#and now idk if it's ever gonna get written cuz i kinda suck at writing when i'm not megs hyperfixated
h0n04rys3n10r · 2 years
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casey's tech! finally letting myself post this instead of waiting for a fic that'll likely never be written
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parachutingkitten · 3 years
Y'all suck at dissecting Kai's character, so I guess I have to do it.
And I'm not even a Kai stan. He's a bottom tier ninja for me, which I guess means you can trust me, cuz I'm not biased, but also why am I the one doing this? I don't know about y'all, but recently on my dash, the method by which Kai fans try to make him sound good is... saying the writers hate him, ignore him, and that he isn't written well? Which... I mean there is a little bit of truth to, but like yikes guys, is this the best you got? Kai is a wonderful character with plenty of attention from the writers, a meaningful piece of the cast when put in secondary rolls, fairly consistent character writing with actual progression and valuable qualities that help the team without having to be the smart one- despite what some posts might tell you.
Let's get one thing cleared up: Ninjago isn't the best written show. By high level Hollywood standards, most the character arcs are kinda weak or too heavy handed, character consistency can be iffy, and most things serve the plot rather than the characters. There is no character you can point to and say "wow, this character is written so well! No complaints!" Nya and Jay were butchered by their weird love plot, Cole's one season doesn't actually give him an arc, Zane's been nothing but the robot numbers guy for like 10 seasons now, and Lloyd seems to be incapable of doing anything but relive the same one piece of dad angst for depth. Sorry, it's true. All the characters suck when you look at it from a large scale writing perspective. So when I say Kai is well written, I mean by ninjago kids show standards- cuz that's the scale we're working on. No, you couldn't drop Kai into a well written drama, but as far as ninjago goes... he's got a lot going for him, and by no means is he the biggest victim of poor writing.
(fair warning, wall of text below)
The title is a bit disingenuous. There are plenty of good Kai character break downs. What I am presenting here is a more positive perspective. On the whole, I will tend to give the writers the benefit of the doubt, and credit for what they do right writing is hard guys. That's what I'm doing here. I don't see much sense in getting mad the writers on behalf of Kai, or any other character. Ninjago is a simplistic ensemble show that works because of the identifiable simplicity of its main characters with some deeper layers hidden underneath if you keep watching. They've given us a damn good show with some damn enjoyable characters, so here are some criticisms I feel are a little flawed:
First, let's get the 'focus' thing out of the way. Apparently there are people saying Kai doesn't have a season yet? Which... what? I mean, I get that the pilots aren't a full season, the first two seasons, though he is the central protagonist, aren't "Kai seasons" as we've come to define ninja focus seasons, season 7, though he gets majority focus, he shares with his sister. But like... did y'all just forget about season 4? You know, the season where he had the title card, was on the box sets, got the love interest, and the majority of the A-plot? not to mention it's the best season don't @ me Like... if season 4 isn't a Kai season, I can make a damn good argument that season 3 isn't a Zane season, and I doubt anyone wants to go down that rabbit hole. I really can't wrap my head around this one. And I get that the fandom hates season 11 for some reason, but like you can't just pretend it doesn't exist. Kai has a consistent arc across 30 episodes in which he takes his powers for granted, loses them, and learns that, not only does he have value within the team without them, but that his element is intrinsically a part of him that he reclaims, bringing them back more powerful than ever, and with new respect for them. That's one of the most solid arcs in the whole series- the location is even thematically connected to his element. That's some good stuff right there! (Quick plug for season 11 if you haven't watched it in a while. Give it a rewatch, you might be pleasantly surprised)
Not to mention the writers give him fun side stuff all the time. Lots of fears of tech and water to overcome, a deep protective streak with Lloyd, becoming a chancellor, having a true potential actually relevant to the plot as a whole, blacksmith responsibilities, befriending dragons, hanging out with his dad. Not to mention actual focus stuff we haven't talked about yet, like his whole "my dad is evil" phase, and his "I might be evil" phase with him and Skylor. And on top of that, even when he doesn't have an explicit side plot, he's always just a fun and dynamic side character to make jokes or give exposition.
Now, into character stuff. Let's start with Kai's hot headed-ness. Some people say he's been loosing this quality, and I will admit, that's true! But those that claim this makes him inconsistent... I strongly disagree. In early seasons, Kai's temper would lead him to snap at his friends or make stupid decisions that set the team back (see episode 2 Zane freak out)- these are bad things. These are character flaws, yes? Now, in newer seasons, people say that he's inconsistent, cuz sometimes he'll be hot headed, and sometimes he won't. I'd say, this is exactly how being hot headed... works? It flares up without warning, and as an individual gets control of it, it'll pop up less and less often because they're channeling it into productive things - like say directing the anger towards an enemy (see season 11 end freak out). Kai has gained control of a character flaw, and though it still pops up on occasion, the fact that it's a once in a while kind of thing speaks to his growth. I have a little brother who has this exact personality, and watching him grow up, I can tell you, this is how it is. He used to snap all the time, and he still does sometimes, but much less frequently, because he's a more mature person with better control of his emotions. This is a good thing. This is overcoming personal flaws. This is progression we're seeing.
And while you're hyper focused on this one aspect of him, things like his cocky confidence haven't changed a bit. I mean, that season 3 bit between him and Pixal, and his season 11 "fire maker" streak have the exact same energy. You can not convince me otherwise.
Another adjacent quality that hasn't been dampened is Kai's impulsiveness. This can be a good quality of his, he'll get into a fight without thinking, getting the jump on the enemy. Good stuff. But, this has become such a well defined trait of Kai's that it has been used in a comedic capacity. This is what happens when a character is extremely consistent to the extent that both the audience and the characters in universe would be able to predict their actions. Kai's impulsivity used to be a more serious quality that put himself and others at risk, and was a big power move whenever he did something rash, but it's become such a staple of the show that it's now being used for comedy. That isn't Kai's impulsivity going away, that's Kai's impulsivity being recontextualized for the sake of the show. The season 9 "Who's stupid enough to jump on that thing" isn't a joke at the expense of Kai just for being dumb, it's a joke at Kai's being so predictably impulsive that everyone already knows he'll be the one to put himself in an insane amount of danger without thinking twice (you know, something stupid that might get him killed). But because in this instance, the danger is warranted, this is bravery. It's a complement to his character- it's what ends up defeating the colossus. Why are some people so bothered by this joke?
Oh right, cuz for some reason people want to peg Kai as the smart one? Look, Kai isn't stupid, none of the ninja are. All of them have smart moments (all of them have dumb ones too) and Kai can certainly handle himself, but "smart" is definitely not one of his defining characteristics- I think some people are confusing smart for his actual strength. Connected to his impulsivity, Kai has very good simplistic instincts. He sees the big picture and looks at the most surface level solution- which when the situation calls for it, that does indeed make him smart. But the same logic that led him to think "This snake has a glowing target on its head, lets hit it" also led him to think "I'm in a video game, therefore I am immortal." Are you really going to look at me and say he figured out Lloyd was the green ninja through logical deduction and a careful consideration of the facts? No. He had a gut feeling, and he trusted it. Instincts- instincts paired with his impulsive following of said instincts is what leads him to solve problems- and sometimes, that can be extremely effective. This goes for other ninja too. Jay isn't the smartest ninja- I would really only classify Zane and Nya as having intelligence define them (hence their ship name). But Jay is extremely creative and crafty. He also knows his was around mechanics, and as such, this will lead him to come up with creative tech based solutions which are smart. But, idk about you, if I had to point to another ninja as being 'dumb' it would 100% be Jay. Kai is a lot of things. He's passionate and determined and confident and persistent. He's a good improvisor, he's powerful and he's charming! These are all wonderful qualities, he doesn't also have to be the smart one. I am the worlds biggest Pixal stan, and she's a smart, sassy, powerful character, but I'm not gonna sit here and tell you she's also hilarious and adaptable and strong willed. She's a straight man to all the ninja's antics, extremely tied to her samurai x suit, and lets people push her around all the time. That doesn't mean she can't be funny, or self interested, but when she does act these ways, it stems from her other more prominent qualities. That make sense?
And while we're clearing up what Kai isn't, please stop characterizing Kai as an overly protective brother - especially romantically. The only two times he's been romantically protective to Nya are in Wu's Teas which I mean, come on and in the pilots when Jay is literally a stranger. For crying out loud, by the end of the pilot, he's smiling when Jay and Nya hug. That's not overly protective, that's just normal, any reasonable person would react this way, protective. And it's such a great stereotype break for a kids show like ninjago, having an older brother who actually trusts his younger sister to be her own independent person who can make her own decisions. I mean, I guess it's fine if you HC differently but like... idk, I don't buy it.
Now, is there still room to criticize the writers? Yes. Hell yes. But not to an extent greater than any other character. Could he have had more of a defined reaction to events of the most recent season that I won't name for the sake of spoilers? Yes. But could Zane have reacted for more than .5 seconds at being an evil war lord for apparently 60 years? Yeah. Has Kai taken a back seat in the past 4 seasons? Yeah. But so has Lloyd- and he's literally the main character of the show. Not to mention two of those seasons have gone to people who had to wait over ten seasons to get one to themselves, and one of them is a 40 minute special. Kai's doing just fine.
Anyway. Kai is great. He's a fun, stereotype breaking, impulsively driven, ball of energy and confidence who gets a good amount of screen time and some fun side plots.
One last thing to clear up: no hate to anyone. This isn't targeted at anyone specific, this post has been a long time coming, I've just seen some weird overblown claims on various platforms over the past few months and I finally sat down to write about it.
