#and pink drinks kinda BUT SPECIFICALLY FROM THE USA
5 drinks to get to know me: (tagged by @goblinsbriide <3333333 luv u)
any kind of black coffee [iced/hot]: (whether that be an americano, french press, cold brew, brewed/drip coffee, straight up espresso, etcetcetc)
plain teas: ([fresh/looseleaf or teabag] ginger, green/gunpowder/genmaicha/boricha, rooibos, chamomile, lavender, oolong, herbal, etcetcetc)
water mmm mmm mmm
sweetened chai w/ milk [or alternative milks] : (ex. iced chai, masala chai [other ppls or my own that i grind from scratch every time hehehe], my kashmiri naanis kashmiri chai <333 [esp. if im drinking it while in kashmir !!])
[refer to the tags for the "5th" answer] sry not sry i am an indecisive bitch
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whimsica · 4 years
Tagged by: @bim-bubby (ty!)
Name: I’ve changed it to Adelaide
Nickname: Forest...... though it’s more of an alias than a nickname
Zodiac: Pisces
Height: 185ish cm at last measurement
Nationality: Born USA (😔) but raised mostly in Tanzania and international school environment (so third culture kid I suppose)
Languages spoken: English and a decent chunk of Spanish. I used to know ASL and Kiswahili but I’m very out of practice with them
What time is it: 11:35am
Celebrity Crush: Pedro Pascal
Favourite fictional characters: N from Pokémon... Entrapta from she-ra..... Alex Fierro
Fave Musician: usually just like specific songs but to choose one I’ll say Cosmo Sheldrake
Favourite sports team: Don’t follow any sports
Favourite season: Autumn
Favourite flower: love water lilies
Favourite colour: deep blue like the starry sky, spearmint green, royal purple, pastel pink, blue just slightly lighter than sky blue
Fave animal: Norwegian Forest Cat and also puffins
Favourite food: blackberries and anything you can make with them
Dream car: school bus I turn into a mobile house and then paint pretty colours
Instruments: Tenor Sax and also I can sing kinda decent
Coffee, tea or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
Dream trip: taking my friends to the Alps and hiking and talking and playing
Dog or cat: love both but Cat all the way
Following: 140
Followers: 72 (shockingly)
Other blogs: none that I post on really.
Do I have a tumblr crush: no
Do you get asks: almost never (wish I got more pls 🥺)
Lucky number: 92 (I just like it)
Drink of choice: grenadine
What am are you wearing: a trans pun shirt n pajama pants
Number of blankets I sleep with: 3 but ideally 6-7
Average hours of sleep: aiming for 8ish, probably more around 7ish
Random fact: the hammerkop is a bird that builds nests up to and over 2 meters wide which are strong enough to hold fully grown adult humans. Also they are a unique genus whose closest relatives are pelicans
Tagging: @red-jones , @aeoliantectrix , @eldritchbxstard and @honeyandbee
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bakurapika · 5 years
my adventures so far today:
the plan was to walk to an open air market, get some food, come home to rest for like an hour before parade things
None of the experiences have been bad but none of them have gone 100% according to plan either lol
So I walked to this vegan restaurant and passed some vendors. Well, ok, I’ve been passing vendors EVERYWHERE, but they’re selling like... cloth, or anime merchandise (I think I wandered into a plaza specifically FOR anime merch? i’m not sure?????), or bras, or shoes, or faucets. Pretty much none of it is tourist oriented and I’m not faucet-shopping so I didn’t really go in any of those. 
But there were some arts and crafts/artisan type vendors that I browsed on the way. I bought a rly cute sugar skull choker that I think is probably technically a bracelet but it fits around my neck so it’s a choker dude. 
So I get to the vegan place and it’s super crowded, and I chat to some people there, because like 90% of the clientele spoke English. The guy’s family lives here and he told me to just walk up and sit down when a spot opened up because it’s “Mexican style” so I did, feeling very awkward, and then the waitress came up and told me to wait my turn outside and it’s like. Ah. 
They were out of the food I wanted but they had guacamole that was incredible
So I wandered out and kept trying to find a place to print these tickets I need, but everywhere directed me to somewhere else and I’m still not even sure that I can print these tickets at all at this point, so I’m resigned to just buying another ticket at the venue :-( 
Lots more tourist style stands, and it turns out I wandered into the first leg of the parade route, so it was loud and very crowded. I got a flower crown for my friend who wanted one that i’m sure was overpriced but, you know, WHATEVER, and I got a crown for myself that I didn’t realize how huge it was until I got back to the hotel and looked in a mirror. 
