cozymoko · 2 months
Ohh!!! Can i have fruitykawa with a reader who's kind of insecure about their relationship with him? Like,yes she's aware that they are married and all,but Fruity is such a wealthy (and handsome) man that surely there are alot of women around him. It makes her feel upset and tries to distance herself from him.
🌕 anon
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It's been a while since I updated. Shoutout to my homie, 🟡 anon for this request. Kinda got burnt out at the end, but I tried my best. Enjoy~!
Pairing: Hachiro Furukawa x Female! Reader (1.9k words)
Format: Headcanons, mini scenarios
WARNING(S): yandere themes, jealousy, insecurity, mentions of cutting (plastic surgery).
Synopsis: Hachiro Furukawa, my oc, with a wife who's insecure due to him being so handsome! (≧∇≦)/
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Being WEDDED to the BEST is not for the weak-spirited. You had to appear stronger — better than the average woman so that they wouldn't dare question the legitimacy of your place. With your status, a ring costing nothing less than a fortune would never be enough. 
Your marriage had become public only a few years ago. Due to Hachiro's wishes. Yet that didn't seem to stop many promiscuous women from testing their luck. You bit back the unladylike words bubbling in your throat as they approached him. Fluttering their long lashes and flashing their pearly white teeth.
Models, lawyers, entrepreneurs: the party was bustling with so many. For a moment, you felt like nothing more than a pretty little accessory.
“Mr. Furukawa, how nice of you to make an appearance!” The host's eyes shift to you, thick and clouded with disdain. “It's a joy you brought the misses with you this evening.” The snarkiness of his tone was palpable. It seems the host wasn't exactly a fan of you, but then again, who was? After all, no one bothered to hide their curious gazes when Furukawa was not within earshot. But all you could do was hold your husband's arm just a little tighter.
The women especially.
"Is that Furukawa? Isn't he just dashing!"
"Wah~! He's even taller than I imagined!"
"Do you think he'll drink with me?"
Tightly sewn dresses, embracing the ladies that adorned them. Various warm shades painted lightly across their lips. Bouncy twists and swirls curled into their hair. Bedroom eyes peering over the many men scattered across the room; married or not. It's safe to say you weren't exactly pleased that your husband was one of the few.
You often hid yourself behind layers of lovely fabrics and excellent posture, in hopes of maintaining your modesty. In your eyes, it only seemed right that you matched the appearance and aura of that of your Husband. Though it seems each and every day was a torturous test of your self-restraint.
Nonetheless, you were never one to lose your composure. A straight face was essential in any type of business setting. Sure, you weren't as deadpan as Furukawa, but you could definitely play the "cold wife" role perfectly.
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RECENTLY, you've had QUITE THE OBSESSION with FASHION. You have encountered plenty of upcoming entrepreneurs, many of who you've managed to befriend. One of your closest ones is a fashion designer.
She would soon be introducing her new line of work after months of a troublesome hiatus. So, after pulling a little bit if strings, you were able to help her out. By strings, you mean asking Hachiro for some assistance. With his support of the project, people were bound to come and see the clothes. Granted, he was skeptical of your request, it didn't take him long to break and give you what you want.
That evening, the two of you attended an induction ceremony for the company's new clothing line. Hachiro had no reason to attend, but the grin on your face was much too difficult to resist. Just knowing that he made you happy warms his heart immensely. You were the cutest.
But, all good things, of course, come to an end.
“Oh, my! Look who decided to grace us with his presence.” A woman with rosy lips approached the two of you, swaying her hips a bit too much for your liking. “Hachiro, dear, it's been so long since I've seen you!”
Even other women didn't dare to acknowledge you, especially in the company of Hachiro himself. He didn't take kindly to people dismissing your presence. But this girl, definitely had some guts.
“Inoue,” he hums languidly, watching her in masked disdain. “I'd rather you not address me so informally in such a public setting.”
That's right, KAMIKO INOUE, one of the top models that had recently taken Japan by storm. You were expecting her appearance after Hachiro's announced sponsorship, but her rudeness surprised you a bit. Especially her addressing your husband as though they were closer than friends.
You scoff, looking away from the two. Seeing how you'd much rather watch them set up than listen to Inoue's mindless flirting. Hachiro placed his hand on the small of your back, rubbing gentle circles into your skin. But you couldn't dare look into his tender gaze, knowing of the possessiveness bursting within your chest.
She giggled, “How silly of you, Hachiro!” She reached her manicured hand out to grab his free arm just for him to grab her by the wrist.
“Please refrain from touching me so familiarly, Inoue. I'm a married man, and I'd be simply overjoyed if you would respect that.” He gave her a smile that didn't quite reach his steely eyes, before pulling you flush against his chest.
A bright red bloomed across your skin at his affection. Hachiro never showed too much PDA. "You have a photo shoot to attend to, no?" He asks coldly. "Me and my wife will be sure to cheer you on from the sidelines.
That soiled your mood for the evening. Snatching the genuine smile from your lips and replacing it with one faker than the plastic on that whore's skin. For once in your life you were truly feeling vulnerable.
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YOU had CONTEMPLATED GOING UNDER the KNIFE more times than YOU CARE to ADMIT. Not for your own pleasure, but the sake of your sanity. You didn't know what you'd do if you saw another beautiful woman talk to your husband.
Even in your youth, he was the center of attention. He had captured the hearts of many girls from various levels of wealth. You would know as you were one of them. But you were in no way richer or as elegant as the others who approached him. So why did he choose you? You asked yourself.
That night you had taken the guest room. It felt cold and quiet. Absent of the usual scratching of pens and occasional shuffling of papers you had grown accustomed to. The pleasant rumble of his chest as he attempts to entertain you whilst working. But you couldn't bring yourself to lay by his side with such heinous thoughts roaming your mind. You were able to fall into a long, dreamless slumber. But not without the company of a few heavy tears and a single question.
Were you selfish?
From that day, you didn't bother answering his calls, whether it be morning or dawn. You didn't bother visiting him during those long hours he slaved away at the company, though many times you truly wanted to. You didn't bother to allow your personal driver to pick you up, and if he tried, you merely snuck out of the house.
Any and everything reminded you of him, and that alone rendered you to tears. While he was away, you didn't allow yourself to be another burden pestering him on his business trip. You couldn't allow it.
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THE FLIGHT HOME was DREADFULLY SILENT. Aside from the tapping of someone's sleek dress shoes. Hachiro had not so much as uttered a word since boarding the plane, nor did he intend on it. For if he did, nothing kind would leave his mouth. Perhaps a, "hurry up," or two — or three. But all of it was for the sake of his sanity.
Hachiro needed his wife, desperately.
You slip through the large double doors, entering your bedroom with wary steps. It was quiet, as expected, and without your presence, it felt almost dead. A week had passed since you last drowned in the warm duvet. A week had passed since you relished in his scent nestled deep within its silk. And oh how you missed the smell of him. Finally, at peace, your shoulders dropped. You took a seat on the edge of your bed. Under your confident front, you were only one person. One person with one mind; though you usually had two. Hachiro and your own. But your pride didn't allow you to confine in the man you loved. What were you scared of? Being shamed, or perhaps laughed at — scolded? Though none of it seemed likely, you could not shake the feeling of embarrassment that held you on a tight leash. CREAK! You jumped, startled by the sudden weight pressed against your back. "Thank God you're safe," your heart swelled at the sound of his voice. The voice of not a stranger, but a lover — a partner. Hachiro grabs you by the chin and lifts your face up. You quickly recoil away in shame, praying he didn't get a peek at your messy face. The need to prove yourself had increased tenfold, you couldn't allow yourself to falter in his presence. “look at me, [Name]," he whispered softy. Hachiro lifts your head once more, swiping away the tears rolling down your cheeks. "You're crying? Tell me what's troubling you. I can help you, [Name]."
And just like that, you broke. Loud, anguished sobs tore through your throat. Your stomach fluttered at the familiar smell of citrus and mint. You couldn't get enough of it. His arms were warm and comforting, and you couldn't deny the safety you felt by his side. His embrace was stronger than anything you've ever known, as if holding him wasn't enough, you held him as though he were your lifeline. It wasn't your intention to tell him, but you just couldn't help it. Each and every thought was placed on the table. The insecurities that you felt bestowed before him. The people you despised and envied slipped past your lips without thinking. All while Hachiro cooed sweet nothings in your ear, promising you his loyalty until his last breath. “God, you're so beautiful,” he whispered, running his thumb through the swollen flesh of your eyes. His usually cold eyes burned with something you couldn't possibly describe. “I can hardly control myself sometimes.” You stared at him dumbfounded — in utter disbelief. His glasses must've been dirty, you thought. Your hair was a literal wreck. And the past couple of weeks had not been too kind to your skin. Small breakouts peppering your cheeks from stress; bags that could carry at least a ton of sorrow nestled beneath your eyes. Surely his vision was just a little blurry. But upon further inspection, you couldn't spot not a spec of dirt on his lenses. Upon your lack of response, he hums, leaning in a bit closer. “I'm serious, dear.” You huff, burying your face into his neck as your skin takes on a feverish shade of red. Damn him for being so attractive. You felt like a high schooler all over again. Smiling softly, you held him closer. “You're the best, Hachi.”
Hachiro sat awake by your side, gently stroking your back with easy motions. His lips had found themselves on your warm skin. And his heart beating vastly at the things you had confessed to him. The possessiveness you had experienced for him. The jealousy and anguish that had consumed you on his behalf.
Of course, he never wanted to see you upset, but seeing how you value him makes him a bit selfish. Just seeing you made him snap a little on the inside. His rational mind fought for control over his need to have you, to prove his love to you. But he decided against it. He would be sure to show you how deeply his love runs on a later occasion. But for now, he settled for cradling you in his arms. Promising to take all those bitter emotions away from you.
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“Good morning, Japan!” Shouted the host. “It's come to our attention that Ms. heartthrob Kamiko Inoue has quit the modeling industry after a life-threatening accident!”
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©CozyMoko, all rights reserved. Don't repost my work on other platforms.
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hotvintagepoll · 7 months
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Hermione Baddeley (Brighton Rock, Passport to Pimlico, Mary Poppins)— An absolute mainstay of British films from this period. She’s an icon who never takes shit from anyone in any of her movies, dresses for the occasion, and has the best line delivery! Also she started out in silent movies, and was a close friend of Noel Coward. In a desperate attempt to appeal to a large tumblr fandom, I will also point out that her first husband and one of her children were both called David Tennant. You like that name, don’t you tumblr??
Glynis Johns (Mary Poppins, The Court Jester)—LISTEN, I'd let that woman's voice with all its gravely hoarseness (positive) wash over me all goddamn day, but if that's not enough she managed to play the straight woman to Danny Kaye's jester, all with her cleavage so plunging it might as well have been catapulted into the ocean right after Basil Rathbone
This is round 1 of the bracket. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Glynis Johns propaganda:
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She walks the line between sexy and cute. Her best role for me is in "The Court Jester as Maid Jean. She's fantastic as the soft but tough captain of the outlaw band and she looks stunning in every gown she wears throughout the film. And of course we can't forget her iconic turn as the suffragette mother, Mrs. Banks, in Mary Poppins! Also shoutout to her distinctive and beautiful voice, kind of smoky and husky. Extremely hot and set her apart from many of her peers."
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"Listen, listen. I was raised on Mary Poppins and "Votes for women! (step in time)" single-handedly taught me how to be a feminist. Also The Court Jester is one of my favourite movies of all time and she is UNBELIEVABLY gorgeous, charismatic, funny, and clever in it. She knocks several men out. Absolute icon."
"Like Bette Davis she has eyes to die for. Unlike Bette Davis you felt comforted by them, even when she was batting her eyelashes at you. Would glady go to Downing Street with her and throw things at the Prime minister"
"She had this wonderful wit and charm to her no matter the role and the most distinctive, striking voice!"
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"She was amazing in Mary Poppins (the Suffragette song is severely underrated) and apparently she was Welsh? National pride! And she advocated for arts funding in Wales, which is very cool. Also, she died recently (RIP) making her one of the last survivors of the Golden Age of Hollywood, according to Wikipedia. Also also, she just has a cheeky energy I like? And her eyes are beautiful!"
"I mean, incredibly beautiful and talented, can do drama can do comedy. And she was a mermaid."
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"I love Glynis Johns. Most of the reason is The Court Jester where she's a sensible and capable foil to whatever what going on with Danny Kaye at the time. She was also the first star I based an OC on. An OC that I still have to this day! Anyway here have some YouTube links love u bye"
Mermaid clip: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/1jUEA03mYTk
Court Jester (sharing a bed trope): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5d_qG9i054U
Court Jester (seducing the king): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-GuqFYElKg
"VOTES FOR WOMEN! Well, votes for this woman. Please."
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Hermione Baddeley propaganda:
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Propaganda for both Hermione and Glynis:
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loko4koko · 11 months
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·:*¨༺ ♱✮♱ ex-husband!Matsukawa Issei x f!reader ♱✮♱ ༻¨*:·
>fanart_credit: Okeidohan (via_twitter)
MDNI 18+
>word_count: 6521
>contents: angst w/ a happy ending, reader on a date with an unnamed oc, alcohol mentions (minor), mattsun being a lil cocky and a lil toxic and a lot possessive, (barely there) hanamaki cameo, brief slut-shaming(ish) moment from reader’s date, fingering (f!receiving), talks of masturbation, squirting, creampie, (minor) breeding kink, multiple orgasms, (minor) overstimulation
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there were few things in this life that truly, unequivocally irritated you: traffic, gross coffee, and your ex-husband were a few of the major ones that came to mind. it’d been 8 months since you officially became a “ms.“ again and not “mrs. matsukawa,” and yet the man you’d said your vows to still managed to irk your every nerve. sending you silly memes, calling to talk about his day, offhand flirty comments in your ear like you were still together. it was all so damn maddening.
it was funny, actually, how much he continued to bother you when he was the one who wanted the divorce in the first place. it devastated you, shattered you, when it happened. no one expects for their husband to come home, sit them down and tell them, “this isn’t working anymore.” you didn’t understand at first, how he could say such a thing, when everything felt perfectly fine. but he “wasn’t truly ready” for this and he was “sorry, so sorry for hurting you.” you asked if it was a cover story- if he’d really just been cheating on you and couldn’t bring himself to tell you about his mistress, but he denied the allegations through and through. it almost made it worse, then, that it wasn’t a matter of him falling for another, but just him simply not wanting to be your husband anymore. it ruined you for months, cost you sleep and so many “sick days” from work that you’d almost lost your job. but after a while, you knew you had no choice other than to accept it, move on, get yourself back together again.
moving on is what you’re trying to do right now, actually. seated in a booth at a low lit restaurant, you laugh as the man in front of you tells some story about an outraged lunatic of a client he recently had to deal with at his job. he’s pleasant- easy on the eyes, very sweet, and a real gentleman. it’s your first date with him, your fourth since the divorce, and it was going well so far. it’d been a long time since you were on the scene, only having been married to issei for just over a year, but the two of you had dated for almost 3 before he proposed. it was difficult at first, to dip your toes back into the proverbial dating pool, but you were handling it nicely. the first few men that you’d gone out with ended up not working out, obviously- all for different reasons- but this one wasn’t too bad.
he’s pouring more sake into your glass when you see something familiar out of the corner of your eye, something that makes your heart want to choose between stopping or beating straight out of your chest. you try to calm yourself, tell your brain to stop playing tricks on you and that you’re just seeing things, but then you realize that you aren’t, that you can’t lie to yourself. there’s a mess of black hair on a tall figure, one with their back towards you only briefly before they turn around and you see a face you hadn’t quite expected to see today, let alone here in the restaurant your date chose.
it’s issei, it’s your ex-husband, it’s the man who tore your poor little heart into pieces, right in front of your eyes. you’ve never been terribly religious but you are right now, silent prayers sent up that he hadn’t noticed you- hadn’t noticed that you’re here on a date.
it’d been a few weeks since you’d seen him, when he called about some mail of yours that got sent to his home- your last address. he was as vexing as he usually was, telling you that if you’d wanted it, you’d better come get it soon before it ended up in the trash, so of course you’d hopped into your car later that evening after work. it was a dirty trick, you’d realized in retrospect. issei was an ass but he wasn’t so terrible that he’d throw your stuff away. however, he was so terrible that he’d convince you to hurry to his home under a guise so that he could (attempt to) entice you in with talks of a new bottle of sake. he was shameless, well and truly shameless, but you were unmoved, denying his offer with thanks for it, for keeping your mail out of the trash as you collected the envelopes and walked right back out.
you’re trying your best- to not alarm your date, to not draw issei’s attention, to not have a goddamn brain aneurysm. your date is asking you about your own line of work and you begin to explain, a welcome distraction from the situation at hand. you spare a glance in the direction that your ex-husband was seated- not alone but with his pink-headed best friend, another man you’ve known for too many years, and you find yourself having to look immediately in the opposite direction. issei’s looking at you, they both are, albeit with different expressions on their familiar faces. hanamaki’s is a little stunned, it seems that your look in their direction confirmed to him that it is you, but the other… the man you used to be married to has a head tilted in curiosity, eyes narrowed and a smirk on his lips that you hate to see right now. fuck. fuckfuckfuck.
you give your date a small smile, excusing yourself to the restroom as you grab your purse, willing yourself to walk as normally as you can even though you want to bolt. you’re relieved to be alone in the space, fingers gripping the edge of the sink as you stare into your own eyes. “this can’t be fucking happening..” you say to yourself, but you know that’s a falsehood to keep calm. you take a moment to breathe in deep, wet a paper towel with some cool water to dab on your neck and chest.
it’d been a few minutes and you don’t want the man you’re seated with to be concerned, so you do your best to get it together quickly and make your way back out to the dining area. only you can’t do that, because as you leave the bathroom, your exit is blocked by the lanky nuisance you call your ex-husband. you’re frozen, stopped dead in your tracks at the unexpected roadblock of a man. neither of you speak, your eyes set on his face as his own roam your figure, and you almost regret wearing a dress so formfitting, so low-cut.
