#and majimas just a deer in headlights like >.●
majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
"Majima always would have walked away from Makoto" Nah. I saw the way his face softened, the way he came so close to smiling- the utter peace he felt when he saw Makoto again and if she had realized, had remembered that he lost an eye, had called out, I think he would have buckled right then and there. Given in to the selfish part of himself that wanted her in an instant. But she didn't realize and it gave him enough time to pull the facade back up and walk away.
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yakuzacanons · 10 months
I loved your nsfw kinky headcanons I'd love to request some more if you're comfortable!
So, dirty talk during funky time. What do they tell their partner (if they do at all) to turn them on? Who's the pro out of them? What do they like to hear in return?
Last post for the night, sorry for the delay on this one as well! Inbox is staying open since I got so many done today but if I peak above 30 asks I will close it again temporarily. This is a NSFW post so if ur not 18 yet I best not catch u peaking. Good night!
Kazuma Kiryu
Better at showing than telling. Not great at talking dirty if you put him on the spot. However, he does manage to say some pretty sexy things without realizing it. It's doing so intentionally where he gets all tripped up. What can I say, our Kiryu has always been more about talking with his hands.
Majima Goro
Doesn't do much dirty talking, although he will tell you in as few words as possible that he's in the mood. More into hearing how much you're enjoying things. He'll ask if you like certain things. I think he knows that he can just get you in the mood just like THAT so he doesn't need to talk it up.
Akiyama Shun
Sweet talker and he knows it. One of his shining attributes, especially in bed. Never degrading, always very loving and sweet, although he can be a tease to a fault. Loves it when you flip the script on him and do all the seducing. You could say anything and he'd like it.
Saejima Taiga
Doesn't say much and kind of prefers not to. Typically matches how vocal you are, otherwise he's just getting down to business as it were. Curses under his breath a LOT.
Tanimura Masayoshi
He gets too shy to talk dirty, honestly! He will try his best but he gets all flustered, the cutie he is. Like a deer in headlights if you talk dirty to him though, he cannot tell if he loves it or not at first. You could get him to do some verbal cop roleplay though. He's just not great at improv from scratch, give the man a starting point.
Ryuji Goda
For a guy who doesn't typically talk too much, he's pretty good at talking dirty. Does a pretty good job at getting you in the mood just with his words and without touching you at all. Once he's actually in bed with you, he'll talk less the more you two get into it. Conversation is good foreplay for him though!
Nishikiyama Akira
Talks big when it comes to flirting but not the most experienced with dirty talk. Plays off of your energy, so if you're really dominant, he will be more submissive or vice versa. Is pretty good at talking dirty once he gets going, he just has to gauge the mood first.
Daigo Dojima
Like Kiryu, Daigo suffers from a case of being good at dirty talk but mostly on accident and seldom on purpose. The difference between him and Kiryu is he's way more willing to get into it and can become pretty natural at it with practice. Could get into a little office roleplay if you asked him nicely, and by ask nicely I mean beg a little.
Mine Yoshitaka
Akiyama always gets the most credit for having a silver tongue but seriously Mine is actually king of dirty talk. He's legitimately the best at it out of all the boys. Only thing he wants to hear in return is that you're enjoying yourself, preferably a whole damn awful lot.
Tatsuo Shinada
Good luck trying to talk dirty to him because he'll just squeal then melt into a puddle of love struck goo. Don't get me wrong, it does turn him on but he cannot hold that excitement in. You just sound so cool saying it, how could he possibly attempt to match that? He's a bottom like that.
Ichiban Kasuga
Does not understand how to talk dirty. Does not even know what the concept is. He is baby. Even if you explain it, he'll be too embarassed to try! If you talk dirty to him, he just gets immediately and overwhelmingly flustered.
Tianyou Zhao
He's no Akiyama or Mine but he can rank pretty high when he feels like it, emphasis on actually feeling in the mood to talk dirty. He's the kind of guy that has to enjoy the act himself while doing it or it will just feel forced to him. Loves when you do it though. Nothing gets him going faster then you talking dirty to him.
