#and now im sitting in my bed with tears thinking about how annabeth wanted to be remembered
emmafallsinlove · 1 year
no but good kid from the pjo musical is so jess mariano coded while my grand plan is actually so rory coded and in this essay i will —
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whitelacepants · 3 years
Title: Saturated and Inflated
Word count: 1,017
Pairing: Percy/Nico, kinda
Summary: Nico doesn't think Annabeth is a good partner, so he calls her out on it.
ahhhh i finally did it! so this is my little fic thing, i hope you guys like it. i know it's bad, this is the first thing i've written in like 6 years, but pls be nice >_<
for background, nico just tried to off himself but failed, that's why everyone's there in his cabin, and that's why nico confronts annabeth about her behavior, bc he doesn't think he's gonna be around much longer to see the fall out. it's from nico's pov so the italics are his thoughts. this takes place like, 3 years after the earth war, trials of apollo doesnt exist :)
okie dokie, happy reading, let me know what you think ;3
(edit: i just realized the fuckin ages are off in this part ohmygAWD they're supposed to be like 19-21 throughout the whole thing, im sorry i cant do math 😭)
"Has she ever once told you that you were intelligent?" 
The room stills.
I'm gonna die soon anyways so I may as well rock the boat.
"What?" Percy asks.
Will sat a little ways away from Nico on his bed, Percy, Annabeth, Jason, and Piper huddled in front of him on the floor. Piper holds onto Jason's arm like a lifeline while Jason tries his best to remain calm, keeping his face neutral. Confused, Percy takes a breath in to respond, but of course Annabeth has to butt in, because apparently Percy can't think for himself now-
"Nico, what are you talking about? Of course I've mentioned it before-"
"I wasn't asking you." Nico says with a hard edge to his voice. She pauses, her mouth open in shock, before abruptly clicking her mouth shut. Piper and Jason stare on in silence.
He turns his attention back to Percy.
"Percy." Nico pleads quietly. The boy in question had been staring at the floor in front of him with a far away look, presumably trying to remember something that might help his girlfriend's case. Upon further inspection, he looked less "far away" and more...conflicted. Finally, he lifts his head to look into Nico's eyes.
"No. No, she's never...no."
Ah, that's what I thought.
"Has she ever told you that you were pretty?"
Percy startles at the question.
"Pretty?" He asks, as if Nico was insane for even implying that that was something he could actually be, and shakes his head.
"No, no one's ever...called me pretty before."
An absolute shame. It's been 7 years and he's still as stunning as the day i saw him.
Nico looks Percy in his eyes and says,"I'd call you pretty everyday if I could. I'd tell you that you were intelligent everyday until you believed it. Until you could say it yourself," Nico says longingly, slightly desperate but mostly just defeated. The group stares at him in shock. Makes sense. He's not really one to pour his heart out like this, but he may as well keep going. What's he got to lose? Looking down at his hands clenched in the bedsheets in front of him, he continues.
"You don't value him."
Annabeth bristles. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me," Nico responds in a clipped tone, glaring at her. "You know, for an Athena kid, you're really fucking dense. You don't value him. You treat Percy like he's the bane of your existence and call it "feminism" instead of what it actually is. It's borderline fucking abusive." He ignores the angry scoff Annabeth throws his way and keeps going, her annoyance egging him on. "We all know he was a replacement for Luke anyways, it's not like you hide it very well. That being said, you can't expect him to act like somebody else and then turn around and reprimand him for being his own person." He steels himself. "I know what happened in Tartarus a couple years ago."
"What?" Percy asks in a strained voice.
"Yeah, I found out a couple months after the war was over."
"How did you find out?"
Maybe I'll tell him eventually but. Not today.
"It's not important. I saw the way she used to look at you, and I see the way she looks at you now. It's different than before, more cautious, more...calculated." 
Holy fuck.
He looks up directly into Annabeth's eyes, hit with a realization.
"You're waiting for him to turn on you, just like Luke did, aren't you? That's why you keep him on such a short leash."
She snaps.
"You have no clue what you're fucking talking about!" She stands up, looking ready to fight. Percy holds her back by her arm.
"Oh, I don't?!"
"No, Percy is perfectly fine with me!"
"Annie-" Percy starts.
"Annabeth, he can not breathe with you! Can't you see that?!"
"Nico-" he tries again, but to no avail.
Piper's grip on Jason becomes a little tighter and he reciprocates the action. Will's got his own arms wrapped around himself.
"Fuck, he would do anything for you, and you're taking advantage of that! You call him a stupid fucking nickname and plan out the rest of his life for him knowing good and gods damned well that he's not gonna say anything about it because he wants to keep you happy!" he shouts, starting to feel light headed, his vision getting spotty.
She responds with a hard edge to her voice,"At least I'm not hopelessly in love with a guy that will never give a shit about me."
"Alright, that's enough!" Percy screams. It takes Nico a second to realize that he's shivering. They all are, except for him.
