#and michelles bday too
possessedartist · 1 year
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lesbianlenas · 3 months
the way that my friend who stopped talking to me for no reason did not even bother to say happy bday to me…..a crime that is completely unforgivable actually. she is dead to me now unironically……
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alteredphoenix · 1 year
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Happy birthday to the (One of the Two) Best Girl(s)!
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musicaleaves · 3 months
Character birthdays
no need to celebrate them, but if you want to, here they are
Luca: April 18th
Pheobe: July 7th
Leo: September 25th
Michael: March 31st
Oliver: January 10th
Abel: May 30th
Andrew B: June 1st
Charlotte B: August 18th
Timothy B: November 4th
Vivian B: February 22nd
Hugo: December 5th
Ariel: May 28th
Zoey: December 21st
Lucy: October 31st
Mathew: September 17th
Michelle: June 19th
Finn: November 8th
Robin: January 6th
Reginald: March 13th
Margret: April 25th
William: October 7th
Caroline: August 9th
I’ll probably do canon characters in the future ( I feel Kels birthday would be at march 17)
And if you share the same birthday as one of these characters, congrats
also, I don’t believe in astrology (I’m NOT sorry)
edit: changed Abel and Margret’s birthday to April and may, o thought there were too many march bdays
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userholland · 2 years
73 questions tag (2022 edition)
hi all ! so, i found this tag a few days ago and i did it back in 2020 so i thought it would be fun to bring it back (while also tagging some new people). sending love and hugs! <3
on a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now? i think at least a 8. i'm almost done with college, it's close to my bday and im more optimistic these days.
describe yourself in a hashtag? #shesthatgirl
if you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be? jake gyllenhaal what
if your life was a musical, what would the marquee say? "who's that girl? it's liz!"
what’s one thing people don’t know about you? still not a lot lmao
what’s your wake up ritual? read for fifteen minutes, get up and move my body, drink a glass of water and journal.
what’s your go to bed ritual? working out, usually stretching and i literally either go to bed at 11pm or 4am depends on the study sessions and writing that day. 
what’s your favorite time of day? midnight or dawn!
your go to for having a good laugh? kpop try not to laugh videos/variety shows
dream country to visit? london or zurich
what’s the biggest surprise you’ve ever had? knowing that i have the capability of making friends when i feel socially awkward. i know its not a single surprise but i think quarantine really made me think that i have no friends and dont know how to be a functional human.
heels or flats/sneakers? sneakers!!!
vintage or new? new.
who do you want to write your obituary? my partner <3
style icon? jeon jungkook
what are three things you cannot live without? my laptop, my phone and journal
what’s one ingredient you put in everything? butter tbh
what 3 people living or dead would you want to make dinner for? princess diana, audrey hepburn and michelle yeoh. its a ladies night y'all
what’s your biggest fear in life? still trusting the wrong people
window or aisle seat? window!
what’s your current tv obsession? stranger things season 4 (y'all go watch it!)
favorite app? tiktok
secret talent? i can move my ears
most adventurous thing you’ve ever done in your life? probably traveling alone to mexico and wondering how i actually survived. i was 17 and knew nothing.
how would you define yourself in three words? sarcastic, introverted and quiet
favorite piece of clothing you own? xl t-shirts, sweats (black, grey and white)
a must have clothing item that everyone should have? white sneakers 
a superpower you would want? invisibility
what’s inspiring you in life right now? my nonfictional books
best piece of advice you’ve received? “life is like a tree. there are many branches that are like our emotions. one branch for anger, another for happiness, another for sad, it goes on. they break off, they grow, it's all about perspective."
best advice you’d give your teenage self? don't try to grow up too fast. you take all the time in the world to heal from whoever or whatever hurt you. don't dye your hair, don't curse at your parents, and don't complain about how slow life feels. just be young, enjoy the moment and love yourself for who you are and not how others want you to be.
a book everyone should read? the switch by beth o'leary
what would you like to be remembered for? goofy as fuck
how do you define beauty? beauty is in everything and everyone. i think that everyone should feel beauty rather than search for it. your identity is yours and no one else can take that away. there is no standard in beauty except yourself! 
