#and now I'm back in the country and we had the first sirens in months
todaviia · 4 months
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you know what. fuck it. *posts entire phony wip in here*
WC : 3628
@wabatle @sillynene-13 since yall like phony
Chapter One - 02/01/2XXX
Death Corps. Everyone feared the four knocks on the door. Four, the unlucky number. That's when the Death Corps recruiters would come, forcing you to join the army. Everyone had to join, starting at the age of 13. I think they started doing it because of the amount of wars that have been going on lately. They need more soldiers to defend our crappy country. There were two ways you could get out of serving in the Death Corps: if you had some serious disability or if you were filthy rich. If you paid enough money, you could avoid going for half a year. If you keep paying, when you turn 35, they stop caring. My parents have been using the payment method of saving my brother and I for the past few years, up until now. The four dreaded knocks. Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.
I silently ran downstairs to overhear the conversation between my dad and the recruiter. The recruiter was a woman with blonde hair and dark brown roots. She had dark siren eyes and was dressed in an all black attire. She was utterly terrifying.
“Yes, Mr. Terry Black? We're here to enlist Mallory Poppy Black and Fitz Aster Black for their necessary Death Corps Service. We didn't receive any payment, and in the Death Corps Handbook, Section 37B it states if there is no payment to spare yourself from serving for a month, a Death Corps recruiter is obligated to come and take you or your children to training.”
“Recruiter, ma'am, we might've run out of money, but please don't do this to my kids. I'll pay double the amount next year.”
“I'm so sorry, Mr. Black. I cannot do that, I don't make the rules. I listen to the handbook. Can you please call them over?”
“Mallory, Fitz! Come down!” 
I went down first, my twin brother, Fitz, following shortly after. His face paled as he recognized the skull embroidered on the recruiters uniform.
“You're shitting me,” Fitz choked out.
“I'm so sorry,” My dad chanted as he squeezed us. “I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, please stay safe, my babies,” He was beginning to cry now. I bit the inside of my cheek, trying not to sob with him.
“Come with me, you two,” The recruiter ordered. Fitz and I followed her to her van. “Everyone in Death Corps has a code name. Mine is Guerilla. I am not telling you my real name, as per Death Corps Handbook section 1B. You two need to serve 18 months each.” She reapplied her cherry red lipstick before starting the van. “I'll be picking up more kids after. If any of you guys try to escape, you will suffer immediate consequences. What are they? You don't want to know.” 
“Guerilla scares me,” Fitz whispered.
“Real, if I have to serve in her regiment I don't know what I would do,” I whispered back. I couldn't shake the question off my brain, why can't she say her real name? Is it for privacy reasons? What if we did find her real name?
For those of you reading this story, sorry to interrupt, but I'm Mallory and I hate my life. My parents are divorced because they have absolutely no love for each other. The world is at a constant state of war. My twin brother is a weirdo. I probably won't get to eat mint chocolate chip ice cream for the next 18 months. But it could be worse?
The next person that boarded the van is some kid who looks our age. He was too busy crying to say anything about himself.
After that there was this one kid who just stared off into space for three minutes before talking. “My sister is in the Death Corps. I wonder how she's doing. She's almost done with her service.”
“What's her name, child?” Guerilla asked from the front seat.
“Eden. Eden Mendoza. I'm Wren, her little sibling,” The kid said. I could not tell the gender of that thing, and apparently, neither could anyone else.
“Oh, Himmel. Her left leg's been completely blown off I tell ya. Blood everywhere, it flew six or seven feet away from her, what a sight! But don't worry, she's doin’ better,” Guerilla informed. 
Fitz and I looked at each other, eyes both wide. The boy started crying harder. Wren's mouth was agape. “Her- Her leg was blown off??”
“Mhm, that's not even the worst I've witnessed on the battlefield. She uses a prosthetic leg now.” The fact Guerilla could say that with such a straight face shows how traumatizing serving for the Death Corps would be. I can't wait. (That's sarcasm, for those of you who are a little slow.)
After Guerilla collected all of the recruits, there were a total of eight people in the back of the van. Four boys, three girls, and one whatever the hell Wren was. The oldest in the van was a 21 year old man, the youngest was Wren, being 14 years old.
When we arrived at the camp, boy, was it crowded. There were varying expressions, from people trembling and crying to people being… excited to be here? You have a 51.6% death rate from serving in Death Corps, and you're excited? I wish I was that optimistic about dying. 
“Mallory, if I die, please hide my phone from Dad. One wrong click and he's going to bring me back from the dead and kill me again,” Fitz told me. I wonder how he'd feel knowing two years after he said that, I went through his phone and found out exactly why he said that.
“Same goes with me. If Dad found the drawings in my sketchbook, I'm done for.” I've never gotten along with Fitz well, but I guess it's easier to talk with someone when you're both in a life-or-death situation.
A loud siren came from way up front and a man who appeared to be around his mid-30's stepped up on the podium. “Welcome all Death Corps recruits. I am Eifrit, the current General of Death Corps. You are all gathered here today to serve your required 18 month term. You will undergo training and testing to decide which subunit is the most fitting for you. We wish the best for you, and as our founder would say, ‘Experiri non mori.’ Thank you.”
I think I'm going to start writing my suicide note. Death Corps, you guys can get a special shout out.
Chapter Two - 02/01/2XXX
“Alright, everyone from van SK431 come to this side! I will be doing a fitness test to see if you are fit to be in battle. I will be doing this with the aid of my helper, Andromeda. Introduce yourself, Andromeda!” Guerilla announced.
Andromeda was slightly shorter than Guerilla and had a nose piercing, a mole above her lips, split dyed black and white hair, and purple eyes that seemed as if they lost the glimmer in them a long time ago. “Hello trainees, my name is Andromeda, as Guerilla said, and I serve as a medic in the Death Corps. I will be doing a full body examination, and then we will run some exercises to test your stamina, dexterity, and strength. Any questions before we begin?”
“Ew a full body exam?? Are we going to like, have to strip naked or something?” Some ugly boy exclaims. He was one of the guys that were excited to be here.
“I don't want to see your small dick either, buddy. I have to do this, unfortunately.” Most of the group burst into laughter as whoever that guy was tried to come up with a comeback.
“Oh yeah? Well I bet um… Um… I bet you uh… You smell bad?!” That was the worst attempt at an insult I've ever seen.
Andromeda ignored his statement and moved onto the actual inspections. Fitz went first in a dingy tent with a caduceus on the front. He came back ten minutes later traumatized.
This part is icky and I'm sure you don't want to read it so I'll skip to the part after the whole medical exams. There were person shaped targets lined up and we were each handed a pistol. 
“You all have to shoot the targets. You get two tries, we'll be looking for people that have great accuracy,” Guerilla explained. “You kid, you're up first.”
Wren closed an eye and got into shooting position. The bullet hit a perfect bullseye.
“How did you do it? It was probably just a lucky shot!” A guy shouted.
“I'm used to shooting, my parents taught me when I was younger to prepare me for this. I prefer sniping more, though,” Wren said.
“You're hella good kid, shoot again?” Guerilla rested an arm on their shoulder. They nodded before getting back into position and shooting again, this time a little off from the bullseye. Guerilla wrote something down on a paper and let the weird guy– who's name I later learned was Lawrence– shoot. He used both his shots immediately and just barely hit the target. Guess we know who isn't going to be a shooter. Fitz was after two other people, and he did average. He hit pretty close to the bullseye the first time, and hit somewhere on the outer edges on the second try. I went last, and I had a stunning realization: I need glasses. And I need to find out which eye was my dominant eye. 
“Loser,” Fitz snickered. I elbowed him.
“This is why you're the one that was an accident,” I retorted. He didn't say anything back.
“Next up is close combat! Since there are eight people gathered here, we'll do this tournament style!” Guerilla seemed a little too enthusiastic to watch people fight each other.
First match was some random girl against Fitz. I'm not sure if pitting a girl against a boy is a good idea but equal rights, equal fights. The other recruits, Guerilla, and I watched as Fitz and the girl threw punches at each other. Fitz landed a punch on her nose, and I think something in that girl snapped because she kicked him right where it hurts the most. Everyone felt the pain Fitz felt as he fell to the ground with a groan.
“I win!” The girl smiled. She held her hand out to help Fitz up, but he swatted it away.
“I'm in extreme pain, I don't think I can get up yet,” Fitz groaned. Who's the loser now?”
“I know you can do it, Fitz. Get up if you want to survive,” Guerilla walked towards him and slightly nudged him with her foot. He got up immediately and stood right next to me.
I let him rest his arm on my shoulder as the next match started. It was Wren versus the 21 year old. Okay, these matches are getting a bit unfair now, aren't they? Wren probably just started going through puberty and they're fighting someone who's old enough to drink? The match started with Wren charging directly at the man, and the man retaliated by body slamming Wren on the floor. The thud was loud, but the silence after Wren's eyes closed was louder. 
“That was a child? You could've gone easier on the thing!” Guerilla squatted to feel Wren's pulse. “They're still alive, I'll go call Andromeda. You shouldn't have done that during training, but I like your attitude, man. You better show the same strength on the battlefield, soldier. I'll be back soon. Mallory, you look after everyone.”
The sound of Guerilla's boots hitting the ground decrescendoed as she left the training site. The man looked down on the floor where Wren laid and sat down. “Damn,” He said.
Damn indeed. 
Guerilla returned with Andromeda, who came to pick Wren up, with another girl by her side. She had the same chocolate eyes and facial structure as Wren. The doctor's coat and skirt were long, but not enough to cover the prosthetic leg she had. Was she Himmel? 
“Wren has a minor concussion, but they'll be fine with a little rest. When they wake up, tell them big sis says hi.” Himmel patted their hair before getting up. “Andromeda will supply the medicine to quicken recovery.”
“Thank you, Himmel. I'll tell you when the kid wakes up again.” Guerilla seemed like a genuinely nice person outside of the battlefield. “In the meantime, let's have our third match. Mallory versus Lewis.”
Lewis was the kid that was crying the whole trip here. When the match started, he stood and waited for me to attack. I was about to do the same until I realized that it was a pussy move. So I kicked his shins hard. He fell to the floor immediately and begged for mercy. I think what happened to Wren scared him.
“Mallory wins… I guess. I don't think that counts as much of a win, but great job?” Guerilla stared at Lewis with a pitiful expression. “I don't know what I'm going to do with you. Alright, fourth match starts in a minute!”
“You only won because Lewis is weak. If you went against anyone else, you'd lose,” Fitz told me. 
“You're not wrong.” I weigh 100 pounds and I am 5’6, of course I would lose against anyone that wasn't Lewis.
The fourth match was Lawrence versus a girl. These people need to say their names. I'm going to confuse the readers by saying “this girl” or “this guy” for the millionth time. I should use adjectives to make it a little easier to differentiate. Pink haired girl. That works.
Back to the story, I watched Lawrence win against the pink haired girl, but she put up a pretty strong fight. She seems normal, unlike Lawrence. She was crying a little in the van, but now she looks like she's just accepted her fate. Girl same. 
“What a fight, huh? Most of you guys did great. After Wren wakes up, we'll do an obstacle course,” Guerilla declared. An obstacle course doesn't sound too bad. I'm pretty quick, I have experience. By experience I mean running away from my brother after I eat the last piece of cake. But I'm sure it won't be that bad, right?
Chapter Three - 02/01/2XXX
I was wrong. It was that bad.