I lost control again. Fuck.
"We're all here today because we want to keep Nico alive, making him scream and cry until he passes out isn't gonna help," Percy says, desperation leaking into his voice. He pulls Annabeth's arm and she sits, albeit reluctantly.
"I'm not-" but when Nico brings a hand up to wipe his face, he's surprised to find that it comes away wet. 
Well that's embarrassing. But I guess it doesn't matter now.
He sniffs at the snot threatening to run from his nose as he swipes at his face with his hands, wiping the fallen tears away. He then presses his palms into his eye sockets, willing the fresh tears to stay put. When he pulls his hands away, his skin colors from irritation and the bags under his eyes are more prominent. He's exhausted, and he says as much.
"I'm going to sleep. Sorry about the temperature change." He apologizes, and moves to lie under his covers, stopping propped up on one elbow. Looking at the floor, he lets out a sigh.
"Hey, Percy?"
Nico's hands clench where he's holding his sheets.
"You're one of the smartest and most beautiful people I've ever met." He says in a soft voice, then louder,"And, in regards to the Tartarus thing, I'm here if you ever wanna talk about it with someone who actually understands." He finally looks up at Percy. Percy stares at him for a moment before nodding with an affirmative hum. 
With that, he turns toward the wall and fully lays down, throwing the blanket over his head.
part 2
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shookmione · 3 years
Alright homies I love art comparisons with progression over the years but I'm shit at art but thought hey I DO Like writing though, so maybe a could do a comparison, but like,,,, with the writing?
Here's an excerpt from when I was eleven (I know it's ATROTIOUS bare with me I was just starting out)
I wake up in cold sweat, with a worried Annabeth right next to be. "Seaweed brain, calm down. It was just a dream" I must of been screaming in my sleep. The image of my past tormenter lingers in my brain, as I look outside. It's looks around 11 In the afternoon. Did I sleep for that long?
"I'm sorry, wise girl. What time is it?"
"It's around 11:32, why?"
"Because I was planning on swimming with the rest of the seven!" I jump out of bed, and do my hair quickly. Well, try at least.
"Hey Percy, can I ask you a question?"
"Yea" I say trying to find clean clothes somewhere. I know I have a clean shirt somewhere...
"Who's Gabe?" She says, and I almost drop what I'm holding. Did I say something in my sleep?! No, no,no,no! I hope to the gods, i didn't say anything. I don't know what she will think of me. Say I'm a coward? Say I'm weak? Break up with me?!
"Percy...?" I let the silence stretch to far naturally, and finally respond. "Don't worry about it. He's no one." I put on a playful grin, and look at her. She has a suspicious look on her face, like she knows something. Please tell me she doesn't.
"Come on Wise Girl. I wouldn't lie to you. You would know if I was anyways" I stated, and I continued trying to find my clothes with fake goofy smile. I find them and walk to the bathroom. I meet her eyes, now filled with worry still starring at me like she can simply figure out what I'm hiding if she looks hard enough. I pretend like I don't notice, and shut  the bathroom behind me.
Only when I hear the door click shut, is when I let me real emotions kick it. My eyes tear up with just the mention of Gabe, let along have a flashback.
I take off my shirt to change, when I catch a glimpse of my body in the mirror. It's covered in cuts, scars and bruises. Very few of them i gained in battle, which says a lot about how many there is. Most of them are from him. The person who made my life hell for the longest time. Who hit without no thought. Who taunted me day in and day out. The person I kept a secret. The person I want no one to find out about.
I pull myself out of my depressing thoughts and look at the shower. I need to take one now that I think an about it. I poke my head out the door, and see Annabeth sitting right were not I left her.
"Hey Annabeth, I'm going to take a  shower. Alright? It's going to a little bit" with that, I shut the door not waiting for a response.
I walk back to the shower, and turn the handle halfway, making it perfect warm. I finish undressing and jump it, and immediately feel better. The water clears my mind and I'm able to think.
I can't even read that anymore I'll die of embarrassment
Anyways, I rewrote the scene for comparison a few months ago. This is now, at fifteen.
The hands in his hair startled Percy out of his abysmal nightmare. His cheeks were wet and his body was bathed in a cold sweat. The sheets were twisted around his limbs, probably because he was thrashing in his sleep. His heart pounded against his chest. He was trembling.
"Percy, wake up. Wake up. It's not real. It's not real. You're okay."
It takes him a moment but he starts to take notice of his surroundings. He wasn't trapped in that small apartment trapped underneath a man intent on making him bleed, nor was he in any danger at all. As he came to he realized the hands in hair were actually incredibly gentle and smoothing, a large barrier that separated his then and now.
"Shh, It's okay." His head was pulled into her lap where she caressed his headache away and bent down to give him a kiss on the forehead, not caring if it was sweaty. One of her hands went down and grabbed his to steady him. "It's over."
