#and maybe one day that’s gonna be him bleeding out on his friend’s floor
milimeters-morales · 1 year
Miles waking up in the middle of the night to a noise and he sees Hobie or Gwen struggling to climb into his room and they’re all bloodied and beaten, so he hurries up and ushers them in without even thinking about what to tell his parents if they wake up (which he can probably get away with saying that they’re a friend who came to him for help bc he technically isn’t lying and hello, badly injured kid in front of two parents) and rushing to grab first aid supplies to help as much as he can. Maybe there’s still a bloodied handprint on his windowsill when it’s all over (for better or worse), and he stares at it for a while. just thinking about his own life and what he wants to do with it outside of being Spider-Man. and then he cleans it up and goes about his day.
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theodorenmyth · 2 months
Platonic theos with a short reader who is always ready to rage out 😭 like please it’s so bad when they rage out to the point mattheo is scared to even try to touch them. It’s like a fuckin raged small dog ready to bite someone’s head off. So like maybe reader gets into a fight with only a bloody nose while the person they fought was almost knocks into a coma and all Theodore and mattheo can say is
Chihuahua's Rage
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Pairings ; PL. Theodore Nott x GN!Reader x Mattheo Riddle
Summary ; When James Bolton pushes one too many buttons, you unleash your rage in a chaotic hallway brawl at Hogwarts. Despite the intervention of Professor McGonagall and other professors, the aftermath leaves James with severe injuries and you with a bloody nose. As your friends Mattheo Riddle and Theodore Nott try to calm you down, they can't help but be both amused and terrified by your fierce temper. In the end, they remind you to keep your cool, but they know that anyone who dares to cross you will face your wrath.
A/N ; chihuahua core 🥰🥰
Warnings); slight mention of blood, violences
Word count ; 1.2k
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You weren't usually the violent type. At least, that's what you told yourself. But sometimes, people just knew how to push your buttons in all the wrong ways. Today was one of those days.
You were walking down the crowded hallways of Hogwarts, heading to your next class. Mattheo Riddle and Theodore Nott were flanking you, engaged in a conversation about Quidditch. Everything was relatively peaceful until he walked by—James Bolton, the obnoxious Gryffindor who always had something rude to say.
James spotted you and changed his course, sauntering over with a sneer already forming on his face. "Hey, short stuff," he taunted. "Need a step stool to see where you're going?"
You clenched your jaw, trying to ignore him. Mattheo and Theodore exchanged glances, knowing that your patience was already wearing thin. They had seen you explode before, and it was never pretty.
James wasn't deterred by your silence. "What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?" He reached over and knocked your books out of your hands. "Oops."
You took a deep breath, trying to control the fury boiling inside you. "Pick it up," you said, voice low and dangerous.
James laughed, but there was a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. "Or what? You're gonna climb on a chair and fight me, midget?"
That was the final straw. You dropped your bag and launched yourself at him, fists flying. The hallway erupted in chaos as you and James tumbled to the floor, exchanging blows. You didn't care that he was taller and stronger; you had fury on your side.
"You're fucking dead, Bolton!" you shouted, landing a punch to his jaw. "You hear me? Dead!"
Mattheo and Theodore watched in stunned silence as you fought like a rabid dog. James tried to land a punch, but you dodged and countered with a vicious right hook that left him reeling. Blood spattered from your nose, but you barely noticed. You were too focused on making him regret ever crossing you.
The fight seemed to last forever, but it was probably only a few minutes before professors arrived on the scene. Professor McGonagall, along with Professors Flitwick and Sprout, hurried over.
"That's enough!" Professor McGonagall's voice rang out, stern and authoritative.
Professor Flitwick cast a spell that separated you and James, pulling you both to your feet and holding you apart. Professor Sprout looked horrified at the sight of the blood and bruises.
"What in Merlin's name is going on here?" Professor McGonagall demanded, her sharp gaze fixed on you.
"He provoked me," you spat, still glaring at James. "He called me a midget and knocked my books out of my hands!"
James, looking worse for wear with a swollen eye and a bleeding lip, tried to speak but winced in pain. "He's crazy," he muttered.
"Both of you, to the hospital wing, now," Professor McGonagall ordered. "And then to my office. This behavior is unacceptable."
Mattheo and Theodore exchanged worried glances but followed as the professors escorted you and James to the hospital wing. The other students in the hallway parted to let you through, whispering and casting nervous glances your way.
In the hospital wing, Madam Pomfrey tutted and fussed over your injuries, quickly healing your bloody nose and bruised knuckles. James received similar treatment, though his injuries were more severe.
Once you were patched up, Professor McGonagall led you and James to her office, Mattheo and Theodore trailing behind. They stood outside the door as you and James faced the stern Head of Gryffindor House.
"What do you have to say for yourselves?" Professor McGonagall asked, her arms crossed.
"He provoked me," you repeated, crossing your arms in return. "I was defending myself."
"By nearly knocking him into a coma?" she retorted. "Violence is never the answer, Y/N. You should have come to a professor."
"And let him get away with it?" you scoffed. "He called me a damn midget, Professor."
Professor McGonagall sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "There will be consequences for this. Both of you will serve detention, and I will be writing to your parents."
James looked like he wanted to argue, but thought better of it. "Fine," he muttered.
"You are dismissed," Professor McGonagall said, waving a hand. "I hope this will be the last time I see you two in my office for such behavior."
You left the office, feeling a mix of anger and satisfaction. Mattheo and Theodore were waiting for you, concern etched on their faces.
"Are you okay?" Mattheo asked, inspecting you for any lingering injuries.
"I'm fine," you snapped, brushing him off. "He deserved it."
"Yeah, but you didn't have to nearly kill him," Mattheo pointed out. "What if he reports this to the professors?"
"He already did," you said with a shrug. "I'll just tell them he started it."
Theodore shook his head in amazement. "I knew you had a temper, but that was... impressive."
"Impressive?" Mattheo echoed, raising an eyebrow. "It was terrifying. I thought you were going to bite his head off."
You couldn't help but smirk at that. "Maybe next time."
Theodore chuckled. "Remind me never to piss you off."
The corridors were starting to empty now that the commotion was over. Some students were still whispering and casting nervous glances your way, but most were returning to their own business. James, realizing he was outnumbered and outmatched, had made a hasty exit.
"Serves him right," you muttered, watching him go.
Mattheo sighed and put a hand on your shoulder. "Let's get you cleaned up before someone decides to report this."
You nodded, suddenly feeling the adrenaline crash. Your nose hurt like hell, and you could feel the bruises forming on your knuckles. But it was worth it. James Bolton wouldn't be messing with you again anytime soon.
Theodore and Mattheo escorted you to the bathroom, where Mattheo helped you clean up. Theodore leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, watching with a mix of amusement and concern.
"You're like a tiny tornado," he said, shaking his head. "A scary, rage-filled tornado."
You glared at Theo, staring at him with an angry look. "Call me that again and I'll fuckin' hex you, Nott."
But Theodore just laughed, he didn't find you intimidating, at all. In fact, you looked like an angry chihuahua.
Mattheo finished cleaning the fresh blood that started to drip from your nose and handed you a clean cloth. "Try to stay out of trouble for the rest of the day, okay?"
"No promises," you said, but there was a hint of a smile on your lips.
As you left the bathroom, Theodore and Mattheo flanking you like bodyguards, you couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. You might be short, but you were fierce. And with friends like these, you knew you'd always have someone to watch your back, no matter how many fights you got into.
"Next time," Mattheo said as you walked down the corridor, "maybe try using your words instead of your fists."
You snorted. "Where's the fun in that?"
Theodore laughed, clapping you on the back. "Just don't get expelled, okay? We'd miss our little chihuahua."
You rolled your eyes, but a grin tugged at the corners of your mouth. "Yeah, yeah. I'll try to behave."
But deep down, you knew that if anyone else dared to mess with you or your friends, they'd be in for a world of pain. Because you might be small, but you were mighty. And you wouldn't have it any other way.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Aftercare (Steddie Ask)
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A/N: This an ask by @corrodedcorpses <3. She wanted something where the reader didn't know what aftercare was so the boys showed her after an instance with her boyfriend or a partner. It intrigued me! You always give me interesting ones, mama, that I can connect with! Lol I seriously didn't know what aftercare was until I started reading smut. All my exes never did it and I always felt like ugh after they would leave.
I hope I did you proud!
Warnings: Light smut (she said I could :D ), more so Steddie looking after her, there are mentions of the aftermath when her boyfriend leaves (bruised wrists, welts from a belt), Steve mentions her bleeding and Eddie gets protective, reader is stuck in a little/submissive headspace
Word Count: 2555
Steve tossed Eddie some movies on the couch as he shuffles off his Family Video vest and slams his body exhaustedly onto the adjacent sofa.
“You’re films you requested, my liege.”
“Cool, man. Thank you.”
“No problem. Where is Y/N?”
Eddie’s eyes shift towards the closed door of your bedroom. “With her idiot.”
“I thought they broke up.”
“Yeah, well, I guess not.”
The door suddenly opens, your boyfriend adorning a huge grin. “I’ll see you later, Y/N! Have a good night, boys.”
They both respond with an aggressive hm as Steve gets up to follow him out and lock the door behind him. “Fucking prick.”
“I can hear you; you know!”
“Good because I wasn’t hiding it!” 
“Hey, sweetheart. You want to watch a movie?!”
“Not tonight, Eds! I don’t… feel so hot.”
They glance at each other at your change of tone. They had known you since high school and since you guys had agreed to move in together, you all had learned each other’s little quarks. You always seemed to have a smile on your face especially around them but in every one of your relationships, you appeared to become more and more lethargic. 
You confided in them once that you felt like there was something wrong with you. 
“Maybe I’m not meant to be happy in a relationship.”
“Are you fucking kidding me? Of course, you are, honey.” Steve couldn’t believe what he had heard. 
“Any man would be lucky to have you, princess.”
“Please, you have to say that because you’re my friends.”, you giggle.
Eddie rose from the couch as both boys headed to your room. It was oddly darker than normal and Steve flipped the switch to turn on your white Christmas lights you usually had on above your bed. Your clothes they remembered you wearing that day were tossed around on the floor but you appeared to be clothed insomething since they could see the light reflecting off the silk against your skin. You were laying on your side as the blanket covered you up to your waist. You seemed incredibly small and it scared them a bit. 
“What’s wrong, Y/N? You’re feeling sick?”
“No, Stevie. Just… tired.”
“Y/N, did that fucking asshole hurt you?” You both turned to look at Eddie as Steve followed his eyeline. Your wrists were starting to swell where you had pulled at the handcuffs that were currently hidden in your dresser. “I’m gonna fucking kill him.”
“No! No, no, no.” You quickly got up, running after him as he started heading for the front door. “No. It’s… it’s not what you think.”
“Honey, you’re bleeding.” 
You try to look at your behind, wincing as you sigh. “He hit me a bit too hard. NO!” Eddie starts to head for the door again as you grab his arm. “I…I wanted this. Fuck.” The metalhead’s arms shoot out to catch you as your knees buckle. “I feel really heavy and…”
“A little clingy?” As you found yourself still stuck in your little girl headspace, Eddie’s protective grasp around you had you feeling safe. You couldn’t help but nuzzle your face into his chest as you nodded. Both men look at each other with a mutual understanding of what’s going on.
“What fucking prick doesn’t do aftercare after something like this?”, Steve asks.
“What’s that? After care?”
Both sets of eyes widen at your question. “Y/N, you’re telling us, you want to do things like this but no one has ever taken care of you after?”
“Well, that stops today.” Eddie lifted you into his arms and carried you towards your bathroom. “Harrington, take over really quick, I have some first aid stuff in my room. I’ll be right back.”
Steve sits on the edge of your tub as he looks up at you with admiration. “Do you think you can stand for a shower or do you want to take a bath?” He sees something flash through your eyes that seems like trepidation. “Hey. You’re still in that headspace?” You gently nod your head. 
“That’s ok, sweet girl. That’s perfectly alright. Did you want to ask me something?”
“If…if I take a bath, will you sit with me?”
He tenderly smiles as he pulls you into his embrace. “Yeah, honey, I can do that. You can ask me and Eddie anything you want to, okay? We love you.” You grin with giddy pride at his last sentence. “This is gorgeous by the way. Did you buy it?”
Your hands fly down to run along the silk nightie you had forgotten you were wearing. “I did. It came with these cute panties and stockings. I don’t like those though. The mesh feels weird on my feet.”
“Hm, I bet. What do you like?”
You shrug as he lifts the garment over your head. “What do you like?”
“Honestly, I’m not a big fan of extras like stockings.” The pads of his fingers glid up your leg to the middle of your thigh. “I like to be able to feel my girl’s skin.” He grinned as you blushed. 
After turning off the water, he held your hand as he guided you into the tub. You flinched as you slowly lowered your behind into the warmth, your eyes darting to his after you were seated, waiting patiently for him to join. 
A pleasure filled sigh left your lips as he gradually removed every item of clothing he was wearing. You had seen both of them without a shirt numerous times but seeing him now was sending a different kind of electricity through your body. When he removed his boxers, your breath caught in your throat. He was much bigger than you expected him to be.
“Wow. Didn’t take you long to get naked, huh, Harrington?”, Eddie grinned as he entered the bathroom. Steve made a face at the boy before climbing in behind you, pulling your shoulders back so you could lean against his chest. “I got my first aid kit laid out on your bed with some comfy clothes. I was thinking after we take care of you here, if you’re feeling up to it, we could order a pizza and watch a movie.”
You smile up at him as he takes a seat on the corner of the tub so he can face you both. 
“Is it ok if I ask you some questions?” You nod your head to the metalhead’s question as Steve delicately runs his palms over your arms. 
“You said you wanted this. Wanted what exactly?”
“I like…being controlled.”, your eyes look down in shame.
“Princess, look at me. There’s no judgement here. You’re safe with us, ok? Can you repeat my last sentence back to me?”
“I’m safe with you.”
“Good. Good girl, baby.” His words with the proceeding smile made your body shiver. 
“Now you like to be controlled but it seems like the idiots you’ve been with haven’t been doing it right if you don’t know what aftercare is. It’s extremely important after playing like that.”
Your eyes meet his as your bottom lip trembles. “I just thought there was something wrong with me. That’s why…I feel like this after…like I’m broken or something.” 
Steve’s arms wrap around you as he pulls you closer to him, kissing the top of your head. Your gaze shifts between them as you feel the love they have for you radiating off them. You ARE safe.
“He hits me too hard sometimes. It makes me feel like trash especially when he just leaves after.”
“You’re not trash and you’re NOT broken.”, Eddie growls. “I fucking hate that guy. Fucking every guy you date is a fucking imbecile. I swear—”
“Can I kiss you?” His head straightens up as his brown eyes look at yours in confusion. “I’m sorry. Was that…to much? I just… seeing and hearing you both be so protective and caring…watching your lips move…I just wanted to kiss you.”
The metalhead smiles as he all but jumps into the bath making you laugh as he carefully straddles his knees on either side of both your legs. His palms grip your cheeks as he brings his lips to yours. It was a delicate kiss; careful to not cross a line but you desperately wanted more as soon as he pulled away. 
“How are you feeling now, Y/N? Starting to feel a little better?”, Steve asks, smiling as you nod your head. You were feeling so much better in fact that you grew bolder, leaning back to place your lips on his. When you pulled away, his kisses trailed up your jawline and down to your shoulder.
“How…how do you guys know about this stuff?”
“Aftercare? Because we’re fucking gentlemen.” You laughed at Eddie’s statement making them both grin seeing the personality they were used to slowly pushing through. “Sweetheart, even if you weren’t into the rougher stuff, who wouldn’t want to hold you and spend time with you after?”
He kisses your forehead before rising to his feet, water cascading from his now soaked attire. 
“Really? At least take off your clothes before stepping out so you don’t trench her floor.”
“I think you just want to see me naked, Harrington.” Eddie winks as he slides his shirt over his head and yanks down his shorts with his boxers, tossing them to the far corner of your tub. 
