#and anakins like yeah doesnt everyone?
anarcho-astromech · 21 days
my dad and brother are watching through the clone wars for the first time and I’m watching some with them and
i cant stop thinking about how the war traumatised bariss offee and how it traumatised her in such a different way from ahsoka
like i know weapons factory is supposed to show anakins inability to deal with attachment and loss
but it’s also about how luminara is too easily detatched
bariss needed someone to see her and see her struggling and luminara was too willing to let go and let bariss operate on her own. she trusted bariss to the point that she couldnt see when she needed help when she needed support because she thought she was prepared enough, trained enough
ahsoka was trained enough. she was a child far too good at playing soldier, being supported by someone who would do literally anything for her, even if it meant destroying everyone in her way. and that was wrong of anakin. and she never stopped playing soldier. after the republic fell, she worked as a spy for the rebellion because thats all she’s ever known, she was prepared to be a soldier.
bariss was trained but that doesnt change the fact that she wasnt a soldier. she was a healer playing a soldier with a teacher who couldnt see her desperation. she needed someone to see her. and luminara couldnt do that
yeah i know this isnt a new take. all of this has been said before and all of this will be said again, all of it repeats itself, the story will never end
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pinyeti · 4 months
Ugh they’re going to rescue the chancellor
Dookie’s back
anakin probably put Luke through the same stuff he went through to test if hes a little bitch like him
Okay anakin your problem is you only listen to yourself
Did anakin just call him short… does he have a death wish
Chancellors such as bitch
I just know padmes gonna die and hes going to turn cuz of her
The chancellor really said you’re not like other girls anakin
Okay so anakin has to pick sides between
This whole movie is everyone manipulating anakin to try and get him on their side
Kung fu panda - dragon warrior drama
Count dookie
Someone give nick fury and yoda parenting lessons
How did the jedis not see this???????
NO??? ANAKIN??? TELL ME ANAKIN DIDNT KILL A BUNCH OF CHILDREN WHAT THE FUCK?? No absolutely not im not siding for this bullshit fukc off
In the immortal words of Deadpool you punch a couple hundred orphans and suddenly you’re the bad guy
I want to kill anakin Fight me right now
Are you really going around killing children like youre not even going to rise to crimes in a linear manner?? You directly kill kids??
Yes anakin blame obi wan BLAME ANYONE BUT YOURSELF
standing in the middle of a burning planet I HAVE BROUGHT PEACE
No this is breaking my heart no no no no No no no no
YODA PLS PLS PLS KILL EMPEROR PLS (ik he wont but pls) Yoda is so powerless why didnt he stop anything WHY WERE THEY SO BLINDED WHY
I did not sign up for this heartbreak FUCK YOU ANAKIN FOR MAKING ME LIKE YOU FOR A TINY BIT
They lied to him, idc he deserves to hate himself for the rest of eternity
Ohh theyre making the Death Star now
…. this family needs therapy
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notthestarwar · 1 year
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Lol that's it!!! Obi Wan is always like 'it's a terribly difficult job being married to a man benevolent enough to keep offering up our sofa to whichever of his few million brothers is having a bad week' meanwhile Cody is like 'they wouldn't be on the sofa if you hadn't already given up every bed in the house to whichever poor soul you've stumbled across recently' and they act annoyed but they love each other for it.
Meanwhile Anakin is just a permanent fixture in their apartment by now. He watches all their arguments while eating cereal out the box like 'yeah this definitely isn't about me'.
And that is the exact feel!!! That spiderman meme but its fox and Boba on either side of a backstreet cloning lab (they aren't successfully doing cloning btw the fic goes in to the fact that none of them have the skill of the kamineese. There's just a lot of bodysnatching and attempting cloning going on. There's a comic book vibe to it 😂 lots of incompetent unethical scientists about)
Now it's funny you mention where Quinlan gets his money, as that part is addressed and I have written it! so wonder no more. Here's another snippet, later in the fic, with Cody once again concerned about fox's income (or lack of it) below. Here, Cody has found Fox's pi office (which he's been keeping secret from everyone because, he doesnt like being open with people lol) and tho fox doesn't tell him about Quin, he does think about it and that explains the source of the money
And yeah, if I ever finish it it'll be uploaded to ao3 and I usually post links here so (if I remember- sorry I do have a terrible memory lol) I can totally tag you. I've got multiple fics on the go atm tho and I'm trying to figure out a few rewrites of my older stuff so this one's definitely not on the menu atm. I may well do some more snippets of the bits I've written tho (there's a bit that explains the cloning crime wave and how Fox got involved that I may well put up on here) so if you're interested in the disjointed bits, I'm happy to tag you in those?
"Are you happy?"
Fox shot him a look. What kind of karking question was that?
He didn't say the words aloud but his brother seemed to read them in his face all the same. Cody was good like that.
"That, is the only question I'll ever want answered when it comes to you, Fox."
Fox stays stubbornly silent. Cody didn't seem to notice the poor welcome, settling in all the same.
His brother folds himself in to a chair, graceful as ever. Cody had always had this way of moving, there was a certain flow to his movements. Like molten metal, rolling but weighted all the same. Time in his Jedi's company had only made it worse.
Jedi moved like that because of the Force, its powers helping them stay one step ahead, always. More often than not, Jedi moved like life was a dance, their smooth movements rolling together like a predetermined routine.
His brothers movements belied that same determination, something that only grew more obvious with each day he spent in Kenobi's company. Kenobi moved with a grace fed by his precognition, but Cody moved in this way in spite of the Force's absence. Fox's brother had never needed mystical powers to be sure in his movements, he held within him a well rounded confidence born only of his own competence.
Cody met his eyes in the kind of piercing way that would make him revolt, had it come from someone else. Sitting opposite him, his brother looked directly in to his soul and waited, patiently.
It made Fox want to not say anything, just to prove that he could. He didn't though. He never could leave Cody waiting too long, he just didn't want to.
"I don't do this to be happy. I don't think it's something that ever could bring me that."
He scoffed. "Finding happiness in employment is some natborn shit, it doesn't exist."
He ran his tongue along his teeth. "This is my job because without it, I wouldn't stand a chance of finding that anywhere else in my life. These people need someone like me, to find them. I don't want to rest knowing that someone else is looking, I want to be the one that finds them. "
Cody tilts his head. Fox has potentially, said too much.
The problem with Cody has always been that he sees so much more than you want him to. Fox generally avoids these kind of conversations as admitting anything to his brother, usually results in you leaving that conversation, feeling somewhat skinned. Cody can somehow leave you feeling raw and open to the elements without so much as a word.
He's clearly seen whatever he was looking for as finally, he rights his head, only narrowing his eyes and asserting "That's OK then."
Fox bites back a snappy remark about being glad he's got permission. There would be no damn point. Besides, he hardly wants to give his brother any more to silently pick apart.
After a moments more careful watching, Cody smirks. The moment has broken. They are just brothers again.
"The only part I am a bit uncertain about is your insistence that this is a job. You aren't in employment Fox, whatever you say, you'd need an employer for that to be true and how can it be a job, when you don't accept any money?"
Fox shoots him an irritated look, glad they are finally past the point of talking. Conversation with Cody often feels like exposing delicate, wet organs. You find yourself edging around the kind of feelings and motivations that only live in the darkest depths of a person, those crammed in to the base of a heart, tucked deep within one's liver.
"As a matter of fact I do accept money. I have fees. That's the whole point of being a private investigator. It's a service which ones customers pay for."