He opened his eyes slowly. The light was violent and made him wince. Noticing this, Annabeth reached over and shut the curtains quickly. Percy wanted to thank her but all that came out was a groan.
"Do you want me to get you some nectar? I'll help your headache."
He shakes his head, then it one sudden motion, pulls her down on top of him. He sniffs heavily into her hair, taking in the magnificent smell of lemon soap.
"Do you want to talk about it then?" She whispers and he digs his head into her shoulder and wraps his arms around her. Percy shakes his head again. Annabeth had no idea of his life before camp and he wanted to keep it that way. Besides, there was no reason to worry her. He was here now and that was what mattered.
"Are you sure? You were crying and thrashing around. You said some stuff. Who's Gabe?"
His arms tighten around her. It wasn't the first time he'd talked in his sleep he just wished it wasn't something so incriminating as a name. There was no way he was going to get around her answer with lies. She was smart and could always detect one before it ever left his mouth.
"What time is it?" He asks, changing the conversation. She seemed to get the hint he wasn't about to open up. He usually did when it came to Tartarus, but she was there with him for that and this was something he was completely alone to suffer in.
"It's nearing eleven. I just finished the plans for the temple and wanted to check in on you. Why?"
Percy pulls himself away and off the bed. She wasn't going to tell him alright but he knew he stank. "I was planning on going swimming with everyone. The lake is always busy and I figured we could go to the beach."
"Nico and Will too?"
"Hazel wouldn't allow it any other way. I'm going to take a shower, okay?"
She nods as she pushes herself up on her elbows. Her usual pulled back blonde hair was a mess and fell down her face in frizzy ringlets. He smiled stupidly at her then shut the bathroom door behind him. His shoulders immediately sag when he spots his own appearance in the mirror.
His shirt is the first thing off as always. There were always too many scars there, many of which weren't from any battles. The ruined, pink flesh stuck out against his chest like a sore thumb. It was worse there than anywhere else. His legs had a couple of nasty ones as well but he was able to pass them off easily as ones from monsters.
The thought left pitiful irony bubbling at his lips. He'd gone through hell and his bastard of a stepfather still held a tighter rein on him than it ever would. Wasn't that pathetic?
He pulled at his hair as he stared at himself in the mirror. If he closed his eyes he could almost feel the hot alcohol-infused breath hitting his face.
The shower to the right to him suddenly turned on full power. The sound startled him out of his daze wide-eyed. Unconsciously his shoulder had hunched themselves over and thrown himself towards the closest wall.
He'd lost control of his power before after nightmares. He once woke up to find the fountain had burst and was overflowing when he was thirteen.
It usually only happened when he had nightmares of Gabe, but those were slowly decreasing now that he was seventeen. It was just recently that they had been getting increasingly worse and he had no idea why. Gabe had been gone from his left for five years now, so why was it suddenly taking so much toll on him again? He could feel himself slipping back into that old, dark pit in his head again and despite what he tried to tell himself he was terrified. He could hardly confide in anyone about it either. The only one who had the slightest bit of a clue of what really happened was Grover and he was across the country now.
He touched the water with an outreached hand and immediately the weight from his shoulders turned to dust. It was probably one of the one things that calmed him down anymore besides maybe Annabeth.
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keijiwrites · 6 years
The Sky & The Sea
Pairing: Jercy
Word count: 2820
Characters: Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Nico di Angelo, Will Solace, Piper McLean, Zeus, Poseidon. Mentioned: Lou Ellen, Leo Valdez, Kayla. 
Rating: G
Percy was worried sick. Jason had went on a quest along with Nico and Piper. They were supposed to get back two days ago but they hadn't. He had asked Chiron for a quest to find them but the centaur denied, saying it would be too dangerous for Jason to go by himself. Percy was furious because three of the closest people to him are missing. He knew he couldn't take Blackjack because he had no idea where they were. He had tried Iris Messages but they wouldn't work. He was so close to losing his mind.
Said boy turned around and saw Jason limping towards him with a wide grin. Percy was immediately relived. He saw Nico and Piper in the back walking towards the infirmary. They worry came back when he saw Jason's swollen ankle - it was twisted weirdly - and cut in his arm.
"What happened? Did you get attacked? Why didn't go straight to Will? You need to get those treated. How the Hades are you walking? Jason!"
Jason chuckled. "I'm fine. Just twisted it."
"No, you aren't. And it's broken." He slipped Jason's arm over his shoulder and his own arm around the other waist. "I have no fucking idea how you're walking. Look at it!"
"Perce, I'm fine."
"Shut up." Percy snapped. "I've been worried sick for over two days. When you were supposed to come back. IM's weren't working. I even asked Chiron for a quest to find you and he said no. So just shut up and let me worry."
They reached the infirmary where the Apollo kids quickly took care of the three injured demigods. Percy sat in a corner, shoulders slumped. Piper smiled at him as she got her leg bandaged. Nico had a gash on his torso that looked deep.
