#and like in canon beth gets adopted by shelby
forabeatofadrum · 9 months
Question for fic readers and I guess also writers:
In the upcoming chapter of Ljubili se (yes, I am writing something), I am introducing a "plot point" that might potentially never be brought up again. Should I include it in the first place, or is it fine to just never bring it up again? Or at least, it won't be resolved. And that's because it has absolutely nothing to do with the actual story of Ljubili se.
Then why is it there in the first place? Well, because other characters still have a life of their own, and even though Kurt and Blaine don't know it, that doesn't mean it isn't there. Does that make sense? So it's more to show that people in this universe are people with their own lives and stories and thoughts and what not, completely separately from their connection to Kurt and Blaine. But then again, if I do bring it up, even if it's mostly up to interpretation, do people want a pay-off?
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darecruit · 2 years
So, I came to this Baby Please Come Home party late, and I was just reading some of your answers here on Tumblr
So I was thinking, what are some of your thoughts on Shelby? Because you said some if the show isn’t canon in your fic, so i was wondering about her past. Was she on broadway? did she contact Rachel before through Jessie? How did she get to know Quinn (and Beth)? What did she know about Quinn’s home life? So many questions lol
I don’t know if you plan to include that in the fic and you certainly don’t have to answer any of that, I just am somehow really invested lol
Great fic as always btw
It’s not that Shelby isn’t canon. I guess she is. I was going to have her have met Rachel the same way as in the show. Shelby gets spooked and runs. But I think she will have texted Rachel a few times. And it’s not that she doesn’t want a relationship with Rachel, but R does have 2 parents who love her and S doesn’t want to come in and screw that up. She gets cold feet. But then she adopts Beth and she’s focused on the baby. I think it would be easy for her to take Quinn under her wing and let Q be part of Beth’s life from the get-go bc she knows what it’s like not to have that. And then of course Quinn’s home life is shit. So Shelby takes her in bc of course she does. And having Quinn will make S think of Rachel and decide to take the leap and truly start a relationship with her as well.
I’m considering writing a Rachel-centric story that deals with Rachel’s side of things in a bit of parallel time frame to what’s going on in Baby. So we could see her thoughts and feelings on Quinn asking about Hanukkah and seeing Q drive off in Shelby’s car. Then Shelby calling her to ask about Quinn. But that may also make more sense to just be included into the bigger story that I want to write about all of these characters.
My brain is a mess today and I’ve got ideas but none of them are organized. I’m not even sure if my ramblings here make any sense. Hope they do and that you followed!
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hiddenpxpercuts · 10 months
Was that [KIERNAN SHIPKA]? Oh no no, that was just [BETH CORCORAN], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [GLEE]. They are [TWENTY-ONE] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE ] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
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Beth has been in D.C for three years.
Beth is conceived during the drunken one-night stand that takes place between Quinn and Puck sometime shortly before Preggers. At first, it is not known if Quinn would decide to keep her when she is born, or be given up for adoption. Terri's initial plans were to have the baby handed over to her by Quinn, so she can raise her with Will Schuester. Quinn agrees to this, because she believes that Will would be a good father. Terri and Will do not end up adopting the baby, because they divorce before her birth.
She has her mother's sass and her father's thrill of getting into trouble. Growing up with a mother like Shelby, Beth also enjoys singing and was in Glee in high school.
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poetzproblem · 6 years
do you have any favorite underrated faberry moments?
Do you mean actual canon Faberry moments? Because I think we all analyzed and obsessed and gushed over every single interaction, glance, and mention between them for the length of the series as proof that they love each other and are perfect together. 
So I guess the only underrated moments are the ones we didn’t get to see–like Rachel and Quinn bonding over Shelby adopting Beth as mentioned in Rachel’s throwaway line in season 2 or exactly how Rachel convinced Quinn to test Finn’s fidelity for her or agree to go with her to her nose job consultation and give Rachel her nose and sing a duet of IFP/U with her or how Rachel knew Quinn dated a 40 year old skateboarder over the summer or why weird background moments like this:
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were a thing that kept happening.  
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empathetixss · 4 years
Quinn Fabray Verse Drop
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do you think i can get it all back (season 1)
Glee in season 1. Everything is canon.
is this me feeling enough for you. (season 2)
Glee in season 2. Everything is canon until Funeral when Finn and Quinn break up. After her mother realizes Quinn is spiraling into a deep depression, Judy Fabray decides to move with Quinn. Quinn doesn’t just quit Glee Club without a word, she moves. (Six months before the end of Junior Year.)
I’m only human (human verse)
After a rough junior year, Judy Fabray decides to move her daughter from Lima, Ohio to Mystic Falls, Virginia. Quinn settles in rather well, with the other kids, getting a job at The Grill and joining the cheer squad. She’s trying to adjust to her new life. Knowing nothing of the supernatural around her, she’s managed to even make friends with one Rebekah Mikaelson, seeing a lot of her old self in the girl.
to start a life and maybe change the world (kept beth)
Quinn and her mother decided to keep Beth after her birth. Quinn moved to Mystic Falls with her and settled into the new swing of things. Life with a baby is hard, but she’s adjusting.
