#and mc is like ‘who says *I* cant 🤨’
if p3d has taught us anything, it’s that the most important untold and unexplainable piece of persona 3 canon is the fact that male mc can AND WILL just. cartwheel. I need the lore
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marunalu · 1 year
You say you're a non-shipper but then why are you out there getting all pissy at people for LITERALLY ONLY SHIPPING BkDk and getting overly preotective of Izuocha??
Don't try take this as me hating on Izuocha/Ochako because OhMyGoD i MuSt Be A bKdK sHiPpEr AnD oChAkO iS gEtTiNg In ThE wAy Of My sHip
Just so you know I don't ship Bkdk really don't and yes I admit I love Izuocha
And I'm not doing this just to be rude/mean and try to be a bitchy ass piss baby I seriously wanna know
You call Bkdks hypocrites but here you are being so obnoxious and toxic over a ship???
Shipping is literally only saying hey wonder how these two would be in a relationship without everyone jumping you and telling you that ThIs ShIp WiLl NeVeR bE cAnOn BeCaUsE so and so
Everyone gets it, no way a shonen manga MC will be explicitly stated as Gay and I also get that you really hate bakugou, to each their own you have your reasons which are just as valid as everyone else's but why be so rude and toxic for no reason to people literally only enjoying their ship??
Just because Im a non-shipper I cant talk about my opinion about a ship I hate and its toxic fanbase on MY blog??? 🤨 If I get asks about that topic of course I answer them if Im in the mood or have time! And where am I rude or toxic? Im talking about MY opinion and MY thoughts on MY blog! If a bkdk shipper cant handle my critism of bakugou or their ship thats THEIR problem and not mine! I dont go to bakugou fans or bkdk shippers blogs and posts and attack them, I try to stay away from them as good as I can, unlike all the bkdk shippers who attacked, insultet and told me to kill myself! I never have done something like that and never would! So WHERE am I toxic?? Because I have an opinion I talk about on social media?? Then what are hardcore bkdk shippers of the caliber like dekakchan to you, who openly attack anti bkdk shippers and even other bkdk shippers if their opinion is not the same as theirs on a daily basis, say terrible sexist things about ochako, downplay every other relationship izuku has with his other friends and afterwards play victim when other people call them out for their bullshit?! Why arent you calling out that kind of people instead?!
If I had a problem with the normal part of the bkdk fanbase who just ship for the lolz I wouldnt allow bkdk shippers to follow me and would tell all of them to fuck off! All the bkdk shippers that follow me and I interact with accept that I hate bakugou and bkdk and never attacked me for it nor did I ever attack them! In my posts Im talking about the toxic part of the bkdk shipper fanbase who attack others because their opinion differs from them, because this people are the main reason why bkdk shippers have such a horrible reputation in the rest of the mha fanbase! Thats my right! I can talk and rant on my blog about whatever the hell I want and if people dont like that they can block me for all I care! Or at least blog the anti bkdk and anti bakugou tag, so they dont have to see this kind of posts. If they dont do that thats not my problem, simple as that!
And about the izuocha ship. While I dont ship it, I still think its a cute and wholesome ship like I think iidadeku or tododeku are too and Im supportive of all of them, but I dont look for fanfictions or fanarts of that ships, because Im not interested in shipping. Being a non-shipper doesnt mean, you cant defend a ship or support it though or that you cant like a ship, it just means its not where your main focus is on! Im supportive of izuocha, because ochako gets so much hate from bkdk shippers, simply because they see her as a treat to their ship and because she exists!
And about you saying that everyone knows and accepts that izuku and bakugou arent gay: man you never have read the bkdk posts on twitter, havent you?! 🤣
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italofobia · 1 year
hello. answer all of the pre-relationship questions for leopine right gawd damned now (or not)
thank u adrian for sending this because leopine haunts me i have to talk about it at least once a day or i go insane mwah
1 how did they first meet?
it's so funny because canonically leona technically met the twst mc at the entrance ceremony and then forgot about it until they accidentally step on his tail in chapter one. so technically theirfirst meeting is at the ceremony but leona is too bored to notice pine, who internally is like "wtf a catboy?" but is too focused on the task at hand (getting the hell out of there) to investigate further. then i Think they might meet again in the same way as chapter one or in the same way as the novel (with leona "defending" mc ace and deuce from upperclassmen) but in both cases leona would noticeably more polite than canon because he sees pine as a woman. he still sniffs him to check if he really doesnt have magic and pine is extremely self conscious about his body odor so he's like "uh d-do i stink?". but yeah after that leona is called by ruggie and leaves (still calling pine "herbivore" because its hilarious im keeping that).
2 what was their first impression of each other?
pine: wtf a catboy? 🤨 > HE IS A CATBOY O_o > what a weirdo > WHAT A JERK (chapter 2)
leona: wtf a magicless herbivore? 🤨 > what a weirdo
3 did any of their friends or family want them to be together?
THATS A FUN QUESTION...for friends i feel like a good chunk of them would be oblivious because they are silly teenage boys who are also traumatized as hell. i feel like ruggie would be the first to notice they like each other even before they themselves realize it and hes like "oh my God they are so stupid", followed by rook who sees love everywhere but prefers to observe rather than actively intervene, then vil who sees pine as a personal project of untapped beauty of sorts and wants the best for him so hed be like "are you Absolutely sure you want leona kingscholar????" but then hed be supportive. i think another person to notice would be idia because pine often hangs out at the board game club and often talks about leona (ex: "if i had to kiss someone it would be leona but like as friends hypothetically not for real because we're just friends anyways can i roll initiative lol?") but because hes. idia he would find it eextremely cheesy. pine also tells malleus at some point and he is supportive for the most part but hes not very helpful with love advice.
as for family......okay i think leonas family would be supportive but i cant say for sure since THEY HAVE YET TO INTRODUCE HIS BROTHER AND HIS SISTER IN LAW IN CANON. but yeah i think that theyd be supportive overall.
pines family...well you know My family. leona pretty much represents anything pines parents dont want for him (long hair + tattoo + had to repeat a year + unclear future + thinks outside of the box + wears leather) but after learning that hes rich theyd forgive him for anything lol. not sure about pines siblings.