Now Percy was worried for Nico as well. "What happened?" He asked to no one in particular.
"We got attacked." Nico winced as Will worked on his gash. He glared at his boyfriend who ignored him. "It was a Chimera. Piper charmspoke. Jason struck it with lighting and then I made a hole on the ground and it was gone."
"Then there were empousai." Piper continued. Percy shuddered. He hated those. "We were outnumbered but then Mrs. O'Leary came to help."
"How are you so badly wounded?" Percy frowned.
"We haven't finished." Jason sighed and winced as Will squeezed his ankle with a frown after finishing with Nico. Kayla was bandaging Nico up. "We came across a gorgon. I don't know which one it was but it was annoying." He screamed as Will clicked his ankle in place.
Everyone winced. Lou Ellen started to dab Jason's forehead with a cold cloth. She looked at Percy who nodded. He took the cloth as Lou scurried off to help Kayla. Jason sighed pressing the cloth against Jason's forehead. Percy grabbed Jason's hand and squeezed. Sweat rolled down Jason's forehead. He looked pale from exhaustion.
"You two," said Will pointing to Jason and Nico, "are going to stay for a few days. Doctors orders." He stated firmly when Nico looked close to protesting. "You're free, Piper. Just try not to force it much."
She grinned at him and waved as she left.
Percy raised an eyebrow. "I thought you said you were going to work things out," he said to Jason.
"We did. Decided to stay friends." Jason mumbled. "Months ago."
Will fed Jason some ambrosia and a little bit of nectar. The son of Jupiter fell asleep minutes later. Percy sighed and let go of Jason's hand reluctantly. He stayed by Jason's bed until Will kicked him out.
"Can I stay the night? Please, Will? I could help around." Percy pleaded, baby seal eyes strong.
Will sighed. "Fine. But you need to shower and bring Jason a bag with his things."
Percy nodded and did as told. Half an hour later, he was settling in the bed next to Jason. Will had taken residence on the one next to Nico who looked mildly annoyed at Will fussing over him because "you can't just leave with a wound like that, Nicolas." "That's not even my name!"
Percy skipped dinner and Will scolded him for it. Eventually, the son of Apollo brought him and Nico plates full of food. Jason was still passed out.
"I'm surprised you didn't shadow travel here." Percy said as he and Nico ate.
"Oh, I did." The son of Hades mumbled. "But I didn't pass out."
Percy snorted and continued eating. He set his plate aside and lied on the bed on his side. He stared at Jason's complexion without shame. He and Percy weren't exactly exclusive but they didn't mess around with other people. They were un-exclusively exclusive.
Percy reached and traced his hand over Jason's. He wished he could fit in the bed next to him but he didn't. He'd thought about squeezing in but he didn't want to make Jason uncomfortable. Jason slowly opened his eyes and Percy retreated his hand.
"Jay?" He quickly sat up with a frown.
"Hey, Perce." He smiled and passed a hand over his face. "How long was a I asleep?"
"A couple of hours." Percy said sitting on the space left on the bed. "How are you feeling? Need anything?"
"Water, please."
Percy fetched Jason a glass of water which he downed in two gulps. "Thanks." He murmured. "Are you alright? Your eyebrows are doing the thing when you think too hard."
Percy frowned. "I was just worried. I'm just glad you're okay."
Jason smiled weakly and reached for Percy's hand. He stroked his thumb over it and kissed it softly. Jason was such a complete contrast to Percy it hurt him. Percy was reckless and barely obeyed the rules. He was sarcastic and acted completely on impulse. He would tear down whatever was in his way to keep his loved ones safe. He spoke his mind freely not caring about the consequences. Jason on the other hand thought things through and followed the rules. Being a Roman did that to you. He was a little soft and was sometimes hurt by Percy's lack of filter. He thought things through before saying them, not wanting to hurt the other person or say the wrong thing.
"Relax, Jackson. I'll be fine."
"Shut up, Grace." Percy said with no bite. "I still don't know how the Hades you were walking with your foot like that."
"Adrenaline. I just wanted to see you first."
Percy smiled fondly. "Next time come here first, please." He kissed Jason's forehead.
"I will." Jason grinned and Percy rolled his eyes.
The blue eyed demigod snickered. "Why don't you join me?" He scooted over and made space for Percy who looked unsure. "It'll be fine." He patted the spot and Percy lied down, arm around Jason's waist hugging him close.
"Don't scare me like that again." He whispered against Jason's neck. "You've done that enough for a lifetime."
"I won't." Jason cushioned Percy's head with his arm and wrapped the other around his waist. "I can feel Nico and Will staring holes into my back." He mumbled half asleep.
"Let them. I don't care." Percy murmured and leaned up to peck Jason's chin and then his lips. He lingered there and rubbed his thumb over Jason's bottom lip. "I missed you. You were gone for a month with no communication and I-" he swallowed the lump in his throat. "I was so worried. For all of you." He was slowly opening up with Jason. The first thing they established was communication so Percy was letting his feelings out. Especially if it had to do with nightmares.
