#there could be others but i cant remember them off the top of my head rn
doll-for-you-11 · 3 days
An aspiring actress getting an audition. But when she shows up the entire set is built and ready. The camera crew is all there and set up, and shes told she has the part.
Shes too dumb to question it and happily runs off to hair and makeup. She finds it a little odd that her costume is a tiny string bikini when the set looked like an office, but again, shes too dumb to really ask.
When she gets back to the set shes told to stand on her mark. The pink T on the floor in the middle of the room.
"But I havent even seen the script? What are my lines?" "Don't worry, its all improv, we want it to feel real"
It makes sense so she does as she's told. Then the director tells her to close her eyes. She does and she hears clattering around her from the crew. But she keeps her eyes closed anyway.
She feels a hand on her chest, she jumps and goes to open her eyes but a hand covers them. The director in her ear. "Keep your eyes closed or you'll ruin the scene"
The hand begins to squeeze and grope, and she feels more hands on her ass and in her hair. She stays quiet as she hears zippers around her. Fingers pulling at the strings on her bikini.
"Is this, is this a sex scene?" She asks innocently, eyes still closed. "Shh, yes, stay in character. You want it, moan, ask for more, improv remember?"
Shes never done a sex scene before so she assumes this has to be how its done. So she listens. She moans and pulls the hands to grab her rougher. "Touch me, please, I need more" she whines, throwing her head back.
The top of the bikini falls to the ground and the hands grope and pinch and pull at her tits. She moans as they twist her nipples, as they harden in the cold air of the studio.
Another voice, not the director this time tells her to open her eyes. She does and realizes that the cameras and boom mikes are all on the floor and the hands on her are the crew.
The director is sitting in a chair right in front of her as the men fondle and rub against her, their cocks out and hard, angry heads dripping precum.
"We haven't cast the rest of the roles yet, this is a practice run, theyre just filling in, don't worry"
The director is slowly rubbing his own cock as well, but what man could resist. She tells herself this just means her performance must be amazing if the director likes it this much.
"Now, the scene is going to get rougher, so just play along and stay in character, remember, you like it, okay?"
She nods and one of the men pushes her to her knees and forces his cock in her mouth. She gags but for fear of losing the part the focuses on her breathing and takes him. Reaching up to jack off two of the other guys.
A fourth kneels in front of her, pressing her tits together and beginning to fuck them. The one in her mouth groans, gripping her hair and face fucking her.
Her eyes roll back, choking on cock, the men using her begin to degrade her. "Dirty fucking slut, choking on cock, surrounded by them? You're loving this arent you bitch" she feels a slap to her face as tears start to fall, but she reminds herself its all fake, its just for a the show.
The man in her mouth finally pulls out and as she gasps for breath her face and mouth are sprayed with his cum. It drips from her lashes and before she can even think another cock is slammed down her throat. The cock between her tits cums too, coating her neck and chest, dripping down her tits.
The cocks in her hands pull away to cum on her ass and face before one is forced into her cunt. "Fuck shes soaked, tight wet whore cunt feels so fucking good, you gonna take me like a good cum dump?"
She tries to nod but cant stop gagging as shes spit roasted between the two cocks. When they both finally pull out, spraying even more cum over her, shes picked up and thrown onto the desk behind them.
One guy pulls her ontop of him, another pulling her ass against him as shes forced onto all fours. "Pause!" The director yells, standing and moving closer. He grabs her chin and forces her mouth open, inspecting her, "you need more before this shot, it needs to drip out of your mouth to look right" he pumps his own cock, cumming against her tongue and lips watching it drip down her chin "perfect, carry on" he returns to his chair as the other men surround her again.
The man under her pulls her down onto his cock as she moans loudly, as her mouth opens a cock fills it and her hands are forcibly wrapped around the two at her sides. She moans as they all find a rhythm but just as she begins to enjoy it and gets close herself the last cock presses against her virgin ass.
Her eyes widen and she tries to pull away but she remembers its just for the show and breathes through the pain as best she can with the cock pumping down her throat.
He bottoms out in her ass and her body begins to shake. As he starts to thrust she cums, screaming around the cock in her mouth. The men laugh and begin thrusting harder.
Her tits are groped hard enough to leave bruises as her face and ass are slapped roughly between thrusts.
It goes on like this for hours, all of them cumming multiple times, the director stepping in to "show how to do something" every once in a while.
By the time he yells cut shes so fucked out she can't even remember her own name. Coated from head to toe in cum, bruised everywhere inside and out.
"Now, that was amazing! You really are a natural!, I've heard from our producers and they finally cast your actual cast mates. So lets get you cleaned up and tomorrow we'll do it all over again!"
She moans softly and nods, unable to speak as the last cock is pulled out of her cunt and she collapses onto the desk under her.
"Just remember, you may be a natural but these guys we've cast will probably need to...practice a bit more so we'll probably have to do all this multiple times, shooting may take a couple months to get right, but youre gonna do great! Just be here again tomorrow morning and we'll get started! And after we get this scene done perfect, the next one involves some...props... you know, rope, toys, whips...so it might take even longer"
She just moans again, feeling loads and loads of cum dripping from her holes, and all she can think about is how excited she is to finally have a real lead role! How lucky is she??
"Yyes Sir, be here tomorrow" she slurs with a smile, cum still dripping from her lips.
As the director and crew leave one of them whispers "what a stupid bimbo, think she'll notice we're the same guys fucking her tomorrow?" "Yeah or that theres no one filming?" "Of course not, the stupid bitch will be way to distracted to notice and by the time she does, she'll be too obsessed with getting raped to care, but...which one of you wants to play director tomorrow? Because I want to actually fuck her this time."
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butchhansolo · 1 year
mild malding because i LIKE the idea of phee/tech but imo it's being poorly set up... like headscratch theres potential for a really great dynamic here that's just not being explored in their interactions because the interactions are kinda just flirting to the point that since we have so little of them interacting without that that it feels a little. forced? like i can seeeeeee the concept and i DO like it i just agh please take more time with it
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 2 years
The pattern to who saiki kusuo beats up is either
A) self defense
B) theyre in the wrong in some other way
C) an accident he seems to feel guilty for or the narrative would need to find another reason why this hasn't come up before besides, "I didn't want to remember that"
D) self defence but also that's just the way that power works for some reason
Which means that the narrative has likely chosen to make him likeable by making him morally correct, and a server of justice. Part of the comedy is him giving people their just desserts. A bulk of the remaining comedy is him either getting unlucky (ie putting him in situations that conflict with his goals) or getting his own just desserts for being an asshole himself, because narratives often seek ways to make overpowered characters likeable by bringing them down in some way.
Saiki kicking Toritsuka’s ass would work a lot less if Toritsuka wasnt Like That. Saiki kicking his brothers ass to the point Kusuke is bloody and swollen would work a lot less if Kusuke didn't attack first. Same with Kuniharu. The narrative is structuring these characters for a reason. A big part of the reason appears to clue the audience in on who we're allowed to smack.
Let's look at a joke in the first episode
Kuniharu is locked out of the house by his wife.
Kuniharu tells his son to commit crimes.
Kuniharu picks a fight with his wife.
Kuniharu is served a shoe for dinner.
The pattern implies the shoe is punishment for Kuniharus behaviour.
The narrative puts Kurumi in the position of morally correct by having her kid credit her as the reason he hasn't gone rogue, and then with her encouraging him to do good. The narrative puts Kuniharu in the position of the morally incorrect because. Well. Encouraging your kid to rob banks usually isn't considered upright behaviour. Also his eyes are censored by the text in one of the first scenes he's in?¿?? Usually thats felon treatment akdjwh
Compare to how the narrative introduces kusuo saiki himself. The first time we see him is after he saved a dogs life. It's standard shorthand for, "this is a good guy who you're supposed to like" and since he's the POV character introducing everyone, he's also the one introducing everyone. He's our key informant. How the narrative seeks to use that information matters.
How a character is introduced matters a lot. It sets the stage for them. The story then has the option to, usually, follow through on that, build on that, or subvert that. Some things end up getting subverted along the way but for the most part, Kusuos introductions stay on lock. Everyone stays pretty true to how he introduces them. Example, teruhashi is universally acknowledged to be the perfect pretty girl, therefore saikis not into it. They toy with that concept but teruhashi never wins him as her romantic partner. She is the perfect pretty girl, therefore saikis not into it. Even being in her presence is in direct conflict with his goals of not being the center of attention. Toritsuka introduces himself. He's a monk and he has a cool design with pure eyes. Turns out he's a pervert.
Then he gets his ass beat on. Kusuke is introduced spying on his family without their apparent knowledge in an ominous dark room, then he gets his ass beat on. Kuniharu is introduced as a pathetic and lazy dad, then he gets his ass beat on. Nendo is introduced as a well meaning idiot who Kusuo wants to kill and.....doesn't beat on. Kaidou is introduced as a chuuni who has an inner strength who Kusuo....doesn't beat on (well he slaps him one time in the time loop but tbh that oocness is part of what makes its so funny tbh asfgiduaushs). Hairo is introduced as a pushy but upright guy, Kusuo sorta threatens to murder him, but doesn't. A guy pickpockets a bunch of people at a festival, including Kusuo, gets his ass served to him and turned into the police. Some yakuza try to kidnap him, they're traumatized for life. Some thugs corner him and Kaidou, he curses them. Some thugs try to sneak up on them and mug them in endsville? Put through a wall. Chono is a smug street performer, doesn't get beaten. Everyone hates Matsuzaki, he doesn't get beaten. Kurumi doesn't get her ass kicked by him. He rolls the gang who tried to kidnap Aiura into a ball. A guy takes advantage of Kaidou and then he screams and then there's an ominous hole in the wall and the room is trashed so he probs got his ass, like, str8 up nuked LMAO
Ysee where I'm going with this?
Kusuo beats up the nasties, not the goodies, unless you're akechi one time by accident and then hes traumatized forever. Ergo...
The stage set for Kuniharu is that of a pathetic and lazy man who relies on Kusuo for everything, and Kusuo says that he can't spoil him, making him sound like a dadlier figure than his dad. By and large, Kuniharus role in this show is not to subvert this standard. His appearances involve him meeting those standards, by and large. Him being a bad dad and getting just desserts is the point of his character.
If Kuniharu is a good dad, what the purpose? And how is he a good dad i want reciepts
It's either to lift up Kusuke (and then be the butt of the joke), or to teach his kid a lesson he wouldn't otherwise get. The latter happens, like, once, and it's the best way to do that story since it hinges on kuniharu, since it's using kuniharus birthday to set the conflict.
I mean I guess you could say he's a good dad in the non traditional role of serving his purpose in the narrative pretty well by being a bad dad but again
If he's a good dad, what's the story? For kusuo, all powerful psychic, who saved a dog in his introduction and is sad he doesn't know the joy of hard work, to kick the ass of a hard working provider for? No reason? Except a man punching you is a pretty good reason, like....idk how people say that's good dad behaviour...........the writing isn't even on the wall it's scene by scene
The exact opposite of saving an animal to show you're a good character the audience should like is to beat or kill an animal. We root for John Wick cus those motherfuckers killed his dog. A lot of us say we'd do the same. The next step up from there is usually to beat or kill a kid - double points if the kid is yours or otherwise in your care. Trunchbull is hella charismatic but that doesnt change the fact that shes one of the main antagonists whose public humiliation by the kids she abuses serves as a massive victory. A lot of anime plays by that rule too. If you're a protagonist and you have an abusive parent/caretaker they are probably gonna be canon fodder. Like. They're not gonna have a good end. Even that super grimdark happy sugar life show something killed or jailed or abused all the child abusers, including the ones who were legally still minors dhfahfshrs The only time this doesn't seem to be the case is when the narrative needs child soldiers sometimes which entails a level of neglect, or its WAY hella dark. Or you're Naruto, but the show doesn't pretend he's a good dad.
Child abuse is traditional bad guy territory. Understandably.
And u kno what?
Usually it's the same for people who beat their parents for 'no reason', from breaking bad, to that one show with the animal head mask death game where the first guy got killed cus he abused his mom, to Itachi, to lotsa others. So usually to make the kinda person who'd do that likeable, you gotta give them a reeaaaallly good reason. Itachi was sorta a victim of a coup and then he died. Guts's dad was a true piece of shit. Lelouch's parents are bad guys. Etcetc
Unless he's a cat and then it's an accident but known cat lover Kuniharu should know better than to get into a strange cat's face too tbh. Offer your hand first and ask permission :/
And thus, Kuniharu hits his kid with weapons, fists, and feet, and seeks to undercut Kusuo emotionally and otherwise to become The Bigger Man. Buddy even tries to steal his kids new years money. Kuniharu is not a good dad so morally upright by comparison Kusuo can punish him. Kuniharu needs to hit Kusuo first, or Kusuo can't hit him, and he canonically does, and then Kusuo canonically kicks his butt. If Kuniharu isnt actively taking joy in his kids suffering or beating him, Kusuo isnt picking fights with him. Kuniharu needs to be a prat so he can take prat falls. The narrative needs him to be a pathetic and lazy dad just like hes introduced as so it can punish him for it.