I like the Kai content we have. After all, if the writers were really that bad at writing him, then no one would like him.
Wow this was so much longer than I thought it would be. Um... if you have other long winded rants you'd like to see from me... let me know I guess?
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mythykl · 4 years
UNSPOKEN,, *todoroki x (f) reader
Genre : fanfic, smut *aged up* (shoto is imagined to be 21yo or something,, and reader as 19yo)
rating : explicit, NSFW, 17+
Warning : fingering, oral?? todo is pretty horny overall. starts w a pretty intense bg story, so you gotta read through all that to get to the good stuff. cool.
words?? idk, it’s pretty lengthy tho.
our todoboi is a pretty lovin’ bf in here.
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“I’m really sorry for yesterday, Y/N. I-I did’n-”
You clench your fists as you sit on the couch beside him, and interrupt, “Whatever it is- save it, I don’t blame you to begin with. I-I’m just mad. I’d spent almost a week for that chapter, to give justice and bring perfection in what I wanted to put across to the readers. Well- its not even about the time; I had thought through it so much, and atlas thought of typing it out yesterday- I mean- whatever crap that I had even written, I was proud of that- until,, your ignorant ass decided to show up in the room and fuckin’ switched off the computer assuming it’s already logged off, o-or whatever. You could’ve at-at least- fuck-” yup ya ass is livin’ in the worst nightmare of a writer, stay steady
You of course cried, and even threw a tantrum for an hour or so once you realized what had happened. But primarily, you were just mad- mad at yourself for not saving that damn file, and even at him cuz ofc. 
Todoroki certainly didn’t take it well, since he is sad at present, and can’t even look in your eyes. He apologized multiple times since last night and had even prepared a breakfast for you before leaving for work; on the other hand, you haven’t even answered to his appeals yet with clarity.
Out of the blue you just cup his cheeks, making him instantly look up- at you, and then get up with an audible sigh, “Go get ready, I’ll prepare our dinner by then.” That gesture somehow took him aback. 
He gets up instantly and blurts out in confusion, “I d-didn’t expect you to prepare a dinner for me, and on top of it- wait for me so we can have it together. You should’ve ate already, it’s almost midnight.”
You turn back to him, walking towards him to hold his hands, "I honestly don’t know what to reply. My heart- just thought it is the right thing to do that; one mistake isn’t enough to just hate you all of a sudden, Shoto. Moreover we are talking about this, it’s not like you’re being arrogant or things are left unsaid- and you’re genuinely sorry. I can see that in your eyes. I’m just- I don’t know. I’m depressed a bit- yes, but it can’t be helped now. I need some time to think, maybe.” 
Little did you know that your kind words pricked him like thousands of tiny needles against his skin. He loves you, and however seemingly ‘small’ mistake this might be, he hates himself for hurting you- the person he loves so dearly. He thinks of his mother, his complicated family life- which had made him seemingly unemotional. You were one of the people to break through that forged cold wall. He had finally accepted you as his reality than his mere escapism and live with you, but here he is- bringing tears and fueling anger in you, like a good for nothing- just like his father.
After a slight pause, he just busts his arms open and pull you close to him, in his warm embrace, “What did I possibly do to deserve such an angel?” He almost whispers in his beautiful voice.
An angel? 
“So talented, pretty, wonderful, real and warm. Remember. I love you. No matter what. I always will. And I respect you- your passion, interests, talent, likes and dislikes, freedom, strengths-weakness, your work, happiness- everything. Throw all the tantrums you want and cry all you want- more than just agreeing and being there for you- I’ll always make sure I understand you first. I’m sorry for being so ignorant lately.”
It may seem as if he’s crying, but he’s not. He said all that with a tough stance and gratefulness in his tone, a faint disbelief of having you as his significant other. While you just stood there, in surprise. You aren’t oblivious to his past and his journey through it. Is he blaming himself? or Is he again thinking that he doesn’t deserve happiness?- you’re at the loss of words and a mind fumbling all over the place. You simply subside the chaos, and hug him back. 
“We’re definitely working, Todoroki. Understanding each other more than just being in love- something that many fail to do. Isn’t this great?” You at last blurt out.
“Yes. I guess,” he says as he detaches himself from you, “I’ll be right back- until then, read what I’ll send you as you have dinner. Gonna sound stupid of me- but I already had dinner at office. I assumed that you’d not prepare a meal for me and- would be asleep by now as well.”
“Wow icyhot, I’m mad at you even more now,” you say playfully as you walk towards the kitchen.
“Save it. You would be saying that for the millionth time now,” you chuckle as you grab your phone, lying on the dinner table.
Before serving your food, you decide to see the text, only to find an attachment with a rather strange message- ‘Hey, here’s an headcanon for chapter 37, that I wrote. Enjoy.’
Wait did he- read your wattpad book? And moreover, came up with a theory to what might happen in the ne- next chapter.
Nice. jk. Ofc you lost your shit
For the sake of getting back to senses, you legit do the deep breathing shit- which your therapist always recommended you to do.
Now what?
You serve yourself some noodles instantly, since you don’t feel hungry anymore, rush to the dining table and start chomping on the cold noodles as you open the attachment.
What made you almost throw up was that the mention of word counts. Which is 3k by the way, though no where near how much you usually write.
Shoto is definitely not the kinda guy to have read any wattpad books, or more specifically even have come across the word 'headcanon’.
He probably noticed how you mention it as well at the end, but decided to put it in the beginning,, for god knows what reason?? Or, he did decide to go through the fanons- which your readers’ posts on tumblr. This eases your nervousness, you clearly urge for more.
You swipe down, reading furiously fast, yet scanning every word and sentence- atleast twice. The chapter, honestly, was mediocre. He had ideas but couldn’t put them across- with excessive repetition of words, but he is almost close to-
“Honey, are you done?” Todoroki’s voice almost scares you. You look at your bowl ready to grab another bite- but you had already finished the meal.
“Earth to Y/N. Don’t tell me my words were that mesmerizing,” he says with a smile as he rubs his hair with a towel.
“Let’s be honest, though you don’t have the talent of a writer, your idea was- kinda similar to mine. What I’m sayin is that you almost. GOT. IT. RIGHT. Well, kuro did spy on KAORI’S house that unfaithful night, and he didn’t have any sources as such, which does mean that he is hiding his real quirk- but, no- I’m not telling you more than that.”
“Since you already know that I read all your chapters, and did like the book- I certainly can’t wait to understand why KURO would possibly do that.”
You just smirk off his curiosity; “You gotta wait boy,” you say as you as you walk back to kitchen counter with your bowl. Todoroki marches behind you to grab the cleaning cloth to clean the table, as you do the dishes.
“Put that towel in the washing machine, please.”
“Yup,” you almost feel an ounce of happiness in his reply. After he closes the machine’s door, you at last ask, "So what are your thoughts?“ It has never been one of you expectations for the people to you read your books or even, praise you for writing, but a review wouldn’t hurt, would it?
"Uhh- well, I love how everything is now just coming together, as one can foreshadow that the book’s gonna end. The use of words was elegant, and the plot is bewitching. Has been a while since I even read anything in thriller, that too- this good. Fuck. Reading kaori’s point of view just the day before the murder was- unbelievable. And characters, they all are just great.”
That is indeed a Todoroki kinda explanation. 
“Wow you did read all of tha-” but before you could complete your statement, shoto just grabbed your hips and stood tall behind you, now speaking in an extremely low tone, “And not to mention- the first sex between Kaori and Braun, it literally was like the depiction of ours. Except, they were awkward and slow, we weren’t.”
You pause. what took over him all of a sudden?
He continues, “That gave me a whole another perspective to what sex really means, and moreover what intimacy mean to you. It was.. surreal. Reading it, was as if- I’m living through that afternoon again, but with more emotions, and a bit more of you.”
“It’s not like I’ve explored much to actually wri-”
 “Oh, is that so?”
“I’m not complaining, of course, but these are the moments I believe must be left to cherish and our intimate times just feel more- sacred to me like this??” Sigh, “Ugh. Now, how do I explain?” Well, that is true, even though Todo and you’ve dated for almost two years now, it was just four months ago that you lost your virginity with him, on your nineteenth birthday. 
He had already lost his with the previous girl he was with. Though he never implied, it felt as if you were obliged to do it for him, due to your own insecurities. Once he got to know that, his reaction was nothing as what you had thought. He said that he loved you, and such things are nothing related to love; that sex is overrated, and continued on saying dorky yet adorable stuff like- cuddling was much better and what not. Since then, you had sex with him just thrice. None of you were really against this unspoken agreement, to not have-
Wait, an unspoken agreement?
You instantly feel like an hypocrite, since you had just claimed to have nothing unspoken between you both.
Sudden a sharp pain in the skin of your neck brings you back to reality. Shoto is sucking on your skin, kissing ever so lightly. As if marking you.
An audible morn escape your parted lips as the bowl just falls on the kitchen sink. Todoroki leans forward and simply closes the tap and whispers, “So you do like to be 'submissive’, don’t you? Had this discovery while reading one of your books, 'Starless nights’.”
The exact book for which you had to watch vintage porn to make the chapters with intercourses more sensual and intresting.
Again, taking you by surprise, he simply turns you around as you continue stare at the ground with your hands wet, in front of you like dog’s pow.
“So I assume you liked my headcanon.”
“Yup; was much better than the crap I write, let’s go to-” but you’re interrupted-
“Now baby, we both know you’re the better writer, and that you just lied.”
