#and made sure to ask my parents for money so i could buy it next day
notnights · 7 months
This book is the reason why I'm Into That Shit.
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storiesforallfandoms · 11 months
i need someone older ~ william afton;five nights at freddy's
word count: 3794
request?: no
description: after a bad breakup, she finds herself becoming more and more attracted to her much older boss
pairing: william afton x female!reader
warnings: swearing, age gap (reader is mid 20s, afton is 50s), power imbalance technically (but it's fine), bit of an au (so he doesn't unalive anyone in this one)
masterlist (one, two, three)
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I stormed into work, really pushing it for time. I had slept past my alarm and was incredibly reluctant to get out of bed. After the night I had, the last thing I wanted was to work eight hours in a children's restaurant, with screaming kids and the animatronics playing the same three songs all day. But I needed the money, and hopefully a distraction.
"Whoa, who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?" my coworker, Adam, asked.
"Fuck off," I muttered. "I gotta go change into my uniform. Can you punch me in so I'm not late?"
"Yeah. Be quick, though. Afton's here."
I rolled my eyes. "He doesn't even know our names. He's not going to know I'm supposed to be on the clock."
I changed as quickly as I could while having limited space in a tiny bathroom stall. I stuffed my clothes into my backpack and did a quick double check in the mirror to make sure I was work appropriate. I wasn't paying enough attention as I stepped out of the bathroom and managed to literally run into someone who was walking past. I cursed under my breath as I looked up and came face to face with the fucking owner of Freddy Fazbear's.
As if this day couldn't get any worse.
"|'m so sorry, Mr. Afton," I said.
"Don't worry about it," he said. "Where's the fire, though? You seem like you're in a hurry."
How do I answer this without getting in shit? "I'm just, uh...trying not to be late. I had to change, and bring my bag to my locker."
William looked down at his watch. I felt my heart starting to pound.
"Cutting it a little close there," he commented.
"I know."
My grip on my bag had tightened as I braced for the worst. I had never met William before. Despite owning the restaurant, he was rarely ever around. Whenever he was, he was usually tucked away in his office for most of the day and only ever spoke with our manager. Due to this, I didn't know if he would be a hard ass who was about to write me up for running late. After the events of the previous night, I didn't think I'd be able to take getting reprimanded today.
He took me by surprise when he smiled and said, "Just don't let it happen again, okay?"
I nodded, unable to form any words, and scurried around him to the lockers.
Adam looked at me when I finally returned to the floor. "What took you so long?"
"I ran into Afton," I responded.
His eyes widened. "Did he give you shit?"
"Luckily no. Just told me not to let it happen again."
"I warned you that he was here."
I flipped Adam off when I was sure none of the kids could see me.
As if my day couldn't get any worse, my manager came to tell me that I was stationed on the prize counter for the day. The prize counter was probably the worst part of the restaurant. There was never any downtime at the counter. Either there was rowdy children hopped up on candy and pizza screaming about wanting toys they didn't have enough tickets for, or there were tired parents wanting to buy tokens for the arcade games while their rowdy kids were nearby screaming. Not to mention it was right next to the main stage, so the sound of screaming children was only matched by the sound of pre-recorded music coming from the animatronics' speakers. And to top it all off, the closing duties for the prize counter took longer than any other section of the restaurant.
It was the worst section to work, and I already wanted to leave just knowing that was my station for the day.
The only plus side was that being kept busy made the day fly by. But the usual craziness of Freddy Fazbear's was extra unbearable to a point where I felt myself on the edge of tears numerous times. I knew it was going to be a bad idea for me to be at work, and I was really regretting coming in.
I let out a sigh of relief as the last family finally left and the animatronics finally powered down. Adam laughed at me as I put my head down on the cool glass that held the prizes. "You're giving yourself more work to do."
I looked at the smudge I had left on the glass before glaring up at him. "I don't think my one smudge is making things any worse."
"Okay seriously, what is up with you? You've been grumpy all day."
I sighed and shook my head. "I had a bad night."
"Do you want me to help you close up so you can get out of here sooner?"
I gave him a look. "We both know you don't actually want that."
"But I'd do it to help you."
"I appreciate it, but I'll be fine. My annoyance and desire to leave will make me work faster."
Adam didn't fight me on it anymore. He said goodnight and clocked out. Once I heard the front door close and lock, I immediately got to work with cleaning. That was the easiest part as all I had to do was clean the glass of the prize case and pick up the discarded tickets from the floor. When I finished that, I started counting the cash in order to close it off. That was supposed to be another easy task, but my mind being anywhere but the task at hand made it so much harder.
Restocking the prizes was the hardest part. I had been on my own for nearly an hour, and I was both mentally and physically exhausted, so I was trying to rush out of there but found myself fumbling a little extra. I was trying to dump a box of tiny soldier toys into their respective bin when the box slipped from my hands and landed on its side, the toys scattering all over the floor.
It was my breaking point. Everything finally came crashing down around me and the flood gates finally opened. I lowered myself to the floor, sitting with my back against the counter. I buried my head into my hands and began to sob.
"Seems like a bit of a strong reaction to dropping some toys."
I jumped and looked towards where the voice had come from. I was sure I was the only one left in the restaurant, everyone else having left while I was doing my closing duties. Even my manager had left, giving me the keys and the code to the security system. But, turns out, I was wrong, because there was William Afton leaning over the counter to look down at me.
I quickly scrambled to my feet, wiping the tears from my face. "S-Sorry Mr. Afton. I-I didn't realize - "
"Hey, it's okay," he said, cutting me off and speaking in a soft voice. "What's going on? You seem stressed."
"It's...personal things. I shouldn't have let it interfere with my work."
"Fuck the professional shit for a second here. Forget I'm your boss, forget we're on the clock. If there's anything going on that you want to talk about, I'm all ears."
I leaned against the counter across from him. "It's stupid."
"You're crying, so I don't think it's that stupid."
I sighed. "My boyfriend broke up with me last night, after admitting he's been cheating on me for the last three months."
William whistled in response. "That's tough."
I nodded. "It just...came out of nowhere. We've been together for three years, moved in together last year. There was no signs that anything was wrong. I didn't even suspect that he was cheating. He came home last night and suddenly told me everything. Packed a bag and went to his...I guess...girlfriend's house. Told me he'd be back at some point this week to get his stuff."
Tears were stinging my eyes again. I looked away so William wouldn't see me cry anymore. Upon looking down, I realized my bare arms were on the glass of the prize counter, leaving smudges again. I cursed under my breath and turned to grab the cleaner again.
"Here, let me," William said, reaching for the cleaner. "You pick up the toy soldiers and I'll help restock the prizes once I finish this."
I was a little shocked, but definitely was not about to argue over getting help. We worked much quicker as a team and, finally, I was able to clock out to leave. I stood by as William set the security system and locked the gates.
"Thank you for helping me," I said.
"You don't have to thank me," he said. "It seemed you needed help, and I wasn't about to let one of my employees struggle while I was on the property." I smiled at him and started for my car. "For what it's worth - " I paused and turned back to him. " - your ex-boyfriend is a fucking idiot. You seem like a great woman. Don't beat yourself up over him."
He smiled and turned to walk towards his own car. I watched him go, surprised by what he said. Even through the cold night air, I could feel my face burning.
William was around more after that. Not just in his office, but he was actually out on the floor. Everyone was noticing his increased presence, but I found myself noticing it in a different way. Whenever William was near, my eyes were practically glued to him. I found it difficult to concentrate whenever he was around. Luckily, everyone else was so distracted by his presence that they didn't notice how useless I had become.
It was wrong. I knew that. Having a crush on a coworker was bad enough, but a crush on your boss was a whole other level of bad. Especially when your boss is so much older. I had no idea whether or not he was even married or had kids for God's sake!
But every time I saw him, I couldn't stop my heart from racing. I wanted him in a way I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't stop myself.
During one of my shifts, I was put on the serving section. Serving was easy enough - take orders, bring food, check on tables. The hardest part was trying not to trip over a child running past while carrying a whole pizza on a hot tray. Most of us had learned the art of scanning the area before we walked, but sometimes you just don't notice quick enough and end up surprised by one of those little fuckers.
One of the cooks passed a pizza through the pass to me and told me the table number. I took the tray and balanced it against my shoulder, something I found was the easiest way to balance the bigger trays. The restaurant wasn't too busy, but there were still enough kids running around that I took in my surroundings before I started to walk. I was making a mental note about two kids who were stood by the stage, dancing to the song that Freddy was "singing", and didn't notice another kid who was racing from one of the playrooms in front of me. I stopped suddenly, just short of running into him, but found myself losing my balance after he ran past.
I felt two hands grab hold of my waist, holding me upright and saving me from a very embarrassing scene. When I turned to thank my savior, I came to face the blue eyes I had been trying to desperately to avoid today.
"That could've been a disaster," William said, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Th-thank you," I managed to stutter out. I could still feel the heat of his hands against my waist, like they were burning through the clothes and searing my skin. I almost forgot the heavy tray of pizza I was carrying in that moment.
When he let me go, his eyes still trained on me, I quickly turned and hurried to my table. I tried not to seem so flustered, but I knew I had failed. I stuttered through every sentence before finally dismissing myself to the prize counter where one of my other coworkers, Beth, was snickering to herself.
"What was that about?" she asked.
"Don't ask," I responded.
"Oh, I'm asking. Are you all hot and bothered for Afton?!"
"Shh!" I snapped, looking over my shoulder to make sure no one had heard. Not like anyone would over the usual noise of the restaurant.
"Oh, you so are!" she said. "Holy shit, (Y/N), you know that's bad news right? He's literally our boss."
"I know he is. I'm not stupid. But...I can't help it!"
"At least he would be more of a gentleman than that small dick asshole you call your ex." She looked over her shoulder as the front door to the pizzeria opened. When she looked back, her eyes were wide. "Speak of the devil."
I looked over to see none other than the small dick asshole himself, Josh, walking in. I wished I could disappear into the floor and never be seen again. I tried to turn and walk away before he spotted me, but no luck.
I groaned and turned back to him. "What do you want, Josh?"
"I was just over getting the last of my stuff - "
"Awesome, I do not care. If you've come to give me your key back, you could've just left it on the dining room table."
"No, I came to say that I couldn't find my Springsteen album."
I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms. "So you came all this way to...what? Ask me what I did with it? I have no idea, Josh, I threw everything that was yours into boxes and garbage bags. If it's not in there, you might've left it in your car or at your new girlfriend's house."
"It's not any of those places." I wasn't sure if I should've been hurt about the fact that he wasn't addressing my last comment directly, but I definitely was a little bit.
"What do you want me to do about it?"
"I wanted to see when you were going to be off work and maybe I could come by to look for it with you."
I scoffed. "Are you serious right now? Josh, I don't know what the fuck happened to your album, but you're sure as hell not coming over to the house. That is not your place anymore, and you're very much not welcome there."
"Why can't we be adults about this?"
"You lost the right to being adult about this the second you decided to cheat on me! And how dare you say that shit, but then come down to my place of work to try and, what, harass me into letting you back into my home? We're over, Josh. I don't ever want to see you again. If I find any of your shit left at the house, I'll drop it in the trash."
"What seems to be the problem here?"
I suppressed the urge to groan again. As if things couldn't get any more complicated.
"No problem, Mr. Afton," I said, turning to face William with the best, innocent smile I could muster. "Just an...unwelcome guest."
William looked at me for a moment before letting his eyes wander to Josh. I didn't have to say much else for him to recognize who the "unwelcome guest" was and I could see anger in his eyes.
"Well, time to get back to work, (Y/N)," he said to me. "Your customers are waiting."
I nodded and ducked away from the situation. As I walked away, Josh called after me, "That's fine, I'll be waiting for you to get off! We can talk more then!"
"Like hell you will."
A collective gasp from the parents and Beth cause me to spin around to see William had grabbed hold of the collar of Josh's shirt. William was easily a head taller than Josh, so even if the act wasn't meant to be intimidating, he definitely looked intimidating. I don't think I've ever seen such fear on Josh's face. William turned Josh around and basically dragged him towards the front door.
"If I see you back here, I will have your ass arrested," he said as he threw Josh out of the restaurant. "Are we clear, punk?"
He didn't wait for a response as he pulled the door shut. I could see Josh standing there, a mixture of fear and confusion on his face. William re-entered the main area, still looking angry, but tried to put on his best customer service smile as he addressed his new crowd. "Sorry everyone. Just an unruly customer. Sorry for any trouble."
To me he added, "Come see me in my office, please."
Beth and I exchanged a look before I followed William towards his office. I was so sure he was going to get upset with me. Not only had I brought my personal shit to the restaurant (even though that wasn't my fault), but it had also resulted in a not so great scene in front of the customers. People get to talking, and I was sure that this story was going to be spread through town before the night was out.
The moment I stepped into his office, I set in on the apologies. "Mr. Afton, I'm so sorry about that. I had no idea he was coming. I've been trying to avoid him while he's moving his stuff out and I guess he was getting tired of that or wanted to poke me one last time or something - "
"Did he hurt you?"
I paused my rambling to look up at him. All anger was gone from his face and had instead been replaced by concern.
"What?" I asked.
"Did he do anything to you just then?"
I shrugged. "Not physically. He was definitely still trying to mess with me mentally, though."
William nodded. "Well, he's not welcome on the property anymore. If you see him, you have my full permission to contact the police immediately."
"I...I don't think that's entirely necessary."
"I don't mean to sound like an old man or anything, but I've met plenty of assholes like your ex, (Y/N). You give them an inch and they take a mile. If you don't deal with this now, he will continue to come back and harass you. I don't want that for you. You don't deserve that."
I opened my mouth to say something else, but nothing came out. I was realizing how close we were now. We were mere inches away from one another. If I wanted to, I could just reach out and touch him right now; grab him. I could've kissed him right then and there if I really wanted to. Who would've known?
As if reading my mind, William suddenly reached out and cupped my face. Before I could comprehend what was happening, his lips were on mine. It was kind of ironic, the fact that I had just been thinking about doing this exact thing, but now that it was happening it was like my brain wasn't sure how to comprehend the situation.
William pulled away just as quickly as he had initiated the kiss. He backed away from me, suddenly worried. "I'm so sorry. I...I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't have done that."
In response, I pretty well threw myself at him. I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him with such force that it pushed him back into his desk. He positioned himself so that he was sat on his desk and basically pulled me into his lap. It was risky, anyone could've come by and caught us, but something about that just made the experience so much better; so much hotter.
William pulled away first again. I tried to chase his lips with mine, but he pushed me back, chuckling at my eagerness.
"Hold on," he said. "There's some things we have to discuss before this goes any further."
"Please don't tell me you're married," I said.
He laughed. "No, I'm not married. Divorced with a 10 year old daughter. That was the first thing I wanted to discuss, in case single dad is a dealbreaker."
"Very much not a dealbreaker."
"So...the age thing is also not a dealbreaker then?"
I shook my head. "If anything, I think that makes it kinda hotter."
A grin spread on his face. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind. But there is the big issue of the fact that I'm your boss."
It felt like I had been shoved off of cloud nine and come crashing down to earth. For a moment, I had forgotten that part. He was right, that was the biggest issue here. Kind of hard to get around it unless I ended up quitting, which I really did not want to do. It was nearly impossible to find a good paying job these days, and I needed this now more than ever since Josh wasn't going to be splitting rent with me anymore.
I climbed off of William's lap and stood across from him. "I guess...that is a big issue, huh?"
"I just don't want you to feel pressured into anything, and I don't want anyone to look at you any different because you're dating the boss."
I raised a playful eyebrow at him. "You jumped to dating pretty quickly there."
His smile was a little more bashful. "What can I say? I'm old school. I don't believe in hooking up or anything like that. If there's anything going on here, I want you to be able to classify it as a relationship."
In that moment, I found myself wondering why I hadn't always dated older men. I had wasted so much of my time on guys my age when I could've been dating someone who was actually a gentleman and cared about me and my feelings.
"Why don't we see where things go with this, and then we can tackle that big elephant in the room?" I asked.
"I think I can agree to that."
I took a step closer and said, "I really want to kiss you again, though."
He laughed and met me halfway, standing from his desk and taking my face in his hands again. When he kissed me, I felt like I was flying right back on to cloud nine.
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inkdrinkerworld · 1 year
jack of all trades
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wc: 3.7k
pairing: handyman!james x teacher!reader [though can be read as any reader]
cw: fluff, life mishaps, handyman!james, mention of a break in, family dynamics [healthy], mention of food
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You were fucked. You should’ve just called a plumber from the beginning.
Now your pipes were all wrinkled and your sink wasn’t draining.
Your heart was in your throat as you pulled out your phone and called your brother, Michael.
“Do you know any plumbers? My sink’s pipe is fucked,” you send him a picture and he chuckles down the line. Your brother is a mechanic, but he's got friends in many places.
Places you hope include wherever they hire plumbers.
“Yeah, I’ll call someone. Make sure you don’t use it again, dummy.” you nod, chewing at your cuticle.
“Thanks,” your voice shakes and you know your brother is frowning.
Life had been fucking you with no prep for the last couple months. Someone had broken into your house almost five weeks ago, stolen a couple small pieces of jewellery and fucked with your locks.
You’d had to change the locks, your front door and you’d taken to sleeping in the living room with a three inch knife under your pillow.
That had put you out of money for groceries and your brother had taken over doing it for you till you could again.
Now you can’t wash your dishes and your anxiety is all over the place.
“Stop it, go get ice cream or something. I’ll come over with him if he can swing it, okay?”
“You're the best,” you say earnestly and he chuckles, “I’ll buy shit to make the buns you like as payment.”
Your brother doesn’t deny himself the delicacy- it had taken a while for you to get back into doing things that made you happy and he was also a sucker for them.
“I’ll text you what he says, be safe. Love you.”
You return the sentiment and head out, double checking that you’d locked the gate and the front door.
You’d gotten a pint of orange creamsicle, and a pint of caramel biscuit and cream before getting the stuff to make the buns for your brother.
As you set them all down on your counter your phone pings off.
‘He can come tomorrow morning at 9, I’ll come with him. He’s a good guy though, don’t worry.’
You send your brother a thumbs up and then he sends you a photo of the man you suppose is coming to fix your pipes. He’s good looking, his hair is long in the photo, tied back in a low bun but there’s curls on his forehead. Another thing you notice is how massive he is. He’s broad and muscular but in the photo you’re looking at he’s got a warm smile on his face that shows off a dimple.
He looks friendly enough. Maybe tomorrow won’t be so bad.
You try to sleep in your bed, you don’t want your brother to notice that you’re still on the sofa in the morning, but being so far from the door makes your heart clench and you find yourself dragging your blanket out to the sofa that you’re sure by now has your body’s impression.
“Last night,” you say to yourself as you cuddle your pillow and tuck your blankets under your chin.
Your alarm has you groaning. 6:30 is a nice time, but not so nice when you don’t actually have to go into the preschool to teach, but for parent meetings at 11. Rubbing your eyes, you sit up, legs already moving to the kitchen to set the kettle on.
You go through your morning routine and only feel alive when you have a cup of tea and a bite of the last of sourdough toast you’d made last week. Your phone rings and you already know it’s your brother, “Yes I’m awake, dork.” he might be older than you by four years but you’re really close so the teasing is nice.
“Open the door then, and make sure you have on your glasses.” you flip him off over the phone but walk across the floor, glasses on, to unlock the door.
“Where’s your key?” you ask as you open the door, finding your brother holding two brown paper bags and the man in the photo standing next to him in grimy coveralls.
“I hooked it on the look of my pants, James was being prudish about touching me.”
“I wasn’t,” the beefy man starts, jingling his toolkits as an answer. His voice is nice, deep, cherry and his drawl is a little slow, but still very pleasant.
“Come in,” you step to the side and open the door wider. “Don’t worry about him, he just likes people touching him.” your brother scowls but doesn’t deny it.
“Don’t laugh when you see it, this one already did. I know it’s bad.” you say nervously as James sets down his stuff.
“S’fine, can’t be much worse than some of the other stuff I’ve seen.”
“Come eat, I got you that breakfast cake thing you like.” your brother sets the box before you, sliding over your cup of tea and a bottle of orange juice.
“Did you eat?” you eye him as you sit on the island.
“Shanice made eggs and toast.” you love your future sister-in-law, but the mention of her in the kitchen has enough merit to make your stomach roll in discomfort and your body to produce a gag.