And how is he a good dad, I want reciepts, nobody ever brings me reciepts. You're allowed to have problematic faves you know your characters don't need to be paragons of purity for you to enjoy them in the story
This is all there in both the anime and the manga. The key difference in how this goes down is one scene with the shoulder massage. In the anime kuniharu stops hitting his kid for revenge after a pipe and wooden sword. In the manga he also gets some brass knuckles :)
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luvnoirs · 3 months
paring: paige x fem!reader synopsis: reader and paige almost get caught by azzi warning(s): smut (MINORS DNI) word count: 978
a/n: this is barely proofread btw
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"paige! if you don't open this fucking door, i swear to god!"
the room almost fell silent. your soft whimpers escaped through the hand paige held clamped over your mouth as she drove her fingers in and out of your pussy so excruciatingly slow that it made you squirm under her touch. her other hand was occupied with holding your thigh and pinning it down towards the bed, making sure your shaky legs stayed open and around her head comfortably.
azzi continued yelling from the opposite side of the locked door, but everything she said went in one ear and out the other. you could barely even comprehend the english coming out of her mouth right now.
though, you did remember azzi saying something about a phone when she first interrupted you two about a couple minutes ago. at first, you were alarmed, of course, and immediately started to push at paige's shoulders that rested between your thighs, but she simply and quietly reassured you that her door was locked, and told you to remain quiet before latching her tongue onto your clit. you couldn't help but to let out a small moan in response, explaining paige's hand over your mouth.
"paige, stop ignoring me and let me in! seriously, i cant find my phone and i think i left it on your dresser." azzi banged on the door once again and twisted the door knob impatiently. she was getting more annoyed by the second and part of you glanced towards the door, worried she would bust the door down each time her hard fists met the white decorated door.
normally, you wouldn't even dare to have sex in the presence of anyone else besides paige, but something about azzi being just feet away from you spread out across her best friend's bed, legs apart with paige eating you out as if her life depended on it, made you even more aroused. your skin felt like it was burning on paige's purple sheets and as you turned your attention back to between your legs, you were met with paige's eyes already on yours.
she looked at you curiously, slowly moving her hand away from your mouth. she raised her eyebrow, like she was challenging you to remain quiet without her help.
and it didn't help that she switched the angle of her fingers and used the tip of her tongue to flick back and forth on your already throbbing clit, evoking your hips to jerk up against her face as you cried out her name. your hand immediately flew to your face to cover your mouth, swallowing up the rest of your moans. you could feel paige's lips smirk against you, but as much as you wanted to swipe the smirk off her face, the need to cum was much stronger.
you used one hand to reach out for her head and pushed her deeper into you. you couldn't speak, so you were glad she took the hint to speed things up.
her lips latched onto your clit and she started to suck, her fingers still stretching you out, moving quickly through the slick juices that leaked from your pussy. but it wasn't long before she moved her hands to around the top of your thighs and pulled you into her face even more. your muffled cries filled the silent room and your legs tightened around her head as you imagined her talking you through it like she usually does.
there you go, ma... just like that
you rode into her face until you felt your orgasm rushing from the pit of your stomach, to washing all over your shaking body. you bit down on your hand to hold back a string of moans that threatened to fall from your lips, a few tears slipping down your cheeks from the overstimulating sensations of each one of paige's touches. you felt everything; from her hands that held the flesh of your thighs, massaging them softly, and her mouth helping you ride of your orgasm, even her blue eyes that roamed over your body as you arched your back and stared at the ceiling with glossy eyes.
and when your body slumped against the bed, bones feeling like jello, is when paige lifted her head and shuffled her body to position over yours. her lips were gleaming with your juices but she met yours with a kiss anyways. it was honestly a miracle that you managed to stay relatively quiet, you thanked your sore hand for that.
but before you two could do anything else, another loud bang startled you two and paige groaned in annoyance as she pulled away.
"i'll do this all day if i have to!"
you nudged paige and gestured your head towards the door. she rolled her eyes and climbed off the the bed, looking on her dresser for the phone azzi spoke about for these past few minutes. and once she found it, she began to reach for it but paused and reached for a tissue instead. you held back a laugh as paige used the tissue to grab the phone instead of using her previously occupied fingers.
paige opened the door, but only wide enough so that she could fit her head and hand through, handing her the phone.
"you would lose your head if it wasn't attached to your neck." paige said.
before azzi could retort back, she caught a glimpse of the tissue and stared at paige's hand for a few seconds, then back at the blonde inquisitively. it was when azzi slowly took the phone from her grasp when it finally clicked for her, and a disgusted look replaced her confused one.
"oh, you guys are sick." azzi gagged and quickly wiped her phone with her shirt in disgust.
"you're welcome to watch next time." paige joked with a smirk, earning a hit to the head from a pillow you aimed at her.
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bamsara · 6 months
what are your most favorite tropes? :3c
Near death experiences
Emotional revelations due to said near death experiences
Enemies to Friends to Lovers
Mutual Pining but they believe its unrequieted
"you're my worst enemy but you're so important to me"
Drunk chapter where at least One fist fight happens
Bridal carry after someone gets injured
Slow Burn...of course
"i got you this gift because it benefits me and im not telling you how" (the benefit is seeing the other person enjoy the gift)
Force Alliances or Temporary Truces
"I don't like killing but I'll do it for you"
"I prefer to kill my problems but I won't, for you."
Or: "This person has no idea how many people I've killed in order to protect or provide for them and I'm going to keep it that way."
Mean or Villian Character is actaully a really good Sibling/Parent/Child,ect and has someone they care about
Or better, Villian character adopts child AND is a good parent
Everyone knows the pairing likes each other except for the pairing
Temporary (or non-temp)Amnesia
"I learn your favorite things because I plan to use them against you one day" (proceeds to not do that) (proceeds to get them food or items that persons likes just because they like them)
Breaking and Entering. Literally.
Person A is in love, Person B says they're not but they're 10x times worse actaully
Slip-of-the-tongue/Accidental confessions. Doesn't have to be love confessions but just "whoops i was not supposed to say that"
Biting as a love language
One is feral and bloodthirsty but is put in the position of 'protecting an idiot' because the other is also feral and has no self-preservation. Both characters must be badass, just equally stupid
Kiss on the head/cheek while the other person is sleeping
Bloodstained kiss
Heat-of-battle confession about something
Protagonist refusing to become villian or repeat villian mistakes, not in a 'owo i cant do that its bad' and more like 'fuck you you dont get to see what you wanted to make of me'
Signifier of 'this is my friend/family/lover'. Could anything between a ring, a jacket over someone's shoudlers or scent marking, anything
"if im immortal, then you gotta be too or we both dyin"
Knight x Their Charge
Human x Non-Human
Sunshine x Grump
Character that looks sooooo cute. Oh he's a little fucked up actaully
"ahhaha he's such a freak haha. i need him carnally."
They are mortal enemies. They are also best friends.
Hostage / Rescued trope plus Hostage / Doesn't get to rescue because the hostage killed everyone already
Plot info that's missing that's vital to the story and it's revealed that One of the pairing or someone in the group knew the info the entire time
"I said mean things to you because I hate you, so why am I feeling guilty now"
There was only One Bed
Really competent and scary character is really GOOD at a harmless and charming small hobby completely uncharacteristic to their public persona
Nightmares. And then sleeping in the same bed because of nightmares
Cultural differences / Language Barrier
Character gets so surprised flustered they trip over something or break something and it topples and it starts a chain reaction like a cartoon
There are more but these are some of which I can remember off the top of my head. I've written many of these myself in several of my stories and will continue to do so until the end of time, esp my faves
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hearts4chriss · 3 months
𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲𝐬𝐚𝐭 𝐛𝐲 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝.
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Brothers bestfriend! Chris + needy! Nate’s lil sis
prompt: Nate ( ur older brother ) wants to go out for a bit with some of his other friends and he doesn’t trust you enough to stay home by urself without mom and dad since they won’t be there either. So he asks one of his best friend Chris to stay over and watch you, Matt and nick know ur crush on Chris so they pretend they can’t come.
Part 01
contains: masturbation ( no actual sex ), use of y/n ( sorry I have to ) dirty fantasies ( pet names, rough! Chris, dirty talk, degrading, forced head etc just beyond FILTHLY imagination ), use of vibrator on reader, caught by Chris, FORESHADOWING, fantasy will be like this
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Nate are you serious I’m not 12! I whine when said he was gonna find a baby sitter for me knowing how much it pisses me off
I’m Nate doe’s little sister I’m 18, we’ve Been close to his bestfriends the sturniolo triplets. So obviously him being my brother naturally I got to know them.
I clicked with him superrr fast, I love his energy and when I found out he was gay that just made it all the better because I’ve always wanted a gay bestfriend, and we always have sleepovers :)
Matt’s absolutely adorable I love him he always helps me calm down whenever I’m about to or am having a panic attack, I remember one time during a test I forgot everything and almost had one and he slid me the answers. Love that kid
now there’s a reason I saved Chris for last,
chris and I know each other just as well if not even more then I do his other two brothers, we haven’t done anything unfortunately. I’ve had a crush on him since middle school.
First I just wanted to kiss him and hold his hand.
Then go to his house and do some more.
Then now, as an 18 year old I wanted him to fuck my Brains out.
I’m around him all the time since we all live in LA and always hanging out, I always see him shirtless and fucking hell it turns me on, I always get lucky since nick and matt found of my attraction to his brother they always snap me or text me pictures of him.
What sucks is I cant have him. It would take my life 1000 times over for me to be able to fuck chris sturniolo, and it sucks because my brother nate does not play that shit.
He strictly said "your not allowed to date any of them" obviously referring to matt and Chris.
Which also doesn't help because my wants and desires a hormonal teenage-adult girl only grow more whenever he comes around, chris is always there.
Now today, nate had to run some errands and nick matt and chris used to watch me when I was younger if my parents couldn't
Buttt, nick and matt "could not come due to personal issues" so. Your guess is right, im gonna be alone with chris for hours.
That thought alone made me soak in my p-
“Y/n! are you listening to me kid?” My older brother chuckles leaning against my doorway of my room as im on my bed watching "The Vampire Diaries".
“Huh? oh yeah im listening matt and nick cant come so chris is because im fucking 11.” I roll my eyes hiding my excitement from him watching me.
“Don't think of any weird shit alright? He's just watching you so don't-“
“Ugh is he here yet? You're annoying me already.” I groan shifting in my sheets and taking a sip from my celsius hearin our door open, they have a key.
“Welp thats chris.” Nate says tilting his head for me to get up.
I get up from the sheets wearing some pink sleep shorts and a white t-shirt and he raises an eyebrow.
“Your wearing THAT? around chris?” Nate chuckles and I flip him off.
“Hey! I heard that!.” Chris yells coming up the stairs sounding offended.
He's now at the top of the steps. oh my fuck he looks so good.
Its around 6ish in LA right now and hes wearing a black tank top and grey fresh love sweats, slight stubble and his hair was a bit messy which I always liked and my eyes immediately drifted to his natural bulge in his pants as him and Nate were talking.
“Just make sure she doesn’t get into any trouble.” Nate puts his arm around me giving me a hug and Chris chuckles.
“Don’t worry bro she’s safe with me.” He says before dapping him up as Nate leaves the house. yeah safer if you were balls deep inside
Oh god Chris sh-shit so-d-deep inside me
Yeah? You feel me deep inside you baby?
bro she’s like zoning out today. Nate chuckled and I snap out of it
Whatever no I wasn’t! Just go!
Soon after it was just me and Chris so we made our way down to the living room
“Where are ur other two clones?” I chuckle getting situated on the couch before turning on a movie saltburn
“they have “personal issues”.” He said rolling his eyes causing a small laugh to fall from my lips.
“So it’s just you and me little one.” A smirk curving on his lips, just enough for my panties to be soaked.
Shut up Chris I’m 18.I mutter trying to watch the movie in peace and he chuckles
the movie went on and it was now, the bathtub scene where jacob elordi ( Felix ) is jerking off.
I peer over to Chris whose eyes are clearly fixated on the screen as my squeeze my thighs together under the blanket feeling all my hormonal thoughts leaking through my panties.
This had nothing to do with the movie, it’s the thought for Chris doing that to himself that had turned me on most. The tension so thick a knife couldn’t even cut through.
“Uhm I-i gotta go to the bathroom”. I nearly choke and I fix my shorts placing the blanket down where I was sitting.
“Don’t take to long I’ll miss you.” He chuckles and that didn’t help.
I go to my room and close the door squeezing my eyes shut.
I had maybe 5 minutes to relieve myself.
I quickly reach into my drawer grabbing my vibrating dildo and the remote for it.
I pull down my shorts and panties and spread my legs letting the tip of the toy get coated in my wetness and I bite my lip slightly feeling the thickness of it.
I turned it on letting out a soft moan slowly inserting it, wishing this was Chris’s dick instead.
I began thrusting the toy in and out of my pussy letting the squelching sounds of arousal grow letting it drip down curling my toes throwing my head on the pillows allowing my mind to drift
I was in Chris’s/my room my head smushed in the pillows as his cock rammed inside me whilst I was on my stomach. His hips slamming against my ass and his hand wrapped around my lower stomach as I cried out his name
Fuck fuckk so d-deep- I whimper into the pillows as he was bringing me to my 4th orgasm, we had switched numerous positions and my legs were quivering in front of him as he laid a hard snack to my ass chucking behind me.
such a fucking slut letting me fuck you like this, imagine if ur brother found out his little sister was getting her pussy pounded by his bestfriend. He laid another harsh smack to my ass and I jolted forward.
stretched this pussy out so good- he groans rubbing my clit to chase both our orgasms.
ngh- o-oh shit- fuck- I gripped the sheets tightly curses of Chris’s name flew out my mouth feeling my eyes water from the angle of his hips thrusting allowing his thick cock to hit every single spot inside me
come on sweetheart cum for me, you have another one in you yeah? He grunted lowly in my ear kissing me sloppily as a string of Saliva parts from our lips each time we kiss moaning into each others mouths.
“Oh fuck Chris I-“ I curl my toes and yell loudly as I’m about to release on the toy before I look up and see Chris. Was. Watching me.
