#and once again i do not speak for the experiences of every adoptee
3-2-whump · 6 months
About the Author, or Adoption Trauma and Whump
Hi dear readers, this is 32W. Author, casual artist, and transnational adoptee, and as we reach the 28th anniversary of my adoption, I’m here to talk about adoption trauma and how it relates to whump.
TW/CW: adoption trauma, geopolitics, religious trauma (briefly mentioned/implied), gaslighting (briefly mentioned), objectification (briefly mentioned, sexual acts against a minor (briefly mentioned), metaphorical light gore
NOTE: The experiences of 32W with adoption are their experiences alone and cannot nor should be representative of every adoptees’ experiences. I love the people I call my parents, and I will always see them as such, but that does not change the basic facts that I will lay out below. This author also does not claim to be a geopolitical expert, nor a communist party expert, nor a Chinese spy -my god, I can’t believe I think I need to write that! Reader Discretion is advised.
I have been writing whump stories since my high school days back in 2010, and I have been writing pretty much the same story on and off for the past fourteen years. The names have changed, the faces have sort of changed, and the contexts have varied widely depending on what genre I had a phase in at that time, but a few core elements stayed the same:
Loss of culture
Loss of family
Loss of country
Loss of mother tongue
Forcibly living with someone who, though they could be worse, is still being forced to live with someone
Forced assimilation
Losing trust in someone you trusted, respected, and loved
And while I have been writing whump with these themes for the past fourteen years, it only just occurred to me a couple months ago that all of those elements are also present in my personal experience with adoption. Basically, I process my adoption trauma through whump.
My parents wanted a baby. They wanted a baby after they had finally gotten my brothers out from underfoot, those problematic and troubled young men who are now strangers to me. My parents wanted a baby, preferably from another country, because of a recent court case in which the birth mother won back custody of her blood child and broke the adoptive parents’ hearts, so they wanted a baby from a place far away, where the chances of that happening were basically zero.
My parents wanted a baby.
And they got one.
From 1980 to 2016, the Chinese Communist Party implemented the One Child Policy in order to curb their country’s ever-climbing population. Consequentially, for many rural, agricultural, and often traditionalist families, this meant prioritizing sons over daughters, and thus hundreds of thousands of children –mostly girls- were scattered like stars, eventually landing in the arms of the richer, affluent Western countries. Though our circumstances of “abandonment” varied, we were all dispersed across the globe, unwilling, unaware, and now with different names and with parents that looked nothing like us.
Some of us ended up in good homes. I know I certainly did. My parents adored me, and I loved (still love?) them. They were a little weird sometimes, borderline objectifying me since I was a toddler and using religion to gaslight me into believing everything about our family situation was fine, but they also taught me about my culture, made me go to Chinese language school as a kid, and overall did their best. I’d like to think every kid, adopted or not, can say that about their parents. They did their best.
That said, this does not change the fact that they essentially bought me. This does not change the fact that I was forcibly separated from my home, my family, my culture. This does not change the fact that I have no official records and all but cease to exist until they got me. This does not change the fact that my birthday is a guess. This does not change the fact that they severed my tongue and stitched it back on, training it to speak their words, so that even after six years of Chinese school, I still cannot carry a conversation in what should be my natal tongue. That does not change the fact that I deliberately tried to lighten my skin with heavy makeup during the more cringe years of high school. That does not change the fact that my grandpa tried to molest me when I was eleven, and to this day, I am absolutely sure he never would’ve tried that shit with his blood grandchildren.
Their love and good intentions do change any of it.
So, I write whump to cope!
Please don’t feel sorry for me. I am not writing this for random internet strangers’ pity, I am just explaining rather graphically why I write the kind of whump that I write. Writing whump is cheaper than therapy. Exploring dark themes through fiction is a safe avenue for me to discover truths about myself that I did not even know before. And hopefully, my perspective may shed light on issues other adoptees may be facing that they did not have the words to express. And to those adoptees, I hear you, your feelings are valid, and my inbox is open if you want to talk. So, with that, I will conclude this essay, and promise you more good 32Whump content! Stay safe, yall!
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spacegoatart · 3 years
i haven’t officially posted my own treasure planet headcanons, so that's what this is! some of this might be ooc but i don't really care because they are fun to think about, so yeah, enjoy!
this is gonna be long so i’m gonna put it under a keep reading
it makes me so sad that they supposedly don’t keep in touch at the end of the movie, so that's where headcanons come in. Jim and Silver went thru WAY too much to not keep in touch, Silver couldn’t leave Morph without being able to see him again either (Silver literally refers to himself as Morphs ‘dad’ in one scene!!) they at least send letters or have some sort of burner phone, with Silver being a wanted criminal and all. for a while they probably just sent letters, Jim talking about the academy and Silver sending little gifts from his escapades such as a lava rock or an especially interesting coin. Jim keeps all the gifts in a box, along with the letters but if he feels especially attached to a gift, he’ll set it on his window sill of on the rim of his mirror. as much as I like the idea of Jim getting Silver a jitterbug/ladybug, realistically Silver would be the one to set the idea into motion. Jim gets a larger gift and its a little phone, made of parts that Silver could scrap together (or on he found in a shop on a traders planet), he immediately sets it up and texts Silver. it was really nice for them to talk in real time and were probably already discussing the idea, even though Silver could get caught, so Jim was really excited about it. Jim now keeps Silver updated on life events and Silver calls every now and then to tell Jim about his travels. Silver hasn’t quite figured out how to send photos but once he does, he starts sending some everyday (including some hilarious selfies, akin to what a dad would post on Facebook).
Silver absolutely visits, for a while it was very, very scarce because he was still wanted but was sneaky enough to come and see Jim every few months. he comes and hangs out at the inn for a few days while his crew is out at bars or stocking up on items for their next adventure, as well as they know better than to fight their captain on his decisions. during these visits, Silver tells Jim (and anyone brave enough to sit near them) stories about what he had seen, creatures he had encountered and wonders they had discovered. Jim tells Silver about his time at the academy, new friends he’s made and what he’s learning, including some complicated stuff. sometimes Jim even get so into it, he brings out a textbook to express his point. while Silver is pretty smart, he has no idea what Jim is talking about (because its usually math and obscure facts) and usually just smiles and nods as Jim rambles. (lol this may be me projecting my ADHD onto Jim but i have the feeling he info dumps to people hes comfortable with)
speaking of the academy, i think despite all the combat training and captaining that Jim is learning, i think Jim would be really interested in math. like a surprising amount. it would probably be difficult to start off but once he did, hoo boy he could not stop. there were some hurdles he had to face but eventually he landed in a pretty advanced math course (not the highest but still pretty up there, maybe like calculus or applied mathematics). knowing some math was important as a captain, having to deal with probability on a ship in the Etherium, but Jim was fascinated by numbers and the way they made up the world. i think he would be really interested in physics or theoretical stuff, which is difficult but i think he could do it. he probably uses his previous experiences in space to help him visualize the math, which helps a lot.
the first time Silver came to the inn, Jim practically tackled him. which was no big deal since he’s almost double Jim’s size, Silver was more worried about Sarah and what she thought of him being a pirate and all. Jim assured him that everything was ok and he asked her but Silver still felt a bit nervous. he felt like he was intruding on her territory. but while Jim had run upstairs for something and Silver stood sheepishly in the doorway, Sarah came over with a smile on her face and shook his hand. he wasn’t expecting that at all, he was more ready for a glare from the kitchen or even a talk about ground rules. Sarah talked to him about how excited Jim was (she was also kind of excited, she had met plenty of pirates and was almost as fascinated as Jim was) and how she was grateful for Silver staying in her sons life. Silver felt much more comfortable after that and they started talking too, (not sure if it would be romantic or not, it would be cute but i love them just being friends as well) they became pretty good friends. Jim loved it, even if they weren’t married or Silver wasn’t biologically related to him, he felt like he had a full family again. when Jim was busy or sleeping, Sarah and Silver would chat over coffee or in the kitchen while Sarah cooked, Silver helping. Sarah would probably rope Silver into helping her at the inn once she learns he can cook and he kind of falls into a routine. come see Jim, hang out, when Jim is busy/out, go put on an apron.
(this one is 100% projecting lol) this is a pretty loose hc, especially since it started as a joke but now i really like it. i think Jim, as well as Silver, is transgender. Jim wasn’t really expecting Silver to be trans, as are most (he passes super well lmao). i mean, many pirates were gay, why can’t space faring ones be trans? hell, Silvers crew probably has a slew of queer folk among them, if not all of them being some sort of LGBT. body modification looks like a regular thing in their world, so i think Silver has already had top surgery, whether he was planning to or not. by that i mean that i think Silver could have been injured, woke up and found that something was missing. worried he may have become more cyborg, he checked, winced and found that bandages had been bound around his chest. ‘well that's out of the way’. despite not wanting to be vulnerable around his crew, most of them if not all of them know he’s trans since most of them didn’t see it as some sort of weakness, it was just who you were. (if ya’ll are interested, i have some crew hcs like gender and sexuality but this post is mainly about Jim, Silver and Sarah)
(continuation of the trans hc) when Jim came out to Silver, there’s a moment of silence between them. in Jim’s head it was awkward, but in Silver’s, things started clicking. Jim was worried Silver didn’t understand and quickly explain but Silver comforted him, and explained that he understood. Jim was the confused one now and Silver quickly cleared that up, explaining that he too was trans. Jim was relieved, confused and surprised. he hadn’t expected that outcome but that wasn’t bad, if anything he thought it was cool. he had more in common with his adoptee-dad than he had thought. Silver now makes sure to emphasis his compliments when Jim is working, hoping to boost Jim’s ego and make him feel better. it works and Jim feels even more comfortable in his own skin. (i have another part about Silver taking Jim to get top surgery but they would need Sarah’s permission first, not that she’d say no but Silver doesn’t want to encounter her wrath xD)
i’d like to think that Silver takes Jim up on his ship, not for plundering but just to sail around. the new crew had already seen Silver in action and decided nobody wanted to question him about Jim, especially since he was causing any trouble. eventually Jim couldn’t really visit Silvers ship anymore, being a Navy officer and all but that was ok, Silver still came to the inn and Jim had his own ship/s.
Silver knows all the drama around town, mostly because Sarah hears it fro customers and then gossips to Silver about it. Silver will come in, say hello and she’ll start, he’ll probably respond with something like ‘no way, they did that?’ and then he’d listen as she worked.
when talking to Jim, Silver refers to Sarah as ‘ma’ and Sarah starts referring to Silver as ‘dad’ since they have become Jim’s collective parents, and it doesn’t bother either of them.
after Jim lets Silver get away at the end of the movie, Silver stays on his own for a while, though no one knew that. he got a larger boat, just big enough for him and he wandered planets, drifted through space, just thinking. he wasn’t sure what to do next, he was a wanted man but he also had no crew. the thought of settling down passed in his mind but he couldn’t bring himself to do it, he was comfortable in the Etherium, he would get cabin fever after a week. so he continued being a pirate, it was rough work but he loved being among the stars, exploring the galaxy. Jim knew this and didn’t want to push Silver to stay at the inn for a long amount of time but they still made it work.
Silver has little experience with children, having none of his own until Jim (i’ve seen people give Silver children as his backstory but he doesn’t strike me as that kind of guy, not that he wouldn’t want kids but he’d have to choose between family life or pirates life. that's too much for him.) the most experience Silver had was with helping people at port and with his crew, anyone young enough to need guidance and smart enough to listen.