Cody grins. Looking behind his shoulder, towards the door. "Sure, says it on the door. 25 an hour, what does that convert to these days? A stiff rate I'm sure. How often do you actually charge it though?"
Fox frowns. "I've done my time being ordered round by natborns. I won't accept money they offer in exchange for chaining me once again. I won't take money so that they can order me to deliver to them someone else for chaining."
Cody gives him another scrutinising look. "You're a good man. I don't think anyone says enough but it's true." You should hear it more. "Declining a paycheck in favour of what is right is an honorable thing."
He lets his words hang there a moment before continuing, "There's no shame in feeding yourself though. Can't help anyone if you can't eat."
Why did it always come back to this.
"That's not a problem. I'm fine." Fox tells him. " Go back to your Jeti. You've done your bit, you are allowed to go back and enjoy your life once again".
Cody hums. "Isn't it though? Because a little bird told me you aren't taking on much of anything paid at the moment." He narrows his eyes. "You send them away. Sometimes you send them away and do the job anyway." He raises an eyebrow. "Surely you can take their money and just tell them the person didn't want to be found?"
"I could. I won't." Fox replies stiffly. "These people think they own you once they pay your bills. I don't do this for them, I do this for the people who need to be found, who need their lives back in their own hands. "
Cody sighs. "I know, but those people can't pay. If you are saving them anyway. Why can't you just take the money under the agreement that its not for delivering their missing person back to them, but in payment of ensuring their safety? Payment for what you're doing anyway."
"I could." Fox agrees. "I do sometimes. But I won't do it if they are only paying me with the idea that I'll help them trap that person once again. The idea of it is an anathema. It doesn't do the missing person justice. It's not fair."
Cody shook his head. "You know what I think? I think you are fucking yourself over in service of an ideology that nobody cares about but you. Have any of these people told you they are annoyed you took daddy's money?"
Fox says nothing.
"Of course they haven't!" Cody continues. "Because they aren't! They're just happy that you found them, no matter who brought the case to your attention. No matter who dropped their money on a service you're clearly happy to provide for free."
He looks frustrated. "Look, you know what, it doesn't matter. All I care about is you having enough to live on. While I've got more than I need, I guess it doesn't matter if you want to work for free, as long as you'll ask me for what you need."
Cody sighed. "At least give me that Fox. When you need money, let me know".
Fox scowls at the wall. He could feel Cody's eyes boring in to him. "OK fine whatever".
He could say it to keep his brother happy. Of course he wouldn't actually ever need to ask because Fox's outgoings were sorted, thanks to Quinlan, not that he'd be telling his brother that.
It went like this; Quin like all Jedi, was given a monthly stipend. Quin unlike the rest of the jedi, did not need that stipend to live off, as he preferred to live off whoevers sofa was nearest to him.
Quin liked to come back to Fox, more often than not. He had been doing so for years.
Quin was not the type to need a home or belongings. He preferred to rob travel money from whatever unsuspecting crime boss had crossed his eyeline than to use Jedi funding.
It didn't matter that he wouldn't use the jedi money, they'd send it to him all the same.
The Jedi liked to provide for their own. Quin liked to know that Fox was eating and so, quite against Fox's will, for the past 13 months, Quin had transferred his monthly stipend, out of his account and in to Fox's. Fox didn't need the money and it wasn't a thing. Him and Quin were not anything.
Quin taking it upon himself to hand his money over to Fox didn't mean anything. It was just a Quinlan'ism, one of many. A thing the man did, quite in spite of any kind of logic.
It wasn't like Fox had been hard up before the arrangement started. He may not take much money for investigating, but he did tend to come in to range of large amounts of money, in the ownership of very undeserving people, during his work.
He used most of it to set up the people he found, in new lives. He used a little to keep him alive.
He hadn't needed to, these past 13 months. Fox's bills went paid, if he worked or not and they would continue to. It left a strange taste in his mouth. A indescribable feeling in his stomach. Fox didn't like to think of it.
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otasnox · 6 months
ough. jjba star wars au. i have not thought this out much yet im going off of this insanely gorgeous art so this is what ive got so far
option 1: joseph joestar is han solo (duh). reasoning for this is the aforementioned art and also just like... the vibes. p2 joseph is so hansolocore. and i think caesar and suzi q as luke and leia is really funny but i havent settled on which combo is funnier. i think im settling on caesar is leia (i think he is more the rebel diplomat prince type guy) and suzi is luke (some random girl from buttfuck nowhere who is going on some adventure and is soooo cool). other than these three i have absolutely no fucking idea who would be who. i love this trio but if i do anything with them i will probably just doodle them and not think too hard about everyone else <3 ok?
option 2: holly is shmi. jotaro is anakin. jolyne is luke. fucking... jolyne doesnt have canon siblings so i guess jouta can be leia or something 😭 palpatine is dio trust me on this. darth maul is fucking. vanilla ice or something. jango fett is hol horse and boba fett is mista (need to fuel my stupid headcanon). obi-wan is joseph. qui-gon is fucking ummmm lisa lisa or something. count dooku is baron zeppeli sorry for making you evil king but it was funny and your outfit is fire... need to think some more on yoda. hermes is padmé. im running out of ideas. weather report is biggs darklighter. general grevious is kars or something. i need to shoehorn caesar in here somewhere i might make caesar yoda for no reason other than its funny. also if caesar was a mentor character i know he'd be as unhelpful and annoying as yoda. josuke is like. imagine if r2d2 could talk and he was silly. thats him. okuyasu can be c3po theyre not similar at all i just think it would be really funny for those two to be droids and have misadventures. im out of characters i think go together well so im making giorno be ahsoka so we can have giorno / ahsoka there i love them even if theyre not similar at all. avdol is han solo hes chillin... polnareff is chewbacca... theyre buddies. kakyoin is lando or something actually yeah thats funny i like that. did i use speedwagon yet i dont think i did. speedwagon is yoda. foo fighters is jar jar binks. oingo and boingo are like a jedi master and padawan theyre just in the background or something. iggy's on the council he's just silent during the meetings but you see him. abbacchio is mace windu i dont have anything to support this im going on vibes and desperation. anyone not mentioned here is probably still there. please imagine rest of the part 5 MCs as the cantina jizz band thank you
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anon who doesnt have aspd and taught myself empathy here yet again! i am Now Thinking and remembering that a huge part of why i've never tried to go to therapy or anything is coz like i Know i'd use what i learn to like, manipule ppl better and shit. i enjoy playing w ppl Too much and coz Fun Childhood i've been good at it all my life, but cognitively i recognise its bad so it would be bad and not fair for me to go to therapy and get even better at it and manipulate ppl i love for my own fun. and like even i dont do illegal shit or even like drink alcohol or smoke coz then i can keep the moral high ground in arguments w ppl and i can say whatever i want and call em out on shit and create a fuss for them and stir the pot and they cant call me a hypocrite. like so much of what i do is about making sure i have a level of ability to manipulate and control ppl and situations. so many behaviours which arent explained by autism, idk why i've just brushed all of them aside except that i've gotten bored by overthinking abt them, and ive mostly gotten to a point where they're under control and im content w life
but back to remorse and empathy i honestly just think they're not really necessarily useful things and ppl place so much importance on "oh im such a good person i have so much empathy" but will also use their empathy/remorse to control ppl? like i know ppl w bpd who use their genuine guilt and worries and stuff to get ppl to feel sorry for them and indulge them instead of confronting and working on it. like even ppl w/o mental illness will sometimes try to use the fact they feel bad abt smth to erase their culpability instead of actually fixing their mistakes. it can be confronting for them that some ppl can be like "oh shit i made a mistake. fuck. oh well" (and sometimes fix their mistake/take responsibility) w/o remorse or other emotions to it coz i think it makes them realise their emotion doesnt absolve them
thanks to listening to me ramble!
