#and it's funny because i kin fan but lol in a bad way
smile-files · 2 years
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you have your way of looking at it. with the egg. and it's a great analogy!
for me, though, i don't see an egg. i see... a chrysalis.
yeah... y'know, i wonder if caterpillars know how beautiful they'll become. and i wonder if that'd make metamorphosis any less scary.
well, at least for me, i know how beautiful i'll become. or... at least i'm told. everybody i've met has told me that i'll go on to live an incredibly happy, fulfilling, successful life. a beautiful life.
there's a reason for that, y'know!
well, golly! but that's not important. the point is that i'm a caterpillar on the verge of metamorphosis and everyone around me is telling me how beautiful i'm gonna be.
isn't that a good thing?
yeah, kinda. it's also really scary!
well... i've done well so far in life. i've been relatively happy and fulfilled and successful. my life has been pretty beautiful so far.
but y'know... i'm a four-leaf clover. how do i know that wasn't just... a fluke? a big lucky break? how do i know that once i exit that chrysalis i'll actually be as beautiful as everyone thinks i'll be?
i can't keep banking on that forever. and now, like everyone our age, i have to start making that chrysalis. i guess i'm just worried that my lucky streak will end and my life will go down the drain. no more beautiful butterfly.
what makes you think it's all luck?
well, i... well, you know it has some factor in this.
well, sure. but you've had control over your life too. and so have other people. you shouldn't call yourself "lucky" that i decided to be your friend - it was my decision based on my own thoughts and emotions. and the way you are, how nice you are to be around - that's based on your own thoughts and emotions.
i guess...
listen. i'm not going to say that every success you've had is one you've built from scratch. everyone starts with something - heck, you started with a lot! but that alone will never get you the whole way there. to like... genuine, meaningful success.
what about all those super rich people who're only rich because of their super rich parents? they started with a lot and they got the whole way there with just that.
yeah, they're successful, but you can't seriously tell me that their success is meaningful.
i suppose not.
you can't make friends with luck. even if literally every other good thing you've done is because of dumb luck... the fact that so many people love you and love to hang out with you is proof that you're a genuinely good person.
hey, i never said i wasn't a genuinely good person.
well it comes with the territory. i should know... and y'know, it is really hard to admit to yourself that you are a good person who deserves all of the success they have. but it's important. i think we all should say it more. so it... so it doesn't have to be something to admit. i don't think it should be a secret.
so what?
so spit it out, then, you goofball! say you're a good person.
well, i... well goodness, now i'm just proving my point.
say it!
only if you do!
i'm... i'm a good person.
me too.
hey, that doesn't count, you actually have to say the words.
what words?
"i'm a good person".
ha, you said it again!
clover. i'm not going to force you to say that you're a good person. i'm not going to force you to believe in yourself or anything. but i want you to, because i want you to be happy.
and i want... i want you to want you to be happy. it shouldn't matter whether or not i want that.
you don't owe it to anyone else to live a good life... you owe it to yourself. and i know you don't believe me. don't tell me i'm lying because i know, trust me, i might as well be.
and i guess sometimes you just have to tell that lie to yourself over and over and over again. i know it feels wrong to tell the world that you love the person you are because it feels like a lie. but you know everyone else already believes it. you just have to lie to yourself enough that you start to believe it too.
...heh, and just be delusional?
yeah. delusional. but by the time you believe it along with the rest of the world, you'll forget that it was ever a lie to begin with!
i suppose so.
...so, clover, do you think you'll turn into that beautiful butterfly?
i'll be a moth.
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goat-shoe · 7 months
ok, i Rant time
ive been reading this fic Knowing itd be a mess and im just... ive had it with this characterization! aimless rant below ^^;;;
tw for bullying, harassment, abuse, homophobia
so a lot of highschool AUs are just..... Bad? like LOL sorry :x but. youre taking away everything interesting about the miraculous holders, And youre trying to make Fully Grown Adults into children. ??????
n e ways, i found this highschool dropout au,,, im Sure you can guess how i feel abt dugout and tiderdrop together, but personal biases aside (its Icky to me and someday ill figure out why)..... lets read this fic.
(to prove i am Not taking things out of context, heres the whole fic)
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FIRST of all, youre ognna notice that the prose is Boring, written in long and uninspired runon sentences. i dont wanna just bash on an inexperienced writer, but if youre gonna be this lazy about it.. who is it for :x
second, headcanoning mariquitas name as the Only spanish name you can think of that starts with "mari"? is just uninspired. mariquita wouldnt Choose a hero name so obviously close to her Real Name.. again im not an unmasker, but this headcanon is ridiculous....
finally, and most importantly.... "he sighs wearily". umm, No actually. he Doesnt. you dont even get an insight into dugouts thoughts other than "im nervous about school >m<"
Needless to say, this and his whiny, whimpering demeanor is incredibly infantilizing,. Furthermore in this context, all it does is plays into the ""yaoi"" trope of a big buff bad big boy x boy who says uwaaah! (i hope it goes without saying, this is Not a condemnation of boys who say uwahh, yall are doing gods work and ily)
cramming tigerdrop and dugout into this trope comes off as (and actually is) incredibly homophobic and harmful. need i remind you, these are real people. i wouldnt be surprised if this author was a fujoshi or something too :x
im a dugout fan Because hes reserved, but in this fic, thats being watered down to him just being sad and whiny.
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its just so insulting to be written shrugging every 3 sentences. dugout im so sorry theyre doing this to you ;;;
guhh. ill give them points for this cute relationship with mariquita...
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but again, the prose is just.. clumsy. and again, all dugout does is whine about change. its not even a realistic portrayal of adjustment disorder :x
speaking of disorders Lol,
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we Know how i feel abt tigerdrop, but i tend to actually like fanfic portrayals of him.
but this one is just... Confusing...
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(also we have mandatory "describe their entire outfit in vapid detail" LOL i should have made this a bingo)
i havent really been talking about the plot, but heres what it took the author two chapters to get through:
dugout it new in town, hes nervous about the changes. (we dont even know why he misses home??? just, make it up i guess, god forbid a fanfiction Make That part up!!!!!!)
tigerdrop has lived in new york all his life, and he appears to be pretty bored with life (ex: pushes pipsqueak over just because he thought itd be funny, no doubt an allusion to the canal street incident last july)
his characterization is actually really confusing and i think its supposed to be like, Alluring??? but its just disconcerting :x
thats It. Two established characters and empty conversations with others (the mariquita mischaracterization especially drives me up the wall ever since i confirmed my kin with her)
they meet in math class when dugout unknowingly sits in tigerdrops seat..... girl, Literally no one in high school acts like this.
at this point, this fic is no better than glee and the millions of other incorrect and careless portrayals of highschoolers. tigerdrop has some weird banter with the faceless teacher (yet Another reason i hate most highschool fics)
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:/ i Kinda saw it coming, but....
tigerdrop apologizing and not meaning it? In character. But, hes just acting like a greaser, and its Weird
dugout wouldnt care! he would not look like "a deer in the Headphones."
i Realize the author doesnt have a beta reader but :x that doesnt excuse pawning off lazy work btw, in case anyone was wondering....
last but probably Most important: this is setting up such a toxic dynamic. tigerdrop is actively pushing the message that dugout is taking up too much space and he doesnt belong. its alienating and shitty. and this is a fic Shipping Them :x
but i Clicked on a dropout fic, so.... should i be surprised :/
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like i said. dugout is Already afraid of him.. his body is reacting just to the sound of his voice, not unlike trauma in PTSD victims!
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like. guh. this is literally so toxic. also..
take a shot every time you see the word "smirks"
lips ghosting his nose And ear? Lol.....
likely The Worst way to incorporate their miraculous personas :x reading this literally made me nauseous.
anyways.... thats all of the fic thats been posted so far. so to summarize: this is just Icky. its even worse, setting this kind of relationship in their high school years :x imagine if someone treated you this way! youre Not gonna grow up and marry them.
i Cant even.
