#and it's the most relief I've had since the pain flare started but I also felt really fucking ill with our POTS symptoms
thethingything · 2 years
oh god so standing up for a while seems to ease our tailbone pain a bit, which didn't used to happen when it flared up in the past, but if we stand up for more than a few minutes we get really dizzy and nauseous and everything else hurts more instead, and standing too often or for too long triggers ME/CFS flares for us, so standing up for any length of time isn't really a viable option
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silverskye13 · 2 months
uh. is it a bad idea to sleep with a wrist brace (or future knee/ankle braces i get) or is it fine as long as it's loose enough
(i currently have bloodwork in and i possibly have arthritis or smth along those lines, very very bad muscle and joint pain, daily in legs and occasionally in wrists, but it started with only wrists)(aka why i have wrist braces but nothing else)
tbh im just sending this to you because. i think you mentioned joint pain stuff. but if not you can ignore.
(Oh also im gonna try to get a cane if i can but we'll see. other achey tips,, very appreciated? im taking the supplements i should and everything, exercising, but unfortunately nothing's been getting better and ive been dealing with it since 15/16)
Oh jeez! I'm sorry that's something you're dealing with anon. Joint pain gets really intense. Unfortunately I can't help much. Most of my personal issues stem from tendonitis and carpel tunnel, which while they give similar pains, give them for different reasons than arthritis. Mine is stress from repetitive motions, yours [possibly?] isn't.
So! Blanket disclaimer here that I'm not a doctor and I never saw a physical therapist. Below are my personal anecdotes. If you've already seen a doc or physical therapist about your arthritis, I recommend asking them specifically about sleeping with a wrist/knee/leg brace before taking my advice.
I've personally slept with a wrist brace when my pain was at it's worst -- especially when I still needed to draw during the day, so keeping the brace on while working wasn't helpful. I toss and turn and contort a lot in my sleep, so the brace helped keep my wrist stable, and gave me some compression while my muscles were learning how to relax again.
I saw some relief after I've tried it, but if it's something you're experimenting with, I would do it cautiously. I've read online that some people don't think it's beneficial [mostly because, if the brace is too tight or you experience swelling at night, it can cut off blood flow and become painful or, in extreme cases, might damage nerves. This is, obviously, not a problem I've had. But given arthritis specifically involves swelling and inflammation, it's a caution you might want to keep in mind.]
If you're in the experimental stage, and it's an option you would like to try, I would start with your brace loose? When I tried it the first time with my wrist brace, I made sure I could still wiggle my wrist around pretty good [normally I kept it tight enough during the day that it was difficult to bend my wrist when it was on.] Just having the brace made me want to lay more still. I also experimented with sleeping on my side with a pillow under my elbow, so it stayed at a 90° angle, and my arm stayed more or less perfectly horizontal. It was difficult to sleep like that, but it helped me keep my arm in a position that didn't induce the same repetitive stress. If you want to check out this YouTube video here, the last option she goes through with all the pillows is what I used the most.
Otherwise, most of my pain regulation involves taking hot showers, doing regular [hourly, half hourly] stretches. Things like that. Because my pain is mostly tendonitis, generally speaking, rest and stretches does most of my help. Also taking specifically anti-inflammatory pain killers, like ibuprofen, because the stress pain comes from inflammation. Hot and cold compresses, sitting with the painful limbs elevated. I'm sure all things you've heard before, but they're worth recommending again just in case.
It's also worth mentioning this stuff isn't an overnight cure. When my tendonitis was at it's worst, starting the sleeping with a brace / propped up on a bunch of pillows / stretches / etc helped in a matter of 5-10 days, and if I stopped at any point during that time, the flare ups would resume. I remember getting really pissed when I [finally] figured out playing video games strained the same muscles, so the reason all my "resting" didn't help sometimes was because I was too dumb to actually rest. Now when I draw for a few days in a row and my shoulder starts burning, I stop what I'm doing and find a good TV show to disassociate to for the rest of the week.
I'm sorry you're dealing with all this. It sounds like your pain is worse than mine was, and I know mine made me miserable. I am wishing you so much luck with your coming tests! I hope they find the root cause of all this, and some more specialized folks can get involved to help you find relief. Stay safe anon.
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lovinga3characters · 4 years
My, I do be loving all these fictional characters and the things you write for them :3c (the ABO hc clotheslined me but I've never felt better) I hope it's not too weird to ask but would you mind to write something about what would the Autumn troupe be like if they ever bottomed for their partner? Thanks in advance if you decide to do
Fuck YESSSSSS! 🙏👏🙌 I just want you to know that I was so hype when I saw this is my inbox!! Thank you for your support on my A/B/O Headcanons, here’s that Bottom Autumn shit you’ve been waiting for! 😝
Warnings: EXTREMELY FILTHY NSFW, penetration/pegging, kinks, hot boys
(I’ll be making these as in what they think about it, what goes down, and what follows after 😏)
Bottom Autumn 🍁 Headcanons
Banri 🍂
Just a warning: he’s going to immediately refuse your suggestion, no way ANYONE or ANYTHING is going near his ass 😤
Then he thinks about it... and he thinks about it... until the idea just doesn’t leave his mind
The two of you have fooled around early on in your relationship (or maybe even before), so Banri’s experimented with quite a few kinks
Each time sparked a new curiosity in himself and this time was no different, and he also saw it as a challenge, he could totally take it!
And so Banri secretly prepares a big surprise for you, his butt himself 😙
Step 1: he has to practice the game, which shouldn’t be too hard since he’s pretty much perfect at everything
The first time he tried to finger/put a toy in himself, Banri’s face was extremely red and his body was flaring with heat, it was sorta uncomfortable
“This is... hng... not that bad but I don’t see how- ohhh... shit- shit!”
Obviously, he gets into a good rhythm quickly and, as he gets closer to cumming, he finds it harder and harder to stop himself from sinking into his bedsheets
Step 2: master the game, which basically means he continued to masturbate like that for a while, somewhat enjoying struggle to keep his voice down every time
Because he’s just so fucking perfect, he can take a lot with some practice, eventually learning how to ride on a toy just fine
Though the original goal was to get used to it so that way when you did it, the feeling wouldn’t affect him, Banri hates to admit that the restlessness of wanting you doesn’t leave
Step 3: play the game, it’s show time 🤩
He’s grinning really wide when he makes you lay on top of the bed, that’s immediately suspicious
“Relax, sugar, and you can watch me feel good, just like you wanted... ahahh!”