4 who felt romantic feelings first?
not sure....theyre both very mistrustful + their trauma convinced them that they're not meant to find romantic love...i think they develop feelings around the same time but are unaware of it for weeks. maybe pine is the first to realize it but idk.
5 did either of them try to resist their feelings?
YES BOTH OF THEM. pine tries to repress his feelings by trying to be "logical" considering that 1) they are very different and a romantic relationship between them wouldn't work 2) they are quite literally from two different worlds 3) leona doesn't like men romantically (he does but neither of them are aware of it for a while). leona initially represses his feelings by avoiding pine but this hurts both of them so he doesnt do it for long.
6 if you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
they both do not believe in soulmates or "fated love" so they wouldn't take it seriously lol
7 what would their lives be like if they had never met?
oh so like if pine never came to twisted wonderland basically? ok Maybe leona wouldn't have recovered from his overblot...even if he did he would have come out if it more injured and emotionally scarred than he did in canon.
pine would have probably stayed miserable forever most likely. not because of a lack of romantic love but because the twst cast as selfish and egotistical as they are made him learn how to stand up for himself. if he stayed home he would have continued doing what other people asked him to do forever...
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saitolover · 2 years
✨ cat plays … hatoful boyfriend! ✨
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okay so i went and followed my random urge to play hatoful boyfriend just bc i wanted to.. so here i am writing down my thoughts on it all bc it’s a bit late & i doubt i’ll be able to finish it after finding out how long the bbl route takes 🫢
anyways yes! i binged played for at least 4 and a half hours now and finished everyone’s route & all, am currently in the bbl route and finished the 4th class - after finding out there were 8 classes total (thanks google) i decided to sleep lmao. so onto my short thoughts on each route ig (pls bear in mind that ive been playing the game for hours straight & have been binge-speed reading it like crazy)
📌 kawara ryouta
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the very first route i did (followed a guide & pretty much did them numerically). we love this “childhood” friend who also was rlly sweet lmao, getting the ending where he talked abt his mom was actually very sad :,( lowkey funny how mc and him casually talk abt dating as human/bird but also sad bc ryouta was worried about being the one who died first and leaving her alone oml. overall a sweet bird (but now im sus of him in bbl route)
📌 sakuya le bel shirogane
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so he was the normal “noble” and “high and mighty, i am too high class for you all” type of BIRD lmao, but it was refreshing to see him turn out to want to seek out his own future in music after his family/father rejected him from originally doing it all. also got lowkey mad at this route bc i had to do both the normal and true endings to continue on to get the bbl route lmao
📌 fujishiro nageki
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first route where i got genuinely shocked about learning that nageki was actually a ghost like ??? hello ??? it all made sense too & now it’s great to hear how he’s becoming a main part of the plot in bbl route especially with him actually dying from a fire in the basement of an old hall instead of his original story like??? either i was reading too fast or there’s something else that nageki is forgetting… 🤨 ALSO he literally never got to tell mc the secret at the end of his route. WHAT IS THE SECRET (shaking him)
📌 sakazaki yuuya
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originally thought his route would branch off sakuya’s or smth but it never did. also a route that began to get kinda weird and i was like. okay we got the dove and hawk party… getting closer to the true plot here hm. anyways i became very invested in yuuya’s investigations and whenever he would try to see what shuu was up to. especially the way they were literally after him multiple times throughout the plot - with they being the hawk party??? damn okay i cannot remember well anymore but i do remember he had to hide from spies and stuff 💀 oml i cant believe they tried to just kill/shoot him multiple times like… anyways. lots of interesting stuff going on in this bird’s route and a lot of the times im like. :0 just shocked.
📌 okosan
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now we get on to a more silly route (unless being a great pudding god / being ??? will become a big plot twist or something in bbl route). still remember smashing the beans on the ground with san. idk what else to say about this route except that it was a more lighthearted break after what happened in yuuya’s route lmao
📌 nanaki kazuaki
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idk why but i expected kazuaki to be more involved with what was going on with the dove & hawk parties, especially with the cryptic things he’s being saying to shuu throughout his route like??? don’t tell me the love one you lost is involved with what’s going on with the school rn or with the two parties or with the humans…. anyways. pretty chill route save for the fact that shuu locks mc into a storage room 💀 can’t remember much else though
📌 iwamine shuu
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woooow. wow wow wow. did not expect a route to go like that. and have an ending like that. lowkey got scared when all the choices were “yes” when shuu asked if mc loved him. also cant believe mc just got murdered like that after shuu casually admitted to killing a bunch of students/birds. also let’s not forget the fact that he sent mc yuuya cooked up so she could eat him i… there is So Much to unpack from this route and honestly am still in shock/disbelief over everything that happened in it bc like… what???? in the world.
📌 higure anghel
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no cap i was INSANELY confused for like 90% of this route and honestly it was the funniest and dumbest route that ive played so far 😭 why did that all happen. why does anghel speak like that. love that he’s apparently a filipino bird #pinoypride. but pls the way there was even the boss fight at the end. ICANT this route was perfect
📌 koshiba azami
we love the girlboss… birdboss? of these couple of endings. dunno what else to say except azami is an icon for this entire game and yes i make the rules here
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📌 bbl route
okay. there is a lot to unpack and a lot of thoughts and some prediction i have to make about this route so far. once i finish writing everything i remember/want to note, ill probably move to update this post after i complete each following class. okay let’s get started
first off. i was so scared when i found out that mc died ,,, bc the story was being pretty normal and all save for the occasional text boxes between some days. also bc im playing at like 2 in the morning and it’s pitch black around me & dead silent. anyways.
it was nice to see the story in ryouta’s pov, interestingly we’ll be learning more about his relationship with mc and how they grew up together? (hopefully???) as the story goes on… now i forget there are birds on my screen as i get rlly into the story now lmao.
