#and kicking kuniharu out
oatmealcrisp-freak · 1 year
god i wish my meds would let me think if i could think right now i'd be making such juicy mrs kaidou x mrs saiki falling in love and making out fanfiction
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billiuspendragon · 1 month
I like Kuniharu as a character but not as a person
I think Kuniharu is funny because he's a pathetic loser, and I LOVE pathetic loser men. That's my thing! But genuinely, in real life he would be infuriating, and he's absolutely meant to read as a shitty parent.
He honestly reminds me of this guy:
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He's so pathetic that you sort of feel sorry for him, and his shittiness comes from insecurity.
Kuniharu feels insecure because both his sons are more intelligent and/or powerful than him, and he expresses his resentment over this by projecting and constantly insisting that Kusuo is an asshole who looks down on him (which is kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy, since the way he acts due to his own insecurities only makes him seem more pathetic in Kusuo's eyes). He even talks about how much he wishes he could beat the shit out of Kusuo in front of his friends (I can't remember if that happened in the anime but it was in the manga) and when Kusuo turns small that time his first instinct is to kick him over to show that he's "the bigger man". The extreme jealousy he feels over his own sons is... really messed up, to be honest. He feels the need to be above someone because deep down, he feels inadequate.
This sort of person totally exists in real life. He's the manipulative husband who won't take accountability for things even as he apologises ("You stole my coffee jelly but then I smashed all the windows in the house, so we're BOTH to blame"). Like Toritsuka, the joke with Kuniharu is usually that he's a slappable guy who gets his ass kicked.
Obviously he has his good moments as well. There are times when he gives Kusuo genuinely good advice (like in the surprise party episode) but that's the thing! Even the most violently abusive person will have their good days, and someone who's just generally a bit shitty isn't going to be shitty all the time. He's a human being with lots of different sides to him!
This is a bit of a ramble, but I just see Kuniharu getting polarised quite a lot where people will either say he's an evil abusive asshole or they'll say he's perfectly fine, so I wanted to put in my two cents.
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no-psi-nan · 1 year
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Great question @crookedlyinnernightmare!
In the AU, while Kusuo was born a vampire, the rest of his family is basically human as far as anyone can tell. Kusuke quickly figured out that at the rate Kusuo was aging, he'd easily outlive them all by a long time. So Kusuke starts conducting experiments to expand his own lifespan, some of which included trying to recreate vampirism, since Kusuo refused to turn him himself.
Kusuke was never able to recreate vampirism, but in his experiments, he was able to create zombies, or at least something very much like them, from creatures dead or near death. He never went as far as injecting himself with the stuff but he was successful in remaining pretty youthful with other, less extreme, methods.
As for their parents, nobody wants an immortal Kuniharu and Kurumi is determined to accompany Kuniharu to the end, so they never get turned either but do live pretty long natural lives. Depending on how old Kusuo is in this AU (at least 70 but could certainly be older), they might even still be kicking at the time of the story.
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laevanders · 2 years
Thinking about a Saiki fic where everyone is kinda the same, but also slightly evil and that changes things...
Like this Kusuo would be more openly rude (like saying the things he thinks about everyone 'out loud') and not care of others didn't like him ( his love-o-meter is 20? that's great! He just wants to be left alone.) He does not get to be left alone, this is still Saiki Also he's still a tsundere and saying that he doesn't need friends, but still doing things for them
Now for the others Saikis, we could just exaggerate on things about them. Like, this Kurumi would still be super sweet to her family, but to everyone else she's kinda mean, and when angry she's worse than canon , she would have taught Kusuo to not use his powers only to keep he safe (maybe this make saiki use more his powers? Like not openly cuz that would attract people, but not really hiding it) Kuniharu however just encourage Kusuo to use his powers to his advantage, and help he's father of course. This Kusuo does not help.
Now to he's friends...
I think Nendo would be just like everyone think he is? Still more stupid than malicious, but now he will scare you for money and maybe beat you up. He doesn't do that often tho.
Kaidou would just think he's evil and the líder of the Dark Reunion. But he's still pathetic. You raise your voice and he will cry. There's a drop of blood at sight and he's fainting. But he's trying. Also he's backstory is that he probably was on the path of good but society made him realize that's no use and it's better to be the apex predator or you won't survive . Omg I love him
Teruhashi would still be doing her ✨pretty perfect girl✨act but now taking totally advantage of it, like getting things for free and using her fans to do stuff for her, she would probably be more involved with the kokomins. Now her motivation it's not only to make Saiki say "oh wow" bit humiliate him and make him beg for her attention or something like that (obviously it doesn't work and she grows out of it eventually, maybe)
It's kinda hard to think Hairo as evil, so he probably just scare people with his passion instead of inspire them, he doesn't notice it tho. But maybe he is more hot-headed too? It would combine with the fire theme he has
Yumehara is..hm...a yandere? Like it's not really that away from canon, she's already a stalker.
Mera is probably just more feral, and doing more violent shady jobs than canon
Kuboyasu is kinda the same, but let's say that he's motivation for getting out of the gang it's not because he wants to be better but cuz police it's on his back. But like I think I think he would go out of his way to protect the friend group, he would threaten anyone that messes with Saiki, Shun, Yumehara and Teruhashi (cause he sees them as more fragile or something) and for the kubokai shippers out there me he would think Kaidou story about being super evil really cute and teach him some intimidation technics or something cuz anything physical would fail
Now for people who I don't really know how to change
Toritsuka: cuz he's already...him. Saiki would probably kill him tho
Aiura: She's great and idk what to make for her to not be, maybe more egoistic? And not caring that all of her friends are like that?