Your jaw dropped as you watched him take off his underwear and hop onto your lap, reaching behind his back to grab a bottle of lube (where did that even come from-?!)
His smug expression at your aroused shock faltered as he sunk down onto the member, a bright flush returning to his face and chest
It felt different to Banri... maybe it was the fact that you were there, he tried not to think about it as he started moving
Okay, a big miscalculation on his part was your movement, any time you bucked your hips up he had to grit his teeth in order to not make a loud noise
You noticed and tried to lift yourself higher, harder, Banri visible shivered, glaring at you with hazy eyes, those eyes that either said “Don’t you dare” or “I dare you” 👀
So, you pushed him over, grunting with effort, and managed to move forward inside of him even more
Banri protested, of course, despite the long whine that was brought out when you ground against that same hot spot he liked
What truly gets him is when if you grab his hair while fucking him, Banri loves feeling the tugs in time with your trusts
“Ughn- yeah! Fuck... harder, do me harder... shut up! I’m ah- hah... saying this for your benefit-!”
He demands that you be rougher with him, saying that he could handle anything you did to him, no matter what
Banri’s moans are quieter than expected but it’s still fairly loud, he gets really riled up the faster you go
By the time he cums, he’s gasping and he actually moans when he releases, you’ve only ever heard him growl out an orgasm
If you want to piss him off (if you can), cum inside him, it turns him on and he hates it 🙂
Banri recovers quickly so even after you’ve banged him into the mattress, he’ll be fine, much to your frustration (note to self: go harder next time)
“Hahh... ‘m fine, just don’t think I’ll always let you top me, babe! F-Fuck... wanna go again?”
Fav positions: reverse cowgirl (he likes to ride you/be in control and getting his hair pulled so it’s a win-win), doggy style (similar reasons, he also gets a little insecure when you look at his face too much), and pinball wizard (Banri likes to do this position to you a lot so why not reverse it, also you can tie his hands behind him 😇)
Juza 🍰
He stares blankly at you for a couple of seconds, looks down, looks back up at you, then he wrinkles his eyebrows in confusion, as if asking “how?” 😶
But for real, Juza doesn’t understand how you’re going to manage that, he’s just really... big
You quickly reassure him that you can manage, and you begin explaining the process, and what you want to do, he goes really red with shock and embarrassment
He doesn’t disagree though, just shifts awkwardly in place before replying
“Would that... really feel good? Cause if you wanna, I don’t mind but... I dunno how- I’ve never uh-“
The actual idea doesn’t put him off surprisingly, he just cannot grasp the concept
Luckily you’re more than happy to demonstrate 🤗
Even though the two of you have been dating for quite a long time, although it was balanced who started the sexy times, it was always you who initiated anything kinky
After taking a bath, you instructed him to lay down on his stomach and he gulped as he slid off his undergarments
Smirking slightly, you reassured him that you would be gentle as you patted his butt, Juza only snorted in amusement
He flinched at how cold the lube was as you rubbed your finger over his entrance, he was as tight as you expected
You couldn’t see his face but by the time you worked two fingers, the back of his neck and ears were flushed and his breathing was staggered
Juza gasps when you decide to push a little harder, adding another to make him stretch, the action makes him jump
It’s pretty sexy to watch him squirm and his back muscles flex with effort to hold still, though he doesn’t make much noise
“Hmm... enough, ya don’t hafta mhg- be so careful. Just go already.”
As you pull out your fingers out, his body bucks backwards, then freezes, obviously not intending to do that
You go in slowly (after adding more lube, of course), and you heard him grunt as he grit his teeth together
Despite his insistence that it doesn’t hurt him, you still go gently, which he secretly appreciates upon feeling how burning it is 😅
Juza’s a pretty strong guy, so even having something up his ass doesn’t fold him completely
... Except for one thing, when you steady yourself by grabbing the back of his neck
It makes him feel breathless, especially when you start fucking him harder, squeezing the sensitive spot, his shoulders visibly shuddering
Once you get into a rhythm, Juza’s practically panting into his arm/pillow, eyes squeezing shut in flusteredness when a quiet moan escapes
“... Ghnn- hah! Hhhmn- fuck- my head’s feelin’ all... fuzzyyy...”
He’s starting to think that doing this kind of thing was harder then fighting people because the longer it goes on, the less he can handle the heat-
If you dirty talk or praise him, it doesn’t help 😉
You’re not really in the position to touch his cock, so he’s settled for rubbing it against his bedsheets, an action that gets increasingly desperate as he reaches closer to the edge
Juza’s moan just tumbles out of him when he cums, it’s deep and quick, he covered it at the last second by biting his hand 👌
He’s sweaty and a strange, warm sense of relief fills his chest as you pull out of him and kiss were you left small bruises
You’ll probably have to wipe him down because Juza can’t even look at you without getting frazzled... and just a little bit turned on again
“Th-Thanks... mmmm... it felt- well, it’s really good. I liked it, so... if you wanna, I’m tough so I can handle more...”
Fav positions: doggy style (particularly when he’s fully lying on his stomach, with either you grabbing his neck or putting his hands behind his back), scoop me up (you’re basically spooning him while being inside him, bonus access to your body heat and to biting his neck), and the chairmen (it’s less stressful than riding and you can touch Juza’s boobs pecs, much to his grumpy annoyance)
Taichi 🐶
You better not catch him while he’s drinking something because Taichi will have the most genuine spit-take you’ll ever see in your life
His jaw drops and he’ll whip around from what he’s doing to look at you like you’ve just stripped naked in public 😳
You want to what?! With his what?! That’s way too kinky for him and he’s never even done that- don’t you need to prepare a lot for stuff l-like that?!
“I mean, I wanna make you happy in that way too but- but- but that’s really a lot!”