“hey, babe,” issei finally says, a picture of smugness and it has your eyes rolling, moving to brush past him but no, no, he won’t let you.
“i am absolutely not doing this with you right now. what are you even doing here? what do you want?” you ask, exasperation evident in your tone.
“what, i can’t even say hi now? see you’re on a date- quite the looker, too. not as much as me, though, that’s for sure.” you’re in disbelief- real, unbridled disbelief at the man before you. there’s just no way he’s serious right now! first, he rudely blocks your path, but now he’s taken to belittling your innocent date?
“you are something else, issei,” you snort, shaking your head, “you do remember that you’re the one who wanted me to sign those papers, right? not the other way around. now if you’ll excuse me, i have a date to get back to. and don’t- don’t do anything stupid.” you slip away before he can say anything else, relaxing your face so as to not raise any questions as you sit back in your seat. you apologize for the delay, reaching for the menu and asking your date what kind of meal he plans on ordering.
an uneventful bit of time passes and you’re fine again, sharing more sake and offering food from each other’s plates to try. you almost forget about the intrusion from a little while ago, keyword there being almost. every now and then you can see issei in your peripheral vision, and damn near every time, his eyes are on you. it’s hard to ignore but you’re doing it, until the last time you look and he’s much, much closer. your eyes widen and you’re subtly shaking your head at the man, but it’s too late, his mind is made up and he approaches your table with a wink that only you can see.
“oh, hey! it’s crazy seeing you here,” issei starts, and the way your name falls from his lips is far too familiar, far too cordial for your taste. “another date already? thought we’d had a good time the other night, i know i did. i mean, we practically broke my bed frame. hey pal, just a warning but this one gets crazy in bed- a real nasty girl, i’m tellin’ ya.” your date looks absolutely appalled, scandalized even, but issei..issei is fucking beaming. there’s revulsion in your date’s eyes and you’re not sure who it’s directed to, you or the bastard that intruded so tactlessly- so offensively. it’s probably both, you think- probably disgust at his learning of your supposed promiscuity, and at issei’s attempt to give him “pointers” about things you like in the bedroom. he gives you no chance to explain, muttering to himself that he should’ve known you were a slut and he’s rising from his chair despite your pleas, your denial of issei’s words. you sadly watch him walk out of the door, and that’s it. he’s gone.
you resign yourself to a literal facepalm, tossing your cloth napkin onto the table as you stare at issei in contempt. “you have some fucking nerve. are you happy now? that i’m alone? is that what you wanted?” you don’t even give him the time to formulate a response before you’re pulling money from your wallet and placing it on the table. you’re not even sure how much the bill is, but you leave more than enough in your haste to remove yourself from this situation. you sling your purse and jacket over your arm and stomp your way out of the restaurant, trying hard to avoid the gaze of nosy onlookers as a few salted streaks leave your eyes. you stand outside, plans gone horribly awry, and your despair grows as you can’t even remember where the hell you parked your car. you realize, when you hear the sound of footsteps approaching, that you’re not alone in the chilled evening air. there’s no second thought as you whip around, black of your eyeliner smudged and wrath in your wide eyes, to see your ex-husband.
“was divorcing me not enough? was leaving me, when i wanted nothing but to be with you, to-to make it work, not fucking enough? i mean, fuck, what is this really about? if you don’t want me then no one should? it feels like you’re punishing me when i did nothing to you- nothing to deserve this. all i ever did, issei, was love you, support you, show you my devotion- and this is the thanks that i get? a divorce i didn’t want and loneliness.” you laugh sardonically, and issei sighs with a shake of his head as he steps towards you. you don’t step away, don’t retract yourself from him, acceptance of what feels like defeat unmissable in your sagged shoulders.
“i didn’t know that i’d see you here tonight- didn’t know i’d see you out with somebody else. i..cant describe the feeling i’d gotten in my stomach when i saw you with him, laughing with him like you used to laugh with me, smiling at him like you used to smile at me. nausea, i guess. jealousy- no, envy, if you really want me to be honest. i envied that man in a way i’ve never felt before.” you look up at him with red-rimmed eyes, taciturn and short-tempered as you are, but you allow him to continue. out of curiosity or something else- something deeper, you don’t know.
“the divorce- the biggest mistake i’ve ever made, was never about me not wanting you. this, tonight? this was never about me not wanting you. did i go about it the wrong way? yeah, yeah i did and i’m not proud of it. that was cruel, and i’m sorry, but i’ve been trying. maybe not hard enough, maybe not in the right ways, but, shit, i’ve been trying, baby. i’ve tried with the phone calls, i’ve tried to get you to come over and stay- just for a minute, just so i can tell you how bad i know that i fucked up. you were-you are the greatest thing that ever happened to me and i was too selfish and immature- thought that if i let you go, i wouldn’t be holding you back. but i can’t pretend anymore, i can’t lie to myself and say that i don’t want you back every fucking day that i wake up. being married to you was the best time of my life by a long shot. seeing a face this beautiful everyday, getting to laugh with you, eating every meal with you, pulling you in close when you’d steal the blankets ‘cause you were cold- you were always so cold at night- i miss it all. i miss you whenever i do anything ‘cause you were always there. you’re always a part of me, even when you’re apart from me. and i don’t want you to be apart from me anymore.”
your eyes feel heavy, almost as heavy as your heart, and you swallow thickly. his own eyes look sincere- a plea in the darkness that crushes you under its weight. there’s two parts of you- one pushing, one pulling. one that wants to leave him standing here, leave him in the emptying street just like he left you. but the other part- the stronger part, the one that loves him so intensely, that made him hot tea and soup when he was sick, that ugly-cried at his vows on your wedding day, that part wants you to stay. you stare at him for a long moment, battle between love and loathing waging inside of you.
“you’re…an idiot. you know that, right?”
issei doesn’t know whether to frown or to jump for joy. you are insulting him, sure, but you’re also still actually speaking to him. he considers it a good thing. he scratches the back of his neck, nervous huffs of laughter escaping through his nose.
“yeah, i know, babe. i’m an idiot who needs you, though.” you roll your eyes, a fond smile on your face. issei’s stepping closer to you, his large hands gentle as they wrap around your waist. it’s a strange feeling, to be held by him like this. it’s one you’d felt so many times over the years and then very suddenly not at all, not until now. you miss it.
your eyes are wide, full of hope when issei leans down, lips so close to yours. “come home,” he says softly, “need you home, need you with me.” he doesn’t give you time to answer, though, because his lips are fully on yours. he kisses you so lovingly, so longingly that it steals your breath right from your lungs. one of his hands comes up to cup the side of your face and he tilts your head just how he wants you, tongue unfaltering as it prods its way between your lips. he soaks up the way you sigh into the kiss, the way your hands find shelter on his biceps, the way you’re still as teasing as you were before- teeth catching his lip as you giggle.
you pull away from the kiss first, cheek warm against issei’s palm and you blink up at him. “take me home, ‘sei.” he grins, something triumphant in his eyes as he picks you up and tosses you over his shoulder, your laughter and shouts of protest being ignored by the tall man.
it’s only a short minute before you’re in issei’s car, on your way back to issei’s home. the ride isn’t long either, but it is full of tension. issei drives with one hand on your thigh the whole time, and when he has to stop, he’s leaning over to catch your lips again. you think this is what deja vu must feel like, because it just feels so familiar to be here- in issei’s car with his fingers splayed out on your thigh, in the driveway of a place you called home for so long. he smiles at you after he puts the car in park and takes the keys from the ignition, quickly exiting so he can open your door and usher you inside the house.
there’s a hand on your lower back as you enter the house, and the nostalgia of it all hits you harder. so many times had you come home like this after a night out, issei’s greedy hands touching you anywhere he felt like touching. those nights often ended with him between your thighs, or behind you, or- you have to blink the thought away as you feel your cheeks flushing, feel issei’s gaze on you. he sinks down to his knee, dark eyes still on yours and you gasp when he takes a hold of your calf. his fingers are reverential, worshipping as they glide across your skin to wrap around your ankle. he pulls your heel off, kisses your calf, and repeats the process on the other side. when he rises back to full height, he leaves a fleeting kiss on your lips and takes your hand, guiding you to the kitchen.
there you were, glass full of sake in hand as you sit on the counter. issei isn’t far, leaned back against the counter just to the left of you, smile on his face as he rambles tipsily. you have to admit, you’re only half paying attention, more stuck on the way that he licks his lips, the way that he cuts his eye to look over at you when he thinks you don’t notice. you sip your drink, mischievous glare behind the glass as your free hand creeps to meet his on the counter. he’s startled out of his rambling, looking down to see your hand on his, and when he looks back up at you, all he can do is grin. he sits his own glass down before stepping in front of you, hands caging you in on either side of your hips. he’s so obvious, so extraordinarily lacking in subtlety, with how his eyes linger on your plump pout, on the oh-so-perfect way your tits threaten to spill out of your dress. he ogles for a moment before he locks eyes with you again, and god, he can’t believe he let someone as beautiful as you go for even a second. the way you stare at him- so enamored and forgiving and lustful, he truly thinks it could drive a man crazy.
“‘m never lettin’ you go again, baby, never gonna fuck up that bad again,” he murmurs against your lips. your eyes slip shut and his nose nudges yours when he leans in all the way, lips gliding over each others in a kiss laden with desperation and yearning. his hands move to your hips and yours are on his shoulders, the two of you in something like a competition to see who can pull the other closer. your lips are so sweet to him, your tongue much like a lollipop that he wants to suck on all day. you’ve always tasted good, every little part of you, and issei’s been without his fill for too long now. the little sighs and soft whimpers that leave your lips are icing on the metaphorical cake that is kissing you.
“lemme make it up to you, baby,” he groans in between exchanges of saliva, “can i show you how sorry i am, hm? show you how much i missed you?”
you nod, unwilling to remove your lips from issei’s when he bites at your lip like that and it’s okay because he doesn’t need you to. his hands leave your hips in favor of sliding down your thighs, stopping when he reaches the hem of your dress. you’re a smart girl, don’t even need him to tell you to plant your hands on the counter and lift your ass and thighs up a bit so he can shove your dress up and your pretty little thong down.
the kitchen counter is cool against the skin of your thighs, a stark contrast to how warm issei’s palms are as they spread your legs apart. he separates from your mouth with a smack, gossamer strings of one another’s spit keeping you connected, and rests his forehead on yours. his fingers finally find treasure between your legs, fingertips already sticky as they sweep up and down your slit. you suck in a sharp breath, eyes not leaving his while he toys with your cunt.
“this pretty pussy still gets so wet for me. did you ever think about me? when you were with those other guys? did you get wet like this for them?” he gives you no warning as he plunges his middle and index fingers inside you, eyes squeezing closed in a long blink while your jaw falls open. he sets an unwavering pace, hand on your thigh coming up to cup your chin. his stare feels like an interrogation, so confident in his ability to pick you apart in every way possible. he’d know if you lied, could see it in your eyes and feel it with the pads of his fingers buried in your oozing cunt.
“i, f-fuck, i didn’t fuck a-anyone else, ‘sei,” you whimper, “only wanted you- only get this wet f-for you.” issei groans at your words, grip on your chin so tight as he forces you into another searing kiss. his fingers don’t slow their pace, thumb coming up to press down on your clit as his tongue rolls across yours- over your teeth and lips.
“that’s my girl. i didn’t either, baby, couldn’t even think about it. just kept fucking my fist to the thought of you, how pretty you look suckin’ me off or cummin’ on my cock.” the needy moan you let out has issei straining in his pants, and shit, is he wrecked for you already. he’s obsessed- with you and the pretty faces you make, with the way you whine his name, with how you clench and throb and gush around his fingers. he’s utterly intoxicated by every little thing that you have to offer, and he drinks it up greedily.
issei knows practically everything about you, so it’s no surprise that he remembers exactly how to find it- that cushiony little place inside you that makes you cry out when he presses against it. he’s so cruel, so abusive to your g-spot, pushing his fingers deep inside you to hit that button over and over again. he knows when you’re close, too, knows how you leak and flutter around whatever he’s got inside of you.
“‘sei, please,” you whine, voice hoarse and shaky with need. your fingernails are digging into his shoulders as he looks up from where his hand disappears inside of you to meet your eye. he steals another quick and sloppy kiss from you, hammering his fingers inside of you so hard that you can’t help your gasping moans.
“please what? you wanna cum, angel? do it then, cum all over my hand- cum for me.” he brings his free hand up to snake into your hair, gripping tight at the roots in an effort to keep your mouth from leaving his. it didn’t take long for you to fall apart, thighs spasming around his wrist and pussy spasming around his fingers as you brokenly sob his name against his lips. your chest heaves, cunt still squelching and squishing as issei slows his digits to a stop while you come down from your high.
it’s issei’s turn to moan contentedly as he slides his sticky fingers into his mouth, sucking and licking every last bit of you that coats the skin. he gives you a smile when he’s finished with his meal, and you taste yourself on his lips and tongue when he slots your mouths together again.
“gonna fuck you right here, baby, right in the kitchen like we used to,” he drawls, watching as your hands move to undo his belt and fly, “couldn’t eat in here while you were gone without thinking about how many times i’d stuffed you full right on the table.” you look up from your task to grin at him, shaking your head as you finally get the zip down.
“yeah, i couldn’t make breakfast without you waking up just to bend me over,” you snort, shoving his slacks and boxers down. his cock springs free and fuck, he’s so hard. he’s long, a little girthy with a curve to the left and the tip is blushing, leaking precum as it comes to slap against his stomach.
“shouldn’t’ve been lookin’ so goddamn good every time- bein’ a sweet little wife and cooking for me, how could i not just give you my cock?” his laughing tone is cut off with a hiss, eyes falling from yours to where your hand is wrapped around him between you. your grip is so warm on his already hot skin but he couldn’t care less, not when he’s been missing your hands on him for as long as he has. your free hand comes to mirror his earlier actions, fingers digging into his chin and jaw as you cup his face. he takes a breath before his eyes open back up and when he focuses, it’s you that’s staring up at him so amorously- so covetous in your gaze on him.
“fuck me, ‘sei. show me how much you missed me.” it’s like a switch flips in issei at your words, cravings for you back in full force as he takes your hands off of him with a strong grip on your wrists. he’s got his tongue back in your mouth in an instant, so bruising and eager as it takes in your flavors. he lifts your hands up to his shoulders in silent instruction, his own coming to grip the base of his cock in one and your hip in the other. the man is so teasing even when he’s just as insatiable as you, dragging his cock head between your folds, against your clit until you breathily plead for him. he could never deny you, not like this, so he obliges and starts the breach into your sopping pussy. he’s so slow, so careful in how he stretches you open around him that you don’t even care that your head hits the cabinet when it falls back.
“fuck, i missed you, baby. missed you and this pussy. suckin’ me in like you never want me to leave, shit,” he curses, hands tight on your hips as he begins to rock in and out of you. he loves the way you shudder and keen for him already when he’s barely given you anything yet, and if he were a better person, he’d warn you about what he’s going to give you. he isn’t, however, so he doesn’t.
issei drags his lip between his teeth as he pulls out of you, leaving only the very tip of his cock in your sweltering heat before he’s driving back into you, harder this time, faster. you wail at the abrupt change in his pace, arms wrapped tightly around his neck as he sheathes himself into you on repeat. your legs are quivering around his lithe hips, panties dangling from your ankle as it bobs with the force of issei’s jackhammering thrusts into your sopping hole.
“you feel so good, baby, y’always have,” he rasps, drawing your attention back to him as you meet his gaze with lust-clouded eyes. “so stupid for me to think i could give you up, not when you’re so kind, so pretty, so fucking wet, so you.” it’s so hard to reply, so hard to do anything but moan his name as you clench your drooling cunt down on his length. he drags you to the very edge of the counter by the fat of your hips so you’re forced against his chest, eyes rolling to the back of your head as he pounds into you voraciously. his hands are rough as they slide up your thighs to grip you under the knee, keeping you spread so wide you know you’re going to feel it for at least a few days.
“couldn’t let that guy have you, baby- fuck-couldn’t let him have my wife,” his voice is husky, low in your ear when he speaks. “you belong here, at home, getting fucked dumb on my dick.” you’re trying to pay attention, really, you are; but it feels like a mission impossible to catch every word when his heavy cock lays assault on your g-spot.
“yeah, ‘m home, fuck me dumb,” you pant, nails leaving crescent shapes in the skin of issei’s neck and shoulders. it’s something you’d feel bad about if he cared- if he didn’t fuck you so full and deep and all-consuming.
the sound in the room is such a lewd combination- the slapping of skin on skin, your gasps and whines and little ‘unh unh unh’s, issei’s harsh breathing and grunts. he feels your cunt pulsing around him and he knocks into you even more crushingly than before, separating you only slightly so he can see your face.
“c’mon, baby, i can feel how close you are. lemme feel it, angel, cum on my cock,” he groans, one hand leaving its position on your leg to slip between you and rub quick, merciless circles onto your clit. you let out a long, unrestrained sob and let your head fall back again, unable to fight off the carnality of your pleasure.