Akechi, cuz he could probably stay the same and it would not matter that much, he's kinda creepy. But he could go like Chiyo and just evolve into a yandere or smh. But I don't wanna repeat things. Only it would fit Chiyo themes of being a secondary character hmmm
Saiko because he's rich, and rich people are automatically evil. And he already not that great, if you exaggerate him he would be kicking poor people for fun
Kuusuke: cuz I'm in doubt. Like it would be nice for him to be the "good one" to our "evil" protagonists or at least think of himself that way while being as a mad scientist as in canon. OR we could do de other way and put him to be fascinated by Kusuos powers of the destruction and see his brother as a evil warlord but wanting to be on his side being the two monarchs of the world (Kusuo does not vibe with any of these, and think they're incredible dramatic, also he hates his brother cuz he was probably called a monster in both scenarios)
Also extra for Hii, cause she's not evil, but her bad luck only affects others
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crack-canon · 2 years
Grown up: Little Siblings
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Kaidou Toki and Iridatsu Yuuta
-timelines can suck ass cuz technically this is a 6yr skip for the kids which puts them in Junior but the adults are set around 25-26
-and I ended up aging up Yuuta to 7 because it seemed like to me that Toki was around 7 instead of Yuuta’s 5
-Okay, so I made it that there’s an 8yr time skip which would then mean the lil bros are 15
-I know lashes never mean much on a boy but I like to think these boys explore outside of the masculine fashion when out of school
-This is purely thanks to the exposure of non-binary fashion from Saiki (agender), Akechi (Experimental Gender-fluid), and Kaidou (he’s just likes cute things and is comfortable in his masculinity)
-Mom (Kaidou) allowed Toki to grow his hair out if he kept up his good grades in school
-Yuuta is a bit of a cry baby and is an easy target for bullying, especially for his gundam figures and notebook drawings of superheros
-Last time Yuuta told someone about the bullying, Saiki turned into a kid and threatened the student (he’s a little protective of his little brother)
-So now whenever, Toki tries to tell an authoritative figure, Yuuta gets scared that it’ll somehow reach Saiki and he’ll “overreact” again
-Saiki “overreacted” because the bullies broke a gundam Yuuta and Kuniharu (Mr. saiki) were excitedly working on together, that was also bought with the kid’s saved up allowance along with drowning his notebook filled with stories and drawings
-Sure the bullies didn’t bother him again but still
-If he didn’t have “time reversal” Saiki would probably be even more pissed off. Yuuta had to pick between which item to restore because Saiki was still limited to only one restoration a day and the next day would mean, Saiki couldn’t restore the other object
-Yuuta picked the gundam that him and Mr. Saiki made together
-through sniffles and dry tears “It’s alright, like Shun-san says, sometimes you just need to *hic* rework everything…” (referring to the destruction of all his work and world building in the notebooks)
-Yuuta grew up to be an artsy and creative person
-Toki is on the student council and class rep
-Toki is far more assertive than Shun at his age
-He also probably learned kickboxing alongside Kaidou and easily overpowers his older brother who’s an adult
-He fights for weak-willed students
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Oi Oi! You’re still picking on Iradatsu even after all my other warnings! Lucky for you, I’ve gathered more than enough evidence from other students and my own observations to have you all suspended or better even- expelled!
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Oi Oi Oi! No don’t worry I won’t hurt them too much. Just enough so that Saiki-san’s weird healing thing won’t kick in for a while~
-Toki just kinda results to violence after the first two warnings don’t get through. He learned the hard way when parents just bought out the principle back in middle school
-Even as they attend PK Academy, Toki once again becomes Class Rep and Yuuta is still a target for bullying even after he grew taller than his classmates (Year 1) (age: 15)
-Toki most definitely picked up Aren’s thug way of speaking whenever he gets pissed off
-Yuuta gained muscle and height suddenly over summer before they entered PK Academy and could easily overpower other students. Last time he did that, he got blamed
-In this specific headcanon, Toki is half-Japanese and gets bullied because of it. In middle school, it was because of his notebooks and gundam
-Saiki requested Hairo to keep an eye on the two since they always seem to get in trouble
-Because of this, the two are extra vigilant and hide from Hairo when they get in trouble. During lunch, they spend most of it with Hairo instead of other classmates when he’s free
-Saiki changed the world once again by allowing Japanese students to grow their hair out
-Toki wears mascara and eyeliner
-Toki and Yuuta are almost never seen separated on school grounds
-Toki excels in school but fails in PE that isn’t stretches and agility based. He has weak grip strength and a poor arm when it comes to throwing. He likes to joke that it’s Dark Reunion’s doing that messing up his powers
-He’s on track only because his mom made him do it which means he has to be vigilant at his homework
-Yuuta is a pretty average student but is great at strength based skills. He’s got an amazing throwing arm and is a beast at Dodgeball and is often voted to be captain
-He ended up entering baseball on Hairo and Satou’s suggestion so now he gets free training on weekends with Satou (the two like to catch up and talk about Saiki)
-Sure, Toki COULD grab a stepladder and ask someone to hold it while he pins up class decorations for the school festival but why do that when you can just ride your friend’s strong shoulders while you weigh “like a backpack with only 1 chem book” in your friend’s words. I mean he’s already right there
-Both teens got their ears pierced over the summer break courtesy of Big Sis Aiura and Chiyo
-Toki and Yuuta are proud owners of Shun and Aren’s tree house. Sometimes they invite friends over but most of the time, the two just go there to study. They like to spend a lot of time there during the spring months when it’s not too hot and just read manga before eventually napping. They got nets in order to prevent bugs from getting in
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disastress-i-guess · 8 months
Shit post about a stupid dream under cut.