He calms down after a while when you tell him that he really doesn’t have to if he’s so opposed to it, it’s just something you’ve thought about
Taichi doesn’t want to disappoint you, so if you explain exactly what you want to do, he’ll warm up to the idea (literally and figuratively)
The two of you have been dating for a long time now and though he does have some fetishes, Taichi is more of a giver by nature and gets embarrassed when you do things to him
Later, you ask him to lay back on the bed and spread his legs, he obeys after some hesitation, almost immediately covering his face with a pillow despite your coaxing
No matter, you’ll make him show his face soon enough anyway ���
You slowly pulled down his undergarments, rubbing his stomach and thighs in reassurance when Taichi flinches
By the time you actually got to the prepping part, Taichi’s already pretty hard because you decided to stroke him at the same time so he doesn’t feel that much pain
To no ones’ surprise, he’s sensitive, his hips jumping up unintentionally as you move your fingers inside him with lube
His hole squeezes around your digits and you have to roughly wiggle to get anywhere, much to Taichi’s protests, who was already struggling to maintain composure as it is
When you finally get three in, his body was chasing yours, already close to cumming despite the painful sensation
It honestly looked like his face was going to explode based on how red and sweaty it was, breathing like he was running a marathon
“Ah- HAH! Don’t pull it out so suddenly... I-I can take more! Ngh... please?”
His face looked so cute, his eyes pleading, but the way his toned body arched against yours was undeniably sexy 😍
You tell him as much as you enter inside, slowly of course, and Taichi let’s out a high-pitched squeak in shock
His arms wrap around your shoulders/back, as if to ground him against the foreign sensation while the rest of him wanted to fly away
Giving him praise along with sweet nothings and dirty promises is really important, it arouses him but it also distracts him from the uncomfortable moments
Taichi whines and squeezes you tightly when you thrust more, pulling in and out of his ass carefully as he tried (and failed) to hold in his cries
By the time he’s close to finishing, Taichi is so loud and he is jumping up to meet your member in time while it hits that sweet spot inside
“Yes- yes- YES! More... oh g-goddd babe, please more- AH! IT’S SO GOOD...!”
This man wails and begs you to keep going, he’s really feeling hot now and encourages you with desperate pleas and breathless praise
Taichi’s nails might dig into your shoulders or create marks on your back (not that you really mind), a new kind of bright red on your skin that he’s never given you
Your hand could’ve stroked his wet cock, just a little, and he would’ve been a goner, cumming with a deafening yelp
Panting, Taichi is boneless against the bed, looking like he’s having an out-of-body experience, only reacting when you started to wipe the drool that leaked onto his chin from his lips
Please give kisses and aftercare thank you, he’s a good boy 🐶
He’s voice his hoarse but giggly as he keeps his body wrapped close to yours, dazed from his intense orgasm
“Heh-heheheh... ah- that was awesome! Felt really hot, I can’t wait to have more~! I-I can, right?”
Fav positions: missionary (the classic, this works because you can see his face and he can cling to you easily), the om (it’s extremely intimate which Taichi likes, it’s also easier to ride), and show and tell (basically means touching yourself while really close to your partner, he does this as a top but it’s fascinating to watch him do it with his butt, gets puppy embarrassed)
Omi 🐺
He’s surprised, that’s for sure, but not as surprised as you are when you find out that he’s... actually tried it before 😱?!
Omi blushes and says that when he was a part of his motorcycle gang, sometimes his buddies would offer some... different kinds of riding as a form of stress relief
He’s quick to say that it’s all in the past and he didn’t even do it that often anyways...
You’d have to stay firm in your convictions in order for him to agree, as it’s just slightly humiliating for him-
“Well, uh, if my baby is sure of what they want, I wouldn’t mind trying something new tonight.”
But, of course, Omi eventually agrees 😈
After preparing the proper supplies (with him double checking out of caution), you laid back onto the bed per his request as he straddled himself on top of you
He was already fully undressed, and the daring position allowed you to gawk at his sexy, muscled body in all of its glory, your hand instinctively reaching up to brush against his face in reassurance
Omi leaned into your touch, only pulling away to grab the bottle of lube to lace it onto his own fingers
You watched in awe as he leaned back with one hand, and fingered himself slowly with the other
He grunted with effort, clearly uncomfortable and not quite used to the stretch but continuing none the less, for your own benefit, he assured himself
Determined to not let you down, Omi pushed another inside, his strong fingers having no trouble doing so, though his eyes closed shut at the pain
You took some pity on the poor man and made a move for his cock, which was barely half-hard, making your lover take a sharp breath as you stroked it
With your combined determination, Omi eventually relaxed considerably, moving three fingers and groaning your name as you teased his arousal
“Are... you having fun down there? I- mmgh- I feel like I’m not quite reaching something. Let’s get to it...!”
He sat up completely and sighed as he slipped his digits out, Omi bit his lip as you lifted your member up to his hole
Swiftly but careful, your boyfriend sunk his body down, legs spread open, hands resting on your chest momentarily (nearly crushing you in the process)
After a few minutes, you pat his butt as if he was a horse that needed to ‘giddyup’, making him laugh as his eyes glittered seductively 😋
Omi then proceeded to fuck himself rather ungentlemanly, his own dick slapping harshly against his abs at every bounce
At first for Omi, it didn’t feel that different from his hand, just the thickness made him slightly more sensitive
He leaned back a little bit to adjust, and suddenly his nerves were electrocuted with pleasure, you were reaching deeper than he could on his own and-
“Ohhhh- hah... ugh, right there. I found it just- god this is a lot to- HHn- process...!”
Omi’s body was dripping with sweat as his face and neck flushed red, gruff moans and pants stumbling out of his open mouth
It’s probably best to use your hands to help out his now very hard cock, it looked as ready to burst as the rest of his body did
His thick, scratched thighs shook heavily as he slammed his ass on top of you over and over again upon nearing his climax
Omi is praising your own dazed expression as he grits his teeth to contain the sounds of his orgasm, only throaty growls escaping
While he pants and returns to his senses, you can only stare and gulp at the dripping cum on his pecs and his honeyed expression
He speaks as he leans down for a kiss, finally arising from your lap-
“You made me feel so hot, like a wildfire... mmm- spreading. Hrmph... thanks. For next time, did you want to touch me more~?”