Joon-Gi Han
Surprisingly quiet when he's turned on. Even though it's not uncommon for people to lust after him based on appearance, it takes a lot of pent up energy for him to express that vocally. When he does, it's typically only very short phrases but he makes great use of the sound of his voice. Mostly just wants to hear that you want it as badly as he does.
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jostepherjoestar · 4 years
After seeing tha La Squadra ask with the yakuza games I was wondering how the group would react if the yakuza La Squadra member had a few of their old yakuza friends visit Italy and their the characters from the yakuza games (let’s just say it’s in the same universe)
🐉 Former Yakuza La Squadra member gets a visit from Kiryu & Majima🐉 (multiple asks in one) (2,1k)
sfw // gn reader (reader is the former yakuza member)
After discovering Majima and Kiryu shared a mutual friend that had moved to Italy and joined a gang there, they were curious to know how they were faring, deciding on a whim to pay them a visit. Their old pal had left quite the impression on the two men back when they were part of the yakuza.
Set in an AU where the Yakuza in-game happenings and JJBA events take place in the same universe, the game does not exist, it’s just real life for the characters and La Squadra’s newest recruit that used to be in the Yakuza happened to be friends with Kiryu and Majima back in the day.
(Btw my interpretation of Majima when he’s alone with Kiryu is that he mostly drops his act and since he’s in a new country he is a little more timid towards strangers, don’t get me wrong, he will still start shit but maybe not as quick.)
It was a bright and sunny day, the sweet spring wind still holding some winter chill as it blew through your hair. You were sat on the bench across from the safe house, arms spread wide on the backrest, cigarette dangling on your lips while you basked in the warmth of sunshine. You quite enjoyed sitting like this, making it an uninviting scene for passersby or your teammates, not wanting anyone near you so you could relax in peace. Of course still on guard, never truly letting it down, there’s enough people out there that have a bone to pick with Passione, especially your division. You took another long drag of the cigarette, the overwhelming smoke entering your lungs like ashy clouds. But as you heard some rustling you reached over to grab the smoking bud and pressed it into the ground with your foot. There was something suspicious going on, you felt like you were being watched. You casually peered through half closed eyes at the building in front of you, no one had been staring through the windows. No, it felt like it came from a different direction. Lazily you stood up, stretching your core, twisting your middle from side to side while letting your arms get some movement, readying your body for possible combat. As you turned, you saw a trashcan wiggle in your peripheral. The movements looked very unusual, was there a cat stuck in it? But the can was placed so precisely on the corner of an alley, someone could easily be standing right around the bend to surprise-attack you. Picking up a rock and throwing it right at the middle of the can, even making an indent, you felt a bit idiotic for doing it. But still there was no further movement or sound. You were still curious so you without much thinking you crept closer. If it was an animal in need you’d feel bad to have left it to suffer.
As you stepped nearer, now in front of the dented can, having full vision of the alley you were met with someone you didn’t suspect in the slightest. “Kiryu-san?” You questioned, face frozen in shock. “Wh-what are you doing here? Am I dreaming?” you asked while rubbing your eyes, maybe if you rubbed them hard enough you’d wake up. The large man’s furrowed eyebrows softened as he was met with your familiar form. A small smile formed on his lips but he stayed quiet for some reason, opting to kick the trashcan in front of him instead. It burst open, the lid sent flying further into the alley as you both ducked for cover. “What the fuck Kiryu-chan?! I told you I got this!” Majima’s figure popped out, the snakeskin jacket crumpled from what looked like sitting in the confined space for far too long. You couldn’t believe your eyes, you’re sure your mouth was hanging open with eyes wider than a deer in headlights, like your brain had crashed and burned. “Ya went and ruined the surprise Kiryu-chan! And ya went and broke Oushi-chan as well.” The one eyed man gestured angrily while complaining, he’d planned out the perfect way to surprise you: to shock and fight you. But the only thing that snapped you out of your stupor was that stupid nickname, Oushi-chan. He basically called you a bull, giving you the nickname after you’d stormed angrily down the stairs of the Tojo Clan head office after a particularly frustrating meeting and nearly threw Majima down the stairs as you raced on by. “Stop calling me that! And what in the name of all that is sacred are you doing in Italy?” You hushed your yells as to not alert the entire neighbourhood of their arrival, helping the older man out of the trashcan. “We’d thought it was nice to come and visit you, see what you’ve been up to.” Kiryu calmly explained. “And calling was too expensive? You guys really scared the shit out of me!” Still filled with