#and kitty
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Stupid thought: Ghosts under a hundred years are babies no matter how old they are. However it’s acknowledged their human ages matter.
Danny is a baby. Johnny and Kitty aren’t. Both were killed during the Salem Witch Trials as witches. Shadow is in fact Johnny’s magic still sticking around. However they adapt to the times compared to other ghosts who died. They like their new style.
Johnny notices first and stops right away to talk to Danny who is stunned. He’s fought ghosts before who just attack?!
Johnny: You feel old but like I can tell it’s just echoes of power kid.
Johnny abandons his plans for Jazz and goes back to the Ghost Zone to talk to Kitty. Both come back and begin helping Danny with Ghost stuff. They become his ghostly parents/older siblings. Mostly older siblings.
So they aren’t rogues. Though they will cause mischief.
Then the GIW attack Danny after figuring him out. Vlad is a bitch and helps. Cause he wants to save Danny and be his ghost dad. Johnny and Kitty are around. They grab Danny when he’s injured and book it. They can’t go to the Ghost Zone though, cause the GIW tracked Danny to the place and realized his identity. Maddie and Jack are confronted and upon learning their son is Phantom… yank out their guns and shoot the agents. Jazz runs to the basement and wrecks the portal. All three are arrested.
Johnny and Kitty run with Danny all the way to Gotham where a natural stable portal is, hidden deep under the rock. Gotham’s Spirit stops then.
GS: He’s to human. He needs to recover here yes, but can’t go full in for to long.
They do take him to see Frostbite while Gotham does her thing. Arranging for an apartment to mysteriously become available, then to find a stash of dirty money, all that.
Johnny and Kitty manage to pass as meta. They hide what they are cause the old Laws say they have to.
Johnny ends up working with Jason as part of the Red Hood gang while Kitty works in a beauty parlour. Danny is in recovery. But when he’s okay, he begins working with Tucker (who along with Sam booked it out of Amity and are hiding out in a bunker Sam’s grandma has) to destroy the GIW.
Jason eventually gets roped into the chaos as he’s liminal. He is more then happy to blow up some government agencies. More so when Maddie and Jack break out with Jazz to run to Gotham to. Suddenly there are two mad scientists who work in Crime Alley with Red Hood.
Few people are happy. I’m not sure if this is during the early days (if so, Johnny murks the clown) or not but Batman is not happy. Meanwhile the Fentons are happily churning out gear for Red Hood cause both have little morals, Jazz is helping expose the GIW and the JL cause they all think they knew (they didn’t. New laws said the hotline had to be operated by a civilian who was easily bribed, thanks Luthor).
I have no idea where this would go other then ‘Johnny and Kitty are Danny’s ghost parents/siblings who run with him to Gotham and cause chaos with Jason and Danny is a baby crime lord’.
I mean you can go bad reveal Jack and Maddie but the idea of them going: you know what? FUCK THE GOVERNMENT before going evil is funnier.
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mechanoize · 1 month
Im gonna be so annoying about my jazzprowl maximal au u guys r not ready
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giffingthingsss · 1 year
Prodigy will apparently be removed Tuesday. Watch if you haven’t before then. 
I’ll show my parents the last of season one this weekend. And then hope that a season two appears, which they’ve already asked about. Y’all have disappointed kids, I’ve got a mom who will not rest until she sees more murf. 
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tanglepelt · 1 year
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Just some rogues
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Lily first time in the grass
(What about her first summer at Steiner?)
Midge takes the older kids up first, and Lenny follows a few days later with Lily in her car seat in the back. She's four months old, and likely the most easy-going baby in existence.
It's just been the two of them and Midge's pre-pumped breast milk, and Lily couldn't be happier. As he drives through the mountains toward Steiner, he sings to her, along with the radio, and she coos happily, seemingly trying to sing along from the backseat.
When they arrive, it's a little later than Lenny planned, but that's okay. He's not really in the mood for activities, and neither was Midge, apparently, because she's lounging on the front porch of the bungalow.
He hops out and lifts Lily out of her car seat, bouncing her in his arms. "Ready for vacation?" he asks, and she waves her hands, reaching out for Midge, who is getting to her feet and walking down to meet them.
When she reaches then, she kisses Lenny softly before taking Lily into her arms, cuddling the baby close. "How was the drive?"
Lenny nods as he gets the luggage from the car. "Good. How are things here?"