Fav positions: cowgirl (is used to this pace the most and it’s a bonus for you cause it’s nice to watch 😉), CAT position (aka. the Coital Alignment Technique, its close and intimate, which he likes), and the stickman (basically you bend him over a sofa or table with his hands on his thighs, perfect for the kitchen, also easy to get rough with)
Sakyo 💴
You honestly thought you were going to fucking die on the spot from the sheer iciness of the glare Sakyo gave you
Like, you wish to top him, but are willing to fight him to the death for it? Because that’s the only way he’s budging 😠
The thought honestly makes him so embarrassed he wants to die
The embarrassment only increases if you threaten suggest to complain to Sakoda about it
That guy’s already way too involved in his love life, he doesn’t need to be involved in THAT kind of thing too-
“... I’ll consider it. That is all you’re getting from me... don’t you dare tell anyone. And stop looking so happy!”
Later in the week, Sakyo is searching online for... certain products and tells himself that if they have a discount, he’ll let you do it
... Of course, the oNE TIME- guess he has no choice now 😑
More time had past and just when you thought that it was a pointless endeavor, one night on his day off, Sakyo dragged you into the bedroom
He stared at you intensely from on top of the bed as he shook off his jacket and belt before tossing you a small box
You choked on your own spit as your jaw dropped... what the box contained was... a vibrating dildo 😩
Sakyo rolled his eyes and told you pointedly that you were going to use that on him, and if he didn’t like it, there would be no continuation, understood?
With a “yes, sir” and a heavy blush, you agreed, tackle kissing him against the sheets
By the time you poured the amount of lube he considered ‘safe’ and shoved the toy inside him, Sakyo was already halfway to being breathless, not expecting the sensation to be so painful (or so pleasurable)
He covered his face with his arms but even you could see he was flushed, biting his lip to not let you hear him make a sound
Unfortunately, you get into a steady rhythm, practically forcing his mouth to open even before you turn the vibe on all the way
Sakyo’s legs shake as his ass feels like it’s getting violated, unable to control the heat the spreads quickly up his spine and dick
“Urgh- enough! J-Just move mmn-! Move on alre-adyyy...!”
He snaps at you, refusing to make eye contact, even as you put his leg upwards to get a better angle
Your lover is trying so hard not to lose it, hiding and masking his mouth with his hands, eyes squeezing shut because jesus- nothing’s ever felt like this before-
It makes him feel all vulnerable, like you’re prodding at something more than just sexually, so feel free to lean down and kiss-mark his neck, it grounds Sakyo a little
Obviously, you want to see him melt completely, so you flip him onto his back, much to his shock
This encourages you to thrust even harder, his gasps and pulsing cock edging you on further 🤫
Sakyo isn’t loud per say, but he isn’t quiet either, only able to pant and convulse in a desperate attempt to pull himself together
“God damnit- hah! Don’t think I’ll just lay here and take it... Mmhmm... ohh fuuuuh... pleassse- argh-!”
He’ll play a bit coy, giving you a look that, especially without his glasses, makes him look like a smirking, devilish angel
... Sakyo almost regrets it, as he immediately goes back to being a sweaty mess when you smirk back on return
He’ll never admit it but the whole back and forth was sort of fun/sexy in way he thought an ‘old man’ like him shouldn’t be able to experience
With one final push that lifts his hips off the bed, he orgasms, silently screaming as he feels the sweet release wash over his aching body
Bruises on his hips, hickeys on his neck, drooling and sweaty, you know as soon as his senses come back down from the afterglow, Sakyo will tiredly lecture you
“Geez... that wasted a lot of energy, you shouldn’t have- hhn! ... Th-Thank you for making me feel good, dear. Don’t go crazy without my permission next time though.”
Fav positions: the sidewind (it gives you the best control, which he secretly enjoys but it embarrasses him), eagle position (it’s simple and makes him flustered and feel good, again, can be used softly), and the chair (a position that’s meant to tease you once Sakyo gets used to it, literally sits on your lap)
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xxkellsvixen19xx · 6 years
Forget Me Not Jim Mason x Reader 50 First Dates AU Pt 3
Jim laid a hand on her thigh out sight and casual-like. Just a light pressure to let Y/N know he was there for her.
Her entire body tightened, and she darted a glance around the table to see if anyone was watching. Everyone else was far too interested in their conversation and the joint floating around. He leaned over slightly to whisper by her ear. "You know they love you to pieces. It's going to be just fine, angel eyes."
His use of her nickname made her lips twitch. But even more importantly, to his delight she snuck her hand over his, linking their fingers together and squeezing tightly in response.
"You two got something on your mind over there?" Chad's question buzzed angrily in Jim's ears.
It was rather amazing how much disapproval could be put into such simple words.
Y/N took a deep breath, but before she could speak Jim decided what the hell. He'd sooner be skinned for the whole disaster, no matter what she'd said before.
"Not a secret," Jim announced. "We're dating."
Other than her quick gasp of shock, there was no response to his comment. Not for a full five seconds. Then an uproar of noise hit from all sides.
"The hell?"
"Since when?"
"Are you serious?"
Over all the questions and cussing lay a deep, heavy rumble, starting low then increasing in volume until Mr. Y/D/L/N's laugh broke through. He waved his sons off. "Calm yourself, boys. You really surprised by this?" He clicked his tongue. "Never thought I’d raised a pack of dullards. I saw this coming from a mile away."
Y/N gave Jim  a dirty look before facing her father.
"What's that mean?"
The older man shrugged. "Means I'd seen you two making calf eyes at each other when you thought no one was looking. About time you came to your senses."
Chad stumbled to vertical, glaring daggers at Jim. "Bullshit. You can't be dating Y/N."
Jim stood to meet him eye to eye across the table. "Not your decision."
"She's still recovering from the accident. She doesn't need to get involved with anyone."
A stream of very creative swearing burst free from a most unexpected source. Jim waited cautiously until Chad looked away before also turning toward Y/N.
