#and now Tsukasa feel embarrassed for using an skirt
zgatotoon · 1 year
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Fashion stars
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traailmix · 1 year
Nervous || Ankasa
[can be platonic or romantic, polyamorous if romantic!!]
Summary: An won't stop fidgeting over how to ask Kohane out, so she hangs out with Tsukasa to calm her nerves. Maybe even get some advice!
Heavily Mentioned Anhane !!
[ I apologize if this is cheesy, offensive, or inaccurate in any way. I'm just tryna have fun. <3 ]
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An paced the hallways, a bead of sweat making it's way down her cheek. She tried to ease her racing heart, but to no avail.
'Man, I really am I mess, aren't I?'
She chuckled to herself at the thought. Really, it should've been the other way around, shouldn't it?
Kohane looked up to her, An knew this. She thought of her as a bright, beaming star, in the dead of night. But, ironically, that just makes things worse—at least right now.
How could this glimmering singer that her blonde friend looked up to so much, be such a dork?
She couldn't even figure out how to ask her out on a date, or tell her how she feels, dang it!
This star was dimming and flickering, and she knew it. So she had no choice but to go to a fellow star for help.
"Tsukasa-kun, would you like to have lunch together?"
The strawberry blonde was absolutely delighted by the request, and happily accepted. Lucky for An, Tsukasa liked her, a lot. She'd often find him and Rui doing something stupid, and after hastily trying to explain that he had no part in Rui's preposterous acts, he'd strike up a conversation with her.
She thought he was strange, but he was also enduring.
So, thus led them to now. Sitting on a bench on the roof, slightly leaning against eachother. Tsukasa was talk-talk-talking away, while An was semi-listening, but also had another thing clouding her mind.
"—And, BAM! Zombies started chasing me! But thankfully, with amazing reflexes such as mine, I was able to climb up in time and escape the treacherous beings. I cannot lie, I truly had outdone myself in that particular show! Oh, and so had the others! Our dear director did an excellent jo—"
In the middle of his rambling, An sighed, which... must have given off the wrong idea.
"Eh?! Are my stories boring to you?" The blonde boy beside her looked at her with a half-panicked, half-betrayed look.
"NO! That's not it at all! It's—just.." she sighed again, not quite sure how to put it.
"Shiraishi, is something bothering you? Now that I think of it, you've seemed quite distant this entire time.." He tilted his head. The dark hair sighed, smiling sadly. She couldn't really hide it now, might as well vent it all out.
It's okay. Maybe it'll make her feel better!
"Well, yeah. There is something, actually.."
Tsukasa gazed at her expectantly. "Do you wanna tell me?"
"i might as well." She chuckles half-heartedly. "You know my friend, Kohane?"
"Ah yes, Azusawa! Quite timid, isn't she?" He replied thoughtfully. An nods.
"She's gotten much less timid!! And—Well, I..like her."
"Ah well of course! Friends do tend to like eachother, and you two seem quite close."
"Yeah, well—No—I mean—"
Tsukasa raised an eyebrow. She looked away, her cheeks heating up a bit.
'He's pretty dense, isn't he..'
"I mean I.. Like her, like her.."
He stares for a moment, before his eyes widen, quickly understanding as his own cheeks darken. "I see.."
"And..well, I really wanna tell her!"
"So..why don't you?"
"Well—" She pauses, and looks down. Swallowing, she continues. "I'm nervous."
She looks at him, a part of her almost expecting a laugh, but all she sees is a focused, waiting gaze.
"..She sees me as such a person to look up to, a confident person—Somebody..WAYY better than I actually am, but who I strive to be regardless." She softly chuckles. "I guess I'm just afraid that..What if I mess things up between us? What if I do something dumb, or embarrassing, or just downright—wrong and that completely shatters her view of me? And to make matters worse .. she'd probably think I'd be so much more confident than this. Not cowering out over it.." She looks down, fiddling with her skirt a bit. A sad smile still graces her face. "I really am selfish, aren't I? Heheh.."
The atmosphere is silent, with only the wind filling it as it softly whooshes through their hair and clothes, tickling their faces gently. An's smile fades a bit at the silence. Had she spoke too much?
She looked up, a bit surprised to hear—well—her name.
Tsukasa seemed to have the same surprised look, but for an entirely different reason. Considering she had practically poured her heart out, though, what did she expect?
"I..think the fact you're even thinking about confessing shows courage."
She tilts her head fondly.
"And..plus!! Being brave or confident isn't just not being nervous or afraid—it's doing things even when you are afraid." He smiles a bit. "I once told a friend..