i REALLY wonder what is the thing that ryouta is forgetting?? that both shuu AND nageki have been bringing up like… also why does shuu have to be like that and say “yeah just go along, don’t use your brain, you’ll find it all out eventually” cmon bro. also sus bc why did ryouta lie about going straight home the evening mc was killed… why is your memory getting spotty. don’t tell me you’re gonna end up killing other birds and that you did something to mc in the first place without realizing (kinda doubt this theory tho imo)
i found it super interesting to hear more about the world hatoful boyfriend takes place in, actually. like, learning more about the parties & the pandemic & the role that humans and birds both take in this world was interesting to read, especially with what was going on with the school & how school rep mc’s death would be completed blamed onto the school, known for being more accepting of co-living… makes me wonder if it’s been planned from the very beginning?? since birth or something?? for mc to go to this school and die in this school?? what does the fire in the basement have to do with this?? why did the stairs to it get sealed off?? lots of questions that i cant wait to hear answered…
hatoful boyfriend & the way it’s actually “hurtful” boyfriend, not “heartful” boyfriend was wild 💀 especially with the way the text box’s little “hatoful boyfriend” text changed to “hurtful boyfriend” instead - yeah i got kinda spooked again. idk wonder if there’s gonna be a fourth wall breaking or smth in this,,, trying to think how the phrase “hurtful boyfriend” ties into all this, and also about all the hatoful documents and stuff all around the school…
where tf did that scarecrow thing even come from. also literally cant believe the principal has been dead and someone created/edited that video like a year ago. why is shuu and yuuya lying and being sus - does this have to do with their parties?? also cant believe how humans are pretty much preparing to kill all the birds in the school like ??? that hatch too oml
okay i think that’s all i have to say for now…? it’s 3 am and i have to wake up soon… so ill hopefully be updating this more again next time
and next time has arrived. ill be dumping what i had written throughout the rest of my playthrough. :,)
IM.... the screentime of yuuya and sakuya made me so happy bc ive always wondered if their short story lines/routes would talk more about their familial relationship but it rarely really touched on it... and now i am literally so heartbroken right now. WHY. (head in hands) i dont know what else to say about yuuya's final moments and the real story behind these two brothers ,,, except for the fact that i am actually going to cry wtf yuuya's death NOT DESERVED pls now i feel so bad for doubting him earlier TT
why is the doctor so. you know. ??? dunno have to even describe it??? how is he involved with everything. why did he say that hes the one who got anghel to go to this school(?). it feels too obvious for him to be the mastermind or anything yknow but TT idk the way hes just involved in everything makes me want to shake him. how are you involved with ALL OF THIS. why and how are you controlling the scarecrow thing??? does this scarecrow thing have to do with previous/dead students??? what if nageki's ghost is involved with this??? i feel like this scarecrow has smth more to do with this...
also some other little things: i love seeing ryouta and sakuya acting as a duo. who was the third bird?? involved?? im trying to think... it's got to be someone that both yuuya and shuu would be fine with working with and making a deal with... unless they were threatened??? but idk i feel like shuu is not the kind of bird to get threatened TT still tryna think... i feel like its got to be one of the main birds/routes???
and those are my thoughts for the 5th class (that i remembered - typed this up as soon as i finished it!)
wow so the 6th class went by so fast - unless i was just reading it super quickly... ive probably said this a million times now but I AM IN SO MUCH SHOCK??? my eyes were wide open when i was reading all that nageki remembered... and his past and the experiments that they did on him. PLEASE HELP this lil bird who's been through too much ;;;;;; does this mean that all the main birds??? well, i feel like all the main student birds - were somehow being experimented on or developed to become a weapon to humans?? is this the reason why the doctor had nageki's files in his desk? was sakuya's files also in it bc he knew of his past or bc he was also planning to do an experiment on him? has ryouta been experimented on bc of the multiple & several amount of times hes had to go to the infirmiary due to his weak stomach?? okay but wait... what if his weak stomach was a result of the experiments shuu has done on him or smth... i am so Scared. and Shocked. so many questions that are about to get answered very soon. what does the fire have to do with this???
okay, i HAVE to read the 7th class now.
OH NO. oops - sorry if ive been messing up the dove and hawk parties' ideologies i cant remember which one was actually FOR coexisting with humans and who are not,,,
NOOOOOOOOO. NOOOOOO. NO. why do all of these birds have all of these backstories. I KNEW THE DOCTOR HAD MORE TO HIM BUT PLS. i didnt think he would be ryouta's father's biggest admirer from the background like. we see you slowly warming up to him. i see that you never got to tell him your feelings. HEY WHAT DOES THAT MEAN. anyways. the way he wanted shuu to grant a wish of ryouta which is what lead him all the way here. i am Mad and Sad. smad??? uh. YOU DID ALL OF THIS,,,,, i, do not know what to say anymore.
mc's brain being in the little scarecrow. wow. i had a feeling there would be more to the scarecrow but didnt expect to hear about another experiment going on, esp with how it involved human brains TT
also pls not @ shuu gaslighting ryouta ,,, IT ISNT YOUR FAULT ,,, you were literally drugged for the past year and then had to watch your childhood friend just. die. bc you were being experimented on all along. I KNEW THE WEAK STOMACH THING WOULD HAVE SOMETHING TO DO WITH THIS. but not in such a heartbreaking way.
