#and obsessed with sylv having hair up
jujoobedoodling · 8 months
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Living dead.
What a hard day when one of them is literally the prompt. LOL
Anyways for some context they are IN LOVE and they murdered Arthas together and Jaina didn't think it through before putting the helm on because Sylvanas made a joke about how Jaina's the only queen she'll serve and yeah Jaina thought it was hot and her gay little brain fried a bit so here we are.
inspired by this femslash february prompt list
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mooseyspooky · 7 months
I'm in the process of making original characters for a future novel! Sylv and Quinn are going to be the love interest, and here is all the ideas I have jotted down so far:
-Set in 2010s Manchester, UK
-Quinn is a trans man. He's 24. He's been obsessed with Sylv's band Memento Mori since he was 15. He lost interest in college a bit but after he graduated he saw there was a show nearby and had the urge to go
-Sylv is my Johnny boy. He's about 35? He's got long dark black hair, sort of a Keith Richards cut. Messy, loose
-He's thin as thin can be. Almost too thin.
-Very quick talker, very thick accent. Hard to understand but that's why he's the guitarist yeah. He doesnt need to say much of anything he just plays. And flirts a lot with the singer (singer name to be decided at a later point)
-Quinn is taller than him despite being AFAB. Probably near 6 feet. Sylv is about 5'8 or 5'9 I'd say
-Quinn's broader, a bit more filled in. He's got a runners body. Strong but not overly defined.
-His hair a reddish brown. Shaved down on one side, the hair on the other side is kinda shaggy. Tucks it behind his ear. Just about to his shoulders
-Quinn has hazel eyes. Sylv's eyes are gray. Sylv wears a lot of colored contacts, especially yellow
-Quinn has less of an accent. More soft spoken. He's quite shy. He started transitioning at 18. He's known he was a boy most of his life, and so far hasn't had any regrets about it. He has not had top or bottom surgery yet
-Quinn's sex life pretty bad. He doesn't like being vulnerable with people. He'd rather everyone stand 5 feet back. Sylv has been the only exception to that. He's been obsessed with him forever. He's 24 right now. But Sylv's been his dream boy since he was 15.
-He followed Sylv's band around for years as a teenager. He kind of fell off the wagon when he went to university, but when he saw Sylv's band was playing nearby he had to go.
-When Quinn was in high school, 8 years ago, Sylv had a more tight mohawk strip, long rat tail at the back. Lots of eyeliner, too much. He looked like a fuckin racoon in 2006.
-Teenage!Quinn of course sat in his room and tried to do the same eyeliner, using the make up he stole from drug store, but he always ended up scrubbing it off
-Cause he just sort of looked awkward and ugly and god pre testosterone days made make up especially hellish cause of course he wants to wear make up he's a stupid emo girl. But no. He's a stupid emo boy in love with a stupider emo guy who'll never know his stupid name
-But teenager!Quinn always imagined Sylv showing up in his room back then and kissing him and taking him to bed and then of course they'd run off together and Quinn could be his roadie. And they could be secret lovers. And teenage!Quinn would shove it in that stupid singer's face because Sylv chose him obviously, and not Singer's Name because Quinn is so much cooler
-Now at 24 that seems a little ridiculous. The Singer always denied him and Sylv got up to anything, Sylv had a wife, Sylv said he was bisexual plenty of times but. He'd been with his wife forever and so surely all the flirting with Singer was just for show. Quinn guesses Sylv probably is just bicurious, probably not a *real* bisexual (the author does not condone this viewpoint)
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bittykimmy13 · 6 years
A Risk Worth Taking (GT)
Shortly after the events of Shot in the Dark, Jon and Sylvia are rightfully nervous about her healing his wounds, but clearly it was an obstacle they overcame, since Sylv has no problem healing the boys in later short stories. So I was curious about how nerve-wracking it must have been for her to heal Jon for the first time since the bond was broken. Plus I can never say no to some Jon/Sylv angst and fluff rolled into one story ;)) Characters belong to me and the fabulous @little-miss-maggie <3
The scent of burnt plastic and paper followed Jon as he made his way out the front door of the decrepit house. A buzz of wings followed right behind him. He could feel Sylvia’s worried gaze all but drilling holes into him. Carefully, he shed his jacket on the way to the car, wincing as the fabric grabbed at the gash on his arm. Once it was off, he wrenched open the passenger side door and fell onto the seat, tossing the jacket to the back. He dug beneath his seat to grab the first aid kit. “Jon?” Sylvia hovered by the open door, just short of being in the car with him. The faint, magical glow she had cast on herself in the dark house was fading, but he could see her dash-sized eyebrows drawn up and her tiny lips pursed. “It’s hardly anything,” he assured with a weak chuckle, rifling through the first aid kit to grab alcohol wipes and a roll of bandages. She had to know he was lying. Uncertainty still laced her voice and movements as she drew closer to him. “I could…” “No,” he said, sharper than intended. She flinched back as if she had been hit, and he softened his expression despite the acceleration of his heartbeat. “It’s fine, Sylv. You don’t have to do anything. I’ve had worse.”
