#and its just been sitting my inbox neglected im so sorry!
freakbullet · 1 year
Gaster is part of Deltarune, the game isn't even subtle about it. Look how many overt references to Entry 17 the game has
even moreso, you can't deny he is the one who took over twitter and interacted directly with the player in the gonermaker sequence, as well as being the one who assists you with your save if you die in ch1. Toby all but spelled it out in big block letters yaknow! :y
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tokyogruel · 6 months
HII MOOT!! in your opinion, which milgram characters would help us overthrow capitalism?? 🤔🔥🔥
GREEN MY BUDDY GREEN! this ask (and many others orz) has been sitting in my inbox fr a minute, im so sorry. but ive been mulling it over hehe, and i figure ill just toss out my thoughts on how all the characters might feel about capitalism?
haruka; he could take it or leave it. he hasnt had to face any challenges with money yet, he was provided what he needed to survive up until now and, like he's said, the most expensive thing he's ever gotten for himself was cotton candy. not the most affected by capitalism atm
yuno; really doesnt care for it, but profits off of it in some way. wouldnt be phased either way if it continued or if all of capitalism and its ideals burned up tomorrow
fuuta; claims he is "down for the revolution" but refuses/neglects to vote and actually change the system
muu; another controversial muu take, but i feel like she hates when people focus on monetary gain. sure, she claims she's rich (lie) and that all of her relationships are give and take (lie), but financial status, public image- it all comes back to bite her in the end
shidou; actively profits off of capitalism and enjoys it. he owns a tesla.
mahiru; she keeps up to date with voting and politics but if her boyfriend swings one way, she will too.
kazui; votes for people who seem promising about changing the economic system. also votes for representatives that care about the queer community. tells people he's "neutral"
amane; she does not care. the adults take care of profit. she's never had her own money, it all goes to the church
mikoto; he has at least 4 breakdowns a week about making enough money for rent AND food. he wants to kill politicians and CEOs with a blunt object
kotoko; girl im trying so hard to defend you but you carry out what you think are righteous actions, i love you, but you would not be okay with the phrase "defund the police"
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meruz · 2 years
ive been neglecting my inbox so im answering all the asks rn. sorry...if you’ve been waiting for a response.
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yes go ahead!! Also ik it is hard to access my FAQ from the app but btw this is in my FAQ its very comprehensive because I get this type of ask a lot LOL. dw it’s not annoying though its easy to answer and I’m glad ppl like my art enough to use it and also care abt crediting!! its in my faq not because i dont like to answer but more so u guys dont need to ask LOL
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thank you!! I dont see much infinity train content ever either. when i was making infinity train fanart everyday i felt like i was on an island LOL...
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honestly I feel like cahiers are decent with posca because theyre not really absorbent and posca marks tend to sit on the page as opposed to soaking through anyways. umm i wouldnt like... use it to do a whole posca piece or anything but i use poscas just for pops of color in my sketchbook pretty often and it holds up ok. sometimes u can see the shadow of the color through the paper bc its thin but thats mostly it. i took pics of some sketchbook pgs and how the back of the page looks so you can see for yourself ( cw for bakudeku LOL ) ...theres a lot of like.. normal brush pen ink and india ink that penetrates the paper more like even compared to the black posca
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thank you!!!! I love drawing assorted cephalopods... their proportions remind me of drawing digimon characters LOL.
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not right now u_u I’m busy.... but you can always email me at [email protected] to check abt it! sometimes i will do commissions even if im busy because it sounds cool LOL...
