#lets makoto go
majimassqueaktoy · 2 years
"Majima always would have walked away from Makoto" Nah. I saw the way his face softened, the way he came so close to smiling- the utter peace he felt when he saw Makoto again and if she had realized, had remembered that he lost an eye, had called out, I think he would have buckled right then and there. Given in to the selfish part of himself that wanted her in an instant. But she didn't realize and it gave him enough time to pull the facade back up and walk away.
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babloosh · 1 year
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skrrtscree · 5 months
To be honest, it kind of annoys me when people watch the persona 3 movies and come away with it with the wrong idea of what Makotos character is in them. I don't mean the people who don't like the movies or their portrayal of him. It's fine if you don't, btw. Media is subjective, and different people will take away different things from the same thing, but I feel like some people end up completely missing the mark and mischaractizing that version of him.
For all the odd choices the p3 movies make, I'm adamant that his character and his arc is the best part about them, so it kind of urks me when i see tharpeople take away from it is that 'he's emotionless and devoid of personality' or 'a complete asshole who doesn't care about anything' both of which is untrue in all the films.
CW: blood in one of the images (the car accident scene, it just shows the hand but still)
First of all, the whole him being 'rude and uncaring' thing; To be honest, nothing he says strikes me as rude, it all comes off as blunt and not fitting the situation (him asking if they can leave during the hospital scene, and his answer seemingly having no sympathy when they talk to Natsuki). Of course to those who don't know him that well, he comes off as cold especially since his facial expression or tone barely change.
And the uncaring bit continues to get debunked through every film. Even in the first film, where he's closed himself off and doesn't care about living. He awakens to his persona to protect Yukari, he helps Fuuka collect her stuff twice despite not knowing her and even listens to her talk about Natsuki, he summons a different persona and throws himself at the Priestess to save Junpei. He goes against what he was told to do and goes straight into Tartarus because of the fear that his team will die if he doesn't.
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It's made clear in the first movie that despite avoiding connections with people, he still can't let people die, deep down he cares about those around him getting hurt and wants to prevent that. It seems to heavily be rooted by his PTSD of the accident, him getting flashbacks to it in both the second and third full moon at the thought of someone dying. He's willing to throw himself in danger, not giving up even if he gets hurt or could exhaust himself, he has no care about his life, but he still cares about those around him.
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The only claim I could see holding weight is the 'no personality' part but that's mainly because he spends half of the first film following orders from other people, but that itself can be seen as part of him, he doesn't have any direction or any care about his life so he follows what everyone tells and wants from him. He fights because he was told hed make a great asset to the team, he stays behind because him going would make Yukari mad, he has no reason not to listen or any argument to refute it, and this is dismantled near the end where he refuses to listen when they tell him to run because he can't let anyone die.
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This is all I've gathered from the first movie still, I could carry on for all of them (and there is alot to talk about in each one in regards to his character) but I think I've made my point. Not only does they continue to prove those points incorrect, his character continues to evolve with the events around him.
I don't think there's a right or wrong way to write or portray makoto. The movies are not the be- all-all-end all of his characterization, but when you're talking about or writing that specific version of him, just don't end up writing him in a way that completely contradicts what the film shows.
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areumcl · 1 year
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children of the moon
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funishment-time · 8 months
knowing that Junko is just directly controlling and speaking thru Monokuma in DR1 makes so many scenes 1000x funnier.
like that one scene where Makoto has to distract him while Kyoko fiddles with the Headmaster's Office. that whole "did you really fucking call me over to ask me about this" thing. you know Makoto woke up Junko from a nap or from prepping her next Inexplicable Monokuma Theater puppet show. you know they probably could have just annoyed Monokuma enough that Junko let them all go for keeping her awake all the time with dumbfuck questions
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crescentfool · 11 months
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killjoy-prince · 4 months
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A kiss from Death
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xinghai · 3 months
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Hades and Persephone
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staticlear · 1 year
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consensual cannibalism
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kudakii · 3 months
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why must they be made to face the horrors
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 months
Makoto: after Dr1 I can finally leave! Komaru, I'm coming for you!
Makoto: after Dr3 anime... I'm back in the fucking building again?!
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feliichu · 10 months
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ryomina week prompt 4: gender swap / role swap
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anxi04 · 10 months
Ren -
He would kill a person no questions asked. The only reason he hasn’t is because it doesn’t align with most of the thieves morals
Ryuji -
Absolutely not. He is very against murder, he would not kill OR help
He would. The only reason he hasn’t killed anyone is cause he thought Ren cared abt it so he acted like he did. He would join Ren in killing someone though
She wouldn’t kill anyone herself but she would help hide the body no questions asked. You could call her at 3 am and she’d only complain abt it not being earlier and interrupting her sleep but then she would be gossiping while digging a hole.
He would not. He thinks it’s very distasteful. He has some exceptions but overall he would despise murder because of what happened with his mother.
She would refuse to talk with whoever did it. She wouldn’t sell them out (mainly cause if one thief goes down they could take everyone else with them) but she would not be friendly with them anymore.
No. She would not be able to stomach murdering anyone, and she would have a hard time looking at the person after
She wouldn’t kill anyone or help hide the body but she would provide the tools and anything necessary to help on that front.
She would. She would be the friend that you call when you wanna kill someone and she just drops everything to help you.
it’s akechi. He would kill someone for looking at Ren wrong.
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eru-iru · 2 months
aaahhh wawaaa ryoshu royalty au prince ryoji and the knight captain makoto leading sees hmnnggg falling in love with the prince is bad makoto focus on defeating the enemies and protecting the prince makoto hmnnggg makoto being ryoji's personal guard also looks good ahah
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pixelatedraindrops · 7 months
"You've been through a lot... But it's alright now.
You fought long and hard Makoto...
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Everyone in Kanai Ward is grateful to you."
A lil' MakoYuma comfort edit I attempted just because...
...someone needs to give this poor thing a hug fr... ;w;
show your emotions lil' CEO, you've held them in too long.
ty again for the vulnerable sadboi makoto sprite edits @shiut💕
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vermillionmars · 7 months
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portable if it were good
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+ older p3protag doodle..
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