Her shoulders rose and sank with a sigh so tiny, he couldn’t hear it. “I know,” she murmured. She meant the dog bite. There was no mistaking that. The healing incident happened barely a couple months ago in that very car, but it felt like another lifetime. Yet the memory of it was sharp and fresh in his mind, as if it were happening all over again. The horrible pain in his leg. The cooling sensation of Sylvia’s beautiful healing magic. The way she had stumbled wearily off the edge of the seat, only for him to catch her. They had both been grinning when he snapped out of his dazed state, but neither of them had been aware of the consequences of what she had done. It had been the first time he pressed his lips to her, but it was hard to look back on that moment fondly now knowing that the healing magic had gotten the better of her, infecting her mind with a bond that made her obsessively protective of him. The bond had been shattered for well over a month now, but Sylvia was clearly wired at the sight of the blood on Jon’s arm. Still, she said nothing as she flew inside the car and landed on the dashboard. His heart stirred with the desire to comfort, but he couldn’t do that while bleeding all over her. “Don’t worry,” he breathed. “Please.” She didn’t answer. The split on his bicep was a nasty thing--deep, jagged, and inky red. He bit back a low whine as he cleaned out his wound, eyes flickering to the dash every few moments. She had her back to him, wings twitching in agitation as she stared at the old, no-longer-haunted house instead of his injury. He followed her gaze. The withering building reminded him of the Dottage house. Ancient and falling apart, though it had to have been beautiful in its day. In the gray early morning light, smoke rose from a shattered window on the second floor. That was the bedroom where they had burned the photo album the spirit had been attached to. Grady Hollis died in that room over a year ago, and through legal issues and a lack of family to straighten them out, the place had stood mostly untouched. That was, until two local teenagers and a self proclaimed ghost whisperer turned up dead inside the house in recent months. As it turned out, the rumors that Grady haunted the place were absolutely correct. But it was over now. Cliff was still in the house, ridding the halls and bedroom of any evidence that they had been there. It would be impossible to leave the place exactly as they had found it, though. There was the charred photo album, for one thing, and there was no way they could restore the second-floor bannister that had been splintered in the commotion. “You know, I probably wouldn’t have been able to even walk out here to the car if you hadn’t warned me about the spirit back there,” Jon told Sylvia, offering a little smile as she looked over her shoulder at him. “I didn’t thank you for that. Thanks.” She shrugged humbly, her smirk not looking entirely forced. “Hey, if your seeing-eye fairy can’t warn you about invisible ghosts about to murder you, then what’s the point?” He had been standing by the stairs on the second floor. Sylvia’s little cry of, “Jon, behind you!” still echoed in his ears. He had whirled around and moved aside, but the incoming spirit had still caught the side of him and shoved him into the bannister. There had been a splintering crack and then sharp pain that erupted on his upper arm, but that was a small price to pay compared to being shoved full force onto the faraway ground floor. Although he smiled at Sylvia now, his insides felt cold. Would he ever stop owing her? As he ran an alcohol wipe over the gash, he tried to mask a hiss with a scoff. “You’re way more than a seeing-eye fairy. We wouldn’t have gotten to the album if you hadn’t broken the window to distract the spirit.” Even he had been distracted. One moment, Sylvia had been hovering by his shoulder; the next, she was darting across the room, raising her arms, and shouting an ice spell that caused the glass to explode into a million pieces. That had given Cliff the opportunity to close in on the spirit and weaken it with an iron blade while Jon struck a match. “I wasn’t sure it would work,” she confessed. “But I’m glad it did.” Running her fingers together, she began to occupy herself by playing with ice magic. It was weak compared to the furious, crackling frost during the hunt. Between her illumination magic and the ice spell that had shattered the window, she had to be feeling some kind of strain by then. But as she looked up worriedly from the frost dancing between her fingers, he knew this wasn’t the type of magic she yearned to be doing. Jon finished cleaning the wound, but fresh blood continued to bead and run toward his elbow. Sylvia wanted to offer. It looked like the question was burning a hole in her heart, but she was afraid, and they both knew why. “You can wait outside if you want,” he said gently, putting on a brave face for her. “You don’t have to look at this.” She stepped closer, right to where the curve of the dashboard dropped off. The ice faded from her fingertips. Her