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lol thank you!! idk if i ship(?) them either but its interesting to think about!!! theyre funny characters to bonk together and i feel like most fanart ive seen doesnt address how funny their relationship could be if it were more exploratory i guess
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yk that scene is kind of a meme now but it like genuinely still makes me emotional. when colette makes lloyd promise not to tell the others at the end it breaks my heart
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yeah here you go
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I feel like I’ve probably talked about this before in another ask post but i dont really think about style because its one of those things that artists should try to change depending upon intention, what you’re drawing and what you want to communicate etc. what people often recognize as style are quirks that an artist maintains throughout changing their subject and approach.....ANYWAYS. thats all to say my style probably just comes out of normal stuff like looking at other art and thinking “I want to do that” or trying out different mediums and methods and settling with whatever feels the best LOL. It’s always changing & growing! Because I’m always learning new stuff!
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Theres a lot! I really like the scene when daisukes lying awake in bed thinking abt how ken’s heartbeat felt. And the scene when they have a sleepover and ken wakes up first and looks over to daisuke sleeping LOL idk subtle stuff you can read very clearly as like burgeoning queer moments.. theyre recognizable from my own queer childhood and i love that in a kids anime. also at the end of the series when theyre fighting the final boss dude and ken grabs daisukes arm to ask him to jogress but hes shivering and daisuke just turns to say “youre shaking....” and in revenge of diaboromon when ken goads daisuke into endurance running by taunting him about soccer LOL (jock romance). but one i rly want to mention is theres this youtube video about how ken and daisuke’s honorifics change over the course of the series and how significant it is when they switch over to first name basis and honestly i think about it a lot THEY HAVE GREAT SCENES!! I love ken and daisuke
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wow!! thats rad... the sad truth is its just my name with like a shitton of letters taken out. sometimes i abbreviate it even further as mrz and i think to myself haha ... mister z.
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robbyykeene · 3 years
ik you said you’re done w the miguel/robby discourse but i have a thought LOL you don’t need to publish this. but i really feel like the writers fucked up w the scene of robby walking in on sam and miguel. bc up until then robby i think you could argue that robby was obviously guilty/feeling badly about what he did to miguel. he had other shit going on but you could tell he knew he fucked up. but then when the first thing you do after seeing a kid you almost paralyzed is get mad that he’s kissing your girl? like hello priorities my guy cmon. i get the writers needed to push robby to ck/kreese but they could have reworked it to make robby even a bit more sympathetic. like maybe have miguel/sam sitting down before they are about to kiss and then when robby walks in sam gets up and they argue a bit. and then miguel stands up to say his line and robbys like “holy shit you can walk!?” and is relieved and THEN miguel can say “yeah no thanks to you” or some shit (bc lets be real he deserves to be bitchy to robby at this point) AND THEN have robby get defensive and be mad and storm off. idk if that was coherent at all sorry it’s so long LMAO but my point is they should have tried harder to make robby sympathetic without just assuming the audience would feel bad about his situation and understand his feelings. at the end of the day i don’t get how anyone can hate any of the kids bc like... they’re children lmao and they’ve been caught up in this stupid fued between 2 adults who could just have a gay little affair and solve all their problems. i feel bad for all of them lol
I wholeheartedly agree. I think there are a lot of different ways the confrontation scene between Robby and Sam and Miguel could have gone that would have still made sense in the context of the narrative. They could’ve done exactly what you said instead. Or they couldve just had Robby....walk away and never confront them. Which I honestly think would be completely in character for him, maybe even more so than what did actually happen in the show. And if anything, i feel like him choosing to walk away then would make that final confrontation and fight between him and Johnny far more emotional and powerful, to finally see Robby well and truly angry for really the first time ever. Not only would it showcase just how much Kreese had gotten to him, but also how much baggage there is between him and Johnny, that he was able to be pushed to that point. And like you said, it would just make him way more sympathetic overall.
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i see ur requests are still closed but still u’ve updated us with new works!! thank u so much ur really great in writing 🥺
if ever ur going to write a fic or imagine about levi, can you make one where it’s a slowburn kinda love? maybe one where the reader is usually just avoiding their feelings and dismisses any emotions that they have, similar to levi’s? anyway, i hope ur doing great! i’m so glad ur back i really hope ur doing okay 🥺❤️
Hi anon!! Yes!! I still have requests in my inbox that have been sitting there from before I closed requests, and I have just neglected them (sorry to those who requested IM GETTING TO EM I PROMISE I HAVE EM ALL SAVED). I’m getting back into writing on here with some original ideas and then I am hoping to tackle the requests and OPEN THEM BACK UP AGAIN FOR YOU AMAZING PEOPLE.
