#and i don’t think he holds a grudge about it btw i just think it’s something that comes with befriending other Spider-people
milimeters-morales · 1 year
Miles waking up in the middle of the night to a noise and he sees Hobie or Gwen struggling to climb into his room and they’re all bloodied and beaten, so he hurries up and ushers them in without even thinking about what to tell his parents if they wake up (which he can probably get away with saying that they’re a friend who came to him for help bc he technically isn’t lying and hello, badly injured kid in front of two parents) and rushing to grab first aid supplies to help as much as he can. Maybe there’s still a bloodied handprint on his windowsill when it’s all over (for better or worse), and he stares at it for a while. just thinking about his own life and what he wants to do with it outside of being Spider-Man. and then he cleans it up and goes about his day.
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lucysarah-c · 3 months
Hello! Hope you're doing well!
I wanna know all about your thoughts on arguments with Levi. What would he be like during it, and after it, maybe even before it (maybe like a big argument that's just been brewing yk until either side snaps and ut starts). How would he apologize if he was the one in the wrong? Or how would he accept apologies if it's the other way around? Would he be down to communicate? What if his partner started crying during said argument or stormed out of the room/house?
Thank you! And I really love your account, btw!
Hi, hi! How are you? How are your loved ones doing? ❤️ Hope everything is going well.
Thank you so much for enjoying my blog! It means a lot to me. I hope I can keep creating content you love. ❤️
Arguments with Levi are quite the topic in my main fic, so let’s dive in. One of Levi’s “not so nice” traits as a boyfriend is that he can be incredibly stubborn. (here the link) Arguing with Levi is sometimes like arguing with a wall. In the heat of the moment, his ego convinces him he’s right, even when he’s not. I don’t think he’d apologize immediately; it might take him a day or two to cool down.
When an issue arises, Levi is straightforward and upfront about what’s bothering him. He won't sugarcoat his feelings. This is a blessing because you’ll know he’s not holding a grudge, but also a curse because he’ll bluntly say, “I hate when you do this or that,” with a stern expression. Honesty and loyalty are paramount to Levi, so he wouldn’t appreciate his partner pretending everything is fine and then snapping later. He’d likely be upset and say, “If it bothered you so much back then, why didn’t you say anything?”
With a hand on my heart, I believe none of us are our true selves in an argument. Levi can get pretty defensive and emotional. Vulnerability is tough for him, and during arguments, he shuts down completely. If he’s wrong, it might take him a few days to apologize with a simple, “I’m sorry, I was being difficult.” Once they’ve both calmed down, they can talk things out. If his partner was wrong and they apologize, it would depend on the severity of the issue and what was said during the argument. Levi understands that everyone makes mistakes, and he would forgive, but he doesn’t tolerate repeated offenses. Levi gives second chances, not thirds.
Regarding tears during arguments, if Levi is very angry and the issue is serious, he won’t like it. He might feel like, “So I’m the one in the wrong just because I can’t cry myself out of this?” He knows she isn’t crying on purpose, but his defensive side might react that way. If the argument isn’t serious and she cries, Levi would soften quickly, saying, “Hey, come on... it’s not worth crying over this.” If she storms out, Levi would likely just roll his eyes and say, “We’ll talk when you calm down.” He’s not one to chase after someone. If she needs time, she’ll get it. Levi is too straightforward to play games; if someone says “leave me alone,” he’ll respect that.
Sorry this was so long! Hope it was good enough. Thank you for visiting my blog! Have a lovely day!
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
Two is Better Than One [Teaser]
Geto Suguru x AFAB Reader x Gojo Satoru
Warning: the full version of this story will contain multiple smut scenes, naturally the completed story and official post will have a proper set of warnings!
A/N: full fic to come! This does not count for my 15k special btw so you’ll see a plethora of Sato/Sugu content soon :)
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Your fingers curled around the ends of his hair, black and silky. “So, are we going to finally discuss the obvious?” You teased your boyfriend softly, watching as he turned his head against the pillow to look at you. “Now?” he hummed, his face was just starting to return to its normal color, his chest had returned to an even pace of breathing. “Yes, now. No better time than now actually, Suguru.” You rolled onto your stomach, smirking as his eyes trailed to where your breasts squished into the mattress before his gaze returned to yours. “You’re never satisfied, my love.” he laughs softly, hand reaching out to smooth your hair, his eyes lingering on the bruises he left on your neck for a moment. “I suppose we can discuss the situation.” You smiled, happy that he had so easily given in because you had been itching to discuss a particular someone. 
“He’s getting more reckless with his advances.” You hummed softly, fingers reaching out to toy with a lock of his hair again. “I saw. He’s getting antsy, doesn’t know what to do with himself quite yet.” Suguru mimics you, humming softly as he finishes his sentence. “I can’t say I particularly blame him, I wouldn’t know what to do in his situation either.” The situation was the fact that Gojo Satoru very clearly harbored feelings for the both of you. It was honestly the opposite of the reaction that you had prepared for, you expected him to hold some sort of grudge over the fact that you had “stolen” his best friend. Even though you, Suguru, Satoru and Shoko had been close friends since your first year at Jujutsu Tech. 
“He’s used to getting his way, but this time he doesn’t know how to advance because he cares about both of us too much.” Suguru’s eyes closed, mulling over the possibilities.
“You don’t think he’s confused, right?” You chuckled, Satoru had always had a plethora of women essentially at his disposal, men too. Though as long as you have known him, you’ve always known him to turn men down. “No, he’s definitely not confused, more so he’s conflicted. I assume it is because he tends to come to me for advice on these things but… the issue at hand is me… us.” He finishes with a chuckle, one eye peeking open when he feels you shift closer. “And he can’t go to Shoko because she’d just call me up while he’s telling her these things and repeat them back.” You laughed at your friend’s habit of not being much help in the secrecy department, she figured the best solution was to face these things head on. 
“Precisely, he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place… you and me.” 
“So what are we going to do then? To ease the torment of our beloved friend.” You spoke dramatically, legs tangling with him under the sheets. You only felt comfortable sleeping naked if he was close to you, a smile tugging at your lips as his arm instinctively wrapped around you and pulled you close. “Well there are a couple things we could do but none of them really ease his torment.” Suguru chuckled, as much as he loved Satoru, he couldn’t pass up an opportunity to mess with him. Call him cruel but it lived for it, same with you. He always came off so sweet and polite but the moment he knew you were his, the sadistic side he tried to hide always came out. “Oh so you want to fuck with him for a bit before…” you paused “... We still need to figure out what the end goal of this is, Suguru.” You lifted your head from its spot on his chest. 
“Here’s the deal, my love. I give you permission to flirt with him, toy with him, see how far he’ll let you go before his guilty conscience creeps up on him and he questions your loyalty to me.” Suguru started, hand resting on the top of your head so you would place it against his chest again. “From there, it really depends on what Satoru does… I don’t feel all that comfortable welcoming him into our relationship if he lets you do these things with no hesitation. It shows me that he’s only lusting after you and the idea of ‘us’... nothing more.” You hum, seeing where Suguru is taking this. “If he stops you, shows discomfort in your advances and all that stuff… he passes. It shows that there is more respect and love in his advances than just lust.” 
“So you want me to play the part of an unfaithful whore?” you deadpan, head shaking with the way Suguru’s chest bounced with laughter. “No, we won’t let his potential uncertainty hang in the air for too long, my love. You can be upfront with him, tell him I gave you the green light to do these things.” You thought over everything he said, finding it to be easy and complicated all at once. Flirting wasn’t exactly your forte but you understood why Suguru wanted you to be the one to do it rather than him. Flirting only came easily to you when it was with Suguru, when it came to Satoru you liked to tease him rather than flirt. Though some people tend to view those as the same thing… Satoru being one of them. “So, if we get lucky and things advance further…” 
“Then you bring him back to our home, I’ll be waiting for you both, and we can carry on from there.” You swallow dryly at Suguru’s implications, head lifting to look back up at him. There was a brief moment of understanding, one that pulled a humorless huff of laughter from his lips as he recognized the look in your eyes. “You truly are never satisfied.” He commented softly, cock already twitching to life as you devoured him with one single stare. “It’s impossible to remain satisfied when I’m with you, you could give me everything and I would still crave more.” You’re pushing yourself upwards, pushing the sheets back until he’s fully exposed to your hungry gaze. “You could go for a third round, right?” You’re shameless as you straddle his waist. 
