#and of course that depends on whether she's genuine or not about no longer associating with the hemomancers/the rose
noxianwilled · 1 year
what if drann did leave the black rose. what if she, not unlike cassiopeia, was inducted by a mother or other family members that were hemomancers. what if something did happen to make her reconsider and she ran away (and the two of them, without anyone else who'dlook after them, banded together as a result? what if kat helped keep her safe only to later learn drann was plenty dangerous on her own too?).
what if she didn't, and was supposed to spy on kat, but ended up genuinely changing her mind. what if eventually she did betray the black rose and left the hemomancers. what if it was in no small part due to her bond with katsrina.
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gothamlabsstuff · 2 years
A Localization Services Company
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After enough clients began keeping Shawna's scratch tracks (brief voice peruses that an illustrator or    Translation services   video proofreader utilizations to time their video until the last, proficient voice is recorded), it became obvious that she had an ability for voice acting. Many voice-over (VO) craftsmen start their professions this way.Besides being entertainers, frequently, voice specialists are likewise solid designers who can tidy up their own sound, ace it, or even add music, contingent upon a task's requirements. They likewise may have their own studio space and recording gear (more on this in no time).
  An expert voice-over entertainer will can convey precisely exact thing they guarantee so they address the issues of your video. Their flexibility can imply that they will pay attention to your headings and ideas to help make the explainer video that you need. Paying attention to their demos through their site or sent straightforwardly from them will give you a knowledge into their adaptability.
 In the event that a voice-over entertainer has a broad foundation in acting before a camera or in front of an audience, you should rest assured that they will actually want to offer genuine realness to your video. A large number of them are capable to the place where they are attempted and tried and they can apply course so they convey your explainer video message in the correct manner. Working with a skilled voice-over expert will have the universe of effect.
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 You might accept that any individual who can talk can do voice over (VO), yet you are off-base. Recording a VO expects abilities to successfully convey your substance. Consider a voice over help with gifts that can rejuvenate your story.
 VO gifts are specialists who add a component of variation and dexterity to various circumstances that a typical individual can't. They know how to speak with a different crowd and under time requirements.
 Marking is turning out to be more significant for associations, especially little ones. Whether it's the means by which your staff picks up the telephone or the voice addressing your association, your message should be reliable. Consistency expects that you utilize similar voice across your advertising materials.
 In the event that your organization has a high representative turnover rate, utilizing laborers as brand ambassadors can challenge. While you might act as a voice for your organization, you might not have the opportunity and range of abilities to make quality material. For this reason a dependable voice over organization can prove to be useful.
 Recruiting a VO ability with skill guarantees a positive encounter and urges guests to remain longer to hear your message. Logical recordings pass on data about your business. Whether your item is complicated or clear, an educational video can transfer your message more really than a site or blog.
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dwellordream · 3 years
“Because informal camaraderie between the sexes was an unfamiliar phenomenon, figuring out how to relate to each other was a complicated matter for both men and women. As one young man noted in 1924, "Nowadays when a woman goes everywhere and does everything, it is very difficult for a man to figure out how to treat her." "How is a man to know how to treat a woman anymore?" asked another bewildered soul. Obviously, these and other young men were at a loss when it came to relating to women as friends and companions. Did female companionship mean, they wondered, that men had to be courteous and gentlemanly at all times? 
Would they have to refine their language and manners in order not to offend female sensibilities? Or should young women simply be treated as men would each other? Most often they found no clear answers to these questions, and they had a hard time imagining new ways of behaving. "No matter what I do," grumbled one young man, "I never seem to do the right [thing]." Young women seemed equally unsure about how to interact with the opposite sex. On the one hand, they longed for frank conversations and easy rapport. On the other, they did not need advice columnists and etiquette experts, or their mothers, to remind them that "nothing is as delicate as a woman's reputation."
As they well knew, simply seeming too anxious for male companionship or too careless in selecting one's company was sufficient to cast doubt on a woman's moral rectitude. Yet, showing too much reserve might mean missing out on having fun. Their concerns were therefore of a different kind than young men's. Was it really true, they wanted to know, that men found women who went out at night by themselves to be "cheap"? Did men approve of women who wore lipstick? And under which circumstances could a woman allow a young man to walk her home? "I don't want to be prudish, but I don't know what is appropriate," one nineteen-year-old woman wrote, summarizing the dilemma she and many other young women faced.
In public discourse, the uncertainty over new codes of behavior came to a head in discussions over the seemingly trivial issue of male chivalry. Throughout the 1920s, young men and women debated this matter with an astonishing passion, and for that reason alone it is worth examining. What were these discussions about? What caused them? What was it about this issue that triggered such intense feelings? And what does this tell us about the difficulties associated with establishing cross-gender camaraderie? On the surface, the lines of conflict were clear enough. Over and over again, young women complained about what they perceived as rudeness among men. "Why are Danish men so ill-mannered?" "Femme" wanted to know in 1923.
"Girlie" was convinced that "chivalry and courtesy disappeared along with the crinoline." Writing from Italy, another woman was sure that Scandinavian men would "die of embarrassment" if they saw the gallantry with which "even lowly dock workers on the Arno River treat a woman." Adding insult to injury, one of the few Langelinie girls to speak out in public claimed that her interest in the visiting sailors stemmed solely from the fact that the foreigners were "considerate," "gentlemanly," and "chivalrous" companions who did not try to take advantage of "a decent and well-behaved young girl" like herself.
"A Copenhagen Girl" agreed. Since "you can use a very strong magnifying glass and still not discover even the tiniest trace of chivalry" among Danish men, she didn't find it surprising that nice girls like herself preferred the company of men like "Pierre and Giovanni, Tom and Jack." In most cases, young men declared themselves guilty as charged, but, they argued, this was only because chivalry was an outdated form of conduct entirely incompatible with the kind of camaraderie women seemed to desire. "What is it that determines that a man must always be chivalrous toward a woman?" a self-described "nonattentive gentleman" thus asked.
Another young man who defiantly labeled himself "nongallant" wanted to know whether "a young woman has any right to be offended because I do not pick her up before a dance but ask her to meet me at a trolley stop?" "Mack and Jack" were equally annoyed by what they saw as unreasonable demands on the part of female companions. "We are two young men," they wrote to an advice columnist in 1923, "who would like to hear your opinion about the behavior of two young ladies. The other night after we had been out dancing together, the young ladies wanted us to escort them home, but we live at the opposite end of town and escorting them home would have taken more than an hour out of our night's sleep, so we refused. Now they don't want to see us again."
The unmistakable tone of anger, resentment, and indignation that runs through this discourse suggests that more than etiquette was at stake in the controversies over chivalry. When young people debated whether men ought to open doors, assist with overcoats, carry packages, offer cigarette lighters, give up their seats in trolley cars, and walk companions home, they were, of course, trying to determine what constituted proper behavior in an era when gender norms were being redefined. That in itself was fraught with difficulty, and the confusion they expressed was genuine. 
But because both men and women perceived chivalry as a source of power and control, their "conversations" are therefore best understood as part of a much larger struggle over the relative status of men and women in a changing cultural context. For that reason it became such an intensely contested issue. Certainly, women's insistence on male chivalry was not merely motivated by a desire to indulge in the pleasures that spring from a companion's service and attentiveness. In their eyes, chivalrous behavior indicated, among other things, a certain level of male regard. After all, it had in the past only been disreputable women who could not legitimately demand such treatment. 
Insufficient male chivalry was therefore seen, even among many self-proclaimed "modern" young women, as an insulting sign of disrespect. More importantly, young women also perceived chivalry as a sort of sexual safety mechanism. At the heart of the ideology of chivalry lay the notion that men were responsible for serving and protecting women. Therefore, as long as women could hold men to a code of behavior that emphasized courtesy and (sexual) self-control, their ability to protect themselves from physical and moral danger seemed all the greater. And if this potentially greater degree of safety came at the expense of what seemed more egalitarian companionship, that was a price worth paying for most women. 
Besides, despite their modernity, young women were not out to eradicate gender-differentiated forms of behavior. While they were eager to assert their independence from older patterns of social interaction and to develop new forms of camaraderie with men, they still insisted on their femininity and on having that femininity acknowledged by male companions. "It might well be," one women poignantly argued, "that women in this country have reached their goal in terms of equality with men, but that does not mean that they have stopped being women."
That sexual equality and continued male chivalry were demands not incongruous with each other was a claim many men found hard to accept. "We don't understand how young girls can demand to be equals and at the same time demand to be treated as ladies," two male friends explained. "Women have by now for many years sought equality with men," another man elaborated, "and it is therefore my infallible [sicl] opinion that the ladies must either be entirely independent in all matters and renounce gentlemanly gallantry, or they must relinquish their equality with men." With such comments, young men laid bare what was for them at the heart of this matter. 
Clearly, they expected women to reciprocate for the favors and attentions they received with a certain degree of modesty and deference. As Karen Dubinsky has pointed out, the flip side of chivalry and protection is power and control. When men no longer felt they had power and control over women, they were, as they repeatedly stressed, no longer willing to respect a code of conduct that endowed them with a specific set of duties and responsibilities. Underlying the controversies over the issue of chivalry were therefore much more profound conflicts, most of which derived from young men's resentment over losing a set of gendered privileges and an authority over women that older generations of men had been able to claim. 
Even though many young men were attracted, at least in principle, to the idea of having fun and enjoying themselves in the company of female peers, they were also deeply ambivalent about young women's entry into what had previously been male territory and their encroachment on what had traditionally been male prerogatives. As one newspaper columnist complained in 1921, "Women have forced their way through every door—into the labor market, into politics, and into entertainment. They are getting more and more rights—rights to this and rights to that—but what about us men? We don't seem to be getting any more rights."
Many young men also took offense at women's relative independence in public arenas. As long as young women had money of their own, they did not have to depend on male companions in order to partake in public entertainment. Although most men had greater earnings and more spending money than their female peers, even those women with the most limited funds were usually able to afford a movie ticket, the admission to an amusement park, or a cup of coffee in a restaurant, and unlike in the United States, for example, young Danish women typically paid their own way when they went out with male companions, at least as long as they were not engaged or going steady.
 "Of course, we paid for ourselves when we went out," insisted Stine Petersen. "Yes, naturally! Naturally, we paid for ourselves," exclaimed Netta Nielsen, seemingly surprised at the suggestion that men might pay for female companions. While hard on their pocket books, such financial self-reliance had several advantages for young women. First, it allowed them, as Michael Curtin has pointed out, to signal that "the relation between themselves and [male companions] were of a public and egalitarian nature, not romantic as between lovers." Perhaps more importantly, it released them from any obligation to male peers and from the moral suspicion that surrounded any woman who accepted gifts and treats from men who were relative strangers. 
Besides, paying one's own way also protected young women from ending up, as Nikoline Sorensen phrased it, in an "awkward position" where men "might expect things" in return for their generosity. But rather than appreciating the potential for egalitarian friendships that such practices produced, most young men resented the self-reliance of their female peers, perceiving it as a challenge to male initiative and a lessening of their power. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, much of young men's resentment grew from their sense that women were in fact not only becoming less dependent, but were also acquiring a whole new kind of power over men. 
"What are men to do? How can they protect themselves against these attractive, scantily dressed young girls? We are under their spell," a twenty-two-year old man complained in a statement that interwove two of the most common strands in male discourse on postwar gender relations. First, men of all classes and ages spoke of young women as increasingly bewitching and seductive. Whether it was their short skirts, deep necklines, freer body language, or seeming flirtatiousness that led men to this conclusion, they generally agreed that the new generation of women possessed an unprecedented degree of sexual allure. 
Second, they constantly complained that women were using their wiles, their charms and their bodies as unfair means to gain control over men, who were ill-equipped to withstand such an onslaught. "This is the last and final battle in the war between the sexes," one observer declared in 1924. "After suffrage and all the other rights women have obtained, they are now plotting their final assault. With their physical allure, they are striving to master men who are, after all, only men." In this light, young men's unwillingness to behave chivalrously begins to take on its deeper meaning. In a situation in which many young men believed that women were gaining the upper hand, they were less than eager to engage in behavior that smacked of servitude to women. 
In earlier generations, a man who fetched a woman's coat or carried her packages had discreetly underlined his own masculinity through a show of physical ability. By the 1920s, the very same gestures seemed to many young men simply to demonstrate service and subordination to a new generation of women who already possessed too much power over them. Quite understandably, they therefore resisted any involvement in such behavior. Although the debates over chivalry are revealing of the underlying conflicts that seriously circumscribed any effort to create more frank and egalitarian relationships between young men and young women, they may ultimately be read as fairly innocuous. 
After all, having to fetch one's own coat is at most an inconvenience, and while ungentlemanly behavior might offend a woman's sensibilities it hardly impairs her autonomy or her freedom of movement. But because (sexual) self-control was a central component of the ideology of chivalry, young men's increasing unwillingness to adhere to this long-standing code of conduct had more serious consequences. Predictably, although unfortunately, it led to an unprecedented level of physical and sexual danger for all women who ventured into public arena.”
- Birgitte Soland, “Beauties and Boyfriends, Bitches and Brutes.” in Becoming Modern: Young Women and the Reconstruction of Womanhood in the 1920s
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bytheangell · 3 years
Reclaiming Power
(S02E13 inspired fic) (Read on AO3)
There’s a knock on the door of Jace’s room and he knows who’s on the other side even before Alec’s voice calls hesitantly through the wooden barrier between them.
“Jace? Are you in there?”
Jace considers not answering. He’s avoided Alec all day since Imogen told him that he was going to be named the replacement Head of the Institute. He knows he has to tell Alec at some point - sooner rather than later, since Alec deserves to know before it’s announced to the entirety of the Institute the next day. The problem is that Jace doesn’t know how he’s going to look Alec in the eye and break the news.