man i feel that, im also obsessed with having the moral high ground, except i think my view of morality is the best one and everyone else is stupid. also i'm a hypocrite. i also hate hypocrites! yes this in of itself is hypocritical i am aware. do something morally reprehensible? shame on you! doesn't matter that i do the same thing with no intent to stop. its over anakin i have the moral high ground!! i have Standards and Morals and also i'm correct all the time. if i had the death note there would be no story and everything would be okay. i simply would not go mad with power and i'd only kill people who are deserving of it
also yeah i hate the empathy = morality thing i hate it so so so so much. i do think cognitive empathy is a useful tool and remorse can be useful as like, the emotions equivalent of getting spritzed with a water bottle and also you are a cat. do something shitty? feel remorse? my cuck ass is NEVER doing that again!! because remorse felt so bad the first time, why would i risk doing it Again and feeling remorse Again? its just not worth it. but then again if you get more and more used to its presence it wouldnt work all that great and also would suck balls
and i've known a dude w bpd who was like that, and ive known people with good ol fashioned Anxiety Disorder that were like that- worse, even! they thought that bc they had anxiety, they were these cutesy little waifs and anything they did could be rebutted with "but i have anxietttyyyyyy" and everyone was just expected to pity them because of it- no matter what they did! people put too high of an emphasis on emotion as the standard of morality- if you're a scared abuse victim, thats Moral and you are Pitiable, which is Good. however if you fought back, you are Immoral and you are Secretly Probably The Aggressor, which is Bad. (consequently, if you're too scared, that's Moral, however you Didn't Fight Back, which means you were acting Illogically, and Had It Coming, therefore you are Bad) which is hypocritical as fuck! ive taken responsibility w/o remorse and i've takne responsibility with remorse and remorse is Not the important part of this argument, it's emotional intelligence.
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merrysithmas · 2 years
anakin is the one that always orders the colorful practically nonalcoholic sugar laden drinks called like SPARKLING BLUE BABY METEOR SHOWER at the bar but obiwan is the one with the menacing 5000 step Coruscanti Starbucks order
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oflgtfol · 2 years
god damn fuck this guy like even despite everything, despite the 10+ years of grooming and manipulation, anakin still was so close to turning against palpatine when he revealed himself as a sith, and the main thing that actually pushes him over is how far he'd go to save padme. he'd rather trade everyone else's lives to save the life of one (1) person like man maybe i'm cold hearted and pragmatic but i swear to god anyone who sacrifices anyone else's life to save a single person is selfish beyond belief. i'm never gonna be in this situation but if somehow i ever am, i give all of my loved ones permission to let me die if it means saving even just like, two other people
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fucktheroyals · 3 years
k I actually hate having watched as much star wars content as I have because it's so fucking maddening to read comments (especially on tiktok) that are so wrong it's ridiculous because they simply haven't seen clone wars or like the empire of dreams documentary or something else and it's like I don't want to gatekeep but also... peoples opinions are maddening!!!!!! It's not fun to be a star wars fan. Being a star wars fan literally is shit and the content is also shit just dont fucking watch it.... Jesus christ now I envy all those people who told me they've never seen star wars and they were in college. I feel like star wars is a great learning tool tho, because it's so fucked up. I hate star wars im gonna have a mental breakdown.
#yes this is about my view of anakin skywalker and I hate it#I cant go anywhere lately without seeing anakin slander and it isnt Anakin and Darth Vader are completely different characters and it#literally doesnt make any sense how Anakin goes from being who he is pre-bowing to Vader to murder children 5 minutes later so hes a#terribly written character because of that#no its literally just everyone calling Anakin a child murder because he supposedly consciously made the decision to murder children#AND THAT IS COMPLETELY IGNORING WHAT LUCAS HAS ////EXPLAINED//// ABOUT LUKE AND ANAKIN AND DARTH VADER!!!! COMPLETELY!!!! FVCKIBF UUUUUGH MY#UUUUGH IM NOT GONNA EXPLAIN MORE IM SUPPOSED TO BE ASLEEP BUT WHAT THW FUCK DO U THINK HAPPENS WHEN AN OLD MAN STARTS MANIPULATING A JUST#FREED SLAVE WHEN THE BOY IS 9!!!!!! OR 11????? AND NEEDS A FUCKING THERIPIST NOT A MANIPULATOR#Im sorry im gonna go fucking bonkers WHO IS ACTUALLY LOOKING OUT FOR THESE FUCKINF CHILDREN AHSOKA WAS 17 IM GONNA LOOSE IT#i dont like saying that the Jedi were bad guys because they definitely werent but I hate how everyone like to act like they were in the#right when they werent. this getting out of had this is why i hate star wars. But this is literally why Luke is the one who's saves Anakin#yeah im loosing it okay this probably makes zero sense. but if I were Anakin I would have been confused as hell about what to do too when it#came down to it#Sry okay I am a person who believes that Anakin & Darth Vader r pretty much too completely different people.... lets just get that over with#literally nonsensical ramblings of an idiot#these are all like random thoughts thrown in at random times so dont think im sitting here trying to write an essay#anyways i love anakin and hate darth vader and its annoying to hear that shit all day long
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ferretrade · 2 years
a prequel to the prequel to the grad school something au (1)(2)
For Cody and Obi-Wan, it starts with bumping into each other in the library and making eyes until they strike up conversation and the nerve to go out.  
But it really starts like this:
"My brother's driving me crazy," Anakin groans. He just got off a call with Obi-Wan (who calls anymore when texting exists?) that involved plenty of nagging, when all he wanted to do was hang out with his friend and destroy him at Call of Duty. He drops down on Rex's couch exasperatedly. 
"At least you don't live with yours," Rex answers back, tossing him a controller. "I've been crazy for two years." 
Anakin's mouth screws up. There's never been a competition he didn't try to win, and he isn't about to give up that streak now. "Yeah, well Obi-Wan texts to check in on me like eight times a day! He just called to remind me about Ahsoka's senior showcase, as if I don't see her more than he does." 
"Cody makes weekly schedules and chore charts for everyone." 
"Obi-Wan keeps bringing me leftovers."
"Cody still packs lunches for me." 
"Well." Anakin thinks, running his tongue over his teeth. "Obi-Wan doesnt have friends or a partner, he spends all his time bothering me and Snips." 
Rex snorts. "You think Cody has a life? He hasn't even gotten laid in two years." 
Anakin is about to argue back, but the thought of Obi-Wan sleeping with anyone makes his nose wrinkle and he's not particularly interested in talking about it. "Fine, we're equal," he drawls, a little annoyed about it. "Both our brothers take all their loneliness out on us." 
For a second Rex looks like he wants to argue (stubborn bastard, no wonder they're friends), but then he just shakes his head in agreement. "Too bad they can't find something better to do." 
"Huh." Anakin blinks, a thought popping into his head. A truly awful, amazing, Anakin™ thought. "They both could use a…" Again, the thought of Obi-Wan, basically his second father, and sex makes him grimace. "Night out, right?"
"Yeah," Rex agrees slowly. 