“Were you playing with yourself?” Chris leans on the doorway of my room his eyes darting to between ny legs as I was thrusting the toy in and out of me and I quickly covered up my cheeks flush with embarrassment.
“Uhm…maybe. Sorry I-I’ll be down in a second-“
Maybe I can help. Chris says closing the door to my room approaching my bed
@mattsleftnipple03 @bernardsleftbootycheek @sturniolopowers @gdsvhtwa @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @worldlxvlys @chrisslut25 @princessbetsy123-blog @mattslolita @guccifrog @blahbel668 @mattsneezing @trickywritters @hearts4chris
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mydearesthrry · 6 months
right back home to you - h.s.
a/n: had a hard time deciding if i wanted to put this out since im not too happy with the outcome but i wanted to feed u guys. in the future ill probably go back in and edit it but for now i hope you all enjoy this little angsty girl xx im also working on part 2 of love in secret !!!!!!!!!! she should be out fairly soon <3
wc: 4.8k
warnings: none, angst, fluff, flight anxiety
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“Hello? ‘M home,” Harry shouted into the cold house. Not that he would even notice, but the air was dull and the atmosphere was still, hues in the normally vibrant house now gray and lifeless. “Baby?” 
“Oh, hi Harry,” A dulcet smile was on her face as she walked around the corner with sweatpants and a baggy hoodie on, a baseball cap on top of her head. She had her dirty and beat up air forces on her feet that Harry loved to make fun of, small dollops of paint on the soles of the shoe. She also had a pair of sunnies that lay stagnant on the dark blue visor, a tell tale sign for Harry that she was going out. “I didn’t hear you come home.” 
Harry hummed, holding his arms out for her to walk into. She did, but only embraced him with half of her body, one arm curling around his waist loosely while the other stayed swaying by her side. In both of their opinions, it was way too short to even be considered a hug, not even close to being an embrace, but Y/N did it purposely. Harry frowned, feeling a twinge of hurt at her unusual lack of affection. “Um… Are y- are y’going out?” 
She laughed falsely, shaking her head and turning her body to face the large windows in their apartment. “Yeah, I guess you could say that.” 
Harry was still confused. “What d’you mean?” 
It’s now or never, Y/N thought, and mustered her bravest smile as she pivot turned to face him again. “I’m leaving, Harry. I’m going up to New York to stay with Eliza. I don’t know when I’ll be home, but I’ll be sure to let you know in advance, is that okay?” 
A few beats pass, Harry staring at her in disbelief. “What the fuck? No, no, s’not okay! Why- why are y’leaving? Y’didn’t even tell me? When were you planning on telling me y’were leaving?” 
“I’ve been planning on leaving for a long time, Harry. I was actually meant to leave before you even got home, really, but you’re early.” She sighed, rubbing at her temple and knowing the fight that was about to ensue. 
“Why are y’leaving?” Harry’s voice started to grow in volume, becoming harder and harsher as he tightened his hands into balled fists, trying to channel his feelings in another way rather than yelling at his girlfriend. 
“I’m leaving because I can’t do this anymore, Harry. I cant keep arguing with you every day, it’s just not fair to me. And it’s not fair to you either, really, so I’m just… taking the stress off of the both of us and making the bold decision to leave.” She explains, moving to grab her suitcases from the hallway and roll them into the living room. 
“That’s wha’ this is about? The fight we had last night?” He asks, eyes widening and mouth drying at the sight of her multiple suitcases. 
“Um— not entirely, I guess. I’ve meant to go up to visit Eliza, if you remember, we were going to but you had um— a party, that you needed to attend. So I just decided to book a flight last night after you went to sleep.” She's as quiet as a mouse, her words not staggering but it was physically obvious that she was nervous. 
“So what now? Is that it? You’re just… throwing away four years of my- of our fucking life?” Harry spat. She’d started to shrink into herself quite a bit, sweaty palms running over the now warm black handle of her small suitcase. 
“I’m not throwing away anything, Harry. We had a fight, you and I both said some nasty things, and I’m just going up to my sister's house for a little bit to clear my head. Like I said, I was meaning to go up anyway. This isn’t really about you, Harry, as much as you think it might be. I’ve been miserable here all alone and all I want is to be with someone who I know can provide me with love and attention right now, which is what I need. You need it too.” She tried to hold her ground but the tremble in her soft voice made her feel weak. 
She and Harry had gotten into a multitude of arguments within the past weeks that he had been off tour. It started from little things, like a sock being thrown over the laundry basket and not inside of it, or one of them leaving their dirty tea mugs on the counter when the sink was right there! But as small and insignificant as these things were, they also grew into arguments about bigger issues. One of the more nasty arguments had pushed her to pack her bags and book a plane ride up to her sister’s house in New York. 
The argument on the table this time around was that whenever Harry was home after an elongated amount of time on the road, he would treat Y/N as if she was his friend and not girlfriend of three years. She’d had a problem with this seeing as all she ever wanted him to do was love her and take care of her, and for some reason she couldn’t help but feel he found that hard. 
“Bullshit. I know y’leaving ‘cause your feelings got hurt or whatever, but you know y’don’t have to leave, pup. We can resolve this, don’t we always?” He grumbles, taking a few small steps forward to meet her where she stood by the door. 
“It’s entirely different this time, Harry.” She sighed, bending down to sit on the floor since she knew they’d probably be there for a while. 
“How?! How could this be any fuckin’ different? We’re jus’ arguin’ are we not?” Harry runs a stressed hand through his hair, trying to channel his energy away from his voice. Though he tried to refrain from allowing his anger to seep its way into his voice, his girlfriend could still pick up on the edge that lined his vocal chords. 
“No, baby. We aren’t just arguing. This is me trying to tell you how I feel, and you keep pushing it aside. So this isn’t just us arguing anymore, I guess I’m surrendering. I’m tired of doing this with you whenever you’re home, Harry. I’m alone every day, 24/7, and then you come home and it’s like nothing has changed. Which I love, I love how we can just bounce back, but sometimes I need more love or attention when you come back, and I just…” She starts to gnaw on her lips, trying to word her next thought carefully. “I’m tired of being treated like your friend rather than your girlfriend.” 
“Mhm. Besides me being alone all the time, whenever I do have you— or people around, you only ever want to keep me at arms length. The whole world knows we’re together, Harry. You’ve posted on my birthday and it’s no secret to anyone anymore. I… I just can’t understand why you do that, really. It makes me feel like I’m just your friend and not your lover.” She pauses, inhaling a sharp breath of air and willing her tears away. 
“What do you— what do you even mean? I’m always with you whenever I’m home, I bring y’everywhere w’me?” His anger just kept growing and growing, but this time he noticed that the weight of guilt that was sitting on his heart had gotten heavier with every breath he took, the weight of the pull almost being able to bring him to his knees.
She lets out a wet laugh, shaking her head before dropping it in defeat. “Harry… I hate to bring it up but— you’ve been home for what, three weeks now? We haven’t had sex, we barely have cuddled, you don’t put your arm around me in public or kiss my cheek. I— I feel like I’m losing you. It’s so hard to love you when you won’t let me. I’ve tried to be understanding and just trying to accept the fact that you’re readjusting to our normal life but… I miss you. The only time we talk for longer than a few minutes is when we fight, and that’s not okay. You know how much you mean to me, but I just can’t keep trying to love someone you aren’t anymore. It’s just too destructive to me and I just can’t. I’m sorry, Harry. I hope you can understand, and I’ll be back whenever we’re ready.” 
Harry’s now shaking with sobs. Uncontrollable, messy, heartbreaking sobs. Her words were finally making sense to him. All of the arguments had finally made sense. She was arguing with him just so he would talk to her. He thought he could die with the amount of guilt squeezing his heart right now. 
“I love you, isn’t that enough?” He whispered. 
“I don’t think it is anymore, Harry.” Lifting herself up to her feet, she rolls her suitcase to stand behind her, taking a few small steps to be inches away from her Harry. “I’ll be back, H. I promise.” 
Placing a kiss to his wet cheek, he watched her walk away with a damp smile, and against his will, engrained the image of her leaving to his mind. 
This wasn’t how he imagined they would end. 
He didn’t even entertain the thought of them ever ending; but now he feels like he just lost every single atom of his being in the quickest of moments. 
It was hell. 
Harry could say with full conviction that it was absolute hell to be in that house, that big house on the beach, alone. 
Nothing felt right. From the second he woke up in the morning, to the minute he slid his legs under the covers at night, he almost felt nauseous because of how unusual he felt. How unusual everything felt. 
And it was all his fault. 
Picking up his phone, he goes to text his sweet girl again when he decides to scroll up to find the reprieve of gray amongst the sea of blue. 
Harry: Please text me when you land. 
Harry: I love you, please don’t forget that. 
Harry: Take all the time you need, Angel. I’m here if you need me. I’m so sorry.
Harry: I’ll be waiting for you when you get home. Just say the word and I’ll get you a ticket. 
Harry: Take your time though, please be safe. I love you.
Harry: Again
Y/N: just landed. kinda busy rn, talk to you later bug
Harry: That’s okay, be safe. ❤️
Y/N loved this message
Harry: I love you 
Y/N: yeah love you too h
Allowing his head to drop onto the back of the sofa, his arm fell limp onto his thigh, his green eyes scanned the interior of the living room, twinges of pain and guilt panting in his chest whenever he’d land his gaze on something that was proprietarily hers. 
Her growing orchids in a handmade pot that they’d painted together on their first Valentine’s Day as a couple. 
The godawful mirror she thrifted from a random corner store back in her hometown that she begged Harry to put up. 
A small canvas filled with tiny paintings of inside jokes and memorable dates that she gifted to him last Christmas. He allowed himself to trace over that painting for a little longer than the rest of the small things placed among their living room. 
11/29/19. The first time they met. 
1/16/21. When Harry asked her to be his girlfriend. 
4/07/21. The first time they said I love you. 
12/25/22. When Harry surprised Y/N on Christmas with a down payment on a house. The one he was now residing in, alone. 
A red convertible figurine, the car they first kissed in. 
A coffee cup and a teacup, symbolizing the first date they went on, where he learned she hates tea and preferred coffee, which led to an argument on whether coffee or tea was better. 
A small tulip, representing the first bouquet of flowers he ever bought her. 
And a small pearl ring, an exact replica of the promise ring Harry had given her on their 3 year anniversary. 
He didn’t even notice the streaks of tears beginning to run down his face until he felt a teardrop fall onto his inner wrist, making him look down. 
But as he canvassed the room once more, he perked up at the sight of a small snow globe that she brought him back from New York, and that was when he got an idea. He knew it was dramatic, and a bit of a stretch, but who said he wouldn’t go to extreme lengths to get his soulmate back?
Yeah, no one ever. 
To: Eliza
Harry: Hey Liz, got a sec?
Harry hated flying alone. 
Since he was a teenager and stepped foot on his first plane, he was anxious even being next to someone he barely knew even though his friends were two seats away. Though he would claim that he’s always been a bit anxious and just chalking it up to flight anxiety, he knew that the real reason why he hated flying alone was because he always feared that something bad would happen on the ground when he was in the air and vice versa, and that was always his greatest vice. 
His hands began to tremble nervously as he looked out the window of the airplane, seeing nothing but fluffy white on the exterior and the soft red light of the aircraft’s wings blinking every so often. His headphones were placed over his head, smushing his curls down flat onto his head, a mask covering the bottom half of his face. His hood was pulled up as well, trying to conceal himself as much as possible. He hadn’t brought much, just a little carry on and a small tote to shove under the seat in front of him. It was wishful thinking that he wouldn’t be there for a long while, but he brought the keys to his apartment in New York anyway. 
He kept his head hung in nausea, the speed of his shaking hands increasing tenfold. The pit in his stomach grew and he had to beg his own body to allow his eyes to not stray to the window next to him. Sure, he could close it, but he feared if it was too dark he would become more anxious than he was right now. The mask covering the bottom half of his face now felt constricting— as if he was being suffocated by the thin layer of fabric. The light douse of perfume that danced around the sunflower print of the mask couldn’t even distract him, and it only pained him more that his senses were fully encompassed by her. He bit down on his lip to distract himself by the whirling feeling of nausea that now swirled around in his throat, willing away the sick that begged to come out.
The rest of the flight was the same, his anxiety only decreasing when he allowed himself to take a small nap. However, when he woke up, his nerves had heightened when he flickered his gaze from the window to the screen in front of him, reading only 20 minutes until he was set to touch down. Grasping his phone from his hoodie pocket, he aligned it to his face then rolling his eyes when he remembered he had a mask on. Lowering his phone he typed in his password— Y/N’s birthday— and pulled up their messages again. 
Harry: Good morning baby. I love you. I hope you have a good day today!! 
Y/N: thanks h love you
He couldn’t lie and say that her being short with him didn’t hurt his feelings, because it did. He wasn’t going to avoid the fact, but that didn’t mean that he liked it regardless. He felt like a fool checking his phone so often, especially when he knew that she wouldn’t be making an effort to reach out first, but he could be hopeful, right? 
At least that’s what he’s telling himself. 
The plane landed safely, nerves rolling off of his back in waves and he was more than happy to leave his flight anxiety on the floor of the plane, relieved to not be miles high in the air. There was a lull that was obvious to Harry, and he felt himself switch to function in autopilot, waiting mindlessly to enter the aisle to retrieve his bag from the overhead compartment. 
The nippy New York air was the first thing to snap Harry out of his trance. Looking down at his phone, he felt a soft buzz and soon after felt his heart beat almost fast enough to eject from his chest. 
Y/N: saw this in a store earlier, thought of u
Y/N: Attachment: 1 Image 
Eliza: waiting near terminal b for you, lmk when you get outside 
Harry: I’m outside, can you see me?