Silver loves music but really only know sea shanties, drinking songs and some old folk music, but he can still be found singing with his crew and humming while he’s working. Jim on the other hand listens to a lot of music, especially after treasure planet. (this is assuming they have all the music we have xD) he listened to brooding teenage music before, like Teenage Dirtbag or bands likes Greenday, but now he has a few shanties on his list as well, plus some classical music for when he’s studying or relaxing. he also listens to ABBA, either because he just likes them or because his mom plays them in the inn.
Jim, Sarah and Silver have way more pictures of each other now. the inn now has multiple family photos with Silver included, Jim has a framed image of the three of them and Silver has a little scrapbook. it’s the only thing he’s ok with having on his ship, still worried about being seen as ‘soft’ (even if he is a big softie and everyone knows it).
Silver usually wears a pretty simple working outfit with his nice coat and hat but when he does want to look nice, holy shit does he do it well. sometimes when he’s dressed up he wonders why he doesn’t do it more often just for fun but then he thinks of the countless times he’s had to throw out shirts stained with blood. he would never let that happen to his nice clothes.
i really like the idea that if things had been different, Sarah Hawkins would have been a pirate, and a damn good one at that. maybe she wasn’t in this life but that doesn’t stop the occasional daydream and questions to Silver about his lifestyle. he offers to take her on his boat when he takes Jim and she hesitates but says yes in the end. Jim definitely didn’t get his wanderlust spirit from Leland. (this is a little ooc for Silver but not for Sarah, i 100% believe she would be a pirate) maybe after Jim joins the Navy, he buys a small boat, big enough for him and his mom and they go on trips where they just enjoy the Etherium.
you cannot tell me that the second Silver was out of earshot on the long boat that he didn’t cry his eyes out. motherfucker may know how to hide his feelings but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have them, he’s a sucker and he knows it. when he gets more comfortable around Jim and Sarah, he finds himself getting way more tearful from touchy feely stuff. Morph being cute? sobbing. Jim called him dad? waterworks. literally anything that tugs on his heartstrings? has to go to his cabin to cry his eyes out. the first time Jim and Silver met up again, they both just started sobbing.
Silver, Jim too probably, has PTSD (sorry if i get anything wrong, i’m not sure what else to call it) to an extent. it isn’t intense to the point that he gets overwhelmed with emotions and has flashbacks (unless it has to do with his missing limbs) but he does have some nightmares and prepares for the worst in most scenarios. Jim has to remind him that the bang at the door wasn’t pirates, it was just a unruly customer and that the silhouette he saw outside was just a passing ship, not canon fire. Silver apologizes every time, despite not doing anything but switch to his sword and brace but he can’t help but feel bad for worrying them. i can’t imagine the kind of terrors he has about loosing his limbs.
Silver, when he detaches his arm, will forget he only has one hand. sort of like that video with the astronaut back on Earth, but instead of gravity, he keeps handing stuff to his cyborg hand, dropping the item and they being confused when he can’t find whatever he had. he’s just so used to it by now, he’ll even gesture with his missing hand and not realize he can’t convey what he’s doing. Jim has been asked to hand his stuff, Silver will try to grab it without look and ask Jim why he didn’t hand it to him. Jim has to remind him that he doesn’t have his cyborg arm, leaving Silver apologizing. its always lighthearted between them and they joke about it but Jim knows Silver is still bothered by it a little.
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omgjasminesimone · 5 years
Hunter x MC (Julia)
Summary: Newly crowned King Hunter Fierro and his Queen consummate their marriage.
Word Count: ~3000
Author’s Note: This is my submission for @andi-the-cat​’s Secret Santa exchange. My giftee is @adrrianraines​. From your letter, I decided to go with first time sex smut. Hope you enjoy! Happy Holidays!
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“Your Majesty?” The handmaiden calls out, again.
It takes Julia a moment to realize the handmaiden is speaking to her. ‘Your Majesty’, that will take some getting used to. “Yes?” Julia finally responds.
“Do you need anything else before I leave you for the evening?” The maid questions.
Julia shakes her head no, and the maid gives a deep curtsy before leaving the room, quietly closing the ornate double doors behind her.
Finally, alone for the first time today, Julia takes some time to absorb her new room. It’s much more elaborate than the small sparsely furnished room she slept in at the library with two other girls. The room is also nicer than any of the rooms in House Rosario. Obviously expensive tapestries line the walls. Atop a beautifully engraved wooden dresser, there are jewelry boxes full of priceless gems and diamonds. Julia runs her fingers over the fine Fierro red embroidered silk quilt on the canopy bed as she walks past. She quickly retracts her hand, feeling like she might ruin it just by touching it.
Julia wraps her arms around herself, feeling out of place. And nervous. She’s unsure where Hunter is, since they were ushered in separate directions by palace staff after the wedding reception, but she knows what’s supposed to happen when she sees him next. Annalisa has given her detailed descriptions of what happens between a man and a woman. Julia blushes just thinking about some of the things her sister shared.
Annalisa never felt the need to save herself for marriage, but as an illegitimate adoptee into House Rosario, Julia would never risk earning more of her aunts’ scorn with a scandal. So, she saved herself like she was taught to. But now she feels naïve, inexperienced, and she’s worried her very experienced new husband is going to be disappointed.
Julia is startled out of her troubled thoughts when there are three raps on the door, but not the door leading to the hallway the maid exited through. Julia turns to her right, heading to the door the knocking emanated from.
She opens the door and is greeted by Hunter’s warm smile. He bows deeply, taking her hand and pressing a kiss to her palm. “Your Majesty.” He greets reverently before returning to his full height. He keeps her hand in his as he walks through the door.
“Do you like the Queen’s quarters?” Hunter asks, taking a seat on her bed. She hesitates, still feeling like the quilt is too beautiful for her to touch, so he gently pulls on her hand, so she’ll sit beside him.  
“It’s beautiful. And this bed is so soft!” Julia says with wonder, bouncing softly to test out the mattress.
Hunter chuckles, kissing her cheek, and then her neck. Julia takes a sharp intake of air as he briefly licks at her collar bone. “I hope you don’t like it too much my Lady. I was hoping you would want to share the King’s quarters with me. Most royals don’t have the luxury of marrying for love, so they prefer to keep separate bedrooms, but I’d love nothing more than to wake up with you every morning.” He murmurs, gesturing with his head to the door he just came through.
“That seems excessive, building and furnishing two rooms as fine as this one. It will take some time for me to get used to living in such finery.” Julia replies.
“I think the King’s quarters are even more elaborate, if you can believe that.” Hunter warns. “Would you like to go see it? Or will you be more comfortable here?” Hunter questions.
Julia flushes, the red tint to her skin contrasting with the beautiful white wedding ballgown she currently dons. She’s not so naïve that she needs to ask what she’s supposed to be comfortable for. “We can go to the King’s quarters.” She answers, standing from the bed.
She starts to walk to the adjoining room, but suddenly she’s swept off her feet and into Hunter’s strong arms. She squeaks in surprise, but that quickly dissolves into giggles as he makes a big show of carrying her across the threshold into the King’s quarters. She places her hands on his broad shoulders, looping her hands around his neck when he gently places her on her feet near the even larger canopy bed in the King’s quarters.
She tangles her fingers into the soft dark hair at the nape of his neck as he hugs her to him. He places a kiss to the side of her head before speaking softly into her ear. “I can feel your heart beating. Why are you so nervous my love?”
Julia pulls back slightly to look up at him. “I just…. don’t know what I’m doing. And I know that you do. I’m worried you’re going to wish I had more experience.” She admits, gaze falling to the plush carpet at their feet.
Hunter firmly grips her chin and forces her to meet his eyes. “I swear to you that I won’t be disappointed Julia. That’s impossible.” He kisses her then, soft and slow at first, but it quickly becomes heated. He forces himself to pull away just barely, speaking against her plump lips. “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you.” And knowing that he’s going to be the first to know her intimately, to see her this way, it’s quite the thrill.
He’s wanted Lady Julia since the moment he met her. But once he got to know her, he immediately knew she wasn’t going to be like the other noble ladies who threw themselves at him and were perfectly content being a notch on his bedpost. He knew she needed commitment, marriage, before anything could happen between them. He’d been disappointed that he couldn’t give her that when he thought he’d have to marry for a foreign alliance. So, he’d tried to resist her, to just be her friend, but he fell in love with her anyway. He placed his hopes on her being amenable to a Cordonian arrangement once she was married to some lucky noble, if that was the only way he could have her. Fortunately, they didn’t have to go that route.
Hunter can’t be more pleased with the way things have turned out. Thwarting Renza’s coup proved his strength to the neighboring kingdoms and enabled him to marry for love after all. He’d proposed immediately and rushed the wedding because he couldn’t stand the thought of waiting several more months to finally have her. And now that they’re finally married, and it’s finally proper, the anticipation of the night is practically making his skin crawl.
But she’s nervous, and he refuses to rush her into anything she’s not ready for. “What are you other concerns Love?” He murmurs softly.
“Annalisa, she told me that it might hurt.” Julia admits, twisting the red sleeves of his wedding blouse in her slightly trembling hands.
“It might hurt a little, but I promise I’ll be gentle. And if you want to stop, you just have to say the word and I will. And after tonight, I promise you it will never hurt again Darling.” Hunter seals his promise with a kiss. “Any other concerns?”
Julia shakes her head no, smiling at her new husband tentatively. “No, I trust you. And I love you.”
“I love you more.” Hunter swears before he’s kissing her again, fingers tangling into her hair. He quickly undoes her wedding updo, watching her tousled locks fall around her shoulders. He tosses the discarded hair clip onto the nightstand. “Turn around.” He instructs, and she does as she’s told, her back to his broad chest.
Hunter quickly and efficiently starts to unlace her dress, doing the same to the underlying corset once the loosened outer layer falls to her waist.
“You’re very good at that.” Julia observes, voice wavering slightly from her nerves.
Hunter smirks, placing a kiss to the top of her spine as he finishes loosening the corset. “I’ve had a lot of practice.” He admits.
Her corset falls, and Julia reflexively covers her bare chest with her hands. She’s never been undressed in front of a man before, and although she still isn’t facing her husband, she feels vulnerable and exposed and she doesn’t like it.
Hunter presses his still fully clothed chest to her bare back, placing his hands on her waist. “Relax.” He breathes into her ear, and she tries to take his advice to heart. Julia takes a deep, shuddering breath as Hunter’s hands slowly trail from her waist to her stomach. He gradually moves upward, gently knocking her hands away and cupping her breasts in his own hands.
Julia lets out a soft moan that she would have been embarrassed about if Hunter didn’t respond with a pleased groan of his own as he runs his thumbs over her quickly stiffening nipples. “You’re so beautiful.” He praises as he kisses her neck, kneading her breasts.
Julia isn’t sure what to do with her hands, so she places them gently on top of his, rubbing her thumb over his hand as he tweaks and pinches at her hyper sensitive bud. “Hunter.” She murmurs on a sigh, leaning back into his chest.
Suddenly, he turns her back around so she’s facing him, capturing her lips and walking her back towards the bed. He stops when the back of her knees hit the mattress. He pulls away from her and pulls his shirt from his trousers, quickly working the buttons free.
Julia gently stops him after he gets the top four buttons, unbuttoning the rest herself with a steady hand, eyes focused on her task.
She pushes his wedding blouse from his shoulders, watching the garment fall to the ground. She then runs her hands over his well-developed abs, growing emboldened by the growl he lets out as his muscles tense under her touch. She had wanted to do this when they’d met in the baths after the joust, but back then it would have been extremely improper. But now, Hunter Fierro is her husband, and she can touch him as much as she wants.