"What if we set them up? Two birds, one stone." Anakin sits up straighter, the plan coming together beautifully in his mind (as long as he ignores the torrid one night stand details of it). 
His partner in crime looks skeptical. "Cody would never go for it." 
Anakin frowns. "Yeah, Obi-Wan probably wouldn't either," he admits. So… what if we don't tell them?" 
"And how exactly do you set someone up without telling them?" Rex asks, raising an eyebrow. 
Anakin grins dangerously. "With great skill. Are you in or out?" 
There's barely a moment of hesitation before Rex nods. "In." 
"Nice. Now all we have to do is give them a little… motivation, and get them in the same place at the same time. Where does Cody go when he's not here?" 
"The library."
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tennessoui · 3 years
i love the tropey sleeping beauty au!!! it's so cute and funny haha!! all of the poor clones and jedi masters forced to kiss anakin cause obi-wan can't get his head out of his ass. the funniest thing to me is imaging windu's face as this is all happening LMAO. all i can think about is when it's windu's turn to take one for the team, the kiss he plants on anakin is more akin to a headbutt than anything haha. he then proceeds to go bleach his mouth. anakin can't look anyone in the eyes -12
i imagine Mace calls a urgent and mandatory jedi council session for everyone but obi-wan (and yoda who refuses to be a part of this) and they gossip like twelve year olds at a slumber party the entire time but they're also like "oh obi-wan must be heartbroken......" "no one saw this coming....." "i had down that skywalker's been in love with obi-wan since he was seventeen this doesnt make sense!" "force, imagine how skywalker acts around his dearest love if he acts the way he does around obi-wan!"
and mace is like "ok everyone....we have to be really nice about this its obvious he's heartbroken and lost and it's not a good look on him. he told me he just wants anakin back--"
"OH! the poor man is so in love he doesnt even care his lover doesn't love him the same way that's TRAGIC!"
"--so we have to give him whatever he asks for in regards to this curse breaking. no expense spared. he's moping. moping."
obi-wan: so really, i was thinking. maybe it could be like. metaphorically. a dearest love. not his actual dearest love 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
the entire jedi council (to themselves): look at him go poor boy is grasping at straws, let's nod encouragingly, yeah sure obi-wan maybe it is more metaphorical. wow youre so smart anyone would be lucky to love you you'll find love again!!!
obi-wan: yes! i see nodding!! 🙏🏻❤️phew! ok i think anakin's dearest love could be his lifestyle as a jedi, so i think all the best jedi should kiss him, just to see!!! 👀🙈🥺👉🏻👈🏻
the jedi council (looks at mace):
mace (through gritted teeth): whatever....... you think..... might work.....obi-wan...............
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senruthmartinsbob · 2 years
Yeah you guys are just racist. Moses ingram is doing great, i think you all are caught up on one cringey scene that didnt live up. And for all the “im not racist” people, well then i think you’re being unfair. Especially with this recent episode i think Moses shows shes more than capable of handling the character, this makes me way more confidently believe the reason for That Scene is because she didnt choose it, probably someone told her talk like shes in fucking Chucky. And youre just being a twat if your freak out over like 3 lines when she handles all the rest of the scene and all the rest of every episode greatly.
Writing/character wise i think she’s great- shes like Kylo Ren if Kylo ren were show-don’t-tell (aka good), it’s obvious her story line and personality mirrors that of anakin- she’s not over ambitious, she’s perfectly capable. Shes not worth less because of her background, she has great power like anyone. She’s obsessed with proving herself and making everyone else see and suffer. Nothing will get in her way. She’s obsessed and narrow minded.
The dark side is a path to many abilities that some may think unnatural. Her obsession is inhuman. out of all the inquisitors, she’s the one who actually understands Vader (kind of like a twisted empathy). No other inquisitor wants to catch obi-wan, they just think they have to want to. She genuinely, truly, deep down wants to catch him. She probably deep down wants Vader and Palpatine dead just like Vader and Maul wanted as underlings. But she doesnt view obi wan as a task or achievement, she views him as an obstacle in the way over her smooth sailing, a stepping stone to success.
Because she understands the task, she knows what to do- but because the other inquisitors just want to follow orders blindly, they are blind to how to follow them. She does not give a fuck, and she does pay for that because being narrow minded and reckless is costing her in small setbacks but she is willing to sacrifice absolutely everything for the goal.
TLDR you’re dumb and you are racist, just like you were to the whole sequel cast. Instead of pulling a Sonic fan moment and forcing the studio to do right by yourselves and the actors by making actual quality movies that were thought out, you just acted racist. Now you do it with Moses.
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newta · 5 years
Ridiculous shit i love about SW the clone wars
The clones calling a 14 year old girl "Sir"
Obi Wan in the Hunger Games
The one where a terrorist slapped Ahsokas ass
Artoo deciding to go to a robo Spa with the money Anakin gave them for fruit while Treepio gets kidnapped
Anakin being Dad Vader everytime Ahsoka is in danger
Cad Bane killing someone because his hat was cooler
Ahsoka overthrowing a corrupt government with the help of 5 untrained students
The one where Anakin lost R2 and lied while intending Ahsoka was his daughter and lost R2
The one where two Jedi and a Sith where chained on one another and failed to escape till Jar Jar fucking Binks saved them
Hondo being Space Jack Sparrow
The feminist witch clan who just chill in the woods being loyal to only themselves
Every third episode someone tries to kill Padme, because shes the only one in the galaxy to have braincells
The one where someone stole Ahsokas lightsaber and she had to get them back with a jedi grandpa, because anakin would scould her. Like 3 people died
Ahsoka being resurrected by the personification of the Light Side (shes space jesus, we dont need the Chosen One, Anakin fuck off)
How the Jedi just take 14 year old into shady bars and stripclubs
That one horny super kinky slaver queen like wtf the episode was brutal
Padme and Satine being royal besties and judging men together
Anakin slowly becoming mad while the imperial march plays in the background, Ahsoka tries to decide how much is enough
Everyone underestimating Artoo and getting their asses kicked
Sending Skywalker and Kenobi to every single mission cause Kenobi is the only one who likes and can handle Anakin
Correction! Obi wan loves him but he doesnt like him
Anakin throwing away all his morals when someone he loves is involed
Boba Fett being a whiny lil kid
Young Tarkin being a bitch no one likes except Anakin who even with the force on his side is a dumbass and thinks hes a good guy
The one where hunters kidnapped jedi younglings and used them for hunting like wtf
Obi Wan bullying Anakin like theres no tomorrow calling it banter
Anakin giving padme his lightsaber as a symbol of love while terrorists get into the senate and he is utterly useless BECAUSE HE GAVE HIS LIFE AWAY BECAUSE PADME WAS BUSY AND COULDNT GO ON VACATION WITH HIM.
The one where padme had to flirt with a senator and anakin was just jealous
Everyone knowing Skywalker and Kenobi like they are celebraties
Padme always wanting to go on diplomatic missions but ending up in shootings in some hangars
Anakin, just Anakin
Those motherfucker who just keep talking in their language not caring for anyone or trying to speak basic, fuck yeah u do you boo
Anakin realizing what he will do when he turns evil so he turns evil
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obwjam · 4 years
Giant Anakin and Giant Rex just hit a spot!!! They're possibilities for headcanons are everywhere and I love it!