In my dream the saiki family were celebrating Christmas. Kurumi and Kuniharu were in an argument which lead to thier Christmas tree being set on fire and Kusuo puts it out. Kurumi says she's mad at kuniharu for not doing anything special for her on Christmas (oh and being the one who set the tree on fire that too I guess) and then it cuts to a scene of the saiki family over a story book which told the above story. Kurumis all ' oh I'd never do that's and Kusuos like ' yes you would' because lo and behold the story actually happened :O. And the reason they're reading the story instead of living it is because of Kusuos powers. Then the dream morphs into my own family doing some kind of celebration and my lil bro misbehaving so they kick him out. And I'm like did you seriously leave a 3 year old to fend for himself? And my parents are like oh were not worried we have a tracker on him and we check where he's at and he's in some kind of apartment complex looking for his cousins except his cousins are at our house ( y'know the one we kicked him out of) for the celebration. Anyways he gets to the apartment complex and just phases through the walls and tries to help people out? At this point the dream morphs back into saiki K and it's baby Kusuo and kurumis looking at him through some camera being all proud over her baby helping people except the helping is really just scaring people. Then it morphs back into my family and the wierd phasing through walls thing is explained through my baby bro having shapeshifting powers. Except people can still recognise him ( y'know like in that one really popular post about the button) so my dad gets thrown in jail for leaving a three year old by himself. Then the dream turns into Dolly Parton bringing her shitty boyfriend to some kind of family dinner. They're playing some sort of word game in the middle of the woods and he's pissed that he's losing cuz he's shitty like I said. Anyways he gets mad about losing and sets the dining table on fire and they're in the middle of the woods so the fire spreads. The dream then morphs into a bunch of people who look like stereotypical native Americans ( like in Pocahontas and other old movies y'know just general bad rep) and one of those native Americans looks like lilo from lilo and stitch. Everyone's running around trying to escape the fire and this girl who looks like lilo but taller ( in this context she's lilos older sister in those ways you just know shit in dreams) ( she looks like half an inch taller than lilo ) sacrifices herself to the fire and the fire stops. So now everyone's looking for Dolly Partons shitty boyfriend who set the fire and they turn to him and he's a little emo kid in a hoodie. And again in the way you just know shit in dreams you know that this kid is responsible for the fire ( but by accident unlike shit bf) but he was brought here in these woods by taller lilo. So everyone's decides to leave the kid alone because they can't punish him but the kid has nowhere to go and he doesn't know the way out of these woods. So the people are at this crossroad where they have to decide whether to take in this kid and help him like taller lilo would have wanted them to or to abandon him in the woods because he caused the death of taller lilo. And then I woke up.
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fidgetnano19 · 5 years
Day 7, Part 2: "No, and that's final"
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Egom: King, leader, etc
Egomija: bonded mage
Eika: Queen
Warnings: Child abuse, mistreatment of a cinnamon role, repugnant opinions
Ceamar, 10 years ago
Marek stood as quietly as he could, resisting the urge to fiddle with his skirt. When she sent him off to meet the Egom, mama had told him to be still and good, and he was doing his best to obey. He'd even worn his prettiest dress, eager to make a good 'first impression', just like she said.
"This is your mother's doing, I suppose?" The Egom spat, pacing in circles around Marek.
Marek wasn't sure what he meant by that, so he didn't answer.
He stopped behind him, gripping his hair in a tight fist. "Speak up, boy! Haven't you got a mind of your own?"
He opened his mouth to respond, but the Egom yanked harder, so all that came out was a pained yelp.
"Orestes, I think–"
"Stay out of this! No one was speaking to you."
The egomija snapped her mouth shut, taking a step back from them.
"You'll need new clothes, and a hair cut..." He released Marek, the sudden slack nearly sending him forward onto the floor.
Marek regained his balance, and returned to the same stiff pose.
"I like my hair..." He protested quietly, forgetting himself and bunching the pretty lavender skirt in his fingers. "And– and this dress, I had it made special in the village. Mama didn't–"
His face stung before he could even register what had happened, the tears he'd been trying to hold back spilling down his cheeks.
"Don't defend her, brat. Do I look stupid to you?"
He shook his head quickly, keeping his eyes trained on the Egom's hand, which was raised to strike him again.
"My advisors tried to warn me... said the two of you were trouble, and that I should look elsewhere for an Eika." He lowered his hand, but continued to loom over Marek, his very presence making him tremble. "Do you know where you would be without me?"
"N–no, Egom Ore–"
Another slap, this time across the other cheek. Marek bit into his lip, determined not to say anything else that might make the man angry.
"I'm your father now. You will address me as such!"
Marek swallowed hard, trying to nod but too scared to move even his head. "Y... yes, f–fa..."
"If it weren't for me, you would be out on the streets right now." He went on, appeased for the moment. "And do you know what happens to boys like you there?"
He didn't, but he could tell that he was about to find out, and that it was the sort of question he wasn't really expected to answer, so he kept his mouth shut.
