#and jude must've seen her
hotboxd · 2 years
wait so
if our adam isn't the 'actual' adam....... wtf happened to the real one ????
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m1ssunderstanding · 3 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 2.2
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Maybe John's not actually crazy for thinking Hey Jude is to him? “For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool by making his world a little colder.” fool is, in my tin hat world, often a code name for Paul in their songs. And that description is certainly him to a t actually. I wonder why I've never considered it before. 
John: are you happy here, honey? Paul: I ain't happy here my honey, can you take me back? How many songs does Paul write from 1968 on about trying to go back? One day I'm going to make a list and it'll be a long one. 
And thus begins the phase of they just can't help it, can they? But they really wish they could. They make each other so so happy, but they really wish they didn't. It would hurt less that way. 
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I love the comparison of Linda's pictures of everyone else and then of John. It just shows that it's not a her problem – that's such a lovely one of George, who Hates Yoko – it's how he feels about her.
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John, coming up with every possible weapon to provoke Paul, finally has Yoko sing Paul's part in one of their songs. It really is such a slap in the face. But of course breaking the sanctity of their music is what does it best. And still, all he gets out of him is a look before he walks away. Whatever it is that John wants, I think Paul literally can not give it to him. 
Btw the white album is my favorite, probably. There's just such incredible diversity on it. It's so much fun, you never get tired of it, and it's an excellent display of their genius and versatility. 
He looks like an abandoned puppy. 
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What do we think? John says Paul drummed on WDWDITR. Paul says Ringo did. Who is telling the truth?
“It was getting to be where he wanted to do it like that but he couldn't make the break . . .” So John thinks Paul doing his songs by himself means he wants to break the group up? I personally read it as him not wanting to annoy everyone with his bossiness, but that's just my take. 
John talking about how it's him and Yoko now, but before, it was . . .
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George needs to send them a cease and desist notice or he'll sue them for breech of character the amount of times they drag him into things he's not a part of. Especially if they're not going to even fucking spare him a glance in reality. Please and thank you, Hare Krishna. 
Paul's epigraph on the two virgins cover. “Battles to prove he was a saint”? What kind of passive aggressive shit is that, Paul?
The eternal question: what happened in India? And does John really not know? Or is he just unwilling to tell what happened to rolling stone?
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Somebody please engage with that poor little boy, preferably, you know, his father. Ugh, Cynthia must've had so much anxiety watching that footage, or really any time Julian was with John. And that footage is placed in the doc right after a pic of Paul already being Heather's dad just so naturally. 
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But hell, if I've ever seen attention-seeking behavior, this is it. Singing about wanting to die while seductively undressing the closest thing Paul would've had to career competition at the time. 
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I'm sorry but it will forever be hilarious to me that when John's singing his part of “I've Got a Feeling” with Yoko it's “soft dream” and then with Paul it's “wet dream”. How John and Yoko tricked everyone into believing they were too horny for each other to control themselves is beyond my imagination. 
On the day John plays their sex tape, “Unusually, Yoko is not present.” LMAO girl same. John: I'm going to play our sex tape for the band tomorrow. Yoko: oh was that tomorrow? Damn, I forgot, I have a thing. 
“Well that's an interesting one.” What did John honestly expect, though? Like I know he wanted Paul to be like, “that's it! Enough is enough I'm taking you home and doing you right!” Or whatever. But what did he honestly, realistically expect?
Always saying the same things at the same time, always on the same page, same word. About everything, it seems, except their relationship. 
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Paul: but you won't say anything about it. John: I said what I've been thinking. Paul: Are you still thinking that now? What are you thinking now? John: I'm still thinking about it. Infuriating. Whatever it is John's been thinking, he doesn't want to talk about it in front of cameras. Is it quitting the band? I think it's something more complicated than that but I've no idea what. 
“John, John, joooooohn!” X “Martha my Dear” crossover my beloved. The fact that literally Everyone reacts and tries to get her to stop except Paul is so extremely telling. Yoko: joooooohn! Ringo: He's busy! Yoko: joooooohn! John: Stop that! (And he looks and sounds genuinely pissed) Yoko: joooooohn! Paul: (plinking and pounding away, definitely not thinking thoughts about what he would do right now if he was a girl that will come out of his mouth fifteen years later)
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Everyone's trying to figure out the problem with George vs JohnandYoko and Paul's saying “and like with Yoko, they’re real. They mean it.” Linda laughs. “I don't dig that.” You don't, Linda? What about them isn't real to her, I wonder. Does she think they don't really love each other? Or what?
Linda: *Makes fart noise* Go away! Paul: continues to defend them. Neil: everybody cough. See and this is why it sucks that get back was so edited. Because it's important that Paul's defending them here not just going on and on where nobody asked. He knows he's hurt John, and he feels bad enough about it to let him have his mommy with him at all times if that's what he needs.
If what??? Someone needs to force them to finish their damn sentences. Because I feel like he cuts himself off here when (I swear!!) he's about to say what it is that's hurting John so badly.
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Anyway, here's where (imo) he's kinda wrong. Where he says "if it came to a push between Yoko and the band, it's Yoko." I think I said it in my get back posts, but I'll say it again. Yeah, if it was Yoko or the band, it's Yoko. But if it's Yoko or Paul filling all the gaps Yoko is currently filling? It's Paul. You know? And I think that's what John wants so badly at this time, actually. Is “a push between Yoko and [Paul]” ending with Paul stepping up for him in some way that he wasn't before, you know?
He really does get it though. John wanting to be as close as possible with Yoko so he doesn't lose her and their connection. Don't forget he does put Linda in his band. He gets it because it was the same with him and John. 
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I really do think it's a huge myth that they just never talked about feelings or anything serious. Look at them. This is how they talk in a crowded place with their girlfriends sitting right there. They didn't just get through fifteen years of one of the greatest collaborations in history never actually talking. They talked about deep stuff. And frequently. 
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calistrae · 1 year
his world. jude bellingham
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
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pairing: jude bellingham x f!reader
summary: jude absolutely adores his little baby girl and her mommy
warnings: reader and jude are young parents in this one!! (i have the biggest baby fever rn), teeth rotting fluff, if you're not into parenting/baby tropes then this probably isn't for you in any way
cal's notes: yes, i do realize i've literally disappeared lmao. mental health went downhill and yeah, we're here now. i don't know when i'll get to the requests, i'm really sorry but i'm hoping i'll get my motivation back at some point
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
jude's pov
the moment the nurse laid her in her arms, i couldn't tear my eyes away. she was beautiful, her little nose scrunched up ever so slightly as she slept so peacefully. that's the moment i realized what it meant to love someone more than anything else in the entire world. so cliché but you'll never know before you experience that feeling for the first time.
i lifted my eyes from the small bundle and up to her, the woman who had given me this gift. i thought i loved her before, but it was nothing compared to the way i felt towards her now. she had just gone through hours of pain to bring this little girl into this world. i admired her features, glistening with sweat and tears but i could swear she had never looked more beautiful.
"i love you so much, beautiful." i kissed the top of her head and the back of my hand slowly glided across the skin of her cheek, flushed after what must've been the toughest hours of her life.
she looked up at me and gave me a small, clearly exhausted smile but she couldn't take her eyes off her for long either. this little angel stole both of our hearts on the spot.
"aila." she muttered and upon noticing the confusion on my face, she was quick to explain "that's her name."
as you stirred awake to the sound of your daughter's cries, you noticed jude was no longer next to you. how did you realize before you even opened your eyes? his warm, somewhat calloused hands were gone from their usual position around your bare waist.
with a soft sigh, you moved out of the comfort of your bed and sauntered to aila's room, noticing how the soft, warm light was glowing in the distance. that's how you knew your boyfriend was already there, handling the situation but as you approached the door, the sight made you stop and silently lean against the door frame.
jude was standing by your daughter's bed, holding the little one in his arms while he slowly swayed himself from side to side. his eyes were fixated on the six-month-old while he hummed a soft melody, attempting to quiet the cries of your baby girl. you had never seen him so serene and attentive before and you could feel your heart warm at the two.
you were both fairly young to be parents and you had always worried about your maturity but with each passing day, jude proved you wrong. the way he cared for aila and always made her his top priority...she was his world.
you couldn't help but smile at them, especially when you heard the cries and weeps fade into the night as they were replaced with babbling and soft giggles. a smile rose on jude's lips when he realized he had managed to calm his daughter and he placed a gentle kiss on her tiny knuckles before holding her against his chest. he would've loved to hold her like this for hours, never laying her down in her crib again, but he knew he had to get her back to sleep.
you moved further into the comfort of aila's room and pressed yourself against jude's back, arms instinctively wrapping around his mid-section. "having some trouble there, papa?" you asked him with a smile and he only chuckled. "hey, i'm the one that managed to calm her down. princess is almost ready to go back to bed, aren't you, angel?" he said and turned around, which brought your daughter to your view. she smiled at the sight of you and reached her hands out, her chestnut brown eyes glistening as she giggled. just like jude, she had stolen your heart the moment she was placed into your arms and you were completely powerless. from those beautiful eyes that were identical to her dad's to those chubby cheeks, she was perfect.
as jude watched the most important women in his life, he couldn't contain the pure happiness he felt surging through his veins. "what's on your mind?" you questioned as you had now taken aila into your own arms and began to rock from one foot to the other slowly. jude shrugged, the everlasting grin on his lips staying in place "i never thought it was possible to love someone this much, let alone two people" he admitted and pressed a tender kiss on your temple before turning his attention to his daughter. "she is the best thing that could've ever happened to us" he whispered as he watched the little girl's eyes slowly flutter shut, followed by a gentle yawn from you.
"i've got it, my love. go and get some sleep." he offered and took aila from your arms, which you were eternally grateful for as you could swear you almost fell asleep on the spot. "i love you" was all you responded but instead of replying, he gave you a delicate kiss on your lips. considering it was sometime around 2 am, his lips were slightly chapped and rough, but you didn't tell him that. "join me soon" you requested before pecking his cheek and heading back to bed.
his eyes lingered as he watched you leave and began to hum the same melody as he had been before, this time hoping to slowly swing the six-month-old back to sleep. "i don't think you'll ever know how much daddy loves you, angel. i'm so lucky to have you and mummy. i think i'm going to propose to mummy soon." he told his daughter in a hushed whisper, it was almost as if he was expecting a response.
