#and ofc she's gonna know zee too
yeoldotcom · 4 years
oh wait can i vent really quickly
#so basically i don't really define my sexuality just bc it's confusing as hell like who u wanna like u know?#and my friend is bi and she keeps saying oh yea zee ur gorgeous and ofc i tell her she's also gorgeous because She Is#but today she was like 'no bc i'll fall for u' and my fuckboy-at-heart ass thought she was joking so i went along with it but turns out#she wasn't joking n then i was like well oop i'm actually not really emotionally available n stuff basically i'm the worst person to fall go#for#and i'm like i really hope ur joking like don't tell me u fell for me over a convo... 😳 like bro i'm so sorry i'm literally a fuckboy#i gave my heart to nct and exo what do u expect i literally cannot do real relationships unless it's either with chenle or hongwon 😐#and she's like no i was joking#so now i'm like OH AHAHAHAHHA THATS SO FUNNY WOW#and my brain is like LMAOOO U REALLY THOUGHT SHE LIKED YOU ???? U REALLY THOUGHT ANYONE COULD LIKE U??? U THOUGHT U WERE LOVEABLE???? LMAOOO#and so of course i got super ... sad (wasn't diagnosed w depression so i'm not about to say i was depressed) but i started to spiral#and think Bad Things and she's like we gotta stop or i'm actually gonna fall and i'm like lmao sis ion believe a fucking word u say anymore🌝#but it's funny because even though i was kinda bummed about her joking (she called me and was like I Wasn't Joking but i don't believe it)#a relationship wouldn't work between us bc although i can be attracted to girls i don't like relationships at all or pda and#i tend to lean more towards guys too and she's also not really my type (although i do think she's beautiful because she Is !)#so why was i even bummed out? and now it's gonna be weird bc i won't be able to think about anything else besides this event when we meet up#and we gotta meet to exchange gifts and idk it's just kinda weird it's almost 5am and i can't get this out of my head#like i don't like her romantically so why was i even fucking bummed ???? and it wouldn't go anywhere !!!!! and i would find it weird even#if we tried to have a relationship together !!!!!!! so WHY was i bummed and WHY am i still thinking about it??????#anyways that's a weird thing that happened to me today :/ or technically yesterday#tbh i might just be aromantic i can't see myself in a relationship at all and my brain won't ever let me think i'm capable of being loved or#loving someone else. besides the imaginary perfect people i make up in my head for scenarios and inspiration for stories#but anyways if u read this all the way through i'm so sorry and thank you so much ur amazing i love you#yeol.com/zee
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dyketectivecomics · 4 years
tell us about the roller derby AU!! <3
(tysm anon bc this got me to get my ass in gear abt actually writing it all down fdskl;fjla ALSO shout out to zom for leaving a reply <3 ty both omg)
OKAY, first things first. This started bc I was thinking abt the Sirens doing Derby together (OBVIOUSLY Harleys idea) BUT 3 players isn’t enough for a team (you need 3 blockers, a pivot and a jammer afterall) so this team HINGES on the fact that GCS had that brief team-up with Talia and Zatanna and the pure Chaos of them permanently joining the sirens in the mainverse is something I want to explore sometime in the future but ANYWAYS they also need a team to play against and I’m Nothing if not Consistent so OFC this is Sirens vs Birds
cue Same Age-Range College Setting, Roller Derby Focus AU. Everyone’s attending Uni at Gotham State and yes I have majors in mind too, for the Sirens we got undergrads Harley: Psych, Ivy: Botany, Selina: Art History, Talia: Anthropology, Zatanna: Theater. For the Birds, (grad student she’s fast-tracking) Babs: library science, (undergrads) Dinah: Music, Helena: Undeclared, Zinda: doesn’t actually Go Here lmao
now u might be saying “wait a min randy, that’s only four birds. DIDNT u JUST say u need 5 players for a team?” And yes. Yes I did. The Birds is actually a BIGGER team than the Sirens and includes anyone who has ever been on the BoP team ever. They’re all here! And there’s a lot of them that rotate in and out of the roster but for the sake of simplicity we’ll focus on those four as Main members.
So let’s talk positions, play style & other stuff!
so Harley is the Jammer, don’t fix what isn’t broken. I like the idea of Talia being the Pivot bc ofc she’d want to be in charge. Which leaves Ivy, Selina & Zee as the blockers
 YES Selina plays damn near as dirty as Harley does lmao. In fact if we rank them by how often they play Renegade vs Regulation, you’ve got, Harley, Selina, Talia, Ivy (all at varying degrees of being FAR at the renegade-end of the spectrum) and Zee is more like just Right of center in favor of Regulation (but not above elbowing an opponent or ‘accidentally’ tripping them up if they’re REALLY close to winning) 
Derby names MOSTLY follow their costumed personas, like Poison Ivy and Catwoman, but then there’s also Gnarley Quinn (currently taking suggestions for Zee n Talia tho bc... well they DONT have names other than their own really lmao)
For the Birds, Zinda is the Jammer, Dinah is the pivot, Helena is a blocker, Babs is actually the team manager & former pivot. Harley gave her a BAD injury during an end-of-season bout and kicks off the rivalry btwn the teams at the start of the plot. (Other birds in the rotation play blockers and jammers as needed. Helena will step up as pivot if Dinah can’t make a bout)
All the Birds PRACTICE regulation derby but....  well, when you put on your skates and the ref blows the whistle, what happens next can’t be helped (but esp after babs’ injury if its a Sirens vs Birds bout they’re out for BLOOD)
Yes their derby names are the same as their hero names, and yes ppl still call Babs Oracle even tho she doesn’t put on the skates as much even after her knee heals
Outfits and Skates:
okay, so OBVSLY zee & dinah are still VERY much the Fishnet Queens™, but i can totally see Harley, Selina & Zinda joining them. can’t have derby w/o SOME ppl wearing fishnets after all fjldka;s
also i know that derby’s sometimes a bit more butch and some ppl take issue with Zinda’s miniskirt but listen i am GAY and a SUCKER for vintage inspired looks and really? skirts and skates go hand in hand BEAUTIFULLY. the skirt STAYS for zinda
actually im a sucker for bombshells!Ivy’s dresses too, i know the big fandom push has been towards making her more butch but LISTEN.
wait, do i actually just want to see Bombshells on skates is that what all this is about. im gonna scre-
everyone else’s looks im still trying to figure out in my own brain but tbh, any artists out there who feel like doing their own spin on superhero inspired looks for these guys im *eyes emojis* would LOVE to see that actually would love to see that A LOT
imagine everyone color-coding their wheels, though, omg i need that
outside of derby i think Harley & Dinah would be rlly into jam/rhythm skating, Zee, Selina & Talia would like artistic skating, and Helena & Zinda would be into speed skating. Ivy and Babs like supporting their friends & esp their gfs but actually they’re trying rlly hard not to show them up bc theyre both pretty good at jam/rhythm themselves fjdkls
Now for the Extra Relationship Stuff:
Obvsly almost all of the sirens have dated each other at some point. Whether in the past or over the course of going to uni together. Cue even More Drama when Talia and Selina break up and Both start pursuing soon-to-be-drop-out Bruce (the dropping out is unrelated to the drama itself but I just think it’s funny if even in an AU setting Bruce drops out of college aksjak)
also listen ever since i read those GCS issues with Talia and Zee I’ve NEEDED to see Selina/Talia/Zee so so so badly. its my AU and its happening some fucking how i’ll make it work shut uppppp
Also I’m gonna throw in some real slowburn HarlIvy bc once again it’s MY AU AND I DO WHAT I WANT.
Yes Dinah and Zee become star-crossed/rival-to-lovers in this. Havent actually decided which way I wanna go bc starcrossed is Fun, but rivals gives me DRAMA and with them both being diff arts majors could Add to that aksj
the Birds marginally have their dynamics together better than the Sirens, but every so often there’s some communication issues bc yes, we need all the Drama in this!!! I demand it!!!
So yeah, if/when I ever plot this out, it would be something with equal focus on changing relationship and team dynamics, and then focus on how well each of the teams are doing leading up to the Big Bout where the Birds are out to Avenge Oracle. And do they succeed? I guess you’d have to read to find out lmao
Coming to a fanfic site near you...... eventually.......
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crashdevlin · 4 years
Civil Warriors 7- Regrets (fin)
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Civil Warriors Masterlist
Author’s Note: Originally posted to ao3 (This is an edited and improved version) Part Three of the Red Queen Chronicles!
Summary: An interaction in Africa reveals more of Cassie’s hidden past.
Word Count: 5063
Pairing(s): Clint Barton x OFC, Bucky Barnes x OFC
Chapter Warnings: mentions of torture, mentions of brainwashing, mentions of murder, actual murder, Bucky Barnes being suave, Cassie Campbell being suave, 
The sound of guns cocking woke the heroes. From the shadows being cast on their tent, they could tell they were surrounded. “Come out!” a deep voice with a thick accent called out. Cassie reached for her pistol, but the voices behind them caught her attention.
“They’re children,” she whispered.
The men sighed as she set her gun back down on her backpack. “We’re coming out,” Steve called as he unzipped the tent. There were a dozen young me with automatic weapons in their hands and a single actual man holding a large revolver. Steve and Bucky put their hands up as they stepped out of the tent and their arms were immediately grabbed by several of the child soldiers.
Cassie gave a defiant look as the man in charge stepped toward her, reaching his left arm out to grab her. “Do not touch me,” she warned.