BUT but but but but if you want slowburn, I highly recommend Lofty Goals & Low Ceilings. Not only bc its @anlian-aishang and my BABY of a fic, but bc its SLOWBURN af! 
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haikyuuscreaming · 4 years
Can you write some jealousy smut scenario with Akaashi x Fem S/O?
this ask has been sitting in my inbox since the very first day i created my blog, its probably been the second ask ive ever gotten and i felt so bad for neglecting it but anon-chan im sorry but im not gonna be doing this mainly because i just feel uncomfortable writing abt this possessive type of smut, im sorry :( im sure u can find someone else who’ll write it tho !!
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epioneses · 5 years
ok hello! this is pertaining to burn out and bad liar (a hongo one i posted on ao3 that i neglected to announce here)!
i’m taking a sort of break from them? it’s nothing like writer’s block, i just need a break. it can really burn you out (pun intended) to sit down and try to write 5k-6k chapters each week; one of my other reasons was that i desperately needed to outline the rest of burn out but i actually finished doing that already, so its ready to go whenever. 
i also found two more ideas for dna fics, both of which im pursuing while i take a break from burn out and bad liar. one is another chris fic called new light, which follows the protagonist morgan as she accidentally texts chris. it’s already been posted on ao3 and wattpad; i’m prewriting the chapters and i have eight published but im currently on ch. 39, so as you can see, theres quite a bit of progress. its also mainly a texting/social media fic, which im sure u guys can imagine -- its a whole lot easier to write. 
i also finally came up with an idea for miyuki and this one is called worthy. its still in the works but i have it all outlined and its a fairly short (as short as my works can be) story; it’s all in texting/social media as well. this one is centered around the protagonist nara, who also accidentally texts miyuki. it’s set in college, though, with nara a double major in music and miyuki in kin and playing college baseball. as soon as im finished with new light -- which should be before the new year -- ill try to work on worthy and burn out and bad liar. 
again, really sorry guys. i had hoped to complete burn out before its one-year anniversary passed but im not sure if thatll happen, since theres still quite a bit that we have to go through now. 
in any case, i’ll be sure to announce when worthy is posted and you guys are more than welcome to keep up with new light’s updates. im still accepting asks on burn out and bad liar! my inbox is always open for those and for these new ones as well. 
thank you guys!
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fan-clan-fun · 6 years
Hollyclaw No! Hollyclaw Yes!
My sincerest apologies, this has been sitting in my inbox for ages, I just keep forgetting to go through it. Anyway, here we go!
Name: Hollyclaw.
Past Names: Hollypaw, Hollykit.
Age: 30 moons.
Appearance: Hollyclaw is small for a ThunderClan cat, and though she had rather thick fur, her fur is also short so it doesn’t help her size much. Still, she has a good bit of muscle to her. She has plenty of scars all over her pelt, thanks to various injured she received, and both of her ears have plenty of nicks. Her eyes are hooded in shape and blue. She’s completely white. (Note: Under the epistatic white, Hollyclaw is a chocolate spotted tortoiseshell tabby)
Oooo epistatic white! Thats always an interesting thing to play with in the clans. Is it common in her Thunderclan? Or is it just as rare? 