Midge sighs softly. "Tense. Joel wants to spend time with Ethan and Ethan isn't having it."
"Well, he's ten, he's getting to that age where he's too cool for the old fogies in his life," Lenny jokes.
"Well, Joel is taking it poorly."
Lenny rolls his eyes. "He has an entire other son to play with, and I'm sure Esther would appreciate some of that attention."
Midge doesn't get a chance to respond, because Lily starts tugging at her t-shirt. "Ookay, clearly it's mealtime, and someone wants the fresh stuff."
Lenny chuckles and follows her in, getting the bags situated before joining Midge on the couch as she starts nursing.
"I know it's only been a couple of days, but I really missed her," Midge says, gazing down at Lily. "Did she miss me?"
"I think so," Lenny tells her as he sits down. "She was very good, but I could tell she was looking around for you and the kids."
Midge smiles down at their daughter adoringly, and not for the first time in in the last few days, Lenny wonders how he got so fucking lucky.
The door swings open and slams shut and Midge takes a blanket to cover her chest and Lily, sparing Ethan from something he's not prepared for as he storms in.
"Hi, Sweetie," Midge grins. "Lenny and Lily are here."
"Fine. Good," Ethan tells them agitated.
"Everything okay?" Lenny asks, frowning.
"Pop just- he wanted to bowl. He wanted to! But then I beat him and he got all weird," Ethan explains. "So I said I didn't wanna play anymore, and he got even more weird, because he wanted to beat me, and-"
"Okay," Lenny says gently. "Okay. You don't have to bowl anymore if you don't want to, Ethan. It's okay. I was gonna get changed and maybe do some fishing. You wanna come with? Just have some quiet time?"
Ethan hesitates for a moment before nodding, and Lenny gets to his feet, promising to be back in a few moments before heading up the stairs.
When he gets back, Midge has finished feeding Lily and their daughter is now snuggled in against her, drowsy and ready for a nap.
"I think your dad's just getting used to you getting older," Midge explains to Ethan as Lenny steps back into the room. "It wasn't so long ago that you could barely lift the bowling ball at all."
Ethan nods, thinking that over.
"A little time on the water will help," Midge assures him. "You'll catch some fish, and listen to some music. You'll feel better."
"Ready, kid?" Lenny asks.
Ethan nods, getting to his feet. "Ready."
Midge smiles at them. "Have fun."
Fishing is successful, all things considered. Ethan catches a couple of little ones, and Lenny does, too, and they make plans to cook them for dinner tonight, because Lenny has no intention of getting dressed to go to the main ballroom with the rest of the adults.
When they get back, Midge is playing cards on the front porch with Kitty and Esther, and Rose is spending time with Lily.
"We got dinner!" Ethan announces, holding up the bucket of fish.
Rose looks a little disgusted, but tries to be supportive. "That's very nice, dear."
"We're gonna go start cleaning and gutting these babies, and then we'll grill 'em," Lenny promises as he leads Ethan inside.
"They're serving steak at the dining hall tonight," Rose offers.
Midge smiles at her mother. "I think we'll skip tonight, Mama. It'll be fun to have a nice family dinner with the six of us."
Rose looks skeptical but doesn't argue, and and Lenny listens to the chatter from the kitchen as he and Ethan get to work.
They grill the fresh fish on the little charcoal grill out back, and then eat on a blanket out front, Lily in her little carrier, yawning and cooing her way through dinner as everyone else chats and watches the fireworks when they start.
"They're so pretty," Esther sighs happily.
Midge smiles and brushes her hair from her eyes. "Mhm. One of the best part of vacation."
"When can Lily start eating real food?" Kitty asks.
"Another few months," Lenny tells her. "Then we can start putting all kinds of things in a blender for her to eat."
Kitty giggles. "Ew."
"Ah, she'll love it. You did."
"I did?!"
"Oh yeah, you ate all kinds of stuff," Lenny teases. "You ate green bean mush and sweet potato mush and carrot mush."
Kitty giggles harder. "Daddy ew!"
"Corn mush."
It's Ethan's turn to be grossed out. "Ew."
"Babies eat baby food," Lenny tells them with a laugh.
"And booby milk," Esther chimes in.
Midge laughs this time. "Esther, who told you that."
"Of course she did," Midge shakes her head, amused.