"goodnight, my angel. you're my entire world."
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the-offside-rule · 8 days
Pedri Gonzalez (FCBarcelona) - Nobody Gets Me pt.2 || Social Media au
Requested: yes
Part 1
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Liked by pedri, realmadrid & 900,185 others
judebellingham lovely week off, well needed
user6 Y/n on the last slide for sure
| user1 idk
| user6 bruh look at her instagram, she's in Greece too
| user1 oh shit yeah
therealy/n 🇬🇷
| Liked by judebellingham
| user2 I'd like to see ppl denying they're something now...
| user8 still not buying it...
| user7 seems very forced tbh
realmadrid chillin😎
erling.haaland is this a soft launch
| Liked by judebellingham
user4 Pedri liking a photo dump w his ex in it💀
| user5 omg I only noticed this now
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Liked by pedri, judebellingham & 105,295 others
therealy/n the shock I had when I found out Mamma Mia wasn't filmed in Greece
mikkykiemeney hot girl summer?
| Liked by therealy/n
user2 Pedri back in the likes
| user1 he must've seen her in Jude's photo dumps...
| user8 oh how I missed football gossip
judebellingham it's not filmed in Greece?
| user7 AHHHH
| therealy/n no, can you believe it?!
user5 oh she is GLOWING
pablogavi wowowow
| user3 Gavi trying his luck now💀
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hatelangdon · 8 months
Omg just read your fav genre is whump and i literally never seen any whump blog for American Horror Story, lol...
As someone who is also obsessed with AHS and whump myself, can i possibly request a whump story for Kit Walker inside Briarcliff pls? That poor babe just suffered so much in there, but i gotta say i just love the dramatics 🤭
Tysm, I'd really appreciate that!
Kit Walker x Fem!reader ✩ 1.2K words
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Summary: Dr Arden was never a merciful man, Kit soon became an interest of his. Someone needs to extend him some kindness and nurse him back to health.
Angst, Hurt-comfort, semi-fluff
**Not proofread and probably an insane amount of commas and other errors but it'll be aight.
Warnings: (🚨 Talks about infected wounds, fever, bruising, medical abuse, Mental abuse, physical abuse, asylums, bleeding, and time period inaccuracies probably 🚨)
(A/n: Kitson, my angel, my beloved. I hate hurting him but I love the angst. Thanks for the request I didn't know what kind of whump you were interested in so I tried to combine all aspects 🤭 I was gonna k!ll him but I was feeling nice)
You and Kit weren't too different from each other, both convicted on crimes you did not commit.
Female hysteria. That's what they call it when a woman was too smart, so a man locks her up to keep her quiet.
This was a cruelty that was extended to you by your own husband.
Kit was thrown in on convictions of murder, bloody face is what they called him. People wanted someone to pin a string of murders on, it was a convincing smear campaign that even you believed at first.
 But as you got to know kit as a person, as you got to know his heart, you realized he could never be capable of inflicting so much pain, especially on a woman. His character proved his innocence.
A friendship blossomed quickly between the two of you, and a delicate love that remained unspoken. It communicated itself through stolen glances and kind words
It was something just for you two to understand.
Kit was always a gentle and kind man. He always stood up for what he believed was right which is what often got him in trouble, he was too headstrong.
It had been three days since the last time you saw him, he had been dragged away by the guards for “inciting a fight” after some pervert had tried to grope one of the newer patients without her consent, you were hoping that he had just been bent over sister Jude’s knee and caned a few times, although she was harsh she sometimes had an understanding side to her
but alas, Kit hadn't returned.
That was until today, when kit was dropped off in the community room completely unraveled from his usual charming self. His eyes were glassy and seemed to stare into a void, and his body was scuffed, scraped, and bruised all over.
“Maybe that fried some sense into you walker” The guard chuckled as he dropped kit’s limp body onto the floor right in front of the couch where you sat.
You felt your throat tighten as the tears welled up in your eyes. You kneeled down to comfort him.
Immediately you pushed his hair back, your hands gentle and forgiving against his damaged skin, you could see where the metal from the shock therapy had burned him, he must've been under it for a while. His cheeks were flushed and feverish, his breaths shallow, you could tell it was hard for him to breathe from the way he winced as his chest rose and fell, the bruises on his back made you wince, the purple wounds spread across the sides like an angel that had its wings clipped.
He leaned into your touch, scanning your face like he was trying to remember who you were, if you were kind or if you would also cause him pain. His eyes were empty and lacked their usual warmth he tried to speak to you, his attempted words becoming sobs when he noticed how you were looking at him. How you pitied him.
"y/n-" he started, his voice hoarse.
“You’re gonna be okay kit, you gotta be okay. Can you walk? I can help you, but I need to get you out of here," You shushed him
He nodded, holding onto your shoulders.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, feeling a wet spot as you pressed your abdomens together.
You looked down...Kit was bleeding, a lot.
",we're going to our special place, okay? I stored some of my things in there"
There was a small storage closet hidden away in the corner that was accessible just down the hall, it was empty except for a couple of desks and chairs from when Briarcliff used to be a school. You and Kit would usually sneak off to smoke together and talk about what you would do when you finally got out of this hellhole.
Since you were technically a non-violent case you weren't searched as thoroughly when you arrived, In school you had received a bit of nursing training, you knew Briarcliff could be rough, you heard the stories and rumours, so you brought a first aid kit in your bags and stored it away the first day you were allowed in the common room.
You two took small unsuspecting steps towards the room making sure that the guards were not looking, as you slipped into the closet, closing the door behind you. 
“Kitson, I'm going to put you down OK?” you warned him
He nodded as you gently lowered him onto the cold ground. He winced feeling the pressure against his bruised back. 
You pulled the first aid kit from its hiding place in one of the desks. It was complete with some gauze pads, rubbing alcohol, a spray disinfectant, rags, medical grade needle and thread, and and a roll of bandages.
 You rolled up his shirt to examine the site of the bleeding, he had been practically cut in half and badly stitched up. The wound was jagged and puffy, it was definitely infected or on its way to being.
"It was Arden," Kit managed to speak up, tears falling from his eyes as he tried to catch his breath "If this takes me, you gotta tell 'em it was Arden." He cried out
"I won't let you die Kit, i'm going to save you," you tried to sound confident, for both of your sakes. You pulled one of the rags out and folded it into a thick square, placing it in between his teeth "This is going to hurt angel, you're gonna want something to bite down on."
He obliged, fully trusting you and biting down.
"Just keep breathing, it'll be over before you know it."
He looked up at you wide eyed as you shook the can of wound wash.
"3....2...1" with that, you sprayed the wound down.
Kit struggled against it, immediately crying out, his face turning bright red as the stinging engulfed his body in what felt like the fires of hell, pure agony.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! It's to stop the infection. The hard part is over!" You graced him with a kiss to the forehead, as he sobbed.
You covered it in some gauze, applying slight pressure to soak up the fluids of the wound, before gently wrapping his abdomen in bandages to keep it safe from further harm.
"We'll have to change this out in a couple of days instead of everyday. We don't want to run out" you sighed, removing the rag from kit's teeth.
He was still in massive amounts of pain from all of his injuries, the road to recovery would be difficult.
After laying there for a couple of minutes, while you cupped his face, gently rubbing his tears away with your thumb and cooing to him, he spoke up.
"...Arden says I got two days to recover. Then he's gonna continue his research." He swallowed, his tears falling rapidly.
"That's not going to happen, my love," You pressed his hand to your lips ever so gently "save your strength, the rumours of a tunnel to the outside are true, and I know exactly how we can get through them."
Kit looked into your eyes, a glimmer of hope shining. He even managed a small smile.
"I believe in you doll, I always have. I always will."
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judesmoonbeauty · 1 month
Ellis Twilight Chapters 21-25 Blind Love Route Summaries 🗡
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Fan translation only. Not 100% accurate. Please expect grammatical errors. This is an extremely pared down SUMMARY of each chapter. Cybird owns everything. Feel free to re-blog, but please do NOT post my translations elsewhere. The summaries will be uploaded in groups. ***Translation notes
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Chapter 21
Kate is embraced by blood-soaked hands, “On the day that I kill you, I'm sure I will laugh”. Ellis wraps his arms around his treasure that he found inside the coffin and lifts her up out of it. Starting to carry her, Kate says that she's perfectly fine to walk on her own, but Ellis reminds her that he just said he'd never let her go again, so she let's him carry her.
On the way out, she sees grisly corpses everywhere from Ellis' kills, and he gently covers her eyes with his large hand and turns her towards his chest. Kate says to him that he has told her before that killing wasn't difficult for him, so was that really true? Ellis responds that he meant what he said that it was truly a sad thing when dies sad instead of their happiest moment. She realizes just how twisted his heart is now, but even so, she wants to love all of his broken and twisted heart.
She hugs him tightly, and he anxiously asks if she is afraid of him now, and she says that she isn't afraid of him at all(because she loves him). He gently kisses her neck and arms and tells her that he will protect her from now on. Back at the Castle, Roger tends to Kate's wounds, but Kate says that the wounds from the rope bindings are just scratches. Roger reprimands her to not take scratches lightly as it can lead to other things like tetanus and sepsis, Kate thinks about how she's heard those who've developed tetanus can end up acting like they're demon possessed, so she let's him tend to her all the while Ellis gawks at them, so she tells Ellis that he should go to his room and rest, but he refuses from several reasons:
He says that she's showing more bare skin than he's ever seen and it wouldn't be fair if Roger got to see it before him.
He says Rogers tends to be naughty and forceful, so he's there to guard her against him.
He also wants to see how Roger is treating her so he can treat her himself.
Roger asks if they're together and once Ellis confirms they are, Roger says that she's finally opened the secret box, and Ellis asks: What secret box? Roger smiles and says that Kate can explain it to him later, he then starts to tease them by asking how far they've gone. Ellis tells him they've kissed, and when Roger asks what he wants to do next, Ellis says that he wants to eat Kate – to her embarrassment.