Eliza: yep. be there in a sec
Swiping out of Y/N’s sisters messages, he went to click on Y/N’s before a black car stopped in front of him, averting his attention from his device to the car that just screeched to a halt. Taking a deep breath to calm himself, he trudged forward and grabbed onto the door handle, prying it open and avoiding Eliza’s deathly stare. “Um- hiiii.” 
She scoffed. “Hi, H.” 
He throws his tote to his feet, awkwardly buckling himself in and turned in his seat, avoiding eye contact but making sure she knew that conversation was open if she’d wanted to make it. “How— um… How are you?”
Silence follows his words for a few seconds, making him heat up in embarrassment. “Good.” 
“Oh- that’s good… I, um— haven't seen y’in quite a while, Lizzy,” He says softly, guilt evident in his voice. “I missed you.” 
Eliza was basically Gemma’s best friend. They were attached at the hip the first time they met, bonding over being the eldest sisters, and shared secrets. Y/N and Harry’s family had always been interconnected, close with each other even if Y/N and Harry lacked that communication. 
They were basically soul tied in every sense of the phrase. 
“Yeah, I missed you too, H. But,” Eliza starts. “You’ve been a right dick to my sister.” 
“I know,” He whispers. 
“Do you? Fuck, H, my fucking baby sister came to me crying because of you. And you know how much I love you, truly, you know I do, but I love her more. So, I just have to ask,” She pauses, gnawing on her lip and clicking her blinker on to signal her turn. “What the hell happened?” 
“I,” He sniffs, trying to contain his emotions already begging to come out. “I don’t know.” 
Eliza snorts. “Bullshit.” 
“I— I really don’t, Lizzy. I guess I was really in m’head about… well, everything. I lo- love her so much,” Harry’s voice cracks, his facade shattering into more microscopic pieces than the most delicate sheet of glass ever could. 
“I know you do, H. That’s why this is so confusing to me. To Gems. And most importantly, to Y/N. What happened, Curly? How’d we lose you?” She begs, trying to get him to explain where he was mentally. She loved him as she would Y/N, which was the hardest part. It hurt her as much as it hurt him to confront him about the issue. 
“I don’t want her to hate me! Okay?” Harry sobs, chin falling to his chest in weakness. “I don’t want her t’hate me for being away all the time, and I’m so fucking scared. ‘M scared because the press is doing nothing but talking bad about me and I don’t know if I can equally protect her as much as she does me when this happens. When it happens t’me I jus’ ignore it, but I know she can’t do that. I know it, Lizzy, and so d’you.” 
“I know, H. I know.” She whispers. 
“I jus’ wanted to keep her as far away as I could so that if she did decide she didn’t want me anymore, it wouldn’t hurt as bad.” He murmurs so quietly, he himself even doubts if he said it out loud. 
Silence followed the rest of the car ride, the only sound filling the space of the vehicle being the soft splatter of rain on the glass windows and windshield, paired with the crackly static of the stereo. The sun even seemed to be hiding away, the sky dark with clouds, little to no light making an appearance to greet Harry’s arrival. 
Pulling up to her driveway, Eliza parked the car, keeping her ignition on so she could drive away after Harry got into the house. Turning to Harry, she chewed on her bottom lip as she traced his side profile with her eyes. “You need to tell her exactly what you told me. Word for word, Harry. You can’t keep her in the dark. She doesn’t even know I went to pick you up. So, just promise me that you’ll tell her exactly what you told me.” 
“I promise.” Harry’s voice cracked in a broken whisper, vocal cords thrumming against each other as if they were rusted. “Love you, Lizzy. Thank you.”
Stepping out of the car, he knocked on the door thrice, and tapped softly on the doorbell for good measure. His hands had gone cold with anxiousness, but he wrote it off as the stark cold weather of New York. 
“Harry? Oh my god, baby, get inside,” Y/N pulled him in immediately, pushing his thick puffer jacket off of him that was shiny with rainwater, hands coming up to pull his baby blue beanie from his hair, revealing his soft curls. They shared no words as she pulled him to the living room, where she sat the both of them down and covered the length of their torsos and legs with a big fluffy blanket. Y/N didn’t waste a second before she threw her legs over his thighs, grabbing his hands and rubbing over the cold and cracked red skin, trying to exude as much warmth from her own as much as she could. 
She’s always been warm. 
Her hands have always been graced with heat and more significantly, she always tended to carry around an aura as sweet as honey and as warm as a hug with her wherever she went. Bringing their hands up to his lips, he presses kisses all over the back of hers, kissing her knuckles and fingertips that moved erratically over his own. She could feel the dry chap of his lips on her hands and down to her wrists but she didn’t care. She didn’t mind one bit. She would rather commit the feeling of his lips on her hands to memory rather than not know what they felt like at all. 
“What’re you doing here, baby?” She asks, concern etched in her face as she lifts her head to look at him, her movements on his hands not staggering or slowing. 
“Came t’see you,” He whispers weakly. “Couldn’t bear it. I need t’see you, hold y’again… Fuck, do jus’ about anything to be near y’again.” 
Her heart twisted with the most intense emotion that she could only describe as heartbreak. “You— you got on a plane by yourself just to come see me?” 
“Would do jus’ about anything f’you, sweet girl. Of course I would go on a plane jus’ by myself if it meant I could hold you.” He admitted. He avoided eye contact with her, keeping his eyes trained on their conjoined hands that now lay stagnant on the soft fabric of the blanket. 
“Harry,” She whispers. “Why are you here, my love?” 
“I felt too guilty t’let you leave like that,” He says, gnawing on his bottom lip to will away the tears begging to escape. “I couldn’t let y’go without telling y’I loved you. And I didn’t…” He pauses, struggling for air as he over explained. “I didn’t even explain m’self. I didn’t tell you I loved you. I didn’t kiss y’back. I didn’t even tell y’to be safe.” 
He’s fully sobbing now, Y/N tracing his side profile with his eyes, jittering with fear and anxiety. “It’s okay, hey, baby, listen,” Grabbing his chin with the tips of her fingers, she turns his head to hers, resting his forehead atop of hers. “It’s okay. I forgive you. I just needed time to think and I didn’t want to lash out on you because I didn’t have time to. We’re okay, baby. I promise.” 
He shook his head while she spoke, tears falling on the fluff of the blanket with every movement. His eyes were clenched as if he was in pain, and uneven erratic breaths fell from his mouth. “Nonono. I should— should’ve listened to you. I did- didn’t mean t’treat y’like tha’,” Harry’s accent had gotten heavier with how much emotion he was feeling, stumbling over his words as if he was drunk. 
“And I should’ve explained myself more. It’s not your fault, H. Please baby, breathe,” She begged, tightening her grip on his hands as she pleaded with her nose slotted next to his, every whispered beg pushing her lips forward to lightly brush against his raw-bitten ones. “There, that’s it.” 
His breaths began to even out, just the slightest bit. His hands still shook dramatically, veins in his neck that once protruded from the force of his cries now retracting. “I’m sorry.” 
“Harry, stop apolog-“ 
“No. I have t’say this before I leave because if I don’t, I don’t think I ever will. I— I didn’t mean t’push y’away. I was trying to protect m’self but I didn’t see that it was hurting y’too. It wasn’t my intention, and now I realize it wasn’t the right thing t’do.” He sniffles, pulling back from her face to hold eye contact for the utmost emphasis on his words. 
“I tried to keep you far away because if you ended up resenting me for being away all the time it would hurt less if you decided to leave me. Paired with everything that’s being said in the media about m’right now, I tried t’keep y’as far away as I could so that if everything came crashing down on me, I would’ve had to cope with losing y’less than everything else. And I kept picking fights with y’so that if— or when y’got too fed up w’me, you’d leave me yourself instead of something else forcing y’to leave me. I think it was all subconscious, seeing how I freaked out on y’when y’told me you were leaving. I guess I didn’t really prepare myself for when it was really going t’happen. I’m really, really sorry, Angel. I really do hope y’can forgive me.” 
She’s silent. It scares him, he can’t lie. He takes her silence as an answer and pulls his hands from her grasp and moves her legs softly off of his thighs, standing up and brushing off his pants in an attempt to stall. She’s still mute, and he takes it as his cue to go. There’s still tears streaming down his face, but they’re silent. Like he doesn’t even want to acknowledge that they’re falling at all. 
“I love you.” He whispers, before turning and walking to the door. Placing his hand on the knob, he turns it, and his heart follows the motion with a sharp twist that he thinks he feels in his entire body. He’s gnawing in his lip to avoid breaking down in front of her, even though she’s arguably seen him at his worst and most vulnerable times. Opening the door, he’s greeted with the harsh cold air, biting at his skin so aggressively he feels like his tears have now frozen to his face. Bearing the pain, he forced himself to take the step out the doorway and onto the porch, on autopilot as he let his feet decide his motions. 
“Harry, wait,” Y/N pleaded, running out behind him, meeting him in the middle of the driveway in nothing but tiny shorts and a stolen crewneck of his that she'd haphazardly stuffed into her luggage. “I love you. I love you more than I could probably ever explain, and I— I just need you to know that. If you’re done with me or done with this, that’s okay, I just need you to know that I love you.” 
“I love you. Always.” He whispers, lips trembling with sadness. 
“You know I always will, right?” She asks, placing a warm hand onto his wet and cold cheek.
“I know, baby. I do.” He says. 
“I’m here whenever you want me. I promise.” She pleads, coming up to reach his lips, placing a soft kiss to his cold ones. 
“Come home, please.” 
“Always, H. I’ll always come right back home to you.”
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astrophileous · 7 months
fem!reader x derek morgan, where they're like really flirty and i mean like kissing, holding hands, reader sits on his lap.
and after a case hotch is like yelling at derek because they had a disagreement, and reader comes in and was like "stop yelling at my best friend!" and he freezes because he genuinely thought that they were dating.
and they get teased n shit, and later reader cant sleep so derek is playing with her hair and he mumbles "i love you." and she says it back, and her words are slurred because shes so tired.
ty for the request honey!! I changed a few details abt it, I hope that's okay?? The main gist is still the same tho so I hope you like this ❤️
Warning(s): fem!reader, profanities, angst a lil bit bcs Derek is having inner turmoil, mutual pining (they're both idiots)
This blurb was written as a part of the "Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K" celebration.
Zara's Birthday Bash and Road to 1K Masterlist / Criminal Minds Masterlist
"It wasn't his fault."
Your voice cut through the silence as an unforeseen rapier. Every pair of eyes in the station fell on you in instinct. You despised the attention with every fiber of your being, but in that moment, there was nothing you wouldn't do to save Derek from being appointed as the fall guy, including offering yourself up as a temporary human spectacle as you stepped forward to where the three men were huddled up.
"Agent (Y/L/N)," Hotch warned in his familiar commanding lull.
"Sweet girl," Derek's voice came a little quieter, "what are you doing?"
You ignored your two fellow teammates as you faced the tall man between them. "I'm sorry, Sheriff. We never intended to overstep your authority. We didn't know the witness was one of our UnSubs when we visited his house. Agent Morgan was only acting in favor of my safety, so really, if there's anyone you should be mad at, it should be me."
The sheriff assessed you with rancorous eyes before turning back towards Hotch. "Get your team under control, Agent. Remember that y'all are a guest here."
With that last message, the sheriff walked away and disappeared into his office. Hotch turned to you and Derek following the sheriff's departure. "We'll talk about this later."
Once Hotch was out of earshot, Derek pulled you towards him. The rest of the station had already returned towards their previous tasks, safe for several pairs of eyes belonging to your other team members who seemed too eager to catch a snippet of your conversation with Derek. Before you could reprimand them, Derek's voice suddenly erupted, "What the hell are you doing?"
You turned your head and frowned. "What?"
"Why did you say all of that stuff to the sheriff, sweetheart?"
"Because it's the truth? You did make that call because you were protecting me, right?"
"I did, but you still didn't need to do any of that. I can take care of it myself."
"Derek—" you sighed, plopping your hand right on top of his shoulder, "—I know you can take care of pretty much everything by yourself, but I don't want you cleaning up my mess just for the sake of our relationship. Let me handle it on my own, okay?"
A hot remark was ready on the tip of Derek's tongue, but the words were soon forgotten when he heard the single word that cut off the circulation completely from his brain. Dumbfoundedly, he stared at you as he said, "Relationship?"
"Well, yeah." You smiled, dragging your hand upward from his shoulder until you were cupping his cheek. "You're my best friend, Derek."
Just as fast as you had flown him to the clouds, you sent Derek plummeting straight towards the ground where he imploded into pieces. The man could barely register the feeling of your lips on his other cheek before he watched you stride away, leaving him standing in the middle of the station like a deer caught in headlights.
"You're my best friend, Derek," Emily teased from where she was standing a few feet away. Behind her, JJ and Spencer were laughing along. "Seriously, why don't you two just make it official already?"
Derek flipped the three of them off, earning another series of laughter from his coworkers before he walked off towards the direction of the pantry. In the back of his head, Emily's question lingered like a shallow wind.
Seriously, why don't you two just make it official already?
Maybe because Derek thought you were official.
But apparently, according to you, you weren't.
So what the hell did that kiss that the two of you shared at the end of your last movie night even mean?
For the rest of the team's stay in Pasco, Florida, the ambiguous status of your relationship became a permanent fixture in Derek's mind. It haunted him even after he boarded the BAU's jet, preparing for the flight back home towards Quantico, Virginia. He was too lost in his own world that he didn't realize you had been calling out his name until your hand touched his cheek.
"Hey, you okay?" you asked worriedly.