Wren woke up 30 minutes later after Andromeda and Himmel visited, confused. Hope they didn't get amnesia. Guerilla gave them some of the pain medication, but other than the confusion they seemed alright. 
“Sorry for knocking you out and giving you a concussion or something,” Wren's opponent apologized.
“It's okay. Maybe. I understand why you did that, I would've done the same.” Wren forced a smile. Really shitty apology, but good on them for accepting(?) it.
“Okay, now that Wren is back, it's time for the obstacle course. I'm tired of explaining so this should make sense. Y'all have seen obstacle courses before. Coming back in one piece is optional, I'll tell Andromeda to wait at the end and I'll stay here and make sure none of you losers cheat.” Guerilla does not get paid enough to deal with us and I feel her. 
It started with loser boy Lewis tripping and falling face first on the mud. I- along with many others- ran over him. Sorry Lewis. We had to jump hurdles, which almost led to my downfall. After that, it was climbing a cliff and landing the jump on a mattress. 
You get what happens during obstacle courses. I was neck to neck with pink haired girl for most of it until the final stretch, where I made it first. Fitz was third and Wren was behind him. Lewis was last, as always. This boy is a true example of a loser, Fitz, not me.
Guerilla decided to give us a break before starting an… intelligence test? Lawrence failed, as expected. Zero questions right, how does that happen? Fitz got half the questions right. I got 80%, good for me. Wren got one more question right than I did. I got outscored by a 14 year old. I need to evaluate my life choices.
“Folks, since we've completed all the tests, y'all get a break and tomorrow morning we have an assembly. There, you will get sorted into groups based on your performance today. I'm going to drink until I pass out, don't disturb me, your dorms are over there.” Guerilla pointed to a rundown shack. 
I only had one word when I walked in. Gross. Even my brother's underwear doesn't smell as bad as this place.
When I stepped in, it smelled like literal ass. There were four bunk beds, so I played safe and got a bunk above Fitz. The shower was freezing, but it felt refreshing to be able to shower. 
“Guys, appear normal. The troop leaders are doing a check on every training regiment and I want a raise. If you're on your best behavior, I'll let you sleep in an extra five minutes.” Guerilla entered our shack 45 minutes later when most of us were all freshened up. 
Waiting didn't take too long, because it was only two minutes after Guerilla announced a troop leader was arriving when one actually did.
Dear readers, I don't usually find anyone that attractive. But this troop leader? God damn, when I tell you she was fine! She had light blue hair that went to her lower back, a scar that started from her nose to above her right eye, electric blue eyes, and a tank top that revealed her arm muscles. She had a black cap sporting the Death Corps emblem on too. She looked scary in a different way than Guerilla did.
“This the training regiment from van SK431, correct? May I see the results of the tests?” She inquired. “To those who don't know me, my name is Lupus. I'm troop leader 172. Some of you guys might be in my troop, depending on your scores.” Please Lord let that be me. “Hey, Guerilla. This year we have a lot of interesting candidates, hm?”
“Yup,” Guerilla agreed, passing Lupus the papers with our scores, “Sirens little cousin is here, right? Van AE382? I recall working with Siren. Cool guy.”
“Mhm. He was a beast on the battlefield. Let's pray his little cousin is like that.” Even I have heard of Siren. One of the Death Corps best recruits. He killed a bunch of people and showed zero remorse. He left after his term was up, however. The top generals would pay him millions if it meant he would come back. If his cousin was coming here, maybe they would be just as badass as Siren.
Lupus examined the papers, eyes widening at some. “You have some good recruits, Guerilla, but…” Lupus whispered the second part to Guerilla.
“Mmm, we're probably going to put ‘im in the clean-up crew. Scores are underwhelming compared to everyone else in the group.” Of course they're talking about Lewis. The same Lewis who was, for some reason, fast asleep. For context, it was 5:21 pm. 
Lupus and Guerilla chatted about tomorrow and sorting us into troops. I also heard something about code names. The code names they suggested for me before they actually chose my current one were bad. If I had to tell people my name was Speedy I would leave Death Corps even if it meant they would hunt me down. I'll reveal what my code name was at a later point. For now, back to Lupus.
She left our shack, taking the papers to the higher ranks. Guerilla praised us and told us we were good little children for behaving and we would get our 5 minutes of extra sleep. Are we going to have our lesson on coloring in the lines next? Are we going to learn the alphabet? Guerilla was only three years older than the oldest person in our training regiment, so her treating us like kindergarteners doesn't make much sense.
The rest of the day was pretty eh. It was just me doodling in my sketchbook and talking to the only two people I was okay with talking to.
Lights out came shortly after I had finished one of my drawings. I can barely fall asleep on normal days, so of course me being on a bed that felt like a brick made it even worse. The next day we would finally figure out who would go where for extra training based on our strengths and weaknesses. I was going to be separated from Fitz and Wren. I was going to be in a war that changed everything.
Chapter Three Point Five - Why am I Here??
I should interrupt the story with some Death Corps lore. It all started with the war for more land. Humans are selfish beings, they always want more than what they have. they were willing to do anything for some land that was discovered. That land also happened to have a bunch of resources and riches, so that made the wars much worse. The war has been going on for just about a decade now. Every army is different, but in the country I'm in, it has the infamous Death Corps. Death Corps was founded by two siblings, Shams and Qamar. Their real names are unknown, but it was founded just before the war started. At first, it was just recruiting whoever wanted to join and whoever was strong enough. Then, they started getting desperate. They needed more support. They let in whoever wanted to join. The conditions worsened, and they had to resort to forcing everyone to serve in the army.
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thezeinterviews · 4 months
yle: No normal life
In a rare interview with Yle's Hanna Visala, Olena Zelenska talks about what the war has done to her family.
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Hanna Visala
A car whizzes past roadblocks, sandbags and soldiers standing guard. We stop at two checkpoints to show our identity papers and equipment.
We finally reach our destination, the Ukrainian Presidential Office. In this heavily guarded building in the heart of Kiev, we get a rare interview. Ukraine's First Lady, the wife of Volodymyr Zelensky, has agreed to be interviewed by Yle.
- I'm fine, thanks for asking, says Olena Zelenska with a smile.
The question is an important one for Olena Zelenska. Zelenska runs a mental health programme called How Are You, and she asks the question to the Ukrainians she meets every day.
- I try to ask people how they are doing as often as I can, she says.
When Russia launched a major offensive in Ukraine just over two years ago, Olena Zelenska found herself in a role she had not expected.
The renowned screenwriter, who had written the role of her actor husband's President in the popular Ukrainian TV series Servant of the People, had suddenly become the wife of the President of a country at war.
The Zelensky's were thus already partners in a previous life, then in the TV production business.
- I remember waking up the morning after the attack. I thought it was all just a bad dream until I realised it was real, a terrible reality. It was a shock for all of us, Olena Zelenska, wife of the Ukrainian President, now recalls the beginning of the war.
She says there is not a day when the war is not on her mind. At moments, she says she is still able to live almost normally.
- When I help my son with his homework or we take care of our pets. But when the air raid siren goes off, we go back to reality, Zelenska says.
Like thousands of other Ukrainians, Zelenska and her children wake up to the sound of night-time shrieks. Zelenska describes the bomb shelter used by her family as "just an ordinary basement".
When the alarm is over, Zelenska returns with her children, Oleksandra, 19, and Kyrylo, 11, to their beds to sleep.
- In the morning, I wake the children for school, and we get on with life, but the pressure of war is ever-present. Life is not normal.
This Instagram post shows how life was still normal for the family before the war.
The war has torn apart thousands of families. The Zelensky family has also been forced to live apart because of the war. For the first two months, President Zelenskyi could not see his family at all.
The family is still living apart: the mother and children with each other and the father elsewhere.
Married for more than 20 years, communication between the couple is mainly limited to phone calls, sometimes video chats. However, they can now visit each other at least occasionally. And so it was today, just before the interview.
- My husband unexpectedly came to greet me in my office. We saw each other for ten minutes, says Olena Zelenska with a smile.
Commuting together provides a momentary relief.
- Even though the trips are busy and short, it feels like we are travelling together," says Zelenska.
My son, 11, is a military expert
The Zelenskyis' children spent their childhood and adolescence in the midst of war. Oleksandra, the first-born of the multidisciplinary parents, has followed in her father's footsteps and is studying law. The former TV star and current President also studied law. Olena Zelenska is an architect by training.
Olena Zelenska says that her daughter Oleksandra is now able to meet her friends.
And how often do the children see their father? Very rarely," says Zelenska.
- Then the children take every minute of his attention. The daughter talks about her studies, asks for advice, and the son clings to him, says Zelenska.
Zelenska mourns the fact that her children and all other Ukrainian children are missing out on the precious years of their youth and childhood.
- My daughter's daily routines are related to her studies, but she has no plans for the future. It is sad for me as a mother, says Zelenska.
According to her mother, her son Kyrylo has become almost a military expert.
- He knows all the types of missiles that Russia launches at us. He can also calculate their speed, says Zelenska.
As a mother, she would love to be proud of one of her child's other skills, she says.
- I wish my son could be interested in music, art, sports and not dream of being a military assistant or an air raid warden.
Arms aid has also been on Olena Zelenska's mind lately. Russia has got the upper hand in the war, and anti-aircraft missiles are dwindling by the day.
Relief is evident on the face of Ukraine's First Lady when the talk turns to the arms aid package finally approved by the US.
- It is a huge achievement. It really gives strength and hope. I thank everyone who worked to make it happen, says Zelenska.
Although the US arms package will not solve the war, it brings hope and a message that Ukraine has not been abandoned.
- It means that it will be easier for us to withstand bombardments and protect our people.
The job of the spouse of the President of a country at war is not an easy one. The spouse must stand by the people, create hope, represent and humbly ask for help from other countries.
Zelenska says she has heard countless stories of survival and countless sad stories, too. She spends almost all of her time helping her country to survive at a time when global war fatigue is beginning to show. Where does she get her strength from?
- When I succeed in repairing what the war has shattered and ruined. When I meet people, she responds.
Children kidnapped by Russia
Zelenska considers the most horrifying phenomenon of the war to be children stolen by Russia.
The Ukrainian authorities estimate that more than 19,500 Ukrainian children have been abducted by the Russians since the war began. Entire orphanages have been emptied, according to Ukraine.
According to the UN, this is a war crime. Ukraine has so far managed to return only 380 missing children.
- Some of the children have managed to self-report, use the telephone or internet and have been able to contact NGOs that have helped them, said Zelenska.
Zelenska has met children who have escaped from Russia. They have told her how school education in Russia is propaganda. Children are being trained to be Russian.
- They are taught that Ukraine does not exist. That no one is looking for them. It is psychological brainwashing. These children's lives are being destroyed.
According to Zelenska, orphaned children can disappear completely because Russia changes the spelling of their names. Names that look the same in Ukrainian and Russian are pronounced differently.
- When a name is entered in the Russian register according to the Russian pronunciation, the child can no longer be found by name, explains Zelenska.
- We also have information that Ukrainian boys aged 18 have been forced to join the ranks of the Russian army. It is terrible.
Ukraine has formed an international alliance with Canada to repatriate Ukrainian children.
- We are trying to create mechanisms to put pressure on Russia to provide information about the children and how to get them home, says Zelenska.
We do not want to return to the Soviet Union
Zelenska remembers when Ukraine gained independence from the Soviet Union in December 1991. She was 13 years old at the time.