Jesus. How could both your friends be so well endowed and you have no idea. The metalhead reaches for your hands but pauses before you can reach up for them. 
“Is this okay? Do you feel comfortable touching me while I’m naked? I can go grab boxers or here! Maybe Steve’s will fit—”
Your palms grip his as you pull yourself up. “Eddie, it’s fine. I trust you.”
The man smiles as he reaches for a towel and dries you first before himself, tossing it to his friend to utilize as he guided you back to your bedroom. He sat on the bed as he placed you in front of him, turning you around so he can see the wounds on your behind.
You hear his breathing stutter as you feel the pads of his fingers trace down your sides. “I’m sorry. I just…you’re really fucking beautiful. I mean…I always thought you were…gorgeous…I just—”
Turning back to face him, you kiss his lips again, this time with much more vigor than before. 
“Wait, wait. F-fuck.” Eddie pants as his tongue runs along his lips. “I can’t…we can’t…not right now, Y/N. Let us…let us look after you tonight and then tomorrow…we’ll see how you feel.”
You nod as you adjust your body back to the way he had set it, finding Steve leaning against the bathroom doorframe. 
“What do you think, Ed? Maybe, we can at least reward her for being so honest with us.”
“I don’t see how that would be a problem. Just don’t move her to much so I can finish cleaning and bandaging these cuts here. Baby, what did he hit you with?”
Eddie grumbled under his breath as Steve fell to his knees in front of you. You hiss as the man behind you starts his task, your hands promptly shooting out to grip the other boy’s shoulders. 
“Hey, whoa. It’s ok. I got you.”, he coos as his own palms grip your waist. “I got you, honey. Is it alright if I touch you while Munson does his thing? I can wait if you want me to.”
You adamantly shake your head as you run your hands through his hair. “Please, touch me.” Grabbing one of his huge palms off your hip, you take his fingers and guide them through your folds. “Here.”
Steve sucks in his bottom lip as he feels how wet you are, bringing his fingers to his mouth.
“Fuck me…you taste so fucking good. Eddie, you have to taste her.”
They gently shuffle you forward so the metalhead can kneel down behind you, opening your legs a bit wider as his face presses between you to push his tongue into your entrance.
“Eddie…”, you moan before the other boy follows his lead; mouth wrapping around your clit. 
The metalhead leans back as reaches for the bandages to cover your cuts on your ass. “Y/N, princess, seriously… fuck those other guys. Fuck… I’ve never tasted anything so sweet before.” He hurriedly finished what he was doing before sliding his own fingers between your puffy lips into your entrance. 
His forehead leans against your back as you whimper at the feeling of his massive digits stretching you open. You turned to look down at him when you heard him spit, wetting his hand as he stroked his length. 
“Is…is this ok?” Eddie slightly smiles when you nod, your fingers tangling in Steve’s hair as tongue flicks against your much more aggressively. “You’re so fucking tight, pretty girl. Jesus.”
Steve’s head suddenly leans against your tummy as you watch him fold into himself.
“Fuck me…”, he pants as you notice the sheen of his cum on his belly. 
He glances up at you for a brief moment before diving back into your cunt with much more determination. You groan their names, your legs giving in as you cum. Steve catches you, slowly guiding you to your knees as Eddie keeps fingering you through your orgasm. The man reaches for tissue on your bedside table, cleaning himself as the metalhead grunts and spirts of his seed land on his thigh. 
He thanks him as his friend hands him the extra tissue he pulled for him. It takes them a few moments before they realize you’re lying on your side against the floor. You feel your body lightly jostle as panties are slide up your legs. Steve lifts you by your arms to a sitting position so Eddie can throw his shirt over your head. 
“How are you feeling now, sweetheart?”, he whispers as you lean your cheek against his shoulder. 
“Safe…calm…” You nuzzle your nose into his neck. “Loved.”
Steve grins, his eyes shifting between you both as he leans up on his elbow. “Good. Because we love you. Now…you can tell that prick that he needs to do this with you every time.”
“What? What prick?”, you ask genuinely confused. 
“Your boyfriend.”, Eddie answers in sullen tone.
“Oh. I… I thought that… was this just a one-time thing? I don’t want it to be.”
“Honey, I don’t want it to be either.”
“Me either and, baby, trust me. We can give you want you want without making you feel the way you’ve been feeling.” You giggle at him as he winks, pulling your head to his lips. “Now, again, I know Harrington just wanted to see me naked but I would like to at least put on some pants so we can watch some spooky movies and eat some food.”
Steve whines as he rises to his feet and lifts you off the floor as Eddie follows. “Does it have to be scary? Can’t we watch like Sixteen Candles or some shit?”
“I like how you asked that like you didn’t bring me those movies from your store.”
“Stevie brought me Fatal Attraction a few days ago. I still haven’t watched it.”, you grin.
“Oooo… sex mixed in with a thriller. Everyone wins!”
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Kinktober day 7
Mickey Milkovich + Wrestling or sparring
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Still been studying, thanks to my teacher giving us twice as much work than usual, so this isn’t as long as I would have wanted.
I have no idea what warning to put for Mickey talking and thinking the way he does, but mickey warning I guess??
kinktober 2023 masterlist
Mickey Milkovich wasn’t the type to go down without a fight, it laid deep in his blood to never go down, and if he did, to go down swinging. Even just playfighting always lead to real scuffling or outright fighting resulting in bloody noses or knocked out teeth. Apparently, he had anger issues, and they always seemed to flare right up when someone got him swinging. It was why he found himself in some less than stellar gym in the south side, run by some gay guy and his friends.
Everyone knew about the gym’s main owner, (Y/N), his family had lived in the south side as long as anyone else’s, were mixed up in the same stuff as everyone else, and got into trouble like everyone else. Only difference about this guy was that he was openly gay, and would knock anyone out cold if they tried to target him for it. Mickey had found him at the ends of his fists a couple of times, and had always woken up with the sickest migraines, maybe even concussions, though he had never gone to the hospital about it.
(Y/N) had left the south side for a while, apparently he was off to get an education on a scholarship, but strangely enough he had returned to the shithole that was the south side. No one had recognized him as first. He left as a skinny guy who packed an insanely mean left and right hook, and came back packed in muscle and taller, with a confidence that few saw in gay guys in the south side. His muscles weren’t for show either, as rumors quickly spread that his hits were not only harder but quicker than ever.
Then he had opened up a gym for anyone who wasn’t gonna start trouble, and if you did start trouble, he took care of you real quick and efficiently. He had quirked a brow as Mickey stepped into the gym, but like he never questioned the local gun dealer being there, he wasn’t gonna question a milkovich being there as long as he paid. Mickey went about his business, taking out some of his burning anger on the punching bags, trying to put all the hatred and anger in his soul into those punches.
Mickey almost swung around and knocked (Y/N)s teeth out when the taller guy had placed his hand on Mickeys shoulder. “You’re standing all wrong, you’ll mess up your shoulders” he explained, his strong hands grabbing Mickeys arms and pulling him into the better pose.
Mickey wasn’t gonna ever admit that he felt warmth rise to his cheeks as (Y/N) grabbed him and moved him around, it was just cuz the guy was eyecandy around the south side. Few guys cared about their appearance around this part, so seeing a guy who actually bathed on the regular and walked around in tight tank tops always caught Mickeys attention. If Mickey wasn’t the type to deny himself so much, he might have seen how his appreciating stares were returned.
One night when Mickey showed up to the gym, a time where there were never anyone around but the owner, he had been stewing in anger. The punching bags just didn’t seem to be enough, even as Mickey cursed and made his knuckles bleed. (Y/N) had sauntered up in that tight tank top and a pair of sweats that left little to the imagination and goaded Mickey into a spar in the wrestling part of the gym.
In reality it was just some mats laid on the floor and against the walls, no way a place like this could afford an actually wresting ring, but it was good enough. Good enough for Mickey to charge at the guy, his normal south side approach foiled by (Y/N)s actual talent for fighting. Mickey only grew more and more angry the more he kept losing, even as his muscles ached and burned, even as he found himself pinned over and over against the mats.
Mickey growled at the smile on (Y/N)s lips, the guy had been smiling the entire time, and though he was sweating and breathing harder, it was in no way as much as Mickey himself. Even as Mickeys moves grew sloppy as he felt exhaustion creep up on him, his pride wouldn’t let him just give up or call quits.
(Y/N) must have felt some pity, as he finally let Mickey pin him, Mickey crouched above his head, pinning his shoulders with his legs and holding the taller man’s arms above his head. “Good job Mick, you finally got it” he laughed, looking almost too pleased as Mickey panted above him. “That deserves a reward, right?” he almost purred, and before Mickey could question it, (Y/N) had freed his hands and reached up towards the waistband on Mickeys pants.
Mickey choked on his breath as (Y/N) dragged his pants down, freeing Mickeys half hard length to the heated air of the gym. The sparring must have gotten the blood pumping in Mickeys system, and he shivered. On instinct alone Mickey almost jumped to his feet and spat some homophobic comment, but before he could warm lips wrapped around his tip and sucked him down, a broken gasp slipping from Mickeys lips at the action.
(Y/N)s hands gripped Mickeys hips as he lifted his torso to keep bopping his head, taking Mickey down his throat with skill one only got from repeating an action many times. Mickey gripped onto (Y/N)s hair as he thrust his hips with little to no rhythm, panting from the strain in his muscles and the pleasurable feeling as he grew fully hard, his toes curling in his shoes as he shivered.
Mickey groaned as he spilled down (Y/N)s throat, his muscles finally giving out, and if it wasn’t for (Y/N) catching him, he would have tumbled down onto the mats beneath them. Mickey didn’t even notice the murmured praise leaving the taller man, even as he tucked Mickeys spent length back into his pants or rubbed his sore muscles. Mickey didn’t even fully comprehend that he was pulled into what looked like a back room, or that he was placed on a comfortable sofa, or even that he dozed off.
It seemed that the energy that hadn’t been wrung out of him from the wrestling, had been sucked right out of him by the very man that had goaded him into said fight. (Y/N) gave a snort as he watched Mickey become dead to the world, leaving a water bottle beside him before leaving the office to go disinfect the mats. This might be the south side, but he was at least semi professional and serious about his business’s hygiene.
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kaliforniahigh · 3 months
MEDUSA - Part Three.
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Warnings: guns, physical altercations, gun shots, gun shot wounds, mentions of blood, reader is not a pushover 🤷🏼‍♀️
WC: almost 2k.
Summary: Y/N is a private dancer at a Gentleman's Club called Medusa. Noah Sebastian is a crime boss. Their paths cross when one night, Noah pays for one of her dances and they can't seem to be apart from each other.
Series Masterlist
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Noah, Jolly and Nicholas had a meeting at the port with some distributors to discuss some business and decide how to move forward regarding the stolen guns. Everything was going well, until Noah caught a movement out of the corner of his eye. They had a visitor and something told him it had something to do with their rival group.
The person was hidden behind some wooden crates and he knew there were other people hiding somewhere else. He mumbled in his ear piece, alerting Folio who was in charge of monitoring the cameras in the area and signalig to Nicholas and Jolly that there were people with them.
After assessing that they were all close by, he knew a confrontation would be inevitable, after all, they were not here not looking for trouble, and they weren't necessarily trying to hide. Taking the gun out of the holster, the other boys doing the same, Noah turned around, pointing the gun forward.
"You can come out and make this easier for all of us, or you can let us hunt you down. Your choice", he said, voice lound and clear. Jolly was pointing his gun the their left and Nicholas, to their right.
"They're getting closer, Noah. There are five of them", Folio said in his ear.
"What direction are they coming from?", he asked.
"Two from the middle, your direction, one is coming towards Nicholas and two towards Jolly", Noah looked at them to make sure they copied that. Shortly after, they heard a gunshot aimed at the sky. Guess they were not gonna come out.
Crouching down and hiding behind the crates, they surveyed the area, Folio directing them and alerting of their positions. Nicholas was able to take down the man coming in his direction. Noah pointed towards Jolly, signaling for Nicholas to work with him.
Looking around the crate, Noah could spot one person to his right, aiming his gun and shooting, he was able to hit them in the leg, causing the person to stumble and completetly expose themself. He then delivered the final shot. Moving forward to his left, he was caught off guard by someone grabbing him in a chokehold. He was able to elbow them in the ribs and wrestle them to the floor. Not wasting any time, he slammed their head on the ground, making sure the person was unconscious, before finishing them off.
"Nicholas, how is your situation? I'm coming to get you and Jolly so we can get out of here"
"We're almost done", his voice was strained, and Noah could tell he was in a body altercation with one of them. Shortly after, he heard a gunshot, some grunting and Nicholas' voice came through again, "Done here".
Two more shots rang out "Jolly, was that you? Did you take them out?" Noah asked, close to getting to their location.
"Motherfucker is dead, but he got me in the shoulder", Jolly responded, a little winded.
As Noah arrived, Jolly was grabbing his shoulder and Nicholas was trying to put some pressure on it with the jacket he was wearing. "Let's go to the car, there we can assess the damage and see what we can do. I'm not going to wait out here any longer"
In the car, Jolly took off his long sleeved henley, fortunately, the shot was only a graze, but he was still bleeding a lot, and it didn't look like it was going to stop anytime soon.
"Hold on, I know where we can go. Nicholas, keep putting pressure on it. I'll drive us".
Noah didn't know what came over him in that moment, maybe it was the adrenaline, maybe it was the fact that your adress stayed in his mind all these days, after he found out who you were. But all he could think was that you are a nurse, and his friend is hurt, and you were totally the only person who could help them.
Upon arriving at your adress, Nicholas looked at him sideways. He knew Noah for years, and they were never in this place, ever. "What is this place?", he inquired. Noah looked behind him at the both of them and said "Trust me, I know what I'm doing", de did, in fact, not know what he was doing. And that is why he told them to wait in the car while he went to knock on your door.
The lights were on, but he thought for a second that you could be working right now, but he knocked anyways and hoped for the best. You anwered the door, a hello at the tip of you tongue before you noticed who was standing at your doorstep.
Your widened your eyes a little and you had half a mind to think that this was it for you. Composing yourself, and asking in a rather inquisitive tone "What are you doing in my house?", trying to show little to no emotion. His answer made you wish he had kept his mouth shut. He certaintly looked better like that.
"Listen, I don't really have the time to explain everything in detail right now, but my friend is injured and I know that you're a nurse. So can you please help him?"
You were truly baffled by the audacity of this man. "Let me get this straight, you show up at my doorstep, with information about me that I certaintly didn't give to you, and you don't have the time to explain what the fuck is going on?"
He wasn't counting on this, he could hear Nicholas screaming from the car, asking how long this was going to take, saying that Jolly was still bleeding, and that he needed someone to take care of this right now.
Finally, seeming to take pity on him, you step to side and say "Get him in and sit him down on my couch. And don't get any blood on it". And just like that, you turned around and made your way inside your house. Noah waved to Nicholas and Jolly to get in as well.
As you were gathering up your supplies, your mind ran a mile a minute. You obviously couldn't deny help to someone who was clearly involved in some shady bussiness. And if he frequented Medusa, he was important enough to be dangerous.
When you went back to the living room, two men were sitting on the couch, both had long hair, but one's was slightly curly and the other one's was pin straight. You asked the curly man to move his hands away. Assessing the damage, you could tell it was a graze from a gun shot. Shady bussiness indeed.
"It was just a graze. It went a little deeper than usual, that is why it was bleeding a lot. I'm going to clean the wound and then dress it". You said, putting your gloves on. You then looked at Noah and said "then I want you out of my house".
As you worked, the silence was defeaning. You could see Noah and the curly guy exchanging some glares from across your living room. You could tell he wasn't aware that they were coming to your place.
The man you were tending to decided to make some small talk, to try and break the ice permeating the area. "Are you a doctor or something?", he asked quietly, but you knew the others could hear him. You looked at Noah, before anwering "No, I'm a nurse", looking back at him and smiling softly.