what do you love most about your body? my freckles
best way to take a rest/decompress? listen to music
favorite place to view art? in a museum or traveling in a city
if your life was a song, what would the title be? screaming but sane
if you could master one instrument, what would it be? keyboard/piano
if you had a tattoo, where would it be? my whole left arm
dolphins or koalas? koalas
what’s your spirit animal? bunny or dolphin
best gift you’ve ever received? i dont want to say money but. money (for things i want to buy)
best gift you’ve given? i like giving people what they like or are interested in so, i dont think they're all the best but just memorable or caring.
what’s your favorite board game? sorry!
what’s your favorite color? still royal blue
least favorite color? dark orange/yellow
diamond or pearls? pearls
drugstore makeup or designer? drugstore makeup
blow-dry or air-dry? air-dry
pilates or yoga? pilates
coffee or tea? coffee or nothing
what’s the weirdest word in the english language? flabbergasted
dark chocolate or milk chocolate? NEITHER
stairs or elevators? stairs
summer or winter? summer
you are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat? carbonara tteokbokki
a dessert you don’t like? anything almond. gross
a skill you’re working on mastering? journaling
best thing to happen to you today? i got to sleep in until 12:30
worst thing to happen to you today? i woke up tired lmao
best compliment you’ve ever received? “you look like the kind of a girl a celebrity would immediately hit on"
favorite smell? vanilla and coconut
hugs or kisses? hugs
if you made a documentary, would it be about? good food in new york
last piece of content you consumed that made you cry? stranger things season 4, ep 4: dear billy. if you know, you know.
lipstick or lipgloss? lipgloss
sweet or savory? sweet
girl crush? jung hoyeon and sydney sweeney
how do you know your in love? when someone remembers the little things
a song you can listen to on repeat? born singer by bts
if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be? hmm. probably kim namjoon
what are you most excited for about this time in your life? graduating!!! writing!!! working on my model portfolio!!! anything coming my way!!!
tagging some moots ⇢ @venomsilk @t-lostinworlds @honeyspidey @thollandsdarling @totheblood @lauras-collection @cindymooons @veryholland @seolaseoul @lovelytholland @httphollands @ptergwen @silkscream @silkholland @starksview
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1, 2, 3, 8, and 11 for the writers ask game! 👀
1. do you know how you want the story to end when you start, or are you just stumbling through the figurative wilderness hoping to find a road?
most of the time, i know at least the Gist of how a story will end as i start writing it. things can and do change during the writing process, but because i have a history of Not Finishing Fics, i am now loathe to commit myself to writing (much less posting) a story if i haven't at least outlined the way in which i expect said story to end. and that's especially so for multichaps! with oneshots, im a little more flexible, mostly because there's fewer threads of continuity to keep straight lolol
2. talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
oooooh this is tough! mostly because my memory is terrible rip
well, in this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine), there's an upcoming plot development that i can't speak too directly of (since it's not posted yet lol), but i can say it was not something i had planned from the start, and i think it opens doors for me in the potential sequel(s) i want to write someday re venom's motivations as a character. ALSO, re if memories could fade away (an mj bday fic i wrote), that story was supposed to be a little mj&ned friendship piece that exploded into something which toes the line between prose and poetry and tentatively offers a backstory for mcu mj (who currently lacks but very much deserves actual depth as a character). simply put, i am not immune to the power of michelle jones-watson
3. on a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy incorporating romance into the average story?
depends on the fic! i think my mjflash plot in this thing of darkness (i acknowledge mine) adds a lot to the narrative im constructing, but i also think including mjflash in Walls or kataang in my children will listen series, for example, wouldn't have benefited either story, hence why they're gen fics
8. what’s your relationship with constructive criticism and feedback like? do you seek it out? how well do you take it?