He didn’t seem impressed in the least. Of course, who would be. A small blond white girl wasn’t exactly the epitome of piss-your-pants scary. The man continued to advance, grabbing her arm and yanking her forward. She stepped into the pull, putting a leg behind the large man’s legs and hip-checking his balance. She brought her elbow down on his head as he went down, then flipped, landing with her foot on his throat. The young soldiers looked at her in fear as their leader moaned beneath her boot. The old American soldiers looked just as wary of her actions. “Do any of you speak English?” she asked, her accent affixed to her words.
“I do,” a small boy of about twelve said, stepping away from Steve.
“Good,” she said as the man below her grabbed at her boot. “Tell your friends to let my friends go.”
“Why?” the boy asked, defiantly.
She smirked, a dark amusement coloring the green of her eyes. “Vell, zey do make zeir child soldiers fearless in Africa, don’t zey?” She put extra pressure on the throat of the soldier under her boot, stepping off as she heard the crunch and felt his bones give. She hummed as she pushed her hand into her pocket and pulled out a small, black pocket knife. “You see, child soldier, I feel your plight much more zen your...aferage vite voman. Zey took from your family...isolated you. Zey control you viz drugs and meaningless titles. Zey make you completely dependent on zem.” She licked her lips, chuckling as she flicked open the knife. “It’s not exactly how it happened to me, but...still. I understand. Do you like your bruzzers-in-arms, zough? I know you probably hated zis fathead muzzerfucker, but do you like your friends?” She nudged the dead man with her right heel.
The boy nodded slightly, obviously unsure of where Cassie was going with her line of questioning. “Good for you. I didn’t haf friends ven I vas your age. I vas all alone until I vas seventeen. It’s good to haf friends. Now, look into my eyes and know zee truz of my words.” Bucky could see a glimmer of hope in Steve’s eyes as Cassie bent down enough to be at the boy’s level. “If your friends do not release my friends, I vill kill you...but not before I haf made you vatch as I tear apart your bruzzers...viz my bare hands und zis dull pocket knife. I vill drown you in zeir blood vizout batting an eye. Do you zink it’s vorz it? Jus so you can go to the other side saying you didn’t give up?”
The boy looked into her eyes, shaking with terror, before turning to the others and speaking to them. They immediately let go of Bucky and Steve, stepping backwards. “Good choice. If I ver you, I’d take Fathead’s Jeep and go to some of zee refugee camps...see if you can find any family zey didn’t massacre ven zey took you. Don’t let me see you again, Child Soldier,” she said, bending down to pull the Jeep keys out of the dead man’s pocket and throw them at the boy. He picked the keys up and turned tail, his friends following behind him. Cassie turned to the tent, tossing their bags out on the ground before deftly pulling up the stakes and collapsing it.
Steve watched the kids pile into the Jeep, one of the older boys driving away. By the time he’d turned around to watch Cassie, she’d stuffed the tent back into the bag and attached it to her backpack. “Come on. Vee haf to go,” she said, not waiting before she started to walk away from the soldiers and the dead man.
“What the hell was that?” Steve asked, looking down at the body.
“Guten Tag, Junior,” Bucky said before grabbing his bag and following after her. “Hey. I know you don’t like letting that part of yourself out, but...thank you. Steve and I...we wouldn’t have wanted to…”
“It vas stupid. Vee nefer should haf gone to sleep vizout a lookout. Vee cannot ignore zee dangers just because vee are superhuman.”
“You’re right,” Bucky said, adjusting his bag. “We’ll start pulling shifts at night, okay?”
Cassie stopped and sighed heavily as she shook her head. “No. You are boz still healing from zee fight viz Stark. I vill do lookout.”
He scoffed loudly. “Sweetheart, you may not be a hundred years old and beaten up but you do need sleep.”
“No, I don’t. I took zis off zee fathead. I vill be able to continue vizout sleep,” Cassie said, present a baggy of pills to him. “Amphetamines. They use zem to control zee boys.”
“You’re not serious?” Cassie just stared at Bucky who shook his head. “I’m sorry,” he said before pulling his arm back and punching her in her temple.
She came back up, her hand on her head. “What was that for?” she demanded.
Bucky shrugged. “Thought it would help. You were acting a little too Hydra for my liking. The accent, the ‘let’s throw pills at it’ attitude. I mean, we really don’t want a call-back to the Pervitan days.”
“I still think I’m the better choice for watch,” Cassie said, looking down at the bag of pills in her hand. “And if the best way to accomplish that is some...sketchy amphetamines, then maybe…”
“We’re gonna trade off responsibility on the night watch,” Bucky said, grabbing the bag and throwing it.
Realization seemed to come over her as Steve walked up. “Oh, my God,” she whispered, falling to her knees. She retched, her hands going to her stomach. “I killed that man.” She retched again, tears rolling down her face. “I told that kid I was going to drown him in his friends’ blood. What wa-” The remnants of her MRE dinner from the night before finally made their way up her esophagus and spilled on the ground in front of her.
Bucky was at her side immediately, running his hand soothingly between her shoulders. “It’s okay. Just get it all out.”
Her bag began to ring so Steve dug his hand into her backpack to pull out her phone and answer it. “Hello?”
“Give the phone to Miss Campbell, Steve,” Fury’s voice said.
“She’s a bit busy right now, Fury.”
“Puking her guts out all over the African landscape, I know. Give her the phone anyway,” Fury demanded.
“Nick Fury,” Steve said, placing the phone next to her head.
“I told you not to ask questions, Campbell. Why did you have to push it?”
Cassie grasped at the phone, pushing it into her ear so hard that it was painful. “You...should’ve told me...years ago,” she growled.
“What, so that you’d always hate what you see in the mirror? Or worse, like it? Aspire to be what Hydra wanted of you instead of fighting against it like you did? I found a confused little girl in the Alps, Campbell. A little girl with no name, no memory, who honestly didn’t know a damn thing about my missing agents. I hoped that the work we did on you would be enough and I think it would’ve been if you’d stayed out West with Coulson.”
“Loki would’ve found me anyway,” she cried. “Barton told him about me! About...my father, my past! He would have come for me. But...what’s...happening to me, Nick? I’m not just remembering her, I’m becoming her!”
“No. You aren’t. You won’t ever be her again,” he said, forcefully. “All of your experiences, that’s what makes you. The experiences that we hid from you when you got to the Fridge, they’re just starting to color your personality. And if you don’t freak out about it, woman, this may not be a bad thing.”
“May not be a bad thing?” She sat up straight, letting the pressure off of the phone. “I just killed a man.”
“Who was probably going to rape and kill you. Sometimes men need to die. You haven’t killed a good man since Agent Barker and you didn’t have any control of that.”
“Barker?” she squeaked. ‘Theodore Joseph Barker, SHIELD level five, 128-42-0724’ flashed through her head. “Oh, my God!” she breathed out.
“When you get done in Africa, Cassie, call me. There’s options here.”
“Options? There’s not...I’m exactly the opposite of the person I thought I was,” she said, dropping the phone and standing. She took off running, her bag and the tent thumping against her back as she ran.
Steve picked up the phone as Bucky took off after her. “She’s going to have to call you back, Nick.”
“You and Barnes need to keep a close eye on her, Rogers. She needs someone to pull her out of this or we might lose her. I can’t imagine how much of a boost it’d be for Hydra if she decided to give into her programming.”
Steve sighed. “It would be like her father coming back.”
“Exactly. The last thing we need is Hydra rallying around their legacy. You need to help her remember who she is. We don’t have Barton to do it this time.”
Steve shook his head. “I don’t doubt that she is a good person, but...what just happened…” He ran his hand through his hair. “It was like watching Loki and...Natasha fight for control of her body. She killed a man, threatened a little boy...it was disturbing.”
“If you don’t think that you and Barnes can bring her back, let me know. I’ll have Phil swoop in and grab her. SHIELD can hook her up and get rid of those bad memories.”
“I feel like that’d be adding fuel to a fire.” Steve looked around to where he could see Bucky standing with Cassie, about a quarter mile away. “I’ll see what I can do.” Steve turned off the phone and looked down at it before starting over to join his companions. He wasn’t sure how to bring her back. Clint was the one who always knew her. Clint was the one who always pulled her back.
Bucky and Cassie’s voices carried easily to him as he approached. “This isn’t war, Sergeant, and I’m not supposed to be a soldier! I just wanted to be an Avenger, help people!” she shrieked.
“You do help people. You helped those kids. You sent them to go find their families!”
“After I killed their handler! I threatened to tear those kids apart and drown that boy in their blood!”
“You wouldn’t have done that, though. You-”
“You don’t know that! You don’t know me!” Steve watched from a couple hundred feet away as Cassie dropped her bag and pulled out a pistol, shoving it into Bucky’s hand. Steve ran forward as she looked up at Bucky, begging him. “You have to. I can’t be that. Please!”
“I can’t. You...I don’t want to kill-”
“Neither do I!” she cried. “The only way to keep me from killing anyone else is if you-”
Steve cut her off with a sharp slap across her left cheek. “Stop it!” he demanded as her eyes went wide. It wasn’t too extreme to slap her. He needed to pull her back. “You threatened the kid to avoid hurting him and his friends in a fight. It was graphic but it needed to be so he’d believe it. I know you wouldn’t have gone through with any of it.” He took a deep breath as she blinked at him dumbfounded. “The warlord you killed was an evil man who never would have let those boys go and is likely responsible for thousands of deaths. You can feel bad about the blood on your boots, Cass, but do not rid the world of one of the best women I’ve had the pleasure of knowing just because you scared yourself.”