“That was sarcas-” but he just pulls you closer and spanks you hard. You hiss as the pain spreads all over your butt cheeks.
“Never interfere, Y/N.” Wait wut-
Your immediate reaction was biting your lips- is he saying the words from the book? Not exactly inacting them but attempting to set a similar atmosphere, which you lowkey craved for in your wildest dreams.
“Since I’ve anyways taken this unspoken, unofficial oath of keeping you happy and stuff, now why not help you with some satisfaction- with all those juices flowing down your-”
You suddenly push him back and blurt while blushing hard, “Stop with this teasing and aw- awkward co- conversations todoroki! Fuckin’ juices, seriously? I’m not co- comfortable with-”
But then, you notice his right hand in your shorts. Or more like the sheer coldness against you clit, almost like there’s ice against it. When did his hand go in there? You end up clenching his T-shirt, as you jolt up on your toes.
“You. Clearly. Want. This. Don’t. You.” Suddenly, he pulls his hand out as he grabs your ass tight as he pulls you even further. Then, he brings his hand up to the height of you face and simply starts stares at the dampness on his fingers, “Wetter than I suspected." 
Now behold the unbelievable.
He keeps staring at his fingers, opens his mouth as he places his fingers into them and suck it as you watch this piece of art in awe.
"Can’t believe that I had you like- just thrice before this. You do live up to what I usually call you, honey.” He continues, “I hope you’ve noticed my creativity as well, as i used my coldness to.. nudge it.”
“You’re being quite quirky today, aren’t you?” This statement just makes him go still, and the next second he’s found laughing. His deep voice, almost reverberating in the silent room. He steps back, brings one hand to his face as he looks down and continues to laugh. The mere sight of him in this way gives you so much warmth, this is the moment you realize that this is the true home. With him.
When he finally looks up, the mere sight of you blushing so hard makes him lose his composure again, but this time it’s a nervous laugh. 
Approaching closer, you set your hands on his torso and continue, “That was quite execrable pun to chortle at, we were doing excellent just now-” but in reply, he simply cups his hand around your cheeks and say, “Shit y/n. You’re going to be the death to me,” and continues grinning like an airhead.
Why is he being annoying now? After so much sexual tension, how can he stop? In midst of you cursing yourself in your head, he leans at your height and kisses you.
Finally being out of patience, you look at the ground and stutter, “Ca-can we do i-it al-alrea-”
“Quite frankly, I’d like if you stay quiet, you shall take what I’ll give you, right?”
You look up immediately into his beautiful heterochromic eyes and say without any further doubts with a smirk, “Go ahead, Shoto, who am I to deny?”
“Sedective. umm, I like that.” he smirks too.
“Know that I love you,” and that’s it. Within one second, his hands are in your hair and his face is buried in your neck, digging deeper into you, as if uprooting releasing your soul from your body.
Skin glistening on your collar bone now and colours warming up on your cheeks, you whimper under his dominance, as he squeezes your waist and lightly nips against your shoulder. You shiver, with pretty evident  goosebumps, in spite of the heat you both bear at this point. 
Your breath gets hitched in your throat as he moves inwards below your collarbones. while his hands rest on your waist. You involuntarily climb a bit on him, intending to close the gap, but more to feel his manhood against you. Your hands firmly on his shoulders, almost pushing him back- maybe because it’s too much pleasure to feel at once. 
At another rise of your hips, Todoroki places his hand on your waist and pushes you back down, “Easy, easy princess,” he mummers before getting back to fiercely kissing me. You run your fingers through his hair, as you body slowly commences to accept an indeed new experience bombarded at you. 
Suddenly, you remember something. In heist, you shove him back and say, “Wait! We need to wash our hands- I- I mean we have just did chores. Well, at least partially and I need to wash myself- I mean I’m clean,” but then you stop to look at him just to find him in utter shock. 
“Shoto! I mean I want this but hygiene is impor- fuck. I’m. Such. A. Boner. Killer. Ain’t I?”
“Point made.” Todoroki picks you up in bridal style and rushes towards the bathroom.  for some reason i thought of adding this,, lmao
“Wait what-?”
“No time to waste.”
This makes you giggle a bit. You wash yourself while he as well washes his hands, and you practically pull him out of the bathroom, grab him by his collar and kiss him deeply as his hands slowly move up and down, feeling your torso- flesh untouched due to s mere knit. 
His hand unapologetically moves to the hem of your sweater, and further inside; but within one move of his, you stood there shivering, exposed. 
Immediately, you move forward in order to close the distance between you and shoto out of nervousness. His eyes drop down to your heaving chest and you’re painfully aware of that.
“Don’t. Don’t hide,” he mutters, grabbing a hold of your hands and locking them behind with one of his own for you to stay still; as he slides his other in your shorts. You feel his gentle hand running down the slit.
“Honey you’re dripping wet, what have i done to this innocence?” It seems that he expected a reply, but you didn’t. You just couldn’t. He then pulls the other hand to you face, diving in for yet another passionate kiss- accompanied by a battle of tongues this time. You are going breathless, but he refuses to move away.
The creasing in your folds level up to three fingers now,. He isn’t generous anymore, with aggressive circles in there, he finally commands, “Say my name.” 
“Sho-shoto.” Your moans only fuel in his lust and desires, his want, an indeed selfish want to have you all for himself, to offer the utmost satisfaction.
He pushes a finger into you as you instinctively let out a small breath hold his busy arm with both of your hands. This makes him push you against the wall with his free hand.
“M-my legs, it’s going numb,” on hearing this, he removes his own shirt and slightly repositions himself, with one hand now on the waist and the other back in there. He kisses your forehead as you look down, unable to keep up with his pace.
That’s when the coldness returns.
 “I- ah- can we ge-get to the bed first?” Your stuttered words only results in a widened smile from him. He is enjoying the sight, clearly in love with the effect he has on you. His head shakes, further sliding another finger inside you, “You can do it baby. You’re taking it all in without questioning.”
You nod quickly, as you start climb up a bit again. In return, he slowly curls his fingers- more and more with each passing second making you almost cry out this time, “Please n-no, this is too intense for me.”
“Yet my princess didn’t make Braun stop after that, I read in somewhere that Kaori secretly wished for him to not stop even if she said so. Just go on.”
You didn’t know how to come back at it, because it is true. You want your Shoto to push those limits you’ve set for himself, and you’d as well be fine if he simply throws off you cliff at this point. 
“Now now, spread your legs y/n.” 
Did he say something? You couldn’t listen. With eyes rolled back, you can’t comprehend anything to begin with.
“SPREAD YOU LEGS or else I won’t play nicely.” You’re eyes shoot up, and find his already searching for yours; before leaning in and gently kissing you. Your legs not being shut anymore, todo takes the opportunity, making his finger get stuffed deeper. His two digits start moving faster and harder, pounding against your walls- all while he feels you squirm to slow down.
“You can take it hun’,” he definitely knows what he’s doing, and you’re totally in for it. “Y-yes,” you moan softly. This is when he slides in a third finger, now really making you scream.
You attempt to gasp and struggle to stand, but then he says,”Stay,” as you unknowingly slide down the wall. Your nails dig in the skin of his back as you try to stable your stance on your tip toes yet eventually, your legs give out on you.
Suddenly, you feel him hit a spot which just pulls something inside your stomach. Todoroki on the other hand, notices your unusual hitched breath and starts hitting the SAME. EXACT. SPOT.
His free hand goes to the back and around your waist, holding you evermore tightly so that you won’t hurt yourself.
“I feel- like that- again-,” you manage to blurt.
“Like what?”
“Like pe-peeing, b-but different. Just like th-the last time we-”
He simply smirks, “We what?” He sighs and growls in your ear, “Is princess gonna squirt for me?”
Your body shudders against him as you moan his name, again and again, “Shoto, I-I-”
“That’s it. Squirt for me y/n,” with that he removes his hand entirely for one second, only to push two digits inside again, now thirsting harder and curling tighter; with his thumb against you slit. His hand grows even more colder, almost stinging down there, making you restless. 
He watches you open your mouth and moan loudly, as his hand only gets wetter, feeling you squirt against his hand. You shake hard in his hold. He doesn’t let you go. A tear escapes you eyes, but simply doesn’t seem to care,”Shoto, for some reason I-I feel s-so great wi-with yo-,” but you are interrupted as he shoves you further against the wall , sliding down your shorts and undergarment, again with three fingers in.
“That’s my good girl,” he praises you while curling those fingers inside and then removing them together. He further continues, “seems like you’re ready,“ as he rubs the wetness inside the slit, giving special attention to your clit.
Saying that, he kneels down, now facing lower abdomen and plants a kiss over there. You simply look down at him, still struggling to balance, searching for even a slightest hint to know what is there to come.
Maybe he’ll stand up an carry you to the bed? or How about making him feel better this time?
But then, his face smashes his face on your dampness; almost attempting to bury in it as he holds you up and pushes. your legs apart. You clearly know where this is going, todoroki will be showing no mercy whatsoever.
"That wasn’t even the start honey,” he confesses in midst of you moans and begs for him to go slow. It doesn’t hurt anymore as much as it gives an unbearable form of pleasure.
You moan and whimper, yet he continues to suck in your clit. You can feel a finger inside, or maybe two, as they go in and out. Practically shattering you all at once while fusing you once for all.
Your hand travel its way to his hair. Ruffled enough to make the red and the white parts almost indistinguishable.
Oh dear.
Though your eyes are close, hands are fumbling around for support and legs are strictly held in place by Shoto, yet you can feel his tongue moving. As if in patterns, not that you could figure out. It either went in for an eight or just licked off entirely as one does while eating an icecream. You moan his name again and again, the same sensation building up block by block as he paves deeper and denser.