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moon932 · 3 months
i think one of the more tragic parts of neuvillette’s character is the inherent inability for him to get closer to humanity by the way of his position. and i don’t mean just a dragon sovereign, we know that he is capable of empathizing and connecting with others- this is especially apparent with the melusines. ie, before he took up the mantle of the highly respected and revered iudex.
what i mean is that when focalors invited him to be chief justice, she ascribed him to a similar dilemma as furina. he’s the chief justice, and like anyone in a position of power, there is a certain distance and higher form of respect that will always be there. even when he’s not performing as the chief justice- he’s still expected to act like it and if he were to act out of character than he risks losing the respect his standing needs. and he’s very familiar with those consequences. which is more tragic when you realize that he wants to connect with his people. he wants to join in on banter and understand them in a way he wasn’t able to in the past.
i think this is especially apparent with both vautrin and later with the current fontaine gang. we’re told that neuvillette and vautrin were close when they worked together. this stands out to me more, because being told and shown neuvillette being close with people is a very big thing for his character because it’s so rare for him to form those connections. and while on the topic of vautrin, i think what happened with him and carole also made neuvillette’s resolve to stay impartial even stronger. because here is someone he trusted, and he had to exile him. i can’t even imagine how hard that was. add on to the fact that neuvillette thought vautrin hated him, and was okay with that thought? well maybe not okay with it, but was able to contend with it?
that brings me on to the next point, how many convicts hold grudges against neuvillette? how many families were torn apart because he needed to give out an impartial and apathetic verdict?
this is slightly a critique on hoyo, because they never want there to be what i call a ‘bad ending.’ any conflict we do have feels very surface level at best, and we never see anything deeper than baseline. and if there is a conflict, it’s always resolved with a neat little bow at the end. at least in the archon quests and world quests. don’t get me started on world quests.
but yeah, neuvillette is a character that is lonely by design y’know? even in his character stories, they always have an air of loneliness to them. here is this being who understand things about the world not even the gods do. and he can’t talk about it because what if the powers that be see it be to strike him down? this is purely based off of a dialouge line you get in your teapot, which is a landmine of character lore btw.
if i’m deranged enough i’ll ramble about wriolette at some point and touch on both the platonic and romantic connotations that relationship has, if you guys want. anyways, hope you enjoyed my deranged ramblings about neuvillette because i can guarantee it will happen again (ㅅ˘ㅂ˘)
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 6 months
100 FOLLOWER!??!?!
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Through the grapevine, through the phone line.
HOLY SHIT!!!! 100 FOLLOWER!!!!!!!!!!! I was not expecting to hit that in like.. a little over a month, that is genuinely insane. Thank you so much for following my hate filled journey 🎉
This art was for my friend because they’ve converted me into a voxelette enjoyer so this is their fault btw/j
The Analysis on this one won’t be too long because I don’t think many people are as nuts about longform content as I am so lets see how normal I can be
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First of all, I wanted to give Velvette her natural hair and have fun with puffs and braids and twists and stuff instead of just straightening it and putting it in ponytails. She actually went through 5 hairstyles before I landed on this one and I’m fully convinced she’s responsible for making this art take 9 hours but its okay because shes cute ^w^ also I have made her into a silicone BJD doll with plastic hands for better posability and a little hole for holding accessories and stuff like how G5 LPS did. The lighter strands of hair are also supposed to look a little bit like yarn because I think I was subconsciously thinking about Lala Loopsies and it led to the button eyes and all that. Her shirt was based off Fluttershy’s colours and that is 1 because they look good and 2 my friend likes fluttershy. The stitches in silicone also might not make sense to some but to that i say. uh go look up a suture pad
Here is her little Colour analysis 🩷
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Now for Vox (and technically still Velvette), his colour scheme is mostly purple actually, the blue light turns a lot of it .. well. Blue. So you cant see it much but im not lying I promise. I feel like Vox is very insecure but still being prideful at the same time while Vevlette is more sure of herself, hence the significantly less amount of blue. The only blue accents on her are her beads, eyeshadow and scrunchies and the “sloth” aspect of that is mostly just how little she cares about others opinions which kind if intern turns back to pride. Meanwhile Vox has a lot more blue, not because he doesn’t work hard, but the methods in which he does things. His employees do a LOT of managing and he doesn’t have to do much for marketing because yknow. brainwashing. It also correlates to his personal grudges and grievances getting in the way of his work like how he had a public meltdown over Alastor. His body is blue but his purple suit covers it, ie masking insecurity with self assurance. People wear clothes, Im very smart I know you can hold the applause./j Hes also buffer because where the hell else is all the wiring gonna go
Here is Vox’s colour chart (note the use of bisexual flag colours/j/j)
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It’s kind of obvious but their eyes are both yellow in sections because capitalism and all that. Also I thought making Vox’s eye change into the screen recording symbol was clever because yea he is watching everything and also he is technically recording visuals into his brain and processing them so !
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I didn’t know where to squeeze this in but theres a very faint tint of green in his screenlight for the envy aspect so do with that what you will. Oh and his buttons are little outlet plugs :3c
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spro-o · 6 months
okay, so,,, i got back to reading 4kota, and i have so many thoughts of literally every nature
okay so, allow me to rant a lil
bro why the actual fuck is Arthur just magical hitler now?? 😭 like hello???? it genuinely makes me really sad because he was such a sweet and likable character for most of 7ds and now he wants to create an ethnostate for humans only???? it just breaks my heart, man
SAME WITH JERICHO LIKE HELLO? QUEEN, YOURE BETTER THAN THIS. genuinely tho- nakaba try not to make all your characters pedos challenge (impossible). there are literally so many other ways in which Jericho could have ended up in a similar situation, but nakaba really just chose pedophilia? it couldve been something along the same lines just without the romantic attraction!! a family bond can be just as strong- and it couldve been something like her losing Lancelot or in some other way letting him down, and then thinking that he despises her and holds onto that grudge (which, judging his character it wouldve probably been a small spat that he got over) - but maybe Jericho didnt understand that, or wasnt ready to face him, expecting him to be livid - so she asked for an alternative reality where that didnt happen and they got along great as sister/brother or master/trainee. i wouldnt put Jericho past being so stubborn that she wouldnt believe when Lance would say that he forgave her, and then boom!! same set-up, just without the nasty pedophilia!!
ON THE NOTE OF WHICH- (theres so much of that garbage in nakaba's writing, fucks sake) - i genuinely hate the whole thing happening with Guinevere. the whole non-consensual kiss from a 12 year old to a 16 year old (ewwwww) is one thing, but then when Lance is reflecting on that interaction and he SMILES????
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you have no idea how much this panel killed me to see. Lancelot youre better than this,,,, 4 years is not a big age difference when youre in your 30's, but when youre 16???? please,,,, cmon now,,,
speaking of whommmmm~~ ,,, I ADORE LANCELOT!! SO MUCH!! this is to be expected considering i love Ban, bUT- hes genuinely just such a cool and wonderful character that has some sense in him. i especially loved those panels where he was like jumping around to get himself hyped up cuz like!! Ban does that!!!! i love,,,,
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elizabeth (looking gorge btw, i love that for her) is unfortunately reduced to an object of fondling yet again 😔 literally like the second panel that shes in and shes getting grabbed and groped by Meliodas?? it just feels mad disrespectful to her really deep character that she has such a minor role when you ignore her being sexualised by Mel (in reality nakaba, but i digest)
i love that panel where Anne tells Isolde about what chastity actually is hbghjnhbjh
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I FEEL SO BAD FOR NASIENS WHEN PERCY IS ALL UP IN ANNES BOOBS. genuinely- the dropped bag, and all of he blushing that happened before it during their interactions,,,, that shit broke my heart, man
nakaba try not to draw teenagers naked challenge (impossible) (chapter 86 cover)
this is literally like the cutest fucking thing ever????? i want more calm, slice of life stuff for our skrunglies. they deserve a break
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someone, please, stop all this shit going on with Guinevere (writing this while reading chp 87) – I really despise the fact that nakaba has to make like literally all of the relationships either look like they have a massive age gap (Ban and Elaine), or actually have a fucking criminal age gap (Mel and Ellie). it really is not that difficult to just write a relationship where there is a <2 year age gap, did you know that, nakaba?? crazy, I know (deadass, while I don’t ship them, it would at least be bearable if she was also like 15-16, just not 12 TT)
chion is such a fucking pain in the ass oh mah gahhhhhh
I love Gawain’s lesbian antics <3
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At this point, though I love seeing the characters interact in more casua circumstances, id rather have more fight scenes than god awful, shoe-horned romances between any two characters of the opposite gender (exceptions being Nasiens and Gawain, my sillies <3)
okay,,, thats it for now, but do expect more at some point or another huiyuvghbijhb
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restinslices · 9 months
My Fandom Ocs
I was scrolling on tumblr and ended up seeing @mattmurdocksthighs (fantastic name btw) do this post showing off their ocs and I was like “I wanna do that” so here we are. No one asked for this but LISTEN- I don’t ONLY think about Mortal Kombat. And I’ll probably write about them at some point and get like, 2 cute lil like. I’ll keep updating this because my brain is always coughing up this shit. Their stories also got a lot of shit going on so I’m giving the very basic stuff so this shit ain’t too long. (Rereading this and the shit ended up long anyway). Last updated: 8/22/24
Jamie Kalivoda
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Universe: Fear Street
Related to: Simon Kalivoda - Younger Brother
Sexuality: Unlabeled 
Love Interest: Ryan Torres (rip)
Faceclaim: Linda Cardellini
Summary: Jamie is Simon’s older sister and was dating Ryan Torres before the mall massacre. The leaves her deep in grief because Heather was also one of her best friends. She knows she should accept what’s happened, but she can’t help feeling that something is off since Ryan never seemed like he’d just “go crazy”. She is roped in with the main characters and tries to break the curse.