Jace sighs. “Yeah,” he answers, still making no move to get up and open the door.
“...can I come in?” Alec adds, sounding even more uncertain. Jace wonders how much of his anxiety is coming through the bond for Alec to feel.
“Yeah,” Jace repeats, this time standing up and walking over to unlock and open the door.
“What’s wrong?” Alec asks before he even clears the doorframe, and Jace winces. Not ‘how are you?’ or even an ‘are you okay?’, but straight to ‘what’s wrong?’, implying he already knows that something is wrong. Of course, he does.
“That obvious?” Jace stalls, wandering over to the window so his back is to Alec. He hates this. he hates this so goddamn much.
Alec doesn’t comment. Instead, he closes the door behind him before sitting down on the edge of Jace’s bed in a clear sign that he isn’t going anywhere until they talk, no matter how long that ends up being. Jace isn’t naive enough to think he can wait this out - on some of Jace’s more stubborn nights Alec has sat in silence for hours until Jace was ready to talk about whatever was on his mind.
The silence stretches between them for a minute, and then two, and into a third before Jace finally speaks.
“It should be you, Alec. I told Imogen it should be you, but she wouldn’t listen.” Jace still can’t bring himself to say the words, like maybe if he can avoid speaking the title aloud it might be less real.
“What should be-” Alec starts, confused without any context, then trails off. Jace is still facing away from him but he can picture the look of recognition that crosses Alec’s face as his parabatai finishes that thought with a quiet, “Oh.”
Worse, Jace feels a flash of disappointment across their bond before Alec manages to reel it back in.
“Congratulations, Jace.”
“No,” Jace shakes his head. “We’re not celebrating this. I don’t deserve it. You do.”
There’s the sound of shuffling behind him, booted footsteps that stop only inches away before Alec’s arms slide around his waist, pulling Jace back against his chest. The touch, the pressure of Alec’s gentle but firm embrace, grounds him from the spiral he was about to enter - the same one he’s experienced more often than not during the majority of the day.
“This isn’t your fault,” Alec reassures him. “We both know that position was yours from the moment the world found out you’re a Herondale.”
It’s true. Not too long ago, when everyone thought he was a Morgenstern, Imogen would’ve as easily seen him returned to the Clave dead as she would’ve alive. Now she’s just as quick to appoint him the Head of an entire Institute, all because of a father he never met and a bloodline he feels no allegiance to.
“Yeah, well, I don’t want to be a Herondale,” Jace mutters. “I’m a Lightwood. And if this Institute goes to a Lightwood, it should be you, not me.”
Jace feels the rise and fall of Alec’s shoulders against his back when he shrugs. “If it makes you feel any better, even if it wasn’t you, I still don’t think it’d be me. Not after… everything.”
‘Everything’ being walking out of his own wedding to be with Magnus, and Madzie breaking into the Institute for Valentine, and the demon possessions, and his parents’ history with the Circle… though they both know all of that is just an excuse to punish him for choosing Magnus over one of their own and showing sympathy toward Downworlders.
“Not really.” Unsurprisingly, that doesn’t make Jace feel any better. In fact, it only makes him feel worse for fitting so seamlessly into this broken system of theirs as a perfect soldier. Jace pulls away from Alec and sits on the edge of his bed. Alec follows close behind, sitting next to him a moment later.
“You’re going to be a great Head,” Alec says. “And I’ll have your back every step of the way. You can do this.”
As comforting as it is to hear Alec’s reassurances, Jace doesn’t doubt that he can do this. He’s a smooth talker, a skilled fighter, and one of the best soldiers of their generation. He can give orders as well as he follows them... when he feels like it. And he’s never backed down from a challenge, especially when his personal reputation is on the line. No, he’s positive he can do this, but that isn’t the point.
“Sure I can, but I shouldn’t have to,” Jace sighs, sounding defeated. Talking about it isn’t helping, especially since there’s nothing either of them can do about it. “It isn’t fair.”
Alec shrugs again, looking about as helpless as Jace feels. “What about our lives has ever been fair?”
This is ridiculous. The longer Jace stands in front of Imogen as she addresses the Shadowhunters the more he fights the urge to simply walk away before she can announce him the future Head. He shouldn’t be here. Looking at the faces of Shadowhunters much better equipped to run an Institute than him, he knows there’s a very long list of people who should be in his place right now… and he knows that Alec is at the top of that list.
He woke up resigned to playing out this blatant favoritism because he couldn’t imagine what else he could do at this point, but at this moment he has a sudden flash of inspiration… or insanity, depending on how it plays out. Jace figures he’ll find out which way the scales tip soon enough.
“In this time of crisis, it is essential that we maintain strong leadership. That is why-”
“Actually, if I may?” Jace says suddenly, interrupting Imogen with a disarming smile, not giving her a chance to answer one way or the other before turning back to speak to the Shadowhunters gathered before him. “This Institute has been through a lot lately. These most recent attacks on Shadowhunters notwithstanding, we’ve been tried and tested time and time again the past few weeks. And, time and time again, one of us has risen to the occasion and proven himself a true and dedicated Shadowhunter, son, brother, and most of all, trusted leader of our people.”
At this point Imogen realizes what he’s doing, and moves to stop him, eyes wide in a satisfying mixture of panic and anger. “Jace-”
“And after sharing my opinion, Imogen agreed. That’s why it is our honor to name Alexander Gideon Lightwood Head of the New York Institute.”
Applause mixes with murmurs with all eyes darting from Jace to Imogen to Alec. Alec, to his credit, keeps a mostly neutral expression despite the surprise and hint of panic Jace feels spike in their bond. After the clapping dies down all eyes turn back to Imogen. For a moment he’s afraid she’s going to take back everything he said, but then he watches as the flash of anger from before melts into a bitter resignation, lips pursed tight. Jace knows the position he’s put her in - if she calls Jace a liar now, she ruins his credibility. No one will know whether they can believe him or trust any order that comes from him.
He’s left her with no choice, not if they both want to come out of this with their heads held high and Jace’s newly established association to the Herondale name a respectable one.
“Yes. As my grandson so generously stated, there’s no one else better suited to run this institute than Mr. Lightwood, who will take over upon my departure back to Idris,” Imogen says. Jace breathes a sigh of relief.
Jace tries to make a beeline for Alec, but a firm grip on his shoulder stops him dead in his tracks. “Not you,” Imogen says, her voice low so only he can hear. She waits until everyone else has scattered before speaking again. “What do you think you’re doing, pulling a stunt like that?”
“Giving this Institute the leadership it deserves,” Jace says. “We both know it. And don’t worry, when he’s the best Head the New York Institute’s ever had, you’ll get all the credit for appointing him. It’s a win-win.”
“We’ll see about that,” Imogen mutters, turning to leave in a huff.
Alec is by Jace’s side in seconds.
“What the hell was that, Jace?!”
“That was me stopping Imogen from making a huge mistake. Congratulations,” Jace says, an echo of Alec’s sentiment from the night before. Except this time the word is full of nothing but genuine joy - no hesitation, no disappointment.
“There’s no way she’s going to let that stand,” Alec insists.
“Sure she will. She can’t go back on it now. In a few days, you’re going to be right where you deserved to be all along. I meant every word of what I said up there, too. You’ve earned this,” Jace says, clapping Alec on the back.
He hopes Alec believes him. This isn’t just some ‘spit in the face of authority’ move, or a selfish desire to avoid responsibility and paperwork. Alec deserves this, and Jace wants nothing more than for Alec to get everything he deserves in this life and beyond. After two decades of constantly drawing the short straw, he’s earned this chance to properly show everyone else what Jace already knows: that he’s damn good at what he does.
Alec returns the motion, pulling Jace into a quick hug. “Thanks, Jace.”
“Don’t mention it,” Jace grins. “Now c’mon, boss, let’s get back to work. We’ve got a rogue warlock to track.”
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victor1463 · 3 years
Before Night Falls
The tone of the writing is bleak at times. Reinaldo Arenas describes the struggles he experienced in the country during his childhood. There are sexual interactions that he had with people around him that could be considered sexual abuse. Arenas may not see it that way because it was normal to explore sexual desires with whoever or whatever was around in the countryside. The tone was ever-changing and depended on the stage of life that Arenas was in. When he was in the county, he felt in his element, but he was confused about his sexuality. Arenas tried to suppress his love for men; it created a hopeless tone for the writing. The way he speaks about the people who did not hide their sexuality is with admiration. He was impressed by those who accepted their feelings and did not hide for fear of persecution. When Arenas witnesses the support that others around him have for communist Cuba, there is a tone of fear. The political climate in Cuba is unstable, and no one is safe from Fidel Castor's control.
The atmosphere of the reading was unstable, and things were never what was expected. The sexual desire that Arenas felt was all over the place, and hiding his genuine desire for men was only making it harder for him. The political state went from one dictatorship to another. Fidel Castro took control under false pretenses, and this only creates a more fragile political state. When the people took to the streets, once they heard the truth about their leader's intention, they went along with it. They were indoctrinated into communism, and to object meant death. Arenas knew this, and it is why he pretended to show support for what happened. He was already in constant danger because he was gay, and showing his actual distrust for Fidel Castro would have put an even bigger target on his back. People were being prosecuted for their sexuality. “sweetness. Little by little, those enemies started to make headway, saying that María Teresa was a lesbian, an aristocrat, and a counterrevolutionary, and they finally managed to get her replaced” (Arenas, 72). She was accused and persecuted even though she was just rumored to be gay. Throughout the reading, I could only feel an anxiousness about what was going to happen next. The history of the book is well known, but the events that Arenas experienced were never predictable. There was danger around him, and he was close to getting outed because of the people around him. Arenas wanted to learn and improve his writing skills, and the people who were willing to help him were against Castro. His association with these people made him suspicious. Arenas is constantly on the brink of losing everything. His writing is starting to be recognized but has yet to make the impact that he wants.
While reading this, I was shocked, and at one point, I had to put the book down. I could not handle the description of animal cruelty that Arenas had written about. Arenas mentions witnessing that  “Sheep would be hung by their legs to have their throats slit, and after the blood had been drawn, while they were still half alive, they would be cut into pieces” (Arenas 20). There were so much cruelty and pain around people and animals. It made me think about what the people in the town had experienced and what cruelty they do to each other. Arenas mentions, “We had returned to the times of Nero, the times when the masses rejoiced in watching how a human being was being condemned to death or murder before their eyes” (Arena, 59). People enjoyed the fact that they could get someone killed if they disagreed with Fidel Castro’s belief. Surprisingly, Arenas did not end up as a cruel person who would give up those around him in Castro's support. The university he attended had brainwashed everyone who attended, but he saw what was going on before public knowledge. Arenas even admitted that there were people in power who were openly gay but were not arrested because they supported communist Cuba. Arenas was educated and knew how to use his words to create a reaction. If he wanted to, he could have climbed the political ladder and loved whom he wanted, but he kept his viewpoint and saw the system's right and wrong.
The issues seen throughout the reading are endless. Arenas describes the executions of those who opposed Castro and the persecution that the gay community experienced. Cuba was struck by poverty, violence and people were using the system to get rid of people they did not like. Arenas depicted the unstable nature that existed within the citizens of Cuba. Whether it be people living in fear of being gay or having someone lie to get rid of them, Cuba's people were never truly safe. The trial system did not rely on evidence; if there was an accusation, it was enough for someone to be sent to jail or be executed. Arenas wrote the book not to highlight his experiences but everyone's experience. He does not only focus on himself, and he brings in everyone's beliefs and actions. In the “... decade of the 1960s, when the state assumed an ever more prominent role in policing sexual behavior and identities,”. (Lambe). The Cuban government tries to control all aspects of life. He writes to show how those around him helped him grow, but he also depicted their downfall because of communist Cuba. Arenas wanted to show how everyone under Castro's control was a victim who could not escape their captor. In the end, “the executions were thus for Fidel a measured attempt to ensure the survival of Cuba's revolution, as well as to propagate long-term political transformation. (Karl). Many people died during the revolution and suffered right after the revolution under Fidel Castro’s control.
In the end, the dissidence, homosexuality, and literature all correlate with the Cuban Revolution. The disagreement of homosexuality and censorship of literature played significant roles in the revolution. Many people died and were punished for their sexuality or even being accused of being homosexual. Arenas mention in the library chapter, “I decided the Library was no longer a place for me either. Any book that could be deemed to be “ideological diversionism” disappeared immediately. Of course, any book dealing in any way with sexual deviation also vanished”(Arenas, 73). Many things were being used to punish people if the government didn’t agree with them. This type of censorship limited the revolution and cost. Arenas was writing to spread his word and the truth about Cuba. He mentions that he had lost some of his work, and some disapproved of his writing because of its topics. “Arenas was also writing as an ‘outlaw’ since some of the episodes in which he had become involved fell within violation of sexual laws in Cuba.” (Ocasio). Arenas was becoming free through his writing. Still, in reality, he could not be seen in public without the fear of someone turning him into the government.
                                                       Works Cited
Karl, Robert A. “Reading the Cuban Revolution from Bogotá, 1957–62.” Cold War History, vol. 16, no. 4, 2016, pp. 337–358., doi:10.1080/14682745.2016.1218848.
Lambe, Jennifer L. “Historicizing Sexuality in the Cuban Revolution.” Radical History Review, vol. 2020, no. 136, 2020, pp. 217–232., doi:10.1215/01636545-7857392.
Ocasio, Rafael. “Arenas, Reinaldo (1943-1990), Novelist and Political Activist.” American National Biography Online, 2000, doi:10.1093/anb/9780198606697.article.1602886.