~ ty for reading <3 ~
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vaugarde · 2 years
Sending another warrior bc of warriors brainrot but how about breezepelt?
sorry this is so late xmx i had this open in a tab and forgot about it
sexuality headcanon: hmmm idk tbh. i'll go with bi ace but he doesnt know it yet
gender/pronouns headcanon: nonbinary but also doesnt know it so goes by he/him for now but will eventually be comfortable w he/she/they
rate them out of ten: it has been a hot minute. i'm gonna go with like a 6 or 7 because the discourse about him is exhausting but also fans are not normal abt him so i kinda feel inclined to like him out of spite.
favorite thing about them: can't tell if this should technically be a bad thing because the erins absolutely wrote him the way they did to be like "oh look how much WORSE crowfeathers life is. dont you wish he was present in the three's lives and still with leafpool?? they arent as annoying as him!" but i do like that he's an unconventional abuse victim. like in fiction, authors like to portray abuse victims as only quiet and meek. which like, those people exist in real life so that's not an issue, per say, but people are VERY quick to suddenly say that a child deserves to be abused if that kid lashes out instead. so, personally i like breezepelt for defying that, but at the same time it wasn't meant to be subversive so like, fuck you erin hunter im stealing him
least favorite thing about them: uhhh kinda the above, its like a double edged sword.
why i first started liking/disliking them: it was half the scene where they say that no one in windclan likes him because. uh oh thats me. and half spite
do i relate/project onto/kin them?: sort of. i kind of understand the sheer rage he feels because of how he's treated in windclan even if its not seen as a "big deal", tho not to a murderous degree obviously. i also understand being seen as the obnoxious kid that no one likes and everyone thinks hes a baby that complains, and people saying that they're glad that he's gone because they think he's exhausting. like. uh oh family and school memories flooding back. dont relate to the dad issues tho
favorite quote/moment: not much comes to mind, hes just kind of a sad character so it feels weird to pick one. ig the scene where brokenstar manipulates him bc its a good representation of how fucked up he's become
my fav ship: idk tbh. ive seen breezeblossom get thrown around but i dont really like blossomfall that much tbh. which one of his ships gets the most vitriol (without age gaps or incest)? bc i wanna do that one to be funny
my fav platonic friendship idk how i feel abt breezeheather but i do at least like em as friends. im fine either way w them tho
a ship i hate: not much comes to mind
do i prefer canon or fanon?: well fanon is kinda weird so ig canon idk. i like the version of him in my head ig?
random headcanon:
what color do i picture them as: orange is what i associate, otherwise he's pitch black
cat breed headcanon: oriental cat
unpopular opinion: honestly i don't know why people take him trying to kill poppyfrost as like an end all thing to saying hes a bad character and not someone you should "side with" over crowfeather. like, i do know why but like this is the murder cat book. most of them kill. the book acts like its both scary and epic. like why are you mocking shadowclan and calling them stupid for mourning russetfur's death at lionblaze's hand after thunderclan invaded them and also clutching your pearls over this? when is it ok to kill in this society? and its also an outlandish action not grounded in reality, while crow's neglect hits closer to home. also breeze is a villain at that point lol hes supposed to do fucked up shit while crow's neglect is painted as misunderstood and uwu sad for him at the end of the day. so yeah i do think its fucked that he did that, but at the same time yeah im not gonna "side with crowfeather" and say he deserved the neglect over it. wtf
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dumpy-dump · 2 years
ffxiv villains
Nael Van Darnus is the english localization team's greatest adversary apparently the unhinged garlean legatus responsible for slam dunking the moon into the ground. she's a big fan of bahamut, sephiroth, and majora's mask, among other things, you see, and decided to incorporate her interests into her work. she dies but doesnt.
Gaius "such devastation" Baelsar is a verbose fantasy nazi who's favorite color is social darwinism. he dies but doesnt, after getting epically pranked by a kingdom hearts cosplayer. later, his many adopted lizard children die. this all causes him to suddenly realize that fascism is not very poggers. it's all very cool and makes sense, you see. gaius "garlean man's burden" baelsar was already slightly less racist than his peers anyway so he's basically a hero.
Nero's not a villain, he's just based.
lol Lahabrea 🍞🔑🗡
Thordan is catholic.
Nidhogg was totally valid actually, but he needed to speak to a dragon grief counselor or something.
Zenos is megatron but sad is a sadistic bishonen who based his whole personality on "the most dangerous game." he's a twisted fuckin cycle path, less a person and more a weapon for the emperor to wield (at least until late stormblood). he's mostly just doing what he was born and raised to do, yeah, but it's not like that makes it fine. he dies but doesn't, as overstaying one's welcome simply runs in his family. he then spends most of his time in early endwalker trying to invite the wol to a nice, romantic, candlelit fistfight in the wendy's parking lot, by pissing on the moon (of course). that, and doing a whole lot of napping, apparently (way to beat the boring allegations, zenos). he helped cause the apocalypse because he's depressed (and very, very battle horny), but it's not like depression makes it all fine.
lol Varis 🗡😱🪦
Emet-Selch is the ceo of fascism, and was a funny and extremely likeable villain who stole the show everytime he showed up, until he wasnt. he stalled in the grieving process and decided to make that everyone else's problem by comitting mass genocide (he kins nidhogg you see) across multiple worlds for thousands of years in an attempt to bring his people back. but he's depressed (about his own ppl, he didnt seem to feel too bad about the everything else), so it's fine. genocide is his coping mechanism you see (very relatable). he dies but still has a ton of screentime and importance even after death because overstaying one's welcome simply runs in his family.
Elidibus more like elidibitch, ayo! was the convocation's little pogchamp who was sacrificed to become zodiark's heart, instead of any of the older members of the convocation who could have made that sacrifice (no, no, by all means, let the lil guy do it). he keeps desperately fighting for reasons he doesnt even know anymore, all while donning his best ff1 warrior of light cosplay (you're doing great, sweetie!). he can also apparently help you travel back in time, even though that's not how that worked when they sent the crystal tower through time initially but yeah okay sure (i kinda already did the twinning broski, cid's funky time robot is gone, how are you doing any of this? dont answer that).
lol Valens 🥛🐄💪
Fandaniel is become zodiark amon hermes a mentally ill funky little jester who is fought three goddamn times, one of those times being in the afterlife after you've already killed him once. one might assume that he may be related in some way to emet and his family based on how he, too, overstays his welcome. but no, he's just one of emet's annoying coworkers. yet another twisted fuckin cycle path, he helped cause the apocalypse (twice technically), but he was depressed, so it's fine. one of two characters whose existence slightly detracts from the whole hope vs despair theme of endwalker (imo).
Meteion is Necron a sad space bird, there to act as an homage to other final fantasy games that also have some random last minute bullshit as the final boss, not acknowledging of course that that is usually one of the worst parts of all the games that do that (i like ff4 but zeromus mcpalpatine-reference is lame). she's trying to destroy all life, yes, but she's mostly just doing what she was born and raised to do, so it's fine. she's also there to connect to the hope vs despair theme, but that is slightly undercut by the player charitably helping a violently mentally ill man die his preferred death (but like in a fun way) right after the big hope overcomes despair moment.