"Well, my name is Joakim, but you can call me Jolly. Seems right to introduce myself since, you know, you're patching up my arm". You liked him, at least he was polite.
As you finished, you explained to him that he has to keep cleaning and then dressing the wound, after a few days and when it starts to scab, he can let the wound dry on its own. You gave him the supplies he will need to take care of it, then put everything else back inside your first aid kit. You grabbed it, and on your way to the bathroom, you stop besides Noah "I'm going to put this back in my bathroom, and when I come back, I want you gone". You didn't give him time to answer, before turning on your heels and going down the corridor leading to your bathroom.
Nicholas let out a little whistle, stepping away from the chair he was leaning onto. Patting Noah in the back and making his way to the front door. Jolly put his shirt back on and followed behind Nicholas. Noticing that Noah wasn't moving from his place, Jolly asked him if he was coming. He just told them to wait in the car.
You waited a couple more minutes, stalling a bit to make sure you gave them enough time to leave before you made your way back to your living room. Much to your surprise, Noah was still standing there, minus Jolly and the curly haired one.
"Do you have trouble undertanding what I say to you?", your patience was waning by the second, and you knew he could tell.
"Listen, I'm really sorry that I'm here. I know you don't want me here. But you were the first person that came to mind when Jolly got injured"
"How am I the first person to come to your mind when I haven't even said a word to you, let alone tell you that I'm a nurse?", you state the obvious. You didn't know if you wanted to know how he found out.
"I guess I could say you haven't left my mind, not after that night. So I asked a friend of mine to research some information about you, because I wanted to know you better", he confessed and you tried to sweep over the fact that he said he thought about you all this time, because so did you, but you were not about to confess that. Sighing out loud and running you hands through you face, you acknowledge him again.
"What happened that night was completly professional on my part. And I don't know if the girls you hang out with find this behaviour attractive or what, but I don't, so I would appreciate", in the middle of your sentence, you walk past him, heading for your front door, "if you left. And please, don't show up here again".
You stare at each other for a few seconds, before he nods his head once, an air of finality hangs in the air. He steps towards you. "I'm sorry again about all of this, and I'm really thankful that you could find it in yourself to help Jolly, I really appreciate it".
You don't respond verbally. You're staring at his eyes and his eyebrows are creasing a little. His smell is invading your senses, a bit of cologne and gunpowder. You hate the fact that you like it. You take this moment to notice that his hair is a bit tousled. You have to keep yourself from running your hands thought it, or putting the rogue strands behind his ears.
He steps through the door and makes his way to the car. You notice it is not the Escalade you saw at the club the other day, but rather a regular car. You don't wait for him to leave before closing your door, leaning against it, mouth agape in disbelief about everything that just happened.
Inside the car, Noah notices that Jolly and Nicholas are holding themselves together, keeping from commenting about the mess that just unfolded. As Nicholas went to open his mouth, Noah beat him to it, "Don't say anything".
Both men snickered under their breaths, as Noah turned on the car and sped away.
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Tag list: @concreteangel92 @darling-millicent-aubrey @mostlypanicking @thisbicc @rebelheart90 @moranastray @xmads-omensx @collisionofyourkissmakesitsohard @lma1986 @skyemanzsstuff @theroyaldixon @mindlesssweets @dravenskye
Dividers: @cafekitsune
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vioartemis · 2 years
Falling for her (part 2)
(ghostface! Tara Carpenter x fem! reader)
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Summary: After months of dating Tara, you find out she killed people, dressed in a Ghostface costume. Looks like you have a type... Part 1 || Part 2 Warnings: blood, injuries, death, angst (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
It has been five months since you and Tara started dating. Everything was perfect. You dates, the time you spent together, her. It was as if you were living in a dream.
It was rare to see one without the other, you were constantly on each other, cuddling, holding hands, or kissing. Which annoyed your friends, but you didn't care. You were happy with Tara, and hoped it would last.
Even with the recent murders that occurred, you weren't too affected.
Unfortunately, Tara wasn't with you right now, she had to go to the library to study, and you were bored. You thought you might study too, but you couldn't find your notes. Then you remembered where they were.
It was night, and the streets were dark and empty. You shouldn't be outside with a killer on the loose, but you really needed these damn sheets of paper. If only she didn't forget to give them back to you during the day...
A few days ago, you let one of your classmates, Ava Bennett, borrow your notes so she could complete hers. She wasn't supposed to keep them a whole week.
When you arrived at her house, you were surprised to find the door slightly opened, as if someone forgot to close it. You pushed it hesitantly, not wanting to see things you were not supposed to.
The first thing you saw was how messing the house was. Everything was upside down, vases broken on the floor. Suddenly, you heard a sound of broken glass coming from the kitchen.
Without thinking twice, you ran in that direction - dumb decision - only to be met with the sight of Ava's bloody form on the floor. You let out a horrified scream, before realizing she was not alone in the room.
The killer looked at you through his Ghostface mask, tilting his head slightly. You took the taser Sam forced you to carry out of your bag with shaky hands.
Fortunately, the killer ran away, probably thinking you were not alone.
A sudden movement made you jump. It was Ava. She wasn't dead! You let the taser fall to the ground, getting on your knees beside her, applying pressure on her wounds to stop the bleeding with one hand, taking your phone with the other.
You dialed 911.
"Please I need help! M-my friend has been stabbed she's bleeding!" you said as soon as someone picked up, tears in your eyes
"Miss, calm down, what happened exactly?"
"We don't have time for that! She's going to die if you don't come!"
You didn't listen to what the man said to you, quickly giving him the address before putting your phone down and put both of your hands to better use.
You grabbed a towel on the counter and applied more pressure on the bleeding wounds.
"I-it's gonna be okay.. I called 911... they'll be here quickly..." you said, in an attempt to comfort the girl.
Or maybe you were trying to convince yourself everything would be okay.
When the ambulance arrived, followed by the police, your hands and jeans were soaked with the girl's blood. She was still alive, you could feel it.
Some ladies helped you getting up, and led you to the back of an ambulance to see if you were hurt. A police officer then came so you could tell him what happened.
The rest happened really fast; they took your phone and called Sam, registered as the person to call in case of emergency, they told you they would need to keep it as an "evidence". Then Sam arrived.
She talked with a police officer, looking at you with worried eyes, before they finally let her pick you up.
She was about to hug you, but you stopped her, holding your hands in front of you.
"I wouldn't want to ruin your clothes..."
When you finally got home, Tara was waiting for you in the living room. She got up the second she heard the door.
"Y/n! Are you okay??"
She didn't wait for your answer and hugged you tight. The warmth of her body made you feel a little better.
"I have to see my therapist, can you take care of her while I'm gone?"
"You can go.. I'll be fine..." you said before Tara could answer
Sam nodded, still worried, before leaving.
"C'mon, let's clean you up.."
You both went to the bathroom, where Tara helped you take the blood off your hands, before giving you a new pair of jeans and throw the blood stained one.
Then, you headed to your room. You got under the covers, feeling safe with the blanket on you, while Tara sat beside you on the bed, stroking your hair gently.
She placed a soft kiss on your lips.
"You want to talk about it...?"
There was not much to say, as you arrived too late. You told her what you saw, Ava, stabbed several times, laying on the floor of her kitchen.
"He looked at me... he looked at me, and when I took the taser... he just- he ran away..."
"Don't worry, the police will catch this fuckhead soon. We already survived two Ghostface, we can survived one more, don't you think?"
"Yeah, I hope so.."
Then it hit you.
"... How do you know it was Ghostface...?"
You looked at her, sitting up in your bed. She stayed silent.
"Tara, how to do you it was Ghostface...?" your voice broke on the last words
"Y/n I-"
"Answer me."
That silence said everything. You couldn't hold back your tears.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me..."
"I'm sorry! You weren't supposed to learn it like that... I-"
"I'm not doing that. Not again."
"I- I never would've hurt you I'm not-"
"The last person who said that tried to stab me five minutes later."
"I know but you have to believe me! I love you so much... I would never lay a hand on you-"
"Get out."
"No Y/n please listen..! She wasn't a good person, she-"
"Tara. Get. Out."
The look in your eyes hurt her. You didn't care. You got up. She took a step back, looking at you with teary eyes.
"Y/n please..."
"Get the fuck out of my room."
Without her realizing it, you made her walk out. You slammed the door shut as soon as her back hit the bathroom wall, locking it from inside.
You sat in the opposite corner, knees against your chest, face buried in your arms. Tara was banging on your door, trying to talk to you. You could hear the despair in her voice, the guilt.
But you couldn't do this again.
You covered your ears with your hands, head resting on your knees, tears flooding down your cheeks.
When the door opened, she stopped trying. You didn't hear anything for a solid five minutes, before someone, probably Sam, knocked on your door.
"Please go away..." your voice was low and broken
No one else tried to talk to you after that.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
You spent the next three weeks avoiding everyone, especially Tara. You still couldn't believe your sweet girlfriend killed Ava. Maybe she killed the others too. You weren't sure of anything at this point.
Despite all your efforts, one night, Sam managed to catch you in the kitchen, while you were grabbing some food.
"I'm worried about you... you don't talk to anyone, you almost don't eat... What happened that night...?"
"Y/n please... Tara's not doing well either, she feels really bad... I'm afraid she does something she'll regret... I don't know what she did, but you could talk about this, don't you think...? Or at least talk to me... maybe I can help..."
"You can't help us... We- I have to deal with this myself... But I can't right now, it still hurts too much..."
Before she could add anything, you got back into your room.
What could you do? Tell the police, and send the girl you loved in jail? No, that was not an option.
Forgive her, and hope she doesn't try to kill you? You wanted to. Yet you couldn't help but remember what happened with Amber. You thought you could convince her, and she tried to kill you.
The next day, while you were walking to class, you heard someone call your name. You turned around, already pissed.
"Y/n! Can I talk to you?"
It was Luca Harris, Ava's boyfriend.
"Uh... sure" you sighed
"Can we to go a.. more private place?"
You didn't really understand but you followed him behind the gardener's cabin.
"What do you want..?" you asked
"I'd like to talk about Ava..."
You glupped.
"What about her?"
"I wanted to thank you, for trying to save her."
"How do you know-"
"My dad has friends in the police. They told him they found you next to her, hands covered in her blood, trying to stop the bleeding..."
"That's what happened yeah..."
You didn't see where he was going. The only time you talked to him before was after you walked in on them having sex, to apologize.
"C'mon Y/n... we both know that's a lie"
"My dad's friends told him who you were. Y/n L/n, ex girlfriend of Amber Freeman. The psycho responsible for the Woodsboro massacre last year."
You felt your heart miss a beat.
"W-what are you trying to say...?" you asked
"Isn't it obvious? You killed Ava. Because you're as crazy as your ex. Because you were jealous of her."
"What...? Of course not..! Why would you-"
"Stop lying, I saw how you looked at me when you saw us in Ava's bed. You blushed so hard you were as red as a tomato."
"Because you were fucking naked!" you said, but he wasn't listening to you
"Your girlfriend can't satisfy you, can she? You needed someone else to take care of you properly, I can understand that. But you could've just asked, I would've done it with pleasure."
You tried to back off, but he wasn't ready to let you go.
"Why did you have to kill her? Now I have to kill you too... to avenge her"
Saying that, he took a pocket knife out of his jacket, and pressed a button to open the blade.
Luckily for you, Tara was watching from afar. The shine of the blade caught her attention.
In less than thirty seconds, she was here.
"What exactly do you think you're doing with that knife?" she asked the boy
"Ah, I was wondering when you would come. I was about to slice her open, just like she did to Ava."
"Don't you dare touch her."
"And what are you going to do, huh? Slap my knee? You're like 5'1! No wonder you can't satisfy her."
You tried you take a step closer to Tara, but Luca was faster than you. He put the knife against your throat, pushing the tip slightly into the soft flesh.
Everything happened so fast you barely understood what was going on.
Tara kicked the back of his knees and pulled him by his collar, making him fall slightly backward, before taking the knife out of his hand.
"No one touches my girlfriend dickhead."
With that, she stabbed him in the eye. Blood splattered on her shirt.
His body fell to your feet. He was dead before he even touched the ground.
You started to panic. There was tons of people only a few meters away. The body would be found before the end of the day.
You took a tissue in your pocket before bending down to remove Tara's fingerprints from the knife. Then, you took the boy's hand and wrapped it around the weapon, just in case, before taking off your sweater and throwing it at Tara.
She looked at you, mouth agape.
"Put it on, you're covered in blood."
She did as you told, before asking:
"So you don't hate me...?"
For the first time in weeks, your gaze met hers.
"Of course not..."
You saw her eyes shining a little with hope.
"Y/n I-"
"Can we talk about this later..? After classes? When we will be far away from his dead body?"
You didn't say that in a mean way, just worried someone might come here for whatever reason and catch you.
"Let's go before someone sees us..."
You both headed to class, hoping you didn't leave any evidences next to the body. Every time a teacher spoke, you were scared they had found the body.
Tara, on the other hand, was more relieved than scared. All she could think about was you. You didn't hate her. You gave her your sweater, her favorite one with your perfume on it.
It was too big for her, and you always told her she looked so cute in it. She spent her day thinking about all your dates and the moments you spent together.
Until an announcement was made.
You were in history, one of the only classes you had together, when the speakers turned on. The director started talking. They found the body.
You gave Tara a worried look across the class.
"Classes will end now. You must go home and lock the doors. Don't walk alone, always be with someone. Don't take any risks, if you see something suspect, call the police immediately."
Everyone started to talked as soon as the announcement ended, quickly exiting the classroom to find a friend to walk home with.
You walked to Tara, feeling sick.
"You okay..?"
"Yeah I think... let's just... let's go home..."
She nodded, and was about to take your hand, before stopping, not sure you wanted her to. You looked at her for a second, and took her hand.
"... I'm sorry I didn't try to talk to you... It just brought back memories I wanted to forget..." you said
You were both sitting on your bed, decided to explain yourselves.
"I'm the one who should be apologizing, I knew what Amber did, I saw how you felt after that, and I did the same... But the simple thought of someone wanting to hurt you makes me sick to the core... I... I just wanted to protect you..."
You placed your hand on hers softly.
"Why did you kill Ava..?" you asked gently
"I... I heard them, her boyfriend and her. They were talking about you.. He was telling her what happened at Woodsboro, the murder, that you were Amber's girlfriend, and probably her accomplice... They wanted to blackmail you, using that information..."
You didn't say anything, taking a minute to register the informations.
"And... and the others...?"
Once again, she explained everything to you. These ones wanted to take you away from her. It was true that they had been flirting with you for a month or so, and became more and more insistent.
"... You're not mad...?" she asked
"I can't say I'm happy about that... but you did this to protect me so... Thank you..."
Your lips curled up into a little smile.
"Does that means.. does that means we still have a chance..?"
"At first, when I learnt you did.. what you did, I thought you were like Amber... But I had time to think, the past weeks, and... Now that you told me everything... I realized you couldn't be more different... She was ready to kill me realizing I would leave her... You killed people to protect me from getting hurt, even if it meant me being mad at you"
You brought her hand to your lips, placing a kiss on her knuckles.
"I love you so much Tara... I'm sorry it took me that long to talk with you... but please stop killing people, I don't want to take the risk to lose you..."
"I'll try. For you"
She came closer to you, sitting on your lap, and cupped your cheeks. You tilted your head up slightly to look at her, before her soft lips met yours.
"I missed you" you whispered against her lips
"I missed you too"
[Previous part]
׺°”˜`”°º×•°¯`•• ♡ ••´¯°•×º°”˜`”°º×
By the way, I'm opened to requests, so if there's something you'd like me to write, feel free to ask ;)) you can see who I write for here (along with the rules to request)
@captainbeat @faunusrubyrose
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lacedinweb22 · 9 months
Beginnings of Someone Else ⋆。𖦹 Vampire Next Door ♱✮♱ Miguel O'Hara x reader (Ch.9) prev part
Miguel sleeps beside you, facing you. His breathing is soft, warm on your skin. You never imagined you’d be this close to him. 