"They get work as ereno, offering their bodies to old men for enough money to fill their hungry bellies. If they're lucky, they end up in my prison. The ones who aren't, well..." He trailed off, sneering down at Marek. "They wash up on the shore, eventually. Quit your sniveling, you little shit! Show some damned gratitude." He circled Marek again, gesturing for one of his men to come closer.
"Yes, Egom?"
"Fetch me a pair of scissors, quickly!"
The man dashed off, without so much as a glance toward Marek.
"First, we'll get rid of this filthy mop."
"Can't you leave it be? Lots of boys have long hair." The egomija rushed to his aid again, placing herself between Marek and the Egom. "If– if he just keeps it tied up, then if should be fine, right?"
"But he's just a child–"
"I said 'no', and that's final." Egom Orestes raised his voice, as if he weren't terrifying enough before, shoving the woman out of his way. "Make no mistake, Marek, we'll have you looking like a proper boy by day's end, so you'd better get used to the idea. It's time to grow up and stop hiding behind others."
The servant returned promptly, handing the scissors to Orestes with a small bow.
"Stand still, Marek. I wouldn't want my hand to slip." Somehow, Marek didn't believe he'd be too upset if it did.
As the first clump of his hair fell to the floor, Marek raised his eyes, finding the egomija across the room, but she refused to look in his direction.
He sobbed openly, watching the hair his mama and Zain loved so much falling at his feet. He tried to tell himself it was just hair, that it would grow back, but he doubted the Egom would ever allow it to.
Marek untangled himself from his wet sheets, grunting from the effort. It was dark, much too dark, and the room was still so unfamiliar. Instinctively, he reached for his hair, used to twirling it around his finger when he was frightened, but there was nothing left to twirl. Only fat tufts that stuck out awkwardly around his head, too short to offer him any comfort.
He climbed out of the bed, stumbling his way across the cold, stone floor until he found the dresser. Instead of the colourful silk nightgowns he'd had at home, there were scratchy woolen pyjamas waiting inside. He ignored them, slamming the drawer shut and kicking off his drenched trousers. It was one problem solved, but he couldn't sleep in his bed. Not comfortably, at least.
'I'm right across the hall, if you need me.'
Kuniharu, the younger one of his new brothers, had said it earlier, before they went to bed. He eyed the door, wondering if it would be alright to sleep with him tonight.
Tip-toeing, because he was accustomed to the creaky wooden floors in Zain's cottage, he made his way out of the room and across the hallway, knocking softly on the older boy's door.
It took several tries before Kuniharu answered. He blinked down at him in surprise for a moment, then yawned, waving Marek inside the room.
"Couldn't sleep?"
Marek shook his head, but he was too stubborn to tell him the truth, that he'd had a bad dream and soaked the bed, something he hadn't done in years.
"You'll get sick if you sleep with your butt hanging out", Kuniharu teased him, leaving Marek to dig through his own dresser. "Here, you can wear these."
He tossed one of his tunics on the bed, along with an pair of thin cotton shorts, like the ones Zain wore beneath his trousers. Marek tugged his own tunic off, discarding it on the floor next to the bed, and pulled on the fresh clothing, the scent unfamiliar, but not unpleasant. The tunic hung to his knees, almost like his old nightgowns.
"Thank you", Marek whispered, climbing into the bed next to Kuniharu.
"You don't have to thank me. We're brothers now, right?" He reached over, wrapping one of his arms around Marek and squeezing him in a close hug. "That means I'll always take care of you."
Marek snuggled against him, thankful for the first scrap of kindness he'd been shown since arriving at his new home. He missed Zain, the little cottage, all of the pretty things he wasn't allowed to have anymore, but Kuniharu was warm, and his bed was soft and dry, and for tonight, that was all he needed to drift back to sleep.
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jokertrap-ran · 8 years
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Boykira Event! Gamer Battle Match ◆Animal Show ◆ Event Story Translations (Ep 3)
*Kirameki Note’s tag will be Boykira *Boykira Masterlist will be under  ボーイフレンド(仮)Translations masterlist
Sakurazawa Ruka: Senpai! There’s something I’d like to consult you about for a little!
MC: Hm? What’s the matter, Sakurazawa-kun.
Sakurazawa Ruka: I’m an only child and don’t have any siblings so I don’t know how I should be playing with little children.
Sakurazawa Ruka: (If I say that, senpai will give only me the attention!)
MC: I see, if so then—
Kuniharu Moribe: If that’s how it is then let me help as well.
Sakurazawa Ruka: (Wait a minute! That’s why I said not to do any unnecessary things, vice-president!)
MC: Right. If it’s Moribe-kun, he’d be better suited to helping you since he’s used to little kids…...it’ll go perfectly if he teaches you how to!
Sakurazwa Ruka: Eh—…...but I…...
Nomiya Ichigo: Fufufu, your speculations have gone astray.
Sakurazawa Ruka: Shut up!
Sakurazawa Ruka: U-Um, but Kuniharu-senpai, you don’t have to go so far as to help me—
Kuniharu Moribe: It’s not going too far at all! It’s natural for members to be helping each other out!
Kuniharu Moribe: First of all, when you’re dealing with little kids, try to stay within their line of sight.
Kisaragi Toma: Oi—i, (First name). We’re short of a person for soccer so come over here and participate for a while.
MC: Eh, but for me to play soccer…...
Kisaragi TOma: It’s fine if you take your time to kick the ball. I’ll teach you too if you don’t know how.