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transsexualhamlet · 3 years
sherlock holmes reactions part 4 (?) ive lost count already but unsurprisingly ive grown even more attached to him
using this as the cover image because i made him a playlist. cause im awful
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no legit this is gonna need a read more because it's SO LONG SHIHEWIESHEFSHIEWHF
Had three mental breakdowns this week and realized i do in fact kin sherlock motherfucking holmes. this does not bode well for anything in my life mentally I've diagnosed him with so many things
Oh boy lol you want the list I think hes autistic (undisputed honestly) plus also adhd but on top of that there's the manic depression and uhhh the bpd lmao I dont even think that's it those are just. the obvious ones
But yeah man's a fucking mess and a shit person but in the same way as me so 👍
Some highlights I thought were very funny:
watson: we are in fact going to be waltzing into a place where people are Shooting People you do not have your gun. this is a problem
sherlock: don't worry watson I have my trusty stick!
watson: visible pain
This clearly happens like every day or so with them
but yeah there were some really honestly sweet scenes with them at the apartment and why am i getting soft over the crusty man being gay
have you considered tho. have you considered them
have you considered sherlock, who usually only plays absolute garbage on his violin serenading watson to sleep when he was tired and in pain and watson being so fucking in love with the man and waxing poetic about falling asleep to his music and waking up to see him fallen asleep on the couch next to him and oh my god them
They're just really sweet together for such a completely dysfunctional couple so much of the time lol I just. Sherlock being like.
Sherlock half of the time: watson you're fucking stupid. no i won't take care of my personal needs stfu. watson get a goddamn life. watson shut up. watson no one cares about your goddamn opinion. no i need to disturb you in the middle of the night it's for science. hey watson mind if i manipulate mansplain malewife
They're... they certainly are.
The main highlight of this part was I have now gotten to see him have a great time watching his homo homie get married
Its so fucking funny.......
I was prepared for a funny reaction by yuumori sherlock's face when he said it lol but. Damn i was really not prepared tbh
watson: I'm engaged!
sherlock: *pained groaning*
watson: do you... not like her?
watson: yeah... yeah... fair, I feel really bad because you did this whole case and I got a girlfriend out of it and all you got was me leaving you alone fuck man im sorry what are you gonna do without me
sherlock, highly sarcastic: dont worry watson I've always got my handy cocaine! *pulls it out and gets high in front of watson just as he's about to leave*
watson: *in fucking agony*
sherlock: good for you!
I'd like to apologize to watson on sherlock's behalf lmao. man is being a bit too codependent on main
The last thing about sign of four I do need to address is yeah, there's the Horrific Amounts Of Racism in that one and the whiplash hearing it is just ridiculous because they seem to be so knowledgeable in all other areas and fairly... politically correct, taking sherlock's original misogyny as a purposeful character flaw, but then they just mention someone indigenous once and suddenly its all parrotting racist propaganda and just... really awful shit. There's no way I'm gonna speak for the group that just got absolutely hate crimed here but anyone can tell the author just has no clue what he's fucking talking about and it's physically painful.
And I don't know, it's just so bad it seems out of character? Doyle's making these motherfuckers say shit that honestly, Sherlock would know better about. And especially Watson. Come on, you cannot tell me watson is mentally capable of being prejudiced against someone. Please do not make him that way.
I'm not sure how to handle it specifically, or what's the proper way I should handle something like that in a media I otherwise like. Is it ok to say Doyle was clearly a piece of shit on the matter and separate those characters from his bias or is that insensitive?
I don't know, I was Not a fan of it and I'm glad to see they've at least finally shut up about the guy
But anyway yeah, uhhhh onto the short stories because I'm trying to read those before I get to the final problem
Scandal in Bohemia was a fucking ride, first of all, before we even get to Sherlock's girlboss arc we have to discuss how gay the whole situation was and how Doyle's attempt at making them less gay failed spectacularly
Like he's all "ah yes I need to marry off watson and uhhh make sherlock ummmm interact with a woman so they dont look gay" but he does it SO BADLY that it makes them look EVEN GAYER
cause i mean, even the conversation they had about watson getting married back in sign of four was gay af, but how Doyle handled things afterward was in no way straighter.
Cause you know, the man kind of wrote himself into a corner with the fact of Watson narrating these stories. So Watson has to be around to witness them, and to witness Sherlock's own thought process rather privately, so he has to be around sherlock at night, a lot. But trying to come up with a reason for that happening just... it didn't occur to Doyle. He just went. Ah yes this makes sense. And it's Watson just like Sleeping Over At Sherlock's like every other goddamn day and every time his wife leaves town and having them basically still live that cute domestic home life but they have absolutely no excuses for doing it anymore. It's quite funny
Like it was gay already the way they interacted when they officially lived together but it was like, a necessity for them. Now it's not, Watson just comes over because he goddamn wants to, and it's hilarious to me.
Watson walks in on no fucking notice after a full year and Sherlock is just. In the middle of some experiment obviously but hes like
Sherlock, carrying around unidenfiable chemical mixtures: W A T S O N you look good you look good! i see you've gained seven pounds!!
watson: uh. thanks??? Hey lol *awkwardly waves* Uh um Wanted to Uhm sEe you
watson: :) ok :) *turns to camera* and we were back to the old days
sherlock: makes a deduction
watson: wowwwwwwwwwwww !! so true bestie !!
sherlock: !!!!!!!!! :))) !!!!! :))) uh fuck im supposed to be smooth Its Elementary Lol
watson: *turns to camera* when i stroke his ego like this and compliment him he blushes like a girl like i just complimented his dress so i do it more because he likes it. this is a homie trait
watson: well i should probably get going! my wife will notice that i am gone my dear buddy bro homie!
sherlock: NO DONT LEAVE IM LOST WITHOUT YOU (pretty much a direct quote lol) your. wife doesn't. get back home until monday. I know this because I am smart and definitely have not been stalking you.
watson: alright :)))))
So yeah they're right back where they were before pretty much and there's a case bc of course there is
And honestly I think this short story specifically was so insane mostly just because of how absolutely fast it all went. Yuumori kind of made me believe the original Irene Adler was more of an important character than she really is? And I think that's. Honestly so funny. Motherfucker shows up for ten pages, girlbosses her way around town, and changes sherlock's entire opinion of the female gender while still keeping him gay?
AND THEY HAVE LIKE O N E INTERACTION?? God, the power this woman(?) has. Watson looks at her once like. damb shawty 😳 and she's like "no<3" and he's like FUCK
Like yeah it's pretty much just the king walking up like "help girl the whore is blackmailing me" and sherlock being like "ok lol this will be easy" and then it proceeded to not in fact be easy or even possible
sherlock like... posed as a dead body and tried to get her to give up the location of the photo but she out-acted him and skipped the town the next day after doing the 'good night mr. sherlock holmes' thing with sherlock completely tricked
and she just. sends a letter like "dear sherlock holmes. you're a fucking idiot and i think it's funny that you lost. nice job tho mad respect" and sherlock just SHORT CIRCUITS
the king comes back a bit later like "hey Dude where's my Photo" and sherlock's like oh yeah uhhhhhhhhhhh about that and the king is like HOW COULD IT POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN THAT GODDAMN HARD i would have dated someone more noble if she wasn't so pretty i swear im on a whole different level from her
and then. GIRLBOSSIFIED SHERLOCK HOLMES RESPONDS "from what I have seen of the lady, she seems indeed to be on a very different level from your majesty" ABSEHHESHEFHHFES ROASTED
and the dude just LEAVES
After that I read a few more of the short stories and well the highlights I got from that pretty much were these conversations
Watson: sherlock. honey. have you. eaten anything today
Sherlock: *having one of his Moment Moments at three in the goddamn mornig* GRRRR CRIME ISNT WHAT IT USED TO BE
Sherlock: no one's original anymore fucking copycats
Watson: so you want the criminals to make things harder for you specifically.
Sherlock, exasperated: yes!
I love them your honor.