- I remember the referendum on independence. Almost everyone wanted it. We got freedom and looked to the future with optimism.
And now, more than 30 years later, Ukraine has to fight for that freedom. Zelenska sighs.
- We don't want to go back to the Soviet reality, where there were no rights and no freedoms.
How does Olena Zelenska believe it will all end, and where does she see herself in five years' time?
- We do not know when the suffering will end. But I believe in the victory of Ukraine because it is the right thing to happen. Because that is how things should be in a just world.
Only then, she says, will it be time for the second question.
- Then, I start dreaming about what will happen in five years.
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mcalhenwrites · 5 months
Personal update, because... I don't know how things are going to go. I don't know when I'll update things. I don't know when I'll sleep properly and get any writing done. This hit when I was having a bit of a lapse in mental health, and I was discouraged about writing (but trying to keep myself from being pulled under!). I spent about 30 minutes pacing around my bathroom since it's further inside the building, trying to figure out if we were in the path of another tornado while the sirens blared. We were not. My town didn't get hit this time, like it did two weeks ago. Anyway. Two hours later, I'm face to face with a bed bug for the first time, and that fucked me up.
I broke down crying in a panic when I realized what it was and what it might meant for us. We're still searching through belongings because guess how much stuff we own? A LOT! (Someone advised me to go through each of my hundreds of books, page by page, to look for any hidden in them. I'm going to die.) But so far, it has only been the one. I haven't been mentally well. We're not rich over here, money is tight for my roommate and they're paying for all the bills. I just try to keep the place moderately clean, cook a few meals, and write my stories and hope they might sell a bit so I can make a little money to help out. I have been job searching and put in an application to one job that would've worked well for my disabilities, but I didn't get the job. I'm still waiting another month until my appointment to see a specialist about one of my severe health issues. One that can be treated and dealt with! But it's pretty bad! Things have been awful. Like seriously, I cannot catch a break. I don't know how to find the spoons I barely have to do all the work that needs done. I wanted to make progress on Seasons - and I still will, but I don't know how much this will slow that down - and I plan to finish up all those short stories for Geckos so I can publish them together. Geckos isn't really selling, but I am grateful it has sold a few copies. The apartment manager is aware of our situation. My library books are in gallon ziplocs to return in person Thursday and notify them that they might want to treat them or hold them back until they're certain they're safe for circulation again. Can't hurt. I just don't want anyone else to deal with this. I vacuumed this morning but I'm so sore and I can't sleep... tomorrow we are going to buy some things to help deal with this, like storage containers and bags and covers and whatnot. Seeing a lot of people mention steamers. I don't know how to live with this. Scabies during the beginning of covid was bad enough. Scabies being immediately followed by a fucking brown recluse bite that got badly infected and required me seeing a surgeon REALLY fucking sucked. Brown recluse infestatinos are awful! We left our shit apartment and broke lease to move here. It was decently good. Not the perfect place, but y'know. So seeing a bed bug in a building that's only about 2 years old... I worry we have neighbors who are dealing with it and won't say anything. It's a concern. I really don't want to live like this. The problem is I don't want to live at all now, because nothing ever lets up. My roommate is worried about me, so I have agreed this week to do some calling around for psychological help, but I am afraid to go to urgent care and pass along little fucking hell creatures. I'm afraid I might GET MORE OF THEM. Also, the one time I was in a psychiatric hospital was so bad, I had nightmares consistently about having to go back to one for over a year. I still get them sometimes. But I'm feeling suicidal in a "I can't deal with bed bugs" kind of way. I need help. I don't know how to get it. I'm mad that there are millions of other people in this same state. Why is our fucking country so into weapons and selling them to countries that blow up innocent people and starve them to death, so into guns it's appalling, but like... developing new antibiotics and housing people and looking for ways to take care of bed bugs? Nah. Why do that? Fuck the little people I guess.
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petitemingi · 3 years
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The Siren's Key | Chapter 1
summary: The legend of The Siren's Key is one that has been around for centuries; the key itself is said to be worth billions, but the catch for finding it is death. The captain of the horizon just so happens to stumble upon this legend, and with his crew all set, sets out to find it, accompanied by his worst enemy. Will Captain Hongjoong and the horizon crew find the key, or will their crew be torn apart on this perilous journey?
word count: 2.9k
《 masterlist | next chapter 》
"People say there is a difference between a Mermaid and a Siren: Sirens are born from violent, watery deaths. Drowning, being murdered at sea, having their bodies thrown into the sea shortly after their deaths. They are the ones who sing to sailors, or anyone really, and drag them down to their deaths when they get too close. It's said that they can be born at any time.
"Mermaids, however, are said to be born when someone who has a great love for the sea or any other body of water dies. These deaths must be peaceful, though those who commit suicide are rumoured to come back as Mermaids. Most say they're born on either solstices or equinoxes,"
A crew of pirates, nothing too drastic for a story based around them, all looked in both amazement and fear as their captain slammed his notebook closed.
"None of this is true"
'Angry dwarf' are the words most people would use to describe Captain Hongjoong: he was a man of very little height, but the vocabulary to make up for it. He was notoriously known across the seas, and his crew was wanted in almost eleven countries... almost...
He was dressed as your typical pirate captain would be: a loose, white shirt, boots of knee length and a dirty-looking bandana strung across his forehead. He'd been studying those things for months now, closer than he had before, that is, only very few really knew why.
"Which is exactly why, San," Hongjoong now directed his vision to a young boy with dirty blonde hair, holding a bloody cloth against his arm, "we notify another member of the crew before we act on our thoughts"
San, only looked at Hongjoong, his lower lip sticking out in a pout. This hadn't exactly been the first time this week that a crew member had caused a little trouble over their thoughts on... a specific topic.
The crew disputed, and nothing was left of the short gathering they had had just moments before; the deck went back to its balmy and undisturbed nature. This was the opportunity Hongjoong took to talk to San about said specific topic.
"I know you were just trying to help, San" the captain started "but you should be careful with how you carry out your actions, what if that had been a real siren? You could've been fatally injured"
"Just say I could've died, I'm not a child, Hongjoong. You don't need to sugar coat everything you say to me anymore"
Hongjoong smiled faintly, nodding his head minimally "okay, just... don't do it again, I'll get Yunho to look at your wound"
"I hate living on a ship" San sulked, now sitting on a wooden chair by the main mast of the ship. He had been joined by the medic of the vessel, Yunho, just as Hongjoong had said. "Everything is - OW! Literally putting salt into a wound"
"I told you before, sea water to clean, alcohol t-"
"to sterilize, I know, just do it carefully" Yunho, now cleaning the wound with salt water, was as gentle as he seemed. Like the captain, he also wore a loose white shirt, covered over with a light brown vest and shorter boots. His hair fell over his eyes, and his smile was friendly. It would've been quite comforting during times like these.
"I know you hate this, San, but it is your own fault"
"Whatever happened to warm water and hot towels??" San threw his unharmed hand into the air in a mix of sadness and anger; this salt water thing really wasn't doing it for him.
"You need to stop being so reckless, San"
"But I thought I saw one! Really this time!"
"If you did, we'd all be down under and dead, so the next time you try to bother a school of pirana fish, think again" Yunho laughed, it was pretty funny to him how San had mistaken the tail of a fish for that of a Siren. He just wanted to be a help to the crew.
"I hate you too, never mind living here" He mumbled, looking out into the sea's horizon, the same name as the ship they sailed in: a large ship with huge sails waving handsomely in the ocean breeze. And like any ship, it's name was written along the stern proudly, all in gold lettering.
The soft breeze tousled his hair, and the smell of salt filled his lungs. Despite him saying so, he didn't entirely hate living on a ship, this ship. It was just difficult for him to adjust, rather than staying at home with his father as their village's blacksmith.  Those thoughts sailed through his head just as gently as the vessel they worked on, but a sudden movement in the waves had now caught his attention.
"There we go, Sannie! All b-"
"Yunho there's something over there" San pointed over to a nonspecific part of the open sea, a look of trance on his face.
"San it's probably just-"
"No, Yunho look" San grabbed Yunho's wrist and yanked him to the starboard side of the ship, the nonspecific location now clear to him.
"San ring the bell"
"But we-"
"San ring the bell now"
It was amazing how with just a few words and the ring of a bell, how fast grown men would go to protect themselves. Within seconds, a fishing net had been gathered and each crew member given a sword.
"Station yourselves! It looks young, but that still doesn't mean it can't kill you!" Hongjoong's words rung about the deck of the ship as the crew took their positions. "Catch it before it starts singing!"
"Ready?" An intense pause hung in the air, everyone's gaze now trained on the figure in the sea.
"Aim" the ship seemed to get closer to the object, obviously to get a closer unlock on the situation at hand.
"Release!" The fishing net floated down heavily into the sea and over the creature lurking there, soon finding itself being hoisted into the air by a network of ropes and just above the main decking.
"Well you're an odd fish to catch" Hongjoong smiled, looking at the unknown figure now seemingly vomiting sea water, half tangled in the net it'd been fished up in. The figure glanced up, only to freeze at the sight of the huge white sails above it.
The figure scrambled backwards in the net, clearly panicked, only succeeding in getting itself even more tangled up, with a rather hoarse voice speaking to them. "Just- just put me back"
"Back into the ocean?" Yunho questioned curiously, walking closer to the net "if you are what I think you are, then you're way too far out to be 'put back', you never belonged there in the first place"
"If you're that eager to die though," another member of the crew, this time with a tighter button-up shirt, going by the name of Wooyoung stepped closer, drawing a sword "You could ask nicely, I'm sure we'd be willing to put you to rest"
"Wooyoung" Hongjoong lowered the man's sword, ordering for the release of the net onto the deck, only for a short argument between two more crewmates by the names of Mingi and Jongho to take place:
"look! I think that's a mermaid!"
"It's a manatee"
"It's not! You're the manatee!"
"I'm a human!!!"
"Same difference"
"Fine, if you wont let this go, lets ask it."
"You can't just talk to a mermaid, genius. Do you want to sleep at the bottom of the sea?!"
"Do you not know sarcasm when you hear it?"
Hongjoong soon stepped in, raising a hand for silence "So, what exactly are you? Mermaid? Siren? Some kind of water spirit I've not heard of?"
The pirate captains eyes roamed over the young creature, falling on a bare patch of skin where what appeared to be a shirt had ridden up. Dark green scales covered the skin, shimmering dimly. The creature grimaced, and yanked her shirt back down, baring her teeth at the captain.
"What do you care?" she hissed, backing away. The pirate captain raised an eyebrow.
"Well, I dont want you killing me or my crew in our sleep. Something that the creatures of the sea like to do. However...," his eyes met the creature's, steel cold. "Youve been out in the sea too long, if I'm correct. Why?" The creature stiffened.
"That's my business, not your's, pirate."
The creature glared up at Hongjoong, her eyes a dark green, just like the scales riding up her body. By now, the entirety of the crew had gathered around her, an eery mix of fear and amazement strewn on their faces. Hongjoong took his chances and stepped even closer, the creature's stare still piercing through him.
"I asked you what you were doing in the sea," he crouched down next to her, his gaze now matching hers, just as cold and just as intimidating. "As my dear friend Yunho said, if you are a Siren, you would know well that being this far out in open water is a rather dangerous thing to be doing"
Hongjoong stood up, his eyes now scanning over the crew. The dozens of men watching him in return now stood up straight, as their captain addressed the situation.