Sub-verse: where everyone you know never leaves too soon (new orleans) - Quinn goes to New Orleans with Beth after graduation realizing she needs a change. She’s currently enrolled in College and slings beer at the local bar. She’s a Journalism major with a flair for philosophy, sociology, and psychology. (all the -ologies as she says.)
her blood’s a drug (pixie!quinn)
One night Quinn was getting out late from The Grill when she was attacked by a vampire. Quinn fought him off as hard as she could. Light emerged from her fingertips and blasted the vampire away. Scared, she drove home as fast as she could. Her mother found her in her car, shaking. It was then that Judy Fabray revealed the truth. Quinn was half pixie, and her powers had finally emerged.
magic in her veins (witch!quinn)
Quinn Fabray had said that her parents would burn her like a witch if they found out she was pregnant, she wasn’t kidding. Quinn’s magic emerged after she got pregnant. She accidentally started a fire in her bedroom. She managed to get it under control, but she couldn’t hide it once she got to Mystic Falls. Taken under the wing of a witch, she quickly learned how to control her emerging powers, and hide them from her mother.
Subverses: here to relive your darkest moments (new orleans): To save her daughter from the magic in her blood that’s trying to consume her, Quinn goes to New Orleans for help from the witches there. (set five years after Beth’s birth.)
never can say goodbye (vampire!quinn)
Quinn was driving back to Lima, Ohio for the wedding of Will and Emma when she got hit full speed by a truck. She was rushed to the hospital where she died on the table. She died as a human, but the doctor working on her had tried using vampire blood, to heal her wounds. She awoke in transition and afraid. She made it back to Mystic Falls and is currently trying to figure out her life as a vampire. She currently doesn’t have a daylight ring and in hiding.
chicago was magical (vampire!quinn)
In Chicago, 1920, Quinn Fabray and her family were one of the best mob families. Highly well known and wealthy, Quinn was Russell’s shining star. She started sneaking out with her sister when she turned 17. Quinn ended up at Gloria’s speakeasy one night upon hearing that the woman was looking for a singer for the night, Quinn auditioned. Gloria liked her and from then on, every night from nine until late in the night she would work. She ended up falling in with Klaus and Rebekah Mikaelson, they all got on very well with one Stefan Salvatore. One night, she was leaving the club when she was attacked and turned. When she awoke as a vampire, she knew Quinn should go to Klaus and Rebekah, but instead she turned to Gloria. Gloria gave her a daylight cross and ring as well as helped her through the transition. From the 1920s on she’s been traveling, finally, she ended up in Mystic Falls after hearing that The Originals had settled there. (Bloodline: unknown)
the full moon rising (werewolf!quinn)
Quinn was everyone’s favorite blonde cheerleader when she accidentally caused an accident. She ended up killing the other driver by mistake and in doing so, triggered her curse. Having no idea what to do she ended up back in Mystic Falls, a werewolf in disguise as a pretty blonde. (She’s turned into a wolf once but is sure she’s alone in this world. This can transition into a Teen Wolf verse as well.)
watch the queen conquer (hybrid!quinn)
Quinn triggered her families werewolf curse by accident. Her parents explained to her that they had to go to New Orleans, it would be safer there for her. What they didn’t know was that the Originals had come home and the hybrids were being made. Quinn managed to make friends with Hayley Marshell, knowing the other woman could sniff out the werewolf on her. When she got a chance, she begged the other woman to help her be a hybrid. She couldn’t take the pain of being a wolf anymore. Hayley helped her and told her she would talk to Klaus. The transition was easy, but now she’s sired to with Hybrid King himself.
it’s always darkest before the dawn (grew up in mystic falls)
(taken from my original roleplay and transitioned to the indie rp world.)
Life in Mystic Falls has been nothing if not hectic for Quinn Fabray; she went from ruling the school with Elena by her side to having a fall out with the tall brunette after the girl’s parents died in that car accident on Wickery Bridge, and then cheating on Finn in a moment of weakness with Tyler Lockwood, only to end up knocked up and shut out. When it became known that she was pregnant with Tyler’s child, it was as if the whole school had turned on her in an instant, and the one person she’d expected to treat her the worst in her downward spiral ended up being her best friend during that time. Rachel helped her with the pregnancy and the post-partum depression that hit after she gave the baby up for adoption. Upon realizing that Rachel is a much better friend than half the people who used to claim the title, Quinn settles on trying to plan out her future when she discovers she’s a witch, thanks in part, to Klaus and Rebekah Mikaelson, who waltzes into town claiming that they want her as their personal witch, something that doesn’t do well with a recovering Stefan, someone Quinn hadn’t expected to hold lingering feelings for, especially seeing as he was Elena’s ex-boyfriend.