She'd stood as well, her much shorter status very clear as everyone loomed over her from where they’d all risen to their feet around the table. The vile language spewing from her mouth stuttered to a stop as she whipped out her finger and stuck it in her oldest brother’s face.
"The accident happened two months ago. I. Bumped. My. Head. That's it. I didn't have a lobotomy or revert to childhood. I've had enough of you wrapping me in cotton and refusing to let me do anything on my own. Yes, I have gaps in my memory, and yes, dealing with that is a pain in the ass. But you, Chad"-she glared around the table to take in all her brothers-"all of you, are even bigger pains. I did not break my brain, or my body. My sex drive did not vanish out the broken window, and I will not allow you, or anyone else, decide what will or won't happen in my life."
Jim wasn't sure the mention of sex was the wisest idea as eyes narrowed further, and fists were clenched. Only he couldn't worry about that because she'd spun her fury toward him.
"And you! You're the biggest pain of them all. I told you I wanted to do this myself. You agreed, and now you just leap in and do exactly the opposite of what I asked for? Damn you." Y/N stepped back from the table, her eyes full of fire as she planted her feet wide and crossed her arms. "Jim and I are not going out," she stated clearly.
Oh, shit. She was more upset by his taking control than he’d expected. He reached for her, but she twisted from his grasp.
"Forget it, Jim. We might be seeing more of each other in the future if you get your head out of your ass, but the only reason will be because you might be the father of my baby."
The question exploded from five male throats at the same moment.
Y/N lifted her chin, cheeks red, her chest heaving. "Yes. I'm pregnant. Jim insists he could be. That's all I'm going to say about this tonight because I'm sick of all of you. Good night."
She twirled on her heel and stomped from the room, the door slamming shut after her. Jim wavered between running after her and staying to explain to the guys.
He never saw it coming. The fist that connected with his jaw made stars burst before his eyes, and he stumbled backward before landing on the floor, five very angry faces staring down at him.
"Shall we bury him alive in the back forty?" Danny asked, wiggling his fingers to shake out the blow he’d delivered. "Hang him in the garage. We can use the welder’s torch and skin him first."
Jim shoved aside the anger inside that wanted to flare like a torch. "Let me explain, dammit."
Chad dragged a hand over his head then gestured his brothers aside. He extended his hand to Jim.
Jim eyed it with distrust.
His friend snorted. "Look, you surprised us all, but I’m not going to beat you any further, and neither will the others."
"Speak for yourself," Alex drawled. "What the hell is going on, Jim?"
"Boys, let him up." Y/D/F/N Y/D/L/N pushed through his sons to cast an unreadable stare upon Jim.
Alex looked disappointed. "Does this mean we're not killing him and hiding the body?"
Y/D/F/N rested a hand on his shoulder. "Not today, but there's still hope for tomorrow."
And with that, Jim sighed in relief. He was going to be forgiven, at least by the guys. ,Y/N on the other hand, was another issue. He'd have to watch his balls around her for the next while.
They all settled around the table, a little uneasy. More awkward than he'd ever felt with the family. "So, now what?" Alex asked.
"That one is easy," Y/D/F/N answered. "Now Jim finds a way to convince Y/N they’re a couple. If she's going to have a baby, she needs all the support she can get."
"So you’d better find a way to convince Y/N she wants you in her life, or else," Chad snapped. Chad's ultimatum pissed Jim off all over.
"There’s nothing I want more." The secret seed of fear inside was shoved down and ignored as Jim went nose to nose with his stubborn best friend. “Did you not listen to what I said about sending you an email, you stupid ass? Did you not hear the part about how I'm the one who came to her before she even told me about the baby?"
"Easy words to say when none of it can be proved."
"Still say we take him outside and work him over,"  Alex muttered.
"Shut up, all of you." Mr. Y/D/L/N didn’t shout. Didn't storm, but his intensely spoken comment quelled all four of his sons. "Stop poking at Jim. He knows what he did was wrong, and if my baby girl is going to have a man in her life, I like Jim."
Warmth rushed him at the man’s words of acceptance. "Thank you, sir."
Y/D/F/N turned toward him with ice in the depths of his purple eyes. "You hurt her again, though, and I'll shoot you myself."
Ahh, family. Jim straightened up and wondered if he was going to survive.
Remembering the expression of fury in Y/N's eyes, he just might be better off dealing with the guys.
Y/N pulled herself alert. She was only a moment away from sliding into a puddle of relaxation in the overstuffed easy chair, tired from her week and everything that had been going on.
Medina had plopped herself on the floor to apply a new layer of polish to Y/N's toes. Instead of Friday night at the pub, Medina had suggested a girls’ home spa. The laid-back evening was so much better than fighting the noise and the crowds. Y/N was in heaven.
"Skipping away from the baby talk for a minute." Heather leaned forward on her elbows. "Tell me to butt out if you're not sharing, but what's this I hear about Jim.Mason basically camping out in your front yard?"
Y/N wasn't sure if she was pissed off or pleased with his relentless attention. "I laid down the law about two weeks ago, and ever since he's been trying to get back in my good books."
"Is it working?" Medina snorted. "Jim has not yet perfected the art of the grovel, we'll just put it that way."
"Hmm." Cami and Annisa, two more of Y/N's friends, exchanged glances. "A good grovel is always nice,”  Cami admitted.
"Followed by make-up sex, right?" Annisa grinned. "So, what’s he not doing right? Not being determined enough?"
Y/N stopped to think for a minute. Jim had been persistent-that much was in his favor. "I don’t think he understands what he did wrong in the first place."
"Of course he doesn’t." Heather grabbed a pitcher and topped up her drink. "He’s a guy. The words 'I was wrong' kind of stick in their throats and end up coming out as 'Get over it, little woman, I know best.'
A snort escaped before Y/N could stop it. "Yeah, that’s about the entire story."
"So, all he needs to do is say he was wrong?" Medina tilted her head to the side. "I would have thought this situation required more than that."
"Oh, 'I was wrong' would be the first step," Y/N agreed. "But until he figures out that this is my life, I'm not letting him back in. It's bad enough with my brothers wanting to make decisions for me."