“There’s chicken salad in the fridge and the bread’s there too,” you turn to James, “Do you want anything to eat, James? There’s vegan stuff in the fridge too if you don’t eat meat.”
Your brother rolls his eyes, “He could eat an entire chicken if he really wanted to.” You’re positive there’s a small blush on James’ face. He’s even prettier in person and you’re really trying not to stare.
His hair is tied back like it was in the photo, inky curly spirals slipping out around his ears and the nape of his neck. His eyes are a shade of brown that reminds you of sand- dark but flecked with lighter hues; he’s captivating.
He’s almost as wide as your fridge and his arms are huge, but he looks soft, even with all the corded muscles. You will your eyes not to linger on his hands.
Your brother makes himself a triple sandwich and takes one of your iced teas.
“I’m alright,” he eyes your cup of tea, “I could do with a cuppa though.” you nod and set the kettle on.
“One sugar or two?” He holds up a single finger before opening the cupboards. He hisses and you suppose that’s better than the laugh that bursts from your brother.
“S’not that bad,” you can tell he’s being extra nice when he sees the embarrassed look on your face, “I’ll have to change all the pipes though. Whoever installed these ones used really thin PVC so under the heat it crumpled.” James stands and accepts the tea from the dainty mug without a complaint.
“Will it be super expensive?” you ask, and your brother flicks your forehead. “What? You know I can’t afford many more swings right now.” You only feel a twinge of embarrassed heat licking at your neck as you look between James and Michael.
“You’re such an idiot, I’ll go half with you.” He says and you nod, giving him your best smile but your brother draws the line when you try to hug him.
“It won’t be, but I can’t do it today. The better pipes have to be ordered in, but they only take like a day to get here.” James explains and you nod.
“That’s fine, I’ve got most of my stuff already cooked so there won’t be much dishwashing.” James finishes the tea and pulls out a pen and paper from his bag. “Here’s my number, you can text me in like two days about it if I don’t call Michael first.”
You nod again, thanking him as he gathers all his stuff and moves for the door. Your brother waves him away and then turns to you, frowning.
“You still sleeping on the sofa?” It’s then that you realise you hadn’t put your blanket or your pillow away and scowl.
“I can’t sleep in the bed, my mind just runs wild.” you say as you finish your tea and cake. “I’ve been trying though.”
The door shuts and you realise James has probably heard what you’ve said. Your mouth can’t seem to not run away from you when he’s around.
You brush the slight shame away with the semi-reassuring thought that ‘at least he doesn’t know why a grown woman can’t sleep in her own bed,’ it doesn’t last long, but it mellows the initial sting.
Michael ruffles your hair and you shrug, “It’ll just take some time,” he says softly, “Want me to get a security system?” You shake your head at that.
“You’re already going half and half with me on this, and you paid for my groceries for like three weeks. I’ll be okay.”
Your brother doesn’t look convinced, but he can’t argue with you because his phone rings.
“Work, I gotta go, but think about it okay? Shanice won’t mind either,” you nod but you both know you won’t be thinking about anything.
“Have a good day at work, I’ll bake those buns the second the sink’s all good.”
You’re coming back from work the next day when your phone rings, an unknown number. You frown and then realise it might be James.
“Hi, angel. This is James,” he says, like you’ve forgotten his name over the last twenty four hours.
“Hi James, is everything okay?” you ask, shoving a couple folders into your bag from the passenger seat of your car.
“Yeah, was calling about the pipes. I’ve just picked them up and I’m near-by. Would you mind at all if I came to install them today?”
You stick the key in the ignition, “I wouldn’t mind, but I’m about twenty minutes from my house, would you wait?”
You really hope he can, you want this problem resolved as soon as possible.
“I can, angel. Don’t sweat it,” he says before he hangs up. You do a happy shimmy in your seat before pulling out of the school’s parking lot.
Next, you call Michael.
“James is coming over to fix the pipes today, just in case you know, I go missing or something.”
Your brother laughs, “He’s a sweetheart. Maybe stop listening to your crime podcasts, you’re getting even more morbid.”
“Oh whatever, I’ll stop by tomorrow with the buns.”
“Make sure you get some sleep,”
“Yeah yeah, I’m going now.”
James is in his car when you pull up, a bronco that looks very well kept. “Sorry for the wait,” you say as you unlock your door.
“S’fine, had enough time to have a late lunch.”
You check your watch, “It’s almost four James, that’s more like an early dinner.”
The man lifts his shoulder and drops it with a smile, “It’s been one of those days.”
“Do you want a cup of tea or iced tea?” you ask as you open your fridge. “I should warn you though, they’re addictive.”
“What flavour iced tea do you have?” you smile, James might be someone else you get hooked on them.
“Peach, hibiscus and I think I see one last cucumber melon.”
“Which is your favourite?”
“Peach! It’s not really that sweet though, but if you like it super sweet maybe hibiscus would be better.”
James smiles at the way you ramble as he opens up his toolkit and then the pipes.
“I’ll take the peach angel,” you pass him the glass bottle after tipping it upside down. James takes a long sip and sighs, “That’s good.” you nod and then move to take out a bowl of rice and chicken.
“Do you need me to get anything? To help?” you ask and James shakes his head.
“Not right now,” you think about going to eat before asking,
“Can I watch? Just to know what you’re doing?” then you back track as James doesn’t say anything.
“Not because I don’t trust you to do it well, I just like knowing. Like with my door, I learned how to put it up when I had to change it,” you realise you’re rambling when James smiles and his dimple is visible through his stubble.
“You can watch angel, you can hand me the tools I’ll need.”
You and James make a good team- you’d been nervous at first and then when James was so close you could smell his coconutty cologne you felt your head go a little light but almost two hours later, your pipes were changed.
“Moment of truth is if the water goes down,” you say as you stand, knees cracking in the process.
James nods, “You’re not a bad assistant, if you ever change professions I’ll put in a good word for you.”
You beam at that before opening up the tap and letting the water flow. Not even a drop of it pools in the sink and your heart feels like a feather floating away in the breeze.
“You did it!” you turn to James with a pleased smile and he blushes. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” you exclaim and he chuckles, already packing up his toolkit.
“You’re welcome angel, Michael already paid by the way.”
You shake your head at your brother’s actions, but you can’t find it in you to be upset, not when your sink is fixed. “Can I entice you to have dinner then? I’ll feel bad if you just go,” you tack on when James doesn’t answer. “I’ve got pizza or taco bowls.” you sing-song and that breaks him.
“What kind of pizza?”
It’s how James ends up on your sofa, overalls hanging off his hips, revealing a dark red compression shirt as he holds his plate.
Your blanket is still on the sofa, but you shove it to the armchair.
“Wanna watch anything specific? I’m going through Christmas movies right now,” James’ eyes are wide at your confession.
“It’s the middle of August,” you nod and bite your bar-b-que chicken pizza.
“I’m making a short list of Christmas movies for this Christmas. Last three years in a row I did one.”
James grins, “So I take it you like the season.”
You nod, “If you ask Michael, he’d tell you I was obsessed with it,” you shrug, setting down the slice of pizza.
“When we were kids, I used to go crazy about it. Write letters to Santa with our address and mail it, play Christmas songs all through the month and I was a little excessive with the decorations- especially when I started working and could buy the ones I wanted. It just always feels like a good time- eternal joy and hope and all that jazz I guess.”
James looks around your house now and finds a few trinkets in the space and for a moment he can imagine it decked out for Christmas. “I can see it,” he groans as he takes a bite. “That’s delicious, angel.”
Your face gets hot under the compliment and you give James a small smile.
“What are you watching now?” he asks, taking another bite.
“The Holiday,” you search for the remote and find the movie. “It makes the shortlist every year, but it’s so good.”
James and you watch the remaining forty five minutes, and he nudges your shoulder during the sad parts so you don’t let the tears in your eyes fall.
“Do you think people rent that cottage?” He asks you and you frown.
“I dunno, but if it’s for rent it’ll be so nice! It’s so cosy looking.”
James doesn’t point out that your house looks just as cosy. It reminds him of the houses you see in magazines- not the boring ones that’s all one colour and minimalistic, but the ones that seem to be alive with colour and things.
He’s sure they all serve a purpose- the small statues in one corner near your window, the coasters that look like flowers, it all seems to complement you and your home and James thinks to himself, ‘this is what a home should be.’
He stretches as he stands and you do as well, reaching for his plate that he doesn’t give. Instead he takes your own and walks to the kitchen.
“You’re a guest, guests don’t do the dishes.” you try to get your plate back but it’s no use, James is already washing them and stacking them in the draining board.
“Thanks for dinner angel,” he picks up his toolkit and the bucket of parts that need to be tossed out.
“You’re welcome, thanks for fixing my pipes.”
James waves it off, “I’d say we should do this again sometime, but changing your pipes so frequently isn’t ideal.”
It isn’t till after you hear the innuendo in his words. You do laugh a little in the moment, so James counts it as a win. Your laugh reminds him of that fairy in the show his niece loves- a sweet tinkering, bell-like sound that makes him smile.
“It was nice though. You’re good company.”
You walk James to the door, “Make sure and lock up,” he says kindly and you nod.
You notice that you don’t hear his boots don’t move till he hears the locks click and your heart flutters stupidly at the action.
You can’t like him already, you barely know him. A voice in the back of your head says, “But he’s already so dreamy,” you’re very inclined to agree.
You’d thought that would’ve been the last time you saw James too, but three weeks later, he’s at your brother’s house for his summer party and you’re fucked all over again.
He’s not a bad sight to be greeted with, arms exposed in his black tank top and his thighs. They’re thick and you can see the outline of muscle on them, even from far away. There’s a couple smattering of tattoos that peak from the hem of his shorts and you have to stop yourself from drooling.
He’s laughing at something Shanice is telling him, and he looks even more gorgeous.
It should be illegal, you think to yourself, for the man to look that effortlessly beautiful.
“You made it!” Michael says, handing you the drink in his hand before gesturing for you to follow him.
“You said if I didn’t come you’d have called me non-stop. I love you, but that’s annoying.” Michael leads you over to his fiance and James. You hug Shanice and wave politely at James.
Conversation is easy, and James hopes he’s being discrete as his gaze falls to you a little longer than necessary. You catch him once, and the look in his eyes confuses you just a little.
You don’t think badly of yourself, but you’re just in a pair of jean shorts and the top of your bikini- a pretty pink colour, after you’d read an article about lifeguards having a hard time spotting people in pools and the ocean if they had on blues and greens- is exposed by your lack of shirt.
In any case, you didn’t think it was cause for his stares to linger and look so… primal if that was even the right word.
Michael says, “James, do you know any good alarm systems?” as you sip your peach iced tea and vodka. You elbow your brother as James nods.
“There’s a few out there that I’d recommend, why?”
“Don’t,” you murmur to Michael who ignores you entirely.
Your brother doesn’t hesitate as he says, “Someone broke into her house a couple weeks ago and she hasn’t been able to sleep in her room since.”
“Yeah, just talk about me like I’m invisible,” you mutter and James feels anger and fury for you fester in his chest. It blooms rapidly and takes him by surprise.
“You’re not invisible, you’re just a hard head.” your brother says, James is inclined to agree as well- especially after the portion of the conversation he had overheard that first day you met.
“I can stop by the hardware tomorrow if you want, should have some of the ones I usually recommend.”
Your brother smirks and you feel shame and something you can’t yet name balloon your belly.
“Thank you, James,” you say as you finish off your vodka iced tea, already feeling for another one.
As the food comes out, you help yourself; ensuring to avoid James’ gaze because over the last couple weeks he’s seemed to come to know a lot of the bad things about your life. You pile watermelon and pineapple on one side of your plate before picking some fries and a bar-b-que chicken breast. Your hand reaches for a lemonade when a bigger one grabs it.
“I got it angel,” James’ own plate is full too. More meat than fruit but it’s fuel either way so it doesn’t bother you. “Where’re you sitting?”
You point to the seat near the pool.
“You don’t have to be so nice, James. Michael’s mouth is just too big for his own good.”
James rolls his eyes, “I’m not being nice because of him,” he says, taking the seat beside you and handing over your lemonade after cracking the seal. “Or because I fixed your pipes, or anything else.”
You frown as you chomp on a piece of watermelon. “You’re not?”
James shakes his head, digging into his food.
You squint at him and James chuckles, “No, you should feel safe in your house.”
You don’t say anything much after that, overwhelmed by his care- even if you’re stopping yourself from reading too far into it.
“You’re real sweet, James.” you say after a while, spearing a look at him to find his eyes already on you; that same kind of hungry look in his eyes like earlier.
“Yeah?” he hums and for a moment you want him to kiss you. You want to feel the press and the heat of his lips on yours, then you catch the thought. You hardly know him. But you want him and him coming over to install the security system might not go as smoothly as the plumbing had gone. You find you wouldn’t mind if James does something other than install the alarm system.
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triple-7-heaven · 1 year
thank you for waiting for me, readers. i do hope you enjoy it ♡ my first aespa fic, awesome! i've been going through it, thus the lack of content, but things are looking up for me. take care of yourselves, until next time :-) pairing: male reader x winter; words: 6.5k ; categories: aespa, winter, reader insert, smut, slightly storyline heavy
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Back in high school, there was a girl who shone above the rest, but wasn’t necessarily popular. A girl who was a member of the math club, the photography club, and the dance team, whose evenings were filled with activities, who made many friends, but wasn’t fawned over by the student body in the way the true popular kids were. 
One evening, you were at school pretty late, tutoring in the library. You were so engrossed in your work that you didn’t notice the time passing, until the janitor came in and told you he’d be needing to clean the library up, so you’d better scram. Backpack full of books, you rushed out of the library, and quickly made your way through the dark hallway. You turned the corner and nearly collided with a small girl, who grabbed onto your arm to steady herself. 
“I-I’m so sorry,” you said, and the girl looked up at you. Oh, perfect… “Minjeong, shit, I’m sorry…” 
“Hosang, what are you doing here so late?” Minjeong asked. 
“Uh, tutoring… You know my name?” you asked incredulously. She smoothed out your sleeve, folded the collar of your shirt down, and tucked her hair behind her ear. 
“You know mine, too,” she quipped and giggled before running to catch up with her dance team friends, leaving you without room to explain yourself. To explain that no, I promise it isn’t weird, everyone knows your name, Minjeong, I’m not a crazy stalker, and I’m not here to spy on you through the gym windows while you dance. But you never got to explain yourself. To be fair, you did admire her from a distance. In the halls, at lunch, you wouldn’t deny that you looked at her with heart-shaped eyes. As pretty as you thought she was, you didn’t ever talk to her, something you would eventually regret. 
Minjeong dropped out, and you didn’t run into her again. After graduation, you headed off to Seoul to learn how to fly, and soon, you realized someone else had come, too. Billboards, advertisements, you name it. For a solid month, wherever you looked, you saw her. 
The same Kim Minjeong who you nearly sacked in the hallway that night, who, instead of yelling or being upset, straightened your clothes and wished you a good night; who knew your name when you were nobody. She was Winter, now, styled with gorgeous long, blonde hair, imposed over ethereal backgrounds and colors. You had to give it to whatever company she was running with, they made that old crush of yours flare right back up again with the way they marketed that girl. Financially stable enough under an air charter company flying small private jets, you decided you’d buy a set of the group’s albums when they debuted. Sitting on the floor of your apartment, pulling the photocards and posters out of those albums, you felt the full force of the regret from your school days: if you’d only talked to her in high school, you could have her number in your phone right this minute… But you were resigned now to being a fan, and a strongly biased one. That’s all you could be. 
Charter piloting has benefits. Loads, surely. You’re essentially a glorified taxi driver, charging rich business people and celebrities $20k for a one hour flight from Incheon to Jeju. It’s morally wrong to allow a sucker to keep his money, right? As good as the pay, benefits, and overall experience are, the clientele… Well. Nothing you hate more than a stuck-up diva, and it’s even worse when you’re trapped in a flying metal tube with them. But you make do; the idol sightings you get on the job make all the asshole corporates worth it. From old school stars your parents might know, to drama actors and actresses, to the newest generation of idols, you welcomed a ton of each aboard, more than you could ever remember if you didn’t write it down. Unforgettable guests come along now and then; a trio of Twice members one weekend, some big-name producers behind insurmountably popular groups for a surfing trip, and the casts of award-winning shows on celebratory benders. Unforgettable loses its meaning when your secretary hands you today’s clipboard. 
“This is mine? Thought it was… Uh…” you trail off and your eyes widen. The secretary laughs behind the desk.
“I knew it! You’re her fan, right? You always talk about Aespa. And I know you have her photocard in your wallet,” she winks at you as your face fills with an embarrassingly deep blush. 
“It’s not just that, Jihye. I knew her in high school,” you say hesitantly. 
“Oh my God, it’s like a reunion!” the girl squeals. “Wait, were you cool in high school?” she laughs. 
“Uh… I don’t-” 
“Yup, I knew it,” she says matter-of-factly. “Let me guess, the lame, nerdy guy had a crush on the cool-chick future idol?”
“No! Well, I don’t know,” you say. Your mind is too busy racing to think properly. The young secretary giggles to herself as you walk to the hangar. Preflight routines are difficult to complete when your mind’s racing faster than a Blackbird. Would she recognize you? Should you say something? Nah… You’re kicking tires pretending to be busy and the door opens. The trail end of a conversation… 
“-ng is going to be your pilot. He’s a great aviator and an even better tour guide, so I’m sure he’ll be happy to show you around the island,” Jihye says. That damn secretary. 
“Hosang? I feel like I’ve known someone with- oh, hi,” Minjeong stops abruptly when Jihye walks her around the aircraft to meet you. Long, wavy, dark hair, with bangs curled and blown out to mathematical perfection. Fair, unlined skin of a small and cute face. A simple and comfortable black sweater, a modest manicure, and plain, natural eye makeup. You bow shyly and wave. 
“All good to go?” Jihye asks with the most annoying smile in the world. 
“Yep,” you answer. Jihye departs and you welcome Minjeong to get comfortable while you finish up. A strange look occupies those perfect features as you give her a quick safety brief, then turn to enter the cockpit. Before the door closes behind you, “if you need anything, let me know.” 
Why are you cold with her? Why are you nervous? You hardly smiled at her or asked what she was traveling for… Pure white clouds roll calmly underneath you. You resolve to be nice to her, even if she doesn’t recognize you, because let’s be real, it’s not her fault for not recognizing you. She meets tons of people. You’re just some not-cool kid from high school who had a crush on the cool-chick future idol. A pilot report over the radio snaps you out of it as you enter Jeju International’s airspace. Gusting winds and vertical movement, it’ll be a bumpy ride down. You reach for the intercom. 
“Hey Minjeong, forgive me if I startled you. Looking at some rough air on the way down, but we’re about 20 minutes out. I’d sit down and belt in if you aren’t already, okay? Call if there’s any issues, and think of what you’d like for dinner.” You toggle off the intercom and wonder where the hell that came from. What, Jihye said you’d be happy to show Minjeong around the island, right? So you’ll show her. Your inner autopilot (funny…) takes over and you idly nudge the yoke for your approach phases. Wheels on the ground, hangar door shut, you stand and exit the cockpit. Minjeong looks up at you sleepily, and you sit across from her on one of the bench-style seats. 
“So… dinner ideas?” you ask. Minjeong stands up and points at you groggily, shuffling towards you until her finger pokes the center of your chest. 
“You. You went to my school, didn’t you?” she says, tiredness dripping from her voice. You nod and meet her eyes. “How come you didn’t say anything?” 
“I didn’t think you’d recognize me…” you say softly, honestly. She moves her hand to your shoulder.
“Well you’re bigger, yeah, but… I recognize you. Bigger and taller. Same face,” she says. The smile can’t be kept off your face, unfortunately, and Minjeong smiles too. 
“You sound really tired. Let’s get going,” you say. After a quick post-flight and signing off with the hangar staff, you face her and say: “Gonna change really quick, then we’ll head to dinner.” You slip into the FBO restroom and drop your duffel, then slip out of your annoyingly stiff white uniform shirt. You stare at yourself in the mirror for a moment, then pull on a plain black t-shirt before swapping your slacks for black jeans. One careful ruffle of the hair later, and you’re leaving the restroom to meet Minjeong in the hallway. 
“Alright, ready.” You carry Minjeong’s luggage and she trails behind you, much like a puppy, on the way to the parking lot. The modest rent car’s parked right where the staff told you, so you open the door for Minjeong and she shoots you a confused smirk. You smile back, and hop into the driver’s seat. 