"This" Hongjoong pointed at the creature on the floor "is a siren". Muttering seemed to uproar in that moment, whispers of ' why hasn't he killed it yet?' and 'why hasn't the siren killed us yet?' hung in the air. A siren was now aboard Horizon, accompanied by a crew of numerous men on an open sea where they were very much at risk: of course there'd be confusion as they questioned what was happening.
The captain then turned to where San and Yunho were standing, they too had their own questions. He pointed at them, muttering "gather our main crew, we need to have a meeting" before walking into his quarters just a few steps away.
"Maybe we're having a cup of tea?" San shrugged,
"No, idiot, it clearly has something to do with" Yunho gestured at the Siren with his head. He looked around at the rest of the crew, now too pointing at the siren,
"Empty my fish tank into a couple of jars, it can stay there for now"
"Mind telling us something, Hongjoong?" The captain sat silently on his bed: a piece of netting with a few pillows and a blanket on top if it. His first mate, Seonghwa, a man of average size and gentle nature stood over him, a look of concern about him.
"Yeah like what the hell are you doing letting a siren on board the Horizon when we're this far out to sea???" Jongho, one of the crew members from earlier, paced up and down the room, head in hands. It was a little obvious that he was scared, being faced with a siren was never a good sign.
"I told you before, this is now our chance" Hongjoong stood up, ready to address the clueless crew members before him, each keeping their eyes on him.
"Wait, what exactly did he tell us?" San stood curiously inbetween Yunho and Seonghwa, his eyebrows furrowing. Yunho raised his hand, placing it on San's shoulder, "that's right, San wasn't here to hear about it"
"Hear about what?"
The members shifted, unnoticeably uncomfortable with the situation at hand. San had been on land working with his father when the plan had been first issued, and honestly, no one was too proud of it.
"Well, someone has to explain to him" Yeosang, a more reserved member wearing a long coat and boots of the same colour, came forward from the back of the room.
"Someone explain to San what the actual fuck is going on, because this plan hasn't been thought through"
"Speaking of not thinking things through; he let a siren on board."
"Yeah, why would you do that?!"
"I didn't think it through, obviously."
The crew members burst into an outrage, this so-called 'plan' that San had never heard of had already in the past caused such uproar and frustration. It was only now that it would have to be spoken of again.
"Fine," Seonghwa stepped forward raising his hands to stop the fighting "I'll explain everything, just stop fighting, we're all under enough stress right now"
Seonghwa rubbed the back of his neck as everyone sat down somewhere; some on Hongjoong's bed, some on a random cabinet, most on the floor - this should be interesting.
"The plan, San" He turned to the clueless boy sat beside Yunho "is to capture a siren. Why you may ask yourself, well iiiiit's" a glance at Hongjoong "Stupid, it's really really stupid"
"Stop wasting our time just tell him"
"Its to unlock a special treasure of sorts"
San's eyes lit up hearing those words - treasure? What kind of treasure? Riches? Fortune? But the look of disarray on Seonghwa's face spoke differently.
"We honestly don't know what it unlocks, only a siren would know that. The plan was to capture a siren, which is what we've done but-"
"But this siren is too far out onto the sea. Something's wrong, I just don't know what yet" Hongjoong slumped his shoulders, the same look on Seonghwa's face now creeping up on his. "No siren is supposed to be this far out into the ocean, ever, even the darkest ones. They're supposed to stay in bays and on beaches, but she's not, and it's not right"
"That's not all, I noticed something too" Yunho now stood up beside Seonghwa, addressing their captain "that siren never made any attempt to kill us, both in water and out"
"He's right" Wooyoung spoke up from the other side of the room, jumping down from one of the mentioned cabinets "and when it spoke, it's voice was all-"
"Messed up" Yunho interrupted "she sounded rather, I don't know, hoarse? As though something had happened to her voice"
Silence blanketed the room, each person seemingly in thought - all questioning the mysteriousness of the siren they had aboard the ship.
"Why don't we ask it?"
"Have you learned nothing, Mingi??"
"It. Is. A. Siren!"
"And you can't ask a siren what's wrong with them! Do you want to die??"
Jongho flung both his hands into the air, again arguing with Mingi as he had on deck; he was seriously terrified right about now, but then again who wouldn't be? It was a siren.
"New plan" Hongjoong guided himself to the door, reaching for the door handle.
"And that would be?"
"Finding out why that siren was this far out, why it sounds broken, if so who or what broke it and what the hell the treasure is"
The crew stared at their captain, all a little taken aback about the straightforwardness in his tone.
"He's finally gone crazy"
"Seems like a solid plan"
The Siren - meanwhile placed in Yunho's room in the emptied fish tank - swirled the water around her delicately with her hand. She inspected the room she sat in, a rather large space. It had its own window, a hammock, a set of drawers and a desk. On the wall hung framed maps, and other humanly decorations.
It was quiet, peaceful, and just out the window she could see the setting sun over the horizon. Things like these, she would've been oblivious to, and it was on the rare occasion that she was able to see the sun in such a glorious state.
She sighed a long sigh, taking her tangled hair over her right shoulder, letting the water touch it again. She'd heard stories of pirates, how they were fearsome beings; swinging cutlasses and drinking bottles of rum. So far, that had been the exact impression she had been left with.
It was then in that moment that she began reciting the words her sisters had said to her when she had first found out about pirates: "when faced with a pirate, singing is always a good way to go. Letting them capture you isn't a clever thing to do..."
The Siren's voice sounded out broken, her eyes filling with tears, "what a stupid thing to say"
That's when the door creaked open - not the most pleasant of sounds - followed closely by a single set of footsteps. She didn't seem to panic, and she didn't seem to stiffen; it was as she had expected. A pirate was probably going to kill her, sell her tail for riches, use her bones as decoration and her blood to season their food.
"are you crying?"
A voice sounded from behind her, a rather calming tone in comparison to the yells of fear from earlier. She shifted her eyes, wiping away the tears and bringing her tail up to her chest, "n-no"
The footsteps behind her drew closer, until they were right behind her, a reflection clear in the glass of the window in front of her. The pirate was tall, and he had a look of... of concern and guilt on his face. He caught that reflection of himself too, and the siren looking at him with it. He furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes connecting with the reflection of hers, and everything was silent again.
But then she turned around, her hands grasping the tank she sat in as she looked up at his face. A gentle face, one she recognised from when she had been caught up in the net.
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dnarez · 3 years
Rain Season
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Tw. Sex, a lot of fluff, domestic, porn with plot
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
Requested by: Anonymous
Anonymous: I would like to request an Aizawaxfem reader, where she is a pilot but decides to transfer to an office job for him, also, please do is very domestic, like... he had an awful day and is very grumpy, but she takes care of him, and then he takes care of her ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) if you  know what I mean.
I hope you liked it!!! This was my first time doing a request!!!
+3.9k words
I didn't made the second check to see if I have anything wrong with the writting, sorry
"Fucking rain season" said Eraserhead while getting inside his home, soaked from head to toe, he saw your heels on the entrance hall and frowned at it, he just wanted to be alone right now.
You heard him going inside your house and by the sound of his wet boots his mood was just as bad as the weather.
Chuckle to yourself as you keep preparing the bathtub.
Shouta's footsteps were light, but you always had a good hearing, and that helped to not letting him scare the shit out of you.
"I know that you are there love" you raise to your feet and look at him with a smile, but turns into a giggle seeing him all wet.
"Why are you here?" his rude tone would set anyone off, but you knew he was just being grumpy.
"I can't fly with this rain, it's too dangerous for me and the passengers so~" you go to him and brush his bangs away to let you see all of his beautiful face.
His eyes glare at you, he didn't want to get his hopes too high, Shouta knew that having a relationship with a pilot wouldn't be easy, and the little bit of time you two had together was heaven but always too short.
So any time that you had a day off he wouldn't ask for more time, but fuck he missed his girlfriend, he didn't even know how he was so lucky to fetch such a catch, but you would always respond with 'the bait was just too good to let it pass'
Even so, even if he tried to not get his hopes up, maybe... just maybe you would stay for a bit longer than usual...
You kissed his cheek and petted his drenched hair "I also got a promotion!"
Shouta frowned at that "so why don't you go celebrate with your friends?" He pushes you away and started to strip.
Huffing, you help him against his wishes "How barbaric! Didn't even let me finish!" You hold his hands stopping him from taking his pants off "I got a promotion for..." you clap twice "AN OFFICE JOB!" And make jazz hands on the end.
He looks at you astonished "An office job!? You hate working on a desk, and you also hate doing the same things every day! That's why you love being a pilot!" He says angrily, everything was making him angry right now, even your voice, one of, if not the most thing, he likes about you.
You sigh "Yes but... I already traveled to most of the countries in the world, I saw so much but..." you blush and evade his eyes
Aizawa gets closer to you, making both chests almost touch "But?"
"But... every time I saw something new I would think of you... and how you would like this, or how you would smile eating that, I'm feeling more and more homesick with each trip so... I asked to be transferred..."
He just... looks at you, which makes you blush more each minute that passes "I-I was thinking... that I could... maybe... move in, since it's so close to the airport from here, and... I would be able to sleep and wake up with you by my side" your whole face is red.
Shouta smile and hugs you tightly, "Why are you even asking? I gave you the keys in hope that you would move in"
You smiled and hugged him back, but his skin was too damn cold! You felt like you were hugging an ice cube!
The sweet moment was interrupted by him sneezing, "OMG! Bathtub! Now!" You pull him to the tub and help him to take off his clothes
"What about you? You just got here, right?" He asked while stepping out of his pants and boxer.
"I will take a shower, you can take your time and relax" you kiss his shoulder (because it's the highest place you can reach without him bending)
Shouta nods and gets inside the bathtub, smelling a woodsy scent, the water was also a little green "what did you put in here?"
You take off your clothes "It's a new bathwater, it helps relax the body and all that shit" you take a hair tie and ties Aizawa's hair in a cute messy bun "today we will take care of you, okay?" finally being able to kiss his cheek you smile nodding to yourself and goes to take a shower.
He watches you for some time and then relax on the bathtub, now that he's calm and relaxed he can faintly hear the sound of the rain outside, the strong bathroom lights were annoying him by not letting him relax "can you please turn off the lights?"
You stop for a minute and get out of the shower, doing what he asked, but lighting a few candles first "better?"
"Uhum..." he sighs and close his eyes
"I will keep on watch, don't worry, you can take a nap" you dry yourself and take the stool you normally used to shave and sit on it while on Aizawa's side
He just mumbles something and start to snore lightly.
You smile at the scene, he was always a sweetheart with you, putting you first, even if you had to cancel a lot more plans than he had because of work, the day you two meet was while he was working, and you were on your way to your flight, it was out of a novel type of meeting.
It was supposed to be a normal Friday, you were going on your vacation, and decided to walk to the airport, you decided that it was the only type of exercise you would do on your vacation, since you were going to eat a lot of everything no matter the place.
But while calmly walking and admiring the orange sky, some guys passed running way too close to you, the last one actually picked you up and started caring you!!!
"HELP!" you shouted and started struggling trying to get the man to release you, to no avail
"Calm down princess, we just want the cops to not shoot"
"YOU SHUT UP!" you screamed and punched his throat making him stumble and drop you on the ground.
You landed in a bad way over your arm, you heard something crack, but the adrenaline pumping in your veins made it impossible to feel any pain.
You heard footsteps coming to you and see that a pro was following them, one of the guys grabs you and point a knife to your neck.