glow enchantment had already dimmed completely. Little fists clenched suddenly at her sides. “I memorized the healing incantation,” she blurted, ending her words in a little gasp. She squeezed her eyes shut, as if talking to him and looking at him were mutually exclusive tasks. “I-I know I haven’t healed you since… since the bond, but I can’t just stand here and watch you bleed.” Her eyes were filled with tears when she opened them. “I’m scared,” she admitted, her voice cracking. “I… I can’t just go and do it. I need you to say it’s okay for me to. But only if you mean it.” Jon stared at her, positively torn. He wanted nothing more than to scoop her up and console her, but that wasn’t what would make her feel better. There was no right answer. He couldn’t allow her to feel obligated to heal him, but he didn’t want her to be afraid of her own magic, either. He recalled the look on her face when she had dared to perform ice magic for the first time in years. Her grin as she transformed rain into snow was etched into his memory as much as the image of the magic itself. The moment she had pushed aside her fear, he had seen the core of who she was. Now, that core was buried under a heaping layer of self-doubt, and he felt monstrous for validating that self-doubt for even a moment. “Sylv,” he said softly. She met his gaze, chewing her lip so hard that he expected to see a line of blood run down her chin. He hid his worries and uncertainties behind a calm, confident mask. “It’s hurting pretty bad. An old house like that, I’ll probably get an infection no matter how much I clean the cut. If you could close it up for me…” A little shudder passed her lips. “You want me to heal you?” He nodded, setting the first aid kit on the middle console. Leaning forward, he held his hand out to the dash, palm-up right in front of her. She accepted the offer tentatively, taking slow steps along his fingers until she reached the center of his palm. Ferrying her closer, he held her by his bicep. As she settled onto her knees, she brushed her fingers along the edge of the deep wound, wincing. “You’re sure?” she asked breathlessly. She had her mouth set in a tight, determined line, but her eyes held panic. The wound smarted as he lifted his other hand to tuck her flight-blown hair behind her ear. The traitor brand was stark black against her pale cheek. Another punishment from the selfless choice that had turned her world upside down. He rested his fingertip against the side of her face, hiding the brand from sight and feeling every ridge of the swirling rune against his skin. “I trust you,” he said. Those three words hung in the air for a long moment. In the silence, something confident instilled itself in Sylvia’s shoulders. She nodded at him and turned back to the wound, taking a deep, steady breath. As she began to chant in Fae, a cerulean glow filled the inside of the car. The cooling sensation that replaced the pain made Jon’s eyes want to flutter shut with relief. But he never took his eyes away from her, focused on the small weight occupying his hand. His fingers twitched as her gentle touch moved along the gash, sealing it like a torn piece of fabric being stitched shut. The gash was shallower when she reached the bottom of it. She leaned up again to make a second pass, this time leaving a red, raised mark in the magic’s wake. Towards the bottom, she began to slow down, breathing hard. Darkness replaced the bright healing glow in the car. Sylvia dropped her hands to her lap, hanging her head. Her shoulders rose and fell laboriously, as if she had just sprinted a mile. “Sylv?” He pulled her away from the closed gash and brought her up to his eyes, brushing her arm with two fingertips. Her skin was cool to the touch. “Hey--hey, look at me. Are you okay?” She lifted her head, blinking at him. “I’m sorry. I don’t think I can do anymore.” Jon frowned at the gash. It was closed, but nowhere near fully healed. The raised seal was bright red, standing out against the dark dried blood around it. It still stung, but it was nothing compared to how it had felt a mere minute ago. In his mind’s eye he could see Sylvia pushing herself to heal it completely, forcing herself past her limit for his sake. “You… you don’t want to finish healing it?” he asked, feeling as though he was handing her a live grenade along with the question. To his pleasant shock, she gave a startled shake of her head. “I mean, I want to, but… I’m pretty sure I’ll pass out if I do anything more. Maybe later--” Her words cut off in a surprised squeak as Jon leaned in and kissed the top of her head. He stayed close, lightly touching his forehead against her as a grin spread across his face. “Don’t look now, but you just healed me without creating a bond, Sylv. You… Nothing’s forcing you to keep healing.” As Jon pulled back to see her, he watched the news dawn on her slowly. Her confused expression morphed into something wonderfully bright. There were new tears in her eyes, but not from frustration. She took one more look at the incomplete healing job. “I did it!” she