You savor it
… until you feel the pressure on your bladder. 
You slowly pull the blankets off of you and head to the bathroom on your tiptoes.
After you flush, you see a drop of crimson beside the toilet. You crouch down, investigating.
There’s a bigger puddle in the corner, at the base of the bathtub. 
It’s… blood. Has to be. Dark, dried up blood. 
You rush to his bedroom, then softly tap his shoulder. 
“Mig, Miguel,” you whisper.
He wakes up, “What? What’s wrong?” He stands up suddenly, looking around, the tinge of crimson in his eyes brighter, canines sharper, moving perfectly fast enough to go unnoticed. 
“Jesus, calm down! It’s just a– in the bathroom, there’s… on the floor… it looks like–”
“What? What looks like what?” He’s panicked, trying to read your face.
You pull him out of his room, and push him down the hall and to the bathroom.
You point at the bathroom floor.
“There. Mig, what the fuck is that?”
“Oh. Oh. That’s– I cut myself shaving.”
He’s lying. 
“What? Mig. You shave on the toilet?”
“I was in a rush for work a few days ago, and I uhh shaved in the shower, then I cut myself, you know, started bleeding, and got out. It’s just a little blood, Y/N,” he shrugs, nonchalantly.
He crouches down to grab disinfectant spray from the cabinet under the sink. You watch him clean the puddle of blood. You aren’t buying it. It freaks you out. 
You start to think about the nightmares, the screams; maybe they were a warning, and maybe the nightmares were real. Maybe Miguel isn’t the person he was in university. Maybe he’s a serial killer, or a druglord, I mean he’s rich. Maybe he’s just a man, a cold-hearted man who's fooled you into thinking differently. Maybe you were right to lose trust in everything and everyone you’ve ever known. Maybe you should’ve left this dream in the past, along with everything else.
Your heart is in your stomach, but you don’t want him to see that, so you mutter, “Think I’m gonna get going.” 
He turns up at you from his cleaning, and looks at you confusedly, “What? I was gonna make us breakfast.” 
He stands up slowly, now towering over you, and the naivety that’s been blinding you is lifted; you now see him as the threatening, huge, manly guy you should have seen him as this whole time. How could you trust him? After everything…
“No, it’s fine, Miguel. I agreed to get coffee with a friend, and umm I also gotta check up on the maintenance work. I have a super busy day, so umm I’ll be heading out.”
He looks at you, head tilted, eyebrows scrunched, “Okay… okay. I’ll catch you later then.”
You leave his apartment, and lock your door. 
Ash’s jaw drops. 
“Y/N, you know what this means, right? He’s a serial killer,”
You scoff but there’s truth in her words.
“Or even worse, 
he’s sleeping with someone,” she says before sipping her coffee.
“I hate you. I really do. This is serious.”
“And I’m being serious! Blood? Could be intense BDSM. That or he’s a serial killer,” she shrugs, lightly. 
“God, Ash, so helpful. Those are two completely different possibilities. How am I supposed to figure out which one he is? No, no, he told me he wasn’t sleeping with anyone. I have to trust at least that.” 
“Y/N. Blood. You still trust that man? I mean, the noises at night, a puddle of blood on his bathroom floor. Sex addict or serial killer. You choose.”
“Enough with the sex. God, it makes me ill to think he could be sleeping with someone, right there in front of me. Even worse, he could be killing right in front of me, and I’ve been too oblivious to even notice.”
“I wouldn’t blame myself. You read too much into everything. It’s not your job to investigate him, or play detective. I would just keep my distance.”
“But he’s not just my neighbor. He’s… he’s Miguel. You remember back then, how much–”
“God, yes. How could I forget? I remember how heartbroken you were when Kat Nilson walked with him after class, or when he didn’t write anything on your midterm paper. I know what he meant to you, or what he means to you. I don’t want you to get hurt, Y/N. This is a man, and right now, we don’t know if he’s a serial slut or a serial killer, so I think you should keep your distance.”
You sigh. Your stomach hurts. Maybe the blood on your fire escape and the blood in his bathroom were just the beginnings of a monster, one with a double life, someone else. 
✧❅ Next chapter here
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icyowl · 2 years
Vash Soulmate AU
Pairing: Vash the Stampede x f!reader
Synopsis: soulmate trope where injuries are transferred between one another. You've managed to hide it until now. 3k
A/N: I got nothing. Have fun!
Soulmates: two people characterized by an undeniable pull towards and affection for one another. Signs include, but are not limited to, romantic attraction, frequently similar interests, and the sharing of injuries.
Team: disheveled, exhausted, alive.
Body: pained, sore.
Brain: dizzy.
Sleep: beckoning. As soon as you could patch yourself up, whatever meager mattress awaited you would nonetheless be a welcomed friend. Just a bit longer.
“Hey, you alright?” Vash said while everyone began to split for their assigned rooms. Count on someone as caring as he to sense your exhaustion.
“Yeah, of course.” You replied. “Just tired.”
“After the day we had, I don't blame you.”
“Take care of that knife wound you got, okay? I saw what those bounty hunters did to you.”
“I'll be good as new tomorrow, promise.”
You knew that was a lie in more ways than one.
“Get some sleep.” He added before leaving the hallway for the boys' room. With the Stampede safely away, you listened closely for any sign of his return, and when you heard none, promptly collapsed into the wall and finally let your quivering legs let go of their last bit of strength. A relieved exhale, the kind that came only when you could let you guard down after having it up for so many hours, left you nothing but a sagging corpse against the hallway wall. Your hand delved under your clothing to assess the damage.
Surprise? You wished.
Weary eyelids fell blissfully shut. Perhaps you'd wake up, maybe you didn't care whether you did or not, all you knew was the mere act of staying awake was more displeasing by the second. A part of you knew this couldn't continue. Your poor, feeble human body couldn't take much more of this. Just a quick rest. . .
“Hey.” Meryl said once she emerged from your shared room. Her tone indicated she'd finally had enough of your shenanigans.
“I know what you're gonna say.” You replied around a dry cough. The blood leaving your body was taking your energy with it. “Go away.”
“I could, but then you'd bleed to death. So come on, at least give me a chance of getting you on your feet.”
“Yes, Captain.”
Through a bit of struggle, Meryl finally managed to get you off the floor and into the room. Vash or any of the boys could have come into the hall if they caught sound of any of the groans and hisses and whimpers you gave, but thankfully did not. Your steps were slow, vision distorted, and Meryl barely managed to get you into the room and onto a bed before you spasmed from the pain and bit your sleeve to keep the boys from hearing it. Meryl reluctantly helped you out of your top and took the time to complain the entire way. This is ridiculous and I'm not helping you again. If you were more coherent you were sure you'd care.
A hefty weight landed square in your lap. “A first aid kit. You're welcome.” Meryl spoke as she took a seat on her own bed. This had happened enough that she didn't bother with you much and instead set about getting ready for the night. If you passed out, then maybe she'd worry.
Meryl pinned you with a dark glare when she had put up her jacket for the evening. “When are you going to tell him?”
Your hands worked down to open the kit without looking. Right now energy was too sparse to bother lifting your head. “He's already got so much on his plate, I—”
“You can't keep going like this. With how reckless he is, it'll kill you.” She bit back angrily. The fact she was angry made her even more angry. Soulmates were supposed to be a time of joy, not pain, sorrow, apprehension, trepidation. You and Vash should have been enjoying the bond ages ago; instead, she got to watch you hide away from him, patch yourself up in the dark and holding back tears when you needed a shoulder to cry on. Preferably the shoulder of a lean, glasses-wearing, gun-wielding, messy-headed typhoon.
“I will.” You said. The near-nightly routine you developed began to take shape even with the room's minimal light: unroll bandages, find gauze, lay out the towel, etc. Unfortunately, Meryl had heard your lies before and no longer bought them. She continued like you'd said nothing at all.
“Nick's too dense to have any idea, but Roberto's suspicious. He'll catch on soon, and do you think he's gonna keep your secret?”
“Can you just—” The brief blaze of intense fury coming to life in your blood was quelled under the knowledge that she had good intensions and clearly came from a place of compassion. Factually? Yes, she was right. You hated having to hide your injuries too. Obviously it would be so much easier to cry out whenever Vash got punched, kicked, grazed, beaten, tossed, pummeled, dropped—
You get the idea.
But emotionally? You just couldn't bare letting Vash and the others know of your situation. They'd only worry more, be more stressed, miss more sleep, treat you differently, carefully, like you were more important than them. This also felt like something you needed to keep up now that you'd gone along with the lie for so long. If you told the truth now, they'd only feel betrayed and distrusted. That was so far from the truth it nearly made you tear up just thinking of their faces. Vash especially. He'd feel it deeper than the other two.
“Can you just find some water, please? I can't hardly swallow.”
Thankfully Meryl did as you asked and made for the door.
“Swallow your pride, how's that sound?” She asked and closed the door before you could reply.
This wasn't about pride. Both of you knew that. You didn't have pride when you poured alcohol over the gash, screaming into your sleeve to stifle the noise and hopefully not tip off the boys next door. It wasn't there when the touches of the gauze made you thrash and your vision whiten with the spikes of agony. Pride wasn't felt when you looked at yourself — shaking hands, helpless sniffles, welling tears, tucked away in the dark of the room like you were ashamed to exist. You hadn't felt pride in a long time.
Pain. Pain was all you could comprehend. The gash was deep and oozed fresh blood readily every time you squeezed the surrounding area. You were probably queazy from seeing the life-force leave you and ebb uselessly onto your skin, clothing, and the bandages, but you were too light-headed to care. Trying to keep your dirty shirt out of the wound was difficult and eventually you accepted that it had to go. Infection would be hard to stave off and harder to conceal. It took a few tries to move your body in a way that would allow it to come off, but after some crying and more biting your hand to keep the screams at bay, it dropped from your hands onto the bed.
Fortunately Meryl came back swiftly with the water—
“You got any bandag-”
You heard Vash's voice, recognized his silhouette, cried out some sound of distress, just as he saw the blood, wraps, scars, bruises, stopped dead both physically and somewhere deep in his chest.
Some worthless insecurity - or maybe you stupidly still believed he hadn't seen even though his eyes had yet to leave you - made you grab your shirt to cover yourself, yell out at the flaring agony consuming you from the sudden move, and freeze. Even if he hadn't seen the wounds (he most certainly had), your shout would have tipped him off.
The shirt did a lousy job covering the scars - after all, they were everywhere. Neck, shoulders, chest, arms, hands, it was endless. Bruises filled in the rest of the macabre mosaic. Vash was only a few feet away from you, but when he called your name, it sounded distorted and distant. The heartbroken tone was the very thing you'd tried so hard to avoid.
“Its just a small cut, I'm oka-”
Then he began to cry, no, sob. His tears were endless and he did nothing to wipe them away so the two streams left his eyes, met at his chin, and fell in a steady drip to the floor. He started to violently shake, wrought with grief at the soul-breaking realization that you were hurt, he had caused it, and he'd been causing you pain for a long time.
He called your name like a plea. There was no real reason behind it. He wasn't mad, or calling you over to him. It was the hapless cry a child might do when looking for comfort. You hissed through the pain, shortened the distance, and stood in front of him on trembling legs. There was no point in hiding it any more. Slowly you let go of your dusty shirt with one hand, then the other, watching it fall, utterly terrified to look him in the eye. When had you heartbeat gotten so loud?
Vash's hands reached for you, then closed and retreated, before reaching again and holding your hands preciously. The weight of his guilt had his teeth creaking under the clench of his jaw and the tears had yet to slow.
“God,” he fumbled, “- I - fucking, god damn it - no-”
His fingers brushed over a scar near your collarbone. “When I let that guy stab me,” then they moved to the mark in your shoulder, “and I took the bullet for that girl, and here,” now they tickled your side, “when Nai burned me, god, this was when I got held hostage by those sisters,” he said after suddenly walking around you and seeing the minefield on your back. Some kind of wounded sound exploded from deep in his throat. The shame was crushing. “And here is from the police, and that's from those scientists taking biopsies—”
“Okay, okay.” You stepped away from the constant skim of his prying fingers and tried to hide yourself. It wasn't because you didn't like his reaction — it was perfectly reasonable — but being exposed like this was uncomfortable to say the least.
Now that you'd put space between your bodies, Vash hunched under the self-loathing flooding him, chin touching his chest, eyes pinched shut, and hands clenched furiously by his shivering sides. He had no right being close to you. “I'm sorry, I'm so, so, so sorry. Words can't - I can't-” He said through tears and snotty sniffles.
This is what you wanted to avoid. What should you say? What did he need right now? Comfort, obviously, and you yearned to hold him, but Vash was the type to push people away, to think himself a burden, a poison. How could you get him to change his tendencies without him thinking he was doing something wrong? How would you tell him to take it easy, not because you wanted to spare yourself from the pain or change who he was, but because seeing him in pain hurt like any real wound?
“Maybe we can come up with a solution together. If its - if you want. I don't want to force anything.” You offered into the subtle quiet of the room. This moment was pivotal. Rejection. Acceptance. It would be now.
Realization began to work into Vash's psyche. His fists loosened, his eyes stared far past the floor. It began to come into his mind that you were his soulmate, that he had a soulmate, that it was you, that he was so happy it was you and you were right in front of him, here, needing him physically, mentally, and all he could do was weep and cross your boundaries and then refuse to touch you like you weren't hurting.
“Y. . .” He started. Your incredulous statement was hard for him to process. “You think I don't want this? You think I'm even gonna let you out of my sight now-” Vash rushed through the distance between you in just a couple of steps, but stopped just before yanking you into him for the bone-crushing hug he desperately wanted to give. He knew the first rule of soulmates - skin to skin - but didn't want to overstep any bounds. You still looked a little embarrassed to be shirtless in front of him.
You also looked. . . pale. He always worried for you, but now that he knew of the unspoken connection between you two, he looked at you more carefully. Clammy, shaky, dull gaze, a slight sway to your weight. You had just began to lean dangerously far to one side but Vash was quick to support you by the elbows with lightening speed.
“Sorry.” Was all you could come up with.
“Don't be.” Vash replied. He should be the one apologizing, he thought.
Relaxing back against the bed was a godsend. Scratchy covers or not, getting off your feet was a blessing. You let Vash inspect your wound, too caught up in the relief to care. The secret was out, he wanted something with you, and now you were being diligently tended to by his gentle hands. You looked at the dusty ceiling, focusing on anything but the off-colored plaster.
“How are you able to focus?” You asked to try and stop thinking about the tickling sensation of his fingers. “You've got the same wound I do.”
He replied without looking up: “Biology, I guess.”
There was nothing to say to that. All you could do was try and remain still when his thumb gently brushed over a bruise. It was a kind touch, all of his were, but it was hard to let it happen. Topless, prone, letting him see so much of you; it was a little intimidating. You supposed you made it a fair trade when your eyes unabashedly locked onto him. The faint tint to his glasses wasn't enough to stop you from seeing his focus, touched with traces of sorrow. This quiet - two people sharing themselves with gazes and touches in the solace only a dark room could provide - was quickly feeding the connection previously snuffed out. Rapidly this man's face, respectfully tending to your injuries and looking nowhere else, was becoming quite the sight to behold. You didn't know you were looking at guilt. You didn't know that he felt like he'd done all this to you by his own hand: every scar, cut, scab, bruise, or knot.
Vash sat up, surmising he could only help with the most recent gash. “Alright, I'll need to clean it.”
“I already did.”
“Pouring booze over it doesn't count.”
“It's not that bad-”
Vash's eyes glared at you with a sudden edge. “I'm not letting this get worse.”