Personality: If there’s one word to describe Hollyclaw, it’s that she’s ambitious. She knows what she wants and she goes for it, and she works hard for it. She’s very protective of her friends and family, and wants nothing but the best for them. She works hard and isn’t afraid of a challenge. She enjoys being around others and is exceptionally affectionate, especially with those she’s closest to. She craves social interaction and doesn’t do well on her own for long periods of time — a bored Hollyclaw is a Hollyclaw a bit too prone to experimental stunts. She’s the type to act first and think later, which is why she has so many scars: she doesn’t tolerate intruders trying to steal prey or pick on her Clanmates, so she will immediately jump into the fray to defend her Clan. She’s skilled at reacting on the fly, and is surprisingly skilled at winning even when the odds are most certainly against her, but she’s definitely too prone to buzzing around and getting into too many fights. Verbal diplomacy isn’t a skill she values very much. She’s a bit cocky and doesn’t especially care about what happens to her so long as her Clan is all right; she often needs reminders to take care of herself, and only the worst of injuries or direct orders from the Medicine Cats are really capable of keeping her down. She’s incredibly stubborn.
Hollyclaw has a great personality, and its good to highlight how different traits can be both good and bad for her. She seems like she has a lot of energy that she needs help channeling in a good way. The way I read the -storm prefix she easily could have qualified for that as well, although her skill at fighting is definitely clear too. Gotta love female -claw cats, we need more of them. Im sure there is always more to elaborate on, her fears, her dreams, her little quirks. But you have a good chunk of it and the real foundation of the character, enough that she doesnt seem incomplete or lacking anything.
Clan: ThunderClan.
Rank: Warrior.
-Mother, Morningstorm. Morningstorm was a small dilute (lilac + cream) tortoiseshell molly with long fur and hazel eyes. She was a well-rounded Warrior who died of a fever when Hollyclaw was only three moons old. She and Poppyfoot had had a tremendously strong relationship, and had been disappointed when it turned out that Poppyfoot was sterile and incapable of producing kits. Morningstorm was very loving and encouraging, and though Hollyclaw has few memories of her, the kit and her mother had always had a very close bond. This is possibly in part because Hollykit was the only kit of her litter; there was a point in the pregnancy when Morningstorm became very stressed, and it is suspected that this is why there was only one kit born.
-Father, Poppyfoot. Poppyfoot was a ginger classic tabby with short fur and green eyes. He died of the same fever that claimed Morningstorm, because of how much time he spent around her trying to help her (hence, he caught the illness and also died of it). He was active as a father and, though Hollykit was not his by blood, he doted on her and very much enjoyed teaching her. Hollyclaw seems to have picked up on his optimistic, hard-working nature, as those were the two traits Poppyfoot was best known fur.
I appreciate her bond with her parents, it can be a common trend that in order for a character to be interesting they have to have a lot of family drama. And despite the fact that her parents died, it at least sounds believable, and touching that the reason they died together was because they cared for one another.
-Biological/Foster Father, Whiteflower. Whiteflower is solid white (epistatic white over ginger spotted tabby) with short yet thick fur, lemon yellow eyes, and one torn ear. He remains a respected Warrior among the Clan, and provided genes so that Morningstorm — a very close friend of his — might be able to have kits. He originally acted as a supporting -flower, but after Morningstorm and Poppyfoot died, Whiteflower stepped in and supported Hollykit, taking on the role of a proper father. He and Hollyclaw maintain a very close bond to this day, even though Whiteflower is frequently worried by Hollyclaw’s impulsive nature. Whiteflower recently became mates with the recently joined (previously a loner who joined ThunderClan) Silverfang, and though Silverfang is pregnant, Whiteflower has not neglected neither mate nor daughter. Hollyclaw looks forward to the idea of being a big sister of sorts.
I also very much love this! No drama about who her real parents are, and a male -flower! 
-Aunt, Yellowclaw. A large, mostly cream spotted tabby molly with occasional flecks of grey spotted tabby, long fur, amber eyes, and a fair few scars. Younger sister of Whiteflower, she was actually born four months after Hollyclaw! The two were raised together for a bit, and then spent some time as Apprentices together. They are very close and work well together on patrols, as Yellowclaw is more thoughtful and patient.