Derek was sitting on the long sofa at the end of the cabin; and you, as always, were lying on the same sofa with your head resting on his lap. He still remembered the first time the two of you assumed this habit on the jet, receiving cheeky glances and playful jabs from the rest of the team in the aftermath. The teasing had dwindled significantly by now. Everyone was so used to the sight that it didn't warrant a surprised reaction anymore.
Derek, on the other hand, didn't think he could get accustomed to this.
As he stared down towards your inquisitive eyes, Derek realized that the sight of your face still took his breath away as much as it did the first time he laid eyes upon you. He brought down a finger and ran them up and down your cheek, his heart inflating when you rewarded him with a gleaming smile.
"Wanna come over tonight? We didn't finish that movie last week," you offered.
At the mention of your last movie night, Derek's mind traveled back to the memory of your kiss. It was nothing grand, just a five-seconds heaven where Derek's tongue had tasted remnants of the wine you shared and a little something else that he was sure had uniquely belonged to you. He sealed it with another peck on your forehead after that, wishing you a good night rest and a fantastic dream as he left the comfort of your apartment.
Derek couldn't sleep that night. After all, that was the best kiss the man had ever had in his entire life; but it looked like you hadn't felt the same way as him about it at all.
This knowledge was a stake right through Derek's heart. Everything tasted bitter as he swallowed, and perhaps that was reason enough to why the next words tumbled out of his lips in a reply, "Sorry, sweet girl. I've got errands to run. Next time?"
Derek pretended not to see the way your face collapsed in disappointment at his answer.
Back at his own apartment, Derek proceeded to spend a whole hour flipping through TV channels until his hand was numb. Many of his nights lately were spent in your company, and as the surrounding solitude closed in on him, Derek realized that he didn't remember how to spend nights by himself anymore. He was absentmindedly changing the channel yet again when his finger suddenly stopped frozen on the remote.
Your favorite movie was showing on the TV screen.
Perhaps it was ludicrous to claim that seeing the movie he had always associated with you appear on his TV was a celestial omen, but Derek deemed it an enough sign for him to get his ass off the couch and drove all the way down to your apartment. He stood in front of your door not even twenty minutes later, having sped through traffic as if he were invincible to every threat on the roads. You opened the door for him on the third knock, your eyes blown so widely out of proportion when you spotted him standing on your doorway.
"Derek? What are you doing here?"
"Sweet girl, are you... have you been crying?"
"Don't lie to me." Derek took two steps forward, closing the front door behind him as he was finally standing inside your apartment. "What's going on, sweetheart?"
His question managed to break the last dam in your ribcage, sending you straight into another flood of uncontrollable tears. You leaped into Derek's arms out of the blue, cramming your face into his chest as your tears soaked the front part of his shirt.
"I'm sorry, Derek. I'm so sorry."
"Sorry? What are you sorry for, sweet girl?"
"T-The kiss. We shouldn't have done that. We shouldn't have k-kissed. It was a mistake."
Derek's stomach crashed squarely towards the ground. "A mistake?"
You nodded against his chest, pulling away to stare directly at Derek's face. Your eyes were red and puffy from hours of crying, and yet, Derek still thought you were the most heavenly creature he had ever seen in his entire life.
"That's w-why you've been acting strange, right? The kiss? Y-You're mad at me because of the kiss?"
"Wait. What—"
"I-I didn't... fuck—I didn't mean for everything to come to this. I never meant t-to make you run from me like this. I'm so, so sorry."
"I can pretend! Please, I can pretend like it never happened. T-That's what you want, r-right? I can forget about the kiss as long as—"
You didn't have the chance to finish your sentence.
Not when Derek suddenly pressed his lips against yours, seizing the words and the breath thoroughly out of your throat.
Butterflies erupted in the pit of your stomach. Nothing else mattered in the world except for Derek's hands on your skin and the way his tongue danced with yours as he deepened the kiss even further. You could've spent the rest of eternity kissing him like this if it weren't for the need to come up for air. That was the singular reason why you even agreed to pull away at last, albeit reluctantly.
"Derek?" Your voice was thin and fragile amidst the quietude of your home. "I don't understand... I thought—"
"No, sweetheart," Derek cut you off, leaving a quick peck on your lips because he couldn't help himself. "Remember in Florida when you called me your best friend? I thought that was your way of telling me you regretted the kiss."
"What? So... you weren't mad at me?"
"No, of course not." He scoffed incredulously. "How could I ever be mad at you?"
"I just thought—"
"Hey, look at me." Derek tilted your face by the chin until you were looking directly into his eyes. "I'm yours, (Y/N). Do you understand?"
"Yes," you whispered. "I'm yours, too, Derek. Forever."
Derek spent the night at your home afterward. Although it wasn't the first time he stayed over, something about it felt fresh and brand new as he lay on your bed as officially yours while you lay next to him as officially his. He nuzzled your body flush against him, entangling every inch of your limbs with his own as he listened to the steady intakes and outtakes of your breathing.
"I love you, sweetheart," Derek murmured against your hair, playing with the end of the strands as he heard you let out another tired sigh. "You know that, right?"
"Hmm? I love you, too," you mumbled blearily, burrowing yourself deeper into his warmth before sleep finally took over your whole being.
Safe to say, you had the best sleep that night than you ever did in your entire lifetime.
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kujiba · 2 months
୨୧ — ꒰ gn!reader | they/them prounouns | Sagau | cultish behavior
୨୧ — ꒰ wowee, thanks alot for 100+ likes on part one! Hope you enjoy part two :]
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-YOU DIDNT NEED TO BE A GENIUS to get an idea of what was happening. Your lower body brushed against the soft yet sharp grass, it felt all too real. Your (e/c) eyes narrowed its way to a tree. An ordinary tree with many ripe fruits; one of it being able to take your attention.
Your hand circled on one of the fruits bottom and plucked it carefully, it matched exactly as your expectation. A plump fruit that seemed to be full of its juice and taste, an appearance that resembled a beautiful like sunset furthermore having a sweet and gentle aroma that is able to energize an individual.
Your lips slowly made its way near the side of the familiar fruit, the texture and feeling were soft yet hard. The aroma itself made your mouth faintly water, you swallowed your saliva having a high expectation out of this. After all, you always wanted to see what it really tasted like after collecting so many.
"Thank you for the meal." You lastly said and took a bite.
Your eyes widened a bit, this was far more than what you expected. The flavor was sweet but not too much to be like a candy. It was juicy enough to make you feel more hydrated than ever. It didn't take you long to start devouring the whole fruit at once
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"Better than i had thought." Your back laid against the tree, all of its fruits gone for it was rapidly consumed by someone (you).
You wiped off the fluid on the side of your face. A small smile looming over your lips "I feel more.. Refreshed than ever." Your tone consisted of slight suprise and satisfaction "Still, i cant seem to get my head wrapped around whats happening.." You mumbled quietly to yourself, having your fair share of the internet you were well aware on the many fanfictions and AU the game GENSHIN IMPACT had, but it having to actually become a real life situation is something too impossible to even happen.
Your feelings felt too mixed and unorganized. Half of what you felt was being thankful, because out of all the things you were gonna reincarnate in. The gods or whoever did it brought you into a more PG game; sure it had killing.. And some questionable things but as long as you live like an NPC things will go in the right track!.
With a goal set in mind you dusted off your hands following with walking down the dirt path that led to the gates of the iconic town MONDSTADT. you could remember it like it was just yesterday when you first played genshin. A feeling crept up to you, something similar - that you've walked down this path for millions of times and that muscle memory just took in. Deja vu didn't leave your mind until you were met with two guards infront of you.
"Halt. Who are you and what is your business here in mondstat" One of the guards spoke up, eyeing you up and down incase you were bringing any dangerous or threatening items to the city.
The guards other companion putted his hand on top of his friends shoulder "Wait, ___. They look familiar dont they?" His tone filled with suspicion, he couldn't shake it off as just a normal coincidence.
"What? What are you even saying ____. I believe you're making a far stretch in this one, i clearly remember that they have (opposite color) hair." The guards companion replied back with confidence in his answer. And it soon didn't take long for it to turn to a long and repeating argument on what was the appearance of the person they were arguing about.
"Jeez, who even is the person their saying. They must seem complicated" You thought to yourself while at the same time, was rubbing the back of your head - all you wanted was to slip into the city of Mondstadt but it seems to be much harder than you had thought in mind.
During the time the two guards were still rambling about the appearance of a certain someone. a silhouette of a girl with long silky brown hair, complimenting her appearance with a bright crimson bow that anybody could see from a mile away.
"Huh? I wonder whats going on over there.. Better go check it out!" The mysterious girl exclaimed, swiftly jumping down the soaring cliff. The moment her feet left the ground, wing like designs appeared behind her back which helped her safely land on the ground yet again.
"Whats going on here?" The mysterious girl walked between the two guards to stop their argument. Both her hands placed on her waist as she looked at the two with confusion.
"Oh- Outrider amber. Good to see you today" The guard greeted the named girl, AMBER. Amber exchanged the guards greeting with a smile "Good to see you today too. Now, will anyone care to explain what's going on?" She questioned, her hazel eyes glancing at the three people infront of her; You noticed how her gaze seemed too be longer on yours - as if she had something on her mind.
"I'll explain"
"Let me explain"
"So basically.."
You and the other two guards were caught off guard by the sudden synchronization. "Uhm, I can explain the situation" You spoke up while (e/c) eyes looked at the two.
"No, I've got a more grip and understanding standing on the situation, allow me" One of the guards replied back, his other companion raised a brow on what the other had just said.
"Please. I remember the details on the situation more clearly, I'll be telling you what happened Outrider Amber." His companion argued back to the other
"I'm doing you a favor so allow me."
"You're gonna leave out some parts so just let me do it"
"I'll do it"
"No, I'll do it"
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"So.. What you're all saying is that this person just wanted to get inside mondstadt?" Amber questioned;it took a long while till you just decided to explain to amber what really happened. Still, you couldn't shake off the feeling how intensely she was staring at you for - it creeped you out badly but you tried not to make it too obvious.
"Thats basically what happened" You confirmed giving her a small nod. Amber's expression seemed to be in deep thought for some moments till she gave you a smile in return.
"Seems like theres no problem then! You don't seem to pose as a threat, uhm.." Amber trailed off not really having to get your name yet. "Oh! It's (Name), pleasure to meet you" You kindly greeted her
You expected a positive greeting back but instead, your body jolted slightly. Seeing her shocked expression staring at you deeply for a moment and soon returned to normal.
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Amber's expression calmed down and she gave you a apologetic smile "Oh sorry bout that... Just go right ahead" She offered, her fingertips gently wrapping around the back of her neck as her gaze were on the floor. You questioned her abnormal behavior earlier but the thought of going inside THE city of Mondstadt that you've dreamed ever since you first played made you ecstatic. Not to mention that you just met with one of the main side characters (amber) made you forget her strange activity just a few seconds ago.
You gave her a nod "Alright. Thank you!" And without hesitating you quickly walked inside the city of Mondstadt. The aroma of dandelions waved through the surroundings as people were joyful and free; something that you've craved since your 'previous' life.
Today is a brand new page in a book, where you're the one holding the pen and get to be able to write whatever you desire! WELCOME TO MONDSTADT
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Two pairs of hazel colored eyes followed your body whilst you gleefully strolled from shop to shop. Her gaze not leaving you for even a second, for fear shrouded over her. Fear that you again would leave her sight.
".. They can't be..."
"You've felt it too huh?"
"... Get the others.
"We can't let them get away"
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walosiiii · 10 months
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bad kitty...
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pairing :: jealous dom!shen quanrui x sub brat!male reader
genre :: smut
tw :: top!ricky, 10th member!reader, unprotected sex ( remember to use protection ), pet play, sir/master kink, degradation, slight breeding kink, mentions of zhang hao x male reder, use of the words "slut" "whore and "good boy", hair pulling, overstimulation, ricky fucking the reader till he cant speak, aftercare
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it was supposed to be a joke.
you were filming a variety show with your members, you being bored decided to tease hao while the other members were talking about god knows what, touching his thigh, holding his head. however you didnt know the whole time ricky was watching from the sidelines, eyes darkening when he saw the scene unfold in front of him. you didn't even notice his glare until the filming was over and you guys were back at the dorms, you tried to give a quick goodbye to hao and the others however before you could say anything you were dragged into you and rickys shared dorm.
he threw you onto the bed "you think youre funny, huh?" he said, glaring down at you, you were about to respond when you were interrupted, "don't talk" he commanded. "clothes off now", "w-what" you said looking down "did i stutter y/n" you scrambled to take off your clothes, throwing them onto the floor and looking back at him, he was just staring at you, eyes dark. "turn around and get on your hands and knees" he ordered, "ricky i-" he cut you off grabbing a fist full of your hair yanking your face towards him, "is that my name?" he said "n-no sir" he let your hair go and went into your guys closet grabbing a box, placing it on the nightstand next to the bed, "i saw what you were doing" he said voice deep. "flirting with him, acting like a whore" he stoped a minute "did i teach my kitty to be a whore?" he said opening the box and getting out a collar and a leash.
 "no not the collar, ill be a good boy i promise" you pleaded however this didnt stop him from putting it on you, yanking on it making you choke a bit, "i think my kitty needs to be reminded who they belong to"
he grabbed your waist flipping you over, he started by kissing all over your neck leaving bites all over, slowly going lower, he sucked on your nipples making them hard, "s-sir please" you moaned, he bit down harshly on one making you let out a small yelp, he started kissing down your stomach, avoiding your cock.