Roger congratulates them and says that they make a good couple, and he then gives Kate the clear to leave the lab. Before they leave Ellis asks Roger of Jude's whereabouts, and Rogers says that after he got into a fight with William, he left the castle. Ellis asked why they had a fight, and Roger said it was because Jude got pissed with William for most likely knowing that Kate would be kidnapped, and allowing it to happen.
Roger he says Jude may be right, but he doesn't know if it's true or not. Knowing that Jude isn't one to act inefficiently on his emotions, and that he didn't accompany Ellis to rescue her, she reasons that he must've gone out to search for the culprit behind the abduction. She looks at Ellis, who smiles at her and says that by now Jude must've wrapped things up on his own.
Kate says that Jude is probably going to charge her a large amount of money for the inconvenience, and Ellis says that if that happens he'll help her pay it back because it's his fault too. Roger is clueless as to what they are laughing about, she thanks him for treating her and when they leave Roger calls her to comeback to him, but Ellis grabs her sleeve and says, “If you kiss me, then I'll wait for you.”
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Chapter 22
Kate sees Roger gesturing her to come to him and when she tells Ellis that she'll be right back, he pulls her sleeve and tells her that if she kisses him, then he will wait for her. She looks up at Ellis an realizes how tall he is, so she struggles to kiss him. He somewhat teases her that she can't reach him and calls her hardworking face cute. She finally manages to kiss him, and after he leaves the lab she asks Roger what he didn't want Ellis to hear?
He tells her to come closer, but she's apprehensive, so he reassures her that he isn't going to do anything to her as Ellis is smitten with her and he's pretty much called Roger out. He tells her that since she's won Ellis' heart, he's going to tell her why he's so attached to Ellis as he previously mentioned. She tells him that he doesn't have to say anything because as she's learned with Ellis, there are somethings from the past that others don't want to reveal.
He persuades her to listen to him as a Fairytale Keeper because he views the past as the past, and what matters to him is what happens in the future. So, after Kate agrees to listen, Roger says that Ellis is not the first person he's met with the curse of the briar thorn, in fact, Roger committed a terrible betrayal to Ellis' predecessor, and because of this he wants Ellis to be happy. She asks what the fate of Ellis' curse and he says it's to be destroyed by the hands of justice, much like how the prince in Sleeping Beauty's fairytale hacked the thorn hedge away (Disney's Version of the story).
Turns out that Ellis' predecessor was shot to death. Kate thinks about Ellis' fate and how she wants to do whatever she can to protect the one she loves, and she wonders if that's wrong. Roger says that “fate” is predestined and it can not be changed, but Roger says, “nothing is impossible” (basically he says to hell with that). He tells her that they should overcome their destiny together, and she says that she wants to, so Roger says, “Let's see how you do.” She meets up with Ellis, and she thanks him for waiting, he hugs her tightly and asks what they were talking about, and she tells him they were discussing his fate. Ellis is like, “Oh, that's it?”
Kate asks him if it doesn't surprise him that they talked about it, and Ellis says that while he's talked to Roger a little bit about it himself, he doesn't really like to do it. She ask Ellis if he's scared about meeting his fate? He says he isn't afraid of it, and explains that he couldn't really put his finger on what his curse was. Kate says she wishes for nothing but the best for his final days, so Ellis ponders before telling her that he's never thought about what kind of end he's wanted for himself.
So, Kate tells him that they will find nothing but the best happiness for him, and he smiles at her saying, “Yeah, I'll find it with you Kate.” Then he says, “I think I've found something that'll make me happy right away”. Ellis brings his face close to hers and says that he wants a reward for waiting, but she says that she doesn't have anything to give him right now, he tells her he'll take whatever she can give like a kiss from earlier or something else. She kisses him gently like a light snowdrop that disappears instantly, and when she pulls away his arm wraps around her waist and pulls her back in and says, “Stay close.”
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Chapter 23
He tells her to stay close and soon they're drowning in a deep kiss, it feels so sweet like she is being eaten by him, and she is so melted by his kiss that she literally loses strength in her body and he has to support her. He calls her cute for not being able to walk and she says she wishes she could make it to where he can't walk either. Ellis takes her to the bathroom and runs the water for her causing the maids to fuss when they see them both covered in blood, so he explains that they were attacked while at “work”.
He leaves Kate in their care while he goes to bathe elsewhere and hands them ointment to put on Kate's wound after she's finished bathing. In the bath, her fatigue melts away and she feels a bit guilty that she thought he was going to take her back to his room, and thinks that if the maids hadn't come he would've bathed her himself, but realizes that everything he's done for her was out of kindness.
After the bath, she drinks warm milk with Ellis and she tells him that from what she could hear from her abductor's, it appears they were after Crown, and Ellis says he believes it's the Privy Council. Kate is taken aback they Crown has to not only take up dark work, but has to deal with them too, and she wonders how she can save/help everyone at Crown.
When Ellis asks that if she is now worried about Crown, Kate says that it's because now she knows that there many saved by Ellis and Crown, in addition to it becoming important to her personally. Kate soon begins to doze off and Ellis rests her head on his chest. Ellis says it's up to them now to put an end to this, so he can continue to kiss Kate and be happy. Kate drowsily laughs that even though Ellis is finally acting selfish, he is still Ellis.
Ellis: “…...Such a happy sleeping face”
Ellis: “Hey, Kate...”
Ellis: “You'll be the happiest tomorrow.....or the day after tomorrow.”
Ellis: “Or.....now.”
Gently, Ellis' hand goes around Kate's neck.
Ellis: “You're neck is so thin.” If he were to wrap his large hand around it he could surely tighten his grip easily.
Ellis: “.....” He hesitates for a few seconds and then removes his hand from her neck.
He apologizes because he probably won't be able to keep his cool in front of those who hurt her.
Jude: “.....she's sleeping rather conveniently?”
Jude, who was leaning against the doorway of the common room watching the entire scene play out from around the time that Kate fell asleep, snickers at Ellis. Ellis smiles and admits that he slipped a little something into her milk to make her sleepy, and Jude watches Ellis as he picks Kate up gently like she were a broken piece of furniture, and Jude looks on in dismay. He tells Ellis that he will have to work hard to make up for their silly it quarrels, and of course Ellis fully intends to do so. A few hours later.....
A man from the Privy Council reports to the Queen that a civilian that had been involved with Crown's activities had been slaughtered, and as the man lectures how dangerous they Crown is to society, the Queen remains silent behind her veil, not replying once. Jude pops up and says, “You're the one who doesn't understand. We just learned that you paid bail in order to have her kidnapped by that gang. I've just reported it to her Majesty along with the evidence.”
The privy council member is like WHAT?! Jude continues that her Majesty is angered over his use of people in his political disputes, so Jude says that he requests his retirement from the council and that he go into hiding. Holding up a royal decree from the Queen, the council member gets upset and yells that she beg she change her mind about the unjust order due to how much work he's put in for England. Jude asks if the man shouldn't be the one to reconsider, the man calls out the Queen, but she doesn't respond.
After exiting the audience chamber, Jude purposefully dishevels his hair that had been fixed in place, and sighs that the Queen only ever shows up and gives orders through letters, hiding behind her veil.
Ellis shows up and said that he had permission from Victor, Jude said yea they need to make an example of them (privy council), and Ellis says that he wants to wait just a little longer and Jude says that he can do whatever he wants.
The end of the chapter opens to memory of the day he killed his brother on the hill, and he says that he remembers what he was thinking when he plunged the knife in his chest – that he and his brother resigned themselves to the fact that they could never have this happiness again. That's why he (his brother) wished it would end, and Ellis decided to end it, but as much as Ellis wanted to kill him, he wanted the rest of the story.
The scene cuts to the council member who abducted Kate vomiting blood, and crawling on the floor. Ellis thinks to himself, there's nothing you can do about it even if you run away. It should've been a sight that made him feel sorry for the poor guy, and want him to put an end to him as soon as possible, but it doesn't hurt Ellis to see it tonight. For him, killing people is like polishing shoes, like a fisherman catching fish for work, and most of the time this work is for someone else, and with that premise anything is possible.
This too was his job for the night, but he doesn't kill right away because he doesn't want to. (Basically, he wants him to suffer for trying to harm Kate.) Ellis uses his ability to bind his hands together as if in prayer, and he finally stops moving. Moody Jude shows up asking how long it takes to kill one person, and Ellis said he had permission to make it last a little longer.
Jude: “Haaaa, look at this shit. What are you doing?”
Ellis: “A poison that melts your insides.”
So, apparently,.......Ellis coated his knife in this poison and cut/stabbed the guy with it.
Ellis: Life is so fleeting.
Jude: Ha, is your conscience botherin' ya?
Ellis: No, it's not that. I thought that if Kate's and the happy time I spend with her were so fleeting, I would....I'm afraid that if I don't make us happy right away, they will blow out like smoke. I've got to kill her before that....I'm in a hurry.”
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Chapter 24
Ellis and Jude are still speaking while in the room with the corpse…..
Ellis: No, it's not that. I thought that if Kate's and the happy time I spend with her were so fleeting, I would....I'm afraid that if I don't make us happy right away, they will blow out like smoke. I've got to kill her before that....I'm in a hurry.
Jude: ……I feel sorry for the princess.
Ellis: ….I guess so.
Ellis: But, I can’t let go anymore…..
Ellis: …..I wish we could be happy every day.
Jude: …..Idiot.
Jude’s face is filled with dismay when he grabs Ellis by the chest and pulls him close to his displeased face.
Jude: Unlike in the past, where ya did what ya were told, and killed as many people as ya could like you were polishing shoes.
Jude: Ya got your hands dirty tonight because of that irrational desire of yours.
Ellis: …….yeah.
Jude: Even if ya take some one’s life away, you’re not willin’ to give up your worthless happy life.
Ellis: …..yeah.
Jude: Ya can’t get return the life that’s taken.