“So what’s the occasion? Family in Jeju?” you ask. 
“Honestly, I… When I get time off, I run a secret travel blog… So I take vacations, and take pictures and stuff,” she says quietly. “I dunno, it’s kind of silly.” 
“How come it’s silly? Sounds fun to me. We’ll have to go to some really cool places so you can write a good post, huh?” you reply. “Now, dinner?” 
“Mm. I’m too tired to think,” she mumbles. Great, now the pressure’s on you to pick something perfect… 
“How about Black Pork Street? Could make for some good photos, and it’s really as good as people say it is,” you say and put the car in gear. 
“Sounds good…” she trails off. Really, really sleepy. But she makes an effort to talk to you. She makes an effort to keep the focus off of herself, and more on you; she asks you how graduation was, since she didn’t go, and you really had to reach deep into your memory for that one. She asks you about flying, about why you chose it, about your life in Seoul, and about how you never ran into each other in the city. You hold yourself back from saying ‘well no, Minjeong, we haven’t run into each other in a city of 10 million people, with about 9,999,999 of those people being more interesting than me.’ When you arrive, Minjeong is lively and excited, telling you about her camera and asking what’s next after dinner. You kick yourself when you start wishing for a specific sort of dessert. Quit being dirty-minded, idiot… 
“Let’s go! I’m hungry,” Minjeong says, dragging you out of your thoughts. She looks perfect taking photos on the street, pointing her camera at the sky, at signs, storefronts, plants, street cats. The way her eyes light up when she takes a good photo, runs over to show you, insists that you take a few of her; she’s not much different than she was back then, huh? A person with a good heart. A person whose heart you’d like to learn. 
“Is it our honeymoon? First date? Must be a first date, you look nervous,” the dorky waiter says, nodding to you. Minjeong laughs, and you blush; the difference between you. 
“Uh… J-just high school friends,” you manage to say. Minjeong jots notes and snaps photos throughout the meal, and as you’re serving up some pork belly for her, she takes a few photos.
“C’mon, make it look nice,” she whines. 
“You’re serious about this, huh?” you laugh. 
“It’s… It’s my baby. My project. My travel blog is like… I dunno, it’s a way for me to be creative, but not be Winter. It’s a way to just be Minjeong,” she slowly explains. “To have a space that’s all my own. Where I can talk about stuff I like, and not worry about press, or netizens, or fans, or anti-fans.”
“I get it. A space of your own. I should call you Minjeong then, right?” you say, nodding your head a bit too fast and a bit too much. She smiles and nods. But she nods like a regular person, not like you. 
Dinner passes without incident. If we can ignore the waiter thing. Do you look like a couple or something? Maybe you do compliment each other. Maybe you seem like high school sweethearts. Maybe you could be. 
“Hosang?” she says as she leans forward. “You in there? Let’s go to the hotel!” You snap out of it for the second time and hop up to lead the way to the rent car. The paperwork Jihye gave you had most of the information listed for Minjeong’s trip, and the hotel she’d be staying in was, of course, the Lotte City Hotel. No less grandeur for the princess. The GPS gets you there quickly, and you pull up to the front doors, leaving the car on as you grab Minjeong’s suitcase. Just as you’re rounding the front of the car and waving goodnight, she makes a confused face.
“Wait, you’re leaving?” she whines. Minjeong the kid… 
“Oh, uh, yeah. I was gonna head to the motel near the airport, that’s where my room is. Did you need something else?” you say. 
God, why do I sound like a customer service bot? ‘Did you need something else?’ Seriously? 
“I… I dunno, I guess I just wanted someone to hang out with,” she replies.
Oh. To hang out? 
“Oh, of course, Minjeong. Let me park, I’ll meet you,” you say. And she’s waiting for you in the same spot once you return to the front door; she didn’t even go inside. Her long, dark hair’s ruffled by the wind. Cute. 
NO. Not cute. Not cute or pretty or hot. She’s my client, my customer, my responsibility; not my crush, my girlfriend, or my next body. Look at the ground or something, for the love of God, Hosang. 
But looking at the ground can’t keep her legs from your peripheral view. She walks through the sliding doors and you follow behind with her suitcase in your hand, and your duffel on your shoulder. Long, slender, perfect legs, and you’re looking right at them. You snap your gaze to the windows and pretend to be looking at the skyline through the windows while Minjeong checks in. After a moment, she turns to you and smiles. 
“Do you have a swimsuit?” she asks. You shake your head. “There’s shops on the bottom floors, go and find one, okay? Meet me on the sixth floor. There’s a pool! The pictures are gonna be perfect!” 
She shoves a room key into your hand and takes the bags from you. You’re left in the lobby, dumbfounded, wondering how you should navigate this. A bellhop whistles at you.
“First night with her? Sheesh,” the young man says. “Score!”
“Weird situation, man. Weird as hell,” you trail off as you walk away, still shaking your head, more so to yourself now. Okay, shops. Swimsuit. You begin to feel insecurity nagging at you. You’re lean, sure, but not perfect. Not as perfect as… Well, nevermind. Quickly, you make your way through the shops, and find a pair of rather plain, mid-length black trunks at a duty free shop, changing into them in the restroom and leaving your shirt on. The elevator ride lasts forever. And ever. And ever. Until the robotic voice announces,
Sixth floor. 
The doors open and you walk quietly out to the open area of the pool. You see one figure in the water already. She’s facing the city, hugging the edge of the pool and gazing at the skyline. The water laps at her back, just below her shoulder blades, and the silky smooth skin of her back is laid out for you, with only thin bikini straps to cover it. Her arms and shoulders are small, toned, but soft. Fancams and jacket shoots could never do justice to the sculpted angel right in front of your face. 
“How’s the temperature?” you say. She turns around. Her top is composed of white strings and back fabric; conservative, but form-fitting to her chest, that Goldilocks chest, the perfect balance of size and shape. Her collarbones are distinct, curved, beautiful. Hell, every curve you can see is perfect, from the angle of her jaw to the base of her neck to the gentle taper of her arms. 
“It’s heated,” she giggles. “Come on!” Insecurity. Nagging. Loudly. 
“Are you sure? I can just hang out and take pictures for you up here, it’s not-”
“Come onnn,” she pleads. You turn away from her and slowly drag your shirt off, then kick your shoes and socks off near where Minjeong left hers. The water is slightly warmer than room temperature, and a welcome change from the chilly air. You sit yourself down on a ledge in the pool, and Minjeong swims to your side, sitting right next to you. Not close enough to touch. 
“See? Isn’t it nice up here?” she says.
“It is. Ever been to Jeju before?” you ask.
“Nope. I think it’s even nicer with a good tour guide.” 
“Ah, come on. I’m not all that.” 
“You’re…” she trails off and sighs. Her hair tickles your shoulder when she leans into you. “I wish I’d talked to you more back then.”
“Hmm? Don’t worry about it, that’s way past us,” you mumble.
“So… If I said I wanted to make up for lost time… What would you say?” she says and you feel her fingertips smoothly run over your leg under the water. 
“I think I’d ask where that idea came from,” you say breathlessly. She moves her hand to your waist, arm around your front. 
“I always liked you. I just didn’t think you liked me, you were always so quiet,” she says. Your hand, now, meets her waist, and your eyes meet hers. 
“Is this okay? I mean… Can you do stuff like this? Now that you’re all famous and everything,” you say, struggling to form any words at all, overwhelmed by the electric sensations of skin on skin underwater. She cups your cheek with a wet hand and nods to the camera bag. 
“Can I get some pictures for the blog? Before… Before I forget,” she finishes cautiously.
Before you forget, huh… Gonna make me take an impromptu bikini shoot of one of the most beautiful women ever. No big deal. 
Minjeong disentangles from you; she tosses you a towel and you dry your hands, then power on the camera. Eyes fixed on the camera’s display screen, you start shooting. She moves through pose after pose, and you can feel yourself hardening. How could you not? A perfect, slim, pale Minjeong, body covered with water droplets, her skin shining in the flash of the camera. 
“Would you check and see if those ones are any good?” she calls to you. You begin scrolling through the photos, and sure, they’re great. It would be hard to take a bad photo of her. 
“Yeah, these are good,” you say. 
“Let’s take a few more, then we can relax a bit,” she says. The camera display switches back to photo mode, and you look through; this time, your heart stops. The screen shows you that Minjeong has shed her top, and now, the camera focuses on her bare breasts, nipples erect in the cold air, water streaming down her chest. Her hourglass shape is all the more prominent now, and you wonder how it would feel to run your hands all over her wet body. You begin to lower the camera, but she shakes her head. “These are just for me. Please?” 
“J-just for you?” you mumble, mostly to yourself. Her poses grow more erotic. She squeezes her breasts together with her arms, grabs them with her hands, and leans over for you to capture a shot of her from the side with her back arched. Now you’re definitely hard, no question about it, but at least now there’s no way she could be mad at you for it. It’s her fault. She moves towards you, and you set the camera on the ground next to the pool. 
“How’d they turn out?” she asks. Her arms reach around the back of your neck, and yours wrap around her waist. 
“You’re evil,” you say into her neck before planting a few kisses there. 
“Oh, how could you say that? It seems like you had a good time,” she says. Her hips grind forward against your cock; she wants you to know that she knows how hard she’s gotten you. “You know, to be really honest, Hosang, you’re the first guy I ever thought about while touching myself.” 
“You’re an idiot- Oh, God,” she’s interrupted by moans as you kiss further down her neck. “I just like you, okay? 
“Well I just like you, too. Always did,” you say. 
“I hope so. Otherwise this could be kind of awkward,” she giggles. You withdraw from her neck to place a kiss on her temple, and finally, on her lips. She tastes so sweet, lips so soft, tongue so aggressive. Her hand grabs onto your hair and she forces your head to turn so she can deepen the kiss. Minjeong seems hungry, desperate. You sit back on the ledge with your high school crush in your lap, her legs around your waist. She’s got both hands on your face, and she observes you like some sort of specimen. 
“What’s, uh, what’s up?” you say, eyebrows raised.
“Your face… As different as it is, it almost looks exactly the same as the face I fell for back then. And I think I’m falling for it again,” she says. You begin to speak, but she places a finger over your lips. “I know what you’re gonna say. Just don’t think about it right now. Don’t. Think. About anything.”
Between her words, she’s taking your hands in hers, and moving them to her bare chest. You swallow. Hard. She’s right. If only for tonight, for this weekend, for a week, you have to just let it go. Her breasts are soft, and she whimpers when you squeeze them. She giggles and moans through a toothy smile when you roll her nipples between your fingers. Minjeong is clay in your hands, melting under every single touch, and it’s your job to make this trip unforgettable for her, to mold her into shapes of pleasure she’s never felt before. 
“You know there’s a sauna,” she whispers through gasps.
“Good idea,” you reply. Water falls from both of your bodies when you stand up with her still wrapped around you, clinging to you like a koala bear to a tree. A quick jog from the pool to the sauna, but the wind still manages to chill you both to the bone. The sauna, though, is comfortably warm. Minjeong in your lap again, you sit on the wooden bench and she devours your neck. Her tongue and breath are hot against your skin and the steam begins to make you sweat already. She stands and takes hold of your hand, beckoning you to follow suit; you stand close to her and she looks up to meet your eyes. Small hands make their way to your waistband. 
“Can I?” she asks softly. You help her slide the trunks down your legs, and your cock springs out, painfully hard, smacking your stomach. Her hand wraps around it immediately, and she moves in to kiss you again. She moves her tongue slowly against yours and her hand works your length all the while; her delicate fingers find the precum dripping from your tip and spread it generously. Delicately, she kneels; cautiously, she licks your cock from the base to the tip before latching onto the head and giving gentle suction. She looks up at you with her deep brown eyes and you place your hands on her head. You’re gentle with her. Your fingers make their way through her hair, and you keep your hips as still as you can, so as not to overwhelm her. You feel the back of her throat suddenly, and a moan escapes your mouth briefly, before you slap your hand over it. Minjeong backs off and strokes you with her hand.
“Don’t… I want to hear you,” she says. You feel your cock twitch, and you let out a sigh. A soft moan when her strokes speed up. “Good…” 
“What if someone-”
“If someone hears? They’ll leave. Don’t worry,” she says. She gives you a few more seconds of suction, tongue massaging your head, then stands back up. You switch places with her, only now, she casually strips her bottoms off and sits on the wooden bench. Her toned thighs spread apart slowly while you stand back to take her all in. 
After all these years, there she is; imagine telling high school Hosang what’s happening right now. Forget moaning her name while I jerk off… She’s right there. 
Beads of sweat roll down your face and body. Minjeong, too; she’s covered in dewdrops of her own. Somehow you think they must look better on her than they do on you. A deep breath, and you step towards her. Her chest rises and falls rapidly under your hands when you give her pert breasts some more attention. You’re on your knees, now, watching her face contort and listening to her voice catch in her throat. If she never wore a bra again, you’d surely be happy. Kisses planted down her body, from her sternum down her stomach, halting at her hipline. You take a moment to stroke her thighs softly with your fingertips, and they shudder. More kisses for her legs, from her ankles up her calves to her inner thighs. Her sweat is salty and sweet. How will the rest of her taste? You look at her again.
"What do you like?" you ask. 
"I… I don't know."
"When you touch yourself, how do you do it?"
"That's embarrassing…"
"When you're using your hands, imagining they're mine, what do you do?"
"Show me, so I can do it for you." Minjeong’s eyes are half-lidded, lust-laden. When you look down at her perfect, trimmed pussy, it’s dripping; your words got to her. She takes hold of your right wrist and places your hand on her stomach, thumb on her clit. 
“Slowly,” she whispers. You oblige, and slowly make circles on her clit, spreading her wetness over the sensitive nub. Her next move brings your left hand to her mouth. She sucks on your two middle fingers, taking them deeply into her mouth. Wet enough now, she moves your hand, palm up, near her pussy, and nods. “Inside.” The walls of her pussy are so hot, so scorching hot, inch after inch engulfing your fingers. One curl of your fingers and she’s cursing, moaning, bucking her hips. Poor girl must be starving. 
“Is that good for you, Minjeong?” you say. Your voice seems like it’s dropped an octave and slowed down about half a measure. It doesn’t matter; she can’t answer you, anyway. She’s busy stuttering out your name. Temptation gets the best of you and you move your thumb away. Minjeong whines, but it’s soon replaced by a near scream when your thumb is replaced by your tongue. As expected, she tastes incredible, some remnants of salt water from the pool, but overwhelmingly sweet underneath. She clenches around your fingers a bit.
“F- Oh my fucking-” Minjeong stutters. Her eyes roll back in her head. Her delicate fingers grip your hair, not so delicately. Rapid, shuddering breaths cause her toned stomach to rise and fall quickly, her arms and legs jerk, and the salty and sweet flavor floods your tongue. Unlatched from your hair, Minjeong’s hands grab your face and yank you up towards her face; as you stand, the tip of your cock grazes over her clit. 
“Whoops,” she whispers. Her lips are warm and smooth when they lock onto yours. And you feel her hand creep down your abdomen. Your attempt to break the kiss is foiled with Minjeong’s arm around the back of your head, and her other hand moves up and down your shaft. She’s devious, smiling into the kiss as you fill her mouth with moans, tightly gripping your cock and twisting her hand with her up and down motions. 
Kim Minjeong from high school is jerking me off. Kim Winter from Aespa is jerking me off. 
It’s a mindfuck. She kneads the back of your neck and sucks on your tongue. You can’t fuck her in a public sauna… Can you? 
“Minjeong…” you whisper against her cheek. She looks at you innocently. Like someone who isn’t driving you crazy. 
“What?” she giggles. 
“How about we go to your room? Could be bad if, you know, someone sees us,” you mumble. 
“How about once here, and a few more times there?” she says with a wink. “It’s late, baby… No one will come up.” 
Minjeong guides you towards her pussy with the hand that had never left your cock. Her legs rest on your shoulders, and you grip her pillowy soft thighs to brace yourself for impact, for entry. Her heat begins to swallow your length, quite easily due to how wet and aroused she is, and she makes the hottest noise she’s made the whole night. And now you’re hilted in Kim Minjeong in a hotel sauna with an unlocked door. Her nails scratch at your chest and shoulders frantically. 
“God, so full…” she moans. 
“You want me to fuck you now?” you put the sultry voice back on. She nods. “When you’re using your toys, imagining they’re me…” 
“Please, Hosang, just fuck me,” she pleads. “However you want. However you need.” It’s all you need to hear, certainly. You pull out nearly all the way, and watch your cock disappear inside of her with a grunt. Your thumbs nearly touch as you wrap your hands around her small waist to pull her down around your shaft with every thrust. All inhibitions are gone, any restraints have been lifted; you’re slamming into her hard, and the both of you moan loudly enough for the reception desk to hear. Minjeong’s tight abs contract and relax under your hands, you look at her face to see her drooling with her eyes rolled back. Like, actually, really drooling. 
“Fuck, babe… You’re really enjoying this, huh?” you say gruffly. You swipe your thumb over her chin and she leans down to suck on it instead. Lustful eyes meet your gaze and your thumb pops out of her lips. 
“I’ve been waiting so long,” she says. A quick sigh to punctuate her sentence. “So many years…” 
“Well-” you try to speak, but she clenches herself around you. “Fuck. I don’t think I can wait any longer than I already have-”
“Pull out baby,” she sighs. “I want to swallow you.” 
Regretfully, you withdraw from Minjeong’s tight hole, but the steam keeps your cock rather warm while she kneels down. After a lick from the base to the tip, she takes you all the way into her throat. She takes your hands and places them on her head, looking up at you sinfully. With fistfuls of her dark hair, you pull back, and thrust in again. She gags and coughs, but she never gives up, and soon, you’re shooting rope after rope, nearly convulsing in pleasure. She strokes you into her open mouth, wringing every drop out of your spent cock. When she’s satisfied, she swallows and stands up to kiss your neck and chest. 
“How about… How about we go to the room?” she says. 
“You want me to stay with you tonight?” you ask. She laughs a bit. Her laugh is fluttering and adorable, a sharp contrast with the noises she was making moments earlier.
“Of course.” 
After getting dressed and gathering Minjeong’s things, you head upstairs. In the elevator, you stand behind her; she grinds back onto your groin and brings your hands to her chest. Floors fly by and the number on the small screen goes up as you massage her chest and her delicate moans get you painfully hard once again. She rushes in front of you to the room, giving you another view of those creamy, toned legs, and you do your best to catch up. Once inside, she sits on the bed in front of you and waits. Her hands travel slowly from her hips to her knees, and even slower she parts them with her hands to reveal the glistening skin peeking out from her bikini. Her breath hitches when you step forward and gaze down at her. 
“I showed you what to do last time,” Minjeong whispers. “I want to see what you’ll do on your own.” 
“No pressure, right?” you joke, and she smiles. Her thighs are soft and malleable in your hands, and her neck softer under your lips. You untie the bikini top and cast it to the side, then kiss further and further down her neck. Kisses travel down her neck, over her collarbones, down to her sternum. There’s still salt from the pool on her skin, and you lick towards her nipple before giving it a bite. Minjeong jumps slightly and closes her fists in your hair. Your mouth works on one nipple and your hand kneads the other breast, perfectly sized for your hand. After switching sides once or twice, you kiss her stomach. Her hands move to your shoulders as you kneel on the floor in front of her.
Minjeong’s legs are wide open. You slide your fingers into the waistband of the swimsuit and slowly drag the bottoms down. More kisses travel from her knees across her inner thighs and up to her hip bones. She’s still dripping for you and you drag your tongue upwards over her pussy slowly to savor her. You spit on your fingers and slip them inside of her easily. 
“Ohhh my God-” she whispers and bucks her hips. “Go faster…” 
“Mm, so impatient, Minjeong,” you reply. Your tongue returns to her clit and makes smooth circles. She tenses around your fingers when you curl them back towards you, her moans growing louder, grip on your hair growing stronger. Taking her by surprise, you withdraw your fingers and stand up. While her hands work automatically on pulling your swim trunks down, you take a moment to just gaze at her. Her ruffled, semi-wet hair, strands sticking to her forehead and swaying wildly as she kisses up your thighs. Her flushed, glistening skin, cheeks inflating and deflating with the waves of pleasure coursing up your torso as your length disappears into her mouth again. Her pretty shoulders and arms. Her nose buried in your stomach.