exclaimed leaping to her feet in his palm and pumping one tiny fist in the air triumphantly. The abruptness of her movement made her wobble, prompting Jon to steady her with fingertips at her waist. Though she clutched her head tiredly, there was no stopping her wide-eyed glee. Jon felt her relief right to his bones. He gave a shaky laugh, pulling her into a hug against his shoulder and tilting his head to look down at her. She peered up at him, opening and closing her mouth as if a million murmurs of gratitude wanted to pour out. But her brilliant smile was all the thanks he needed. “See?” he murmured, smoothing her hair. “You’ve got a handle on this, Sylv.” As if to contain an automatic protest, she clenched her jaw. Nodding, she beat the urge. “You should still wrap up the wound. Just in case.” Wriggling out from beneath his hand, she grab fistfuls of his shirt and climbed her way to the top his shoulder. His hand followed her along the way, but even in her exhaustion, she didn’t need it. She settled by his collar, and although he couldn’t see her, he could feel her rubbing her cheek against his neck affectionately. Moving carefully so as not to jostle her, he reached over to grab a roll of bandages. The sting of the gash felt nonexistent as he listened to Sylvia’s contended breathing while she settled comfortably against him. “You have a knack for making me brave,” she said, her voice floating like soft music notes to his ear. He chuckled in disagreement, reaching up after he taped off the bandage. His fingertips ran along her arm until he found her hand and clutched it gingerly between his finger and thumb. “You’ve been brave since the day we met,” he said. “That’s all you.” Tiny fingers wound tightly against the pad of his finger. “Maybe it can be both,” she reasoned. Picturing the determined look on her face when he had openly asked her to heal him, he allowed himself to feel a small surge of victory that he could coax her into facing her fear. “Maybe.” Jon gave her hand one last squeeze before letting go. Small as she was, he could feel her relaxed posture acutely along the curve of his neck. The sensation made his own shoulders relax as he leaned back against the seat. He couldn’t remember her sounding so sure of herself since joining him and Cliff on the road. Jon had a feeling in that moment that he was sharing the same thought with her: she was right where she was supposed to be.
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allthereclists · 7 years
mark for later ao3
i could live by the light in your eyes by wagamiller (Alex Knightley/Emma Woodhouse)
Kissing him feels like the exclamation point on every conversation they’ve ever had.
Any Way I Do by MissJeeves (Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov)
Tony discovers Clint and Natasha got married, reacts typically.
At least I don't like this idiot by Theravenqueen (Simon Lewis/Jace Lightwood)
Simon didn’t even need to look at his phone to know who was calling. “Fuck off Jace, I’m trying to sleep.”
Simon could almost hear the eyeroll coming from the other end of the line, and by the end of the conversation the smirk that was surely on Jace’s face.
Who the fuck plays Jenga at a bar
We understand each other by spockside (Pepper Potts/Tony Stark)
Some of the team don't think Tony treats Pepper very well. They don't get why Pepper puts up with him, until she's trapped in a building with some dangerous people and Tony takes action.
i could never count all the ways by shafferthefirst (Leo Fitz/Jemma Simmons)
Jemma thinks Fitz is the best lab partner in the world. Fitz begs to differ.
Ten Maybes and a Prayer by SilviaKundera (Rory Gilmore/Logan Huntzberger)
"Because maybe, a little, you kind of want to save her."
At the Beginning With You by flyicarus (Chirrut Îmwe/Baze Malbus)
In which Chirrut and Baze are young Guardians on Jedha, and when Jedi come to the Temple of the Kyber and take notice of Chirrut, Baze has to both confront and admit her feelings, with surprising results.
i am hopelessly a lover by emmaofmisthaven (Benvolio Montague/Rosaline)
For a moment, she pictures herself pulling him to her by his shirt, begging him to stay safe at her side. The thought disappears at soon as it appears, leaving her frowning and confused.
Recognition by captainskellington 8,456
Patroclus didn’t need to ask who “he” was, he knew full well. He’d been living for this day for eight years now, some twisted cocktail of hope and dread seeping through his body every time he thought of it, which was often. He was back. He was back.
as the poets say by jinkandtherebels
I am missing half of my soul.
with my childhood's faith by Cordelia
In the darkness, two shadows, reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet, and light spills in a flood, like a hundred golden urns pouring out the sun.
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Sing Your Hymns Like Angels In Defeat by leonidaslion
And Lucifer Fell for a second time with the burning brilliance of a star. The Flare shone in his wake, and darkness fell upon the land ...