UGH there is so much thats been happening and now my memory is like a goldfish and i just really want to read the 8th class now. but it has been such a Wild Roller Coaster these last few classes
  uhhm. okay i just finsihed the game and. the first thing i want to say that everything that happened has Blown me away. like. everything from this entire route. Everything. i think ill need some time tonight to just lay down and let everything marinate & i'll write a proper conclusion about the game afterwards.   for now: my thoughts on the 8th chapter and the "epilogue" of the game. so thats why kazuaki had the scribbled out photo... the way hes been haunted by his shadow of guilt - which i like to see it... TT i wonder, if everytime he fell asleep, he would think back to the days he had with nageki, or to think about blaming himself for everything?? agh
the way that mc's parents attempting to be mediators at the hatoful house and how it tied to shuu approaching mc and ryouta... how it had involved both kazuaki and nageki. wow. ALSO its so cool how i now reread over the archive files from the main menu and i pretty much can accurately tell what each file is referring to, or who is the one who wrote each file.
i am still in shock. who wouldve known a bird dating sim would this to all happen.
also, same at sakuya wasting his mourning on yuuya - i was literally mourning too like TT why did you have to fake die like that man. AND THE FACT THAT RYOUTA WANTED TO SEE HIS MOM but he couldnt bc he didnt want to bring any death to the humans... who knows how long hes been waiting for everyone with mc's brain and nageki. what if he doesnt wake up. im literally so heartbroken bc in his route, his mother passed after being so sick in the hospital, and now im worried bc what if he never gets to see her again. he literally worked so hard to support her all the time and loved her sm ,,,,,
theres def a lot of things that are slipping from my mind as im writing this (im sorry). its like my brain stopped working and now im so sad about everything thats happened.
was the spirit that nageki talking to in the library before mc??? was she also participating in the little boss fight against brainwashed ryouta??? ugh i need to know more. what if i just replayed the entire game to see all the little things referring back to the truth behind the school and the past of the main birds. haha just kidding... unless??? i want to play the sequel now too... well. for now, time to be sad. i now love this entire game and all of these birds to pieces. (also ive decided. im going to replay the entire game because i can and because i need to)
i word vommit whatever i want and unconsciously create the most random hcs / questions sorry if i say the most random shit or smth in this 😭 also sorry not sorry i like my little hcs and i hope maybe theyre neat too
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leora-rambles · 2 years
Please countinue the road I traveled on pls pls I fucking love it so much
Also is the mc a girl or guy or nonbinary I’m confused 😗
Omg hello anon
I cant even promise a date on when the next chapter will be posted,, all I can say is MAYBE it will come soon,,, maybe,,,, who knows (not me) (like,,, It’s definitely written!! It’s definitely words!! I am just a little silly and I have to read it 1000 times before posting)
When I wrote the first chapters of “The Road I Have Traveled on”, I imagined it with a fem reader in mind. Later on, as I thought more about it, I was like “🤨… some people who read my fanfics aren’t fem… 🤔,” so then I went back and I edited the pronouns to be gender neutral. So to answer your question, yes.
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reilliane · 2 years
its ironic how the sibling xiao fic is called “mercy”, and yet.. it’s all angst💀
-🦧 wha’s that about, reli?🤨 Okau okay but, i forgor that xiao was oria birb. but like, that’s rrly cute.. m(mercy)!mc just as a little bird napping in his hair like it was a nest bajasvwk. That’s where his ability to be still as a damn statue comes in handy, no wakey-wakey little birdy. it’d be funny if both of them absolutely detest chicken. (and just what if, what if m!mc had the human form of a little girl, maybe like qiqi becaus honestly that’d be hilarious and cute imo. so everyone is all like “awwww, hi there!” in that cooing baby voice to her and then there’s xiao in the background just rolling his eyes and scoffing; m!mc blinking blankly at them as she contemplates on whether to use this to her advantage or burst their bubble and reveal her true age [which she honestly has lost count of].) Has definitely used her child form to her advantage on many occasions. Like when she’s in a fight and cant be bothered — or is too tired — to attack, so she just starts crying and screaming for help until a mililith guard or some adventurer comes to her aid. Excellent actor😁. Maybe even tricked the traveler once lmao, paimon was not happy when they learned the truth. Xiao finds it funny, but also rather annoying like, he just doesn’t get it— his little sister can fight, being taught be him himself, so why doesn’t she just- fight instead of acting like a scared child in the heat of battle?? (and omg, imagine if the abyss comes after her one time and they r just confused for a split second since she a child, but then they remember klee lol. they expect, and know her to be strong and fight back, but then mc does what she does best: act like a helpless child).
im telling you, even Ganyu was fooled once. THIS IS SO LONG OM SORRY
Ironic, yes, it indeed is ironic. Can you guess who between the two siblings is showing 'mercy'? :')
It's all about angst, that's the reason ehehe ♪(´▽`)
ALSO I like how mercy isn't even released yet but you're already shooting fluffy things. Which I don't mind.
Expounding an unreleased piece is fine with me and I can indulge and provide, as long as I don't spoil what's necessary within the plot ;)))
I believe Yakshas have the ability to morph into whatever human forms they have. So a toddler/child is possible.
Being a little mischievous is one of Mercy!MC's traits, too, that I will confirm—buuuuut hehe, it's a little.. subdued. Interpret it however you wish until the ficlet pops up aeee
She does also fit in well with the mortals than big brother XIao... since opposites. Much more welcoming, too, but we all know Xiao was once like that... there's just that tragic past of his :(
Ficlet-wise (say it's just fluff first-) if he sees MC fooling around he'd be amused. MC might've.. changed after the Archon War, but he knows she'll fare nicely in a battle, still.
Lmao my attempts to humor this prompt without spoiling things is getting difficult-
But! In actuality, if we're going to remove the fluff, Xiao will feel annoyed. Oh no! OH NO BIG BROTHER IS MAD. THAT'S BAD.
MC's used to it (an even sadder thing) but she tries not to let it dampen her day. After all, the fact that they're still together as siblings means a lot!
It does not matter if Xiao's mad or anything... she'll continue about her day~
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saintobio · 3 years
If people are guessing correctly, it means you are great at setting things up! And you are!! You are amazing and i love your writing!
Please take the time you need to rest and don't feel like the chapters should be shorter in order to update faster. You don't owe us anything and we know you have a life outside the blog
That said omgg i would melt if hoejo called me "my wifey" i'm such a subby sucker i would probably forgive him so fast. Rip to mc but i'm different (??