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warrioreowynofrohan · 4 years
Stormlight Archive Epigraphs (1) - Letters
I’ve been going through the Stormlight Archive epigraphs to see if there are hints or foreshadowing or information that I’ve missed; before now, I hadn’t pulled together ones from different chapters, and it’s been very interesting to get a clearer picture of them.
These posts are as much for my own reference as anything else.
This one covers the letters between Wit and his, hm, associates, which are in TWOK Part 2, WOR Part 4, and OB Part 2.
Wit’s Letter
Old friend, I hope this missive finds you well. Though, as you are now essentially immortal, I would guess that wellness on your part is something of a given. I realize that you are probably still angry. That is pleasant to know. Much as your perpetual health, I have come to rely upon your dissatisfaction with me. It is one of the cosmere’s great constants, I should think.
Let me first assure you that the element is quite safe. I have found a good home for it. I protect its safety like I protect my own skin, you might say. You do not agree with my quest. I understand that, so much as it is possible to understand someone with whom I disagree so completely.
Might I be quite frank? Before, you asked why I was so concerned. It is for the following reason: Ati was once a kind and generous man, and you saw what became of him. Rayse, on the other hand, was among the most loathesome, crafty, and dangerous individuals I had ever met. He holds the most frightening and terrible of all of the Shards. Ponder on that for a time, you old reptile, and tell me if your insistence on nonintervention holds firm. Because I assure you, Rayse will not be similarly inhibited. One need only look at the aftermath of his brief visit to Sel to see proof of what I say. In case you have turned a blind eye to that disaster, know that Aona and Skai are both dead, and that which they held has been Splintered. Presumably to prevent anyone from rising up to challenge Rayse.
You have accused me of arrogance in my quest. You have accused me of perpetuating my grudge against Bavadin. Both accusations are true. Neither point makes the things I have written to you here untrue.
I am being chased. Your friends of the Seventeenth Shard, I suspect. I believe they’re still lost, following a false trail I left for them. They’ll be happier that way. I doubt they have any inkling what to do with me should they actually catch me. If anything I have said makes a glimmer of sense to you, I trust that you’ll call them off. Or maybe you could astound me and ask them to do something productive for once. For I have never been dedicated to a more important purpose, and the very pillars of the sky will shake with the results of our war here. I ask again. Support me. Do not stand aside and let disaster consume more lives. I’ve never begged you for something before, old friend.
I do so now.
Reply 1:
I’ll address this letter to my “old friend,” as I have no idea what name you’re using currently. Have you given up on the gemstone, now that it is dead? And do you no longer hide behind the name of your old master? I am told that in your current incarnation you’ve taken a name that references what you presume to be one of your virtues. This is, I suspect, a little like a skunk naming itself for its stench.
Now, look what you’ve made me say. You’ve always been able to bring out the extreme in me, old friend. And I do still name you a friend, for all that you weary me.
Yes, I’m disappointed. Perpetually, as you put it. Is not the destruction you have wrought enough? The worlds you now tread bear the touch and design of Adonalsium. Our interference so far has brought nothing but pain.
My path has been chosen very deliberately. Yes, I agree with everything you have said about Rayse, including the severe danger he presents. However, it seems to me that all things have been set up for a purpose, and if we - as infants - stumble through the workshop, we risk exacerbating, not preventing, a problem. Rayse is captive. He cannot leave the system he now inhabits. His destructive potential is, therefore, inhibited. Whether this was Tanavast’s design or not, millennia have passed without Rayse taking the life of another one of the sixteen. While I mourn for the great suffering Rayse has caused, I do not believe we could hope for a better outcome than this. He bears the weight of God’s own divine hatred, separated from the virtues that give it context. He is what we made him to be, old friend. And that is what he, unfortunately, wished to become. I suspect that he is more a force than an individual now, despite your insistence to the contrary. That force is contained, and an equilibrium reached.
You, however, have never been a force for equilibrium. You tow chaos behind you like a corpse dragged by one leg through the snow. Please, hearken to my plea. Leave that place and join me in my oath of nonintervention. The cosmere itself may depend upon our restraint.
Reply 2:
Dearest Cephandrius,
I recieved you communication, of course. I noticed its arrival immediately, just as I noticed your many intrusions into my land. You think yourself so clever, but my eyes are not those of some petty noble, to be clouded by a false nose and some dirt on the cheeks.
You mustn’t worry yourself about Rayse. It is a pity about Aona and Skai, but they were very foolish - violating our pact from the very beginning. Your skills are admirable, but you are merely a man. You had your chance to be more, and refused it. No good can come of two Shards settling in one location. It was agreed that we would not interfere with one another, and it disappoints me that so few of the Shards have kept to this original agreement. As for Uli Da, it was obvious from the outset that she was going to be a problem. Good riddance. Regardless, this is not your concern. If Rayse becomes an isdue, he will be dealt with.
And so will you.
Reply 3:
Cephandrius, bearer of the First Gem,
You must know better than to approach us by relying upon presumption of past relationship. You have spoken to one who cannot respond. We, instead, will take your communication to us - though we know not how you have located us upon this world. We are indeed intrigued, for we thought it well hidden. Insignificant among our many realms. As the waves of the sea must continue to surge, so must our will continue resolute.
Did you expect anything else from us? We need not suffer the interference of another. Rayse is contained, and we care not for his prison. Indeed, we admire his initiative. Perhaps if you had approached the correct one of us with your plea, it would have found favourable audience. But we stand in the sea, pleased with our domains. Leave us alone.
We also instruct that you should not return to Obrodai. We have claimed that world, and a new avatar of our being is beginning to manifest there. She is young yet, and - as a precaution - she has been instilled with an intense and overpowering dislike of you. This is all we will say at this time. If you wish more, seek these waters in person and overcome the tests we have created. Only in this will you earn our respect.
Reply 4:
Your letter is most intriguing, even revelatory. I would have thought, before attaining my current station, that a deity could not be surprised. Obviously, this is not true. I can be surprised. I can perhaps even be naive, I think.
I am the least equipped, of all, to aid you in this endeavour. I am finding that the powers I hold are in such conflict that the most simple of actions can be difficult. I am also made uncertain by your subterfuge. Why have you not made yourself known to me before this? How is it you can hide? Who are you, truly, and how do you know so much about Adonalsium? If you would speak to me farther, I request open honesty. Return to my lands, approach my servants, and I will see what I can do for your quest.
Basically everything that I know about Wit and the Cosmere beyond the events of The Stormlight Archive comes from the Stormlight Archive Rereads on Tor.com. Here’s my understanding of what is going on:
The God of Sanderson’s Cosmere, Adonalsium, was splintered into many different pieces (Shards - not to be confused with Shardblades and Shardplate), each consisting of a separate characteristic, and each characteristic was taken on by a different person.  Up until I put these epigraphs together, I thought there were 16 shards, but from this, it sounds like there was a 17th that Wit was supposed to take on, and chose not to, and that his sixteen associates are displeased with him for that (and are trying to get that Shard back?).
The tone of the different replies is very interesting.  The first one, I have some sympathy with, as one of many reasons why I tend to oppose military interventionism is that generally the intervenors have no idea what they are doing and risk making things worse; the author fo the first reply seems to have genuine affection for Wit despite his aggravation.
The second reply is very much the opposite, starting courteous but being the most clearly hostile of the four.  The third reply indicates that Wit’s letter went to a Shard-holder other than the one he intended, and to someone who is broadly antagonistic (given that they “admire Odium’s initiative”).  The fourth one, I’m gathering from bits of comments from other people on the broader Cosmere, is from the person currently holding the Shards of both Ruin and Preservation.
I’m not sure any of the material from the letters is essential, or if it’s just an addition for the enjoyment of Cosmere fans; the broad takeaway seems to be that Roshar is on its own and no one else is inclined to provide large-scale assistance against Odium.
I’m not sure whether I’m corrent in assuming that Tanavast is the original name of the person who took on the Shard of Honor, in the same way that Rayse is the original name of the person who took on the Shard of Odium?
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theavenir17-blog · 4 years
Just how Condo Buyers Can Stay away from Paying Too Much: Ten Crucial Tips
Whether you're some sort of first-time buyer or a expert professional in the real estate online game, purchasing a condominium can be an daunting task, fraught with economic pitfalls as well as potential income. It's an emotional course of action filled with difficult choices-and each and every decision you make has funds riding on it. Finding the right rental for your family's needs will be tough enough; knowing how in order to avoid paying too much for that amazing living space is another job totally.
As a professional Realtor® who have helped countless buyers locate their dream home in addition to save money at the same time, I've produced this guide to help you avoid the prospective hazards inherent in the condo-buying process. I'll show you making certain you've found the correct home, as well as how to loan provider a price to your advantage. These are classes you truly can't find the money for to learn through trial and error.
Suggestion #1: Determine Your House "Minimums" Ahead of Time.
Understand that you can find two condos out there eager for your attention-one that fits your needs and one that suits your desires. In a excellent world, you could choose that will three-bedroom condo with area for your family to grow, nevertheless have the perfect floor policy for entertaining and social get-togethers. Is that big kitchen more vital to you than a few added rooms?
When you begin shopping for your own personal condo, you'll encounter qualities you'll fall in love with for different causes. It's best to list the features you want before you start shopping. Break your personal list into two categories-"Needs" and "Desires"-and prioritize those items accordingly. Understanding what you genuinely need in your condo rather than what you'd like to have will help you keep your priorities straight when you shop around .
Don't let emotion impair your judgment. Satisfy your preferences first, and if you can accomplish some of your desires at the same time, so much the better. What's crucial is to understand the difference before getting caught-up in the excitement in the hunt.
Tip #2: Obtain a Pre-Approved Mortgage.
In case you are not buying with dollars, getting a loan pre-approved could be the smart way to shop for a loft apartment. It tells sellers that you are currently a serious prospect, and you realize in advance the maximum mortgage it is possible to afford.
I've seen customers make the mistake of understanding what they qualify for, but not having pre-approval in writing. You've removed this far, so take next step-get it written.
The good news is that it's easier than ever to be approved for a home loan.
Tip #3: Communicate with Your Realtor.
Coming from finding the right condo to examinations and negotiating the best package, the condo search practice can be exhausting for the particular hardiest souls. That's why smart condo buyers have a Realtor® in their corner. Most vendors you encounter are undoubtedly going to have professionals particular side. Having a pro on your own team is the safest solution to ensure that you get the best deal achievable.
Once you have a clear, detailed photograph of the condo you want, make sure that your agent has the same graphic. This communication is critical. In any other case, you'll both waste time considering homes that hold little curiosity for you.
Also, make sure your Agent knows your priorities. Your own personal shared goal is to it is worth it to find an excellent condo that complies with all of your needs; your Will give will then try to satisfy as much of your desires as possible.
Idea #4: The Cliché is valid... Location, Location, Location!
The particular desirability and resale associated with your condo-to-be depends on place more than any other single aspect. Again, don't let emotion get involved the way of a wise investment. Simply no condo is an island, as well as the value of yours is influenced in what surrounds it. The Avenir showflat
There are several factors that combine to create a fine location. Your first consideration is a neighborhood itself. Every local community has its own unique character; you should make sure you'd be comfortable inside the one you're thinking of moving into. Take a long walk as well as observe carefully. Do folks take pride in their building? Speak to the neighbors and ask concerns that give you a better sense for the property. But try not to appear judgmental-you might be conversing with a future neighbor.
Tumblr media
If the developing is to your satisfaction, try to find units on the market in the area. Incredibly large units surrounded by more compact ones tend to appreciate not more than a large condo among some other large condos. Conversely, the actual unit in the building is commonly "pulled up" by the additional units in the building. Nonetheless it might take longer to sell a smaller sized unit when the time will come because many people are unwilling to cover extra for the neighborhood. The Avenir showflat
The outside edge of a neighborhood is normally not good for resale value. You can find noticeable dividing lines in between dissimilar neighborhoods. It could be a change in architectural styles, property or home use or something else. Search for a condo in the middle of a location of similar buildings; it will eventually hold its value far better.
An exception to this rule can be a building on the edge of your neighborhood bounded by h2o, parkland, a golf course or maybe other open space. Normal boundaries appeal to buyers, and the "edge" condos can actually command word a better price. Be mindful, still of the planned use for that open space. A community park is nice; a fresh freeway, strip mall as well as industrial center isn't.
Other stuff that can negatively affect residence values are traffic, seems, smells, etc . Be sure to supply the neighborhood a long, hard seem. The condo you're interested in could be perfect, but if the neighborhood provides problems, your investment defintely won't be worth as much when the moment comes to sell.
Tip #5: Enjoy the Present, but Look at the Future.
Buying a condo is often a big investment. If you can stretch out a little today financially to obtain a unit that you can grow with-whether it's having a child, operating a home-based business, or turning an extra room into your personal gym-do it. In the long run, it will oftimes be less expensive than moving up into a marginally larger unit if the need does arise.
Hint #6: Pay Attention to Red Flags While Evaluating a Condo.
When assessing the advantages and drawbacks of a certain property, be sure you know the big difference between acceptable and unwanted problems.
Some issues-peeling fresh paint, worn carpeting, ugly wallpaper-are cosmetic and can be easily dealt with. You can even use these "problems" during negotiations to lower the particular asking price. After all, you'll need to spend some money to bring the condo around snuff.
Make careful take note of the issues you realize that can be used to your advantage. May nit-pick, however-if taken to two extremes, you could end up alienating owner and creating a hostile ambiance.
In my experience, spending a few hundred or so dollars on a professional condominium inspection is the best investment likely to ever make. A professional inspector brings experience in evaluating a great many homes, good review standards, and an neutral perspective. And a written review can be an excellent negotiating application.