-Uncle, Russetcloud. A large ginger spotted tabby tom with orange eyes and short fur. Littermate of Yellowclaw, he and Hollyclaw get on well enough. They’re not as close as Hollyclaw and Yellowclaw are, in part because of Russetcloud’s less openly enthusiastic nature boring Hollyclaw and in part because of Russetcloud often growing weary of Hollyclaw’s seemingly limitless energy. Still, they don’t have any major beefs and chat now and again.
-Grandfather, Thriftclaw. Thriftclaw is a large, light grey tom with short fur, amber eyes, and a fair few scars. Currently the Clan Deputy, it appears as if Hollyclaw has inherited his more volatile nature! The two are fairly close, even if Thriftclaw ends up exasperated at times because of just how many fights Hollyclaw gets into. Thriftclaw is gruff, but protective of his family and certainly never abusive or neglectful. He’s proud of his family and does his best to maintain close bonds with them.
-Grandmother, Snowfur. Snowfur is a long-furred, solid white (epistatic white over tortoiseshell spotted tabby) molly with blue eyes. She and Hollyclaw are quite close, and Snowfur loves telling Hollyclaw stories about her parents and their family. The two talk often, though Snowfur often fusses over Hollyclaw whenever she winds up injured again.
Its always nice to include extended family as well, and also fairly well developed though not to quite as a big a degree as Hollyclaw herself. Its especially nice the way that they all have some form of relationship/connection to Hollyclaw. 
-Hollyclaw has a mate, Ravenwhisker, a short-furred black tuxedo tom who, while small, is still larger than Hollyclaw.
-Hollyclaw’s Mentor was Tigerclaw, a striking black mackerel tabby tom with amber eyes who was apprenticed under Thriftclaw. Thriftclaw is still waiting on the secrets to how Tigerclaw kept Hollyclaw alive, because she was — and to an extent still is — prone to getting into just about everything. Bramble bushes, accidental run-ins with foxes, getting stuck in trees — you name it, Hollyclaw has probably done it.
-Hollyclaw would like to have kits with Ravenwhisker, but is not ready to take a break from being a Warrior yet.
-Hollyclaw’s hunting is about as good as Ravenwhisker’s fighting — that is to say, not very good at all!
Hollyclaw seems to be quite well-rounded as far as I can tell, with some good traits and a wonderful family tree. I would love to see her in action! Sorry I dont have too many other comments, I think you addressed most of the necessary points, and plenty extra!
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squidgepidge · 6 years
Im very interested in pigeons and theres a pigeon (homing/racing) at my local park but we cant contact the owner? The pigeon is very tame and we’ve double checked the phone number on its tag but still cant get through to whoever owns it - although the phone number is located about 200miles from us (im in england so thats quite far). Its been in the same place for 3 weeks now - should we just leave it be or take it in and care for it until we can successfully contact the owner? Thanks!
ACK tumblr never gave me a notification for this so it’s been sitting in my inbox for 2 weeks, I’m sorry! I hope any of this information is still helpful and you still have an eye on the bird.
Is it healthy and able to get around easily/avoid predators? Does it look like an adult? If it grew up as a purely performance bird and then a stray, it might not be so tolerant to live around people and might be better where it is until (and if) you can reach the owner.
But, there’s a chance that if it’s young and friendly enough, it’ll tolerate living with you for a bit! If you are able and willing to take it in and build an outside loft if it turns out the pidge doesn’t like being inside, then go for it! Keep trying the phone number and search up the code on the band if there is one, but many racer owners are notoriously neglectful and may not want the bird anymore since it didn’t come back from the race (failure=bad and they do not want that in their breeding pool)
Would you be able to take it in as a pet if you can’t find the owner, or find another home or shelter for it?