The Psychology of Genetic Sexual Attraction by sonofabiscuit77 48,529 
“…50% of of reunions between siblings, or parents and offspring, separated at birth result in obsessive emotions...”
This story begins in 2001 in a garage in Palo Alto when 18-year old Stanford student, Sam Sharma plucks up the courage to ask car mechanic, Dean Cooper, out for a cup of coffee. Their attraction is instantaneous and overwhelming, and the relationship that develops seems perfect. Except nothing is really perfect, and this particular love story started a long time before Sam and Dean even met.
Harry Hart/Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin
The Green by Ataraxetta
There's a very long moment of profound silence, and then Eggsy punches Harry right in his smug fucking face.
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Choice by Omni
(Or: Stiles gets bitten by a different alpha, but of course would prefer to have Derek as his alpha. And also just, you know, have Derek.)
Now The Walls Line The Bullet Holes by HenryMercury
Derek’s looking at him with an uncomfortable sort of reverence—keeping his distance, keeping silent—and that’s the final straw. Stiles has been holding it together pretty well, he thinks, what with Peter’s bite and almost dying and suddenly gaining new psychic powers—but he has no idea how he’s supposed to come to grips with a world in which Derek Hale is afraid of Stiles Stilinski.
Teenage Dream by matildajones
After an accident, Stiles wakes up to what can only be a dream. He has money, he has fame, he has award winning actor Derek Hale as his husband. It quickly seems more and more like a nightmare because Stiles doesn't remember getting any of it - and it's hard to accept the reality that Derek can still love him.
Play Crack the Sky by WeAreTheCyclones
Excerpt from “Hale Pulls the Plug on the Future of Rock,” Rolling Stone, Issue 1203 – Oct. 2014 “Fans and music industry vets alike are left reeling in the wake of bassist Derek Hale’s sudden departure from Smokes for Harris. At a time when the foursome from Beacon Hills, California seems to be on the cusp of rock superstardom after just one double platinum record, Smokes has everything to lose.”
Best in Show by thegirlgrey
Derek adopts a cat. Or a cat adopts Derek. It all depends on who’s telling the story really.
Murder, He Wrote by mklutz
And that was how Stiles accidentally became a New York Times bestselling author.
Home by TheTypewriterGirl
January seventh. Seven days since the start of 2015, and seven days since his father’s death.
The bastard, he thinks bitterly. The past year Derek Hale had made it blatantly obvious that he hated his scrawny guts, taking every given opportunity to shove him up against a wall, growl threats in his ears and roll his eyes whenever he stepped into the room, muttering some snide comment about how spastic or idiotic he was.
So why did he fucking volunteer to take him in?
Read My Mind by sunnydalewerewolf
the one in which Derek is a mind-reading werewolf, and Stiles likes to spend his morning commute fantasizing about the ridiculously attractive guy sitting across from him.
And You Say You're Alone by taelynhawker
Between the kanima, the Argents, and Peter's untimely return from the dead, everything has fallen apart. Stiles and Derek try to put their lives back together once the crisis has passed. Stiles deals with the aftermath of being tortured, and the distance growing between he and Scott. Derek attempts to become a stronger alpha and keep his pack safe, and that includes Stiles.
Can't Take the Heat? by Ilovesocks_24
Or the one where Stiles is a new sous chef at Full Moon Steakhouse and Derek is the Gordon Ramsay of all head chefs. So of course they fall in love.
and home will feel like home again by eversincewefellapart
Derek had slipped the ring onto Stiles’ finger five years ago, when Stiles was still asleep, and had then watched the boy snore softly and peaceful, knowing that as soon as he’d wake he’d scrub his eyes, notice the ring and be anything but peaceful for days to come. It was possibly a bit stuck-up of Derek to think Stiles would accept, no doubt, but he had, in the end, snot-nosed and flushed-faced, warm hands buried in Derek’s hair, kissing him over and over, between his frantic, confused words.
You Can Hear It In the Silence by Mimiminaj
Stiles focused on Derek’s face long enough to see a flicker of regret flash across it. Good. Serves him right for throwing him against a brick wall.
Divided We Stand by KouriArashi
Derek is being pressured by his family to pick a mate, and somehow stumbles into a choice that they didn't expect and aren't sure they approve of....
I've Got This Friend by pollitt
This, Derek realizes, is his life.