Now he looked a bit more like the infamous gunslinger everyone thought him to be. You decided to stay silent after that. He rummaged through various bags - knowing he was going through Meryl's things but not caring because this was you we're talking about and he wasn't going to let notions of respect stop him from helping you - and finally procured a bottle of rubbing alcohol. Vash was even meticulous enough to pinch the gauze between a set of tweezers before liberally dousing it in rubbing alcohol, worried his hands might cause infection.
“You ready?” He asked quietly, the soaking material hovering dangerously close to your skin. His grip was steady. Much steadier than yours would have been.
“Ready as ever.”
The last-ditch attempt at humor didn't last long. As soon as the gauze made a home in your skin, any thoughts other than the intense, stabbing discomfort spiraled away. The effort it took to stay still and not try to thrash away from the horrific feeling of course fabric digging through your screaming flesh was borderline incomprehensible. Perhaps it was the pain, perhaps the blood loss, but your brain began to float and swirl with a queazy nausea. In an effort to stay in the present reality you lashed out, grabbing onto anything that could give you some comfort. The warm clothes between your fingers meant you'd grabbed onto Vash — in itself nothing terrible — but when you looked and saw it was the flesh of his upper thigh in your grip, you hastily let go and instead settled for the bed linens beneath you.
“Sorry!” You rushed.
“I don't mind.” He replied. Nothing in his expression gave any of his emotions away (he really was very focused on stitching you up) which made it even more unnerving. Was he put off? Did ignoring what happened make you feel better? Did he not care? Did you want him to? “I like when you feel like you can rely on me.”
You continued to fist the sheets while Vash took his sweet time getting into every single nook and cranny of the cut. Even laying down you began to feel lightheaded. Sometimes Vash flinched, the only indication he felt what you did. It made sense; the transfer of pain and injury could be deadened until soulmates' bonds grew. From here on, both of you would have to be more careful. When he said he was done you sighed in relief, only to be told he needed to get you to sit up so he could wrap it properly.
“I'm gonna need some help.” You said.
“I wouldn't want it any other way.” He replied like it was nothing. His arms were warm and gentle as they worked between you and the sheets to support you properly. “Ready?” He asked, voice just a few inches from the skin of your neck and surprisingly smooth for how much he quivered on the inside.
You nodded.
Your grasp on his shoulders turned to hooked claws when the pain became too much. Vash had tried to be gentle, but it was going to hurt regardless. Then, wordlessly, he set about cushioning the gash with perhaps too much gauze and encircling your midsection in bandages. Again, maybe it was the blood loss, maybe not, but you shivered when he crossed the minimal space between you both to pass the wrappings behind your back.
“I never thought I'd have one.” He began. “I mean, I'm not even really human.”
“Didn't you feel every time I got hurt? Sure, it's not much compared to you, but you had to have felt my injuries too.”
“Honestly, it's hard to tell what's old and what's new at this point.” Vash finished by taking off his coat and wrapping you in it. After he pulled the front together to keep you warm (the shaking didn't escape him), he continued. His eyes stared at his coat, refusing to rise to meet you. “I know I don't have much right to ask this, but I can't stay quiet. Please, please promise me you'll try to be more open with me from now on? If you're hurting, I want to help.”
“If you'll do the same.”
Vash's eyes lifted in surprise. It would be hard - frankly he wasn't even really sure how - but it was fair. To share the hardships. “Then. . . we have a lot to talk about, I guess.”
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djljpanda · 2 years
i can make a wednesday request and the reader argues then the reader ignores her and gives the silent treatment going as far as avoiding being next to her and sleeping in a different room but then when the reader goes to apologize to wednesday the reader sees Tyler kissing wednesday friday so the reader goes up to tyler and starts hitting tyler until he bleeds but wednesday is on tyler's side instead of the reader so the reader ends up becoming distant from wednesday but they make up
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All you wanted to do was to get your girlfriend to calm down on the case but she waas annoyed as she was with the case so the argument started. Things were said brought up as you were walking out the room, "Maybe go ask you Boyfriend Tyler since you go to him for help". You said as you slammed the behind you as you pushed students and staff out your way to get to your dorm.
The first day you and Wednesday didn't talk to each other as Enid, Yoko, Xavier, Ajax, and even Bianca asked what was happening but non got an answer.
Enid did talk to Wednesday about it as she told her that you were trying to help so she went to your dorm but no answer at your door. The next day of class Wednesday tried to get close to you but she was pushed away and with a few more days of this she just thought you would come to her when you are ready.
So after class you were dragged by your friend Yoko as her, Enid, Ajax looked at you as they wouldn't let you leave. So after a little like therapy session you went to go and apologize to Wednesday.
When told that Wednesday would be in town you made you way over. But as you were looking for her you watched from the shadows as you saw Tyler kiss Wednesday. You walked back to Nevermore angry as you lost your girlfriend to some Normie so you began to blame yourself. Lucky for you the weekend was tomorrow so you knew what to do.
You left Nevermore all day as you didn't want to be bothered by no one. You walked around the forest as you thought about your argument with Wednesday getting you more ready on what you were going to do.
The night was cold as you made your way to the little coffee shop seeing Tyler sweeping the floors as once he turned around he felt a punch to the face, looking to see who it was and he saw you.
With the surprise attack Tyler could hardly hold his own against you. As you kept punching him you were sure you were gonna kill him as there was nothing but blood. As you were going in for another punch you were pulled back by Wednesday, when you notice it was her you pushed her away from you.
"Get away from you" "Y/n what is this" "I saw last night and you know what Wednesday I knew you were no good. It's over im done", you said pushing the doors open walking out into the night.
You were back in your room as again you felt hurt bandaging your small cuta you made. That night you hardly felt sleepy as nothing but rage was washing over you.
You were woken by loud knocking at your door, thinking it was Weems you got up and opened it only to be met by Wednesday. Right away you were going to slam the door Wednesday stopped it as she let herself in. "What do you want" "Y/n can I explain" "What, you and Tyler don't worry its clear to me now" "Y/n I don't want Tyler I want you" "Bullshit what happen last night" "He kissed me I swear Y/n once he kissed me I pushed him away.
You only looked at her as she stood infront of you, you didn't know what to think but you knew Wednesday wasn't a liar so you looked away from her. Wednesday reached for your hands as she gazed her fingers over your cuts. "Thing wants to know when you would come back to talk with hom" "Does Thing really want me there" "Yes he misses you" "Tell him I'm sorry" "Mi Amour". You looked at her and with that you hugged her close as she hugged you back. You looked at her face as you both kissed as this kiss told everything you both felt.
The sorrys were felt, the forgiveness was there, and the passion was definitely there. As this kiss was forgiveness.
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natisideas · 6 months
This could be the end of everything.
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This was never meant to happen, at all. The hunt was going so well, at least that's what you had hoped. It was just a normal hunt gone wrong. "[Y/N] please be okay. You're gonna be okay." Sam cried as he was holding you in his arms. "I never meant to hurt you baby. Never." He whimpered. "I-i know honey, i-i'll be okay. I promise." You spoke choking on your blood.
"Sammy?" You knew that familiar deep voice. It was Dean. "Sammy!" He repeated himself. "In here, Dean!" Sam yelled trying to hold back his tears.
"Sammy what's going o-" Dean was cut off by seeing the way you were faintly breathing in Sammy's arms. "What happened Sammy?" He asked, trying not to panic.
"I-i don't know, I turned around for 2 seconds and I turned back around and she was on the floor just bleeding." He said trying not to panic.
"Okay, it's okay [Y/N]. You'll be okay." "Here just put this on your wound. We'll get you to a hospital." Dean spoke while he held the piece of cloth on your wound.
Sam picked you up carefully trying not to hurt you. They eventually put you in the back seat and return to the front.
"You're gonna be okay. Just try and hold on baby." Sammy spoke looking at you through the rear view mirror.
"Sammy. I-it hurts." You spoke out. "I know honey. I know."
He hated that he had to see you like this. Especially when he's the one who got you into hunting. Sure, you knew about it. But, you never actually thought about hunting. You're dad was a hunter eventually, that's what got him killed.
That's what made you not want to hunt. It hurt like hell because your dad was the only thing you had left to call family. That was until, Sam and Dean Winchester.
"We're here hurry up." Dean spoke getting out the car and opening the back door to his car to slowly pick you up.
They rushed inside, and asked for a doctor. Eventually, you made it into a hospital room and were resting.
"Sam and Dean Winchester?" Spoke a female voice. "Uh yes, that's us." They spoke in unison. "Okay um, I'm not sure how to say this." "What's going on?" Asked Sam in a worrisome voice. "She's not doing well. She's lost a lot of blood. Her chances of survival are very very slim." "She'll have to be hospitalized until she recovers. If she does that is." The doctor expressed. "Okay thank you." She nodded and walked away.
"Her chances of survival are very very slim." That one sentence replayed in his head over and over and over again. He couldn't lose his best friend. Not now. This is when he needed you the most. He felt angry. Angry that he got you into this in the first place.
"Dean?" Sam said. "Yeah Sammy?" He asked. "Do you think she'll make it?" Sammy asked. "Yeah. She's a strong woman. She'll make it." Dean told him. "I hope so."
It had been days. You still haven't gotten any better. Maybe that was a sign. A sign that It was time to let go. Sammy was just sitting there listening to the beeping monitor. Sam was scared he was soon going to see the flat line that he didn't want to see. That neither of them wanted to.
But, it was too late. The sound he wished he didn't have to hear, he did. You're line went flat. "CAN WE GET A DOCTOR IN HERE" "PLEASE HURRY." A few doctors and nurses came running in, rushing to try and save you. "Okay sir, calm down. We'll try everything we can!" Yelled the nurse. "We're going to need you to step outside real quick." Spoke the doctor. "no no no no. I won't! That's my girlfriend!" Sammy yelled out trying not to cry. "I understand that sir but for now, you should leave!"
He obliged. Sammy didn't have another choice but to stand there and walk away. As he was walking away he Heard something that broke his heart, forever.
"Time of death? 3:26 AM"
He cried out in tears when he sat out in the waiting area. Sammy had called Dean on the phone crying. Telling him about what happened. It broke Dean apart to hear his brother cry and being told that one of his best friends was dead.
"Sammy, are you okay?" Dean asked rushing in. Sam didn't say anything but stand there and cry. Dean rushed to him and hugged. They were both devastated. Emotional. They had lost their one thing that made them their special trio.
"It's going to be okay Sammy." Dean spoke holding back tears.
"Dean, This could be the end of everything."
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opposums-love-arson · 10 months
Scream Queen Book 1: Conventional Final Girl
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The Epilogue
Chapter 8 / Masterlist
Hey guys, just letting you know after the epilogue I won’t be posting on this account anymore! I’ll keep it up for a while though. Anyways, if you want you can follow my main account @total-lost-boys-simp for more stories and eventually a sequal to SCB1CFG! It was great getting some new readers & just know this doesn’t mean goodbye! Thank you for everything!
It’s been what, a little less than a year? About eight months, I think. I still have these bone chilling dreams about Billy & Stu. One minute we’ll be close, watching a movie like Friday the 13th, Pieces, Maniac, or even Sleepaway Camp. Next I’ll hear the phone ring. Quickly I’ll say, “I’ll get it,” and move myself off the couch leaving a space between them. The person on the line will say, “Hello (y/n), it’s been a while,” instantly I could recognize it as Ghostface. Looking back at the couch the boys would be gone, no trace of them ever there. “Who is this?” I’ll ask, even though I know the answer all too well. I’d hear a laugh on the other line before being yanked back into someone’s arms. Looking at who it is I’ll be filled with dread just seeing the masked killer as they raise the knife over their head. Suddenly I’m being pulled away by a blood covered Stu saying, “We have to get help!” When I look back for the murderer we stop at a door…
Looking forward I’ll see the deranged killer in the stark white mask yet again but this time he’s taking it off to reveal himself as Billy looking in my direction with a Kubrick Stare. “We all go a little mad sometimes,” he says before raising a gun that barely misses me. That’s when I realize it’s not me he’s aiming for. The person he does shoot changes every time, it could be; Sidney, Tatum, Casey, Steve, or even Principal Himbry… but they say the same thing each time, “Save me (y/n),” before they bleed out on the floor. Next thing I knew both Billy and Stu come charging at me, tossing me to the ground. They’ll hold me down as they run the Buck 120 knife all along my body. It’s so vivid, I can feel the chilling alloy steel grazing my skin all the way from my jaw in my abdomen. They whisper nonsensical things in my face. And when one of them raises the knife above their head and plunge it into my body, everything just goes white.
“Hey, earth to (y/n)?” I hear Randy call me from the counter.
“Hm? What’s up?” I asked, snapping my head in his direction leaving my thoughts behind.
“You’ve been staring at the shelf for almost fifteen minutes,” He complains
“Guess there’s just too good of a selection?” I said with a false smile and a shrug.
“Yeah sure, just up and pick a movie,” Randy said, rolling his eyes.
“Jeez did anyone ever tell you that patience is a virtue?” I laughed out as I snatch up a copy of Amityville Horror.
“Still staying away from slashers?” Randy asks, a sympathetic look in his eyes.
“Yeah, they just remind me too much of that night…” I said, look down and scratching my arm.
“anyways...What are you and your dad gonna do tonight?” He asked, trying to change the subject.
“Hmm? Oh Neil just wanted to stay in and watch some movies, maybe order some pizza?”
“He adopted you over half a year ago, start calling him Dad for once!” Randy said, cackling at his own words.
“Yeah yeah whatever, see ya later!” I shouted as I left the store.
So much has happened since October of last year. The day after ‘That Night’ Neil told me about what Stu and Billy did to my mom. It was just Neil and I from then on so he decided that I should officially be his daughter! Neither of us see it as replacing Sid or my own parents, if anything we see it as a better way to remember them and keep them close. The town held a mass memorial for all of the victims. The individual funerals were hell. I just wanted to say goodbye to my friends, my mother and my sister but there were reporters and news vans at every turn.
It’s never been the same after I not only lost Tatum and Sindey but also… Stu and Billy. I get it, I shouldn’t have anywhere near a soft spot for those two but I do. I don’t excuse anything they did because it tore apart everything that made me happy in the world. That doesn’t mean I don’t see why they did it. Billy was hurt and driven mentally insane once his mother abandoned him because of the affair. And Stu, at the same time he might be a spoiled rich kid but he was also manipulated into all of it by Billy. In a way, neither of them had full control of what they did.
I like to think that had they not run away on ‘That Night’ they would’ve been sentenced but also would’ve been able to get the psychiatric help they really needed.
“Neil, I’m home!” I shouted as I opened the door. No response.
“Neil?” I called out again, suspicion rising in my voice. No response again.
“Are you here?” I asked, looking around the living room, the kitchen, upstairs in his room, Sid’s room, my room, every room in the house.
“Neil?!” I called out again this time with frantic breathing and hot tears itching at my skin.
“Oh woah, woah, kiddo it’s okay!” Neil came from around the corner running to me.
“I thought- I thought you were gone! That they took you! Where were you?!” I asked, clinging to his sleeves and he pulled me into a hug.
“Shh shh, I was in the garage working on the car, kid,” He said as he rocked me back and forth.
“I already lost mom and Sid. I don't want to lose you too, Dad,” I said as I thought back to how I found Sid and Tatum at Stu’s house…and the officer who sat me down to tell me how my mom passed away.
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m okay, we’re okay,” Neil softly said, trying to calm me down.
“Ya know what, you got a letter on the counter, looks like it might be from a family member, go take a look,” Neil said as he ruffled my hair.
Going downstairs I look on the kitchen counter, sure enough there’s an envelope with neat and somewhat familiar handwriting. Huh no return address, I thought to myself. I’m careful not to rip the paper as I open the envelope. As I looked inside I saw a few polaroids and folded paper inside. Taking the polaroids out ran my blood cold. One of them was a picture Mrs. Riley took of Sid, Tatum, and I from our final sleepover. The next was of our group at the fountain, all of us, but Sid and Tatum’s faces were crossed out and small Ghostface doodles were placed over Billy and Stu’s. The last two were pictures of me, Stu and Billy on Stu’s couch at one of our movie nights. Placing the pictures down I look at the paper… on the folded front said; To: (y/n), from: Yours Truly. The letter itself said;
Dear (y/n),
It’s been a while. We’ve really missed you. How’s your mom…oh wait. We just wanted to check in and let you know we’re doing fine after you killed us. Or well, almost killed us. We bet you’re wondering how we’re still alive, Right?