to undo what has been done (post originals) (part of the grew up in mystic falls verse)
Quinn returns to Mystic Falls with Beth in tow. The girl’s magic has finally emerged causing everything to go wrong around her. When Quinn heard about the Salvatore School, she knew she had to bring her little girl there. Of course, Beth is a teenager now and might not listen to her birth mother much, but Quinn wants to be there to help. In the meantime, her relationship with Rebekah Mikaelson unfolds.
it’s heavy this legacy (legacies verse)
In 2015, Quinn Fabray graduated Yale University at the top of her class with a double majoring in Journalism and Psychology, she starts her graduate degree and finishes this in 2017. She has a job interning for her favorite professor and currently looking into becoming a teacher. In 2019, Quinn Fabray, a 25-year-old witch is called in the middle of the night from her New Haven Apartment. She’s contacted by her daughter’s adoptive mother, Shelby, worried and in trouble. Beth’s powers were emerging, and she needed help. Quinn realized that Beth’s probably more powerful than she can help with by herself takes her to Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted. Enrolling her into school, she checks in on her every week. In 2021, Beth is 11 at this point in time, Shelby passes away, Quinn, 27, who has been teaching at Mystic Falls High so she can stay close takes her daughter in. She joins the staff of the Salvatore Boarding School that same year. She teaches Journalism, English, and The History of Magic. In 2028, Beth is now 18, is strikingly beautiful as her mother and is one of the more popular girls at the school. Quinn at 34 has never really been in a serious relationship, focusing mostly on her daughter and the life she’s built for them.
lifted from my old blog.
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darecruit · 1 year
While the idea with Beth and the dinner seems cool, am I the only one who doesn't really like Beth? IDK, but this whole teen!pregnancy thing always seemed forced to me (hate it in the films/series, seems like the easy way out to get rid of a person from the original ship) and I HATE that Shelby wasn't ready to be Rachel's mum and two seconds later she adopts a baby (wtf, it went so fast!) of her bio daughter's greatest bully... I don't like canon Shelby, but I like a fanon one (and Idina)
I’m STILL angry about how they played Shelby. There was SO MUCH potential there! I think the whole Shelby adopting Beth was, she told Rachel that she was ready for a family. She’d already said Rachel was grown (even though that was WRONG). Shelby wanted the full mother experience.
And in terms of how actual surrogacy works, she wouldn’t have had anything to do with the child. Even if it was her egg, she would have signed the rights away. As a person in a same-sex marriage, I do understand the complexities of having a child with your partner. Rachel’s dads were her parents. Shelby gave them a wonderful gift. But she isn’t Rachel’s mom. I feel the same about my daughter’s biological donor. He gave us a wonderful gift and helped my wife and I create a child and I will forever be grateful to that anonymous man. He isn’t her dad.
Now, all that said, fictionally, I LOVE Shelby as mom! Shelby and the dads raise Rachel, yes please!!
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empathetixss · 4 years
new muse alert
verses - alternate universe Beth Corcoran.
This muse goes off of the canon that I’ve developed for my mysticalquinnfabray blogs. Beth is not the daughter of Quinn and Puck in this canon but Quinn and Tyler. This muse has been developed to follow the canon of Legacies
magic within her blood (legacies)
Elizabeth “Beth” Corcoran Fabray is the daughter of Quinn Fabray and Tyler Lockwood. Named after Tyler’s grandmother, she was given up for adoption at birth, 2010. (Not that either parent really wanted to give her up, they had no choice in the matter.) Adopted by Shelby Corcoran, she was raised for the majority of her life in New York City, until 2019 at age nine, her powers start emerging completely. She doesn’t understand what’s happening to her and accidentally sets fire to her mother’s apartment. Shelby in panic calls Quinn. Beth freaked out a bit at first but always knew she was adopted. When Quinn suggested to Shelby, the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young & Gifted. Upon enrolling in school, she grows used to Quinn checking in on her every week. In 2021, Beth’s mother Shelby passes away when Beth is 11. She’s devastated and worried about her life being uprooted. Quinn doesn’t let that happen and fights for custody. Quinn proves the Salvatore Boarding School is a perfect fit for her and Beth falls into a routine. In 2028, at 18, Beth is in her senior year and getting ready to spread her witchy wings. She’s pushing Quinn to date at least for a bit but doesn’t want to push too much.
Note: Because her mother is a witch and her father is a werewolf, she could be a witch/werewolf hybrid, but she’s never uncovered if she has that gene. (Nor will she.)
like a hot wind out in the bayou ( wish world #2 )
Beth goes to the Mikaelson School for the Young & Gifted. She’s a witch who falls into the fairly popular crowd easily. 
the thing that makes you extraordinary ( wish world # 3 )
Beth Fabray is a part of the resistance with her mother. She’s been on the run gathering others and trying to get them all to safety far away from the triad.
Note: Because her mother is a witch and her father is a werewolf, she could be a witch/werewolf hybrid, but she’s never uncovered if she has that gene. (Nor will she!)
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