#and of course so long as it's not like something gross or anything my multishipping heart wouldn't have it any other way
vernedip · 2 years
Tagging Thing!
Rules: Tag 9 people (or less, because I don't really have many mutuals) you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the questions below!
-- Tagged by @sakvnosuke
Last Song: Wanderer's Lullaby by Adriana Figueroa, because of... reasons? I've got a daydreamer's curse, honestly.
Three Ships: Okay okay, I'll be honest, I'm a multishipper and generally prefer to keep my own ships separate from this account, but probably... Ekuserirei (MP100), Gochiccolo (DBZ), and... Hyuroicia/ai (FMA)..? I know, I know, they're weird, but I'm more of a found family person than a romance one, so I'm more a sucker for poly, borderline queerplatonic ships that also just center around a few people taking care of a child or three, I guess. Some honourable mentions would probably still be more domestic ships like KyuTae (Gintama) and Entourageshipping (Pokéspe), or crack ships like Handa x Kawafuji (Barakamon), whatever the heck Tom, Shizuo, and Vorona had (Durarara), or basically any appropriate ship in Gintama... Wait, are these even romantic ships for me anymore--
Currently Reading: Well, with normal books, I've been reading light novel after light novel these days. But not even consistent ones. One minute, it's Durarara, then Bungou Stray Dogs, then Kirby. I dunno either. In terms of fanfiction this very moment, however, I've been bouncing between fandoms a lot lately, so even though I was reading page after page of Yu-Gi-Oh and TMNT fanfics a few months ago, I'm suddenly back on a weird DBZ, Moomins, and Gintama thing. Last one I read was probably this one where Gintoki and the kids get kidnapped by this one dude who wants to enter the Shiroyasha in a galactic tournament or something, with a title that's on the tip of my tongue, if I can just find where I left the tab...
Last Movie: THE NEW PUSS IN BOOTS MOVIE WAS SOOOO GOOD!! I almost wanted to cry from the sheer amount of good it was, man! The visuals, the sound design, the story, the characters, it was all just so--! Gods, I've been loving what these sort of movies have been doing lately, where they're starting to get a bit bolder with storytelling. I love it a lot. I also know I'll be seeing that new TMNT movie coming out this August with some friends later, too! Hope it will live up to this trend.
Craving: I've read so many good fanfics... my standards for stories are only rising higher..! Pretty soon, I'll run out of stories I really want and I'll probably just spontaneously combust and die on the spot when that happens. Somebody..! Please..!! I need regular book recommendations of found family..! Preferably some random jaded adult gaining some kid that isn't blood related to them, maybe a few kids, actually. Or maybe a poly parental unit that focuses more on them raising their adopted kid than on the oddity of the relationship itself please! I dunno, but anything along those lines! I'm practically starving over here.
Ack, sorry, this was probably supposed to be a quick thing, but I've never been tagged before and I got carried away in my excitement to share my super weird story preferences on here.
Tagging: @en-decouvrant-le-monde @vimroy @magnacidebb @doozythebird
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seajudge · 4 years
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SHIPPING     INFO     !! ANSWER     THE     FOLLOWING     FOR     YOUR     MUSE     SO     PEOPLE     KNOW     HOW     SHIPPING     WORKS     ON     YOUR     BLOG.
WHAT     IS     YOUR     OTP     FOR     YOUR     CHARACTER?:  duh, danjam aka dan/jacob ( @seavillain​ ). kit and i have written for so long that jacob has been a part of dan’s story since the very beginning; jacob develops daniel in a way that changes dan’s life completely after he dies and matures him even beyond death, which is a tough feat for someone so frozen emotionally. and even in instances where dan pursues other relationships, his first love with jacob is always in the back of his mind affecting how he treats his partner, and he’s always talking to jacob in his head (albeit a much nicer version). and for good reason! they get each other in the way that no one else does, no matter what happens they always want to be together in every verse (damn the consequences). they are literally halves of each other. honestly this is my otp above pretty much everything, i can’t imagine dan without jacob.
WHAT     ARE     YOU     WILLING     TO     WRITE     WHEN     IT     COMES     TO     SHIPPING?:  pretty much anything. dan is biromantic/bisexual and demisexual, so he could realistically be romantically involved with anyone. the only thing i don’t write is actual hardcore smut, despite how much dan uses sex as a tactic, but i write leadups and flirting and such because dan loves that.
HOW     LARGE     DOES     THE     AGE     GAP     HAVE     TO     BE     TO     MAKE     IT   UNCOMFORTABLE?:  since dan is 100+ years old and non-human this doesnt apply. the closest thing i’d say is i dont ship him with underage muses or like. extremely old haggard characters, because he’s very vain and very much bases attraction on appearance and power levels. but he’s been shipped with immortals and such so as long as its not underage or a weird dynamic like that its fine.
ARE     YOU     SELECTIVE     WHEN     SHIPPING?:  for danny, i have to be. i don’t like to stick relationships in “romantic” or “platonic” categories, and to me the best interaction is the one where you’re never really sure what it is, or it goes deeper than either category and bounces back and forth. but dan is very, very picky with those he considers “his” so i don’t ship with just anyone, even just platonically.
HOW     FAR     DO     STEAMY     MOMENTS     HAVE     TO     GO     BEFORE     THEY     ARE     CONSIDERED     NS/FW?:  usually as soon as bottoms come off and genitalia is out. kissing, groping, etc is fine to me, but once genitals are exposed involved, i get a little grossed out and like to fade to black or timeskip. allusions and brief references are fine but explicitness that could be sold as erotica is too much for me and feels invasive. daniel wouldnt want me to see that!!
WHO     ARE     THE     OTHER     CHARACTERS     YOU     SHIP     YOUR     CHARACTER     WITH?:  @seavillain​ with jacob as dan’s first and most important love, @carvedbones as political partners feat. some hero worship on dans part, @revulsicn with kisa in our vampire au, and some others im probably forgetting adfsaf 
DOES     ONE     HAVE     TO     ASK     TO     SHIP     WITH     YOU?:  unfortunately dan is not a sentient being on his own (yet) so yes, you do have to ask otherwise i will treat the interaction as platonic! its .. really hard for me to express if i wanna ship something due to rejection dysphoria unfortunately, also dan being so gross makes me afraid to violate someones boundaries.
ARE     YOU     SHIP     OBSESSED     OR     SHIP     MORE-OR-LESS?:  i should be ship more-or-less with dan but there are tons of cool dynamics i like with him so /shrug emoji? i just like the ships i like! i try not to get too wild but i enjoy a good dynamic.
ARE     YOU     MULTISHIP?:  of course!! dan outlives most of his lovers so .. its kind of necessary, as he’s not a solitary creature at all and needs constant attention and affection.
WHAT     IS     YOUR     FAVOURITE     SHIP     IN     YOUR     CURRENT     FANDOM?:  i’m fandomless so this doesnt really apply!
FINALLY,     HOW     DOES     ONE     SHIP     WITH     YOU?:  1) ask!! and 2) have a good dynamic for us to ship that makes sense for someone as prickly/reserved/emotionally hostile as daniel, whether thats something we’re already rping or something you have in mind. i dont mind shipping so long as everyone involved knows what daniel is and how he will function. he is not nice! he will not be soft to your character. its his way.
TAGGED BY: @magicxecustos​ luv of my life TAGGING: whoever wants to!
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kitty-bandit · 5 years
i don’t wanna start any discourse on your blog so feel free to ignore this but why do you think poker pair isn’t pedophilia? i know that the definition of pedophilia is sexual attraction to prepubescent kids and allen’s obviously not prepubescent but doesn’t the age gap between them bother you?
It’s okay, Anon. I’m used to discourse, and tbh, this is something that I think I should talk about/explain.
First, asking “Why don’t you think it’s pedophilia?” and then listing reasons why it wouldn’t be considered pedophilia is confusing. Let’s look at why your comments rub me the wrong way.
Allen is 16 years old. He’s not a prepubescent child, as you also pointed out. Therefore, any relationship he’s in is not pedophilia.
Age Gaps do not equal pedophilia. Like, full stop.
You are conflating pedophilia with “ship I am uncomfortable with/don’t like.” Which is one of the reasons I’m fucking pissed with antis’ use of such a serious term. How am I or anyone else supposed to know if someone is an actual pedophile when idiots go around calling any ship they don’t like pedophilia and labeling shippers pedophiles for it?