'A sure way not to make mistakes is not to try anything new at all'. Unruly mishaps are going to happen—regardless of wether you welcome them or not, but, that doesn't make you any less of who you are, no? And I think Azusawa would feel the same—"
An watched with wide, amber eyes as he went on.
"—It's okay to be nervous, or afraid about what the future may hold. That's natural! Especially in a time like this! But in a situation where I know the person of your dreams would adore a girl like you,"
He suddenly stood up, gently taking An's wrist and sticking it in the air triumphantly, along with his own as he beamed a smile, causing her to gasp softly.
"Then you should go for it, head on!!" He gazes at her confidently, causing her to gape.
She stares for a moment, then two, then about three.
Before she starts laughing.
"O- Okay—you know what?" Her bright smile returns to her, to both her and Tsukasa's relief, "I will!"
An blinks, before her melodic laugh returns to her. She joins him, "WONDERHOY!"
Tsukasa gives a confident, though genuine laugh at this reaction. He's glad to see her back to her usual self.
Before he can let any more thoughts run, he suddenly feels arms wrap around him "-?!"
"Thanks, Tsukasa." He hears from his shoulder. He can't help but feel his face heat up a bit from the action, but he smiles, hugging back.
"Of course!"
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deadly-departed · 3 years
Awwww thank you for appreciating my request!! I actually love it when you do one of them so I come and check if there's anything new everyday lol. Ok ok so how about some fluffy headcanons with Hanako, Tsukasa, Teru and Akane (male) and how they would react when s/o is on her period? I'm currently on mine rn and I. AM.DYING.
Qfohsxohwgjpvshpcd OMFG YEEEEEESSSS!!!!!!!!! I love your requests much! I didn't expect so many of them at once lmao but I love them!!! Also if you wanna know when I post you can turn on notifications for my acc if you're on moblile-
You are by far my favorite anon that I've had over the course of my Tumblr HC days, which honestly hasn't been too long, at most a few months over all my accounts but still!!! I love you-
Hanako-kun The Bathroom Ghost, Wonder No. 7
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He'd be pretty confused and worried
You're bleeding??? Out of your baby maker hole??? Why?????
Once you explain to him what's going on and that you're in pain he'll be the sweetest little ghost boyfriend ever
Are you craving something? He'll do his best to get it. And by that I mean he'll ask Kou or Yashiro to get it for you.
Do you want cuddles? He's not exactly warm but he'll happily cuddle you whenever you want!
Having mood swings because hormones? He'll understand and not hold anything against you!
He is kinda clueless as to why you are on your period and why it's so necessary but just give him time, he'll understand eventually.
He can't exactly do much for getting pads or tampons so guess ya gotta ask Yashiro or Aoi-chan for those but you can't blame him, he's dead.
If he notices blood on your skirt before he understands what's going on his have a panic attack, thinking someone hurt you.
But hey, at least it was him who noticed and not a classmate or teacher.
Just so that he doesn't seem dumb, he'll ask Yashiro questions to help him understand. That leads to her being a blushing mess though.
But you really gotta give him some credit for trying
He never got to learn this when he was alive!
He's just really trying his best, comforting you when you're cramps are bad, playing with your hair to call you down if you get upset, whatever
He's always there for you, even if he doesn't completely understand what's going on with your body
Tsukasa Yugi, The Rumor Spreader
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You will never see this boy more confused then when you tell him you're on your period
Like, fr, he would be absolutely clueless and wouldn't understand a single word you say
Use small words, like you're talking to a 4 year old
"Me go hurtie hurtie, body want make baby." You say, trying to hold in your laughter as you watch Natsuhiko in the background losing his shit
"Well then tell it to stop." Tsukasa says, smiling like he had just solved a cold case that has been ongoing for 23 years.
"I can't do that." You say, laughing as Natsuhiko wheezes behind Tsukasa.
"I have to just wait it out. And while I do, I'm going to be in a lot of pain." You explain, trying to help him understand what you're going through.
He nods a bit, seeming to understand.
And like that, he brought you literally everything he thought would help you.
Some of it was nice.
Like tea, sweets, heating pads, a stray cat to pet and keep you company.
Other things, not so much.
"Why did you bring me homework? It's not even mine."
"How did you get a hold of an Exorcist's Staff? It can't even work, it has a seal on it!"
"Did you just bring me someone's shirt?"
Meanwhile Natsuhiko is desperately trying not to fall onto the ground as he laughs.
Sakura has the look of 'yep, same old shit'
Once you leave to go home, he'll ask Sakura questions about periods and for some reason the questions get more and more personal???