Well for starters, the knife? A retractable prop, bit of a let down since you didn’t actually stab Stu, right? Then that gun, we switched out Dew-fuses’ bullets for blanks while you ran to his car. Really explains how Randy lived. You most likely knew that already. Also when you kick someone against a coffee table, you should really check their pulse next time.
We hope you haven’t gotten too comfortable thinking we’re gone for good ‘cause trust us baby, we’re coming back for the sequal.
P.S. you should pick up the phone.
Yours Truly
Just as I finished reading the letter I heard a ringing from the telephone in the lounge area where Sidney got the call the night we were attacked. Cautiously I walked over to it, fear in my chest making my heart race and my palms sweat. “Hello?” I asked, swallowing nothing out of pure nervousness.
“Hello, (y/n), miss me?” Asked an all too familiar raspy off pitched voice.
“Oh shit.”
Tag list; @katie-tibo @thatoneuchiha @honeybee54321 @lolwey @livingordeadwhoknows @theomegaofvodka
I’m sorry for the inconsistent posting, please forgive me 😭 also let me know if I should put a sequal in the works? Thank you so much for reading!
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angelsanarchy · 11 months
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Alkaline: Euronymous x Y/N Series CH 12
Tagging: @ophelialaufey@madamemaximoff06@forever-not-gonna-sink@ajmiila02@liquidsmoothdomme@shady-the-simp @auggiethecreator
Oystein kept his distance for a day or two just to let Y/n cool off but by the time he made his way to the restaurant and saw her blank face staring at him coldly, he knew this was going to be harder to smooth over.
"Hey, I tried to call you the other day...I wanted to apologize." Y/n cleaned the table and walked away not even acknowledging him.
"Y/n please just talk to me for a second." Y/n walked through the kitchen door, letting it stop Oystein from speaking by adding separation between them.
"You aren't being fair in the slightest. I was a dick and I will admit that. I am sorry for saying what I said in front of everybody but I thought you understood." Oystein spoke through the door. It flew open, almost slamming into his face as she carried an arm full of napkins to refill the napkin holders.
"If you aren't going to eat, it's called loitering and you can be arrested." She mumbled not even bothering to look at him. Oystein watched her finish the napkins and followed her back to the supply closet before following her inside and standing in front of the door, blocking her exit.
"Please stop. Just...let me explain." Oystein put his hands out and she kept her eyes low, crossing her arms protectively over her body.
"I'm sorry I was an asshole. You didn't deserve that and I got carried away in front of the others." Oystein apologized again, something he never really did twice, even when he knew he was in the wrong for something.
"I didn't know Pelle was going to do that during the show. He's done it before but I figured maybe we had a few more shows before he opened himself back up again." Y/n finally looked at him sadly.
"Do you even hear yourself? Do you hear how absolutely fucked that sounds?" She asked pitifully.
"I don't know how to fix this Y/n. I can't control what he does, he's grown. All we can do is make sure he doesn't bleed out after the damn show." Oystein defended and Y/n kept her eyes trained on him with such a sadness, it made Oystein truly remorseful.
"This is not who I thought you were." She shook her head trying to grab the door handle but he stopped her.
"Wait, what do you mean?" Oystein asked confused.
"I mean that I didn't think you were this person. This blase about death or one of your friends offing himself just to get a crowd reaction." Y/n said finding her strength. Oystein let his head fall slightly.
"I told you, I can't control-"
"You're the leader of the band right? Mayhem is your band? You're the great Euronymous? Then tell me why you can't stop a member of YOUR band from trying to kill himself on stage? Why can't you find him some real help so he doesn't end up hanging from one of the trees in your front yard or with his blood all over the floor of the bathroom?" Tears stung Y/n's eyes and she hated that whenever she got this upset and angry, she couldn't control her eyes welling with tears.
"I thought you were this multifaceted guy Oystein, the guy who was a good son and brother by day, writing music about death and destruction only to preform it for his people at night, leaving all the blood and brutality in the notes that you played. I thought you cared about the people making art with you." She felt so stupid saying all of this out loud.
"I do care!" Oystein defended.
"You don't! You don't care because if you gave two shits about Pelle, you would have already taken him to hosptial for an evaluation." Y/n knew it was a cop out but he couldn't have it both ways. He can't claim to be the one in charge and have no say in what takes place at their shows. He can't say he cares about his friends and let them continuously harm themselves for an income.
"Tell me what to do. Tell me how to fix this because I hate that you're upset. I didn't even get to ask you what you thought about the music and that's what I wanted you to be there for." Oystein shook his head and Y/n could see the disappointment in his face.
"The music was amazing. You play with your heart." She put her hand on his chest and he took a deep breath.
"I think I could have listened to you play for hours but I won't be going to anymore shows. I just...I can't handle everything that comes with Euronymous." Now he felt like he had been gut punched.
"You were right and you warned me about reading you wrong. You are exactly who you said you were. Euronymous is not someone I want to be around." She stood firm in her words and Oystein clenched his jaw unsure of what to say. She finally gripped the door knob and pulled the door open, pushing past Oystein and leaving him in the closet alone.
Y/n knew it was a bad idea to get involved with Oystein. He convinced her things would be different but she had to experience that night to know it wouldn't be. All she could do was be happy that she didn't get more involved with him and that one of them would figure out a way to get Pelle some help.
She retrieve Oystein from the closet, eventually he stormed out of the supplies closet and out the front door of the restaurant, startling the current patrons and leaving Hammeed looking at Y/n for answers.
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sanjipotatoes · 10 months
A/N: this idea and concept is @moonnime's :D
also this consists a somewhat love triangle, implied sex,mentions of pregnancy, mentions of murderand mentions of abandonment and it doesn't have such a happy ending so if you don't like any of these just like skip this
pink = doffy
red = rosinante/corazon
blue = law
purple = reader
you were 8 years old when you met the Donquixote brothers.your father was a friend to their father and since you were mainly lonely at home your father took you with him to visit the Donquixote so you can play with the two boys and well you guys did get along but doflamingo loved you the most whenever you played hide and seek he would jump and hug you whenever and wherever he found you but an issue he had was that rosinante was always "in his way" and out of jealousy he did anything to try to impress and take your attention example you would be playing dolls with rosinante and doflamingo would catch your attention by doing something like "hey *reader* look what I can do!! :D" he attempted to do a cartwheel but since he was 8 and lacked balance his short little arms failed him and he fell on his face miserably you then got worried but he insisted he was okay and yet you still clapped and was impressed by him not because the cartwheel was good but because he had confidence and you liked that shortly after rosinante being the simple minded 6 year
old he wanted to try doing a cartwheel you thought it was a bad idea but Doffy let him do it to see him fall and assume that he will see your laughter "okay here we :)" rosinante says before attempting to cartwheel but instead falls down on the hard floor face first and when he sat up he started crying and you see his nose bleeding as doflamingo laughed "Doffy how could you laugh like that he's really hurt!!" you say upset at his rude gesture as you run to help rosinante .a little while after his mother treated his nose and gave him a bandage he came to you with a hibiscus flower he found "look *reader* I found this flower and im gonna give it to you because I love you :D" you accepted the flower and blushed "aww I love you too rosi!!"you said while doflamingo just watched in a huff
17 years have passed and you were 25 you had grown up old with the brothers and you married rosinante and you both would think Doffy would be happy for his brother and move on but no he was jealous he always found a way to try to separate you two and third wheel things you did together like example you would be on a bench sitting with rosinante and doflamingo would just randomly comes and shove rosinante to scoot to sit between you two and put an arm around you and talked while ignoring rosinante. a little while after you met law you treated him such like a son and rosinante noticed and asked if you wanted to have kids together "hey since you are good with kids I was wondering...would you like maybe..try having one of our own don't get me wrong I love law and all but maybe you would be happier with a child of our own" he said to you with a awkward smile and that day you left law with some snacks and toys to play with while you and rosinante went to a room somewhere and told law that if he needed anything just knock on the door five times.outside that room as hes playing with the stuffed polar bear and panda making them fight he hears noises coming from that room and he wondered
what was happening but decided to stay curious(even after years he still doesn't know what the hell happened in that room).then came another three years you were now 28 rosinante and law disappeared they said something about doflamingo but you didn't pay attention and after you realized they left you felt bad for not paying attention but you had hope they would come back so you could apologize and after months of waiting you go outside and in a distant you see a silhouette of a man with a large coat you stand up and assume its rosinante but the closer it got you saw it was doflamingo "Doffy oh whats a surprise :D umm what are you doing here exactly? I thought you would be with roro do you perhaps know where he is at" he opens his mouth "well he's.." he pauses then thinks about what he says next "he left." your eyes shot wide open in shock "what do you mean he left.." doflamingo looks down looking "upset" "he sended me over here to tell you that..he lost interest in you he found someone else and figured that they would make law happier than you would so he left" you froze and looked down as you cried you ran to doflamigo and snuggled in his coat for comfort as you cried your eyes out and while you couldn't see doflamingo couldn't help but grin,he finally won after 18 years of losing he won in the very end
during the years of your heart break doflamingo managed to grab the pieces all together and fix it he took care of you and did nothing but loving things to you so obviously eventually you falled for him and you then start reflecting on the past on how you felt bad for 18 years on how much you underestimated doflamingo I mean he did love you more than rosinante did and you then start believing that it was all a con rosinante never loved you at all and it was always doflamingo he truly was the one that loved you
after 20 years you are now 38 you married doflamingo and Became his queen to lead Dressrosa and the citizen were shocked to find out that YOU were his queen they expected you to be the Harley Quinn to his joker but..you were kind, you cared about your citizens and there was no mischief in you unlike doflamingo which you had no idea about his behavior because well he would play nice whenever you were around so whenever you were art with doflamingo you would always sensed fear in the citizen and always wondered why.after two months you started to feel nauseous and super sick and doflamingo in a panic called the best doctor there could be In Dressrosa to see whats wrong and cure me as fast as possible no matter the consequence and after a few test from the doctor he told you and doflamingo that you were with child and this got you happy
you always dreamed of having a child especially with the one you love but..something felt off despite you feeling excited having a child there was something empty but you decided to brush it off in 4 months you were now 6 months pregnant you grew a belly and doflamingo became more protective of you since he certainly didn't want anything happening to the future leader of Dressrosa and one day when finally agrees to let you out on your own a certain little pirate with a straw hat comes to Dressrosa along with a familiar person which you were in a bench just killing time till you felt a tap on your shoulder you look up and see a man with tattooed hands,earings
and a spotted hat and your eyes widened before he spoke "hello miss *reader*" you rub your eyes in shock thinking your hallucinating "I-i who are you and how do you know me" the man looked a bit sad and then says "miss *reader* its me law I know you don't recognize me from the tats and how much Ive grown but I obviously could recognize you you still look the same as ever even after 10 years I guess the saying "real queens never age" is true after all" you give him a gentle hug which makes him notice your belly "hey your pregnant now,who did you remarry?"he said out of curiosity as you giggled "only the nicest man I've ever known...doffy!! :D" you say out of joy as trafalgars eyes widen out of shock and he backs up and
looks real upset "WHAT!! THAT MONSTER!!"when he said that you got completely offend before he continued "YOU HAD THE AUDACITY TO MARRIED AND EVEN OPEN YOUR LEGS TO THAT COLD BLACK HEARTED-" you slapped law across the face and he holds it out of pain as you yelled "OH AND WOULDN'T YOU KNOW ABOUT MONSTERS AS YOU WERE RAISED BY ONE!" law looked confused "I don't know what you mean *reader*.." you yelled back "DON'T PLAY DUMB OR INNOCENT YOU KNOW HOW YOUR PRECIOUS "CORA-SAN" TOOK YOU AND LEFT ME BEHIND FOR ANOTHER WOMAN SINCE HE WAS TOO MUCH OF A COWARD TO SIMPLY TELL ME HE FELL OUT OF LOVE AND JUST THOUGHT ABANDONING ME WOULD BE THE SOLUTION" Law now understanding your point of view of things
"no miss *reader* your wrong its all wrong he didn't leave he died! your precious beloved husband killed him" you got taken a back and shook your head "no...thats not true" trafalgar looked at you "he died freeing me...so he didn't leave you he loved you so much after we left he would go none stop talking about how much he misses you so who even told you about that lie and how could you ever believe it" you looked down "it was..doffy I believed him because I figured since hes his brother he knew him better than I ever did..." you say ashamed as law nods in understand "well another thing about doflamingo was that his mindset about you is that if he can't have you then nobody else can until he gets you so he lied to you ever since"
you start sniffling and crying as law looks down on you "its not too late you know.." you shake your head "no...it is too late...I can't have my child without their father even if he is doflamingo" law just blinked before you said "I'll try my best to help you with whatever your doing but im sorry I cannot leave him either I hope you understand" law just opens his mouth about to protest but he held it back understanding your situation and walks away as you now know the truth and how you made a decision and now suffering consequence..so your trapped now having to raise a child with doflamingo
alternate ending:you end up committing suicide 1 week after giving birth to the baby you were planning on doing it months before but you figured that if your going down the hole you shouldn't drag the child along with you so you just left the child for doflamingo to raise on his own selfish yes but you didn't know what else to do surely you couldn't give it to law since you didn't wanna put an extra weight of responsibility on his shoulders so that was your only option and as your suicide note just tells doflamingo on how you now know the truth and describing how much you despise him now for taking your TRUE soulmate away from the world and from you and before you shot yourself your last words were "see you soon rosi." and then bang
doflamingo's,the Donquixote Pirates and Dressrosa citizens reaction to when you agreed to be his lover after 18 god forsaken years for him:
once again credit for idea is @moonnime
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multifamdomfan · 11 months
Hi, if requests are still open and if you still write for Hamilton could I request an imagine where the fem!reader was Alex’s wife, they met and fell in love during the Winter's ball. And, she first met him when she was in the war (dressed as a man) but Alex never knew it was her until he found out himself. And maybe has a near-death experience fighting in a duel for any reason you want. And years later, she maybe becomes a lawyer/statesman or whatever as long as she's not a housewife and she finds out Alex had an affair and she like goes to Laurens for comfort but he ends up confessing he has loved her since day one when they met at the Winter's ball but saw she was so much happier with Alex (and it's kind of like an Angelica situation.) and how he would have never if he knew that was what Alex was going to do to her. And finally, he asked her to be with him. Also, could you please make the reader Washington's adopted daughter? I know it's a lot but even if you don't do it, thank you for just reading it. I just kinda wanted a lot of angst followed by fluff but since I can't stand the thought of having been with some who cheated on me and didn't love me, could you please make Alex still love the reader but realize if he wanted her to be happy, he would have to let her go and as soon as the Reader is thinking "You know what? I should forgive." He just dies. I feel bad for the Reader, not gonna lie. Thank you again. <33
Prompts: "May I have this dance?" (Hamilton to Reader) "Shit, are you bleeding?!" (Hamilton to Reader) “You need to leave. Right now.” (Reader to Hamilton) “You need to let her go.” (Anyone who seems right to Hamilton) "Those things you said yesterday… Did you mean them?" (Laurens to Reader) But hey, it’s up to you, I'm just giving suggestions on what I was thinking.
Note: And yes, in my fantasy world, Laurens doesn't die and is still alive in Act II.
😮😍 I love this request! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I hope you don't mind but I'm turning this into a two part.
warning: angst,character death,cheating
Why does love hurt so much? Pt. 1
I was reading my book in my room when my dad, George Washington, knocked gently against the door. Well if you want to get technical he's my adoptive dad. My biological parents when I was young and was sent to the orphanage when George and his wife ,Martha, adopted me. I closed my book and put it down and called out "Come in!" When Dad came in I immediately knew that something was wrong. He was fiddling with his hands and his eyes cast down onto the floor looking frantic. "What is it father?"