Calling fictional ships pedophilia creates alarm-fatigue. This makes ACTUAL CHILD PREDATORS have an easier time finding ACTUAL CHILDREN to abuse. Antis have made it easier for real predators to hide and have not done one single thing to help kids in need. While they’re out harassing shippers, they’ve created such an unstable environment where we can’t trust each other when it comes to such a serious issue as child abuse.
Second, asking if age gaps bother me is a complicated question. Let me lay out some information for you.
Anything I read/write/consume in fiction DOES NOT MEAN I CONDONE IT IRL. This is true for anything, not just relationships. I may ship a teen with an adult in fiction, but I would not necessarily condone that relationship IRL. Life is messy, muddy, and things are never black and white.
Age Gaps are not inherently abusive. My own parents have a 10 year gap in their age (and before you ask, my mother is the older one), and they’ve been happily married for over 30 years.
My taste in ships is not related to whether or not they have a gap in age. Some ships that have age gaps click with me. Others do not. It’s not an all or nothing scenario.
Thirdly, whether or not a ship bothers me doesn’t mean shit. My opinion is not right or wrong. It’s simply that–my opinion. I know many people hate Poker Pair. But I also know many who love it. And after spending years in fandoms, I can tell you a few things about shipping in general.
YKINMKATO (AKA: Your Kink Is Not My Kink And That’s Okay). It’s okay if you think Poker Pair is squicky and the age gap bothers you. THAT IS TOTALLY FINE. But what you might find squicky and gross, other people absolutely adore. We’re all different people with different tastes and needs when it comes to fiction. As long as we respect each other’s boundaries, it’s fine. No one is putting a gun to your head and telling you to read a fic or look at fanart. Block tags you don’t like, use xkit, or hell–block users who produce what you don’t want to see. That’s what those tools are there for.
People ship things DIFFERENTLY. Look up any ship for any fandom, and you will find and endless amount of fics on various topics. Some are fluff pieces. Some are hardcore smut. Some are riddled with angst, violence, and abuse. When you look at Poker Pair, you automatically see it as something that makes you uncomfortable. I don’t know if you dislike like it because of the age gap only, or if there are other factors, but parsing down a ship and calling it abusive because of an age gap is really shortsighted and uncreative. Tyki is a villain, and fandoms have been shipping heroes and villains since the dawn of time. Ain’t nothing stopping that train. But what you may not understand is that, while some people see Poker Pair and want to highlight the unsavory bits of the relationship, others might want to explore softer sides. AND BOTH OPTIONS ARE OKAY! Personally, I love writing Poker Pair fluff because I think that if these two weren’t enemies, they would have such a different life and I’m so weak for that.
Censorship is bad. Full stop. It doesn’t matter if I like something or if I find it repulsive beyond all measures. No one is qualified to decide what is and is not allowed in fiction. I studied library sciences in college, and we had an entire course on censorship and copyright. (BTW, librarians are badasses.) Once you censor something because you find it abhorrent, the slippery slope begins. Anything can be considered unsavory, and once you give a person or a group of people powers to censor art, you’ve lost your freedom of self expression. All you need to do is look at China and their censorship laws in place right now to know that once you start down that path, there is no stopping it. So, even if I thought the age gap with Poker Pair was unsavory, I would still support people’s rights to ship it and make art/fic of it. I, nor anyone else, have the right to judge it.
I have a complicated history with Poker Pair. When I first joined the fandom, any ship with Tyki in it bothered me. I couldn’t read fics with him and I couldn’t bear to look a shippy art with him. Part of it was my own personal hangups. Part of it was the content I found for the ship.
But after a while, I grew to appreciate Tyki as a character. I started shipping him with Lavi, then Allen and Lavi in an OT3, then I was able to ship him with Allen solo. The change happened when I read some of my close friends’ fanfics–people who shipped Poker Pair and adored Tyki and Allen. Reading those fics basically opened my eyes. I could see the ship in a new light. It helped pave the path for me to open up to other ships, and eventually gave me the confidence to be the multishipping/rarepair queen I am today.
Look, Anon. I’m not saying you can’t be uncomfortable with age gaps or Poker Pair or anything else for that matter. Some things will bother you, and you’ll never change your mind. And that’s okay. All I’m saying is that opinions and views can change, and the way one person sees things is never the same as someone else.
I’m okay with Poker Pair and you seem to have a different opinion. And that is fine. All I want is for people to be respectful, keep their hate out of fandom tags, and stop harassing others over what amounts to lines on paper.
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Rules Post for Mobile Users
Quick Disclaimer: Bar prices, processes, and other such things probably won’t be all that accurate. If that’s you wanted and came to this blog for, I apologise in advance. 
Also, please be aware that this is a sideblog and follows back from my main blog: pushspacetocontinue.  I will most likely send you an ask alerting you of this too, just to be safe.
Things I will RP:
‘Slice of Life’ stuff.
Crossovers (although there are some fandoms I won’t, but that’s because I’m not really a fan of them or don’t know much about them.)  
General Situations (e.g. Helping someone if sick, helping to rescue someone, etc etc)
Some Magic Anons (if they’re interesting enough for people to want to RP with - e.g. Like the ‘Pocket’ one I got.
Ships. The blog is multiship and each ship is set in a different verse from the other. However, that doesn’t mean I’m only out for shipping our characters in a romantic way. I love friendships, enemies, and plots away from shipping too.
Things I won’t RP:
Smut (although I am okay with innuendo, suggestive asks, and the typical Sexual Sunday/TMI Tuesday/Fetish Friday stuff.) I am of age, but I don’t feel comfortable writing it. If sex actually happens, I’m happy to ‘fade to black’ and then skip to afterwards.
Rape/Non-con (it’s just not something I’m comfortable with. So if Bill tells your character ‘No’ or I say ‘No’ from a mod to another, it means ‘No!’ Just because he can mesmerise doesn’t mean he’ll use it for that.)
Pedophilia (No. Just no! No! I don’t think I need to explain why I won’t. At least, I hope not.)
Bestiality (Again. No. I see that kind of stuff as being very wrong, although I am willing to discuss things regarding werewolves, splices etc.)
Pregnancy (once again, not something I’m comfortable with. it scares the shit out of me and grosses me out)
Alpha/Omega/Beta verse. (Not to sound shaming to anyone who does like it, but I really don’t. It creeps me out way too much. It makes me shudder.)
Age regression to the point of depending on other muses. (It makes me uncomfortable too. If Bill ever gets turned into a kid, he will stay at an age where he is fairly independent and capable of looking after himself.)
Some Magic Anons (e.g. body swaps, weight gain, ones that change his personality in his extreme way, make him attracted to someone else, change his sexuality, ‘smutty’ stuff (e.g. aphrodisiac/heat effects) etc.)
With ‘real’ muses. If you have a real person (e.g. a youtuber, an actor, a kpop artist etc.) as your muse or one of them if you’re a multi-muse blog, I would rather not roleplay with them. Nothing against you, it just makes me feel a bit iffy. I’m okay with them being faceclaims for muses and I’m okay with alter egos (e.g. Antisepticeye or Darkiplier because they’re fictional characters as well), but if it’s an actual real person as a muse, I’d rather steer clear. Self-inserts also count under this I’m afraid. If you roleplay as yourself in threads, and the mun and muse are one and the same, then I’d rather not. Again, just like with roleplaying with real people, I just feel iffy about it.
Other things:
Please don’t godmod. Of course, minor things like passing something to Bill and assuming he took it is fine. I will let you know if you are because it can be an easy mistake to make sometimes. However, if you continue to do it, then I will not continue with the thread.
This blog is 18+. While I don’t smut, sometimes asks can be rather suggestive, and the blog does sometimes delve into more sensitive topics. For that reason, I’d rather minors stay away. 
When it comes to replies, I can be rather fast. That doesn’t mean I expect you to be. There is never any rush or pressure to reply quickly. I promise. Don’t stress yourself out. Take as much time as you want and remember that you never need to apologise or anything like that. There’s no deadline. It’s a hobby. Not a job.
I am mutuals-only but I am not completely closed off. Feel free to send an ask if you would like me to check out your blog and see if our muses are compatible.
The same goes for matching post length, especially when I write a starter. I have a habit of setting the scene and I do sometimes use a few too many details. As long as I have something to work with and it’s at least a paragraph, then don’t worry about matching reply length.