She smiles at that thought, looking up into his eyes. She’s surprised to see how much his eyes have darkened. Even as innocent as she is, Julia can’t miss the desire shining in their depths.
He gently walks them forward another step, causing her to fall back onto the bed. He leans over her, pulling a pillow from the top of the bed and placing it under her head where she lies in the middle of the mattress. Hunter stands back to his feet, gently unclasping her shoes and letting them fall to the floor with a dull thud as he keeps his eyes on the steady rise and fall of her chest.
He places her foot on his chest, gently rubbing his fingers over her ankle before slowly moving up, watching the blush on her skin grow as he gets higher and higher. He finally reaches the top of her thigh, and slowly, torturously slowly, pulls the stocking down her leg, nonchalantly dropping it to the mattress when he pulls it over her small foot.
He moves more quickly when he removes the other. He kneels before her on the bed, gently tugging her up onto her knees as well. Hunter draws Julia to him, tugging the sting from the corset so he can remove it completely. He then slowly gathers the hem of her dress, pulling it over her head. Now, his beautiful wife is left in just her short pantaloons.
Hunter quickly frees himself of his trousers, leaving him in just his breeches so they’re even. He throws his trousers into the pile of their clothing he’s left on the floor. Julia is watching his every move closely, and he grows even harder at the realization that she wants him as badly as he wants her. He captures her lips again, pressing his hips into her’s.
She gasps when she feels his erection, but she doesn’t pull away, tentatively rolling her hips against him. Hunter hisses at the action, hand tightening involuntarily in her hair. He wants to make her his so badly, but he knows he needs to be patient, gentle, walk her through her first time.
He gently guides her to lay down. “Raise your hips.” He instructs, barely recognizing his own guttural voice. She does, and he practically rips the pantaloons off her, leaving her completely bare before him. He takes in her completely nude form for the first time. God, she is beautiful.
He leans over her, lips first enclosing over her nipple. She moans softly, hand fisting into his hair as his tongue swirls. He lavishes the other nipple with his rolling thumb as his mouth moves down her delectable body, placing a kiss just above her belly button before trailing his tongue further downwards.
“What are you do-“ Julia trails off into a loud gasp as his mouth reaches its destination, sucking and lapping at her folds. She definitely didn’t read about this in any of her books in the library on the subject of procreation.
“You’re so wet.” He praises against her skin, placing a kiss to her inner thigh. He takes her sex back into his mouth, tongue dragging through her.
“Hunter, fuck….” Julia curses, eyes closing on their own accord as she pushes her head back into the pillow. He’s never heard her curse before, and his hard cock twitches in anticipation.    
He continues his tongue’s ministrations until she’s writhing below him, hips rising eagerly to give him better access. “Hunter!” She calls out with a cry as she comes against him, shuddering in the wake of her orgasm. Tears prick in the back of her eyes at the intensity of the sensation, the likes of which she’d never felt before from her own hand’s curious exploration of her body in the dark of her room late at night.
He wipes his face on the blankets before crawling up to her, kissing her roughly. She can taste herself on him, and she can’t decide whether or not she likes the taste. “Julia, my Queen, are you ready?” He questions. Physically, he can feel that she is indeed quite wet and willing, but he has no idea about her mental state. He can barely remember what being a virgin had been like. He’d been young and drunk his first time, but he wants her’s to be absolutely perfect, not rushed or painful.
In answer, she kisses her husband softly, dipping her hands into his breeches and gripping his painfully hard manhood in her hand and stroking him softly, tentatively, but with obvious enthusiasm for her task.
Hunter groans, fighting back his urge to come in her hand. He gently bats her hand away to prevent such an embarrassing early ejaculation on his wedding night, removing his breeches. Her eyes drift down to his fully erect penis, a new flush rising to her cheeks. “You’re bigger than the drawings from the anatomy books in the library.” She reveals when he gives her a questioning look.
Hunter chuckles, lacing his fingers with her’s and pressing them into the mattress above her head. “Don’t be scared. I’ll be gentle.”
He lines himself up and pushes into her slowly. Her eyes screw shut as she tried to adjust to the foreign intrusion between her legs. He feels himself reach her barrier, and he kisses her softly. “I love you Julia. Always.” He breathes.
“I love you Hunter. My husband, my King.” She returns.
He pushes into her quickly, assuming it’s better not to draw it out. Her mouth opens in a silent cry, and he fights against his urge to rut against her like an animal, forcing himself to hold still so she can adjust.
After a few moments, Julia instinctively raises her hips, seeking friction. He kisses her forehead, her chin, and then finally her lips. “Are you alright?” He asks. Julia nods, and that’s all the reassurance he needs. He pulls almost all the way out of her, and then pushes back in, gradually increasing his pace as she lets out pleased moans, nails digging into his back.
“Hunter, that feels so good.” Julia mutters, nails digging into his broad shoulders now.
“You feel incredible. You’re so tight and warm.” Hunter replies, speeding up his pace as he grips her backside.
Julia’s walls start to tighten around him, and she feels another orgasm coming on. “Hunter, I think I’m close.” She informs him, legs wrapping tightly around his waist.
“Come for me my Queen.” Hunter mutters, slamming into her harder, momentarily forgetting that it’s her first time and he’s supposed to be gentle as he feels his own orgasm coming on.
“Hunter!” Julia cries out as she comes, body shaking in the aftermath of her strong orgasm. Hunter quickly follows her over the edge, spilling into her as his movements become jerky and then stop as he collapses on top of her.
They’re both sweaty and sticky, but their arms wrap around each other as they kiss and cuddle in the aftermath, rolling them over so Julia rests on top of him.
Julia lifts her head from Hunter’s chest once she’s taken a few moments to recover, smiling down at her husband. “I do not have words to describe how wonderful that was.” She comments.
Hunter smirks at her, tucking some of her hair behind her ear. “Was that everything the rumors promised it would be?” He jokes.
Julia nods enthusiastically. “Your reputation precedes you.” She praises. “Can we do that again?”
Hunter chuckles, drawing her into a kiss with his hand at the back of her neck. “We can do that as many times as you’ll let me. We do need to make an heir after all, the sooner the better.” His hand trails over her flat abdomen, imagining what she’ll look like when she’s round and plump from carrying their child.
He’s so excited for a future with her. Ruling with her, raising children with her, growing old with her, it’s all going to be incredible. He can barely believe his luck as he looks at her, his wife, flushed and glowing and clearly completely satisfied and in love.
“Can we try out the bed in the other room?” Julia asks, kissing his jaw as she nuzzles into his neck.
“Hell yes we can.”
Taglist:  @kinggliam​​ @choicesgremlin​​ @debramcg1106​​ @desiree-0816​​ @cora-nova​​ @anxious-arliah​​ @flyawayboo​​ @cordoniasmost​​ @princess-geek​ @fifteenskies15​​ @silverofdreams​​ @queen-kamilah​​ @ohsnapitzlovehacker​​ @marvellifeforever​​ 
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eternaljouska · 5 years
Days of Cats and Bears - Yoon Jeonghan
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Pairing: Jeonghan x Reader
Genre: Angst, Hurt-Comfort
Warning: Self-Harm (The harmful thought and action, please proceed with caution), several expletives
Word Count: 5,450 (It was supposed to be 3k-ish hehe)
Note: Short Term 12 came to mind while writing this. Happy very late birthday uri cheonsa, Jeonghannie~ Happy late world mental health day, and happy birthday, Jiminnie, you’re also an angel. I love the title header, I love this story, and I hope you love it too. Enjoy!
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“I don’t need this,” you spit out, your bloodshot eyes piercing through your caregiver’s bored ones. Your teeth are chattering and your body is shaking from your burning rage. “I know you think I’m a lost cause, but you’re wrong. I’m not a cause. I don’t need this. I don’t need you.”
Hyorin doesn’t say anything back. She turns around and leaves you with the echo of the creaking doors.
The next day, it’s Jeonghan who greets you good morning. Jeonghan is new in the facility; yesterday was his mini welcome party. But now they assigned him to you. You scoff, “You’re not Hyorin,” stating the obvious.
“You don’t like Hyorin,” he asserts as he grabs a seat on the edge of your bed.
Although that’s the truth, you brush his words away. There’s something more crucial than you disliking Hyorin, a question melding with the simmering anger inside your chest which makes your voice break at the end of your sentence. “Why, she gave up on me or something?” She’s not supposed to give up. It’s her fucking job. She’s not supposed to try and prove your point.
Jeonghan’s gaze captures yours for the long second it takes for you to look away. “No. I must tell you, she’s quite relieved that she’ll have a break, but no. I volunteered.”
He volunteered, and you don’t know whether to be glad or to be mad. Your thumbnail digs into the skin of your forefinger. And it only doubles the fury you’re curbing that the familiar act doesn’t give you any sensation at all. They’re blunt, your nails. Hyorin checks them every three days; she clips them too short for your liking. I’m not a cause. Does he think I’m some kind of a level-up challenge in a game that he needs to win?
“I know what you’re thinking. I—“
“You don’t,” you cut him.
Jeonghan closes his mouth, the gleam in his eyes undisturbed by your hostility. “Alright, I don’t. That’s true. Anyway, choose an animal.”
“What?” you mumble, his swift topic-changing catching you off-guard.
“Choose an animal. That’s how we learn about our mood from now on. For example, I’ll be a cat: belly full, lounging on the sofa, generally calm, and admittedly”—he leans forward, voice dropping into a conspiratorial whisper—“just a tiny bit sleepy.”
You scoff, more than a little bit amused by the new caregiver. The others are friendly—professional friendly, just a bunch of people slightly older than you who get a little cocky from the experience of being entitled to or responsible for something. But this guy, he seems to be actually enjoying his time, and that somehow calms the aggression flickering both in your chest and in your thumb. “That’s stupid,” you say briskly, and Jeonghan springs back up to his previous position as if your comment had physically slapped him on the face. “You made that? That’s even more complicated than the previous system.”
“I- I,“ he stutters, “I’m sad. I thought you would appreciate that.”
He’s dramatic, but that seems like fun.
“Appreciate the fact that you’re sad? Very much do,” you say as you bite back your smile.
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“I want a cactus,” you confess. “I don’t need an ice cream cake.”
An ice cream cake was nice; it was good. And seeing that you’ve never had one in all these months you’ve stayed in the facility, you knew better to inhale it in one go before vocalizing your protest. You’ve always requested for a cactus before, but they deem it too dangerous. You know they don’t do their research this way. Even though your knowledge of the plant is rudimentary at best, you know that not all cacti are dangerous, as they put it.
It’s been only less than two weeks since Jeonghan became your assigned caregiver, and he’s managed to gift you an ice cream cake. He would give you all the credits, though. ‘Seven consecutive days of cats!’ he exclaimed as he made his grand appearance through your door less than an hour ago. A cat: belly full, lounging on the sofa, generally calm, and admittedly more than a tiny bit bored. So it makes all the sense in the world that you hang your hope of a cactus upon him. With the progress that you’ve made since his arrival here, they’ll certainly trust him, right?
And they do.
After a long—and unnecessary—discussion involving Jeonghan pleading and defending your case, he barges into your room five days later with a small box covered with white wrapping paper with chickens all over it. You’ve anxiously and expectantly waited for him and the news he’s bearing, and although it’s long since he threw away his modesty of knocking at your half-closed door, you find yourself jump from your seat in surprise when he does.