Cassiopia Lupin
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Universe: Harry Potter
Related to: Remus Lupin - Dad. Polaris Lupin -  Fraternal Twin (it’s possible for twins to look this different. Look it up). Non canon mother
House: Hufflepuff 
Sexuality: Biromantic but Asexual
Love Interest: Harry or Neville 
Faceclaim: Adelaide Kane
Summary: She is the fraternal twin of Polaris and is sorted into Hufflepuff. Unlike her dad and sister, she’s actually not a werewolf (until some shit happens). Although she is the more protective and somewhat agitated twin, it comes from a place of never wanting her family to be hurt again. Her family sides with the golden trio and fight against the death eaters.
Polaris Lupin
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Universe: Harry Potter
Related to: Remus Lupin - Dad. And before y’all ask, her mom is black but she’s not a cannon character so I’m not putting her here
House: Ravenclaw
Sexuality: Lesbian
Love interest: Bounces between Luna and Pansy cause she loves a lil bit of toxicity. She get it from Remus fr
Faceclaim: Chandler Kinney
Summary: In my version, Remus is gay. I know fans debate whether he’s bi or gay, in this version he’s gay. He’s in denial and ends up hooking up with a female witch, and while that confirmed that he had to face the hard reality of another thing about him being different, her ass must’ve been listening to Usher cause she said she was three months pregnant and she was keeping it (some of y’all enjoyed that more than others and I’m ok with this). At first he wanted nothing to do with this kid but came around to the idea, which was real convenient cause her mom got killed by her own family. Guess we locked in for life now. She has his werewolf gene and is trying her hardest to succeed in school to hopefully make their life better.
Vaelora Velaryon
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Universe: House Of The Dragon
Related to: Rhaenyra Targaryen - Mom. Harwin Strong - Dad. Jacaerys, Lucerys, Joffrey, ect. - Siblings
House: Targaryen 
Team: Black
Sexuality: Pansexual
Love interest: Jacaerys and Baela 
Faceclaim: Connie Jenkins-Greig
Summary: Honestly I don’t feel like typing all of it, but you can read her story on Wattpad!
Aeavia Min
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Universe: PJO
Cabin: 13 - Hades
Fatal Flaw: Holding grudges 
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love Interest: I ain’t think that far
Faceclaim: Park Gyu-young
Summary: Still a wip but essentially she is the twin sister of Mina Min. They are the secret forbidden children of Hades and know about it. They act as support for their fellow forbidden child Percy. Aeavia is named after the underworld judge Aeacus, which shows in her personality as she is less strict that her twin and believes that someone’s intentions matter the most and offers leeway when committing certain actions. She is also loyal to her family and fights alongside the Olympians.
Medora Montgomery
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Universe: PJO
Cabin: 10 - Aphrodite 
Fatal Flaw: Recklessness 
Sexuality: Demisexual
Love interest: I ain’t think that far
Faceclaim: Cascina Caradonna
Summary: She’s still a wip but as of right now her story is that she is from a wealthy family and her father despises Aphrodite for what she’s done. Growing up her father talked horribly about Aphrodite and made it seem like she is nothing more than a “whore goddess” with no real significance. She also has experienced being over sexualized like many other girls and it always being her fault has been drilled into her head. When she is sent to camp and claimed by Aphrodite, she hates it. She doesn’t hate her cabin mates but she, like others, mistakenly believe that Aphrodite only represents sex and she blames her for all the sexualization she’s faced. She is desperate to prove that she can be more and throws herself into situations that are way too big for only her to handle. She has to figure out what Aphrodite means to her, how to love herself as she is, how to get her inner light back and has to learn how to recognize that she is a victim and that creeps exist. It is not her job to make sure they keep their comments and hands to themselves. 
Mina Min
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Universe: PJO
Cabin: 13 - Hades
Fatal Flaw: Holding grudges
Sexuality: Lesbian
Love Interest: I ain’t think that far
Faceclaim: Park Gyu-young
Summary: Still a wip but essentially she is the twin sister of Aeavia Min. They are the secret forbidden children of Hades and know about it. They act as support for their fellow forbidden child Percy. Mina is named after the underworld judge Minos, which shows in her personality as she has a strict personality and believes in severe punishment for those who do wrong, regardless of their intentions. She is fiercely loyal to her family and fights alongside the Olympians (though she’s considered switching sides).
Kajsa Helvar
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Universe: Six Of Crows
Related to: Matthias Helvar - Older Brother.
Sexuality: Lesbian
Love Interest: -
Faceclaim: Ivanna Sakhno
Summary: Kajsa is Matthias’s younger sister who is believed to be dead. She survived the village fire and was taken by Fjerdan officials to become an assassin (they got a bootleg Black Widow program. Shhhhh) for them since Druskelle take too long and are easily noticeable. After she finds out he’s alive, she leaves Fjerda and tracks him down but when she realizes his girlfriend is Grisha, she believes he’s being poisoned and wants to kill Nina. When Matthias refuses to let that happen, she thinks it’s too late and the only way to save his soul is to kill him. Will she succeed? Will they make up and undo her brainwashing? Who knows? Not me.
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greycappedjester · 11 months
I know it’s a lot of characters to sort but if you don’t mind sharing, where would you say the people in the DA fall in the spectrum of trust and fondness for Headmaster Ukai? On one side we have Oikawa who definitely does not trust or seemingly like him, and then we have Noya (I think?) who suggested the name Ukai’s army so he probably has some degree of trust/fondness for him. Where do most of the characters fall within that scale?
Oooh good question! I'd say it's currently*...
*in the 5th story for people who come across this post later. Since this list will certainly change
Least Trust:
1.) Oikawa-he doesn't trust practically anyone rn outside of his small group of friends and he especially doesn't trust people in authority and 2x especially anyone who was involved in the last war. Oikawa lives in rage and is definitely curently #1 to Stab an Authority Figure in their Sleep
2.) Daishou-this is definitely a lot less than Oikawa but I'd still say he'd be next in list sicne he is 1.) a Slytherin who aren't the most trusting bunch to begin with, 2.) raised around Uncle/Minister who never trusted Ukai and would likely let some of that slip, 3.) Knows how much of a fake his Uncle/Minister is and likely thinks Ukai as the other major war general hero is much the same
3.) Iwaizumi-oddly not because of that thing with the 2nd Task but that didn't help. Nah, Iwa-chan still definitely holds a grudge about that thing with Oikawa and the veritaserum from the begginning of 4th...even tho technically Oikawa took that by semi-choice
4.) Kuroo-similar to Daishou, he's way too familiar with politicians with fake public faces. Nothing really aganist Ukai in particular, just not big on public people who everyone seems to praise (which Ukai definitely was as a war general hero before this year with all the bad press aganist Hogwarts)
Ambivalent Range ie The I'm Just Not That Trustfull Bunch:
5.) Mika-matches up with Daishou in that she's not too trusting of anyone who technically has powr over her (by being her Headmaster)
6.) Yaku- Teenage Curmudgen(TM)
7.) Tsukishima- Teenage Misanthrope (TM)....ranks more trusting than Yaku since Tsuki's experience with Minister last year made his ostensible rival (the Headmaster) look better by comparison
8.) Makki & Matsu- Come On We're Still Slytherins Duo....really it's just that they have a bone deep rebellious streak and a long history of pranking
He's Alright, I Guess? Range:
9.) Kenma- Has genuinely never thought of the Headmaster much
10.) Ennoshita- Headmaster's way better than the Minister...2nd least trusting of the Crows so he sitll holds some resentment because of how the werewolf stuff was handled in 3rd story but likes that the Headmaster was able to keep it a secret from the press and student body
11.) Amani- Is a pretty friendly person in general
12.) Shimizu- Certified Teacher Friend (in a good, non-suck up way). I mean, come on, she's been a library assistant for forever. She was 100% the kid on the playground who would rather sit by the tachers and read quietly (this was me in elementary btw). She desn't really know the Headmaster but has genrally positive feelings towards the Hogwarts faculty
13. ) Yamaguchi- 3rd least trusting of Crows, too much time around Tsuki. Still has complicated feelings about 3rd story stuff. Pretty similar to Ennoshita, but Yamaguchi was raised more in the wizarding world so still has more of the Ukai-Great-War-General vibes
14.) Kageyama-Wait, what does this have to do about Quidditch?