Anonymous said
gojo calling y/n 'wifey' is cute, but the lady at givenchy calling y/n 'mrs. zen'in' is the cutest ! i wanted to stop by and say to always take your time when working on your stories, and i love how they are all beautifully written 😊 hoping to see toji in the future chapters ❤ sorry for my bad english hehe
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Anonymous said
hi lovely, as always an amazing chapter. you really are out doing yourself!! a lot of readers don’t understand how much time it takes to write something like this especially when you do 8k + every week (almost twice that amount this week!!) plsplspls rest ai, ilysm ppl shouldn’t snap at you for taking a little longer to update.
and to the ungrateful readers out there one week is NORMAL. writing can take hours upon hours sometimes, pls keep sometime for yourself:( she works SOOO hard to pump out chapters every few days so don’t go bitchin. pls make time to check on the socials, spend time with loved ones and rest bb. you deserve it. <3
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Anonymous said
The way I woke up exactly at 3am to read this is 🌚👌
Anyway,,, ch7 was just– "😭🥰🤗😢😰" yeah mixed feelings. At this point I'm just 50/50 on rooting for Gojo x MC,, I'm so conflicted at this point pls. For the first time, I was actually looking forward to seeing Toji and see him be with MC, surprisingly since I never really was attached to his character in canon so yeah thx Ai :'D. This whole chapter just got me so pissed at Sera 😭 like miss maam you're the mistress here,, stay on your lane.
Speaking of "mistress" Gojo really had no right getting mad at MC for saying Sera was the mistress. Like was she wrong🤨🤨 He had the audacity to get angry abt "Mrs. Zenin" and her mini date with Toji when he was the one who called her an "attention-seeker" and told her to stay away from him. Choose a struggle sir🙄🤚
This whole chapter was so great Ai pls— I really love MC sm and tbh I really want her to distance herself from Gojo even for a few days since oml she deserves better😔 her self-worth is too great to be wasted to be with someone like Gojo and she needs to realize to love herself like the queen she is👏👏
Ahhhhh anyway,, Ai thank for you this chapter but please do remember to rest and take care of yourself before anything. *huggies* 🥺❤
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Anonymous said
listen i’m all for anti-gojou propaganda but he was so SOFT this chapter and my heart cannot handle it. he was so vulnerable with mc and omg pls the daddy stuff was so hot i cannot. BUT THE ENDING?? i know i shouldn’t but i hate sera so much!! like “i cant believe you’d actually bring her here” BITCH ITS HIS OFFICE!!! MC IS HIS WIFE!!! WHO TF ARE YOU!!! and i already know that mc is gonna get upset about him tracking sera’s cycle (as she should!!) but like he’s doing it to not get her pregnant. like satoru is literally thinking about mc 24/7 and it seems like mc is thinking about sera more than gojou at this point! im simply crying in the club and i’ll be coming up with all kinds of scenarios in my head until the next update. as always you’re amazing and i can’t wait to see what you come up with next 💕
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Anonymous said
Okay there is no way Sera “loves” him!!! She doesn’t like it when Gojo talk to her about his problems but is okay with talking about Hers??? Like okay we get it you have problems but so do other people!!!! (That kinda sounds bad) like having money is nice and all but there are still problems!!! Gojo has been and still is being abused!!! And the fact she doesn’t what to heat it??? Lmao no. She’s terrible. And like…she has to only like Gojo for his money! She accepted his fathers money! She accepts the gifts Gojo gets her and says “no I can’t…but if you insist!!!” Like bro… no…. She likes the gifts because it makes her feel like a princess which is okay to feel but not when your using someone… and at this point it only seems like she’s using him… sorry for the rant! I’m loving it and I can’t wait to chapter 8!!! I’m scared so I might avoid it for like 2 second because I’m weak 😩 but it’s like exited but scared😩
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Anonymous said
Asdfgghk I can noooooooot gojo gets on every nerve that I have yet i still love him I've definitely had enough of sera like i need her to fuck all the way off
I was so happy when mc finally started giving gojo a taste of his own medicine it's what he deserves but it was still very nice that she was able to help him when he needed it that whole scene was sweet
Buuut I was so sad when I read toji wasnt at the party😭 but here to hoping him and mc have more moments in the next chapter omfg what if in the end she really does end up with him and gojo is sad because she does leave him anyway ignore that that's just me thinking out loud lol
But frfr I super duper love this story and this chapter was a rollercoaster of emotions and I loved it thank you u so very much for sharing it with us
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Anonymous said
...idk man, I just want y/n to grow a backbone and acc put herself first 😞 shes doing everything for him and never for herself which is kinda too nice that its painful 👀 miss girl I can be ur personal assassin, dont gotta pay me I'll do it anyway 🙄 I'm honestly so confused with gojou like I acc cant get my head around this guy man. And that bora bora trip sounds like a pain 😒 how do we even come cry for this guy when I'm literally the one who wants to make him cry blood 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Anonymous said
Literally it sucks so much because satoru has so much trauma from childhood that would honestly mess up anyone if they went through it , he felt that his mom abandoned him and he has an abusive father and his only haven are his memories of y/n, who he relates to the mother that abandoned him 😭. It’s so upsetting because he’s just a broken man who doesn’t know how to fix himself and in return he’s putting all his hurt onto y/n and it’s spinning her deeper into not only confusion but possibly even depression 🥺
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I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF U !! thank u for the messages, reactions, analyses <33 i’m sorry ai is too tired to respond individually but i’ve compiled all of ur amazing asks so everyone can see <33
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mikeellee · 2 years
Its a silly thought to have here but...it alwaus buggle me how...the whole Shiggy is Tenko's revelation was done in such poor and shady way.
It should lead to more introspection or at least...gvie more time to built up and so we would feel the impact.
Hori? Throw the info like is no big deal and that's it.
And THIS should have been seen as a bad signal. It really should. Imagine if Vader had made the famous line ...with the meh feeling Hori has "btw, I'm your father"
( avid hater of DFO. And this wont augument Izu's story IN NOTHING! GOD DAMNIT WHAT ZUZU WOULD WIN IN THIS REVELATION?)
And ...this makes me jump to another issue. If the Shimuras should have been more importants...the Midoriyas deserved more.
Do I want Izu to be related to the king from far away lands? Not really
The thing here is how...Inko has nothing for her - she is not a super mom nor abusive. She too thought quikrless were weak and well never changed that. Never learn about the abuse her son face...why?- DFO theories just say "she married a villain" or the Inko Shimura theory says ",hahaha she is a Shimura too"
It means nothint about her character. Nothing about her past.