"sir, i need you" you said, he let out a laugh "you need me huh?" he said "well maybe you shouldve thought about that before whoring yourself out for some cock" he slapped your cock with his hand smiling when he saw you flinch and let out a sob, "maybe if you beg ill fuck you" he said, you were desperate "please, please sir fuck me, please, im yours" you said starting to cry, he smiled grabbing the lube squirting some on his fingers and spreading your legs, rubbing around your hole. he stuck a finger in, "such a whore, so hard for me, are you master's little whore?" he asked, "please sir just fuck me, please" you cried, ignoring his words, he took his finger out pulling the leash once again making you choke, "answer the fucking question" he yelled "yes sir im a whore, im master's little slut" you cried, tears rolling down your cheeks, "that's a good boy" he said.
he took his clothes off pumping his cock a few times, he took the lube squirting more before lathering it on his cock, after hes done he then slips his finger back in your hole this time adding another.
he fingered you open, scissoring his fingers to stretch you out, after a few minutes he pulled his fingers out, he put his cock up to your hole, teasing the tip. he slowly pushed in, bottoming out. he stayed still waiting for a moment for you to adjust, after a few seconds he started moving. going fast and hard, making sure you could feel him everywhere, the feeling of the collar on your neck was overwhelming.
 "sir take the collar off it hurts, ill be a good boy p-promise!" you said crying, "maybe next time kitty" he said thrusting hard into your hole, you let out a moan.
he wrapped his hand around your neck, squeezing, "im gonna cum" you said, "cum for your master" he said pulling on the leash, you came letting out a moan and tears falling down your face, you tightened around him, "gonna fill my kitty with my cum, make everyone know who he belongs to" he said fucking into you even harder, you were overstimulated, sobbing and whimpering. "im gonna cum in you, breed my slut" he moaned. after a few seconds he was cumming in you, that didnt stop him from pounding into your hole ruthlessly ignoring your pleads and sobs.
after a minute he was cumming again, you were so overstimulated, so sensitive. he continued thrusting grabbing your oversensitive cock jerking it harshley, "sir its too much, its too much, please sir stop" you cried. after a few thrusts you came again, it hurt, tears streaming down your face. "good boy" ricky said "good kitty" he kissed your forehead, slowing his pace down until he finally stopped. 
he took his cock out of your hole, watching the cum leak out, you were exhausted. "y/n are you ok?" he asked, you were quiet, "hey its ok" he said taking off the collar, he kissed you passionately, "can you sit for me?" he asked, you did what he asked, "i-i" you couldnt speak, "it's ok, it's ok. how about a bath and we can cuddle" he suggested, you just nodded, he got up picking you up bridal style and taking you to the bathroom and starting a bath, putting you down in it. him following in soon after.
little did you know the whole time hao was in his room playing with himself to your moans and pleads, wishing it was him who was causing you to cry, and not ricky.
( 0.9k )
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iwaasfairy · 11 months
omg atsuko… i miss that little incest demon 🫶😭
GiRL YOU AND ME BOth I missed him so much I miss his stupid smug face and his attitude and his clinginess and I !!! AgHDJFJFJ hang on I wanna give you a little snippet I scrapped from a fic of his ♡♡♡
tw mom x son incest, dubcon, possessiveness
The weight on you is much too heavy. The brief nap is therefore interrupted without an apology when you groan and try to free your arms from under his muscular chest. At your movement he breathes a soft laugh into the top of your hair, and squeezes you into a solid hug. “Hmn, you remember when we used to cuddle like this every afternoon?”
“That was-” you huff, and one of your arms make it out just enough to pet down his curly head of hair and between his shoulders “before you outgrew Tooru. Ahg- Atsuko, you’re too heavy, get off-”
Instead of listening, he chuckles and just turns his face towards you, and hovers that smiley, cursed mouth just a breath away. You could struggle. You could try to get out from under him. But he’s got that glint in his eyes that’s basically daring you to try, so the best you’ve got is to stare him down instead. And your boy just raises a brow, before sliding one hand up your shoulder to hold your throat. “Ohhh, am I? Poor you.”
He leans down to kiss your lips slowly and too deeply, enjoying dragging his tongue along yours as you wiggle, and then sits up halfway to allow you room to sit up. But before you can slide out of the couch, his large hands wind around your waist, and one hand hooking under the elastic of your panties, he turns you around and pulls you right back into his lap— his lips rosy. “C’mere. I haven’t gotten to -hm.” He cuts himself off by grinding his hips up against you, and forcing you to hold steady on his stomach. “-let me see your tits. Please.”
He doesn’t wait before sliding his hands under your loose comfy shirt and pulling it up over your head, rubbing himself against you as he moans. “Come on, dad’s not gonna be home for hours, and I’m hard just thinking about it.” He is. The flimsy athletic shorts are doing nothing to hide the feeling of the heat of his center against you, or the twitching of his hard cock as it is rolled along your slit. “Got hard seeing you,” he takes one tit into his mouth for a few seconds, before switching to your mouth to moan, “laying here with no bra, moaning my name-”
“I wasn’t,” you quickly breathe back, trying not to whimper as he takes your other tit and rolls the nipple along his teeth, making you jerk against him.
“You so were, mom.” He lifts you a little to push the damp cotton of your panties aside and instantly starts rubbing two fingers in lazy circles over your clit, and then smiles. His mouth is back on yours and swallowing down an embarrassingly needy moan and you— cant help it, you wrap your arms around his shoulders to pull him closer. “I know you like me most. That’s why you always get so fucking wet.” He pants in between kisses, sliding thick fingers through the mess and opening you up. “Makes that pretty pussy so sloppy and I haven’t even- taken out my cock yet, hm? You want my cock to fill you up?”
That dirty mouth doesn’t stop, not even when he starts kissing down your neck in sloppy, possessive kisses— tracing marks he definitely left on purpose last time too. Your pussy feels so hot and needy, and you don’t fight it when your body longs to chase after the touch to sit down onto his fingers when he slides them into you with a satisfied hum. “Mom.” You left your boy pull back to pull his shirt over broad shoulders too, and ignore the look he gives when you rock yourself down onto his touch with tiny whimpers. “Mom, take out my cock, c’mon. You’re dripping all over my shorts, and I know you want to moan my name.”
“You’re so— agh- f-fuck-” He hoists you up onto your knees to suck a trail of sloppy kisses down your tits, and rubbing impatient but good, such good, motions over your needy clit— before using his free hand to shove his own shorts down his thick thighs. Your pussy clenches when he rests his face against your midriff, and fucks two long fingers into you until you drip down his hand, and the touches grow more teasing.
When he looks up he has that smug smile again though, and long lashes cant hide the amusement at your tense look, biting back moans. “I’ll help you, like the adoring son I am. Here, see?” He takes his cock to brush it along your messy slit, the head glossy and flushed as the thick, heavy length seems to get even more hard by the second. And with his pants halfway down his legs, he looks at you before patting his thigh. “Say ‘thank you, baby’. I can make you say my name when you’re getting fucked— you can’t help yourself, right?”
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markiemelon · 7 months
hii! i just found out about your blog! i wanted to request something but i also wanted to compliment your work! you have the writing style that pulls me in so that i really read the story word for word (most of the time i just skim through the entire fic to just get to the ending lol) so thank you for existing and writing these stories. they feel like a big hug! keep up the good work, i will definetly read your work in the future and catch up on your other work that i havent gotten to yet!
as for my request haha, i was wondering if you could write for jeno? im a sucker for soft jeno, but i cant really find anything that isnt wayyy too cringey. tbh soft jeno is very rare i feel like *sobs*
like, jeno is a really cold boyfriend who doesnt really show his affection, and even when he does, he doesnt admit it. for example, when he prepares a gift for you, he puts it in a place where a lot of people can access, so that you dont know that its him. haha and then when you ask him abt it, he pretends he has no idea what ur talking abt.
the only time that jeno is soft and cuddly is when ur abt to sleep or when hes sleepy.
can u js write abt jeno being exceptionally cuddly one day in bed, and the reader is really surprised?
also maybe jeno confesses abt sweet things hes done for reader in the past?
if ur not interested, please ignore! i know i wrote a lot haha, sorry.
@dungiewungie you are the sweetest. im so flattered. thank you for reading my stories!!!! thank youuu!!! so much!!!!! ♡ ♡ ♡
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☆ genre. flufffff + no warnings
☆ pairings. jeno x gn!reader
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{11:55 pm ~ ♡}
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you and jeno didn’t live together, but somehow he always found a way back to your place. he loved staying with you. he loved the way that the pillows smelled of your shampoo and how your perfume lingered on the silky sheets…
side by side, you and jeno lied in your bed, heads sunken into your pillows.
“yn, why do you have so many pillows? we can barely fit on this bed.”
he was right, you did have way too many pillows, but you liked piling them up and burring yourself to feel cozy.
he tried to throw some off to the side of the bed but you wouldn’t let him. “noo. i need all of them.”
jeno rolled his eyes and pretended to act annoyed. he shuffled around a bit to get comfortable despite drowning in the fluffiness around him. the two of you lied in silence for a moment.
“talk to me.” he said.
“talk to you?” you answered.
“yeah. it helps me sleep.” his voice was quiet.
your lips stretched past your teeth as you thought of all the things you could talk to jeno about. you figured now would be the perfect time to confront him about something since he couldn’t really go anywhere...
“remember that time you got jealous when my secret admirer sent me flowers?”
“yeah… “ he said shyly. “also..i gave you those flowers.” he confessed, a bit hesitantly. “that was before we started dating so i was kind of embarrassed.” jeno rubbed the nape of his neck.
he avoided looking at you; he was just too flustered to.
hearing that made your cheeks light up. “jenooooooo!” you wanted to give him the biggest hug, but you knew he hated your cuteness aggression. so you just told him how adorable he was, and went back to drifting off to sleep…
“yn. come here.”
your head perked up as you gladly placed yourself the closest you could to jeno while still lying side-by-side.
“no” he said, “here.”
jeno put his arm around your back, and pulled your head to rest on top of his chest. “i meant here.”
you didn’t say anything, you just giggled to yourself as you thought about how funny it was that out of all the pillows you had to choose from, he was the softest one.
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thank you thank youuu for requesting! i haven’t had much time to write so I’m sorry this took soooo long. i really hope you like it ♡
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kanesturner · 1 year
Alex Turner x reader
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(Smut) word count: 1.1K
Summary: Alex teases the reader
warnings: kinda smut, swearing, oral sex, f receiving.
p.s: this was meant to be a full smut but I got unmotivated and left it for about a month so I am just gonna post what I've wrote so far. but I am currently writing another. :D
As I opened my eyes the sun beaming through the thin curtains of our bedroom, making me immediately shut my eyes again. After adjusting to the light I turned myself so I was now facing a sleeping Alex.
Light snores being heard, his mouth slightly agape, and a few strands of his hair which was now more longer then before falling over his face. He looked unreal, majestic almost.
I gently traced my finger down his nose, making my way to his perfect lips which I just wanted to kiss forever if that was even possible. My finger gently went to the long strands of hair that was slightly covering his eyes and pushed them behind his ear.
His hand came down on my waist to pull me in closer to him, his eyes still closed. He smothered his head into my chest making me smile. I started stroking his hair, the strands easily going through my fingers.
"Hmmm don't stop." His raspy voice spoke out. I let out a laugh. "Good morning to you too" I said smiling.
He lifted his head up from my chest, his eyes squinting as he adjusted to the light. "Morning handsome" I said admiring all his features. "Good morning darling" He said placing a small peck on my lips.
I turned the other way ready to get out of bed, that's when I felt Alex's hand grab my wrist and pull me back into him. "Where do you think your going?" He smirked. "Al we have that lunch thing with Miles today remember, its at twelve” I said pulling away from his arms slightly.
"Do we have to go?" He huffed. "Yes Alex we do have to go" I spoke rolling my eyes. "Did you just roll your eyes at me" He laughed sarcastically.
"Yes I did" I spoke with a smirk. He suddenly got on top of me grabbing my wrists as well, pinning them above my head. "Naughty naughty girl y/n" He spoke smirking at me.
I tried wiggling out of his grip but couldn't because he had all in the power in this situation. "Please let go al" I whined.
He grabbed my chin harshly pulling my face to his. "I think I need to teach you a lesson darling" He spat, his grip on me getting tighter. "Al we cant right now we have to go out" I let out.
He pulled my face extremely close to his, our lips almost touching, I could feel his warm breath against my skin making me tingle. "Shush darling" He whispered against my lips.
My breathing got heaver. His lustful dark eyes looking into mine making my thighs automatically squeeze together. "Keep them open for me love" He said spreading my legs open again.
All of sudden his lips came smashing into mine, our lips roughly moving against each others. My hands went to his hair pulling at the strands. the moans escaping my mouth and going straight into his causing him to groan.
His hand slid down to my thigh were he teasingly started stroking it. "please al" I moaned out. "What do you want love" He said smirking down at me. His hand now getting closer and closer to my clothed heat.
"Fu-ck please touch me al" I whimpered out.
His lips claimed mine again the kiss being rougher then before. His hand came down on my clothed heat, rubbing my clit through the thin fabric.
"hmmm feel nice love" He spoke against my lips his finger getting faster on my clit. "I need more al p-please" I moaned.
"You need my fingers darling?" He spoke. His finger stopping all movement on my clit. "Yes Alex I need your fingers inside me please" I whined pulling his hair harder making him let out a groan.
I felt his hand go under my panties, his fingers rubbing all my slick through my folds. "Fuck your soaking darling" He groaned out his fingers going to my clit again slowly rubbing it.
The need for him to be inside now coming overwhelming. "A-Alex please" I whimpered out. His fingers started moving off my clit and towards my entrance.
Uncontrollable moans slipping from my mouth. He was so close yet I was so far. His fingers came near my entrance and he teasingly rubbed at it causing me to moan out.