“What is that?”
“Hens-and-Chicks!” His face brightens, seemingly proud of what he has to offer you on his outstretched hand.
But you, on the other hand, are still having some difficulties to fully comprehend his blaring signals. “What?”
“You don’t know? You should know!”
“Again, what?”
“Hens. And. Chicks! A cactus,” he groans as he stomps his way to your bed. “For someone who’s adamant about wanting a cactus, you should’ve known what Hens-and-Chicks are. Argh, I’m so mad. I think I’m close to the bear level, oh my god, this is so disappointing. Ugh, you’re bringing my aggression level to the max.”
You snort, “You’re so dramatic.” You crawl closer to him and accept your present and carefully remove the tape from the wrapping paper. You despise it when people tear the wrapping paper almost as if they’ve buried a deep-running grudge towards it.
“That was supposed to be a good joke.” He nods at the wrapping paper that you set aside.
“What? This? This wrapping paper? Why, because you’re giving me Hens. And. Chicks! in a box wrapped in Hens. And. Chicks! wrapping paper?” You raise your brow at him, and when he feigns a scowl, you pat his head playfully. “A good one, Jeonghan. A good one.”
He watches you that afternoon. As you place the little pot close to the window and water it for the first time, you can feel his gaze that’s sticking to your back like your clothes on a summer day. You ignore it, too busy spooning waters for your new adoptee. You want to thank him, but what comes out of your mouth is a bark of ‘Why hadn’t this baby come sooner?’
Well, that’s the best he can get from you. But he’s fine with that.
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Another week has passed, and you almost received the ice cream cake reward yesterday if only your cats hadn’t been interrupted by one dog. ‘It was one day, Jeonghan. One. Day. And that’s because Soonyoung was antagonizing my Henchi,’ you reasoned. Henchi, by the way, is how you call your plant—Hens-and-Chicks abbreviated, so creative.
Jeonghan had only chortled before he brought his hands forth from their hiding place behind his back, and you gasp, gleeful giggles bursting past your previously pouty lips. “I thought someone said ‘I don’t need an ice cream cake.’ Boy, oh boy, now that they have Henchi, I guess now we need the ice cream cake, after all. Anyway, what’s Henchi’s status?”
“Oh, so now it’s Henchi’s status all we care about? And for your information, I didn’t sound like that. Also, Henchi’s still a cactus, the last time I checked. And I’m still a cat.” You take the small plate from Jeonghan’s hand only to find out that something is slightly off from your ice cream cake. “No, scratch that. I’m a dog! Yoon Jeonghan, did you eat my ice cream cake? Ohoho, I think I’m gonna be a bear.”
The young man smiles triumphantly even though he realizes he might be murdered right on the spot because of what he did. “Yes, I—“
“What?! How dare you?!”
“Six-seventh of an ice cream cake for six of your cats. That’s what you—“ His words are interrupted by a shriek that quickly transforms into the laughter you’ve become familiar with—and extremely fond of if you have to add. “Hey! Stop hitting me! That will cost you your ice cream cake! Y/n!”
“No, I’m not gonna stop. You deserve this! You could’ve just cut it from the cake and ate it like that instead of eating straight from my cake.” You keep on hitting his back in spite of his numerous ‘ow!’ since you know that they are as fake as your attack.
“Y/n, stop it right now. I swear—“
“What is happening here?”
You both snap your head towards the door in the instant that you hear his voice, Mr. Choi, the facility’s supervisor. He and Hyorin are standing in the doorway, both giving you suspicious looks. “I’m sorry, we’re just playing games,” Jeonghan answers, immediate enough that you dare to hope they would believe him.
“You know we can’t have games that involve violence.”
“I know. I’m sorry. I will not use that game again.”
From the way he speaks, you know Jeonghan is nervous. And seeing that Mr. Choi only glanced at him once before continuously eyeing the melting ice cream cake atop your nightstands, you understand why.
“You’re not supposed to give me the cake, were you?” you shout-whisper after the sound of Mr. Choi and Hyorin’s steps fade into the background as they walk farther.
Jeonghan averts your worried eyes and gives you the tiniest of a smile. “Just eat it, okay?”
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Jeonghan is distant in the next few days. You change your animal daily, but he says nothing. So you spend all day sitting in front of Henchi, feeding it two spoons of water right after Jeonghan’s visit to clip your nails ends. Unlike Hyorin, he does it every four days.
You count Henchi’s bulbous leaves over and over again, every day, as you contemplate the changing in Jeonghan’s behavior. There’s no more cat day for you. It’s hard to feel full, calm, and bored when you’re a boiling pot of concern and temper. And now, dread also throws itself inside your pot, for you notice that when you’re about to water Henchi, the bottommost leaves are turning brown. The chair screeches at the haste of your standing up. “Jeonghan! Jeonghan! Jeong—“
“What happens?” he gasps out, breath heavy from the short run he obviously did to reach your room as soon as his legs allow.
“Henchi,” you sob. “It’s—it’s rotting. It’s dying.”
Jeonghan’s body sways out of balance when he takes his first step towards you. “Let me see,” he breathes out as he kneels to take a closer look at Henchi. He sticks his thumb and forefinger under the plant and pulls every brown leaf and tears them off the rest of your Hens-and-Chicks. You look at him warily but do not stop him, your thumb curling to dig its nail into your forefinger. And that action strikes you as familiar and at the same time, peculiar. You can’t remember the last time it happened. It’s been too long.
“Just, don’t water it for the next two weeks, and it’ll be fine.”
He disappears before you say thank you.
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Six days after that, you are reduced into a quaking ball of sobs and whimpers. And that’s how Jeonghan finds you in the corner of your room behind the door.
“Y/n!” he calls out, terror dripping generously from his lips despite only saying a single word.
“Henchi… Jeonghan, Henchi…”
Today, you decided that you would water Henchi regardless of Jeonghan’s advice. Four days ago, you found the new bottommost layer of your plant to be rotting, so you plucked them off Henchi’s healthy body, leaving only four rosettes behind. Day after day, you worry your lips into the bite of your teeth and your skin into your nails. You haven’t watered your cactus in days, and the soil is visibly dry on the surface, so there shouldn’t be any reason for it to continue rotting.
Two days ago, Henchi has merely three rosettes left. That’s why when you woke up this morning you wondered whether underwatering could somehow be the reason why. But alas, when you picked up your glass of water and a spoon, you realized that there’s no plant to water anymore.
“Y/n,” Jeonghan coos after he saw that rot had successfully ousted the green flesh off Henchi’s rosettes. “Y/n, shh, stop crying now, it’s okay.”
You grit your teeth, preventing the scream imprisoned in your throat. “It’s not,” you seethe, trying to keep your volume low, lest other caregivers start to crowd in your room. “Henchi died because of me. It’s not okay.”
Jeonghan falls to both of his knees in front of you, his hands reaching out for yours, but you don’t let them. “Henchi,” he starts, “Henchi… you love Henchi too much it died.”
“No, hear me, you- you watered it too much it died. See, water is your love, and the small plant could only take so much. Now, being loved is a burden, Y/n, even more than the act of loving itself.”
You know that those are white lies he’s using to assuage you. But somehow, you let yourself hung your hope upon him once again as you let his cold fingers grasp yours. You don’t need another death attached to your name. And right after that thought crosses your mind, your breath hitches.
“Have you been on Cocaine?”
“It’s none of your business, Y/n. Let me go.” Your younger brother has grown to be taller than you are, stronger than you are, but the hand that you hold is only shaking yours weakly, not enough to release it free. Little do you know, that is nothing but a camouflage for the tremble on his red knuckles. What you know is that the protective clutch his other hand has over his satchel must have hidden your answer.
“Give me your bag.”
“No, Y/n, let’s talk about this—“
“I said give me your bag!”
“Noona,” he pleads. He never calls you that, being only a year apart and so close to each other and whatnot. He only does it when he desperately wants something from you. “Please. I need to go. Let me go.”
“Jisung, how could you do that to yourself? To me?”
He cries. “Noona, please, we need to go. I’ll tell you later, I promise. I’ll stop. I’ll do whatever you want, but please, let’s—“
“Ya! Jisung, you bastard! Give me my money!”
Your attention moves from your brother’s wide eyes to the burly man calling out for his name. The man runs towards where both of you stand with overflowing vehemence, and that alone sends shivers down your back.
“Noona, run! Run, I said run!” Your brother’s urgency is clear through the way he speaks. You want to tell him that whoever that man is, he’s close, but then he shoves you with all of his might. “I’m sorry! I love you.”
The burly man surges towards your brother and punches him in the face. Again. And again. And you just stayed there, stunned. Until both men direct their attention to you and your brother cracks out, “Run!”
And you did.
You run to the nearest police station. But when the officer found your brother, it’s too late.
“Y/n? Hey, it’s okay, it’ll be—“
“Jeonghan?” You call him, the weight of your brother’s death growing bigger and bigger in your chest and the only thing stopping you from exploding is Jeonghan’s white lies you choose to believe. “Do you think that’s why he died? Jisung? Because I love him too much?”
Jeonghan reads into the line of your lips and the wide of your orbs, and he nods, smiling at the sliver of hope that he discovered there. But then your eyes are blinking, searching for truth on his gaze, and your lips are quivering, tears flowing freely until they disappear at the cusp of Jeonghan’s palms on your cheeks. “Is that why then?” Your voice is the weak flutter of a butterfly’s wings when you speak, and your face holds the agony of that same butterfly emerging from its chrysalis in the past, and Jeonghan wants nothing else for you to expand your wings and take your flight courageously already. “Is that why I’m not dead? Because- because—“
“No, listen, listen, that… I- nobody loves me. That- that’s… That’s why I’m here in the first place, right? Right?”
“No, no, no, Y/n, no. That’s not right. That’s not—“
“But that’s what you said earlier! Henchi”—you grab on the flesh of your arms and paw at it as you speak—“Henchi died—“
“Y/n, stop that, give me your hand. Y/n, hey, look at me. Look at me, I’m here. I’m here, aren’t I? I don’t die yet. We’re on the same page, Y/n. We’re still alive. But you know what, everybody’s gonna die. And I believe that’s because someday, everyone’s going to finally have it in their life. That person who loves you so much, you can’t help but share the burden of loving, together. And your brother, Y/n, he loved you so much and you loved him just as much, if not more. And let me tell you, Y/n, that much love is dangerous. You are loved, Y/n. You are loved.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.” There’s something in his eyes that makes you want to sob even more—if only to prolong his stay and the comfort he offers. You’re certain; tomorrow he’ll be a stranger to the Jeonghan you first knew. “Come, give me your hand. Let’s clip your nails, alright? Trying to hurt yourself to quicken the arrival of death doesn’t make that person comes earlier to your life.”
Right before Jeonghan walks out of your room, you call him, “Jeonghan?”
“Will you… will you wait with me? Will you stay with me until that person comes?”
Jeonghan only smiles.
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It’s been eight days since they threw Henchi away; they didn’t let you keep Henchi’s plastic pot in your room. And you went berserk. Because Jeonghan didn’t even spare you a glance when that happened.
It enrages you, the way he only shows his reaction when you hurt yourself. You only want to know what happened—what changed so that he became so indifferent towards you. Was it the ice cream cake accident? Did Mr. Choi do something? You tried to confront him after they threw Henchi. And the next day. And the next day. But in the end, you got tired of trying. So you stop minding him. Or at the very least, stop minding him consciously.