MC: G-Got it……! I’ll try my best!
Sakurazawa Ruka: (Ahhhh!? Senpai went over to where Kisaragi-senpai is…...that guy…...just because he’s her childhood friend!)
Kuniharu Moribe: ……? Sakurazawa-kun, you keep staring at where Kisaragi-kun is at. COuld it be that you want to play soccer as well?
Sakurazawa Ruka: Eh? Y-You’re wrong. I’m from the basketball club anyway.
Kuniharu Moribe: The basketball club! Right, that’s it!
Kuniharu Moribe: If Kisaragi-kun’s doing soccer, then you can do basketball. Using the things you’re good at, it’ll be great if you can be a role-model towards the children.
Sakurazawa Ruka: Role-model?
Kuniharu Moribe: Yes. You only have to teach the children how to play basketball.
Sakurazawa Ruka: Eh—but I think that a basketball’s too big for their hands though.
Kuniharu Moribe: Yes. Which is why I think that dribbling should be done with both hands.
Kuniharu Moribe: When passing, bounce it first to avoid jamming anyone’s fingers…...and also, it’ll be alright so long as you be a little more careful.
Sakurazawa Ruka: So in other words, it’s necessary to alter it so that the children can enjoy themselves?
Kuniharu Moribe: Yes. You do not only have to stand in their line of sight but you also have to think from their perspectives.
Kuniharu Moribe: It’s important to think about how children would feel about it!
Sakurazawa Ruka: I-I see…...Kuniharu Moribe: You can do it for sure since it’s you.
Sakurazawa Ruka: …...I-I see. I’ll try doing it♪
Sakurazawa Ruka: (Alright, I’ll gather children for this so that I won’t lose out to Kisaragi-senpai and Ichigo!)
Sakurazawa Ruka: Hey, everyone over there~! How about playing basketball?
Boy: Eh—Basketball?
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 1 year
once i can write again i should have a side arc in single where kurumi and kuniharu get divorced also after kuniharu's first instinct with kumi is to scream at her so she'll cry ://// and kusuo kicks him out of his house but oh the flashbacks would be hard to handle but akechi and aiura would be there for him so it's okay
aiura can explain a few things to kurumi too. maybe open those glued shut eyes of hers a bit.
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no-psi-nan · 2 years
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 2 years
also all the Saiki K milfs are gold but in particular this is also a Kurumi stan blog
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 2 years
The pattern to who saiki kusuo beats up is either
A) self defense
B) theyre in the wrong in some other way
C) an accident he seems to feel guilty for or the narrative would need to find another reason why this hasn't come up before besides, "I didn't want to remember that"
D) self defence but also that's just the way that power works for some reason
Which means that the narrative has likely chosen to make him likeable by making him morally correct, and a server of justice. Part of the comedy is him giving people their just desserts. A bulk of the remaining comedy is him either getting unlucky (ie putting him in situations that conflict with his goals) or getting his own just desserts for being an asshole himself, because narratives often seek ways to make overpowered characters likeable by bringing them down in some way.
Saiki kicking Toritsuka’s ass would work a lot less if Toritsuka wasnt Like That. Saiki kicking his brothers ass to the point Kusuke is bloody and swollen would work a lot less if Kusuke didn't attack first. Same with Kuniharu. The narrative is structuring these characters for a reason. A big part of the reason appears to clue the audience in on who we're allowed to smack.
Let's look at a joke in the first episode
Kuniharu is locked out of the house by his wife.
Kuniharu tells his son to commit crimes.
Kuniharu picks a fight with his wife.
Kuniharu is served a shoe for dinner.
The pattern implies the shoe is punishment for Kuniharus behaviour.
The narrative puts Kurumi in the position of morally correct by having her kid credit her as the reason he hasn't gone rogue, and then with her encouraging him to do good. The narrative puts Kuniharu in the position of the morally incorrect because. Well. Encouraging your kid to rob banks usually isn't considered upright behaviour. Also his eyes are censored by the text in one of the first scenes he's in?¿?? Usually thats felon treatment akdjwh
Compare to how the narrative introduces kusuo saiki himself. The first time we see him is after he saved a dogs life. It's standard shorthand for, "this is a good guy who you're supposed to like" and since he's the POV character introducing everyone, he's also the one introducing everyone. He's our key informant. How the narrative seeks to use that information matters.
How a character is introduced matters a lot. It sets the stage for them. The story then has the option to, usually, follow through on that, build on that, or subvert that. Some things end up getting subverted along the way but for the most part, Kusuos introductions stay on lock. Everyone stays pretty true to how he introduces them. Example, teruhashi is universally acknowledged to be the perfect pretty girl, therefore saikis not into it. They toy with that concept but teruhashi never wins him as her romantic partner. She is the perfect pretty girl, therefore saikis not into it. Even being in her presence is in direct conflict with his goals of not being the center of attention. Toritsuka introduces himself. He's a monk and he has a cool design with pure eyes. Turns out he's a pervert.
