#and now im like....oh she was just rude. she was a nerd mean girl. hm.
six-of-ravens · 2 months
help my brain is doing that thing where it brings up something that an old friend said to make me angry in 2016...but then realizes this person actually had, for our whole relationship from like jr high through to young adulthood, a habit of being rude, condescending, or just plain mean. and also getting mad anytime someone told her "hey, that was mean" and refusing to apologize and....huh, i guess i shouldn't be surprised she eventually burned down our friendship by making fun of me for having a "marketing job" because it wasn't "cool" enough for her, the upper-middle-class kid whose parents paid her way through university and young adulthood so she literally never worked a day until she got her dream job...
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claggorstuff · 2 years
I'm bored... So here's a claggor and y/n go skating with the fam 💪
I was tying up my figure skates watching Mylo whip around the ice carelessly, Vander trying to get him to slow down and powder jumping a bit each time he sped past her, ekko came along aswell.. making it pretty obvious he had a crush on powder by holding her hand pretending he had no idea how to skate. I finally finish tying my skates and step out onto the ice followed by a certain idiot nearly knocking me right into the walls of the rink
"Christ Mylo! Watch it shitwad!"
"Mylo get yer arse back over ere'!" Vander skated after him, suddenly I feel a soft hand grab mine, no mistaking who's it is
"I finally got vi's skates done up, it takes forever for her to sit still."
"I'm aware, I had to get Vander to do it for her because I couldn't hold her foot still!"
"yeah typic- ow!" Vi smacked him over the back of the head and whizzed over to Mylo knocking him down right as he was about to scare powder again
"someone's in a goofy mood!" I snicker and claggor chuckles
"the king falls.. stricken by a mighty pink haired warrior"
We could see Vander helping mylo up and scolding vi, powder skates past us holding ekkos hands
"stop holding hands love is gross blehhhhh!" She stuck her tongue out at claggor and he stuck his out right back at her
"kids, like a fungal infection."
He ruffled my hair "powders an exception!"
"hmmm.. sure she is clag."
"aweeee now I can accept you being mean to Mylo but not the sWeEt LiTtLe AnGeL"
"angel of death."
"nerd" he snickered
"says the one wearing glasses and a scream hoodie."
"plus better grades than you???"
"plus ratio plus bozo..."
"plus im not hitting Mylo over the head with my hockey stick next game if u keep going on"
"awe, that's my favourite part of your games besides seeing u absolutely destroy every player in your pathhhh!"
He sighed "perhappppsss I could squeeze it into my schedule next gaaaammmeee"
"perhaps you could help me skate, these skates are new and not what I'd usually wear."
"mmmmmmmmmmmm sure"
"yay!" I held onto his arm and he skated around with me, Vander side-eyeing us, after all this relationship is pretty new.. hes either skeptical or proud and it's hard to determine when his eyebrows are 6 inches thick.. then again mylos are 2 feet thick if u cut em in half.
"hey forehead WATCHOUT!" I smack Mylo over the back of the head and he side rams me
"ow! This isn't hockey dickweed 😠"
"but as you say, I'm a dickweed!"
"and you get no bitches"
"oh come on!"
"girls girls you're both-.. one of you is pretty!" Claggor chuckled and Mylo skated off to talk to vi
"aweee, I know I'm beautiful already but your compliments mean so muchhhhhhhh"
"I know, but hey who isn't pretty standing next to Mylo?"
"maybe a molerat, but that's a big maybe"
"awe that's mean!"
"tHe MeAnEsT"
"don't mock your amazing and loving boyfriend, I'm too cute for that 🥺"
"cute and loveable Is your brand claggor"
"oh I know, thank you thank you I can't accept this award really!"
"shuuttt ittt!"
He laughed "so rude, so rude."
"mhm, I'm a witch truly"
"well that's a bit of an overstatement"
"maybe." I got off the ice ankles sore and he followed me sitting down on the bench
"hm.. look at Mylo, he just fell on his ass again but this time he didn't hit his head on the walls of the rink"
"oooo! Yowch, that looks like it hurt."