Scott McCall/Stiles Stilinski
A Place to Belong by blacktofade
Stiles doesn’t know what to expect after they complete the ritual, after his father’s checked over at the hospital and released a few hours later, after Stiles is back at home, sitting on the end of his bed with a heaviness in his chest that’s never been there before.
Only Fools Rush In by daunt, rosewindow
“Pros to taking Stiles to the Werewolf Wedding: One, I’m non-supernatural, but I know about supernatural things. Two, I own a suit. Three, I look good in said suit."
Scott and Stiles attend a werewolf gathering and think they can totally play at being boyfriends, no problem. But Scott already has a bit of a crush on his best friend, and lets his protectiveness get the better of him, putting them in a tough situation.
A Phenomenon When You Came Along by Loz
Stiles and Scott embark on a road trip together. This isn't a metaphor (except for how it is.)
Love You So Hard by tryslora
Stiles is gonna be the best fake boyfriend ever, and Scott's not sure he'll survive the experience.
Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan
Thaw by passing-fanciful (kageygirl)
Emma's still having a problem balancing "being the Savior" and "enjoying the moments." Good thing she picked a partner who'll let her find her footing.
a one time thing (and other untruths) by weezly14 
"She supposes the reason she tells him is the same reason she kept his phone number after all those weeks." Pregnancy has a way of throwing a wrench in one's plans.
Someone Like You by seastarved
But what happens after the end of the story? What happens when the heroes lose and the villains win and nobody at all is happy? Perhaps you write a new ending. Perhaps the story goes on.
i'm having a hard time (i'm making you do the hard time too) by Sylv 
[Princess Emma is widely known for being beautiful and intelligent and remarkably good at getting what she wants. When a young lieutenant visits the castle, she decides she wants him.]
a breakfast for kings by captainkillianhjones 
eating in the same diner every morning and the waitress ALWAYS mixes up our orders so why don't we just sit at the same table to save her the trouble
I Almost Do by ihearttvsnark
Emma and Henry say goodbye to their friends and family and escape Storybrooke as Regina's magic defeats Pan's curse and sends everyone back to the Enchanted Forest. Or at least that was what was supposed to happen, but when Emma wakes up the next morning, she discovers that something went very wrong with the plan.
Every Day I Write The Book by msgenevieve
"I’m in the book now." To say that a lot has happened tonight is something of an understatement, but Emma is determined to make it all fit together on the same page. (Post-322. The title is stolen from the amazing Elvis Costello and one of the best songs ever written.)
Five Times Emma Kisses Killian and One Time She Does Something Else by jncar
Emma and Killian share a series of romantic moments in the midst of the struggle to defeat the witch. Season 3B speculation with a bunch of making out.
I've got her (and she's got me) by emmaofmisthaven
If there are ‘abort mission’ signs above her head, Neal choses to ignore them. The fool. “You can’t trust him. He’s a… a pirate.” “Yeah, well, he’s my pirate, so…”
Lovestoned by jaegermighty
"I have never seen so many naked people in my life," Emma says.
Off Limits by headoverhook 
She had always been like a little sister to him. Until the day she came back from college and everything changed. Best friend's sibling AU.
Shawn Hunter/Cory Matthews/Topanga Lawrence
it's been waiting for you by grim_lupine
After that Christmas that made him realize he wasn’t just affecting himself by running away for months and years at a time, Shawn isn’t really surprised when they all end up back in bed together months later. He wasn’t expecting it, wouldn’t let himself hope for it, but it feels as easy as it’s ever been to follow Cory and Topanga where they lead, wherever they’ll have him.
It’s been years since they last did this, and even that time had been years after he’d told himself it was the last time, the natural end to things, and found that it was easier to make that resolution than it was to follow it.
it's just home by screamlet
it's family time by screamlet
Three Years and Counting by rillalicious
Topanga knew a long time before Cory and Shawn figured it out.
All you know (all you need to know) by lakester
Cory was always going to marry Topanga Lawrence. Cory was always going to know Shawn Hunter. Cory was always going to love them both.
Jane Foster/Darcy Lewis/Thor
Selfie by engmaresh 
hey mom, Darcy writes one day in a Facebook private message. That’s the only way to guarantee her mom will see it. i’m dating my boss and a norse god. love, me.
Her mom's reply? Pics or it didn’t happen. :)
Until by gala_apples 
Darcy’s not stupid. She’s fallen for straight women before, and it’s never worked. She knows her crush on her sorta-boss, sorta-friend isn’t going to go anywhere. Until it does.
Jane refuses to be the media’s stereotype of a bisexual woman. She loves women, and she loves men, but she’s never cheated. She doesn’t need both at the same time. Until she does.