"And you don’t need another big brother, right?" Ava winked at her. "I know you probably hate getting asked, but how are you feeling?"
"Much better,” Y/N admitted happily. "Morning sickness is done. Lots of energy. I haven’t got back my memory, but I have progressed in my math beyond two plus two is four."
"Hmm, too bad you have no memory of sexing it up with Jim." Cami waggled her brows. "I bet he’s got some moves."
"I can’t believe sex with Jim wasn’t memorable enough to stay in your brain no matter what. I mean, do you think he's got a teeny penis or something, and your mind is trying to wipe that out?"
"Not the size of the equipment, it’s how well they use it," Annisa quipped innocently, batting her lashes at the laughter that rose from the other women. "Well, that’s what they say, right?"
"No, I doubt Jim is lacking penis power. Unless he's shoving socks into his jock strap, the guy's got the goods."
Like a barometer, Y/N’s cheeks had responded to the chatter. She didn't really want to speculate on Jim's... equipment. "Sorry. Memory loss doesn’t pick and choose to save the juicier tidbits for repeat consumption. We'll have to stick with 'I don't remember’ on this one."
Laughter exploded, and Y/N relaxed back into her happy haze of food and friends. It wasn't the size of Jim's equipment that interested her -well, okay, not completely. But if she remembered the act, she'd know for sure who was involved in making the baby in her belly. She slipped her hands over the slight bulge beginning to show and wished again for a miracle, like total recall. It didn't come, but the friendship and warmth around her helped. Helped a lot.
The next morning Jim shifted uneasily on his feet and waited for Y/N to answer his knock. It was just past ten. Late enough she would have had time to sleep in a little and dress, because he didn't need any temptation to mess this up.
It sort of worked. She was awake. The woman who pulled the door open had bright eyes and a rested face; only she was still wrapped in a mass of soft terry cloth. Her robe ended at mid-thigh, and Jim snapped his gaze back up to safer territory.
He swallowed hard. "Hi."
She lifted one brow in a perfect Vulcan imitation. "Hi." Jim paused. "How you doing?"
Y/N nodded. "Good."
Ah, fuck it. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I was an ass, and I had no right to butt in and go around your wishes."
She opened the door all the way and they headed towards the kitchen. She watched with a bemused attitude from where she’d pushed herself up to sit on the counter. "What are you doing, Jim?"
"Apologizing." He lifted his glass to her. "Trying to find a way to truly be there for you and make up for my stupid move at dinner a while back."
Y/N lifted her hand to touch his jaw where the final tinge of a bruise was slowly fading. "You got worked over by my brothers that night. I'm sorry for leaving you to them."
Jim stood stock-still as her soft fingers caressed his cheek. "I blew it more ways than one that night."
"You did." She patted his cheek gently then leaned forward to whisper, “But I'm ready to forgive you. Only for heaven's sake, stop acting like some ball-less dweeb."
Jim couldn't help but to laugh. "That's blunt."
Y/N shrugged. "It’s the new Y/N-I tend to speak my mind a little sooner. So here’s the deal. You will not fuck up and go against my express wishes, and I'll stop my brothers from beating on you."
Jim nodded. "And you'll let me get involved in your life; however it will help you the most. Whether that’s getting things ready for the baby's arrival, or being there to rub your feet or ..." He'd spotted the circle on the calendar on the wall. "Or going to prenatal visits with you."
She hesitated. "I don't know how I feel about that."
"That’s not true." Jim laid a hand over hers where it rested on the counter. "Come on, new Y/N, tell me what's racing through your mind."
She stared down at their fingers. "I'm afraid to let you in, I'm afraid to have you around and then have you taken off down the road." Her head lifted and those beautiful eyes stared into his soul. "I want you to be there for more than just the baby."
Jim stroked her fingers lightly. "I’m here. In spite of your fears." In spite of his own. "I wanted you before the baby was in the picture, and I'll want you no matter what." That much he could say with full and complete honesty.
The moment hung between them. Anticipation and longing right there. All his concerns and worries were overwhelmed by the need to have Y/N make the decision for him. To be with him, and give him a chance. Even though her accepting him would open up a world of nightmares-facing those would be worth it. Had to be worth it. He'd chosen to be a better man than his father, and this was the place that he made his stand.
Y/N moved so slowly, but finally she did move. Leaned toward him and rested her head on his shoulder. He slipped up a hand to brush the inch-long hair over her scalp, the softness against his palm like satin.
She leaned away. "Okay."
His heart raced like an out-of-control train. "Okay?"
She nodded. "You can come to the prenatal with me. And you can do some stuff around here, to help get things ready for the baby."
Jim waited, then got tired of waiting. "And us?" He demanded.
Her tongue snuck out quickly as she moistened her lips. "Well, I suppose we could start seeing each other."
He wanted to toss his fist into the air and shout, but that might freak her out. So instead he picked her up and twirled her. Hugging her close as she laughed. "Put me down, silly."
Jim lowered her carefully, reluctant to allow her warm, soft body to leave contact with his. "Does that mean we can go on a date?"
"Yes." She got an evil look in her eyes. He lowered himself onto the open space next to her, leaving room between them. There would be time to make a move on the physical side of things soon enough, now that she was letting him in. Letting him have a chance to do the right thing, and more.
She leaned back, the sunshine in the window making her soft and edible, and incredibly beautiful. "You have any plans for the day?"
"You are my plans."
Her smile bloomed, and Jim's heart swelled a little. It wasn’t what he’d expected to be doing, but in the big scheme of things-it was right.
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Credit to @carolthors
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heavensigh · 3 years
We are finally here and somewhat settled. I'm not going to lie, flight day was pretty rough. Not just for me and Chu but for the cats as well. I left about 3 days earlier than everyone else to set up shop and because Chu had some last minutes appointments he had to be in NC for. It was a real pain trying to fly over 5 cats. Because of Covid a lot of the cargo services that the airlines offer were either canceled or extremely limited. Some planes were only taking 2 pets max (per flight) and so it was on the first come, first serve basis. As you can imagine we couldn't get all the cats on one flight, so it turned into this drive fest of dropping off 2 at a time, on different days. Plus, to make it even worse and more complicated, we had to phone or email to make reservations so we couldn't see their fly schedule before hand to plan accordingly. It also depended on who you talked to to see what kind of flights were available, AND they mentioned that some airports closed early now because of Covid so the cats had various layovers. It was a mess, but after 3 long days everyone finally made it. My flight was extremely pleasant. I didn't get a flare up at all and I had a whole row to myself. It was probably the best flight I ever had cross country. However, as soon as I landed my throat started to get really sore and my nose wouldn't stop running...