"he takes about as much fall damage as a cat."
"if you say so!"
I leaned my head against his arm and held his hand
"youre not gonna fall asleep here are ya?"
"ehhh.. if I'm comfy enough."
"alright kids 15 minutes, round yourselves up so we can get home without me lookin for one of ya's for an hour or so." He looked at powder,who last time separated herself from the group and sat outside at a picnic table for an hour
"wooooooooooo! Home timeee!" I untied my skates
"I'm heading in early to get my shoes back on I'll be waiting for you In the lobby mkay?" He grabbed my arm "wait.. didn't he say to stay with the group?"
"hmm... I'm sure it won't take TOO long for him to find me!"
I walked back to the changing room and got my gear packed and my shoes on, boy was I wrong
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asks (30)
@novelty--night said: 
Can you recommend any angsty dick Grayson fanfic?
I don’t really read other people’s fanfiction, so I’m afraid the only ones I can give you are mine :/ 
Those are here: 1 2 3 4 5
You might ask Dawn for some others? I think she would know
Anonymous said: 
Hi! I absolutely love your work. Can you please say anything about Steph? Maybe interactions with the Dead Robin Society? Please? Thank you! Your blog is AMAZING!!!!
The Steph content is here:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 (hc)
1 2 3 (fic)
I’ll go ahead and save the ask for the next time I have Steph ideas :)
Anonymous said: 
I would very much like to join your ace crime-fighting squad, but I am rather tall and not good at concealing myself should hiding be necessary. What should I do?
Hm well we do have several non combat positions available in the organizational sector if that sort of thing interests you, but our standard training program includes a week of camouflage and concealment instruction, so I’m sure we can find some way to accommodate you.
I would also note that if you meet the (single) requirement for membership, you’re already largely invisible soooo
kpopfreaksgeneral submitted: 
Something good that has happened to me
So, short story before all this: i’m 20 years old with autism, and I’ve dropped out of highschool (or i think the danish equvilant to that) when i was about 16-17, because I struggled with keeping up with homework. I was thrown around in the system for years, not getting meds, not knowing what to do.
Last year, I was told about an educations program which is targetted at young people with autism. Basically, it’s made to be suited around how fast you learn, how many hours you can work a day and how you will function most optimally when working. It’s within a certain supermarket chain’s stores that I’ll be taught working in.
So far, it’s going great, I get to work, get taught in it, do something and I’ll have a secured work place afterwards, all over Denmark as long as it’s in one of the chain’s stores.
Also, I’m back on meds, not the some one’s as before, but I got my med’s back.
That’s really great!! I’m glad things are falling into place for you!
Anonymous said: 
something good, besides the obvious of seeing u on my dash: it was really nice and sunny today for the first time in a really long time and it was so warm i laid out in the sun with my roommates dog for a bit just to hang
Ooooh that sounds really relaxing
Anonymous said: 
I got full mark and a bonus for a subject I didn't study well for.. I'm grateful and I think I should study next time so I deserve it XD
Whoop for grades coming out better than expected :)
@shieldshawk said: 
I got kissed by a dog named Sirius Black. Because the people who come to my store are awesome nerds.
!!! Congrats on living the dream
Anonymous said: 
I was on a date that had gone sour this weekend, and I was ready to go back home and call it a loss. When! My friend called me and told me she got into a study abroad program and wanted me to come over and get drunk with her! We had a great time!!!