Yes, I like Him Range:
15.) Yachi- "While there are some things I feel complicated about [insets paragraph] I also accept that human beigns are naturally flawed and that becasue he also did many good things like [inserts multiple paragraphs], I generally feel that our Headmaster is a good person though subject to human flaws as we all are" (Questioner has long since tuned out). Basically, Yachi's a good egg who recognizes flaws but aslo that everyone's a bit complicated
16.) Daichi-Genuinely appreciative of everything he's done for Asahi to let him attend and cover up aspects of what happened in 3rd.
The You Could Stab Me And I'd Say "Hey, You Dropped Your Knife" Crew....ie the just really trusting in genral bunch
17.) Bokuto- :)
18.) Hinata- :) (Oikawa voice in the background): He drugged you and left you in a forest! Hinata: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Headmaster is a Badass! Group/ Most Trusting and Genuinely Admire Him:
19.) Lev-Dude, Headmaster Ukai fought aganist the Giant! He's Awesome (But Scary)
20.) Tanaka- complicated family history which makes him greatly look up to a hero of the war who put a lot of Ghosts behind bars
21.) Asahi- Is very appreciative of Ukai for letting him attend Hogwarts and helping him with all the necessary paperwork
22.) Suga-Is so adamantly aganist his family's legacy that it fuels a bit of a blind side of viewing Headmaster's faults. He really does have some very secific blinders that come on when it comes to his family legacy. Overly trust figure of the oposite side is likely one of them.
23.) Noya- 2x admiration since Ukai also helped his uncle get in when he was a student and then helped Asahi and just in general has been just very cool about helping students of various creature legacies (like veelas, werewolves, dhampir, etc) into Hogwarts. Also Ukai's a war hero
Akaashi-who needs trust when I've got foresight?
In other words, Akaashi's too weird on what "trust" as a concept even is to put him on this list. How do you view trust when you genrally know for a sorta-fact how people will behave?
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evilhasnever · 1 year
Time for a wedding, set in the same reincarnation AU as this and this ficlet by me and this (by @lansplaining)! Btw, I have collected all previous parts in a series on Ao3 for ease of reading: Memory Lane (get it?)
A few people wanted to see what would happen if JGY recovered his memories, which means there is angst coming up... (this drabble turned into 3000 words, so Ao3 link if you prefer!)
For all that Lan Xichen knows his past life, he cannot tell the future. And the future seems dead set on tripping him up, as if holding a grudge in order to counterbalance whatever advantage his past memories may give him. 
That is to say, Meng Yao disappears the morning they are supposed to get married. 
It was not meant to be a big affair, but even a small modern ceremony ends up being a complex production when overzealous friends and overly-traditional relatives are involved. Lan Huan and Meng Yao had agreed to go to the venue separately, both to appease the loudest aunties and to build up some excitement for their own reunion as husbands. This means Lan Huan has slept at Wangji’s place for the past two days, leaving Meng Yao alone in the apartment they share, and has forced himself not to text him constantly over the past forty-eight hours.
At 10 in the morning on the day of the ceremony, Lan Huan is sweating in his tux on the way to the venue, driven by Wangji; he’s fruitlessly trying to meditate to keep calm, but he can’t quite stamp down his eagerness. For once his nerves are of the positive, tickling variety reserved for happy occasions - he doesn’t expect anything to go wrong today, considering A-Yao planned everything. 
He should have known better. 
When they are ten minutes away, Lan Huan’s cell phone rings, spooking both brothers out of their meditative silence. It’s Meng Shi, calling from the reception hall. It sounds like she has a hand on the receiver so as not to be overheard.
"A-Huan, A-Yao is not here."
Lan Xichen blanches. “He is what…?”
“He is not here. He is always here first, heavens knows he would be checking every single napkin even on his own wedding day, but today…”
“ I’m sure there is a perfectly reasonable explanation for this. Didn’t you go the venue together?”
“No, he called me a taxi. He said he had an errand to run, but that was two hours ago and he is not answering his phone. He always tells me where he is, A-Huan, and now…!”
“Perhaps he is just late,” Lan Xichen murmurs, his pulse already picking up speed because the very idea is absurd. “What kind of errand? The cake? A-Yao is always very particular about catering…”
“He didn’t say. A-Huan, did something happen?”
“Not that I know of, but I didn’t see him yesterday, we wanted to play up the anticipation a little…” Lan Huan admits. “Did you see him for dinner last night?” 
“Yes, I did… A-Yao said he wasn’t feeling well, but I thought it was just nerves,” Meng Shi carefully says, and Lan Huan can almost imagine her pursing her lips. “He said he ran out on his own stag party. I didn’t think much of it, A-Yao has never liked surprise parties.”
Lan Xichen’s brow furrows. “I’ll make some calls. Please wait there, and call me if he arrives.”
He tries A-Yao’s number, but it goes straight to voicemail. He leaves a quick message, just to be safe: “A-Yao, are you ok? I’m almost at the venue. Let me know if something happened, alright? I love you.”
Carefully ignoring Wangji’s glance in the rear view mirror, he shoots a text to Mingjue and another to Jin Zixuan, asking if A-Yao is coming with them by any chance. Huaisang calls him back from his brother’s phone immediately. “Xichen-ge, did you lose your fiance?”
“Miscommunication,” Lan Xichen replies tightly. “What happened at the stag party, Huaisang?” 
“Ayo, I don’t know anything! Xuanyu and I put him in the car and he freaked out as if we were some gangsters coming for his family. He was absolutely no fun the whole evening, after I prepared all the decorations and even the stripper–I mean, the entertainment!”
Lan Xichen pinches the bridge of his nose, feeling the grasping hands of a migraine growing in the back of his skull. “We will discuss this at a later time, Huaisang. Did A-Yao do or say anything strange at the party?”
“He hardly said anything at all, and then he just up and left when we tried to put a veil on him for the photos! Total spoilsport. Did he get cold feet?”
“He is late.”
Huaisang gasps in horror. 
“I just want to make sure he is safe. Do you know where he was yesterday afternoon, before you kidnapped him?”
“I resent that wording! Anyway, I think he went to pick up his wedding tux with Jin Zixuan. Trying to be a good brother wa—y too late if you ask me.”
“Alright, thanks. See you at the reception, Huaisang.”
“Is it… still on? Just wondering if I need to get dressed.”
“I’d appreciate yours and your brother’s presence either way,” Lan Xichen says, wryly. 
“'mkay, ge. Best of luck.”
When they reach the wedding venue, they are momentarily intercepted by Shufu - Lan Xichen smiles and dodges him, ear glued to his phone as Wangji shadows him to the waiting room and locks the door. 
When they are alone, Lan Huan turns to his brother. “Wangji. A-Yao should already be here, but I can’t track him down.”
Wangji’s gaze hardens imperceptibly, and Lan Xichen takes a deep breath and lifts his hands in a pacifying gesture. “I am worried about him. His mother doesn’t know where he is either.” 
“Why would he flee?” Wangji asks. 
“We should not jump to conclusions,” Lan Xichen cautions, “He… he should have no reason to do so.” 
“The reasons may be unrelated to the past,” Wangji offers, after a thoughtful moment. “Car accident, panic attack.” 
“Alright, let’s… one thing at a time,” Lan Huan chuckles nervously, trying to push down the bubble of fear growing in his stomach.
For the next few minutes, they both busy themselves calling local hospitals. Thankfully, nobody that looks like A-Yao has been taken to any of the city ERs this morning. Lan Xichen exhales, then dials A-Yao’s number again, letting it ring off the hook. 
When it goes to voicemail again, he decides to try his luck and call Jin Zixuan’s number, which he has only because he is very thorough and always prepared for emergencies - or so he thought, at any rate.
“Ah, Lan Xichen,” Zixuan answers on the third ring. “Are you calling to tell me not to come to the wedding? Because A-Li and I are almost there! I already left several apologies on A-Yao’s answering machine, but I don’t know how my brother’s mind works…”
“Why would you apologize?” Lan Xichen asks, suddenly alert. “Did something happen yesterday?”
“It was odd,” Zixuan grunts, and there are background baby noises for a short while - Lan Xichen holds his breath until Zixuan resumes speaking. “One moment he was all dimples, then when he tried on his wedding tux he stopped dead and looked like he’d short-circuited. Stuck like a mannequin. I’ve never seen him not frenetic, which is why I asked him if he perhaps didn’t like the suit? Told him if we paid extra we could get him another one in time for the wedding, though it would not be custom-made… he wasn’t listening at all, just doing this wide-eyed face in the mirror. I had told him that white was not his color, but the reaction seemed extreme!”