If you can’t answer an ask I’ve sent because you’ve got too many already or you feel you just can’t give a good answer, or you feel a scenario wouldn’t work, don’t worry. Just don’t answer it. Delete it, forget, and don’t sweat it.
Same for dropping a thread. If you feel a need to drop a thread with me, because you don’t have anymore ideas, you’re not enjoying it anymore, you’ve got a lot of other threads going on and you feel overwhelmed etc., just do it. I will not hold it against you.
Basically, your comfort is important. Do what’s what right for yourself and I will do what I can to accommodate you.
If you have any problems or you want me to tag something or you want to discuss anything, just talk to me. I don’t bite.
If we’re going to roleplay, I would find a lot easier if you have an About Page (for canon characters, even linking back to a Wiki page will suffice) and a Rules Page. Just enough so I know what you prefer and what your character is like. I think it just makes things a lot simpler for everybody involved.
I love getting asks. I really do. If you want to continue the ask as a thread, I would really appreciate it if you made a new post for it (linking back to my answer or quoting me) and then tag me in it. It just looks a whole lot neater and makes trimming tidier.
That said, if you want to reblog the ask just so you can keep it on your blog (I know some people who have done that), then you are more than welcome.
If you’re going to reblog an ask meme from me, please at least make the effort to send something from that meme in. It’s why I reblogged it after all. If you can’t or don’t want to, try and get it from the source instead. This is something you should keep in mind for everyone you roleplay with. I will do the same for you.
If you want to kill Bill, please talk to me first.
Bill is pansexual, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to jump into your muse’s pants the second he meets them. I do like there to be some chemistry.
If I’ve missed a reply (as much as I try not to,) please do not hesitate to message me.
I, the mod, occassionally post OOC things (e.g. things I’m interested in etc,) but I tag them as such (e.g. ‘BillMod is a butt’ or ‘OOC Interest’ for example.)
I won’t get angry or offended if you choose to unfollow me or want me to unfollow you (just tell me if you do want that by the way.) It’s your choice after all and I won’t question it.
My timezone is GMT. Which means I may go to bed a lot earlier than expected.
It’s sad that I need to add this rule, but unless I know you (drop me an ask letting me know who you are), then I’m afraid I won’t be allowing personals/non-roleplay blogs to follow me anymore. They will simply be soft-blocked. That said, if you are a personal and your roleplay blog is a sideblog, again, drop me an ask and let me know.
You don’t need to send me a password or anything like that for reading these rules. I’ll quickly know if you haven’t.
I understand that Bill’s mesmerism ability could be considered overpowered, so I will only have him use it with the other mod’s permission, if he ever really has a need to. 
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pushspacetocontinue · 6 years
Rules Post for Mobile Users
Pretty much my rules page. But I’ve just realised I hadn’t got an actual post for it, which could pose some problems for mobile users. Hence why I’m posting it here now, mainly for the purpose of being able to being able to link it to mobile users. To those who have already seen and read my rules, don’t worry. As I said, this is just for mobile users who might not be able to get to them otherwise.
Things I will RP:
‘Slice of Life’ stuff.
Crossovers (although there are some fandoms I won’t, but that’s because I’m not really a fan of them or don’t know much about them.)  
General Situations (e.g. Helping someone if sick, helping to rescue someone, etc etc)
Some Magic Anons (if they’re interesting enough for people to want to RP with - e.g. Like the ‘Pocket’ one I got.
Ships. The blog is multiship and each ship is set in a different verse from the other. However, that doesn’t mean I’m only out for shipping our characters in a romantic way. I love friendships, enemies, and plots away from shipping too.
Things I won’t RP:
Smut (although I am okay with innuendo, suggestive asks, and the typical Sexual Sunday/TMI Tuesday/Fetish Friday stuff.) I am of age, but I don't feel comfortable writing it. If sex actually happens (a miracle really, who would want him?), I’m happy to ‘fade to black’ and then skip to afterwards.
Rape/Non-con (it’s just not something I’m comfortable with. So if Russell tells your character ‘No’ or I say ‘No’ from a mod to another, it means ‘No!’)
Pedophilia (No. Just no! No! I don’t think I need to explain why I won’t. At least, I hope not.)
Bestiality (Again. No. I see that kind of stuff as being very wrong, although I am willing to discuss things regarding werewolves, splices etc.)
Pregnancy (once again, not something I’m comfortable with. it scares the shit out of me and grosses me out)
Alpha/Omega/Beta verse. (Not to sound shaming to anyone who does like it, but I really don’t. It creeps me out way too much. It makes me shudder.)
Age regression to the point of depending on other muses. (It makes me uncomfortable too. If Russell does get turned into a kid, he will stay at an age where he is fairly independent and capable of looking after himself.) 
Some Magic Anons (e.g. body swaps, weight gain, ones that change his personality in his extreme way, make him attracted to someone else, change his sexuality, ‘smutty’ stuff (e.g. aphrodisiac/heat effects) etc.)
With ‘real’ muses. If you have a real person (e.g. a youtuber, an actor, a kpop artist etc.) as your muse or one of them if you’re a multi-muse blog, I would rather not roleplay with them. Nothing against you, it just makes me feel a bit iffy. I’m okay with them being faceclaims for muses and I’m okay with alter egos (e.g. Antisepticeye or Darkiplier because they’re fictional characters as well), but if it’s an actual real person as a muse, I’d rather steer clear. Self-inserts also count under this I’m afraid. If you roleplay as yourself in threads, and the mun and muse are one and the same, then I’d rather not. Again, just like with roleplaying with real people, I just feel iffy about it. 
Other things:
Please don’t godmod. Of course, minor things like passing something to Russell and assuming he took it is fine. I will let you know if you are because it can be an easy mistake to make sometimes. However, if you continue to do it, then I will not continue with the thread. 
This blog is 18+. While I don’t smut, sometimes asks can be rather suggestive, and the blog does sometimes delve into more sensitive topics. For that reason, I’d rather minors stay away. 
When it comes to replies, I can be rather fast. That doesn’t mean I expect you to be. There is never any rush or pressure to reply quickly. I promise. Don’t stress yourself out. Take as much time as you want and remember that you never need to apologise or anything like that. There’s no deadline. It’s a hobby. Not a job.
The same goes for matching  post length, especially when I write a starter. I have a habit of setting the scene and I do sometimes use a few too many details. As long as I have something to work with and it’s at least a paragraph, then don’t worry about matching reply length.
If you can’t answer an ask I’ve sent because you’ve got too many already or you feel you just can’t give a good answer, or you feel a scenario wouldn’t work, don’t worry. Just don’t answer it. Delete it, forget, and don’t sweat it.
Same for dropping a thread. If you feel a need to drop a thread with me, because you don’t have anymore ideas, you’re not enjoying it anymore, you’ve got a lot of other threads going on and you feel overwhelmed etc., just do it. I will not hold it against you.
Basically, your comfort is important. Do what’s what right for yourself and I will do what I can to accommodate you. 
If you have any problems or you want me to tag something or you want to discuss anything, just talk to me. I don’t bite.
If we’re going to roleplay, I would find a lot easier if you have an About Page (for canon characters, even linking back to a Wiki page will suffice) and a Rules Page. Just enough so I know what you prefer and what your character is like. I think it just makes things a lot simpler for everybody involved. 
I love getting asks. I really do. If you want to continue the ask as a thread, I would really appreciate it if you made a new post for it (linking back to my answer or quoting me) and then tag me in it. It just looks a whole lot neater and makes trimming tidier. 
That said, if you want to reblog the ask just so you can keep it on your blog (I know some people who have done that), then you are more than welcome. 
If you’re going to reblog an ask meme from me, please at least make the effort to send something from that meme in. It’s why I reblogged it after all. If you can’t or don’t want to, try and get it from the source instead. This is something you should keep in mind for everyone you roleplay with. I will do the same for you. 
If you want to kill Russell, please talk to me first. He’ll respawn in the TF2 verse, but it’s always good to have it established and planned out. Otherwise, I would like to discuss it and see if it would work. 
Russell is gay! But he isn’t really open it unless he knows another muse won’t care or they’re gay or bisexual as well. Your muse shouldn’t know this or be able to guess this unless they are a telepath or unless he tells you. He is not “stereotypically gay”(Whatever the hell that means, person who said he showed a lot of gay stereotypes.)