That sounds like fun! Sorry bout your date ://
@nightwing1536 said: I watched Gordon Ramsay make donuts on YouTube today so that was pretty good
nightwing1536 said: It's awesome whenever I get new glasses cause then oh shit things are clear again!!
nightwing1536 said: Finding Teen Titans and getting into DC Comics was a great thing for me
nightwing1536 said: Once I made myself hot chocolate when I was alone and it was really nice
nightwing1536 said: A lady I don't know very well asked how I was doing once because I was sleeping in my old teachers class room that she sometimes popped into and she was worried so that was a great reminder
nightwing1536 said: I got a pair of really nice dentist people when I had to get root canals! Only two. But they were so nice as my usual dentist guys are mean.
nightwing1536 said: I'm friends with the dentist root canal people now
nightwing1536 said: Eating corn is always a good thing that happens for me
nightwing1536 said: My teachers influenced made me know I'm more than what everyone else thought of me to be. Made me like art as one once said "...your art is really unique, don't ever give up on that." It was a girl with a mole smoking a cigarette. Terrible picture that I let him have but it means a lot to me
nightwing1536 said: Another teacher, the teach I hang with that's now my old teacher, tapped on my desk when I had him first time(known him before ish from club) and he said "If you wouldn't mind drawing me something so I could put it up on my wall? Your style is very unique and I like it." Not sure what my style was besides melting creatures and whatnot but it was nice, gave it to him at the end of the year and he says its nightmare fuel <3
nightwing1536 said: Another teacher told me I was good enough to be in her AP ceramics class, simply because of my dedication to it. I had never taken ceramics before and only ever made a few things in her club. She and I aren't very close this year but I wish we could have been. I'll write her a letter, it's what I did for all my teachers before.
nightwing1536 said: In 8th grade my science teacher said I had potential, I didn't care much at the time but he was a huge inspiration for me to live and continue. He was the first teacher I ever drew anything for, a pic of himself, I remember his head was too pointed in the picture.
nightwing1536 said: Finding you was a good thing too
That’s a lot of good stuff! Thank you <3
@silly-fuzzy-babies replied
Bill Potts on Doctor Who saved my entire life
Oh man I need to catch up then!
@cannibalfood replied
Im almost done college, just have exams left then i graduate, my gpa so far is 3.7, not great, but I'm studying hard for exams
Listen I think most people would agree that 3.7 is a reaaaaally good GPA. Congratulations!
@therealstephaniebrown replied
Well! I'm going in on May 4th to get a new tattoo! A really beautiful thigh piece. I also got in to see a doctor and am starting to take better care of my mental illnesses. Three medications so far to help balance things. Oh, and my boyfriend is flying out to Cali with me to meet my family so he can finally propose to me cx I hope you're okay <3
WHOA CONGRATS!! I’m doing okay now. I wasn’t so much last night, but I’ll be fine
@freres-toujours replied
I got the new Mass Effect game when it came out and I've been slowly working my way through it. I finished off a planet today, and this one was particularly satisfying.
I’m glad you’re having fun :)
@another-nameless-person said
I’m gender neutral and was really scared when I found out I was pregnant(months ago) that my family would treat my gender identity badly but…. They’re surprisingly concerned if they are being rude in any way? My mom even offered to buy me a binder for after I have my baby? Also, they’re all excited for my baby to grow up having someone as open about gender, sexuality and equality raise them? Which is a HUUUGE step for my family. So that’s really something that is really good until next month and I finally get to see my daughter :D
@entrthematrix replied
I have been really sick these past two weeks and have not able to stomach any food so I've been on a liquid only diet. But, I had my first bit of real food for the first time yesterday and wasn't sick after, it is a real sign that I am getting better now.
Oh man I’m glad you’re getting better! That sounds terrible
@thelittlechibi replied
We recently released one of our birds into the wild, but he keeps hanging around the house, and last night he landed on my lap out of the blue. Ruined it by having a go at my face and leaving a scratch over my eye, but it's nice to know he's still safe and chill with us.
Whoaaaa that’s super interesting
@pallet-45 replied
I met you!! Ahaha wow that was lame
Aw thanks Danny <3
I saw a stray cat. It let me pet it.
Yoooo that sounds great I would love to pet a cat today
@richardgrays0n replied
One of my best friends just had a baby! And I got to meet him and hold him. He's adorable and so tiny. So very tiny. I love him already and I'm super proud to be his honorary aunt.
!!!!!!! Y’all I love babies so much
Thanks, guys! Y’all are really kind and helpful, and I super appreciate it <3
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