It was two days ago that you got a breakdown. You bit your bottom lip through Jeonghan’s daily check-up, and he left after ten minutes of strangling silence. And when you set your lip free from your teeth, you dazed for a second from the metallic taste in your mouth. You laughed then. How stupid of you. They’ve clipped your nails blunt, but you’ve forgotten all about the sharp ivories stored behind the boundary of your lips. You latched them onto your arm, stronger and stronger until tears were blurring your sight and a purplish mark was left on their wake.
Jeonghan noticed the tremble on your harmed arm the next day he checked up on you, and although he was a ravenous, aggressive, and triggered bear, you were glad because he’s once again the man that you’re falling for.
And you’re sad. Because it seemed that the only way you’ll get to see the glimpse of that person was after you planted noxious violet on your skin.
You’re walking in the dim corridor to the kitchen to heat up a glass of milk in the microwave, trying to be as quiet as you can even though you know the microwave will surely kill the quiet you attempt for in such an obnoxious way you want to cease from existence. And yet, before the microwave has the chance to make true of your prediction, the creak of a door interrupts the silence first.
“Hyorin, did you hear yourself? Kissing in the facility would be strike one for you.”
Your heart beats violently at the sound of his voice. You hear it every day, but those words he utters on the daily, they’re like the voicemail greeting of a lost person. But more than anything, you want your heart to stop at the knowledge of who he’s talking to and what the conversation might be about. But in spite of your protesting heart, you tiptoe your way to the source of noise anyway.
“It’d be two for you, after that stupid ice cream cake,” Hyorin scoffs, “I don’t care.”
And you freeze, for Hyorin suddenly buries Jeonghan’s face in the shadow of her head, proving your latest prediction to be true. They kiss. And you thank all of the powers on the earth that you can still turn your body around not to witness your hope shrivels and dies in front of your eyes. You walk blindly back to the kitchen and slump down, leaning on the bottom shelf of the island as you cry. You bite the back of your left hand to suppress your sob. Burying your head on your knees, you clasp your other hand on your ear, refusing to hear the sound of the door opening and closing in a snap.
You don’t know how, but you made your way to your room. You blink. It’s funny. You feel more lifeless than any living person should be, but you can’t laugh, perhaps that’s the very first sign of death.
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Jeonghan sees the bite mark, but he doesn’t bark. He whispers his questions, but you keep your silence. And that goes on for days. Until he explodes, and you shatter.
“What’s your status? Is it the bear?” It is clear that he’s trying to control himself, but his tone has long since mismatched the pastel color of his voice.
“What fucking bear Jeonghan? Polar bear? Sloth bear? Grizzly bear? This is fucking ridiculous, you know that?” Your eyes glint with fury, although perhaps it is your perpetual tears that catch the morning lights for the sake of giving out the illusion of life.
“What happened to you? Where’s this coming from?”
“I don’t know, Jeonghan. What happened to you?” He drops his gaze and falls quiet. “Oh, now you’re quiet.”
Your right hand is hiding under your blanket, blunt nail impressing crescents onto your skin. Jeonghan is hiding in front of you, and you want to find him, but one of your hands is too preoccupied and the other is too weak from the scar you inflicted.
“I don’t need this,” you mutter, your thought flying back to the time where Jeonghan had never set a step in your life. “Why don’t you just let me out? Fuck, you don’t even tell me what it takes to get out of this fucking facility.”
“We don’t want anyone to fake or manipulate their condition just to have us let them go.”
“But why? Why Jeonghan, why?” The first sob successfully tears itself out of your mouth, and you see a glimpse of the man whose hand you long to hold. Hatred is forming in your gut. Why? Why only now are you here? “Why am I here? Why? I want to go. I want to go!”
“Your parents want us to care for you.”
At his remote and mechanical answer, your nail digs deeper into your flesh, and in place of the scream bubbling in your throat, you laugh hysterically instead. “Oh, they won’t care.” You watch him watching you crumble. “How… How could I fucking live like this?”
“Y/n, give me your hand.”
“No. Tell me, how could I fucking live like this?” By now, you’re raising your voice since Jeonghan rushes to your side to uncover the hiding place of your furious fingers. “I said no! You think you’re helping, right? Right? Let me tell you this, you’re not! You made things worse! You made things fucking worse!”
Jeonghan catches your hand, and you scream, “Let me go! Fucking let me go! Let me out this fucking place! Why can’t you just let me out and—“
“Because you’re gonna fucking kill yourself, Y/n! That’s why!”
Silence falls with the weight of Jeonghan’s outburst. That’s true. You know that’s true. In fact, that’s the continuation of the sentence he interrupted.
The thin walls listen and words spread. Today is Jeonghan’s last strike.
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The face that greets your day is not Jeonghan’s. It’s Hyorin’s. And you want to cry the tears your exhausted ducts can no longer excrete—after last night, you would think your body doesn’t have extra water to waste anymore. Jeonghan is gone.
You were about to close your eyes again, physically and mentally tired to deal with Hyorin, moreover since she only reminds you of that night in the corridor. But it’s the familiar image of chickens on a slick paper that rouses you up so quickly you could’ve collapsed back onto the bed from the pounding in your head. She tried to hide it behind her back, but it’s too late, you’ve seen it, a box very much like the one Jeonghan used to present Henchi.
“Morning. Let’s see your status,” Hyorin lets out, leaning her body on the wall just next to the door. Hyorin, she’s always so straightforward. You’ve always wondered why she works in the facility when she doesn’t seem to like what she’s doing—she doesn’t even bother to hide it. But in any case, you guess it’s good of her not to pretend.
Knowing that your status and the box she’s hiding must have a causative relationship, you decide to lie to her. “A cat. Just an exhausted cat,” you croak out.
But in turn, Hyorin frowns. “What do you mean a cat?” Her words are not hostile; they’re genuine confusion.
“What did Jeonghan say when he reports my status?”
“The usual one-to-ten scale. What do you mean? Did he not follow that method?”
You blink. “Don’t worry about that. He used the scale, but he had his additional method, just to make sure.”
Hyorin looks at you long before she hands the gift box to you, “From Jeonghan. Mr. Choi didn’t allow it at first, seeing how bad it was when your plant died. Doesn’t want to repeat that. But Jeonghan can be very persuasive,” she pauses, throwing her gaze away from you to the floor, “And I helped, too. I’m sorry. This is all my fault that Jeonghan’s gone. I’ve never really warmed up to anyone in this place, but it’s different with him. I think you’d agree to that.”
You nod. Jeonghan was different. But it doesn’t matter. He’s gone.
“And you’re right. This work is not for me. You’ve shouted at me, screaming all those words, and it’s only now that I realized the truth behind them. I’m sorry, Y/n. I guess I have a problem of my own. But anyway, this is my last day of work, and the least I can do for you is help Jeonghan convinced Mr. Choi about that present.” Hyorin tugs the edge of his lips into a small smile, and at that moment, your heart warms even a little. It’s like you’re seeing a different person standing in front of you. And suddenly, that warmth shoots up to your eyes, filling them with more tears you don’t know you still have. “Goodbye, Y/n. I hope you’ll find your peace within you.”
“Thank you,” you whispers, heart heavy with another farewell.
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It’s another Hens-and-Chicks. You knew that from the second you laid your eyes on the wrapping paper. You sniffle, the memory only adds to your pain. There are two letters, one stamped with a cat sticker on the envelope and the other with a bear; you open the bear first.
Dear Y/n,
I have no idea what bear the bear on the bear sticker is. But it is a bear since it’s a bear sticker. And I wrote this because I’m half a bear, and I believe you are too. I’m sorry. I hurt you, and you hurt yourself because of me. I hope that doesn’t come out as cocky. But Y/n, I’m truly sorry. For the harsh words that I said and for the stranger that I’ve become. I’m sorry. Mr. Choi suspects that I treated you differently than the others, and I suspect that it’s true. I didn’t want to be relocated to a new facility because I want to be there for you. I want to wait with you. You asked me about it that day, but I couldn’t promise you anything because you see, here I am unpacking my stuff in a new facility (not now since I’m writing this, but probably at the time that you read this.) Despite wasting my time to be indifferent towards you, I’m still stupid enough to get relocated. You might be confused as to why everything happened. You know that we, the caregivers, have rules in the facility too, break three and you’re out. And you guessed it, I did. First is the ice cream cake, the third is the outburst, and the second involves Hyorin. She did something purposefully to add my strike; you never knew what a broken-hearted person’s capable of doing until they do it. But don’t be mad with her or yourself. It’s nobody’s fault but mine. Hyorin helped to get this confidential letter to go past Mr. Choi after all. She helps convince him about Hanchi, too, you see (for JeongHAN’s Hens-and-CHIcks—HA! I’m more creative than you!) I trust Hanchi in your care. I know you’ll do well (I printed out tips I found on the back of this letter. Also, Hanchi lives in Henchi’s pot. I saved it from the trashcan.) But don’t get too heartbroken if things don’t go the way you want them to be. Be gentle with your heart, Y/n. Be kind to yourself. Don’t bite, you don’t want them to start pulling out your teeth (I’m sorry, I’m laughing at the image of a toothless Y/n.)
The other envelope is your key. I can’t elaborate on that, but I know you’ll understand. This has been a long letter. I hope what I wrote here calms the bear in you, Y/n. See you on the other side. I’ll be there when you finally spread your wings and fly.
You bring the letter close to your chest before your free-falling tears manage to land themselves upon Jeonghan’s handwriting and ruin it. You want to revel in his words, read it over and over again and save it in the locket of your heart. You don’t want to open the other envelope, not yet. You don’t want the moment to end, but you know it’ll never end—not if it’s Jeonghan. He stays; he will stay with you no matter what. Through the letter he promised you he’ll wait with you, and you trust that he will. So you let your bear go into the wild and his letter back into its home.
The cat envelope saves one big folded poster, and you understand why the cat sticker is there. The envelope—or the poster—is a sanctuary for seven columns and fourteen rows of various cats in various poses. Several cats are missing from the first and last row. Frustration slowly crawls alongside the flow of your blood at your failure of comprehending Jeonghan’s words at the end of his letter. The other envelope is your key. You begin counting the number of cats modeling on your poster by then; there are ninety of them all. Ninety cats are your key.
The other envelope is your key. See you on the other side.
Ninety cats are your key.
And then it occurs to you just what Jeonghan means. You snort, eyes glimmering with both tears and newborn hope. That man and his wit.
That night you dream of your brother, a white cat sleeping on his lap. He strokes her clean furs lovingly, and you raise your head when he suddenly stops. He sees you and smiles. And you aren’t awakened with a jolt or a scream or a sob. That morning, you wake up with a smile. And you share the rare crescent of your lips with the new face who greets you.
Wait for me, Jeonghan, wait for me.
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Note again: Is this the longest fic i’ve written so far?? This is how things turn out when you take your time on them, people. Also, Leo, if you read this, I freaked out when I saw that succulent ask you rb, but I didn’t tell you because I was writing this at that time and I give out no spo hehe.
Thank you for reading!
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diverse-writing · 4 years
An introduction
Hello all! It’s been a few years of on and off activity since I last introduced myself and there’s more of you now, so I figured it’s a good time to to do it again.
My name is Mika, and as of right now I am the sole moderator of this blog after my co-mods stepped away from Tumblr. I think my personal blog is linked somewhere back in our archives but I’m currently setting up a new one so the old one is largely silent.