“Zixuan, I need to know exactly what he said. Word for word, if you could be so kind.”
Another long sigh, more baby noises. “Well. I forgive him, because god knows I was panicking the day before my wedding, but–he said I should be dead.”
Oh . 
“I have to go,” Lan Xichen whispers, and hangs up.
He turns swiftly to his brother. “Wangji. I need you to ask your boyfriend to track A-Yao’s phone, stat.”
Wangji’s eyebrows rise in unadulterated shock, but to his credit he doesn't deny that Wei Wuxian can absolutely do that.
“I… I don’t know where he would go,” Lan Huan admits. “Not in this life.” Where would he run? The uncertainty makes him feel unmoored, like he’s being pulled down by a turbulent sea and can’t keep himself afloat. “I think it’s a... memory emergency.”
“I will ask Wei Ying.”
It takes what feels like an eternity, though in truth Lan Xichen is aware that Wei Wuxian accomplishes the task in a criminally speedy manner, and without asking any questions. Not while he’s in earshot, anyway.
“I sent you the last known location,” Wei Wuxian shrugs at last, “but I dunno if he still has the phone on him or he dumped it.” 
“Thank you, Wei Wuxian. Wangji… can I take your car?”
“Mn.” For a moment, Lan Huan can see his brother wants to offer to go with him, so he shakes his head in silence. Wangji hands over the keys and squints at him. “Brother… remember the rule.”
“I know. The past is not the present. The present is not the future. I know, Wangji.” 
“Sooo… what do we do with the wedding?" Wei Wuxian interjects, apparently not grasping the gravity of the situation. "We have the venue booked until 2pm but I’m sure they have people lined up for later…”
“I’m sure you’ll think of some way to buy time,” Lan Xichen smiles tightly. “I’ll call you when I’m on my way back.”
“Did you hear that, Lan er-gege? We gotta think of a distraction~ you got any ideas?” 
Lan Xichen is out of the door and behind the wheel as fast as he can be. He keeps an eye on his phone, but the only updates he gets are from Meng Shi saying A-Yao isn’t there yet, and Shufu reminding him of the schedule and cancellation fees. 
He tracks down the coordinates to an off-season beach two hours south, a straight line from the city. There’s a parking lot nearby, but it’s empty - A-Yao doesn’t have a car. He pictures him telling an Uber driver to just drive until he tells him to stop, and his heart aches. Still, some irrational hope nestles inside him, whispering that perhaps A-Yao hasn’t thrown away his phone yet. That he may want to be found. 
Lan Xichen parks hurriedly across two spaces and hurries out to the sea, sinking in the sand with every step. He pauses to kick off his dress shoes, then resumes running down the seashore. With immense relief, he spots A-Yao, a tiny white-clad figure in the distance, a few hundred meters down the desolate stretch of sea. 
Is it embedded somewhere in A-Yao’s soul to run away to the sea, despite knowing that in this life he cannot swim?
“A-Yao!” he calls out, waving his arms clumsily. There is absolutely nobody else out in January, no umbrellas and no chairs, so A-Yao will certainly see him coming from afar - no point making his approach cautious. Lan Xichen had half expected A-Yao to turn tail and make him chase him, but miraculously he does not.
“A-Yao,” he gasps again when he catches up to him, tugging at his collar. “Are you alright, A-Yao?”
His A-Yao turns, dark-rimmed eyes and windswept hair, terse like a winter morning. He’s undone his bowtie and popped a few buttons at his collar, the tuxedo jacket thrown over his shoulder. 
“The last time I saw you, you would not call me that anymore,” Jin Guangyao says, his voice raspy from the wind. 
“You saw me yesterday morning, A-Yao,” Lan Huan soothes, stepping towards him with his hand outstretched. 
“Right.” A-Yao chuckles humorlessly, and draws a circle in the sand with a naked foot. The hem of his pants is caked in wet sand, but he does not seem to mind. “I meant… before.” 
He looks down, a strange smile on his face, then takes off his engagement ring and holds it out towards Lan Xichen, without looking up at him. “I should return this.”
Despite the fear gripping his heart, Lan Huan shakes his head firmly. “It’s yours. You don't have to keep it, but I don’t want it back.”
A-Yao’s hand lowers, a little hesitantly. Then his razorblade gaze snaps up and pierces Lan Xichen where he stands. “Er-ge. Can you tell me why every wedding of mine comes with a side of lies?” 
Lan Xichen stands to attention. “I never lied to you, A-Yao.”
“You never told me you remembered the past.” It is not a question, so Lan Xichen does not treat it as such.
“Would you have wanted to know?” he asks instead.
A-Yao doesn’t reply for a moment, gaze returning to the gray wintry sea. “What I don’t understand,” he says to the waves, “is why you sought me out, if you remembered.” 
“A-Yao... Even if we’d been complete strangers, I would still have fallen for you. But all the more because I remembered you, how could I not seek you out?” Lan Xichen frowns at his poor wording; he had prepared this speech a million times, but now it scatters like sand in the breeze. “My family has a rule against approaching people from the past, did you know? But A-Yao…  what do I have these memories for, if not to find you?”
A-Yao’s gaze drops to the sand at his feet, the cold waves lapping at his ankles. “Even after everything?”
Lan Xichen closes his eyes briefly. He’s had a lot of time to think about this. “I’m here, aren’t I?’
The reply seems to strike true. A-Yao looks taken aback, but Lan Xichen dares to hope it's a good kind of surprise. Like that time he surprised A-Yao at the airport with flowers, or the time he offered to teach him to play the qin. He hazards another step closer to him, a mere arm’s length from A-Yao. He aches to touch him, but he can’t. Not yet. 
“Mother’s treatment,” A-Yao says abruptly. “Tell me straight.”
“Yes,” Lan Xichen inclines his head. “You and I hadn’t met yet, so I asked a friend to make an anonymous donation in my place.” 
A-Yao purses his lips. “I suppose I must thank you.”
“I didn't do it to earn your thanks,” Lan Xichen sighs. “Knowing and not acting would have been unthinkable, that is all.”
“Still, thank you. My mother is… she is everything.” A-Yao looks younger, vulnerable for the space of a breath.
Lan Xichen smiles. “I care for her too. Your mother is wonderful.”
A-Yao almost smiles at that, but it fades before it can reach the top half of his face, his eyes narrowing again in scrutiny. 
“You introduced me to Qin Su at June’s charity luncheon. Did you invite her?” 
Lan Xichen swallows, painfully. “I did not invite her, but she was there.” He bites his lip. “I looked into it. You are… not related, in this life.” 
A-Yao makes a little ‘hah’ sound, as swift as paper ripping. “I’m happy for her. But why did you go out of your way to introduce her to me? You and I had just started dating.”
All Lan Huan can do is shrug, his shoulders stiff and frozen in the confines of his tuxedo. “Tempting fate, I suppose.” 
“Still unfailingly selfless,” A-Yao hums, and it is a little too dry to feel like praise.
They look at a pair of seagulls chasing each other among cacophonous screams. They sound particularly shrill, drawing playful circles in the air and around each other.
“It is selfishness,” Lan Xichen eventually admits. “I just wanted to make sure that… I just wanted to make sure.” 
A-Yao shakes his head with a small exhale, barely a chuckle. He drops his jacket on the sand and lifts both arms to cup Lan Xichen’s jaw, pulling him slightly closer. His fingers are frozen cold, his eyes dark and serious, with an intensity that halts Lan Xichen’s breath halfway up his throat. 
“Lan Xichen, Lan Xichen... in a world in which I can marry you, how could I ever not?” The words, carefully enunciated, hit Lan Xichen’s chilled face in small, warm puffs of breath. A-Yao is not smiling, and that, for some reason, puts Lan Huan’s heart at ease. It gives his words the resonance of unfailing truth, a timeless verdict.
“We still could,” he hopefully offers. “Well, if Wei Wuxian managed to stall enough.” 
A-Yao snorts softly, then shakes his head. “Not now. I think… I need to get away.”
He surely notices the sheer horror on Lan Xichen’s face, because his brows knit together in an apologetic squint. “Not forever, gege. Just for a little while, to get my head in order.”
Lan Xichen folds his arms behind his back, and leans into A-Yao’s hands cupping his jaw. “We still have the honeymoon to Japan booked for tomorrow…”
A-Yao chuckles, breathless and disbelieving. Then his dark, half-lidded eyes scan Lan Xichen’s face, considering. “...You’d come?”
“Unquestioningly,” Lan Xichen says. “Right now, if you wanted to.”
“With no luggage?”
“I don’t need anything.”
The answer seems to please A-Yao, because his smile turns a shade more secretive, lashes lowering on his cheeks.