disbelief at their sudden appearance, but glad to see those familiar faces again. You did miss them too, the short time you shared with them still being remembered fondly. “Glad to see ya haven’t changed, ya did get an Italian accent though.” Majima playfully jabbed as he slung his arm around your shoulders. “Oh you’re one to talk about accents old man.” You prodded back as you pushed his arm off in annoyance, not taking any of the man’s teasing that easily. “Before you ask how we found you, I’ll explain.” Kiryu’s voice was still as deep as you remembered, telling you how they knew you were in Naples and even knew of Passione, it was just a matter of time until someone pointed you out (after some mild intimidation). Not that it was hard to spot you among the Italian men in your team. Hard for these two to talk, back in Tokyo you’d spot that grey suit and angry scowl from a mile away. And let’s not even pretend that Majima’s no-shirt-tacky-jacket-leather-pants look was any less eye catching. You huffed out a laugh, the shock of seeing these two finally wearing off as they started asking questions about how you’ve been and how work is. Happily chatting on the bench you were previously lounging on.
“So… what’s the nature of yer squad exactly? I mean ya look meaner than before, if that was even an option.” The one eyed man jested in a hushed voice, sure that it was a sensitive topic. “Well I like to think we’re the cleanup crew, bringing a bit more harmony to this field of work.” Ignoring his comment about your looks, sure that they helped you in this line of business. “That’s one way to phrase it.” Kiryu huffed out a chuckle, leaning his hands on his knees as he looked at you with a sympathetic smile. He admired your fervour, it was one of the reasons he was so fond of you. After hearing how you stood up against Majima and he didn’t slice you to bits, he was impressed at how you persuaded Majima to settle it through a game of hanafuda. The stoic man knew you liked to be alone, being used to it himself or rather preferring it somewhat over putting his loved ones in danger. He actually asked you to join his family if he ever became patriarch of his own one, he put a lot of trust in you.
After some more catching up you decided that perhaps you should show them around the house and introduce them to your teammates. Knowing how much they loved hearing your stories about your time in the yakuza, they’d surely appreciate to meet your old pals. You stepped in with the two men in tow, stopping in the entry way to hand your friends some slippers, it was a habit you never let go since moving here and you’d even convinced the rest of your house mates to go along with it. “Hey guys, I have some friends I’d like you to meet! Please don’t be weird!” You yelled loudly enough for the entire house to hear, even your capo on the top floor would be able to. Formaggio, Prosciutto and Pesci sauntered out of the living room, looking quite bored before noticing your two friends. Now they seemed interested. “So who’s the eye-patch guy and mister giant?” Formaggio joked as he elbowed Prosciutto who tutted his colleague for touching his suit. “Well these two gentlemen are my friends from Japan… from the yakuza…” it was so awkward to add that they were also involved in such things. You were pretty sure Kiryu was nearing his end run with the organisation anyway. “Oh and they do not understand a single word you’re saying, I’ll translate and yes I will filter out your jokes Formaggio.” You said in a serious tone. The two men behind you stood awkwardly awaiting any signal from you, Majima eyeing your teammates up and down, trying to get a good impression of them. Pesci seemed scared by the men but trying his best not to show it, only shaking a little. Majima thought him a perfect target to tease, holding himself back from his usual persona. “Prosciutto. Pesci. Formaggio.” Your blond colleague introduced them curtly, hands still in his pockets. Kiryu understood the introductions and gave a little nod, Majima followed with a grunt. “This is Majima-san and Kiryu-san.” The mingling of Italian and Japanese still being something you were trying to get used to, only having been able to speak Italian since you arrived. You led the men into the sitting room, the three colleagues retreating back to their card game while you and the other two sat down on the couches. Your colleagues weren’t really that interested it seemed or maybe just unsure of them for now. As you excused yourself to get some drinks for your guests, you were a little worried to leave them by themselves, you knew they could handle themselves physically, but it was more the communication part that you were worried about. You returned with a couple of glasses filled with juice as you saw Melone had slinked inside the living room, gently placing himself on the one seater next to the couch. “So who are these guys?” He asked curiously while leering, perhaps making Kiryu blush a little since Melone kept staring at him. You quickly introduced them to him and shushed him out of your seat, instead he sat on the armrests of the chair. Majima sat up a little, not really liking the looks of the purple haired one. “Is he always like that?” he asked, being a little weirded out. “Yes, yes he is.” You replied with a sigh as your teammate kept staring with a grin on his face, happy to just quietly observe.