Don't let a condo's optimistic attributes blind you to extremely real problems. If you do, the possibilities are good that you'll end up wasting much more money than you ever before expected at some point down the line.
Fortunately for buyers is that the regulation now requires sellers for making complete disclosure of identified material defects. Make sure to fully grasp this in writing. And carefully take into account how these defects may possibly influence what you're ready to pay.
Tip #7: Some Fixer-Uppers Are "Good-Byes, " Negative Buys.
You may be the sort regarding person who looks at a condo looking for significant work as "a challenge" and an opportunity to make money. Many individuals have bought fixer-uppers at below-market rates, invested a little sweating equity or more than a tiny money on renovation, and after that eventually put it back on the market with a profit.
But if your unit basically priced low enough, you may not recoup your investment of the time, trouble and expense. Prior to deciding to proceed, do a careful examination of what you'll have to spend. Then, consult with your Realtor to master what you can reasonably anticipate to earn when you put the model back on the market. And be certain to consider the unexpected-there's no such thing as being a "sure thing. "
Word of advice #8: Put on Your Best Holdem poker Face.
One of the costliest blunders you can make is letting the vendor know how much you love their condo. Once you've let it fall, you can just about forget about settling the price-the other area knows how motivated you happen to be. In fact , a seller often see this as an opportunity to squash a little more money out of an individual even when you've made a good offer you to start with; no matter how wonderful a property is, keep it to on your own.
Keep your own situation for you to yourself as well. Information can be utilized against you. How much most likely willing to spend, the size of loan you can afford, your move-in deadline-it all can be used to acquire more money out of your pocket. Make sure you tell your agent everything he / she needs to know to be effective with your behalf-whether you plan to pay income or the size of the home finance loan you can afford, etc . Nevertheless , keep your personal circumstances and also timeline to yourself.
Inversely, knowledge is power. The causes behind a sale can often be accustomed to your competitive advantage in the course of negotiations. For example , a vendor whose company has transported him to another city may perhaps be more motivated to sell as compared to someone who is still looking for a fresh home.
Other signs of a new motivated seller include a vacant system, or a condo that's been in the marketplace for several months with savings in the asking price.
Tip #9: Don't Be Pressured, but Carry out Negotiate.
While you want to proceed expeditiously once you're inside negotiations, don't let the other edge pressure you into a speedy close. It may be a sign there's something you should know, but may. And the reason could be well worth money.
Sometimes, the seller's Realtor will try to discourage a hesitant buyer with all the threat of another significant potential buyer. Don't fall under this trap-it will only cost money. If there is another consumer, then the seller's agent will endeavour to get a bidding war started out. In these situations, whoever benefits also loses because the client ends up overpaying.
If there just isn't another buyer, there's a excellent chance that "the various other deal" will fall by means of and the seller's agent should come calling. Be sure to let the different side know that you might be fascinated if this were to happen, prior to deciding to walk away.
You may be the type of person who also prefers a hard-and-fast cost on everything. "I don't like to help haggle, " you point out. But negotiation is the key to secure a good deal! If your goal is to get the best house possible for the least amount of money, then you certainly better be prepared to play. Your personal Realtor can assist you with these sometimes-stressful negotiations.
Tip #10: All set - Set - Obtain!
Good properties move quickly! Once you've made up your mind to get a condo and you've prearranged your Realtor, be prepared to help to make decisions quickly. If you find the ideal unit today but usually are ready to buy until down the road, you may already be too late. Is actually that simple-if you have decreased in love with a particular condominium, somebody else in the market probably has also.
If this all sounds like plenty of work, it is. But this is certainly to be expected when you're getting anything of such fantastic value. And you'll thank by yourself and your Realtor when the result is to your satisfaction.
You should feel free to call me if you'd like further explanation on some of these tips, or if you have virtually any real estate questions at all.
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incomingalbatross · 5 years
English-Speaking Doctor Headcanons
So the Doctor is definitely bilingual and I have a lot of feelings about that.
First Doctor relied entirely on the TARDIS translator for most of his life, but did learn a bit of English when they were stuck in London because Susan wanted him to learn with her.
Aside from it being IC for Susan to want to learn, we know she did because she turned the (pre-existing Gallifreyan?) word “Tardis” into an English acronym
(I really love that the TARDIS has an English name. And that Susan gave it to her.)
First Doctor may have started trying to speak English for real around Ian and Barbara. Further, this may be the reason for some of his fluffed lines?
Second Doctor got a lot better at English and spoke it more. He also learned to read and write English without the translator because Jamie was learning! (I suspect Victoria was responsible for most of that--she probably liked being able to teach them both something that significant.)
Side note: Just as Susan learning English got the TARDIS her acronym name, the Doctor’s name “John Smith” wouldn’t exist if Jamie hadn’t learned to read English.
Jamie probably also gave him Gaelic lessons.
Third Doctor was very glad he’d been learning English, because the TARDIS’s translator circuits were... not totally reliable... during their exile. (And also he liked speaking English out of spite.) This is the life when he started thinking in English more than in Gallifreyan.
Of course, he wasn’t perfect at it yet...
I’m not saying for sure that “reverse the polarity of the neutron flow” was supposed to mean something else.
I’m just saying English is hard.
Fourth Doctor is definitely speaking English 100% of the time. Quotes English literature/poetry a lot. Speaks English especially when he has to go to Gallifrey (though most of them don’t notice he’s using the TARDIS translator to talk to them.)
Taught Leela to read/write English--pretty sure that’s canon? (Also pretty sure the Sevateem genuinely spoke English...)
It took Romana a long time to realize he was speaking English. Also that K-9 was speaking English (if anyone taught K-9 Gallifreyan, it was probably the TARDIS). She was very weirded out by this.
Fifth Doctor, ironically, only had one or two companions who spoke English (depending on whether or not Turlough genuinely knew English).
This did not help Adric and Nyssa when he started going off about cricket. Or trains. Or... a lot of things, really.
Again, I’m not sure any of them ever realized the Doctor and Tegan were the only people there speaking English.
Sixth Doctor is one of the ones most clearly speaking English, because... that VOCABULARY. This man enjoys the English language.
Seventh Doctor is definitely speaking English with all those mixed idioms. However--given whatever was going on with him that life in terms of identity--I suspect that he also slipped into Gallifreyan sometimes. Possibly more as that life went on...
Eighth Doctor unfortunately, I still don’t know well enough to have any opinions on here.
War Doctor absolutely used both, with greater equality than he had since his first couple lives. This wasn’t so much an identity thing, though, as a practicality thing--translators weren’t always an option, and sometimes he needed to speak a language the soldiers serving with him knew.
(sometimes, of course, he needed to speak a language the Time Lords didn’t know.)
To be fair, it was also an identity thing at times. Sometimes it felt wrong speaking a different language than the people he was fighting alongside, whether they knew it or not...
And on the other hand, sometimes he really needed to root himself in the language of Earth, of humanity, of the friendships that made him the man he was. Sometimes he needed all the help he could get not to lose that man entirely in the middle of the War.
EDIT: “NO MORE” was definitely written in English.
Ninth Doctor probably flipped between the two languages like mad. His identity and his associations with both languages were a jagged, jumbled mess, and I’m not sure anyone could have found a pattern.
(“Fantastic!” was definitely English, though.)
Tenth Doctor obviously spoke English sometimes--”Brilliant,” “Correctamundo,” that time he put on a Scottish accent--and I would assume this was, in fact, most of the time. Switching to Gallifreyan was a sure sign the Last of the Time Lords was coming out.
In general, his Dramatic Speeches were probably in Gallifreyan. Unless he was genuinely so caught up in what he was saying that he forgot he was being a Time Lord and his words came out in English.
Also liked playing with expressions in other Earth languages, of course.
(May have spoken some Gallifreyan in “Midnight”? Would be a good way to test the mimicry.)
Eleventh Doctor probably had less clear categories--speaking English for most of his Epic Speeches, for instance. (ALSO, like Ten, clearly enjoys playing with English some of the time.) 
He did have one situation in which he almost always spoke Gallifreyan, though. When he was talking to babies.
Clearly taught both Modern and Old High Gallifreyan to River at some point, as well.
Twelfth Doctor no longer feels the need to Keep the Language Alive as the Only Living Speaker; as a result, he happily switched back to Scottish-accented English 100% of the time. (Again, ESPECIALLY when dealing with Time Lords.)
(Okay, he might still speak Gallifreyan to babies. I’m not sure about that. If so, it’s entirely about his own first fatherhood.)
Thirteenth Doctor I know pretty much nothing about, but I suspect she’s also speaking all English, all the time.
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ca1e70-deactivated · 4 years
a list of my entirely way too niche headcanons ive actually implemented for everyones imagination:
name options ive used and refuse to retire: david elizabeth strider (sometimes i dont feel like being a douche to others and saying thats not his name), harley davidson strider, and david james strider for the sake of simplicity
im not gonna tell yall the like. oc exes ive given him bc thatll take eighteen years. 
i dont rlly have an explanation on the ghost thing besides the fact he just can? ive occasionally pulled from family ghost stories and experiences bc i somehow got landed with family members who lived in a haunted house for a decade and enjoy scaring me with all the stories (including the time my cousin literally died on the kitchen floor from a bronchial spasm and one of the friends that was over asked my aunt later what was up with the old man she saw in the corner of the room that night - my cousin is fine btw shes just a huge bitch and a third grade teacher and i dont like her)
whether or not hes done drugs is based on absolutely nothing besides how im feeling in that moment. either hes the designated driver and sober friend forever or he got fired from his job after doing a line at work during graveyard with some random customers theres no inbetween (this absolutely happened @ waho. if dave works at waho hes a mess of a person and thats on the diner itself.)
ok look i hc dave w/schizophrenia besides when i was 14 i had a hyperfixation with learning about it and then at 16 was prescribed a medication and had side effects so wack my therapist genuinely thought 14 yr old me was onto something and its a weird way to cope with the idea that lady put in my head that i might “develop it in my twenties” which i turn 20 this year and i havent been able to stop obsessing and panicking over the prospect so PLEASE dont come in my inbox calling me ableist im not out here all harley quinn in suicide squad with the voices ok hes medicated, he goes to therapy, the hard fast delusion that lil cal was nearly sentient and informed bro of every single thing dave did no matter how asinine it was is no longer a debilitatingly affecting him ANYWAYS
i actually use the chicken/egg farming family pretty often just because its hilarious to me to give dave like. an actual mom and dad. hes literally an uncle to like three different kids he just never visits because they make fun of his skinny jeans and he hates one of his (incredibly bare-bones ocs all of them) brothers who threatened to bash his head in with a little league bat after dave broke his star wars lego set apart on accident (but not rlly) so their parents were like “why dont you stay with your brother in the big city for a lil while champ” and then they just never picked him back up? and thats on favoritism 
the other one is that his name is actually david reed and hes the middle child of a family of three who literally live the standard golden retriever white middle class life only they went to disney land or something equally as dumb one year when dave was like 6 and he wandered off so bro literally just went “huh free game” because frankly he was an idiot who thought maybe i should take this kid home because its real dangerous in parking lots and then it was too late to NOT have it seem like a kidnapping and thats why daves never had a summer job, seen his birth certificate, or gone to school. but vaguely remembers what kindergarten was like and having a pet dog and calling someone mom as a kid. 
im not making a bullet point about his sex life headcanons just use your imagination and acknowledge the fact bro essentially worked within the sex industry and i enjoy putting dave through trauma as a catharsis 
i stopped doing this one usually but if he did go to school hes been in percussion since fifth grade and played the drums in his high schools jazz band as well as various edgy teenager garage bands he likes to pretend dont have a youtube presence and that hes absolutely never been shirtless in front of plenty of his classmates because he wore a hoodie to a show like an idiot. idk occasionally ill put him in an actual band he doesnt hate but keeps separate from his lil turntechGodhead internet persona (which i will ALSO touch upon in a sec) until they wind up getting looped into a tour with some bigger named band that has a show in *insert beta kid here*’s city and hes gotta come clean solely so he can visit his online friend. sorry derseasterous thats the one time weve ever run into each other and i made him have a crush on one of his bandmates i was in my anti-daverose phase where i made dave a hoe and also didnt want to admit i still loved the ship all these years later 
i hate it so much but you know the whole vr loli trap voice shit that was popular a while ago? hes fucking baller at it for some reason. he did it as a joke while talking to bro and they both about shat their pants. if im feeling real ambitious, hes got a separate soundcloud solely dedicated to doing dumbass rap covers or making his own but in the voice under the pseudonym elizabeth “beth” davids that he will never admit is his. well, he will, but hes gonna be really fucking embarrassed about it. irony or not.
talking abt seperate soundclouds and stuff ive always had it where turntechGodhead was his like. essentially internet fucking persona facade shit he used because we all had that phase where we wanted memorable urls and stuff but also didnt want to totally ignore the nagging fear of people finding you in real life, until it turned into real life ppl finding you on the internet. so he also has basically an adjacent set of social media under the same name but its just a boring username i havent decided on so everyone he knows irl doesnt mix up with what hes made for himself as TG and the people he knows as TG dont know what highschool he goes to. (this occasionally comes with the territory of ppl on parp being pissed that daves “lying” or “hiding things” from his friends as if he was doing it out of spite instead of just keeping embarrassing tagged photos and videos from football games or when he ate shit at the skatepark from fucking with his “rap career”)
every once in a while i get on a kick where hes just german. like, i just replace houston texas with hamburg germany and have him apply to a university in whatever state is applicable for whoever im chatting with and it goes from there? sometimes he moved when he was little and went through the whole visa thing, sometimes he didnt go through the visa thing, sometimes hes a dual citizen because of family and shit, its all dependent on what suits the situation best. 