“‘sei, ‘m cummingggg! fuck- i love you, love you s’ much.” your pussy is palpitating around his cock like a heart, which is entirely fitting when he’s so deep it feels like his cock is in your chest. you want to be embarrassed about how much your slick flows out of you, coating issei’s cock and the counter below you in a shiny essence, but you can’t think about it, can’t think about anything at all. your vision goes white for a moment and you’re sure that this here is what people mean when they say “rapturous.”
issei fucks you through it, keeps massaging your puffy clit with his long fingers and your hips are still jerking even after it’s over. he’s got his lips on your neck and you soon learn that he’s actually talking, when your hearing finally returns to you.
“nobody can make my wife cum like i do- know you inside and out, baby. ‘s why you belong with me, huh? belong with someone who fucks you like this,” he growls against your throat. he bites down on the sensitive flesh and you whimper, grip on him tightening as he picks you up from the back of your knees. he’s still heavy and hard inside you as he lays you onto the dining table. the way he stares down at you almost makes you want to shrink, his need to devour you and claim you so easy to spot in his features. the large hands that held you now make their way to the straps of your dress, pulling them off of your shoulders just enough that he can yank the front of your dress down. the first thing you can feel is the cold air hitting your pebbled nipples, and the second is the roughness of issei’s hands as he squeezes and tugs on the nubs, not satisfied until you pathetically whine his name.
there’s no preamble, no warning when he starts to roll his hips into yours again. he’s plowing into you so hard already that you can feel the table shaking beneath you, and you reach for him in instinct but he’s so mean, hands holding your wrists down against the table.
“want you to marry me again, baby. you gonna marry me again, right?” he questions you, eyes pinning you down with a gaze as heavy as iron. it’s a loaded question, really- you know that whether you say yes or no, he’s just going to fuck you harder. you bite your lip as his cock digs against your g-spot and decide to nod- lesser of two evils, and something you’ll think about when he isn’t kissing your womb with his fat tip.
“say it,” he groans, bending over you to nose along your throat. he maps his way up to your ear, tugging the lobe between his teeth before planting a kiss on the shell. “say it for me, baby.”
issei gives you a particularly harsh thrust- one that knocks the air out of your lungs and you sob, back arching off of the abused dining table. “‘m gonna- ah!- ‘m gonna marry you, ‘sei. wanna be your wife again,” you murmur, cock-drunk and being hurled over and over into orgasm too much for your brain to handle. issei is satisfied with it, though. he takes full height again as his heavy cock twitches inside of you and he uncurls one of his hands from yours, slipping it between you to thumb casually at your clit.
“mmh- fuck yeah, you are. yeah, you’re gonna be my wife and you’re gonna cum, right?” you hate so badly that you have to give him the satisfaction- but he’s right. you’re so close you can taste it, can feel it deep in the pit of your belly, and you need him. you nod, breathless and hazy, and he gives you a pleased little grin, circling of your clit more deliberate now. his free hand takes your leg and splays it against his chest, your ankle at his ear and he hisses as you take him so much deeper.
there’s no time to warn him before it happens, no time for words of caution because it even shocks you. the coil within you snaps, back arching as you cry so pretty for him. your hands search desperately for purchase and land on issei’s shirt, wrinkling the fabric in your fists while you sob and writhe. the flood that comes out of you is a welcome surprise to issei, who moans out an “oh, fuck” as he’s drenched in your spray of cum. everything’s so wet now, much wetter than before- so sticky when his pelvis meets your ass. he keeps driving his hips into you, keeps his rough thumb on your slippery clit and it’s all so fucking much to process.
“see, baby? nobody else can make you squirt on their fucking dick like that. you’re mine, y’were made for me. now, you’re gonna be a good girl and take my load, right?” he knows what he says might as well be rhetorical because you’re not gonna give him a true, proper answer. but he’s fine with it, as long as you keep making those pretty little noises and clenching his cock so tight like that.
issei’s close, nails digging into your thigh as he twitches inside you. his hair clings to his forehead with sweat, shirt half unbuttoned, half drenched in your juices, and he looks so debauched. and he is- has no choice but to be when it comes to you, when it comes to being inside your velvet heat that wants to wring the cum out of his cock. his breathing is picking up, little huffs of warm air hitting your leg as he ruts into you.
“f-fuck, ‘m gonna cum, baby. you still on the pill? hope not, maybe this one’ll take, huh? if not, that’s ok- i’ll just keep cumming and cumming in this tight little cunt until it does,” he grunts, head falling back and hips stuttering as he fills you with rope after rope of his hot seed. you moan with him, sensitive as you are, while he rides his orgasm out, chest heaving and thighs twitching. issei stares at you from above as he catches his breath, cock slowly softening inside of you but he doesn’t pull out yet, opting instead to drop your leg from his shoulder and back to his hip before he leans down to meld your lips with his in a tender kiss. he slips his arms underneath you, gathering you up into his hold and you gasp, startled as you’re lifted from the table.
“‘sei- what- put me down!” you whine, hissing in overstimulation at every step he takes with his semi-hard dick still inside of you. he ignores you in favor of taking you to the bedroom, dropping you on to the bed you’d once shared, except now the sheets smell only of him. you huff as you pout up at him but he just laughs, dragging his fingers up your sides.
“you didn’t think i was done with you, didya, baby? gotta show my wife just how much i missed her.” he begins to stir his hips again, somehow fully hard already, and somewhere in your mind you know that this is going to be a very, very long night.
it’s bright and warm the next day- a perfect day to move your stuff back home, issei says to you. you’re doing just that, starting simple with clearing out your closet while he does the drawers. there’s a dress in your arms that you’re about to lay out to fold when issei whistles, drawing your attention towards him. he turns to you, smirk on his face and goddamnit, you hadn’t even noticed that he went straight for your underwear drawer- but the skimpy, lavender colored g-string in his hands tells you that.
“give me those!” you scold, reaching to snatch them up but you curse him and his height as he holds them high up over your head.
“oh, absolutely not. these? these are going in my pocket so you can wear them for me tonight.” he snickers, shoving them in his pants pocket when you playfully roll your eyes and back off.
you can’t help but laugh with him, in too high of spirits to be truly annoyed with his antics, to be disgruntled with packing and moving. nothing could bother you, not now when you get to be with issei again, not when he woke you up this morning with languid kisses and whispers of how lucky he was that you wanted to be with him. starting over with him would take work, but it was work that you were both happy and willing to do for each other- for your second marriage.
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>authors_note: if mattsun divorced me i would probably kms tbh 👨‍🦯 but anyways i hope u all enjoy!!
>p.s./announcement: i will be opening up for requests soon so have a look at my pinned post for more info!
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>thank you for reading ♡
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© loko4koko 2023
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ganymede-princess · 5 months
A Hazy Shade of Winter | Angus Tully
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ship: Angus Tully x fem!OC
warnings: Angus is literally so mean, but he's like that in the movie anyways.
summary: Carol's parents send her to spend the winter break with her uncle at Barton Academy, and a certain curly-haired boy takes an immediate (dis)liking to her.
word count: 2790
a/n: I watched the Holdovers like 2 nights ago and I’m obsessed with it now so here’s this! Maybe a second chapter coming?
written by @ganymede-princess
Misery. Absolute fucking misery. That’s all Angus could see for the foreseeable future. Just an ocean of black, sticky misery, stretching out to the horizon in every direction. As he settled his bony rear on the hard edge of the ping-pong table and listened to Hunham gleefully dole out their sentences, he thought he would vomit any moment, or drop dead. He kind of hoped he would. He scoured his eyes over the pitiful creatures he’d be bunking with this winter break; two little boys: a religious fanatic and a foreign exchage student, the school’s star quaterback, and fucking Kountze. Five little Christmas orphans. Angus would blame karma, if he believed in that hippy-dippy shit. The most unbelievably unfair part of all this was that he wouldn’t even be able to jack off in peace since all five of them would be bunking in rooms one and two of the infirmary, with Hunham in room four. God knows why they couldn’t use room three, but Hunham seemed determined to avoid any questions pertaining to that.
Just when he thought his holiday couldn’t get any worse, the girl arrived. She skittered in like a mouse, out of breath, red-faced and shaking like a handbag dog. Six little Christmas orphans.
“Ah, you’re here.” Hunham extended his hand welcomingly, and gestured to her to step forward.
She crept over, giving the ping-pong table and couch full of boys a wide berth, then nervously shook Hunham’s hand and scuttled away to sit on the floor and tuck her knees up under the frumpy men’s jumper that swallowed her whole, like a turtle retreating into a shell. She waved at the five of them, cherry lips curling into a tight smile.
“Is that a girl?” Kountze said, loudly.
“Indeed, it is. Students, this is Miss Carol Hunham, my niece. She will be joining us at Barton for the winter break.”
“Teddy Kountze.” The little freak said, practically falling over himself to shake her hand. He looked ridiculous crouching there beside her like he was about to accost a rabbit at a petting zoo. If brown-nosing was a sport, he’d be a world classer. “Wonderful to meet you. If you need a tour guide, come to me. I know this place like the back of my hand.”
She nodded in thanks, regarding him with huge puppydog eyes. Angus thought she must be dumb or tongueless. Five-foot-nothing, wearing unfashionably tapered plaid pants and Chelsea boots that were all the rage a decade ago, huge turtle-shell glasses that made her brown eyes bulge out of her head like a salmon… the only cool thing about her was her dirty blonde shag haircut, but even that came across as trying too hard. With that, and those round cheeks and fat mushroom of a nose, Angus almost expected to hear Hunham introduce her as his niece. Almost.
“You’ll be taking her nowhere without a chaperone, Mr Kountze. Now, gentlemen, and lady, off you go to the infirmary building.” Hunham’s one good eye roved over the room, then settled on Angus. “Mr Tully.” He addressed him in his weasley way, voice dripping with schadenfreude. "Be a gentleman and help Miss Hunham take her bags to room three."
Now it made sense why they'd been forced to leave it empty. The little fuck had a whole room to herself.
"I'm not a gentleman." He responded, insolently as possible.
"Then play the part."
"Fine." The ping-pong table screeched backwards as he stood up, grabbed his case and stormed over to the girl who leaped to her feet, eyeing him warily as he marched her out of the room and collected one of her ridiculously heavy suitcases and set off outside with the puppy in tow.
"Um." She began, her voice a pathetic whimper. "I'm Carol Hunham."
"I heard."
"And you?"
"Angus Tully. Are you deaf or something?"
"He d-didn't say your first name." Angus grunted in response. "So, you're- you're holding over?"
"What?" The question was so insipid it made him stop in his tracks and gawk at her. "Of course I'm holding over! Are you stupid?"
"Sorry." She whispered, averting her eyes. Angus felt a rush of regret as her lip trembled, but he swallowed it and marched on.
The air was biting cold, and Angus wished he had two jackets on- or better yet, a hot-blooded model on each arm- but unfortunately he was stuck between this girl making goo-goo eyes at Kountze and her machiavellian gargoyle of an uncle. As the rest of them caught up, his simmering rage suddenly bubbled over and he broke the silence in a voice thick with hatred.
“This is the most bullshit ever! If we have to stay, why’d we have to draw Wall-eye?”
“Uh, y’know he used to be a student, right?” Quaterback drawled.
“Yeah, that’s why he knows how to inflict maximum pain on us, the sadistic fuck.”
“Yeah.” Quaterback agreed with a giggly laugh. “I mean, no offence Hunham, but your uncle sucks.”
“I don’t know him.” The girl had retreated to the fringe of the group, and when she spoke up her voice didn’t command much attention.
“At least we didn’t draw Decker, he’d be perving all over us.” Kountze sidled up alongside her and let his arm brush against her. “And we wouldn’t have Carol here with us.”
Angus rolled his eyes, but felt vindicated when he noticed her pull away from him, almost fearfully.
“Hey, guys, hold up for a second.” Angus leaned up against the pickup at the side of the road and lit up a cigarette, eager to relieve all this tension.
“No, I got something else.” Kountze pulled out a stinking doobie and gestured for his lighter. “Gimme that.”
“Hey, don’t smoke that out here.” He chided. “I don’t wanna get busted by Wall-eye.”
“Don’t be such a pussy.”
“I’m not a pussy.” Angus felt his blood pressure rise. “I just don’t want to get up at Fork Union paying for your mistake.”
Kountze didn’t bother responding, just blew out a fat drag and smiled in satisfaction.
“Teddy Kountze.” He said, offering the joint to Quaterback and trying to sling an arm around Carol but she sidestepped him to Angus’s amusement.
“Jason Smith.” Quaterback responded with a sickeningly charismatic smile.
“Yeah, I know who you are.” Fucking bootlicker. “You wanna hit this?”
He cast a glance up the road, but Wall-eye was nowhere to be seen. “Uh, yeah.” 
He took a puff and offered it to Carol.
“No, thanks.” She held up her mittened hand. “I-I hear pot can give you the heebie-jeebies.”
“The heebie-jeebies.” Jason repeated, grinning. “Cute.”
She was sort of cute- Angus begrudgingly admitted now that he’d seen her up close- in that pitiful way that those fucked up little pug-dogs are cute. He wondered if she had asthma. Besides, it’s not like he cared. At least, if somebody like her could be cute, maybe he was too, with his hawkish nose, narrow eyes, five o’clock shadow, gangly limbs, scraggly hair… No, that’s ridiculous. Unless… He wondered if she thought he was.
“It’s mellow stuff, babe.” Kountze assured her.
She blushed and shook her head, then turned her massive obsidian orbs to Angus.
“C-can I…?”
He sighed heavily, arranging his face into a scowl before he handed over the cigarette. She took a dainty puff, then handed it back. He took a drag himself, savouring the knowledge that his lips were touching the same place that a girl’s had just rested.
“More?” He offered it back.
“No, thanks. I don’t really… y’know.”
“‘Course you don’t.” He scoffed and stuffed it back in his mouth. “Such a pristine girl, I bet you never did anything wrong in your life.”
Flushing, she averted her eyes.
“So, how’d you get stuck holding over?” Kountze queried, his demeanor forced casual.
“I’m supposed to be skiing with my folks up at Haystack,” Jason said cheerfully. “But my dad put his foot down, said I can’t come home unless I cut my hair.”
“So why don’t you just cut your hair?” Angus snorted, feeling a fresh rush of anger. How could you throw away a perfectly good winter break just because you’re sentimentally attached to your godamn freak flag?
“Civil disobedience, man.” He grinned.
“I dig it.” Carol spoke up suddenly. “Conformity is a dangerous thing.”
“See, she gets it.” Jason put his arm around her shoulder.
“You like Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young?” Her blonde lashes fluttered as she gazed up at him. Angus could have puked all over the sidewalk, and Kounze looked like he might actually do it.
“Man, I love ‘em!”
“Almost Cut My Hair?”
“My anthem.” He nodded solemnly. “That album was my whole life last summer.”
Angus noticed her head tilt to rest on his shoulder as he offered her the joint. This time she took it, allowing herself a long drag. He gritted his teeth and fought off the urge to deck that filthy hippy then and there.
“Anyway,” Jason waved his hand, as if clearing the conversational slate. “My dad’s cool. It’s just a battle of wills. Still, I was kinda hoping he’d cave first, because the powder up at Haystack is so sweet right now.”
Jason’s hand made its way into Carol’s hair, curling a lock of it around his finger. Angus’s fist closed involuntarily while Kountze’s eyes narrowed as he looked around, lip slightly curled in frustration.
“What about you, Mr Moto?” He said, locking onto his target. “Why are you here?”
“Uh, no. My name is Ye-Joon.” The boy explained innocently. “Uh, my family is in Korea, and they think it’s too far for me to travel alone.”
“I figured it was because your rickshaw was broken.” Kountze laughed and looked around for approval, to which he found none.
“Uh, wh-what’s a rickshaw?” Ye-Joon seemed genuinely baffled.
“You’re an asshole, Kountze.” Angus said darkly. “Your mind’s a cesspool, and a shallow one at that.”
“Who’s the asshole, Tully?” He sneered back. “You’re the one who blew up history.”
“Hey.” Jason held out his hand gently, then turned to the other kid. “What’s your story, man?”
“Alex Ollerman.” He responded, his voice stronger than the other boy’s. All that faith in a higher power, I guess. “I’m here because my parents are on a mission in Paraguay. We’re LDS.”
“Mormons, right?” The kid nodded proudly.
“Don’t you guys wear some kind of, like, magic underwear?” Kountze gawped.
“That’s a common misconception.” Alex began. It seemed he had all his bases covered, and he turned to address the Korean kid too, as if he might convince someone to join. “Actually, it’s called a temple garment, and we’re only supposed to wear it when we-”
“Hey, what’s up with the townies?” Kountze interrupted, already distracted by something shiny. Angus was mildly relieved he wouldn’t be hearing any more panty-talk- he’d had quite enough for one day, what with his bathing suit and all- but, his relief quickly turned to annoyance when he noticed the two men coming down the road, hauling a Christmas tree between them.
“Hey!” He hollered. “What are you doing with our Christmas tree?”
“The school sold it back to us.” One of them responded. “Scotch pine, still fresh.”
“Yeah, we’re gonna put it back in the lot.” The other explained. “We do it every year.”
Angus turned back to the group and shook his head darkly.
“This is the most bullshit ever.”
Angus didn’t think he’d ever be so happy to be in the infirmary, but when they stepped into the heated building, he might have sighed in relief if he wasn't in such a black mood. His arms absolutely caned from carrying that stupid suitcase, and Kountze had been smack talking the whole way up the hill. He thought the only thing worse than bunking with the two kids would be sleeping in with Kountze while he tries to tickle Jason’s balls. He’d much prefer to cosy up in the girl’s room, irritating as her face may be. He abandoned his luggage outside room two and hauled Carol’s down the hallway while she pattered along at his heels.
"Why do you need two cases, anyway?" He sneered, stealing the comfort of silence. "You can't have that much shit to carry."