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Ali & Carly
Ali: Heyo boo Ali: thanks for Rocky wrangling with me today, you're now also his fave so, add that to your tally Carly: its k i had fun Carly: hes a cutie & cool kid Ali: me too Ali: yeah, he's alright, but cocky enough so I ain't telling him Ali: dunno where he gets that from 😏 Carly: ha Carly: yea idk Carly: no clue Ali: i'm sorry Ro was being off btw, I'm working out why but trust it wasn't you, babe Ali: been neglecting her lately, everyone wants a piece of me Ali: hard life Carly: idc its me too Carly: nobody wants a piece but you Ali: I just told you that ain't true, and Rocky is ruthless, he called one of my customers a 'big bum witch' the other day Ali: no tip for me, thanks dickhead Ali: but I want all of you regardless Ali: willing to throw hands Carly: aw Carly: this town is full of big bum witches tho Carly: my ma back for one Carly: but are you willing to use those hands for good too or Ali: awks if that was your Ma, like hey gurl, I think you rock it Ali: your daughter ain't bad either Ali: you know it, IOU 'cos we couldn't make like we were in the backrow of the cinema Carly: unless she been lying about where she at i think youve avoided meeting the in laws again Carly: k cuz you kno i need to collect soon Carly: bored Carly: just back and zoned out so fast Ali: ain't even got exciting stories from their galavanting? fucking rude Ali: at least when we go AWOL we also go wild Ali: make things happen, lads Carly: my ma's good for nothing but hairspray and peroxide Carly: only use if i get beat up again Carly: my da's good for cash tho if you wanna get wild w me Ali: or you wanna single white female me Ali: which would be a disappointing outcome to say the least Ali: can't tonight babe, I've gotta have some sister time Ali: go hard for both of us Carly: k Carly: try not to miss me bad when shes talking about me Ali: oh babe, she will not, and if she does I'll set her straight Ali: gonna let the world know you're my 😇 Carly: whatever her issue shes gotta air it and youre her sister so you gotta hear it Carly: idc shes not gonna hurt me w it Carly: and setting peeps straight is the opposite of how you do, babe Ali: true Ali: idk what issue she could have though, you're a literal ray of sunshine Ali: true again 😏 Ali: ugh, imma miss you Ali: maybe i can sneak out when she's gone to bed, the 'rents too Carly: i miss you now Carly: cant hear my parents say shit Carly: i just wanna talk to you Carly: dont tell me maybe & keep me waiting tho Ali: i will Ali: promise Carly: i dont wanna make trouble for you Carly: w anyone Carly: you can stay w her if you need to stay Ali: You won't Ali: I can do both Ali: be back before first light Ali: even if I'll miss watching the sun rise on your face 😔 Ali: we've got the night, baby Carly: but you kno if ive got you for the whole night youre gonna fall asleep Carly: thats what im good at Carly: feel free to tell your sister thats why you like me ha Carly: fun & tiring its magic Ali: hmm, we'll see who wears who out first, babe Ali: and if I am that husband, then you'll just have to wake me up with morning sex like the good little wifey you are 😘😂 Carly: always bringing that confidence i like it Carly: k but if my parents wake up too you can explain its a duty thing yea i had to like Ali: i like you Ali: for so many reasons and imma show you all of 'em tonight Ali: fuck that Ali: stay out with me, its warm enough Ali: i'll trace all the constellations out with my tongue so you won't ever forget Ali: educational Carly: my ma is asking me what im blushing about Carly: i told her what you said but she's not a believer Carly: support my education bitch Carly: ha Ali: i mean, i'd offer to let her see the benefits for herself but Ali: not gonna win me any brownie points 'cos she won't take me up on it Carly: she dont kno what she's missing but i do Carly: wish you were here Ali: me too Ali: start the party without me babe, i don't mind Carly: too late if you do Carly: gotta get through this reunion some way Ali: they aren't making you watch a slideshow, are they? Ali: fate worse than death Ali: Maybe you