And we dont know anything about Izu's family. Where are his grandparents?
Do they hate him bc he is quirkless?
Are they dead?
In my fics I do stand his family. He has a grandma who was a quirkless hero...and a grandpa who was a caring soul.
And Inko has a generational trauma.
Hisashi IS a dead beat father - even with the knowldge parents work overseas and stay out of their families...he is so devoid from the story...- and we dont even know his face.
Does Izu hate ?
Does he care?
All I'm.saying is ...I do want Zuzu to have struggles and overcome...and win.
Hori wants to make his character in pain for no reason. Nothing in his writing favour his MC or abused victims characters.
MHA is all about "you cant live without your abuse" which is so sad.
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imtheaestheticslave · 2 years
Thingss i love about him:
- when he laughs at me although i dont even know what the hell he is laughing about. He looks so handsome when he cracks up though <3 (although i must look so dumb but im happy that he’s enjoying his time with me 😋)
- The way he does his own thing without giving an f about others
- The way he pins my head down to kiss me when im on top of him (😏)
- The way when he comes in and sees me in bed then he gonna comes to me and hug me (like aww babeee😭)
- The way he burries his head in my neck or my chest (unfortunately got no boobs to offer🥲) when we cuddles (it makes me feel like im his safe space and awww ofc i am YOUR safe space😏)
- He called me his alcohol, dessert and 🧸 (like that is way better then the body punching bag shit when we were first close)
- The way he says certain stuff purposefully to piss me off/ teases me just so he can see my angry/mad reaction because i know he likes it and thinks it’s funny/cute😛 and wants to see it
- His “uhuh” is the hottest thing alive (like i wanna die hearing that)
- How much he likes beer
- His AMAZING movie taste (very different from mine but his movies are real cinematic experiences and taught me how to be patient to enjoy movies since i have always been into fast-paced shits because they r the only thing that caught my attention fully)
- Yeah and he does teach me to be patient as well
- Hate to admit this but great taste in music, teaches me a lot as well
- Him playing with my bum
- The fact that he respects and loves his mom so much and said nothing wrong with a mother’s boy (YESS DADDY)
- He’s grounded as hell
- When we watch dark and he laughed at me and said “it’s cute that you think u’re right” when im trying to guess who’s noah (like i dont get what’s so funny but ummmmm i LOVEEE that reaction of yours)
- His jokes (he thinks he’s soo funny) and uhm my mean im trying my best to humble him down by not laughing😂
- Whenever i get all sad he would hug me tighter in his arms
- When he pads on my shoulder when i cry and say “it’s alright” (i love you so much)
Things i “hate” about him:
- the way he turns everything into a competition bc “i’m a competitive guy” and as a result i owe him 100000 mc donalds already (like baby i would lose everytime and we both know how much power u have over me <3)
- Think he’s a judge in our debates
- If he ever changes his mind about liking me again im gonna kill his asss (and whoever next bitch he’s intending to fuck)
- When he randomly thinks about work when i give him head and obv work always catches his attention even when he’s with me like duh🤨🥺😤😡🤬😳
- The way he knows that i want him to kiss me but he doesn’t (like wtf is that altitude😒)
- Doesnt want to go to sainsbury car parks with me for the aesthetics
- Refuse to believe aliens live underground
- Too self-aware about how much i like him so when i try to lie he will be like “are you though” and reads me too well and soo i can’t be the pathological liar i have always been (bitch sees through my soul😔)
- How he obsseses over parisian and french (like no disrespect to france but he’s too into it)
- How he doesnt stand up for me when yosef is roasting the hell out of my astrology shits
- Narricistic
- Take a long time to admit that my bum is good (not the head though😉)
- Rarely gives compliments 😔😣🚩, instead says “they’re not bad”, “it’s adequate)
- Genuinely thinks that i cant take a joke while i literally can i just act offended sometimes for fun😤
- When he’s tired of fingering me😡
- Sometimes he’s off and just doesnt kiss me that much
- How he says “let’s go back to be friends” so easily like he doesnt care at all although i know he does care
- When he says “u gonna find someone else” and “im not that special”
He’s never been my bf and we came back to friends several months ago. But we crossed the line again😳🥲 (not surprising though), will update more on this list x
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voidcat · 2 years
For the ask game:
pluto ⇢ tell something supernatural that happened to you
MC ⇢ what kind of reputation do you think you have?
11H ⇢ describe your friends in 3 words
Morning to you too😐😐🤨🤨🤨
pluto ⇢ tell something supernatural that happened to you
Cant think of much rn but I often see glimpses into my future in my dreams or on rare occasion when I daydream. Aka I see a certain scene in a dream (like a scene u hyper focus just as u dozed off, and sometimes a sentence someone says in the bg) and months, days or even years later I see the very scene and hear the exact words in real life.
Also this one time the wind blew from the window, I reached out for ky scissors to my right and they were instead on my left. I had put them on my right half a minute ago…
MC ⇢ what kind of reputation do you think you have?