Jude: You’ve killed so many people, it’s absurd that only I and the ones you care for haven’t been killed by an unreasonable force.
Jude: There’s no one who’ll listen to your sweet talk.***
Jude: If that’s the case, then I guess I’ll just have grudgingly work twice as hard to protect what you’ve taken.***
Jude pushes Ellis away and he stumbles backwards.
Ellis: ……
Jude: …..say somethin’ ya creep.
Ellis: I’m sorry, Jude. I was surprised when you said, “I’ll protect your happiness.”
Ellis was surprised with Jude’s word’s, maybe since the very first time he told Ellis that he didn’t care if Ellis killed him.
Jude: Noisy. That’s not what I think.
Jude: You’re too crazy to understand yourself, so I explained it to you.
Ellis: Sure….that sounds right.
Ellis thinks about what Kate told him about wanting to bind the people he loves in their happiness and how it fits perfectly.
Ellis: …..This time I’m not giving up the rest of the story.
Jude: Ya can’t even take care of her that well.
Ellis: Oh, I haven’t forgotten my promise to you Jude.
Ellis: Jude, I’ll work with you until you’re at your happiest, don’t worry.
Jude: Of course not. If you abandon your duties, I’ll charge ya, even if you die.
Those caught up in the fate of the thorns have increased to two. (So, why is my chest so warm?)
Ellis: Oh, but I hope Jude will be happy before Kate.
Jude: Yea???
Ellis: I’m sure that when I kill Kate, I too will be the happiest I’ve ever been in my life. So, we’ll probably die together.
Ellis isn’t really interested in fate, but if he must meet it his end and be “destroyed by justice”…. He wants that be done by Kate.
Jude: ….You’re as crazy as ever.
Jude: Then I’ll bury ya both in a field of flowers.
Ellis: Thank you. I’ll see you then.
Ellis: Ah….bury us as closely as you can.
I smiled, happy to hear that, and Jude looked at me with a creeped out look on his face.
The next morning, Kate prepares breakfast for Ellis and Jude since she wants to make up for sleeping while Jude was out stopping the mastermind behind her abduction. Kate thanks Jude for taking care of things, and he says that she doesn’t have to thank him because he’s going to work her hard for it, and the “shitty” tea she was trying to serve him wouldn’t cut it.
Ellis says he’ll pay Jude back with her, and when she asks what Ellis was doing yesterday while she slept, he lies and says he was resting too. Jude essentially covers for him by calling him a useless assistant, and while Kate thought that Ellis would’ve been helping Jude, she let’s it go. Kate asks Jude what his work schedule is like and lists all the things she can assist him with, but he says she can write up the report about the incident because her month is almost up. Ellis says he will help her write the report since Jude relayed all the details to him.
Back in his room she types up her report, and Kate realizes that soon she will need to leave Crown soon, and with all the memories of Crown still vivid in her mind, she wonders if she could ever return to her normal life? While she did miss certain parts of her old life, she still wouldn’t be close to Ellis. Ellis interrupts her thoughts, and they take a break from typing while having tea together.
He asks Kate if she is happy living in the castle or does she want to go back to her peaceful life? She asks Ellis what would make him happy, knowing it’s a little mean of her to ask that question to him. He tells her, ‘whichever would make you happy’, or the old him would be saying that with a smile, but now he says to her with a smile, “I’ll make you happy…a hundred times more than you could be if you returned to your old life. Stay close to me.” Kate says that she wants to be with him.
Despite his tragic ending, she wants to love Ellis so he too can be happy. He asks her if he can touch her, and do more than that like kiss her, and she agrees. The tips of their noses touch, they smile and they lock lips kissing each other so sweetly that they feel debauched to the core.
Ellis: I want to make you feel good.……you may not have as much spare time as you think.
Premium Story: MDNI
Ellis: I want to make you feel good….you may not have as much spare time as you think.
Ellis urgently whispers behind Kate’s ear, tangles his arms around her and carries her to the bed, and strips her while kissing the back of her leg. His lips slowly climb up and touch inside her thigh which cause her to cry out. He says she has such a pretty voice as he kisses the same spot over and over again. His arms wrap around her back and he says that he can’t take it anymore, and asks her for permission, to which she says she wants to be loved more by him.
So, Ellis sinks himself into her and she cries out, and he apologizes if it hurts her and pulls his hips back, and pushes in again. Kate thinks this is what it means to be fulfilled. As Ellis thrusts his body, wet sounds overflow from the movement, and he calls Kate pretty because her face is bright red. Kate is a little made at Ellis because he is teasing her, and he comments that she’s cute when she’s sulky and angry, and that now they are together, he wants to see this face so many times.
He tells Kate to be more filled of him and he asks her if she feels so good that she could die? She hooks her hands around his waist and strokes his hip bones and tight flanks, his back is supple like a wild beast. He says that while touching Kate’s smooth skin feels good, it also feels good when he is touched. Still, he wants to bind his loved ones with happy times, by his own hands.
Ellis: “Maybe, that’s my desire from the curse of thorns.”
Their hands are still clasped together as they press against the sheets.
Ellis: Thus, I will bind you to me forever.
In the name of thorns, “happiness” entangles Kate.
Ellis: I love you, Kate.
Kate: You can tie me up if you want…..I don’t want to leave you either, Ellis.
Ellis: If I make you feel good enough, you won’t be able to stay away from me either, will you?
Her heart flutters as Ellis presses into even deeper layers of her body where their heat connects. His wet tongue digs into her ear as he thrusts into her body, leaving her with little option other than to moan into his strong chest. Kate wakes up in the middle of the night, the sheets are a complete mess with traces of their love making, finds Ellis getting something to drink. Ellis asks if she wants something to drink too, and when she says yes, he seals her lips with his and pours the water into her mouth, and asks if it’s tasty.
Kate is embarrassed and Ellis asks if she wants one more drink with a smile, which she can’t refuse. “One more,” she says. They discuss going on a picnic and Ellis says this time, he may not be able to resist kissing her, so Kate wonders if he wanted to kiss her the last time they went on a picnic and for just how long did Ellis contain his love for her in his secret box. She decides not to ask since she wants to get to know him more slowly, so she suggests they have a picnic in his room so he can kiss her as much as he wants, and he agrees to it.
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Chapter 25
If life were a fairytale, it would be easy to be happy. You could truly be in love with some one. Most fairy tales conclude like this, “They lived happily ever after.” But the truth is, the story doesn’t end even if you love some one. Happiness is like the twilight that ever changes, you hold it in your heart forever and never let it go, but you never get the same moment back. That’s why -
At the dining table, Jude points his thumb at William and says he’s got a problem with him, because he used Kate as bait (Not me thinking back to that one first SE where you left her in the open as a target, but ok). Kate thinks about how Jude persistently thinks about something both Kate and Ellis have completely forgotten about, so Kate and Ellis say that somehow they get the feeling that William knew she would be safe, and Jude contorts his face and says: You guys really….. But doesn’t say anything more about it and William laughs saying he was prepared to be denounced or have a knife pointed at him.
There’s a discussion about Jude signing an employment contract with Kate, and Ellis offers to show her the ropes, to which Jude sighs. William says the couples conversation is like listening to a pair of lovely birds chirping, and asks Jude if he agrees? He doesn’t answer, but Liam and Harry show up, and Liam asks what’s up with the good mood, and Harry says that he’s up to no good. William says that he’s just watched how the plot ends, and he is glad that Ellis was able to pursue his true desires. Harry at looks at the couple with a silent “Ah-ha” look, and William says he thought that Harrison would disagree, but he says he’s not so wild as to interrupt some one’s love life.
In the evening, Kate visits the palace to submit her report to Victor while Ellis waited outside. Victor gives her the choice to stay or leave, but to gain something means to discard something, he says while smiling wistfully. Still, he will make sure he choice doesn’t cloud her smile, and of course she chooses to stay. Kate wants to ask Victor a question, and he says sure.
Kate: Didn’t you originally intend to kill me, Victor….?
In response, Victor laughs and shakes his head.
Victor: I’m not going to play the good guy by making excuses after the fact.
Victor: Only, now I want you to be free to do as you will and have your own happiness.
Victor: Just as the same way I feel about the other Crown members.
After explaining what happened to Ellis, she says that she’s kept one more promise to Ellis, and that was getting Victor’s secret recipe to his scones. (LUCKY!) Now, they can bake the scones for the picnic in Ellis’ bedroom. They hold hands and walk back to the castle. Kate says that she’ll make Ellis happy and when he asks how much, she says enough that she will always make him happier tomorrow, and Ellis agrees.
Kate fell in love with an assassin, and that person wishes to kill her so much in her happiest moment. It’s a very deep and heavy love. If someone read their love story, they’d think it was tragic, but for her it was a once-in-a-lifetime love that was precious to her and that she chose of her own volition….
Kate wakes up in the morning, she stares at Ellis who is still asleep on her arm, and she wonders if it will go numb, but soon he is awake. They greet each other, and he kisses her forehead, and she happily kisses him on the lips, and says that it’s picnic day. He wakes up further with a surprised face because he thought he’d been dreaming. Ellis spins her around to where he’s on top of her hugging her, she shivers as a large hand explores her naked body, he takes off his shirt and they laugh together with their bare bodies wrap around each other.
They laugh with each other like they’re children and enjoy their scones and jam in bread. Tasting the jam they made together:
Ellis: Mmm, delicious.
Kate: Really?
Ellis pulls her cheek to him.
Ellis: Look….
Kate: Ah….
Ellis presses the sweet simmered fruit to her lips with his tongue. The jam sweetly pours into her mouth and numbs her tongue.
Ellis: ….Well?
Kate: Delicious….
Just a few moments ago, they were playing with each other like children in grassy fields, but as their lips touch each others, Kate recalls how they made love the night before evoking a sweet sensation. This moment has made her very happy, and looking up at Ellis she could tell that he feels the same way.
Ellis: Maybe now….
Kate: Happiest moment?
Ellis looks at her and nods.
Ellis: You look the most beautiful and happiest you’ve ever looked.
Kate: ….hehe, maybe.