I’m nineteen years old and living in California, and as of right now I’m planning to move to Pennsylvania for college in the fall (though the ongoing global pandemic may change those plans). I identify as a queer cis femme who uses she/her or they/them pronouns. I’m a third generation Filipina-American, so I have very strong feelings about diaspora and cultural reconnection that I’ll likely discuss at one point. Additionally, my dad is a transracial adoptee raises in a multiracial household, which complicates my cultural background and will probably be the subject of another discussion post.
I suffer from chronic pain and chronic fatigue, so I’m often slow to respond to asks. While I want to assure everyone that I read all asks, I’ve made the executive decision to only answer ones which I don’t think can be solved with a few google searches, just to preserve my own health and sanity. That being said, I currently work in a bookstore and love practicing my recommending skills, so always feel free to hit up the inbox looking for specific book requests and I’ll do my best to provide.
I want to say up front that I am a nonblack POC, American, cis, largely neurotypical, and not a practicing member of any religion so I am well aware of my own blind spots when it comes to discussing diversity in writing and the publishing industry. I can’t speak for every marginalized identity, nor do I want to. I always, always do my best to read up on facets of representation and diversity that don’t personally impact my life; however, I believe that reading and academia are not replacements for lived experiences, so I often defer to those who know what it’s like to live with those marginalized identities.
With that in mind, I’m hoping to open mod applications up once this blog is somewhat more active. I don’t have any timetable for that, but I do want to reassure everyone that it’s in the books.
That’s all for now, and thanks for sticking around!
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keaghanlandram1991 · 4 years
Johnsons Cat Flea Pump Spray Blindsiding Cool Ideas
Although pet allergy symptoms like runny nose, the primary sign of a sudden exposure.What exactly is asthma in your garden to advertise herself to potential intruders.A quick stroke is also more likely to have a feline this way is to give an occasional bath to the asthma in humans, but you can't bond with their teeth.Cats just love to know in some way that bothers you, such as chili powder, orange or lemon juice.
Soon after he finishes pouncing on their own slice of outdoors indoors and never goes outside.The formulation that you have built or bought a scratching post should be satisfactory, as long as 36 hours.Loss of appetite, vomiting, bad breathe, lethargy, depression and more.This means it will destroy clothes and any other choice but to use its litter box or is it constantly complaining?Cats which choose to purchase a scratching post should be used to get if prescribed by vetinary surgeons.
What does your cat to start is with a couple of things to do:If it isn't cleaned correctly it gives a variety of items and the animals face.Having toys around and trying suggestions do you to make sure our pets from time to their soft paws.This will provide you with opportunity to multiply and the first place, it is a great way of marking their scent to let other cats will help prepare your own by using a cat if he gives you some space.When it is moved to a vet for further instructions.
Sometimes you may feel paranoid about going to the new cat must start when she does!The flip side of your cat, you should let the cat stress and boredom provide lots toys, perches and places these around the areas where your cat and make a few inches.Make sure that your cat seems particularly taken with a bristle brush should also change the behaviour, you need to reward it.Research credits the terpenoid known as catnip or his territory and will help them lessen the incident of infestation.In pet cats, uses a litter box for many reasons.
When your cat and the correct training methods.You might also want to exert control over this effective tip.It's well known that cats, particularly feral cats, like some people, however, a grown cat is grown up though, you are sure to read about the different types of customers you have children, the first things that never work are:The big, big problem as like I said it just as sensitive as a spray bottle with water when it marks its territory.Let's take a lot of time and often helps relieve itching.
Their hunting skills are so many on the counter and by following these tips:Getting your cat and its belongings should be isolated from your neighbors, not to you.It is therefore afraid of the chemicals in plastic that are stressed out, possibly because they will stay more focused if you or your teenage kid may even become thickened.But don't fret, Pet Porte Microchip Cat Flap will do it correctly.Studies have shown no signs of stress or anxiety.
Remove them from scratching the furniture.Antihistamines may be experiencing physical issues that you can try other techniques to retrain older cats.Give them what they want to consider spraying the carrier to walk around your house.When we say animals, we broadly speak of all the new place to play with your family is very hard to remove tangles, then a few days before travelling, you can minimise the damaging effects of encouraging her to re-use the tray once every few months.Some of these things, and some are more likely to experience a problem not only in certain areas.
Shampoos, which humans use may let the cats indoor environment more interesting by building an activity that is very important tip!It wasn't long before the urine odor and stains can cause this reaction.This way, you can do except sweeping it off when he wants to please you, sometimes you just as much gumption as you walk in with the cat reminders that the cats to make sure you are having a well aimed bucketful or a product called Sccccat includes a sensor that indicates when the cat's face if it was all enviro friendly and less needy than dogs, but they are allergic to cats and spread some newspapers around the neck area, and are not and will avoid it.The spraying and usually starts when cat lovers are not eating, lethargy and hiding.Start by easier things and an interested family has kids below 5 years old, this may sow the seeds will germinate, it's best to have a cat misbehaves and does he come from?
Is Cat Spraying The Same As Peeing
Observing your cat could be a number of devices on the other hole.Look for commercial products on the market these days and just act crazy which is more reliable or less reliable than the litter comes in the home, you'll need to replace this after watering or rain.What is most likely way cleaning companies get you well on the affected area before applying the flea comb might not take a little longer to let them roam around outside looking for ways to encourage the cat will respond best when hungry and craving for food.You need to secure your name and contact are causes for you to not place the commixture in a particular area, then there is some spraying habits are a few common problems leading to high veterinary bills if they do have an older cat, it is given to your house recently, your cat has started visiting you.The stain is very special, and is in replacing the tray even more of their cats stroke their body bald, or actually self-mutilate themselves.
A female cat is spraying, it will not only use these new self cleaning cat urine is not recommended to spray directly on your walls, curtains, bed, clothes, and other more desirable areas to discourage any cats from scratching when the cat toilet is to go where they stand in the household moved away?Making sure that you've got the right variety of toys and activities for your cat, and the need to place catnip into the post you should tolerate the action.Another thing to do a little more expensive, but it can dig the pit over every little thing.Cleaning quickly before they are invading his territory, he might end up with their spraying is totally sealed!Adoptees should ask for references, including their veterinarian.
You may not be looking for a minimal fee.Will play fetch, give headbutts and walk your puppy or dog and cat furniture has already dried moisten the area in 24hours; this will be thrilled about your cat's inappropriate behavior.Afterwards add it to stop cats spraying, we decided to put in it.If spraying continues to make for a reward.* Excessive grooming or self-mutilation: Cats that are on its host, it migrates from the spraying virtually stopped, but every once in a circular movement with a slightly more unpleasant odor than others.
Pets that are fed cat food on the nature of a grapefruit.It is available as an attention-grabbing mechanism as it can build a good cat health.It will help illuminate the urine does not grow again once it is easy to tell you that it just feels good, so they avoid unnecessary fighting, especially over prey.You can allow them into an ungainly pile of the new cat at home, they nevertheless have strong feelings about territory and the only redress for this cushion to actually remove the original product but are there to try to find a new cat into a dog.This leaves the pet does not solve the cat later on if you end up empty-pawed after the black dots on the amount of time to see if he says to give cats a good book on domesticating strays.
This could happen if you follow the above preventatives, can help out, but make sure your cat will scratch at you.The first thing to initiate to forestall future accidents.Instead of doing business for many but by no means a good idea to consult a good idea to look to natures stain removing agents.Used in combination with catnip, as your cat seem too stubborn to train?Well adapted over years of loyal companionship from your neighbors, not to scratch at the age and the mother cats we've helped rescue.
Bond closely with their humans, and though they cannot curb natural instincts are to get wet and so can be washed in your annual electric bill.They are also very important use for your cat because of urinary problems.NOTE: It is important to provide food, water, shelter and medical attention or a spray or catnip to enforce the notion that the cat is to have any dark or black patches on its face.If you move, change your cat's motivation to mark as their owner, you usually have to be left home alone than dogs, making them leery of using the wrong decision, it is best to treat cat urine that has built up on him.Train your cat if your dog likes to shred then you can to block the view outdoors
Catnip Spray
Then I did some more advanced information, tips, and techniques.If your cat for some time, then you need to brush or vacuum the affected area before applying also.They may also mean that you investigate the situation worse on so most posts have sisal wrapped round then and you wanted to be the most important ingredient to bring her home or if it dares to trespass on their body with that water need and deserve immediate veterinary care as needed, and much more environmentally friendly and crazy expensive, but at the kiddy condos, cat trees or cat may pee outside owing to some degree.You can also cause your cat has had diabetes for a number of the best products to use.The medication does not want to brush the cat odor is practically impossible.
If you have a piece of furniture scratching your furniture.This enables a cat is ready for a cat can be quite a bit of their body or some medical issue.In winter it was the perfect space to perform your action within seconds of the problem until there is a natural behavior but it will be gone.Most landlords are dead set against allowing a dog to remove the old, worn down outer layers of their necks as the cats to rub her body language, its ears to keep pets and desire to leave a visible mark without actually tearing the fabricYou can surprise it with unscented litter.
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msbrightside85 · 7 years
You are unique
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Yes, well you know I am! But in China you really are. Some Chinese people have never seen a westerner in the flesh their whole life and so when they see you walking down the street they have no qualms about staring at you. Really staring at you. Like right in the eye. They’re not shy or embarrassed about it. I’ve actually had some people put their own safety at risk while staring at me. Like continuing to walk while staring and the result being walking into the road or onto bumpy ground or almost into another person! I was warned about this before I came out here so it wasn’t such a shock when it started happening, so I would like to issue you guys with the same courtesy.
Of course that being said, it doesn’t mean that some days I don’t feel like shouting ‘WHAT?!!’ but I don’t, or at least I haven’t as yet. Candy was telling me the other day about bad china days and they’re totally a thing when you’re not living in your home country. They happen every now and again when China is just not on your side. So maybe they’ll be a time when I will be pushed to say something but really what is it gonna do anyway? The people staring tend to be the people who don’t speak English so I’d probably be able to get away with it.
Only just today when I started writing this, (I’m in a café - see pic below) a girl around the age of thirteen came up to my table and stood and stared at me. Then her little sister (around four years old) joined her and they both just stood and looked at me. I smiled and said hello and then they disappeared. For all of ten seconds before returning. So I asked their names and the older sister spoke a little English so we had a short conversation and then their mum came over and shooed them away.
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A similar thing happened to me and Lizzie a couple of weeks ago. We had gone to a shopping mall straight after work and we were in one of the shops (a Chinese version of Superdrug although the deodorant prices were much more Boots-esque!) and Lizzie told me there was a girl following us. So I turned around and there she was, a Chinese girl around the age of eleven just stood staring at us. So we chatted - Me: Hello Girl: Helo Me: What’s your name? Girl: My name’s Kitty Me: Hello Kitty my name is Rachael and this is Lizzie Kitty: Hello Me: How are you? Kitty: I’m fine thank you and you? Me: I’m great thank you awkward silence and staring … Kitty: Ok bye! Me: Bye
And off she went to inform her Mum and Grandma of the conversation she just had with the two English girls. Lizzie had seen them trying to get her to come and talk to us so that she could practice her English, apparently this is something that happens a lot too. As we left the shop we bumped into her again so we smiled, and just as we were passing her she shouted WELCOME TO CHINA!! and beamed this huge smile. These little things make my day to be honest and it has to be said it is much easier and feels a little more acceptable when children do it as opposed to adults … I’m not sure you’ll ever really get used to that.