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escarlatafox · 4 years
Answer 17 Questions, Tag 17 People
Tagged by @dubsxfen
Nickname: Mort. Which is not a nickname I chose, it just sorta... Happened. I got labelled with it and it Stuck, but only among a specific set of fandom friends who aren’t even in the Madagascar fandom LOL. I don’t have a proper “internet name” outside of that, so when I get asked for an online-styled name I’m not sure what else to say, but at the same time, when people call me it outside of that specific friend group it’s always a little jarring ahaha. Maybe I just have to get accustomed to it being used in other contexts/by other people.
It’s also funny cause like.,. It’s not really a name that can be used in Madagascar fandom spaces because of how confusing that would get. Instead, in some Mada spaces I’ve been referred to as Milan instead because of my Discord name. Which is funny, ‘cause my Discord name is just a riff on Milan Kundera’s (the name of a famous author). I never intended to actually get called Milan. Assigned Milan Kundera kin LOL. Or should I say... Milan Kindera. Ayyyy!
Funny story: Being in a Madagascar fandom group voice chat and only half-listening... every single time the word “Mort” got used, because I was zoned out and would snap back to attention when it happened, it psyched me out and I thought they were referring to or addressing me even though I don’t get called that in that space. Due to context it’s obvious they’d be actually referring to the character and not me, but it seemed like I’d developed something of a Pavlovian response to it and I really do answer to it instinctively now after having others call me it so much. LOL
Zodiac: Pisces Fire Ox.
Height: I don’t know but I am very short!
Last thing I googled: emotion research lab
Song stuck in my head: OH lol.... Baby It’s Cold Outside.
Lucky number: 5, fourteen, 37............. Maybe 28 too. Eheh.
Dream job: Neuroscientist, but only in theory. Day-to-day life might not be all it’s cracked up to be as one, plus I realise now that like... Any research I’d contribute would probably be put towards nefarious purposes. Would love to become a translator, am eyeing that off somewhat. But who knows.
Wearing: black shirt, long pink skirt, socks.
Favourite author: In all sincerity.... It seems to be a toss-up between famed novelist Milan Kundera and..... a certain fanfiction author. Not naming names but if you know You Know. UM. Well they’re not just a fanfiction author they’ve published original fiction but! anyway!
Favourite instrument: I really like the sound of the violin. But also the Lisa Simpson worshipper in me thinks the saxophone is pretty damn neat as well.
Aesthetic: in terms of what? in terms of like online presence my aesthetic is clearly very heavy on fox imagery ahahah
Favourite song: can’t pick a favourite because there’s just too many, and I don’t really use Spotify but I do know what my “song of the year” for 2019 & 2020 would have been. 2019 would be Girls Just Wanna Have Fun and 2020 would be Madonna’s Crazy For You... lol. They aren’t FAVOURITE songs like I said, I like a lot of songs.
Favourite animal noise: maybe cats meowing probably.
Random: The new Animaniacs is amazing but I’m not actually really into its version of Pinky and the Brain. That’s probably because my exposure to Pinky & The Brain was first and foremost through their standalone series... I still may not have seen all their Animaniacs shorts, and certainly not all their Animaniacs appearances, because... I never really watched the original Animaniacs lol. Huge chunk of the appeal of Pinky and Brain’s show (and the characters) to me was things that really flourished with a larger episode runtime, which doesn’t have a chance to really rear its head when they’re confined to shorts within another series. When you have an entire episode you can really stretch the plot and subsequent plan for world domination to amusing and interesting lengths and include so much stuff with it. idk, I’m still mulling over why the new versions didn’t really Click with me like with the old show, because it’s certainly not the general consensus among fans. Will be interesting to see how season 2 goes. I really think it’s the shorter runtime that does it though... I’d want a new standalone Pinky and the Brain series so so bad. Also I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the non-PATB stuff since original Animaniacs never really grabbed my attention at all. So it’s this weird reverse situation where for the OG I care WAY more about Pinky and the Brain but for the new series I probably enjoy the Warner stuff a lot more! But yeah I probably feel like Pinky and Brain shine their brightest when going solo and heading their own series...
Bonus question to make 17 since I’m not dignifying the h*gwarts house question with a reply lol: What is your favourite fanfiction and/or fanfiction you read most recently and/or just a fanfiction you really enjoy? If you can’t answer this question you can just give the name of a book you really like instead or something <3
Edit: ok no I just counted and there’s definitely not 17 questions here??? lol what
Tagging (feel free to ignore!): @electricshoop @endless-abysses @vestron @marmitemausoleum @infini-tree @mashanevershutsup @edgeworth-s @gayasscyrus @schemingminor @vonlipvig @cassiathea @rumpleteazergrace @the-chloest @fumu @chuckletons @lovelylovelyartist @the-tao-of-fandom 
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Uh, hi? I'm sorry if I'm sending a ton of asks. I accidentally sent an unfinished one and didn't know there was a character limit?? Like I typed a lot on one and it never had a limit so I'm not sure if it's like a mobile vs desktop thing? I'm really bad at Tumblr lol. Uh anyway, my interests are almost entirely dnd and art. I mostly run games for my friends and do world building or plot stuff. When I actually play I always struggle between wanting to play something useful but then get upset when I get brushed off as "not a damage dealer" like yeah I can heal you 30 HP with a 1st level spell but I'm doing 4d8 minimum damage a round. I know basically every ability in the game and usualy use that understanding to work around my allies and make it so they can work as effectively as possible. But I feel like helping them be the best they can be takes away from me and makes it look like I'm not actually contrabuting? Like noticing that I'm the reason y'all are attacking more often would be cool. When I do play damage dealers I have a lot of fun at first bit get annoyed at their lack of non combative abilitys and uses. I'm a very talkative player and like to poke and prod everything and try to advance the plot or keep people on track. I tend to absorb as much information as I can about topics that interest me or just ammuse me so I can spout off that information at random or help people apply that information to whatever (like me the DM, telling my players how to make their characters even stronger without realizing I have to deal with them) I really enjoy art and I dabble in photography? I think my abilitys with photography are more of a natural inclination towards taking good photos more than actually knowing anything about photography? I was one of my photo teachers favorites even though I just winged everything and pretended I knew what I was doing. I do that a lot. Acting like I know what I'm doing just because it makes things easier when I have to put up with other people involving it. I'm a big fan of cryptids and I've been meaning to just do a deep dive and learn every tidbit I can but I haven't yet. Estheticaly I'm very drawn to crowns. I just adore them for some reason and I always have. When I took my friends senior photos he payed me by taking me to spirit Halloween and buying me a crown. I joke about it being my thinking crown and like to wear it while I work. A reoccurring thing that pops up in my life is bees? They're just a part of my personality at this point. I love those lil guys (did you know they can smell fear and do math?) Something I just remembered about myself is that I'm capable of beliving two entirely contradictory things. Like tarot? It's nonsense. But also it's literally never been wrong so I guess it's not? Same with how I feel guilty taking on any "main character" role in games but constantly joke about being all powerful and a being a book or cartoon character that I'm pretty sure I'm slowly trucking myself into genuinely seeing myself as a powerful entity. I'm really good at noticing patterns in the way people act and why they act the way they do and most of the time I just use that knowledge to "win" debates or whatever they just try to argue towards me. By win I mean I just intentionally misconstrued what they're saying to annoy them until they leave me alone (like "fuck you!" "No thanks I'm not interested") a lot of what I do is motivated by how funny I think I would be. Like tricking myself into kinning vriska? Hilarious. Getting into Homestuck so I can annoy my friends with useless trivia? Wonderful. Making my super friendly flower cleric and nicest character I've ever made also a raging anarchist and overthrowing two governments and killing a god through the power of friendship? God tier funny (in my eyes). I do a lot of things just so I can have a story to tell later (like killing the god) uh I think I've rambled for a while so I'm just gonna send this?
No worries about all the asks! I just want to say in advance that I really hope I don't confuse you further, but here's what I can figure out based on the information you've given me:
Your aspect is definitely Light. This is the clearest I've ever been able to determine someone's aspect so I don't think you need to doubt that. So much about Light is important to you - information/knowledge, your approach to stories, your focus on roles in reality (even if it’s fictional dnd reality). 