This happiness may soon fade away. Then I want to end up happy before everything fades on it’s own. If you truly love some one and wish for their happiness, it may be a very natural feeling that wells up in your heart.
Ellis: I’m happier now than I’ve ever been in my life. Even…..
Kate: Even?
Still, you can’t give up the rest of the story. (Because I want to laugh with my Beloved for as long as I can.)
Ellis & Kate: Maybe, we’ll be even “happier tomorrow”……
As their voices overlap, a smile comes up on their lips, and they laugh.
Ellis: Someday, I will kill you.
Ellis: So….for now, let me kiss you.
-What is happiness? It is like a twilight sky that changes it’s color as soon as it’s seen. It holds onto your heart and never let’s go, yet you can never have the same thing again. So, tomorrow I will show you a more beautiful twilight. The day after tomorrow and the day after that.
So that eventually, when we’re assured of the greatest happiness, the two of use will stop time and become eternal together.
Until then…..happy days will fade and be repainted, with you.
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***Please take these two lines with a grain of salt. I didn't research them thoroughly, but the line about Jude protecting Ellis' and Kate, I believe is relatively accurate because Ellis' line confirms and interprets Jude's line as meaning that he will protect their happiness, and this in Jude's true nature - wanting to protect others.
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[Master List] [Blind Love Epilogue]
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beloved-daydreams · 8 months
Folktober2023 Prompt: "Vampire! Cardan" 🧛‍♂️🩸
An attempt by
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Hosted by @jurdannet and @jurdannetrevels
📘 2 900+ words
😎 Characters: Jude, Cardan
✒️ Tags: comfort, child Cardan meeting child Jude, blooming friendship
📢 Summary: A young vampire-fae is abandoned by his family and thus, having nowhere to go, he spends his days lying down on some hay and talking to cats. That is until a mortal girl finds him, takes him to her home and feeds him.
The boy was lying down on a bed of hay in an empty stable, it had been abandoned so the child was using it as a refuge. It wasn't so bad, the child thought, he had a roof over his head and the cats and kittens would come to visit him from time to time. He was trying to avoid the thought that they were probably pets who had a home to go back to while he didn't. Surely their masters would wait for them before the sleeping hours in order to close the doors.
Cardan swept the thought away everytime it popped in his head. Especially since his lack of a home with a loving family wasn't his biggest problem. His biggest problem was the unquenchable thirst he had. No matter how much he drank from dead animals it was useless, and the boy didn't have the heart to drink the blood of the cats, his only occasional visitors. So he was left there, sometimes biting down on his own arm to drink his own blood. Which was stupid. If any other vampire saw him doing that, they'd note how pathetic and unbecoming it was of him. "How can this child possibly be from the royal bloodline?!" They'd say.
Whatever. Cardan didn't care because no one looked his way. Not his Father, not his Mother, not his siblings and certainly not any of the folk who assumed he was some bastard child of low rank if they happened to run into him. His run down clothes, his unorderly hair. It all looked as unroyal as it could. Absolutely no one ever guessed his identity, unless it was one of his unfortunate siblings who were so embarrassed to stand next to him that they'd either pretend to not notice him or throw mocking comments at his sorry state.
Cardan's days were full of nothing. No friends, no games, no food, no education let alone books. The boy could read but that ability was useless to him without anything to read. Days, weeks and months were mingling together. What day is it today? Who cares. All upcoming days will be the same anyways.
A voice from outside, a young girl probably around the same age as him. What is she here for? If it's to mock him then he'd better ignore her. Cardan stayed still, his face turned towards the inside of the stable. He was pretending to sleep. It was a poor attempt.
"Are you okay there? There’s no need to pretend, I can tell you’re awake."
Having a short fuse, Cardan wondered why he had even bothered trying to ignore the girl in the first place. He shifted on the hay, turning his body to face her, whoever she was. And what a surprise it was. A human girl was standing over him, he had never seen one so close, let alone interacted with any. All he knew is that she smelled delicious and he was starved. That could be bad.
Cardan frowned at the girl and made a dismissive gesture with his hand.
"Leave, you dunce. Haven't you been taught not to approach the fae?"
The girl gave him a look. She was utterly unimpressed with his attempt at making her leave. Looking at it closer, despite being human, the girl was well clothed, her hair must've been brushed a few hours ago and they were made up into little horns, although by now it was obvious that she had moved around way too much for the strands to stay in their place. She had a sword at her side and… a missing finger? No, only a part of it. But just as he had guessed by her voice, she must be 11 or 12, around the age when the girls are slightly taller than the boys.
"Soon, some goblins will be coming to camp around here, I would advise you to leave." The girl announced then paused. "...Unless you have no place to go to?"
Her tone wasn't mocking, yet Cardan felt annoyed anyway. Who does she think she is? He'll stay wherever he wants. Even if it can't be in a house, as a prince, the land of his father is also his, thus he can choose to stay wherever. Or so he'd like to convince himself.
"I do. This is my place. Now scram."
Feeling overwhelmed by the delicious smell coming off the girl, he turned away again as he was initially lying down. Only this time, he put his arm over his nose, trying to block the scent in vain.
There was a slight silence again, then the sound of the girl's footsteps carried away into the distance. "Good." Cardan thought, as he could breathe freely again. However, his relief was short-lived as the girl's loud footsteps came back, and before he could yell at her to leave, he felt a light impact near his back. As if something was thrown on the hay he was lying on. Cardan turned over to look at the object he expected to be something to mock him. A brush used on horses maybe? But no, it was merely an apple.
"Have that, I'm not hungry." The girl said.
Cardan didn't know what to do. Hate and mockery were easier to deal with than whatever this was. So instinctively, he turned to anger by default despite there being nothing to be angry at. Only a kind gesture.
"You dare look down on me, human? Take your pity back!"
He threw the apple back at the girl, only for her to catch it skillfully and throw it right back at him again.
"Of course not, I wouldn't dare to look down on a prince. I only wanted to share my food, for I believe you'd enjoy it, and I'd like your highness to enjoy a delicious apple."
Confused, the words barely registering, Cardan blinked.
"So you're aware of who I am?" He asked.
"I didn't at first. But as I thought of you on my walk back, I realized that the youngest prince is rumored to have black hair and a tail. It was only a guess, but I'm glad I was right."
The boy looked down at the apple again. So there was still someone in this world who acknowledged him as a prince. Who didn't doubt his legitimacy. Somehow, that felt good. His anger was cut short and he cleared his throat, trying to sound more collected now that the girl was aware of his title. Despite the title in question not having resulted in anything pleasant for the short 11 years the boy had lived so far.
"Very well, mortal. I accept your present."
The boy bit into it, savoring the sweet and fresh juice. He tried to savor it as much as he could while eating, but his thirst was making him eager, making the intervals between each bite shorter until there was nothing left to bite into. Cardan looked down sadly at what was left of the apple: the middle portion that would make him look pathetic if he ate it as well.
"As I thought it wasn't enough to quench my thirst."
The girl had been closely looking at him all the while the young vampire was devouring the apple.
"Then what would be good? Water?"
The boy suggestively looked at the girl. You. He thought. You would be enough.
"I need some blood from time to time but I haven't been able to get any lately."
"Would some of mine do? My name is Jude by the way."
The boy was shocked at the offer. Is this human just senseless? Offering herself to him like that. And her name's Jude. Her name infuriates him for no tangible reason, even making him confused at his illogical feelings.
"Don't be stupid. I could suck all the blood out of you right here, right now. Be thankful for my benevolence and leave."
The girl made a face, thinking.
"Would you like to come for dinner at my house today?"
If this little girl keeps talking, Cardan feels like he'll go insane. She's not making any sense, yet… and yet… he knows. He has heard of her. Two human daughters adopted by general Madoc. Cardan might not be any better than a rat right now, but rats are great at gathering intel. Folks will just say anything in front of you if they believe you have no importance.
"... Very well." Cardan stood up. "Bring me to your household, human."
Jude furrowed her brows as she wanted to be called by her name now that the boy knew what it was. Not "mortal" or "human". Nonetheless she brushed it off and led the boy away from the stable towards a faerie not too far off from them. Probably a nanny. Cardan notes that the servant's name is Tatterfell.
And as they silently make their way to the girl's house, the man Cardan assumes is the general is sharpening a blade outside. He stays away as the girl explains to her adoptive father who he is and why she has brought him here. Which is apparently because "he's the youngest prince and he needs a place for today" since the goblins that are setting camp will be coming near the place he was staying at. She doesn't say that the place in question was an abandoned stable, but by the way he looks and how Madoc looks at him, Cardan supposes no more explanation is necessary to get the picture.
There would be no advantages in taking him, but as Cardan mentally prepares himself to act proud and leave, Madoc accepts. The next thing he knows, he's getting bathed, brushed and dressed in new clothes, albeit with difficulty considering it has been a while since someone took care of him and he's throwing his temper at every awkward feeling and movement he feels over his head and body.
At dinner the oldest daughter doesn't show her face, only the twins and recently married parents are here. Oh, and the baby is supposedly asleep and fed somewhere. How lucky that he was born wanted and loved. Cardan thinks but pushes down. He's not sure how to act, how to talk, or if he should even attempt anything at all. He knows that everything they're doing for him, he won't be able to pay it back. A fresh apple? It could more or less easily be taken care of. But all of this? Absolutely not.
Cardan has nothing aside from his official title and he knows it.
After dinner, Jude insists on bringing him to her room despite the fact that a different room has been prepared for him for today. He lets himself be led there, as he knows that indulging in her whims is the least he can do right now.
She shows him her plushies, her books and her practice swords as if it's supposed to be interesting in any way. Cardan is much more interested in the books to be honest, and the plushies just seem like a waste of space on the bed to him. Since he has never had any, or if he did, he doesn't remember.
At first Cardan attempts to act stoic, but as the girl keeps talking, Cardan realizes how fun it is to listen, then to answer and be heard in turn. To have someone eagerly waiting for your comments and insights. It feels good to be seen and heard.