"I know you can take care of yourselves but I still worry. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it." He whimpered.
"We're fine." Jason kissed the pad of Percy's thumb affectionately. "I'm here. I'm okay."
"You better be or I would've gone down to the Underworld to kick your dead ass."
Jason snorted. "You're an idiot."
"Thanks, Blondie. I try." Percy said dryly. "Just cuddle me."
Jason wasn't one to object.
When Jason was healed, everything went back to normal. He was still pontifix maximus, so he went from camp to camp building the shrines. He trained and taught the new campers how to fight and defend themselves. He often did demonstrations with Percy who played dirty. The son of Poseidon would grin triumphantly whenever he had Jason at his mercy.
He spent his afternoons with Percy watching the sun set as they sat on the beach. They would sit around the campfire and sing along with the other campers. They'd roast marshmallows and 'feed' each other. (They ended making a mess on each other's faces.) They'd kiss each other goodnight and good morning. Many campers were shocked - no pun intended - when they started doing this constantly and showed affection openly. Mostly the Athena cabin because they thought Percy wasn't over Annabeth yet.
Everything was going fine until Jason suddenly disappeared.
Percy was desperately looking for him. He hadn't slept in days searching for his lover to no avail.
"Have you checked on Camp Jupiter?" Annabeth asked. "He probably went there."
"He wouldn't leave like that. Without telling anyone." Percy protested. "He never does that. Chiron! Do you know anything?" Percy was desperate for any information on Jason.
"I'm afraid not." Chiron said.
Percy hung his head, shoulders shaking with silent sobs. Annabeth hugged her best friend tightly. "Come on, Seaweed Brain. You need some rest." She guided Percy to the Poseidon cabin where he lied down in the bed with Jason's shirt close to him. "We'll find him." Annabeth ran her hands through his thick, dark hair until he was asleep, drooling away. She sighed and left the cabin to keep looking for clues and answers.
Meanwhile in Olympus, Jason and Zeus were having a heated argument. Jason doesn't know how long he's been arguing with his father, all he knows is that he's exhausted of arguing with deaf ears.
"Not Poseidon's brat!" Zeus argued. "He's no good! You are not loyal to your father. You weren't supposed to befriend him! You were supposed to fight him!"
"Don't lecture me about loyalty!" Jason argued back. "He's my best friend and lover and he's the greatest person I've met and he's saved Olympus twice and I don't care what you say it won't change my mind! I will not fight him."
Thunder rumbled as Zeus stood but Jason didn't flinch. His eyes were as hard as steel, hands clenched by his side. He was breathing heavily and was slightly pale.
"He's a hero and he will go down in history just like the first Perseus."
The door to the throne room burst open and Jason couldn't be more shocked to see Percy and Poseidon.
"Jason." Percy exhaled, shoulders slumped in relief. He hugged the blond tightly. "Oh, my gods. I'm so relieved you're okay."
"Uh, Perce." Jason said letting go of Percy. "How long was I gone?"
"A week, you sack of-"
Someone cleared their throat and they turned their heads to their fathers who were looking serious. Poseidon was more passive than Zeus whom had a murderous look on his face. Poseidon turned to his brother.
"Tell me, brother." He said the word venomously. "Why are you making such a big deal out of nothing."
"Nothing?" Zeus grit out. "You call this nothing?!"
"Well, all I see are our sons in a relationship. Nothing wrong with that." He turned to look at the half-bloods. "Go back to camp. I'll deal with him."
"Thank you, Lord Poseidon." Jason said with a nod of his head. "Father." He spat out and dragged Percy out who waved at his father, a smile on his face.
"Slow down, Jase." Percy huffed and made him stop. "You've been gone for a week. Just-"
Percy didn't finish his sentence as Jason pressed their lips together. Percy felt like goo as Jason cupped his cheek softly.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know I was gone for so long. It only felt like hours." Jason apologised, rubbing his thumbs over Percy's sharp cheekbones.
"I was so worried something happened to you." Percy said softly but then his look turned steely. "Why the Hades didn't you tell me anything?!" He pushed Jason away. "No one knew where you were and we had been searching for you day and night! Nico was shadow travelling to the point of exhaustion looking for you!"
"I'm sorry! I didn't come here because I wanted to! I went to the cabin and the next thing I know, I'm here! I swear, Percy. I wouldn't want to scare you just because." The blond took Percy's hands and kissed his knuckles. "Let's get to camp."
Nico and Will were the ones to receive them. It surprised Jason when the son of Hades hugged him. It didn't surprise him when Nico punched his solar plexus, leaving him gasping for air.
"You imbecile!" He exclaimed angrily. "You worried everyone! Do you know how many sleepless nights we've had! I want to kill you!"