However, I don’t think you’re a Rogue. The classes I suggest you consider are Maid, Witch and Knight.
Maid might describe your relationship to wanting to be acknowledged as a contributor, but often being ignored. It would also explain why you constantly create Light for others, but desire to sometimes take on those roles yourself. You also appear to create situations for yourself to then create Light in the form of stories, as well as creating Light through plot/worldbuilding.
Witch is an option as you do sometimes appear to manipulate Light - intentionally misconstruing what people say, slowly changing reality by doing things because they’re funny, and using your knowledge to change things for your teammates. Poking and prodding at the plot is a very Witch-like trait. Witches also tend to be confident with their aspect. 
Finally, Knight might explain why you think you’re redistributing Light - perhaps you’re serving it instead. You do tend to use Light as both a weapon and to protect others when playing dnd. Joking about being a powerful entity and pretending you know how to do photography are both very Knight-like traits. However, Knights tend to only pretend to be confident in their aspect which might not suit you if you truly are confident with Light. 
I know I just gave you three new classes to consider! Probably not very helpful, sorry. Though with your own knowledge of classpects, you might be able to easily dismiss some of these yourself. Of course, my general advice is which do you feel you do more often - create, change or serve? Maybe there’s particular roles in dnd that you’re drawn to which would line up with one of these. 
Well, I really hope I’ve helped somewhat rather than confusing you more, but feel free to keep sending me asks if you need help narrowing it down. I’m sure you’ll figure out your classpect though, don’t worry. ^^
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anxiousfanchild · 3 years
Since people liked my Teruteru posts, I’m going to be listing every character in V1 and V2 and saying if they are overrated or underrated and why. WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR BOTH GAMES/ANIME
Junko: overrated, obviously. She’s very pretty but other then that? Not the best lmao?? Abused and manipulated Mikan and Mukuro
Makoto: Boring, was carried through the whole game by kirigiri. Not even all that funny in the anime, he’s just a boring kid.
Togami: A spoiled rich boy that messed with poor Chihiro’s body. He’s cute but a total asshole and a twink (derogatory). He should have been a victim.
Toko: I love her personality and her design is very pretty, but the way they are further demonizing DID with her character is horrible and I do not stan. 
Leon: Underrated boy, everyone gives him a lot of shit for being the first murderer. He’s cute, he’s got a funky lil shirt (that he shares with nagito?) and hes got some scottish roots like me. A good boi (minus the fact he killed someone.) 
Maizono: Overrated, shes not even all that pretty. The REAL musical ultimate was Ibuki and you can’t convince me otherwise. 
Hifumi: He never did anything *wrong* in v1, but he gives off this horrible vibe. Probably has a body pillow of Kisa from Fruits Basket or smth gross like that. 
Kiyotaka: In the fandom, his personality has been muddled down to “old gay man” but lets be real, if this dude wasnt in a killing game, he’d be a c*p (o)
Aoi: Her personality is literally eating and big boobs and closed lesbian. Not a fleshed out character and honestly, Sakura should have survived, not her. 
Mondo: You’ve heard of mommy and daddy issues, now get ready for “I accidently killed my big brother when he gave me his biker gang when I was literally 15 years old and now I lay awake for nights thinking about and on top of that I might be gay and oh my god I just got turned into butter.” issues
Yasuhiro: 100% underrated. Is there colorism in the fact he’s one of the only dark skinned characters in this series and his personality is literally “spout off random bullshit and have the whole fandom think i’m a druggie?” yeah, but if i remember correctly, in the anime, he’s actually really smart or something? (in the second anime, not the first.) And he was really kind when he was taking care of Kiyotaka when Mondo died. He’s a good character, minus the obvious racial stereotypes
Sakura: Deserved to live. She was a great friend to Aoi and sacrificed herself so her friend could keep going. She’s a good gorl. 
Chihiro: Prefacing this with I’m a Chihiro Kinnie: overrated and everyone in the fandom sexualizes him. Or headcanons him as mtf or nonbinary. It literally explains why he dresses as a girl (he was v v weak and sickly so if he convinced everyone he was a girl, they wouldnt pick on him for being a weak boy). Headcanon what you want, but dont come at me with the “hE wAnTs To Be A GiRl” cause youre literally erasing his entired character and the REASON mondo was able to kill him. 
Celestia: She’s so creepy and mean? and not even in a cool way I just don’t like her. If Junko wasnt the mastermind behind this game, it totally would have been celestia. Manipulated Hifumi, framed Yasuhiro, and killed Hifumi and Kiyotaka. Not a fan with the double kill tbh
Kirigiri: I personally don’t like her cause she has no personality beyond “gotta solve this mystery like im fuckin scooby doo” and “I can’t believe its daddy issues!”
Mukuro: literally wants to fuck her sister. No. 
V2: (I’m not finished with it yet, just finished the Mikan trial) 
Teruteru: underrated and over villainized. he’s literally a horny teenager and was just trying to a) protect everyone from nagito cause he thought twogami was nagito and b) just wanted his mom. 
Nagito: literally insane lol. If I hear him say anything else about hope, I’m going to scream. 
Nekomaru: No personality minus “I need to take a shit”
Akane: (see Aoi) they are literally the same character
Ibuki: overrated, but I can see why. She was really nice and cool. (I also have an Ibuki interject in my system so I can’t really bad mouth her.)
Mikan: Annoying at most. If Junko didnt hurt her, she probably wouldnt have killed anyone. 
Chiaki: I get.... v bad vibes from her, but I also kin her so its an odd toss up
Hajime: Whole personality is “fuck off nagito” and “orange juice in a wine glass” 
Mahiru: No my favorite, I didnt really like her, but she was really nice to Hiyoko so she’s okay in my book. 
Hiyoko: Underrated because no one takes into consideration: she is litearlly like 16 or 17, shes under 5 feet tall, she’s never gone through a killing game before, shes probably terrified. Thats why she’s mean. And she’s not even mean to everyone, just to Mikan really (who didnt deserve if but she was a really easy target)
Fuyuhiko: boss baby, tiny boy, underrated. He lost his sister and his best friend, let him be. 
Peko: Eh?? if she didnt have a literal slave mentality she’d be cool (and i dont think it was hiko’s fault, cause there are many times where he was just trying to treat peko like a friend and she was in full human shield mode.) 
Gundham: nice design, but the theatrics are getting on my nerves. Whats with the hamsters? I like his scarf though
Kazuichi: literally a giant perv, but i like his design and I have a small soft spot for pervy characters. If he would have left Sonia alone, he would have been an okay character. 
Sonia: overrated, annoying, would fuck ted bundy and run a true crime blog on this gods damn website. Not a good girl and I’m surprised she hasnt killed kazuichi yet. 
I dont think I missed anyone so here you go. Read it and weep /j 
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
I love your writing! And I love how you write Kai, dabi and everyone! I just gotta say too that I love the cute little connection you wrote for Hawks and Kin, as like hero and fan, I wanted to ask if you have any writings or requests with them at all coming up because their connection is just cute and I want to see Hawks become like a mentor or something to Kin idk maybe I just want to see Kai's reaction to finding out too lol
Lol, kai is going to be so mad that he is making birdman into fried chicken pretty soon- *remember manga scene and starts to cry*
Anyway! There is only one ask about Kin and hawks but dont be shy to send it if you want! To be honest, at first I thought it was a bad idea, but if some people had enjoyed then it means something... right?
I like Hawks character a lot, and honestly? Is funny at the way I at least imagine a connection of mentor and kid thing between him and baby Kin. So I admit it would be kinda... interesting to explore that a bit more?