Remember, just because Russell doesn’t like your muse, it doesn’t mean I don’t like you.
If I’ve missed a reply (as much as I try not to,) please do not hesitate to message me.
I, the mod, occassionally post OOC things (e.g. things I’m interested in etc,) but I tag them as such (e.g. ‘RussellMod is a butt’ or ‘OOC Interest’ for example.)
I won’t get angry or offended if you choose to unfollow me or want me to unfollow you (just tell me if you do want that by the way.) It’s your choice after all and I won’t question it.
My timezone is GMT. Which means I may go to bed a lot earlier than expected.
It’s sad that I need to add this rule, but unless I know you (drop me an ask letting me know who you are), then I’m afraid I won’t be allowing personals/non-roleplay blogs to follow me anymore. They will simply be soft-blocked. That said, if you are a personal and your roleplay blog is a sideblog, again, drop me an ask and let me know. 
You don’t need to send me a password or anything like that for reading these rules. I’ll quickly know if you haven’t. 
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brashnmodest · 6 years
Rules for mobile users
[rules updated: 01/10/2019]
• No goddmodding.
• I am of age to do smut so that is a-okay with me! just note though I don’t do smut often, bc I’m just not interested in writing it with these characters especially and I’m also ace af. But if I do end up doing it, I’ll only rp it as long at it is: consensual and not rape/too weirdly fetishy, put under a “read more” cut and tagged appropriately, and you have to be 18+! Please don’t lie about your age, we could get in legal trouble!
• This blog is not a spoiler-free one. I will not tag roleplays with spoilers, but anything else will be tagged with #Undertale Spoilers
• Please don’t over-pester me for replies. I promise I’ll get to them. Feel free to drop me a reminder after at least three days of no replies, though. You’re always free to start multiple threads with me, that is greatly encouraged because I love having lots of threads with people.
• This blog is OC, multiverse, and crossover friendly! I love OCs and have many of my own tbh, you’re all more than welcome to come rp with me!!
• I know that not everyone loves alternate universes as much as I do, so if this makes you uncomfortable, there’s still the option of roleplaying with the normal Mettaton and Napstablook! You just need to tell me, okay? If you still don’t want to roleplay with me anyway, or for any other reason, that’s perfectly fine too.
• I’m alright with roleplaying nsfw in general. Gore, violence, and generally dark roleplays are cool with me, yo. I love angsty things just as much as I love fluff ;w;
• This blog is multiship! So any relationships my muses are involved in, are in different timelines unless specified. I ship pretty much anything unless it’s incest or if they’re children paired with someone a lot older. Selfcest is fine though (mettaton x mettaton)
• I also only ship with chemistry. My muses need to get to know yours first, so don’t get disappointed if they only see you as a friend at first and have no intention of pursuing a romantic relationship with your muse. Give my muses reasons to care about your muse and let the feelings develop naturally, and don’t ever force your muse on mine. Give them time. I take relationships very slowly to let my muses develop their feelings, fyi, so don’t please don’t try to rush that. It’s not going to work if you do.
• I prefer not to roleplay with personals, unless you are someone I know from school or something like that.
• This blog can take place during or slightly before the true pacifist route unless specified, so interactions take place in the Underground. No mercy route AUs are definitely welcome here, too!
• If you are an OC, I will assume our muses have never met unless you plan ahead with me what their relationship is like. If they know Mettaton because he’s famous and all, that’s fine, but don’t expect him to know who you are. Napstablook will absolutely not know who you are.
• That being said, characters who have already interacted in canon will know each other. Unless the roleplay takes place in a different point of time and we are staging their first meeting, of course.
• I will tag common triggers and such, but don’t be afraid to tell me if you have something you want me to tag! I promise I’ll remember to tag it from then on. I do not have any known triggers myself.
|     Requested tagged triggers:
|     • none so far
• If you don’t specify a muse, I will automatically choose a muse whom I feel in the mood for roleplaying as, or who I feel I can reply to the thing easier as. Most likely, my main muse here will be the opposite Mettaton. This, of course, is subject to change.
• I’m pretty lenient with short replies. Don’t feel pressured to match the length if my reply gets long! Multi-para (usually 2-4 paragraphs) is my go-to for roleplays, so I usually do long replies by default.
• Adding onto that, I honestly don’t mind one-liners. I prefer it if you don’t give me one-liners, but hey, as long as I’m still having fun with the roleplay anyway, it’s cool with me! I understand not being able to think of anything to write, so just as long as you don’t give me one or two words as your reply like ‘He smiled.’ or ’*laughs*’, I’ll be cool with it. Put at least some effort even if you’re only gonna give me one sentence, otherwise I’ll drop the rp once it becomes a repeat offense.
• I will not change the formatting of my roleplays to fit yours. I’m comfortable with sticking to only paragraph style roleplays, thank you very much. Feel free to keep formatting your own posts though, because I think formatting looks really cool! I just don’t want to format my posts, however. I do not currently have many usable icons for this blog, and I will not go all out with formatting my own posts with all that cool ‘small text’, and indents, and bolding and all that. The most I ever do with my formatting is italics for emphasis on certain words.
• I don’t care if you refer to Napstablook with he/him pronouns either, but I will always refer to them with they/them in my own posts.
• If you start getting bored with the roleplay, feel free to drop it and/or end it. We can always start up another thread in the future.
• However, please let me know if you want to drop a roleplay thread! It can give me major anxiety when I’m waiting for a response that’s never going to come, and I wonder if I did something wrong and assume that’s why you’re not replying anymore :’) I’m not forcing you to let me know if you want to drop a thread, you can drop it without saying anything too. But I personally really appreciate being told about that sort of thing.
• Don’t reblog a thread you’re not part of. This should go without being said, of course.
• Please don’t claim any of my art as your own. If you post it somewhere, the least you can do is credit me by at least including a link to my blog or something. I prefer if you don’t repost my art without asking me first, though.
• I accept any sort of asks! If they aren’t answered after a while, either I don’t know how to answer it or I might be drawing it out and I am a very slow artist- Sorry-
• Feel free to tag me in any of those tagging memes! I don’t mind and I think they’re pretty fun to do! ^^
• Adding onto the above rule, you’re more than welcome to send me those chain asks like “send this to 10 roleplayers you think are really great!” because it’s super duper nice that you would think to send one to me! But don’t expect me to send them to other people, because I won’t :’) my anxiety won’t let me, so I’m sorry-
• If I follow you, that means I’ve already read all of your rules. I might not send the codephrase, though, because most of the time I get very anxious over having to send things like that. I’m very sorry–! But if I follow you then chances are that I have definitely read them before following- If you choose not to trust me on this, I understand.
• That being said, please let me know if I’m doing something that’s making you uncomfortable or is breaking one of your rules!! I do read the rules pages of everyone, but I’m human and forget things, and I’m not a mind reader either ;~; I care, so please tell me if I’m not doing anything bad
• I might not follow some people back for a few reasons, some might be for the type of content you post on your blog, but I am still non-selective! I will roleplay with anyone who asks (unless you wanna rp gross things or you’re a mean person,,,, like your muse can be as much of a dick as you want, that’s no problem but don’t be gross to other people as yourself) and if I do roleplay with you, I will be more likely to follow you as well.
• Adding onto the above rule, however, please respect that it’s nothing personal if I ever unfollow you either! It’s not that I hate you or anything, but if you haven’t followed me back and you’re a private rp blog, or if we’re mutuals but never really roleplay, our muses just don’t click, or you’ve become inactive for years and/or don’t interact with me anymore, there’s nothing wrong with that! We can still be friends but I prefer to have all the people I follow be potential rp partners. Feel free to follow me on my personal, @briightskies, if you still wanna keep in touch but not rp :’)
• I will only talk through the IM system ooc. If you send me a message through there, I will not respond with ooc brackets ((these things)) because I will automatically assume you know that you’re talking to the mun. I do not do roleplays on there.
Thank you for reading this really long list of rules! It means a lot if you did!
There’s no password, because I’m also anxious with those for other people’s blogs as I said above. But if you would like to interact with me, you can shoot me an ask directed to one of my muses, or like these posts at any time (also feel free to re-like those posts so I can make another starter for you at any time!) for me to write you a starter with Brash or Modest!