i Love constructive criticism (it's the only way for my writing to improve!) and i like to think i take it well, but only when i ask for it, and note that i only ask for feedback a) from my friends and professors and b) on original writing and academic work. fanfic is a hobby for me, i am not getting paid, and im sorry but i just don't want criticism on something i only do for fun 😂 like i cannot FATHOM the arrogance a person must possess to leave unsolicited criticism on a story they are literally getting FOR FREE!! what!! imagine going to a free orchestral concert and telling one of the violinists afterwards why you think they played x, y, and z badly. HELLO??? IT'S SO RUDE??? now, it's totally different if an author requests critical feedback, of course, but when they don't??? this is my biggest pet peeve fr, especially bc there's no way to be totally sure how old a fanfic writer is, if the language their writing in is their first language, how long they've been writing, etc. etc. if people had left some of the "critical" comments i've seen across fics on the work i was writing at 12, i promise you i might not be writing fic today!
in sum: i love concrit, just not regarding my hobbies
11. what’s something neat you’ve learned while doing research for something you were writing? also, how much do you worry about doing research in general?
butterfly kisses is full of bug facts i researched, including that when left on a car in the heat for too long, the dead bodies of love bugs are so acidic they can erode the paint (not so much now bc car paint is made to withstand that, but still). for match point, i did a lot of googling about what people need to wear when riding motorcycles (and ended up having to disregard several things bc Plot, but i was very intrigued by the fact that many motorcyclists have custom-made boots).
overall, i don't Hugely worry about research for my fics. if something needs to be researched, i'll do so, and if nothing does, then nothing does, yk? i tend to be more focused on character dynamics and introspection in my writing, meaning i rarely find myself needing to research, for example, worldbuilding (if that makes any sense lol)
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jadeee · 4 months
to the requests in my inbox:
thanks for feeling like i'm the right person for this/trusting me with your ideas.
I will eventually get to it. turns out i'm over ambitious {shocker} but also stubborn so it'll get done :) for context I have ... {counting bc i actually don't remember}... 5 other writing projects atm 😅 some are chapters and others are series I need to wrap up.
in the meantime, pls flood my inbox with your nanami-brain-rot thoughts and blurbs or just tell me about your day or what the last movie you watched was. mine was everything everywhere all at once!
p.s.: that's one of my favorites and it came out around my bday which is this month actually! I love michelle yeoh. I dreamt she taught me martial arts once and you should've seen the look on my face when I woke up. anyway, this movie gave me reassurance that nothing matters as much as I think; only what I deem important. also, that it's never too late to change/be better/apologize. you're not too old, you're not too young. it's not too late. the most important lesson was that everything truly happens for a reason. as frustrating as that is. i remember leaving my job without having smthn else lined up and hunting, looking, searching, crying, feeling so lost. it actually pushed me back to therapy and i think things started to feel lighter bc i realized work isn't important, being close with family/friends and indulging in hobbies and myself and life is what's important to me. i got a job 2 months later {they actually reached out to me} and i still work there today. in may, it would've been a year. it's not easy sometimes. some days it feels like i put on a suit and play the part. other days, i feel super confident but that's life. it's about embracing the wave i guess. no one knows what happens next.
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alteredphoenix · 2 years
TFW I have to wait until September before I can do any fan art and fics for Michelle’s birthday, so now I’m like:
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neotrances · 2 years
omg your beyonce posting... she rlly is so great.... what would you rec if you wanna get started with her music???
ok gonna put this under a read more and also gonna try to condense this as much as possible bc her musician career spans actual decades like she’s been at this before i was even born but if you wanted to start getting into her music i obv recc the classics
i’m starting with the classics bc these are the most popular ones obv and a lot of her biggest songs are “feel good music” stuff you’d play to just dance to and usually for large groups, after im gonna work my way back to her pre solo debut !
starting with, LOVE ON TOP
this one is so fun and is from her “4” album released in 2011, two other songs that are a must see from this album are “countdown” and “dance for you”
following these, a must is her “Bday” album released in 2006, while i like all her albums to me personally bday has the MOST timeless hits in it
i posted a clip from “get me bodied” but i think this one should be watched first,
and following this “deja vu”
“ring the alarm” and “freakum dress” and “green light”
are my favorites from this album but ofcourse the entire album is a MUST, this album was actually partially inspired by her role in the movie “dreamgirls” (a movie that is a must see that she performed in) this album is heavily based in funk and hip hop, most of her music or rather singing style is heavily influenced by southern black culture and old school r&b, and jazz!