Thor can’t be the perfect prince. In Asgard stable relationships are full relationships, those of three or more. He can fight for his land, but he can’t have a family. Until he does.
All I want for Christmas is You by lunaemoth 
Christmas morning in London: croissants, kisses and promised gifts. Darcy can't complain.
A Little Spark kindles a great fire by lunaemoth
Darcy has been patiently waiting to be invited in Thor and Jane relationship.
Peggy Carter/Daniel Sousa
I'll Be Seeing You by Eienvine
Someday he'll get past this phase where everything reminds him of her, he's sure; he just doesn't know when. What he does know is that it clearly takes more than four weeks to get over Peggy Carter.
Nice Guys Finish Strong by charleybradburies
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach.
Answering the Call by charleybradburies
If there's one thing about Jack Thompson that will never change, it's that he enjoys meddling in business that isn't really his. And if there's one thing about Daniel Sousa that will never change, it's that he's only a phone call away.
Christmas Present by Paeonia
Peggy and Daniel's first Christmas/holiday season together, when they're still very new and awkward in their relationship. In addition, maybe have the fic explore another milestone (first I love you? first time meeting parents/family/friends?). I generally prefer fluff, and would at the very least like a happy ending.
Balancing Act by Yalu
"You know," she said as lightly as she could, "I don't think I'll be able to get home tonight."
An Undercover Affair by keysburg
“But this deep cover mission will still be difficult. You know I don’t have a problem using people’s expectations against them. I’ve done it to you, even. However, it is one thing to do that briefly, and it is another to live a life that’s more or less the antithesis of everything I am. I am an agent, not a homemaker. And it is hard to see this as anything but the SSR telling me to learn my place."
Ethan Chandler/Vanessa Ives
I’m a tree that grows hearts; one for each that you take by diggingthegrave
Last episode Vanessa told Ethan she hasn't liked trees since the cut-wife's death and I think after having chopped down the specific offending tree that Ethan should decide to change her mind about that with some forest loving, maybe the morning after their heated kiss...kind of a what happened in the woods before the walk down the road?
And Would Be Lov'd Fain by Nokomis
He’d expected the rope, and now that he’s alive, exhilaratingly alive and free and breathing in the salty air on the wrong side of the Atlantic, all that Ethan can think of is Vanessa.
Wants and Needs by scorpionmother
She wakes in the night and knows only one person who can fulfil her wants and needs.
worse sights than this by rhllors
Vanessa, however, rises from her own ashes.
Mike Wheeler/Eleven
Friends Don't Lie, Don't Say Goodbye by The_Heart_of_an_Angel
After Eleven seemingly disappears forever when she defeated the Demogorgon, Mike is left heartbroken and to wonder what exactly happened to her. After Hopper leaves her food, she comes back and is reunited with Mike.
This is home by caarlgriimes
Eleven ended up is the upside down but was saved by Hopper. This story will chronicle the lives of our favourite adventurers after the season final.
Chloe Decker/Lucifer Morningstar
Post-Midnight Guests by BurningUpASunJustToSayHello
Lucifer isn't exactly sure how he got to the Detective's house but, he does know that his back is killing him.
reformation by Cloudnine101
You know, there is a special circle of Hell reserved for nosy children," Lucifer says.
Trixie stares at him. "Is that why you're looking in mummy's underwear drawer?"
Say Anything...Except That by cortexikid (Peter Parker/Wade Wilson)
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bittykimmy13 · 7 years
Raining Light (GT)
Some 4th of July fluff for the Shot in the Dark babes~ ((and a lil bitty bit of angst bc i can't resist))
Characters belong to me and the lovely @little-miss-maggie <3
Sylvia was the first in the car to hear the distant explosion. She was nodding off on Jon's shoulder, aware that the journey to the next town would run well into the early hours of the morning. Cliff's music played at a volume just above the rumble of the engine, while Jon's breathing was slowing towards sleep.
The boom that shook the air far away interrupted what would have been a typical night on the road.
One moment Sylvia was on her way to dreaming, the next she was flailing away from Jon's neck and looking around wildly, exclaiming, "What was that?"
"Huh?" Jon grunted, straightening up and making Sylvia fight for balance on his shoulder.
"That sound! It sounded like a gun--that way! Out in the… woods. Whoa."
She trailed off when she caught sight of a shower of green sparks decorating the night sky high above the tree before the lights trailed downward and faded. Her jaw dropped. It was a familiar sight, but she hadn't seen it since leaving her village half a year ago. The urgent nudge of fingers to her side made her snap out of it.
