#and obiwans like.... anakin we are going to win a LOT of credits and make bad ppl VERY upset are you down or are you down?
merrysithmas · 2 years
anakin is the one that always orders the colorful practically nonalcoholic sugar laden drinks called like SPARKLING BLUE BABY METEOR SHOWER at the bar but obiwan is the one with the menacing 5000 step Coruscanti Starbucks order
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gospelofme · 4 years
Annual Jedi Council Holiday Party
The Jedi Council held an annual holiday party, attendance was strongly encouraged. The younglings had their own holiday party that Master Jocasta Nu chaperoned. Padawans could attend the Council party with their Masters. Dress code was enforced, Masters and Knights being required to wear dress robes. Padawans weren’t required to wear their Jedi attire, but they had to dress nicely.
This year the Council decided to extend the invitation to the clone officers they served alongside. They also extended one to the Senate, since they all needed to come together during the holiday season. Political discussions were off limits however. The Senate had its own party scheduled, but some had confirmed their attendance.
The Jedi Temple had converted a training room into the party room, streamers were hung with the Force and a large table stretched down the middle of the room. Master Yoda supervised the preparations, the table should seat more than enough people.
“Very excited for this gathering I am.” He commented to Master Mundi, who nodded in agreement.
“It’s been a long while since we’ve all come together.” He said pensively. The party was due to begin shortly. As if on cue, Master Kenobi and young Skywalker walked into the training-room-turned-party-room.
“Oh ho ho, nice work Master Yoda!” Anakin exclaimed, looking around in appreciation.
“I agree! Very nice.” Obiwan added.
Ahsoka came in next, wearing a knee-length maroon dress. She was followed by Marshal Commander Cody and Captain Rex. Both officers were dressed in their dress uniforms, black suits with their ranks pinned in their particular battalion colors. Cody and Rex looked a bit uncomfortable, Yoda sensing the unease coming from them. He had a feeling that once more officers arrived, they’d ease up.
Within 20 minutes, the room was buzzing with Jedi, Padawans, Senators, and clone officers. They had each formed their little groups, with the occasional mingler. Yoda needed more interaction between the groups. He looked at the clone officers, Commander Doom was using Captain Keeli to demonstrate how one of his young troopers took down a droid. A couple of the lady Senators giggled when Marshall Commander Cody looked over at them.
The Senators had gathered together near the end of the table. Senator Chuchi however had wandered over to the clone officers, Commander Fox making room for her next to him. She and him spent a lot of time together Master Yoda had observed. At least that’s what it seemed like to Yoda, who had always noticed them interact in some fashion when he stopped by the Senate building. Senator Amidala and Senator Organa had also decided to RSVP. They seemed to be in deep conversation about something. Yoda hobbled over to the pair.
“Not talking politics I hope.” Yoda giggled.
“Oh no Master Yoda, I was just asking Bail if he could get me the name of his electrician. There is a light in my apartment that keeps shorting out.” Padmè explained.
“Oh I can fix that!” Anakin piped up.
“You’re too kind Anakin, but I couldn’t ask you to do that. Besides, I want to give Bail’s friend some business.” She replied with a smile.
Finally they were seated at the table, Yoda had made sure to mix everyone up so that groups aren’t together. The purpose of this holiday gathering was to meet each other. He had Obiwan seated next to Commander Fox and Senator Chuchi (Yoda felt they’d appreciate that), Master Windu was placed next to Senator Bail and Commander Doom. Yoda had seated Senator Amidala next to himself and Master Mundi and so on.
“Commander, I hope your troopers are enjoying themselves tonight.” Senator Bail commented to Doom.
“I turned them loose on Coruscant with Rex’s boys so I’m hoping no one gets arrested.” Doom replied.
“Unlike last year.” Fox snickered. “Poor Thire has never recovered.” He added. Him and Doom laughing.
Yoda loved to hear the clones laugh, it was a sound they rarely got to make.
“10 credits it’s Jesse and Boost!” Commander Ponds joined in.
“Wolffe would kill Boost if he got arrested again.” Master Windu chuckled.
“I’m surprised Wolffe hasn’t already killed him.” Bail said, Wolffe rolling his eyes.
“Unfortunately he’s useful.” The Commander with the cybernetic eye muttered as he chewed his food.
The pleasant conversation continued, Master Yoda choosing to listen rather than join in. Master Windu and Wolffe got into a debate on which Twi’lek restaurant was more authentic. Rex and Senator Bail went head to head with seeing who can toss the most grapes up and catch them in their mouths. It was a tight race until Chuchi wordlessly tossed a grape at Fox who cleanly caught it in his mouth and continued his chat with Master Mundi about the Cerean people. This was how the Great Grape Toss began.
Rex, Fox, and Bail stood up and went to one side of room. Chuchi, Anakin, and Doom went and stood a couple feet away from their respective partners: Anakin and Rex, Chuchi and Fox, Bail and Doom. Yoda smirked and watched the bonding. This is what he wanted. The contest began, the space between partners was lengthened each time one caught a grape. Doom was better at it than Rex had thought. Fox and Chuchi were like a well-oiled machine. Anakin playfully caught a grape that was meant for Chuchi and promptly choked on it. Worried, people gathered around him but he shooed them away, comming Kix. The comm unit beeped its pattern until it was suddenly cut off, Kix’s away message playing. The medic had sent his General to voicemail. Doom shook his head and heimliched Anakin.
“That’s Karma Master Skywalker.” Chuchi chided, Fox nodded. Anakin shrugged. In the end, Doom and Bail took the win.
The dinner was finished and a variety of desserts was brought out, Ahsoka immediately calling one of the slices of cake with a large piece of Jogan fruit. Plo made sure it got to her by floating it to her plate. The young Togruta bounced excitedly in her seat. Fox’s comm unit suddenly beeped and he excused himself from the table, walking a couple feet away.
“What is it Thire?”
“It’s them sir!”
“Jesse and Boil!”
Commander Cody pretended not to hear that as he bit into a piece of fruit tart.
“What are they doing?”
“Well Jesse kept asking me irritating questions and...ok well now I’m pretty sure Boil just mooned me!” Fox smirked and Cody’s shoulders slumped slightly. Everyone could hear Thire’s irritated voice.
“Oh kriff Jesse!”
“That’s what your mom said last night!!” Came Jesse’s faded reply, Anakin almost choked on his cake as he laughed.
“What?! That doesn’t...we don’t even have a mom you moron!!” Thire yelled back. Fox cut off the comm and rejoined the table.
“He can handle it.” He replied cooly.
The gathering continued, chatter and laughter filling the room. Hours passed and drinks were had. Yoda observed smiles on faces that often wore frowns, laugher from mouths that yelled orders to press forward. He watched Ahsoka and Wolffe bond over arm wrestling, Bail being the moderator. Both participants had jokingly declared Plo too biased to moderate. Doom urged his brother on while Chuchi pretended to wipe sweat from Ahsoka‘s brow. They ended calling a tie, with plans for a rematch later.
Eventually the party had to end, none really wanting to leave. But Rex and Cody had to go get Jesse and Boil from Thire’s patrol speeder. Wolffe and Doom had to check to make sure reports were all submitted. Bail, Padmè, and Chuchi had meetings the next morning and needed sleep. Yoda thanked them all for coming, the group making plans to make this an annual gathering. Little did they know that next year wouldn’t be the same.
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