could go to Ronan's? Lmao, he's been up in my pussy way too much since he found out about us...didn't think we were THAT loud but ok boy Carly: yea Carly: might do cuz same Carly: but what if i miss you he can really make a night of it when he wants Ali: Nah, I won't let you face that disappointment, babe Ali: my spidey senses will tingle like not on my watch, fuckboy Carly: aw Carly: you gonna come get me? Carly: thats no way to get him out your pussy babe fyi Ali: yeah Ali: I know but I like the idea of showing you off as mine Ali: but no sharing, he only gets to watch and be mad he fucked it up Carly: i like it too Carly: youre hot when youre oneupping fuckboys Carly: i thought i knew how to do it best but k youre flipping the script Ali: as long as i'm besting them i'm doing my job right Ali: gotta keep you on-board Carly: speak of the devil Carly: how he know i was alone & horny Carly: my parents have only gone to the shops its uncanny Ali: know your neighbours but bit stalkerish, pal Ali: i'll text him to fuck off, freak him out Ali: how does she know, ha, two can play this game fucko and I'm more committed Carly: ha Carly: you gotta Carly: hes smoking im gonna bum one see what line he tries to lay on before the text sends Ali: On it Ali: gotta let him know there's a queue to court the princess now and he's at the back, soz Carly: he likes hitting it from the back he wont be put off Carly: im gonna show him some of the hot pics i took of you tho Ali: when is he ever tbf? 🐶👅💦 Carly: true Carly: that fucking cute tho aren't i Ali: you know it babe Carly: hes talking to my da now Carly: kill me Ali: how fucking dare he Ali: knowing he has the upper hand with the man bants Ali: i know how to change a tire too! love me! Carly: if my ma invites him in for tea im out of here Carly: she will think hes hot under the collar for her & bitch thats my groundwork Ali: Run baby run Ali: what kinda moron is he tho Ali: coulda had a private show if you just waited, now its all saturday night telly and flat lager Carly: you kno i have nowhere to go if you dont want me babe Carly: facts Carly: he likes me now he cant have me what a fucking Carly: like i wouldve fucked you but im not getting w you Ali: i do, is this full sos crisis mode though? 'cos i need to be good for a lil while longer yet Ali: such a typical bloke move that Ali: bet he ain't the only boy in ur inbox, not a pun Ali: 'cos he ain't in mine like 🙄 Carly: its k your sister needs you Carly: i can keep walking Carly: loads of other lads on site as well as in my inbox Carly: & they arent trying to say hi to me before we get down to it nevermind my parents Ali: 😾 Carly: why so sad blue eyed boo Ali: i don't like how lads treat you Ali: i'm not jealous, like swear to god, even though i obviously want you all to myself, i get it Ali: but i'm not about how shit they are to you, even if you don't care, they should care to be decent humans Carly: thats not lads its everyone Carly: youre the only one treating me different Carly: they dont know how else to be Carly: made my bed babe Ali: nah Ali: you don't deserve half the shit you get, that's bullshit Ali: and even the rest, people just don't wanna try to understand or be good, heaven forfend they inconvineince themselves for one second, like Carly: if im a slag im a slag i dont get to put conditions on it Carly: if it was a film maybe Carly: but theres no romance coming my way from theres and i dont want it Ali: why can't you just be you? someone who likes fucking, among other things Ali: not romance just like...not being a cunt Ali: idk Ali: pisses me off Carly: cuz you don't run the world even tho you strut it like you do and i love it Ali: not yet, babe Ali: one day, and you can be my right hand woman Carly: yea? Carly: take me w you & ill take you to all your fave places k Ali: k Ali: we'll be fun forever, I promise you Carly: gotta be Ali: you know i like you even when you ain't tho Ali: don't tell Carly: who would i Carly: ronans got enough for his wank bank & nobody else is chatting to me rn Ali: exactly, ruins the illusion and fantasy when they realise i care about you Ali: so unsexy of me Carly: youre sexy