Then he gets his ass beat on. Kusuke is introduced spying on his family without their apparent knowledge in an ominous dark room, then he gets his ass beat on. Kuniharu is introduced as a pathetic and lazy dad, then he gets his ass beat on. Nendo is introduced as a well meaning idiot who Kusuo wants to kill and.....doesn't beat on. Kaidou is introduced as a chuuni who has an inner strength who Kusuo....doesn't beat on (well he slaps him one time in the time loop but tbh that oocness is part of what makes its so funny tbh asfgiduaushs). Hairo is introduced as a pushy but upright guy, Kusuo sorta threatens to murder him, but doesn't. A guy pickpockets a bunch of people at a festival, including Kusuo, gets his ass served to him and turned into the police. Some yakuza try to kidnap him, they're traumatized for life. Some thugs corner him and Kaidou, he curses them. Some thugs try to sneak up on them and mug them in endsville? Put through a wall. Chono is a smug street performer, doesn't get beaten. Everyone hates Matsuzaki, he doesn't get beaten. Kurumi doesn't get her ass kicked by him. He rolls the gang who tried to kidnap Aiura into a ball. A guy takes advantage of Kaidou and then he screams and then there's an ominous hole in the wall and the room is trashed so he probs got his ass, like, str8 up nuked LMAO
Ysee where I'm going with this?
Kusuo beats up the nasties, not the goodies, unless you're akechi one time by accident and then hes traumatized forever. Ergo...
The stage set for Kuniharu is that of a pathetic and lazy man who relies on Kusuo for everything, and Kusuo says that he can't spoil him, making him sound like a dadlier figure than his dad. By and large, Kuniharus role in this show is not to subvert this standard. His appearances involve him meeting those standards, by and large. Him being a bad dad and getting just desserts is the point of his character.
If Kuniharu is a good dad, what the purpose? And how is he a good dad i want reciepts
It's either to lift up Kusuke (and then be the butt of the joke), or to teach his kid a lesson he wouldn't otherwise get. The latter happens, like, once, and it's the best way to do that story since it hinges on kuniharu, since it's using kuniharus birthday to set the conflict.
I mean I guess you could say he's a good dad in the non traditional role of serving his purpose in the narrative pretty well by being a bad dad but again
If he's a good dad, what's the story? For kusuo, all powerful psychic, who saved a dog in his introduction and is sad he doesn't know the joy of hard work, to kick the ass of a hard working provider for? No reason? Except a man punching you is a pretty good reason, like....idk how people say that's good dad behaviour...........the writing isn't even on the wall it's scene by scene
The exact opposite of saving an animal to show you're a good character the audience should like is to beat or kill an animal. We root for John Wick cus those motherfuckers killed his dog. A lot of us say we'd do the same. The next step up from there is usually to beat or kill a kid - double points if the kid is yours or otherwise in your care. Trunchbull is hella charismatic but that doesnt change the fact that shes one of the main antagonists whose public humiliation by the kids she abuses serves as a massive victory. A lot of anime plays by that rule too. If you're a protagonist and you have an abusive parent/caretaker they are probably gonna be canon fodder. Like. They're not gonna have a good end. Even that super grimdark happy sugar life show something killed or jailed or abused all the child abusers, including the ones who were legally still minors dhfahfshrs The only time this doesn't seem to be the case is when the narrative needs child soldiers sometimes which entails a level of neglect, or its WAY hella dark. Or you're Naruto, but the show doesn't pretend he's a good dad.
Child abuse is traditional bad guy territory. Understandably.
And u kno what?
Usually it's the same for people who beat their parents for 'no reason', from breaking bad, to that one show with the animal head mask death game where the first guy got killed cus he abused his mom, to Itachi, to lotsa others. So usually to make the kinda person who'd do that likeable, you gotta give them a reeaaaallly good reason. Itachi was sorta a victim of a coup and then he died. Guts's dad was a true piece of shit. Lelouch's parents are bad guys. Etcetc
Unless he's a cat and then it's an accident but known cat lover Kuniharu should know better than to get into a strange cat's face too tbh. Offer your hand first and ask permission :/
And thus, Kuniharu hits his kid with weapons, fists, and feet, and seeks to undercut Kusuo emotionally and otherwise to become The Bigger Man. Buddy even tries to steal his kids new years money. Kuniharu is not a good dad so morally upright by comparison Kusuo can punish him. Kuniharu needs to hit Kusuo first, or Kusuo can't hit him, and he canonically does, and then Kusuo canonically kicks his butt. If Kuniharu isnt actively taking joy in his kids suffering or beating him, Kusuo isnt picking fights with him. Kuniharu needs to be a prat so he can take prat falls. The narrative needs him to be a pathetic and lazy dad just like hes introduced as so it can punish him for it.
And how is he a good dad, I want reciepts, nobody ever brings me reciepts. You're allowed to have problematic faves you know your characters don't need to be paragons of purity for you to enjoy them in the story
This is all there in both the anime and the manga. The key difference in how this goes down is one scene with the shoulder massage. In the anime kuniharu stops hitting his kid for revenge after a pipe and wooden sword. In the manga he also gets some brass knuckles :)
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 3 years
holy shit writing kuniharu’s second POV is actually making me cry someone please send help -sobs-
i’m not even joking. i’m legit tearing up, jaw wobbling, deep nasty breaths crying.
On the subject of Kuniharu Saiki
Kuniharu DOES love his son. He does help his son in invaluable ways, teaching his son responsibility and kindness (albeit ofc sometimes in a backwards ‘what not to do’ kind of way).
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Kuniharu Saiki genuinely wants his son to succeed. He wants his son to grow up to be a responsible, good person. He’s a little skewed, yes, and the way he puts it doesn’t make it very respectable, but he’s honestly concerned for his son’s well being. He wants his son to have friends, and learn, and love, and grow.