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7hyuns · 6 years
nct as doms or subs
obviously excluding the members who aren’t legal i’m not Gross 
a/n; again i have to add a read more because this got. long oops
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probably a power bottom ? or a lowkey switch
he’s so mysterious i just ??
i’d say he isn’t bossy
but he’s nowhere near passive
too stressed to be a dom
is probably not into many kinks
he might find some of yours a lil weird tbh
so i guess overall i’d say,, he doesn’t really want there to be roles
unless he’s particularly feeling something that day u know
getting respected
being listened to
he’s probably got a few wack ones lmao
like. something really out there
u have one discussion about kinks and you’d say something like
“choking’s hot i guess”
and he’d be like “haha yeah i like fire play”
and you would have to figure out a valid reaction to that
eh just going to sleep
doesn’t really need much
he probably wants a drink or something
but then he wants to cuddle and sleep
unless you’re sweaty and then u have to take a shower
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ok so there is a dom line of nct
and johnny is part of that so
obviously a dom
not too much into pain kinks but he’d indulge you
would probably give a lot of warnings before punishments
enjoys humiliation a ton
intimidating and knows it
so confident ? and sure of himself ? you would never get away with anything
“i know what i’m doing” ok sure johnny go off i guess
knows your kinks before you do to be honest
daddy (receiving)
probably a thigh kink tbh
mocking (giving)
anything that makes him more of a dom
likes brats tbh
lingerie (on u)
usually he’d praise you quite a lot
but during punishments he wouldn’t even speak
like. good luck getting him to make any noise
a lot of degrading
doesn’t usually do anything besides spanking
occasional denial but he usually sticks to the basics loll
really soft
lots of hand holding??
gives you lil forehead kisses as he tidies you up
probably just gives you one of his shirts to sleep in
but if you don’t wanna sleep?? neither does he !
he would watch movies with you/attempt at cooking for you
wants you to feel happy and light-hearted before you fall asleep
so lots and lots of joking around together
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a complete sub
the cutest most obedient sub to ever live
but he still has a pain kink
and he hates being a brat/disobedient
so he’d just want you to indulge the pain kink without him having to act out lol
is a little whiny!!! but that’s not like a brat thing that’s just a him thing
lives for praises omg
one compliment and he will do anything for u  
is into some weird shit
probably has a mistress kink
pain ! (receiving)
choking (receiving)
praise (receiving)
worship (giving)
hair pulling (receiving)
knife play (receiving)
restriction and bondage (receiving for both)
literally never needs them loll 
give him lots of nose kisses !!
play with his hair while he gets his breath back
u gotta find cute or funny videos for him to watch too otherwise he gets bored
especially if it’s been more intense and you need to do more
doesn’t like to feel dirty so he’ll probably need to shower
most of the time him showering means he wants you to change the sheets while he does
overall it’s just about getting tidy and then sleeping with him
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part of the nct dom line
into some kinky shit
how he acts/wants you to act is really depending on his mood
if he’s in one of his good and joking moods then it won’t be intense
it’ll still be rough but u know
and he’d find it more amusing if you were a brat when he’s in that mood
but if he’s in a bad mood then he’s gonna be Rude
he’d just want you to behave lol
and everything would immediately be 10x more intense
not even mildly he’s into voyeurism
bondage (giving)
threesomes (only occasionally!! and it couldn’t be anyone you’d see again or he’d get jealous lmao)
body worship (giving)
worship (receiving)
strip teases (giving and receiving)
light sadism  
ok so he barely ever just sticks to spanking
the punishment would change depending on what it’s for
so if you were just being a brat he’d commit completely to orgasm denial
if he was in a particularly good mood then it’d just be overstimulation
humiliation!!! he’d want you to literally beg for Anything because he finds it funny
also i think a big thing for yuta would be public teasing
especially if you made him jealous
and he wouldn’t even be subtle like he doesn’t care if people find out because “that’s up to you”
an actual angel
always asks what you want him to do
and he’d do anything unless it was you just wanting to sleep
like. no. not allowed
his main points would be; getting you to drink/eat something, making sure you’re clean, making sure you feel okay overall
but if at any point you’re just like “idk i kinda want ice cream but it’s 2am”
then!! it’s time to go on a drive and get you ur ice cream
will literally go to every length to make sure you’re happy before you sleep 
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no more discourse he’s a dom
not in the dom line of nct because he’s not a Big Dom
but he still is one stop overlooking this
pls don’t be a brat for him he can’t be bothered
might find it amusing for like five minutes but any longer and he’s just disinterested
it might not even a kink thing it might just be a natural thing for him honestly
if you ever did something wrong he wouldn’t tell you
it’s up to you to figure it out !  
maybe a daddy kink
oral (giving and receiving)
light power play
still wants it to be intimate so hand holding is a big yes from him
hair pulling (giving)
praise (giving and receiving)
bitch kissing is his kink! he will give you a hundred thousand kisses like it’s his brand
tbh he isn’t too into them
but if he knows you like them he’s happy to indulge it
isn’t big on spanking
but he does like overstimulation!! maybe not even just as a punishment
he’d still praise you though!!!!!  
i think kun’s probably quite intense so aftercare is a definite
lots of soft kisses
plays with your hair while you get your breath back
makes you something cute to eat like pancakes or smthn  
wants you to drink a lot!!!
re-dresses you in cute lil pyjamas
waits for you to fall asleep before he does
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part of the nct dom line
a sadist
isn’t very into brats at all really
would not like not being listened to at all
u know that one look he always gives jungwoo?? yah he’d look at you like that a lot too (is it jealousy? is it anger? is it just him checking you out? who can tell?)
speaking of which, he is the most jealous person in the entire world
will literally punish u for the smallest things?? and then he’d come up with some Dumb excuse like “uh well i personally think that your disinterest of avengers (infinity war, part one) back when we saw it last month was very rude of you”
like. that’s it. that’s doyoung summarised as a dom
pain (giving)
pain (giving)
did i mention he has a pain kink
extremely submissive people
would probably want his kinks to go out of the bedroom
anything that makes him more of a dom tbh
restraint (giving)
marking (giving)
vocal command (giving)
rip it’s been nice
he’s so mean
degrading !
his pain kink gets. even bigger
bondage is a punishment with him
spanking but he makes you count and thank him
orgasm denial and then overstimulation
will literally outright mock you for whatever he’s punishing you for
if you don’t behave as he wants you to during the punishment:
he’s even worse! good luck ever sitting down for the next month of ur life
but if you do behave ! he is your biggest fan !!
lots and lots of light praise (calling you a good girl would be his biggest form of praise lmao)
is soft at heart
a lot of praise
pretty much just him complimenting you for a few minutes lol
has you take a shower/bath because he’s Mean and you’d need to
forehead kisses !!
cleans up while you wash but if you asked him to stay his heart would literally zoom
knows your most comfortable clothes to sleep in and tumbles them to make them warm for u
would really just wanna sleep but if you wanted to watch a movie or something he would
even clingier than usual!! lots of cuddles
overall he’s just sleepy and really Soft  
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a sub !
a complete brat but still a sub
the biggest tease
lives for being punished and making you mad
would attempt to power bottom occasionally but it wouldn’t work
that v live where he said “i’m a good boy, though”
what u are ten is a liar
he would be so difficult to deal with
gets off on provoking u tbh
he would try every single kink that exists !  
bondage (receiving)
provoking doms is his biggest kink
overstimulation (receiving)
praise (receiving)
pain (receiving)
punishments (receiving)
dressing fancy
strip teases (giving)
marking (receiving)
it’d be impossible to find one
because none of them are even vaguely bad for him
spanking? he has a pain kink
orgasm denial? it just makes him feel better whenever you give up
overstimulation? he’d be adamant that “that cannot ever be counted as a punishment”
bondage? good luck, it’s one of his biggest kinks
being stoic with him? he thinks it’s attractive
blindfolds? considers it as trying a new kink
but ! you do eventually find one to make him freak out and behave
literally just threaten to not get him off at all and he’s a certified Good Boy
boy is whiny
but in a cuter way than before
wants at least 100 kisses
but also needs a moment or two alone to just calm down
so you’d take that minute to tidy up and maybe get a bath ready
just so he can feel clean !!