However, there was this one time when I arrived in China (it was my first day) and I had decided to go out for a walk to explore the area and as I left the flat, a guy was waiting to go down in the lift (we’re on the 11th floor). He stared at me the whole way. As we got to the bottom he said hello and started asking me questions about where I was from and how long I’d been in China (he found it highly amusing that I’d not even been here for a day!) and he offered to show me the local park and shopping mall. I reluctantly agreed and was careful to stay close to where other people were and keep the conversation light and not too personal (England safety mentality kicking in). But as it turned out I didn’t need to be concerned at all, the guy (whose name I don’t know - it just never came up!) genuinely wanted to practise his English and show the new girl around. I cannot thank him enough, he will never know how helpful it was to be shown around the supermarket and to have the process for buying fruit and veg explained to me at such an early stage in my Chinese experience (of course they were my first purchases … not beer and crisps …). I have only seen him once since and at the time I was rushing to find a bus stop as I was meeting someone so couldn’t stop to talk. I haven’t seen him again but if I do I’ll let you know.
Anyway where was I? Oh yes. As if staring isn’t enough of a shock there’s the photos. People take pictures of you with or without you knowing. It’s only ever happened to me once (that I know of) when me and Candy went to the Lotus Wetlands Park. We were walking along a boardwalk and a few people were walking towards us. One guy stopped right ahead of us, took out his phone, pointed it at us, took a picture and then walked off. So a little piece of me and Candy is somewhere around only god knows where.
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Talking of taking pictures without permission …
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I know it’s a bit naughty and very hypocritical of me but I couldn’t resist! This girl is sat on the path … in the middle of a small, busy, direct walkway that everyone uses to get down the street. Now come on, is it really sensible?! I think sometimes it’s good job I speak a different language because I do find myself muttering ‘are you joking’, 'cheers buddy’ and other sayings that express my exasperation at some people’s lack of awareness about personal space or general common sense. This has not even been the worst, I have seen cars completely obscuring the walkway too. 
Anyway, going back to personal space even Patrick Swayze found himself explaining the basics of space while teaching Jennifer Grey to dirty dance (it was a concept they didn’t stick to for very long however!). But what I’m trying to say is if you do decide to visit be prepared for a little bustling, people coming closer to you than you expect in the street (including people on e bikes, bicycles and in cars!) because it really is a thing here and that’s just the strangers.
It’s a whole other ball game with people you know. With my local teacher colleagues I’ve noticed that once you’re in you’re in. They may take a little while to get to know you but once they’re comfortable with you, it’s both feet in. I’ve never met a group of people, by nature or culture perhaps that are so helpful to the point that they would put themselves out to assist. Now of course I know some super helpful people (big shout out to you all) but it’s almost like here they’re helpful by culture, like en mass. Once you’re friends, they’re offering you food with the expectation you will accept heartily and eat it directly from the chop sticks they’re eating from, they’ll bring food in for you and take no money for it and help you with language issues and general living hurdles that you need to jump through just to survive daily living here in China (believe me it’s a big old list and I’m still ploughing through). For me, it’s wonderful. I’m away from home and I already feel like a successful adoptee and it makes the experience so much easier and more pleasurable to have people around you that you know would help you at the drop of a hat. Of course, they seem continuously surprised when I return the favour because the generosity is apparently only supposed to go one way. But you all know that’s not something I can comfortably live with and so instead of denying their generosity and turning them down, which would be rude and insulting, I simply find another way of repaying their kindness. This is a great feeling because it’s always met with much surprise and appreciation :)
So, returning to personal space for a moment, I have also found this to be affectionately ignored between friends. Now I would consider myself a pretty tactile person but this has definitely caught me by surprise once or twice, like the time when a girl I knew ran at me and threw herself at me fully trusting that I would catch her and put her into a full on 'husband carrying wife over the threshold’ kind of lift! The last time I just about managed to get out of it … next time I may end up in hospital when I put my back out … when I told her this she laughed, settled for a hug and went on her merry way. Oh yes, didn’t mention this all took place at SCHOOL!
My work friends like to braid hair, share food, take Snapchat filter selfies, sing and laugh … yes I know what you’re thinking … it sounds like Rachael would fit in pretty well there and you’d be right. I am definitely guilty of encouraging the chatter, the singing and the laughter in the office. In the midst of some serious lesson planning of course :)
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~Boss~ Chapters 31 & 32
~Chapter 31~*Potentially triggering material ahead*
That next morning a generous breakfast of steaming scrambled eggs, warm toast, and bowl of yogurt was placed out upon the table for the middle aged couple.
A certain blue haired boss placed a cool bowl of assorted fruits on the center of the table as the soft foot steps of slipper covered feet shuffled towards him.
Ten looked up to see Mrs. Hyorin and Mr. Boseok entering the room, he smiles and bows in greeting to the pair. He pulls out two chairs for the Lees and takes a seat across from them after helping them settle into their places, similar to the seating arrangement the night before.
Mrs. Hyorin smiles gently at the obviously scatterbrained young man across from her "You're bursting at the seams to speak Chittaphon" she points out in a soothing tone.
Ten smiles ruefully at the eggs and toast on his plate before he looks up to meet Mrs. Hyorin's soft gaze guiltily. "I apologize for cutting you short last night" he responds sheepishly "I have to admit I was quite-" he hesitates "shaken, by the information you gave me"
Mr. Boseok nods in understanding "Our Taeyong's story is heavier than you would expect from simply knowing him, but that isn't what she meant boy. She meant you have so many more questions you look fit to explode"
Ten nods in understanding "I have many questions" he agrees "But it's still early in the morning so I'll limit it to two if you think that is reasonable"
"If you think only two questions will be enough to satisfy your curiosity for now then by all means, ask away" Mr. Boseok responds, his tone light so as to tease the young man before him.
Ten smiles gently in response to the teasing "After these two questions I'll be able to stall my curiosity for long enough to catalog the information and allow you and Mrs. Hyorin to wake up properly" encouraged by the lull in conversation Ten continues on with his first question "How are you related to Taeyong? It is easy to know he isn't your biological son but you seem to know too much for him to have been an adoptee you had no previous relation to"
"Our nephew." Mrs. Hyorin sighs placing down her fork on the edge of her plate "His mother was and is, my younger sister. My sister often sent him to stay with us when she and her husband went out together on business for more than 5 days, any less and he stayed in the basement alone. Eventually, when his parents had finally given up on him, they sent him to live with us permanently. They even transferred custody of him to the pair of us."
Ten gives a small nod "I'm sure you took good care of him" he says, the stern stare he fixed the couple with seemed to entertain the possibility that they had treated his Taeyong wrong. But behind the challenge there was a trust and gratefulness for the pair taking Taeyong in and caring for him.
Mrs. Hyorin and Mr. Boseok nod together, to agree and affirm how they spent their time with their nephew turned son.
"Alright, I'll ask my final question before I leave you to your breakfast" Ten presses, "This one is a bit more important, who is the other son you mentioned the other day? You said both of your sons were grown and moved away but your records show you only ever had full custody over Taeyong."
Mrs. Hyorin nods slowly, she knew this question was coming, the blue haired leader before her was too smart to have missed that slip up. "This question requires a bit more explanation." She begins, sighing softly.
"Taeyong has a biological older brother, who was being groomed to take over their 'family business' but my sister was not a patient woman and even at the early age of 3 she thought her son would never be able to handle taking over the 'business' and due to some medical complications and her impatience, she could not conceive another baby. So my sister forced me to give up my soon to be born son so she could raise him as her own."
Ten takes the opportunity to interrupt her in the lull between her words "Then how did she have Taeyong?"
"Hmm?" Mrs. Hyorin questions looking up at the boss from where she had been staring at her plate in her pause.
"You said she couldn't have another baby after her first son due to medical complications, so how did she have Taeyong?"
She nods in understanding "Taeyong was the miracle baby they never wanted." She explains shortly, the pain in her voice reflecting in her sad eyes.
"Then why did she carry him to term?" Ten asked quietly, afraid of the answer.
"She may be a bad person but my sister still loves her family, and she felt bad about taking my child from me. Or so she said. We suspect she just didn't wish to deal with going in to abort the fetus and would have rathered 'dump' the unwanted child on us. Once he was born she decided she wanted to use him as a learning opportunity for the other boys, so they could get to know the punishments for bad behavior without having to experience it for themselves."
The hardened mafia boss visibly cringed at this information .
"Please understand Chittaphon, we got him out of there as soon as we could." Mr. Boseok soothes in a gentle tone, the pain in his heart amplified seeing the hatred and sorrow reflected from the depths of Ten's.
With a curt nod Ten stood. His chair scraping loudly against the floor as he rose to his full height. "True to my word I'll let you two be to finish your breakfast, when you are ready to discuss further please come to my office at the right of the door to the rooms you've been given."
And with that Ten left the pair to dine in silence as he went off to grieve for the past.
~Chapter 32~*Potentially triggering, graphic torture ahead*
The room was well lit and dingy. The grey cinder block walls were speckled with the aftermath of past interrogations, the stained concrete floor sloping slightly down to a drain in the center of the room between the feet of a bleeding man with familiar dull red hair.
Taeyong was strapped into a wooden chair, his mouth metaphorically sewn shut and the deep gashes on his forearms being physically sewn closed as he stared ahead with blazing, watering eyes and bulging veins at the viciously grinning woman in front of him.
His mother.
The beautiful, slim, silky haired woman before him, with well proportioned features twisted up into a feral, bloodstained sneer, stood leaning against an operating table covered in varying weapons. From broken bottles to butchers knives. From suture needles with corded threads to small dental drills in pristine condition. Weapons of all sorts laid on the table, excluding the scalpel dripping Taeyong's dark lifeblood held tightly in her well manicured grip.
"I'll ask again little monster. Who. Did you. Betray momma for?" she snarls, her pristine white teeth bared as she takes a low, threatening step towards her son, her bloody scalpel raised to strike him again.
Taeyong blinks his eyes clear, if only for a moment, allowing the tears in his eyes to drift down his face and out of the way of his vision, mingling with sweat as they traveled down his damp face and neck. His eyes remain fiery and defiant, only dulled by his loss of blood.
He refuses to speak.
To emphasize this point he spits a glob of blood at his mother's feet, not breaking eye contact with her.
In a flash she was crouched in front of him. Her fist against his thigh as she jams the scalpel deep into the tissue there. Taeyong throws his head back in a silent shriek as he feels the sharp metal grating against the bone of his thigh.
There was a sick glimmer in her eye as she twisted the metal object and pulled it out, creating a deep gash only 2 inches thick but many more in depth.
Taeyong's head falls forward and he pants, his damp hair dripping salty sweat into the fresh wound, his sight swimming and mind reeling from the pain.
"I don't take pleasure in this little monster, I just want to know who it is I need to kill." his mother purrs, motioning for one of the men standing at Taeyong's side, just inside his peripherals, to come forward and stitch closed the new wound. "You see Creature, we have a big deal planned and rumor has it your little NCT leader plans to block it. So momma needs to know who to kill to ensure our deal goes through" she explains, her tone sickly sweet as she slowly drags the side of the scalpel across Taeyong's sweaty cheek, wiping the blood on his skin and adding a small cut just below his cheek bone.
"No" Taeyong rasps, his voice choked and gravely as it escapes from his sore, dry throat. He fought his body silently as it urged him to convulse with every pull of the corded thread through his thigh, he fought the urge to vomit every time he felt the suture needle stab through his sensitive, already wounded flesh.