But he also insults his son on the routine, uses him and pressures him to do morally wrong things constantly because it’s convenient for him (one of the first things he does in his introduction is encourage Kusuo to rob a bank and, unlike when Kurumi tells Kusuo to kill his dad, this is shown to be a regular thing for Kuniharu), and uses him as a punching bag. 
Likewise, Kusuo is absolutely vicious right back. He insults and dehumanizes his father constantly. It’s funny to him. He loves his dad so much that he’ll harrass his grandfather for harrassing Kuniharu, but he’ll also say just the most awful things right to his dad’s face. While I don’t fully blame a teenager for lashing out at a person who’s been trying to hurt their feelings to make them capitulate from day one, words matter, and Kusuo doesn’t need to bully his dad. It’s absolutely possible for children to bully their parents, and that is what he does. He’s old enough to be responsible for the choices he makes. We can tell, because he’s our POV character, that a lot of what he says are jokes. He does have a dark sense of humor. But jokes that hurt people’s feelings is bullying. What you say to people matters. Kuniharu hurts his son’s feelings. Kusuo hurts his dad’s feelings. It’s a really nasty and unhealthy cycle.
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Like imagine dropping a bed on your dad just because he asked you to do something while you were watching TV, eesh lol and while Kuniharu did try to step on his teeny tiny son...Kusuo, was stepping on your dad’s face after kicking him to the floor reeeeeaaaaaally necessary?
(I do appreciate that Kusuo just straight up used his dad’s crummy taste in TV to turn it to something his ace homo leaning self would prefer - men’s butt exercises. You’d “rather” watch that huh. HUH.)
In the text of the fic, Aren tells Kusuo he did nothing wrong. Kusuo’s response to that is ‘you’re biased’. He tries to make amends with his dad in his own way through his art and he knows he could be a better son. He knows their relationship is strained. Kusuo gives what he gets. 
His friends don’t know this. They only see an adult picking on a kid who’s already going through it, and who is their friend who they see the best of more often than not - so yeah. They’re VERY biased. Kurumi and Kusuke have witnessed it but they’re both focused on Kusuo because Kusuo is literally bleeding internally and even though it’s largely thanks to Kusuo’s own negligence, Kuniharu put him on the bridge he fell off of, Kuniharu is an adult, Kuniharu has been really shitty and manipulative (in canon and in fic), so it’s Kuniharu they’re blaming but NONE of them are innocent. The blame is rightfully placed but they all acknowledge they’ve fucked up too. Kuniharu, spoiled brat that he is, is just the last to acknowledge it.
And, molotow spoiler alert, he’s not wrong either - Kusuo is going to be fine, with or without action. In fact it’s gonna be outside interference that kinda kills him for a bit.
Now. To read too deeply into a gag-manga character. Kuniharu is shown to be popular in highschool. When he tells this to Kusuo in the accidental time travel chapter, he does exaggerate but not everything is shown to be untrue. He is friends with a man named Kimutaku, he was attractive enough to get noticed by Kurumi even when he was creeping on her. Also, he gives very good advice to his mangaka’s team members, showing that he knows what he’s doing (when he’s not getting egotistical and derailing them) and that he’s intelligent. He was able to drag a massively heavy piece of equipment into his house to attempt to massage his son’s shoulders, and his home has a work out room. I think Kuniharu was absolutely exaggerating a bit, but also I think there’s truth to it.
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(Less different than you’d expect!)
I think that going from that, to this and this
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would drive anyone fricking nuts, never mind the psychological pressure of constantly changing jobs and having to take jobs at black companies where the bosses actually assault him in part because of shit like this.
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Kuniharu has a right to be concerned about his son. His son is a dick to him, and only started really changing after he almost killed four people incl. Akechi, which Kuniharu would know about because they moved right after. However, Kusuo’s maturity is something that Kuniharu honestly doesn’t get to see in canon. He doesn’t see how much Kusuo helps his friends, he doesn’t see Kusuo help and save animals and strangers, he doesn’t see Kusuo warning Mikoto that there are consequences to helping people with their powers and they’re not always good ones. He’s also shown to take for granted and not really notice all the ways Kusuo helps him, and helps out around the house because that’s the norm - we don’t always recognize something when it’s an everyday thing, gratitude takes effort.
(Thank your parents when they clean house and make you dinner kids, they’ll appreciate it so much to know you’re grateful)
 He gets bullied physically and mentally at his job. When he comes home it’s to children don’t respect him and to a wife that gets scammed to the tune of millions of yen on the regular. He went from a reasonably well off and privileged youth to being the butt of the joke everywhere he went.
Kuniharu tries. But his stress comes out in the wrong ways. It doesn’t justify the wrongs he does in a world played straight where feelings get hurt, not at all, but he genuinely cares. I do try to demonstrate that in the fic. He thanks Kusuo, he buys Kusuo a present (partial bribe yes but also partial genuine olive branch), he thanks Kusuo’s friends for sticking around when his son is being a brat (which he was), he capitulates because he’s told his son is at risk of literal expulsion and that they might press charges, meaning a criminal record, just a semester before he graduates high school. He doesn’t have Kusuo’s telepathy to know that’s a bluff.
Kuniharu is a man with an inferiority complex the size of North America and it leads him to do incredibly scummy things, but he’s not the villain.
No, that’s Yoshida, who takes advantage of a crumbling household pillar the instant that he sees it. 
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fidgetnano19 · 5 years
Day 4, Part 1: "I know you didn't ask for this"
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Koja: Once again, an honorific for someone younger but above you in station.