In the morning, Lenny changes Lily's diaper and feeds her before carrying her out front and sitting in in front of the bungalow and letting her lie in the grass while Abe does his calisthenics.
"Your grandfather is a strange man, Lily," Lenny tells her. "He wears a onesie just like you."
Lily coos and wiggles and Lenny chuckles.
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theresawritesstuff · 2 years
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photo prompt
Kitty snuck around the crowd of photographers, ducking her way through to the front as Midge readied herself to plant her hands for her square on Hollywood Boulevard.
She'd learned a thing or two from Susie about using being shorter than the rest of the group to your advantage over the years. Although at twelve she'd already passed Susie by a few inches... Might need to shake up her strategy soon.
"Ah! They didn't say it would feel so gooshy. Why did I have my nails done for this?" Midge laughed.
"Because you're a perfectionist, Sweetheart. Come on, you've gotta really get in there with it. We want these prints to last!"
Her father came in behind her stepmother, encouraging her palms into the wet cement, the press snapping pictures and vying for their attention all the while.
Mrs. Maisel!
Mrs. Maisel!
Miriam how does it feel to--
"Mrs. Maisel! Which is worse?" Kitty piped up in a false gravel. "That wet cement there or having to clean Ethan's jockey shorts after a double header?"
Her parents looked up, their professional smiles giving way to genuine laughter as her shutter clicked.
Got 'em.
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intro post i should've made six months ago :/
Hello whoever has stumbled upon my blog! My name is Scarlett or Raven, and I am fine with either! Use whichever you want, I don't really care :)
I am a high school student but I'm not going to disclose my exact age, and i am fine with any pronoun honestly but i usually tell people she/they.
i am a writer, and i write everything from screenplays, novels, poetry, songs, short stories, etc. i also take oneshot requests.
i am a very proud member of the lgbtq+ community, (i am a useless bisexual if you must know ;D) so homophobes and transphobes DNI (that includes TERFS 👀) and you will probably see a lot of gay stuff on my blog.
i am a part of A LOT of fandoms, but i mostly post abt Shadowhunters, Stranger Things, PJO, and Måneskin. But im also a big star wars and marvel nerd and im a huge theater kid.
my ask box is always open for oneshot requests, playlist requests, or anything like that! or literally just chatting with me i will love you forever if you send me asks to just chat and/or bc you wanna be friends <3
My DMs are also always open :)
I have a sideblog for reading, which is @readingaftermidnight007 so go follow me or talk to me abt books over there! i'll probably make more sideblogs soon but thats the only one for now.
i play bass guitar and clarinet and i really like music so i love to give music recs and receive music recs!
i wanna be a director a screenwriter someday
if you wanna add me on goodreads, here's the link..
if you wanna add me on twitter, im @.scarletttt067 but be warned my twitter is a mess of baseball, maneskin, and other random shit lmao
thats it! I'm totally going to be adding to this but for now, goodbye!
(all my personal tags are tagged below)
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i swear i don't know a character who has more gender than atsushi i love that girl too much
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getinthehandbasket · 2 years
I started watching BBC Ghosts.
I hope you all are happy.
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ilianazzzosemanverse · 7 months
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islascafe · 2 years
sumi didn’t send me at all LMAOOO
I’m just also a fellow Draken slut & it is my solemn duty to our cult union to fuck up every other Draken girl I see. every one!!!!!
I take my job very seriously—due diligence or whatever the fuck.
This man is a whore. Do you hear me? A whore.
I feel like. I would have more peace had I fallen for like.. Keisuke or some shit. But noooooooo. I had to fall for the man that literally could kill me with that thing between his legs and I would thank him. I hate it here I really do.
And thinking on it, Keisuke might not be any better.
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daily--cats · 2 months
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cute-catts · 21 days
this is amazing 🐈 ♥️♥️
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justcatposts · 5 months
My 11-month male cat lets my foster kittens nurse on him.
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Please please please this has to keep going
“Are you kidding? You’ve fucked him twice and you’re already babysitting?” Susie snaps
“He did me a favor, handing me my ass,” Midge reminds her manager and friend. “The least I can do is watch his disgustingly well-behaved daughter for an afternoon while he stocks up on kid food and Hanukkah gifts.”
Susie sighs heavily. “Fine. You have a gig tomorrow night, though, you know. You can’t be fucking around and playing nursemaid or whatever.”