“You’re really good at that,” you moan. With a yelp Minjeong is scooped up into your arms and tossed, more or less, onto the pristine hotel bed. She pats the bed beside her, and you get the message. You lie back and let her mount you. She guides your tip to her entrance, and once in line, she slams her hips down aggressively. You’re content to let her ride. Her body moves in mesmerizing ways as she grinds on you, seeking the best angle for your cock to rub against all the right places. Just as soon as you begin thrusting into her, your phone starts ringing. 
“Dammit, sorry, Minjeong,” you curse and remove the girl from your lap. Fucking spam call? Really? With the phone silenced, you turn around to see her lying back on the pillows. 
Like an animal, you crawl towards her; you feel like one at least, with the way your cock is throbbing. She pulls her legs up for you, and you guide your tip towards her dripping center. The warm feeling envelops you again and you sigh, eyes closed. Your hands find her waist and keep her torso still while you begin to drive into her. You almost can’t even hear her whines anymore, her voice punctuated by each thrust, curses and iterations of your name following every other sound.
“-nside me,” Minjeong’s voice fades in as your stupor breaks a bit. You lean forward and make a confused expression. “Cum inside me. I want to feel you fill me…” 
And something about the way she says it just obliterates any second thoughts you may or may not have had. Her high, airy voice, begging for such an impure action, intensifies the warm, wet pleasure surrounding your cock. It only gets warmer and wetter as your cum dumps into Minjeong, deeper and deeper inside of her, coating your shaft, dribbling out onto the sheets. Your thrusts slow down, but your dick stays inside; you’re tired. You wrap your arms around her waist, and lie down gently on top of her with your face in her neck. She administers gentle scratches to your scalp. 
“You came so much, Hosang,” she whispers. Her legs settle around your back. 
“Drained all my energy,” you laugh weakly. 
“You’re heavy. Can we switch?” she says. So you do; you roll onto your back. Your cock slips out in the meantime, and you both laugh about it. She fits in your arms like she was made for them.
For a long while you lie there. The cold air condition and the crisp sheets are a welcome contrast to your steaming hot skin and the panting, sweating furnace lying on top of you. Minjeong painstakingly brings her hand to your cheek and kisses the other with soft lips. A slow blink. A thought in your mind. 
Is this what it feels like?
“What are you thinking about?” she asks. She knows. 
“How do you feel about me?” you reply. Her expression is mixed.
“How do I feel… I feel like there’s a reason we ended up on this trip together,” she answers. Her body rises as you take a deep breath. “I mean I feel like something brought us together.” 
“What do you want to do about it?” you ask. 
“I want to find out why. There must be a reason this happened, you know?” she says. A small yawn. “Like… There must be something waiting at the end of a journey we can take together to find out. Or something.” 
Together? A journey? 
“Think it might be time for you to go to sleep,” you whisper. Her baby hairs stick to your face when you kiss her temple. The sheets are smooth and cool when you pull them up over Minjeong’s body and yours. She falls asleep quickly. You don’t. You’re thinking about IFR plans and what to say to her in the morning. Your fingers trace along the smooth skin of her hips and lower back for a while. The softness is comforting. And you fall asleep. 
Is this part gonna go in the blog post? 
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mangocustard16 · 7 months
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genre: fluff, humor, banter(i tried) warnings: cursing, playful sibling banter wc: 910ish a/n: thank you anon! and please reblog if you enjoyed, feedback is always appreciated✿
he would fit well into the caring and protective older brother type. takes you out to eat all the tasty food he had with members. also classic in asian big brother fashion he would tease you to the point where you are pulling at your hair in frustration, but the moment someone else tries to talk shit about you! OH! he is throwing hands
the type of brother who eats the ramen you cooked for yourself (true beauty han seojun reference) he would make a fuss about you sitting in your room with a BOY. "he is not my boyfriend!" "then come out and sit in the living room you idiot" definitely the one who suggested the open-door policy
he could compete with your parents on who could spoil you more. buys you all sorts of gifts and sweets when he's on tour. like literally, homeboy had to buy another suitcase just so he could fit everything he bought. he gives you advice when you need it and even when you don't need it, and supports you in anything you do.
the type of brother who cried on all your graduation days yes, even elementary. growing up in different countries, he would be the type to ask you, how your school work was going and if you were keeping up with your studies with tears streaming down both of your faces. the type to send you gifts for scoring good marks in your weaker subjects
he is the older brother who acts more like the maknae of the family. you would have to constantly remind him about putting his clothes in the laundry basket and might even have to stay up late because he forgot his project was due the next day. you would love your brother to bits but he will annoy the living shit out of you
he is very laid-back and easy to talk to. You could tell him all your secrets, and he would give you advice. is tired of deleting 139904 pics of you in the same pose off his phone and makes sure you can hear him whine about it but makes sure that he backs up about 3 of them
woozi is protective, but he also gives you your space and lets you make your own decisions. lots and lotsss of stupid arguments and silent treatments. definitely the type to take the blame if your parents were mad at you. if something was going wrong at home he would be over straight away, even if his schedule was packed.
another fake older brother spotted. he would probably embarrass you in front of the guys you like, just a little, and just for fun because he would never approve of anyone you ever bring back home. he knows that you look up to him, and this is what pushes him to keep going. the type of brother to wake you up by creating a ruckus and running around playing the sogo.
we all know how mingyu and his younger sister talk to each other, that's just the way it is all the time. CURSE WORDS, CURSE WORDS, AND CURSE WORDS flying all across the house, across the table EVERYWHERE. but the moment someone tries to talk shit about you, mingyu is gonna make sure those are the last words coming out of their mouths
the most chill brother of them all, still quite protective but knows that you can protect yourself, but is there in the back just in case. growing up apart made him cherish you so much more. showering you with gifts, giving you princess treatment cuz you are his little princess. saved up his breakfast money in elementary school to buy you the bubble machine for your birthday.
he would be wholesome and annoying at the same time as a brother. always interested in your business, "who are you talking to?" "you shouldn't talk to her i heard she's a bitch. Yeah". he loves to GOSSIP. if you both were in the same school, he would tell you all the gossip. he would also tail you to your class and would be waiting outside afterward so that you both could continue your argument.
cannot argue with you for the love of god because you understand each other too well. but whenever you argue it is about the pettiest things. "how DARE you eat the last slice it was mine". literally scares off every boyfriend you have ever had. holds you and pats your back when things get overwhelming. also the brother who convinces your parents for anything you want
this boy nags you more than your parents. "look at your watch. what time is it huh? don't you see it is dark outside? when were you planning on coming home if i hadn't called you?" the only way he stops is when you throw a pillow right at his face. the type of brother to change your wallpaper to scare you. fighting him is like fighting a wall both verbally and physically. cuz this man is built like a wall and when he knows it is indeed his fault he just closes his door and refuses to listen. makes up by getting you mc donalds.
@kflixnet @k-films@k-labels
taglist⋅˚₊‧ ୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅: @bangchansbae @haecien @aaniag @aaasia111 @weird-bookworm @gigification @bewoyewo if you want to be added just send me an ask ♡⸝
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cutielando · 7 months
dating headcannons | j.m.
synopsis: in which everybody loves your relationship
my masterlist
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you were childhood best friends
ever since you could remember, you would always do everything together
you guys also lived next to each other, so you were almost always having out at each other’s house
you would get together very randomly, kissing one day and deciding to just wing it from there
he didn’t have much material wise to spoil you, but he made up for it with sweet gestures
he is such a gentle and passionate lover
has to be touching you at any time
he would either have a hand on your thigh, a hand on the small of your back or his arm wrapped around your shoulder to practically smother you into his side
occasionally, when he would get jealous, he would downright squeeze your ass or slap it in front of everyone so they could all know who you belonged to
would never let you hang out at his house while his dad was there, too afraid that his father’s temper could get you caught in the middle of a fit of rage
he would take you to the best parties on the island
would constantly be with you at the parties, not trusting the other guys not to hit on you
fights anyone that dares to look at you the wrong way, or if he hears anyone saying something inappropriate about you or your body
he’s a gentleman, always opening doors for you, treating you like the princess that you were
would take you for rides on his bike whenever you two were bored or when you couldn’t sleep at night
from the money he was getting from his job, he would prepare the cutest dates, buy you flowers that you knew were not cheap, occasionally buy you some really nice clothes you would be eyeing in the shops
you guys would have constant sleepovers at your house, JJ doing everything he could to spend as little time as possible at his house
he was very cuddly in bed, especially when he was tired
he wouldn’t say anything, he would simply enter your bedroom, disregard his clothes somewhere on your floor and then fall flatly on the bed, instantly cuddling up to your body and hiding his face away from the world in your chest
he had your parents in love with him, showing them that he intended to treat you with the utmost respect
very jealous, like he would glare at any guy that you would talk to, not bothering to ask for context
he was also a very passionate lover
before you, he would only have meaningless hook-ups, nothing ever came from any of them and he didn’t want anything serious with either of them
when you came along and had sex for the very first time, he knew he was a goner
you would never even think about being with anyone other than JJ
he knew your body like the back of his hand, all of your weak spots were stuck in his mind like a prayer
would praise the hell out of you during the act
“You’re doing so good for me”, “My baby girl, taking me so well”, “You’re the hottest woman I have ever laid my eyes on”, “Your pussy’s so good, I can’t get enough”, “You drive me crazy, baby”
he was very big on hickeys, wanting to make sure that nobody got any ideas and they knew who you belonged to
he loved you with every fiber of his being, he never thought he could ever love someone as much as he loved you
you guys would 100% end up getting married, it was just a fact
goals, no question about it
would probably end up going full Kook, buy a big mansion on Figure 8 and have 2-3 kids
you kept each other grounded, you helped each other find happiness again and loved each other like there was no tomorrow
match made in heaven
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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munsonluhvr · 7 months
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contents: SFW (light cussing). Steve, your secret admirer, sends you a candy gram with a compelling message. word count - 2k
notes: happy first day of the love letter event. I'm soo excited to share this, and all the other fics written for this event, with you. happy love week! - Helen
love letter event masterlist
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“You’re an idiot, Steve.” Dustin Henderson says, shaking his head as he stands with Steve at the candy gram table. “She’s going to be totally freaked out if she gets a message from someone anonymous and you think she’s going to want to show up to the restaurant? Dumbest way to waste ten dollars.” Steve fumbles with his pockets, searching for the paper bills he made sure he brought to school for this exact occasion. Finally, Steve grasps the money in his pocket, pulling it out swiftly and handing it to the girl behind the table. “But she’ll find out it’s just me, I mean I think she already knows I like her.” 
“Steve, you’re completely missing the point.” Dustin says. 
The girl running the candy gram table puts Steve’s money in the metal lockbox, taking a pen and a note card to give to Steve. As she listens the two boys converse, she can’t help but roll her eyes. “Write a little message if you would like. It’ll go with the candy gram.” 
“It’s going to work, Dustin, you just watch.” Steve says, glancing at Dustin. Steve bends down, strands of his hair falling across his forehead. He sticks out his tongue between his lip, captured by concentration. 
From afar, I watch you shine,  In every step, a dance divine.  Though hidden deep, my feelings soar,  In this secret, I adore you more. 
Your presence, a joy that lights up my day, Secretly admiring in every single way.  So, here’s a small poem, a whisper, a sign, Of a love that’s deep, and ever so fine. 
Love, Your Secret Admirer (Meet me at Enzo’s, tonight, at 9)
Steve leans back, positively satisfied by his poetry skills. He hands the small notecard to Dustin who takes it in his hand, his eyes pinched in analyzation. After a minute, Dustin drops his hand, his face expressing how impressed he was; he hands the card back to Steve. “I didn’t know you could write poetry.”  
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You slump in your desk chair, your elbow resting on the tabletop, your chin resting in your hand. You watch as the candy gram girls pass by your desk, showcasing that you’re one class closer to realizing you were an idiot for thinking Steve Harrington would buy you a candy gram. 
It was your fourth class, only two periods left in the day, and you had only received three candy grams: one from your parents, the other two from your best friends. Of course, you were grateful for the ones you got, you loved the thoughtful gifts from your parents and friends, but was it so terrible to wish Steve would demonstrate that he feels the same way as you do? 
You and Steve were friends, of some sort, existing in an ambivalent grey area. Steve and you had experienced many ‘close calls:’ your lips brushing his once or twice, a couple kisses here and there, and many, just so many, instances of touches on each other’s arms and hands that lingered for a little too long. However, Steve never told you he liked you, never made the effort to ask you out. 
You’re zoning out in class, whispers going on behind you as girls receive candy grams from their boyfriends or friends distracting you from your geometry class. Just as your mind is going around the bend to being mad at Steve, about to promise to never talk to him again, a presence next to you jolts you out of your mind. A girl with long blond hair, tied back in a ponytail, a chubby cheek smile on her face, places a tiny, plush teddy bear holding a small bag of conversation heart candies on your desk. “It came with this,” the girl says, placing an envelope onto your desk as well. She saunters off quickly, squeaking ‘bye’ to your math teacher, closing the door behind her.
You sit still, your eyes trained on the teddy bear that stares back at you. It’s white, pink hearts scattered across it’s body. It’s the cutest thing you’ve ever seen. 
For a moment, you’re excited again, the potential of the bear being sent by Steve sending your hopes soaring up to the sky. You tear the flap away from the body of the envelope, sliding out the small note card. Your eyes scan the page, flying down to the bottom to find Steve’s signature – except it’s not there; ‘Love, your Secret Admirer. Meet me at Enzo’s, tonight, at 9’ is in its place. You frown. You look above the signature line, your eyes reading a poem scribbled across the page. Your heart swells, pulsing with toothachingly sweet emotions. Who wrote this? 
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As you put your textbooks into your locker, exchanging them out for the textbooks for your next class, your best friends Rena and Steph are bent over the secret admirer note. “Listen, if you don’t want whoever wrote this poem because you’re stuck on Steve, I’ll take him.” Rena says, shaking her head as she begins to read the poem for the third time. 
“And he’s taking you to Enzo’s. My dad told my mom he’d take her there for their wedding anniversary, my mom got super dressed up and everything, and he made them leave and go to Benny’s Burgers instead because it was too expensive.” Steph says, glancing up at you. “Aren’t you curious to find out who sent you the candy gram?” 
You shrug, closing the door of your locker. “I guess but I just don’t understand Steve. We have all this tension between us, but he won’t ask me out. Do you think he’s seeing someone else?” You ask, frowning. 
“Who cares? You have someone writing you poetry and you’re giving a fuck about Steve?” Rena says with a scoff. “That head of hair lost his chance, now you have someone confessing their love for you through poetry. Say ‘Sayonara Steve’ already.”
You pout, crossing your arms over your chest. Steph wraps an arm around your shoulder, bringing you close to her, while shooting a look at Rena for her abrasiveness. “How about this. Rena and I will come over later and help you get ready for your date – it’ll be fun, I promise.” 
You nod, leaning into your friend. “Come over early, I’ll need a total makeover.” 
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“I wonder who it could be?” Rena says, a fistful of your hair in her hand, a brush in her other hand. You sit at your vanity table, your hands resting on your lap as Rena strokes the brush through your hair, dividing sections of your hair to begin styling it. “Maybe it’s that Gareth guy, he’s always staring at you from across the cafeteria.” 
Steph laughs from across the room, her body stretched out across your bed, one of your magazines in her hands. “Gareth wouldn’t have the balls to write poetry and send it to a girl.” 
You sigh listening to your friends create conspiracies about who wrote the note, making fictitious reasons for the secret admirer to go such lengths to ask you out. You were curious too, your stomach twisting with anticipation. What if you didn’t like who the secret admirer was once his identity is revealed. “Are we sure this isn’t a prank?” You ask, beginning to worry. 
“That would be one expensive prank; I had to empty my piggy bank to send you both candy grams.” Rena mutters, beginning to put pins in your hair. 
Steph hums. “It’s not a prank, y/n, just someone who’s trying to be unique with asking you out to dinner.” 
You sigh again, staring at your reflection. You notice your pout that’s settled on your mouth, the disappointment of no candy gram from Steve bumming you out. Maybe this was a sign to let Steve go, allow others into your life. You take a deep breath, deciding to change your attitude. 
“What do you guys think I should wear?” 
At the same time, Rena and Steph begin to ramble, Steph getting up from her seat on your bed to flip through the hangers in your closet. Rena steps away from you, looking at her work on your hair: your hair is half up, half down, framing your face perfectly. She hums, satisfied, and picks up some of your makeup on your vanity. “I think you should wear that pink dress; you know the one that goes to your mid-thigh, the little bows on the shoulder.”
 “This one?” Steph says, pulling the exact dress out of the closet. “It’s perfect, you have to wear it, y/n.” 
You look over your shoulder, smiling as you nod. “You’re right it’s perfect.” 
Nine o’clock comes around faster than you were prepared for, your friends climbing into Steph’s station wagon to drive you to Enzo’s. The ride over was short, bringing you passed downtown Hawkins, the dark streets illuminated by the lit-up streetlights. Your stomach twisted with anticipation and nervousness, the emotions rising up in your throat. In several minutes, Steph pulls up to the front of Enzo’s, the grand sign hanging above the restaurants entrance.
“Be brave!” Rena says, turning in the passenger seat to look at you in the backseat. “You look stunning, whoever it is will be blown away.” 
Steph turns to look at you too, an encouraging smile on her face. “Give whoever it is a chance, the poem was amazing, they might surprise you.” 
You nod, unlatching the car door. “Thank you guys for everything, I would never look this good if it weren’t for you both.” 
They laugh waving goodbye to you. You shut the car door behind you once you’re out, propelling yourself towards the restaurant door.  “Don’t forget to call us and tell us everything when you get home,” Rena exclaims, hanging out the passenger window. Steph begins to pull away from the building, Rena waving until she pulls herself back into the car. And you’re left alone. 
Your friend’s advice echo’s in your mind; ‘give whoever it is a chance.’ No matter who it is, you’re going to have a good time tonight, appreciating the kind gesture of a sweet poem and an amazing dinner at Enzo’s. Your friends had put a lot of effort to make you feel good about yourself, preparing you for such a unique situation. With one last deep breath, you pull the restaurant door open, immediately greeted by the mouthwatering smell of Italian food. 
The restaurant is dark, and busy, Valentine’s day proving to be one of their busiest days of the year. The tables are all crowded, the low hum of conversation passing through the building. There is a glow that illuminates the inside, candles lit at every table adding a soft, romantic essence. Your eyes scan the tables, in search of spotting a familiar face. Your fingers grasp each other, your digits squeezing together with nervousness. How will you ever find your secret admirer?
Just then, the room goes dark, your sight blinded by a pair of hands that cover your eyes. You didn’t know if you should scream or jaw your elbow backwards into the person that stands behind you. Your shoulders ease when a familiar voices murmurs into your ear. “Guess who?”  
You smile wide, spinning yourself around. Steve stands before you, wearing a crisp tux, his hair slicked back, a flower bouquet in his hand. “Steve?” you say, throwing your arms around him. “You sent me the candy gram?” 
Steve nods, his arms wrapping around your torso. “Were you hoping it was someone else?” 
You shake your head, leaning your body against him. “No, I was wishing it was you.” 
Steve leans back from your embrace, brushing the back of your hand across your cheekbone. “You look absolutely beautiful, y/n.” Steve says, his eyes taking in every inch of your face. “I should have asked you to be my girlfriend sooner, but I wanted it to be special. Asking on Valentine’s day seems cliché, but I liked the idea.” 
Your eyebrows raise, your mouth opening slightly. “T-To be your girlfriend?” 
Steve nods, flipping his hand over for the pad of his thumb to brush across your bottom lip. “Will you?” 
Leaning on the tip of your toes, you push your lips into Steve’s, doing away with all the ‘almost’ kisses you’ve had with him. “Of course, I will,” you murmur against his mouth. 
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Am I the asshole for buying one of my sisters-in-law coffee but not the other?
So at the time I thought I was firmly not the asshole but in thinking about it more I might be, so let's let the court of public opinion decide!
A few months after I (early 30s, f) married my husband, we traveled to visit his family including his two sisters, K (early 30s) and C (late 20s) for a week at K's in-laws hunting lodge. My in-laws are upper middle class in the rural West of the USA. K married into money and is a stay-at-home mom. Her married family is so wealthy they own several properties including the 8 bedroom hunting lodge we were staying at when this story takes place. C is also married with kids but her husband does not have the bank account behind him so she and her husband both work to make ends meet and rely on my in-laws to watch her kids while she works.