He keeps looking at himself in the mirror of her room, saving the sight of his fancy clothes in his brain. Remember well, this is always how you were supposed to be dressed. This is how you would have looked if you were smarter, useful. If you had more value for Father, maybe.
And as the time to go to sleep approaches, Jude stops him from leaving.
"Will you drink my blood now? Even if you're not hungry, you must still feel a bit thirsty, right?"
Cardan blinks.
"Are you not worried I'll drink all of it?"
The girl smiled, a cheeky smile. As if she's about to reveal the smartest trick ever.
"Well, earlier I was. But now that I've done all of this for you, your pride wouldn't allow it."
Of course. Bargains are big in Faerie. A human who has spent more than a few years here would obviously know. Still, the boy is confused.
"I don't get why you're so hung up on that. You do realize that I'll never be able to pay all of this back, right?"
The girl sits on her bed, taking the plush snake into her lap and petting it as if it's a real animal.
"Well… When I saw you there, then realized who you were, I didn't like it. It was wrong. So I figured that maybe I could try to make it right if you allowed me to, I'm glad you did. Seeing you like this is a proper payback in its own way."
The girl's hairstyle was unique. It’s quite funny: two small horns sticking out, yet at that moment, to the boy she looked like an angel.
"... You’re weird. In fact you’re not making any sense but-" The boy fiddled with his tail, trying to speak up in vain as his throat was getting tight from the thirst and the tears forming in his eyes. "Still, I understand. Then give me some of your blood, I promise to not overdo it."
The girl smiled and put the plushie away, almost as if she was inviting the boy to sit on her lap then drink her blood. I’m not a little kid. Cardan thought, instead sitting next to her on the bed. The truth is, the young vampire was very nervous. He had only drunk blood from dead or almost dead animals. It didn’t taste good, honestly, but at least it filled his stomach and satiated his thirst for a while. This would be the first time he would get to taste human blood from a young girl like him, he just knew her blood would taste good. Not only because of the common sense of: young and well-fed human equals delicious blood. But also because she just smelled good.
And she was waiting for him, not at all scared at the idea of getting bitten in the neck by a blood-sucking creature. Ironically, Cardan was the anxious one in this scenario. Excited at the idea of drinking great quality blood but feeling shy at how he’s about to feed off of someone else. Awkwardly, he tilted his face over her neck, getting closer then unsure on how to bite, where exactly to bite or how to place himself.
"You can hold onto me." The girl pulled his hands towards her in a friendly manner. "And I’m not scared of pain either, feel free to start anytime."
Jude. What a peculiar human. Drowning his worries in her scent, the boy finally bit onto her and she didn’t even cry out. Only a little flinch which seems amazing for a first time, Cardan thinks, not like he has ever bitten anything other than a dying animal though, so he can’t even pretend to know. But what he does know is that his nose wasn’t lying, this blood tastes like the finest meal he could ask for. He doesn’t want to stop which is worrying, however he relaxes remembering that he gave her his word just before biting her. He won’t overdo it. He’ll only take a fair amount.
And that’s what he does. Although he’d like to keep going beyond what he needs, as soon as he feels his thirst settling down, he pulls away. Then, realizing that he had subconsciously held her in his arms, he pulls away further, getting up from the bed.
"I didn’t realize. I hope that didn’t inconvenience you." Well, more than I have already inconvenienced you today with my bothersome presence.
Jude laughs.
"No worries. I can let you borrow one of my plushies for the night if you want?"
Cardan blushes at the childish offer and turns her down, once again failing to realize that they are still children and that it is perfectly fine to seek comfort in an object. The girl rolls her eyes at how profusely he turned her down, as if it was shameful to even offer.
"Okay prince. Then would you like to sleep in my arms?"
"Stop talking crazy. Your father will be furious, and the servants have already prepared another room anyway."
"But my room is better! The guest rooms are cold and empty."
How insulting. The boy had been sleeping in stables for years, surely nothing could be more cold and empty than that. He kept those thoughts to himself though, complaining and talking back so much towards your host is not a good look to have. Cardan sighs in defeat.
"Will it make you happy? If I slept in… Well, if I slept next to you." Too embarrassed to utter "In your arms" the boy changed his terms.
"Very." Jude said, not looking all that happy. Not as happy as Cardan hoped she would. She’s probably only taking pity on him. But at this point, even if it was pity, being taken care of does feel good and the boy can’t bring himself to end the charade.
So jumping under the covers, Jude pulls Cardan close and holds him dearly. The young vampire lets himself relax and for the first time since forever, his sleep is so peaceful that he dreams a good dream. Maybe getting himself a plushie wouldn’t be so bad after all.
Instead of going with a "hot vampire Cardan" entry, I went with something cute and comforting. Though if I had to continue the AU, I’d say that once they become adults, it would be revealed that all of this was just a ploy from the beginning and Madoc was actually using Jude to get Cardan in his house as "another spare" besides Oak. But hey, let’s uh, not ruin the moment with that and stick to their wholesome friendship, right? 💖
Please consider leaving comments/tags to increase the amount of my smiles in a day! 💫
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im-someone-i-guess · 2 years
wilting of elfhame
[Part Four]
word count: 1587 words
prompt; “Ok this is fanfic request but can you make a fanfic TWK during Jude’s exile. 5 years later Jude is about to get married to a mortal man and a remorseful faerie cardan begs her not to” requested by @fantasyfox10123
part one
part two
part three
The High King lounges on his throne, a goblet of wine clutched in his spindly fingers. A faerie stood on the dais before him, presenting a gift. Jude watched all this, not standing at Cardan's side as she had done when she was a seneschal but instead sitting ramrod straight on a throne of her own.
She saw Taryn in the crowd, Justin clinging onto his mother’s skirts, a happy smile on his lips as he conversed with the Princess of the Undersea. Nicasia looked genuinely interested, nodding as she took a bite out of her faerie fruit. It looked golden in the low light of the setting sun.
Music rang through the brugh, lyres strung as the folk dance and the courtiers titter. It had been three mere days since Jude arrived at court to announce her title, it did not disturb their constant celebrations but Jude supposed it encouraged it further.
Cardan had called for a month of revels after Jude returned. Her official coronation was due in a week but Jude did not really care for all that, she needed to prepare a way to get Cardan under her command again, to complete the task Madic assigned her so she could be gifted with a piece of her past that she dearly yearned for.
“I have a question for you as well, my High King,” the faerie said, bringing Jude's attention back to him. His hair was blue like the depths of the ocean but his skin was an eerie white, much too pale as if he had never seen sunlight. Cardan considers him before waving his hand, gesturing for the faerie to proceed. “What made this mortal worthy of your longing? Worthy enough that you put your sorrows over governing your subjects?”
The courtiers nearby let out a scandalised gasp, whoever dared to disrespect the High King must've had a death wish. And yet the faerie seemed oblivious to the impact of his question, merely curious.
“What makes you think you are worthy to know the answer?” Cardan asked, a vile smile replacing his easy one. Jude frowned, if there were more faeries questioning her place like this then it risked doubts blooming in Cardan's own heart. The Fae were fickle, Jude feared that perhaps despite the five years of sorrow, Cardan would change his mind.
“My curiosity, Your Majesty,” the faerie mumbled, now sounding unsure under Jude's sharp gaze and Cardan's wide grin. Casually, Jude pulled back the folds of her skirts to reveal her sword. The faerie blanched at the sight of Nightfell, noting the blade.
“What makes us worthy of the moon's gentle glimmer or the sun's harsh rays?” Cardan said, thoughtfully. “I have not put my sorrows over governing my kingdom, I assure you that is the truth for it wouldn't have left my lips if it were otherwise. Sorrow cannot be helped, and so the land remained bare. But perhaps I could return it to the state, see if you are worthy enough of a fertile land covered in green.”
The listening courtiers giggled as the faerie turned away, embarrassed. He hurriedly bowed to both Cardan and Jude before getting lost in the crowd of Fae. Jude refused to let herself scan Cardan's word, plucking and inspecting each one as she would a berry. There was still much to be done.
“Tell me my sweet nemesis, what compelled you to stay?” Cardan asked, taking a sip from his goblet of wine. He would’ve looked casual towards the onlookers but Jude knew him enough to notice the slight frown, the furrow in his brows as if he were trying to solve an impossible puzzle. “You almost married a mortal man but I saw the hesitation in your eyes, the fear as you stared at the altar. Still, I know you would not let fear deter you, so what is it?”
“Is it not enough that I am already here? You can wonder it night and day but you may never uncover the true reason for why I returned. And I will not tell you, consider it a gesture in return for the exile.”
“Isn't it such a minor punishment when compared to the dire event five years ago? I apologise for it, I thought you would've thought it all out and figured you could've pardoned yourself. For you are the crown after all,” Cardan gestured to the heavy circlet atop Jude’s head. “I also had thought you would have prepared a plate of vengeance, perhaps helped by your father.”
Jude internally squirmed at how accurate Cardan's guess was but before she could say anything the High King continued.
“I will not care if you betray me, I think.” Cardan murmured, voice low. “Just do not leave me again.”
Jude wished he added something else to the sentence, perhaps “do not leave me again at the mercy of the Council” or “do not leave me again to govern Elfhame alone” but he did not. Instead his eyes dropped towards the ruby ring Jude had forgotten she was wearing. It felt right for it to be there, it felt sacred.
“Does that mean I should betray you? Slit your throat before your subjects?”
“Forget not for they too are yours, you are their High Queen and I doubt they will forget it.” Even as Cardan says so, Jude noticed the human lovers among the crowd, dancing with the Fae. “They desire to curry your favour as well as mine though I have no doubt some would kill you with pleasure. They do not like what has happened to the lands under my care. I hear them sneering under their breaths.”
“Then they are foolish,” Jude huffed, she knew not why she was defending the High King. “Surely they know of the power you behold? Of how you are tied to the land as they are tied to the Blood Crown Oath.” Jude wondered if there would be perhaps a revolution in plans were it not for the oath that secured their loyalty. Even now there were faeries that managed to duck under the terms. Unbidden, Madoc flashed in Jude's mind, as well as the piece of her past he held in his grasp.