"Sylv?" Jon scooped her off his shoulder and brought her in front of him.
"Must've been fireworks," Cliff said, relaxing from the abrupted outburst. He glanced away from the road to eye where Sylvia had pointed, a look of vague interest on his face.
Jon hummed thoughtfully. "It can't be the fourth already?"
"Fireworks?" Sylvia said, sliding down to sit in Jon's palm as he loosened his grip. "That's what those are called?"
"You've seen them before?"
She nodded, leaning over his thumb to look out the window. "At least twice a year back at the village. I never knew what they were called, though. They come in the middle of the winter and again not long after Midsummer."
Her heart tightened. She had forgotten all about Midsummer, having not kept track of the days since hitting the road with Jon and Cliff. A lump formed in her throat at the thought of the fae celebration. Most of all, she wondered how her family was getting on without her, but she swallowed those thoughts down and smiled at Jon.
"What are they for? Some kind of human celebration, right?"
"That's right," he answered, smiling as ferried her to the window so she could climb onto the ledge. "Kind of a yearly thing people do around here. Fireworks on the Fourth of July."
"I knew it," she said with a triumphant grin, planting her hands on the glass. Another booming sound like thunder made her shiver, but the nervous twinge was swiftly placated when purple sparks burst in the air. She watched until the light faded. "I knew it had to be a celebration. Damian thought it was some kind of twice-a-year battle signal, since humans are so barbaric."
Cliff scoffed. "Yeah, you know how we are."
"And Rebecca thought humans were toying with magic," Sylvia went on. "But only on certain nights. Because that makes so much sense. Hazel… just wanted to go back inside before we got in trouble." She shook her head, her smile dampened by the thought she would never get to tell her friends or sister at the village that the mystery of the raining lights had been solved.
With red and white painting the sky, it was enough to be distracted.
Though Jon fell quiet for a time, all she had to do was glance at his face to see he was deep in thought. It wasn't until a sign came up on the right that said "Rest Area" that he spoke up.
"Why don't you pull over here? It won't hurt to watch for a while."
Cliff looked like he wanted to protest, but when he turned toward the passenger seat, Sylvia hit him with a pleading expression that he probably could have resisted, he he tried hard enough. But he sighed and steered the car onto a branching road that ran parallel to the main highway. The narrow strip of asphalt led to a cluster of empty canopies and picnic tables.
The night air was warm, but not unpleasant as Jon opened the door. While the boys exited the car, Sylvia hovered just outside, her heart pounded each time another firework exploded into the sky. It was more startling without the rumble of the car or the music muffling the booms and crackles. Her breath caught as an extravagant, shimmering gold sparks danced across the air in the distance.
She allowed herself to think for a second about her home. Had her friends or sister snuck out in her memory to watch the light raining in the distance? She hoped not. She'd already gotten them into enough trouble as it was.
The doors slammed shut behind her, and she still didn't move. A fingertip and thumb slid gently around Sylvia's hand and tugged her toward the picnic tables.  Jon's smile fell at the corners when he got a look at her under the glaring lights of the rest area.
"You okay, Sylv?" His other hand reached up, a fingertip brushing against her cheek. It came away wet.
She sniffled and scrubbed at her tears, waving him off with a self-conscious laugh. "I'm alright. It's just, my father was the first one to show me, you know? During the winter fireworks. I couldn't have been more than four years old. The memory's faded a little, but… I remember the lights."
The sympathy on Jon's face was less muddled with guilt than it usually was when she brought up anything about her home. After all, he had nothing to do with her not being able to see her father anymore.
He gingerly tucked one side of her hair behind her ear, exposing the traitor mark on her cheek. "Guess that curious streak had to come from somewhere, huh?"
She chuckled, leaning the side of her face tenderly onto his finger. "That's for sure."
"Hey," Cliff called from one of the tables. "If this is just gonna turn into a make-out sesh, we might as well hit the road." But he didn't seem too keen on moving, sitting on a bench and leaning back against the table with his arm crossed.
Jon rolled his eyes and guided Sylvia to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek that was equal parts comforting towards her and spite towards Cliff.
She giggled, lowering herself in his palm so he could whisk her off to watch the fireworks. He took a seat next to Cliff, leaning back and tucking Sylvia back onto his shoulder. She picked her away through the fabric of his jacket and shirt collar, settling in by the warmth of his neck.
Once she was comfortable, Jon rubbed her arm up and down slowly with two fingertips. Together, they watched the lights rain from the sky.
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