You nearly sprung out of your chair when Risotto entered the doorway, feeling like you’d overstepped by bringing in your friends. Majima cocked an eyebrow at your behaviour, not knowing what superior could make you act like that. That was until he turned around as well. “Risotto I-, excuse me for bringing them in but they came all the way from Japan to check up on me.” You pleaded in a hurry as your capo took in the people in the room. “Don’t worry.” He said while giving a nod to the guests while taking them in, having a bit of a stare off with Majima or more like Majima didn’t want to lose eye contact. He felt an innate need to fight Risotto, not because he wanted to hurt him, he just wanted to see what the large man was made off. Risotto reminded Majima of his dear friend next to him. “I’ll be going back to work but please treat their guests nicely.” Risotto aimed his comment at the other men in the room, seeing them not really interact with the guests just yet. You sunk back down in your chair and sighed in relief. “He’s got ya whipped Oushi-chan.” Majima joked as he saw your cheeks get a little flushed.
Slowly but surely with lots of hard work the men actually started talking (with your help translating), Kiryu was still a bit demure but you didn’t expect him to be otherwise, respecting his usual style. After a while Prosciutto even invited them to play a round of cards, all sat around the table while he dealt them. A simple game of blackjack. You actually quite enjoyed the intermingling of your past and present, happy to know there were still people looking out for you back home. Not even sure if you were still allowed to call it home, having perhaps found a new one.
And yes Melone did ask to fight Majima, who quickly agreed since he thought the lithe man was weird and needed some readjusting. Of course Majima won, you sternly asked Melone not to use his stand. The whole thing was quite amusing actually, even Kiryu seemed to enjoy it.
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mjm56-a · 4 years
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FUCK IT, IM TALKING ABOUT THE TAKOYAKI SCENE.     been unsure if i wanted to talk about it for a while considering how short the actual scene is but it makes me feel so much and impacted majima to such a degree that if i didnt talk about it, id feel like a straight up fraud. this post also kinda expands on maji’s feelings towards makoto to a certain extent.
the takoyaki scene. where i do i even BEGIN, especially knowing how makoto and majima end up in the end. the instrumental piano in the background, the actual warmness of the atmosphere, and the genuine gratefulness and visible love makoto felt for majima just tears at my heart. the circumstances around their current situation and the overall softness and adoration for each other juxapose in such a way that it really did take me a moment my first playthrough of the game to take in what had just happened. yes, it was obvious from the beginning of makotos introduction that she would be playing the love interest trope this entire game, and to be honest, i wish there was more to her character more than just being the character with a tragic backstory that needs constant protection and to serve as the romantic interest of one of the main characters. but even then, given with how reluctant majima is this entire scene and how much mutual tension there is between them, it still impacted me AND majima incredibly.
majima truly thinks that he’s a horrible man. of course he would, given all that he’s done and what he knows he will do in the future. he isn’t a keeper, nor a gentleman, it’s all part of the role he was forced to play by his imprisonment, a persona he knew he would drop once his debts were paid. his quick utterance of “yeah, right” and a shift of the eyes away from the woman almost did make him feel like a deer in the headlights. it’s almost as if he’s afraid of admitting how much he really DID care about makoto. he’s been so vulnerable already emotionally, especially in regards to her, and to think that he’d want to show this at all would be like shooting himself in the foot. he’d already been entangled in the tojo clan’s mess and makoto was already a target for her ownership of the vacant lot. it would of been stupid of him to show interest in her, but he already was aware at this point that his entire involvement was all a part of shimano’s manipulation, part of his play to keep makoto alive and to use majima as some kind of proxy through emotional attachment. talking about shimano almost makes me want to write a whole-ass novel about how much of a piece of shit he was for not only what he did to majima, but also what he did to nishikiyama in kiwami, but not today. maybe one day though.