“Should I make a demonstration to show just how powerful I am?” Cardan asked, he sounded happy at the prospect, eager to prove himself worthy. With a wave of his hand, the vines within the brugh twisting and waving as if it too were dancing with the melody of the instruments. “I could do more but I do not think the dancers would appreciate it if I opened up the ground beneath them.”
“No, I don't think they will.”
Jude walked beside her husband, escorted by guards. They were heading for the royal chambers to rest, Jude's head was spinning from the little wine Cardan had passed her. They would've continued the routine of debauchery were it not for Cardan's concerned eyes. He had noticed the green tinge Jude had and had announced the revel over, that he shall be heading for his Chambers to rest.
“I am quite fond of this doublet so I plead you to not vomit on it,” Cardan told her once they reached their room and the guards had stationed themselves out the door, far from an eavesdropping distance.
“Your doublet looks eventful enough already,” Jude muttered dryly, eyeing the feathers and ruffles. Cardan caught her staring and scoffed, walking a few steps back just to be safe. “And I do not feel like retching,” Jude lied. Cardan merely shook his head, turning towards the closet to change into something more appropriate for sleep.
“I've missed you,” Cardan whispered as he climbed onto the bed and sat next to Jude. She had heard proclamations like so, over and over. So often that she was half convinced Cardan would announce it to be a lie, that he was joking and that he would return to his wicked antics. But he did not, leaving Jude to repeat his words in her head, wondering if perhaps she should say it back, not to uphold the charades but because she meant it.
Jude did not sleep. The moment Cardan’s breathing evened and he stopped tossing and turning, she had slipped off the bed, putting on a dress and sneaking out the room through a tunnel that connected to Lady Asha’s old room. She needed to get away from Cardan, needed to take a breath.
Her days had been filled with revels, dress fittings for the coronation. Jude had no time to fully plan her next move, each thought disturbed by a server offering her a drink, by the dressmaker telling her to raise her hands. But now that she could finally hear herself think, doubts had filled her mind. She still believed Cardan capable of betraying her again, pulling off something similar to the exile but it stunned her to think Cardan believed the same of her.
Still, she would not stop. She needed to seek vengeance, it wasn’t just the piece of her past that Madoc offered, it was the heart broken and betrayed. Cardan arriving at the wedding was like scraping the scab of a still-fresh wound. Five years should’ve healed the wound, and yet here Jude was, reeling from the pain.
“Perhaps a coronation gift,” Jude murmured into the dark. She would ask Cardan to put himself under her command once more. She’d make it so that he’d have no choice but to oblige.
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StackedNatural Day 105: 5x13, 6x12, 9x13
5x13: The Song Remains the Same
Written by: Sera Gamble & Nancy Weiner
Directed by: Steve Boyum
Original air date: February 4, 2010
Plot Synopsis:
The renegade angel Anna escapes from her prison in heaven. She travels back in time to kill Sam and Dean's parents so that Sam is never born, and cannot be the vessel for Lucifer. Castiel sends Sam and Dean back to stop Anna.
Anna visits Dean’s dream, Anna wants to scatter Sam’s cells across the universe, time travel again, Mary and John in 1978, Uriel is always happy to do some smiting, Dean and Michael talk, Team Free Will.
My Thoughts:
Season 5 hits SO hard even 10 years later. Some of it hits even harder, like Michael telling Dean that he’ll say yes. It’s going to take another 7 or 8 years, and it’s going to be a different version of Michael, but it will happen.
It’s been forever since I’ve seen this episode and it fucks extremely hard. The angels are so cool (I miss so much when they had wings), the emotional beats hit perfectly. It’s an almost perfect Stack that we watched Houses of the Holy only 3 days ago where we learned that Mary told Dean that angels were watching over her. And the fight between her and Anna is so iconic, I love it. What a brutal stab with the crowbar.
I love seeing Sam and Dean interact with the young versions of their parents. The angst is so delicious, it hits the mark perfectly. Sam being connected to John and Dean being connected to Mary is a running theme for the rest of the series and I love that it’s really cemented here with the parents that they have one-on-one conversations with. Sam gets some closure with John, but he’s also similar to John in ways that aren’t always explored. Aside from both of them losing their partners in a house fire caused by the yellow-eyed demon, they both have an anger under the surface that is slow to rise but fierce when it does appear. And Dean has to take Mary’s place when she dies, and he’s always trying and failing to find his way out of the hunter life.
I love the Michael and Dean parallels too. God told Michael to kill Lucifer and John to Dean to kill Sam. The cycle repeats.
Notable Lines:
“I’ve experienced Heaven’s persuasion.”
“Anna, we've been through much together, but you come near Sam Winchester and I'll kill you.”
“All of a sudden you really remind me of my dad.”
“What kind of irresponsible bastard lets a child anywhere near—Y-you know, you could've been killed! [...] The number it must've done on your head...Your father was supposed to protect you.”
“Our names are Dean and Sam Winchester. We're named after your parents. When I would get sick, you would make me tomato-rice soup, because that's what your mom made you. And instead of a lullaby, you would sing "Hey Jude", 'cause that's your favorite Beatles song.”
“Listen, you think you can have that normal life that you want so bad, but you can't. I'm sorry. It's all gonna go rotten. You are gonna die, and your children will be cursed.”
“It’s a bloodline. Stretching back to Cain and Abel. It's in your blood, your father's blood, your family's blood.”
“You know, my brother, I practically raised him. I took care of him in a way most people could never understand, and I still love him. But I am going to kill him because it is right and I have to.”
“This is it. Team Free Will. One ex-blood junkie, one dropout with six bucks to his name, and Mr. Comatose over there.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 10
IMdB Rating: 9.1
6x12: Like a Virgin
Written by: Adam Glass
Directed by: Phil Sgriccia
Original air date: February 4, 2011
Plot Synopsis:
Sam emerges from his coma and discovers that he remembers nothing since losing his soul. Dean and Bobby try to keep the secret, and the brothers head to Oregon to investigate the disappearance of several local female virgins.
The state of Sam’s soul, Sam freaks Bobby out, dragons, a sword in a stone, wandering around the sewers, Purgatory and how to get there, the Mother of All.
My Thoughts:
To he honest, I was expecting this episode to be terrible when I realized it was the one where the monster was dragons but also just Some Guys, which admittedly was a bad plan on Adam Glass’ part, but I really enjoyed this episode!
The reunion with Our Sam was really lovely. It was so sweet to watch him ask about Bobby and Cas and hug with abandon and have fully realized emotions (although I am mad at him for not hugging Cas. That was mean). One of his first questions was why Dean didn’t settle down and live comfortably.
For once, the Dean lying to Sam was a strategic necessity instead of needless conflict, and when Sam found out it was a conversation and not 3 weeks hunting separately. Sam is smart enough to figure out that something weird is going on and to know that they wouldn’t have spoken to Cas to give him the lie yet.
Dean is so happy all episode and it’s so nice to see him bouncing around and being goofy. He’s also a nerd but not a giant one, because he references the Neverending Story and Lord of the Rings but fails to correctly reference D&D (yes I know that D12s are a thing, but D20 would have been the right one to reference in this context).
There are a lot of well-documented issues with Supernatural post season 5, but the pacing of Sam’s soul plot is pretty much perfect, in my opinion. It builds slowly, hits a high point at the mid-season break, and now we have the rest of the season to reckon with the reality of it before the wall comes down at the end of the season.
The effects on Eve coming out of purgatory completely ruled. I don’t remember a ton of her arc, but I’m excited to get into it.
Notable Lines:
“Let me tell you what his soul felt like when I touched it. Like it had been skinned alive, Dean. If you wanted to kill your brother, you should have done it outright.”
“You know, it’s comforting. I died for a year, came back, and you're still not funny.”
“Well, they're not like the Loch Ness monster, Dean. Dragons aren't real.”
“We have so much to do. Let’s get started.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 7.9
IMdB Rating: 8.4
9x13: The Purge
Written by: Eric Charmelo & Nicole Snyder
Directed by: Phil Sgriccia
Original air date: February 4, 2014
Plot Synopsis:
Sam and Dean apply for jobs at a wellness spa so they can investigate the murders of guests who have had the fat sucked out of them.
Donna’s first episode, hot dog eating contest, undercover spa work, Dean gets roofied, Doug is a piece of shit, pishtacos, not all monsters are monstrous.
My Thoughts:
I find this episode pretty fun, but it loses significant points for unnecessary racism and fatphobia. There was a great, really detailed post going around a while ago about how the perversion of the pishtaco lore is really bad in terms of racism, and I didn’t think to save it at the time. If I find it, I’ll link it here. There was weirdness with Mala, the Romani girl, before the spa too with the white husband saying that g*psy is a compliment (purposefully gross at least) and then the lover calling her Princess Jasmine and her liking it (not even racially appropriate??). I also think there are ways to show fat people being the victims without the vague atmosphere of judgment and victim blaming, which I’m very sensitive to personally.
However, I do love Donna. It’s funny how little she’s in this episode, I’m really glad they decided to bring her back because it would have made sense to just leave her as a one-off character instead. I like that she and Dean get along so well right from the beginning. And she says “darn tootin’”, which is adorable.
Dean has some great moments in this episode that feed a lot of fanon. The “best of both worlds, salty and sweet” line has been a staple for Bi-Dean evidence since this episode came out. I also love him lowkey agreeing with Mala about bigger guys. In my head he’s referring to Benny because SOMETHING happened in Purgatory that we didn’t get to see. Sam also refers to dating “someone bendy”, and anytime he refers to a past partner in gender neutral terms I count it as a win for Queer Sam truthing.
I really enjoy when they go undercover as something other than law enforcement, and I wish they did it more often.
One thing that annoyed me was sending Maritza back to Peru. She hasn’t killed anyone and she’s providing a service to the people who go to her business, there’s no reason she shouldn’t stay.
I really thought the fight at the end was great. It’s good to get to see the fundamental rift between their worldviews, and they’re both completely in character with the way they’re acting and what they believe.
Notable Lines:
“Yeah, man, both worlds, salty and sweet.”