Annoying attention whore who desperately needs therapy or to go to a psych ward but instead comes whining on tumblr dot com and writes niche hurt no comfort fics that don’t match fanon characters at all
Also maybe nice? I think I come off as nicer here than I do on rest of socmed… I rmr doing those “on a scale how intimidating I am” stuff on twt etc and ppl Are intimidated by me irl and online…. Lol
11H ⇢ describe your friends in 3 words
Describe (1) my (2) what? (3)
JOKING joking oki: hot caring/lovely co-neuronhost (for online friends)
Single braincell alll the way babey (what the author meant to say here is: dumb /j)
Looking good Aki
Astrology ask game
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ragnvdnir · 2 years
Ok i'm back to reply to your messages 😍
miss kamisato girly better come home but if she aint doing that you who who will : kazuha 😏 ay*to might just sign up in a business marriage to continue the bloodline 😌
Yes i hope i lose my 50/50 to that certain sweetie pie 2 😍 i've only won it one time with albedo and lost every other 50/50s with no diluc 😔 and c2 qiqi and keqing :') i have like cons for each standard 5* and i am still dilucless 😭
bc i was just in a village doing alright then i became your royal advisor over night and now im crazy like you 🧐 if i did get a hime cut irl we would be twinning 🤩 the queen and her royal adviser twinning in hairstyles (real!) Yes you're def dragging me to som crazy things 😭
This "betrayal" to are talking about means that i'd kick asses for you but i'd kick your ass too if i have to do it 😋😎
Yes i can see through your brain 😌 it's giving so much wide ass open minded vibes 💪 no but 😭 you're really successfully making everything sound funny or a joke everytime 😩
True abt vyn 🙄 man is allegedly aspiring to be an attention wh*re??? 🤨 Asking is easy but he wants to manipulate you instead 👮 yeah he may not physically be strong but he'd fit in a role to be proclaimed "dead" and the actual killer in the movie 😰
Today's generation must be smarter bc look at them not making the sweetie pie the standard 🤬 (this is a joke we def respect your ideal types ✌️😭) yall wilding when you can just settle for a simple but also luxurious life with Diluc Ragnvindr 😤💕
"maam this is mcdonalds" do you think you can stop me?? u lowly peasant of a cashier 🤨😎 can i just please order an extra large fries and a spaghetti with coke drink maam 😌 marius teases MC but he knows when 2 stop too when u literally cant take it 👍 cant let you die bc of him 💪 have fun having the stages of grief again 👍 she got engaged by default so that we would not try to endorse her to mhy as a potential lover character 🤬 they know they makin their side characters especially the women look good bc we cant date them 🙄
Also to the ppl cancelling Ein over using emojis: 🤺🤺🤺 dont you dare slander her humor 🤬🤬🤬 ur just jealous she's funnier than yall 🙄😤 (this is a joke again i dont do fights with ppl so pls ignore me 😎 i literally have no time to fight in nonsensical arguments) just keep using the emojis 😍😍😍 bc who are you to bow down to them 😋
No but about the ableist thing 😰 i kinda am frightened to whatever stuff that id do or say would come out of me bc i was ignorant of stuff
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i hope so too, i like ayaka's playstyle so she better accept my proposal🙄 kazuha will surely go home if she didn't bc after all im guaranteed😏😏 and whos this ay*to trying to set an arrange marriage🤨🤨 tell him to do it or hes a scaredy cat🤷🤷
mr. diluc is playing hard to get, just be patient bc thats what i did even though i have to suffer months before i got him😗😗
oh wait you're from a village before becoming royal advisor??😲😲 why is this kinda familiar 🤔🤔
i was a girl in the village doing alright then i became a princess royal advisor overnight. now i gotta figure out how to do it right, so much to learn and see~
u should get hime cut🤨 we're best buddies so we have to show ppl we're true and legit💆💆 kicking asses for me? yes. kicking my ass? no🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️ i would run away if i have too my dear royal advisor ⁉️
sometimes i just wanna shut my mouth bc weird and corny jokes naturally comes out and i have to curl into a ball and cry on how cringy it is😔💔
ugh me and vyn being an attention seeker🤝 🤝🤝 we definitely deserve each other but my man vyn richter, manipulation is a no no or you will see a flying slippers and appliances coming your way🙆🙆🙆
agree, diluc set the bar too high to reach. diluc would do anything for you (yes we respect your opinions dont mind us! after all *glances at thoma* there's a certain malewife i would need in my life hehe)
me? a lowly peasant? i see🤔🤔 ill be looking for a new royal advisor. just ask my butler for your last pay check
i still refuse to believe that celestine is engaged 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
naurr bc i started overusing emojis with my irl friends as a joke. apparently, i never got away from it👀 i think emojis is a part of my life now😔💔
same same anon😭 i now have to prevent myself from doing things bc i wont know that i did something horrible until someone points it out or mentions them. im just glad that this is not twitter bc i will really get cancelled even tho i did that unknowingly😟😟 twitter is a scary place to be in and not to mention the toxic side of genshin fandom existing there😗😗
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jayflrt · 2 years
once again I’m back with long review,because I realized I never told you how I felt about bloodlust
this really matches their concepts I’m EXCITED AHHH. yes angst we love to see it. ngl halfway through kinda forgot this was a hoon fic IMSORRY i have no words for this fic it’s so beautiful the way it has an open ending adds more flavor to it. I love love the fact this whole fic revolves around suspense and mystery which my FAVORITE GENRE 🗣🗣 still kinda mad you made sunoo d word halfway through maybe he deserves to love a BIG LONGER. jungwon kudha kon possessive over the mc, babe that’s kinda out of your character ngl 🤨 this part had me laughing I’m sorry
“A vampire? Like Edward Cullen?” you clarified, almost wanting to snort at the thought of a Park Sunghoon who sparkled under the sunlight.
not to be that person this kinda attractive 🙄
“The taste of fear—it’s in their blood.” Sunghoon’s eyes darkened, his grin widening. “That’s why vampires hunt during October, and Halloween’s the final meal.”
“Just as I thought,” he mumbled, letting go of your hand with a sigh. “Your blood doesn’t taste that good.”