"Y/N I need to tell you something," I looked at him curiously while Dad was looking like he was trying to find the right words to say. "There is really no way to say this but I'm going to go to war." He said this quickly and nervously watching to see how I'll react.I didn't respond, not at first I looked at him with a blank expression trying to comprehend what he just said.
"What?" He remained silent like he was waiting for me to tell, scream, or do something. "Let me come with you, I can help!"
"No! You're not coming, it's too dangerous."
"But you're going! You will be there to look after me and you taught me to use a gun since I was ten!"
"I won't always be there to look after you, I couldn't live with myself if something happened to you. Just promise me that you won't follow me."
I sighed in defeat "I promise." Dad came up to me and hugged me. I hugged back thinking about how I lied to his face.
I put my hair that's now shoulder length and tied my hair up. I looked down at myself with my uniform on with bandages over my breast to flatten them out. I nodded at my reflection in approval before walking out of my tent. My dad found out that I was pretending to be a man to fight in the war immediately but he kept my secret.
I approached my friends Lafayette, Hercules, John, and Alexander. We became friends quickly, and no. They have no idea that I'm a woman and plan to keep it that way. There is one problem, I developed a crush on one of the four men. It's Alex, I couldn't help it. He's passionate, smart, and kind. "Hey James!" Hercules called over to me.
Yes James is the name that I chose because it was my biological dad's name. "Hi." I responded, lowering my voice and octive to keep from sounding too feminine. I sat next to Alexander and joined in on the conversation before we heard a loud noise. We all turned our heads to see what it was. It was the red coats, we sprung into action grabbing our guns.
There was death all around us with an overwhelming smell of blood but we had to keep moving I killed a couple men before they could kill me first. Then I was a man aiming for Alexander about to shoot, without thinking I shoved him out of the way and took the bullet. All I could hear was a distant yelling at the word "James!" He quickly rushed over and got in my field of vision. "Shit, you're bleeding."
"You need to leave. Right now." I responded not wanting him to find out. Alex ignored what I said and ripped my shirt off and saw the bandages being soaked with blood. He looked shocked at first but knew it wasn't the time to talk about it and used my shirt to apply pressure to the wound and rushed me to the medics.
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undertheopensky · 9 months
Life First
Whumptober Day 23: Alt #12 Broken
Characters: Four, Sky
Trigger warnings: Broken bones, violence to a child, (if you personally consider Four a child)
Read on Ao3!
Merry fucking Christmas.
It sounds like a stick snapping beneath a thick layer of mud.
Four’s back arches, a high, wavering shriek caught behind his teeth. When he slumps, gasping and whimpering, only the whites of his eyes are visible below half-closed lids.
If there wasn’t razor steel at his throat Sky would have already lunged. As it is, he can feel his lips peeling away from his teeth in a snarl, and the tension running through him is definitely making the Yiga at his back sweat a little.
Good. They deserve much worse.
In a flash of red smoke the two grunts pinning Four down vanish. The blademaster, boot still pressed to Four’s thigh, remains, surveying his handiwork. “It’ll do,” he says at last, and steps back.
Four keens combined relief and agony. Sky twitches; feels hot blood run down his collarbone as the sickle grazes skin.
The blademaster laughs.
“Worry not - this is merely insurance. You’d never leave your friend behind, but there’s no way he’ll be able to keep up with you now. If you choose to carry him, you won’t be able to evade us, nor fight should you happen to come across your weapons. Can’t have you leaving before the real Hero shows up.”
Behind the featureless mask, the blademaster gives the impression of a self-satisfied smile.
“And if you do choose to abandon him… well. At least one of you will live to regret it.”
The next instant, he’s gone, along with the blade at Sky’s throat.
The choking clouds of scarlet don’t slow Sky down in the slightest. He ignores their acrid tang in favour of getting to Four, dropping to his knees so fast he nearly skins them, and fumbles for his hand, for some way of helping when he knows there’s nothing he can do.
Incredibly, Four clings back.
“It’s okay, I’m not leaving you, I won’t, we’ll be fine,” Sky says, over Four’s harsh panting.
Four opens his mouth, maybe trying to speak, but all that comes out is a strangled whimper.
“It’s okay,” Sky says again. Useless isn’t a feeling he appreciates; the Yiga had taken Fi, his bags, everything he could potentially have made a splint out of. They’d even taken his fucking sailcloth. “I’ll figure something out. You’ll be okay.”
Scanning the cell, he has to hope he’s not making a liar of himself. Unadorned stone blocks and heavy wood don’t offer much opportunity. Even if it didn’t look like it weighed as much as Koloktos, the gate had ‘clunked’ into place with the resonance of a lock sliding home, and Sky doubts either of them could fit through the narrow spaces between its palings.
He’s not gonna let that stop him, though. He squeezes Four’s hand again. “It’ll be alright. I won’t leave you. I won’t leave you to - whatever the fuck these fuckers -”
“Wha-wha-what’s stopping them, stopping them from doing it anyway? You-you-you need to get-get out of here, S-s-sky.”
Sky ignores this completely in favour of pulling off his overtunic. The white face, the chattering teeth, the stammer - was Four going into shock? Wasn’t there a massive blood vessel right by the bone in the leg? Fuck, he hopes Four isn’t bleeding out right in front of him, Sky thinks. Laying the tunic over Four’s torso as a makeshift blanket, he glances fruitlessly around the cell again, praying for inspiration.
Heart lurching, Sky quickly turns back to Four. “What’s that? I’m sorry, did I pull on you?” He starts trying to disentangle his hand, but Four’s tight grip doesn’t falter.
“N-no. The rope. Cut - cut the c-crossbar free.” Four points with one shaking hand.
The crossbar - on the gate, of course. The palings are held together by a long beam near the bottom, if Sky can cut it loose he might be able to force a gap wide enough to escape. Except -
“I don’t have anything sharp, they took all my weapons.” He scans the floor for loose rocks he could shape into a cutting edge.
“I - I do. Boot knife.”
That’s honestly not surprising. The smithy keeps half an armoury tucked away in various pockets; it would have been weirder if the Yiga hadn’t missed one. It sure as hell works in their favour now. “Where is it? Which foot?”
Because of course the knife has to be in the boot on the broken leg. Sky grimaces. “Okay. I’m gonna move slow, okay?”
Sky definitely jostles him more than once working the knife free, though Four doesn’t so much as squeak through Sky’s whispered apologies. Sky squeezes his hand one last time before turning to the gate.
The rope is coarse and heavy, but any blade owned by Four is kept razor-sharp, and Sky makes steady progress sawing through key points. Near the edge, so the shadows half-hide it, in case of someone walking past - not that there’s been anyone since they were first dumped here. It seems like this area of the Yiga’s base isn’t well-travelled. Lucky for them.
Sky gets two logs free of the bar and starts wedging his foot and leg between them. If he can just work them another couple of inches apart -
But they’re thick and solid and not particularly given to movement. He has to stop, gasping for breath, before trying again, the force of it burning through his calf and his hip where his leg is cocked awkwardly out to the side. “Who designed this thing,” he hisses to himself, and braces for another go.
“S-sky,” Four gasps, and he abandons the attempt immediately in favour of scrambling back to him.
“What’s wrong, are you okay -” how can I help, he means but doesn’t ask, because how can he help, with no potions and no supplies?
Four takes a moment to gather himself, breathing shallow and hitched. “Luh-leverage. Y’need… leverage.” Struggling for words through the haze of pain. Sky takes a moment to check his pulse - a little fast, still strong, not too bad. “Th’ crossbar - use it - as a pry. Too strong.”
Sky considers. He’s making no progress as it is. And if he keeps enough of the rope intact -
Aha. “Got it,” he breathes, and moves back into action.
It’s a damn good thing no one’s come down here, because there’s no way they’d miss the mess that he makes of the gate - crossbar down, shreds of rope everywhere, and one serious trip hazard poking out the bottom while Sky wrestles it into place. At one end of it he’d left the rope and bulky knots attached so he can do what he’s doing now: throw his whole body weight into the other end of the rope, looped just once around a paling further down. As Four had said - he needed leverage, and this makeshift pulley system is going to give him that leverage.
Apparently he’d picked up more from Groose than he’d thought.
The rope groans worryingly. Sky hadn’t been entirely successful in leaving it undamaged as he pried it out of its knots; a couple times he’d had to shave the edges a bit to convince it to come free. He can only hope it holds long enough. It’d be a pretty useless pulley system without a connecting line, and he’s not quite ready to sacrifice his belt to the cause.
(He will, if it comes down to it. He’d just rather keep his pants on if at all possible.)
There’s another groan, and then a crack. Swearing, Sky falls back on his ass as the tension goes out of the rope - fuck, he’s gonna wind up doing this escape in just his tunic, isn’t he -
Wait, no. The crack had been the paling giving way. Eager and apprehensive in equal measure, Sky studies the new hole.
It’s… not ideal. The log had broken low, less than a foot off the ground. If he crawls, gets his shoulders low where the gap is widest, Sky can just make it through. But there’s no way Four will be able to do the same, not with his leg busted up. Sky will have to drag him. But would he survive that?
In truth, Sky’s been trying not to think about it. As he worked on the door he’d been wracking his brain for what he remembered about broken legs, and it had just made him more anxious. He’s sure that Four is okay right now - he’s in pain, but breathing steadily, shock staved off temporarily - but that’s going to change as soon as he moves him. In fact, without a splint or something to keep his leg steady, moving him could well kill him.
(But leaving him here would be worse.)
“Four,” Sky says, slipping back to his prone form and taking his hand, “Four, I cracked the gate, there’s a hole now.”
“G-good. Get out of here, S-s-sky.”
Despite his stubborn words - Four’s frightened. It’s in the white of his eyes and his gritted teeth and his knuckles where he clings to Sky’s hand. As his mouth says leave me and everything else says don’t leave me.
“Four, I need you to listen to me, and listen all the way through,” Sky says, unyielding. “Can you do that?”
If Four’s in too much pain to focus – if Sky has to make this decision and then live with the consequences –
Four grunts and cracks one eye. Still clear, still alert.
“Your leg is bad, but holding for now. If I move you, it could kill you. If you don’t want to risk it, and you can swear to me that’s the only reason, I’ll leave you here - briefly - and come back with healing supplies as soon as I can.”
Four opens his mouth, probably to argue; Sky ploughs on.
“If I carry you out of here, it’s a straight run to the exit, as fast as I can make it - we’ll have to come back for our gear, because as soon as I disrupt whatever’s going on in there –” he waves a hand at Four’s leg, disconcertingly swollen – “we’re on a time limit. And if we don’t make it out within that time limit, and find help, you’re going to die. I won’t do that to you without your say so.”
“S’not safe,” Four says. “I’ll just – s-slow you down. Be quicker – if you run without me – an’ get help.”
“There is no option that involves me leaving you behind in this hellhole,” Sky says frankly.
Making a frustrated noise, Four thumps his head against the floor. “Why not – jus’ carry me – t’our gear – an’ heal up there? I know – I’ve got – ‘nough potions – t’ deal with this.”
“Because I remember the way out, but I don’t know where they took our things,” Sky says. “And I don’t know if I could find them in time before –” his throat closes over. Before you bleed out.
Four grunts again. He doesn’t say anything this time, though, and seems to be genuinely thinking it over. Heart in his throat, Sky waits.
He tries one last time to convince him. “S’not safe. Y’d have a – better chance – if y’left me – behind.”
“You know damn well that’s not gonna happen.”
Four whines and flexes his hands like he’d like to strangle him. Then, finally:
He takes another shuddering breath; Sky squeezes his hand.
“Take me with you. Let’s get the f-fuck out of here.”
“You got it, buddy,” says Sky.
First is the awkward operation of getting them both out. Sky has to move Four to the exit, as close as possible, then wiggle through himself before reaching back to drag Four through. “This’ll hurt,” Sky warns him.
Four’s already shoving his leather-covered forearm in his mouth, so his response comes out slurred. “Jus’ ge’ on wi’ it.”
Sky grits his teeth, makes sure his hands are secure in Four’s armpits, and heaves.
Four’s howl is muffled by the bracer.
It’s not far to go, thank the goddesses. Sky tries to make it happen in one smooth motion and doesn’t quite manage. But he gets Four’s shoulders close enough to the gap, then very awkwardly crawls over the top of him to wiggle through first. Four’s too preoccupied with trying to breathe to notice Sky doing his best not to knee him in the face.
Time or even Warriors would not have fit through the hole – even Sky had had to worm his shoulders through at an uncomfortable angle. It’s a good thing Four’s even smaller. Sky rolls out his shoulder, grimacing at the twinging complaints – nothing pulled, just cranky. He’s fine.
Now for the hard part.
Sky gets back down on his belly – there’s no other way to reach in – and touches Four’s shoulder. Damn, how is he going to get a decent hold from this angle? “Hey. Brace yourself.”
Again, Four’s scream of pain is stifled in thick leather. Sky cringes, both at knowing he’s causing his brother such agony and at the way the noise echoes off the stone. They can’t stay undetected forever, but the longer they can go –
No use worrying about it. They’re both out of that cell, even if Four’s weeping through gritted teeth at what it took to get them there. Sky gently tugs Four’s wrist free of his teeth to start pulling him over his shoulder.
Shuddering, Four tries to wave him off. “S-stop, wait, gimme a minute –”
“We don’t have a minute,” says Sky, implacable, and hauls Four up.
This time, his shriek weakly peters out. He’s still breathing – Sky can feel the unsteady puffs against his shoulder – but that last effort had been too much for Four. He’s out.
In all honesty, it’s probably best this way. Sky can pin Four’s broken leg against his chest to minimise jostling, without worrying about if it was hurting him.
He just hopes he stays unconscious until they’re well clear of the hideout.
With Four’s body locked in place over his shoulders Sky sets off. He doesn’t know what’s down the corridor to the left and can’t risk it being a dead end, so he heads right, back the way they’d come. Even then, his anxiety rises – he can see the end of it from here, blank and shadowed and featureless, but he swears they’d come this way, there has to be a door or something.
Then, as he comes level with it, a gap in the stone opens up. There’s nothing – magical, or mechanical about it. It was just hidden by perspective and the careful shadows. If it’s all like this he’s going to have to be so careful –
At the peak of the stairs, Sky pauses.
Here the passage turns from stone to wood, wrapping around the second floor of a cavernous room like a balcony – and he can hear metal on metal and grunts of exertion. Cautiously, he peers over the railing.
Down below, half a dozen Yida foot soldiers are sparring. They’re using the sickles Sky is already familiar with and another, full-circle spiked razor of a thing to practice lethal-looking strikes. Even as he watches, one of them muffs a parry and yelps when blood is drawn.
None of them are looking up, and he’d like to keep it that way.
There’s no way they can look like they’re meant to be here, so their best bet is to not be spotted at all. Fortunately the balcony is heavily shadowed, and by sticking to the far wall and moving in a low profile, Sky can avoid attracting notice. He creeps along the edges, trying not to flinch at every crash and ‘ha!’, and nearly has heart failure when an archer teleports onto the top of a nearby platform. Luckily, their back is turned, and they just fire off a few arrows for their fellows to dodge before vanishing again. Sky breathes a sigh of relief and slips out the door.
This next set of stairs, he remembers, open up straight onto the floor of another room. A single, central pillar built up out of wood sits in the middle. He has no idea what it’s for and also doesn’t care, except that he can’t see if the room is clear, and he can’t exactly stand around waiting. Sky gets as far as the pillar itself and cautiously peers around it – and scrambles back just in time to avoid the huge katana that slashes down.
Sky backs away as the blademaster rounds the wooden tower. “You know, I was just thinking to myself,” he remarks, almost conversationally. “If we’re being technical – we don’t even need you alive, really. Your bodies will make a good enough lure.” He raises his weapon for a strike.