"It's-" She paused and cleared her throat. "Well... well, why should I tell you, huh? You're- you're-"
"What? An asshole? A jerk? A philistine, as your mole uncle says? Y’know, I'm pretty sure there's a faculty rule against targeted insults towards pupils."
"You're mean." She admitted in a small voice. "And I don't know why."
"Yeah, well get used to it sweetheart. Just wait till Kountze gets over your gyno-gimmick and starts treating you like he does everyone else, you'll be begging for 'mean.' And by the way, you’re just antagonising him by hanging all over Jason all the time.”
“What’s Jason got to do with it?” She snapped, raising her voice for the first time.
“Aw, I hit a nerve, huh?” He delighted in watching her face turn scarlet.
"Y-y'know, when you stood up for Ye-Joon earlier, I thought you might actually be cool. I'm disappointed."
She said nothing else, just ducked her head and ran ahead to open the door for him. Baffled, he barged past her and dumped the suitcase on the nearest bed.
“Thanks.” She whispered.
"Why are you even here, anyway?" He rounded on her, suddenly tired of the way she let him walk all over her. "I mean, other than to ruin the ambience with that hideous sweater-"
That did it. She let out a choking sob and made for the door.
"Hey, hey wait!" He flailed out his long limbs and caught her around the arm, but she wrenched herself from his grip and made off down the hall, away from Hunham and the other boys to Angus' relief. "Carol, wait I didn't mean it."
She didn’t respond, just sped off and careened around the corner. Angus caught up just in time to see the door of the broom closet swing shut. He clucked his tongue and sat down on the hard floor outside, feeling a wave of disgust as he listened to quiet weeping. Gently, he rapped the door with his knuckles.
“Go away.”
“Carol, I’m sorry.”
“Go away!”
He paused for a moment, and considered his options.
“Your sweater isn’t actually ugly, by the way. I was just ribbing you, y’know? Horseplay?”
“No.” She said firmly, voice muffled through the wood. “No, I know ribbing and that wasn’t it. Y-you were being cruel, and you wanted to see me cry, I know it.”
“What? No!”
“You enjoy it, don’t you? You’re so miserable, the only fun left for you is making everyone else feel as wretched as you.”
He swallowed thickly, feeling a lump of shame coating his Adam’s apple. He took another long moment to collect himself. He resented how easily she read him, but if he wanted to keep her from finking, he’d have to choose his words carefully, and eat a large portion of his pride.
“It’s true.” His stomach roiled in revulsion as he grovelled to her. “I’m sore about holding over, and I wanted to take it out on someone, and you looked like easy pickings. I’m brash, I’m rude, I hate everyone including myself, and I make it everyone else’s problem.”
She paused her sniffling, as if sizing him up.
“Well.” She said thickly. “Thank you for admitting it. That was very… self reflective.”
“I go to a shrink, I kind of have to be self reflective.”
“Ah.” She sniffled. “You can leave me alone now.”
“I would,” Oddly, it felt good to tell somebody… Good enough that he was able to go back to being sly. “But this closet doesn’t open from the inside. Every time we get a new janitor they get locked in here. Happens like twice a year.” She said nothing, but Angus heard her breathing pick up in pace. “I mean, I can always leave you in here.”
“No!” She said urgently. “Let me out, please.”
“I will, if you promise not to fink.”
“I-I won’t fink. If you leave me be, I won’t fink. Pinky promise.”
“Alright. I’ll stay as far away from you as humanly possible.” He clambered to his feet and opened the door for her. She was already standing, and as soon as she saw the light, she tried to scoot out beside him, but he moved his arm to stop her. “Pinky promise, remember?”
Begrudgingly, she curled her finger around his, then slipped out past him and returned to her room. Angus watched her go, and something broke inside his chest as the door closed behind her.
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nayziiz · 3 months
Witness | CL16
Summary: In the shadowy world of Monaco's elite, the Leclerc family reigns supreme. Charles Leclerc, the charming middle son, maintains their pristine public image—until one rainy night, during a fit of rage, Charles does the unthinkable. A young woman witnesses his actions, and her terrified eyes haunt him. Consumed by guilt and fear of exposure, Charles embarks on a desperate search to find her before she can destroy his family’s legacy. As he delves deeper into Monaco's underbelly, Charles must confront his own darkness and the lengths he will go to protect his family.
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x OC (Marie)
Warnings: Violence, blood, angst
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Chapter 5
It took a week of surveillance around the old town for Charles’ men to find Marie. He had men stationed everywhere from her apartment block to the casino. They managed to get her shift schedule and full address from her manager, who was reluctant to share the information, but when he heard Charles was the one asking, he handed them a full copy of her personnel file with all of her information included in it.
Marie was a lot of things, but she wasn’t daft. She saw the same men at similar spots over the course of the week. They tried to disguise themselves and pretend to be occupied with things around them, but she knew what was happening. She didn’t bother with hiding or deviating from her usual schedule anymore. She knew if Charles wanted to find her, he would.
What she didn’t expect was finding him outside her apartment door when she returned from her late Thursday night shift.
“Mr Leclerc,” she greeted him as she turned the corner and spotted him.
“Ms Dupont,” he greeted her back.
“Did your men tell you I took an extra shift tonight and you felt you needed to check in on me?” She unexpectedly retorted at him as she unlocked her apartment door.
Charles was taken aback by her abruptness. He didn’t think she would notice his men.
“You might need to relook your surveillance team, they’re not very discreet,” she added as she beckoned for him to enter her apartment and he did.
“Noted,” he nodded as he took a look around her apartment while she placed her handbag on the kitchen counter.
“Mr Leclerc, if you’re here to harass me about that night, there is no need. I still have nightmares about it,” she pointed out.
“Not here to harass you, Ms Dupont. Simply here to explain myself,” Charles responded, turning around to face her.
“Explain, then,” she said, her voice firm. Charles took a deep breath, trying to find the right words.
“I know you have no reason to trust me, but I want you to know that what happened that night was... an accident. I lost control, and I've regretted it every day since. I'm not a monster, and I never wanted you, or anyone for that matter, to see me like that.” He started. She listened, her expression unreadable.
“Why should I believe you?” She wondered.
“Because I have nothing to gain from lying to you,” he replied. “If you go to the police, my life as I know it is over. My family’s reputation will be tarnished. But more than that, I don't want you to live in fear because of me. I just... I need you to know the truth.”
Silence stretched between them, heavy with unspoken fears and questions. She could see the anguish in his eyes, and for a moment, she felt a flicker of sympathy. But she couldn't forget what she had witnessed.
“Witnessing a murder isn't something I can just... move past,” she finally responded.
“I understand. Just know that I'm truly sorry.” Charles nodded, relief and sadness mingling in his expression.
“But, wait. You haven’t actually told me why you did it,”  Marie reminded him, her voice steady despite the underlying tension.
Charles looked at her, the weight of her question pressing down on him. He hadn't planned on explaining himself tonight, but he knew he owed her some kind of answer. He took a deep breath, trying to find the right words.
“I... I was protecting myself,” he began slowly, his eyes searching hers for any sign of understanding. “That night, in the alley, the man tried to rob me. It wasn't supposed to go that far, but he was... aggressive. I didn't mean to... it just happened so fast.”
Marie listened, her expression a mix of scepticism and curiosity. She had seen the brutality in his actions, the uncontrolled rage.
“Protecting yourself?” she echoed, her voice tinged with disbelief. “You beat him to death, Mr Leclerc. That wasn’t just self-defence.”
Charles flinched at her words, the truth of them cutting deep.
“I know. Something snapped in me. I've never... I’m not like that. But at that moment, I lost control,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. 
Marie studied him, searching for any sign of deception. She wanted to believe him, to find some sense in what she had witnessed. But the fear and the horror of that night were still too fresh in her mind.
“Why should I believe you?” she asked, her tone more accusatory now. “You could be saying anything to get me to keep quiet.”
Charles sighed, running a hand through his hair.
“I know it’s hard to believe. But I’m telling you the truth. I’ve been trying to find you, to explain, because I don’t want you to think I’m some monster. I’m not,” he said. Marie’s gaze softened slightly, though her guard remained up.
“Why did you even bother looking for me? Why not just hope I never show up again?” she asked, genuinely curious.
“Because I can’t live with the thought of you out there, terrified of me, thinking the worst. I don’t want you to live in fear. I want to make it right, somehow,” Charles replied earnestly.
Marie didn’t know what to say. Part of her wanted to trust him, to believe that he was more than the violent image seared into her memory. But the other part of her, the part that had been running and hiding, couldn’t shake the fear.
“I would like for you to leave, please,” Marie's voice was firm, though a tremor of lingering fear was evident. “And, you can have your guard dogs rest. I won’t be telling anyone about what you did.”
Charles felt a pang of guilt as he registered her words. He hadn’t realised just how much his presence, and the unspoken threat of his family's power, had weighed on her. He nodded slowly, accepting her decision.
“Alright,” he said softly. “I understand. I’ll leave.”
He turned to go, but hesitated at the door, glancing back at her one last time.
“Marie, I’m truly sorry for what you’ve been through. I know my words don’t mean much right now, but I hope someday you'll see that I’m not just the man you saw that night,” he added, almost defeated in a way.
She stood silently, her arms crossed defensively over her chest.
“Good evening, Mr Leclerc,” she nodded.
“Please, call me Charles,” he insisted. She didn’t respond, but her eyes held a mixture of relief and exhaustion.
Charles took that as his cue to leave. He stepped out of her apartment, closing the door quietly behind him. The weight of the encounter settled heavily on his shoulders as he made his way to the car. He signalled to his driver and the guard waiting by the car, waving them off with a tired gesture.
“No need to follow her anymore,” he told them. “She’s not a threat.”
The driver nodded and got into the car, while the guard looked momentarily confused before complying with Charles' instructions. Charles watched as they drove away, feeling a strange mix of relief and unease. He knew this wasn’t the end of his troubles, but it was a step towards resolving them.
Marie, inside her apartment, leaned against the door, her heart pounding. She had stood her ground, but the encounter had shaken her deeply. She knew she couldn’t trust Charles fully, not yet, but there was a small part of her that wanted to believe he was sincere.
She sighed, pushing herself away from the door and heading to her bedroom. She needed rest, and more than that, she needed to think. The days ahead were uncertain, but for the first time since that horrific night, she felt a glimmer of control over her own fate. As she lay down, her thoughts were a chaotic swirl, but amidst the turmoil, there was a faint hope that maybe, just maybe, things could change for the better.
Taglist: @headinthecloudssblog
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bucketspammer4life · 3 months
what i think your favorite PO boxer says about you
based on my biases and a year of experience (if you get mad over how i talked about your fave im going to turn you into a can of spam)
first time ive ever maxed out the tags
if i missed your fav tell me ‼️
doc louis - you have good taste and are starving for content about him, you really are a survivor
little mac - you either project onto him or just like calling him your son
glass joe - you have a thing for pathetic men (understandable tbh) and like calling him a wet cat since he fits that desc well
von kaiser - same thing as joe but add a hint of "oh no hes hot"
disco kid - you literally have no enemies i love you so much its not even funny (platonic)
king hippo - my god you are good at making up lore, how the fuck do you make a solid personality for a character that only roars and grunts
piston hondo - im 100% youre a saint, no hondo fan i met has ever been unpleasant to talk with
bear hugger - you either see him as a father figure or just think hes hot or (secret third option) you like making jokes about him being a disney princess, either way youre cool
great tiger - oh you have been here for a long time, literally every great tiger fan i know has been in the fandom since 7.000 BC or something, also youre prob really good at art
don flamenco - you use the word "cunty" on a daily basis or just like making fun of his stupid bald head, also yes he has eyeliner on 100%
aran ryan - you'd overthrow a goverment for this greasy rat, youre extremely extremely gay and/or neurodivergent and thats very good for you, you also like making him say lad and have had to go ankle deep in irish slang when making him speak in fanfics
soda popinski - ive never seen someone have soda as their fav, hes always 2nd place somehow so im just gonna go take a shot in the dark and say you like the color pink (mental gymnastics who??)
bald bull - you are a mixed bag, i gen cant put a finger on what kind of personality bull stans have but i can say you either find him hot or like making fun of him, maybe both
super macho man - least serious people ever with some traumatizing lore for the boxers & their own ocs, you prob make him say bogus 88268292 times in a sentence and i can respect that
mr sandman - ive only seen 2 (two ) ppl who have him as their fav and its kinda sad, youre starving for content of him and i wish you the best
birdie mac - hes your son (im not elaborating)
gabby jay - same thing as joe but you went over the top with liking dilfs
narcis prince - gay. gay gay homosexual gay. you went for the self obsessed blonde twink and you thought it wasnt obvious?? you fucking homosexual
heike kagero - youre 1000% queer, sorry to be a broken record about the gay thing but ur fav is literally a man with long hair & makeup that has to be some flavor of queer
hoy quarlow - you are/were another ancient punch out fan, you def shitpost a lot
bruiser bros - where are you??? ive gen never met a bruiser bros fan and its concerning like dude where did u go
texas mac - im sorry but you dont exist, ive never ever seen a texas mac fan, not even someone who mentions him
mad clown - you foul clownfucker. you have weird taste in characters you find hot and tbh im all here for it
masked muscle - same thing as texas mac but theres a slight chance you exist, if you do please show yourself
dragon chan - another punch out ancient fan, you probably were most active in 2013-2019 and kinda miss old shitposts and have either moved on or dont participate much anymore
spo aran - (this is mostly for Charlie but i have hope that theres some other spo aran fans out there) youre probably looking for other spo aran fans, goodpeed soldier, goodpeed
mask x - you arent getting away with this fuck you
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atinylittlepain · 2 years
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Make It Better - A Joel Miller Story
Joel Miller x f!reader/f!oc
Joel Miller masterlist
Menstruating in the midst of the apocalypse isn’t exactly a breeze. While Joel can be a real guy about her period, he's always up for helping ease her pain, in whatever way he can.
warnings | 18+ SMUT, period sex, enough said
a/n | this is entirely inspired by a post I saw today from @psychedelic-ink in search of some good, sweet period fics about Mr. Miller. Voila, folks.
Men have it so much easier in the apocalypse. This was a thought that had occurred to her monthly for the last twenty years. Everytime her period came, she found herself woefully unprepared. You would think that FEDRA would start mass producing pads or something, but obviously there were no women amongst the higher ups, because no such relief had ever come. She had figured out a number of tricks over the years, slicing up the military-issued socks to make reusable pads, keeping an eye out for old tampax boxes on runs with Joel. He’d always get flustered when she’d wave a lucky, smuggled box in his face, muttering something about not needing to know about that while she just grinned from ear to ear with the knowledge that she’d be set for the next month. She and Tess would give him endless shit for it, trying to outdo each other in making him blush amidst all their womanly talk. 
She missed Tess endlessly, but had quickly drawn Ellie into the challenge of freaking Joel out with talk of the very normal, very human thing that was menstruation. He at least tried to be a gentleman about it, while still being a total guy about it too, asking her if she was feeling ok when he knew hers was coming up, but also sometimes pulling the “you on the rag?” card when she was being particularly short with him. 
When they got to Jackson, and Maria hooked both her and Ellie up with diva cups, it had been a game changer. No more makeshift pads, no more scrounging for expired tampons. Finally, some damn relief from the conundrum that was menstruating during the end of the world. Since they had settled into the community, however, and her and Joel had been sharing a bit more than just each other’s platonic company, Joel’s seeming unease around the topic of her monthlies hadn’t really dissipated. 
He had actually jumped in shock when she showed him how the diva cup worked one night in their shared bathroom, a twisted look of horror on his features as she folded up the plastic contraption before letting it snap back into form. His words came out as an incredulous gasp when he finally spoke.
“You’re telling me that goes inside you, like that?” She had to bite back a laugh at his reaction. 
“Pretty sure I’ve had far more inside me very recently, Joel.” A brutal flush crept across his neck and face at that, leaving him a stammering mess as he quickly stumbled out of the bathroom. It was just too easy.
Another time, Joel had come home from a patrol shift to find her in the kitchen, boiling the diva cup to sanitize it before the next time. He had sweetly come up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and murmuring into her neck, asking what was for dinner. Then he got a good look at what was in the pot. That time, he had let out a yelp, tripping back on his feet and looking at her like she had grown a second head.
“Godammnit, woman. What the hell are you doing?” She had fixed him with a look, huffing at his big man-baby antics.
“Joel, I have to clean it somehow.” His eyes were wide, a terror-stricken look on his face.
“Not in the pans we eat out of though!” He didn’t seem convinced by her cajoling that it was perfectly sanitary and after that night, she never saw that pot again.
One thing they could agree on about all this, however, was period sex. First and foremost, Joel liked to feel needed, like he could give something to her, so it took little convincing to get him between her legs under the guise of helping ease her cramps. He hardly cared about the blood, and she thought he also didn’t mind how sensitive she got during that time of the month either. His only stipulation? That the diva cup came out before he got anywhere near her. 
As usual, her period had started the night before, always the middle of the month. She and Joel had been together for so long at this point that he could clock it pretty well, the next morning looking in the bathroom cabinet in the spot where she normally kept her diva cup before turning to look at her skeptically, his face still groggy with sleep. She had smirked at him around her toothbrush before wiping her mouth and fully looking at him.
“Yes, Joel? Do you have a question?” His brows shot up his forehead before settling back into a furrow, he cleared his throat.
“Is it um, is it–” She quirked a brow at his stumbling. He finally spit it out though.
“Is it– in there?” She couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out at his bashful look.
“You ask me the same thing every month and I give you the same answer every month. Yes, it’s in there.” His brow stayed furrowed as he rubbed the back of his neck, finally letting out a gruff hum before shuffling back into the bedroom. Some things never change. Why a man who had literally killed people with his bare hands couldn’t seem to get over the fact that she had a functioning uterus was beyond her, but damn, was it fun to watch him squirm.