her 2016 “lemonade” album speaks for itself, this one you absolutely need to watch in order from beginning to end with the mvs bc it is quite literally a movie made with just music and her original poetry
now back to her solo debut album ! released in 2003 her “dangerously in love” album made history with cementing beyonce as a stand alone singer, this album skyrocketed her to be one of the most marketable black singers in the game… EVER, while beyoncé was already a icon in black households and the black community bc of her participation in destiny’s child her solo debut resulted in a massive shift in the music industry toward black artistry and music in more “mainstream” (white) spaces, im gonna avoid going into detail of her long history in the music field bc this is simply for you to see some of her greatest work so i’ll spare the lesson!
anyways nowww onto destiny’s child, beyonce was essentially the leader in this girl group made up of her, kelly rowland, and michelle williams, the group formed around the 1990s, while all the girls in this group were incredibly talented, beyonces drive and slightly obsessive work ethic helped the group truly explode jn the music world, there was actually a fourth member in destiny’s child but i will spare the details and just say…she could not keep up with the other girls and there were rumors of fights between the group bc of this fourth member not singing as well as the others…..anyways ! the 2004 album “destiny fulfilled” is a must see, hit after hit !
“is she the reason” is my favorite from this album
and even though “lose my breath” and “soldier” were more popular (and for good reason both amazing songs) “is she the reason” just really shows off her voice beautifully, i really prefer the songs where you can hear her voice raw, while i love party songs her voice is way better appreciated in songs that are a bit slower and let her really go full out, another song on that album that shows this off is “girl” she leads most of the song beautifully
the 2001 album “survivor” is another really strong album from her girl group days, “the story of beauty” is a really important song to me, tw for csa but the song revolves around sexual abuse being hidden / ignored within the black community and is a ode to victims who grow up damaged because of it
these are just a few reccs but if you want any specific concerts or other picks of my fav songs lmk! her career has wayyyyy too much content to be reduced to just this and she’s one of my favorite artist ever so feel free to ask anything else ^_^ also with all the songs i reccd i HEAVILY recc watching the music videos with these, the music is good enough in its own but the videos are all iconic ! also thanks for the ask!!
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romansroys · 3 years
red (taylor's version) songs ranked by how much they're about tedbecca
state of grace (1000/10) "i never saw you coming and i'll never be the same...you come around and the armor falls" this song was literally written about them
treacherous (10/10) imagine it's about falling in love with your best friend, the slope is treacherous!!!!
stay stay stay (10/10) i don't need to elaborate just listen to the song
message in a bottle (9.5/10)
i almost do (9/10) "each time you reach out there's no reply" wow ted unable to be vulnerable with rebecca
begin again (9/10) the whole premise is falling in love after a bad relationship and that's literally the point of the show okay
everything has changed (8/10) he takes down his walls for her!
red (8/10) tedbecca circa s2 if they had realized they were in love
come back....be here (7.5/10) "this is falling for you when you are world's away" long distance!
nothing new (7/10) peak insecure rebecca "will you still want me when i'm nothing new?"
forever winter (6.5/10)
holy ground (6/10) she left a note on the door with a joke they made
sad beautiful tragic (2/10) a universe where they fall in love but ted goes back to kansas without rebecca (i refuse to entertain this as a possibility)
all too well (2/10) same universe where ted goes back to kansas alone
i bet you think about me (1.5/10) rupert SHOULD think about her!
the lucky one (1/10) rebecca coping post rupert "you don't feel pretty you just feel used and all the young things line up to take your place"
babe (0/10) no never
the last time (0/10) rebecca and rupert though :(
i knew you were trouble (0/10)
starlight (0/10) i love them but they are not the kennedys lmao
we are never ever getting back together (0/10) once again about rebecca and rupert, she should sing this to him tbh
girl at home (0/10) michelle is at home but he shouldn't feel guilty about it
the moment i knew (-2/10) ted would never not show up for rebecca's bday party
22 (-5/10) sorry they're too old to relate lmao
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johnnys-green-pen · 2 years
Random E! Thoughts: S6E7 - The Exam
There’s something oddly touching about Chet not understanding why Johnny and Roy are stressing about the exam so much - he clearly thinks the world of them and their skills.