“I can’t take this anymor-”
“What makes you think that’s gonna stop me from eating this pussy.”
Little do you know that shoto can’t hold back anymore, it’s not just that he is in control but he has lost control. At the sight of your dark flushed red cheeks, delicacy and vulnerability, he only gets faster and tougher on you. His other fingers reach around and grips your ass, with his fingers slightly grazing across your unused hole.
That’s it, that was enough for you to go stagnant again, in your mind atleast. Your legs start shaking, with your mouth parted yet again. Shoto quickly stands up, with fingers still inside, to help you stay stood up. You feel yourself about to pass out, but in actuality are fully awake and aware. He kisses you, now moaning with you as well, as he fingers you until you cum.
His teeth take in your lower lip as your eyes flicker up at his unmatched ones.
Shoto, with one hand against the wall, halts for a minute. He stands tall in front of you, while holding you as you struggle to stand.
In midst of huffed breaths, you manage to say, “I- I, I mean- can I make you feel good as well?” On listening thise words, he goes still, “Baby, you can barely stand.”
“Still-” but again, before you could say anything, he picks you up in bridal style and dropping you on the bed; letting you lay back while he removed his left over garments.
This is when his erect manhood is finally exposed, refilling your memories of your first time when you had simply wondered how would you take all of that in. You did, though it was painful. But this time you refuse to be scared by the length, you know this is going to feel the best and you’re willing to take him in, deep inside you.
Shoto sighs and walks to the bed, “No-”
“Tonight is about you. Let ME explore you.”
“I wa-wanna hug you,” you blurt out.
He giggles, “sure, all that my y/n wants shall come true.”
But when you attempt to get up, your legs just fail to response. Even the slightest movement feels like a bolt of electricity run through you. At the sight of you falling back on the bed, Shoto simply smirks and says, “By the looks of it, I think I did a pretty good job at pushing your limits.”
“Don’t- I can’t even walk.”
“Wait,” he climbs on the bed beside you, sitting with back against the headboard while you lie against him, still breathless, still attempting to move.
“Don’t move princess,” saying this, he carefully pulls you up, with your head on his thigh. He helps you sit up slowly, while embracing your body against him, and finally hugs you, like a child clenching onto his teddy favourite bear.
“You are so beautiful,” he says as he gets up, while eyes glued on you. He moves to the end of the bed and pulls you towards him as he climbs in again. His two digits reenter your dampness, almost making you hiss at first but it’s soon replaced with moans.
Your back arcs as you mumble, “Sho-shoto, I’m very sensitive ri-right n-now. ah-”
While on his part, he receives it as a signal to level up to the next stage. He slowly penetrates in, soon pacing up. Warmth filled in your hearts and sweat glinting the lustre. He repostions you both a couple of times, giving you different forms of pleasures with each go. 
You as well witness his fire quirk leaking out at times. He kisses you deeply and claims you as his own as he repeats the words, “I’ll never let you go.”
Now it’s past 3am, as your exhausted bodies lay next to each other; that’s when he whispers, “I love you.” Maybe he thinks you are already asleep, but you are not. He clearly can’t leave anything unspoken.
i hope this has left you baffled 
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fandomn00blr · 5 years
Author Interview
Tagged by @charlatron for these questions a long, long time ago...thank you, and I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get to this! It got lost in my Drafts folder, and I decided to clean that out as I procrastinate on other things, so...umm...yeah!
Name: Adrian
Fandoms: Dragon Age (and everything else, but still mostly Dragon Age)
Where you post: AO3, and here (WIPs and random drabbles, head canons, and excerpts)
Most popular one shot: “...And when it comes...” a tooth-rottingly sweet fenhawke+kids two-chapter thing where I introduced dad!Fenris as a habitual hair-braider (also includes a really disturbing flashback, so CW for slavery and implied/suggested sexual abuse). It was also the first fan fic I ever shared publicly!
Most popular multi-chapter story: lol...I don’t talk about this much (watch me talk a lot about it right now), but it’s a Seven Deadly Sins Jericho-centric fic, called Walls Tumbling Down (har de har har!). I’ve only ever watched the first two seasons of the show on Netflix because me and my real-life partner like to occasionally binge watch anime for shits and giggles, but I’m not involved in the fandom at all (a lot of stuff about the show and I assume the manga is actually a little squicky for me). I started writing this because I really liked one (1) character who deserved more attention and more opportunities to yell at everyone (and she does that! and it’s really cathartic to write!). About once a year I get inspired to add a chapter (it’s all outlined, and ends with some closure for my girl) and somehow, those blessed kudos keep trickling in...
Favourite story you wrote: I think In Deep is my most self-indulgent fic right now, even though it’s not complete, and it’s in a different world state than most of my other stuff. It’s mostly about Anders, post-Inquisition, following Dread Moon, a collab multi-chapter fic I wrote with my buddy, @figgypudz about her our OC Alarion, an elf who was spying on Dorian for this mysterious organization, the Agents of Fen’Harel (it takes place pre-Trespasser). Anders and Alarion are boyfriends now, and they are on the run (sorta) and Anders is getting a chance to process and heal and be adored by someone. Oh, and Cole keeps popping in, too. <3
How you choose your titles: Ok, so I thought that said “titties” and I was like, “I’m not very particular...” and I guess the same goes for my titles. If it’s a multi-chapter thing, I try to figure out a theme or a pattern for naming chapters. Same goes for series. My Lost and Found series was originally all verby-sounding titles, but then I got distracted by spin-offs. Sometimes it’s a character quote or a reference to the source material that is particularly relevant to the theme or situation. I’m terrible about using song lyrics or poems or whatever. So, yeah...IDK...
Complete: 7! Whaaat?! (Most of those are one-shots or parts of a longer series...)
Incomplete: 8...plus everything else I haven’t even started sharing yet...eeeeek!
Do you outline: Yes. Obsessively. Often. All over the place. With arrows and links and omg...my brain needs to just knock it off with all the planning and mapping sometimes.
Coming Soon: Oof...um...I’m three two chapters away from finishing Fly Away of my Lost and Found series and those chapters are already mostly/sort of written! There’s gonna be some more fenhawke smut, and a lot less drinking for one person in particular...
Do you accept prompts: I suck at focusing enough on something I’m not completely passionate about to pull this off, I think, and I find the idea of writing for other people really intimidating! Those of you who can just take someone else’s suggestions and run with them are amazing and I admire you. Maybe once I get all these stories out of my head? So...probably never.
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write: The next part of Lost and Found, Part IV (I think?): Legacy, should be kinda fun (and shorter, I hope!), cuz it will feature a super pregnant Hawke trying to do the stuff from the DA2 Legacy DLC (with some help from some familiar Wardens and some other friends/family members she has been missing since she left Kirkwall)...but I made goals for #theWIPproject2020 of working on some of my current WIPs, so that might have to wait!
I’m tagging @factorykat, @serial-chillr, and @hermiowngranger. Please ignore if you’ve already done this or just like, don’t feel like it, maaannnn...
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izzy-b-hands · 5 years
Thank you so much for asking!!!!
20. Favorite character to write?
Already answered, but I don’t mind re-answering cuz I thought maybe I’d narrow my three way tie, but alas, no lol. Still a tie between Ahkmenrah, Snafu, and Skwisgaar.
21. Least favorite character to write? 
Ooh-tbh, Larry from NATM just because I feel like I always make him an asshole? Like, I haven’t published all my fic ideas for NATM because I keep making him really mean? And in some it works but in others I’m like ‘jesus chill Lee he’s just a Dude trying his best’ but also at the same time I feel the way Stiller played him and his character arc means he’s got some major ego to him as the films go on? Idk that isn’t a hot take or anything just me being frustrated with Ben Stiller lol
22. Favorite story you’ve ever written? 
Hard choice, because I love all my kids, but I cried after writing this one lol: https://aboutthatmelancholystorm.tumblr.com/post/186781309036/you-know-that-i-love-you
It hit some personal stuff for me, so to be able to have it work organically in a fic so I could also like, mini therapy session myself? Cool af. Also, ppl seemed to like this a lot too, and while that validation isn’t the only reason I write, it’s always cool when my writing makes ppl happy. 
23. Least favorite story you’ve ever written? 
I don’t really have a least favorite, but I do have some I’m more frustrated with, due to how long they took me to write, etc. Currently? The answer to this is my Mark the Date series because A. it is taking me a day and an age to finish it and B. I feel like it kinda flopped, so it’s hard to pull up any energy to finish it, but like...I may as well now lol. I’ll get it done eventually.
24. Favorite scene you’ve written? 
Oh god tbh I have too many I love just cuz like
I can go back to how I felt writing them and yeah
But as of most recent fics, I really this bit: 
-Snafu patted the blanket near his head, and waited for Eugene to put out his pipe and lay back beside him before snuggling close to him. “You could be right. Could be God. Could just be love.” “How’s that?” “I think love has its own way. Even before you meet someone, even before you know you’re fallin’ for ‘em. Love’s just…out there, like the air or somethin’. Finds you when the time is right, and finds who you click with. You gotta do the rest, the stayin’ in love part, but that bringing together, that first spark…that’s love just existing, and doin’ what it needs to so the world keeps spinnin’, so people make it through tough shit,” Snafu replied. “I like that,” Eugene said. “Think love did a good job with us. Makin’ sure we found each other.” Snafu pressed a kiss softly to the corner of Eugene’s mouth. “Sure did. Wouldn’t ever want to be with anyone else. I don’t even know what that looks like, and I don’t want to.” “Same here,” Eugene’s mouth was warm as he kissed him back. “Here’s to love for making sure you found me.” -
from this fic: https://aboutthatmelancholystorm.tumblr.com/post/186926226531/absolution-is-the-taste-of-your-lips
Because I’m sappy af more than I let on, and also this was a chance to like, write out my own feelings via Snafu. And that was a pretty cool and fulfilling thing for me, ya know? 