"Stop or I'll slice her throat!" The pro stops a few meter away and glares at the villain.
The villain rise you to your feet and gives a maniac laugh "poor hero! I know that you won't forget her face after this-"
Since you had both arms free, and had a brain, you decided to not let him kill you, so as logically as anyone would think, you decided to grab his balls and squeeze them as strongly as you could, and sadly for him, you were really angry.
The villain releases you and falls to his knees, you take the opportunity to run to the pro.
The dark haired hero put quirk canceling handcuffs on both of them, he looks back at you and makes sign to get you closer, you do as told and, and he put his hand on your right arm, you scream at that and holds your arms close to your chest "FUCK!"
He nods to himself "the police and ambulance are already on their way, you shouldn't have done that, what would happen if he had cut your throat in impulse?"
"Then I would die" you look at him with a poker face "so what? Now I will have to get a license and won't be able to work for the next 3 months, GREAT!" you groan frustrated and glare at your own arm.
"You almost died and care more about your job?" He asks confused.
"Not exactly, I just got my vacation, and now I have to postpone for a few days, just so I can get used to the cast, this suck" you sigh and let your head fall forward.
"You just need to ask for your friend's help, why would that be difficult?" He looks back at the handcuffed villains and then looks the siren noise finally starts to be heard.
"I don't have friends" you say and look up at him "so again, it will be difficult to do things with a cast"
You two were silenced by the ambulance and the police car arriving almost at the same time, you were checked and told that you would go to the hospital, but before they closed the door the hero came back into view.
"You said you don't have friends so... would you like my help?"
Since then, you both had so much fun together, you started to pass more and more time with each other.
Until you asked him out on a date, and here you are, watching him on the bathtub taking a nap.
You smile at the scene and goes next to him, and start giving butterfly kisses all over his face to wake him up.
Aizawa wakes up and looks at you sleepy, you smile at his cute face "the water must be getting cold, come on, I already ordered food from your favorite restaurant" you help him up and dry him when he steps out of the bathtub, giving small kisses all over.
"You don't need to do this... I'm actually quite against this..." you chuckle and shake your head
"You work hard every day and night, always finds time to go watch a movie that I want, or go to a place that I like, you stay at school until late to help your students, or to help Yamada with paperwork, you are also thinking about getting the temporary guard of that little girl Eri" you put his towel around his waist and ties it there "It's my time to help you" you kiss his shoulder "and take care of the man I adore"
He nodded, permitting your plans to pamper the shit out of him.
You take a hold of his hand and brings him to the bedroom, where there were some candles and light blue rose petals, some relaxing song was playing, and the few scented candles were weak and just enough to help him relax.
"You got my favorite ones... " he looks at the light blue petals and gives a sad smile "thank you..."
You know that he is thanking for the flower, since the color always reminds him of his late friend, but when you two talk about it, you never ask about the accident, and just ask about everything else about him and their time together, so to Shouta when you show or talk about his late friend only good memories surge, and not the dreadful one, which he is quite thankful for.
"You're welcome, now lay down on the bed, stomach down and ass up" he looks at you suspiciously "I won't play with your ass today, don't worry, I will give you a massage"
He sits on the bed "since when do you know how to make these?"
You huff and put on one of his shirts "I took classes, so that I could help you de-stress, now lay down and let me help you"
He sighs thinking how this is a terrible idea, but smiles and comply at the end 'she learned something just to help me...'
You start on his feet, massaging with care a trying to remember what he told you on the classes.
Aizawa closed his eyes and thought about the time before this relationship, he would probably have taken a quick shower, ate some leftovers and slept the rest of the time, then woke up and go to work.
Having you is a luxury he wants to have every day.
Shouta knows that it's selfish of him to think like that, but you are so good to him, always has been.
When he was tired it seemed like you had a sixth sense to know, you would tell him to lay his head on your lap and would pet his hair while talking about your day with a sweet a low toned voice, he would always wake up on the bed, you said that you woke him up and brought him to the room, but he doesn't remember waking up at all.
Your hair was beautiful, your eyes gorgeous, your nose cute, the way you tilt your head before asking a question, the little mole you have on your eyelid, that can only be seen when your eyes are closed.
He really adores you.
The massage is so fucking good, you said you took a few classes??? He doesn't believe you.
Your hands go gradually up to his legs, then his lower back, his upper back, and you finish on his neck, when you had finished the feet he was already napping.
You hoped that the massage was good and that it would help him, you were going to wake him, but your phone buzzed signaling that your food was here.
You get up, pick the phone up and go to the door where you greet the delivery guy.
"Having a good night?" You ask while hiding half of your body behind the door
"Yes ma'am! Here's your order" he gives you your package which you quickly put on the table and return with your cellphone showing the qr code
"Here, have a great end of day" he smiles back at you and goes away.
You lock the door and put the table for the two of you.
Shouta wakes up feeling extremely relaxed, but something was missing, he looks around and see that the candles were off, only the scented one was light 'smart girl' he smiles at the thought of you, and notices how his body is super light.
He gets up and adjust the towel around his waist, his mood is a lot better now, but while hungry his facial expression still was an angry glare, he looked at his reflection in the mirror and frowns, you always had a carefree and relaxed expression, and he was starting to get aging lines, were you really only 5 years younger?
He sighs and opens the door not bothering to put on clothes, he sees you putting the table up and sees the package for his favorite sushi place and frowns.
You look back at him and smile "I was about to wake you up"
Aizawa gets closer to you "You shouldn't have done that, my favorite restaurant is too expensive to order if it isn't an especial occasion"
You shake your head "We are celebrating my promotion, also I got a fat bonus~" you sit and point serves you both some wine.
"Let's celebrate and relax" you start eating happy for the high quality product.
After eating you washed the dishes against Shouta's wish, but he did put the plates away.
"So... is there anything else you wanted to do?" You look at your boyfriend and see his relaxed body and face, much better than the angry wet cat that had arrived earlier.
He steps closer to you and looks into your eyes "I want to do you"
You blush heavily "this isn't about me today..." you pout
He shakes his head "I love when I see your facial expressions, and your voice screaming my name is my favorite song, now please... let me hear you sing" he holds your face with both hands and give you a peck on the lips.
You nod and close your eyes, going with the flow.
His pecks turn into kisses, that he cover your face with it, very slowly "my beautiful. Kind. Sweet. And caring girlfriend. Taking such a good care of me. You think that I didn't notice how the house is cleaner than when I left?" His kisses start to go lower to your throat "always so caring... you also need to de-stress a little. Let me help you" his hand start to travel down thru your body.
You sigh from how kind he is being, normally he would kneel and eat you out like he was a starved man, then he would proceed to fuck your brains out on the dinner table, but right now he wasn't stressed from work, or angry about the villains attacking even in this bad weather.
You should do this more often...
"Stop spacing out and focus on me" he bites your earlobe, and you gasp focussing on him, you only now notice his hands on your thigh and on your breasts under the shirt, he gave both a little squeeze which made you whimper and tremble under his hands.
"S-sorry..." he kissed your collarbone and bite your neck
"Let's go to our bed, it's been some time since we used it for something that isn't sleeping" you felt a shiver going all over your body from how low his voice got.
"Y-yeah! Let's do that!" You turn around to go to the bedroom, but he stops you by picking you up, you hug his neck and blush heavily again "hey! You surprised me!"
"Good, that was the intention" as he walks to the bedroom you hear something falling, when you look behind him, you see that he dropped the towel, and now you have a perfect place to see his butt.
"Why is your ass better than mine?" You pout and notice that you are now on the bedroom
"If you exercise more you would also have a nice and firm ass like mine, but I do prefer pudding"
"Pudding?" He lays you down on the bed with your back to the ceiling and stomach to the bed.
Shouta give your ass a bite, and you laugh "oh! Pudding! Now I get it"
He chuckles and kiss where he had bitten "mine..." he says in a sweet voice and hugs your waist for some time.
Then he raises and turn you around, now facing him "would you allow me to make love with you?"
You blush and smile, caressing his face "of course" you take the opportunity to untie his hair, that had been tied since the bath 'next time I will wash his hair'
Shouta smiles and kiss you slow and passionately.
This was different from normal, and so good, so sweet, you feel his hands going down again and opening your legs.
His fingers caressed your entrance, he broke the kiss and brought his fingers to his face "so wet for me already, how kind of you" his fingers go down again but this time he makes circling movements on your clit.
You sigh from the stimulation and pull his face close to you again "please, I want more Shouta" you open your mouth begging for more kisses.
He complies and kiss you passionately again, his second hand come up and fondle with your breast, sometimes pinching your nipple.
Everything he did was so slow that you felt like drowning in him, his taste, his scent, his skin touching yours, you were drowning in him and him in you.
After 2 years of relationship you two knew what the other liked or needed, and this was something new, that both needed this very much and neither knew.
His fingers went inside you slowly and curved slightly, then he moved it at the same pace as before, slow enough to tease but fast enough to stimulate.
You part the kiss again "more... please! More!" You move your hips to feel more and put your hand over his that was on your breast and squeeze it asking for more pressure.
"Such a nice way to beg... do you think you can take it? I want to feel you around me"
You knew that you needed more preparation, since Shouta was the biggest you ever had, and he stretched you to your limit every time, you remember that the first time you two had the sensation was the same as losing your virginity, but he asked so nicely... and by the looks of it he will be very loving, so you nod in confirmation.
He smiles at you and lined himself on your entrance.
Now that you think about it, it looks like he was hard for some time now, the purplish head and the pulsating vein make it obvious that he has been holding himself back.
"My eyes are up here~" he mocks, and you look at him, like... you really look at him, and you decide to drop the bomb.
The L bomb hadn't been dropped by neither of you, even after 2 years, both afraid of the other leaving after they got attached, but... you were already attached, and he has such a dangerous job, you never know what will happen, so you decide to let it be known.
"Aizawa Shouta... I love you"
He looked astonished at you and gave you a wobbly smile "I love you too" as he said that he penetrated into you and gave you a deep kiss with a lot of tongue to distract you from the discomfort.
Aizawa keep pushing until all of him was inside, he part the kiss and sighs relieved "you are always what I need to make a shitty day much better"
You shudder from his deep voice and put your hands on his shoulder "I'm glad that I can put your mind at ease in though days" you kiss his nose and he smiles back at you.
He gives a small trust, and you respond with a small moan, encouraging him.
Shouta gives slow and shallow trusts, letting you get comfortable.
You lick your lips and wiggle your hips trying to get more of him in "please move! Your going too slow!" He chuckles and bites your neck
"I had totally forgotten this" he takes your shirt off "there, all mine " he said in a sweet tone and hugged you close, letting both chest press against each other.
Shouta starts moving faster, and the way his body squeezed you was suffocating in a good way, you start scratching him as soon as he's hips start clapping against yours, the pressure on your belly.
'So close' the position had his cock rubbing against your favorite spot deliciously you were taking short breaths with your eyes glossy from pleasure.
But the feeling of you around him, your nails on his back and your small moans and whimpers, everything about you was intoxicating, Shouta bites your necks, then your shoulder, and start to bite you all over leaving marks on you "mine..." he said again and started pounding on you.
It was so sudden that you couldn't hold back a high pitched moan followed by a whimper "Shouta!"
He bites your nipple and suck it while fucking you, holding your body against him by the hips.
Shouta was going to be kind and have a slow and sweet sex with you, but the way you drive him crazy with so little, he wants to ravish you, but decides against it.