“They’re having Hanukkah dinner at my place tonight, and then he’ll take her home, and I will be free for my gig,” Midge promises. “But there is...something else I should tell you.”
Susie stares at her. “Oh god. What now.”
“So...Lenny and I...really like each other.”
“And we’re...going to try and date,” Midge goes on.
“That’s Daddy’s no-no word,” Kitty tells them from the other room as she colors on a piece of paper. “He says I’m not allowed to say it until I’m thirty-nine.”
“Well I’m over thirty-nine,” Susie snaps. “Midge. I know you care about that guy. I get it. He’s bad news.”
“The arrests, the drugs - the drugs, Midge.”
She sighs softly. “I know. I know about the drugs. Some things, at least. I just-” she sighs softly. “I’ll regret it if I don’t try. And maybe I’ll regret it if I do, but I have to know, Susie.”
Susie sighs heavily. “Fine. Fine. Okay. Just as long as you don’t lose sight of your career. Okay? We just got back on track. The last thing we need is for you to get dickmatized or some shit.”
“I will not get dickmatized,” Midge promises. “But we do need to go, because I need to start making dinner.”
“Anything good?” Susie asks, perking up a little.
“Brisket. Latkes. The usually for a Hanukkah dinner.”
“Room for another?” Susie asks.
“Candles get lit at sundown,” Midge tells her as she gets to her feet. “Don’t be late.”
“You’re making latkes, I’m not gonna be late,” Susie snorts.
Kitty gets to her feet, too, stepping over to Susie and handing over her drawing. “I made this for you, Miss Susie.”
Susie blinks and takes the little picture - a few flowers in a vase, staring down at it. “You made this for me?”
Kitty nods.
Susie looks almost speechless, looking from Midge back to Kitty and then to Midge. “She made this for me?”
“She did,” Midge grins. “Hang it on the fridge”
She takes Kitty’s hand and leads out of the office and down the street to catch a cab back to her apartment, still blissfully empty with both of her parents at work and Zelda having the day off until the evening to help with last minute food prep.
“Okay,” Midge grins, leading Kitty into the living room. “I think it’s time you had that nap your dad talked about.”
Kitty huffs. “But-”
“If you want to stay up for dinner,” Midge says smoothly. “You have to get a little sleep now. The couch is really comfortable, and I have soft blankets, and...” she looks around and snags Mr. Pants, whom they’d left at the apartment after Midge had gotten cleaned up and changed to go out again. “Mr. Pants is here to help you fall asleep.”
“What if Daddy comes over and I miss him?” Kitty asks.
Midge bites her lip. This sounds like something that maybe happened previously, and she takes a breath. “I promise, when your daddy gets here, the first thing he’ll do is say hello. Okay?”
Kitty thinks about that and nods. “Okay.”
Midge beams. “Okay. Shoes off, get comfy, I’ll be back with a big blanket.”
Once Kitty is settled (with the added bonus of the TV on, the sound down low to give her a little white noise to sleep to), Midge throws on her apron and gets to work.
“Right,” Midge mutters as she gets started in the kitchen. “Me, Lenny, Mama and Papa, Ethan, Esther, Kitty, Chaim, Noah and Astrid, Susie, Moishe and Shirley, Joel and Mei-” she freezes. “Fuck. Joel and Mei. Fuck. Fuck.”
She rushes to the phone, picks it up and then puts it back down again.
“No,” she says simply. “No. He can handle my dating. He can handle it. No he can’t, he cannot handle my inviting the man I’m seeing and his daughter to a holiday dinner, Joel can’t handle that, he’s Joel, he’ll burn the apartment down.”
Midge picks up the phone again and dials this time, waiting for someone to pick up.
“It’s Midge.”
“Hey, what’s-”
“You listen, I talk,” she says quickly. “I’m seeing someone. I like him a lot. You’re going to hate it. You’re going to hate it so much, but I need you to be nice tonight because he’s coming to Hanukkah dinner, and his daughter is visiting and she’s five, and sweet, and she did nothing wrong and she does not deserve to hear you say awful things about her father, so you’re going to come to dinner, you’re going to smile through gritted teeth, eat, make pleasant conversation and then you’re going to take Mei home and everyone will have had a great night, and you can lose your shit on me in the morning. Got it?”
“Oh, and it’s Lenny Bruce.“
“Are you fucking kidding me?! Midge!”
She hangs up, and gets back to work.
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