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kopfkinoes · 7 years
I’ve been a Naruto fan for like 13 years now but after the manga ended I pretty much left the fandom because I anticipated the vitriol that was going to follow after the ending. Every once in a while I stumbled upon a Naruto post that made me realize I had been right and I didn’t interact. But at the end of 2017 I came back and…nothing has changed. I honestly think this is one of the worst, most immature fandoms out there. I feel like so many of the people in the fandom are perpetual twelve year olds. And it kind of bothers me that Sasuke and Sakura, my absolute favourites since day one, are still disrespected as fuck. Now, mind you, I’m not talking about the ship, I’m talking about them as individual characters although I do ship them. I’ve multishipped for a long, long time but not anymore.
They are the first ones I shipped because I had a feeling stuff was bound to happen between them but then I discovered the wonders of the web and instantly moved to ship Naruto and Sasuke. I never once hated Sakura and Hinata though and even in the later years when “feminist” rhetoric moved into fandoms, I took the “these women are strong and powerful and I love them, they don’t need no man” thing to be good. But after the ending, and now seeing how many of the people who ship Naruto and Sasuke are downright anti-Sakura and insult and disrespect her in so many ways I realized “Wow! I had been an idiot all along. These people never gave a shit about Sakura, they were saying all of that stuff to get her out of the way.” I don’t see people talking about how Naruto and Sasuke’s bond diminishes their battle abilities, I see none of the shippers implying that their development would be flushed down the drain if they ended up in a relationship. Yet, that is apparently true for the women. Right.
Sasuke is a character with a lot of potential. But he was never able to evolve. And do you know why? Because of Naruto. Sasuke was created in order to be the opposite of Naruto and, for the most part, that is all remains to be. I’ve been staning Sasuke forever but this is the truth. He exists in order to be Naruto’s rival and in order to be pissed that he, a guy coming from a clan of prodigies, keeps falling behind the class clown and loser (who is anything but that when you think of it, Minato was anything but a weak guy and Kushina, while we don’t get a good look at her abilities, has loads of stamina and healing powers and her abilities were considered exceptional even among the Uzumaki, not to mention how easily Naruto masters everything new he tries). In the end, he is subdued by Naruto and the Will of Fire.
Even after all of this, he is still not allowed to be around his family. Why? Simply because he needs to be the opposite of Naruto. He needed to point a sword at his own daughter and it was Naruto who had to comfort and reassure her. Sasuke will never be an overly affectionate person, I don’t think he will ever realistically go back to his pre-massacre personality (he wasn’t exactly super bubbly as a child either, he was reserved around other people but very happy around his family) and frankly, he doesn’t need to. He wouldn’t ever be a husband who does grand romantic gestures or a super cuddly father but he’s loyal and devoted and these things shouldn’t be brushed away for some mission or for creating angst just to prove that Naruto is a better, more understanding person that he’ll ever be, even when it comes to Sarada. Like, for fuck’s sake, does everything Sasuke does need to happen right before Naruto waltzes in and puts him in his place by being a better person? Can Sasuke not be a person in his own right without the constant comparisons to Naruto?
What I also find interesting is how often I see Sasuke becoming completely OOC when paired with Naruto. Of course everybody says Sasuke is OOC when paired with Sakura but frankly I’ve rarely seen Sasuke presented as lovey dovey around Sakura, people usually want him to be proud of her but he stays his usual tepid self. Because that’s Sasuke’s personality, he’s not a conventionally affectionate person and there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s why it bothers me when I see Sasuke made to be a soft, sensitive, pastel boy aesthetic. He’s not that and he wouldn’t be that even if he were gay. I mean, I understand headcanons but don’t root them in the “seme and uke” dynamics, please.
Moving on, I have a particular kind of contempt for people suggesting Sasuke cheated on Sakura with Karin. It makes absolutely no sense character-wise and it just shits all over Sasuke by assuming he’s a disgusting fucker who would cheat. Are you telling me that the dude who didn’t even consider taking advantage of even a single one of the girls who were fawning over him would have a face-heel turn and cheat? Yeah, right. I don’t understand how you can call yourself a Sasuke fan and genuinely support cheating. Why would Sasuke wait to be with Sakura in order to have sex with Karin when he and Karin had so many opportunities to bang prior to this while they were travelling together as a team? Why would he have a child with Karin and just dump the child on Sakura’s head? I don’t even want to hear superiority arguments that go along the lines of “Karin is an Uzumaki so she has superior genes compared to Sakura who doesn’t come from a clan” because…arguments like these are disgusting. I don’t think it was ever even slightly implied that Sasuke (or the Uchiha for that matter) held beliefs like this. If anything, these guys didn’t like being othered and set apart from the rest of the village. I don’t think Sasuke ever implied that he believes some vaginas are not genetically pure enough for him to get into so please don’t put these shitty beliefs on him. Sasuke was described as “pure”. It’s simply the way he is. I really don’t care that you think he’s not a “True Hetero Guy” unless he cheats and/or has sex with loads of women.
I always see people saying fans who ship Sasuke and Sakura are “disgusted” by the thought of Sasuke having sex with someone else. But do you know how many people I’ve seen saying how grossed out Sasuke must be by being around pussy (specifically Sakura’s) and how he probably cries and is traumatized by the experience? I’ve yet to see people talking about how Sasuke must be super disgusted by dick.
Moving on to Sakura, pretty much 100% of the vitriol I’ve seen thrown at her comes from misogyny. People always like to say it’s not misogyny and yet it always is. It comes from Kishimoto himself and his ideas of women. He constantly described Sakura as “not cute” and “a hard woman”. And it’s true, Sakura’s not demure or submissive and doesn’t appear to be very suited for domesticity.  I don’t believe that just because she is loud and outspoken she would make a dreadful wife and mother. She was very shy as a child (mostly because she was insecure) but she grew into herself. About her not being cute, I’d say that’s debatable. Kishimoto said she’s not cute in the beginning and I see a lot of haters talking about “that ugly bitch Sakura” but let me tell you this, Naruto and Rock Lee had pretty intense crushes on her and Jiraiya compared her appearance to Tsunade’s (although the man’s trash when it comes to women but you get my point). What do people base their opinions on when they say she’s ugly? On her exaggerated anger expressions? Because Sakura is not drawn as prettier or uglier than any of the other female characters. Is it based on the fact that people love to bring up time and time again, that she doesn’t have big breasts? Yeah, she doesn’t have breasts as big as Tsunade’s or Hinata’s or even Ino’s but what does that have to do with anything? Nope, this is rooted in misogyny because, just like in real life, when you don’t like a woman you insult her based on her body and appearance because you believe that’s where all the worth of a woman is. Besides, don’t you think there something wrong with focusing so much on the body type of a girl aged 12 to 17? Because I think there is.
I always feel like laughing at people who call her stupid because Sakura is a nerd. This is why she was paired with the more battle prone Naruto and Sasuke because she was too much brains and not enough brawn. I know that it was Ino, Shino and Sasuke that graduated top of the class but, according to the Databooks, none of them beat Sakura in intelligence, she is equal to Shino and higher than Ino and Sasuke. People love to say that her being able to do the written part of the Chunin Exam all by herself doesn’t prove that she’s actually smart, buddy, it does. The fact that she’s smart doesn’t make the rest of the students who cheated idiots. That was the point of the test, the questions were too difficult for 12 year old genin to answer. The fact that Sakura could, however, isn’t bullshit. You wouldn’t call an exceptionally gifted kid who can answer really advanced academic questions “not that smart really, it doesn’t prove anything”. Freaking Sasuke commented on her analytical abilities, she’s an extremely skilled med-nin, she is able to put pieces of information she’s previously learnt together in order to form a present opinion, her hobbies are trivia games and memorizing medical ninjutsu material for God’s sake.
I definitely don’t think comparing her to Hinata achieves anything. Hinata does represent the ideas Kishimoto seems to have about women. She is soft-spoken, she is never confrontational, she never wants to offend anybody. Sure, Hinata also has her insecurities and doesn’t place much value on herself (we have her father to thank for that) but even after getting out of that shell and discovering she has some iron at her core, she is still mostly soft. That’s not a bad thing at all, it’s simply who she is as a person and it doesn’t make her better or worse than Sakura. I know that Sakura fans have always been bullied online, from forums to YouTube to tumblr to any other comment section of blogs and stuff, people have always thrown shit at Sakura, saying she’s useless, a whore, an idiot. The amount of times I’ve seen people wish violent, horrible deaths on Sakura (for the sole reason that she didn’t spread her legs for Naruto being the catalyst in pretty much 100% of the cases) is immense. The amount of times I’ve seen people wishing Hinata would kill Sakura “for what she did to Naruto” is huge. So based on this, I understand why Sakura fans feel the need to get defensive. I don’t agree with putting Hinata down but I understand why some people might do it. I’ll never put down someone’s fav (especially when the fav is as unproblematic as Hinata who honestly did nothing wrong) but I definitely understand why some people will do it.