She got home before him that night, having taken an earlier patrol shift. While she was certainly tough, having been out on the road for such a long time, she still got worn down by the requisite cramps that came every month and was currently in a world of hurt. She had once told Ellie that she’d trade all her non-essential organs for a bottle of midol. 
While not quite the same as painkillers, Maria had gifted her a bottle of peppermint oil for her cramps. Some of the women had been harvesting the wild plants and were beginning to distill them down for their medicinal properties, and apparently peppermint worked particularly well for pain. She took off her shirt and bra, not bothering to shuck off her pants before laying across their bed and rubbing some of the oil into her stomach, sighing at the instant relief that the cooling sensation brought. She let her eyes drift shut, enjoying the light tingling of the oil on her skin as well as the fresh scent of the peppermint, but was soon interrupted by the sound of heavy boots approaching the bedroom.
“Are you in– oh.” She cracked one eye open, taking in the sight of Joel standing over the bed, seemingly slack-jawed as he looked down at her. She couldn’t help but smile at him.
“Why does it smell like toothpaste in here?” She huffed at that, sitting up and handing him the bottle of peppermint oil.
“It’s for cramps, from Maria.” He looked at her then, and she was starting to feel warm at the way his gaze was wandering over her half-naked figure.
“You hurting?” She just shrugged, sighing as he stepped closer to let his fingertips skate along her collarbone. He leaned down to drop a kiss to her lips that she chased after to deepen, finally pulling away once they were both good and gasping for breath. Joel pressed his forehead to hers, his voice coming out hoarse.
“Can I help?” She grinned, gripping the hair at the nape of his neck and drawing her lips to his ear in a way that made him shudder.
“You sure can. But you better let me get up first. It’s still in there.” He was off her in a flash, hands up like he was surrendering to the period police. She couldn’t help the wicked laugh that came out as she jogged over to the bathroom to get fully undressed. She could hear him mumble after her retreating figure “fucking menace.”
Diva cup out, and towel in hand, she came back into the bedroom to find him shirtless, toeing off his boots and socks on the end of the bed. He paused in his movements when she stepped before him, completely bare. His face went totally slack as he took in the sight of her. Never gets old. He snapped himself out of it, swallowing thickly before looking up to her gaze.
“Lay yourself out for me, darlin.” His southern drawl was already getting slow and thick in a way that made her thighs clench. She did as he asked, laying down the towel before settling her hips over it and laying back against the pillows. He stood at the end of the bed, not taking his eyes off her as he peeled off his jeans. 
She had dipped one hand down to draw lazy strokes across her clit, already impossibly sensitive as his eyes bore down on her. She couldn’t help the whimper that ran through her throat when he slid his boxers off, his cock already hard as he crawled up onto the bed between her legs. Hovering over her, he rested one of his elbows by her temple as they met in an entirely sloppy kiss. They were both stubborn and it showed in the harsh tangle of tongues and scraping of teeth. He pulled away just for a moment to look down as his fingers dipped into her folds, drawing a long sweep up to her clit. She preened into his touch, hips already bucking up into his hand as he started to swirl his fingers around her clit.
“So worked up for me already, huh, pretty? Just need me to make you feel good, s’that it?” His voice was a low purr in her ear as he dipped his fingers down to her entrance. She whined as he started to thrust into her, his palm grinding against her clit in messy circles. 
“F-fuck, yes. Make me feel good, Joel. Wanna be good for you.” He dragged his lips up the arch of her neck, his murmurs sending vibrations through the tender skin.
“Always so good for me, darlin. Want you to come on my fingers, can you do that?” She was already embarrassingly close, clenching around his fingers with each thrust of his hand. All she could do was nod and bite back the shivering moans that were crawling up her throat. Joel dipped his head down to her chest, taking one of her peaked nipples into his hot mouth and she yelped out a broken curse at the feeling. There was a lewd pop when he pulled off her, resting his chin between the valley of her breasts as he watched her teeter over the edge of pleasure.
“Come for me, darlin. Show me how good it feels. Just let go.” The pleasure snapped in a jagged blur as she clamped down around his fingers, her hips jerking up into his hold. He worked her through it until she was starting to squirm in his hand, finally pulling his fingers away and wiping them off on the towel beneath her. 
She pulled him in by his neck for another kiss, her other hand sweeping down between them to palm at his throbbing hardness. He hissed into her mouth as her thumb swiped over his tip, smearing pre-cum down the length of him before lining him up with her entrance. 
“Want you, Joel. Wanna feel you, please.” He groaned into her neck before pressing his hips forward, both of them letting out broken sighs when his hips settled flush with hers. She drew one leg up, her knee hitching at his waist as he rolled his hips back before thrusting into her in one harsh stroke, quickly finding a pace that had her gasping out his name. 
“S’right, pretty. Keep saying my name– fuck– s’me who’s making you feel so good, huh?” She let out a whimpered “yes” to his question, her nails finding purchase in the tense muscles of his back. The pleasure was already starting to pool sure and heady at the base of her spine, her cunt fluttering around his thick length with each thrust. Joel seemed to notice, bringing his hand down between them to draw heavy sweeps across her clit. Her hips bucked at the sensation, a clipped cry bubbling from her throat. Joel’s eyes were fierce as he watched her crumpled expression of pleasure.
“Think you got one more for me, darlin. Be good for me. Come for me– fuck– need to feel you.” With a cry of his name she fell over the edge of pleasure again, spasming around his dick as he fucked her through the simmering throb. He wasn’t far behind, pulling out only to stroke himself a few times before he was releasing over her stomach. 
He hunched over her, his breath smearing across her collarbones as she lightly dragged her nails up and down his back, both of them trying to calm their racing pulses. Joel finally looked up at her, pressing a chaste kiss to the corner of her mouth that drew a grin from her.
“That feel better, darlin?” 
“Much better, but we really need a shower now.”
They showered together, and it was sweet, all tender touches and soft smiles. But she couldn’t help herself when they got out, wrapping her towel around her body and grabbing the diva cup, waving it in Joel’s face. 
“You wanna see how it’s done, Miller?” He visibly blanched at her words, already shuffling out of the bathroom as he muttered a few words.
“Nope. No, ma’am.”
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justrainandcoffee · 1 month
The sun always rises again (Farrier x fem!oc) Part I
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Farrier Masterlist
Summary: Farrier is in Sussex visiting his grandmother who is sadly dying. In a local pub, he and his best friend, Collins, met Marguerite in not the best circumstances. What started as a nice gesture quickly became in an inevitable attraction. || Collins plays his best cards trying to persuade his best friend to do something about the girl that he clearly likes and, maybe, he succeeds.
Warnings: Misogyny, sexual harassment. Mentions of war. Fluff. || Collins is the MVP.
Words: 3k.
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Marguerite Sarah Lewis was born in 1910 in London but when she was four years old, her mother and older brother moved to Sussex. Although French, her mother met her husband there and for the woman it was a special place.
1914 meant the beginning of one of the greatest wars that Earth faced until that point of the history and Mr. Lewis answered the called. And that's why Elise Lewis, the wife, took her kids and went there. The sea, the view, allowed the woman to imagine that one day soon she was going to see him back.
But that day never came. Nor in 1914 nor the next four years. In 1918, Marguerite was eight years already and his brother twelve. Both of them old enough to understand that their father was never coming back. Yet, Mrs. Lewis stayed there waiting for a ship that didn't exist.
Theodore Lewis jr, her brother, moved again to London when he was old enough to do it but she remained there in Sussex where she was still studying.
Her mother died when she was 19, in 1929. Maggie always knew that the poor woman never accepted her husband's fate. And now that she was older understood a bit better what she was feeling. Probably if Mr. Lewis had survived the war, then his wife wouldn't have died at the age of 43. But that was something that the Lewis siblings will never know.
The only thing that Maggie knew now was that she was the owner of her own destiny and needed to live in that world called adulthood.
She found a job in a local library first, where she worked for two years until she started to work as waitress in a new pub. The salary was higher and the tips were all for her.
In 1932, when she was 22, her life changed completely when she met him.
The pub was crowded as always. Men going there to relax after work was something that happened every day. It was full of loud men, laughing, chatting and making jokes while they were drinking beer.
Among them, two friends were having a conversation too. Their blue uniforms indicated that they were soldiers probably out of duty for a while. One had blond hair and the other brown shorter than the first one.
"Hope your grandmother can get well soon, Farrier."
"I don't think so. Until this point we're expecting the inevitable, but at least I'm here to be with her. Thanks for coming with me, by the way."
The blond, Collins, smiled "That's what friends do, Will."
Farrier nodded raising his pint of beer. "How's Sally?"
"It didn't work. But there's plenty of women in this world."
"And if men keep creating unnecessary wars soon the planet will be just populated by women. And humanity will be doom."
"Humanity is already doomed. But, if that's the case, then better I hurry up to get one before my death. And you should do the same."
Farrier shook his head "I don't have time for that. I always promised myself to be a good husband and father, not like my old man. If I get a girl, then it has to be for life."
"Sometimes you took life too seriously, William. Go Farrier, fuck some girls and you'll be fine."
William Farrier just hummed.
Collins decided to changed the subject and both men started talking about the new pilots that both of them were training. Young but smart men, ready to fight if the country needed it. Although both of them really hoped that it would never be necessary.
Maggie was praying in silence for the end of her shift. Sadly, she was used to men being rude and sometimes puting their hands on her body, but this time one in particular was crossing the line and she was quite uncomfortable. His friends were more drunk than he was and the only thing they managed to do was to encourage him to be nastier.
"Hey, doll, bring your pretty ass here, sweetheart! My mates and me want more beer. And unbutton your dress a bit more, love! Those two precious tits of yours want to know me."
The four of them of laughed so hard that Farrier and Collins that until that moment weren't paying attention at all, looked at them and both exchanged glances then.
Maggie looked at her both co-workers and friends, who same as her knew the consequences of working in that kind of jobs. They were young women in 1930s there wasn't much they could do there. Maggie just breathe and walked to them carrying a new tray and left it on the table but she wasn't quick enough and the man grabbed her by the waist and sit them on his lap, against her will.
"I have to go," she said trying to get up "I have work to do."
"Pretty sure your friends can cover you, love."
"No, they can't."
"Come on, sweetheart. I saw you looking at me. Let's have fun."
"I said no."
"She said no," mocked him, smirking at his friends who laughed again. "The little bitch, said no."
"She said no."
This time it was a deeper voice and the man in question turned around to see both pilots behind him. His friends looked down and pretended to be drinking their beers. The man let her go.
"We're just having fun."
"Get your ass out of here. Now."
He thought for a moment about starting a fight with them. He and his friends were four and the strangers were just two, but something in them make him reconsider his options. The blond was taller than him and the other seemed to be stronger. Not to mention that they were trained men. The group just recoiled and without further words, they left the place.
"Are you okay?" Farrier asked to Maggie.
"Yes. Thanks, sir. And you too," she said looking at Collins as well. "Usually I know people here, but those were new."
"Probably they won't come back."
"I hope not. You're new too."
"Temporary living here," Farrier commented. "My grandmother is sick and I'm just saying goodbye."
"That's sad, I'm sorry."
"Thanks, miss…"
"Marguerite Lewis."
"William Farrier, miss Lewis," the man said kissing her hand.
At their side, Collins was smiling and was waiting for the perfect to start teasing his best friend.
The days that followed, Farrier visited the pub every night. Sometimes with his friend, sometimes alone.
There was something in Marguerite that Farrier found fascinating. She had a pretty smile and his brown eyes and dark red hair made her even prettier. He had the chance to speak to her and discovered a good young woman. Maggie loved to read same way she loved yo bake. Once, she offered him one of her cookies and Farrier could testify that they were indded delicious. And even without knowing everything about him, she sent flowers to his grandmother's funeral when she knew about the sad news. Something that Farrier took as signal that she was really a good person.
They even spent a morning in the beach, talking and walking by the seashore. Her reddish hair shone in the sun and William wondered if the hair was really as soft as it looked. Or if her lips were.
"I used to play here a lot when I was a kid," she said unaware of his thoughts, "despite everything, I had a good childhood."
"Despite everything?"
"My father died in the Great War. I don't really remember him, I just know him because of the photo my mother kept."
"I'm sorry, Marguerite. That sounds sad."
"It was for my mother and maybe my older, he remembers him a bit more. You can't really miss someone you don't remember, right?"
"I guess. But still is a sad situation. No kid should grow up without a father."
"And yet…" Maggie looked at him and smiled softly "but it doesn't matter. That was long ago."
Not long ago for Farrier's liking. He was also a kid back then, but he remembered his mother talking about the mutilated soldiers she saw in the hospital were she worked as nurse. And the sadness in her eyes when years later her son told her that he was now part of the air force. But she never opposed to his decision.
"Do you like the sea, Mr. Farrier? I guess watching it from the skies is quite an experience."
"I do like the sea, yes. And it is, it's big and infinite. Indescribable."
Maggie looked at him for a moment and saw him lost in the memories of an experience she was never going to feel.
"Do you want to tell me about it?" she asked. So he told her about the sky, the clouds, the cold air in his face. The feeling of parachute jumping.
His life, Maggie thought, it was extraordinary and there was no way that a man like him could find interesting the life of a town girl whose more fascinating experience of the week was to find a pound in the street. Or that beautiful ring that found one day walking through the beach. And yet, Farrier was ready to hear about her same way she was about him.
"You like her," Collins finally said at the end of their second week there, "I highly recommend you to do something because someone else can take advantage of your slowness."
"Like you?"
"I'd never do that to you. I know I'm more handsome but she's with you. I heard that there's a place where you can eat and dance nearby, invite her to go with you, William. I don't think she refuses the invitation considering how she looks at you."
Collins was right.
Maggie couldn't deny that she was captivated by the pilot from almost the beginning. He was handsome, attentive and a gentleman. William was the kind of man that her mother said she needed to find but that until the moment she knew him, she thought didn't exist.
Danny, one of her co-workers and friends, borrowed her one her dresses. Danielle's sister worked in a textile mill and she usually gave her sister clothes that the factory rejected despite their impeccable condition. The dark green dress that Maggie was wearing that night
So of course she said yes.
Danny, one of her co-workers and friends, borrowed Maggie one her dresses. Danielle's sister worked in a textile mill and she usually gave her sister clothes that the factory rejected despite their impeccable condition. The dark green dress that Maggie was wearing that night was one of those. Marguerite also allowed her friend to do her makeup.
"He's so handsome," Danny commented, smiling at her "and you're very lucky, Mags."
"Do you think I have a chance? I really like him."
"I think, you are the luckiest girl in whole Sussex."
Marguerite smiled. Never before a man paid attention to her the way Farrier did those days there. Sure she flirted innocently with some of young men in town, and kissed some of them years ago, but never did more than that. Never felt confident enough to do it because all those boys didn't seem to be looking for a serious relationship. But William wasn't a boy, he was a man and he acted like one.
Maggie looked at her in the mirror, when Danny finished her job, and smiled. The final result was better than she imagined.
Collins didn't tell Farrier who was the owner of the car that was parked in front of the house that belonged to William's grandmother, but somehow his friend managed to get one so he could go with Maggie to their date.
"Are you going to get in trouble for this?"
Collins snorted "please, have a bit of faith in me."
Farrier raised an eyebrow, suspiciously, but after looking at him several seconds let it go. "Okay then. Give me the car keys."
"Have fun, Romeo," Collins said throwing the keys at him.
Maggie didn't expect to have a good night like that one, although she dreamt about it. Feeling a happiness that didn't know it was possible to feel and her heart pounding by just looking at him. For a moment she felt stupid smiling at him almost all the time but she couldn't help it. Dinner was delicious and they spent the time to know each other a bit more. She even let him take her hands in his.
Maggie knew French because her mother used to talk in her native tongue in the house. Farrier asked her to taught him the language, if she wanted, because in his own words "you will never know when you're going to need it."
"But for that, you need to stay here, William, I can't teach you from the distance."
"Maybe I found a reason to stay," he answered. And for someone who, as his best friend claimed, took life too seriously felt as a personal achievement that flirty but also true line.
Dancing with William was lovely. Several other couples were doing the same with their partners while a singer sang and the orchestra accompanied her beautiful voice.
Maggie had her head resting on his shoulder and his hand was on her waist. Farrier could feel her perfume invading his nostrils. It was sweet with a delicate aroma of roses.
Your slowness.
Collins' words resounded in Farrier head. Fucking Collins. Who was he calling slow? His hand left her waist carresed her cheek. Both pair of eyes stared at each other before he leaned towards her a press his lips against hers.
Maggie put her hands on his chest and let him guide her. Despite his appearance, at least with her in that moment, Farrier it was gentle. When they pulled apart, he caressed her hair.
"I like you," Farrier confessed.
"I like you, too, Will."
And to confirm those words, they kissed again.
Farrier had only two weeks left before returning to work and he spent every moment with her. Even if she was working, William was there. He became part of the landscape of that pub and everyone there, even the owner, know who he was now. And when she wasn't working, they were in the beach or in her house.
The last night, she let him enter in her bed for the first time. He was her first time and Farrier, if that was possible, fall in love with her even more.
"I'll be back soon," he promised her while she was in his arms and she was holding her against his body.
"I'll be waiting for you."
William kissed her again and Maggie knew, no matter what would happen in the future, that he was the most correct decision she ever took in her whole life.
The months they spent separated, they communicate through letters and some calls when they had the chance to use a phone. Collins attributed his friend's new behaviour to him and in part, he was right.