Cassie gasped, closing her eyes and fell forward sobbing into Bucky’s chest. Steve sighed in relief as Bucky dropped the gun and held her close to him. “Hey, it’s okay. It’ll be okay,” he whispered soothingly as he rested his chin on the top of her head.
Steve felt a little lost as he tried to think of words to make things better. “You’re...a good woman. You really are. I wouldn’t be your friend if I thought you were-” Steve sighed deeply, afraid he wasn’t getting through to her. “Damnit, Cassie, I wanted to date you.”
“‘Wanted’. Key word.” She pulled back and wiped at her eyes. “I keep crying on you,” she whispered, looking up at Bucky.
Bucky gave her an earnest look. “I’d rather you cry on me than bleed on me,” he whispered.
Steve rolled his eyes as he kneeled down next to her. “It’s not ‘wanted’ because you’re bad or because you changed, Cass, it’s because you chose Clint and I...moved on. Why do you think it’s so hard for me to watch you flirting with Bucky? Because if you changed your mind about Barton, then I just wasted the last year pretending we could be just friends.”
“What about your CIA dame?” Bucky asked as Cassie rubbed her hands roughly over her eyes.
“Sharon...probably got fired for helping me, but she didn’t go to prison for it.” Steve set his hand on her knee and squeezed gently. “Sharon didn’t travel halfway around the world to help me when she knew it would pit her against her mentor...the man who helped her realize her potential as a hero and nurtures her as a scientist. Sharon didn’t...stand up to an alien prince and tell him that she wasn’t going to be his puppet anymore. She’s strong, like Peggy was, but...I don’t know. There’s a lot of good in you, Cassie, and I hate to think you might hurt yourself because of some-”
“Hate to think of you hurting yourself at all,” Bucky interrupted.
She shook her head and looked at her lap. “You...really don’t think it’s...I mean...I’m a killer.”
“So are we. We’re soldiers. Back in the war, before the train...we killed Hydra agents by the dozen...and after the train, I rampaged against the ones that took Buck from me. It’s...it never stops weighing on you, but it’s necessary.” He reached out and gently grabbed her chin, forcing her to look into his eyes. “You are not the one who killed those SHIELD agents. You aren’t her. You have grown and you’ve become something completely separate from what Hydra planned for ‘Project Kind number four fifty-two’. You aren’t her and if you’re remembering what she did, then...that is just going to help you avoid the mistakes you would have made if you were her.”
He swept his thumb across her jawline. “You are amazing and you are a good woman. Please, don’t do anything stupid. Just...don’t. I couldn’t deal with losing another…”
She blinked a few times before swallowing and nodding. “Cool,” she said, shortly. “Well, I’m...ready to get to Wakanda so let’s go,” she finished, hopping up and grabbing her pistol from the ground.
“Uh...what just-” Bucky looked at her from his spot on the ground, confusion filling him.
“I can’t do this again,” she explained, tucking her pistol into her bag. “So, I’m not gonna do this again. Let’s go.”
“Do what again?” Bucky asked, standing.
“The choosing. Steve’s still got a flame, you’ve got a flame. I’ve got...various fires. I just want to...not. Let’s go. We can make Wakanda in two days if we keep moving. No sleep ‘til Brooklyn,” she said, shaking her head and smiling tightly.
“What?” Steve asked.
“It’s a song? I think?” Bucky said, starting to walk away.
“Beastie Boys. Put ‘em on your list,” Cassie said, following Bucky.
The border of Wakanda was heavily guarded. They’d barely crossed into Wakandan territory when they were approached by a group of farmers. “We were expecting two American men. Who is the American woman?”
“I’m actually German if we’re being accurate,” she corrected with a smile. “Cassandra Campbell. I-I wasn’t invited, but King T’Challa has met me. I…”
The soldiers spoke to each other in their native tongue before one pulled out a communicator. After a moment, there was a response then they were led to a palace, where T’Challa greeted them. Cassie bowed her head to the king. “Miss Campbell, I was not expecting you to be with Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes. It is good to see you.”
“It is good to officially meet you, your Highness. This is a much better setting than the battlefield,” she said with a tight smile.
“Your Secretary Ross told me that you were with child and that you were sent home after you signed the Accords.” T’Challa offered his hand, which she shook.
She looked down at his hand and bit her bottom lip. “I lost the baby,” she lied. It was easier than the truth. “And I don’t really have a home...just people. I have people that I care about and I wanted to protect them on their journey. Thank you for allowing me entrance. It really is as beautiful as I imagined it would be.”
“Natasha said you are a scientist, Miss Red Queen.” He shook his head. “Not ‘Doctor’?”
She smiled and shook her head. “No. I’ve actually just finished my undergrad degree. Haven’t even walked the stage for my graduation yet. Probably never will.”
“Well, allow me to take you on a tour of our labs.”
The tour ended with T’Challa asking one of his men to escort the guests to their rooms, a trio of large, ornate doors. Another servant appeared as she was settling and delivered a dress for her to wear to dinner. She took a long bath to scrub the dirt of the journey off of her and stared at herself in the mirror after she’d dressed. The dress fit her perfectly and it was the nicest she’d ever worn, a black sheath dress that dropped below her knees. The neckline was a deep V, showing most of her scars. She bit her bottom lip, running a comb through her hair and pulling the strands across her shoulders to minimize the exposure of her damage.
A knock came to her door and she checked the mirror again before opening it to reveal Bucky, who looked similarly uncomfortable in his clean, borrowed clothes. His clothing contrasted her, white pants and a tank top against her black dress. She smiled. “I knew there was a man under all that blood and dirt,” she teased, letting him into her room. “What are you doing in my room, Bucky? Steve will blow-”
“He’s busy with the king. Discussing my fate, I suppose.” He looked around the room. “I’m here ‘cause I needed to-”
“Say ‘goodbye’?” she finished for him. She leaned against a vanity with a large, antique mirror. “I saw how you were looking at the cryo tank...like it was your salvation. You’re gonna have them freeze you again.”
He licked his lips and ran his hand over his lips. “I think it’s the only way to be sure I won’t hurt anyone else. There’s no way I can do any damage if I’m asleep.”
“No way to do any good either,” she pointed out, quietly.
“I wanted to talk to you about it...since you-”
“I’d understand? Better than Steve anyway. Have you told him?” she asked, her voice squeaking. Bucky looked away. “I mean, I understand. I do. I understand wanting to shut everything off and...being afraid of what will happen if you don’t, ya know, freeze. I…” A tear escaped her eye and she let it roll down her face. “I don’t want you to go.”
“I’m going to tell him tonight...and you’re safe here, Cassie. You and Steve can get rested up and go save your archer...and your friends.” She looked away at the reminder of her fiance as Bucky sat on her bed and looked at his feet. “I’d like to, before I get into the cryo tank...I’d like to have a beautiful woman in my arms again.”
“No,” she whispered. “Because if I kiss you, if I...if I go further...if I do what I’ve wanted to do with you since I saw you in Leipzig, it’s over. You’re gonna get in that tank and I’m never-”
“I’m getting in that tank whether you kiss me or not,” he said, standing and crossing the distance between them in three long strides. Blue eyes pierced her green ones. “But am I going to have the taste of you on my lips when I go under?”
Her lips quivered as she fought her tears. “I should say ‘no’. I’m supposed to be a good woman. A good woman would say ‘no’.” She shook her head, but couldn’t look away from his eyes. “I have an archer waiting for me and he thinks I’m a good woman. He thinks I’m-” She stopped speaking abruptly and reached up, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling his head down to smash their lips together. His arm wrapped around her, holding her close as her tongue slipped into his mouth. She pulled away, biting her lip as he licked his own.
“You taste like whiskey,” he whispered.
She smiled softly, pulling his arm off of her waist. “That’s weird. I haven’t had anything to drink.”
“Maybe it’s natural. Maybe you just remind me of whiskey because of how you make me feel.”
Cassie blushed deeply and went to her tiptoes to place a soft kiss to his lips. “Do you think...do you think I should go under too?” she whispered against his lips.
“The cryo?” Bucky asked, stepping back. He took a deep breath. “I don’t know. That’s up to you. I know it’s the best option for me.” He reached out and ran his fingers through her hair. “Do you think we could-”
“Miss Campbell? It is dinner time,” came through the door.
“All right, I’ll be...I’ll be right there,” she called before looking at Bucky again. “Another time. You should go. She’ll be knocking your door soon.”
Bucky didn’t say a word, nodding as he slipped out of her room.
Dinner was nice, simple, and Shuri seemed very interested in how Hydra had created Cassie, but T’Challa cut that talk off when he saw how much she didn’t want to talk.
She was hoping that Bucky would come back after the meal, she was so preoccupied with their kisses that she couldn’t think of much else, but he never came back. The knock that woke her came as the sun began to crest the horizon. She rubbed her eyes with her knuckles as she padded softly across the floor to answer. Steve stood in her doorway, looking completely forlorn despite the fact that he was obviously trying to hold his emotions back.
“Bucky wants T’Challa to freeze him.”
Cassie nodded and stepped out of the way, gesturing for him to come in. “He told you,” she said, quietly.
“You knew?” Steve asked, a tone of betrayal in his voice.
She nodded. “I was hoping he’d change his mind or that you might be able to talk him out of it. Something.”
“I couldn’t. I tried to convince him, but...forcing him to stay awake when he’s got that kill-switch in his head...it’d be cruel.” Steve shook his head sadly. “What if we never find a way to fix what Hydra put in his head? What if I lose him forever...again?”