Naruto is a shonen, battle manga. We will never get 100% healthy relationships in this because the manga is not focused on romance. It is why the relationships between Sasuke and Sakura and Naruto and Hinata were not greatly developed and why there was an overemphasis on Naruto and Sasuke’s bond which is basically “we’re forever competing to see who’s better”. Kishimoto based it on his relationship with his brother but I’m pretty sure he took it up to eleven in the manga. Because Naruto is a manga for whom the target audience is boys, female characters will never be 100% appreciated. Most of the boys watching identify with the downtrodden outcast, guys such as Lee or Naruto. It’s a thing, associated with the stereotype of the Western man who watches anime, a stereotype that is proved to be correct in most cases, sadly. How many of these guys think they’re gems, that they’re precious souls to have around and girls just don’t see them for what they are? Both Naruto and Lee are very loved among male fans and they are both rejected by Sakura. (I could also say something about the stereotypes Western anime watching men place on Japanese women, namely “the pliant, submissive wife, who would do house chores all day, would never say no to sex and worship them as the much better versions of Japanese men that they are” but I’m not going there.) Never cruelly though, she remains friendly with both of them. Her bond with Naruto is very strong and they’re actually a pretty rare example of a good male and female friendship (the violence that is played for laughs doesn’t really mean much to me).
However, for the male fans that is never enough. How many times did I see stuff like “She chose Sasuke although Naruto never left the village” or “Naruto did so many things for her yet she still chose Sasuke”. Dude, there was never a competition. Sakura loves Sasuke, plain and simple. You can disagree with that if you want, you can disagree with how she expresses her love for him but there was never competition. Sakura has always loved Sasuke, what she feels for him is true love. Many people don’t believe it exists but it is what it is. I find it funny (and by funny I mean idiotic to the heavens) that people always say her development was crushed because she didn’t give up on Sasuke but Naruto’s was improved by not giving up on Sasuke. This is bias and misogyny at its finest. Sasuke is not just a crush to Sakura. People always want to say Sakura was a fangirl to Sasuke and nothing more and that she simply needed to get over her obsessive crush. She wouldn’t have said all she wanted was for him to acknowledge her if he were just a crush, she wouldn’t have suffered so badly over him. Many of the village girls had a thing for Sasuke and I doubt all of them cried over Sasuke at night after he left. Only Sakura anticipated when he was going to leave. People always say that Sakura maturing would have meant her understanding that her and Sasuke are just not meant to be a thing. The thing is, she wasn’t holding on to the idea that her and Sasuke would be “a thing”. Kakashi made it pretty clear (to Sasuke and to all fans who just can’t get it in their heads) that Sakura only wanted to help him, not to get into his pants.
People are also super quick to judge the relationship between Sasuke and Sakura as abusive. Why though? All the times they were violent towards each other (and there weren’t even that many times) they weren’t dating, they were combatants on opposite sides of battle. There is nobody in this series that Sasuke is more violent towards than Naruto and yet I never see this relationship classified as abusive, instead it is considered romantic and heartfelt that he wanted to sever his bonds with Naruto in order to make a martyr out of himself and be consumed by darkness. Like, yeah, that’s super healthy. I see the same thing being said with Karin, that Sasuke impaled her simply because he wanted to cut all of his bonds, not because he actually wanted to kill her. Which is…stupid to say the least. Like, cool story, still murder. He knew that impaling her would result in killing her but damn, was he willing to make that sacrifice. The reasons why Sasuke wanted to murder the people in his life are not important. In truth, all the murder he wanted to commit was because people were getting in the way of killing Itachi and, after killing Itachi, people were getting in the way of his goal to be completely alone in order to destroy/reform Konoha. Sasuke is not a psychopath who murders for fun but that doesn’t mean he was in a good place.
I shipped Sasuke with Karin but I never saw their bond as overly emotional or true love. I’m not saying Karin doesn’t care about him but I do think her feelings for him are more in the realm of sexual than the romantic. She does care for his well-being, she wants him to be happy, she is impressed by him and wants to be around him but it’s not romantic. Does she suffer when she thinks he’s dead? Naturally. Because she cares about him and she does love him but, again, not romantically. Karin’s sexual feelings for Sasuke are not bad, they don’t make her a whore or whatever. But it’s quite silly in my opinion to mistake them for some sort of pure, true love. They’re not that and it’s fine that they’re not. We see Sakura wanting to be alone with Sasuke but she never thinks of how she’s so excited she can barely stand it and how she wants to “ravage Sasuke like crazy”. We don’t see Sakura’s reaction, upon seeing Sasuke arrive on the battlefield to be “I want to lick Sasuke all over right now”.
People always like to remind everyone that Sakura ended her friendship with Ino over Sasuke. However, we never see Sakura and Ino be hostile to each other. Compare their rivalry to the one between Sasuke and Naruto to understand what I’m saying. They had a mild dislike going on but we see them quickly overcome it in the Chunin Exams. Sakura and Ino never really gave up on their friendship, their rivalry was mostly played for laughs, I never took it seriously because I don’t think it was presented in a way that was saying “you need to take this seriously, this is the real deal”. Mostly because it dealt with who has prettier hair and who can get the seat next to Sasuke first. Nope, not serious.
Back to Hinata, this is the reason why so many of the fanboys prefer her. Look at the opinions Shikamaru, another character the fanboys adore, has about women. He is downright misogynistic but that gets overlooked in fandom time after time because of his 200 IQ. Instead, I see people saying it is Sasuke who hates women when there is no indication of that, except, you know, people who think he’s gay and because he’s gay he MUST hate all women and consider them absolutely gross (except for the, sometimes OC, self-insert in fanfiction). Just like his father, Shikamaru has this thing that women should be sweet, soft and tender not headstrong, demanding and even harsh (women like his mother, Yoshino, Ino, Temari, Tayuya). He hates receiving help from women, he is frustrated when he has to fight women. He sums up his views of women himself by saying “C'mon. You know what they’re like. You can never figure them out. You never know where you could stand with them. The smallest things could put you in their bad side. Always playing little mind games with you. Trying to make you do what they want. They’re just a big pain basically.”
For the most part, many fans linked Sakura to Kushina because of her fiery personality. Minato kinda sealed this comparison when saying Sakura reminded him of Kushina. So a lot of people, while calling Sakura an ugly bitch and a whore who needs to be raped and die, still wanted her for Naruto and believed she will ultimately change her mind and go for Naruto. Personally, I don’t care about that because so many characters in Naruto are carbon copies of people who came before them, enough similarities are enough. This idea that a guy should marry a woman just like his mother is weird for many reasons to me. It’s only men that have unhealthy relationships with their mothers that want a woman exactly like their mothers. Then the ending came so Hinata, being the embodiment of what a woman “should be” became more appropriate for Naruto in the eyes of so many fans. The fact that she fits these patterns doesn’t take away or add to Hinata’s character in any way. It just is. However, fanboys will use it in a sexist way. I definitely don’t agree with the criticism for Hinata that it’s wrong her motivation for becoming strong is Naruto. The motivation of pretty much all characters in becoming stronger is in order to protect others and there's nothing wrong with wanting to improve yourself because you feel that would put you on more equal grounds with the one you love. This manga places great value on the power of unity and community and people who seek power for power’s sake, for revenge or for evil don’t do well. They are either defeated or they change their minds. Great emphasis is placed on the “you only become strong when you have someone you need to protect” mentality. And women are allowed to make connections in this life, they don’t have to live “lone wolf” lives in order to be “truly strong”. Loneliness is an enemy in and of itself in Naruto.