Of course William returned to Sussex, this time alone, and he did with a ring in his pocket. The same night they saw eachother again, he asked her to be his wife and feeling a happiness that it was hard to describe, Maggie accepted his proposal.
Farrier sold her grandmother's house and the one his own old flat and moved to Sussex with her.
Marguerite Lewis became Marguerite Farrier just weeks later. The wedding in the church in that town was a celebration for the people living there, her brother that went from London to there and, of course, Collins.
His life those first years there were the happiest that Farrier could remember. His wife gave him two beautiful kids that he swore to protect with his life, same as her.
"One day I'm going to be a pilot like you, papa," his firstborn called Edward, said.
"Will you?"
"Yeah. Flying the skies in my own plane!" the boy exclaimed opening his arms and running around him simulating he was indeed flying. William caught his son and lifted him in the air and Edward started to laugh, still with his arms wide open like plane.
From the kitchen window where she was cooking, Maggie couldn't help but smile looking at them with pure love. Once, Farrier commented her that he always promised himself to be a good husband and father and it was clear now that he was fulfilling that promise.
While Ed stayed outside playing with his toys and their little girl, Clara, was sleeping on the couch, William went to where his wife was.
Marguerite smiled when she felt his strong arms around her and his lips on her neck.
"It smells delicious, Maggie."
"Thanks, honey. It will be ready in no time."
William placed a new kiss on her skin before opening the cupboard to search the plates and cutlery.
Life was good for the Farriers in that little corner of the world.
Sadly, it was already 1938.
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prince-liest · 6 months
I know you’ve gotten asks already talking about how happy they are that you’re going more in depth on the subject of Vox being trans in your next installment, but I can’t help myself… I’m so excited that you’re writing about that. It can be difficult to find trans rep in fandom spaces sometimes and your stories are so well written that this is like a gift from god. SO ANYWAY I’m super happy and your works are amazing and I just hope you know how many people value your works for all that they give.
Secondly, I was wondering whether or not Vox would have been trans on earth or just in hell? I mean I’m sure it would be difficult considering the time period but I also couldn’t think of a reason why he would be cis on earth but trans in hell. UNLESS he realized he was trans in hell/was finally able to do something about it?? Anyway, all of this is just speculation, I am only curious!!
Regardless, great work. It genuinely means a lot to me, if no one else :)
Oh, man, I'm ngl, one of my little, "Wait! I can do anything I want!!!!" moments of going mad with power once I got more and more experience at writing was realizing that I could just trans anyone's gender at-will and I didn't need anyone's permission for that. I still remember the first time I quietly decided an OC of mine was trans (love you, Laledy, you obnoxious asshole). I'm always a little apprehensive to start writing trans characters in new fandoms, mostly because I've been in a number of fandoms that have corners that get very tetchy about their weird gender role stuff, but it's consistently been met with such a positive reaction that it really brings me joy. So thank you so very, very much!!
My personal take on Vox in 666 specifically (a lot of which isn't going to come up because he does not want to get into it) is that he wasn't personally really in a position or environment conducive to considering trans-ness as, like, a thing that happens when he was alive, and he put his all into putting on The Correct Gender Performance with the vim and aplomb that we see from him in canon, plus all the underlying bullshit that goes into maintaining that facade. So, y'know. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, minus the Jewish. Which did not do amazing things for his mental health, not that he let himself pay attention to that at the time!
And then he wakes up, in hell, with this weird-ass demon body with a television for a head, and - well, it just makes sense to present as a man at that point, doesn't it? Hell is dog-eat-dog, and he's not going to pick the submissive gender to put himself on the back foot from the start!
He figures out what the fuck being trans even is eventually, just. Not for a while, and not until after someone like Valentino, having known and assumed that Vox is trans as a given for fucking months, mentions it offhandedly to Vox, who had been mentally describing himself as "just lying about his sex like those girls in stories that get shit done by dressing up as men". Then he gets to have his own little spiral about it, and also why it's upsetting him, and why he felt so vulnerable about Valentino knowing, and why Valentino specifically, Mr. Fishnets, Heels, and Microminis, is the one that ended up in a position not only to know this about Vox but for Vox to feel comfortable having any kind of sex with. It wasn't something Vox had to analyze back when it was just "her" freaky boyfriend being into pegging!
Okay, fuck, I have even more feelings about trans Vox than I thought I did, hahahaha.
Might fuck around and write a staticmoth-centric prequel interlude at some point if I have the brain cells for it. Vox is a lot more confident and comfortable with his gender now, to the point where he can absolutely see fucking around in a dress for kinky reasons as crossdressing and not being forced back into a box that doesn't fit, but it'd be neat to explore the earlier days. Val isn't here for gender, he's here to be sexy, but Vox... this IS the origin of the daddy kink, just saying.
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aajjks · 1 year
Dark Knight feeling, Die or Kill (m)
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A collaboration based on fictional iconic superhero characters, with the bts members; with a twist of obsession and desire, you won’t be able to escape, no matter how much you try, who’s going to save you from them? hint: no one.
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written by: @justanotherstarlightmonger
member: seokjin
character: silver surfer
synopsis: Kim Seokjin, the silver surfer, finds his heart of titanium swaying for the first time in millennia, for Reed Richard's prodigy apprentice, who unfortunately calls the planet his master wants to devour, home. Caught between a life long oath to an intergalactic planet devouring fog and the all encompassing obsession the surfer developed with OC, Seokjin will fight tooth and nail to have it all.
release date: [TBD]
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written by: @bighitfics
member: yoongi/suga
character: captain america
synopsis. “You’ve been asleep captain yoongi, for almost 22 years” yet I wasn’t surprised by the revelation not one bit just disappointed and perhaps a tad bit disheartened.
The only thing that came into my mind at the moment was her.
My Y/n.
The one thing in my life that kept me going.
The one stability that I had.
The girl who believed in me when the world stranded me.
The girl I’d fight hell just to hold in my arms.
I close my eyes and all I could hear was her sweet voice sobbing and begging me to return back.
Then the crash happened and the rest is history.
The defeat and acceptance of never seeing her again for the sake of others still fresh in my memory.
Where’s she now? Still living in illsan? Does she know that I’m here….that I’ve been found? Would she be waiting like she promised?
“You’re gonna be okay?” the guy asked while I looked around the city that had so sense of familiarity still trying to find some sort of relevance to ease my mind but it was utterly useless because everything was foreign as though I’ve been transported to a different planet.
“Yeah I just…I had a date.” I answer him.
release date: [TBD]
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written by: @bahbah-bee
member: hoseok/jhope
character: Batman/Bruce Wayne.
synopsis. Billionaires don’t develop attachments. Superheroes don’t make deals with villains. This was something ingrained in Mr. Hoseok through experience. Gotham didn’t need to know the truth about Batman, and in return all the dealings of the underworld were taken care of. It didn’t matter if people got hurt, as long as justice was served. At least, that was until he met you.
release date: [TBD]
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written by: @ratherbefangirling
member: namjoon/RM.
character: black widow
synopsis. Namjoon was stolen from his birth parents by the agency. Since then he's learned many different things, lived many different lives, felt many different things. Black Monster. The best of the best. That's what everyone knows him as. Is it too much to ask that someone knows his name. Is it too much for the extraordinary to ask for the ordinary. It might be, but black monster always gets his way no matter what.
release date: [TBD]
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written by: @pynkgothicka
member: jimin
character: scarlet witch
synopsis. Jimin has kept up your fantasy-esque life up for all you can remember. So why is that idyllic life showing cracks all of a sudden?
release date: [TBD]
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written by: @bebejungkook
member: taehyung/V
character: Angel (x-men)
synopsis. To everyone in the city, Kim Taehyung is a mutant and the heir to the Kim fortune, helping keep the city safe and secure. But to you, he is your guardian Angel, saving you from harm and gifting you with wisdom. You go to him for guidance and comfort, how could he say no to his sweet and innocent little dove? His heart beats for you only and he would do anything to protect and keep you safe, after all he is your guardian angel.
release date: [TBD]
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wrïtten by: @aajjks
mëmbër: jungkook
chàracter: Spïder-Mân
synöpsïs. He wöuldn’t lêt you cräwl äwäy from him, you bëlongêd to him.
fïc téäsër: xx
rëlëäsë dätë: [TBD]
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athanza · 5 months
Starlett - Final part
Cooper Howard/fem!OC (not self-insert)
Tags: Hurt/comfort (sort of?), non-allowed romantic connection, lots of tention, pre and post war drama, romance, some fluff
Warnings: Mentions of domestic abuse (no graphic scenes or descriptions of that nature), angst, canon wasteland violence
This branches out from canon but I thought it was a cute story idea so I had to write it. Enjoy! ♡
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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That night, after dinner, Irene found Cooper on the sofa with Janey asleep on his lap, watching an old noire film with the volume down low.
"Thank you very much for dinner Mr. H- Cooper." She corrected herself, speaking low so as not to wake Janey. "It was lovely."
He looked up as she walked over. "It was no trouble at all. Janey loved having you here."
She smiled at his daughters sleeping face as she sat down on the edge of the sofa. "You've got a good kid there."
He looked down at her proudly. "Yeah, I sure do."
"She reminds me of my baby sister, she lives with my folks in Sacramento. I don't get to see her much anymore with my work and everything with Frank and Lee. It'll be good to see her again."
"How long has it been?"
"Almost 2 years. I know my sister resents me for how much I'm away, but hopefully that'll change now that I'll be away from Frank, at least until the divorce proceedings." She sighed with uneasiness.
"You'll be fine." Said Cooper encouragingly. "You're stronger than you think."
"Ditto." She smiled warmly. "And don't worry about Janey, you both love her so much. She'll understand when she's older, I promise."
He smiled, touched by her words. "Thank you."
She looked into his eyes and saw something she never had, a good man, a man who loves unconditionally and stands up for his family.
She, just for a moment, imagined what it would be like if he was her husband instead of Frank, if Janey were their daughter, if this was her life and not the daily abuse she had been going home to every night.
She could feel emotions begin to well behind her eyes and she snapped out of it before she embarrassed herself.
"Well, I should get some sleep, I'll be leaving early tomorrow. Thank you again."
The warmness that emanated from her was a welcome comfort in the midst of everything that had happened in the last few months. He almost didn't want her to leave, but he couldn't let himself fall, not now, not for her. They were meant for another time, another world, not this one.
"Irene?" Said Cooper, stopping her before she left. "This whole thing with Vault Tec...something's happening, something I'm not sure we'll ever come back from.
You're free from it now. Whatever's coming...it won't be worth giving up your happiness."
What he said about Vault Tec concerned her, not that it was surprising, but he was right about her happiness, he was right about everything. She wasn't going to be held back any longer.
"Thank you." She said, smiling softly.
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The sky was still dark when he left the cave. He'd covered Irene with whatever he could find to try to conceal her from raiders, hoping nothing else would find her while he was gone.
He knew there was a clinic in this area somewhere but whether it had anything left in it was a gamble.
As he made his way hastily through the area, he couldn't stop thinking about her and it just made him angry, 219 years of trying to become the monster that he had to be in order to survive, only for her to show up and remind him of that warmth that he'd long since forgotten. It made him weak, but he couldn't let her die, not now.
He heard movement up ahead, two men laughing drunkenly as they stumbled to find somewhere to relieve themselves.
The cages and skewered bodies around the building were a dead give-away and their little base just happened to be the clinic he was looking for.
Jackpot. They definitely had a stash in there somewhere.
The two men separated to find somewhere to piss but just as one got comfortable, Cooper blast his head off and took the other one out just a split second later.
"Oh HELL no!" Came a voice from the doorway of the clinic.
Without hesitation, Cooper shot him too, a bloody mess left on the door frame behind where he had been standing.
He stormed inside, his pump-action shotgun in hand, willing to use up all of his ammo to get what he needed.
Bullets and wood chips were flying every which way, and he took a bullet or two, but it took him no time at all to obliterate every person in that building.
He searched hastily for supplies, and when he found a first aid box full of stimpaks and cotton thread, he grabbed it and left, picking up several blood packs on his way out.
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The next morning, Irene was up early, her bag already in her car when Cooper came out to meet her.
"You weren't kiddin' about leavin' early." He said, the clock in the hallway reading 7:12am.
"I thought it'd be best if I left earlier rather than later."
He knew why. He didn't argue.
"Give this to Janey for me, would you? I noticed she liked it and I know it'll be in good hands."
She handed Cooper a silver locket with a daisy engraved delicately on the front.
He looked at it a bit surprised. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah, I don't much care for it anymore. It'll be more appreciated with her." She smiled.
She did one last check of her purse to make sure she had everything and the tention in the air was starting to thicken. When she knew she had everything, she looked back up at him.
"Cooper?" She asked. "Do me a favour and don't let the world harden that heart of yours, ok? That part of people is important, even if it makes us feel weak, always remember that, ok?"
She leant forward and kissed his cheek. "See you 'round cowboy."
She smiled at him one last time before getting in her car, and as he watched her drive away he felt his heart ache a little. He would miss her, her warm smiles, and how she made Janey laugh, but it wasn't meant to be, and he knew that.
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He pulled off the foliage covering her now pale body and opened the case.
Her breathing was shallow and laboured, a puddle of blood underneath her that had started to coagulate.
He used one of the stimpaks, then another, then another until he had used all six, then pulled out the thread and started sewing up the deep gashes on her side that were sticky with blood.
He remembered the last time he saw her, her smile, the kiss. He remembered watching her drive away and wishing she hadn't. He remembered the last things she said to him.
"...don't let the world harden that heart of yours, ok? That part of people is important, even if it makes us feel weak..."
When he finished sewing, he hung up one of the blood bags and attached the long tube to her arm.
He was still and focused, hoping he wasn't too late, his hands now covered in her blood.
When she woke up after only a few minutes, she saw him sitting by the fire beside her and smiled sleepily.
"Hey there cowboy."
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The End
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Glynis Johns (Mary Poppins, The Court Jester)—LISTEN, I'd let that woman's voice with all its gravely hoarseness (positive) wash over me all goddamn day, but if that's not enough she managed to play the straight woman to Danny Kaye's jester, all with her cleavage so plunging it might as well have been catapulted into the ocean right after Basil Rathbone
Eartha Kitt (Anna Lucasta, St. Louis Blues)—My friend and I have a saying: NOBODY is Eartha Kitt. A thousand have tried, and they've all come up empty and will continue to do so. Everyone knows her for something: from "Santa Baby" to Yzma in Emperor's New Groove to Catwoman to making Lady Bird Johnson cry for the Vietnam War. She was a master of comedy and sex, an extremely vocal activist, and she aged like fine wine... I honestly don't know what I can say about her that hasn't already been said, so I'll stick to linking all my propaganda. Like what else do you want from me. She was iconic at everything she ever did. Literally name another. How can anyone even think of her and not want to absolutely drown?
This is round 4 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Glynis Johns:
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She walks the line between sexy and cute. Her best role for me is in "The Court Jester as Maid Jean. She's fantastic as the soft but tough captain of the outlaw band and she looks stunning in every gown she wears throughout the film. And of course we can't forget her iconic turn as the suffragette mother, Mrs. Banks, in Mary Poppins! Also shoutout to her distinctive and beautiful voice, kind of smoky and husky. Extremely hot and set her apart from many of her peers."
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"She was amazing in Mary Poppins (the Suffragette song is severely underrated) and apparently she was Welsh? National pride! And she advocated for arts funding in Wales, which is very cool. Also, she died recently (RIP) making her one of the last survivors of the Golden Age of Hollywood, according to Wikipedia. Also also, she just has a cheeky energy I like? And her eyes are beautiful!"
"She had this wonderful wit and charm to her no matter the role and the most distinctive, striking voice!"
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"I mean, incredibly beautiful and talented, can do drama can do comedy. And she was a mermaid."
"Like Bette Davis she has eyes to die for. Unlike Bette Davis you felt comforted by them, even when she was batting her eyelashes at you. Would glady go to Downing Street with her and throw things at the Prime minister"
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"Listen, listen. I was raised on Mary Poppins and "Votes for women! (step in time)" single-handedly taught me how to be a feminist. Also The Court Jester is one of my favourite movies of all time and she is UNBELIEVABLY gorgeous, charismatic, funny, and clever in it. She knocks several men out. Absolute icon."
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"I love Glynis Johns. Most of the reason is The Court Jester where she's a sensible and capable foil to whatever what going on with Danny Kaye at the time. She was also the first star I based an OC on. An OC that I still have to this day! Anyway here have some YouTube links love u bye"
Mermaid clip:
Court Jester (sharing a bed trope):
Court Jester (seducing the king):
"VOTES FOR WOMEN! Well, votes for this woman. Please."
Eartha Kitt:
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"A hot vintage woman who was not just known for her voice, beauty, poise, and presence, but also her unapologetic ways of speaking about how she was mistreated in the show business as a girl who grew up on cotton fields in South Carolina in the 1930s through the 1940s coming to Broadway first and then Hollywood."
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"Have you watched her sing?? Have you seen her face?? Have you heard her talk?? How could you not fall instantly in love. She makes me incoherent with how hot she is."
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"She can ACT she can SING she can speak FOUR LANGUAGES she is a GODDESS!!! Although she is (rightfully) remembered for her singing, TV appearances (Catwoman my beloved), and later film roles, her early appearances in film are no less impressive or noteworthy!! She’s an amazing actress with so much charisma in every role. She was also blacklisted from Hollywood for 10 years for criticizing the Johnson administration/Vietnam War, so. Iconic. Also Orson Welles apparently called her “the most exciting woman in the world.”