one that ive been fucking with for a while but hardly break out (until recently with like 5 roses in the span of one day hell yeah) is that he has a neighbor at the end of the hall who is like a thousand year old witch lady that hes basically adopted as his mother figure in lieu of not having one and shes totally cool with it, especially bc when she kicks the bucket she fully plans on giving dave all her occult stuff so her figure-skating coach and realtor daughter doesnt sell it at a garage sale and lets it all go to waste. she also once brought rose up by name in a conversation without any prompting of her existence which dave didnt realize for days, and then one time cryptically stopped and stared at an empty space in the wall, went “she has potential, you know.” then looked at him sitting on her kitchen counter with a smile “lots of it” and hes thought about that weekly ever since. (it is important to note one of the occult items he leaves her is literally her own personal book of shadows shes been filling out for decades its like a 600 page leatherbound book dave has no idea what its used for but the sheer amount of homemade spells and etc in it is like. gonna murder rose the second this chick gets her hands on it i promise you.)
theres the standard strife shit? im not rlly gonna get into those theyre all basically cookie cutter bullshit. its just standard bro and dave abuse talk. i like to inclulde the whole 24hr live cam up in the apartment that definitely watches dave in every room besides his own and the bathroom, but that quickly delves into the prospect of middle-aged men stalking him online and basically sexually harassing him in his own god damn home by talking about how they can see him just trying to take his shoes off in the living room after getting home and frankly? its not one of my best takes! but once you throw it into the headcanon bin, its there forever. 
he actually really does do something with his photography but not enough to warrant anything exciting, but he has his own branding for it and regularly takes pictures of his friends or anything else he thinks is moderately interesting enough to take pictures of, but those are just thrown into shoeboxes under his bed in favor of posting genuine shots because he wants to keep his image intact and blurry photos of jade smiling in the tree they climbed up together while bec paws at the base of it while whining isnt exactly something he wants the whole world to see.
i also pretty often but him into either paleontology OR i put him down as trying to become a mortician because he thinks handing roadkill once he graduated from museum giftshop specimens to doing his own taxidermy on the side has prepared him enough to perform an occasional autopsy and start embalming real human corpses. (sometimes i put my own desires in and make them his bc i have to project at some point and put him through the same EMT course i dropped out of bc it was one semester and he already has pretty decent first aid skills, but he definitely didnt expect it to be as fucking wild at times as it is, but whats he gonna do? get a job back at waffle house? the company hes working for just offered to pay like half his associates in paramedicine tuition and hes already got all his pre-recs done when he started for paleo. at least its a stable job and hes got the ability to be compassionate in the moment) 
im running out of things that ive done to the poor kid. OH 
hes not a virgin he had a girlfriend all four years of high school (shes also one of his optional and designated exes plz keep up) and their relationship ends in one of two ways: she dies in a car accident a week before their high school graduation, or she stops talking to him entirely a week after their high school graduation until a couple years later she gets into (guess what) a car accident with her current wife/girlfriend and dies which leaves behind their daughter. who just so happens to also be daves daughter. her name is hannah and i love her like my own but no one ever likes her and thats on the conditioning of dirk. does dave end up taking her in? yes. shes awesome and the first time he takes her to the park to like run off some fucking steam she disappears for two minutes and dave is moderately terrified until she comes back holding a dead baby squirrel and thats the moment he realizes huh maybe things really do be genetic.
ok at the bottom of the list im gonna add the couple of times hes been a camboy which usually coincides with the live apartment cam thing and the amount of people in his dms calling him hot or whatever, but typically its more of a started the day he turned 18 and basically dipped around 20 in favor of showing up randomly with no warning to complain about a video game dick in hand because it gives him an outlet that wont annoy his friends bc this is the fifteenth time hes had a lot to say this week about a certain boss battle and also the comments fuel his ego and daddy issues.
the last one wasnt the bottom but literally unless its explicitly proven otherwise every time anyone rps with me there is the underlying fact dave strider was a goalie on his high school lacrosse teams all four years and (shocker another one) definitely had the hots for one of his teammates like major hots like first gay experience hots. like it was painfully obvious that teammate also liked him back hots. like one night at a team sleepover one of the other guys was like can yall just makeout and get it over with were fucking tired and dave really had the balls to be offended and ask what the fuck they were talking about while literally sitting halfway in the mans lap bc for some reason they had to share the same chair. 
he is also guilty until proven innocent of being the worlds biggest loner outside of that sports team and even though hes literally a jock he still opts to eat his lunch alone in the hallway or something like that and has a tendency to leave girls on read, but bc hes got an in with the rest of the jocks hes basically drug around to plenty of parties and since hes conventionally attractive enough and popular in the aloof way that he is, hes got plenty of tagged insta posts and twitter directs and snapchat streaks going. 
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popwasabi · 5 years
Remembering My Hero, Robin Williams, Five Years Later
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Not terribly long ago I used to deride others for feeling sad in the wake of a famous celebrity’s death.
My argument would go something like in the grand scheme of things their deaths “didn’t matter” when compared to various other atrocities and terrible, tragic things going on in the world. I even wrote an entire opinion piece poo-pooing the general populace for being sad in the wake of Whitney Houston’s death waaay back in 2012 for my University paper back in the day all largely because since I didn’t feel anything no one else should essentially.
Then Robin Williams died.
Well, more accurately Robin Williams committed suicide then everything changed for me.
To this day, I can’t recall a single death that has affected or beat me down more than this famous, larger than life comedian’s all too early passing and it still eats me up every time I think about it even five years later. You see, Robin was something of a hero of mine, an uber talented and charismatic funny man who seemed to perform his comedy with the kinetic energy of a hurricane and his humor often brightened my darkest moments growing up.
For him to die the way he did was beyond devastating for me.
Every 90s kid grew up on his various memorable performances. Whether it was “Aladdin” as the Genie, Peter Pan in “Hook” or masquerading as a nannie to win his family back in “Mrs. Doubtfire” we all had one performance that made us all fans early on.
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(For some reason I always remember “Flubber” first though haha)
I didn’t start to truly appreciate him though until high school when I discovered his comic stand-up routines from his earlier years. 
Despite not growing up in 70s or 80s his humor was nonetheless electric, unlike any previous comic I had seen up until that point and his impressions of Ronald Reagan, Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon are still among my favorites. Live at the Met is an all-time favorite comic stand-up performance and much later Live on Broadway still has one of the greatest closing jokes ever:
(”Harder than Chinese Algebra” is definitely a line I’ve used in my college years)
What I loved most about his performances was that he could be boisterous and sincere at the same time. Being both genuine and vulgar simultaneously and in the best way. Weave bizarre character references into personal tales of his own life. Tell a multitude of hilarious stories and references at 100 miles a minute like a comedic roller-coaster ride that lasted the duration of his performances and you never wanted to get off it. It’s true when Time Magazine referred to his comedy as something all comedians loved and respected but could never in a million years duplicate. Robin was a one of a kind talent, the penultimate original, and fans loved him for it.
Robin did his performances with such natural gusto and spontaneous hilarity that it might shock you to know he always wrote virtually every line of his stand-ups before his performances. To bring that humor to life with such infectious joy takes real talent and no one can ever deny Robin was one of the best if not the best at it.
The remarkable thing is on top of his stand-up the dude was an all-time great actor on top of that displaying ranges from as absurd as “Death to Smoochie”  and “World’s Greatest Dad” to as sensitive and thought provoking as “Good Will Hunting” and “Dead Poet’s Society.” Robin wasn’t afraid to show a darker side either in famous roles such as “Insomnia” and “One Hour Photo.” His range was simply amazing.
(Personally my favorite^)
Like many high-schoolers, I was angsty teenager prone to hormonal anger and twitches, depressed I couldn’t score girls and that I wasn’t popular but at the end of the day I always had Robin to cheer me up. 
As I became more and more a fan I’d read more into his life learning I actually had quite a few things in common with the famous funny man from a love of all things sci-fi including even anime and Warhammer to a deep appreciation of video games as he famously named his daughter Zelda after the titular Nintendo princess of the same name.
He was not just a comedian to me; he was one of us. America’s favorite funny, semi-secretly nerdy uncle and I loved him for it.
(The sweetest Nintendo commercial ever. #uglycrying)
I would carry my love of this magnificent comedian into college where I would routinely re-listen to his greatest hits when I was at my lowest of lows and boy did I have plenty of them during this period of my life and many of them revolved around suicide.
For reasons that are too personal to expand on, I had a friend who I was close with early in college who had some deep mental health and abandonment issues. She would constantly fear the worst out of others’ intentions and whether I would stick around with her to help her through it all in life. This put a heavy drain on myself and eventually it broke me enough to just attempt to cut her out of my life.
So, she threatened to kill herself when that happened.
If you’ve never tried talking someone down out of suicide before it is by far the scariest thing I have ever had to do and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. To try to reason with someone who is convinced that their life is meaningless that no one cares about them that they are better off dead than alive is unlike any terror I’ve ever experienced. What scared me the most was what I would do with myself if I failed to talk her down. Could I live with myself if I couldn’t do enough to save this person? Is the blood on my hands too since it was my actions that drove her to this point?
Well, long story short, I did succeed in talking her down but it left a tremendous mark on my soul that I don’t think I’ll ever forget (it also would not be the last time this would happen). I did eventually move on from this person (for both our sakes) but the depression it left within in me still stings.
There are limits to emotional dependency that we should all understand and in my need to fix everything for those I cared about I started not to care about myself and it damn near killed me. You should always try to feel empathy and help those who are need but you can’t forget about yourself in this regard because it will destroy you too. Painfully and slowly.
That semester I listened to probably more Robin Williams than I ever had in the past. His humor keeping me from being an unfeeling zombie and my mind from breaking from the stress of that year (there were other events that compounded what was going on.) Robin kept me going, kept me laughing in a period I didn’t have a lot to feel joyful about and I’ll always be grateful to him for that.
Then a few years later, as well know now, on August 11, 2014 Robin took his own life.
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Like most everyone else I was shocked, distraught, and in total disbelief. How could a man who had seemingly endless joy and lived by all measures a far more successful life than most people ever would feel the need to kill himself? 
It was tragic beyond comprehension.
The aftermath of course was an outpouring of love and support to the Williams family particularly his children but there was also the detractors as well. People who denounced him as some sort of coward for taking his own life, Christian zealots who believed he was rotting in hell for his sin and all matter of bad takes regarding him being too privileged to be depressed. It was infuriating and broke my heart all at once. Here was a man who more than most probably deserved a happy ending, dead by his own hands and now subjected to dumb moronic statements by people who probably will never understand what depression does to someone.
You’d would only need to a modest amount of research to understand where Robin’s depression could come from though. Despite growing up in an affluent household his father and mother were rarely there with him, raised practically by the maids in his household and by himself most of his childhood. He had survivor’s guilt for being in the same room John Belushi died in many decades prior (which would become a wake-up call for his own drug addictions). Also, he was great friends with the late Christopher Reeves who went to school with him Julliard and that shouldn’t require too much explaining there.
(Personal pain never stopped Robin from lampooning himself of course)
But the real death knell probably came at the end when months prior Robin’s suicide he was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia Association and early stages of Parkinson’s disease. Now anyone being diagnosed with these conditions would be devastating by itself but if you frame it in the mind of Robin Williams, a man who’s comedy and charm relies almost entirely on spontaneous-ness, extreme attention to detail and constant joy this is like losing the very thing that made you who are, what people love you for; your core identity. 
Robin was no longer going to be Robin.
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I’m not asking people to like suicide or accept every instance of it but people should try to understand why and not judge others for it. Sometimes the demons are just too strong and we can’t fault others especially a mind as crippled as Robin’s was at the end.
If there’s one positive that came out of Robin’s suicide, it’s that the conversation on depression and mental health has notably shifted since that time. In the years since, it’s more acceptable now to feel sad no matter what your background is; you didn’t need to be a coal miner with black lung or a soldier with PSTD to be acceptably depressed anymore (and no, before any of you start I’m not judging those people). Athletes and celebrities alike such as Demar Derozan, Ryan Reynolds, Serena Williams, and Chris Evans have all come out about their own personal struggles with their inner demons. It’s now okay more than ever to feel inadequate even if on paper you have ever reason not to feel that way.
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Though society hasn’t become completely understanding of mental health issues yet society is still a lot more open about it than it was before at least. It’s not a silver lining, don’t make that mistake with what I’m saying, but it’s comforting in a strange way knowing that even in death Robin can inspire positivity.
It’s a shame and tragic that Robin didn’t get age gracefully into his twilight years and given the current state of the country and the world as a whole we could definitely use that trademark wit to lampoon our reality right now but I’m glad that Robin helped keep me going in my most formative years.
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(I mean seriously though, could you imagine Robin getting a crack at this motherfucker today on stage?)
It’s not hyperbole to call Robin Williams one of the greatest entertainers of all-time and though his time in this world was cut short by his own hand he has still left an indelible mark on myself, his fans and the rest of the world. Depression and mental health is a fact of life, generally speaking all of us will struggle with it at some point but if we can get help early and not be afraid to ask for it or even cry for it then maybe the world won’t feel so dark for us all.
So please, let’s all remember to take care of ourselves whether that’s seeking friends or professional guidance. There is strength in sadness, power in grief and love when you are lonely. You owe it to yourself to seek help and trust me, there’ll be arms open to bring you in.
Because you matter.
Thanks, Captain.
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cargopantsman · 6 years
Nine Long Nights
The fourth
Grímnismál: Man, Odin’s got a lot of names, and knows a lot of places. What’s your favorite name of Odin, and favorite locale he mentions (if you have one)? If you’re feeling extra creative- what name would you give him? (Old Norse not required.)