YOU’RE TELLING ME!!! oh my god there are ENDLESS possibilities but here are a few of my fave ideas:
rex trying so desperately to act like he is not harboring a tiny but oh my god anakin sees through him like glass
tiny is VERY aware of anakin’s reputation and is scared to death of him but anakin is actually very nice. just chaotic
“how are they afraid of ME but not 100 of the same faces” “well sir... you do have a reputation”
the tiny already has the trust and protection of the 501st and anakin is like “well okay guess you guys got this covered” and finds it all adorable
but while the clones are uber protective anakin is like “cmon let them have some fun!” so one day they sneak off with him in anakin’s starship for a joy ride
rex sees they are missing and is like absolutely freaking out to everyone. nobody wants to tell him they went off with anakin but once he finds out rex is like SIR—GENERAL—WITH ALL DUE RESPECT— and anakin is like “relax bro they had fun!” and the tiny is ashamed to admit that they did indeed enjoy it
the tiny enjoys the quieter times with rex and the louder times with anakin. they are always bouncing back and forth between the two, anakin is like “ugh ik rex looks out for you but dont you get bored?” and the tiny says yes. rex is like “ugh general skywalker is gonna get you killed one of these days you gotta stop being so reckless” and the tiny says yes ok dad
the dynamic is pretty much “can i do this thing” “no absolutely not” “why not?” “because i said so!” “okay well i’m gonna go ask dad” dad: “hell yeah let’s go do it” “mom said no” “mom doesnt have to know”
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twilightofthe · 4 years
What was your opinion of the Clovis arc? People I know either love it or hate it, no in between. I generally liked it but found it waayyy ooc.
Hey anon, thanks for the ask!!!!
AHSJFLSLALK OK SO UH. Wow. Clovis arc. Yiiiiiiikes ok so. I totally agree with you on the fandom divide and I also totally agree that everyone involved in it is rather OOC for my taste. That being said, that case of OOC is exactly why I personally do not like the arc that much at all.
(Please note that my following words are MY PERSONAL OPINIONS, and that anyone is free to disagree, in fact I welcome the discussion, and even if this is your favorite arc, please consider yourself welcome on my blog I hold nothing against those who might like it)
Part of me was gonna make a short and sweet point about how I don’t like that TCW has had both of its main female characters have unwanted kisses forced on them, and instead of teaching young girls watching to tell those kinds of people to fuck off and respect their bodies, we get: 1. Just let it happen, you both must kinda like each other anyway or 2. Stay still then sit back while your boyfriend beats him half to death
But actually turns out I wanted to spend all day writing an essay so now you get this. So far I’m gonna hit four points:
the show’s constant need for Vader foreshadowing sometimes tending to completely override Anakin’s current mindset and personality he should have at this point in the timeline as well as his preestablished characterization
the way TCW gave Anakin a giant dosage of toxic masculinity to try and please the pissy movie critics who didn’t like that he cried
the role of Padmé and how TCW tries to portray her as a “strong woman” by just having her constantly be irritated by and sometimes even look like she actively dislikes her husband while simultaneously have her act OOC so they can blame HER and her actions for Anakin’s reactions and anger and overall Fall
How I think this arc is not irredeemable and that with some fixes it could be done decently— decently, not well, because a lot of this arc’s problems are also due to preexisting writing choices throughout the show
(Ok whoops this turned into a half Clovis arc rant half entire TCW Anidala commentary)
So firstly I wanna start that yes, I am fully aware that TCW is meant to fill in the gaps between AOTC and ROTS and help explain why Anakin’s mindset in the final movie is what it is and justify his Fall. Of course we need to show some Vader foreshadowing throughout the series, and in some places it is executed very well, notably the Mortis arc, the Bad Batch arc, the Wrong Jedi arc, as well as others that I can’t cite off the top of my head currently because I might have a mild touch of heat exhaustion wooo I need to get off the beach.
But it also has some rather hamfisted Vader foreshadowing stuff too. Like, y’all know the fandom joke where it’s like “Anakin: *Accidentally Leaves The Toilet Seat Up*. The Background Music: *BLASTS the Imperial March*” but like, they actually really do that. Like the time where they have Anakin take out a terrorist about to blow up an entire ship full of people and then play the Imperial March afterwards and imply he’s a “cold-blooded killer” just to defend the moral purity of the two people who were gonna stand there and let the ship blow in the name of idealism.
I’m getting off topic but yeah, sometimes the show’s Vader foreshadowing makes sense, sometimes it’s pretty forced, and the Clovis arc DEFINITELY leans towards the forced side, and when they try to force more of Darth Vader into Anakin at a point where he shouldn’t quite be there yet, it screws with his entire character.
This is particularly shown in the majority of the show’s takes on Anakin’s relationship with Padmé. Namely, they tend to forget nearly the entirety of AOTC with the exception of the Tusken murder scene, then forget even more of ROTS up until the point where Anakin strangles her on Mustafar. Basically, they take the truth that it was Anakin’s unhealthy attachment to Padmé that sparked his Fall, but then they decide to run with it where almost every single interaction he has with her in the damn show is him being a toxic overbearing dick to her and her acting like she mildly tolerates him at most and definitely doesnt respect him as like, I guess a way of showing what happened on Mustafar is in character for them???? Ugh, I’ll explain further.
So with Anakin’s aggressive possessiveness towards her. We know Anakin has possession and attachment issues. We know he’s a clingy needy whiny anxious mess who’s constantly afraid of losing or driving away the few people he has pinned his entire happiness on. We know he leans unhealthily on Padmé to provide the majority of his emotional support. We know he’s convinced himself he can’t live without her. But never, NEVER is it seen in the movies where his possessiveness turns into outward aggression towards her or this douchey pushiness. Never does he treat her like his property, like she belongs to him.
Not until Mustafar.
Not until he’s raving, half out of his mind with the warring emotions over the atrocities he’s just committed, until he’s begging her to understand where he was coming from, begging her and the child to stay with him and justify his decision, until he sees Obi Wan and sees her backing away from him, leaving him, and he PANICS because oh no no no you can’t abandon me, I need you, doN’T YOU WALK AWAY FROM ME. And he lashes out and tries to force her to stay, punish her for leaving and doubting him, and he puts that hand around her throat.
And that is supposed to be when we know he’s crossed the line, when we’re supposed to be horrified, where we know he’s lost himself, because he has NEVER ACTED LIKE THAT BEFORE.
Now how does Anakin act before? In the movies? He’s deferential to Padmé in almost every other scene they’re in together.
In AOTC, yeah he stares at her a bit creepily from a distance, he says awkward things and does goofy stuff to impress her, but he does Not get in her face. The few times he does invade her space, she flat out tells him: stand back. Don’t look at me like that. Don’t say that. Don’t interrupt me. And Anakin always, always backs off, respects her wishes. He follows her lead and lets her call the shots both on Naboo when he’s supposed to be protecting her and when she organizes the Geonosis rescue and once they arrive where she flat out tells him “I’m a Senator, I’ll handle this, just back me up”, and he’s all but just “ok yes queen”.
But they aren’t married then. Fine, take ROTS. It’s a movie all about Anakin’s issues but even then, when he’s worried about Padmé dying, he tells her he’s worried and that he can’t lose her, but he still keeps a distance. He doesn’t constantly hover and loom over her. If anything, Padmé, both in ROTS and AOTC is always the one to approach Anakin and close the distance when there’s conflict. When Anakin is upset, he averts his eyes and distances himself, tries to draw in on himself and brood silently, and we’ve seen it in Palpatine sometimes (of course with bad motives but he still does), but Obi Wan and Padmé both especially needing to be the ones to come over, turn his face to them and be like “hey, look at me, I care about you, what’s wrong”. Padmé SAYS in ROTS when he’s feeling specifically conflicted about losing Padmé, “don’t shut me out” and has to come over to him because he’s retreated into a corner of the room to scowl angstily out the window. Anakin does NOT get overbearing and possessive of her or get in her face, not once in the films.