25. Favorite line you’ve ever written? 
oh god this is another hard one to narrow down but
I always come back to this line and go ‘oh shit did I really write that. Nah, someone better than me at this had to have. They briefly possessed me or something”:  
-Music and talking and shouting and footsteps collide kaleidoscopic in his ears, but none bearing the one sound that he’d run to if he heard it.-
from this fic, mentioned twice now in this post lol: https://aboutthatmelancholystorm.tumblr.com/post/186781309036/you-know-that-i-love-you
I really love alliteration, and for me this line just sums up how it feels to walk thru a city when you aren’t just wandering really, but are looking or waiting for someone, and have that awful yet sometimes good feeling of expecting to hear or see them but it feels like you’re waiting or searching forever and in the meantime the city just lives on around you, a stopped platelet stuck in a vein full of vitality. Like, idk if it hit any of my readers that way, but that’s what I was trying to get across lol, so the line always hits me hard in a good way when I scroll thru my writing tag and see it. 
26. Story you’re most proud of? 
I gotta choose just one kid for this aldsfkja I’m bad at choosing I love my gaggle of ragtag goofballs. I have an original piece I’d choose for this, but I’ve never posted it on here, so I’m gonna choose out of my fanfic on here instead.
One I am really proud of is this one: https://aboutthatmelancholystorm.tumblr.com/post/186781309036/you-know-that-i-love-you
and I know it’s the third time it’s been part of an answer on here but
I really love this one idk. Thinking back to how I felt while writing it, how it all flowed in a certain way. The whole experience was just something else, and I’m proud of this one in a certain way I find myself, funnily enough, unable to describe. 
27. Best review you ever got? 
Okay this sounds cheesy but like
I really do love and appreciate every review or review-like thing I’ve ever gotten so I can’t choose just one for this
Like, y’all gotta understand, I’ve deleted some of it and erased traces of it from my blog, but I’ve written for years on here, I have some stuff on my ao3, and for the longest time I got nothing back, or very nearly nothing. Maybe a few likes, but no comments and not much else. I always just rolled with it and assumed I just wasn’t writing anything good enough to inspire reviews. Idk if that’s true or not, but in any case it means I cherish every comment, like, reblog, and anything review-like in nature because I’m so grateful to have it now, and I know it could well be pure luck that I stumbled up on a really supportive bunch of fandoms with great readers. 
In other words, thank y’all for every kind word and like and reblog and also I may be an immortal feeding off of validation of my art, but we’ll see on that last bit, because I haven’t tested it. 
28. Worst review you ever got?
One from middle school. I’d just finished my very first novel, gave it to a friend to read, and he said it ‘smacked of being too fanciful and childish, something only kids and women would read’ (it was a YA fantasy novel so I mean... what exactly he expected, idk cuz he knew what it was before I gave it to him, like it’s supposed to have those elements as a lot of these sorts of novels/stories do, and that isn’t a bad thing about them at all, so like...what his damage was idek.)
Also this is the same dude who texts me randomly and is really weird abt his friendship with me and happens to be an English teacher now (RIP to his students.) 
Anyway, after he said that I tossed a review right back, because well, middle school and also I was very upset with him because I’d not asked for anything other than a general ‘if you picked this up randomly and started it, would it suck you in enough to keep reading or would you put it down’ like that was literally all I needed him to answer for me. So I told him his latest novel (his second at that point) was essentially just him masturbating to his own opinions (because he’s an arguer, who loves to tell ppl they’re always wrong, and that’s by his own admission) for one hundred pages, and not in a way that anyone else would care to read. He was pissed, but so was I. We didn’t talk for a good week, and we had almost all our classes together lol. 
Like, getting nothing back in review sucks too, but this one has stuck with me forever. Best part? I mentioned it to him a few years back, and he only vaguely remembered it, and followed it with “but I’ve said a lot of rough stuff about your work. I mean, it deserved it at the time, but you might be good at this someday!” 
I didn’t smack him, but I really, really wanted to. 
29. Favorite story/poem of another author
This doesn’t specify on Tumblr or not, so I’ve got two: one from outside tumblr, and one from on here.
A. When I have Fears That I May Cease to Be by John Keats
When I have fears that I may cease to be   Before my pen has gleaned my teeming brain,Before high-pilèd books, in charactery,   Hold like rich garners the full ripened grain;When I behold, upon the night’s starred face,   Huge cloudy symbols of a high romance,And think that I may never live to trace   Their shadows with the magic hand of chance;And when I feel, fair creature of an hour,   That I shall never look upon thee more,Never have relish in the faery power   Of unreflecting love—then on the shoreOf the wide world I stand alone, and thinkTill love and fame to nothingness do sink.
B. Again, this Tumblr one could be a huge ass list because y’all on here are amazing, but one I’ve been rereading over and over again recently is @xmxisxforxmaybe ‘s Remnants series, which can be found here: https://xmxisxforxmaybe.tumblr.com/post/186702235396/remnants-complete-work
Like, Ahk as a character is captured so well, and I love the way the plot twines and also when the smut comes up? Very good A+ smut, something I value pretty highly on and off Tumblr because man, sometimes smut is just work to write, so I appreciate it when it’s really good. All around, this series has captured my heart and I legit have a link to it saved on multiple devices so if I need something to read, I can just pull it up right away. 
30. Hardest part of writing? 
Self-doubt. It’s the biggest hurdle for any artist, regardless of the art in question I think, but with writing it seems to double down a lot. Like, you have to really get out of your own head, even as you spend all your time there with your writing ideas. Shit gets weird and twisted, man. 
For the longest time, I really let self-doubt defeat me too, and I regret the time I lost to that. I still get hit with it randomly, cause I don’t think it every really goes away for any writer, not even the big names like Stephen King or Neil Gaiman (who I’m half tempted to @ on here purely because I wanna know his feelings on this stuff because I respect and admire him as an artist and his thoughts very much, but also he’s a very busy man so I’m not gonna bug him by doing that lol.) 
All there is to do is to work with it, push past it, and most importantly keep writing. I have days where that feels like the hardest thing, but each day I manage to get past it and get the words down? I let myself feel proud of that, and mark it as an achievement in my Big Book of Stuff I’ve Done in This Life. 
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sundaynightnovels · 6 years
11/11/11 Tag Game (again!)
aaaand i’ve also been tagged by @fluffythewritingplant​ for a different set of questions!!! you have a lot of questions huh HAHA but they sound fun so thanks for tagging me in this! <3 1. What is your favorite part of writing? characters! characters interacting!! characters doing things! character dialogues!! characters characters characters! 2. Do you prefer reading or writing? HA i haven’t read a novel in a while. but yea i like them both but... yknow. how bout reading my own writing. i’m narcissistic like that  3. How many people have read your stuff? since the next question is specifically about irl, i’m assuming this is about online??? well, i guess all of yall on tumblr have seen my snippets and excerpts right heh (blatant advertising here) (also in case yall don’t know how i differentiate them, snippets are drabbles that i write outside of my main wip and excerpts come directly from the wip draft itself heh) so yea, all of you!! <3 (i guess?????) 4. How many people irl have read your stuff? kinda mentioned this in my previous 11/11/11 tag, but not much. if it’s school stuff then yea, but if it’s my own personal stuff, not really. maybe like a handful in the past, but right now in the present? no one has read my current wip as of yet. 5. Are there any books or movies that inspired your writing? hmmMMMm. in general i guess studio ghibli (in how they make the mundane little everyday stuff magical, i love that), percy jackson (humour lol), mmmm... i actually really don’t know. i’ve been writing for a long time, so i think everything probably just accumulated and it just culminates in this mess that i call my own brand of writing. my friends (who have read my work in the past) say that i actually have a style -- i’m not sure how true that is HAHA but that’s good to know, but i really have no idea what in particular inspired it. 6. How many WIPs do you have? One (or is it two??? but they are of the same... universe-thing.) OKAY like i’ve finished my first draft of my main novel called like all things out of season, and now i’m working (well, barely) on the companion novel so yea.  floating in my head are about three vague forms of ideas though. one of which i have tried numerous times to write but never finished, another is something that i’m like ooooo i’ll write it right after i finish my current one (guess that ain’t happening), and the last is the most vague, most formless one that i just kinda have a feel on but not rly. 7. What are some ideas you had to throw away because you just didn’t have the time to work on them? i’m sure i’ve lost a lot over the years, especially because my memory sucks. also, since my memory sucks... do you expect me to remember these lost ideas??? 8. Have you ever written any poetry? Wanna show some of your stuff? the first time i ever touched poetry was two years ago for a creative writing class. they all kinda suck... do i want to show my stuff??? hmmmmm.... let me take a peek at what i’ve written then well it is pretty cringe but if you wanna read it (scroll through if you don’t want a cringe fest)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(1. don’t ask me about the formatting, idk why i did it this way  2. i think the assignment was... okay who am i kidding, idk what the assignment was about. but i think i just thought it’d be interesting to do a poem using like chinese mythology or something like that. speaking of which, the AU that i wanna write of my novel is kinda also about chinese mythology hmmm... did i say too much) 9. What’s your favorite line/scene you’ve ever written (several are possible of course)? i don’t have a favourite line, but for a scene... i’ve mentioned this somewhere else before (in response to an ask i think), but there was this really important scene that i knew, even before starting my novel, that i had to write and it was simply about this man telling them a story. and i had no idea what i’d write, how it’ was going to play out and everything, but then it came out so beautifully and evocative even though while writing i had no idea what i was doing and i actually felt what i was meant to feel in that story and i just lkjkdlfkjsdlfkd i have a lot of feelings to that  and i can’t show it to yall cuz it’s like, the first main turning point of the story. right after that scene was this kinda sleepover-ish scene with Shou and Jun and i loved writing that too because shou was adorable and excited and jun was understandably not impressed and yknow, it was kinda important too in the whole state of things. OF COURSE before that i enjoyed writing the scene where almost all of them (except the female yu) converged together in the noisies’ place and just had a whole lot of mess and fun yeah that entire portion was great because they all happened kinda altogether at once. 10. What’s your favorite quote i don’t think i have one 11. What’s your favorite quote by someone you know? well it’s not my favourite, but it’s the most iconic one that i can remember right now. we were predrinking before going to a club and one of my friends bought vodka, which yknow tastes like nail varnish and is just terrible (i mean... even if you like vodka... you gotta admit, it feels like it can melt your throat off) while others bought like ~~ wine~~ and stuff and she was like “well we just wanna get drunk right so might as well jump straight into it” and that line stuck with me ever since. girl’s got her priorities straight. (if this makes me seem like i like drinking, i really don’t. and i hate wine HAHA) 12. What’s your favorite book? you are a devil. also. no, ain’t answering that. thank you, next. 13. Which book do you regret reading? i had a bunch of them when i was younger, but... i don’t really remember right now. really 14. Is there something you regret writing? when i was younger i once wrote something in the pov of a cat. do i regret it? no.  it was really stupid though. 15. If your OC’s were actual people in your life, what would your relationship be like? oh ho ho. zhen would be the laziest friend ever and i’d probably be really annoyed at her because it’ll be impossible to go out and hang out with her, but yknow what? i’m basically the same.