I am very different culturally from my husband's family. Because I was raised working class and my parents both experienced some pretty extreme poverty and privation as kids themselves, I have a different relationship to money and finances. I graduated college and work in the tech industry, so my current income level is upper middle class. My younger sister lives with me rent free and I regularly pay for her food at restaurants if we're eating out, including buying her coffee if i'm in the mood for it and she's with me. Sometimes, my sister or my husband (who is disabled and does not work) will pick up the tab, but I don't keep score or concern myself with "fairness" or crap like that. As I see it, debts between family don't exist. There were times in college I only ate because my thesis advisor (who knew how poor I was) bought me lunch or gave me food his wife made for me. Even with friends I pay for food for the whole group, and all I ask is that they "pay it forward" when they have the ability, because I'm paying it forward myself now.
Okay, so culture explained, while out on the town with my sisters-in-law, K (the wealthy one) was craving coffee and asked C and I if we wanted some. I expected K to pay for it and said sure, as did C, although she was reluctant and agreed after some cajoling. After putting in the order, K turned to me and said I could venmo her for the drink. I was shocked but thought "oh, I'm just her sister-in-law, so of course she isn't buying me a drink" and because it wasn't a big deal overall, I pulled out my phone to open up venmo. As I was doing that, I overheared C and K talking about how C will pay K for her drink after her next paycheck.
I was livid! I didn't show it or anything, but I couldn't believe that K expected her little sister, who lives paycheck to paycheck, to pay back a coffee. So I told C not to worry about it and sent K money for both my coffee and C's coffee. When K made a joke asking if I'd buy her coffee too, I laughed it off and said no. C thanked me for the coffee, and the conversation moved on from there, even if I could tell K was upset that I didn't agree to buy her drink too. I was so frustrated with K! I know it was probably just a cultural difference between us, but still I wonder - was I the asshole? Coffee isn't that big of a deal. Should I have just bought coffee for all 3 of us?
What are these acronyms?
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laurentidal · 23 days
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"I know what you're up to, you know."
Cal turned and saw Mrs. Reynolds in the doorway. She'd come to visit her daughter, who had recently moved in with him. They hadn't met before yesterday morning when she'd arrived. They'd exchanged pleasantries, and the three of them had spent what he'd thought was a very nice weekend together. Ginny had just gone to bed and he was about to join her.
"I'm sorry?" he asked confused.
"This has been fun, but why don't you take a seat, Cal. I think it's time we put aside the game and speak plainly."
Having genuinely no idea what she was talking about, he agreed to sit.
"How long have you been working on this plan of yours?"
"Mrs. Reynolds I really am not sure what you're referring to."
"Oh please call me Joy. No reason to stand on ceremony now and even less reason to lie. We both know what you're really after, and I have to tell you that my daughter's inheritance is far from her grasp. I don't plan on shucking off this mortal coil anytime soon. It will be a long, long wait for you. Are you sure you're committed to the long haul?"
"I'm sorry. What inheritance, exactly?"
Joy raised an eyebrow. "The Reynolds Estate," she said simply. "When I die, Joy will be worth well over three hundred million dollars."
"Keep your voice down for God's sake. We've kept the truth from her so that she could live a normal life, but our competitors and our adversaries have always had eyes for her. People like you, Mr. Forman. It's my job to see that she'd protected."
She lifted a gold chain from between her breasts and at the end was a long sapphire teardrop.
"This is one of my more recent purchases. I've only had it about a year; hardly any sentimental value. Monetary value, however… It could be sold for nearly ten thousand dollars. It's yours if you admit to your deception and vow to give up the game."
The pendant spun gently on it's chain, catching the rays of the setting sun. It was beautiful and tempting. But Ginny was beautiful, too. And a gem would never love him the way she did.
"Consider your next move carefully, Cal. You can see this gem is worth a lot. You can see the perfection in its cut. You can see the richness of the color. Think long and hard about what your future is worth to you. Focus. Listen to my words. I'm giving you a wonderful opportunity."
Cal's eyes did indeed stay fixed on the crystal. He cursed himself in his own mind for even considering wealth over Ginny. But it was a lot of money. And the crystal was so pretty. The way it sparkled. The way it glimmered. The way…
"… it catches the light. You've been staring quietly so long it seems to me you've made up your mind, haven't you Cal. You want the gem. You can't think of anything else. It has captured you."
"Captured me…," Cal muttered weakly.
"Good. Now that your defenses are down, you will finally be honest with me. You must tell the truth, Cal."
"Yes, Mrs. Reynolds."
"Why did you pursue my daughter?"
"I think she's beautiful and fun." His voice seemed so far away, even to him. Words just tumbled out, unformed by his crystalized mind. "I love her."
"Nonsense. I told you you cannot lie. You must obey me, Cal."
"I obey, Mrs. Reynolds."
"Who are your parents, boy?"
"Stacy Forman and Gregory Forman, Mrs. Reynolds."
She paused. "You aren't related to John and Josephine Forman?"
"No, Mrs. Reynolds. I don't know anyone by those names."
Joy burst out laughing, causing the gem to wobble on it's chain. It's hold over Cal began to weaken. By the time she'd regained her composure, Cal was almost completely conscious again. He simply sat there, stunned by her revelation and her attempt to buy him off; and even more shocked by her success in entrancing him. He was almost too afraid to breath, remaining just as still as he had when he was under.
"What a fun turn of events. Of all the last names you could have had… Well in that case, Cal. I think I approve. You do seem like a lovely young man, now that I know you're not an interloper. I do have one condition, however."
She pulled off her dress, allowing her bare breasts to come into clear view.
"Ginny was making quite the assortment of sounds last night. I think you should give me the same treatment. After all, I'm going to make you very rich some day."
"Yes, Mrs. Reynolds," he answered, trying will all his might to pretend that she was still in control so that she would continue.
Thanks for reading! If you are a fan of my work, consider buying me a coffee. Any contribution is insanely appreciated. 💖
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pappydaddy · 2 years
when i'm eighty (j.m.)
tv show/movie: outer banks | pairing: jj maybank x fem!pogue!reader
requested by a lovely anon as part of my 800 follower celebration
synopsis: y/n is exhausted and jj neglected the bike's gas tank. who knew it would lead to such a proclamation.
taglist: @luvhann | @thelakespoets  | @lonely-simp | @smarie7543 | @tenaciousperfectionunknown | @k-k0129 | @maybankslover | @taurusvic | @moralina | @verystarfishflower | @4dr1ana | @adr1an4 | @instabull | @poppet05 | @rottenstyx | @boxofsilentwords | @popeheywardssecretgf | @lexi-2004 | @i-always-come-back-xoxo | @rootbeerfaygo | @444lyra *line through your user means i could not tag you lovelies!
warnings: tears (exhausted) | karen situation mentioned | the lovely realities of a retail job
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- not my gif -
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Sure, Pogue life was fun and relatively carefree, and Y/N wouldn’t trade her life for anything, but it did have its downfalls. Like when you see something you really like and you pick up extra shifts and work your ass off for it, but a Kook just has to ask their parents for it and boom - they have one they barely use or care for. Or when you accidentally spend too much money grocery shopping so now you have to pinch your pennies until next pay in two weeks. Or, like for Y/N right now, you have to work all day, every day because your crappy minimum wage job is severely understaffed and, even though they treat you horribly, you offer to pick up more shifts. 
  Y/N, right now, wasn’t too pleased with her status as a Pogue. Not when she is standing here, bored out of her mind and swaying on her feet as the middle aged Kook rambled on and on about something. Y/N wasn’t too sure what she was complaining about, truthfully, she stopped listening after the woman called her an incompetent child - which was the very first thing that came out of her pink smeared lips. 
  All she could actually focus on was how heavy her eyelids were, or how much she wanted to cut her feet off or just rip them right from her body. Or the dull ache that nestled itself right in the dip of her spine. Or how much she wishes she could just smash her kneecaps because, at this point, they were so tired and sore they were basically numb. It had been five days straight of her leaving school the second it was over and having her boyfriend, JJ, drive her to her work (a small hardware store), and then working to close. 
  She was exhausted, but she was falling behind on her road to buying a reliable car. Not the heap of rusted metal that has been sitting in her driveway for the past few months - completely broken. Luckily, because the owners did not want the possibility of being sued, they refused to let her work this weekend. That meant, once this woman was done with her tantrum, Y/N could get out of there and sleep for the foreseeable future. Well, at least until JJ had to get up for his shift delivering groceries tomorrow afternoon. She just hoped today wasn’t the one day JJ was late to pick her up. 
  “Mark my words, because you all know nothing, I will never come back here,” The lady slammed her hand against the counter Y/N stood at, the newly hired cashier shaking slightly behind her. “And I will be in contact with your manager and owner for reimbursement for any bills that come from this.” She sneered, gesturing to the empty bottle of antifreeze that was specifically made for diesel engines. That she put in her Land Rover. 
  “You have a nice night, the owner and manager will both be in after nine tomorrow morning.” Y/N drawled like a robot, ignoring the huff and snarky comment the woman made towards her for her lack of respect. There was no way in hell Y/N was apologising to her when Y/N and the manager were the ones who told the woman and her husband not to get that antifreeze, but her husband just wouldn’t listen. 
  “And I am telling them about your horrible behaviour towards me-” 
  “Ma’am,” Their night manager appeared from one of the aisles, looking annoyed. The clock had ticked by to read five minutes after close, meaning this woman was standing there ranting for over ten minutes. “We closed five minutes ago, if you have an issue, you can call and discuss this with our head manager and the owner tomorrow, but now you need to leave unless you want to front the money to pay us the overtime you are causing us because we won’t get paid.” He told her, pointing her towards the exit.
  She scoffed. “Of course I won’t pay you people to be incompetent at your jobs. I mean, how hard is it to sell people items? If anything, I should be getting money for you people for the damages you caused to my expensive Land Rover-”
  “Again, ma’am, you will have to bring that up with the people with more power than me,” The manager looked completely exhausted and annoyed with this woman. He grabbed the empty bottle from where she left it. “Now, you can either leave on your own or I will be contacting the authorities and they will remove you from the premises and you will be banned.” 
  He held out the empty bottle just before she snatched it, her nose turned up as she scoffed, turning on her heel and leaving out the door. “Okay, you two go, I will lock everything up.” He waved them off. Smiling thankfully, Y/N grabbed her thin sweater (which was JJ’s) and her empty plastic bottle of water, tossing it in the recycling bin.
  “Thank you, Gerry. Have fun tomorrow.” She waved bye to him as the new cashier trailed quietly behind her. Pulling the hoodie over her head, she left through the same door the woman had, seeing her fancy silver audi sitting in the parking lot. From inside, she could see her phone pressed to her ear as she yelled. 
  “Hey, sweets,” JJ greeted her, pushing off from the wall he leaned on. Y/N smiled, saying a quick ‘see you’ to the quiet girl as she bounded over towards her mother’s car. Her feet not moving, she held her arms open for JJ, signalling she wanted a hug. JJ complied, striding the short distance to her and wrapping his arms around her waist. Naturally, her arms rested on his shoulders, enjoying the relief and comfort his hug brought her. It was like every ache in her body left and the weight that was crushing her lifted. “Long night?” He asked, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
  She hummed. “Long week.” She corrected him, snuggling into his chest. He laughed lightly, not wanting to jostle her as she clung to him. 
  “As much as I would love to stay here hugging, we should really get you some food then to bed.” JJ started to pull away. Whining, she released him, the growling and uncomfortable feeling in her stomach too persistent to ignore, but her face remained planted into his chest. 
  “Carry me to the bike?” Her voice was muffled as she spoke. 
  “Sorry, sweets, the bike needs gas and I don’t get paid until next week.” He informed her, hands on her shoulders and pulling her face from his chest, just enough for him to see her face. Instantly, he was met by a pout and a whine from her. 
  She blinked at him, puppy dog eyes in full effect. “But I’m too tired to walk, JJ.” She told him. And looking at her, he could see she was. The eye Bags under her eyes were so deep that the concealer couldn’t even hide them. Her shoulder drooped so much it looked like she was lugging a bookbag that weighed fifty tons on them. And, not to mention, the way her eyes blinked lazily, looking a second away from closing in slumber. 
  Aside from her appearance, he could tell over the past few days she was completely exhausted. The way she kept falling asleep on his shoulder at lunch or as they skipped their respective classes in favour of cuddles. She only skipped classes when she wasn’t sleeping properly or she was bored. The way she was extra clingy (like right now). Or how she nearly face-planted into her breakfast this morning. “I know, Sweets. But the bike didn’t even have enough gas to drive here.” 
  Sighing, tears welled in her eyes. A mixture of exhaustion and stress filled her, creating tears. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked you to waste all that gas driving me here and back home.” She weeped, sniffling as she blinked frantically. 
  JJ, nearly shitting himself at the sight of tears, jumped out of his skin in fright. “No, no, Sweets. Don’t cry,” He shushed, wrapping her up in his arms so tight her eyes could pop out of their sockets (not really because he would never hurt her). She sniffled into his sweater, tears hitting his sweater. “I didn’t waste gas driving you. I can never waste anything when it comes to you. I let the tank get that low, it’s my fault. I thought I had enough but John B hit a pothole the other day and I needed to go help him change the tire, that’s where the gas went. It’s all John B's fault for being on the mainland and driving like an idiot.” He rocked them from side to side until the tears slowed and the sniffles seemed to quiet down.
  “John B made you drive all the way to the mainland to help him change the tire?” She asked, pulling her face from his chest, but his arms didn’t let go over her, keeping her pressed to him. Her eyes were watery and puffy, a red tinge to the whites of her eyes. Her face was puffy and blotchy, trails of dried tears running down her cheeks. 
  JJ nodded, moving his arms to grip her face, thumbs lightly rubbing the tear streaks. “Yeah. And the idiot also decided to take everything except the jack out of the van so we had to go get a lug nut wrench which ate up more gas.” 
  “He never learns his lesson, does he?” She laughed. It was wet, her mouth thick from the tears still. 
  “No, he doesn’t,” He whispered, his voice low as he stared at her. “Now, let’s get you home before you fall asleep standing here,” He stepped back, putting distance between them. She watched with furrowed brows as he turned his back to her, crouching down, practically kneeling on the sidewalk in front of the store. “Hop up.” He told her, arms to his side, stuck towards her slightly, waiting for her to climb onto his back. 
  “JJ,” She exclaimed. “You’re not going to be able to carry me all the way to John B’s!” 
  “Yeah I can. I’m eighteen, not eighty,” He told her, pointing to his back. Sighing, she knew he wasn’t going to take no for an answer. On top of that, he would find another way to carry her. Her hands gripped his shoulders as she hopped onto his back. His hands instantly gripped the bottom of her thighs, securing her there and he stood up to his full height. She let out a small squeal at the sudden change in height, kicking her feet slightly at the feeling of them not being on the ground. It always took her a second to get used to being held on his back. “And even when I’m eighty, I am sure as hell gonna still give you piggy back rides.” 
  “Sure, we’ll revisit that when you are hunched over because you gave me so many piggy back rides now.” She laughed, her arms lazily moving to rest closer to his neck, her chin resting on her bicep as he started to walk towards John B’s. 
  “Why do you think I am in such great shape? I am training to carry you around my whole life.” 
  “If that’s the case, might want to lay off the weed and the booze.” She poked him in the pectoral teasingly. He squeezed her thigh playfully back, laughing as she pressed a kiss to his cheek the best she could before resting her head back on her arm, letting the pattern of JJ’s gate relax her, her eyes growing heavier by the second. She really did hope that when they were eighty, they didn’t lose any of their playfulness - no matter if JJ could carry her or not.
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lovergirly · 2 years
the love languages (wednesdays version)
hi my loves! i’m sorry i haven’t been here, i’ve been horribly busy the past couple days. i met the love of my life over break and i’m trying to start a relationship with them so fingers crossed 🤞🏻
this isn’t a request, but feel free to leave me some! <33
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they say there are five different ways to display your love to a person. love languages. conventional couples constantly love showering each other with affection and giving each other flowers or go to the drive in for dates. wednesday was the opposite of conventional. she finds it hard to believe she was even capable of loving someone, let alone be able to let herself be vulnerable around someone. even her girlfriend she struggles with showing affections to. her girlfriend however was able to see every single love language wednesday provides for her.
1. words of affirmation
waking up was always the hardest part of your day. who was sadistic enough to make teenagers wake up at 6 in the morning everyday?
“mi amor it’s time to wake up.”
of course your macabre girlfriend enjoyed this torture. you don’t answer her and instead groan into your pillow. unknown to you she rolls her eyes and starts to open your curtains. this doesn’t give her the reaction she wanted as you only hide more into your blankets.
“y/n we have school and i can’t be having you late. get up, my love.” you still don’t move and now wednesday is getting annoyed. “cara mia, if you don’t get up i’ll deny you your kisses for the rest of the day.”
knowing she was 100% serious with that threat, you slowly force yourself out of bed causing your perfectly dressed and composed girlfriend to smile, “you look absolutely miserable.”
“thank you, i am.”
“well even while miserable you look absolutely breathtaking mi amor.”
2. acts of service
after getting ready for your day, you and wednesday had to seperate and go to your classes. the only problem is these kids have been teasing you. a group of three girls tried to start a rumor about you and nearly tripped you just in this period alone. finally after they “accidentally” spilt their drink on you, you run out of the classroom only to see wednesday standing right there with a bag of muffins she got for you. she saw you nearly sprinting out with tears in your eyes and a group of girls all watching you and laughing. she realized she either had the option to kill then now or go check on you and kill them later. knowing you’re worth more than those imbeciles were, she ran after you to see you sitting with your knees to your chest crying in a random corner. she saw how vulnerable you looked, and wished she could take away your pain just as fast as those girls inflicted it.
“querida mia, what happened?”
“wednesday those girls are just awful! they tried to make up a rumor about me and they’re just so mean.” you stuttered while sobbing. her heart broke for you. just because she had thick skin and can easily take down a bully doesn’t mean she knows you get too overwhelmed to defend yourself in situations like this.
“y/n don’t let them get to you. they’re a bunch of clowns who are jealous of what you have.”
“what do i have that they don’t?”
“me. the love and adoration i try to provide for you.” she simple walks away after that and unbeknownst to you, is planning a way to get back at those intolerable girls. it wasn’t until the next day when you saw how your girlfriend sent thing to cut giant chunks out of all the girls’ hair and a horrified expression when they see you with your beloved.
3. gifts
wednesday comes from a rich family. it wasn’t a shock. she was a trust fund kid and often asked her parents to take out money to get you some lavish presents. you weren’t used to the high class lifestyle she had, so she made sure to buy to the most luxurious items. you like that jacket? it’s yours. it’s $500? that’s not too bad, she thought it would’ve been at least $2000. wednesday wouldn’t say she’s carelessly throwing away money, even if your closet had got restocked by her. she just enjoyed the look on your face when you got the newest all black Balenciaga bag or the softest pair of pink pajamas money can buy. the presents you liked the most, however, were when she tried to be romantic with her gift giving.
one night, wednesday walks into your dorm with her hands behind her back.
“hello my love! i missed you so much.”
“i missed you as well y/n. i actually got you a present.” she pulls out two viles and a little needle.
“i want to show you that i am completely enthralled by you and wish to grow old with you until we both face our demise.” she goes to sit on your bed “i want to give you some of my blood that you can wear as a necklace. it’s supposed to represent the deepest trust and love i have for you. you of course don’t need to give me one, but i want to give you one.”
“oh my love of course i’ll give you one. will you do the honors of pricking my finger for me?”
with that you and wednesday spent the rest of the night making and presenting blood necklaces for each other.
 4. quality time
wednesday doesn’t believe in small talk. she thinks it’s a waste of time. she does enjoy a good conversation with you, but she doesn’t want to hear the little details about who said what last friday and why it’s so bad. her writing hour was her time. she frequently kicks enid out during that time because she needs to think and get inspiration. people don’t give her inspiration. she hates people. viper de la muerte hates people. well everyone except her girlfriend. vipers girlfriend who is a little too similar to you. how did she get the inspiration to creat vipers girlfriend? by making you stay in the room while she writes. the first time you stayed in the room it was a nuisance. you were with enid and laughing the full hour. it was torture, and not the kind she enjoys. now, she can’t write without you in the room. whether you’re just reading over her shoulder, she loves your critiques. even if it’s just a simple “i love your writing my love!” or “i like this part!” she needs those words to allow her creative mind to continue. she feels pathetic , relying on you to do something as simple as writing, but nothing makes her happier than seeing your face as you read her writing or give her shoulder rubs the second she finishes her writing hour. even if you’re not reading with her, just you in the room gives her a calm feeling. she loves when you’re both in her dorm alone, doing your own thing silently. it makes her feel like you’re already a married couple and the dorm room is simple your house.