In the fucking show? The Clovis arc, while perhaps the worst offender, isn’t even close to being the first time Anakin has been overly pushy and aggressive with Padmé, or acting like she’s something he owns, From that time in the Senate Hostage ep where he’s bugging her about ditching work and all but acting like incels texting like “awww but babe my dick hurts :(”, from the FIRST Clovis disaster ep where he’s childishly trying to screw up Padmé’s mission, to the Clovis arc in season 6
And this is where they just roll right in with their “oh so Anakin’s an overbearing, entitled douche” bit with the interaction he has with Pads and he’s trying to talk her out of taking the Clovis assignment and he says something along the lines of “as your husband, I demand you don’t do this”.
Hwat. The Fuck.
What kind of caveman-esque, 1800’s-ass man of the house whom my wife must obediently serve kinda entitled-ass BULLSHIT?!?!?!?
Like, I’m sorry, I really am, but that is just completely out of left field and not like Anakin at all. I mean to the point that when he’s an evil Sith Lord trying to talk her into taking over the galaxy with him, EVEN THEN he does not include “Padmé you must join me because I’m your husband and you do as I say” sort of domineering assholerly.
Anakin does not push Padmé around. He does not TRY to assert authority over her or try and force her to do shit. Not only because she doesn’t put up with that kinda shit for a second, but because Anakin respects Padmé; he will treat her with respect. He always has, and sometimes like in this arc it really doesn’t feel like he does.
Now of course Padmé’s response to the “I own you” declaration is “fuck you, asshole, I do what I want” and doubling down on her decision, and then decides to go even harder on the mission if only to spite her douche husband (and we’ll get to Padmé’s characterization in a bit) which is a very different kind of Anidala conversation we see in the show as opposed to the movies (also discussed later).
Now, the reason for Anakin’s overbearing douchery ties directly into an overarching problem in TCW— honestly, one of the very few issues I have with this show, but the problem is that it touches nearly the entire thing —and that is they almost completely reworked Anakin’s personality to be more hyper-masculine alpha male.
This is a topic I’ve discussed on my blog before, but the gist is that in the movies, Anakin was not the typical male heroic protagonist and DEFINITELY not what people expected from Future Darth Vader The Masked Brutish Male Power Fantasy. He was awkward, he was shy, he was soft spoken, he was clumsy around the girl he liked, he was very openly romantic, he liked frolicking in fields and candlelit dinners and snuggling. Two of the most important people in his life were soft, feminine women and he openly loved them very dearly and very gently— and he deferred to them when he felt it was right, as I’ve mentioned before. He CRIED when he was upset and was messy and emotional. And fanboys hated this with a burning passion. They couldn’t project their power fantasy onto this!!!! The Anakin critics were a HUGE part of the mob who crucified the prequels to the point of chasing both Anakin actors practically out of the movie industry in general.
The Clone Wars writers were obviously petrified of this happening again. So their solution, as has always been Star Wars’s solution to hateful fans being upset about an innocent character, is to completely rework them, hide or retcon all the undesirable qualities, and act like everything was all fixed. Now don’t get me wrong, there are aspects of TCW Anakin that I adore. As I’ve also mentioned before, they got his humor, his cleverness, his eagerness to do the right thing, to help people, his relationship with Obi Wan and Ahsoka and his men, they got that all perfectly. But the rest??? TCW’s solution to the criticism of Movie!Anakin was to turn him into an agressive, dominant, violent shadow of everything “soft” he was in the movie
Now, he speaks loudly and more deeply. Now, he’s cocky and overconfident and while yes he was arrogant in the movies, now it’s dialed up to like an 11. He never cries, never even THINKS to show a negative emotion that’s not Manly Rage And Aggression(TM). And then there’s the way he is around the women in his life. No more awkwardness or shyness, now he makes jokes about being a “ladies man” and does whatever the fuck flirting he does with Miraj Scintel even though the Anakin from the movies would have needed like every scrap of his self control just to look at her without insta-murdering her face. And then there’s how he is with Ahsoka and Padmé. He is muuuuch more of a loud brash dudebro around them who pushes his weight and is kind of controlling and their solution is just to have the both of them be Strong Women(TM) who Fight Back whenever he tries it too hard with them.
With Ahsoka, it’s not too bad because it’s a brand new dynamic and she’s a rather agressive firecracker personality herself when we first meet her, so the constant Snips n’ Skyguy snipefest works for them. For Padmé? It just means that in far too many episodes they’re in there’s a point where Anakin says something Eh and Padmé gets mildly irritated to actually annoyed with him for it and she’ll talk down to him and then there’s an argument between them because he’s bullheaded and she’s a Strong Woman. Why do I consider these out of character?
In the movies, despite the flaws, Anidala is a couple who actually tries to communicate. Anakin feels open to speak about his troubles to Padmé and her to him (for the most part, she definitely has a savior complex and a tendency to squash her own shit so she can help deal with both Anakin’s and the galaxy’s at large) when they’re worried or concerned about something and they want to talk it out, so they’ll talk it out!
The problem with Anidala isn’t that they don’t communicate, it’s that they try but also only do it by halves because they hate fighting. They’ll talk, Anakin will say something that Padmé might disagree with— the fascism discussion in the Naboo field in AOTC, the question of whether the Republic is just or not in TPM —and she’ll try and correct him if she feels he’ll listen, but if he doubles down, she’ll go “ok you know what, agree to disagree, let’s not fight” and she subtly changes the subject because she hates fighting with him. If Pads says something Ani doesn’t like— telling Obi Wan about them in ROTS, some emotional advice she tries to give in both movies —he’ll flat out shut down and be like “I don’t want to talk about this, let’s drop it” and then seek out cuddles or affection as a distraction.
And that brings us back to the Clovis arc. The scene where the “as your husband” line occurs. Anakin is trying to talk Padmé out of doing this not because he’s jealous. Maybe he was jealous the first time he met Clovis and saw Padmé being all cute n’ fond with her old flame, but this time it seems almost entirely because last time ended in catastrophe and he’s genuinely worried for Padmé and feels she’s not thinking wisely, that she’s putting herself in danger.
However, Anakin is deciding to voice these concerns in Possessive Dudebro Pushing because of the aforementioned misguided Vader Foreshadowing and Toxic Masculinity. Padmé? Is not even CONSIDERING what he has to say, is just breezing on through and shutting him down at every turn and generally acting like he’s a dumbass who doesn’t have a clue about anything.
Now, it is very in character for Padmé Amidala to be all “I’m right, you’re wrong, fuck you don’t get in my way”. HOWEVER, they aren’t framing this as solely Padmé having a goal and bulldozing her way through the situation. That’s not how they frame this.
They frame this as: Padmé is embarrassed that she misjudged the situation wrong the last time and embarrassed even further that Anakin had to step in and get her out of trouble— which he brings up —and probably remembers that he made fun of her while he did it—
(Timing out to say that THAT scene was also OOC; they once more wanted a Vader parallel what with Anakin’s silhouette when he opens her cell door and the way Padmé’s sleeping pose is identical to Leia’s in ANH. But Anakin basically steps in and gives her this condescending-ass “awww the little wife’s gotten in over her head like I SAID she would, good thing I’m here to rescue her!” bit that’s really just MEAN. It’s not like him and Obi Wan’s/Ahsoka’s teasing snark whenever they have to pull each out of trouble, he’s just kicking her while she’s already down. Really, Anakin’s reaction should have been a lot less humorous and a lot more pissy; she didn’t listen to him, didn’t trust him, and ended up in danger because of it. It’d be a surly and upset “I told you so”, not an amused one.)