"Why do they happen?" "Will I have them?" "What are they like?" When was the last time you had one?"
Yeah after that last question Sakura just noped out of school for the rest of the day.
But like, the boy has a morbid sense of curiosity, what do you expect?
When you come back to school, hell hopefully have a better grasp on the concept (thanks to Natsuhiko being shameless in talking to him about it)
So he'll be better at comforting you
Akane Aoi, The Time Keeper
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Gets exceedingly flustered when you mention that you're on your period
Like wow ok that's something to hear at 7 in the morning
Will try to help out as best he can, grabbing a pad or something out of your backpack for you, getting you something to snack on
Just like, not around Teru.
He'll try to laugh it off then immediately feel really bad and just silently get up and get the thing you asked for.
Akane will also cuddle the life out of you if you want, he will never he able to get enough of you
Probably has a stash of your favorite foods somewhere in his room for you to eat when you start to get cramps
His moods will swing with yours.
Are you happy bouncy and giggly? So is he! Are you crying because you just accidentally dropped a pop tart on the floor? He'll be on the floor with you, crying.
But!!! If you get angry for any reason, he'll be so calm and understanding and just let you get all that angy out of you.
Once you're done he'll hug you and kiss the top of your head and ask if you feel better now
Man's really out here, buying a heating pad or a heatable stuffed animal if your cramps get too bad
Cannot tell me that Akane wouldn't make an excuse for you if you have to skip school because of the pain
"Sorry sir, she can't come in today, she has a doctor's appointment."
Teru Minamoto, The School Prince
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Surprisingly knows very little about periods
Like yeah he has a sister but she's like, 5 so-
Hes probably red in the face when you told him
He's not grossed out or anything! Just wasn't something he expected to hear when he walked into school that morning.
Has absolutely no shame in asking one of his female classmates for a pad/tampon if you need one
Besides, what are they about to do? Tell the school prince no?
Yeah that's what I thought.
We know this man can't cook for his like so he'll ask his little brother to make some cookies or something.
He's not going to be specific, he doesn't want to embarrass you.
Hell just be like 'hey, would it be alright if you make my girlfriend some cookies? She really likes your baking'
And Kou will just 'yeah why not?' And do it
He'll bring them to school along with one of those stuffed animals that are also a heating pad and hand them to you with a smile on his face and fidbdj-
Just an overall nice experience. Kinda. Youre on your period after all.
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annteasocial · 4 years
Hello there! May I please have some stuff for Arashi having a partner who's into lolita fashion (particularly classic lolita)? (She/her for Ara if possible too?) Thanks in advance!
Of course you can! First request let’s get this bread lol. Hopefully this is something you like and up to your standards X’D. I did make the reader a female but I pray that it’s not a huge problem
EnStars Arashi X Lolita Fashion Fem S/O
“Arashi-chan, look what I bought yesterday!” You excitedly run up to the blonde, catching her off guard. “Oh (Y/N)-Chan dear, you gave Onee-san a bit of a fright!”
“Ahaha…sorry about that, I was really eager to show you this super cute dress I got whilst shopping at the mall yesterday.” You scratch your cheek awkwardly, but proceed to bring out your latest purchase from the shopping bags for your girlfriend to see.
“Tada! What do you think? Do you like it?”
Arashi’s eyes widen at the sight of the frilly red and white Lolita dress. It had a beautiful double layered knee length skirt with a plaid pattern travelling down the side of both. The puffed sleeves were a traditional white with the exception of the cuffs which were a matte dark red lined with small crosshatching stitches, giving it a cute yet elegant look.
“Oh my! It’s gorgeous!” Arashi claps her hands together and gives a radiant smile, taking the dress from you and admiring the ensemble. “I also picked out this bow that matched the colours of it.” You draw a large plaid bow out of the bag, showing it to the purple eyed individual, whose eyes are practically sparkling.
“(Y/N)-chan, please go change, Onee-san would love to see you in your new outfit.” Arashi hands you back the dress and shoos you off to the nearest changing room, which thankfully wasn’t far from the practice room the two of you were occupying for the time being. You remove your school uniform, carefully unzip the back of the dress and slip into it. You take the opportunity to admire yourself in the mirror, twirling to let the skirts flow out a bit, before returning to Arashi.
You bounce into the room with your new appearance and attack the Knights member with a hug. She catches you and squeezes you slightly before pulling away to revel at the sight in front of her. “Oh you’re absolutely stunning (Y/N)-chan, really, you look like an adorable little model! It puts Izumi-chan to shame!” Arashi bends down to give you a peck on the cheek, pulling away with all smiles on her features.