So once I finally got into my new place, I caught the flu. I wore my mask the entire time but it still got me. I'll make a better habit to rotate my cloth masks more so and wash them more often now. But I was really sick for about a week and a half. I hated leaving the house feeling that way, putting others at risks, but I needed supplies and since I was here alone I had no choice. I got a bunch of new masks, wore gloves and kept my distance from everyone. It really blew my mind how many people feel comfortable walking around maskless. If its not Covid then it would be the flu and with my chronic illness I just can't risk it anymore.
Chu took care of me once he arrived but I was deathly tired once we picked him and the rest of the cats up. His flight got delayed by three hours and the airports were a mess. It was a huge relief to have someone go stock up the house with food and meds while I recovered. I went out to get a Covid test, just in case, and that was one of the most painful experiences in my life. Hurt more than all my piercings tbh. But I'm happy to say it came back negative. Which is great because Chu got sick a few days after he got here as well. We both linked it to the plane/airports but we both stayed at the hotel for temp housing as well. So who knows.
The whole thing was a little sucky because I couldn't even go out to explore my new home. Both of our families wanted us to come over immediately since it's been years for some of them, but we were sick as dogs. We're on the tail end of it now so I'm happy its finally over.
In other news, I'm kinda on a soft probation with school. Our school has a new policy that says we can't miss more than 14 days through a semester and I already used up mine. The time zone change, the move itself and my illness really took it out of me. Not to mention I had to take some days before the move for various health appointments and such. So I can't miss anymore days. I've got to be on it.
But overall I've been good. I'm happy to be here. I'm happy for a new start and this new beginning. They are always my favorite and I want to take advantage of this rush of emotions. I've been looking for gyms in the area so I can safely work out again to compete next year. I've been oddly interested in revamping my current style. For so long I've been dirt poor and now that I have a steady income coming in I want to take care of myself better. I want to get my nails done, go to the salon once a month, get facials and try different beauty routines. I want to wear nice cloths and look put together when I go out. In the past I use to scoff at such things because there was always a car to fix, or a bill to pay or whatever. Now I can come into my own more and its exciting.
I'm going to revamp my goals list as well. We're still house hunting at the moment but when I get a more permanent spot I'm going to go all out on my office. Make it a work study space I can really thrive in.
In the mean time I have to find a new church, gym and get plugged into the community. I got a library card today and I got a few books I want to check out for work and play.
I really have to pace myself but I'm bursting at the seams over the possibilities.
0 notes
pauperpedia · 4 years
Tuesday Brewsday 26: Eyeing Bully with Deluxeicoff
For over a month now I’ve been playing Boros Bully a lot, and have been fairly successful. I’ve topped 16 a challenge, came in third place in the Facebook league, Won a PCT event while coming in 2nd and top 8 in two others. The whole time I was thinking if there was any room for improvements and implemented some ideas. Whenever you want to make changes to a deck however, you need to go back and see what works and the reasoning behind why certain cards are in the deck. Since I wanted to write about the deck regarding this, I thought there was no better person to consult than the original deck designer himself, Deluxeicoff. I asked him four questions about the deck, but first, here is the mainboard decklist I’ve fallen in love with.
1 Sentinel's Eyes
4 Faithless Looting
4 Thraben Inspector
4 Seeker of the Way
4 Squadron Hawk
1 Guardian of the Guildpact
2 Palace Sentinels
4 Battle Screech
2 Rally the Peasants
4 Prismatic Strands
1 Firebolt
1 Electrickery
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Journey to Nowhere
1 Oblivion Ring
1 Secluded Steppe
4 Boros Garrison
6 Mountain
6 Plains
4 Wind-Scarred Crag
So what did the original creator of Bully have to say about his beloved Delver killer?
Q1: Originally you didn’t run Palace Sentinels. What was your reasoning and do you still stand by this?  
A1: Bully was an aggro deck at its start and the metagame at the time didn't have too much Tron, so using Raise the Alarm EOT had A LOT of play options/surprises and game wins...from the obvious fueling battle screech out of the blue, to blocking, to having a double answer to fling with opponents countermagic - its combination with prismatic strands was paramount and I still feel this build is the right call given the metagame and/or shifts in it.  Remember, I placed 3rd in a challenge on its debut, and was a shoe-in for the win if I had one more second.  My last round in the top 8 was vs. familiars and I timed out with lethal on the stack - MEGA frustrating... Palace Sentinels slows the deck down, but is necessary vs. Tron... but I'm still not sure since the addition of it didn't make the match THAT much better, just a bit - moreover the ability to protect monarch via strands is usually the angle.  More importantly was my lack of using Thraben Inspectors - that was a design miss on my end, I leaned heavily on sacred cats for their brutal efficiency and re-use-ability. I've liked Guaridan of the Guildpact mix with Monarch, but I'd never play more than two Palace Sentinels personally.  Just a few weeks later, I placed 2nd in the Rags to Riches tournament in Seattle using 2 Palace main. It has been awesome to see the variations of the list over the last year or so - no right answers, just cool tweaks for the given state of the game. 
Q2: Are there any new cards that would improve the deck?  
A2: From my original design, there is now an instant that does the same thing - but I feel your recent addition of one Sentinel's Eyes is very 'on-brand.'  The DNA of the deck is Faithless Looting - pitching stuff in your yard that can come back makes faithless looting feel like a cheap Treasure Cruise.  Future expansions continue to come, pay attention to abilities like retrace and embalm, escape etc..,  I feel the lack of "Seal of Fire" is a bad call in most lists - this card isn't "NEW" but it is often overlooked...once out, it is an un-counterable option to about 90% of the critters in Pauper.