One of his hands go to your clit and rub circles on it making your body tremble, and you arch your back wanting more "Shouta!"
His thrusts got sloppier, now going faster "close... so close" he laid his head on your shoulder.
The feeling of his dick kissing you womb hurt in a good way, the way he knew you loved "close!"
You came first, creaming on his dick while arching your back, his thrusts got sloppier he bites your shoulder and grunts while coming on your stomach.
He sits up and looks down at you, and your stomach covered in cum and your fucked out face with pride.
I had already wrote this, I still am on hiatus, I'm just posting it here, since the other plataforms already have it
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astriefer · 4 years
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Please have this messy, badly written scenario as a humble gift to you, because I wanted to do something since I reached 200 followers!
Bits of Truth
They stood in front of the Carstairs' townhouse in Cornwall Gardens. Christopher seemed mildly confused about what they were doing there as if he had not been paying attention. James shared one last glance with Thomas before he knocked on the door.
A few bits of silence flew by, in which they had held their breaths. Then footsteps tapped on the floor, and the door cracked open.
A wave of relief passed through James that not Sona nor Risa or any other maid came to open the door. Then he thought what a peculiar thought it was for him to be relieved by. Alastair looked at them, frozen in place, blinking a few times as if he didn't believe they were truly there. He rejoined his composure hastily. He didn't let them in - he stood in the front door and his eyes searched theirs for an explanation. It was like a weird staring contest. Eventually, Alastair spoke first. "Cordelia is not here. You know it fairly well."
He moved to close the door. "We haven't come for Cordelia," he said quickly, which received another incredulous glance from Alastair. "Well, we have. But not because we thought she'd show up here. We came to talk to you."
Alastair narrowed his eyes, expressionless, and considered James. Then he glanced at Christopher and Thomas, noting their desperate eyes. "About my sister?"
"We won't take long," promised James, despite he wasn't sure it's true. Alastair studied him, and James felt himself going rigid. He leveled Alastair with his indecipherable gaze.
Then Alastair had stepped back from the door and ushered them in. "My mother is in her bedroom, resting, and Risa went shopping for supper. So, you have to be quiet. Make it quick.'
Alastair took their coats and tilted his head towered the parlor. A kettle whiselted in the kitchen. As he gestured them inside he turned the other way. A fire burned in the chimney, and a book rested peacefully on the armchair. When James examined closer he discovered it was written in Persian. Thomas mumbled something about Persian poetry.
Alastair came inside with a tray and James thought he was, for a change, being hospitable, but he ignored them and disappeared up the stairs. When he got back, empty-handed, James assumed the tea was for his mother. Alastair placed the book on the table as he sat down in front of them. Thomas and Christopher set on a love sofa and James set stoned on another armchair. He didn't waste time being the kind host, James presumed. "What it is about my sister?"
The golden-eyed boy decided the best tactic was started from what he knew. That wasn't much, but it was the most important thing, and he was certain about it, at the very least. "I love your sister."
Alastair raised his eyebrows, amused. "Yes, that's something that tends to happen between married couples, I've been told."
James shook his head. "This marriage, of Cordelia and I," just saying her name on his lips made a treacherous skip of his heartbeat, full of hurt and love. "It was a sham marriage."
Alastair pools of dark marble were fixed on James when he explained, rather awkwardly, the events that led to their marriage. And then events that led to Cordelia leaving the country. He prospected Alastair would be outraged, throw spears at them, maybe even recite some very angry poetry phrases in Persian. Instead, Alastair was very still for very long. When he did speak, the words weren't the James expected them to be. "I knew the marriage wasn't out of love," Alastair said calmly. "But I didn't expect you to tell all that rubbish."
James blinked. "It's the truth."
"Oh, I know," Alastair returned with a dismissive wave of his hand. "I doubt you would come up with such a ludicrous idea on your own, even if just to spite me. and I also know Cordelia wouldn't have slept with you unwedded, no matter how much she loved you."
All the thieves caught their breath when Alastair leaned forward, his month curving in an odd angle. "I also know being married to you was a wish she never thought would come true, and that you cared for her. You claimed her as yours and you defended her. It was good for Cordelia, and so I said nothing."
James snorted, although he hadn't found the conversation funny. Not the least. "I thought I loved Grace at that time. I felt bad when the thought of living with Cordelia was more appealing than I expected." The thought of Grace made his features harden. "And because of Grace, for years I've been blind. Manipulated. I lost my wife and Parabatai. She played with me like a doll; messed with my feelings, messed with my life. This is unforgivable."
He did not notice Christopher who tensed up and fixed his spectacles on his nose. "She did some bad things," he said, surprising them all. "But I don't think she's evil."
James furrowed his brow. "She's like a siren: beautiful and compelling, but going after her will only end in you being drowned."
"I see," Alastair said, turning back to James. "But why? Why did she do it?"
"Does it matter?" James asked. "She hurt so many people. She doesn't even deserve to apologize. It won't matter anyhow - the damage is done. After all she has done...sorry will never be enough. Nothing will."
"It matters," Alastair said. "Because you don't know her side of the tale. You don't know what she thinks. What she feels. You don't know if she had to do what she did."
He was tempted to say Grace has no feelings at all. "I believe I'm allowed to be angry."
"I do agree that what she had done to you is far above a jest or a play with hearts," there was a strange flame burning in the deep ponds of Alastair's dark eyes. "And you have no obligation to forgive her. But why not hear what she has to say? You are the one with the power. You know the truth. She can not affect you any longer."
James shook his head. "You don't know Grace," he said coldly, gravely. "She will try to use me. She will try and make me do as she wishes. I will not be a pawn in her game again. She controlled my life long enough."
Alastair glanced away, pondering over something. Thomas turned his head nervously between James and Alastair. For the first time since the beginning of their conversation, Thomas inquired, "Why do you insist James will hear her out?"
"You have no idea of her motives," Alastair retorted. "What she's done - she must know it's wrong. And she will have to live with this knowledge for the rest of her days. You are allowed to be angry, James, and rightfully so. But don't let it blind you. That you have been kept from certain kinds of evil doesn't mean everyone else had. You have no clue what led her to those decisions." Alastair looked distanced. James managed to guess he's not been talking only about Grace. "You should talk to her. You may not forgive her, but you deserve to understand, to know why to hear the plain truth. And you should let her mourn what she could have had and lost."
James wasn't sure he fully comprehended. "I wouldn't have loved her. Even without the bracelet issue - my heart belongs to Cordelia."
"What do you mean?" Christopher asked. "That not everyone had been kept from evil."
Alastair shrugged. "I met Tatiana Blackthorn only once. She's a madwoman. She doesn't seem like the kind of caring, kind mother to pet her daughter's shoulder. Besides, Grace seemed to be controlled by Tatiana, rather than working alone or alongside her."
"She took the love of my life away from me," James growled. "Nothing can atone for that."
"The love of your life is my sister," he reminded James. "I can hardly find the idea of her being heartbroken a good thing. And the one who caused this pain is not much liked, as well. But you shouldn't think that just because you would've done it otherwise, it was an option for her. You can't know what are the options in front of people. You can't know how they feel unless you talk to them. So talk to Grace, James. Then seek out my sister. If you love her like you claim you do, will you give up on her so easily?"
"No," James stood up, "I will not."
Alastair nodded. "why did you come and tell me about your little schemes? Why now?"
Now, after so much time of lying, why tell the truth? Why not keep it in its cage of delicately made lies?
James cut his gaze to the book on the table. Thomas answered instead in a quiet voice. "She is your sister. You must have been worried about her. We wanted to tell you because - because you deserve to know the truth and understand why things happened the way they did."
What Thomas did not say was what none of them wanted to admit. Cordelia ran away to Paris with Matthew. Even if she'll be back in only two weeks - they all were worried sick. James couldn't blame her, he was awful and blind. All of this was a mess. If she needed time to calm down in Paris, he couldn't deny it of her, even if he had a say in this choice.
Alastair studied Thomas, and James felt the half-Persian hadn't quite believed them. It was true - they needed his help in the future. But it was a start. "Anything else? A ghost friend? Another evil aunt?"
"No," Christopher affirmed.
"Good," Alastair said. James might have imagined it but he thought he saw Alastair sneak a glance at Thomas before standing up. "Now get out of my house. Risa will be here any minute."
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I- how?? Thank you so much, everyone!! 🙈 Thank you, you can't understand how much it means to me. 🥺
This is mind-blowing. Truly. For whatever reason you follow me, know that I love you <3
Tagging some of my mutuals, you are all wonderful and make my time here so much better (not all of them because my brain is all wonky, but I mean all of you): @kit-12 @littlx-songbxrd @pink-party-dino @shadowhuntertrash @gummybears-4u @itsdaughterofthemoon @mcrrythievcs @fictionally-fantastic @reyna-herondale I'll tag more but I don't want to bother anyone so... thank you!! I don't know what people find in my blog, but I am grateful, and I appreciate all of you endlessly.
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worshipjeffery · 3 years
I wrote a story for my british lit class and im very proud of it. it doesn't have a name
The growing sound of the air raid siren abruptly stopped the lesson. The room filled with the exacerbated groans of 20 some-odd children.
“All right everyone. You know the drill, get under your desks” said Mr. Nicolais. Everyone scooted back their chairs to crouch down in the same way they had done the other four times that week, sitting in childs pose with their hands over their heads.
“Why do we have to keep doing this? it's not like anything’s actually going to happen.” said one of the students while changing to sit in a more comfortable cross-legged position. The other students did the same while murmuring in agreement.
“How long do we have to stay down here this time? Last time, we didn’t get the ‘all clear’ for an hour!” said another student. “Yeah, I’m already bored! Tell us a story Mr. Nicolais!” said Nora.
“Well, I guess since we’ll be down here for a while, I could take this opportunity to give you all a little history lesson. So just for a bit of background knowledge so you can understand what led up to the event I'm about to discuss with you. Around 14 years ago a very bad and very powerful man became our president. To most people he looked like a… well he looked like a buffoon. He couldn't even really string two intelligent words together, but to others he was the Messiah. Behind the scenes though, he had been orchestrating an attack to keep himself in power. Four years after his election, on January 6th, there was a coordinated attack on every state capitol in the union, in addition to an attack on Washington D.C. Because he was the President he could choose whether or not to send in the National Guard.”
“I’m guessing he chose not to?” asked Caroline.
“You're right,” said Mr. Nicolais. “He did not send in the National Guard. After the coup was successful he declared himself Chancellor of North America.”
“But, Mr. Nicolais, there are other countries in North America!” said Caitlin.
“Uh-huh. Of course, he started invading Canada first, and in only two months he claimed it using a military tactic called a blitzkrieg where he hit Canada with all the military strength he had.” said Mr. Nicolais. "Shortly after the U.S. took over Canada, he took Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba, and the rest. At that point the other world superpowers like Russia and England started to get concerned and threatened to intervene if the Chancellor didn't stop.”
“And he didn't stop?” asked Libby, with a wry smirk on her face.