Kishimoto’s views on women are not necessarily progressive but they’re not exactly bad in my opinion. It all has to do with how fanboys twist his ideas and make them bad. Because I don’t think he ever blamed Sakura for not hooking up with Naruto. I know there are people who believe that he’s holding onto the belief that people (and women especially) must forever be with their first love. I think it just so happens that Naruto and Sasuke were Hinata’s and Sakura’s first loves but, more important, they are their true loves. Ino moved on and I see people saying she shouldn’t have. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t I guess. To sum up, I’ve yet to see dislike for Sakura that’s not misogynistic. I’m not even talking about people who think she’s weak. She is the only one who’s not from a clan and yet she managed to surpass Tsunade, a Sannin. She was impaled by Madara and shook it off immediately, she saved Naruto’s, Kankuro’s, Hinata’s and Karin’s lives, she saved Sasuke from an infinte desert, she saved Obito from a sea of acid, she punched an alien all-powerful goddess in the face.
People saying shipping Sakura and Hinata with the guys they’re canonically in love with proves their fans are selfish because they just want them to look cute next to Sasuke and Naruto amuse me. That if you really cared about them you’d ship them with guys who “actually” care about them like Lee or Kiba or whatever. Dude, people love who they love. And a woman has no obligation to be with a man who was friendly and nice to her, not even a man who has a crush on her if she’s not attracted to him or doesn’t love him.
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Romance Meme Thing
tagged: @shadowlyheroine
tagging:  Everyone interested in doing so!
Repost, don’t Reblog
Nᴀᴍᴇ: Ua “Lochlann” Kahu Nɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇꜱ: Loch, Lelehuna(unused at present), Lochy(Des, Scary,) Puppy(Plumeria,) probably others? Gᴇɴᴅᴇʀ: transmale with a question mark at the end that he stares at for a moment before erasing, but the imprint is still on the page. Oʀɪᴇɴᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴ: Kinda verse dependent?  Gray-pan* covers it pretty well across the board Pʀᴇғᴇʀʀᴇᴅ Pᴇᴛ Nᴀᴍᴇꜱ: He doesn’t have any problems with the ones he’s recieved so far Rᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘ Sᴛᴀᴛᴜꜱ: Verse dependent; usually single
Fᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ Cᴀɴᴏɴ Sʜɪᴘꜱ: All the RP ships are canon since he’s an OC ufufu  Fᴀᴠᴏʀɪᴛᴇ Nᴏɴ﹣Cᴀɴᴏɴ Sʜɪᴘꜱ: At the same time, they’re all non-canon! Because he’s an OC lol. 
A ϙᴜɪᴄᴋ ɴᴏᴛᴇ ᴏɴ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘɪɴɢ: Slow burns are A++.  Chemistry is a requirement, even if that chemistry is just us discussing their chemistry and history, but I love playing things out and just seeing where they go and greatly prefer that to ‘we should ship!’ and expecting things to just. Happen as a result.  At the very least, a few platonic interactions before seeing if something can actually be attempted is preferred, lol I and my muse prefer to feel things out.  Furthermore, I’m totally down for onesided feelings, crushes, bangmates, hateshipping, etc.  I’m also down for 'we don’t really talk about it oocly but they kinda figured it out themselves icly’ lol so if you’re worried over talking to me for some reason, just kinda come at loch! he gets attached fairly easily. You’ll have the easiest time with him if you’re a member of Team Skull, especially if you outrank or are on equal or similar ranking to him.  But I’m down for anyone and anything, really.
Furthermore, relationships with Loch will likely not be the healthiest.  Loch has somewhat stalkerish tendencies when he's interested in somebody(romantically or not, but especially romantically,) and his submissive and anxious nature will shine through if he’s very fond of someone, doing anything even if he doesn’t want to for the sake of their happiness.  Getting to a point of equivalence with him will likely take some time. Alternativly, it could stay unhealthy forever, which is also fine by me!!
Polyshipping/polyamory/same-verse-multishipping is very, very welcome here, so long as discussions have occurred between all involved muns.
OH AND MOST IMPORTANTLY romance is not my main thing for rping anymore. For a long time, in the past shippy stuff was like. All I ever rped. But I love characters and character exploration and I'm trying to learn development and advancement, so I’d love, love, LOVE to be able to have threads of them just…being them. Not necessarily on dates or doing romantic things, but.  Doing their own thing(s), but together. Working with the power of their relationship. Slice of life. Drama. Other genres, featuring this couple, not necessarily focused on them being a couple but being two people who are together, you know? One’s whole existence isn’t about their partner once they find one–there’s much, much more to life and to one’s individuality, and I don’t want to lose that.
Oᴘɪɴɪᴏɴ ᴏɴ Tʀᴜᴇ Lᴏᴠᴇ: He hasn’t really thought much about it.  He has other things on his mind. If love comes his way, then that’s pretty cool, but he’s not one to seek things out. However, he’s well aware of how feelings can come and go.  Assuming true love implies permanence or being fated or whathaveyou, he’s probably not one to believe in it, especially not in regards to himself. . .but he's sure others could enjoy such concepts more. He tends to consider himself more of a hold-over or an accessory to a relationship or partner than an actual partner. Hᴏᴡ ‘Rᴏᴍᴀɴᴛɪᴄ’ ᴀʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇʏ?: Not too romantic…? He’s pretty inexperienced in the ways of…emotions, period, let alone love.  He’ll try and imitate romantic behaviors as read about in books/seen on tv or movie or others’ relationships/expressed or recommended towards him/etc, but by nature he’s not too romantic if anything, he’s a little sporadic and, again, submissive/excessively selfless and will go out of his way for the sake of his partner’s will/interests.
Iᴅᴇᴀʟ Pʜʏꜱɪᴄᴀʟ Tʀᴀɪᴛꜱ: He’s not too picky. He tends to like people that are bigger than him, and he finds sharp teeth, strong smells, and inhuman features(not necessarily like. ears and tails although that too, but like. Again, sharp teeth, things like that.) Iᴅᴇᴀʟ Pᴇʀꜱᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ Tʀᴀɪᴛꜱ: Again, he's not picky at all.  Feelings just kinda happen for him…but he likes people who are kind to him, who respect Team Skull and his Master especially, people who are very individual-seeming and adventurous and. Interesting? People who seem like they have or are a story in and of themselves.  Authoritativeness is a plus, or maybe that’s his dependency showing…? Uɴᴀᴛᴛʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ Pʜʏꜱɪᴄᴀʟ Tʀᴀɪᴛꜱ: None tha he’s aware of yet… . Uɴᴀᴛᴛʀᴀᴄᴛɪᴠᴇ Pᴇʀꜱᴏɴᴀʟɪᴛʏ Tʀᴀɪᴛꜱ: Enemies.  <:3   Uh.  Disrespect of his team. Disrespect of his superiors. Being a threat to him and those he cares for. Lying a lot/significantly/about important things without making up for it/improving in some way, traditionalness…???  He’s not considered it too much because he’s.  Easily attached.  When he likes someone he doesn’t think much of their negative sides lol…he admires them instead.  Complication and humanity/personhood appeal to him.<br>Iᴅᴇᴀʟ Dᴀᴛᴇ: He’s never thought about it! His response would, of course, be “whatever you’d like!,” but he’d most certainly enjoy trying out activities and engaging in hobbies together. Discovering what they do and don’t enjoy, eating at new places and new foods…discovering themselves,sharing their hobbies and stuff.  Being able to just. Indulge in each other.  Dᴏ ᴛʜᴇʏ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴛʏᴘᴇ?: Gross men lol.  People with strong personalities and animalistic attributes to them, people who care about him as an individual and especially help him find himself or influence his personality to some extent, sometimes someone authoritative or overbearing is kind of nice…?  But he’s fallen for all sorts.
Aᴠᴇʀᴀɢᴇ Rᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘ Lᴇɴɢᴛʜ: So far none of his relationships have really ended, kinda??  Hes never really had one before present. . .kinda.