—and now it seems much more like Padmé is solely taking this assignment to spite Anakin for being a dick and to pettily prove that she knows what she’s doing rather than any sense or urge to do the right thing. And....... childish pettiness????? Is not Padmé. And yet, she has the entire immature “don’t tell me what to DO, Anakin” attitude this whole arc that amounts to WAY more than just the normal response she would have to his overcontrolling dickishness
And once again, it’s because she, like everyone else in the episode, seems to think the problem Anakin has is that he’s jealous of Clovis. He’s not, not really. He’s insecure, yes, but he also knows Clovis is a bag of dicks as well, and trusts that Padmé knows she’s better than that. His problem isn’t fears he’ll lose Padmé, it is entirely that Padmé isn’t listening to his concerns, doesn’t trust him, is going into a situation they both know is unwise, and he is frustrated he’s not in a position where he can look out for her since he feels she’s not looking out for herself. And, he’s not entirely wrong. Padmé IS being reckless and kind of irrational solely to prove a point. He just goes about it pretty much entirely the wrong way, which is what you can really say is the cause and effect formula for any problem Anakin Skywalker encounters and subsequently makes worse.
And then there’s That Scene. The one where Clovis tries to force a kiss on Padmé and Anakin freaks and almost kills him for it. I’ll start off by quoting another Tumblr user on that very scene by saying in regards to Clovis: “that bitch deserved that”. The almost murder? Maybe not that far, but the initial hitting for disrespecting someone’s “no”? Yep, that was deserved.
My first criticism is that Anakin shouldn’t have even had time to attack him because why the fuck wasn’t Padmé instantly kneeing him in the balls?!?! Like Padmé is not prone to violence immediately, no, but she can will and does defend herself immediately when she needs to— her right punch knocked someone tf out once when she was pissed —and she already gave him a warning that his advances were not welcomed.
Now, I am absolutely not victim blaming. I am NOT saying it is the fault of a woman (I’d be a hypocrite if I did and that’s all I’ll say on THAT), or of anyone when faced with sexual harassment, if they don’t fight back for whatever reason, no matter how capable of doing so they may be. What I’m saying is that considering her previous behavior and personality and the fact that the show NEVER goes deep enough into explaining heavy stuff like why victims might freeze or NOT fight back when faced with harassment, I feel like showing her not attempting to defend herself at all is kinda strange.
Now, Padmé’s utter passiveness to the situation aside, we’re going back into toxic masculinity and misunderstood interpretations of how Anakin displays possession. While I’ll repeat that Clovis deserved consequences for the forced kiss, Anakin going full caveman defending his property jealous rage just. Doesn’t feel right to me. Again, I think Anakin would probs hit him and put the fear of living god into him, maybe even I’d buy the attempted murder if they framed it as Anakin doing it because he hates those who force their will on others and disrespect women, but the whole that’s MY wife and you’re touching her shite just once more feels alpha male aggressive ridiculousness. Like again, I understand Anakin is possessive of Padmé, but not like this. I’m sorry, but I just cannot see that, him fighting over her like she’s a scrap of meat.
Like, I completely think she’s in the right tho to put them on a break after he does it though. That’s well within her right.
But then onto the FINAL part where after Clovis goofs and fucks them all over and then dies, she forgives him and blames herself for everything and apologizes. And like, that part I do see as in canon and character for her and for Anakin. He doesn’t like to admit his mistakes, her mistakes weigh on her and when she fails to fix or save someone, she falls into depression and upset and self-blame.
But the fact that Clovis died because Anakin dropped him? Anakin Skywalker, who scaled an entire elevator shaft carrying two people over his back who combined probs weighed more than Padmé and Clovis. Anakin Skywalker, who’s used the Force to lift tons of debris, who’s used it to hold back explosions, Anakin Skywalker, MOST POWERFUL FORCE USER IN HISTORY WHO TENDS TO RELY ON BRUTE STRENGTH FOR MOST SHIT ANYWAY. That Anakin couldn’t pull two people over a ledge?!?!?!?!? This has always bothered me.
Like to be honest; I feel this entire episode could have been so fixable too. Like keep Anakin’s obsessive worry over Padmé making a mistake, keep the best part of the arc which is his talk with Obi Wan where Obi Wan tries to connect with him and explain that he’s not alone, all Jedi have emotional struggles and have loved, if perhaps he wants to TALK to someone about it, Obi Wan is here for him, like that? That’s okay!
Just ugh ffs, get rid of the nasty Anakin treating Padmé like a naughty dog who won’t obey him and the Padmé purposely acting unwisely to spite Anakin plot. Have the entire conflict be both of them being upset that the other doesn’t trust them, doesn’t believe in their advice, keep Padmé’s speech about how marriages NEED trust and compromise to survive, take all of Anakin’s aggression towards Padmé and transfer it to aggression towards Clovis, like make the conflict him menacing the guy if he hurts Padmé again just because he’s being overprotective and “if you won’t look out for yourself I will” and Anakin getting constantly checked for not being able to control his emotions, Padmé can tell him off for being overprotective instead of overaggressive and his possessiveness can instead show through him arguing that he needs to keep her safe at all costs. THAT can be the argument.
And if they want the Vader foreshadowing? Like real, in-character Vader foreshadowing??? Tbh, drop the Clovis beatdown, drop the machoness towards Padmé, and just have Anakin blatantly DROP the douchebag at the end of the episode instead of his hand slipping. Make him choose to ACTIVELY kill Clovis. Like THAT, Anakin taking the law into his own hands and deciding that he knows best and this guy is dangerous and has fucked up one too many times, there being an opportunity where there’s an chance to save Clovis when they’re alone without Pads, “be a Jedi, Padmé wouldn’t want this, do the right thing” Clovis might say, and we can see Anakin’s face considering, and then he just “Long Live The King”s him and lets him fall and die, THAT is an in-character Vader foreshadowing.
Then at the end of the episode, we can have Anakin lie to her, say Clovis slipped, say it was too late, and Padmé can believe him, thank him for trying. Then there’s the same thing where Padmé apologizes, and we can have a callback to the convo about trust and she adds that she’s sorry that she didn’t trust him, and when she says that, we zoom in on Anakin’s guilty face.
There. That’s how I’d fix these episodes
And THERE, I think I’ve complained about everything, I am SO sorry for the gigantic ass post and response, I’ll add a read more once I’m on my laptop and not on the beach on mobile.
But yeah anon, I hope that satisfies your question xD
Once again, I welcome discussion if y’all either agree with me or if you have any differing opinions, I know my takes are far from hot for several people and I’m curious to see what others think!
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mrfutureboy · 3 years
@rovermcfly tysm for tagging me and sorry this took 5ever!!
why did you choose your url?
i wanted a bttf url last summer when i got back into the fandom, and i wanted it to be specific to marty bc i love him but i also want to be him. im like, obsessed with the nickname "future boy" that doc gives him in 1955, and the url futureboy is taken, so i am mrfutureboy bc i am marty (kinnie shit)
any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them
i literally only have a handful for url-saving purposes. @rhodeystark and @masloki are my most notable old urls so i wanted them for safe keeping. i also have @goodnightfutureboy bc that was one of the bttf urls i was considering and i never got around to deleting it (if by chance anyone wants that lmk)
how long have you been on tumblr?