Still, he hedges, thumb tracing Lan Xichen’s chin in direct contradiction with his words. “Er-ge… I can’t ask you to…” 
“You need not to ask,” Lan Xichen smiles, eager, desperate to give away his heart. “If we drive to the airport now, we can catch an earlier flight. I’ll call on the way there.”
“A honeymoon while we are still not married,” A-Yao smirks. “What would your shufu say?”
Lan Xichen grins at him with infinite tenderness. “We can marry anytime, but we can only elope once.”
A little skittish, A-Yao puts his hand in his nonetheless, tugging him along as they amble towards the parking lot. They shake the sand off their pants, exchanging half smiles at the state of their attire. They spend an awkward minute tracking down their discared shoes.
When they’re safely in the car, Lan Xichen offers his smartphone to him. “I’m all for eloping, but call your mother and Wangji to make sure they don’t worry, will you?” 
A-Yao brushes Lan Xichen’s knuckles delicately before taking his phone from him, and laughs. It’s small, but as wonderful as the first time.
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occasionaloranges · 1 year
hey what if you were the kings ward and I was the newest manservant in the castle but i’m also secretly the most powerful wizard to ever walk the earth okay. and maybe I suspect you may have magic as I do, but I am advised by both my mentor and a dragon (that you don’t know about) that I shouldn’t tell you about your magic considering the penalty for it is death here in our kingdom. which is really unfair right? so what if we bonded over that a little (without me telling you the truth) as we take care of a little boy we are hiding in your chambers who’s also like us. right okay so hypothetically what if you started having vivid nightmares (that I suspect are due to you having magic) and so to help you I tell you to seek out the local magic practicers even though that is highly dangerous. and then let’s say you decide you want to stay with them, but the king thinks the magic practicers have kidnapped you and he sends the knights to bring you back to the castle. right so now that you’re back home let’s say I knock on the door to your chambers late that night to check that you’re okay. and let’s say you tell me you’re fine, and then I promise you I won’t tell anyone that you have magic, but you can’t do the same for me because I haven’t told you. we don’t kiss btw. right okay so now that we have this good bond lets say maybe due to circumstances I poison you (i really really didn’t want to) and hold you in my arms as you gasp for air and I sob at what i’ve done. okay so just for the sake of argument imagine you actually DON’T die from the poisoning because a witch who might be your sister saves you, and now you kinda have a grudge against me from that. and then let’s say a little further down the line you and that witch attempt to destroy the entire kingdom as a protest against the kings belief that those with magic should be killed. right okay so like personally I totally get that and I try to explain that to you but it’s not really clicking because I still can’t tell you that I have magic too and we are one in the same. okay anyway let’s say I end up thwarting your plans, but the king doesn’t know it was you behind it so we still live in the castle together (awkward). but then I get this vision that you are going to kill the king (completely understandable but I really can’t let you do that cuz i’ve got this whole protecting the prince’s destiny thing going on, sorry) and when trying to stop you I maybe accidentally kind of send you into a coma. right okay so basically the thought of you dying makes everyone really sad so I use magic to wake you up and save your life (this will definitely come back to bite me later). things are still weird between us tho. at some point you move out of the castle and the next time i see you you kidnap me and tie me up in your house and put a spell on me and it’s kinda sexual idk anyway. so basically, hypothetically, after that’s a lot of shit goes down related to you destroying the kingdom but i’ve still got this protecting the prince (now the king actually) and his destiny thing still going on so basically. well um i don’t know how to say this uhm. i kill you by stabbing you with a sword forged in a dragons breath. yeah and we look into each others eyes as I do it and I hold you and gently lay you down in your last moments (i hate you btw) as i apologize for what you have become, and confess that I feel it’s my fault for never telling you about my magic. so yeah, just like, hypothetically. thoughts?
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noitsbecky127 · 5 months
rebecca watches ds9: the forsaken
oh god poor julian has to deal with diplomats
and poor diplomats have to deal with julian
actually this is perfect. let him talk their entitled ears off
julian is the galaxy’s worst liar i love him
get the lady her brooch!
why can’t betazoids read ferengi minds? do they ever explain that?
odo’s very good at his job!
is ds9 ever not having technical difficulties
miles has a grudge against an ai. that’s so real of him
miles don’t be passive-aggressive
i love julian’s face journey in the background while the ambassador lady is complaining about her quarters again
i also love julian defending jadzia when the vulcan ambassador questions her level of experience
picard and odo are the same type of man. ig that’s lwaxana’s type
odo: help a betazoid lady is horny for me
“i don’t handle delicacy very well” i believe in you odo
i love odo trying and failing to flee lwaxana
oh god quark is never going to let odo hear the end of this
trapped in the turbolift. classic
uh oh i’m guessing the probe fucked everything up
better get comfy in there!
lwaxana has an infinite amount of things to say i think
odo: how bad is electrocution really
i think julian is plotting ambassador murder
he’s so expressive i love him
the probe made the computer lonely???
what happens if odo isn’t in his bucket when he becomes a liquid? can he collect himself again once he stops being a liquid?
i wonder if his hair feels like hair. i wonder what odo feels like in general. is he like jello or smth
odo are you ok
odo’s little story about how he was entertaining to the scientists reminds me of when i was little and i was like a party trick to the adults at preschool. i could read and they were amazed
uh oh, one hour until we get liquid odo
so what’s the goal here? overload the computer for some reason?
whatever it was they seem to have done it!
yeah when my uncle got a puppy (cutest dog ever btw) she was super clingy
ah so odo’s safe, just very private about his liquid state
odo’s fucking melting lmao
i think lwaxana looks better with brown hair
oh she’s holding him in her skirt. that’s sweet. that was a nice moment ❤️
not entirely sure what miles just did but it appears to have worked!
a vulcan called julian logical. that’s high praise
cannot get over lwaxana’s type being Beige
miles has a puppy now! in a manner of speaking anyway
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lifeneedsrot · 6 months
🪱oh my! What’s this, our third intro post? Lawl, this time it’s complete. I don’t really want to rewrite everything again. TLDW we’re bad for you, we have every red flag in existence, we love hard. Diagnosed with DiD. Not pro or anti anything, we care very little about discourse. We want friends. Love of all things taboo.
Every alter uses a different emoji to indicate that they’re fronting. We call these “proxies”. I’ll make a list of the alters that’ll use this account. I’m Tazelein, btw.
🐁Fobi, it/she/they. Little prey. Skittish and nervous, fervently decides when we need to leave a situation. Has an overwhelming will to run and/or hide, depending on the nature of the threat it senses. She is our survival instincts and her only goal is keeping us alive. They won’t be convinced to stay in a dangerous situation, no matter what. I appreciate its desire to keep us alive, but its risk-aversion is a bit disappointing.
🦇Grim, it/any. A cutely fascinating specimen! Has a fascination with torture and abuse, just like me, but in a very different way. Can only process love through being hurt. Has an immense well of self-loathing, guilt, and shame. Hates us, but in a way that it desperately craves approval to fill the pit of self-loathing. Unfortunately, nothing ever will. Panics and lashes out desperately at any sign of betrayal or abandonment.
🎊Jynx, any. My cute niece! Well, he’s all grown up now, and really I couldn’t be more proud. Unless he was my own offspring, then I’d be more proud. She’s got a god complex and a strong desire to rule the world and make it all burn. Describes herself as a spiteful smiter. Vengeful and petty and all those good things. It also craves approval, but in the sense that it’ll destroy everyone who doesn’t worship it.
🚀Oscar, he/him. Bitter and angry, he’s completely done with relationships. Believes our system would be better off by ourselves, without anyone else. He’ll be cold and blunt. Holds no punches. He does, however, hold grudges. Will point out everything he doesn’t like about you, and everything he doesn’t like about us, and everything he thinks you won’t like about us, in an attempt to drive you away.
🥀Quasiren, they/them. Gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss! They will do whatever they deem necessary to get what they think the system needs. Right now, that’s relationships! Friendships, or romance if necessary. They specifically want very intense, codependent relationships. Maybe even toxic ones! Formerly 🌟
🥩Raptorse, it/its. Our carnivore. Really more of an omnivore, it’ll eat anything, but it’s particularly obsessed with eating moving things. Very animalistic, views everything that moves as food. Constantly hungry and won’t hesitate to bite down. Sometimes goes digging outside and swallows live insects. Only really fronts when we’re hungry, and we usually aren’t hungry, unless Quasi tries to starve us <3
🎆Starbound, she/any. Our righteous anger! Won’t hesitate to jump to defending one of our alters, even those she doesn’t like, if she thinks someone is wronging us in some way. Will even defend people outside of the system. She can get a bit violent, aggressive, and intense, though. To the point where she won’t stop at anything to prove a point.
🪱Tazelein, he/any. Me! Yours truly. The one and only. The marvelous! I value life and suffering. If I had my way, everyone would live forever and suffer forever. No one would ever die. Everyone would suffer with me, forever! I hate death with a burning passion that you wouldn’t believe.