Will smiled sheepishly as he tugged Nico away. "Glad to know you're okay!" Will smiled. "Need a checkup or something?"
"No, I'm good." Jason said and tugged Percy along as Will pulled Nico away who was cursing in Italian.
Percy chuckled and tugged in Jason's hand to get his attention. "You should go see the others. They were worried about you."
"Aren't you coming with?" Jason frowned.
Percy shook his head. "I have a couple of things to sort out. I'll see you at dinner." He kissed Jason and disappeared into armoury.
Jason did as told and searched for Piper and Leo first. They were in Bunker 9 looking gloomy.
"Miss me?"
"Jason!" They exclaimed and tackled their friend.
Jason hugged them closely, a wide grin on his face. He was glad to be back.
Just as Percy said, Jason saw him at dinner. They weren't supposed to sit together but sitting alone during a meal wasn't fun. And since Nico had a "doctors note" Chiron didn't say anything.
"What were you doing?" Jason asked after they scraped off a portion of their meal into the hearth.
"Running a few errands for Chiron." Percy said. "I was training a few new campers and then did a demonstration with Clarisse."
Jason hummed. "Do you think we could… skip the campfire tonight? I just want a bit of peace and quiet."
Percy smiled at him. "Of course."
After finishing dinner, they walked towards the beach hand in hand. They didn't need to say anything as they spread out a blanket on the sand and lied down. After a while, they started to point out constellations. Jason grimaced as Percy pointed out Hercules. The son of Poseidon laughed as Jason said his half brother was a "dickhead, who needs to get his head out of his ass."
"Easy. Don't want him cursing you or anything." Percy laughed.
Jason scoffed. "He's stuck on that island. Not much he can do." He lied on his side, getting comfortable without making his glasses go askew. It was a real struggle at times. He openly stared at Percy who was staring at the sky. Jason raised an arm and caressed Percy's cheek with the tip of his pointer finger.
"Stop. It tickles." Percy murmured squirming a little. He grasped Jason's hand and playfully bit his finger.
Jason yelped and glared at him. He decided to take his glasses off and lie his head on Percy's chest. He curled around the son of Poseidon like an overgrown puppy.
"Gods. You're worse than Mrs. O'Leary." Percy grunted.
"I take offence to that." Jason grumbled.
Percy chuckled and winced as he heard the screeching of the harpies. They looked at each other with wide eyes.
They scrambled to their feet and narrowly avoided being spotted as they hurried to the cabins. They hastily made it to the Poseidon cabin and slipped inside. Percy shut the door, chest heaving in laughter.
"That was fucking close." He laughed and went to the bathroom. When he walked out, Jason was lying comfortably on his bed. "Are those mine?"
Jason looked down at the pajama pants he was wearing. "Obviously. It's your cabin."
Percy rolled his sea-green eyes and changed into pajama pants as well before slipping in beside Jason. The latter curled around Percy once again, pressing his front against Percy's back.
"Good night, Perce." He murmured, lips pressed against Percy's neck.
"Night, Jay." Percy took Jason's hand and squeezed it before falling asleep with Jason's warm breath against his neck.
They got a scolding from Chiron the next morning but neither regretted it. Percy had never slept more peacefully since before Tartarus and Jason didn't feel like he was being watched in the Zeus cabin.
It was the best nights sleep after all.
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shleezaemour · 7 years
Nico is haunted by Mr.T
Trigger warning !!! This a a teen to mature themes in this one shot. Violence scary imaging and rape themes. Read at your own risk. All from Wills POV Will was fast asleep in the Apollo cabin when Clovis bust through the door shaking him awake. "Will its Nico he's having a nightmare I saw him.. I saw things... help him gods please help him!" Will didn't miss a beat and ran into the night patrol harpies be damned. His boyfriend was in trouble and he wouldn't let some chicken lady stop him. Will knew Nicos nightmares were bad ones and waking him was dangerous but necessary. Kicking in the Hades cabin door Will saw a sight he had never seen. Nico was traveling all over the room landing on the tops of shelves and under the bed. The nightmare was so bad that he was shadow traveling without being able to control it. The last time this happened Nico ended up in the Apollo cabin right on top of him. Nico was screaming and writhing but very clearly asleep. Will jumped onto the bed waiting for the right moment to catch him. Gotcha! Will grabbed Nico and held him to the bed. Will started to glow really bright. Naturally he glowed all the time but with the right concentration he could make the light brighter. By doing this he could prevent the traveling of Nico didn't have a shadow to cling to. Holding him down onto the bed he started slapping Nicos face attempting to rouse him. Screams and tears ran out of Nico like a torrent. "Baby please wake up! Nico please sweetie wake up your dreaming it's not real please darlin wake up WAKE UP!" Nico was starting to whimper now and shake. Will decided that it was a cliche but hell he had no other ideas to wake him up. Leaning down he held Nicos head in place as he began to kiss him. The shaking started to slow. Wills hands slid on Nicos head from the sweat pouring off of him. His lovers hands reached up and started to tangle themselves in Wills hair. It was rough bordering on to rough. Nicos tongue slowly started to emerge and explore Wills mouth. Popping his eyes open he pulled away from Will. "Baby it's just me you were having a dream I didn't know how