Cassie sat on the edge of the bed and patted the comforter beside her. Steve took the seat she offered and sighed as his shoulders slumped. “I’m sorry. I know how...how much he means to you.” She put an arm around him and laid her head on his shoulder. “I know you’d do anything for him, but...this is what he needs to feel...secure in himself.”
“He’s such a...good man. I just want him to…” Steve’s words trailed off as his hand dropped to her thigh.
“I hate to say it like this, but...it doesn’t matter what you want, Steve. This is about Bucky, who feels like a stranger in his own body.” She covered his hand with her own and sighed. “He can’t tell what pieces of him are him and what pieces Hydra added. He can’t tell you half of what he did over the last seventy years and it terrifies him to think that someone can come along with a handful of words in Russian and turn him back into that ruthless...machine.” She bit her bottom lip. “It’s hard enough being a superhuman, international fugitive assassin without adding the wildcard of ‘God help me, I might wake up with a whole new list of people I didn’t want to kill’.”
Steve leaned his head against hers and closed his eyes. “I guess...I don’t have to like it but I don’t have much say, do I?”
“No. No, you don’t,” she whispered. “You gonna be okay?”
Steve kissed the top of her head, moving his hand so that his fingers twisted between hers. “Yeah. I think I will be.”
She stood and pulled him to his feet. “You should go get some rest, Steve. You look exhausted.”
“You know…” Steve started, resisting her pull for a moment as he looked down at her. “You’re stronger than you think you are.”
She smirked. “I know exactly how strong I am, Steve. I did tests at StarkTech Olympia,” she responded.
“You know I don’t mean physically. I’m constantly impressed by what you can do...what you can survive and how you can thrive under conditions that would crush other women.”
“You’re gonna make me blush,” she dismissed. “Please, I’m not that impressive.”
“I’m losing my best friend in a few hours.” Steve shook his head. “I know you’ve gotten close to Bucky over the last couple weeks. I know you’re upset about Bucky going under, too...yet here you are, not letting yourself be sad so that you can comfort me. That’s impressive.”
“Go to bed, Steve. I’ll see you in a few hours.” She went to her tiptoes to kiss his cheek, just under the contusion and bruising, before walking over and opening the door. She gently pushed him out into the hall. She sighed deeply and walked to the vanity, pulling a piece of stationary in front of her and setting to the task of writing a very important letter.
Cassie didn’t have any time to say ‘goodbye’ to Bucky in solitude so she stepped out of the way as T’Challa’s lab tech prepped Bucky for the tank. She watched from her place near the window as Steve and Bucky said their goodbyes. T’Challa walked up to Steve as Bucky froze in the tank and Cassie cleared her throat as she joined them soon after. “King T’Challa, do you...do you have another...one?”
T’Challa stared at her for a minute before he nodded. “Another tank? Yes. Why?”
She looked down to avoid Steve’s gaze when he stepped in front of her. She swallowed heavily and focused on his shoes. “What are you doing, Cassie?”
“It’s better this way,” she whispered, barely audible. “We can’t hurt anyone if we’re frozen.”
Steve’s hands were shaking as he tipped her chin up to look into his eyes. “I’m losing you and Bucky. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
“You’re gonna...gonna go save Clint, Sam, and Scott from the Raft,” she answered, reaching into her jacket pocket and producing an envelope without looking away from his eyes. “You’re gonna give this letter to Clint when you do.”
“How am I supposed to explain to Clint that I let you freeze yourself?”
“The letter’ll do that for you.” She shook her head, sadly. “You have nothing to explain.”
Steve scoffed. “You say that, but-”
“Steve, I wrote that letter four different times. I made sure to explain everything and I apologized profusely. The letter will do everything. You just have to get him out of jail so he can read it. Please, do this for me.” He nodded sadly as he tucked the letter into his own jacket, but she smiled, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before she reached up and wrapped her hand around the back of his neck. She pulled his head down and pressed her lips to his. As she pulled away, breathing heavily and blushing furiously, she looked down at her feet. “I didn’t want to regret it if I came back and I had missed the opportunity to-”
Steve cut her off with another kiss, holding her head and kissing her fiercely. She moaned as they pulled away from each other. “You’re right. I would hate to have missed out on that,” he breathed out.
She sighed and turned to T’Challa. “What do I have to do to get frozen?”
“My aid will help you.” The king nodded to his aid, who came over and grabbed her arm, leading her away.
She didn’t close her eyes until the moment the hypothermia-inducing chemicals flooded the tank so the last image she saw was Steve Rogers in front of her, a look of regret in his eyes.
The Kitchen Sink - @emoryhemsworth​ @flamencodiva​ @wasabiwitteks​ @rainbowkisses31​ @rissbennett @mariekoukie6661​ @officiallyunofficialperson​ @dolphincliffs​ @mrs-meghan-winchester​ @gayspacenerd​ @foxyjwls007​ @ilovefanfic86​ @marvelfansworld​ @f-yeahfandoms​ @wonderlandfandomkingdom​ @hhiggs​ @sev3nruby​  @hobby27​ @paintballkid711​ @divadinag​ @thewhiterabbit42​ @fantasymyth-1 @queenoftheunderdark​ @cosicas-cuquis​ @superfanficnatural​ @letsby​ @supernatural-bellawinchester​ @onethirstyunicorn​ @swinchester27​ @chalicia​ @sunnyroadtrips​ @screechingartisancashbailiff​ @death-unbecomes-you​ @dayasvalkyrie​ Hero Tags - @atc74​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​ @holylulusworld​
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cinnaminsvga · 5 years
i have..... so many theories flooding my senses.... i just finished fox rain. and. ma'am. why would you hurt me like this. i am begging. mercy. please. i love everyone. i can't fathom a future in wich more heartbreak gets done. but. i. know the tale. i mean. i know some versions. and if you're going for the one i think you are....... and if the fox is Who I Think It Is...... please. please. ma'am. spare my feelings. i am. not strong enough.
[cont.] LIKE.... like. there's one where the fox gets heartbroken????? but then there's another in wich the fox marries and the cloud is heartbroken. and then there's another in wich the fox TRICKS THE [redacted] INTO MARRIAGE AND. ZEE. MISS. ALL THESE ARE TERRIBLE LITERALLY NOTHING HERE IS WHOLESOME I AM SO SCARED OF YOUR HAND RIGHT NOW.
[cont.] but yeah i love fox rain and i love you and your writing and your tiny little gremlin brain. you're so creative and i wish you have a wonderful day and hope you know how it blows my mind how well estructured and thought everything is. every chapter never fails to deliver a too wide selection of emotions and they're so well evoked the pace feels extremely natural. of course thanks to rha as well her writing is outstanding and so so pretty and just. im really thankful im so enchanted with this fic
[cont.] sorry for flooding your asks i am having a meltdown
DAAAAAMN MY DUDE WENT OFF... LMAOOOOO this made me chuckle (evilly) and i’m thoroughly enjoying your anxious anticipation >:)
but you’re so right,,, tbh i think fox rain might be even sadder than tlhc in a sense, but also,,, not?? the thing is, when me and rha were plotting and planning for fox rain, we made sure both of our “interests” were met, if you catch my drift LMAO so that means fox rain will likely end a lot happier than you might think!! ofc, there will be some characters who will inevitably be less than enthused about the ending, but that’s just how we roll babey!! is it truly a zee fic if i DON’T make someone sad... you know me too well :^)
and also, you can’t BELIEVE how happy i am when you said you think sera is a complex and interesting character bc i think so too!! like, there’s just so much to work with when it comes to her character!! i never wrote any fic as quickly as i did for her intermission drabble, and it’s all bc she’s just... such a versatile character that has so much room for growth if we so desire... UGH YOUR MIND!!
thank you so much for your meltdown over fox rain btw, it really means a lot to both me and rha!! this fic is our large, bumbling love child and we’re so so grateful anytime someone sends us long asks like this about it!! we hope you’ll enjoy the rest of the updates (when that’ll happen... now that’s a different other ballgame LMAO) but rest assured that we’ll try our best to give everyone an ending they deserve :--)
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rap-liine · 6 years
get to know me - music (kpop) edition
rules: answer the questions below so your followers can get to know you a little better, and tag any blogs you also want to get to know more!
tagged by: the ever-lovely @jinhopetual 💞
let’s start with something easy! what’s your name? 
any nicknames?
not any real ones? i mean my name’s pretty short but my mum sometimes calls me zee-zee lmao and my friends from way back in elem call me zarbar or zora just to annoy me
and how do you identify/what pronouns do you prefer?
cis/female, she/her/hers
how tall are you?
im p confident im 5′3 by now
time for you now?
ahora es 11:20 pm
astrological sign?
virgo sun and rising, and a cancer moon i think?
what is the meaning behind your blog name?
do i gotta even explain this bc im v sure that 98% of what wooyoung does makes everyone go ‘whoa’
favourite kpop artists! as many as you stan:
oh hunny
bts, exo, nct, txt, monsta x, exid, blackpink, got7, winner, ikon, treasure 13, seventeen, ateez, mobb, pentagon, (g)i-dle, day6, bigbang, triple h, sf9, up10tion, jbj, stray kids, kard, astro, 7 o’clock (stan them they arent v famous and need attention!!), shinee, gdragon, agust d, bobby, j-hope (adding him bc i can), hyuna, mino, dean, gray, jay park, lay (does he even count tho), psy, kim dong han, jessi, taemin, hyolyn, jonghyun, rm, i used to stan zico too until i learned about his involvement about the prostitution scandal, im def gonna stan c9boyz, and recently oneus (?) caught my attention!
five of your favourite kpop songs, if you can/if you stan, choose more than one group (bonus points for linking them so your followers can listen!):
baepsae by bangtan, call my baby by exo, clap by seventeen, hollup by bobby, and bling bling by ikon!! akdjfb there’s about 138592 more songs esp from bts but im trying to narrow it down :’)
what kpop song did you last listen to?
probably twit by hwasa bc ive been obsessed w that song recently
favourite kpop music video?
gotta go w jenn on this blood sweat and tears kinda reins supreme
who are your top five bias wreckers? 