Side note on prices. I’m not fluent but I’m especially bad at numbers past 20. Like I don’t know 400 vs 40 and somehow that keeps coming up  and somehow I don’t think anyone’s robbed me yet. I’m also aware that haggling is probably a Thing here but I mean, you try to haggle if you don’t know what numbers are. (I’ve done ok I think except I just bought some drinks and yes I way overpaid and the girl there kinda laughed and a coworker tried to explain to me so I just gave her a lot of my change as a thank-you anyway.
I’ve been expecting WAY more tourist crap tbh. I haven’t seen that many stands for the kinds of things my family asked me to buy as gifts.
I did find an ATM and got more just-in-case cash, because there are so many street vendors and I haven’t seen anyone using a chip reader or taking card. I thought the USA was really slow to implement the chip but it doesn’t seem like it’s a Thing here.
So yeah it got rainy along the parade route and it was well past the time I wanted to head back, and I was not feeling the rain, so I tried to call an Uber. I think it got my location wrong or something because I had two different drivers cancel on me--the first one said she was almost an hour away even though she was physically close due to the roads?? So I just walked two blocks in the rain and called a new uber and it went fine, hooray.
Someone asked where I’d gotten my bright pink rain poncho (bought + packed because of the rain forecast) and I had to be like “en los Estados Unidos, lo siento” haha oops
I also looked around the shops near my hotel a little more. I found some Shrek pencils I might buy my sibling for no good reason. I slipped and got mud on my leg. I bought some horchata and then realized it had ice and thus Dangerous Water according to everybody and also the internet, so I drank about half and poured it out as if that would save me. Contrary to expectations, it wasn’t amazing horchata :( Seemed almost watered down. other drinks i’ve had here have been great tho, lots of fresh-squeezed fruit juice
I’m giving myself a mandatory time-out in the hotel room to keep from getting too exhausted and overwhelmed. Not sure what I’m gonna do tomorrow. I was sorta planning teotihuacan but I guess sundays are free days for citizens so it will be stupid crowded, and w/out a guide I don’t know that I’d absorb that much Archaeological Learning from it. Maybe i’ll see if I can’t make it a museum day. 
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nozakis · 6 years
tagged by: @krshima ♡ Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 followers you want to know better! tagging:  @fvrvya , @dicennio , @shotous, @vyctornikiforov, @shuakes, @kireiharuka, @ktmtaehyung , @sajou-rihito , @miidoriyas, @minseiok  (only if u guys want to ofc!)
Age: 22 Birthplace: nyc, usa Current time: 5:56 pm Drink you last had: water Easiest person to talk to: i have quite a few friends who fall into this category Favorite song: tbh too many but atm first choice by gabe bondoc (such a good song, 10/10 rec) Grossest memory: when i was little i went to tokyo during summers to visit my grandpa’s family and there was one time where i was playing with my distant cousins; idr exactly what we were doing but i accidentally tripped then fell and squashed a gokiburi (cockroach) with my arm.... i legit cried & wanted to die... mind u the cockroaches in japan are FUCKING HUGE Hogwarts house: ravenclaw In love: uh with too many celebrities & fictional characters Jealous of people: yeah sometimes, it depends  Killed someone: LOL Love at first sight or walk by again: definitely not love at first sight Middle name: ka-yun (it’s my chinese name) Number of siblings: 1 younger brother One wish: kinda superficial but atm to forever have clear skin, my skin recently started breaking out for some reason /cry/ Person you called last: mom Question you are asked most: there’s 2 questions: “is that your natural eye color” bc i wear colored contacts LOL; and “are you chinese or japanese?” idk why people tend to assume specifically these 2 ethnicities, but yes i am chinese & part japanese. Song you last sung: また、アシタ by generations from exile tribe Time you woke: 10:45 am Underwear color:  a nude pink Vacation destination: so many places but greece, italy, france or other european countries b/c i’ve never been to europe aside from layovers. going back to japan or hk b/c they’re like my second homes, visiting thailand or korea again :-) Worst habit: honestly i have so many but i talk too much/my voice gets progressively louder & louder LOL X-rays: i mean if i need one then yeah sure Your favorite food: ice cream, i know it ain’t healthy at all Zodiac sign: gemini
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