Johnny, as per usual, REALLY does not like unnecessary runs
“Oh, come on, you’re gonna do fine” - “yeah, that’s what I keep trying to tell him” - “well, that’s what I keep trying to believe, too”
There’s something really sweet about the implication that Roy IS telling him he’ll be alright, and, even though it should go without saying, about both Roy and Dix acknowledging his competence.
The way Johnny looks over at Roy when he says “I hope tomorrow isn’t one of those days”
The way he perks up when Dix jokingly highlights their importance
Chet knows approximately when Roy’s birthday is. He does not know when Johnny’s is, and Johnny really doesn’t seem inclined to talk about it either, at least not at first. 
November 7th (Roy) and August 28th (Johnny), and Chet’s bday is presumably in November, too, in case anyone didn’t know yet.
The way Roy looks over at Johnny when Johnny actually tells Chet his birthday.
Johnny taking one look at Cap’s Chili and claiming that, actually, learning on an empty stomach is better
Though Johnny also has a habit of not eating when something’s wrong, so who knows if he’s afraid of Cap’s cooking or stressed out or both. Well, probably both.
Dix criticizing the recertification exam
That scene in the squad is painful
They’re actually kinda talking about emotions! For once!
Johnny talking about how emotionally devastating the job can be in the same breath as reiterating just how much he doesn’t want to do anything else.
Johnny going from nearly choked up to “squad 51, available” in his usual Radio Voice is extremely ouch, too
Johnny still seeming tired after the exam
speaking of, there’s something very soft about Johnny in this scene
Also, eyelashes. That’s it that’s the post
“it’s the electronics age” BWAHAHA
Nurse Michelle is very cute, and I love her hair
Johnny seeing Molly struggle and offering to stick around, even though it’s pretty clear that he would’ve struggled with it
Dix knocking Molly into shape
Cap not letting Roy check on the car accident victims
Apparently it’s enough if two of them are gonna have nightmares about this, Roy doesn’t need to deal with it too.
Johnny’s first reaction to the missing tests being the assumption that all of it is one of Chet’s pranks
(which would mean that Cap would have to be in on it, btw)
Johnny being bothered by the re-take being So Soon
Betcha he’s gonna be cramming every second until then, again.
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limmastyles · 3 years
No Perspective. pt.3
I want to appeal to those who are alarmed/concerned about the rumors about the "pregnancy" of #cockburn and the joint appearance of holivia at the birthday of Alessandro Michele. So let's talk about everything in order)
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1. SHE IS NOT PREGNANT! CALM DOWN! It was just trolling one of the random accs in Tik Tok, who didn't really write anything useful, they just threw it to the masses cause they're bored. There was nothing from the evidence, and those allegedly "close friends" who publish "hints" in their IG remained nameless. If this were really the case, then they would at least write one or two names of those very friends, but this is not the case.🤡💀
Next, would a pregnant woman drink alcohol? I don't think. But #cockburn drank, she didn't stop doing it. Gucci Parade, LACMA Art + Film Gala in Los Angeles, and Alessandro's bday, she DRANK EVERYWHERE AND DIDN'T STOP DOING IT! And also, unless a pregnant woman will jump at a concert like a crazy tennis ball, it's also unlikely.🤡
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But if suddenly this information is not enough for someone, then look at the photos when #cockburn was going to San Diego, her dress was narrow enough, which makes it good to see HER FLAT STOMACH! Plus, her "pregnancy" has been talked about 847649394736 times since January of this year and up to today. Relax.
2. HARRY WASN'T WITH HER! If Alessandro is Harry's friend, it doesn't mean that everything he does is related to Harry. IT'S NOT LIKE THAT! Also, Arianne is good friends with both Alessandro and #cockburn, so it is quite possible that either she was invited to Arianne or asked for it herself. After all, she tries so hard to get closer to Gucci, and also does everything possible to stay CONNECTED TO HARRY BY ANY MEANS.