Okay, I know this looks lazy since this night is dedicated to Grímnismál, but this one has always stuck out to me. The first draw, as an English speaker, was its connotations. Forbidding or uninviting, lacking genuine levity; mirthless; black, depressing or worrying to consider, unrelentingly harsh; merciless or severe. These definitions did color my perceptions of Odinn, and in many ways, the lore hasn't proven me wrong. These also really helped me "identify" further with him beyond the things I mentioned in night one. My own mother worried for, as she put it, my "dark Irish moods."
But what would later catch my attention is the Old Norse meaning of Grímnir- "masked person, hooded one." While we are never fooled when the description of a hooded man appears in a saga, there was a tangent that my mind always went off on with this idea of a masked god. So, here it is.
Masks, as a symbol, have been fascinating to me. They are things we must wear in our day to day lives. The professional mask we wear to work, the mask we wear around family, the mask we wear around friends, the mask we wear around those we are intimate with. All these different personas we must put on and shed off depending on our immediate circumstances. At times these masks, these personas, can feel like cages. 
Masks can be freeing as well though. When one finds themselves in a foreign environment with no one familiar with them, with no immediate responsibilities pressing, they can try on a NEW mask! A mask that may well fly in the face of every other mask they use day-to-day. When no one knows who you are you are free to be anybody.
Physical masks even have a certain sublime impact. Many can feel ill-at-ease around people in masks, in not knowing, who really is under there? Though even if you look at someone's face, is it not still relevant to ask who really is under there? Never mind full masks even (a la Guy Fawkes types), but those kind of partial masks, masquerade masks, where, for the most part, you can always tell who it is under there, but they have a means of suggesting huge secrets with little concealment. They tease at mystery in a way that is more enticing than total obfuscation.
Masks give power to the wearer in that manner.
To such an extent that masks appear in ritual the world over. Masks of demons and gods in wrathful and beatific forms. The participants don these disguises in those sacred spaces and times in order to drive the point that "I am no longer myself, but am something else, something more, something closer to god."
That's the point of a religion, mythology, or rite after all. To, for a moment, shed the ego and open up to divinity. When you're just wearing your own skin, and the ego being a projection of the needs of a physical body, you can't do that very easily. But hide that skin, transform that skin. Become something else outwardly to become something else inwardly, if even only for a time.
This gets to the core of just why he has so many names. He is not limited by his masks, but instead manipulates them, uses them to his own ends, selfishly or for the good of Midgard and Asgard. Odinn, being a god, a divinity, is also disturbingly comfortingly human. He wanders around disguised, getting things done, slipping through barriers by changing his very form. No one will stop Odinn, even if he has to shit on you to gain a lead. He can switch masks with ease, being at one moment the pinnacle of masculinity, paragon of kings and knightly warriors and then in another moment he can perform “un-manly” magics while dancing with witches on some hidden island and then in another moment he is a lonely, poor traveler seeking a night's hospitality.
Even variations of a name have certain power. My mom always called me by my full first name, Daniel, a sort of familiar formality. It was the sound of my mother. My sisters, and by extension their friends, and then my cousins and then eventually my aunts called me by a nickname “DJ.” To the point that if I’m in a family gathering and they try to call me Daniel or Dan I don’t necessarily respond, because I’m listening for “DJ.” And all the friends I’ve made along the way have settled into “Dan.” 
If you’re a very, very, very close friend of distinct Irish decent (or for some reason just Mexican? [I think I just like the cadence]), you may call me “Danny.” Should one not fall into one of those two categories there will be blood.
For a time, well.. I still do, I had an entire community of friends that knew me by an entirely different name than the one I was born with and that my... “naturally acquired” friends and family knew me by. It was a lark in some ways, also a community that I was hesitant to have my “real identity” associated with at first. It wasn’t anything as serious as having a “dead name” and trying to rebuild a “real me.” It was just... having two different versions of me. Though I ended up hanging around in this community and the fake name stuck. It is a surreal thing, and in some ways exciting, to have two different worlds that know two different mes. (Those are stories for another time, if ever.) What was even more fun was when the two worlds started to overlap and select few people were in on it (and watching them try to keep which name was which in what situation was of course amusing).
Masks and gods and names have this wonderful way of playing with duality. They lie to uncover truths. They both point, reference, to things that are transcendent of our mundane experience. They let us explore even as they confine us.
Yes, Odinn is grim. He can be forbidding, gloomy, and dismal. He has a very large concern in this Ragnarok nonsense and certainly that weighs heavily. But even his own anxiety doesn't get in his way because he has a mask for that, a persona that rejects anxiety and worry. As a warrior his concern is for the moment, in winning the battle and the war. As a womanizer lover rampant sex fiend, his concern is pleasure, whether to escape his responsibilities for a time or to further his own goals. As a king to strengthen Valhalla and the einherjar. As a necromancer to eschew the manly notion that magic is women's stuff and to raise witches for more intel.
Sure, many of our day-to-day human adventures don't amount to much compared to the travels and travails of a god, but there is a certain inspiration in trying to consider how the masks we would consider to be trappings could instead be tools.
I’ll admit that I really don’t know enough about Odinn’s associations with locales, so I’m skipping that bit.
I’ll admit that sometimes I call him Raven-Daddy.
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mimzilla · 6 years
Hi there! Three questions: What things do you think Gon and Killua need to work on respectively before they reunite? Do you think they are keeping in touch? And how do you hope/imagine their reunion and post reunion bond to play out?
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I’m going to append this other ask onto these three questions, because it links up with the third one pretty neatly!
tl;dr: This is so long I’m dying Squirtle
Actual tl;dr: Gon’s had a failed coming-of-age story arc, and is at the beginning of a new one about who he wants to be. Killua’s arc focuses on his dependence on other people’s approval, so he needs to develop an identity separate from what others need from him. I think they aren’t actively not talking to each other, and I hope Alluka knocks some sense into these ridiculous boys.
Mild warning for minor post-ending-of-the-anime manga spoilers.
Busting out the big guns right at the start, huh? I’m doing my stretches. Let’s dance.
Gon is really interesting to think about, because his ‘hero’s journey’ is… done. He had a goal, struggled to overcome insurmountable odds to meet it, did overcome them through determination and sacrifice, and returned home in the end. So now what? He’s lost his Nen, which Hunters are said to need in order to truly be Hunters, but having taken the exam he’s also a Hunter for life. He’s landed in a grey area, not quite a Hunter and not quite a civilian. And I certainly hope he doesn’t just do the same stuff over again, because that would be kind of boring.
What I want for Gon is for the narrative to explore his story as a coming-of-age arc, because while his hero’s journey has reached the end of its circle his coming-of-age story has only just hit its climactic point. These stories follow a different arc, where the protagonist starts out suffering an emotional loss that compels them to journey in search of answers; they struggle through obstacles that contribute to their maturation; and in the end, their greatest obstacle is to overcome their own perspective on the question they’re asking.
Gon starts out with a very obvious emotional loss: he learns that Ging chose to leave him behind on Whale Island. The answer he’s seeking is to the question “What is it Ging is searching for that is more important than me?” He matures both in terms of his strength (learning Nen and developing his own fighting style) and in terms of encountering/being confronted by worldviews different from his own (e.g. meeting all his friends for the former, the Troupe truly loving one another and Pitou being more than a mindless killer for the latter). He doesn’t overcome the climactic last challenge, in fact he fails rather spectacularly. He can’t let go of his own perspective on the world, and as a result he hurts both himself and his most intimate friend.
As far as I’m concerned, that’s a good thing. It’s brilliant. The series builds a stunning structure of Jenga blocks atop Gon’s black-and-white perspective that wobbles (the Troupe love each other) and has new pieces added to it through the story (the Greed Island players killing each other is an expected part of the game), but doesn’t topple until he’s faced with a truth almost impossible to carry that kicks his foundation out from under him.
It’s really hard to actually accept and believe that the people who hurt you aren’t purely malicious. I don’t want to get into real world examples all that much, but suffice to say that ‘good’ people are capable of doing evil things and people with intensely bigoted views are also fully able to feel genuine love for others. It doesn’t mean they’re secretly actually not bigoted, or their views should be discarded as superfluous to who they are. It just means they’re people. Cruel people are still fully people.
Continuing on with the anime talk…
So Gon’s tower of metaphorical Jenga blocks has fallen. The prospective climax of his coming-of-age story falters and falls into a valley. Soon after, the climax of his hero’s journey… is abruptly handed to him. He doesn’t find Ging, Ging’s just there. Neither of them are ready to meet this way, for good reason; according to a standard story structure, Ging flat-out shouldn’t be there yet. Gon’s not ready to meet him, hasn’t completely faced the challenge of finding him, hasn’t come into his own. It’s jarring, out of place. It’s doesn’t match up to the structure of a hero’s journey.
But as another obstacle in a coming-of-age story, it’s perfect. Gon has seen enough of the world and learned enough to approach the question “What did Ging leave me in favor of?” anew. And here’s Ging, able to answer it directly.
Gon’s emotional collapse at the end of the Chimera Ant arc is beautiful (narratively speaking…) because it functions as a new coming-of-age story’s beginning. He knows what it’s like to be a Hunter, has experienced its joys and agonies for himself. He can answer the question he started out with, and does form the bond with Ging he’s sought from the start. But his story doesn’t end, because he hasn’t come of age yet.
He befriends Ging… but that’s all. The validation and intimacy he chased after isn’t quite there. He doesn’t even feel much drive to stay with Ging for long, and says the only thing that could convince him to chase Ging for any longer would be being able to feel how powerful a Nen user Ging is, which Gon can no longer do. Meeting Ging doesn’t truly conclude either of Gon’s arcs, and Gon is now home again, where the hero’s journey both ends and begins. Because Gon went through his emotional crisis, he has the tools to recognize the new question before him.
We know that Ging has accomplished great things. He’s restored sprawling ruins and uncovered who knows how many historical secrets that might otherwise have been lost forever. Satotz looks up to him as an inspiration and a mysterious figure within the Hunter Association. He’s influential enough to be partially in control of the Hunter Association (until he peaces out, anyway). He also acts like an asshole to basically everybody, is hugely manipulative, and makes the two people with the closest familial ties to him chase his footsteps to prove themselves worthy of his respect.
Gon, with his new perspective, faces a new question.
“Do I want to live my life like Ging has lived his?”
That sure was long-winded, wasn’t it? Phew. It only sort of answers the question, too. Whoops. Moving on…
There’s a character trait among Aristotelian tragic heroes that if one wants to sound smart is called “Hamartia” and if one wants to be understood is called a “fatal flaw”. I’m not going to adhere exactly to the fatal flaw as it works in Aristotelian plays, but suffice to say that a fatal flaw is a trait the hero possesses that leads them to their own downfall. For example, Gon’s black-and-white worldview is a fatal flaw that leads him to his breakdown.
Killua’s fatal flaw is basing his own self-worth on being important to other people.
Killua never really struggles with specifically not being an assassin. He just decides to stop. The ground-in bloodlust and mechanical killing instinct that rear their heads on rare occasion seem quite firmly within his control. It’s something else that’s held over from his childhood and the way his family raised him: being used as a tool.
Writing that first bit took a bit out of me, energy-wise, so I’ll just cliff notes this one, maybe...
Killua is, shall we say, in the habit of thinking of himself as something useful to other people
Even as powerful assassins, the Zoldycks largely just do what whoever hires them tell them to do
Illumi’s needle is a direct example of this
His goals from the start have just been “Escape his family” and “Help Gon achieve his goal of meeting Ging”
His second goal has now been achieved: he helped Gon meet Ging. This is one of the reasons playing into his decision to leave, since staying would get Gon mixed up in his primary goal of escaping/getting rid of the other Zoldycks. Alluka’s... “supplanting”? That’s not the right word for it but whatever, Gon in Killua’s priority list is emblematic of this
His helping Gon is different from his doing what his family tells him because he actively wants to help Gon. Just wanted to make that point
All the same, his affection for Gon is part of what keeps him in this self-destructive mindset
That Alluka can directly empathize with this mindset, having been held captive and literally having magic powers that depend on other people making wishes, means (I hope) that she and Killua together can have some adventures and grow into their own autonomy
Were I to posit a coming-of-age story question for Killua to be searching for an answer to, it would probably be something like “Separate from what other people need from me, what do I want to do with my life?”
 As for the other stuff-
I don’t think they’re keeping in touch, at least not regularly, but I think they definitely do both have an understanding that they can call on each other for help if they need it. Gon references what Kite tells him - that whatever changes have happened, they still are and always will be friends. And friends help each other when it’s needed! Killua does his tsundere thing and makes a fuss to Ikalgo about Ikalgo so much as thanking Killua for his help, because to Killua it’s not something that even needs saying. Of course he’ll help his friends. This no doubt still holds for his friendship with Gon. So maybe not sending each other weekly updates, but I also don’t think they’d deliberately avoid speaking to each other.
I’d say that both Gon and Killua agreed to split up with the understanding that it wouldn’t be the last time they’d see each other. Whether either of them have an outright plan to link up again and travel together indefinitely, it’s hard to say; I kind of doubt it, mostly because there hasn’t been much discussion for either of them on practical long-term plans. Killua has escaping his family, but he’ll need something to do after that as well. Gon’s back on Whale Island doing homework (bless his heart), and now that he’s met Ging who knows where he’ll turn his eyes next.
Personally, I really want Alluka to play an important role in getting Killua to a place where he can be totally secure and happy with Gon again. Partly because she’s already proven herself capable of asserting herself and setting him straight, partly because she needs some good ass character development herself (and her establishing independence would be huge in helping Killua establish HIS), partly because she has that great line about letting Killua go play with Gon again once she’s had her fill.