🕊️Utopia, they/them. My grandchild! Also all grown. Has a fascination with religions. Wants to start their own. Is confident that they can make the world a better place if they were in charge of it, and desires to rule the world, but for different reasons than Jynx. Genuinely believes they can make the world the better place.
🦠Vitriol, it/its. All of the system’s self-loathing, guilt, shame, and suicidal ideation rolled into one. Hates our system more than anything in the world and believes we’re the scum of the earth. Wants to kill us feverishly. Has the ideology that we’ll abuse people if we aren’t killed off, and that’s a horrible and evil and bad thing. Personally, I don’t care about abuse, and I don’t think we should die, but Vitriol vehemently believes that we’re evil. Will push people away with the intention of protecting them from us, rather than protecting us from them (like Oscar).
🕸️Webber, any. My son! She’s such a wonderful cutiepie sweetheart. My darling Websie. Has the intent of keeping people in our lives at all costs to us and them. Hates abandonment and goodbyes and won’t let anyone go. For that reason, he is fascinated by kidnapping, stalking, and physical restraints. Doesn’t want to hurt anyone, however, and holds quite a lot of guilt for our actions. It doesn’t want to make people suffer or use people, it just doesn’t want to be abandoned.
🔥Xray, he/xe (xe/xim/xis, like he/him/his). Omnipotent primordial eldritch deity 1/3. God of destruction. Represented by fire, the sun, death, light, sharp angles, spikes, stone, blades, gore, and metal. Values truth, bravery, closure, curiosity, finality, persistence, and order. Has a composed demeanor and authoritative role in the system.
🌲Yarrow, it/they/yey (yey/yem/yeir, like they/them/their). Omnipotent primordial eldritch deity 2/3. Goddex of transformation. Represented by greenery, clouds, fungi, insects, the moon, mirrors, frost, trees, armor, and mountains. Values empathy, change, introspection, attentiveness, observation, rebellion, and protection. Has a guarded demeanor and informative role in the system.
🌊Zenith, ze/zer (ze/zer/zers, like she/her/hers). Omnipotent primordial eldritch deity 3/3. Goddess of creation. Represented by the ocean, cosmos, feathers, fur, scales, flowers, rainbows, shadows, eggs, and pens. Values humility, kindness, creativity, adventure, exertion, passion, and beauty. Has a loving demeanor and supportive role in the system.
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ode2rin · 1 year
us again 🙁🙁🙁🙁 it was actually so good i’m so glad you decided to pick it up again THANK YOU FOR SHARING TJAT WITH US DONT EVER LEAVE PLSKDJFB
Anyway i will send a long ask about quotes i liked because i need to express my awe and support and compliment U because omg. what.
After all, everything here in this town is about you and him. 
i like how you decided to set it in a town instead of just saying smth like city or whatever, because i find it more like … romantic? and YES the way we rot in his memories he’s never getting rid of us we are his childhood and literally 19 years of his life t-t THE OTHER HALF OF HIS HEART (like u said).
And deep down, he didn’t want to believe it either – until that day you decided not to show up when you promised you would.
OUCH. the paragraphs before this one too i love the way you portrayed his coping to himself and how much of an effect we had on him 😭😭 at first i was like wrf i can’t believe we ghosted him like that but after reading the letter i would definitely do the exact same thing i’m ngl 😭😭
A thousand emotions danced in his eyes, each one a testament to the love that once blossomed between you.
i love it when they can’t ever forget about us. the use of the word blossom makes it seem like such a temporary thing and it just screams highschool romance because flowers don’t blossom often (like what… once a year or smth???) and that’s like saying our love blossomed and was peak in the past and idk what i’m saying but i hope yk what i’m saying and i hope i’m not misinterpreting ur work LOL but i just had to sauce this one in here too
In this universe, you're just some two ghosts standing in the place of you and him, haunted by the memories of what once was while trying to remember what it feels to have a heartbeat.
while you share a kiss as greedy and fiery as the sea’s yearning for the moon.
the sea’s yearning for the moon that’s all.
I would’ve traded all my tomorrows for just one yesterday with you.
now this is genius. traded the tomorrows aka trading your entire future and dream and careers just for one moment in your fleeting highschool teenage romance with sae that was left in the past ……. 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
so yeah. i love your writing lots and i’m glad we’re moots<3 thank you mimi!!!!! and thanks for listening to my little rant tehe
yumi. YUMI. i would really really really love to hug you right now like this INSTANT (ಥ﹏ಥ)
the fact that you even took the time to go over the whole fic (ik it's a lot bit ._.) is enough to make me go ➡️ o(〒﹏〒)o btw i can't even start to articulate better word to tell you how thankful i am. YOU CAN HAVE A HUNDRED MANGOES FROM ME PLEASE 🥭
let me go over your fave quotes (that made my heart go swell btw wdym i have quotes now) AAAAAAA
➼ the small town !! let me telle you something, i actually love small town romance like a not so normal amount, it's prolly included in my top 5 tropes pls. i just love it when the other leaves and the other stays and by fate, they just meet again to rekindle what was once their shared memories. childhood friends to lovers is nice but if it's small town? NOM NOM I LOVE IT i've always wanted to try writing it and who's a better choice to try than our mr. i went to spain right here (even if it's not fullblown focus on that trope..)
➼ THE LETTER AHSJKAJSHAJ ngl, i would also do the same thing .. i just think sae is the kind to hold grudges lmao he definitely held MASSIVE hatred for not showing up
➼ i like using the word blossom in describing past love sometimes because (1) i love flowers, (2) it's a one time thing aka seasonal and it fits characs that yknow will fall in love once or twice in their whole life and that's it, (3) and lastly, it's temporary and it passes like time.. I LOVE YOU YUMI YOU REALLY GET ME I'M GIVING YOU SMOOCHES RN
➼ two ghost is actually a song !! i love that song so much (rumor has it that it's about taylor swift since she's harry's ex 👀) i've been listening to it and got inspired by the lyrics <3
➼ there's this children bed time story my friend told me abt that the reason why there are high tides is bec of a prince imprisoned in the sea and the moon was actually a goddess that he got punished for loving? and everytime the tide is high it means he's trying to reach for the goddess I CAN'T REMEMBER BUT THAT WAS THE STORY BEHIND IT and i decided to use it bec damn that story is the definition of yearning come on..
➼ now that line.. i was making pancakes when i thought of that oh my god and i reached out to the nearest paper i could find bec what if it leaves my mind 😭 ngl i love love love that :(
it's ME who should be glad 🫂 i'm glad i wrote make you mine bec it led u to MEEEEEEEE (iirc we became moots bec of it :>)
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onxlydan1 · 10 months
okay so like does anyone kind of hate the WWE fanbase or at least think the WWE fanbase can be a bit toxic sometimes-.
Okay so like I’m not gonna call or say any names because I don’t necessarily want to start any drama with this person or anger them because they can’t handle my opinion- so basically,
I was scrolling through TikTok, y’know just scanning through the videos on my for you page until I came across my friend’s live, so obviously I was pretty bored and I thought to myself “Oh ___ is on a live so I guess I might as well join since I’m pretty bored right now.” So then I joined and things were going pretty well, I tried saying hi in the chat but I guess my friend didn’t seem to notice, -btw there were 2 other girls on the live with her but like I said before, I’m not gonna call or say any names because I’m not trying to get into any drama. So basically, as I was saying, things were chill, nothing seemed too crazy or interesting and what I mean by that, is there was no really drama happening, it really just seemed like a normal live. So everything was basically chill until I mentioned Randy Orton. So basically I said “I’m so excited for Randy”, and nothing crazy happened. Just one of the girls who was friends with the girl hosting the live and the other girl on the live, and she made a little joke like, “Oh I’m not, I’m not excited.” And so I made a little joke too and I was like “OMG WHAT, HOW?” And then she responded saying “I’m kidding, I’m just kidding.” And y’know I laughed because I really would’ve been surprised if she wasn’t excited like everyone else, but it wasn’t really a problem to me. So then, I type another chat saying “I’m sorry ___, but Jey is getting RKO’d at SS” -Because in my personal opinion I feel like Randy is probably gonna be chill with everyone, except Jey. So incase anyone didn’t know, in 2022, Jey and Jimmy AKA the USOS were fighting Riddle & Randy AKA RK-Bro to unify the Smackdown & Raw tag team championships, basically like a Winner Takes All match, and so the USOS won, but the only problem was that the USOS accidentally injured Randy’s spine, he basically got taken out of action for a while, and had to have Spinal Fusion Surgery to heal his back. So as we know Survivor Series is coming up pretty soon, I mean it’s this Saturday, and so basically I thought, since Jey was half of the reason that Randy got injured and he’s the only half of the USOS who is on the RAW roster currently and I’m pretty sure Randy’s coming to RAW. So I basically thought to myself “I mean even though it was an accident and nor Jey or Jimmy ever intended on hurting the Viper Randy Orton. But I do feel as if Randy’s character is definitely one to hold grudges against certain people. And that’s why I think that at the end of Survivor Series, that Randy is probably going to RKO Jey Uso as revenge. Now no, I am not saying, that Randy is going to turn heel, or that the fans will start hating on Randy, I just think if you’re going to start hating on Randy again, that’s probably really stupid and dumb considering that he’s been out for almost 2 years now, and you’re going to hate on him over an RKO Outta Nowhere?? I mean, come on now guys, he’s the Viper for a reason, Randy is gonna RKO anyone who has wronged him or has tried to get in his way, which I do think that if Rhea Ripley tries to get involved with the Men’s Wargames match at Survivor Series, that Randy will not hesitate to RKO Rhea’s head off. So anyways like I was saying, I said how I thought that Randy was probably going to RKO Jey Uso after the WarGames match. And her and her friends started basically going off and me, like “Girlll, you did not.”, and saying like don’t even say another word or I’m literally about to mute you from the chat. So I thought she was joking because I didn’t think she was gonna take a comment like that, that seriously. But obviously, she did in fact take that comment quite seriously. So she said something like “Don’t say another word else or I’m going to mute you from chat.”i don’t remember exactly what I responded back but I do remember it was something like “another word” like kind of how when friends joke around like that after someone tells you something like “don’t say another word” and so I said that, and she said “Oh no you did not, like you’re actually testing me right now.” And then she muted me. I really thought she(1)
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bonecuisine · 2 years
Alright if no one’s going to rant about this I will.