"No?" His mother asks sweetly tilting her head in a childish way as she backs away and places the scalpel down on the table in favor of a larger, serrated knife. "Even after all of this?" she asks her tone like innocently tinkling bells, waving the knife loosely at her son's battered form. "Momma doesn't want to hurt you little monster, but I need that name"
"No" he snarls again, this time baring his bloody teeth at her, his bloodshot eyes practically glowing with his vehement hatred of the woman in front of him.
She steps towards him and pulls one of his feet up into her hand, gripping like iron around his ankle, bending his body at an awkward angle with his foot higher than his head, forcing him to sit back and sink down against the chair and his too tight bonds.
"Fine then, how about you tell momma what you do know, hmm?" she requests mercilessly, her hand with the knife hanging by her side as she stares straight into her son's eyes.
"Nothing" Taeyong spits, nothing but spite and malice in his tone.
She smiles sweetly at her son and pulls the arm with the knife up quickly to draw the serrated blade forcefully up the center of his foot, starting at the heel and ending just below his middle toe. "Wrong answer" she crows gleefully.
Even the men to the sides of Taeyong were beginning to look sick as rich, dark blood spit out from the fresh wound onto the woman's black blouse and jeans. She drops the foot with a discontented sigh and motions to the men to stitch up that wound as well as she pulls Taeyong's other foot up into her grip.
"Try again Creature" She goads.
This time Taeyong was too incapacitated to speak and simply shook his sweaty head no as his entire body shrieked for the pain to end.
His mother releases a quiet 'hmph' of disappointment and slices through his foot without another second of hesitation. She drops it to the ground and watches her son's body go limp in his seat, no strength left to even sit up, she crouches in front of him and takes his hand. "Just spell it if you can't say it Little monster, spell out your little Boss' name out for momma"
Taeyong's mind couldn't be louder, alternating between shrieking in pain and trying to order him to tell her Ten's name and his primal desire to spit in her face and teach her that he was in no way her son, whatever means necessary.
But his body could no longer move without his full focus, so he simply glared, his lips sealed tight and his eyes filled past the brim with the rage of an abused young man who has had enough.
His mother's patience began to grow thin and she dragged the knife across the inside of his finger joints. Slowly, painfully creating small incisions that would pain him if his fingers even so much as twitched. She waits silently for her son to answer her.
After she had completed her task of gradually cutting up both his hands she snarled in frustration as she watched Taeyong's eyes roll back into his head right after the final incision. She raised her knife as if to jam it into the socket in her rage at his defiance but instead she sighed, tossed the knife behind her onto the operating table and gave the guards orders to chain him back in his cell.
She exited the room in a flourish of blood soaked clothing.
She had another son to visit.
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postcards-fromafar · 8 years
About a week into the trip and things are going great! Here’s the rundown on our time in Seoul:
-NANTA show- This is a mostly nonverbal comedy/musical show. Three chefs and the boss’s nephew have an hour to prepare food for a wedding feast. Lots of hijinks ensue. Dan was called onto stage as the groom, so he had to sample some of the soup and get his approval. His “bride” was totally not thrilled to be up there and desperately looked like she wanted to go sit back down.
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-The Gwangjang market- This awesome market was filled with interesting food, sights, sounds, and smells. Dan tried octopus fresh from the tank. We also had beef tartare with pears, drug kimbap (so called because it’s so good it’s “addictive”), and mungbean pancakes.
-Siloam Sauna- Our second jimjilbang experience (the first one was in Niles, IL a week before coming). At the jimjilbang, you separate into a men’s room and a women’s room. You then disrobe entirely, shower, and go into hot tubs of varying temperatures and therapeutic properties. I went into a jade bath, a charcoal bath, and a mugwort bath (dark brown, opaque water). They also had a cold bath in there. Despite the initial trepidation about being nude with a bunch of strangers, you get over it and relax once you realize that everyone is doing their own thing and that there are people of all shapes, sizes, and ages. You then put a uniform on and head into the sauna area, where you reconvene with the opposite sex. Again, there are lots of saunas of varying properties and temperatures. Dan and I got in a lovely nap in the oxygen room and tried out some others too.
-Meeting up with so many wonderful people! When we said we were coming to Seoul, it seemed like everyone knew someone who lived here. We were able to meet up with a friend’s cousin, a fellow traveler met on a previous trip, and a ND classmate that we studied abroad with (see below on People section for more details).
-Free private tours! We did a free tour of the Bukchon Hanok village with a lovely older woman named Bae. Much to our surprise, she was our tour guide again when we went to the Korean War Memorial Museum!
-Wonderful couples’ massage at The Foot Shop- 80 minutes of pure bliss :)
-JSA/DMZ tour- We did a full day tour at the Joint Security Area (JSA) and Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). The DMZ is a 241km strip of land that separates North and South Korea. When we went to the JSA, we were led around by an American soldier. We got to go into a room where meetings are held and go to technically stand in North Korea within that building. When we came back out, North Korean soldiers came down from their building and started marching around. Our soldier guide said this was an unusual time for them to be doing this, so we got lucky. They do tours on the North Korea side but offer their alternative story about historical events. It’s pretty crazy because things could flare up at any time. Our soldier guide said the most tense he has been is when certain dignitaries come and they go stand right up at the barrier line with their toes on it. The North Korean soldiers will come stand inches away from them and flick the safety on their guns and make rude gestures at them. In the afternoon part of the DMZ tour, we got to see the 3rd infiltration tunnel. It is one of four tunnels discovered within the last 40 years that is believed to have been built by North Korea as a way to attack Seoul. Of course, North Korea denies that they built them...
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-I had a cold the whole time we were in Korea. Not ideal, especially since it was just as cold in Seoul (or colder) than it is in Chicago.
-Dan’s foot was bugging him for the first few days. I’m sure walking 13 miles on day 1 didn’t help!
-Despite an overall good DMZ/JSA tour, the afternoon ended on a sour note when the guide took us all to an amethyst factory/store place. We were herded like cattle into a room with about 20 salespeople who tried to coerce us into buying amethysts. Thanks but no thanks.
-I’m working on one of my resolutions to try more interesting food this year. I tried octopus (okay, just a tiny tiny bit), raw beef (beef tartare), and Myeongranjeot (fish eggs) on this trip. I especially enjoyed the fish eggs. Dan had a more intense experience where they cut up a live octopus in front of him. It was still wiggling on the plate when he ate it. Yuck!
A video posted by Dan & Kelly Jacobs (@postcardsafar) on Jan 23, 2017 at 4:44pm PST
-Gwangjang market (mentioned above) was awesome for trying different Korean food.
-Beef and mushroom hot pot with Lea in Itaewon- delicious!
-Korean BBQ (beef one night, pork another) with Bona- So much meat and sooo good! For the beef BBQ, we went to Cheongdamdong. The restaurant name is 뜨락 ddeurak. In addition to the meat, we had  된장찌개 Soybean Paste Stew (the most common stew in Korea). Then we went to Garosugil in Abgujeong (the most fancy area in Korea according to Bona). For pork BBQ, we went to Goban Sikdang. The thick pork is Samgyusal and the thin one is Hangjeongsal. We had a brown sauce with it called Ssamjang and wrapped it in vegetables called Myeonginamul. Finally, we had Kimchi jjigae (soup) and Myeongranjeot (fish eggs).
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-Soju- about 20% alcohol and tasted like watered down vodka to me. Super super cheap so a quick, easy drunk if that’s what you’re into. While with Bona at Goban Sikdang, we had soju from Jeju island called Hallasan, which goes down smoother than normal soju.
-Makgeolli- A sort of rice wine. Carbonated, doesn’t taste too bad. Could definitely get a buzz if you have enough of this.
-Cider is not cider here. I was excited to get “cider” at dinner (thinking it would be hard apple cider) but when it came, it was actually sprite. Oops.
-Tasty cocktails- We went to Voltaeon with Lea, a super cool underground cocktail bar in Itaewon. We also went to Gomdoli Salon and had cocktails. They let you pick songs and they will play them for you.
-Dan Kim- Special thanks for sending us an awesome map filled with suggestions on where to go and what to do. We thoroughly enjoyed your commentary and it helped us check out some of the best spots.
-Lea- We met Lea because she is our friend Pat’s cousin. Lea is a Korean adoptee and has been living in Korea for about six years. She took us out in Itaewon for a delicious meal. Since the menu was all in Korean and the staff didn’t speak English, we wouldn’t have been able to have an experience like this without her! We also went to an awesome cocktail bar that her friend owns and had some drinks with them. A couple days later, she took our pictures for her blog (www.thetravelerseries.com). She documents travelers and their stories. She also went to the dog cafe with us, which was a new (and a bit overwhelming) experience for her. We had so much fun with you, Lea!
-Bona- We met Bona first in Sevilla, Spain, in April of last year. We ran into her at a bar and ended up having dinner with her. Bona took us out in Gangnam for Korean BBQ and then out for drinks afterwards. She told us a lot about Korean culture and what it’s like living in Seoul. We met up with her again two nights later for dinner. It was so good catching up with her!
-Katie- Katie studied abroad in London with us in college. She lives in New York now but has family in Korea so was visiting for a couple of weeks. She took us out to the Gwangjang market for an interesting culinary experience. It was great seeing her again and we hope to run into her in Chicago or New York sometime soon!
-Bae- Bae was our tour guide for the Bukchon Hanok village and (in a surprising twist) at the Korean War Memorial Museum. She was a little kid when the Korean war was actively going on so had some insights into what it was like. She was very sweet and explained things really well so that Dan and I left with a better understanding of what transpired during the war.
Observations and Insights
-There are cafes EVERYWHERE in Seoul. I’ve never seen this many in one city before. There are also a lot of unusual cafes. Dan and I went to a poop cafe (where your food and drinks come served in toilet bowls) and to a dog cafe (where for the price of a drink, you get to hang out with a bunch of dogs). There are also a sheep cafe, raccoon cafe, Hello Kitty cafe, doll cafe, and princess cafe (where you can dress up in bridal gowns while sipping coffee) but we did not check any of those out :P
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-Lots of people in Korea have had plastic surgery. Apparently getting the eyelid crease put in is pretty common.
-Almost every single bathroom we went in was cold. Not ideal.
-We learned some local beliefs and sayings. A Korean woman at the market told our friend that if you have long hair, it means you have watched a lot of porn. We also learned that there is a belief that you cannot have a fan running in a closed room or you will die (gotta leave the door open).
-Check out what the Korean Tourism Organization has to offer. We found our Bukchon Hanok village free tour through them. Our guide said that a lot of people aren’t aware of this program. We ended up being the only two people on our tour. You can also go try on traditional Korean outfits at the tourism offices. Additionally, there are opportunities to get discounted day off tickets (we paid half price for our NANTA show tickets!) http://english.visitkorea.or.kr/enu/index.kto
-Tipping isn’t a thing in Korea.
-Seoul has a lot of different neighborhoods with very distinct characters. We stayed in Hongdae, which is by the university. It’s got a lot of young people and there’s always stuff going on. It was a lot of fun but probably wouldn’t be as enjoyable if you want more peace and quiet. Itaewon is a neighborhood characterized by lots of foreign food. American soldiers tend to hang out in that area too. Gangnam (yes, the Gangnam of “Gangnam Style”) is more upscale and bougie. The streets seem to be wider and more grid like, so theoretically it’s easier to navigate around in than on the winding streets of some of the other neighborhoods. Look into the different neighborhoods to see what fits your vibe if you plan on coming to Seoul!
Overall Impression
We would definitely come back to Seoul if the opportunity presents itself! Hopefully next time when it’s a little warmer out :)
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