5. physical touch
if wednesday hates one thing the most, it’s physical touch. the only people who can touch her without dying is her family, and even they barley can touch her without her pulling away. you might think you’re an expection, but wednesday addams doesn’t do cuddling. she hates it. not because she gets hot or anything at night. she just simply hates it. the only way you’ll even get her to consider cuddling with you is after constant begging. you literally have to get on your knees in front of her (which she liked more than she’d like to admit) just for her to put her arm around you in bed. she’ll never be caught dead being the little spoon. whether you’re her height or six feet tall, she’ll be the big spoon. she likes the feeling of protecting you at night. you’re her love, it’s her job to keep you safe.
and while wednesday would deny any of this as love and would never admit to “mellowing out”, the wednesday addams found a love. a love she can cherish and treat just as her father treats her mother. she wants to cherish you and protect you from the world in the only way she knows. the love language of an addams.
i hope you guys enjoyed, i wrote this in one sitting so it might not be the best. i really want to make each of these little snippets it’s own story, but i’m not sure yet. definitely leave a like if you enjoyed though and leave more requests <33
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callsign-magnolia · 1 year
Undiagnosed // Ch. 10
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Mature Content 18+
Jake Seresin x Neurodivergent OC
Summary: Katie Blair grew up trying to be the perfect daughter. She always struggled to be the prim and proper little girl her parents wanted. Big personality as a kid, but now at 25, she's the shy admiral's daughter who just keeps her head down and tries to get through law school. So what happens when she's had enough and with help from a certain Lieutenant, she gets out.
Warnings: Emotional abuse, trauma response, abusive parents.
Word Count: 6.0k
Chapter 9 | Masterlist
A few weeks go by, May is over and we were diving headfirst into June. After my eye appointment Jake took me to the bookstore, where we bought a few books that I had been wanting and then we went home. I immediately got online and started looking for frames for my glasses. I scrolled and scrolled for a few days until I came across those same Kate Spade glasses I saw on display. I went to scroll past them when I saw they were on a massive sale. They were originally two hundred and sixty dollars, but they were marked down to one hundred and ten online. That's the average price for glasses, but I bit my lip looking at them. I couldn't ask Jake for these even if they were on sale. "Find some you like?" I jumped, losing my grip on my phone as Jake startled me from behind. "Jake! God, don't scare me like that." I said, my hand over my heart as I leaned back into the couch. He just laughed, coming around and sitting next to me. Before he was even completely sitting, he snatched my phone, looking at the frames. "These are nice." He said, looking at them.
"Yeah but they're too expensive." I responded and he scoffed. "One ten isn't bad, darlin'. I was doing some research and saw the average was two hundred dollars.” He looked through everything on the glasses before turning to me. “There.” He said as he handed me my phone. I looked down and saw he had ordered them. “What if those weren’t the ones I wanted?” I asked and he laughed. “I saw you lookin’ at them at the doctor’s office darlin’. You wanted them.” With that he disappeared into the kitchen. I sighed, relaxing back into the couch as I looked at my phone. I felt bad because Jake has dropped a lot of money on me in the past few days, I had to figure out a way to pay him back. Of course, with no money that’s near impossible. So I would have to do something else. I thought about it for a while before figuring out a plan. While he was at work that week, I made sure the house was spotless, I did his laundry, made his bed and was prepping dinner by the time he got home. The first day he thanked me and was so pleased. But after a few weeks he came into my room after dinner, leaning on my door frame as he watched me put lotion on my legs. “Can I talk to you?” He asked and immediately my heart started pounding in my chest. “Um, yeah.” I put my lotion down and he came, sitting on my bed, looking at me. 
“Why are you doing all this stuff?” He asked and I furrowed my brows. “The cleaning?” “And the cooking, and doing my laundry, and making my bed.” I frowned, pulling my knees up to my chest. “Do you not want me to do that?” He sighed, flopping back on my bed. “I appreciate it, I really do. But it’s every day. Isn't there something else you'd rather spend your day doing?" He asked. I sighed, looking at the few books he bought me. I was halfway through one and I knew if I read all day I’d have the entire stack finished in two weeks. Then Jake would feel like he had to buy me more books. Television isn’t really doing it for me, and you can only watch so many movies. “Honestly?” He nodded. “Honestly.” I sighed, hugging my knees tighter. “Yeah. But I can’t think of much other than reading and it sucks when you finish a book so fast.” He stared at me and I felt like he could read me as easily as flight patterns. “But… you’ve also spent so much money on me lately and I don’t have money to pay you back so I thought I would do things for you.” He sighed, his eyes turning to look at the ceiling. “Darlin’, you don’t have to pay me back for any of this.” I shook my head. “Jake, you signed up to help me get out, not take care of me.” He chuckled, rolling onto his side and propping his head on his fist. My eyes drifted and I couldn’t help but notice his bulging biceps. “Katie.” He said, my eyes meeting his. “Darlin,” He smiled at me. “I don’t care about taking care of you. I’m happy to do it if it means you don’t have to go back to that house of horrors.” I smiled at him. “Thank you.” I whispered and he smiled at me. “Okay. Well I’m gonna go to bed, I’m exhausted.” I nodded as he stood before leaning over and kissing my head. “Night, darlin’.” He said before walking out. “Night, Jake.” 
A week later my glasses came in and I was excited when Jake pulled the box from the mailbox, and handed it to me. “Oh my god!” I squealed, excited to be able to see clearly again. I rushed inside, setting the box on the counter and searching for the scissors. “Dammit! Where are they?” I called out and I heard someone clear their throat behind me. I turned to see Jake, scissors in hand as he grinned at me. “Ah! Thank you!” I said, yanking the scissors from his hand and practically tearing the box apart. “I’ve never seen someone so excited for glasses.” I laughed at his words. “Well I have pretty shitty eyesight, so I’m excited to see clearly again.” I said, reaching into the box of packing peanuts and pulling out my new glasses. “HA!” I yelled, quickly cleaning the little bits of foam off the lenses. I slid them on and it took my eyes a second to adjust after going a few weeks without glasses but finally I could see. “Well?” He asked and I looked at him. Finally from a distance I could see him so clearly. “They’re great! I can finally see!” I looked out the kitchen window to the backyard. “Nice to know the leaves are still individual and not giant green blobs.” He laughed as he looked out the window with me. “Is your eyesight really that bad?” He asked and I pulled my glasses off, holding them out to him. “It’s not the worst eyesight ever but anything two feet in front of me and past that is blurry.” I told him and he held my glasses up to his face. “Oh my god that is blurry.” He said and I laughed, taking my glasses back. “So you can see why I’m happy to have glasses again.”
Another two weeks after that I had my first therapy session after Jake got off work and I lost track of time again and had to rush to get ready. Once again I tossed on a dress, some sandals, my hair was in a bun and I had no makeup. I grabbed my purse, rushing downstairs as Jake waited for me. “Come on. I can’t be late! God, of course I would make myself late.” I said as I rushed by him. “Katie, hang on.” He said, following me. “Did you not just hear me? I’m running behind, no thanks to my shitty time management skills.” I said, getting in the truck. Jake huffed, getting in beside me. I was a nervous wreck for this. Bradley has tried all week to calm me down and it did in the moment, then the nerves would creep back in. “Katie, can we talk?” I sighed, taking deep breaths and tried not to snap at him. “Jake.” I said as my voice broke and tears filled my eyes. “I am trying not to freak out right now. Could we talk after my session?” I asked and he gave me a small smile, nodding. “Yeah,” His voice was soft as he reached over the console, grabbing my hand and holding our intertwined fingers on it. “We can talk after.”
The rest of the ride was quiet but as Jake’s thumb rubbed my knuckles I calmed a little. But as soon as he let go and threw the truck in park, the nerves were back as I stared up at the tall building. I managed to get out and walk around the truck, heading for the door but I stopped short. My hand clutched the leather straps of my purse as it sat on my shoulder. Could I really do this? Tell a complete stranger everything that’s happened to me? Especially within the last few months? Well, I guess Jake was a complete stranger once. “Want me to go in with you?” I turned to see Jake leaning out the window of his truck. I sighed defeatedly. “Would you?” He smiled, rolling up the window and getting out. “C’mon.” He said, holding out his hand for me. “Thank you.” I said as I took his hand and walked inside. We took the elevator up to the eighth floor and down the hall to Dr. Davis’ office. We walked in and I smiled at the receptionist. “Hi, my name is Katie Blair. I have an appointment with Dr. Davis.” The lady hummed and typed on her keyboard. “Fill this out and have a seat.” She said in a bland tone. I gave her a small nod and took the clipboard, following Jake to some empty seats. We sat down and I looked at the clipboard. There was so much they needed to know, it was a little overwhelming. I eventually filled out everything I knew but when it came to things like insurance, I was stuck. “What’s wrong?” He asked. “I uh- I don’t have insurance and I don’t really know what to put.” I said and he leaned over, looking. “Here. Self-pay.” I checked the little box and sat back. 
He squinted at the paper that had my name on it. “Why does that name look familiar?” He asked. “Probably because it’s mine.” I sassed and he chuckled, nudging me. “Haha. No, I mean your first and middle name. Katie Scarlett.” I sighed, scrunching my nose at his question. “Ever seen Gone With The Wind?” It was my mother’s favorite movie, and of course. “No!” He gasped. “She didn’t.” I nodded. “If my last name had been O’Hara she would’ve kept me in corsets and hoop skirts.” He chuckled. “Well I like your name.” I nodded. “I do too. I think it’s pretty, just wish she had been more creative.” I said before getting up and walking over to the reception desk. “Here’s this.” She hummed, scowling at me as she looked up at me over the tops of her glasses. “For the record. You were late.” I bit my lip. My appointment was at four-thirty and we got into the office at four-thirty three. “Dr. Davis does not accept late patients.” My heart leapt into my throat. I got lucky with this early opening, they were booked out eight months otherwise. “Leave her alone Kathy.” A voice behind me spoke. “Hi, I’m Dr. Davis.” She held out her hand for me to shake. She was a little shorter than me, long dark brown hair and glasses on her face. She had to be about my mother’s age. And that worried me, what if she didn’t understand? “I-I’m Katie.” She smiled at me. “Well Katie, if you’re ready we can go into my office.” My gaze immediately shifted to Jake and he gave me a small smile. “I’ll be right here waiting for you.” I smiled at him and followed Dr. Davis into her office before she closed the door behind us. “Have a seat. Want some water?” At her question I realized my throat would dry. “Yes, please.” 
I sat in one of the comfy looking chairs she had in her office as she grabbed a bottle from the mini fridge and handed it to me. “You look lovely.” She complimented, sitting across from me. “Oh, uh thank you. I look like a wreck though. No makeup, my hair is pulled up and I just grabbed something from my closet.” I said and she nodded. “You still look beautiful.” My face flushed and she narrowed her eyes at me. “My mother always told me I had to be well put together to be beautiful.” She hummed, writing something down on her notepad. “Why don’t you tell me about your mother.” She asked and I took a deep breath. “She’s not a good person.” She nodded, writing stuff down. “And why is that?” I was a little agitated but I knew she had to ask. “I never remember her being necessarily kind to me. When I was little she had me in beauty pageants, my talent was a gymnastics routine and I was good at it. I would come in first almost every time and she would be so proud.” I said as tears gathered in my eyes. “I was seven and she set up my equipment. I threw a backhandspring on the balance beam, fell off and somehow snapped my femur in half.” She nodded. “That must have been painful.” I pursed my lips. “It was.” My hand fell to my leg, something I haven’t done in years. “I felt it immediately, my thigh was curved medially.” I said, using my hand to curve away from my body all the way down to my knee which pointed inwards. “I cried. God did I cry. Everyone panicked and one father was a medic and rushed over. But just before that I remember my mom telling me to shut up and not grab attention. But as soon as he came over, she was the worried mother, crying over her child's pain.” 
She hummed, passing me a box of tissues. “That makes you mad?” “No shit it makes me mad.” I snapped before taking a deep breath and closing my eyes. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you.” She shook her head with a smile. “No, that’s good. You should be mad. Tell me more.” I nodded. “Um, I couldn’t make friends. My mother tried to tell me we were better than everyone, but it never stuck. I was a social child, I loved talking to people and making friends but as soon as I would really get to know someone, form a bond we would move. Eventually I just stopped trying and before I knew it, totally isolated.” I said, wanting to pull my knees up to my chest, but I was in a dress and that’s not lady like. “They wanted me to go to law school. So I did.” She hummed. “And how was that?” “Awful. I was the freak of the school. I get excited about things that no one else seems to care about.” She hummed again. “Like what?” I bit my lip, looking down. “Um, I used to have some fish and I would constantly talk to anyone about them that would listen.” I started pulling on my thumbs. “What were their names?” She asked and I couldn’t help the smile on my face. “Um, splish and splash were my two goldfish, Georgie was my guppy, Simon was an angelfish and then Ripley was a neon tetra.” She smiled at me. “Do you have a picture?” I nodded enthusiastically. When I got into my old backup account I saved a few pictures of my fish as well. I just couldn’t go without pictures of them. “Oh my, they’re so pretty.” She said, adjusting her glasses and I grinned. “Thank you.” I said, putting my phone back in my purse.
“What happened to them?” My breath caught in my throat, not expecting her to be so direct. I thought back to how angry my dad was and a chill ran down my spine. “I was supposed to be studying, but I had done it so much I just wanted to read my book.” She raised a brow but nodded. “My dad was already mad and when he saw I wasn’t studying, he got even more angry and swiped all my old pageant trophies off my dresser. He said I was lazy and stupid and told me I would be nothing without him. He tipped over my bookshelf, trashed my CD’s and when I told him I didn’t need him, he ripped my glasses from my face.” Her eyes were wide as she stared at me before writing in her notes. “Go on.” She motioned me to continue. “He told me if I wasn’t going to use my glasses to study, I must not need them. Then he took one of my textbooks and crushed them on my desk.” Her jaw was practically on the floor as I went on. “He threw me into the table that held my fish tank and he said he was sick of them, so he launched the book into the side of the tank. It shattered and they all flooded out onto the floor. They flopped around and I put them in a container of water, but none of them survived.” Tears filled my eyes at the memory. “Then he told me to get the hell over it and to clean up the mess.” 
“Katie. That’s abuse.” I nodded. “I know that now.” She sighed, taking a breath. “Anything else?” I hummed. “Can I just tell you recent stuff?” She nodded. “Not long before my dad killed my fish, my friend Jake, the one out in the waiting room, came over and helped me clean my fish tank and my parents came home early.” I thought back to the angry look on my fathers face. “As soon as the door shut, he grabbed me by my hair, dragged me from where I was standing in the tub, and threw me to the floor. Jake didn’t leave the house, he just closed the door but he was still there.” I said, wiping tears from my eyes. “I managed to get him to leave just as my dad pulled off his belt and started hitting me.” She just seemed shocked by everything I was saying. “That’s not even the worst.” I said and she sighed. “Katie. We don’t have to go over everything today. We can do another session.” I shook my head. “I really wanna get this out.” She nodded again and got comfortable in her chair. “The day after my dad killed my fish, I ran off with Jake to his house. But I panicked and thought my dad would ruin his life so I went back.” She furrowed her brows. “How would your dad ruin Jake’s life?” She asked. “Jake is a Lieutenant in the navy. My dad is his Fleet Commander.” She hummed. “And how high in rank is Fleet Commander?” I chuckled, leaning my head back on the chair. “The highest. It’s the equivalent of an Army General. He is the person with the most control.” She hummed. “What happened when you went back?” 
“They tricked me.” She raised her brows in surprise. “They pretended like they knew they did wrong, and even apologized and told me they loved me.” It was silent for a moment as tears fell down my face. “That’s the first time I remember them saying they loved me… and it was a lie.” My voice broke as I grabbed a tissue. “I woke up the next morning to a lock outside my door. They locked me in and told me I was never coming back out.” She stared at me in shock. “How long were you locked in there?” I sighed. “A week. It was a Saturday when my mom made me get up and put me in the shower for the first time. She did my hair and I did my makeup before she put me in a white dress and locked me in again. She told me I had to look perfect for who they were bringing over.” I said as I wiped my eyes again. “I overheard them when they walked past the door. My mom said she didn’t care what these people did with me once I was out of her house.” She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “How did you get out?” She asked, concern lacing her voice. “They left and I kind of panicked. The door was locked, my windows were nailed shut, and I had no phone. But I sat against my bed and looked over at my desk. There was a curled cord hanging out of one of the drawers.” I chuckled. “It was my old landline, and thankfully my parents still had service running through the house. So I plugged in the phone jack and it worked. I called Jake and him and a few friends came in to get me out.” She gave me a small smile. “Sounds like great friends.” 
“They really are. Jake is letting me live with him now, but I feel so lost. I told him I would get a job but he offered for me to live there and go to nursing school. My mother always controlled my life, now that I got away. I don’t really know what to do.” She slapped her notepad down on the arm of her chair and leaned forward with a wide grin. “Do something for yourself.” I took a deep breath. “I came to therapy.” I gave her a smile and she chuckled. “Do something else.” I pursed my lips, thinking about what I could do. “Can I give a suggestion?” I nodded, feeling like a little guidance would help. “Go to nursing school.” My eyebrows shot up. “Really?” She nodded enthusiastically. “You have someone letting you live in their house rent free. Going to school, and working to pay bills would be so difficult. You are in a very good situation right now and you need to take advantage of it.” I nodded, biting my lip. “I’ll think about it.” She nodded. “Good.” We spoke a little more about our next steps in therapy and my mother’s voice in my head. By the end of my session I felt a little better and we stood. “I would really like to try EMDR with you. I think it could really help you move forward in the healing process.” I nodded. “You think I’ll ever be normal?” I asked and she chuckled. “If there’s anything I’ve learned in my line of work. Normal doesn’t exist. But we will work together to get you in the right headspace and ways to go through your life, without your mother’s voice in your head.” I nodded as she handed me a few pamphlets on EMDR, something she wanted to try with me. I was finally getting help. I felt a wave of emotions washing over me as I stared down at the pamphlets. Tears filled my eyes as I looked over at Dr. Davis. “Thank you, Dr. Davis.” She smiled at me, shaking my hand. “You’re welcome, Katie. Now, what are you going to do after this?” I chuckled, smiling at her. “Seriously consider nursing school.” She nodded and walked me out. “Make another appointment for whatever is convenient to you. We’ll figure out a time frame next time.” I nodded before she called another patient in. 
“You okay?” Jake asked as he walked over. He saw the tears in my eyes and opened his arms, pulling me into a hug. “I will be.” He nodded before releasing me to schedule my next appointment, but his arm never left my shoulder. I made another appointment for a month, thinking that would be a good time. Jake paid, which I felt guilty for, and grabbed my hand, walking us into the elevator then out to the truck. Once we got in, I wiped my eyes and turned to him. “Didn’t you have something to tell me?” He seemed a little surprised. “Oh, yeah. Bu-but it can wait till tomorrow.” I furrowed my brows as I leaned my head on the window. “You sure?” He nodded, giving me a soft smile. “I’m sure.” He asked me if I wanted to go eat somewhere before going home, but I felt so exhausted we just stopped for fast food and ate it on the couch. “You sure you’re okay?” He asked when we cleaned up and sat back down on the couch. “Yeah, I’m just really tired.” He hummed as my head laid back on the couch. It wasn’t long until I passed out on the couch, but the next morning I woke up in my bed. I looked at the clock and saw it said nine a.m. I slept for over twelve hours? I fell asleep before eight last night. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Jake was already at work. Jake. I thought for a second and realized he had to have carried me to bed. Unless I walked to bed and don’t remember? I’ll ask him when he gets home. With that I flung the covers off of me and grabbed my phone. I had a text from Phoenix asking about a birthday party for Rooster, and one from Jake asking about dinner tonight. “What could he have to say that he needs me and Kelly at dinner?” I asked myself as I went downstairs to make breakfast. I spent the day doing some research on EMDR and found a lot of interesting info on it. Before I could lose track of time, I showered a whole two hours before Jake came home, then tossed a load of towels in the washer. 