wants candy. like if there isn’t any guess you gotta go on a road-trip ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
then he’d fall asleep pretty quick honestly
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dom line of nct has a new member oof
mean dom
maybe a lil vicious
would take the lead on everything
pretty stoic and wouldn’t really tell you what he’s into
intimidating !
probably stoic during as well
isn’t super kinky but has set kinks already
has the classic colour code system u know
always, always leaving hickies like u better either ignore the weird looks people gonna give u or invest in a collection of turtle necks  
mocking (giving)
is the definition of the “sweet in the streets, freak in the sheets” meme
light degradation (giving) (would feel a lil bit bad afterwards)
pet names pet names pet names
dirty talk (giving only)
orgasm denial (giving)
overstimulation (giving)
anything that shows off physical strength
choking (giving)
lingerie (but specifically pastel coloured sets)
i mean it just isn’t fun
he’s mean
degrading that he’ll definitely feel bad for later
probably just sticks to spanking ?
doesn’t say very much aha lol haha
makes you count and apologise
wants u to hold his hand whenever he either overstimulates/denies you just so he can know you’re definitely ok  
wow you really struck out with mr jung jaehyun  
he will literally go above and beyond to make you feel nice before you sleep
you want cuddles? what else does he have arms for !
you just wanna sleep? he’s got comfy pyjamas and warm sheets for u to curl into !
you want cooked food? he’s turning the oven on !
you want a milkshake from a specific fast food place? vroom vroom time 2 go !
maybe you just wanna take a quick shower? he’s got ur towels out and tumbled them to make them warmer
literally. aftercare with him might be the best part about dating him overall man he’s so great 
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to be honest
if i’m honest
he’s a switch
doesn’t really have a set preference on being a top or bottom
but when he was the sub he’d always end up getting impatient and just being a power bottom
doesn’t like feeling out of control so
he’d wanna have some control even if he was being the sub
like i would say he’s just a dom
but i do think he’d like to sub sometimes
although he does want people to think he’s a complete sub
and then he’d switch and you’d be ??? confusion
dirty talk (giving)
restraining (giving and receiving)
choking (giving)
hair pulling (receiving)
body worship (receiving)
VOCAL COMMAND (giving never receiving)  
let me start by saying that winwin would not ever under any circumstances be punished
like. he won’t accept this
he likes being lightly overstimulated and maybe occasionally having you scratch at his back
but punishments are a No from him
however! he would lowkey like to punish u
likes spanking but it’s just eh for him
he ! really ! loves ! orgasm ! denial !
it would just make him feel so in control and powerful
and like he wouldn’t have a voyeurism kink
but he would use it as a lil bit of a punishment for u sometimes
honestly not much
you’re both tired and sweaty
so you’d take a shower together
probably wear cute pyjama sets
and then either make a lil snack for you to have while you watch something
or just go straight to sleep
he just doesn’t see a point going overboard if you’re both tired lol 
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cute lil sub
probably a little let’s be honest
a well-behaved sub anyway!!
still a tease but he’s cute so you’d overlook it
loves it whenever you’d be possessive over him !
a lil bit mischievous (verging on being a brat sometimes,,)
but he’d flirt his way out of it we already know
pouts when he’s in trouble but he doesn’t actually dislike it
doesn’t really like it when you’re actually mad at him ?
but he does enjoy being manhandled
he does also have a small pain kink but not if he’s being punished
praise (receiving)
worship (giving)
light hair pulling (receiving)
vocal command (receiving)
pet names (especially baby boy)
light to medium pain (receiving)
kisses !! he loves kisses !! they’re literally a Kink for him
give him two (2) kisses and he will do anything for u  
would most likely never need them
but if he did he’d only like a few of them
public teasing is fun for him because he gets all flustered and he’d look really cute !
orgasm denial is nice but he doesn’t really like overstimulation!!!
also. bondage would be a punishment for him just because he loves being able to touch u
but he likes spanking only if you hold his hand and praise him
ok to be honest he probably has a specific plushie that he has for aftercare
wants to be pampered
give him all the kisses!! play with his hair!! do a facemask with him!! put some lip-balm on him!!
wants to watch a movie before he goes to sleep just so he has some time to talk to you
doesn’t really wanna shower but would occasionally take a bath with you
if u don’t make him cute lil snacks that u know he likes then what’s the point
probably wants a juice box or something instead of water he’s a Baby
needs to be cuddled for a while too
would need you to tell him to go to bed otherwise he’d just fall asleep wherever he’s watching the movie
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i,, honestly don’t think he’s a dom
i mean i don’t think he’s a sub either
or a switch
i just don’t think he really gets into the roles??
might occasionally be a little rough but not really. as a dom
i know he comes off like a confident lowkey intimidating flirty boy
but,, he isn’t just that,,
he’d just want it to be nice for you :((
can be a little intense
but it isn’t a kink thing lol he’s just greasy
and it’s even worse when he’s being romantic !
he’d give you ten compliments a minute bro he goes off
now don’t get me wrong just because he’s romantic doesn’t mean he doesn’t have kinks
teasing ! especially in public he’d find it so funny
but he’d also find it amusing if you did to him
make-out sessions are a must for him,,, every time
oral (giving and receiving)
hand holding!
worship (giving and receiving)
hair pulling (giving and receiving)
dirty talk (giving and receiving)
there wouldn’t be any for either of you!!
really just cuddling
maybe watching something together
and eating something nice that he got earlier
makes sure you both drink something!!
wants to see you in his shirt though
does the greasy “wanna take a shower together,,”
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he’s a dom go away
might start off as a slight switch just because he’d follow along with what u want at first
but as he gets more comfortable it’s over for us bitches
would be mean and verging on stoic
snaps all the time ! he would be so Angry
if u tease him even once he would have an absolute meltdown?? like whom ?? what is the reason?? I am in Charge?? what do u want ?
wants you to mess up so he has an excuse to be extra mean  
like you’d be chilled out and then he’d just say something like “so,, what do u think of jaehyun”
and you wouldn’t really think about it so you’d just say “i like him he’s funny lol”
but mark would,, “do u think he’s hot”
and you would know what he’s trying to do but you still don’t know how to get out of it,, ur like,, “I guess,,,”
but then mark would pull a 180 and be like “so u think he’s ugly”
and ur like “no!!”
“so u think he’s hot” 
worship (receiving)
is manhandling a kink (giving)
choking (giving)
pain (giving)
maybe wants a small power struggle but only when he can be bothered (he’ll always win but that isn’t the point)
hair pulling (giving)
honestly anything that’s verging on violent
vocal command (giving)
begging/whining (receiving)
his biggest kink is just being listened to like
mark lee,, is just rude
like he thrives on punishments
spanking is his go to and he wants you to go the full mile and count/apologise/and then thank him
overstimulation is fun for him because he feels Powerful
orgasm denial is another go to just because he knows you don’t like it
blindfolds are a punishment too
only occasionally though because he clearly likes eye contact
lots of degrading  
high fives you and says “that was great bro”
no but there isn’t really much to it for him,,
he’s tired ! he wants to sleep
checks to make sure you aren’t hurt
makes sure you’re feeling ok
and then you cuddle and sleep
if there’s anything wrong (example; if you’ve got split skin or anything then he’ll clean them up and put cream on them) then he’ll take care of it
but overall he just wants to sleep lol 
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baekhvuns · 2 years
I came up with the Hwa joke at 7am so I'm glad it was appreciated, lmao.