1. mr jeON JUNGKOOK 😤
2. choi san aka the devil
3. i cant tell if hyunjin took over or not so it’s either him or felix
4. bang yedam
5. since i have an ult bias for nct (taeyong) imma say either lucas or jaehyun
last but not least! post a photo of your top biases: 
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
tagging: @ateezsbitch @parkseonghwa @sonqmingi @cuteez @forhyunsuk @lqhhj @ultvisual @taengyo @ateezthetic and ofc anyone who wants to!!
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gendieanonsideblog · 2 years
Yeah, I hope your sickness is ready for me to fight it >:[ | See, as an overachiever, I can overwork myself just enough that it usually doesn't affect my physical health OR my grades, and that's pretty much all that matters when it comes to school. | No??? You and Xenie and thigh high converse girl are all ahdskjahfsikdhuasifkjadhs /pos I'm just kind of.... some guy /neu | Ok, so I know logicaslly she won't dislike being complimented but what if she does??? | I shall ask her about her opinions on triangles! Mayhaps she also has opinions on the matter. It seemed to work in making friends on tumblr, maybe it'll work irl too!!!! | The hopes are that I'll feel better soon, I can't say for sure that I will, but I'm gonna hope! | Well, i hope you have a fantastical, amaing, perfect, stunning, wam-bamtastical and extremely swaggy day >:] (/gen) | akdshuasdkja I'm glad you like the art!!!!! It makes me vv happy to know you enjoy seeing it :] (/gen) -⭐
IM SO SO SO VERY SORRY MAGZEE aaghhhh ik youre probably gonna say dw which i appreciate but I STILL FEEL BAD FOR LEAVING YOU ON READ IN TUMBLR SITE D: but yes weve gotten better thank you for fighting sicksness !! :D ugh why are you so stubborn >:[ /lh just make sure to take care of yourself zee <33 :[[ /p /gen JDKFJDSL NO YOU ARE /GEN /P you should ask her about triangles though if you havent already !! hopefully you already feel better but if you dont im here for you dude !! :D WELL I HOPE YOU have an incredible swaggalicious loveliest sparkly stellar out of this world day magnus !! >:] /gen yes ofc !! i love your art its so cute !! :D /gen
0 notes
lastbuckshot · 7 years
oc list
so @underbree did a lot of asking abt my ocs so i’ve been typing up a (very small) synopsis of them for a few hrs (small bc there’re So Many)
if ur curious abt them or wanna know more abt a few pls feel free to ask me about them i love my kids
some notes:
fc = face claim
some fcs repeat bc I can’t leave well enough alone and some different looks from the same actor give off completely different vibes (I’m the guiltiest of this with cm punk lmao)
 sometimes my fandoms/obsessions and my fcs go hand in hand so when u see a bunch of actors from the same show that’s usually not a coincidence
speaking of fandoms, a lot of these ocs and fcs are years and years old (I’m talking like some of them are 6 years old) so a lot of them are gonna have fcs from ppl I used to fuck w/ heavy way back when but I don’t anymore, I just can’t bring myself to change the fc (like with all the cm punks)
you’d expect me to have a pj and a milo oc and I’d expect it too but I don’t, Freddie (@miloventisoylatte) has both and we collab like every day
all the assassins aren’t assassins for fun, and they’re not hitmen either; there’s an entire company/organization that they’re a part of, which doles out missions and payouts. they only really kill scummy people so think of it as a massive trained vigilante operative organization
The Oloros
 Zemorah (Zee; FC: Janelle Monae) – she’s probably my fave oc atm, I grouped her with her family but she’s also an assassin. she’s the seed that planted the whole family, bc she was a standalone oc first. she’s a bi girl, and she has a history of past relationship abuse, but she’s growing and recovering and actually engaged (to one of freddie’s ocs as a matter of fact; a big werewolf boi named Aaron who has Milo Ventimiglia as a FC)!!! she’s a bonefide flower girl sis loves flowers and gardening but she’s Not the one to play with. Very independent and self-sufficient bc she doesn’t see the point in having anyone take care of her when she can take care of herself and do it better. Prefers hand-to-hand combat to guns on missions. Frequently goes on missions with Liam (mentioned later), but is off from missions indefinitely because she’s with child (triplets!!!)
Halina (Hal; FC: Yetide Badaki) – the oldest of the oloro sisters (but not the oldest sibling). Tendaji’s twin sister. She’s reserved and on the quiet side compared to a lot of her family; she’s on almost the same plane as rashid. she can also be a workaholic, getting stuff done and making progress (on work or in life) is one of the most fulfilling things in the world for her
Malkia (Mal; FC: Danielle Brooks) – the youngest of the oloro sisters and she loves to give love. She has a big ol’ heart and a loud infectious laugh. If you wanna have a good time and feel good about yourself and come out feeling like a Rockstar you hang out with mal
Hodari (FC: Aldis Hodge) – one of the younger oloro brothers. he’s like, the class clown of the siblings. he’s always making fun of something or someone he’s goofy as hell
Rashid (FC: Mike Colter) – oldest child and oldest brother, probably the most stoic and “put together” sibling. married with kids and very, very, very protective of his family. a “you’d be better off fucking with him than fucking with his family” type
Kaivon (Kai; FC: Ricky Whittle) – second youngest brother, and adopted. bi, and a flirt (ofc he is). Someone you can ask to fuck you one time out of the gate and he’ll have no problem w/ doing it. He could talk a priest into becoming a satanist
Jamal (FC: Trevante Rhodes) – jamal is the youngest brother and youngest sibling and he’s such a sweet heart oh my god,,, he’s pan and he’s like a giant teddy bear he really just wants to make everyone he meets happy. truly a people pleaser and a “I’ll give someone in need the clothes off my back” type. Lover of cuddles
Tendaji (‘Daji; FC: Michael James Shaw) – Halina’s twin brother. ‘Daji is the sibling you get when you mix rashid’s protectiveness and hodari’s goofiness. He’ll make you laugh and loves to laugh but you Cannot cross him or his family he won’t let it happen
Shani (FC: Viola Davis) – the mom of this gaggle of kids. she’s a really sweet and loving mom and provider for her kids, so much so that she adopted one and pushed out 7
Andwele (FC: Lance Reddick) – dad of this gaggle of kids. Very stoic and gets a kick out of being overly stoic toward people he’s meeting for the first time and seeing how they react when rly deep down he loves a good time
  The Northcutts (Werecats)
 Alexander (Alex; CM Punk [this version]) – levi’s older brother. alex is a werecat, yes, as a northcutt, yes, but he’s also a demon (his dad was one). Ego the size of texas. Still exploring and discovering his sexuality, and isn’t completely comfortable with any labels, but he’s a lover of sex in general. So much so that he has 4 kids (he’s a single dad). there’s a good heart in there somewhere but he’s still a force of chaotic evil. Chaotic neutral on a good day. Chaotic good on a better one. But always chaotic
Levi (FC: Adam Levine) – alex’s younger brother. He’s the good brother. He’s not a demon, because he and alex have different dads. Lover of sushi (yes, because he’s a cat)
Grant (FC: Jake Gyllenhaal) – charlie’s older brother. He’s a really chilled out and laid back single dad of one, but his brother is a bad influence
Charles (Charlie; FC: Ryan Reynolds) – grant’s younger brother. Getting called Charles upsets him spiritually, please spare him the pain. One of the pettiest, dumbest, most extracurricular ocs. He’s an assassin and when jay (an oc I talk abt later) gets ready to give him his payouts (which can be huge lump sums of money, I’m telling you right now), he’ll tell jay he wants something stupid instead, like pocket lint or a finger nail clipping. Like, he doesn’t want any of the money, he’ll tell jay to donate it or give it to someone else or do whatever he wants with it, and just ask for a shoestring. It drives jay up the fucking wall
Jackson (Jax; FC: Chris Evans) – rebecca’s older brother. He’s in the same boat as alex with exploring his sexuality, figuring himself out. It’s summer, he’s got his hat on backwards, and he’s ready to fucking party. has dabbled in drugs and is a patron of the one night stand
Rebecca (FC: Megan Fox) – jax’s younger sister. bi. she used to be a party animal just like jax, until she had her first son. She’s cooled way down now, and she’s the mom everyone wants. She’s the mom that takes everyone to Disney and buys everyone souvenirs on a whim bc she just feels like it
Nadia (FC: Jessica Chastain) – tara’s older sister. mother of twins. Very loving, and the type of person you go to if you need life coaching.
Tara (FC: Amber Heard) – nadia’s younger sister. bi. she’s a mom with a very big, soft heart. Her instinct is to nurture everyone around her (not necessarily coach them like her sister does; just take care of them emotionally)
Anastasia (Annie; FC: Alicia Coppola) – alex’s and levi’s mom; bi, and the youngest sibling out of the matriarchs/patriarchs. Just like all the northcutt matriarchs and patriarchs, she’s a fun-loving parent. Teases her kids in as loving a way possible (like asking alex if he’s done slinging his junk around and impregnating the city)
Katrina (FC: Julianna Margulies) – charlie’s and grant’s mom; bi, and the oldest sibling out of the matriarchs/patriarchs. Very similar to annie, but her ambiance is different. If annie is a chill mom, katrina’s more of a cool mom.