to me Carly: idc what they think Ali: good Ali: me either Carly: i like you too you kno Ali: yeah Ali: i had my suspicions Carly: i dont have any subtlety sorry about it Ali: Don't be Ali: I love it Ali: not enough people say what they mean or want, ever Carly: waste Carly: k i wasnt shouting how bad i wanted to kiss you before i did but not cuz i was bothered about me Ali: agreed Ali: sometimes you can't know you want something until you've got it Ali: i get it Carly: you get me Carly: its weird Ali: 🔮 Carly: ha Carly: k what am i thinking now Ali: wouldn't be proper to say Ali: tut tut bad girl Ali: like how you think though Carly: fuck Carly: youre good Ali: 🤷 don't mean to brag but remember that phrase you'll be screaming it later Ali: such a Ronan line, I can't 😂 Carly: but true Carly: not like when he says it Ali: 😍 Carly: what you doing w your sister Carly: gotta live through that cuz bored Ali: Fixing my weave Ali: getting into a white girl dread territory over here Ali: then gonna do some 🔮 forreal Ali: get ready for me to be even more of a know it all baby Carly: cute Carly: tell me my future i got some shit from another neighbor & im waiting for it to kick Carly: hows it gonna treat me Carly: needing a good trip Ali: we'll see who gets the answer first Ali: you got anything for me? Carly: yea Carly: they mystery but i kno you arent scared Carly: & you got me doing a test run rn lying on here on the grass Ali: 🌌 be there before it fades away my space explorer Carly: if you find me at a bad end prob dont take it Ali: is one of the lads trip sitting you Carly: so he reckons but hes drinking so theres no trust Carly: & he gave me it Carly: his game could be me lights out idk Ali: keep texting me, okay babe? Ali: if shit gets too real, tell me and I'll come early Ali: my sis is cool now, she gets what we're doing, she was just confused Carly: aw Carly: youre sweet Carly: you told her you like me Ali: 'course I did Ali: I ain't ashamed Ali: I'm proud Carly: youre gonna make me cry Ali: You're special, Carly Ali: You're gonna see Carly: I just wanna see you tho Ali: Me too Ali: I'm gonna make her some chamomile tea and then I'm coming, yeah? Carly: but thats not fair to her Carly: she's not gonna be a fan of me Ali: I've promised her more time tomorrow Ali: You need me rn Carly: but what if i want you to stay Carly: what are we gonna do then Ali: i'll stay until you're ready for me to go Carly: you mean that? Ali: yes Ali: promise, imma take care of you Carly: but theres nothing in it for you Carly: youve already got me you dont have to Ali: i wanna keep you Ali: and not just selfishly Ali: you gotta stick around, you're too cool to go anywhere, okay Carly: k Carly: im here & if you wanna be im not stopping you Ali: good Ali: i wanna be wherever you are Carly: i kept you pills back the lads didnt want me to but idc about them & you can follow me in now Ali: fuck them Ali: just me and you Carly: yea Carly: ill look after you too Ali: 😇 Ali: i know, i trust you Carly: idk if you should Carly: but i like it Ali: willing to take my chances Ali: you're worth it Carly: thats you Ali: i'm so glad i met you Carly: me too Carly: not that i met me thats weird Carly: you know what i mean Ali: i got you Ali: not high yet 😉 Carly: id seen you around before you guardian angel'd me that night Carly: thats weird too Carly: that i didnt see you how i do now Ali: it is Ali: you were always cute but Ali: idk, i can't claim to have seen this in my crystal ball Carly: thats cuz i wasnt cute i was a state Carly: & youd have more likely seen me sucking ronans dick Carly: look away babe you dont need to have that image in your mind Ali: don't need him reckoning he plays part in any of my fantasies, nah Ali: you can't not be cute, no matter how you try, soz babe Carly: you can't not be so sweet to me can you Ali: dunno Ali: not tried Carly: idk what id do if you did Carly: i got used to it Ali: got no plans to stop Ali: unless you ask me to, like Carly: thats not gonna be what i ask you to do Carly: trust me Ali: you can tell me all about it Ali: 5 minutes, tops Carly: okay
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