shou would be annoying in a different way, he’ll be so overly-excited and energetic that i’ll just be like... stop. and he’s the sort who’ll go around talking to random strangers on the street and as a massive unsociable introvert, i’ll be drowning there in my shyness and inability to talk as he goes out yammering and yammering about who knos what (true story, i have a friend as sociable as him. even when we’re talking to mutual acquaintances, i’m just there. a statue, meant to decorate the setting in which she’s in) i can’t communicate with kids, so i’ll probably be really really awkward with lu. like really. maybe i’ll talk to him a little bit, but i can foresee it to be a very uncomfortable interaction, at least on my part. lol yu(f). i don’t think i can talk to her either. she’s too stressed out and working too hard and i don’t like to bother people like that, especially if we aren’t friends yet. ren would be really easy to talk to, he’s just so laidback and chill and nice, like he’s probably the kind of classmate you’ll just end up casually talking to when you meet on the way to class or on the way out from class. i don’t know if we’ll actually become friends, but we’ll end up being at least friendly acquaintances. i think i’d probably avoid teng in real life. he’s way too loud and dramatic and remember, i’m an introverted girl who doesn’t like to have attention on herself... and with him, yknow you’re gonna get all the attention. likewise with jun, you’re gonna get so much attention with him. but i think i could be friends with him tbh. he acts aloof and is pretty snarky and prickly but once i get past that (if i ever do, which to be frank i might not), i think we could be friends. i probably won’t be friends with yu (m) because he’s that strong silent type and unless i’m made to sit with him in class, i probably won’t ever start up a conversation with him. i most likely wouldn’t be friends with jia because she’s the really attractive, popular type yknow? she’s a nice person and i’d probably be friends with her IF we ever spoke to one another, but considering chances of that are low, i don’t think we’d end up friends. i’m reusing the above questions ^ and tagging a few more people @insearchof-solace (sorry tagging you back just because i want to know your answer for the last one HAHA) @usuallydecentwriter @sunnydaysarealwaysgrey @farrradays
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Could you please! like please stop complaining about S3? I know it could have been better but come on! They spent money, time and effort making it! Rin had S1 and S2 to get all the attention he needs, Ikuya boi needs attention too! He is a part of the anime. Also everybody makes mistakes so please do not say "S3 sucks." Idk but it sounds rude.Cuz Kyoani tried. They deserve respect.
I would’ve just deleted this bc it’s like a very… unsmart ask, but your “Idk but it sounds rude. Cuz Kyoani tried.” made me feel like you’re very young, so I’m not gonna be very rude, I know lots of 13 years old are watching.
There’s a difference between “they spent money and put effort” and “they just wanted more money and they didn’t even try because they thought the show’s success will do everything itself”. There’s also such thing as a respect for the fans, the characters you’ve created and the plot that has been written before. You can’t just write every stupid thing that comes to your mind without caring how it affects charecter’s progressions that’s been created for 2 seasons, movies, novels and other stuff. 
The fact that they basically scratched everything that was so special, the storylines that don’t make sense and have been left unfinished and the countless posts of the scenes that was hardly redrawn kinda proves that effort was not there. 
Once again, like the example we’ve discussed before about Hiyori almost beating Haru in freestyle, which we 100% sure can not happen like no freaking way. The only excuse that could’ve been found is he was tired after IM. But it’s been proven back in s1 that Haru has the best stamina in Free, Hina brought up the facts and the interview when Rin said that he wants Haru’s stamina. It was not “their mistake” like you say, it was the director being a Hiyori bias. And you can’t be bias when you’re writing a show, you’re not in a kindergarden, like I don’t like Makoto too, but I would’ve respected his character progression and his friendship with Haru if I was a writer. He didn’t because he doesn’t care and doesn’t know the original characters at all. Sometimes I even wonder if he even saw previous seasons, like the only proof so far is that he copied the scenes.
So no, if they don’t respect the fans that pay for their bread, they certainly don’t deserve theirs respect. I know you’re writing to me because I’m like openly critisizing and most of my asks are anonymous, but believe me most of the Free! fans are pissed. As for Ikuya, he could’ve gotten the best attention ever esp after us loving him in SD, but sadly that’s the way they wrote him, now he’s got “fuck your useless SL that ate most of the season” attention. It is what it is.
P.S. You should know that there’s a thing on tumblr that’s called a “block button”. I’m sure you can find people who enjoy this season very much and who would sponsor you with stuff and share your love for Ikuya and who don’t really care for the plotlines. You just block me and live your life. Just not so naively, it leads to bad people using you.
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karikitdemonrp · 7 years
TAGGED BY:  @resilizuku​ //thanks for the tag dude ^^ TAGGING: @the-eraserhead-man​ @siilvxr​ and whoever else wants to ^^
NAME : --- //not comfortable saying NICKNAME : Kat FACECLAIM : ... none
PRONOUNS : She/her HEIGHT : 5′4″ I think BIRTHDAY :  12/2 AESTHETIC : ?? Idk -.- LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO : The Greatest Show from The Greatest Showman movie soundtrack //it’s a good movie, fite me FAVOURITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN : I only use my OC’s and all of which I like to write in some way, but I mainly write Kari and it’s easiest to write her so there’s that...
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE : Since Kari is my oc, I’ll kinda give a sort of creation story in place of this. Basically I wanted to write an inuyasah fan fic and tried to make a character that could fit. I inspired some things off of inuyasha, since I liked him the best. Note the longer front bangs on the sites of her head and the hair color. I did take a few liberties with a few things. At first, she was gonna be a cat demon from one of the cat demon clans that were in the anime. Err, was it panther demon? Idk, still feline tho. That evolved into some kinda hybrid with her having two cat tails, cat ears, wings, and small horns. That then went to her being a human with strong abilities. I’ve always kept her relatively young through out the years, the oldest she ever got was her being around sixteen. Btw, I posted a yugioh fan fic first before an inuyasha one, but the inuyasha one I thought up before hand but forgot/lost after a while.
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVOURITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE : So my favorite aspects about Kari are that she does try her best. Yeah she has been through a lot but she still does do her best to be happy. Because of what she’s been through, she knows how to adapt quickly to many situations, some of which life threatening. Now, given the verse I’m doing this changes a bit, but I’m going off her general bio so please keep that in mind.
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING : I love exploring possibilities and creating my own world that can be viewed by others to entertain them. That may sound weird,  but I honestly love to write simply because I get to see so many possibilities.
FAVOURITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS : I prefer fluffy, wholesome threads as well as threads that have hints of darker themes or are deeper the more you look into things.
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE : I’ve had many people (mainly in comments of my fan fics) saying that Kari is a mary sue because of her abilities and her appearance. One such comment on an undertale fic (in chapter 1 mind you, they didn’t read the whole book, or even the second book where everything is explained, but I digress) said something akin to “This character design needs some work, it isn’t realistic enough” which is something I don’t really go for. If you know undertale, you know that the world has 2 species, humans and monsters. Now stop! Realistic. Monsters. I rest my case. I know a lot of people don’t like unrealistically designed characters, but I do my best to explain the world so it makes sense. But the way this person worded it just felt off and rather rude. I mean, read everything before you judge is all I ask. As for her abilities, I admit when I wrote the fic her abilities were a bit much but I have padded things out with the help of some friends of mine who did it in a nice and constructive way rather than telling me that “Kari sucks!” or “She’s too much!”