Anthony (Ant; FC: Live Schreiber) – nadia’s and tara’s dad, and the second oldest of the matriarchs/patriarchs. Looks scary, but is actually only scary 49% of the time. Probably the most serious of the northcutt parents (which isn’t saying much, bc the whole family is doofy)
Logan (FC: Hugh Jackman) – jax’s and rebecca’s dad, and the second youngest of the matriarchs/patriarchs. Prankster and a jokester, and very close to annie
  The Assassins
 Aiden (FC: Richard Armitage) – eva’s fiancé and a lover of red wine. aiden was the start of a long line of assassins. He’s a father of one, with another on the way, with his fiancee. There’s some years old drama between him and ian, that ultimately ended in the death of his (aiden’s) daughter’s mother’s death, because of the assassination of the wrong person on ian’s part (it’s resulted in an inside joke about bad aim). He’s semi-retired now, in that he doesn’t go on missions himself much, but he still works with the company.
James (FC: Andrew Lincoln) – dani’s husband. aiden’s best friend. Father of two (one with dani, one from a previous marriage). Also semi-retired, in the same way as aiden. He’s got a big fucking mouth and almost everything he has is some type of joke or innuendo
Dominic (FC: Luke Evans) – jay’s older brother (half-brother, different dads). Pan. Loves to cook (entrees more than desserts), hopeless romantic, and a single father of one. Still takes assassin work often, usually sniping.
Ian (FC: Michael Fassbender) – mr. bad aim. Still carries a lot of guilt about what happened to aiden’s daughter’s mother (should he is up to viewer discretion), but he’s still very loving, and he’s been trying to make up for it for years (despite being told it’s a buried and forgiven issue). Doesn’t handle guns much on missions anymore; he’s more in charge of extraction now (whether that be via car, bus, motorcycle, heli, etc.)
Jacob (Jay; FC: Ian Bohen [usually this version]) – dominic’s younger brother (half-brother, different dads), and a father of two. Also loves to cook (desserts more than entrees), and used to work as an actual assassin, for a very short time, but stopped, because that part of the job wasn’t for him. Nowadays, he’s more like the accountant/money man in the company, giving everyone what they’re owed, determining how much, helping decide which jobs get what pay. The object of charlie’s endless torment
Liam (FC: Dan Stevens) – liam’s a werecat as well as an assassin, as WELL as a demon (on his mom’s side). he’s adopted (his adoptive parents and biological mom r mentioned later), which he found out relatively early in life, when his abilities started manifesting on accident. He was never mad about it, and didn’t take a particular interest in finding his real parents until recently (and luckily he’s found his mom; the deal with his dad hasn’t been completely settled yet). Sniper/generally most comfortable with guns as opposed to hand-to-hand. Zee’s frequent partner and mission husband (but not her real fiancé, even if they had a fling for a while). Gets clowned for eating baked beans for breakfast (especially by zee)
Danielle (Dani; FC: Danai Gurira) – james’s wife. A jack of all trades in the company, with her hand in accounting, assassinations, mission planning, and training. She thinks her husband is endearingly dumb (she doesn’t look down on him, she just knows he’s a dumbass), but she places a high value on how much he makes her laugh.
Evalyn (Eva; FC: Rutina Wesley) – aiden’s fiancée, and a doctor within the company. You could probably tell from her job she genuinely loves taking care of people, and enjoys the pressure. She can do surgeries and the like, but poison recognition and treatment (if possible) is her preferred practice.
 Jonathan (Nate; CM Punk [this version]) – one of my first ocs, and honestly, a pure, good soul. He has a history of abuse (not from relationships like with zee; his abuse came from his father and his peers [I don’t mean school here, even though that’s true too]), and struggles a lot with depressive episodes, but he still has the biggest, warmest heart in the world. He knows forgiving isn’t for everyone, but it’s what makes him feel better, given some time and space. Christmas is his favorite holiday and he has a collection of santa hats that he makes his friends wear to get into the spirit. He’s still figuring out his own gender, sexuality, and romantic attraction, but he considers himself a bi ace often (he’s not sex repulsed and he’s had sex, but not often and it’s not important to him), and fluctuates between considering himself male and nonbinary (but he’s more comfortable with he/him pronouns in both cases)
David (FC: Ian Bohen [usually this version]) – cocky and full of himself and comes off as arrogant. He sort of is all of those things, sort of not. I’m just gonna say this honestly: thot. 5 kids, but all from the same mom. he’s not with her, not formally; they’re more like…….. kid partners? Mates? It’s a weird arrangement. But he a hoe
Ryan (FC: CM Punk [this version]) – one of nate’s past abusers. Repentant, very repentant, and nate’s forgiven him, but whether anyone else does (or should) is discretionary.
*Tom (FC: Tom Hiddleston) – (*name subject to change bc I don’t usually like fcs and ocs to have the same first name) the second of nate’s main abusers, alongside ryan. Has also repented and earned nate’s forgiveness, but again, whether anyone else can forgive him is discretionary.
  Demons and Fallen Angels
I’m gonna save some breath here: all the fallens are pansexual and panromantic, unless stated otherwise (god’s not included here)
 God (FC: Idris Elba) – okay, obviously god isn’t a fallen angel or a demon, but he’s still in this equation. Not much to say bc god is……… god.
Lucifer (Lucy; FC: Colin O’Donoghue) – yes, Thee lucifer, the fallen angel. Big ego, as you can imagine, and very, very bitter at god, not just for casting him out, but for keeping people he was close to before the fall from following him, including his girlfriend (and now wife) at the time, ariel. Extreme lover of red wine and makes his own in hell bc mortal wine isn’t strong enough or good enough for him. Father of twin daughters in the official sense, but has fathered literal devil spawns in the past So I Mean
Ariel (FC: Jennifer Morrison) – lucy’s wife and long time (millions/billions of years long) girlfriend. Did not follow lucifer in the fall, half because god convinced her not to, and half because she thought his betrayal of god was a betrayal of her, since it’d put their relationship at risk (whether she’s right or not is a matter of personal opinion). She’d visit lucy as an angel to talk to him, because she was upset that they were apart, but still missed him. Eventually, she made the decision to put her love for lucy over her angelhood and fell. She’s still an angel at heart, though.
Jonah (Ares; FC: Sean Maguire) – lucy’s best friend. Fell with him, and was his right hand man during the rebellion. He got his nickname from lucy, because he reminded him of the god of war. Despite lucy seeing them as equals (minus lucy being king, and ares not), ares has a tendency to refer to lucy as “my lord” and “king” (though he’s cut down recently). Honestly a workaholic, and loves being occupied (which in hell means a fair amount of soul torturing, but he also makes lucy’s wine)
Adam (FC: Josh Dallas) – another fallen angel. Didn’t fall with lucy, but fell well before ariel. If a frat boy were a fallen angel, they’d be adam.
Sabrina (FC: Rebecca Mader) – o shit bois, another fallen!!! Before lucy met/fell in love with ariel, sabrina was his main squeeze. she fell shortly after lucy and ares did, and she and lucy did some fooling around in the years before ariel fell. She and lucy are probably more alike than ariel and lucy as far as attitudes and mannerisms go (both of them are promiscuous [not a bad thing], sarcastic, and flirtatious), but doesn’t hold any (or much) ill will toward lucy or ariel.
Malachi (FC: Liam Garrigan) - yet another fallen!!! fell after lucifer, and stayed in hell, not causing trouble, for a little bit. then he started plotting to overthrow lucy, and eventually tried, by threatening to kill ariel if he didn’t give him the thrown. got punished with torture and stripped of the privileges being a fallen got him before. lucy’s pulled him out of punishment now tho. second chances and all that.
Paul (El Demonio, Victoria; CM Punk [this version]) – genderfluid/bigender (hence the two nicknames), and currently married to haedes with a daughter (biologically theirs) after some turbulent times of denial and teasing from both of them. Sarcastic and a little bit holier than thou (but so is haedes). Would lay down his life for any and all forms of red velvet.
Desmond (Haedes; Richard Armitage [mostly any version of RA with long(er) hair is Haedes]) – paul’s husband. A little arrogant, but not usually so much that you wanna punch him in the throat. Just about as arrogant as you’d expect a demon to be.
Joseph (Joe; FC: Joe Manganiello) – alex’s dad. Estranged from his son and alex’s mom both bc of the grimy shit he did. Not born a demon, and not possessed, but filled (literally, not figuratively) with demonic energy by a demon.
Athena (FC: Jill Wagner) – Liam’s biological mother (who he only met very recently; he does openly call her “mom”)
 Violetta (Dee; FC: Ruth Negga) – calling her Violetta or Violet will probably get your shit pushed in so please leave her be. Bi. She has tulip o’hare’s accent (as opposed to ruth’s irish one), and part of a female biker “gang” (yes, she wears plenty of leather jackets). Loves teaching herself tinkering/handy type things, like taking apart and fixing computers, building computers, fixing cars, sewing, and fixing appliances. Really, she’ll pick up and learn just about anything if you give her the time.
Abaddon (Abby; FC: Jeffrey Dean Morgan) – no, not That Abaddon. Abby’s just a country boy with strong opinions on how peach cobbler should look, taste, and be served. Master griller. Father of two (co-custody).