And as far as I know, Alessandro celebrated his bday on November 25, it was his 23rd or 24th, and at that moment HARRY WAS ON STAGE! It is physically impossible to go from Little Rock to LA SO QUICKLY! (Unless Harry has a clone or twin brother, so let me know😂)
3. Also, do not believe the styles.wilde account, which immediately began to claim that "someone saw Harry in LA the same evening and that he was with #cockburn" and blah blah blah🙄🤡
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BUT there is also no photo evidence or video, NOTHING, that tweet doesn't mean anything!! (Give me a good Photoshop and some time. And I'll make you a bunch of "real proofs" 😉 ) It's been clear to everyone for a long time that this account is more influenced by Olivia's team and they'll try to do everything possible to mention Harry and #cockburn together for as long as possible, even if Harry is done with it.
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So DON'T PANIC! and watch, the end will come sooner than you can imagine. Well, if someone is too nervous, then you can write to me in dms🤗😉
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i-want-my-iwtv · 3 years
So I noticed there's some discussion about there being fanon that Armand's birthday is November 11, and no one being quite sure where it came from. I couldn’t say for sure, but the IWtV movie came out on November 11, 1994, so I think it's very possible a fan chose to headcanon that as his bd as a nod to that, and other fans saw it and confused it with canon.
Hey Luanna! Good question. I remember there being fanon about that being Armand’s birthdate. I’m 99.999% sure it wasn’t in canon it might have been in these most recent books and I missed it... bc I continue to struggle to absorb them as canon.
I googled around for you, too, to try to see if there was an official answer, and didn't find one. I also checked Anne Rice's Facebook, used the Search feature, and didn't find anything there, either. You might try searching or asking her on the official fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/officialvampirechronicles/
I DO remember fandom talking about this for a hot minute. You're correct that there's fanon that Armand’s birthday is Nov. 11. Here's a post about it from 2017, in which vagabonddaniel wrote:
//I wonder if comes from the official calendar? Which was released god only remembers when but it listed a lot of their birthdays (I don’t think Daniel was included). A lot people were like “UGH NO DISAGREE” but it exists somewhere, so maybe this is where people are getting that date?
I don't know of an official calendar other than the one in the official Vampire Companion, maybe @nodominion knows of another calendar. The OVC entry for Armand doesn’t mention his birthday (or I may have missed it!) and the timeline in it only lists years, it doesn’t have Louis or Lestat’s birthdates, either. Kind of interesting that Armand and Magnus are turned in the same year, I don’t think it was in canon when the OVC came out... I thought Magnus was older! Yes those are my nails in the pic, yellow is such an underrated nail color.
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BUT this is interesting, there’s a page in the VC Companion that mentions a Trivia book, maybe it’s in there? I JUST BOUGHT IT WHAT THE HECK. Published 1/1/1994, interestingly... I’ll share any gems I find in it. Apparently it has more than VC trivia. I don’t remember any groupie traveling with Lestat’s band, MAYBE this is like, outside of canon lore? IDK.
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All that said, just in terms of fanon November 11 as Armand’s birthdate, personally, I like that it would be that close to Lestat’s on the calendar, another source of contention between them, that they’d share the same zodiac sign >;}
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[^fanart by @garama]
Armand WOULD HATE following Lestat on the calendar, like, c’mon, Lestat would throw a HUGE BALL for himself (you KNOW he would), and then like 4 days later, Armand wants to have a big party… and everyone is like… ~Meh we just HAD one~… (They all went home already)(poor Armsy ;A;)
So Louis suggests to Lestat that he share! And have a bday party for both of them in between, on like 11/9. And Lestat is all pouty like “WHY SHOULD I SHARE WHEN MINES FIRST?? 11/9 WILL BE TOO LATE FOR MINE”
^it’s a source of contention.
I like your theory of it being the IWTV release date, but since that movie wasn't focused on Armand, I'd say that wasn't the reason. Plus, other birthdates we know about were based on Anne's family members, maybe she has someone in mind with a Nov. 11 bday? 