"A-Al pl- oh fuck" His finger slipped inside my cunt I automatically clenched around his finger. He started going faster, his lips coming down to my neck and kissing it.
"Do you want more darling" he whispered against my neck. I nodded yes to him, he slowly inserted another finger stretching me open more. "Your so tight love all for me too" He groaned speeding up his pace.
My moans getting increasingly louder. His fingers feel insatiable with every thrust they did hitting my g-spot. "F-Fuck go faster" I managed to get out.
He went faster hitting my g-spot every time. my moans being the only thing heard.
“you almost there love” He groaned against my neck as he continued to kiss on it.
“Oh f-fuck i am almost there” I whimpered out grabbing onto his hair and slightly pulling it causing him to groan.
His thumb moving to my clit slowly rubbing it, his fingers thrusting into my cunt. The familiar sensation in my stomach, so close to being undone.
Suddenly his movements stopped, the feeling disappearing in seconds. “No fuck please al” I begged gripping his wrist.
“We have to go out remember love” He got up with a big smirk across his face. “Fuck you” I whispered hitting his chest.
He laughed walking into the bathroom closing the door behind him. I laid there for about 5 minutes to get my breath back.
I got up my legs still a bit shaky from before. As i walked to the bathroom i could hear the shower running. Getting in the bathroom and closing the door behind me i started to strip.
Once i was undressed i opened the shower door and there he was. I close ms the shower door and wrapped my arms around his waist.
“Hey baby” I said as i kissed up his back. This caused him to turn round so he was now facing me. His hands gripping my waist pulling me in.
His lips came down on mine, the kiss becoming messy and rough, his tongue easily slipping in to my mouth causing me to let out a moan.
He let his hand slip to the back of my head, slightly gripping into my hair pulling me backwards. “Tell me what you want love”. He finally spoke.
“I want you al”. I whispered.
Also thank you so much for 51 followers I love you guys, make sure to request <3
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elllisaaa · 6 months
Omg oMg omG OMG soft dom reader never going through with punishments so he/she decides the boys need one tonight bc minsung was touching without permission and they’re both subs so she/he watches hanji desperately try to fuck minho and minho trying to jerk off and they cant keep a steady rhythm so they switch and minho is on top but it makes it worse bc minho has a small cock. so eventually reader gives in and fucks them hard making them cry and then fluffy after care 💓
omg minsung x reader is my weakness (and 2min, but i'll talk about it another time) and subby men ??? that's another weakness (yes, i have many). thank you so much for sending me this (my first ask, i'm all giggly, kicking my feet and all (don't hesitate to send more)). I hope you'll like it even if I changed some details as inspiration flooded. also, sorry for answering to this a little late, i was very busy with my no nut november serie, but a lot more is coming, don't worry. thank you for your ask anon ! enjoy !
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-> pairing : sub!minho x dom!fem!reader x sub!jisung
-> words count : 3.5k
-> genre : smut, established relation, threesome
-> warnings : dom/sub dynamic, threesome, poly!relationship, punishment, dirty talk, teasing, mutual masturbation, oral (f. receiving, m. implied), swearing, use of 'good boy', 'puppy', 'brat', and 'slut', degradation, face slapping, voyeurism, dry humping, masturbation, body worship, hair pulling, mommy kink, handjob, footjob, cum eating
+ the way i'm depicting minho and jisung does not represent them, it's only a work of fiction !
-> 18+ content bellow, minors dni
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated ! sorry for any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> masterlist | skz masterlist
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You never felt the need to punish Jisung, nor Minho. Your boyfriends were always very sweet, always listening without you needing to be rough or assertive, thus there was no need to be mean. Maybe that’s why they took the liberty of touching each other even when you explicitly told them not to, maybe thinking that you wouldn’t be mad and let it go like every other time. But as soon as you entered your shared bedroom, they felt the mood shift and that you wouldn’t be as kind tonight. Maybe it was because of the stress of work, or maybe you just wanted to put them in their places for once. 
“- Care to explain what both of you are doing ?”
Jisung lifted his head from Minho’s neck where he left a tone of little purple marks, his hand stopping his motion on the other boy’s cock who couldn’t help the little whine that escaped him at the loss of friction. 
“- We… We were too turned on… Sorry, sorry, but we missed you too much.”
You walked fully into the room, your heels clicking on the floor as you threw your suit jacket on the chair sitting before your dressing table, the guys fumbling until they were sat at the edge of the bed while you did so, their eyes scanning every one of your moves nervously. You couldn’t lie to yourself and say that the scene didn’t make you wet. Because it had, obviously. But you weren’t one to let it slide when they disobeyed you like that. 
You stopped in front of them, staring right into their souls, especially at Minho. You knew him. You knew that he was the one who had led Jisung into this. He surely had argued that you wouldn’t be this mad, that you would even be happy to have them ready for you when you’d come back home. But as you tugged his hair back, forcing him to look directly in your eyes, he felt so little, as if your aura was crushing him. It was threatening, but also hot. So hot. You were still wearing your working clothes : black high heels, black suit pants and an elegant white blouse, which was a little see-through, and they both could see your laced bra underneath. Yeah, maybe Minho had a thing for you looking like the attractive businesswoman you were.
“- That’s not a fucking excuse. I only asked you one thing. Do you remember ?”
Minho knew better than to answer without being allowed to and so did Jisung that was squirming in place, dying to have your hands on him too. You smiled down at him in a sickeningly sweet manner that didn’t presage anything good for him. 
“- Good boy, you at least learned one thing. Now you can talk.” 
You had grabbed his jaw in the meantime, making it difficult for him to talk but he did it anyway. He understood very well that if he wanted to cum tonight, he must follow every one of your orders very closely. 
“- You told us not to touch ourselves while you were away.
- That’s right baby, and why did I say that ?
- Because you only left for three days and that you’ll be back soon.
- Looks like you remember after all.”
You squeezed his jaw harder before releasing him, turning away from him to shift your attention on Jisung instead. Even if you suspected that Minho had gaslighted him into making out, he wasn’t innocent either, always testing your patience and being a brat. It was time to put them both in their places
“- So fucking explain me why I find you doing exactly what I told you not to do ? 
- I- We missed you so much, we just want-”
Jisung’s next words died into his throat, replaced by a moan when you slapped him, his head turning to the side with the violence of the impact. But you knew better than to stop at his hiss of pain - you knew he liked it, loved it even, knew that it made his dick twitch without even needing to check.
“- Don’t talk until I fucking tell you that you can, you don’t want to anger me even more, do you ?”
This time, Jisung didn’t dare let out a word, simply shaking his head from left to right, big doe eyes zeroing on your lips as you stroked the red mark you left on his cheek. 
“- Good.”
You stepped back a little, taking in the lustful view of your two boyfriends, seated on your shared bed, entirely naked when you were still fully clothed, their cocks rock hard when your panties were drenched, waiting for your next command. Why didn’t you try that out before ? It gave you such a rush of adrenaline to see how much power you held over them, ideas of everything you wanted to do to them clouding your mind. You could break them in so many ways, the possibilities were endless. But for now, you just wanted to see them suffer and pay the price of their actions.  
You pushed the chair you previously threw your jacket on until it was before the bed, sitting down and spreading your legs wide open. You could see Jisung drooling on your thighs, and Minho’s hands gripping the sheets to stop himself from touching his cock at the sight before his eyes. You smiled cockily at them as you unbuttoned your blouse painfully slowly, taking forever to reach the last one, exposing your chest to their hungry gazes. And as much as Jisung wished you didn’t wear a bra, he also had to admit that it fitted you perfectly, making you look like a goddess. 
“- Go on.”
Both of them stared at you, confusion written all over their faces. You rolled your eyes, annoyed that they didn’t get what you implied. 
“- Gosh, I really have to do all the work, dumb boys can’t even understand what I’m saying.”
Your degrading words went directly to Jisung cock, a moan threatening to escape him. He was almost ready to nob at your words, willing to agree to whatever you said as long as it meant pleasing you. He never saw you so bossy, but he already liked it. He wanted more and more of your mean words. 
“- Continue to touch yourselves like the stupid little sluts you are.”
Minho threw an hesitant glance at the other boy, but in a matter of seconds, they were all over each other again, lips and tongue mingling in a heated and messy kiss, hands roaming over their body and groping everywhere they could reach. They were so desperate for more it was almost cute. Almost because the way Jisung was humping Minho’s leg as he straddled his lap was everything but cute. He looked like a dog fucking his favourite toy, tongue lolling out of his mouth as his hyung kissed down his neck, groping his ass to guide his moves against his thick thigh. 
“- F-Fuck Min ! I need more…”
You bit your lips, resisting the urge to come up to them and wrap your hands around both of their pretty cocks, but seeing them whining so pathetically against each other's mouths was maybe even more satisfying. 
“- Be more specific Ji. What do you want Min to do ?”
Your voice breaking the silence made them halt their grinding for a bit, but they quickly went back to it, both of them hissing at the feeling of skin to skin contact.
“- I- I want his hand wrapped around my cock… Please…”
Minho’s eyes dived into yours over Jisung's shoulder, and he swore he had never seen such determination in your gaze before. He shivered as you cocked your head to the side, your mischievous smile having him wanting more. 
“- Do you think you deserved it though ? You think you deserved to have your dick touched after not listening to me ?”
Jisung turned his head toward you, tears almost spilling out of his eyes from how badly he needed to be touched. Your smirk widened as you unzipped your pants, slipping your hands between your thighs and brushing against your clit still covered by your panties. You let out the filthiest moan, just to tease them a little more.
“- No… I don’t think you’ve been good enough to earn it.
- Does this mean I have ?”
The pretentious smile on Minho’s face was soon whipped off as your gaze darkened. Maybe he shouldn’t have said that. Maybe he shouldn't have provoked you. 
“- Does testing my patience get you going Lee Minho ? Answer.”
He gulped loudly, not even trying to hide how much your rough tone was turning him on.
“- N-No… Just want you to touch me.
- Then stop being a fucking brat for once.”
Minho only nodded his head, not daring to speak up again and risking to not feel your hands on him tonight, not when you looked so gorgeous, with your legs spread, rubbing at your wet clit while licking your lips. 
“- You’re going to listen to me, and do exactly what I tell you if you even want to see my hands coming near your cocks. Understood ?”
Both of them silently responded, not wanting to further anger you. 
“- Great. Ji, get off of him and sit down. Min, down on your knees.”
They shuffled quickly, moving into the exact position you wanted them to be, Minho staring at Jisung’s hard cock while the second was focusing on you, panting heavily and waiting for your next order. But it seemed like the older one couldn’t resist the urge to lick along the younger length, taking pride in the loud whine he let out. 
“- Close your mouth, slut.”
Minho did as you told immediately, fighting with his self-control to not touch either Jisung or himself. But he wanted to, badly. He needed it. 
“- Touch him, but no sucking or you’re not cumming.”
A small “yes'' left his mouth before he wrapped his hand around Jisung’s cock, watching him as he threw his head back and grabbed the older’s hair, another moan slipping past his lips. As Minho got to admire his boyfriend sinking down into pleasure, the latest got to contemplate the heavenly sight of your panties pushed to the side, fingers slowly working your wet cunt open. 
“- Finally listening to me. Doesn’t it feel so much better than disobeying ?”
Both of them moaned in response once again, and your smile widened at the sound, your fingers reaching deeper inside of you and making you release a noise too. Seeing them giving in to you was the quickest way to get you relaxed after this stressful work trip. 
“- Yeah, that’s what I thought. You’ve been good Min, you can touch yourself now.”
He didn’t let your words go to waste, immediately wrapping his other hand around his aching cock, whimpering at the feeling, pleasure and relief rushing through his veins.
“- S-Shit ! Feels so good… 
- Is that so ? 
- Y-Yes ! Would feel better if it was yours though…”
You let out a huff, and Minho could feel your disappointed gaze on him, but what he was even more focused on was how he couldn’t help but moan at seeing one more drop of Jisung’s precum hit the floor - such a waste they were not dripping down his throat. Jisung who didn’t care about your conversation by the way, as long as he got someone touching his cock. 
“- I’m being kind and you still find a way to complain ? Do you really want me to punish you ? 
- No, no, no, no ! I promise I can be good !
- Then come over here and show me. Prove me that you’re a good puppy.”
Minho never felt so turned on in his entire life, so he didn’t think twice before abandoning a whiny Jisung behind him as he crawled to you, sitting back on his heels between your legs, looking expectantly at you, silently asking you for permission to finally touch you. 
“- Go on.
- Thank you… thank you…”
You smiled down at him as he slowly took off your heels one after another, then slid down your pants to get a better view of your soaked white laced panties that he got rid off just as quickly. Maybe that having mens at your feet was your biggest kink after all because you’ve never been this wet before. Minho squeezed your thighs before he placed a kiss on your left ankle, slowly leaving a wet trail behind him as he got higher on your legs, sometimes sucking a little harshly on your skin. When he got to your inner thigh, he left a noticeable purple mark, his moans answering yours as you tugged on his hair. He was ready to do the same with your other leg but you yanked him roughly by his hair, inching his face closer to your pussy, his nose almost brushing against your clit. Minho was surrounded by the intoxicating scent of your arousal, his mouth watering at the memory of your taste. 
“- Haven’t I made it clear ? Eat me out.”
Minho immediately licked a strip of your wet folds, whining as your delicious essence filled up his senses. His nails were digging into your thighs, but you didn’t mind the slight pain, just as he didn't mind how roughly you were pulling his hair - in fact, you both loved it. You threw your head back when Minho sucked on your clit then pushed his tongue into you slightly, all the noises he made created a delicious vibration against your core that had you release one or two whimpers. But your focus shifted to Jisung when you heard him whine as he squirmed in place, desperate to get touched too. You smiled widely, seeing how tightly he fisted the sheets to keep his hands for himself, thrusting up in the air.