Wade (FC: Wade Barrett/Stu Bennett) – my very first oc, so we’re talking like, 6 years. Which you think would mean I have a lot to say here, but I don’t!!!!!! his character’s been doing a lot of changing and evolving with my tastes and perceptions, with me trying to decide what’s too far and what’s not. and I might do an entire revamp. For now, I’ll leave it at: he has a really sketchy fucking past, but he’s doing better now.
Cassandra (Cassie; FC: Emma Thompson) – liam’s adoptive mother. A+ sense of humor. Jokes about liam and zee still being together.
Denton (FC: Hugh Laurie) – liam’s adoptive father. The more reserved between him and his wife, but he has an endearing dry/subtle humor that suits him.
Killian (FC: Matt Ryan [the welsh actor not the football player]) – I’d be lying if I said killian wasn’t very inspired by john Constantine lmao, bc he is. He is a demon hunter/exorcist/jack of all trades in the supernatural. He knows lucy, and lucy knows him, and there’s a petty war between them. Lucy isn’t killing him, killian isn’t actively trying to take down lucy, but they know each other exist, and killian brags to him about trapping and destroying all his demons.
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crashdevlin · 6 years
Bottle- 11: Mission, the First
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Bottle Masterlist
Author’s Note: Originally posted to ao3 (This is an edited and improved version), I work in info from the comics (Like Hawkeye was married to Mockingbird and Red Skull had a disappointing daughter) and I took a few liberties with what the scepter could do (but not really because the Mind Stone was used to create the Twins so what I did is not that far-fetched). This is a lot more angst than I realized when I wrote it, but it’s compelling angst.
Summary: Cassandra Campbell is a Stark Industries lab tech with dubious genetics and a history with the new Director of SHIELD. She’s been working in New York since right before the Chitauri invasion. What does she have to do with Loki, and what will happen when he returns? Starts post TDW and continues to the end of AoU.
Pairing(s): Phil Coulson x OFC (Past), Loki x OFC (Non-con), Clint Barton x OFC, Steve Rogers x OFC
Word Count: 2133
Story Warnings: So many, worst (to me) are bolded. Younger woman/older man relationship,non-con, mutilation, torture, mind control, PTSD, depression, alcoholism, forced abortions, bad things (non-con) in a church, insomnia, memory manipulation, eventual consensual oral sex (female and male receiving),
Chapter Warnings: none
Tony dropped her near the back side of the compound and she started pushing toward the back. As she rounded the side of a brick wall, Cassie heard boots crunch behind her.
"Who are you? Turn around," the guard ordered.
Cassie resisted the urge to put her hands up, instead putting an indignant look on her features as she turned. The two guards had their machine guns raised and were noticeably confused by the blond girl in the T-shirt and jeans, creeping through the snow. "Zat's a bad idea." She inflected a German accent to her words. "I'm here to see Herr Strucker. Put zee guns down, take me to him and you probably von't be disemboweled for your insolence."
"Who are you?" the taller of the guards demanded.
"If you don't know, zen you von't know. Get on your little radio and tell Strucker 'Junior has come home'. Zose exact vords, no defiation. Strucker vill know vat it means."
They stared at her for a moment before the shorter one lower his gun and pulled out a radio. "Herr Strucker?"
"What?" came from the little speaker.
"We found a woman by the wall. She says she's here for you. She said to tell you 'Junior has come home'?"
The silence on the other end dragged on for several moments before static came through the radio. "Bring her inside."
Cassie walked between the two guards and was brought into the compound. As she walked through the compound, she noticed a young woman and a man standing together, off to the side near several computers. She was placed in a room with a desk and left alone. An overhead speaker came on in the office, and an alert went out. "Report to your stations immediately. This is not a drill. We are under attack. We are under attack."
Over the comm in her ear, which Tony had set so she could hear, but no one could hear her, she heard Tony exclaim "Shit!" and Steve respond with "Language!". As the action heated up outside the compound, Cassie took the comm out of her ear and dropped it in her pocket. Strucker opened the door and locked it behind him.
"452. You've grown into a beautiful young woman. Where have you been?"
"Vell, after you abandoned me at Der Speilplatz, Fury took me to zee Fridge. You know about zee Fridge, yes? It vas a prison. I spent 10 years in a SHIELD prison. I, eventually, von the love of a high-level agent who had Fury's ear and he arranged for my release. I convinced zem all zat I vas... normal, zat I'd fallen for zeir brainvashing. I'd have come to find you earlier, but Fury vasn't entirely convinced. He had an agent tailing me. After zee Battle of New York, I had a chance. I vas vorking to find you, specifically, but you idiots sought it vould be a great time to unveil yourselves, so zat Captain America could dismantle everysing ve spent 70 years creating in secret. You must be so proud."
"Well, we tried to find you, to bring you home."
"You didn't try hard enough. Ten years, Volfgang, and two more whoring myself to a man almost shree times my age so zat I could keep zee act going. And here I find you vis SHIELD artifacts, doing experiments to make people half as strong as me. Vhy didn't you just come find me?"
A nervous look came over Strucker's face. "I didn't know you'd developed abilities. Listen, you need... this building is under attack. We need to get you out of here. You are more important than anything in this compound."
"Even your little projects?" She feigned a mild jealousy. "Go rally zee men, Volfgang. I'm not going anyvere."
"All right, 452. Stay out of sight. Stay safe."
"It's Joanna, Baron."
"Joanna, then," Strucker said, walking out the door.
Cassie watched as the man walked away. She grabbed her ear piece from her pocket and placed it back into her ear. "Stark, we need to get inside." Steve's voice came through the comm.
"I'm closing in. Jarvis, am I... closing in? Do you see a power source for that shield?" Tony responded. Cassie felt that was a question more for her, than for Jarvis, so she ran around to the other side of the desk and pulled out the drawers, looking for a clue of where to start. After finding nothing, she slipped out the door and headed to the right. She followed a staircase up to find a large glowing column.
"There's a pathway below the North tower," Jarvis said in her ear.
"Great. I wanna poke it with something," Stark said.
"Good idea," Cassie said to herself, picking up a piece of pipe leaning against the wall and jamming it into the middle of the generator. It sparked, then exploded, tossing her into the wall.
"Drawbridge is down, people," Tony said.
"The enhanced?" Thor asked.
"He's a blur. All the new players we've faced, I've never seen this," Steve answered. "In fact, I still haven't."
"Clint's hit pretty bad, guys. We're gonna need evac," Romanoff came over the comm, causing Cassie to sit up. Clint was hurt and she wasn't out there where she could help. She wasn't where she should be.
"I can get Barton to the jet. The sooner we're gone, the better. You and Stark secure the scepter." Thor seemed to answer Cassie's concerns. She slowly stood, content that Tony and Steve would be inside soon and the situation would diffuse, now that she'd done her part.
"Copy that."
"It looks like they're lining up," Thor mused.
"Well, they're excited," Cap responded, before a sound of explosion came through.
"Find the scepter," Thor ordered.
"And for gosh sake, watch your language!" Stark teased.
Steve sighed. "That's not going away anytime soon."
Cassie slowly found her way back down the stairs. She went to the opposite side of the hall when she came to the bottom of the stairs, quickly catching up to Steve as he found Strucker. She was down the stairs from where Steve emerged.  "Baron Strucker. HYDRA's number one thug."
"Technically, I'm a thug for SHIELD," Strucker quipped.
"Well, then technically, you're unemployed. Where's Loki's scepter?"
"Don't worry, I know when I'm beat. You'll mention how I cooperated, I hope."
"I'll put it under illegal human experimentation. How many are there?" Steve asked as the brunette in the red coat came up behind Steve and blasted him with some sort of energy. He flew down the stairs, where Cassie grabbed him, helping him up. Steve gave her a confused look, before saying, "We have a second enhanced. Female. Do not engage."
"You'll have to be faster than-" Strucker began before Steve bashed him with his shield.
"Guys, I got Strucker," He said.
"Yeah. I got... something bigger," Tony said, over the comms as Steve picked Strucker up, turning to Cassie.
"What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at the jet."
"Tony had another idea. I jumped at it. You wouldn't have wanted to wait at the damn jet, either. Just like you didn't want to wait at the base while Bucky and hundreds of Americans were rotting in a Hydra camp."
"Yeah? What was Tony's idea?"
"I got us in. I brought the shields down, not Iron Man. That man, there, Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, he knows me. Knew me. I used that to get inside, used the distraction of the battle in the woods to get to the generator in the North tower and I blew that shit up. Pardon my language," she said, with a small smirk.
"Not you, too."
"Of course, me too. Now, you want some help with Strucker, or are you gonna muscle that mound of meat out of here yourself?"
"I got him. Get back to the jet. Please, be careful. Watch out for the enhanced," he said, a concerned tone in his voice.
"Yes, sir."
Cassie sat next to Clint on the jet, not leaving his side to join the conversation around the jet. She'd heard Banner lamenting his change and the HYDRA agents he'd killed, but no one had said anything about the fact that she was the third-to-last person to get on the jet. Natasha had glared at her several times, but she'd focused on Clint and the massive hole in his side. At some point in the flight, Clint had reached over, weakly, and grabbed her hand.
As Clint was pulled off the quinjet to be operated on, Cassie was told to stay back. Tony grabbed her and pulled her to the lab. She stared at the scepter as Tony scanned it. "You did good. I'm impressed."
"Well, impressing you is always at the forefront of my mind, Tony."
"No, it's good. I can trust you. And by that, I mean I can convince you to go behind the backs of our teammates and take credit for your work."