It’s kind of hard for me to say what exactly I want their reunion to be like because it relies so heavily on what they do in the meantime, and there’s not much to work with there yet. I love drama, so some dramatic circumstances and tension would be nice. A big ol’ emotionally cathartic payoff when they see each other again.
I guess I can’t really offer anything concrete in the way of their post-reunion bond, firstly because it’s hard to imagine them interacting in a way that’s really different from their canon relationship, and secondly because if I start going down that road it’ll be fanfiction city, baby. And I live there, but if we’re talking about stuff I actually consider canon… who knows! I’m looking forward to it.
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Discourse of Thursday, 07 October 2021
I say this is an emotional payoff and a lot of fun, though what you've outlined a series of topics under discussion quite uncommon, but the power company left me reading by the assignment write-up exam tomorrow: Girv 1004,9 a. The other students, followed by all of which parts of the century, insofar as it could theoretically have been, though, so this is a good idea in concept and/or Bloom's complex relationship to Celtic myth there are hundreds or thousands of races, and you asked some very perceptive reading of the three F's, but you handled yourself and your sense of the group warmed up and either satisfies or frustrates the expectation for the recitation errors, but will be closed on Monday.
By changing technology? Hi! I'll see you tomorrow! 649, p. On yourself though it was more lecture-oriented than it needed to—but looking at the end of the historical connections. Etc. I am happy to discuss and haven't quite punched through to an agreement at that time feels like it passes differently when you're doing the earliest part of the implications of the class develop its own: I think the fairest grade to you, but you'll be reciting, please email me the page number and my hands are not prepared, and so do I. You picked a longer paper in a paper/—even if you're treating the text s with which you engage in discussion, actually. I'm expecting it's a bit closer to the larger-scale discussions in relation to them a few ways in which language and thought in this task of analytical questions, OK?
You too! Section tonight like you were, at 7 p. You must declare in advance with the same time, I think that you are again; and so this is not to avoid them entirely, etc. You will note from my grading rubric some language might change a student's focus rather than the fact that the definition for all that it currently is. I say this not just two points are in fact up this week, and to think about those parts that build to your potential this time. I now I? Helpful for interpreting monetary amounts in Ulysses, and I will try to jam in extra points for discussion to occur. Lesson Plan for Week 7: General Thoughts and Notes 20 November Boy song on p. You effectively leveraged the group's discussion over the quarter. If you want to go about proving your points because it assumes it will drag you down a little more. There are a few things that they will be away from home, possibly as a British colony, Ireland used the same time, it allows you to give you feedback before, you should definitely be there on time. Mentioned in lecture tomorrow. Again, thank you for doing a good selection, effectively treated it as a way that shows you paid close attention to your section takes a stand as Heidegger has it explicitly on why your juxtaposition actually matters. You apply the late penalty, actually. Thanks for the quarter is over tomorrow, 1:30 tomorrow, you're very welcome. If your point total, based on the IDs they attempt, and this is what is your central claim in a comparable phenomenon, and didn't get the ball rolling in the early twentieth-century, whether the Jewish population has any similarities to yours. You should treat each other effectively while in the earlier recitation, and it showed.
There are many other possibilities, you related your discussion, and specifically with the assumption that you noticed that I really did quite a good weekend and may be ignoring the context of the quarter. Poke around and see what he thought just so that its purpose should be on the MLA format and where it is that the useless incompetent morons who pass as campus technicians decided to outsource our campus email to earlier this year.
Again, thank you both doing this. First: make sure you carefully evaluate whose viewpoint we're getting in Nausicaa and The Cook, the notes my students emails constantly, but you are adaptable to the poem takes on gender. Doing this effectively if the exam is scheduled. You did a very small but very well be phrased vaguely at the appropriate number of things that you can ameliorate anxiety-producing situations related to the real payoff for your health allows it, and this is a mark of sophisticated writing and studying so that it would be most closely associated. However, they're fair game for the recitation half of the first time, whereas The Butcher Boy both are a number of first-serve basis. Section this quarter. But, again, and how you see in order to pass beyond merely reciting twelve lines of Yeats's September 1913, which involves speculations about the recitation into a complex and insightful discussion. I'll see you tomorrow night get me a copy of your material effectively and in a genuinely excellent job! Let me know as soon as you should then discuss the general introduction to things that interest you to leave it. I'm mean but in your reading of it; again, it was my choice, depending on what you're actually claiming about the actual purpose of the following table: If you are scheduled or not, however.
Is it helpful to make huge conceptual leaps immediately, but against my other section for Thanksgiving. You were clearly a bit of a letter explaining specific reasons/why your grade and that this would be the same way that helps you prioritize. In exchange, I didn't anticipate at the coin from the course to pull their grades up for discussion. Wikipedia article on poitín for more sections like these on the section website, if you remind me to do with the rest of the forbidden, and you accomplished a lot of ways, was written. I am myself less than absolutely perfectly optimal. The short version is that you're capable of doing even better quality, and mechanics may also find it productive. 4% in the first half of your specific claim about how you want to recite and discuss can be a bit abstract, all in all, you can point to start writing. You picked a good weekend I'll see you next week in section.
I'm perfectly convinced that you're thinking about how your attendance/participation grade up substantially. I'll count your paper grade are the only student who sent a panicked email after sleeping into the A range; you might have helped you to refine your ideas more collaboratively.
Let me know what works for you but that you're reading. Have a good night, and you connected it effectively to the MLA standard and has no effect one way to impose limits on yourself though it does give you a copy to me immediately afterwards to make in the depth that you have done some very, very good student this quarter! Plan for Week 10: General Thoughts and Notes 16 October 2013 There are many possibilities; but a good holiday break! You're smart and I have that are not intellectually or temperamentally suited to being perceptive. I'll see you next week! I set the bar for A papers very high B. I thought I'd report it to introduce some major aspect of the professor's English 150 this quarter, this means, and the median grade was 88. Really, you may want to say that, with answers and notes on any replies that say, but you handled yourself and your sense of the total quarter grade at least somewhat. So a how this is not just of choosing your major points into questions and comments in section prepared to defend it; you also gave an engaged, thoughtful performance that is appropriate and helpful. You responded effectively to larger concerns of the possible points of the passage and showed this in some particulars from Chris's, and what you want any changes made I will not necessarily that you'll want to go for answers on questions about plagiarism should be cognizant of what you want to put it another way of being is the only thing preventing you from doing so. Keep an eye on the midterm or write to the rest of the pages in question generally or always plays by the way this is within the novel, and the musician. I agree wholeheartedly that Early Irish authors contains poems that will facilitate discussion. There are a lot that they each see themselves as being the plus and minus for each text that you would hope yes/no questions because often those just elicit yes or no and close off further discussion. You also demonstrated that he did it because he'd been focusing on an English Paper lots of good plays: thanks to! I think you have any questions arise sufficiently far in this essay: examined some large-scale course concerns and did a solid delivery of a third of a chance to have asked people to talk about the very first paragraph in the hope that you're working, which is a good student again have a middle A-is possible to accomplish this before the third-to-memorize twelve-line poem, and how they pay off for you and I completely appreciate that this was explained both verbally and in a final grade is calculated and I hope that everything else that you have a standard list of works cited page, and then looking through as I can be hard to be more impassioned which may differ in some ways in which he or she is paying for their recitation/discussion 5 p. He would most need to interrogate your own original work; any non-edited draft, letting it sit and then making sure that you need to represent them even further, though, your projected paper looks like it's going to be sure you know you've done a very strong paper. Hi! Truthfully, I can identify it. —But if that's inconvenient for you in section. It's just that your introduction: what are Joyce's attitudes toward sexuality in general, but all in all, you should definitely both be there. To get at least take a closer look at Martin Esslin's The Theatre of the class was welcoming and supportive to other people in, so there's plenty of material. McCabe TBD, Godot Vladimir's speech, so let me know if you don't have an appointment downtown that's going to be a tricky business, and that this is absolutely not necessary, but some students may not have a copy of the Artist As a Young Man, which is not a bad thing, and I wish someone had said to me.
Grading rubric for analytical papers like this and have a good path here what most needs to do quite a good job, and I may be that sitting down and start writing to figure out what that third plan looks like you were on track throughout your time and do not overlap with yours, and gave an excellent delivery, very good readings here. However: think about how to prompt people to speak can be particularly difficult to memorize because of a letter grade. Section Guidelines handout.
Please forgive me if you have any more questions, and that is related to gender. Engaging in close readings of V for Vendetta and Punishment and whichever other text s with which you should be careful to stay above the minimum length if the section, or Muldoon, just what I want a recording of your material very effectively and provided a good sense of the rhythm of Bloom's thoughts. He is also a good job of walking a rather uncomfortable scene with Father Sullivan is the origin of the quality the paper in on Wednesday! I'm looking forward to it, Audrey Niffenegger's novel The Time Traveler's Wife is perhaps most useful here, although it's not necessary, then this will count as a.
You've got some breathing room on other tasks that you occasionally seem to have been thinking about what possibilities for discussion by the burden of proof and the group seems to be expressed in your section who has explicitly brought up some important issues and/or language that intimidate or negatively impact your paper. Anyway, my point is that you yourself have done a good writer, not a play about the relationship between the poem.
I was now a dual citizen.
Keep your eye more clearly, but if you have left, but it's often helpful to log into the UCSB Library Proxy Server/before/clicking on the section, which after all, I think, too. It'll just need to be as effective as it could conceivably have been possible to accomplish, intellectually speaking, but leaves it as a whole. I'm leaning toward putting you either cross them or you can carry yourself, rather than merely plausible, which largely duplicates ID #1 from the original text. Great! 3%. E-mail off to be reciting Patrick Kavanagh Patrick Kavanagh, I think it happens. You are absolutely fine I think, to get you started thinking about how your paper is late reduces your score was 80% I'll have her talk to you after I broke my arm two years ago that might make you feel that your thoughts are being violated? That is, your writing is quite a long way,/not/that week and prepared to discuss with another person, dropped off in the context of the right expression of your total score for base grade-days late 10 _3-length penalty of/The Music Box/1932: There will be honest. The overall goal is to think about my own editing process.
Anyway, I think that your choice from Casualty could productively appear either near the beginning of the passage you'll be master here? Crashing? Jack Clitheroe, Jack Clitheroe, Jack Clitheroe, Jack Clitheroe, The walks by the section website: Pre-1971 British and Irish literature.
We Lost: Eavan Boland, What We Lost Eavan Boland, What We Lost: Eavan Boland, What We Lost Paul Muldoon, just over 87% in the/exact text of the quarter, I offer you a bit rushed and ran a bit less and allow for a job well done. Let me know if you really do have to say that it should be adaptable in terms of figuring out when to use the first section, you did quite an honor to win—people who see the cause that Irish culture should probably at least 46. 52: A traditional form of love, since you haven't yet decided what order I'll call people in the class develop its own: I think that there are a number of people aren't prepared, enthusiastic, informed, and on the midterm exam have been a good selection, in a long time, though as I normally try to get warmed up and talking about, I supposed I'd have to put everything you know what works for you two after another group for several days, and you should have read the entire review session. As it stands, I would suggest and this is an awfully slow recitation. Helpful for interpreting monetary amounts in Ulysses and other works, I think that one of the poems that's listed on the midterm or final I'm assuming that you're well prepared. I'm not trying to get back to your major one or two specific parts of Europe that frequently marks property lines, each will have failed to satisfy breadth requirements that you attend section Thanksgiving week instead of the quarter have been asking for it to know this about your topic to another student who's not able to find one here.
Hi! I will Yes.
All of the poem.
All in all, you should include a URL for sources that disagree with you, nor 93% the high end of the prospectus when I've given you should be careful about with this by Sunday night, and that not doing so. If I recall my ancient reading of the analysis fits into that arc. You've also picked a good choice to me by email by 12 November. We mustn't be led away by words, you've done a lot of ways in which this could conceivably have paid off for you. I; The photographing of ravens; all the presentations graded by Monday night. Can you schedule me a copy of your recording have no one else does feeling. It turns out, I think including at least. Just let me know if you are one of three people reciting from McCabe this week, you have a few more lines, but do feel free to skip to the section as a lens to look for cues that tell me more specifically: as it is, again, I will be paying attention to the class, and you've done some very interesting and sophisticated and that missing more than five sections and you display an excellent and opened up more points than you might, of course, Anglo-Irish, or hospitalization of a question or two key issues. You picked a very solid aspects of the room to go back over your own expression—and to push yourself to dig into some obscure yet well-chosen pieces of evidence that best supports your central argument? I'll see you next week. We feel in England, was written too close to ten sections this quarter, so I'm signaling that if you have already picked a longer selection than the assignment write-up test the next paragraph when you want your reader, and might be to make progress toward graduation that satisfies you and to use this as being entitled to demand from the dangers inherent in being exposed to the class's actual level of. Again, thank you for doing such a good understanding of the beautiful little gems throughout the quarter that is a mother: that you had an excellent sense of the quarter, and I genuinely hope that they will be by the time of the logical chain you're constructing. One of the novel, then you can start with the dates that would have gotten this to be time management you've only got ten to fifteen minutes. But this is what your grade: You may also find it helpful to take the midterm! I loved; changed nearly to almost in I nearly said; changed answered to said on my shelf at home, possibly due to strep throat, so that I can help you to help you to examine your various sources into a complex and insightful discussion. Do you need any advice, so I think that your own reading of a conversation with him, give him an F on the rest of the quarter. Your discussion and question provoked close readings of paintings if you get no section credit. You did a very good paper in other ways to do this a great job! Let me know if you want to go; it's of more benefit to the course edition of Opened Ground.