Yes I’m gonna talk about my man Julian again.
When it comes to the cc fandom (not talking about all of the fandom btw!) I feel like people don’t really talk about Julian’s sentence/trauma a lot.
I’ve heard some people in the fandom say “one year isn’t bad for a kid, or “his sentence wasn’t that bad” etc, but I don’t think you some of realize how he went to a place like that is basically in a 12-13 year olds eyes, pure days of suffering. 
Juvenile detention is a place no kids should have to go to, it’s a fucking prison for children/teens. And honestly Julian’s trauma for it is overlooked, it explains why Julian seems to hold anger towards the GPD. For example when he said
“ hey I..Recognize you detective () ! Your the detective that put me in prison all those years ago,Are you here to ruin my life some more?”
This obviously shows/implied that Julian definitely had a traumatic time there, any child would if they where sent to prison at a young age.
“Well Julian would never had gone if he never robbed any house and did stupid stuff!” True, but hear me out on this. (Credits to @carlitagt on this one btw)
It’s heavily implied that Julian doesn’t have a mom, which makes Edward an single father. His mom probably Divorced his dad and didn’t want custody/died/or maybe abandonment etc.
Kids who don’t have another parent in there life usually end up troubled, this isn’t always true in many cases but in Julian’s it probably is. Anyways, without another parental figure in his life, he probably looked up to Freddy as another parent and started doing the stupid stuff Freddy did because he saw him as a father/parental figure.
Sense Julian probably found Freddy as a parent figure, his mind probably told him to do the stuff because Freddy was like a parent to him, and kids tend to do the same stuff parents do.
See the cycle? Julian also might of felt peer pressure when it came to Freddy and Ramona but I hope I’ve made my point with this.
Anyways, Julian probably never wanted to rob houses, he probably just did it because of Freddy.
Along with that,After robbing/stealing from houses multiple times, he probably got a habit or addition to it. This implies why he stole Vicky’s wallet, habits from the past like that are hard to break.
Also pretty simple go fuck yourself did you have a fucking grudge against this man, I mean after all that you make him smoke w33d,kill off his dad,give him severe depression and mental health issues, and make a shitty ass professor say terrible things to him. What type of beef you have with him jeez 😭
Also you killed off all my favorite characters, made them killers, or gave them severe trauma, go fuck yourself.
Anyways thanks for listening to my rant.
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ssreeder · 2 years
I’m actually so nervous to start reading this chapter btw. like I’ve been WAITING for this in such intense anticipation but now that it’s here I’m like… what if,, I just Don’t.. read.. it.,, for a little bit-
I love trams. trams are great. can we pls just keep focussing on the trams so we don’t have to get into all the messy shit that’s about to go down :D
ah yes the poetic tragedy of a full circle story (brb gonna be staring at My wall for a bit in solidarity and also to avoid the painful reunions thx)
yikes sokka’s trauma and resulting insecurities are about to be vomited all over the place huh
it’s genuinely so sad that sokka is coming from the perspective that he’ll have to “beg” katara to help him save zuko bc in the actual show katara was the first person ready to forgive zuko (before he betrayed her rip) and I just think it really shows how much of a shit time sokka has had that he’s forgotten that he has people in his life that genuinely do wanna help him and will do so with little to no prompting even when he Knows from personal experience what they’re willing to do for him but he can’t Really believe it bc of the situation he’s been in for so long fuck
that was a really long sentence soz lovely
nothing says siblinghood quite like lifelong grudges <3 and then you forget you were even holding a grudge until the next time they piss you off and you’re like OH YEAH I HATE THIS ASSHOLE YOURE THE WORST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO ME and then an hour later you’re like Hey Do You Want Ice-Cream
aang pov??!!?!?!? swag
ykw it’s so easy to get frustrated and be like -ugh why don’t they just tell the gaang what’s going on and then everyone is in the loop so it’s easier- but then you remember they’re literally 12 and 14 and it’s totally understandable that the adults want to shield them as much as possible from all the horrific things they’re encountering
side note: you can really tell the difference in age/trauma between sokka and aang’s povs so !! you’re slaying these characterisations sreedie
lmfao not jee suggesting they take the tram to reach their destination for committing a crime (I love him)
ofc iroh got caught.
not zuko and iroh having their reunion in literal prison T-T (it’s so on brand for them)
slay jet <3 (he’s breaking and entering)
omg sokka braiding katara’s hair… hair styling as a form of bonding… I have very many emotions.
toph is Definitely more hardcore than you’re anticipating sokka
jet’s bluffing skills >>>
oh yikes zuko is really fucked up now huh
I think zuko’s enduring hope is probably what makes me like him so much?? but like the fact that said hope manifests in stubbornness and spite ykwim? Anyways. sad times rn
samesies sokka, lake lagoli also give me the heebie jeebies fr
jet is the only person with braincells rn do NOT split up for the love of god
fuuuuuuuck that’s so tough on the both of them shit dude. I don’t even know what I would do in that situation jesus
fuck this is horrific ohmygod
JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE he’s actually the loml btw it’s actually why I divorced you soz (he’s such an old man ilh but also valid bc he’s literally fighting for his life..)
BOOOOOO shen died >:(
not shen being kebabbed T-T
no shen tried so hard to save zuko Fuck
yikes jet has to get burnt to be saved :///
I’m here for jee feeling protectiveness over toph AND RASU COMING IN CLUTCH WITH THE TACKLE
ah fuck long feng ugh
ykw would be super cool?? if sokka just like spontaneously became a fire bender bc he’s so mad I think that would be funny. also a terrible idea bc he would have no ability to control it whatsoever but *I* would find it at least a little bit funny
omgomgomg did appa lick sokka’s makeup off partially and now people are gonna recognise him ooooooohhhhh
sokka smirking after slicing someone’s throat open… like good for you baby I’m proud of you but also yikes
prison reunions <3
iroh and toph >>>
“I will have to render him unconscious” FUCKING EVERYTHIBG JEE SAYS IS HILARIOUS IM DYING
ugh fuck off sokka zuko NEEDS you jesus christ
I am still reeling sreedie. I will remain reeling sreedie. I am a wee little fish stuck on a hook and you are the fisherman waving me around in the air triumphantly. fuck you (affectionate)
ANYWAYS I am suuuuuper excited for sokka and iroh interactions in the next chappie and also for jee in general bc obviously and also jet’s healing process is gonna be a fucking Journey so,, fUn TiMeS
love you lots like jelly tots and all the good stuff but also hate you bc we’re divorced and yOU FUCKING KILLED SHEN UGH
Oh yeah,,, I’d have tried to avoid this chapter too - twas a mess.
Sokkas perception of things is extremely skewed because of his trauma but the good news it that maybe he will find himself pleasantly surprised by things??? Perhaps??? :D
I am happy there are drastic differences in POVs haha. That was my goal, check mark!
Me writing Lake Laogai: >:):):):):) >:D
Oh yeah Shen did die, didn’t he? Oops.
Sorry Jet, you’re a good boy,,, but it was your arm or your life.
I’m pretty sure if you’re a fish on my hook I’m not just waving you around I am smashing you against the walls and floor n shit. :)
Love you leekie I hate having to set your asks free.
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