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"She had such a stunning, remarkable appearance, like she could tear you to shreds with just a glance- but the most undeniable part of her hotness was her voice, and it makes sense that it's what most people nowadays know her for. Nothing encapsulates the sheer magnetism of her singing better than this clip of her and Nat King Cole in St. Louis Blues, she pops in at 2:49. Also I know it's post-1970 but her song that was cut from Emperor's New Groove is likely to make you feel Feelings."
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Even with as racist as Hollywood was in the 1950s and 60s, Eartha Kitt STILL managed to have a thriving career. She also once had a threesome with Paul Newman and James Dean, and called out LBJ over the Vietnam War so hard that it made First Lady Johnson cry. Eartha Kitt was talented, sexy, and a total badass activist.
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252 notes · View notes
callsign-magnolia · 1 year
Undiagnosed // Ch. 7
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Mature Content 18+
Jake Seresin x Neurodivergent OC
Summary: Katie Blair grew up trying to be the perfect daughter. She always struggled to be the prim and proper little girl her parents wanted. Big personality as a kid, but now at 25, she's the shy admiral's daughter who just keeps her head down and tries to get through law school. So what happens when she's had enough and with help from a certain Lieutenant, she gets out.
Warnings: Emotional abuse, trauma response, abusive parents.
Word Count: 7.6k
Chapter 6 | Masterlist
After a few days everyone agreed something was up. Katie never texted anyone, and she never responded to the numerous texts or calls. “We have to do something.” Jake said, pacing around his living room. “Babe. Stop before you run a rut in the ground.” Kelly said, grabbing his arm from the couch. “Maybe things were okay when she went home.” Kelly suggested and Rooster scoffed. “You didn’t see the bruises.” He said. “Or the way her father spoke to her.” Phoenix chipped in. “Okay, so do any of you know where she lives?” Kelly asked and Jake nodded. “I do.” She furrowed her brows at him. “That Saturday she was gonna come to the Hard Deck. She had a lot to do before that so I went over there to help her clean her fish tank, and her parents came home early.” Jake’s mind flashed to the memory of her getting thrown to the floor in the hallway. “Her dad beat the shit out of her when I left.” He muttered. “Okay, so you know where she lives. Why doesn’t Phoenix go over there and ask about her? You two probably can’t get close to the house so just send Phoenix.” Kelly suggested and immediately both boys looked over at Phoenix who had her legs pulled up on the couch. 
“I’ll do it.” She said. “Whose car are we taking?” Rooster asked. “Mine.” Phoenix said and marched out the door, keys swinging on her fingers. “You two need to get in the back, if Commander or Mrs. Blair see you, they’ll know we’re up to something.” Both men groaned but crawled into the back of the convertible anyway. They were squished in the back while Phoenix and Kelly took the front seats. Jake gave directions and once they were in front of the house, Phoenix parked on the street. She got out, walking up to the front door, looking up at the large white house. She took a deep breath, knocking on the door. She adjusted her denim shorts on her hips as she heard loud footsteps in the house. Soon the door swung open to reveal Mrs. Blair. “Can I help you?” She asked, her voice sickly sweet. “Hi Mrs. Blair. I was on my way to dinner with a friend and wanted to check on Katie. You see, I’ve been texting her for a few days and she hasn’t responded.” Mrs. Blair nodded at her with a smile. “My poor Katie has been very sick lately, she only went back to class today. She stayed there late to catch up on work.” Phoenix nodded, not believing a word she said. “Well would you happen to know when we will be seeing her on base? It's nice having her around and a lot of us look forward to seeing her.” 
Phoenix kept it polite but was a little startled when Mrs. Blair stepped out of the house and closed the door. “Katie doesn’t like being on base. So her father and I have decided that she can stay on campus and study. She was getting distracted by everyone on base and she thought it would be better to stay away from everyone.” Phoenix looked at her confused. “I’m sorry, it sounds like you’re saying Katie made the decision herself to avoid us.” Mrs. Blair nodded. “She did. She told us she didn’t like being around all of you so she no longer goes on base.” She smirked at me, stepping back inside the house. “Now please, don’t show up on my doorstep again.” She said before slamming the door. Phoenix was fuming, and it showed in the way she stormed back to her car. She got into the driver's seat, slamming the door. “What happened?” Rooster asked. Phoenix just drove off, heading out of the neighborhood. “Phoenix.” “She said Katie no longer wants to see us and she decided to no longer come on base herself.” She spat. “What a bunch of bullshit.” Rooster scoffed.
I was curled up under my covers when I heard a car door. I had been either laying in bed or leaned against my door for the past few days, begging for them to let me out. I got angry not long after they left me in here, beating on my door some more until they threatened to leave me in here without food. I knew they would go through with it, and they did. The next morning they gave me food but I felt like I was starving by that point. I knew I couldn’t let this go on, but I had to be smart about getting out. So when I heard the car door, I thought it would be my chance. I jumped up, placing my ear to the door just as there was a knock on the front door. I heard two sets of footsteps, my mothers who stopped and my fathers which grew closer to my room. Just as I heard the lock I stepped back from the door, watching as my father walked in. I couldn’t do anything before he grabbed me, one arm wrapping around my neck and his other hand covered my mouth. “You make a sound and it will be the last mistake you ever make.” He was nearly choking me as I listened to Phoenix’s voice just downstairs. She was less than fifty feet away from me. The thought made tears run down my face, soaking my cheeks and my fathers hand. 
The voices disappeared for a moment before I heard the door a second time. After a few seconds I heard my mother come upstairs and she opened my door. “She’s gone.” No sooner did the words escape my mother’s mouth did my father toss me to the floor. “You’ve been talking to that dark headed girl? The pilot?” Mom asked. “Natasha Trace?” Dad asked and I nodded. “When I was on base.” It was quiet but my mother stepped closer and I backed myself into my dresser as she did so. “What does she know?” I shook my head. “Nothing.” She took my face in her hand, her fingers squeezing my cheeks. “If I find out she knows anything, it will be the end of you.” I nodded as she shoved my head back into the dresser, letting me go. I stared up at her as she turned her back to me. “So you’re aware of everything you’re doing to me?” I asked and she laughed. “Do you think we’ve done this for twenty-five years without knowing what we were doing?” 
With that they left, leaving me alone once again. The click of the lock telling me they wouldn’t be back for a while. I decided I was done laying in bed for the day and decided to open my blinds, looking out to emptiness behind our house. I opened my window at one point and yelled, but that earned me a black eye and my windows nailed shut. I’m sure if we had a basement, my parents would chain me up in there and leave the lights off. I made my bed and sat on it, not knowing what else to do. I’m tired of reading and I’m tired of crying. So I opted to lay back on my bed and stare at the ceiling, imagining what my life would be like right now if I never left Jake’s. I’d probably be bored out of my mind, waiting for him to get home but that’s a million times better than being here. I can’t believe I was stupid enough to come back here. It was a mistake and one that I regret more than anything. 
The week flew by and soon it was Saturday. I expected this day to be like any other, but I was sorely mistaken. Ten a.m. rolls around and my mother comes in. “Get up.” She said, ripping the covers off of me. I turned to face her, obvious fear in my eyes. “You need a shower.” She said, hauling me off the bed. I happily followed her, excited for a shower since I hadn’t had one since before I ran off to Jake’s. She stood in the bathroom while I showered and brushed my teeth, watching my every move carefully to make sure I wouldn’t run. She hauled me into her bedroom, forcing me to sit at her vanity so she could dry and curl my hair. We sat in silence as she did it before she told me to do my makeup. I quickly did it, not wanting to test her and soon I was done. “Back to your room.” I did as she said and she shut the door behind us, my dad locking the door as he walked by. She immediately went to my closet as I stood in the middle of my room, watching as she pulled out a white A-line dress with off the shoulders straps. “Get dressed.” Once again I did as she said and straightened out the dress once I had it on. 
“You’ll wear nude heels.” She said and I quickly passed by her, grabbing them from my closet. As I stood I heard the door open and shut, the lock clicking again. “Am I not going with you?” I asked through the door. “No. But when we come home you better look the exact same as I left you. You have to look perfect for who we have coming over.” She walked away and I sighed, leaning on the door and sliding down it again. I tried not to cry, tried holding in my tears because god knows what my mother would do to me if I didn’t look perfect. Always perfect. I have spent my life being perfect and some days, I just want to be average, imperfect, flawed even. I sat against the door, listening to my parents walk around, getting themselves ready for wherever they have to go. “What do you think they’ll do with her once we hand her over?” My dad asked, my ears perking up at his words. “Once she’s out of my house, I don’t care what they do with her.” A shiver ran down my spine at her words. Who the fuck was coming over? And why were they talking about this person doing something with me? My thoughts raced to many things. Selling me off, marrying me off. I have no idea what the hell is going on and that scares me.
“We’ll be back soon. You better look the exact same as you did when I left or so help me god.” I didn’t say anything and she banged on the door, startling me. “Yes, ma’am.” I replied and I heard both sets of footsteps storm down the stairs. I stayed against the door, fear taking over my body. I couldn’t be here when they got back. I had no idea who or what was coming through that door but I didn’t want to find out. I stood, pacing my room trying to think of a way out. I tried kicking the door in the day they locked me in and that got me nowhere. My window is nailed shut, and I had no phone. I paced around for a minute before the tears hit, realizing I had no way out. I fell to the floor next to my bed, sobbing as I thought about what would happen to me. Horrifying images flashed through my mind. I sat up, wiping my eyes as I leaned my head back on my bed, lolling to the side. 
But something caught my eye. It was a curled cord that was hanging out of my desk drawer. Then it hit me. I jumped up, rushing over and yanking the drawer open. Staring back at me was the old landline I used to have in my room, before I had a cell phone. I pulled it out, hope building inside me. I tossed it to the floor before jerking my desk away from the wall and there was the phone jack it used to be plugged into. I grabbed the phone, plugging it all up, staring at it for a moment. If this didn’t work I would have no plan B and I would be stuck here. After a few minutes I worked up the courage to pick the phone up from the receiver, lifting it to my ear. I could’ve sobbed when I heard the dial tone. It worked. “Thank god for older parents who don’t want new technology.” I said to myself before putting it back on the receiver. Who the hell would I call? If I called 911 they would just send me back to my parents. They’re so convincing and honestly would probably pay them off. I didn’t know anyone’s number by heart and I thought all hope was lost but then I remembered I had Jake’s number on a slip of paper in my textbook. I jumped up, quickly grabbing it from my desk. I flipped it upside down and shook it until the paper fell out.
I dove for it, scrambling to unfold it as I grabbed the phone. I dialed the number, terrified it wouldn’t work. But it rang. And it rang, and it rang until it went to voicemail. “No.” Tears streaked my cheeks. “No. No.” I chanted as I dialed his number again. What if he was angry with me and would hang up as soon as he heard my voice. It went to voicemail again and I dialed his number once more. After two rings a soft voice answered. “Hello?” It was Kelly and she sounded annoyed. “Kelly?” I squeaked out and she gasped. “Katie?” I nodded as tears fell. “Katie, sweetie. Where are you?” A sob escaped me and I had to calm myself. “My parents' house.” I cried. “Hang on. JAKE!” She screamed, startling me. I heard muffled conversation on the other side. “Katie?” His voice came over the phone and I immediately felt calm. “Jake, I’m so sorry. I never should’ve left.” I apologized through teary eyes and a broken voice. “Hey, no darlin’. It’s okay. Just-just tell me where you are and we’ll come get you.” He wasn’t angry. Thank god he wasn’t angry. “My parents' house.” I heard a jingle on the other end and a few more voices. “We’re on our way.” “Jake, there’s a key under a rock in the front flower bed.” 
“Okay. We’ll be there soon.” I nodded and we hung up. I immediately got into my closet, grabbing my suitcase and duffel bag. I just started yanking clothes off hangars and out of drawers, stuffing them to the brim within fifteen minutes I heard a car outside. I froze. If it was my parents, I was done for if they saw the bags, but relief filled me as I heard the door open. “Katie?” I rushed to the door, beating on it. “JAKE! Get me out of here, please!” I heard the chain and the door handle wiggled but never opened. “Katie, darlin’. Get away from the door.” I nodded, rushing back to my bags to put space between me and the door. I flinched as something hit it. One more hit and the door swung open, the top hinge coming loose and flying across the room as a scream escaped my throat. 
“Who was that?” Phoenix asked a flustered Jake. “Katie.” Phoenix immediately jumped up from her seat. “Where is she?” She asked. “Her parents' house.” He said before rushing outside to his truck. “We’re coming with you.” Rooster said, Phoenix hot on his heels. Jake saw no reason to complain and allowed them to join. Phoenix slid in the front seat as Rooster climbed in the back. Jake threw the truck in reverse, about to gas it out of the driveway when Kelly sprinted out of the house. “You’re not going with us.” She shook her head, standing on the running boards. “I know. Call me if you need me and I’ll let everyone know where you went.” He nodded, kissing her quickly before she got down and watched the truck speed down the road. Her heart was in her throat, just thinking about the hell Katie had probably been through. 
It was a quiet ride to the Blair home, but Jake pulled right into the empty driveway, not even turning the truck off as they all jumped out. “There’s a key under one of these rocks.” Jake said and they all immediately flipped over the large stones in the flower bed. “Got it!” Rooster yelled, rushing to the front door and unlocking it. “Katie?” He asked as Rooster turned to Phoenix. “Stay down here, let us know if they get back.” Phoenix nodded as the two men rushed up the stairs. Both men were angry at the sight of the locks on the outside of the door. But Jake was raging as he pulled the chain loose and attempted to open the door. “JAKE! Get me out of here, please!” Her cries for help broke his heart, the thought of her being locked in there for who knows how long was enough to make him kick the door. Once, twice and it blew off the frame. He peeked his head in, looking to the right and seeing her backed into the corner. His heart shattered on the floor, watching as she shook, the fear evident in her eyes. 
“Katie?” I saw Jake’s head and when he saw me cowering in the corner he rushed over. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” I cried as he took my face in his hands. “Sh, no. Don’t apologize. You thought you were doing the right thing.” He said as he pulled me into him, hugging me. “How long have your parents been gone?” I heard another voice and looked past him to see Bradley. “They’ve been gone for like twenty twenty five minutes.” I said and immediately shoved my last few bras in my bag before zipping it shut. “Just these two?” Bradley asked and I nodded. Him and Jake grabbed one each as I slid my shoes on. “Go!” I said, shoving them out of the room. They rushed downstairs, me behind them. I snatched my purse off the table next to the front door, tossing my phone out of it before rushing after them. “Close the door.” Natasha did and locked it before putting the key back under the rock so my parents wouldn’t know right away. She turned to me and we sprinted for the truck.
It was like time slowed down. I was seconds away from pure freedom and the clicking of my heels on the pavement reminded me of that. I was so scared that my parents would pull up as I was getting into the truck, but Bradley held the door for me and I all but dove into the truck as he got in behind me, slamming the door shut. Jake backed out of the driveway and tore off down the road. I sat in the middle seat next to Bradley and everything caught up with me. It felt like an elephant was sitting on my chest and I was trying to catch my breath but I couldn’t. “Katie. Katie, breathe.” Bradley said and I couldn’t. So he pulled me into his chest, squeezing me as his heart beat thudded in my ear and the rise and fall of my chest evened out with his. “How did you know to do that?” I asked, continuing to lean on him. “I’ve had my fair share of panic attacks. It’s what my mom used to do for me.” 
“Thank you.” I said, sitting up and wiping the tears from my eyes. “How long were you locked in there?” Jake asked, looking at me from the rearview mirror. “Since I left your house.” It was a meek answer. “Have they let you out at all?” I shook my head. “Only today. Mom made me shower and get ready.” I said, my attention drifting down to my fingers, playing with them. “Why was she making you get ready?” Natasha asked, turning around in her seat to face me. I bit my lip, scrunching my toes up in my heels and releasing them. Bradley must’ve sensed my nervousness and tossed his arm around my shoulders. “I don’t know. She just told me I had to look perfect for whoever they had coming over. When they were leaving I heard them talking though.” Bradley squeezed my shoulder. “What’d they say?” She asked. “My dad asked what he thought ‘they’ would do with me once they ‘handed me over’.” She furrowed her brows, meeting Bradley's gaze. “My mom said she didn’t care what they did with me.” 
“Any idea on who ‘they’ might be?” Jake asked and I shook my head. “No idea.” The ride was quiet the rest of the way to Jake’s house. But my emotions still caught up with me occasionally and Bradley would give my shoulder’s a squeeze. Finally we pulled into Jake’s driveway and the truck came to a stop. I took notice of all the other cars in the driveway and looked around confused. “Why are so many people here?” I asked as Bradley got out, holding his hand out for me. “There’s a Phillies game this afternoon, Hangman invited us all over to watch.” He said, going around and grabbing my suitcase and Jake grabbed my duffel. “Oh.” I said quietly. I feel bad now. They all got together to have a fun and relaxing evening together and I blew that up. “You okay?” Jake asked as he stopped next to me. “Yeah. I just- I’m sorry for ruining your evening.” He shook his head. “You didn’t ruin anything.” He said, his hand falling to my upper back and guiding me around the truck and up to the front door. Phoenix held open the door and once inside I turned to Jake. “I can take that upstairs.” I said and he shook his head. “No, I got it.” “Jake.” I complained and he just smirked at me. “Go get some food. I’ll be back down in a second.” He said, starting up the stairs just as Bradley came down them. 