... Geez I went off on a tangent... I’m sorry. But seriously, I’ve gotten a lot of hate cuz of my character Kari over the years which is really degrading. But she gets a good amount of love too. So I just wanna say thank you to my friends @embi-thejackalope and @myspiritremains (sorry dude I forgot your main, forgive me XC) for helping me pad out some things in my character designs over all. And uh, yea... Sorry about the whole tangent, bye
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jackofftao · 7 years
Chenle High School AU!
Okay I know I haven't POSTED anyTHing In FOreveR and I meant to write a mx thing because ya know,,,,, concert
*clears throat*
so uh yeah,,, stan china line
I will have a mx scenario out soon,,,,,,,,,maybe 
So high school sucks but all of your friends are there so,, it’s cool for now,,,until midterms and finals
then everyone is sUFFeriNG
but like the weird stuff you see keeps you going ya know?
Like the one time that kid in 2nd period took out a loaf of bread, a jar of peanut butter, and a jar of jelly then made a sandwich with it??
Or the Ap World teacher who once stopped you and your friends in the hallway to tell you how to take over a country in 5 easy steps
Your friends are also wild
Jisung is in your Lit class and your teacher assigns these writings
and everyone figured out that she only checks for completion and doesn't actually read them?
 Jisung wrote the entire lyrics of fergalicious for his assignment once and still got a 100 on it
He’s a little shit sometimes but he’s funny so you keep him around
and today he is back at his shenanigans again
he decided to write your number on a piece of paper with “Text me” written at the top and he said he was going to drop it in the hallway if you didn't give him the answers for the Bio homework
and your like “I spent 2 hours on just the front of the bio homework last night there is no way I'm giving them to you”
he just sat there “:) be like that then”
so when the bell rang he dropped the paper in the hallway
it was the bell signaling Lunch too so there were people everywhere and the paper was nowhere to be seen
you tried looking for it after the hallways cleared but ? it wasn't there ?
Jisung was at his lunch table and you ran up to it and sat down
“Jisung I've known you for a while and you won't let me live but jesus I tried looking for the paper and I can't find it, what have you gotten me into”
he just sat there eating his salad 
“So you gonna give me the Bio answers or what?”
7th period came around
the teacher was really chill tho
like she would talk about the notes for 15 minutes then that was it for the day and the rest of the class was basically free time
she never checked the homework either
so you were playing on your phone and then you got a text from a random number
and you just shut down 
error message
curiosity got the best of you so you looked at it
from: Unknown number
“Hey uh this is a bit weird but I was walking to lunch and I found this paper on the floor that had a number and “Text me” written on it so I decided to text whoever you are while I'm bored in Bio”
Que your heart stopping
Might as well text back? what’s the worst that could happen?
To: Unknown Number
“Yeah sorry, my friend dropped my number in the hall because I wouldn't give him the Bio answers. I’m bored too, math am I right?”
From: Unknown Number
“Idk math is kinda cool, I like the numbers. Bio however? Gross. A jellyfish’s mouth is also its anus? I could have lived with out that information”
You decided to save their number because they seem cool,,, makes life interesting ya know
Bad news, their text made you giggle and Jisung is asking what your laughing at
“you wouldn't be laughing at nothing SPILL thE bEaNs”
so you told him
more bad news, now he won't let you live x2
but you keep on talking to this mystery person
neither of you really say who you are and its been a month
“You should really ask who they are, they seem cute. Plus it seems like you have a crush on them awwww”
“Shut up jisung”
after removing his hands from squishing your cheeks your phone got a notification
“shUt uP JIsaNg :p”
“I told you not to call me jisang :(”
“..... ;) maybe you should come up with a cute nickname for this mystery person”
From: Mystery
“Helpppppp I didn't know we had bio homework last night and I didn't do it,, send answers please !!!! I’ll buy you a cookie!!”
From: Mystery
“HUrrY I have bio nExt PeRiOd PleasE”
Usually you don't give your answers to a n y o n e
but this mystery person seems nice and as silly as it seemed you started to possibly form a crush on the unknown person 
putting off doing math homework to text them
texting them constantly 
finding out a lot about them,,,,,and them finding out a lot about you
late nights talking with them
all this led to a tiny tiny huge crush and you had a soft spot for them
so you gave them the answers 
“hEy!! You never give me the bio answers!”
thats cuz you're a little shit
“:) idk what you're talking about jisang :))))))”
From: Mystery
“Thank You so so so so so so so so much <3!!!! Where should we meet so I can give you that cookie?”
“Dude that cookie is mine I helped set you two up”
“thats not how this works jisung”
so you and mystery person decide to meet up that Friday after school at the sign
que being nervous for two days
and que being REALLY REALLY nervous Friday
they said they would be wearing a green jacket 
so the last bell rung and you could care less about the cookie all you cared about was meeting this mystery person in a green jacket 
Over the past two days you wondered who they were
did you know them?
what did they look like?
How old are they!!!
you just hoped they were around your age
,,,,,,,,and cute
so you made it to the sign and there wasn't anybody there let alone someone in a green jacket
you looked around the immediate area and still no person wearing a green jacket
great, maybe it was a prank
you picked up your book bag and started to leave, you didn't want to look like more of a fool than you already did
but then there was this,,,, scream?
it sounded like a dolphin ?
but there was no zoo nearby ?
and it was getting closer ???????????
it sounded like the scream he did with the kite
So you turned around and there is an extremely loud boy in a green jacket running at full speed while screaming
everyone is looking at him
wait a minute--- green jacket ??
he is getting closer but isn't slowing down and tbh you are starting to worry because he's about to run straight into the-
that was the sound of air being knocked out of you
this boy didn't run into the sign he ran into you
in a hug
a really warm hug
he’s also cute
and maybe part dolphin
so he pulls away and he just a little bit taller than you so you don't have to look up that much
and he’s smiling 
your heart just skipped a beat
this- this cute boy is the one I was texting ?????!??!?!!?!??
“Hey you are the mystery person who's friend left their number in the hall right?”
“And you are the mystery person who said they be at the sign in a green jacket?”
“Yeah,,, sorry about that. My bio teacher wanted to talk to me,, I fell asleep in class today BUT I got your cookie!!”
“Oh,, yeah it’s no problem! Thank you for the cookie, you really didn't have to”
“but I wanted to”
and he hands you the cooke
and you both kind of stand there??
“Go on try it! I made it myself!”
so you ate a piece and it was ,,, really good
so you ate the rest of it
“Dude that was a really good cookie oh my god you should be on a cooking show”
he just laughs 
and it sounds like a dolphin 
but he's cute and his dolphin laugh/scream is endearing 
its also hurts peoples ears because its so loud
“I brought a whole batch of them,,, we could eat them as I walk you home”
what a gentleman
“Oh I’m Chenle by the way”
“I’m Y/n”
he was loud the whole time he walked you home but it was cute
you might need a hearing aid but oh well it'd be worth it 
he was in the same grade as you even tho he was older
his birthday was a late one so
and when the both of you arrived at your door step his ears were red
“Here you can have the rest of the cookies, we can meet at the sign Monday so you can give the container back.”
“Thank you so much,,,,,,,, for everything” and you gave him a small smile despite the situation being awkward 
“It’s really nothing.”
and then he walked a little closer and kissed your cheek
and he was off
running away screaming his dolphin laugh
you hoped his face was as red as yours
Monday comes around and there he is, running up to you screaming 
when is he not screaming
you swear he is the loudest boy you have ever met
he engulfs you in a hug again
“Here is your container”
“Oh thanks! here I’ll walk you home”
and when you reach your doorstep he kisses your cheek again and runs away screaming before you can do anything
so the next day the school bell rings and ding!
From: Dolphin boy <3
“We are meeting by the sign right?”
To: Dolphin boy <3
Today you had a plan
when you reached your doorstep and you kissed his cheek first
error message
Chenle is not responding at this moment sorry come back later
so you poke his other cheek and he just breaks out into a HUGE grin and hugs you
he laughs when he hugs you so now you can't hear anything lol
“so does this mean we are dating now?”
“If you don't mind?”
“I wouldn't mind at all”
You two do the same pattern everyday 
you eat lunch together with Jisung and he walks you home
Jisung now wants a cookie from Chenle as payment for helping get you two together 
but Chenle only ever gives cookies to you 
He claims it’s a special couple thing 
the end for now~
Tumblr media
Gif not mine
I usually don't do end notes but
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easteregg316 · 7 years
On Fanfiction and Self-Hate (kinda)
Quick note: I'M NOT AN EXPERT. I'M A TEENAGER THAT JUST LIKES TO TALK. OKAY? OKAY. @markiplier maybe you will read this or maybe you won't idk. 
It's easy for anyone to create a world with a few taps on a keyboard. Within minutes, a story can be written that directly reflects a person's wants, desires, and personality. But when I say personality, I don't mean in the way they describe their character. Cuz generic fanfictions will usually have at least one of the following phrases: 
"I don't think I'm that pretty." 
"How could he ever like me?" 
"I'm a nobody." 
Self-hate, although it has become a rather normal thing to see in these fanfictions, reveals exactly why they may have been written in the first place. 
If you don't think highly of yourself, and you wanted to be told that you are someone great, who else would you want to say it but your favorite celebrity crush? Of course, it's not as easy as calling them up and asking them to compliment you. So instead, many fans will write stories that "satisfy" that want: 
"You're beautiful, you know that?" he said, smiling down at me. 