I couldn’t figure out what to wear so I texted Kelly and asked what she would be wearing. I had never been to this place but I had heard of it. She finally texted me back when Jake got home, saying she was wearing a navy blue slip dress. It gave me an idea of what to wear so I shifted through my closet as Jake knocked on the door frame. “Hey.” I turned and smiled at him as I pulled out a dress and held it up. “Hi. How was your day?” I asked. “Busy. I spent five out of nine hours in the air.” I poked my bottom lip out at him. “I’m sorry.” I said and he chuckled. “What are you doing?” He asked. “Just trying to find a dress. I’ve never been to this place so I text Kelly and asked what she was wearing.” He hummed, crossing his right leg over his left, hands in his pockets as he leaned on the door frame. The t-shirt showed off his muscular tan arms so well. “And what is she wearing?” He asked and I giggled. “Well she didn’t tell me I couldn’t tell you, but I won’t. All I’ll say is it’s a little navy number.” I said, winking at him. He smiled at me, watching as I held another dress up in front of my body as I looked at myself in the mirror in my room. “And what are you wearing?” I shrugged. “Not sure yet. But when I find out, I’ll get your opinion.” He grinned at me before turning to walk away. “Hey Jake?” I asked and he turned back to me. “Did you…” I froze, feeling weird about asking this question. He walked closer, propping his elbow on the dresser and looking down at me with a grin. His face was so close to mine, his minty breath fanning across my face. “Did I what?” He asked. I opened and closed my mouth a few times before I pushed past the not so pure thoughts crossing my mind. “Did you bring me up to bed last night?” I asked and he smiled at me so widely I thought I would go blind. 
“I did. I couldn’t let you be all uncomfortable on the couch.” He said. “I’m sorry. I should’ve gotten up.” He shook his head, wrapping his fingers around one of my curls that I coated with finishing spray to keep it intact. “Don’t apologize. It was like lifting a sheet of paper.” He said before leaning in and kissing my forehead. “Thank you.” I said as he turned to walk out. “We have two hours before we have to pick up Kelly and make our reservations.” I nodded as he walked down to his room. It took me a minute to gather my thoughts but once I did I threw myself into my closet. I couldn’t think about him that way. He was a friend, and one that was doing so much for me. Plus, he was in a relationship and he would never be interested in me anyway. Finally I found a dress and hung it on the outside of my closet before going and putting my makeup on. It was soft and simple, light pink eyeshadow to match the flowers on my dress. Once that was done we had half an hour before we left so I put on the dress and grabbed my nude heels. I had no jewelry which felt weird, I almost felt incomplete without it. So I just grabbed my purse and walked downstairs where I put my shoes on. “Woah.” I turned to find Jake standing on the second to last step. “Too much?” I asked and he stared at me for a second before shaking his head. “No. No, not at all.” I smiled, brushing the skirt of my dress. It was a black maxi dress with pink magnolia blooms on it. It had a split on one side of the skirt and the top was a cross halter which left my back completely exposed. 
“You look beautiful.” I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped me. “Thank you.” I said and he smiled at me. “Ready, darlin’?” He asked and I nodded. “Yeah.” He grabbed my hand and led me out to the truck, opening the passenger door for me and helping me in. Once he got in we drove to Kelly’s house and I tried to pry the news out of him. “Oh come on. Please tell me!” I said, leaning across the center console and looking up at him with big doe eyes. “I’m not looking at you.” I sat back in my seat and pouted. “Why not?” I asked, offended. “I’d give in immediately if I did.” I felt a surge of something rush through my chest and I couldn’t wipe the grin off my face. Soon we arrived at Kelly’s apartment complex and she walked out her door. I got out of the front seat, leaving the door open for her as I crawled into the back seat. I got in and buckled just as she climbed in. “Gee, your roommate does more for me than you do when getting in the truck.” She joked and he rolled his eyes, but there was a hint of annoyance in her tone. “Hi baby.” He said and they both leaned over the console, kissing each other sweetly. I gave them a small smile as they pulled apart, they intertwined fingers resting on the console. Just like ours were yesterday, and I frowned at the memory. There was a tension in the truck and we rode in silence. When we arrived, Jake handed the truck over to the valet and we walked in. When Jake helped Kelly out of the car, I really got a look at her dress. A navy midi slip dress with thin straps and a split up the thigh. She really looked pretty with her hair curled and pulled into a pretty bun, a few hairs framing her face. She was so pretty and I felt very… plain compared to her. 
I shook my insecurities aside as we walked in and we were led to a table in a back corner, soft lights illuminating the table. Jake pulled out mine and Kelly’s chairs before sitting down himself. He was next to Kelly and I was directly across from him. He rested his forearms on the table and I couldn’t look away from his arms, which had the sleeves rolled up. He looked so good in his navy shirt and black slacks, but I watched as his hand fell to her thigh and I felt a little dejected at the sight. But I had no right to be. I shook the thoughts from my mind and tuned into the conversation. “So, Katie. Jake told me you had therapy yesterday.” Jake’s face fell and I felt a little embarrassed. I didn’t want anyone to know, but I didn’t tell Jake that either so I can’t get mad. “Um, yeah. I did.” Suddenly the waiter came over to take our drink orders. Jake and Kelly ordered some wine and I ordered water. “She’ll also have a glass of chardonnay.” My eyes snapped to Jake and the waiter nodded, walking away. “What if I didn’t want wine?” I asked and he chuckled. “I saw you looking at the wine menu.” Kelly immediately turned to me. “So how did your session go yesterday?” I sighed. “Um, really good actually. I think it’s gonna be good for me.” She nodded and our drinks came. I immediately picked up my glass, taking a large sip. Probably very un-lady-like but I didn’t care. By the time the food arrived I was two glasses in and feeling it. Hardly drinking makes for a low alcohol tolerance and I needed food to fix it. I sat here quietly while we waited and dug in as soon as the pasta sat in front of me. I listened to the conversation and sobered up quite a bit by the end of dinner.
“So… Katie.” He said, catching my attention as the waiter took my plate. He opened his mouth as he looked at me before quickly snatching the dessert menu. “Want some tiramisu?” He asked and I furrowed my brows at him. “Um, no thanks. I think we’ve racked up quite the bill tonight.” I said and he shook his head. “Nope, we're having dessert.” He said and caught our waiter's attention. “Three orders of tiramisu, please.” The waiter nodded and turned away. Kelly smacked his arm and caught his attention. “Tell her.” She practically growled out. My heart immediately sank. He was kicking me out. He’s grown tired of me and can’t stand to have me in his house anymore. He was throwing me out with nowhere to go. My breathing picked up and I felt like I couldn’t get any breath into my lungs. “Katie.” Jake caught my attention as the waiter set the coffee dessert in front of me, as well as another glass of wine. I snatched the glass, downing it as fast as possible. “Are you okay?” Kelly asked and I shook my head. “Not really. I’m so nervous I’m shaking.” I said and Jake furrowed his brows as Kelly squeezed his hand on the table. “Why are you nervous?” I sighed, squeezing my hands between my thighs to ground myself. 
“You’re kicking me out.” He seemed shocked and immediately leaned forward. “Katie. I would never do that. Why would you think that?” He asked and I shrugged, grabbing my spoon and digging in. “I figured you couldn’t stand to have me around anymore.” I said and he shook his head. “Katie no.” I sighed. “Then what is she pushing you to tell me?” I asked and he sighed, looking at Kelly as she took his hand in hers. “Katie. I’m getting deployed.” I looked at him shocked and it felt like everything was crashing down. Without Jake I would really be lost. If my parents found me, they would have no problem dragging me out of that house and back into the room. Hell, they probably wouldn’t feed me for a week. “Wh-what?” I stuttered out, my voice meek and small. “They’re shipping out the entire team at the end of the month. For six weeks.” I sat there as tears filled my eyes, looking down at the dessert in front of me, suddenly no longer enticed by it. “Katie? Are you gonna be okay?” Kelly asked and I looked up at her. “Um, to be honest. I don’t know.” I immediately stood, grabbing my purse. “I need some air.” I said before rushing past them and outside.
Taglist: @wkndwlff @alltimereverie @cherrycola27 @daisydaisygoose @rosiahills22 @deanoheartspie @cornishkat @high-speed-r @fogle97 @mygyn @ohgodnotagainn @emma8895eb @senjoritanana @kmc1989 @sandaltoesocks @mayhemmanaged @dempy @itsdesiree86 @callsign-athena @jstarr86 @brooke-stinson @rachkon @topguncultleader @bethbunnyy @topgun-imagines @clancycucumber230 @seitmai @kkrenae @djs8891 @shanimallina87 @wildxwidow @eugene-emt-roe @hisredheadedgoddess28 @littlewhiterose @formulapierre @wade-wilsons-chew-toy @bethabear12 @halstead-severide-fan @gg-trini @memeorydotcom
228 notes · View notes
sprinkler-ashes · 2 years
gorgeous // aaron hotchner x reader
pairing: aaron hotchner x fem!reader
in which you’re jack hotchner’s teacher, and you are utterly enamored of his dad. loosely based off of taylor swift’s song “gorgeous.”
words: 2.4k
warnings: everyone thirsting over hotch lmao
a/n: thank you all soooo very much for 600+ notes on my last fic!!! here’s another small taylor-inspired fic. It’s short, sweet, and i left it open for a part 2 in case i want to write it – we’ll see. i really wanted to get more out for you guys, but spring semester started, i fell back into constant work, and now am getting over the flu, which totally sucks, but is giving me a slight break to write. thanks for reading <3
you make me so happy, it turns back to sad
there's nothing i hate more than what i can't have
you are so gorgeous it makes me so mad
On most days, you loved your job. You were a first grade teacher and truly loved all the kids you had as if they were your own.
However, on some days – you really despised your job.
Dealing with the parents was sometimes your least favorite part of your job. It was usually mind-boggling to you at how some of these people had the sweetest and smartest kids, but they, the parents themselves, could be absolutely awful. It wasn’t all of the parents. In fact, there were some you really liked, but there were definitely a couple bad ones.
As much as you didn’t like dealing with some of those bad parents during conferences, you weren’t a fan of days like today – a Saturday bake sale at nine in the morning to raise money for an end-of-the-year field trip coming up at the end of the school year in just a couple months. The PTA was over the bake sale, which meant you had to deal with some of the most insufferable women you had ever met on what was supposed to be a day off.
“I told you, Stef, she’s just with him so she can get that life insurance check when he finally kicks the bucket – you watch and see if I’m not right,” the woman next to you, Kelly, said. “Poor Charlie, I hope he gets away from her before she snatches every penny he’s got.”
You wanted to scream. You weren’t sure how you were going to deal with this for another – you checked your watch – two hours and thirty-eight minutes even though the bake sale was only supposed to be three hours long. How had it only been twenty-two minutes?
 Kelly was the resident gossip while Stefanie, Stef, was her best friend and head of the PTA. Kelly’s son wasn’t in your class, but Stef’s twins were both in your class. Even though you didn’t even teach Kelly’s kid, you saw her often because she was always at every single school event.
“Stef, are you listening to me?” You heard Kelly ask.
“Did you know Mr. Hotchner is here?” Stef asked excitedly.
Your head perked up at hearing that. You pretended to fiddle with the homemade brownies wrapped up in front of you while you listened.
“That man is so beautiful. I just want him for myself,” Kelly replied. “I’m glad he made it today, so we have something nice to look at.”
You couldn’t disagree with Kelly there. Aaron Hotchner was the dad of one of the kids in your class, Jack, and a member of the PTA. He was the Unit Chief of the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit and was often gone on cases. Jack’s mom had died a while ago, close to two years prior, and Jessica, Jack’s aunt, was usually the one who would drop him off and pick him up.
In fact, you had only met Jack’s dad a couple times – three, to be exact. The first time you met Jack and Aaron was at the school’s open house event right before school had started. The second time was the first parent-teacher conference of the year. The last time you had seen him was purely by luck in the grocery store one evening.
Kelly wasn’t wrong – Aaron Hotchner was insanely attractive and every woman in the PTA knew it. It honestly seemed like everyone knew it except for Aaron himself. You watched as he helped Jack give change back to a man who was buying a cookie at the booth he was at. You couldn’t help but smile as you watched him give his son a high-five after the man had left.
Truthfully, you hated him. Not because he had ever done anything to you – actually, it was because he hadn’t done anything to you.
“Do you think he’ll ever remarry?” Kelly asked Stef. “If so, I hope it’s one of us.”
“You, me, and every woman here,” Stef said with a laugh. “Oh my goodness, Kelly, he’s coming over here. Fix your hair! It looks like a bird’s nest.”
You felt your pulse start to race as you glanced up to find that Stef was, indeed, right. Aaron was coming over, his eyes trained on you with his hands in his pockets. He was dressed casually in jeans and a crewneck sweatshirt. It was different from the usual suits you saw him in. Seeing him without a tie felt almost criminal.
“Good morning,” he told you, not paying attention to the other women near you, his eyes trained solely on you. “I’m sorry to bother you, but Jack wants to know if you’ll come join his booth for a moment. It won’t be long.”
You silently it wasn’t obvious that his gaze on you was affecting you the way that it was. His job was literally to profile people – you just hoped he wasn’t profiling you right now. “Yeah, I’d love to. Do you mind taking over this booth while I go over for a bit?”
“Go right ahead, honey,” Kelly told you. She lowered her voice, “I’d go anywhere with him, too.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m just going to see Jack’s poster.”
Kelly grinned. “Whatever you say.”
You shook your head, avoiding eye contact with Aaron and watching as both the women gave him a smile and little wave while you maneuvered from out behind the table you were standing at. “Lead the way.”
He gave you a small smile as he removed his hands from his pockets and led you over to the table him and Jack were assigned to. “I know you’re miserable, so I thought I’d help you escape.”
You were about to ask how he knew you’d rather have been doing anything else other than Stef and Kelly gossip, but you closed your mouth as soon as you opened it. “Really? You were profiling me? Here?”
That earned you a laugh out of him, which you now claimed as your favorite sound you’ve ever heard. “I don’t think it would’ve taken a profiler to see that you weren’t enjoying yourself.”
“Did you guys not get assigned with anyone else? It was supposed to be three to five people per table,” you mentioned as you two had finally reached the cookie booth that Aaron and Jack were over.
“We did, but they didn’t show,” Aaron replied to you, his hand lightly touching your lower back as he guided you behind the table where Jack was awaiting, causing you to elicit a sharp intake at the contact. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good,” you said in your best attempt at a nonchalant tone. If he doubted you, he didn’t press further. “Do you want me to ask around and see if I can get someone to come work the cookie booth with you guys?”
Aaron shook his head. “We’re holding up fine. Right, Jack?”
“Miss Y/L/N!” Jack shouted coming towards you as he held out his poster board that was just about as big as he was and filled with hand-drawn pictures of cookies. “Look at my sign! Daddy let me stay up late to make it.”
You crouched down to his level. “It looks awesome, Jack!” you told him excitedly, gaining a smile of your own as you watched his spread wide. “You did a great job!”
“Thanks! Can you put it back in front of the table, please?” He asked you politely. You nodded and took the poster back from him and placed it back in its rightful spot in front. “Daddy, can I go talk to my friends? I’ll be really quick, I pinky-promise.”
“Yes, but don’t be too long. We have cookies to sell,” Aaron told him.
You both watched as Jack’s little legs carried him just right in front of the table you were at. He was only a couple feet away, but you noticed Aaron’s eyes watching him, making sure he got there safely and that the adults working that table saw him.
“He thinks the world of you. I think you’re his favorite person,” Aaron told you.
That made you grin. You weren’t supposed to have favorites as a teacher, especially with kids as young as the ones you taught, but Jack was definitely one of your favorites. He was a sweet kid and was even reading on a fourth grade level. He caused no trouble and was a friend to everyone.
“He’s a great kid. I think the world of him also,” you said, your eyes locking with Aaron’s. Your breath hitched. How was someone this gorgeous? “But I actually think you’re his favorite person. He tells everyone about you and what you do. You’re his hero.”
Aaron grinned, and it was a sight you hadn’t seen before. You’d gotten smiles from him before, but never anything this big. You refrained from quite literally melting onto the floor. To be honest, you weren’t sure how you were going to last another minute standing here with him. He was so attractive you could barely even look at him.
If you said you didn’t have a teeny, tiny crush on Jack’s dad, you would be lying, but he was off-limits. For one, you were his son’s teacher. You’d really convinced yourself that there was no way he would want someone like you. There was nothing wrong with you, but you two were supposed to have a strictly professional relationship.
“Have you tried one of the cookies?” Aaron asked you, motioning to the cookies that laid on the table in front of the two of you.
“I haven’t,” you replied. “Did you bake all of these?”
“I had some help,” he sheepishly admitted. “Penelope, one of my co-workers, she helped me. As soon as we got back from a case last night, she came over. I knew I wasn’t going to be able to bake this many cookies by myself.”
“You made all of these last night? And after a case?” you asked incredulously. The entire table was covered in cookies of various different flavors. You were seriously impressed.
“Yeah, but it was no big deal,” he brushed it off. “I didn’t want to miss the bake sale. Plus, like I said, I didn’t do all of it.”
Was there anything this man couldn’t do?
You laughed. “I’m sure you’re probably wishing that you did miss the bake sale.” You gestured around the school parking lot that was set up. “I can count on one hand the number of things we’ve sold. I told Stef that a chilly February bake sale wasn’t a good idea, but she doesn’t really listen.”
“No, I’m glad I’m here. I really wanted to be here,” he said, looking directly at you.
This man knew how to take your breath away without even touching you or really even saying anything. You really understand now why all the PTA moms spent so much time gossiping about him.
“We’re glad you could make it,” you said breathlessly, offering a smile. “Really, Mr. Hotchner, I know how busy you are, so all of us are thrilled that you could find the time to help out.”
“Call me Aaron.”
This man was genuinely going to drive you crazy. You were an adult, so why did talking to Aaron Hotchner almost make you drop to the ground?
Before you could say anything else, Jack was back. “Did we get any more customers?”
“Not yet, buddy.”
Jack frowned. “Ah, man. But the cookies are so good!” He turned to you. “Miss Y/L/N, why is no one buying anything?”
“I’m not sure, Jack. Hopefully, we’ll get some more customers later.”
“I hope so,” he said sadly. “I really want to go on the field trip.”
You once again crouched down to his height – something you did often when talking to any of the kids. “We’re working really hard to make the field trip happen, so don’t give up hope, okay?”
Before Jack could reply, you noticed people coming towards your table, so you motioned for Jack to look. “Look! There’s some customers coming. You ready?”
Jack nodded excitedly as he turned around and eagerly started to await the arrival of the people nearing. You smiled at his excitement and took a step back, letting him take control, but you were going to keep watch to make sure he was doing everything correctly.
 “I can see why Jack likes you so much.”
You smiled. The greatest compliments you could receive was from parents telling you their kids – the kids you spent more time with than your own family — liked you. Some days were tough, and it would feel like you weren’t in the right profession, but that feeling would go away any time a parent was able to confirm that their child really enjoyed you teaching them.
“Thank you, Mr. Hotchner, but I should probably get back to helping out Stef and Kelly,” you told him as you looked around to see more people filing in. “It seems we’re starting to get a little busy.”
“Yeah, of course, sorry to keep you busy. Jack just wanted you to come over.”
Jack turned around. “Yeah, I did. Daddy wasn’t happy that we didn’t get to work a table with you. He called Miss Stef a-”
Aaron’s eyes went for a split second before he said, “Jack, turn back around and sell your cookies.”
Jack did as he was told and Aaron awkwardly ran a hand through his hair as you replayed what Jack said back in your head. Aaron wanted to talk to you. He wanted to work with you today. It could’ve meant anything, but you were currently feeling like a kid on Christmas morning.
Aaron cleared his throat. “I guess Jack wasn’t the only one that wanted to talk to you.”
You suppressed a grin, gaining the courage to look Aaron in the eyes. “And I guess Jack wasn’t the only one I came over here for.”
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hywenhywen · 1 year
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0.03 light - kang haerin
synopsis - moon gazing and sneaking out turns out to be a quite enjoyable activity.
warnings / notes - loosely based off of light by wave to earth, cautious haerin + careless reader, haerin doesn't smile very often, reader would give up anything to see haerin smile more, reader likes buying small things for haerin, they're a little awkward at times but it's cute
wc - 2.0k
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“are you sure about this?” haerin asked.
“you said you wanted to go see the moon,” you said, stretching your hand out for her to grab. “and i just want to see you happy.”
“what if we get caught?” the cat-eyed girl said. “we'd be grounded, for a long time.”