Also someone I detest is attending Ateez's fan sign rn, this bitch is going to 2 London shows, 2 fan signs, soundcheck and then Paris. But she had covid 2 weeks ago after catching it AT A CONCERT and I'm like??? Plus she's awful and annoying and even talked some shit about Ateez a few times. How can I deck her? Actually my friend who's attending the FS as well volunteered to yell her username out loud wiyejehejdghshshw
And have you seen that some dumb bitch ignored Hongjoong at a FS? Ready to beat them up, seriously I wish there was a way to check those people and blacklist them for real. 😭 Poor Joong I hope he didn't feel too bad...
Bland British food, ok I can recommend some vegan/vegetarian places for English brekkie, roasts, fish and chips etc. the food there is less bland than the regular dishes. 😅 Cafe van Gogh for the foodies and art hoes, it's one of my fave places. I don't fuck with South London very much, but I always went there for food 😭 I miss London AAAAAAAAAHSYSEYYSGAGAG, anyway. Other cool cafes are GRIND (they have various locations), Look mum no hands - yeah that's the name lol, it's for bikers actually, but I have a friend who works there so I had to advertise, Gallery Cafe, KIN, uhm Black Cat 👀, Pipoca, Farmacy, The Field Beneath, Wild Food Cafe, WAVE and the famous pink Peggy Proschen it's a pretty place with ok food, but a bit overrated and overpriced.
And random food places I live for are Unity Diner, Biff's, Vantra, Mildreds, Itadaki Zen, Vegan Yes, The Vurger Co - the burgers and shakes are top notch, Purezza, Temple of Seitan, Tofu Vegan - best Chinese food, Mao Chow, Korean BBQ and Vegan, for Indian food Hungry Beast, Rassa, Hullabaloo, Spice Box
Some places I loved had unfortunately closed because of the C-word and I'm so upset but there are so many new ones.
Miss Baek let's meet in LDN soon and cry over Seonghwa in a cool cafe, uwu - DV 💖
the jOke was funny for no reason 😭😭😭
I came up with the Hwa joke at 7am so I'm glad it was appreciated, lmao.
Also someone I detest is attending Ateez's fan sign rn, this bitch is going to 2 London shows, 2 fan signs, soundcheck and then Paris. But she had covid 2 weeks ago after catching it AT A CONCERT and I'm like??? Plus she's awful and annoying and even talked some shit about Ateez a few times. How can I deck her? Actually my friend who's attending the FS as well volunteered to yell her username out loud wiyejehejdghshshw
GORL OMF 2 FANSIGNS 2 SOUNDCHECK AND 2 CONCERTS im gonna rob her idc idc,,,, HELLO????? IS SHE SUPPOSED TO BE GOIMG IF IT WAS THAT SOON?? 😭😭😭😭 omg tell me the address im coming to deck too,,,, FBWMDBWMHDKWDJWK LMFAOOOO DO IT DO IT PLS 😭😭😭😭
And have you seen that some dumb bitch ignored Hongjoong at a FS? Ready to beat them up, seriously I wish there was a way to check those people and blacklist them for real. 😭 Poor Joong I hope he didn't feel too bad...
gOd i DID i bet that mf is like “lol…okay?” WITH THAT RESTING FACE glad the masks were up bc his face would’ve def showed it fbfhf NO BC WHY IS THAT THE PROBLEMATIC PPL GET TO MEET THEM ????
Bland British food, ok I can recommend some vegan/vegetarian places for English brekkie, roasts, fish and chips etc. the food there is less bland than the regular dishes. 😅 Cafe van Gogh for the foodies and art hoes, it's one of my fave places. I don't fuck with South London very much, but I always went there for food 😭 I miss London AAAAAAAAAHSYSEYYSGAGAG, anyway. Other cool cafes are GRIND (they have various locations), Look mum no hands - yeah that's the name lol, it's for bikers actually, but I have a friend who works there so I had to advertise, Gallery Cafe, KIN, uhm Black Cat 👀, Pipoca, Farmacy, The Field Beneath, Wild Food Cafe, WAVE and the famous pink Peggy Proschen it's a pretty place with ok food, but a bit overrated and overpriced. And random food places I live for are Unity Diner, Biff's, Vantra, Mildreds, Itadaki Zen, Vegan Yes, The Vurger Co - the burgers and shakes are top notch, Purezza, Temple of Seitan, Tofu Vegan - best Chinese food, Mao Chow, Korean BBQ and Vegan, for Indian food Hungry Beast, Rassa, Hullabaloo, Spice Box
Some places I loved had unfortunately closed because of the C-word and I'm so upset but there are so many new ones. Miss Baek let's meet in LDN soon and cry over Seonghwa in a cool cafe, uwu - DV 💖
MISS ANON LESSGO I WILL ABSOLUTELY BFNWHDKW i will rob u of ur hwa pc’s tho so hold them tight 🔫
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untilyoufindme · 3 years
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I posted 666 times in 2021
9 posts created (1%)
657 posts reblogged (99%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 73.0 posts.
I added 675 tags in 2021
#palaye royale - 129 posts
#remington leith - 102 posts
#danger days - 93 posts
#ttlotfk - 93 posts
#funny - 70 posts
#mcr - 46 posts
#emerson barrett - 42 posts
#spn - 36 posts
#sebastian danzig - 35 posts
#saveyourself - 29 posts
Longest Tag: 59 characters
#but then i substitute it for one of my characters names lol
My Top Posts in 2021
sam winchester derangement syndrome - you probably debate people online and i love you for that. you would throw everything away for a hug. you wish the people around you saw you, like, really saw you, but it feels like you're always a second choice. yet somehow it always falls to you to fix things. you want to be good. you want to be good so bad. that's the first step. you're doing amazing. im so proud of you.
2 notes • Posted 2021-08-01 05:12:34 GMT
you're caring/you care too much - you have so much love to give to your friends, and they enjoy your warm presence. when you care about someone, you care a lot. you get attached to things and refuse to let go of them, even if you know you have to. you desperately try to fix things that are beyond repair.
2 notes • Posted 2021-08-01 05:09:32 GMT
The sarcastic fuckboy who secretely has a heart of gold - Upon first meeting you might seem insufferable, but it's only because you don't have time for what others might think of you. You're independent, confident, and you know what you want. That intimidates people, and you know it. But deep down you know it's all a show. You desire to be loved as much as any other person, but you don't want to get hurt and thus it's difficult for you to appear vulnerable to others. You'll try to mask your feelings with humor and aggressiveness when you feel someone might be getting too close to home. But those who have the patience to endure your cold exterior will be rewarded with the most caring and loyal person in their lives. You're the ride or die kind of type, and once you fall in love, you do it deeply and unconditionally.
4 notes • Posted 2021-08-01 05:30:35 GMT
devotion. - you'll never second guess the nature of your relationship. at least, not in any way beyond superficially. this person WANTS you, and they're going to show it. they'll be a shoulder to cry on, your loudest fan, your best friend, your partner in crime. even if they're the withdrawn type, they're going to tell you. you probably admire a morticia and gomez addams kind of love: free but enveloping. love languages might include acts of service or words of affirmation.
4 notes • Posted 2021-08-01 04:59:36 GMT
you see yourself as a monster. - You have a lot of issues with humanity, and how you fit into it. You've been ostracized because of things you can't help from a young age, so you internalized that there must be something different and inherently wrong about you. You don't see yourself as a person worthy of respect, because you figure there has to be a reason everyone treated you like that, and it makes the most sense that you're the problem. You are not a monster. Even if you don't fully connect and identify with humanity, you are still deserving of as much compassion and respect as everyone else. You don't have to earn it. Try to accept kindness, it's not always a trap.
4 notes • Posted 2021-01-27 07:10:56 GMT
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