its obvious that majimas efforts aren’t worth it, given how he pretty much ‘snaps’ into that mad dog-esque rage at first with the three punks that beat him up, and then at tojo hq. he really does care for makoto, so much so that he let her go to pursue her own happiness without him for the sake of her safety (i know i’ve talked about this before, but he knows well enough that wanting to pursue anything romantic or close with her would be incredibly selfish of him; it would bite him in the ass and makoto would be a casualty of that. the last thing he wants to do is hurt her and this is evident through his entire escapade with makoto). he isn’t a keeper, nor a gentleman. and he doesn’t deserve to be seen as such, as shown by his quick defense of just begging the woman cooking their food, “less talk, more cookin’, lady!” with a worried expression.
but boy, makoto’s interjection of “he’s a keeper.” and the surprise, no, shock that majima shows. with their previous interaction on the rooftop, i would of been surprised as well.
“he’s been through terrible things for my sake, yet he’s still trying to help me. if not for him, i’d never have made it this far.”
it’s true: the amount that majima had done to keep her safe, risking his own life on multiple occassions for her sake is astronomical. as fuzzy as this morality is in the later games once he takes on his persona, majima can be quite reckless when it comes to protecting those he cares about. well, yeah, at first he felt like protecting her was out of obligation; her murder would of just been an act in selfishness of the corruption of the yakzua, in his eye. she wouldn’t of deserved what had happened to her, nor does she deserve the current hardships that she’s been forcibly put through by mere circumstance. the only way sagawa knew that majima would take the job instead of slaving away once more at the cabaret grand would be to make up some story about makoto being the leader of a trafficking ring in order to butter majima up into feeling better about killing her. her entire predicament is tragic and majima is well aware of this, but even if she wasn’t already a victim, he would of still felt obligated to keep her safe and not do any harm to her. he doesn’t believe in the slaughter of innocents; he’s made it very clear that he’d only murder those who are truly evil or deserved it, e.g. lao gui and dojima sohei, and he would of murdered them if it weren’t for sera to step in and bring majima down from his violent high.
it isn’t just the premise of this scene that makes me go absolutely batshit. he’s so soft and gentle for her. it really does hammer in home the bittersweet ending they got both in y0 and in kiwami 2 when they parted ways permanently, makoto still not knowing majima’s name after all of these years. never has majima cared for a person to this extent, excluding saejima, which i DO plan on writing something about them in the future. i could go into depth about why i dislike majima’s k2 karaoke song “shiawase nara ii ya” to an extent, as i don’t feel like the song was for majima (because if it was, saejima would of been included somewhere in those cutscenes; it wouldn’t make sense for him not to be) and more as a fanservice-callback to y0 without any real reason other than to hammer in makotos reappearance, but i won’t.
anyways, there’s just something about this scene that makes me both awestruck and emotional, knowing how majima ends up. makotos final words regarding majima in y0, “his eye was so sad”. yeah. it was.
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majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
re: makoto karaoke there should have been a hidden option to sneak makoto and majima into a karaoke joint during that horrible part where you have to hide in crowds from the bad guys, and just do karaoke until they're gone. i'm disregarding the fact that the bad guys would probably have searched all the surrounding buildings.
Okay not saying you and I are psychically connected but I was quite literally just laying here thinking almost the same thought and also thinking about Makoto and Majima dipping into club Sega when they were on the run and hiding in the photo booth for a minute and now Majima has one little set of three pictures where he looks terrible and Makoto looks like a little deer in headlights pressed against his chest that he still has tucked away in the wallet he almost never carries on him but will always keep...
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