“but what if we don't?” you rebutted. “it's supposed to be a full moon today.”
after one final worried glance towards her door, haerin agreed. “fine.”
“i have everything we need for tonight.” you said, patting your school bag.
“shhh, we'll get caught.” haerin hushed you.
you mimicked zipping and locking your lips. you carefully walked on the roof and made your way back to the tree you climbed up a few minutes earlier.
“be careful with this branch!” you whisper-shouted. “it's very weak.”
haerin nodded her head and continued down the tree, carefully testing every step she took. after about three minutes you were both on ground level and heading towards the bus stop.
“did you bring some change?” you asked, nudging haerin lightly.
“for what?” she asked, tilting her head a bit.
“the bus fare.” you responded.
“oh.” she said, her eyes widening slightly. “i forgot.”
“you're lucky i work at my parents shop.” you said, shaking your money pouch.
“it's a whale..?” haerin said, observing your money pouch.
“yes, but no.” you said. “it's a shark.”
“then how is it a whale?” she asked.
“it's called a whale shark.” you said. “so just based off of the name, it could be a whale.”
“oh.” she said, stretching out the word.
“it's cute right?” you asked.
“it's nice.” she replied.
you nodded and continued your walk towards the bus. silence fell upon you two, it wasn't awkward, it was pleasant. you could hear grasshoppers chirping and the occasional car drive by.
“girlfriend.” you said, facing haerin.
“hm?” she hummed, turning to face you.
“are you excited to see the moon?” you asked, watching how her face slowly lit up.
“of course i am.” haerin said. “we've been talking about this for a while.”
“oh!” you exclaimed suddenly causing haerin to jump at the loud noise. “sorry, i have something to give you.”
you rummaged through your bag a little, opening and closing zippers. your hand finally stopped once you grabbed the item.
“it's a money pouch.” you said, handing haerin the frog shaped pouch. “i wasn't sure if you'd like that one or the cat one, so i got both.”
your other hand popped out from the side and you placed the cat shaped pouch in her other hand.
“one can be for school and the other for other occasions.” you said, smiling from ear to ear. “they reminded me of you.”
“thank you.” she said, turning her head to smile at you. “i'll take care of them.”
“don't move, don't move!” you said, getting your phone out from your pocket. “let me take a picture!”
haerin giggled at your excitement over her smile, she knew how much it meant to you. she always did her best to smile more often.
“ah, you're so cute!” you said, bouncing from place to place. “how'd i get so lucky?”
you continued smiling from ear to ear like a fool. you calmed down after you got around 12 pictures of her smile. you grabbed her hand gently and turned to look at her.
“we should hurry, the sun’s going to set soon.” you said while checking your phone.
you picked up the pace and haerin followed suit. after a bit, you reached the bus stop and waited a bit before the next bus came. you had spent a few weeks finding routes for the perfect spot to observe the moon. the bus driver greeted you as you and haerin got on. you led haerin towards a row for two people, near the middle of the bus.
“wanna listen to music?” you asked, extending an earbud for her to take.
she nodded gently and took the earbud from you. you scrolled through your playlist, haerin looked over every once in a while. you took turns choosing songs to play. haerin rested her head on your shoulder and in response, you rested your head on hers. you two remained like that until you reached your stop.
quickly paying the fare and thanking the driver, you and haerin rushed to the spot. only having a few minutes left until the sun fully set. you reached the spot in record time and had just enough time to set everything up. you laid down a picnic blanket and set down a small lantern. you set up small pillows so your heads didn't rest on the rocks and uneven ground.
you set your bag aside and sat down with haerin. you observed the sunset in silence, basking in each other's presence. you reached over to grab her hand, giving it a soft squeeze. she turned to face you and gave you another smile. you smiled as well, grinning from ear to ear.
“i'm glad i get to do this with you.” haerin said, breaking the silence. “it was worth the risk.”
“i'm glad i get to do this with you too.” you said. “you're always worth the risk.”
you both turned to face the now rising moon. it shined brightly, the way it illuminated the area amazed you. it felt almost as if time had slowed down. it was just you and haerin in this moment, nothing else mattered. all the scoldings and punishments would be worth this moment.
you turned to face haerin. she looked ethereal, the moonlight gleamed perfectly on her features. her eyes seemed to hold all the answers to your problems. she was beyond beautiful in this moment. this sensation surpassed all of your previous expectations.
nothing would even feel the same. this moment was perfect. you had seen a beautiful sight, with a bright glow. she was your sea, your sunshine, your star, your moon. she was your everything.
in that moment, she turned to face you. she smiled from ear to ear, a smile that one could only dream of being lucky enough to observe. you truly had met your everything. your heart skipped a beat, your mind had gone blank. in that moment you knew that kang haerin was your first love.
“thank you for this y/n.” she said, still smiling. “i'll remember this forever.”
“no,” you said. “i should say thank you.”
“why?” haerin asked.
“cause i get to spend this moment with you.” you said. “i'm glad we're here, together.”
“i'm glad too.” she replied. “i really enjoyed this.”
“we'll do this more when we grow up.” you said. “there's a whole universe to see.”
you looked back at the moon. “one day, we'll hold the moon in our arms.”
“i’ll look forward to that day.” she said, looking intently at the moon.
in that moment, kang haerin was shining. you knew she always had you, and she always would. although you were young, your love for kang haerin would never change. it was like the moon, even in the the clouds, it still shined. it always would. you promised you would do whatever it took to make her smile everyday.
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after about two hours in the moonlight, fatigue finally hit you. the school day caught up with you both and had begun taking effect. sleepily, you and haerin picked everything up and began your trip back home. you offered haerin some mint gum to help keep her awake. you made your way to the bus stop and waited for the bus, which seemed to be taking forever.
after what seemed to be an eternity, it finally arrived. you boarded the bus and did your best to stay awake as haerin occasionally dozed off. your heart was at ease, seemingly you had forgotten that it was nearly midnight. you looked out the window, the town was dimly lit by old lampposts and the windows of some shops. you began to tap haerin’s shoulder realizing you were reaching your stop.
she woke up and you helped her get off the bus, paying the fare and thanking the driver, you began your walk home. your house was closer to the bus stop than haerin’s house. betraying your better judgment, you took haerin to your house, unlocking the door and stepping in quietly. your parents weren't home tonight due to a delay in their flight, so you were home alone. you led haerin up to your room and let her sleep on your bed, you quickly changed in the bathroom and went to sleep on the couch.
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“y/n wake up.” you heard someone say.
“l/n y/n!” the person shouted.
your mind quickly registered it as your mom’s voice. you shot up from the couch and sheepishly smiled at your mom.
“hi mom..?” you said.
“why are you sleeping on the couch?” she said, raising a brow at you.
“uh,” you said. “i felt like it, nice change of pace.” you chuckled awkwardly.
“don't lie to me.”
“fine.” you sighed in defeat. “i took haerin to go see the moon yesterday and we stayed too late. she was tired and her house was still half a mile down the road!”
“so you're telling me that you stayed up past curfew, left home without permission, and snuck haerin out of her house?!” your mom asked.
“how'd you know i snuck her out?” you asked.
“her parents called me asking if i knew where she was.” she said, tapping her foot on the floor.
“i’ll go wake her up. i’ll walk her home too.” you said, lowering your head.
“we're gonna have a serious talk later.” she said as she walked away.
you stood up from the couch and made your way up the stairs towards your room. once in front of your door, you knocked twice to see if haerin was already awake. taking the silence as a no, you carefully opened the door. you walked over to the side of the bed and lightly tapped haerin.
“haerin.” you mumbled, tapping her repeatedly. “wake up, i need to take you home.”
haerin slowly stirred from her sleep, turning to face you.
“good morning.” she whispered.
“morning.” you replied, “c’mon get up, i need to take you home.”
she opened her eyes slowly, adjusting to the brightness. rubbing her eyes and stretching, she sat up and yawned.
“what time is it?” she asked, reaching for her phone.
“it's 10 in the morning.”
“10?!” haerin said, her eyes going wide. “my parents are definitely going to ground me now.”
“then hurry and come with me, i’ll take you home and explain to your parents.” you grabbed her hand and gently pulled her along, out the door and out of the house.
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“so you snuck haerin out through the window and took her to go see the moon?” haerin's dad asked.
“yes sir, i'm so sorry.” you said, your head hanging low.
“if you girls wanted to go out i would've let you.” he said. “you're still going to be grounded because you snuck out, so next time, just ask.”
“really sir?!” you asked, shocked at his response. “my mom and dad would've never let me out that late.”
“i typically wouldn't allow haerin out that late either, but since she'd be with you i suppose it would be fine.” he explained.
you chatted a bit with haerin's dad about the moon, explaining every detail to him. he told you about how he proposed to haerin’s mom, how it all happened on a date to go observe the moon. you talked for a while before telling him that you had to go back home. you went to go see haerin in her room.
“rin..?” you said, pushing the slightly ajar door open. “i have to go home.”
“we should go see the moon more often.” she said. “maybe one of these days you'll propose.” she joked.
“hey, don't tempt me. i’ll buy you a ring pop.” you said. “i'll see you at school, since i don't think i'll be allowed out for a while.”
“ok, text me when you get home. don't do anything careless.” haerin reminded you. “bye girlfriend.” she said while waving at you.
“bye girlfriend.” you said, grinning from ear to ear. “i’ll see you in about two days.”
you left haerin's room and walked out of her house. you hummed a soft tune while walking back to your house. you should really go moon gazing more often.
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back to shore | 0.04
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atsullia · 1 year
Hihi another request from me!! I saw Reo is your favourite, so I thought I'd request something with him!
You know how Reo got bored of presents because he always got what he asked for from his parents? What if his s/o gives him a handmade present, and it's the first handmade one he ever received, so it's very special to him and it's the first present that makes him feel so loved in a very long time!!
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Pairing(s): Reo Mikage x gn!reader
Warning(s): Profanity, aka swearing.
Author Note: I finally finished writing this fic🎉🎉
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It's no secret that Reo likes giving gifts, especially when it's for his s/o. There would be times when you would feel bad by how much money he would spend on a gift for you. 'Just the best for my love♡,' a common phrase you would hear from him.
Now, it's your time to gift him something! Well, it's hard to buy him a gift since he could buy almost anything - plus there were times when he would try to pay you back for the gifts.
He won't let you pay for the bill whenever you two went out - which led you fighting to pay the bill with your lovely boyfriend. The two of you try to one up each other like paying the bill, giving gift and etc. You even calculated the 'score', and it resulted in a tie.
So you're very determined to gift Reo something he would treasure his whole life! Then, an idea came into your head - why not make him a handmade gift? He wouldn't be able to pay you back with money, nor buy it somewhere - making it very special.
The thought of that got you riled up and excited, which caught the interest of your boyfriend.
"Hmm? Did something happened love?" The fact you got startled by his voice made him even more curious. "No- it's uh nothing..?" You tried to lie... but considering the look on Reo face- he didn't seem convinced at all.
"Hmm, something tells me that I don't believe you-" "Bitc- you never believe me either way," you quickly defended yourself - pointing your index finger to your lover accusingly.
He didn't even try to refute what you said, making you want to throw hands at him. However, you didn't since you love him too much to do that. Well actually there's this one time... but that was before you two started dating, so that doesn't count.
After he left you alone, you started brainstorming what to give him. Bake him something? Nah, he might find you baking something, and the surprise will be ruined. Maybe a peom? Hmm, that sounds too cheesy. One after another idea, you couldn't find what to make for Reo.
You almost gave up hoped until an acquaintance to give you an idea. They love crocheting and started teaching it to other people.
Honestly, you thought it was easy and felt like you mastered crocheting until the world had to humble your ass and everything went turned downhill. You wanted to quit so bad, but you had to remind yourself that this is for Reo.
After the days of suffering, counting each stitch and restarting because you've lost count - you finally completed it. You wanted to thank them so much for helping you out, but they only wanted a few yarns for compensation.
It wasn't much despite how long it took to make it... you couldn't wait to see Reo reaction.
The next day, you invited Reo to your house, texting him that you wanted to show him something.
You calmed yourself - making sure everything was perfect. As soon as you heard the door ring, you dashed towards the door and instantly open the door.
"Looks like someone excited," Reo chuckled. You never got tired from his laughs - it sounds so heavenly to the point that it's addicting.
"Sooo- what d'ya wanna show me love?" Reo looked around your house, seeing if anything changed. "You have to close your eyes first!" You exclaimed, pushing him toward the couch for him to sit.
"Fine..." He reluctantly agreed, closing eyes and putting his hand over it.
He could feel something placed on his lap, it's wasn't heavy, which made it harder to guess what it it. "Okok- you can look now!!"
His eyes were drawn to the bouquet of flowers, but when he looked closer, he saw that it was crocheted. There were different types of flowers too! An arrangement of white and lavender roses accompanied by tulips and daisies.
A crocheted lion plush was tucked next to the bouquet - it wasn't large, but it was huggable, which is all Reo cares about right now. "Lion is your favorite animal, isn't it? Y'know that shit took so long to make," you ruffled his purple hair, "Buuutttt- since it's for my beloved, it's worth the time and effort."
You were going to say something, but you instantly forgot everything when you heard Reo crying. "SHi- did I accidently hurt yer head?! or maybe uh-"
Reo didn't respond, but you can see how tightly he was hugging his present. "I will get a tissu-" Suddenly there was a hand preventing you from leaving, "hm? Is there something wron-?!"
You feel him embrace you, hugging you so tightly, not wanting to let you go.
“[Name]- thank you...,” You could feel his tears getting your clothes wet, his voice trembling - trying his best to say something. A smile approached your face as you hugged him back, “Your welcome, Mi chan.”
Mi chan, an old nickname you gave him before you two started dating, he always hated how cute it sounded back then. But for once, it felt so nice to hear it again.
“Your such a big baby Mi chan- but yer my big baby~”
A giggle ecaspe your mouth as you console your boyfriend. Upon hearing you giggle, he couldn't help but smile. "I love you so much," your lover tried hiding his blushed face by covering it on your shoulder, "Sometimes I wonder how I managed to end up with someone amazing as you..."
"You're such a sap, y'know~" You commented, "but that's what I love about you♡."
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✦ Bonus:
"Thank you for the gift," Reo smiled, "it must've taken a long time to crochet all of that - I slightly feel guilty..."
"For what? I did it just for ya, so it was worth it," you rejoiced, putting a hand on his shoulder. At first, he felt all lovely dovey until you whispered something.
"Also, FYI- I won," he didn't understand what you meant by that, but it took him a few more seconds to realise.
He started walking to your room, leaving you on the couch alone.
"Iwasjustkidding..MI CHAN! WAIT- LOVE?? MY BELOVED!!"
You tried to call your lover with many nicknames but with no avail.
"Also- you're sleeping on the couch."
The way Reo turned to look at you with a scary glare that could rival any mother made you step back and lift up your hand in defeat. "Haha... I love you, darling♡."
It seems like you're going to sleep on the couch today...
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Author note: I love writing bonus parts whenever I write fanfics.😌
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sydsaint · 10 months
More fluffy holiday goodness!!
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Summary: Carmelo asks the reader out on a date for the holidays which results in the reader inviting Melo to come fill out Angel Tree tags with her.
"Ouch!" You mock Cora from your position standing over her. "Better luck next time skater Barbie." You tease her with a wink. 
Cora holds the back of her head with a sour sneer on her face. She moves into a sitting position and watches you walk off with the NXT women's championship hung proudly over your shoulder. She lost fair and square against you. And on a Holiday show no less. 
You head through the curtain and find Carmelo waiting around for you with Trick. Trick flashes you a friendly smile before his entrance music hits and he has to head out to the ring. Carmelo on the other hand, stays behind and steps over to you. 
"Y/N, baby. Nice win out there, mean girl." He congratulates you on your win against Cora. 
"Thanks, Melo." You roll your eyes playfully at his nickname. "Got any plans for the holiday?" You ask him. 
Melo licks his lips with a cool and confident smile. "Well, that depends. What are you up to this weekend, baby?" He asks you. 
You laugh and shake your head at his forwardness. "Nothing that you'd be interested in. Trust me." You assure him. 
"Yeah? Don't be too sure about that." Carmelo replies. "Come on. Y/N. What are your plans?" He asks again. 
"Well, if you must know." You reply. "I'm planning on going around the area and filling out as many Angel tree tags as possible before I go broke." You explain. 
A perplexed look crosses Carmelo's face and you have to stifle a laugh. "Angel tree tags?" He looks for clarification. 
"Mhm." You nod. "There those trees with the tags on them in stores? If you're a struggling parent who can't spare the extra money to get your kids any gifts then you fill one out and someone like me takes the tag and buys stuff for you." You explain the gist of the tags. 
"Oh," Carmelo replies. "Damn, that's really nice of you, Y/N." He admits. "I didn't expect that from little Miss Mean Girl." He chuckles. 
You laugh with Carmelo and nod. "My mean girl attitude is just a work persona." You giggle. "I could use a shopping partner if you're interested, you know?" You offer. "Sure, it's not exactly a conventional date. But you get to spend time with me so all the money you spend will be worth it." 
"Why not?" Carmelo shrugs with a chuckle. "I don't mind dropping some cash for kids in need." 
"Great!" You grin. "It's a date then. I'll text you later and we can meet up for coffee in the morning." You add. 
Carmelo nods and you part ways for the night. 
Later, Trick comes back from his escapades in the ring and finds Carmelo texting you about tomorrow. "So you finally scored a date with, Y/N?" He asks Melo. 
"Sort of." Melo nods. "Have you ever heard of an Angel Tree?" He asks his friend. 
"Yeah, sure." Trick nods. "It's one of those charity things that help get poor kids and their families Christmas gifts." He explains. 
Carmelo nods and finishes his text to you. "Y/N's got me going with her fill a bunch of them out tomorrow. She was just telling me that she does it every year for Christmas."He explains. 
"Y/N? Charity?" Trick laughs. "Damn. I didn't know the mean girl got all sentimental around the holidays." He jokes. 
"Me either." Carmelo laughs with him. 
The next morning Carmelo is up early and meets you at some coffee place that you told him about last night. He heads inside and spots you already sitting at a table with a hot coffee in hand. 
"Y/N, morning baby." Carmelo walks over to your table. 
"Melo! You made it." You smile up at him. "Grab something to drink! We've got a long day of shopping ahead of us." 
Carmelo chuckles at your eager smile and orders himself a drink before joining you again. You show him a list of stores in the area that have trees and suggest one to start the morning. 
"Yeah, sounds like a plan." Carmelo goes along with your plan. 
You and Carmelo head to the first store on your list and it doesn't take long for you to find the tree. You look through a few of the tags a pick a couple of them out. 
"Alright, so basically you just look through the tags and pick one or two of them. The tag has some basic information on it. What kind of stuff the kid likes, their age, and what size clothes they wear if you want to get them some clothes." You explain. 
"Right." Carmelo nods and pulls a few tags off the tree. 
With your tags and carts ready to go you and Carmelo head out and start shopping. The two of you walk side-by-side down the aisles and help one another pick stuff out. 
You get distracted looking for a specific girl's toy in the aisle and Carmelo can't help but crack a genuine smile at how intense you seem. 
"Hey, Y/N," Carmelo speaks up and grabs your attention. 
"Hmm?" You stand back up straight with the right toy in hand. "What's up, Melo?"
Carmelo grabs the toy from you and sets it in his cart with the rest of his stuff before answering. "So, what made you get into this?" He can't help but ask. 
"Christmas was always my favorite time of year when I was a kid." You shrug. "My mom never really had the money to get me that much. But it was still special every year, opening presents and spending time with her." You explain. "So I guess I just like the thought of helping out those tired and worried moms make their kids' Christmas as special as mine were." 
"Damn. That's really sweet, Y/N." Carmelo replies. 
You blush a bit and the two of you return to the task. Hours and a few hundred dollars later, you and Carmelo have all of your things sorted and ready to be delivered. 
"Well, I'd call this a productive day." You finish up the last bag. 
"I agree. This is probably the best $400 I've ever spent." Carmelo agrees. "Thanks for bringing me out and letting me help, Y/N." He adds. 
You blush again and nod. "Of course! I had fun shopping around with you." 
"Me too." Carmelo agrees. "Hey, do you want to grab dinner after these are all dropped off? My treat, of course." He asks you. 
"Sure! Dinner sounds great." You eagerly nod. "Maybe we can talk about doing something for the actual holiday?" You suggest. "If you don't already have plans." 
Carmelo chuckles and shakes his head. "I'm wherever you are, baby." 
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