“- Have you been a good boy too Ji ?”
He lifted his head quickly, his teary eyes diving into yours as he nodded his head fervently.
“- Yes ! Yes ! I’ve been so good mommy ! Didn’t touch myself, I promise !
- Good job baby. Time for mommy to reward you hm ?”
Jisung closed his eyes, thinking that he could cum just from your deep, raspy voice praising him. He certainly would have, if you didn’t offer him something even more appealing. 
“- Oh my god, yes please ! I need you so bad, please… 
- Then come here.”
Just like his hyung before, he didn’t waste a second and almost ran to where you were seated, with Minho still eating you out as if he was a man starved, trying to ignore how painfully hard is dick was. You beckoned Jisung to come closer, until he was standing beside you and you could wrap your hand around his pretty cock. The loud moan that escaped him as you did so only made you smile again, loving to see tears spilling out of his eyes and rolling down his puffy cheeks. Having men crying from only your touch was maybe your second biggest kink. 
“- Aah ! Thank you ! Thank you mommy, f-feels so good…”
And having men calling you mommy was the third, without any doubt. However, your smirk was wiped out of your face when Minho buried one of his fingers inside your cunt, a moan leaving you instead. You knew him by heart ; he was jealous of the attention you were giving to Jisung and not him. You scratched his scalp lightly, another muffled sound coming out from him. He couldn’t put up an attitude with you, becoming putty in your hands every time they landed on him in any way.
“- Yeah ? Feels good Ji ?”
The boy only answered you with a high-pitched moan, one of his hands gripping your breast, just needing something to ground himself in reality. Because you were making him crazy, he was losing his mind over you and how good your touch felt. No coherent thoughts were crossing his brain anymore, the only one invading all his senses being you. 
“- So fucked out and you didn’t even put your dick in me…”
You knew Jisung could and would fuck you good, so good when you’ll let him. But for now, having him leaking precum from only your hand and the view of Minho devouring your cunt was enough to bring him close to the edge. It was also very tempting to put him in your mouth, but the man between your thighs was going feral, bringing you close to the edge. He added a second finger, stretching you out just like you loved, licking all the juices that were leaking out of your cunt. He needed more, more and more of your arousal. But he also needed you to touch him, whatever it was, he needed it. Minho lifted his head, his glossy eyes diving in your lust filled ones, his chin and lips covered in your essence.
“- Can you touch me, please ? I’ve been good for you…”
His hands were squeezing your thighs hard while your own, which wasn’t busy jerking Jisung off, came down to stroke his cheek. Minho sighed in relief to the feeling, leaning even more in your touch.
“- Mmh… It’s true, you’ve been such a good boy for me, eating me out and not complaining, and you’re even begging me… But aren’t you forgetting something baby ?”
His face was already flushed and hot, but at the thought of the words only, he felt his cheeks grow warmer. Jisung never felt any shame in calling you that, but it still got Minho all shy, and it was the very reason why you asked him to do it. Because you loved to see him like that : on his knees for you, totally giving in to you.
“- Please mommy… Touch me…”
The smile stretching your lips was worth it, and even more when he felt your foot caressing his thigh, reaching higher and higher until you pressed lightly against his cock. And the sinful moan Minho let out ravished your ears. Without you needing to ask this time, he dived back into your cunt, and it was your turn to moan loudly, your foot moving deliciously against Minho’s length and your hand still squeezing Jisung’s cock. The three of you were working in sync, your whimpers and whines mixing to create a filthy symphony. 
Jisung was the first to cum, letting out a broken cry of your name as he did so, the sticky substance landing on your cheek and lips. You continued to squeeze his cock, milking him dry and slightly overstimulating him as he was still very sensitive. And seeing him in such a state of desperation paired with Minho’s skilled tongue and fingers pushed you over the edge too. You unconsciously pressed your foot harder against his cock, making him whimper louder, and you felt it twitch before his release was covering your skin just a moment after. 
All of you needed several minutes to come down from your highs, the only sound being your heavy breathings. When you regained enough consciousness to open your eyes again, it was to be struck by the vision of your two boyfriend’s fucked out faces, still in their own little worlds. A mischievous smile blossomed on your face, because you were certainly not finished torturing them now that you discovered how pliant they could be. So you nudged Minho’s face that was still resting against your thigh, getting him to lift his head and look at you with the softest eyes and you almost felt guilty for what you were going to do - almost being the key word.
“- You made a mess baby, didn’t you ?”
Simply looking down at your feet covered in his cum made him hard again. Minho only answered your question with a shaky “yes”. 
“- Then you’re gonna clean it up. Lick it off.”
Without uttering a word, Minho grabbed your ankle to bring your feet to his mouth and he didn’t hesitate to eat his own cum, under Jisung’s intense gaze, who seemed completely out of it. However, all you needed to get his attention back was to point at your cheek that was also covered in cum. In the blink of an eye, he was greedily licking it off of you, and you couldn’t have felt better than with your two men all over you - and it was only the start.
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As you layed in bed between Minho and Jisung, you finally felt at peace for the first time since the beginning of this stressful week. You pecked Minho’s forehead and Jisung’s nose before snuggling even closer to them, if that was even possible. 
“- I’m sorry for being so rude, I hope it wasn’t too much.”
Jisung chuckled, his fingers coming down to trace random patterns on the exposed skin of your shoulders. 
“- Don’t worry baby, we would have let you know if it was.”
Minho nobbed at the other boy's words, not lifting his head from where it was nuzzled in your neck. 
“- It was really good actually.”
The warmth radiating from his face was enough of a hint for you to know that he was blushing again, making you smile softly as you closed your eyes, ready to drift to sleep.
“- I missed you even if you’re two little brats.”
And something was telling you that now that they had a taste of your dominant side, they would test your limits even more.
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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skz taglist (fill in this to be added) :
@puppy-minnie @binwons @yoongles2025 @thicccurls
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miasmaghoul · 3 months
From the prompt list
Dew/Aether #26
From this list.
#26 - as an apology
"You're serious?"
Aether nods, but he can't look up. The disbelief in Dew's voice is something he expected, but it feels so much worse that he'd anticipated.
"Yes," he breathes, fiddling with a bracelet. "I told Papa this morning." Aether swallows, mouth dry. "I would have told you sooner, but -"
Aether sighs, scrubs at his face with both hands. The scent of antibacterial soap floods his nose, skin made dry from endless washing during his infirmary shift. He stares at the little ghoul's boots, black leather stark against the white tile floors. Maybe it was a mistake to do this here. Maybe he should have waited until tonight, until they were tangled up in bed and Dew was blissed out and half asleep. Maybe he'd sound less betrayed.
Somehow, Aether doubts it.
"I told you," he sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets, "I'm tired, Dew. Too tired to keep up with the rest of you." Aether rubs the back of his neck. "You remember the last leg, right? How many times did Papa talk to me about my mistakes? How many times did you have to pick up my slack?"
"Aeth -"
Aether holds up a hand, and Dewdrop pauses. Aether can feel his scowl, eyes burning into the top of his head. He still can't make himself look up.
"How many nights did you have to spend massaging my hands, just so I could play the next day?"Aether cracks his knuckles, wincing at their stiffness. "Besides, they need me here." He gestures vaguely at the empty infirmary lobby. "Now that Omega's gone, I'm the only full-time healer we've got."
He huffs out a harsh exhale, pinches the bridge of his nose. This was so much easier in his head. He watched the little ghoul cross his legs, scuffing the toe of his boot against the floor.
"I just...I can't do it anymore, Dew. I don't have the energy."
He falls silent after that, shoulders hunched and hands shoved into the pockets of his slacks, and waits. Waits for Dew to yell, to grab his coat and throttle him, to punch a wall - anything to express the rage he swears he can feel pouring from that slight body.
"I understand," Dew says instead, and somehow that's the thing that makes Aether look at him.
Dewdrop's expression reads cool, but his shoulders sit tense. The tip of his tail flicks through the air, obvious agitation, but it seems to be unconscious. There's something hard in his copper eyes, and Aether swallows hard.
"You...you what?"
"I get it," Dew says with a shrug, rolling his neck. "I was around when Zeph went through this, remember?"
That's...a fair point. Zephyr may have only joined them on stage for a few months, but Aether remembers very clearly all the evenings spent helping with their pain and exhaustion. He sighs, nods.
"Yeah, I do. But this isn't the same -"
"You could've told me, y'know," Dew interrupts, softer. "Before now, I mean. Before you told Papa."
"I almost did," Aether admits. Dew's casual demeanor has him off balance - he expected to have his coat singed by now. "But I was worried -"
"I wouldn't have told anyone," he interrupts, voice soft, and Aether stutters to a halt. Watches the little ghoul wring his hands. "Wouldn't have done that to you."
Aether blinks. Twice. That thought hadn't even occurred to him, not for a second. His hesitence came only from the risk of upsetting Dew, not from some fear of having his retirement revealed before he was ready. He cants his head and peers at Dewdrop, brow furrowed, and finds something new in his eyes. A watery glimmer of something so obviously sad, so fearful, that it makes Aether's heart ache.
"Oh, Dew..."
In half a breath they're caught up in each other, Aether holding the little ghoul to his chest in a crushing embrac, one hand on the back of his ash blond head and the other arm curled tight around him. Dew's hands fist into his shirt and he plants his feet between Aether's, huffing against his chest, and for a few moments they stay like that. Holding one another in silence while Aether collects his words and tries to figure out what he could possibly say to assure the one he loves more than any other that he'd never question his trust. To apologize for even making him think otherwise.
Then Dew pulls away just enough to look up at him with those gorgeous eyes, the gentlest smile curving his lips, and Aether has his answer.
The kiss is soft, gentle. No urgency, no tongue, just the perfect meeting of their mouths. Dew's warm hands come up to cup Aether's cheeks and Aether sighs through his nose, muscles he didn't know he'd tensed going lax. It feels like an age before they part, and Aether knows he doesn't have to say it, but -
"I'm sorry, firefly," he whispers, rubbing Dew's back and nosing at his temple. "I didn't mean -"
"I know," Dew assures him, stroking his face, eyes searching his own. "I...I know."
Dew kisses him again, and Aether decides any other words can wait until his hands stop shaking.
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mangosrar · 8 months
Always, i will be here.
chris sturniolo x reader
a/n: guys this one is lowkey-highkey sad but i love it so much:(
loosely based off always by Daniel Caesar!!!!
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My y/n,
I wonder when i first met you, in a way that was more than just physical. I wonder when a line in a song reminded me of you, or the first time i walked past someone who carried a scent so similar to yours, that i questioned if you had just walked past me, or the first time someone made a joke so good i had to relay it to you later and pretended it was my own.
I always thought that heart break was caused by mean words said so harshly they pierce the soul. But in reality, they’re from goodbyes that weren’t told, kisses never shared and hugs never felt. These are the ingredients of a broken heart and they can never be fixed. Broken beyond repair.
The thing is even if you could go back, you wouldnt belong there anymore. I still perform autopsies on conversations we had lives ago. They could hook me up to a polygraph and ask me if i still love you, i would say no, and the line would jump and stutter in the exact pattern of your laugh. It feels better to die at your hands y/n, than to never have felt them at all. The heart has its own memory, and i have forgotern nothing, so dont set me on fire and act like you're the one burning.
I remember once you told me you killed a plant by feeding it too much water, and now you worry love is voilence and i know i always say you hold on to too much and every time you reply; asking me where you should put it down. This is starting to look like a contest of who cares less but i liked it better when you were on my side. Im afraid i will love you for the rest of my life and we will never be in the same room again, and im worried the amount of time we have left together is limited so please lingre near the door or forget your jacket and come back for it later. Please just tell me that im not as forgetable as your absence is making me feel. You only hate the people you love, and i know i could never be someone you dont like.
But surrounded by the churches and the dirt, i fell in love with you here. I had never told you. I wish i was braver. It's okay to not be who you thought you would be. But now summer is almost over, my feelings didnt change, and you aren't coming back. But always, i will be here y/n.
My Chris,
Christopher Owen Sturniolo, you have siezed my spine, took my bones and left me to melt into a sticky pile of mush where my body used to be.
I have spent half of my life loving you, and the other half figuring out my love for you. If i could write a book on all the things i wished you would have said, i would run out of pages. I feel like a kid at christmas whos been hopelessly dreaming about getting a pony,only to be given socks. I pushed you out and now youre so far away i cant even reach for you. I could call you a hundred names and scream and shout about why you were awful. But where would that leave me. I still loved you. I still have to live with that.
Its like youve taken a part of me and left it where i cant find it. I tried to forgive you, so i could move on, but how is that possible when i find you in every song, every tone, every frequency and every static. My brain cannot move an inch without bumping into some part of you. You are just a burning house that i want to live in, so why can't you let me put you out?
I wish you had left me wondering. I think it would have hurt much less if i never knew what made you fall out of love with me. You held me tight as i weeped like a little girl who had just dropped her ice cream, you kissed the top of my head and rocked us back and forth. You muffled my sobs with your lips. You whispered sweet nothings to me as i cried in your arms. You wiped the tears that fell for the heart you broke. You told me there will always be a piece of your heart that belongs to me. You have stained me. Tainted and bruised my soul. You told me that you’ve never had a love like ours and never will. You said that you’re future wife will know about me. Your kids will learn what love is through the stories you tell them about us. And suddenly, im at the kitchen table. Crying. Wondering what went wrong. But always, i will be here chris.
@christinarowie332 @jcwrites-blog @sturnphilia @biimpanicking @sssturniolofart @lividnity
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