“No he didn't. This is a perfect example of ‘give a mouse a cookie and he’ll ask for a glass of milk’. He went after the newly freed Armenia and its neighboring country Turkey next. So just like England and Russia promised, they tried to put a stop to the Chancellor, but he had a lot of countries already and that meant their militaries too. Thus the start of what we know now as WWIII. It was a couple of years into the war and we were maintaining a winning streak, until The Battle of Azrael. I’ll spare you the gory details but what you need to know is that it was a turning point in the war. After The Battle of Azrael we started to lose, and fast, so the Chancellor used his last big resource, the nuclear bo-”
At that moment the door swung open abruptly.The principal known around school as Mr. B (or in the case of Mr. Nicolais’ 4th grade class as Mr. Principal) ran into the room looking around with panicked, wide eyes. Mr. Nicolais walked over to Mr. B with an air of caution as if Mr. B was a wild animal he was afraid of spooking. Mr. B grabbed Mr. Nicolais by the shoulders and whispered into his ear - too quiet for the students to hear. All the color drained from Mr. Nicolais’ face as he started shaking his head and whispering “oh no no no”. He leaned against his desk for support and looked up at Mr. B. “What am I supposed to do?” said Mr. Nicolais, in a quavering voice.
“Call your wife, tell her you love her. That’s what I’m gonna do” said Mr. B as he left the room, presumably to tell another class his devastating news.
Mr. Nicolais wrung his hands in an attempt to stop them shaking. He took a few deep breaths. The room hung in a horrible silence.
Mr. Nicolais made several attempts at starting before he finally said “We just got word that Russia has launched a nuclear weapon at this town. It's set to hit directly at this school. Most of your parents will be here to pick you up shortly, but as it is a work day and some of you have parents that work in the city, not all of them will get here in time. I know I’m no substitute for your parents but I care about you and I won’t leave your side.”
At this, the students started to panic, most were crying, some were rushing through questions in a way that made the room sound like a symphony of messily strung together sounds.
A few minutes later, parents started to arrive, taking their children and their children's best friends if the parents of those kids couldn't get to the school. As more and more parents arrived, grabbed their children, and left, the room started to calm down. Soon, the only students left were 5 scared kids named Ethan, Jonah, Devan, Julie, and Mackenzie, and their teacher Mr. Nicolais.
None of these kids had ever really talked before, but it was clear by the looks on all of their faces that they knew they weren't gonna get to go home - that it was just them. Jonah was sitting against a wall rocking back and forth with his knees against his chest gasping for air. Julie and Mackenzie both started walking over to him in unison to try and help him calm down. Ethan went over to Mr. Nicolais and started drilling him with questions. “STOP!” yelled Devan, silencing everyone. “We’re all gonna die and there's nothing we can do about it so you might as well stop crying and accept it!” Ethan went over and hugged Devan causing both of them to break into tears. Julie and Mackenzie crouched down on either side of Jonah and just held him, letting him use the pressure of their arms to pull himself back down until his breathing had steadied.
Mr. Nicolais had composed himself and put on some music through his computer speaker.
The kids all turned as they heard the sounds of the Red Hot Chili Peppers play through the room.
Mr. Nicolais started to dance.
Psychic spies from China try to steal your mind's elation
Julie and Mackenzie helped each other up off the floor and Julie offered Jonah her hand. He took it and the three of them joined Mr. Nicolais as he started slow dancing with the classroom’s tall lamp, which made everyone laugh, even in their terror.
It’s the edge of the world and all of western civilization
Ethan and Devan joined the dancing. After the chorus, Mr. Nicolais asked them what they would have liked to be when they grew up. Jonah said he wanted to be a pianist; Julie wanted to be a doctor; Mackenzie wanted to be a ballerina; Ethan wanted to be a firefighter; Devan said he didn't know.
They continued to just dance, and talk, and laugh like there was nothing awful even in the midst of an impending tragedy. As the song went on a faint whistling sound could be heard in the distance but the six of them paid no mind, they just kept on dancing .
Destruction leads to a very rough road, but it also breeds creation
And then there was light.
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shawtygonemad · 4 years
What Is This Feeling: Chapter 12
Fem!9th Doctor x Male!Rose Tyler
WITF Masterlist
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The Doctor walked back into the alleyway after being laughed at by a crowd of drunks. She simply asked them if they had seen something fall from the sky recently. Then an air raid alarm went off. She had better find her human.
"Ross," she called out into the empty alleyway. Realizing she was alone, the Time Lord let out a huff. "You know, one day, just one day, maybe, I'm going to meet someone who gets the whole don't wander off thing. Nine hundred years of phone box travel, it's the only thing left to surprise me."
Suddenly a ringing filled the air near the TARDIS. The Doctor furrowed her eyebrows.
'That's not supposed to be ringing,' the Doctor thought as she approached the phone booth phone.
As she went to pick up the phone a voice from behind startled her causing her to also drop the sonic.
"Don't answer it! It's not for you."
The Doctor turned to see a young girl dressed in ragged clothes. Fear was seen in her brown eyes.
"And how do you know that?" The Time Lord questioned.
"Cos, I do. And I'm telling you, don't answer it," the girl warned.
"Well if you know so much, tell me this: How can it be ringing?" The Doctor picked up the receiver. "It's not even a real phone. It's not connected. It's not-" the Doctor paused when she turned back to the girl who was now gone. Her brows furrowed once more as she spoke into the phone.
"Hello? Hello? This is the Doctor speaking. How can I help you," she asked sarcastically to who she thought was no one?
"Mummy? Mummy," a child's voice answered.
"Who is this? Who's speaking," she asked even more confused. This was impossible!
"Are you my mummy," the child asked.
"Who is this," the Doctor asked more firmly.
"How did you ring here? This isn't a real phone. It's not wired up to anything."
Before the Doctor can respond once again the dial tone sounded. That was weird, and not the good kind. The Doctor knocked on the door of the time machine in hopes that is where Ross went.
"Ross? Ross, are you in here," she asked into the depths of the dark TARDIS. There was no response. That's when she heard a loud noise at the end of the alley. Instincts kicked in and she bolted towards the sound.
The Doctor followed to sound down the street. She noticed a family exiting the back of them home into the cellar to take shelter from the air raid. As they were leaving, she also noticed Nancy and a group of rugged looking children enter from the front. They must be scavenging for a meal. Perhaps she should join them.
As they started to get settled and still distracted the Time Lord slinked in and found an empty seat at the table. When Nancy finished carving the food slices of meat were being passed around. The kids each thanking Nancy politely for getting them this dinner.
"Thank you, Miss," One boy said.
"Thank you, Miss," Another said.
"Thank you, Miss."
"Thank you, Miss," the Doctor joined in with a grin.
The children gasped while panicking. Nancy tried to calm them.
"It's alright. Everyone stay where you are!" She instructed them.
"Good here, innit?" She smiled as she continued to fix herself a plate. "Who's got the salt?"
"Back in your seats, " Nancy informed them. "She shouldn't be here either."
"So," the Doctor started, "You lot, what's the story?"
"What do you mean," one of the boys asked, confused.
"You're homeless, right? Living Rough?" She asked nonchalant.
"Why do you want to know? Are you a copper?" Another boy questioned.
"Of course I'm not a copper! What's a copper going to do with you lot anyways? Arrest you for starving? I make it to 1941. You lot shouldn't even be in London! You should've been evacuated to the country by now."
"It's better on the streets! Nancy always finds us the best food," the children agreed.
"So that's what you do, Nancy," the Doctor said to the young woman.
"What is," she asked confused.
"As soon as the siren goes, you find a big fat family meal still warm on the table with everyone down in the air raid shelter and Bingo!" The Doc exclaimed. "Feeding frenzy for the homeless kids of London town. Puddings for all, as long as the bombs don't get you."
"Something wrong with that," Nancy bit back, ready for a fight.
"Wrong with it? It's brilliant," She laughed. "I'm not sure if it's Marxism in action or a West End Musical."
"Why'd you follow me," Nancy asked exasperated.
"I want to know what that phone rang when it wasn't hooked up," the Doctor jumped to the point.
"I did you a favor," she stated.
"Great, thanks," the alien said sarcastically. "And I want to find a blonde in a union jack. I mean a specific one. I didn't just wake up this morning with a craving." 'Liar,' her inner voice said.��"Anyone see a man like that?"
Nancy grabbed the Doctor's place much to her protest.
"You took 2 slices. No blondes, no flags. Anything else before you leave," She bite off quickly.
"Actually yes." The Doc said as she got up from the table. "Anything fall from the sky? Probably about a month ago, but not a bomb! Wouldn't have exploded, and just buried itself into the ground. It would look something like this," The doctor pulled out a picture of what the ship looks like.
Suddenly a child voice sounded out. "Mummy?"
Chaos began, as scared kids quickly got up from the table and found an exit to escape to. The Doctor was trying to speak to the child, but Nancy stopped her. She claimed that if you're touched you become just like him. Nancy quickly made her exit as the Doctor opened the front door to find nothing.
After a short period of searching the Doctor found the kids at Nancy's hideout. She needed more information from Nancy if she was going to figure out what was going on. Thankfully, Nancy agreed to lead her to someone who could help. The Doctor. She internally groaned at the idea of having to meet another version of herself again. Reluctantly she venture on alone since Nancy refuse to enter. She told the Doctor that she lost her little brother during an air raid, and just couldn't handle what was waiting inside.
As she entered the ward she started to look around. She was shocked to find every bed occupied with a very still patient. After a quick scan of her sonic she realized that these things were human, but how was the gas mask fused to their face? It looked like her answer would come soon after discovering Doctor Constantine who was very sick and claimed to be dying. Much like the patients he seemed to somehow have head trauma, a collapsed chest, and a scar on the back of his hand. It was a domino affected. Only one victim was injured at first, then suddenly everyone he touched fell to the same injuries. The final phase is growing a gas mask which fuses to the face.
"You must find Nancy, again," Doctor Constantine choked. "It was her brother. She knows more than she's saying. She won't tell me, but she mi..migh…might…mummy? Are you my m-m-mummyyy," he cried as a gas mask grew from his mouth and fused to his face.
"Hello?" a voice came from the corridor.
The Doctor quickly stumbled into the corridor. She needed to warn these people to get out. Quickly turning around she bumped into a tall, handsome man. However, next to him was her beautiful human. She was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief knowing he was okay.
"Good evening," the unknown man said. "Hope we're not interrupting. Jack Harkness," he extended his hand while sending the alien a charming, flirtatious grin. Hesitantly the Doctor shook his hand. "I've been hearing all about you on the way over."
"He knows," Ross said to her. "I had to tell him about us being Time Agents."
"And it's a real pleasure to meet you, Miss Spock," Jack spoke again.
"Miss Spock," she asked amused as she looked at Ross.
"What was I supposed to say? You don't have a name! Don't you ever get tired of Doctor? Doctor Who?" Ross rambled on.
"9 centuries in, I'm coping," she said sarcastically. "Where have you been? We're in the middle of a London Blitz! It's not a good time for a stroll!"
"Who's strolling? I went by Barrage Balloon! Only way to see an air raid," he said smugly.
"What!?" She exclaimed.
Ross brushed her off, "So what's a Chula Warship?"
"Chula?" The Doctor was so confused. What the hell is going on? "What kind of Chula ship landed here?"
"What," Jack questioned, distracted.
"He said it was a warship," Ross injected. "He stole it, parked it somewhere out there, somewhere a bomb's going to fall on it unless we make him an offer."
The Doctor crossed her arms and stared hard at the new man. She did not get a good feeling from him or this situation. What kind of game was he playing at?
"What kind of warship," she questioned.
"What does it matter? It's got nothing to do with this," he said wildly as he gestured to the gas masked patients.
"This," the doctor pointed at the patients," started at the bomb site. It's got everything to do with it! What kind of warship?"