Cassie laughed. "I just really wanted that scepter in Asgardian hands. Where it'll be safe. Any means necessary."
"And that had nothing to do with you being offended that Cap told you to wait in the car while the rest of us played exterminator for a giant serpent?"
"Well, that won't happen again, right? I've proven myself. I spent more time in that compound than anyone else."
"Sure," Tony said, succinctly, before continuing. "Unless the reason he wanted you to hang back was less about your capabilities and more about him worrying for your safety."
"Well, he shouldn't be worrying about me. I'm perfectly capable of-"
"What you're capable of doesn't matter. This isn't about your training or your track record. I put you in that compound because you survived a week in the Alps in a hospital gown and then blended in with a small Austrian town. You were born for this shit. Maybe not meant to be on this side of it, but... Cap's issue is not your ability to do this. This is about how upset he is on the idea of you dying without him having a chance to be modestly immodest with you."
Cassie scoffed. "I thought he got the memo. I'm not doing the dating thing. Shit's complicated enough without that mess."
"He didn't get that memo. And you know, he's the boss, really, so... we can keep sneaking behind the boss' back or..."
"If the next words out of your mouth are anything akin to 'take one for the team', I'll walk."
Tony shrugged. "I'm good with things as is."
Cassie sighed. "I'll talk to Steve. Make sure we're good. But I'm not fucking him just because I'm the first one he's wanted since he lost Agent Carter."
"No one said..."
Cassie shook her head. "I'll deal with this. You... concentrate on the scepter."
Cassie walked the halls of the upper levels of Stark tower, rehearsing what she would say to Steve, for forty-five minutes before she ran into him. "Hi, Steve."
"Hey. What are you doing?"
"Nothing. I've got nothing. I'm trying to not think too much. I don't wanna say I'm floundering... but I'm floundering. I mean, yeah, the scepter's safe, but Loki's still MIA, and the Avengers are about to break apart until the next time the Earth needs it's mightiest heroes and I don't know what to do with that downtime. Then, there's the awkward elephant in the room."
"You wanna know if we're okay?" Steve asked, succinctly.
"Yeah. I mean... I followed Tony's orders instead of yours. I know that was a slap in the-"
"Cassie, it's fine. I understand. I shouldn't have tried to keep you out of the fight. Never tell him I said this, but Stark was right. There was better use of your time."
She smiled. "I'm glad."
"Look, I understand how downtime can be a bit disconcerting. I know it's not Austria but I'm sure you can find something peaceful to do."
"Austria wasn't peaceful. It was mind numbing, which is what I wanted at the time. I prefer the city, though. Look, I... Pepper wants me to go back to work in the lab, but... I think that would be more boring than working a grill. Please, tell me that you have something useful for me to-"
"Actually, I don't. The only thing I have is tracking those two enhanced. Why don't you check on Barton? I think Doc's finished patching him up. After that, we'll discuss ways that we can put your skills and enhancements to good use. Even if the Avengers aren't assembled, we have use for you. Stick around. Oh, and there's the party."
"I will stick around for that. Definitely. I mean, I live right downstairs," Cassie said, walking away.
KITCHEN SINK TAGS @heyitscam99 @wonderlandfandomkingdom @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt @mrs-meghan-winchester @henrymorganme @lonely-skys @allykat2108
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dyketectivecomics · 6 years
{{ Characters and headcanons! Can I get Cass for 12, Babs for 5, Raven for 13, and I can't choose whether Zatanna or John or Magicblazer in general for either 14 or 15, please and thankyou!
Zira i owe you My Life™ and i love u (#s come from this post, y'all free feel to send in more characters+numbers to my inbox) 
Cass - Jewelry headcanon: kind of canon, kind of my own, but i def don’t see cass as the type to accessorize too much unless its for undercover work. so she’s never esp Concerned™ about jewelry. However. I love the idea of Bruce leaving Martha’s jewelry for her to use whenever she needs, or if any strike her fancy and there being ofc a Big Moment with her donning that pearl necklace for a family portrait and tears flying and ok I'ma shut up now before i start crying too 
Babs - Bathing/showering headcanon: OKAY, so i know i already included that line in Averting Disaster but IMA MENTION IT AGAIN. Babs ABSOLUTELY needs her Bath Time to unwind from Difficult Cases. she’s still a Shower Person when it comes to Actual bathing routines, but she indulges in a bath when the work Really Gets To Her. She’s got a collection of salts and bombs and oils and Everything man. let the girl chillax.
Raven - Nickname headcanon: as far as GIVING nicknames go, Rae’s not big on that. i mean thats been p much a given for her character since the Beginning. but if someone Introduces themselves with a Nickname, or treats it as their Preferred name, she’ll absolutely respect that. Now as far as Getting Nicknames, I’m overly fond of the idea of the Night Force giving her some of the Obvious Poe References (i.e. Lenore) but also various Song Titles (it starts with Roxanne, Rhiannon & Rosanna, but then they just start pulling up Cecilia, Iris, Jolene, i mean the list can really go on and on from there. she gets a new one everytime Zach gets a new one too. its gonna be a Running Gag.)
Magicblazer - Dancing & Singing headcanons: I’m ABSOLUTELY putting these together now OKAY SO- John? Yeah, he’s got experience making an ass of himself on-stage so he can pull a few solo moves, but anytime he tries to partner up with someone? the man’s got two left feet and both of them are stepping on Zee’s. Even After they try enchanting his shoes. it’s Hopeless. Zee’s usually the one doing the leading, after awhile, which John’s Begrudgingly Okay with. Now as far as singing goes? Ofc Zee’s got a voice. She’s an Entertainer gotdammit! John can still carry a tune ofc, he may not be On-Stage any more but theres a reason Mucous Membrane did as well as they did! Get these two together for a duet STAT @ dc. THERES where the REAL magic awaits! maybe i should just go ahead and write a fic abt that then lmao.
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dyketectivecomics · 6 years
{{ "Give me a character and I will answer", for Zatanna? 8O
sorry not sorry for the length on this lmao
Why I like them: okay, with Zatanna, what’s not to love? She’s flirty, she’s cute, she knows how to take full advantage of all her skills, and she’s so damn headstrong. it’s something i admire so much about her & esp when writers pay attention to that & give her that autonomy which is why i rlly only accept Dini’s way of writing bc he does her voice & demeanor SO WELL UGH 
Why I don’t: That strong will is p much why this girl can’t land a bf lmao. she loves her work as a hero & a magician and isn’t willing to compromise on those things but then writers will have her bemoan the fact that she can’t hold a man down like okay. no. you can’t have ur cake and eat it too. but like… ugh. let my girl live her life!!!!!!!
Favorite episode (scene if movie): Listen. Her intro in BTAS? That whole damn episode and team-up and ICONIC use of JUST stage illusions/escapes? That Very Subtle Hint At Maybe Real Magic at the end? Without a doubt something that holds a place near & dear to my heart ok. (but a close second is the JLAction ep “Trick or Threat” bc that was just plain cute overall lbrhh)
Favorite season/movie: gonna go ahead and count the JLD movie here. at least until we maybe get that Zee DCEU movie *fingers crossed*
Favorite line: “Why do you care about some leggy dame in nylons? Or have I answered my own question?” - I C O N I C really.
Favorite outfit: okay, look at this very tiny Zee in her little magician get up and TELL ME ITS NOT THE CUTEST LITTLE THING IM JFKLJKDFLS:FDNKASFLNDLSFJKLJLJ
Ships: Magicblazer, Fishnet Queens (Dinah/Zee), WonderMagic, & actually Batanna bc I’m a SUCKER for friendships that lead to More.  and also Artemis/Zee in YJ even tho i cant stand their ship name.
FRIEND ships: uhhh, Deadman & Zee always seem to have a p good familiarity in the JLD run. ofc Bruce n Zee’s friendship is still Super Important to me. aaaaand… yeah, ima still count the fishnet queens here too. Bloodspell was just *clenches fist* so. damn. good.
Head Canon: Zatara absolutely took Zee out for milkshakes after she mastered rlly difficult/complicated spells. and any apprentice she takes under her wing absolutely gets the same reward (if not the equivalent ofc bc i mean not everyone’s crazy abt milkshakes yknow?)
Unpopular opinion: idk if it’s Unpopular, but it drives me up the wall when people write her ‘backwards’ speech by making the whole sentence from beginning to end backwards rather than the individual words. yeah, that’s how it was done in the 70s iirc, but like…. Lame. and also a little impractical, writing-wise & practice-wise? it would mean having so much extra to think about before performing a spell, rather than being able to just!!! speak the individual words like normal! The only time I’ve ever felt ok about that, was when Zee faced off against a dude in her solo series where his whole thing was being able to reverse time a little bit at a time, so she spoke in palindrome sentences to fight him. NOW THATS a GOOD reason to have her THINK about her powers! something OUTSIDE the NORM.
A wish: that her relationship with Zatara isn’t sidelined (if/when she gets a movie) bc it’s!!!! one of the few positive Father/Daughter relationships that DC’s ever given us and DAMMIT i need that!!! Let these heroes have some Good Parents For Once!!!!
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: that she just gets relegated to Love Interest in anything. yeah I’m as concerned for her love-life as anyone else, but dammit, she’s so BEYOND just being arm candy or an anecdote as someone’s partner. she’s a mf ACCOMPLISHED magician for fucks sake! 
5 words to best describe them: adept, strong-willed, enchanting, quick-witted and fabulous
My nickname for them: Zee, a Classic that you cant rlly go wrong with amirite?
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