Lestat’s birthday is November 7, the birthday of Anne Rice’s late husband Stan (whom she partially/mostly modeled Lestat after).
Louis’ birthday is October 4, which is Anne’s birthday.
Claudia’s birthday IS identified in canon as September 21, it’s also Anne’s daughter Michele’s birthday, so L/L’s bdays being her parents’ do match with that.
Antonio Banderas' bday is Aug. 10, so it's not based on him (PPL OFF THE PAGE, DO NOT EVEN START WITH ME ABOUT HOW HE'S NOT CANON-COMPLIANT ARMAND just go to my #defending Antonio tag, it's such luke-warm flavorless tea at this point).
Christopher Rice’s bday is March 11. 
Anyone is welcome to add their thoughts, tho!
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the-empress-7 · 3 years
"Michelle is jealous of Meghan." That's the official sugar excuse for the bday "snub". - Anon
🤣🤣🤣🤣 The delusion... You know that is the argument they and the Harkles use with everybody (the royals, the Cambs, etc, etc 'were jealous of the Rockstars.. 🤣) and if they don't use the jealous card, they use the racist card...
What card are they gonna play when it becomes obvious that Oprah has ghosted them too.
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zelda-ffitzgerald · 3 years
IA here. The MET anon. And it's early still and I'm hungover so I apologize if this comes across as harsh. BUT WHAT THE FUCK HAVE SOME OF YOU BEEN ON??? Cole is an abuser. That is not from me. That is not from these blogs or Riverdale fans that is from his gf of 3 motherfucking years who accused him, who has not backed down, who has been consistent in her story and from Lili indirectly through her poems and memes she has liked and even how she has talked about that relationship. So why are anons talking about him and the longevity of his 'relationship' like we can use normal parameters for it. Oh she has met his friends- so the fuck what? so has rainey, so has elisha, reina etc. She met his family? again so has a bunch of other people. he went to rainey's ranch, went to reina's bday family dinner. let's set aside that it is clearly transactional - ffs i will not explain for the 1000th time that no it wasn't just a coincidence that Daniela filer lined up several jobs for Ari BEFORE Ari even set foot in Vancouver or that Ari's agent confirmed a two month relationship or that they went out for pap walks got articles and then she applied for a checkmark or that Ari wanted until AFTER Cole posted her on his grid - within a fucking week to announce an agency change when that shit gets negotiated over months! Wait is finally over - from her own fucking mother- what were they waiting for? oh that is right COLE. So even discussing it like it's a normal hetero romantic relationship is dumb as balls. It's transactional. It's like asking if mIchelle will stay Cami's PA. Sure she seems like she's doing it for cheap, makes an efforts to get along with everyone and conveniently has Canadian passport. I'm sure Cami and Michelle like each other just fine, refer to each other as friends and have inside jokes, hug or whatever but should Michelle not do her duties, ask for too big a raise or finds a better offer she's going to bounce. Same. As. Ari. Take a fucking look at Ari's best friend Mara and Evander. In any other relationship, if a man cheated on me so constantly that he had to take out a billboard to apologize, told people I was a sex worker with many sugar daddies, married one of the women he cheated on me with, had multiple children with her that would be the end of that relationship. BUT NOT FOR THESE WOMEN. They are the roaches of relationships, as long as they god forbid don't have to do an honest day's work, they'll be around. So even trying to figure out how long it'll last is futile. There is nothing that is going to pry her hands of her meal ticket. Cole could anally rape every single one of Maman's stallion and Ari would just hand him the Sutil.
IA, louder for those in the back.
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alteredphoenix · 2 years
Trying to figure out what big drawing piece I can do this month to get out of this art rut, only to remember:
- Michelle’s bday on the 10th - Want to watch Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata for only Megumi, whose bday’s on the 23rd - WotLK Classic coming out the 23rd, too - New Assassin’s Creed game set in Baghdad getting announced - therefore dress them up as death knight and assassin respectively (maybe?) with Arthas and the new AC guy and a random ass wolf (because it’s one of my Luminaria headcanons for Michelle a’la closeted wolfaboo) crammed in there
It’s so fucking stupid I wanna do it
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