Reading that sentence to yourself after writing it might make you feel "better". But I'm going to be honest, when I would write that, it would sting a little every time I read it. It was just a reminder that it was fantasy. A lie. And it quickly revealed just how much I cared about what this person thought of me. 
Because some fans are younger and might desperately want to date their favorite celebrity crush, it's very common to see horrid spelling errors and grammatical mistakes in these stories. Even in older fans, it gets to the point where they don't care about mistakes, they just want to write as quickly as possible to lose themselves in a fantasy world where everything is "perfect". 
I'm not gonna lie, I cringe whenever I see or hear badly written fanfictions, especially being someone who loves to write. But there is a person behind every story. Even if they may seem selfish or ridiculous, which they very well can be, it may also be a case of just wanting to rid themselves of insecurities about themselves, and this is the only outlet that seems to work for them. 
I know, I know, insecurities in fanfictions are becoming annoying, but the fact that there's enough stories to make it annoying should be concerning. 
I will say this: I used to write a lot of fanfiction, mostly romantic, and I enjoyed it! But I eventually realized that I didn't necessarily like what I was writing about, I enjoyed writing itself. Which is why I drifted away from that. 
I do read fanfictions from time to time, tending to stick to the more PG ones. I like cutesy stuff, not stuff that makes me feel like I just killed someone for reading it (That stuff disturbs me on a whole other level, but that's a post for another day). But what I don't appreciate the fact that many fans, mostly girls, find it necessary to deal with their problems this way. 
Creating a fake world for your problems is not okay. If anything, it makes coming back to the real world a million times harder, making it nearly impossible to deal with your problems head on. Not only that, but it blinds you to the fact that there are already people that love you--not necessarily some famous guy on the Internet. 
There are many people you can find online that can help you. You might hear that a lot, but it's true. Their job is to help you, and they've trained for years to do so. If anyone can help you, they can. I'm just a girl on the Internet, but feel free to ask me questions and I'll get my best to help you or find someone that can :) 
To conclude: I'm not saying fanfictions are bad. I feel like the word fanfiction has become tainted. 
Fanfictions are just that: Fan fictions. Stories that fans write about celebrities or video games or YouTubers. There are some really awesome ones. But because an overwhelming amount of people have written romantic fanfictions, that's become the face of the genre. 
In my opinion, most romantic fanfictions are meh. When it involves people that are or it's strongly suggested that they're in in a relationship, I think it's cool. But things like Septiplier and even Rhett and Link dating...guys, they're already in very healthy relationships! That's just messed up, man! And when you insert yourself into their Iives...well, that's just weird. 
Don't forget that there will always be someone that wants to help you. :)
Yo! There's a few topics I touched on in this post, but let me know what I should talk about next time! 
Stuff I was thinking: 
-Mature Fanfictions 
-Shipping and Self-Shipping (Stories/Fanart romantically depicting two friends/people or yourself with someone else that isn't your partner) 
-Big YouTubers Trying to Interact With Fans Consistently (mentioned in the story below) 
-Anything else you guys suggest! 
That's technically the end of my rant, but feel free to continue reading. I was bored, okay? 
And now, a Markiplier fanfiction about how I meet Mark at VidCon. (It's 100% clean and it's 0% romantic, but don't read if you don't want. It's long anyway lol. By the way I'm not 18 as the story says.) 
For years, Mark had gone on and on about conventions he was going to, signings he was going to have, and panels he was going to host. And year after year, I found myself only watching from behind a screen, chained to my home by my high-school maturity level. The year arrived, however, when I finally turned 18, and was I allowed to go. 
Upon arriving at the convention center for VidCon, I was instantly overwhelmed by the smell of sweat. I uncomfortably pushed my way through dozens upon dozens of people in various outfits, cosplayers being the most difficult to get around. My phone was ringing like crazy, but my arms were pressed up against my sides, making it impossible to reach into my pocket to retrieve it. It was most likely my mom, calling for the fifth time since this morning to find out where I was and if I was okay. 
I looked up briefly and was able to catch a glance at a nearby clock. It was 12:49....and I totally forgot when Mark's panel started. Panicking, I carefully tried to squeeze my way out of the crowd, which I found out was because of fans spotting Dan and Phil somewhere. 
I successfully sidled past a tall man in sunglasses who looked uncannily like Rhett from Good Mythical Morning and was finally able to breathe comfortably. 
Within five minutes, I heard someone yell, "Rhett! Rhett!" Murmurs turned into shouts behind me, and I didn't even turn around, my teeth clenched. Of course it was Rhett, why wouldn't it be? 
I took the moment to check the panel schedule on my phone. Mark's panel was at 1:00. I looked at my watch. I ran as fast as I could, nearly knocking a girl in a Minecraft t-shirt over. I mumbled an apology before taking off again, barely being able to stop in front of the conference room without slamming into the door. 
I heard applause, and I threw the door open. Mark had barely just gotten on stage, along with Bob, Wade, and Ethan. 
I sighed happily as I stepped inside. A few heads turned when I walked in, but they turned back just as quickly when Mark started to talk. 
"Hey everyone, welcome to Markiplier and Friends 2018!" 
I looked around for a chair, and pulled one up at the back of one of the aisles, plopping down with a huff. 
"So, sorry guys, we can't do selfies, or gifts...we need to be careful with time. I'm really sorry, I wish I could talk to each and every one of you." The audience murmured in disappointment. 
The panel was fun for the first half hour, when the guys did improv, but once the questions started, I began to lose interest. My ears only perked up when someone asked about his thoughts on a game or really deep questions. 
I ignored all the ones that started with, 
"Remember when I..." 
"Why didn't you finish..." 
"Are you ever going to..." 
"When's the next..." 
"You saved me from..." 
I frowned. I felt bad for ignoring the "saved" ones, because they were probably true. Many fans had found hope in Mark's videos, many being helped through their depression or anxiety. But it was obvious that Mark was trying hard to understand what they were going through and wasn't succeeding. "I'm so sorry that happened, but I'm glad I could help in some way," was the automatic answer. It was especially awkward when they began to cry. 
And it wasn't that I thought it was wrong for them to thank him for it, but doing it in front of all these people was extremely odd, especially when they explained their situation in detail. Mark sometimes showed signs of being slightly uncomfortable as well, which would quickly spread to the crowd. He was aware of how his videos helped people, but hearing it over and over unfortunately lessened its value, and it sucked. 
I never had the nerve to go up and ask him a question, mainly because I didn't want to stand in line for that long just to ask him something he would probably forget about in a few days. And if I was going to ask him anything, I wanted it to be something good. 
The panel ended with Ethan doing two backflips, Mark getting three questions about Septiplier and fanfictions, and at least six people asking if he remembered them. 
...He only remembered three of them. 
I was surprised to find myself only waiting for Mark's signing for an hour. I had heard stories of people waiting for like seven hours for these kinds of things. When I turned to look at how many people were behind me, I believed them. 
As I neared the table, I began fumbling with my journal, flipping open to a page with a small sketch of the Markiplier logo where he would sign. Underneath that were several other YouTuber logos in case I saw anyone else. It was VidCon, after all. 
"Next!" I heard security yell. 
I blinked hard as I neared the table. Markiplier was in front of me. I was freaking out. He was there. Would he think I was weird? Would he like how I look? 
He looked up at me, and one thing became painfully obvious: He was exhausted. His eyes were squinting against the lights high above on the ceiling, and there were bags under his eyes. A small smile crept onto his face. His mouth was just barely shaking. He was trying to keep on a happy face for the sake of his community, but he was only human. There was only so much he could do before he would start to shut down. 
"Hi, thanks for coming!" he said, standing up to lean over the table and give me a small hug. I wasn't expecting him to, and I was awkwardly able to wrap my arms around him for a second before he let go and sat back down. 
"Whaddya want me to sign?" he asked, looking around for a marker. I timidly presented my journal to him, and he took it happily. Successfully finding a marker in his lap, he commenced to sign his autograph next to the Markiplier logo on the page. 
"So, what's your name?" he asked, though it was clearly small talk--he would forget in 0.2 seconds. "Oh, u-uh, Esther!" I replied nervously. He smiled and nodded, handing me back the journal. "Awesome to meet you, Esther. Nice sketch, by the way." 
My face burned as I nodded stupidly and pulled out my phone. I clenched my teeth, hating to ask for a picture. "Hey, is it okay if I be generic as hell and take a selfie with you?" I asked. He chuckled softly and nodded. He gave a big smile, one I had seen quite often. He shook my hand one more time before moving on to the next person. I looked at the photo as I moved away. The bags under his eyes were slightly visible, but his smile was much more genuine than I had thought. I glanced behind me to see his interaction with the girl behind me. He smiled the same smile. I began to drift away from the long line and towards the main area with a grin. I couldn’t understand how he was able to be that nice. I really hoped I would bump into him one day. 
I never did. 
But I did continued to enjoy his videos, watch his panels at conventions, and get his autograph on an item or two. And I was totally okay with that.
Not the story you were expecting? Well, most fanfictions are practically impossible. Even this story is stretched. (I mean, who would casually see Rhett in the middle of a crowd?) 
I myself have never gone to a convention where YouTubers have been, but I do want to go one day. This story was kind of a half tease at those really ridiculous stories that would never happen (i.e. bumping into your favorite YouTuber and ending up having a coffee with them) but also a half serious reflection of how I feel about certain topics. If there's anything you were like "WHAT, BLASPHEMY!" feel free to yell at me! I want to hear your thoughts, and I'm expecting to be berated to be honest. 
Anyway, if you read this far, man do you have time on your hands. Drop a note ;) Or don't. 
Thank you for reading, really. <3
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