Q3: What decks typically give this one a hard time? What is the strategy you find best to beat those decks?  
A3: Tron was and is always an issue...decks with recursion locks.  A combination of Monarch, Flaring Pain, graveyard hate, sheer aggro pumps and/or land destruction are all decent ways to attack, but it is usually a hard matchup...which is why I like the surprise value in Raise the Alarm/more aggro approach.  As much as I like to have a 'GOTCHA!" card - Tron is too resilient, and in the end, it is often best to be the problem.  Also, at Pauper's first ProTour LA - I went undefeated -(after a first round scoop due to my lands mysteriously vanishing and taking a loss to start.)  In that list, I ran COP Black - because Nasty's build of Gurmag/Dimir build was very popular, but I had success vs. it with that simple addition...Guardian's of the Guild don't hurt much either there :)
Q4: If WOTC let you design a card for Bully, what would it be and what would it replace?
A4:  Hmm...it would need to be a sideboard card vs. Tron...flexible and have some interaction with the graveyard.
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I really enjoyed getting Deluxeicoff’s take on Boros Bully. I still remember the Rags to Riches event held by Card Kingdom in Seattle where I got to share a drink and hang out with him to play some pauper before the event started. If you ever find yourself with some free time on Saturday, Deluxeicoff broadcasts his Pauperganda show via Twitch at 9 am pst. He also has a YouTube channel, a Facebook page, and if you want to support him go donate through buymeacoffee.
So what are my hot takes on the deck and what have I tried to implement? I’ve been loving the fact that Bully can beat practically any aggro strategy out there. With the uncommonly strong (pun intended) Seeker of the Way combined with Prismatic Strands, it’s easy to recover and then take the game away through the air with Battle Screech and Rally the Peasants. Whenever I see a turn 1 island, I breathe a sigh of relief knowing that I have the upper hand in the match. Considering Delver decks are on the uptick and Tron is seldom seen in leagues or community run events, I’d say Bully is in a good spot right now.
Recently I’ve tried out some new cards in the deck to see if they improved upon the ole Bully on the block. I started out by moving towards a more artifact centered deck so I could run Galvanic Blast alongside Lightning Bolt. I did this by removing Journey to Nowhere, Oblivion Ring, and one Guardian of the Guildpact. My reasoning behind this was that it could give the deck more reach and have a shot a taking out Tron once they have a fog lock. In the end I didn’t really like the mashup between Monarch and Bully the deck resembled. Stumbling on mana or constantly having an underpowered blast in the face of artifact removal was harsh. I also felt like the change made some matchups worse like Affinity or UB Delver where I wish I still had Journey to Nowhere. Maybe I just cut the wrong cards to make room for Galvanic Blast, but in my opinion it just made the deck awkward.
Next I tried playing with two copies of Underworld Rage-Hound. I remembered way back when the deck played with Sanctuary Cat, it was such a great feeling to have access to a creature that not only spat in the face of removal, but pitching it to Faithless Looting never felt like a feel bad moment. The problem I ran into though was the same one that plagued the cat, there was no evasion to push through damage. Worse, having to attack every turn really took away its potential as a road block. The only positive I saw when playing Underworld Rage-Hound was when I faced a Tron deck, and even then it eventually got stonehorned. Too many creatures can block it and kill it, and Gurmag Angler just plain eats it.
After that I wanted to explore the escape mechanic further. I had see the success Sentinel’s eyes was having in decks like Hexproof and Heroic and wondered if a deck like this could embrace it al well. So far I’ve really like the inclusion of one copy of Sentinel’s Eyes. Being able to cast it from the graveyard by exiling a mere two cards and paying one white mana has been amazing. It instantly turns any of your birds into a threat, or gives your Seeker of the Way some added oomph. Another feature of Sentinel’s Eyes is that it gives the creature vigilance which Prismatic Strands loves. I really think Sentinel’s Eyes has a home here, but you might want to play around with the card you take out. The deck usually runs 2 Guardian of the Guildpact, but I’ve cut one to make room for it. I could see the deck maybe cutting a Firebolt or Lightning Bolt, possibly even Oblivion Ring instead. Only time and more “eyes” on the deck will tell.
1 Electrickery
1 Flaring Pain
1 Leave No Trace
3 Pyroblast
1 Ramosian Rally
2 Red Elemental Blast
2 Shenanigans
1 Standard Bearer
1 Oblivion Ring
1 Aura Fracture
1 Tormod's Crypt
My sideboard is a bit different than you might see. When it comes to my artifact removal, as much as I love Gorilla Shaman, I think Shenanigans plays really well with the deck’s plan. That’s why I run two, so I can increase the odds of a backbreaking turn two play against affinity.
I’ve always loved Aura Fracture in my white decks. A lot of the time this deck will have excess mana to pitch to Aura Fracture. Being able to continually destroys an enchantment can keep opposing Journey to Nowheres at bay and Hexproof from turning their Bogle into something even Ulamog would be scared of.
On that note I also love Standard Bearer. One of the decks that I hate losing to constantly is Elves. Standard Bearer can shut down their game plan of making huge elves with Timberwatch Elf. It also helps in the burn matchup by eating a bolt. Tireless Tribe has a hard time getting through it without Gut Shot as well. There are a plethora of reasons to run Standard Bearer, which is why I can’t not include.
The last oddball I run is a lone copy of Tormod’s Crypt. I like this over Relic of Progenitus for the reason that it doesn’t hit my graveyard when sacrificed. Being able to cast it for free is another boon when I absolutely need to find it and burn through two faithless lootings leaving me tapped out. It’s happened before and I was sure glad I was running that over Nihil Spellbomb.
That about sums it up. Get out there and bully your opponent in the best way, by swinging for lethal with a rally of birds. I hope you have enjoyed these blogs/articles. I’m always open to feedback and simply want to provide the best content I can. I’m always open to collaborate on a deck as well. Please visit and like/follow my Facebook page pauperpedia, a fan page dedicated to bringing you links to daily articles, videos, and podcast covering Pauper. You can also email me at [email protected] if any of you have submissions as well. Till next time folks, have a happy Brewsday!
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