I think i joined in 2010.
do you have a queue tag?
back when i blogged a lot on desktop, xkit worked for me, and i actually queued shit for my blog it was “since queue been gone” bc i thought i was clever. i still think its clever tbh i just dont really queue anymore
why did you start your blog in the first place?
Iirc, an irl friend of mine heard about tumblr thru an upperclassman she was friends with, so she was like “sonny we should sign up for tumblr!” and i was like sure why not. first url was miss-math bc thats my deviantart username
why did you choose your icon/pfp?
im obsessed w mjf but im also a kinnie /j. i specifically love his look in that interview and also i own a very similar sweater now so. it me. also im basically aromantic even tho i dont really use the label so yeah i put that behind his pretty face
why did you choose your header?
skfkdksk its because i kept fucking dying in the stuart little 2 gba game. I havent played in a while but im stuck on the level where stuart goes into the sink drain to retrieve the wedding ring that isnt even in there
what’s your post with the most notes?
Feel free to fact check me, but im 90% sure it’s a screenshot of gwen and trent from tdi that i took, where gwen is like leaning on the table all miserable and trents got his hand on her back, captioned “rb if you agree” bc i thought they were really cute. i still get fucking notifications for that post i think its at over 500 notes now
how many followers do you have?
i dont particularly like sharing this since this is the only site that doesnt make that public, and it’s nice to not feel intimidated or make other people feel intimidated or ashamed, like how it kinda makes you feel bad when you have fewer followers than your friends on insta. but i’ll play, and as of right now i have 1065 followers im very grateful for <3
how many people do you follow?
240. ik my ratio is bad i promise im not being an asshole abt it
have you made a shitpost?
Ive been on tumblr a long time. Of course i have
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ post?
I get turned off by those posts a lot but i do be reblogging shit sometimes ill admit. but not blindly like i have to actually read it and care about it. But if its a 10 mile long post where everyones adding how necessary it is that its rb’d, forget about it
do you like tag games?
yeah!!! it just takes me a long time to finish them lol
do you like ask games?
I dont play them v often or receive them but i do!
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
@chloezhao, period. also @jedflah and @lonepinetimeline were some of the big names within the bttf community that i kept seeing last summer and i remember being like “omg they followed me”. (Well. Actually with theo i didnt recognize his main blog so for an embarrassingly long time i didnt realize we were mutuals slfksk. he would like my personal posts and i was like “wait who is this” and i felt like a huge idiot when i realized it was him! our 1 yr friendaversary is coming up love u cowboy <4)
do you have a crush on a mutual?
no but @biathelstan and i are cowboy soulmates
Tagging: @biathelstan @thereisnosafetythistime @anakins-rattail @mahourobotto
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soccialcreature · 4 years
rebels s4 first-time watch liveblogging! (just jedi knight on bcuz i only wanna watch the good eps of this show)
sorry. the hair is bad. maybe dont let a blind man give himself a haircut
kanan and hera r the only too bitches i care about in this house
theyre soooo cuuuute ugh
y go to the fuel depot tho that seems like a recipe for disaster
kanan didnt have to b dramatic about it i think they all cudve gotten away if he had just got in the ship. theyve been in tighter situations before
can kanan b a force ghost tho? just to talk to hera. idc about the others. hera seems rly broken up about this
hera: *crying*.  chopper:  bur bur. bur bur bur bur bur.    hera: *sniffles* youre right
ezra and hera reminiscing about kanan is actually really good and really hits :(
the side plot is stupid. y not just use a bomb-bomb and kill that little grey bitch. a fuckin paint bomb? r u serious?let zeb kill him bitch goddamnit zeb deserves a little murder. as a treat
what the fuck is happening
god fucking damnit dave u fucking furry ive had enough of these fucking wolves
i hate how they talk
leave hera alone she needs like 5 fucking minutes to grieve her baby-daddie’s death goddamn
FUCK YEAHHHHH WE R GOING BACK TO THE JEDI TEMPLE i love the jedi i miss the clone wars :(
im gonna say it. the loth-cats cudve been cuter
ohmygod dave finally made his dream come true of having his characters ride wolves (bcuz he said he wanted ahsoka to ride a wolf at some point. but these guys riding wolves r fine too i guess. ahsoka makes anything cooler tho... jus sayin)
this is some force-power-bullshit that i can GET BEHIND. TELEPORTING WOLVES HELL YEAH
they literally have no asses
who the fuck is this crusty bitch
COURUSCANT lets go there. i miss the clone wars :(
wait wheres rex. is he safe? is he alright?
y does sabine have to b here
good job ezra u got it. u cracked the code. ahsoka is the daughter <3
sorry nothing was happening so i blanked out for a bit but now we are in the world between worlds AND I AM HEARING THE VOICES OF ALL OF MY FRIENDS GOD I LOVE U GUYS OBI WAN AHSOKA ANAKIN I LOVE YALL
this scene is very cool tho
ugh stop can i skip the sabine scenes? i wanna hang out w ezra in the world between worlds
she shud do the thing again where she falls onto her back and kicks the enemy away i think thatd b rly fun
hellooooo hottie
ahsoka  <3
does she know shes the baddest bitch in the galaxy? i feel like she doesnt know. i feel like sabine thinks SHES the baddest bitch in the galaxy but rly its ahsoka
is it like ahsokas job is to dramatically go “anakin...” 
when did she name the fucking bird
ok god complex ezra
ahsokas been through so much shit in her lifetime. she can literally understand any trauma just name it
cud we not have done one more take to have my guy palps say ahsokas name correctly? i mean its not a huge deal but like. was he payed by the second???
“i will. i promise” ahsoka ur so fucking cute
whered it go
how can the entire temple just skrrt away
okay what the fuck is happening y did everyone just show up
ahsoka said “ima take a nap hmu after the finale”
i hate this fuckin grey dude
hondo ily
sorry i stopped paying attention but wolffe just had a line so im back now
oh my fuck this next episode is HOW MANY MINUTES LONG?????
hera in this ep b like ‘am i gregnant?’
kallus ur the coolest bitch in this whole show (minus ahsoka)
go hera <3
yo what the fuck
this episode is 47 goddamn minutes so that we have time for this pig catapulting bullshit?
the whole second half of this show is just the writers making excuses to have thrawn do absolutely nothing while still pretending like he’s a threat
why r there 2 separate animal dues ex machinas in this finale?
yoooo ezra i actually rly like u bro :(((
hey where the fuck is darth vade y did he just dip out of the show. i feel like he cud help the empire out in this situation
very weird that thrawn supports sabines patreon or whatever the fuck
heyyyy palpatine what the fuck
they were rly broken up about kanans death for like. an episode. but theyre chill now theyre over it
y is palpatine into ezra?
can kallus and zeb smooch? just once? please? wud that b so hard?
how is this pig not dead
oh lmao he is dead hahahahahahah
im still confused about how greggor didnt die in clone wars. i thought he died? was i tripping?
palpatine is trying so hard not to saw “dewit” right now
what does destroying the temple accomplish?
oh so NOW ull kill the little grey bitch
y cant he get out of there tho
bro a bitch is crying
theyre dating
hera’s makeup
the way i broke down when i saw ahsoka
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