#and little baby Lok 🥺
yell0wsalt · 6 months
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
💞 Who's your comfort character?
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Oh man, I think it might be my way of writing. Although I’m trying to get better in playing with words, subtle actions, layouts, and situations, it might come off as bland or simple? I dunno. With the fics and ships I write for, they might be all over the place for how little I’ve written thus far. But the writing style stays consistent. I’m figuring it out as I go along ahaha
💞 Who's your comfort character?
How can you do this to me. 
I think each character in the ships I write are comfort characters in one way or another. They have their own personalities and traits that are interesting to explore. I like the variety of not only having a small assembly of comfort characters, but thinking of them in different scenarios. 
Do I want to go friends to lovers? Do I want to hit them with a bit of angst? Maybe they’ve had a hard time, they should get laid. Or let’s see what they’re like interacting with characters in ways they don’t in the show
They are my little babies hanging around on a spice carousel. Let's spin it around and pick which serves my fic agenda.
To actually answer your question, oh boy, probably Iroh II and Lin Beifong from LOK and Shouta Aizawa from MHA. I have a lot of fun thinking about these guys. Watch me want to amend my answer before the end of the day.
🥺 Is there a certain type of moment or common interaction between your characters that never fails to put you in your feels?
I answered this one here, but I’ll provide a more specific example:
And with those final words, by the time Asami felt she was ready to open her eyes completely, Iroh was gone. The wind whistled sharply and the waves of Yue Bay broke against the rocks on the cliffside. Asami stood alone, only accompanied by the sounds of nature. Always left behind. It was only when she felt safe within the confines of her bedroom in the Sato Estate did she feel capable of truly letting go. The tears of anguish flowed without end and her pained cries echoed against the walls of an empty home until her vocal cords ached with a rasp. The place on her forehead where his lips lingered hours ago still burned. I’ll always love you, too. Iroh.
This scene and scenes like this one. Asami doesn’t often get the chance to be raw with her feelings. She had been through a lot and there's only a few brief mentions in conversation to talk about herself?
Asami, girl. She deserves more of a chance to work on and for herself.
Many thanks for the asks! 😊
Fanfic Emoji Asks
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eun-gealach · 3 years
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Hi yes hello go read Oh The Joy by @chipper-daily it’s so cute and i’ve been itching to draw something for it for months now
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boomerangguy · 3 years
Just to be clear, the idea of Senna being Sukka’s daughter didn’t originate with me—it seems to be as old as LOK, which premiered long before I entered the fandom—but it’s easily my favorite Sukka Family headcanon, and I want the world to love the idea of Korra being Sokka and Suki’s granddaughter as much as I do!
I’ve listed some posts and fics featuring Senna as Sukka’s daughter—and if anyone knows of others, feel free to give me a heads-up so I can add them! Here ya go:
AO3 Fanfics
The Councilman’s Mistress by GeneralKenobi212 (that’s me!); featuring Senna and her sisters discovering the affair that their father isn’t having (😬🤪); Rated T for implied sexual content
you’re so lovely by svnflowerz; featuring Sukka admiring their newborn daughter (🥺🥰); Rated G
Tumblr Posts
Boomerangguy’s Ultimate Sukka Family Headcanon
Ultimate Sukka Family Headcanon in Star Wars Memes
Ultimate Sukka Family Headcanon in Marvel Memes
Discussing the Canon Compliance of Senna as Sukka’s Daughter
A Conversation Between Azula and Korra
A Birthday Card from Aunt Azula
A Sukka Family Camping Trip
Senraq Just Want Some Peace and Quiet…
Next Gen Gaang Kids, Including Senna
Senna and Baatar as Sukka Babies
you’re so lovely (tumblr)
A special thanks to @light-miracles for bringing the article to my attention! 🙌 Both Light and @the-power-of-stuff have been fantastic fellow Sukka shippers and wonderful encouragers of this Sukka headcanon, as well as many others! 😊 I appreciate everything that they (and all other Sukka stans!) do on this mighty little ship of ours!
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ofherlionheart · 2 years
atla for the ask game if u wanna do them all ! or if not then scrimblo bimblo esp 👀
i'm 3/4 of my way thru a beer and got nothing to do tonight. fck yeah im doing all of them
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): zuko/mai/azula. ik i write abt zuko the most of the three of them but i looooooove using all three of them to think thru/project my own issues lol
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): sokka 🥺 love me an out-shown elder sibling
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): there will never be enough discourse nor appreciation for aang. i count myself as one of those underappreciators lol
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): man first person i thought of was actually from LoK? there's this hunky Unit of a man among the new airbenders in the earth kingdom and it's appalling how instantly i latched onto him. in the OG atla? i think ursa counts, right? i devote much brain space to thinking abt all the ways she, too, could also have fucked up zuko and azula lol. why have one parent who made your understanding of the world a skewed nightmare when you can have TWO
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): gotta be iroh dude. my man is a gr8 mentor to zuko who is very wise but also he's a minsogynst and spent most of his life being a pro-military imperialist. and only b/c he is fictional am i allowed to say that's sexy of him. you go girl, you (inadvertently) complicate that 'sage old man' archetype!!
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): haru. idk why but i Want To
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): zuko lmfao
send me a fandom and i’ll tell u what tumblr meme award i’d give its characters
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eevvvaa · 3 years
Hello my baby cow!! 🥺😂 How are you and how’d you sleep?!
Here’s some love for you
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Imagine him cuddling you instead of the pillow
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Imagine finding Elijah talking to that Chris cut out of yours after he finds it😂😂
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Oh look I found us ☝🏻😂😂
🙄 Hellooooo 😂 I'm good and slep good too. You ? 😊
Moooooh yes I imagine very well, I waaaaaant it !!!! 😭 lok at him ! Look at his pretty little face whole he's asleep 🥺 and his ARM ! I can't stop looking at this gif l, I wanna cuddle and sleep with him. In both ways 😏
Oh my God, I wouldn't stop laughing 😂😂😂
Yes, this is us 😅😂
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Dean's reaction when Sam asked him what happened between you and his brother last night
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Frenchie's face when he's on his way to you after a phone call from you, saying that you missed him
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Love you too !!! 🥰
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