He motioned me to follow him and I did. He walked into the kitchen where I saw Kelly and an older woman. “Kells.” Bradley said to get her attention and she turned. She smiled as she saw me, coming over and pulling me into a hug. “You’ve had us worried sick.” It took me a second but I eventually hugged her back. “I’m sorry.” I said in return. “No need for apologies.” She shifted her gaze to Rooster. “Mav is almost done with the burgers.” He nodded, turning and going out the back door. “Katie, this is Penny. She owns The Hard Deck.” She smiled at me, holding out her hand which I shook. “You’ve had part of this team torn out of frame lately. So much so they haven’t been spending their entire paychecks at my bar.” I knew it was a joke but I still felt bad. “Katie.” I turned to see Jake. “Come on, I’ll introduce you to everyone.” I took a deep breath, following him outside. “Guys, this is Katie.” I gave a small wave as all eyes were on me. Some were familiar and some weren’t. “You know Mav, Rooster and Phoenix. But this is Coyote,” A taller man with wide set shoulders waved at me. “Payback,” The man next to him waved as well, my eyes immediately falling to the mustache that was slightly similar to Rooster. “Fanboy,” A shorter man with a buzz cut smiled at me. “And Bob.” He gave me a small wave. “I’ve met Bob before. He helped me with some homework one day.” 
The memory seemed to hit him and he remembered that conversation. He never said anything negative about me but he did tell Bob not to argue. It seemed that everyone sensed the awkwardness and Payback cracked a joke. “So why the fancy white dress? Run away from your wedding or something?” My cheeks shouldn’t have burned the way they did. But with the way my parents were talking, that very well could’ve been the case. “Leave her alone. Why don’t you sit down?” Jake guided me to a seat next to Natasha before going back inside. “You okay?” She asked and I nodded. “I think I’m still trying to wrap my head around everything.” She nodded, smiling at me. “Food’s ready!” Mav called and not a minute later, Kelly, Jake and Penny were carrying out food from inside. They set the food down and Jake came over. “Want a burger?” I could only nod, feeling very out of place with this group of people. Mav sat on my other side as Jake held two plates, he placed one in front of me before giving the other to Kelly, kissing her head as he did so. “Good to see ya, kid.” Mav said, patting my back gently. It oddly felt nice. Everyone made conversation while they ate, but I was happy to sit in silence just listening. Once the food was gone, everyone moved inside for the game. 
I sat between Rooster and Jake, Rooster being fully engrossed in the game, but my eyes were locked on a spot just below the tv. I just stared as my mind reeled. I thought of every possible scenario for how this could go. It mostly ended with me back in my room at my parents house, locked behind that door again. “Hey? Katie?” Rooster asked, waving his hand in my face and breaking my concentration. I blinked rapidly before looking at him. “You okay? You haven’t blinked in like twenty minutes?” I nodded. Then I noticed everyone looking at me. “Um, yeah. I’m fine.” They didn’t seem to believe me but nodded anyway. I sat there, pulling on my thumbs as I watched everyone watch the game or have their own conversations. It was so much I couldn’t even hear my own thoughts. I didn’t want to get up, because I didn’t want anyone to think I wasn’t okay. But everything in this room was becoming too much. So I worked up the nerve to slowly stand, Jake immediately catching my hand. “You okay?” I nodded. “I’m fine. I just need a minute.” He nodded and I walked away, heading upstairs. I stepped into the guest room, immediately feeling like I could breathe again. 
I sat on the bed, taking deep breaths to hold back my tears. But it was pointless. I was tired of crying, so tired of it. I immediately got up, going over to my suitcase and rifling through it before moving to the duffel bag. “Dammit.” I muttered, realizing I only grabbed clothes. No makeup wipes, no toothbrush, no toothpaste, no toiletries of any kind. I huffed, kicking off my heels and leaning against the end of the bed. I leaned my head back on it, tears falling down my cheeks. I took deep breaths, relaxing and almost falling asleep until there was a soft knock on the door. I opened my eyes and looked over to see Kelly standing in the doorway. “I figured you’d be in here.” She said, walking over and sitting on the bed. “I just got so overwhelmed around everybody. I needed a minute.” She nodded. “So why are you crying then?” I shrugged. “In all honesty, I couldn’t tell you. I’m relieved to be out of that house, but I’m still scared I guess.” She hummed, nodding and sliding into the floor next to me. "Jake was terrified when he woke up and you were gone." Immediately tears filled my eyes. "I never meant to scare him or make him feel bad. I just didn't want to be the reason he lost everything. I don't know if I could've lived with that." 
"Ya know, his call sign is Hangman, but he's fiercely loyal. That's something I've learned over the course of our relationship. So if he lost everything because he was helping you, he would've accepted that." I nodded. "But I wouldn't. I've been a burden most of my life, and I don't want to be anymore." She nodded. "That's understandable. But Katie, you're not a burden. If you were Jake wouldn't have taken you in. Now Rooster? That man burdens Jake just to piss him off." We both laughed lightly at that. "Hey, everyone else is leaving." Natasha said as she peeked her head into the guest room. "Wanna go say goodbye?" I nodded and she helped me stand. I slid my shoes back on and followed her downstairs. She immediately hugged Coyote who lifted her off the ground and shook her a little. Once he put her down, he came over to me. He was absolutely huge when he stood and that made me a little nervous. But he must've picked up that I wasn't one for hugs and just gave me a gentle side hug, which I could handle. Soon we said goodbye to everyone and I was only left with Jake, Kelly, Natasha and Bradley.
"Now, let's talk about you." Jake said as he turned to me and my face immediately flared up. "What is there to talk about?" I asked and he motioned me to sit on the couch. I did and He sat on the coffee table across from me and everyone else sat around me. "Do you want to press charges on your parents?" My eyebrows flew up in shock and I stuttered over my words. "Wh-why-what? What m-makes you think something like that?!" He seemed surprised by my response. "Katie, after everything they've done to you-" "What makes you think I could face them in court? I can barely speak to them! There's no way I can get in front of a room full of people and talk about everything they've done to me, with them in the room." My knees immediately folded into my chest and I pulled on my thumbs, my eyes drifting down to them. "Besides, they'd win anyway." I felt a hand on my arm making me turn to Natasha. "We've all witnessed the things they've said and done, Katie. You wouldn't be alone." I shook my head. "No. No I can't do it." "Katie-" I shook my head as tears fell down my face. "Please." I sobbed. "Don't make me do it." I begged. "Okay," Jake said, sitting next to me as I leaned into Natasha. "I'm not gonna make you do anything you don't want to do." He said as he rubbed my back.
"Look, how about tomorrow we go out and we'll get you some things you need? Then we'll all go get dinner somewhere." I sniffled, calming myself down. "You guys don't have to do that." I said and Kelly shook her head. "We're going shopping tomorrow whether you like it or not." She said with a wink and I caved. "Okay. I'll go." She smiled at me before standing straight and looking g at her watch. "Oh shit, I've got two hours before I have to meet my parents for dinner! I have to go home and get ready!" She rushed and grabbed her purse, before leaning down and kissing Jake before rushing to the door. "Jake give her my number!" She yelled and I laughed. "Guess she didn't realize I left my phone at my parents house." Jake laughed as well. "We'll get you one tomorrow." I shook my head. "No you won't!" I said and he narrowed his eyes at me. "Fine, you win." He said as hebgot up from the couch. "Oh, does Kelly happen to have any makeup wipes here or anything?" I asked and Jake nodded. "Yeah, I'll go grab them." He said as he rushed upstairs. "Can you two stick around for a minute?" 
They both nodded as Jake came back, a pack of makeup wipes in hand. "Here." I took them from him, taking a deep breath. "I figured, since you guys helped me, I should be honest with you." They all looked at each other confused before Jake and Rooster took a seat on the couch. I grabbed one of the wipes, swiping at my entrance eye gently. I winced at the pressure but kept wiping away the makeup. A hand grabbed my wrist, startling me. "Did your dad do this?" I nodded as Jake took a closer look. The swelling went down a few days ago but it was still tender. "What else did he do?" He asked, and I could see the anger in his eyes. I grabbed another makeup wipe, cleaning off the rest of my face and neck, revealing some fading bruises. A few small ones on my face and finger shaped ones on my neck. "There’s also some on my back and thighs from his belt." I said, my voice was small and I wanted to shrink in on myself. "But if I just-" "Stop. Even if you did everything they wanted, they still would've done it." Natasha wiped my eye, smiling at me. "Katie, why don't we take some pictures?" I looked at her confused. "If, somewhere down the line, you ever decide to take your parents to court, these can help you." I shook my head. "No. I already said-" "We're not gonna make you do it. But what if ten years from now you want to? You will have no evidence and it will just be your word against theirs."
I'd love to think that one day down the line I would be brave enough to do that. But I don't think I ever will be. "Katie. Even if you decide to never do it, you'll know you were ready if you ever did." Bradley said, catching my attention. I looked down at the pile of makeup wipes in my lap, biting my bottom lip. What if one day I do decide to do it? Could I really let the truth slip through my fingers like this? "Okay." I whispered. "You sure?" Jake asked and I nodded. "You're right. It's better to be prepared than not prepared." He nodded and I stood as Bradley turned on the ceiling fan light in the living room. "Close your eyes." Natsha said as she pulled out her phone. I did so and could see the camera flash behind my eyes. A few more flashes and a gentle hand tilted my head back so they could get a picture of my neck. "Okay, let’s open the back of your dress." She said. "Do you have a hair tie?" I asked and she nodded, pulling on from her wrist. I used it to tie up my annoying waist length hair, getting it out of my face. I've never been aloud to cut it and my mother never let me pull it up so it was nice to get the weight off my head. Natasha unzipped my dress and I blushed when I realized that Jake and Bradley were still behind me. Natasha struggled with my dress for a minute before huffing. "Will youguys hold it so I can take a picture?" She asked and I felt their hands on my skin. The left side felt like my skin caught on fire with how hot it was and I looked realizing that was the side Jake was on. "I'm gonna unclip your bra okay?" Natasha asked and I nodded, bringing my hands up to hold my breasts. 
A few flashes went off and Natasha clipped my bra back and zipped up my dress. "Pull your dress up and I'll get a picture of your thighs." I nodded and reached down when I remembered Jake and Bradley. "Um, I hate to ask but can you guys go into another room for a minute?" They stared at me for a second. "I'm sorry. It's your house and I shouldn’t have asked-" Jake grabbed my wrist and squeezed gently. "No, it just took my brain a second to catch up. Don't apologize for making yourself comfortable." We locked eyes for a moment before I nodded. "Okay." I whispered and he and Bradley disappeared into the kitchen. Natasha took the pictures before standing and showing me. I knew they were bad, but a lot of them looked like they bled. "So a few of these look infected." She said, pointing to a few just under my butt cheek. "I'll help you clean it before I leave." I nodded and we met the guys in the kitchen. "All done." She said. "What do you guys want for dinner?" Jake asked as he pulled himself up onto the counter. "Well I have chicken thawing out at home that I'm tossing on the grill. You can come over if you want." Bradley offered and Jake shook his head. "No thanks, I think I'd just rather have something delivered." Bradley nodded and Jake turned to me. "What do you want for dinner?" 
"Uh… I don't really know." I said. Truth be told we didn't eat out a lot. Mom constantly cooked. "What's your favorite food?" He asked. "I'll be honest, I've never really eaten out and my mom constantly cooked at home." Bradley seemed shocked. "So you've never had Mexican food?" I shook my head. "Not from a restaurant. I think my mom made tacos a few years ago, and they were good but my dad complained and she never made them again." They all seemed surprised. "How about chinese?" I shook my head. "Never." "Italian?" Natasha asked. "One time in a restaurant and mom made spaghetti frequently." They were looking at each other all confused. "But if you wanna order in, I'm more than happy to try anything once." Jake nodded. "I've always wanted to try those huge burritos you see in restaurants anyway." They all laughed which made me feel a little better. "Well, we're gonna get home." Bradley said, gathering his keys. "Oh, let me help her real quick." Natasha said and dragged me upstairs to the guest bathroom. As soon as we stepped in she shut the door and pulled a brown bottle and some cotton balls from under the sink. "What's that?" I asked. "Hydrogen peroxide." She replied as she poured some on a cotton ball. "Stand still." She squatted down behind me and lifted my dress just enough to dab the cotton against my skin. 
Immediately a stinging sensation crossed my skin making me gasp and grab the bathroom counter. "God that burns!" I yelled out as she continued to clean my leg. "I'm almost done." She said and within a second she was. She put everything away before putting some gel of some kind on it. "Give that some time to dry before you sit anywhere." I nodded. "Natasha?" I asked, stopping her from opening the door. "Thank you." She smiled at me. "You're welcome." With that we walked out and went downstairs. "You good?" Jake asked and I nodded. "I'm good." "Ready?" Bradley asked, looking down at Natasha. "I am if you are." She said, smirking at him. With that they said goodbye, both hugging me before walking out. "Are they?" I asked, pointing at them as they walked towards Bradley’s bronco. "We can't figure it out. They're either dating or fucking." Heat flared up my neck at his words. "I think they're fucking but Coyote swears up and down they're just friends. The only person who would really know is Bob, but that man is the world champion at keeping secrets." I nodded as he walked away from the window by the front door. "So, dinner?" He asked and I shrugged. "I'm up to try anything." He nodded. "I can't choose between Chinese and Mexican." I gave him a look telling him I didn't know what to do. "How about we both think on it while I shower?" I nodded. "I can do that." I made my way to the couch, sitting on it as he walked past. 
"You can turn the tv on if you want." He said and I looked down, grabbing the remote and turning the TV on. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Jake stop at the staircase, looking at me. "Hey Katie?" I looked over at him, a look of concern gracing his normally handsome features. "You'll still be here when I get out won't you?" I pursed my lips, feeling bad. "Yeah. I'll be right here." I sent him a small smile and he nodded, returning it. "You better be, or I'm breaking the front door down this time and kicking ass." I couldn't help but smile widely this time. "I promise, Jake. I will be in this exact same spot on this couch." He nodded, making his way upstairs. I sat back on the couch, my knees pulled into my chest as some show I had never seen played. In fact, I haven’t watched much tv in my life. My parents never had a tv in the house, so the only time I ever saw any was in school. I grew comfortable on the plush couch, leaning back I felt like I was sinking into it and soon my eyes drifted shut. 
It was the quickest shower of Jake’s life. He rushed through it, not even sure he was completely clean. But he couldn’t give Katie a chance to run again, because this time he wouldn’t wait days to do something about it. Jake finished his shower, slipping on some gray sweatpants before he headed downstairs into the kitchen. "How do you feel about mexican for dinner?" He yelled out as he pulled a menu from the cabinet above. He stared at it for a moment before realizing he never got an answer. He furrowed his brows, walking into the living room and spotting the back of Katie's head. "Katie?" He asked before walking around the couch. Her head was resting against the back of the couch as her legs were pulled up to her chest as she held herself. This was the most relaxed Jake had seen her since they met but she obviously couldn't sleep like that. He grabbed a blanket from the linen closet before sitting on the other end of the couch. He reached out to Katie, gently touching her back, causing her to immediately tense up. "Mm." She moaned as he flattened his hand along her back. He managed to pull her back, resting her head in his lap as he laid the blanket over her. He gently pulled her ponytail holder from her hair, running his fingers through it as she relaxed again. He played with her hair as he looked over the menu, deciding he would let her rest as he called the order in. Katie snuggled into him as he ran his thumb along her forehead. Jake knew once the food arrived he would have to get up and disturb her, but he would worry about that later.
After half an hour the doorbell rang and Katie jumped up in fright. “It’s okay. It’s just the delivery driver.” He said, laying a hand on her shoulder. “Are you sure?” She asked, her voice shaking. He nodded, getting up and walking towards the door as Katie pulled the blanket closer. Jake paid the delivery driver and brought the food in. “See? Just some amazing Mexican food.” He said with a smirk. They sat at the table and Katie stared at the giant burrito in front of her. “I know I only said something about it a few hours ago, but you remembered?” He nodded with a grin. “Of course I did. Now try it, it’s amazing.” Katie raised a skeptical brow, but took a bite anyway, and felt like she was in heaven. “Holy shit.” She said, moaning in delight. The sound made his blood rush and he tried his damndest to push it to the back of his mind. “You were right. This is amazing.” They went through dinner with laughs and soon he could practically see her eyes rolling back in her head. “Go get changed. I got this.” He said. “No, I can help you.” He shook his head. “You’re exhausted and I’m just throwing this away. Go.” He was a little more stern, but not harsh and she nodded, slowly making her way upstairs. Once Jake was done cleaning up, he double checked that the front and back door was locked before turning off all the lights. 
Once he topped the stairs he peeked into the guest room, expecting to see Katie awake. But she wasn't, she was under the covers, already fast asleep. Her breathing was even and he watched her for a minute, worried she would leave again. He was half tempted to sleep on the guest room floor, or in the hallway right outside. But he wanted to give the benefit of the doubt, so he made his way to his own bed. He usually closes his bedroom door at night, but he left it open, wanting to hear if she got up. He also faced the door, something he doesn’t usually do either, but even in sleep he wanted to be tuned in to her movements. So he laid there, listening with his eyes closed, hoping to hear if she got up. But soon sleep came for him too, and he drifted off. But he wasn’t in deep enough sleep, because he immediately jumped up at the sound of a blood curdling scream at the end of the hallway.
Taglist: @wkndwlff @alltimereverie @cherrycola27 @daisydaisygoose @rosiahills22 @deanoheartspie @cornishkat @high-speed-r @fogle97 @mygyn @ohgodnotagainn @emma8895eb @senjoritanana @genius2050 @sandaltoesocks @mayhemmanaged @dempy @itsdesiree86 @callsign-athena @jstarr86 @brooke-stinson @rachkon @topguncultleader @bethbunnyy @topgun-imagines @clancycucumber230 @seitmai @kkrenae @djs8891 @shanimallina87 @wildxwidow @eugene-emt-roe @hisredheadedgoddess28 @littlewhiterose @formulapierre @wade-wilsons-chew-toy
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