Ogam: Boy of nobility, in Marek's case, basically a prince.
Kogam: Zain's attempt at cutesy flirting, a play on words to mean 'little prince'
Mergi: Hired swords, knights, etc
Ceamar, 4 years ago
Marek bolted upright, trying to pinpoint what it was that had woken him so suddenly. At first, there was nothing out of the ordinary. Writing it off as simply being shaken by a bad dream – a common occurrence for him – he made himself comfortable on the bed again, tugging the covers up until only half his face was exposed.
He was just drifting back to sleep when the alarms sounded again, louder this time. Startled, he threw the covers off and struggled groggily out of bed.
The alarms were unsettling, yes, but the prospect of leaving the room as he currently was, and being seen by his father – now that was truly terrifying. Hurrying to the dresser, he stripped off his nightgown and tugged one of Haru's old tunics over his head in its place, kicking the lacier garment underneath the bulky piece of furniture.
A quick check of the mirror assured him that he now looked passable for Orestes, so he grabbed his gloves off of his nightstand and raced out of the room in search of his father, or – far more preferably – his older brother.
The corridor was dark and silent, save for the alarms, which were sounding incessantly now, rattling his already fragile nerves.
Yanking the gloves on until they covered the better part of his arms, nearly meeting with the bottom of the tunic's rolled-up sleeves, he crept across the hall to his brother's door, wondering how long it had been since he snuck to his room in the middle of the night.
When they were smaller, it was a regular occurrence. In fact, at one point they spent almost every night together. He wasn't sure anymore which one of them had put a stop to it, or even if it had ended before or after the fever. It was hard to tell, sometimes, which things he truly remembered and which were merely blanks filled in by Haru.
He gathered his courage, then raised his fist to knock on the door. No answer.
"Haru, are you in there?"
Hesitantly, he grasped the doorknob, willing himself not to think about all the other hands that had touched it before him, and all the things those hands had touched before they got there.
Even with the protective layer the gloves provided him, his skin itched and his pulse galloped.
The room beyond was empty, the bed vacated so quickly that half the covers were thrown on the floor beside the bed.
Haru left without me?
He could hardly believe his eyes. Haru had never left him behind before, not once in his whole life. His chest tightened, the loose fabric of the tunic suffocating him, strangling his throat until no air could pass to his lungs. Without Haru to reassure him that the alarms were nothing to worry about, or guide him through the palace, he felt completely lost.
What should I do?
He spun around, finding himself face-to-face – or more accurately face-to-chest – with none other than his least favourite mergi.
Breathe, his mind reminded him, followed by another, more important command: Hide it!
He swallowed hard, imagining that he was shoving all his fear somewhere deep inside with the simple motion. He couldn't display it out in the open, especially not to someone like him.
Tilting his chin up to stare Zain directly in the eye, he demanded of him, "What are you doing here?"
"We're conducting a sweep of the palace. There was an intruder sighted on the grounds." He stopped, frowning down at Marek with concern. "No one came for you, Kogam?"
"Don't call me that!" he insisted, with all the false bluster he could manage. "I'm sure they tried to, but..." He couldn't come up with a single decent excuse for why none of his family or the servants came to fetch him, so he shrugged his shoulders, pretending it didn't matter. "I must have slept through it is all. I'm a very deep sleeper."
Zain smiled indulgently, irritating Marek even further. "I'm sure you are." He reached out to pat Marek on the head, but he ducked the contact in the knick of time. The mergi stumbled backward, looking genuinely apologetic. "Sorry, force of habit. I– I'm not actually sure where you're supposed to go, but the barracks are practically a fortress in their own right. Why don't I take you there until the 'all clear' sounds?"
He wanted to refuse, but honestly he didn't know where to go in the event of an intruder, and enduring Zain long enough to reach safety seemed far more promising than hiding alone in his room or wandering the halls by himself and hoping for the best, so he grumbled, "Fine."
"This is probably just a false alarm. A large animal, or... or a mergi out taking a piss in the rosebushes. Try not to worry about it too much, Koja."
"Are you always so crass?" Marek questioned, wrinkling his nose in distate. "Who would even do such a thing?"
Zain laughed, which made his broad shoulders rise and fall. "Don't tell me you've never done it."
"Of course not."
They walked in silence for a while, weaving their way up and down the long corridors of the palace.
Zain was the first to disturb the peace. "So, that was Ogam Kuniharu's room you were coming out of, wasn't it?"
"Is that any of your business?"
"No, it isn't. I was merely curious."
"Yes, it is his room. I heard the alarms, and went looking for my brother."
Ahead of him, Zain nodded slowly, as though he were deep in thought. "I see. I thought, maybe you were..."
"I don't care what you thought." Marek had to bite the words out, not at all amused by his choice of topics. "And if you're going to interrogate me, there are far more subtle ways to go about it."
"My apologies, Kog– Ogam. I won't say anything further on the matter."
As they neared the front of the palace, Marek started to feel bad for snapping at Zain. After all, he was the only person who had come to check on him, and he was going out of his way to keep an eye on him until his safety was assured. Despite his mixed feelings toward the man, he at least owed him something for his trouble.
"Look–", was all he got out, because Zain chose the exact same moment to speak.
"I know you didn't ask for this." Zain sighed, peeking back at Marek. "I know that I'm just about the last person in all of Ceamar that you want to be stuck with right now. But, I am the person who would do anything to keep you safe. So just bear it, for your own sake."
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