A strong breeze sweeps through the open window that was left open due to the noontime summer heat, blowing your long hair in front of your face. Arashi catches some of the locks and brushes them behind your ear, then proceeds to usher you towards the mirror.
“Arashi-chan? What are you doing?”
“Let me braid your hair so it’s not flying into your precious face.”
“Oh, okay.”
The blonde seats you down on a chair and leaves to grab a comb, two hair ties and some red and white ribbon, which you had no idea she carried around, from her bag. Arashi returns and begins to gently tease out the small knots in your hair from you hopping about. You close your eyes in contentment, enjoying the feeling of her hands running through your locks.
“You have super soft and silky hair you know that (Y/N)-chan?” She meets your eyes through the mirror and begins to part down the middle of your hair. “Well, I do use the same brand of shampoo that you use, because your hair is really nice as well Arashi-chan. It also smells good,” you giggle, fiddling around with some of the loose strands she’s left in front of your face.
A moment of silence passes before you decide to speak up again.
“Um, Arashi-chan? Can I ask you something?”
“You can ask Onee-san anything you want.”
You pause, contemplating your next words.
“Do you…think it’s weird that I’m into classic Lolita fashion?” Arashi stops braiding and furrows her brows. “Of course not! I honestly think it’s refreshing, seeing you present yourself differently to others,” she states with a hint of disbelief, seemingly surprised that you would even ask a question like that.
You nod your head feebly as another cool breeze drifts through the window, ruffling your almost finished twin tail braids. You shiver involuntarily at the cold passing through the sleeves of your dress. The sun had hidden behind some clouds, filling the room with a dull grey tone, contrasting the warm atmosphere that once filled the room. “It’s just, people give me strange looks whenever I’m out in public because of what I wear. They look at me and whisper, calling me a freak and stuff…it’s made me question my appearance a bit,” you say truthfully.
Arashi finishes fastening the last braid with a ribbon and walks around the chair to face you. “(Y/N), look at me please.” The Knights member cups both your cheeks in her hands and tilts your face to meet hers. “Don’t let anything that anyone says about ever change how you want to dress. You’re beautiful as you are and I will always be there to support you.”
You stand up and bury your face into the shoulder of the blonde. She wraps her arms around your waist and envelops you with warmth. “Thanks for understanding,” you mumble into her shirt, and you feel the vibrations through her body as she chuckles. “Of course my cute (Y/N)-chan~,” she coos.
“I love you, Arashi-chan.”
“I love you too, dear.”
Arashi pulls away from the hug and grabs one of your hands in hers. “Let’s go show the other Knights members! I’m sure they’d love to see you in your new outfit!” She elatedly drags you out the door as your brain tries to process what she’s just said. “Eh? Wai—what? Now?! They’re still here?!” You stammer. “Yep, they’re all doing something for Ou-sama apparently, though I was taking a little break when you found me.”
Arashi bursts into the room vigorously. “Look ah what my precious (Y/N)-chan bought yesterday~!” She parades you in front of her, gaining attention from the rest of the young idols.
“Wow, Onee-Sama you look marvellous!” Tsukasa is the first to compliment you, giving you an adorable smile, befitting of a little princeling. “Thanks Tsukasa-kun, I’m glad you like it,” you laugh, returning his gesture.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Izumi take a long hard glance at you. “She can’t look as cute as my Yuu-kun,” he scoffs, looking away but Leo is quick to reprimand him. “Now now Sena, be nice okay! I think (Y/N) looks really good!” Leo walks over to you and gives you a pat on the head and Arashi smiles proudly. “See? Everyone loves what you’re wearing! Izumi-chan likes it as well, he just won’t admit it~”
Izumi flushes slightly due to embarrassment and anger. “Shut up Naru!” He yells and retreats to elsewhere in the room.
“Ahh…you guys are so noisy…I can’t sleep when Secchan is shouting.”
“Oh, Sleeping Beauty decided to wake up.”
“It’s not like I wanted to wake up in the first place…” Ritsu yawns and stretches his thin arms above his head before flopping back down onto the beanbags with a sigh. “Haah……hm? Did you get a new dress (Y/N)-chan? You look pretty~” the self proclaimed vampire gives you a sleepy grin, observing your appearance from amidst the pile of bean filled cushions.
You feel a slight heat rise to your cheeks from all the kind remarks and fidget with your hands. “Thanks you guys, you’ve really made my day you know that?” You murmur, playing with the ends of your new braids.
“You guys are the best friends I could ever ask for.”
Stan the Queen that is Arashi.
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