#and obvs cos i am so far in the closet i can see narnia i didnt pick up on it at all whatsoever
How to hide from your feelings 101: live in the library
#right so i am a hater of snapchat and group chats in general cos i always feel like i cant keep up properly#so weve got a groupchat on dnapchat thats my entire friendship group so like..15ish people and it gets so confusing#so i decided to delete snapchat for the weekend cos it was taking up space in my phone and i never used it anyways#so i had a blissful weekend didnt miss it at all#then came into school on monday only to be told that my former best friend had come out as a lesbian on the gc#and everyone else was like yah we thought it was obvious like we got that vibe off her#and obvs cos i am so far in the closet i can see narnia i didnt pick up on it at all whatsoever#cos i brush off any if my suspicons as wishful thinking anyways#so i was in utter shock like i knew her super well for 3 years like it was a group of 3 and wed had countless outings and sleepovers ect#and yah i was a little bit in love with her and yah that might be one of the reasons i stopped being friends with her#and now i just look v v homophobic cos i reacted really weirdly when someone told me and i cant look at her or else ill tell her i loved her#and i cant express how much i cannot under any curvumstance do that EVER#and we stopped being friends on really bad terms as well like its civil and friendly between us now but it wasnt until mayish time#and i dont even like her anymore like shes become really like..pushy? and she thinks getting drunk is a personality trait#and shes just changed completley and it sounds super selfish especially since i did the friendship breakup and she had no idea it was coming#and i really want to write her a letter explaining but i dont know what id say#really i just want to go back to veing fruends with who she used to be but that person doesnt exist anymore!!#and its like if i knew she was a lesbian would anything have changed? would i be braver?#and i cant talk to anyone about it without coming out and i cant do that like the only people that know im a#lesbian is whoever reads these posts so if youve got this far down congrats on being one of the lucky few that know!!#so i dont know what to do now. im just going to sit#maybe read little weirds or the hour of the star#ill be fine#arabella.txt
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fortheloveofpearlet · 7 years
Shea phoning a phone sex line, hearing Sasha's voice, and falling for Sasha instantly! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 (PS I can't ship Shea and Sasha without including Sasha's amazing voice!!!))
Leanne I think you’ve hit your prompt limit now 😂 obvs I’m kidding, send me as many as you like (preferably more of these Sashea prompts cos I am LIVING for them!)
Send me sentence prompts and drag race pairings and I’ll write you a little drabble!
Jaren was lonely. There was no way two ways about it. He’d been single for several months now after his ex had cheated on him and shattered his heart into a million pieces. He’d been out a few times trying to hook up but he didn’t seem to get the attention he used to. He swore to god the whole time he was with his ex men were hanging off him; he practically had them queuing out the door. But since the break up he’d had no attention what so ever. And as a result, he was lonely.
His friends had told him to try online dating which he had and it had gone horribly. He seemed to only attract trade, all men so painfully far in the closet they may as well have been in Narnia and Jaren wasn’t here for that. Then his friends told him to get a hooker, jokingly at first but over time they became more adamant about him getting laid. Of course he hadn’t stooped that low, but he was getting desperate.
One of his friends told him about this sex line he’d used. You called up and a guy would talk dirty to you or whatever you were into while you got your rocks off. Jaren wanted someone to physically touch him though. But he supposed being that there was a lack of options, he’d try it. If anything it would be a slightly more creative way for him to masturbate, because even that was becoming stale these days.