nah jungwon that’s very messed up I get it you want the ppl out of your way but YOU DONT JUST KILL THEM OFF ?!?!?!{£ it’s Interesting to think about the small beef both jungwon and hoon has over the mc like, I just know hoon would pull “you’re her best friend but yet you’re hiding this and on top of it killing people she cares for ?” ok i wish there was a bit more hoon and jungwon interaction or just that tension, I mean it’s visible but maybe I just want more tho??? REGARDLESS IT WAS A MASTERPIECE OKAY 🗣🗣🗣 ok ngl I wasn’t expecting it to be an open ending, rather it to be more of her becoming a corpse 😭 the ending really had a big part in making the fic interesting af. I just have no words the suspense, the way you bring the character in each one of them (even if you didn’t last long #flyhigh 🕊 sunoo) it was magnificent. if I’m being honest this my 4th time reading this ?? I have too many free time on my hand jk im procrastinating. Alice all I wanna say is your brain is so sexy and I wanna kiss it. also maybe take you out for food and make sure you get all the happiness you get just GIRL I LOVE YOUR STORY IT HAS ME HOOKED ?!?!?!!? no like sometimes I can’t sleep without finishing the whole fics you write it’s just so urghdndjdj 😖😩😣 the way you have me barking for you /j ok seriously I love your works and I would never stop talking about them. ok love you mwah byee 🤍🤍🤍🤍
HI 😭😭😭💖💖💖💖
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first of all thank you for taking the time to type out all of this in an ask like??:$;!:! THATS SO MUCH I WAS SO WARM JUST READING ALL OF IT 😭😭💗 i just had the biggest smile on my face reading through the ask for like the third time bc i was so soft :(( ALSO HAHAHD HONESTLY KINDA GLAD YOU FORGOT IT WAS A HOON FIC that was kinda my goal ??? ish??? i didnt rlly want it to go under sunghoon or jungwon bc there wasn’t any actual romance, but since mc pined over sunghoon for most of the fic and it’s implied that sunghoon May have returned her feelings at the end, i thought putting it under sunghoon fit better :’)) plus i didn’t want ppl to know ab how jungwon felt so i didn’t want to put it as a jungwon x reader 😳
pls i genuinely feel like i cant get through writing a fic without a Tiny bit of humor :’)) hence the twilight reference LMAOAO but imagine a park sunghoon sparkling under the sunlight 🤩🤩 tbh he would be a cullen he’s such a pretty boy <3 ALSO YEAHHH i’m not the kind of person who simps over villains but villain sunghoon 😎😎 and omg i was imagining how i’d react in that scenario with sunghoon calling out her blood tasting bad 😭🤚 TBHH i’d be offended adios
oh yeah def!!! i would’ve loved to expand on it if it wasn’t on mc’s pov but also since it’s open ended i kinda liked keeping it more mysterious :’D but i feel like it would be v interesting from another pov like sunghoon or jungwon :o honestly!!! while i was planning the fic i was about to just make mc a corpse 💀💀 but then i Thought ab it for a while and better ideas started developing and then i rlly liked the idea of leaving it open ended :’) i felt like a little shirley jackson 🧘‍♀️
A MASTERPIECE PLSS YOU HYPE ME UP TOO MUCH 😭💖💖 IM VERY HONORED 🤧💗 also i’m so glad you liked my characterization tho anon !! D; omg thoughts and prayers for sunoo 😭 albeit he didn’t last very long, he had a very very important role which is why he got his own missing persons poster and everything !
you read it 4 times !! 😳😳😳 PLS that’s so much omg i’m so touched that you think my fic is good enough to read that many times 😔💞 AHH AND THATS SO SWEET OF YOU TO SAY AB MY OTHER FICS but pls get in your hours of sleep when you can :’)) although i can’t talk bc my sleep schedule is horrendous 🏃‍♂️ but thank you sooo so much for this ask and i hope you take care and have a great day/night angel !! ♡
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ragnvdnir · 2 years
Hold up i just realized you renamed your "ask" button as "confess your sins here" 😭
I'm scared for whatever will happen in the future for you who knows what other temptations will you finally act up on 😰 also just wanna let you know one of the past few days i have dreamt of getting a hime cut too in some hairdressing parlor. Is this a sign that you'd be cutting your hair like that irl 🤔
Okay whatever you say i'll be the evidence myself ✌️😎 i'm having fun. And fairy godmother 😭 how on earth did i became one- 🧙‍♂️ dw about struggling on finding the right words i do the same too 🙈
Didn't expect Ein to be interested in these kind of things tbh 😭 it was really a shock to me tbh. But i'm a "why?" kind of person too and without proper reasons and explanations i wouldn't believe/understand something 💪
Vyn would be hella scary if he's mad at you 😰 he can gaslight his way out like a girlboss smoothly but i 🤝🤝🤝 with you that i would feel scared around him too but at the same time comforted because he understands you but someone understanding you have a positive and negative side 😰😰 vyn is better than most manipulative kind of man out there 💪💪 he's not toxic and makes an effort to understand the MC/dirty his hands like literally with soil so that MC wouldn't have to harvest the crops and just hold the basket in that one summer card of him before 👌 i dont play anymore bc i only came for the lawyer roleplay and mystery rather than the boys tbh 😎 but i might come back bc they updated the main story 😍
Take ur time in transforming your theme 🌹 no bc it is really looking lowkey sexy 👌 but i am sexier of course 👹 i dont have his false tears card yet but i think i get how things went with the feedback of people about that ✌️ from the title "false tears" and some people said that he faked himself crying to get a reaction from us.. is it true??? 😭 That dude prolly putting you in social experiments everytime tbh. Maybe he aint. But he CAN. I'd straight up snatch his glasses and not let him see anything clearly 😌
also if you're curious, i initially liked artem but then marius keep coming home as my first ssr and so many cards of him 💀 so that means i have access to his stories too and that made me like marius by default 💪 doesnt mean that i like marius is that i am a childe liker 😭 he's a different person despite being similar. Marius is playful but he knows when to get serious and that's also attractive 👍 also Celestine have a fiancee already so :((
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i just thought of that on the spot😭☝️ and maybe i want to be punny too😔👉👈
dw i understand why u didn't expect me to be interested is these type of things bc nonsense usually come out of my mouth😭 i feel you anon i have alot of why's too😌😌
naurr bc vyn can easily manipulate and gaslight me just by speaking my name and adding flowery words😰😰 damn this love language of mine im too naive😔😔 vyn can make me dance in the palm of his hands without me even knowing im being controlled 🤨🤨 and abt the false tears, ill put down somethings that he said
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vyn, the psychiatrist who also needs help😽👌
iwnsksj sameee😭 i always get marius cards thats why i got swayed away from vyn alittle👀 marius is my first ssr too😰😰 what is this marius thingy we share😔
marius liker thats doesn't like childe? sussy👀 i mean same i would fight childe
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