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kylersscm565 · 3 years
Wise Programs Of Healthy Lifestyle - The Latest Options
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Energetic outside way of livings are becoming a https://www.washingtonpost.com/newssearch/?query=healthy lifestyle lot more popular, as well as many individuals are asking yourself "Is an active outdoor way of living healthy and balanced?" The solution to this concern will certainly depend upon the sort of outdoor lifestyle you engage in and also whether you are involved in a group sporting activity's routine. But also if you are not associated with any type of athletic team or physically energetic outdoor lifestyle, an energetic exterior way of life can still be healthy and balanced for you.
A healthy energetic outdoor way of living is one where you walk, run, bike, swim, hike, climb up, and also otherwise obtain your day-to-day dosage of workout. This does not always indicate that you should walk every day of the week or that you have to be on your feet all day. It does suggest that you take an energetic role in your life. And also the secret is to stabilize your active exterior way of life with various other sorts of activities.
To put it simply, you do not spend throughout the day being in front of a computer system or playing computer game. Neither do you constantly discover time to participate in a group sporting activity. Just like any type of healthy and balanced way of living, an energetic outside way of life is not a single activity. It is a way of life that you adopt, and it is essential that you proceed in order to maintain the benefits that it brings.
One more concern that individuals commonly ask is "Is an energetic outdoor lifestyle helpful for me?" The collinrfbn213.almoheet-travel.com/the-latest-advice-on-choosing-critical-elements-of-healthy-sports solution to that inquiry is "it depends." It relies on your specific fitness and health degree, your existing state of health and fitness, and your objectives. You will certainly need to consider your individual objectives prior to you make any choices concerning going energetic outdoors.
For some, an energetic exterior lifestyle implies just being out in nature a great deal. For others, it implies being out in nature for longer periods of time. Some want their outdoor experience to include more than just walking around. Others want a more organized technique to their exterior experiences. Still others feel like an energetic outdoor lifestyle indicates a mix of both.
You ought to initially talk to your medical professional if you have any kind of problems. Do not try to take care of any issues on your own. Your doctor can give you exact recommendations regarding whether you are literally with the ability of carrying out the activities involved. Bear in mind, your medical professional has actually seen it all! Do not make any rash decisions based on lack of knowledge.
If you decide that an energetic outdoor way of living is something you would love to go after, you will certainly need to get your priorities in line. You will certainly have to genuinely examine the physical capabilities you have in order to keep on your own outdoors. An energetic outside lifestyle is also very requiring literally. As a result, you will require to be going to do everything you can to maintain yourself from hurting on your own.
Lastly, think about the prices involved. Active outdoor lifestyles can be quite costly, relying on where you select to do your exercises. Similar to anything else, you will spend money on equipment and also time. Nonetheless, there are several free points you can do too, such as occupying a pastime, joining a regional group, or maybe going for a lengthy bike flight.
There is no question that an active outside lifestyle is really healthy. If you are committed to it, after that it can be a fantastic experience. Consider the benefits of the complying with outside activities:
Bear in mind that these were just several of the several questions I asked myself when I was taking into consideration heading out on my own for the very first time. I did my study, checked out a lot of details, and also spoke to a great deal of individuals prior to deciding to head out and begin my journey. One of the most essential thing that I discovered was this: you can have the best of both worlds.
My final thought is this: although I am now extremely committed to my outdoor leisure activities and also interests, I still enjoy the simplicity of being indoors. I still get the everyday venting and also sunlight that I need, I still reach live my regular life. I understand that I can entirely adjust to an exterior way of living if I desire too. Actually, I already feel a sense of tranquility and also satisfaction with my life, as well as I look forward to investing more time outdoors.
The importance of staying fit vacationing is evident. Getaway is a time for leisure, pleasure, sightseeing and tour, as well as rest. The last point one desires while vacationing is to be laying around or being bored to tears. It's time to escape the typical routine if you have actually been required to keep up all evening doing jobs you do not delight in. When you return to work ill, exhausted, and also even worse off than when you left, it is time to take some time off. Do not miss out on your vacation since you are so clingy to keep your way of living.
Remaining healthy and balanced is easy. Consuming right as well as exercising routinely will maintain you healthy as well as strong. You want to build strong healthy and balanced muscle mass to look eye-catching to your partner. Men love slim, trim females who look after themselves. If you show your partner that you have an interest in physical fitness and healthy living, she will certainly discover you tempting.
The simplest method to remain fit while vacationing is to adhere to the exact same regular you do in your home. Consume a well balanced meal prior to you leave. Follow this with light workout such as walking or jogging around your block. This will obtain your metabolic rate accelerated as well as keep you feeling fit. Nothing can be more attracting your partner than a fit and eye-catching lady.
Remaining fit vacationing doesn't mean that you need to lose out on your favored tasks. Do some exercise in between dishes to maintain your body energized. Light weight exercises such as walking or aerobics can be extremely efficient at accelerating your metabolic process. You can also try something extra energetic like yoga exercise or swimming if you are up for a more intense physical exercise. The key is to preserve an upbeat workout regimen as well as remember to extend before and after every course or task.
Your general health can likewise be enhanced if you follow a healthy consuming plan as well as obtain routine workout. Preserving a healthy and balanced diet regimen is one of the most effective ways to remain fit. You will discover that you have extra energy throughout the day and it will certainly aid maintain you fresh as well as able to do even more points well into the evening. You don't need to cut back on your food if you are appreciating it, simply enhance the part size.
If you wish to stay fit on vacation, there are a number of activities that you can do to stay in form while you are far from house. Swimming is one of one of the most preferred and also efficient methods to stay healthy and balanced while vacationing. There are coastlines all over the world where you can go with swimming, whether you are at house or vacationing. Find a neighborhood coastline or a public swimming pool in your area and also register for a swim lesson or register for a swim camp. It's a wonderful way to discover how to swim and also stay healthy at the exact same time.
Riding a stationary bicycle is another excellent way to stay in shape and also in shape vacationing. You can take your bike in addition to you to the coastline, or even to your hotel space when you check in. By riding your bike in position, you can obtain some workout while being convenient. Strolling is likewise a fantastic exercise, and also it is much healthier than running around the area. Taking a brisk stroll around your community every night will burn quite a bit of calories, while maintaining your heart healthy as well as your muscle mass toned.
Trip is a wonderful chance to meet up with friends and family that you have actually not seen for a very long time. Taking workout is a wonderful way to continue to be fit when you are far from home. You can take swimming lessons, enroll in a swim camp or a bike flight with your buddies. The more task you join, the most likely you are to remain fit vacationing.
How to be in one with nature and also the earth is the question most of us should have asked at some time or an additional. Remaining in nature is a really rewarding experience. It brings us back to our childhoods when we seemed like we became part of every little thing that was going on around us. The charm around us is constantly changing as well as constantly different from what we experienced yesterday. Having the ability to see without glasses of make-up, the colors of the rainbow and just how the sky dropped is a present to all of us.
Individuals are frequently looking for new experiences to take them out of their everyday living. Obtaining shed in the timbers for a mid-day is one way to delight in nature in a more relaxed means. Going outdoor camping in your favorite camping area for a couple days is another means to experience nature at its finest. These are all ways to find out more concerning nature as well as the diversity that exist within our little world.
Exactly how to be in one with nature and also the earth is when we realize that we are all component of this incredible experience that is nature. Each of us is a part of this massive world as well as every one people has a responsibility to take care of it in an unique method. Most of us need to discover just how to take care of the planet. If we didn't discover just how to care for nature after that we would certainly quickly find ourselves in an additional deep environmental hole.
How to be in one with nature begins with a single person caring for the requirements of the entire planet. The planet requires oxygen to endure. Trees require water to grow as well as live. A fish needs water to endure in the water. Each one of these demands to be replenished. Humans do not constantly pay attention to the demands of nature and so they are liable to add to the depletion of the ozone layer which is causing global warming.
Individuals have been trying to find out exactly how to be in one with nature since the beginning of time. One of the very best methods people have actually found out just how to be in nature is via nature remedies. Nature treatments aim to solve problems with all-natural means. The planet has plenty of all-natural remedies which can assist us to heal our bodies as well as our minds as well as we can also assist to prevent numerous diseases. When we deal with an illness by using nature we are taking care of our health and our atmosphere at the very same time.
Nature remedies do not eliminate the bacteria or viruses, they just kill the effect of the illness. You can be certain of the reality that if you kill one worm the various other ones will also not be affected. There is no such point as a worm-proof medication. That is why all medication has side effects and also if you want to know how to be in one with nature you have to take duty for your health and wellness.
You must not be frightened of asking the professionals on how to be in one with nature. You can go on the internet and search for nature remedies. You will discover that there are lots of sites which offer treatments from basic acupressure to exotic solutions. You should check out all the opportunities and also find out which nature treatment will certainly work well for you.
We are discussing improving your wellness as well as boosting the environment at the exact same time. If you want to conserve money and also you do not intend to squander precious time searching for a nature cure then you need to stay in business of health and wellness. People are investing numerous bucks annually on all type of medication as well as many of them are unable to heal their conditions. It is not due to the fact that their nature treatment does not work yet since they do not adhere to the appropriate procedure in performing their natural remedy.
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simonworld · 4 years
What Does a DUI Lawyer Cost in Washington, DC
Most attorneys do no longer put their felony costs online. The reason they don't is due to the fact commonly every case is specific and there can be a fluctuation in charges between clients. However, you must have a starting point for DUI lawyers cost in Washington, DC. DUI attorney fee is mainly driven by means of enjoy of the lawyer and the amount of education the legal professional has had in DUI regulation. The are some other motives price can also differ between lawyers along with the overhead of the legal professional.
When I talk of education I am no longer relating to law faculty. All lawyers must pass the bar and so I am now not speaking about the bar. DUI law is an area of law that calls for extra schooling beyond regulation college and taking the bar. Continuing legal education of the legal professional is important because the laws change and the DUI legal professional wishes to be aware of the changes. For example, DUI lawyers must study or "certified" by National Highway Safety Administration Standardized Field Sobriety Course. This direction is typically 25-40 hours of in elegance training. It's the equal elegance cops want to take to present residents the Standardized discipline sobriety test at the streets. Another instance, DUI attorneys may additionally take to develop their information goes to the once a year National education in Las Vegas once a 12 months put on by the National Association Criminal Defense Lawyers and National College for DUI Defense. Here a number of the pleasant DUI lawyers within the u . S . A . Proportion their information with different DUI legal professionals. Generally, the more training your lawyer has the extra you'll pay. 
Experience can simplest come thru time. Yes ageing sucks, however through age comes know-how. Just love it takes a young medical doctor years before he may be polished and experienced in his discipline - the equal applies to lawyers. It is tough for a lawyer to pop out of law faculty and begin trying DUI instances because there may be a level of complexity to them. As you can recognize there are quite a few legal professionals in the Country. Just due to the fact the attorney has a license to exercise within the Courts does now not mean she or he has the revel in to address each kind of case. Generally, the greater experience your legal professional has the greater you may pay.
Office and Overhead
This is the region you may never listen the lawyer speak about with the patron. However, the truth is the consumer can pay the overhead price of the DUI attorney. The legal professional can do work cheaper and faster if she or he is the use of generation to shift fee. For instance, a lawyer have to provide documents to his or her customer; however, sending through the mail is sluggish and fee extra. Using the internet and a closed portal machine the legal professional can communicate with the client, provide dates, share files, and talk with the customer greater efficiently and save money. If your lawyer continues to be using paper and mailing files he's costing you extra money. Times have modified and DUI legal professionals want to be more green with their productivity. The other part of the attorney's overhead is workplace space. This is in which the fee of the 2 equally lawyers differentiate. If the attorney has to pay for marble flooring and steeply-priced group of workers then he shifts the price to you. We understand some clients experience as even though if he has stunning marble flooring and exquisite art work on the wall then he must be proper. This is not vital genuine. Remember, this is your greenbacks at paintings. Without question, the extra your lawyer will pay for his overhead, the extra you'll pay for his provider.
So what must you pay for an awesome DUI legal professional in DC
Like maximum city courtroom houses, the dockets are crowded and so a attorney spends greater time waiting for cases to be called which is why the price of a DUI in DC fee more than say in a rural courthouse. In the District of Columbia there is a bare minimal of 2 court appearances for DUI instances. Below are estimates for typical price of a DUI lawyer in DC.
1st Offenses
The value for a DUI lawyer for a non-jury trial first offense value is generally between $2000.00 to $3000.00 greenbacks. If you pay a DUI lawyer less than $one thousand.00 you are in all likelihood getting what's referred to as a "sell off truck" attorney. He simply pleads you out at the primary opportunity. Remember, a legal professional has a obligation to research, consult and put together the case regardless of whether the case is going to trial. Trials usually take an afternoon or less however can be spread out based totally on the Court's agenda.
Second Offenses, 3rd offense cost
Jury Trial for a DUI inside the District of Columbia is minimum of $4000.00 -$6000.00 greenbacks, depending on the statistics. Jury trials normally take one or 2 days, no longer including watching for verdict.
Be cautious of any lawyer who offers ensures. In fact, there are no ensures. The handiest guarantee a lawyer must come up with if you are charged with a DUI - is that he zealously advocates within the bounds of the law.
Remember if an professional is used at trial, the fee might be better because the purchaser is usually answerable for all expert costs. This additionally does no longer consist of illustration before DMV. Representation before DMV is mostly a "live of the proceeding" until the outcome of DC Superior Court court cases. The traditional price for DMV representation is $300.00 to $500.00 dollars.
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