“You think you're my savior, my brother, the hero. You swoop in, and even when you mess up, you think what you're doing is worth it because you've convinced yourself you're doing more good than bad... But you're not.”
“Please tell me, what is the upside of me being alive?”
“You didn't save me for me. You did it for you. [...] I was ready to die. I was ready. I should have died, but you... You didn't want to be alone, and that's what all this boils down to. You can't stand the thought of being alone.”
Laura’s (completely subjective) Episode Rating: 7.4
IMdB Rating: 7.9
In Conclusion: Watched The Song Remains the Same last today on a hunch and it did NOT disappoint.
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pastelsbee · 3 years
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warnings: mentions of abuse including sexual. medication is mentioned as well as two types. self harm and suicide very briefly mentioned.
WALKING THROUGH THE DECREPIT HALLS OF THE LOCAL WIZARDING MENTAL FACILITY IN DONCASTER, DEVON CLUNG TO JOSEPH WHEN A SMALL GIRL STOOD WITH A CREEPY SMILE AT THE END OF A REASONABLY DARK CORRIDOR. "This place would give Jude nightmares" She said as a seagull flew through the corridor just missing Joseph's head who grimaced. "He's the one who lives on that farm right?" He said as they both finally entered the waiting room they were looking for. "Yes that's Jude, you've met him a million times and taken me to his house, it's in the Cotswolds" Devon explained.
"Oh the annoying one... I hate him the most he's too happy, makes me sick" Joseph said with a sniff as he brought them to the reception desk where a young woman sat with olive skin and deep brown eyes. "Got an appointment?" The girl asked, her voice like silk and Devon almost dropped to her knees at the angelic sound. "Hi yeah my daughter? what do I even call you?- anyway, Devon here has an appointment" Joseph said with a smile as he held Devon by the shoulders.
"Ernies room is the first one on the right"
"RIGHT HERE WE ARE- OH GET BACK HERE!" Joseph cried after he was shoved out the way by Devon. Fast on his heels, the man chased Devon down until he caught up with her and threw her over her shoulder.
"You're forcing me!" Devon yelled as she smacked her hands off his back. "Don't you even pull that shit on me Kiddo, we're being brave today remember? I drove without my two seatbelts on so you're doing this" Joseph spoke in a gruff tone as he made it back to the door.
Before he could chap on it, the door swung open making him and Devon who yelped, jump slightly at the sheer height of the man before them. Now Joseph was tall, very tall in fact but this man was reaching a new height making Devon cower under his emotionless gaze. "Devon?" The man asked in a dull tone. "Devon? Shit sorry buddy that's not me- ow!" Devon cried as Joseph shoved her into the room and all that was heard was the squeaking of his shoes as he raced down the corridor.
"Take a seat" The tall man said as he closed the door behind him and made his way to his chair. Devon awkwardly dropped down into the chair and shuffled slightly from the softness beneath her. "This room is really nice Ernie" She said quietly as her eyes trailed over the pale pink walls covered in music posters and pictures of who she assumed was his family. "Ernie? She's done it again hasn't she" Ernie groaned loudly earning wide eyes from Devon as he stood up and stormed back to his door. Swinging it open, Ernie hung his head out and shouted down the corridor "One more time Lydia and you're fired!"
When the man landed back in his chair with an oomph, Devon smiled at him awkwardly whilst she twiddled her thumbs. "It's Bernie, or Bern, up to you, Lydia tells everyone the wrong name" He grunted before leaning to the side and grabbing a brown leather notepad that had seen better days, it was frail and worn out in his hands making Devon wonder silently why he hadn't got a new one.
Before she could reply, he spoke again. "S'that your name? Devon Potter?" He asked with a raised brow making her shuffle uncomfortably under his deep gaze. "Unfortunately yes, my name hasn't been legally changed" She replied and for the first time, she seen his expression change to a sympathetic one. "I don't much like the Potters either to be honest with you".
He didn't like the Potters? Maybe he knew who she was. "W- Why do you not like them if you don't mind me asking?" She questioned. "The little'un bullied my niece" He replied bluntly.
Devon realised that he must've meant Delilah, her younger sister that apparently graced the world with her rank presence a couple of months after Devon was sent to the orphanage.  A pregnant Lily Evans got rid of Devon.
"I'm sorry about that, is your niece okay?" Devon asked concerned. Every year, Devon had front row seats to her now third year sister who liked to shove around anyone smaller than her, she was a little prick. "She's completely fine, I taught her how to throw a punch and after being expelled, she went to Illvermorny" Bern said making Devon grin shyly. The room fell into an uncomfortable silence and Devon chewed on her nails as Bern kept a deep gaze on her through his glasses.
"We don't have to talk about anything and everything, it's only the first meeting but would you maybe tell me who you are?" Bern asked in a surprisingly soft tone. Devon sighed and took a deep breath before she spoke "I'm Devon, born Potter but I'm a Harding now y'know-" "No, no I don't know, why are you a Harding now and not a Potter?" Bern cut her off as he reached up to a shelf and grabbed a stuffed animal. Devon harshly sucked in a breath before replying "The Potters left me in an orphanage, The Hardings adopted me" She said bluntly.
Throwing the plush dolphin at Devon and watching her catch it quickly, Bern leaned forward and rest his elbows atop his knees. "When did you get left in the orphanage"
"When I was three and my brother was one.. my sister was born like three months after" These questions continued, quickly and with blunt answers. "When did the Hardings adopt you?" "Two years ago" "Got friends?" "Plenty, three I'm close to the most" "Names?" "Myles, Teddy and Jude" "Do you like school?" "I love Hogwarts a lot and before I left the orphanage I went to a muggle primary and it was an escape from there" "You said school was an escape from the orphanage, can you explain why?"
It was that question that shut down the fast pace conversation and left Devon breathing heavily, her fingers gripping the soft dolphin in her lap. "The place was horrible.. so horrible" She said in a shaky tone, lifting one hand up to play with a curl of her light brown hair. "Do you want to tell me about it?" Bern asked making Devon nod. "Take you're time sweetheart"
"The girls bullied me and the boys... touched me, is that enough?" Devon asked bitterly, the memories the characters she dealt with during her time at Woodworth. Berns face fell slightly but he composed himself and spoke again "H-How do you mean touched?" He asked hesitantly, if there was a case of rape, he might've been pushed by his superiors to refer Devon to the Ministry and that was something he hated as he preferred to work with the child first before sending them to be interrogated on their feelings, it wasn't fair on them. "I wasn't raped, it was just unwanted grabs and stuff" She said making Bern nod and look up to the clock. "We've got half an hour, you wanna' talk about a certain thing in particular maybe?"
"Can I ask you about something? You might not be able to help but-" "Ask away" Bern cut her off with an assuring nod and small smile. "I have nightmares and I can't really get rid of them, is there anything I can do? Or will therapy help?" She asked, stopping before she began rambling. Bern sat back in his chair, a squeak coming from it as he held a thoughtful expression. "Can I ask about the nightmares? I think I could give you better advice if I had a clue on them" Devon gulped in response and hesitantly nodded. "A lot of them are like set at Woodworth, I usually see the boys and the girls sort of surrounding me- not leaving me alone and then it could be me seeing myself being left by my birth Mum and Dad- it's a whole lot but I'm always crying when I wake up. I know other people get much worse nightmares but they're just really getting to me y'know?" She earned a nod from Bern who stood up from his chair and strolled off to a cabinet that was centred in the wall directly across from Devon, where multiple drawings hung alongside photographs of Bern and who she assumed was his niece.
"We have a lot of potions and stuff for general mental health stuff- we've got a potion formula of the muggle drug propanol, a lot of people take that for anxiety- we've got a potion version of fluoxetine and the muggle pills actually- I think I might have something for you" He rambled whilst flicking through multiple boxes and bottles of medication. Devon hummed quietly in response, she had been to see a muggle therapist before but after one meeting, they took her off of the system because of her lack to harm herself or take her own life.
"This one... Yeah- This one should help you have a relaxed sleep" He said in a mystical tone earning a quiet laugh from Devon whilst he trailed back to her and handed her the small clear bottle filled with a dreamy blue liquid. "Thank you" She replied softly, looking intently at the swirling liquid filled in the delicate bottle. "Is this a sleeping draught?" She asked as Bern shook his head and sat down, a smile on his lips. "Nah not a sleeping potion but it should help you sleep, it's main purpose is to almost delete the bad thoughts from your mind as you sleep, we give a lot of our patients this so we can work with them better, knowing their resting themselves before digging deep into their dark thoughts" He explained, Devons jaw was slack slightly at finding out she would be able to sleep peacefully.
"Wow" "I know" "This is amazing! It won't like affect anything like how long I sleep or anything?" She asked, thinking about school and how she was late to lessons the whole of September last year as her nightmares kept her awake. "No you'll sleep well and the normal time y'know? This stuff really just takes the bad thoughts and memories away from your sleeping mind that's all" Bern assured her.
"That's mad" She chuckled slightly, Bern joining in as he watched her place it gently in her bag. "Devon have you ever wanted to confront your parents? Or have you already?" Bern suddenly asked making her choke on air slightly. "Er I've not spoken to them once, and I do think about telling them I hate them sometimes, it really depends on my mood" Devon said with a small nod, Bern humming and jotting down in his notepad with a small shaved pencil. "Will we talk about them next session then? Maybe try and get some anger out?" He asked. "Yeah... let's do that" She grinned in response. "Okay perfect, I think it's good to have a session where I can get to know your situation you know? Sort of workout where your headspace is at and all that boring stuff" Bern said making Devon chuckle and nod.
"C- Can I ask you something?" Said Devon suddenly making him nod and lift his head for her to continue. "Who's that up there?" she asked pointing to the middle of the collection of photos on the wall opposite the poster one.
"Guess" Bern said with a huge grin. "It- It looks like... oh my god is that Keith Richards?" she asked with bulging eyes.
"Yeah I met him a few years ago before I got my job here, he's pretty decent, good guy" Bern said with a nod. "Holy shit, you're so lucky" Devon replied as she kept looking back and forth between Bern and the picture.
I can’t work this app.
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