"An ambulance," Jack exclaimed. "Look!"
The man proceeded to project a holograph image from his wristband of the machine they had previously been following.
"It's what chased you through the time vortex. It's space junk! I wanted to kid you it was valuable. It's empty. I made sure of it! Nothing but a shell. I threw it at you. I saw your time travel vehicle, love the retro look, by the way, nice panels." The Doctor couldn't help but slightly smile proudly at that compliment. "I threw it to you as bait."
"Bait," Ross asked.
"I wanted to sell it to you, and then destroy it before you found out it was junk," Jack explained.
"You said it was a warship," Ross accused.
"They have ambulances in the war," Jack defended. "It was a con. I was conning you! That's what I am, a con man. I thought you two were Time Agents. You're not, are you?"
"Just a couple more freelancers," Ross told him smugly.
"Oh. I should have known," Jack shook his head in disbelief. "The way you guys were blending in with the local colour. I mean, Flag Boy was bad enough, but you, Biker Bitch?" He laughed. "Anyway, whatever's happening here has got nothing to do with that ship."
The Doctor started to pace while thinking. What could be happening here? How is it possible for this sickness to simply pass through touch and not be air born? How do the other victims also receive the same injuries as the first victim?
"Human DNA is being rewritten," She said offhandedly.
"What do you mean," Ross questioned.
"I don't know," the Doctor stopped pacing to look at him. "Some kind of virus converting human beings into these things. But why? What's the point?"
Suddenly all of the patients sat up in their beds and turned to look at them.
"What's going on," Ross asked creeped out.
"I don't know," the Doctor said slowly as she started to steer Ross behind her.
"Mummy," they said.
"Don't let them touch you!" The Doctor instructed as she led the men back.
"Mummy. Mummy. Mummy. Mummy."
This isn't good.
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
The Fall of Cordonia
Chapter Two-Let Mercy Come
Book: The Royal Heir
Summary: More characters fall victim to the attack. Liam makes an uncertain decision. Bradshaw's plan for Riley begins. Leo makes a grand entrance.
A/N: This is dark and may be difficult to read, so just a heads up. Due to the subject matter, this will not be a long series. Thanks for pre-reading @burnsoslow and tossing around ideas @sirbeepsalot
Warning: Character deaths mentioned. Gun violence and profanity.
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Characters belong to Pixelberry.
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With white flashes of fluorescent and the nauseating smells of burnt flesh and antiseptic, Drake suddenly became aware of his surroundings and bleak reality. He is pushed past rows of stretchers, lining the corridor of the hospital, each carrying victims of a senseless attack...the dead, the dying and the damned. He was thrust briskly against a wall, to now take his place amongst them.
As the frenzied hands of medical staff ripped at his shirt and inspected his wounds, he could hardly feel any pain as the sound of sorrow incapacitates his senses. Drake attempts to reach up and cover his ears, to deafen the sting of the anguish that lavished the air, only to have them pushed back down at his side.
If the horror of his environment weren't harsh enough, thoughts of Maxwell dying overcame him, as the dried blood on his face had been mixed with the fresh blood of his friend.  Then there was Riley, what had become of her fate after being seized by crazed soldiers, all too exhilerated by her capture. Would they kill her...torture her...violate her? He wallows in speculation while a large part of him wishes the needle that was injecting pain medicine into his veins would pierce his heart, at least it would end his torment.
While waiting with dozens of other souls in a triage area, Drake catches a glimpse of Bertrand, wandering without aim, shell shock etched across his disconcerted face, as he continues his trek. Drake attempts to let out a hallowed call, fearing now for the welfare of his sister and nephew.
Bertrand is brought out of his daze after he hears Drake's pleas and he turns quickly, hopeful its a doctor with news of Savannah's surgery.
Panicked, Bertrand explains with much sorrow, that Savannah was shot at the Valtorian estate, while he and Hakim were riding the nearby nature trails the Queen had recently opened. Bartie was with a nanny, visiting the menagerie and he had yet to hear from them. All decorum was lost, as his eyes frantically beg the door to open, revealing a very much alive and unharmed toddler, he curses loudly with each disappointment.
With hands gripped firmly to the railing of Drake's stretcher, Bertrand struggles to remain on his feet; he wants to collapse, but, can't let go of hope, not yet. He suddenly senses an absence, someone was gone from his life, and an unsettled feeling causes him to become frantic.
"Where's Maxwell?".
The same hot tears that formed after the destruction, found themselves covering Drake's eyes again. He swallows hard, willing himself to succumb to the medication and take him away to a dreamland, one where he doesn't have to break such heartbreaking news.
Bertrand's eyes search Drake's, he could see it, he could feel it, and he knew where his brother was. With his head bobbing, barely able to hold itself up, "Please Drake....tell me Maxwell is okay?"
Drake closes his eyes tightly and shakes his head, fuck, "I'm so sorry Bertrand...Maxwell... is gone".
Bertand tilts his head back, staring blankly, taking deep, painful breaths....
"Maxwell, hit the brakes!", shouted a 10 year old Bertrand, as his 5 year old, little brother, went skidding across concrete on his bicycle. Maxwell had begged their father to teach him how to ride for months, but, finally gave up after hearing, yet again, he didn't have time. Bertrand, who hated the outdoors, watched in amusement from his bedroom window, as his brother, made an attempt to teach himself.
He made his way down the staircase and out the front door to the long and winding driveway that led to their home.
"Bubby...I can teach you to ride if you want".
Maxwell's eyes beamed, he loved it when his big brother spent time with him.
After hitting the pavement, Bertrand checked on and kissed his "boo boo", just like their mother did. He helped him get back up and encouraged him to try it one more time, while he held on to the handle bars to steady the bike.
Slowly he took off, Bertrand guiding him along, then faster....faster...release. Maxwell rides off by himself, laugher filling the air, the wind blowing through his brown locks, sweeping in all directions.
"I'm doing it Bertrand....look at me".
With a large smile, Bertrand jumped with his hands above his head, celebrating along with his brother, "I see you Max...I told you it was easy".
He watched Maxwell peddle down the driveway, swerving to miss rocks and loose sticks. When he finished, he hopped off his bike, letting it fall to the ground and ran to Bertrand. Maxwell grabbed his older brother and attempted to lift him up to share his happiness and victory. Bertrand chuckled, "I don't think you can do that bubby".
"Thank you Bertrand, you're the best brother ever!", he exclaimed excitedly, while hugging him around the waist.
"You're the best brother too, Max".
The air surrounding Bertrand turned ice cold as his heart literally broke into a million pieces. He whispers somberly to himself, "My bub... is gone?". 
Drake gave him a sympathetic nod, as a tired and worn doctor approaches, wearing his fraught emotions on his sleeve, "Duke Beaumont".
Due to the number of victims waiting for surgery, the doctor shared the news of Savannah's death openly, rather than opt for a quieter location. Just as soon as the words were spoken, the doctor hurriedly rushes back to the operating theater to attend to the next, of his many patients.
Drake tries to bolt up, however, the effects of his medicated state was hitting him like a ton of bricks, he was woozy and heavy. Making every effort to yell for his sister, his voice was muffled and unclear. What the fuck is going on...what the fuck.
Bertrand collapses to his knees with a hard thud, no longer having the will or strength to live.
After several hours of anxiety induced waiting, the two guards that had been sent by Bastien to check the safety of the palace grounds, finally return to the bunker.
They shared the grim news of the status of Palace staff, however, the occupation of the city by Auvernal appeared to be retracted.
Bastien led Liam through the tunnels, secret passages, and finally through a wall book shelf  that opened into Liam's office.
The stench of death was overwhelming as it mixed with the smoke of nearby fires. Liam covered his nose with his hand, shocked by the appearance of his pillaged study. He glanced over the room with purpose as he walked around it, taking in the damage, before running to the entryway, to check on the body that laid still on the floor.
He knelt down beside the blonde haired woman, littered with holes throughout her slender physique, and slowly pushed her over onto her back, "Madeleine?"
Rubbing his hands over his face, she was his first taste of the brutality that awaits him outside his confines. His thoughts were  swirling with trepidation, he was the King of this country and the weight of this dilemna fell squarely on his shoulders. He stood to peak out the window behind his desk, the crunch of glass under his shoes following him. Liam pushes aside the broken blinds and can't believe the sight of his once beautiful country in desolation. Smolder and ash, painted the once pristine view of the sea and sirens blared in all directions.
Bastien instantly began trying to re-establish communication, he wasn't certain what Liam's plans were at this point, however, outside assistance was needed promptly. Within minutes, he is able to tap into the palace's backup cell and internet generators, "Your Majesty, we are connected again".
Liam has never considered taking a life, he never felt it was necessary or needed. How can he punish innocent people for the actions of one man.....
"King Bradshaw, I apologize for interrupting your breakfast, but, the Cordonian Queen is settled in her room", a servant exclaimed.
Bradshaw wiped the corner of his mouth, remaining composed, "Very well, see that nurses attend to her injuries and I will pay our guest a visit following my meal.......oh, and make sure the video feed is ready".
"Yes, sir".
Liam had a decision to make, he knew he didn't have the manpower to do it with though. He paced the room, feeling powerless and weak. On the floor, were shattered photos, that of his wedding, his son, his late mother, he bends down and wipes away the broken glass and dirty bootprints that left their symbol on each one.
Across the room, laid Madeleine, still hanging onto an eery death stare, as Bastien covered her with the throw from Liam's sofa.
He leaned on his desk, sweating profusely and feeling the grime in the air penetrate his flesh. Anger could not cloud his judgement, but, damn if he didn't want revenge.
A King's guard knocks loudly on the doorframe of Liam's study, the door still held open by the late Countess. He bows, "Your Majesty", he says slightly out of breath.
"What is it Paul?"
The guardsman steps to the side, as another guard, holding a woman in his arms enters.
Liam's eyes widen with astonishment and disgust as her face falls to the side, revealing her identity. He nearly loses his mind as he begins running both hands through his matted, disheveled hair.
"Bastien....get the Italian Prime Minister on the phone...".
Bradshaw had finished his breakfast and was eager to check in on Riley, still hopeful that Liam would contact him soon, now positive he survived the attack.
A flustered guard walks into the dining room, bowing before Bradshaw, "Your Majesty, Leo Rhys is insistent that he meet with you,now....shall I kill him or let him in?".
King Bradshaw burst into laughter, quite amused by this surprise,  "Absolutely not....I would love to hear from this...has been...please send him in at once".
Bradshaw hustles to the dining room safe, opening it and pulling out a silver .50 caliber hand gun. He holds it up before him, twisting it in his hands, admiring its power and lethal prowess.
The door bursts open with vigor and Leo searches the room, his eyes landing on the small statured man with the blood of his countrymen on his hands.
"Mother Fucker!!!", Leo yells and then lunges forward with vengence.
Bradshaw aims the gun in his direction and pulls the trigger, releasing a powerful burst of energy that thrust Leo to the floor. "You were saying?".
Liam turns to Bastien, uncertain of his decision, but, now completely obsessed with retalliation. With Queen Isabella and their young children in Paris, he felt this was the time to strike.
"Italian bombers are en route to Auvernal....its time for payback", Liam says with waning optimism.
"What about civilians, sir?", Bastien asked with concern.
"I've asked that only military installations be the target, as well as, a special surprise for Bradshaw", he pauses for a moment, "...he and his palace are about to be obliterated".
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