Sky can see the path the greatsword will take – observes the ripple of magic along the blade – sidesteps, and lets the razor’s edge of both blaze past him. He doesn’t give the blademaster a chance to recover – as soon as the blow passes he’s racing forward. If he wasn’t carrying Four he’d use the solid force of his shoulder to drive the wind out of them, but instead he sidesteps a grab, feints back, and as he darts back the other way to get past he slams his leg up.
He’ll have a bruise later – his shin had made contact with something too solid to be anything except a protective cup – but for now it doesn’t matter. The blademaster crumples and Sky has a clear shot to the stairs.
No point trying for stealth anymore. Sky takes them two at a time, feeling the burn in his thighs, and hits the landing at a dead run. Round the corner, over the bridge, flashes of colour through the railings –
Hanging floor to ceiling, a tapestry blocks the corridor. For a second panic wells – had he forgotten a corner, gotten turned around, were they lost trapped captured again – before Sky spots the edges fluttering in a breeze he can’t feel and the faint glow of firelight from behind it and remembers –
He doesn’t hesitate, just ducks to the side so the brocade can’t tangle around them, and they’re in a circular room lined by stairs and identical tapestry-covered passages and which one which one he remembers a shift to the right and angles left and thank the goddesses the first tapestry he pulls aside has dunes of gathered sand and the taste of desert ozone.
Scarlet smoke and laughter. Out of time. But – if it had to be anywhere –
Sky leaps back from the exit in time for the heavy fabric to flap back in the face of an archer who’d just teleported in. Others poof into existence, strips of paper fluttering down, and start to circle, to cut off any escape. Backing up, step by step, Sky passes through the line of braziers, and hesitates on the central pedestal as if realizing he had nowhere to run. The raised platform gives him a good vantage point, lets him count masked faces peering up at him – at least eight, maybe more, jeering gleefully as they crowd closer.
Sky waits, tense and ready, until one draws their bowstring back – then he whirls, one leg extended, and sends embers scattering all around the room.
There are screams of surprise and pain. The effect is the same: every Yiga scrambling away from the bite of the flames, while Sky runs through them, unafraid.
The base itself is hewn from stone, but there are enough flammable objects in the antechamber alone to keep them busy. Sky’s gone to the chill place in his heart where only the next few seconds matter, the place that had kept him alive when all he wanted to do was lie down and die. It doesn’t matter that the fire is a short-lived distraction, doesn’t matter that they’ll catch up all too soon – for the next few seconds, all that matters is there’s no hands reaching for him, no weapon’s edges near enough to harm.
The searing heat of desert wind has never felt so much like triumph.
Stone floor gives way to sand. Sky takes a moment to be thankful the Yiga had left them their boots – they’re not even in the sun yet and he can feel the heat of it even through the leather.
Though burning hot, the sand’s not as deep as he’d expected. There’s even bare patches where rock’s been blasted clean, presumably by the wind screaming through the canyon. Darting between them gives Sky a brief reprieve from trying not to slip on the sand, gives him a solid platform to push off from and gain a few precious yards of distance.
As the canyon narrows and closes in Sky’s showered with grit from above – more sand, tossed off the peaks by the wind. He’s got no hands free to shield his eyes so all he can do is duck his head and run through it. Then the path diverges and Sky has to hesitate because he doesn’t remember this, the trip had gone in nauseating flashes of teleportation but he only remembers long and near-featureless stone walls so which way which way –
Down, it had to be down, the left is too open and flat and he’d remember passing quite so many creepy frog statues on their way in, and there’s the slim possibility of cover in the various ledges and outcrops. Up til now the canyon’s offered nothing, and while Sky can’t risk stopping and hiding, he’ll take the opportunity to break line of sight.
He heads down.
Four stirs as he passes the first ledge. His head tilts against the pull of gravity as Sky stumbles.
“Sorry, sorry,” Sky whispers, and his footing fails again and they both jolt with it. “I’m sorry, Four, we’re nearly there, just a little longer –”
He just makes a noise too soft to be a groan and goes still again.
Sky wishes he could spare a hand to check Four’s pulse.
There’s no bare spots now. The sand’s gotten deep, caught between the tall stone walls, and it’s real work for Sky to keep up the pace. At least this is mostly downhill, he thinks, though the slope is too shallow for – oh, nice, as they pass under an outcrop the rock walls start to drop away, and the sand does too. There must be a supporting shelf underneath that the cliffs spring up from, and without it, sand tumbles away in a steep dune that would be awful to climb in this heat.
But Sky’s not climbing today. Making sure Four is still secure, still breathing, Sky steps forward onto the looser sand. One leg stays loose, to push and to steer; the other he locks at the knee, and slides down the sand like his own foot is a sled. The more distance they can get the better – without supplies, the heat of the desert will wear him down fast. Not to mention the still-pursuing Yiga.
A flash of smoke; Sky’s duck sends him skidding forward and the sickle aimed at his shoulder misses completely. The sand makes him fumble. He tries to stand, slips and falls to one knee, stands, takes two sweeping strides and almost falls again. Fuck sand.
Fortunately it’s also hampering the Yiga. The one he’d dodged is still tumbling down the sand dune some fifty yards away now, and a second who’d teleported in had, after firing a poorly-aimed arrow, immediately fallen over with a shriek when gravity reasserted itself.
Sky would probably find it funnier if not for his brother potentially bleeding out over his shoulders.
Still, their inability to find their feet means they’re following the slope of the dune. Sky angles off, pointing himself in the direction of a stone pillar-monument looking thing. Even a few seconds out of the sun will help though nothing can be done for the way his heart is thundering –
He’s far too close when a silhouette separates itself from the shadows at the base of the pillar. Sky kicks up a whirl of sand, hoping to blind them for a few precious seconds –
His eyes catch on blonde and indigo and his brain goes !!!
“Wild!” he blurts out, coming full circle and blinking in disbelief. Wild isn’t wearing the heat-resistant silks – it’s a dark-coloured bodysuit similar to the Yiga, which was why Sky’s instincts had reacted the way they did. His silhouette is near-identical, except his hair is pinned in a bun instead of a scruffy topknot. “You, what, how did you find us? No, wait, nevermind, we need to get to Hyrule now –”
Say what you wanted about Wild’s recklessness and mischief. In an emergency, he’s all business, and quick on the uptake besides. He hooks an arm around the spot Sky is gripping Four’s wrist, so they’re both in contact with him, and taps at the Slate.
They dissolve into blue light.
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matthewscherrypie · 5 months
༊*·˚ the cut that always bleeds.. 🩸🩹 M.S
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W A R N I N G S: angst, situationship, sex, alcohol, smoking, kinda toxic Matt?, fighting, swearing, no happy ending
S U M M A R Y: friends with benefits with Matt turns into the biggest heartbreak you’ve ever experienced when you catch feelings but he doesn’t.
4 months ago..
Matt’s hands roamed all over my body, touching every crevice on me, while he pumped in and out of me repeatedly, it was a heavenly feeling I could not get enough of.
After that night, we both agreed it would not be the last time.
It just kept happening, i would find myself in his bed almost every night, and i would find us hooking up at every party we showed up to together.
We agree’d no strings attached, but I can’t help but fall for him more and more every day.
Matt cleans you up with the rag that was already laying on his floor from yesterday, “I think I’m gonna go” you say, as he stands up and throws the rag in the laundry.
“Why?” He asks. Deep down in your head you know why. You cannot lay on his chest while he plays with your hair again, you cannot go on another late drive to get food and have a deep talk together again, you just can’t.
Your heart falls in love with him a little more every time you spend time with him, “i just need to leave” you say.
“Well okay, bye y/n.” He says while kissing your cheek.
You let out a quick “bye” while tying on your shoes and heading out the door.
You get in your car and start heading towards your apartment which you shared with your best friend Ava.
Ava was the only one who knew about your feelings for Matt, and it was gonna stay that way. Right..?
🎶 I can’t be your lover on a leash, every other week when you please. 🎶
“I just can’t do it anymore Ava” you say while eating ice cream sitting on your shared couch. “I wanted nothing more but to just hold him and kiss him but I know if I would, it would just kill me even more.”
“You have to let him go” Ava says, “no no, I can get over these stupid feelings I know I can.” “I just can’t let him go” you say.
You feel a buzz in the pocket of your baggy sweatpants, you grab your phone to see it’s Matt.
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“You have to ignore him girl” Ava says. “I know” you say.
No matter how much it pained you you know Ava is right. So you do just that, you ignore him.
Next thing you know you hear your phone start buzzing again, this time Matt is calling you.
You cant help yourself so you pick up.
“Hello?” Matt says with a confused tone in his voice
“Hey” you say.
“Why didn’t you answer my text?” Matt says, sounding almost concerned.
“I just didn’t, why do you care so much” I say.
I dont wanna be rude, but if I wasn’t then I know I would end up just acting like his little side hoe again, and I couldn’t keep doing that.
“Wow someone’s grouchy” he says.
“Matt what do you want, why did you call”
“Why are you getting so upset with me?” Matt says.
“Did I do something”
“Matt just leave me alone.” I say while hanging up.
- - -
🎶 cause you keep me on a rope, and tied a noose around my throat. 🎶
Fuck me. I think to myself, as I stand in this random persons house, at a party I was invited too last minute.
“Cmonnn, you gotta loosen up a bit” Madi says. I know she’s right, but all I wanna do is look for Matt and lay on his chest while his soft gentle fingers run through my hair.
“Maybe you could find someone else to hook up with even” Ava says. “Okay..fineee” I say.
While glancing around the room trying to find someone at least a little attractive, I see Matt with a random blonde tracing his tattoos and giving him “fuck me” eyes.
I move my eyes down a little bit and see his hand on her ass. Fuck, I think to myself.
As the tears start forming at my eyes, I feel my chest start to tighten.
I run through the crowd trying not to make it obvious that I’m upset, until I find a door and open it, only to find 2 random people fucking each other. “Sorry!” I say while storming out.
I find another door and open it, thank god nobody’s in this one. My back hits the door and I slide down it while heavy sobs escape my mouth.
I hear a knock at the door, “hey y/n you in there?” I hear from a familiar voice, Matt’s voice.
I try to stay silent but then once I feel the door push my back foward, I realize that I forgot to lock the door.
“What’s wrong, baby?” The words escape his mouth so easily, yet effect me so much.
“I’m fine, Matt really just leave me alone” I say.
“No, what is wrong? It’s obvious I did something.” He says.
I’m in love with you Matt. I wanna say, but of course, I don’t.
“Did you not fin- fuck y/n you didn’t finish did you.” He says.
“Oh my god Matt yes I fucking finished dumbass” I say.
“I think you just need to loosen up” he says, picking me off the ground gently
Before I know it, he turns me around an slams me against the door
He slowly lifts up my dress with his hands, and moves my underwear to the side.
Without a warning, he inserts 2 fingers into me. “Fuck matt” I say.
“Now.. you wanna tell me what’s wrong?” He says.
“It’s nothing I’m just going through a tough time right now” I say, breathing heavily and trying not to moan.
- - -
🎶you know what your doing when your coming back, and I don’t wanna have another heart attack🎶
He puts my clothing back on, kissing all over my body. “So pretty” he says. “And your all mine” he says. Killing me
“fuck I love you” he says. Killing me.
I agree to go back to his house and hangout for a bit. I knew I shouldn’t, but at the end of the day he is also my best friend and I just missed it.
“you know, i enjoy fucking, but I also just enjoy your presence and hanging out with you.” He says while rubbing my thigh. Killing me.
“Yeah me too” I say. “Then why have you been so distant?” He says. I know I shouldn’t admit anything, but maybe he deserves to know something at least.
“Well when we were at the party earlier, and I saw your hand on that girls ass” “I kinda got upset and I-“ I say before he cuts me off
“Y/n, we never agreed to not seeing other people.” “We are just friends with benefits right?” He says.
“Right.” I say. Killing me
- - -
🎶 but even though your killing me, yeah 🎶
Everything he is doing is killing me. The kisses and praises he leaves all over my body after sex killed me.
Every time I seen him go on a date, or dancing with another girl at a party killed me.
But most importantly, every time he has to remind me that we are just friends kills me.
I know this is not good, I know leaving his house bawling my eyes out was not good for me.
Everyone tells me I need to tell him. My therapist, my friends, even his brothers, which now know about my feelings because I mean come on it’s pretty obvious.
It could be the fact that it’s midnight, or the fact that that I smoked 2 j’s, but i think its time to tell him.
I get into my car, put some music on and before I can think I start driving.
- - -
I arrive at his door, and immediately knock. Nick & Chris don’t stay up that late but Matt does so Matt answers the door.
“Hey y/n, you didn’t tell me you were coming”
“I know” I say. “Can I come in?”
“Yeah sure” he says. Opening the door wider for me to come in.
We arrive to his room, and the tension is high. He can tell something’s off, and my heart is pounding out of my chest.
“Y/n what the fuck is wrong?” “You ignore me, and then we have sex and you don’t let me even hold you!”
“I don’t fucking understand, you say your going through a tough time but you don’t tell me anything!” He says.
“Matt it’s cause I’m fucking in love with you.” I say.
…. The silence is a unbearable amount of loud and the air becomes even more tense if that’s possible
“Every time you kiss me it kills me because I know we won’t ever be able to do that without fucking.”
“Every time you hold me, it kills me because I know your just doing it because you just nearly took my ability to walk away.”
“Every time you call me yours it kills me because I know that I’m not, and I never will be”
“I thought maybe if I ignored you it would get better and these feelings would pass but the more I ignored you the more it hurt and I couldn’t take it anymore” I say.
“I can’t just fucking be your lover when you want me to be, and then see you eye fucking a ton of other girls at parties” I say
“You don’t deserve this, you don’t deserve me. I caught feelings and this is all my fault.”
“But I also don’t deserve this, I don’t deserve to feel like I’m getting stabbed anytime I come near you.” I say while leaving his room and slamming the door on my way out.
My chest feels tighter then it ever has, but I also somehow feel relieved. I finally let it out, I don’t feel so locked up anymore.
I run out of the house ignoring all of the “y/n wait!” “Y/n comeback” s that come out of his mouth.
- - -
🎶 beat my heart to black and blue 🎶
When I arrive home, I walk in sobbing and Immediately drop to the floor.
“Oh my god y/n what happened” Ava says.
I am on the verge of passing out, everything around me is tuned out and my eyes are blurry, quite frankly I don’t know how I survived the drive home. I felt light headed and like I was about to puke.
“Y/n stay with me, everything’s going to be okay” Ava says.
- - -
Everything from that night is a blur. I know what happened and I know what I did, but all the details are erased from my brain.
My room reeks of alcohol, weed, and just disgustingness considering I haven’t cleaned my room, nor got out of my bed for 4 days.
I haven’t gotten any messages from Matt, he hasn’t came here, he’s just gone.
There’s been music blaring in my room for 3 hours straight, the songs going from sad, to chill, to hype music where I start convincing myself I’m over it until it turns back into sad music again.
“The cut that always bleeds” by Conan Grey turns on, and I immediately turn it all the way up.
This song can explain me and Matt’s relationship more then I can, and I can’t listen to it without bawling my eyes out.
“Oooh, oooh, but even though your killing me” I sing while my head lays back on my headboard
Tears start streaming down my face, Matt’s shirt I haven’t token off for 4 days getting soaked from my tears.
“I need you like the air I breath”
“I need, I need you more than me.”
No matter how much I don’t wanna admit it, I need Matt more then anything. I need his hands rubbing all over me, i need his lips against mine, I need our hands interlinked. I need him………
…. The end.
A/N, this is my 2nd fic ever, I think this fic is way better then my 1st one, but I still don’t know if I would consider it good, anywho I love the cut that always bleeds but I can’t listen to it without crying so I thought why not make a fic about it!! I love angst and couldn’t wait to write it so I did just that. Hope you enjoyed!! 😋😋
@bernardsbendystraws comment if u wanna be added !!
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