to pull you out." Nico didn't respond with words. Nico attacked Will into an embrace with a look of sheer desperation. Grabbing Nicos shirt he realized he was soaked with sweat. In a hysterical fit of a voice he cried. "Make it stop please Will make it stop I can't... I can't do this anymore it's to much!" "Baby it's ok I have you your safe now " "I'm not safe he's going to come back for me! He hates my father! He made sure to I got it the worst because of how much he hates my father! " "Who Nico who?" "Tartarus !" Will held Nico tighter as his boyfriend shook and sobbed into his arms. Chiron came through the door with a loud clopping. "Nico! Will! What's going on!? Clovis came to the big house white as sheet saying you were in trouble!" "I've got him Chiron he was having nightmares about the T word again. It was bad he was shadow traveling in his sleep again." "Well then you need to stay here with him tonight. It's unorthodox seeing as you two are courting but I can't have him fading on my watch. If he's traveling in his sleep who knows where he could end up. " "Are you sure the camp rules say.." "The rules be damned Solace this boy needs help. Only 3 people have ever survived that place alive and all 3 are here at this camp. Rules change when situations do!" "Yes sir I'll stay with him" "I'm giving you the week off infirmary Will so you can deal with this. Kayla will manage and I'll take your shifts. Keep him here! All I need is Hades down my neck about him disappearing into a volcano over a nightmare that could have been prevented." "Got it sir I'll stay here for the week" "Ok then. You two get some rest I'm going to deal with Clovis and see if Mr.D can help him out. The things he saw in Nicos head have him a total mess " Chiron rode off into the night. "Guess I have permission to sleep with you in here instead of sneaking during music class." Will laughed. Nico didn't laugh. "Promise me you will stay! Promise me you won't leave! Promise me you will make this go away!" "Nico I will do everything in my power to keep you from fading!" "I don't care about fading Will ! Not compared to the dreams! I can't control them anymore! I've tried but the only thing I can control is how I react in the dreams like I'm really there again!" "Nico! Baby you have to tell me what you saw!" "No I.. I can't Will you ... you won't see me the same" "Darlin I see you. All of you! Nothing you say can make me stop caring about you or stop wanting you!" "Will you don't understand the things that happened to me down there.. the things that were done to me. You will never want to touch me again knowing what happened." "Cmon you and I are going to have a real heart to heart. " Sitting on the bed cross legged he pulled Nico to him my his pale hands to copy him. Nicos breath was uneven. He was terrified. "Baby I'm going to need you to tell me what happened. I know it's going to be hard and it means your going to have to relive it all. I know I'm the last person you want to tell but you won't talk to anyone else. These dreams are not going to go away until you purge them. If you would be more comfortable going to a real doctor maybe in New Rome and talking to them that's ok to..." "I don't want to talk to a stranger about it! You're... you are the only one I trust. I just.. im afraid that I will ruin us if you know" "Darling NO! Seriously nothing you could say will make me see you any differently! " "Ok well then here it goes. Tartarus is not really like what Annabeth and Percy saw. They saw the mist version of things. Because it's my fathers realm I saw the unedited version directors cut of it all. It's more like a series of rooms of your worst fears and worst nightmares. Every time I would pull myself away from one another would start. "I was trying to find the doors of death. I was moving through the house of night when.. when the pulling started. I slipped and tried to shadow travel away from it but my powers weren't working. I fell onto a patch of green grass. I've never been to wherever he was showing me. Infront of me was ... Bianca's headstone. Percy was sitting next to it. He was laying flowers down and he turned to me telling me that it should have been me. That I should have been the one to die not her. Telling me how useless I was and how weak I was for letting my sister go instead of me. Percy started describing how she died.. she... she was in so much pain Will it wasn't quick it was slow and awful. When I realized it was a dream the scene changed and it was my mother. She was sitting at the table in the house we lived at in Italy. She had her eyes cast down. She had me sit with her but wouldn't let me touch her. She told me she has been watching me as I grew. Telling me that my impure thoughts were monstrous and that I was an abomination. This went on for what felt like days. She was one of the hardest to shake it felt so real. Every time I would reach for food I would put it in my mouth and it would turn to glass. Spitting out shards of glass and blood nothing down there was safe to eat. It's why I have trouble eating now. Every time I take a bite of food I can feel the glass sliding down my throat. After I found my way out of that one I found myself being carted away in a straight jacket. I couldn't fight back. They doused me with hoses and locked me in a padded cell. I screamed and screamed and no one came. Except when the 3 guards came. They would take turns... take turns. It was horrible. Like a red hot iron going up my spine. They would laugh and spit in my face telling me that I liked it. It would go on for hours just the three of them passing me back and forth violating me until I was in so much pain I would pass out. They made me bleed. That didn't stop them from doing it again over and over... I couldn't stop