Pʀᴇғᴇʀʀᴇᴅ Nᴏɴꜱᴇxᴜᴀʟ Iɴᴛɪᴍᴀᴄʏ: Close proximity. Holding each other. Sharing space. Caring for each other. Doing things for them. Doing things they do. Cᴏᴍᴍɪᴛᴍᴇɴᴛ Lᴇᴠᴇʟ: LOCH IS.  Loyal. And committed. But also easily influenced and it is possible to cause him to cheat by making him think that he’s strongly needed or desired by another party.  .furthermore, loch doesn’t consider most of his relationships committed relationships unless, like, plainly stated. Again, he sees himself as more of an accessory–a friend with benefits or a sidebitch kinda deal. So he may mess around, cluelessly, not realizing his partner thinks it’s just supposed to be them.  It kinda depends on the person. He’s not bothered much by cheating, himself–again, he doesn’t really see himself as a proper partner anyway so his partner being with someone else is very rarely an issue for him…but if someone makes him out to be important and valued then seems to disregard him, he’ll get upset and panicky and lonely.  Oᴘɪɴɪᴏɴ ᴏғ Pᴜʙʟɪᴄ Aғғᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ: Loch is an easily flustered bean.  He enjoys public affection, but he’ll likely be embarrassed or shy about it depending on what it is/where they are/how he’s feeling.comfort levels/etc.  Pᴀꜱᴛ Rᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱʜɪᴘꜱ: He and @deliveryboi had something…it’s kind of ambiguous as to what, though.  (´・ω・`)  If you mean other ships…a few Guzmas, two other skull grunts, and two skull admins, kinda.  I feel like there were others, but I’ve had a long hiatus lol
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hivemined · 5 years
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𝒎𝒖𝒏 𝒊𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏.
-   name :   eli -   age :   24 -   timezone :   gmt-5  /  est -   pronouns :   she  /  her
this is an  independent  roleplay blog portraying several  canon characters  of  yu-gi-oh!,  kingdom hearts,  sailor moon,  and  pokemon.   i am in  no way  affiliated with the official work or releases,  i am simply a fan creating  fan work  of characters from these series.  i  do not  claim ownership of any of these characters,  or anything having to do with them or the franchises they come from.
while i have considerable knowledge   &   understanding of the source material from which these characters come,  all of my muses are primarily headcanon based,  and some are canon divergent.  this is due to my own writing preferences   &   personal perceptions of these characters.
i plan on being active,  obviously!!  but i have other blogs to run,  as well as a life outside of rp,  so i won’t be able to be here every waking moment,  and it may take me a while to reply sometimes.  but i do my best,  always!!  it’s never anything personal,  or me not caring about being here.
i hold all of my writing partners to the same basic writing etiquette as pretty much everyone else :  no godmodding  /  metagaming,  no ooc drama,  and approach me  beforehand  about specific plots you’d like to do.
i reserve the right to turn down anything i don’t believe suits or fits my muse,  but if that comes to be the case, i will of course  always  be friendly   &   polite about it!  and i expect the same in return.  let’s be kind and have fun pls.
i am  semi-selective,  but very loosely so.  i am more than open to interacting with characters from series other than those portrayed on this blog.  that  includes  ocs   (  so long as they have some information for me to reference  ) !!   
that being said,  if i’m unfamiliar with the series your muse comes from,  it may take me a while to get used to interacting with them,  but i am open to looking into info about them and learning more about the character!!  
𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈   &   𝒑𝒍𝒐𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈.
i tend to write a lot.  please  don’t be intimidated or discouraged by that!!   i  never  expect anyone to match the amount of words in my starters or replies.  i only ask that equal effort is put in,  and paragraphs aren’t responded to with one-liners,  lest i simply won’t reply. 
this is obviously for fun,  but i put a  lot  of effort into my portrayal   &   into my writing!!  if i write you a starter upon your request,  please  dignify it with an adequate response.  i’m here to write after all    . . . . .   i can’t imagine what else i would be here for fjhvjhgfg
there’s  never  any rush to reply.  i’ll take my time   &   you should take yours,  too!! this is meant to be a fun   &   relaxing hobby,  so let’s not stress over anything.
if you feel the need to drop a thread with me,  please let me know!!  i keep track of my threads as i like to stay organized, so it would help me a lot to know which ones to not expect a response to.  i’ll do my best to return the favour,  of course.
i write exclusively in  para  /  novella  style,  meaning literate sentences with quotations to indicate when a character is speaking.  that’s just how i’m most comfortable writing, i don’t tend to stray away from that. 
i do occasionally do text message threads,  but those are not necessarily ideal for me. 
i am open to plotting with  all mutuals!!  even if our characters come from the same series   &   have something of a relationship already in canon,  i’m willing to expand upon it   &   explore different types of relationships!!  
i do ask,  however,  that if you approach me to plot,  you come with something of an idea or ready to contribute to a brainstorming session.  i’m not finna do all the work lmao
i have  terrible  anxiety,  so unless it’s been like an ungodly amount of time   (  i.e.,  over a month or something  ),   please  do not  approach me about the status of your reply.  i’m working on it,  i promise!!  i try my best to do them in order but some threads naturally get a quicker response than others due to various factors;  length, inspiration,  relationships,  et cetera.  it’s never anything personal if i’m taking a bit of a while,  i promise.  i’ll do my best!!  ♡
also,  i usually post ooc updates if i’m going through something   &   need more time than usual to reply to things, so look out for those, please!!    
𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈   &   𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒑𝒔.
i have shipping biases.  there are some ships that i am quite fond of   &   that i am more likely to want to write.  even still,  the main factor when it comes to shipping is,  you guessed it,  chemistry.  even if i have a bias for the ship,  i prefer some amount of buildup to the actual romance.  
that aside,  i’m willing to ship just about anything  so long as it is unproblematic.  y’all know what that means,  i’m not even gonna get into it.  don’t be gross.  
i don’t ship with duplicates;  i don't ship my muses with duplicates of themselves,  nor of other muses i am already shipping that particular character with.  i’m also  highly selective  with shipping.  though this is technically a multishipping blog,  i don’t like having a lot of ships.  i just like to have a few that i can focus on   &   develop.  
despite that,  i am  more than willing  to interact with duplicates of both my muses   &   muses of others i interact with!!  more on that further down.
you might be able to tell by now,  but shipping is  not  my main priority.  i’m interested in exploring ALL types of relationships!!  
i  do not  formally claim mains or exclusives.  the  only  instances of  ‘  mains  ’  will be in shipping verses,  but beyond that,  i don’t want anyone to feel excluded or like less of a priority while writing with me! 
obviously these things happen naturally sometimes,  even for me,  and that’s  okay!!   but if we’re mutuals,  that means we should write together regardless of if i write with someone else’s version of your muse!!
i lightly format my posts,  but i tend to keep things pretty plain.  nothing wild   &   crazy or illegible from me because i’m just a basic ass bitch lmao
i do use icons,  though i don’t  need  to use them per se.  that mostly means if i notice my partner does not use icons than i won’t use them,  either,  just to keep things looking cohesive. 
speaking of my icons,  i know they’re nothing special but please  do not take them  or any other graphics you see on this blog.  i make them all on my own.  the artwork i use is almost entirely sourced from pixiv,  and all credit goes to the respective artists who worked hard to create them. 
if you are an artist   &   you notice your work used on my page   &   you would like me to take it down   &   cease using it,  please contact me immediately!!  i would be more than happy to comply with your request.
you are more than welcome to ask for my  discord  /  twitter  if you’d like to contact me ooc outside of tumblr!  tumblr im is always an option,  too,  but i’m notoriously forgetful so if i don’t respond after a bit,  just  gently  poke me   &   i’ll do my best to get back to you!!  
this is actually kind of important,  but i am over the age of 21,  so mature content may be present from time to time.  it will  always  be tagged.  i will not write mature themes with minors.  period.   
concerning  smut,  some of my muses are actual children,  so obviously there will be no smut with them.  at all.  if it is so much as even  suggested,  it’s a hardblock.  don’t be gross. 
other muses i am open to smutting in ship verses,  but those threads will be exclusively on discord,  as tumblr no longer allows mature content on the site.  we not getting my whole ass blog deleted over some smut,  sorry.
there won’t be a lot of triggers around here, but on the occasion i post or write something triggering,  it will  always  be tagged.  if i miss something that triggers you, please contact me   (  politely  )   immediately!!  i don’t want to hurt anyone.
that being said,  i expect triggers to be tagged by my mutuals for my own safety,  as well.  if you post something triggering to me without tagging,  i’ll probably shoot you a   (  polite  )   message asking that you tag it so i can avoid it. 
my personal triggers are,  but are not  limited  to :  p*dophilia,  r*pe,  self harm,  suicide   &   suicidal ideation,  eating disorders,  and vomiting.
lastly,  i  do not  use or send  ‘  rule passwords  ’.  if i’m interacting with you,  you can trust that i’ve read your rules.  this is me telling you that 100%  for sure  in writing.  so don’t worry!  ♡
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