His hand was shaking a little as he dialled the number on the card his friend gave him. It rang a few times before someone answered and Jaren found himself holding his breath.‘Hi, you’re through to C.L.A.T. You’re speaking with Sasha.’ The voice floated down the phone as if on a cloud. Jaren’s mouth went dry and he felt his heart skip several beats. He had never heard a voice quite like that before. It was deep and it melted in his ears like chocolate. It also sent vibrations through his body, making his dick already start to harden.'Uhm…hi.’ Jaren croaked, he had no idea how this worked.'What’s your name?’ Sasha breathed down the phone, a smirk in his voice. He has the most mesmerising voice I’ve ever heard in my entire life.'Jaren.’ He croaked again. He wanted to fuck Sasha’s voice, was that weird? He didn’t even need this guy to talk dirty to him, he thought he’d probably be able to come listening to Sasha recite the alphabet.'Hmmm sexy.’ Sasha hummed. 'I bet you’re real sexy Jaren, you sound sexy.’The way Sasha said his name made his head spin. His cock was rock hard and he freed it from his pants.'I sound sexy? Damn can you hear yourself?’ He wrapped his hand around his shaft. Sasha chuckled and my god Jaren had never heard a better sound in his entire life. He swore it vibrated down the phone right to his dick.'Well it does kind of help in my line of business.’ Sasha was still chuckling. 'So Jaren, what do you like?’'Like?’ Jaren started stroking himself. 'You. I like you. Just talk to me. Please talk to me forever.’ He was moaning a little as spoke. Sasha chuckled again and Jaren really didn’t think he was going to be able to last long if he kept that up. He took the phone away from his ear and put it on speaker.'You’re already touching yourself aren’t you?’ Sasha’s voice had a hint of a smirk to it. It made Jaren harder.'Uh…yeah.’ He couldn’t lie.'I like that.’ Sasha spoke. 'Close your eyes Jaren, picture me there talking in your ear while you touch yourself.’Jaren closed his eyes and pictured a mysterious figure at his side whispering in his ear. He imagined the person sliding their hand down his torso and into his pants. He felt a bead of pre-come on his hand.'I wish you were here. I want you to fuck me.’ Jaren panted.'Just close your eyes and imagine it. Imagine my hands running over your body, my tongue licking your tight hole. Picture my hard dick slamming into you.’ Sasha spoke in hushed tones and it was so incredibly powerful. Jaren didn’t even need to know what he looked like. The idea of this stranger and his oh so magnificent voice fucking him was making him light headed.'Make me come.’ Jaren panted again.'Oh I intend to.’ The smirk was back in Sasha’s voice. 'Are you picturing me there Jaren? Can you feel my breath on your neck? Can you feel my dick pounding into you again and again? Can you feel my hand snaking around your waist and taking hold of your dick and pumping you? Are you close Jaren? I want you to come for me.’ Sasha’s voice was just too much. Jaren moaned loudly and then he came all over his hand and t-shirt.'Holy fucking shit.’ He panted. With his clean hand he picked the phone back up, took it off speaker and and put it to his ear. 'Thats embarrassing. I don’t usually come so quick.’ He felt himself blushing. Sasha chuckled again and Jaren was sure he could get hard again.'I have that effect on people.’ He told Jaren.'I need to speak to you again.’There was silence on the end of the phone for a second and Jaren was worried Sasha had hung up. Then he spoke.'I’m not supposed to do this but I have an extension. If you dial 348 at the end of the number it comes straight through to me.’ His voice was quiet as though he didn’t want anyone to hear. Jaren guessed he was breaking all kinds of rules.'Thank you.’ Jaren smiled to himself.'I’ll talk to you real soon sexy.’ Sasha blew him a kiss down the phone and then the line went dead.
Jaren called Sasha everyday for the next few weeks. At first it was all about Sasha’s voice getting him off but Jaren soon wanted more. He was falling for that deep, melodic voice and it was killing him not to be able to touch him or have Sasha touch him for real.
One night he asked the one question he knew he shouldn’t ask. It came out before he’d meant it to.'Sasha?’'Yes Jaren?’'I know this is probably all kinds of wrong but can I meet you?’ He’d expected to be hung up on or at the very least have Sasha laugh at him and tell him where to go. But to his surprise nothing like that happened.'Yes.’ Sasha breathed. 'I thought you’d never ask.’
Two days later Jaren nervously paced his living room as he waited for Sasha to show up. He has absolutely no idea what to expect and he had no idea what Sasha’s reaction would be when he saw Jaren. What if he doesn’t like what he sees? What if he just turns and walks away? He didn’t have a lot of time for thoughts like this as suddenly there was a knock on the door. Jaren took a few deep breaths before he opened it with a shaky hand. Staring back a him was a tall, slim bald man with large eyes hidden under thick rimmed glasses. Jaren bit his lip.'Sasha?’'Yeah it’s me.’ Sasha smiled and Jaren would know that voice anywhere.'Wow.’ Jaren breathed and then they fell into each other’s arms. It was hard to say who moved in for the kiss first as lips just suddenly meshed together in the most passionate kiss either of them had ever had. Jaren pulled him into the apartment and Sasha kicked the door shut.'I need you so badly.’ Jaren panted.'Oh god, you have no idea.’ Sasha smirked at him, the smirk Jaren had heard in his voice on the phone so many times before. As Sasha led him to the couch Jaren couldn’t believe this was happening. He’d fallen in love with Sasha’s voice on the other end of the phone and now here he was, in his apartment kissing him. And nothing had ever felt so right.
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