them. I couldn't scream my voice was lost and I could still feel them touching me. Even when I'm awake I can still feel them touching me from time to time. I was so afraid Will. Nothing I did made me feel clean.... they just kept.. kept.." Nico was shaking and a constant flow of tears dropped from his face. Starting to hyperventilate I held him to my chest making him focus on my heartbeat. Having him breathe at the same time I was. My poor darling Nico. My heart was breaking more and more with every word he breathed. He wasn't the only one crying. They had raped him. Humiliated him. Broken him down to his most basic form. Guilting him into thinking that his love was worthless and sick. Using actions that are supposed to be used for love to degrade him and break his spirit. No wonder he couldn't stand to be touched when we first met. "Will I can't keep going tonight I'm sorry I can't .." Rocking him back and forth I assured him we could stop and finish another time. "If... if you don't want to be with me anymore I understand.." "Baby why wouldn't I want to be with you?" "Because those.. those demons they.. I guess nothing physically happened because it was all in my mind but.. I felt it.. I felt them. It hurt so badly. I thought after you heard that you would never want to touch me again" "Baby no I'm disgusted that you had to endure that, to feel that to go through that, but that doesn't mean I don't think your beautiful and amazing and well you may not want to hear this right now but your sexy. I still want you. I just don't want to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. Honestly I'm surprised that you your willing to.. that you let me..I know we have only done it like twice but the sheer fact that you went through that and let me touch you that way is incredible" "I wanted to. I wanted to feel what it's supposed to feel like. To do it with love not... not that." "Well I want you to know that if your ever not comfortable just tell me I won't be mad ok" "Ok" Will stood up off the bed and went to the bathroom bringing back a damp rag. Wiping Nicos face he cleaned the tears off treating Nicos face as if was made of glass. Putting that aside he took his tshirt off and undid his pants leaving him in just his bright yellow boxer briefs. "Will um I'm not really in the mood for.." "Oh um that's not what I'm doing I'm just getting ready for bed. I get really hot at night so I sleep in my underwear. Is that ok? If not I'll put my shorts back on but I'm going to have to draw the line at the shirt I'll be a sweaty mess in the morning if I wear it" Nico actually laughed. Will could never get enough of that sound. He wondered if Nico could sing. His laugh was so musical he was convinced he was hiding a talent under all that sarcasm. Nico got out of the bed and changed into a black tank top and fuzzy pj pants that piper got him for Christmas. They had black and pink skulls ok them. He looked adorable. Climbing in bed Nico nuzzled his body into Wills. Will was blown away at the perfect way Nicos body fit against his. Laying his head on Wills chest he could feel his fingers drawing patterns connecting his freckles. This only made him glow a bit brighter. "Ti amo Will." Nico had never told him that before. It was the first time he had heard it. Emotion swelled in his throat. Nico was so broken and yet so strong at the same time. Brave enough to say the words that had escaped Will for months. Nico had poured some of his deepest fears and nightmares to him tonight and still found the strength to finally tell him he loved him. "I love you too darlin" Bringing his face up to Wills he pressed his lips against his. It was sweet and innocent at first. No more than a good night kiss. Passion started to stir inside Nico. For someone who wasn't in the mood a few minutes ago he took hold of Will like his life was counting on it. "Nico we don't have to im not expecting anything I just want you to be ok and sleep well." "I know I said I wasn't in the mood it's just I haven't had someone tell me they loved me in so long." "I will love you even if we never have sex again. I will always love you. I'll make you a deal if your in the mood in the morning then I'll give you a morning that will put a smile on your face all day but let's just enjoy eachother like this tonight ok?" "Ok. I just don't want you to think that I don't want you to touch me. I want you to touch me your the only one I want touching me. Your touch, well it's like it erases theirs" "I want to touch you. I want to make you feel good. I just think that after your confession may not be the best time. We can touch in other ways. Like holding you. Or running my fingers through your soft hair. Kissing. Loving touches that show you that your mine and that I would never touch you the way they did." "I know you wouldn't Will. " "Good now lay your head on my chest and get some sleep. You have me for a whole week night and day to help you with these nightmares we might as well relish it." "Good night sunshine" "Good night darlin " Will slept in that bed every night that week and Nicos nightmares that were so dark were chased away by Wills light. Nico eventually that week told him all the horrors that haunted his mind. This kid couldn't get a break it seemed. So Will decided that he was going to be his break. To be his light in the darkness... his Solace. Will never left Nicos side after that day. Every night he would sleep next to Nico camp rules be damned. After that week Will moved his stuff into Nicos cabin permanently. Giving Austin his head counselor position but still keeping his head healer title. Yup looked like Nico found a home in Will and Will was the first Apollo camper to live in the Hades cabin.
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