#and probably in tua s4 as well
fiveisthedaddyhere · 2 years
I'm revolted, the Hargreeves are family only when the world is crumbling down
Like what the heck, what type of End of Times family is this?
World: *is completely normal*
The Hargreeves: *living their lives and doing whatever the hell one does in their separate ways*
World: *is about to end*
The Hargreevees: wooo, it's buddy-buddies time☺️😚🤜🤛💗
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feralnumberfive · 1 year
Since filming for Season 4 has started, here's a reminder that this blog will be SPOILER FREE up until S4 actually comes out. I think what partially ruined S3 for me last year was keeping up with all the filming updates and spoiling parts of the show and reading all the fantastic theories pieced together from those bits so that when S3 came out it just ended up falling flat for me (which is completely my fault lol but let's be honest S3 still wasn't the best). So the only thing I will be posting/reblogging is whatever the TUA account or cast members post on their Instagrams that are spoiler free.
I will be tagging anything related to S4 as #tua s4, but that will just be whatever is advertised or more like lack of by the cast and official TUA account. I'll make another post right before S4 comes out to update my spoiler tags. Which comes to.....
It's not that hard. Seriously. Just a simple #tua spoilers or hell I would gladly just block #tua s4 entirely if it meant avoiding spoilers. Putting a little tag on a post won't hurt you. I want to authentically be blissfully unaware of what happens in S4 up until the promos and trailer comes out, and many others in the fandom would like that too. Please don't ruin it for others just because you wouldn't type a few letters. I will gladly go on a temporary blocking spree until S4 is over. I really will so please just make a spoiler tag
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soshadysoquiet · 3 months
TUA S4 Concerns *some spoilers for what's been teased so far*
So I'm concerned about Season 4. I want to be hopeful, but I am concerned. C o n c e r n e d.
It's short. There's bits in TUA that I don't personally enjoy as much and skip, there's bits that could have been taken out and nothing would have changed... but I like having that bit of room for more: did we need the Ikea Mafia's viking foot funeral? No. But did we need it? Yes.
The ball pit. The ball pit concerns me on a number of levels, and I'm sure it will be funny, I hope it will be funny, I just hope it's relevant enough why they're in that setting to not be too gimmicky, e.g. it made sense they ended up in the bowling alley; they probably snuck out there as kids and so it was one location they would all know, but man that ball pit worries me like a sleep paralysis demon.
The potential for germaphobe Klaus (sorry that's probs not the correct term but I can't think of what it might be). I can see why he'd be afraid of death now, but is it germ/cleanliness specific? If so why? Klaus has been one of the least concerned about hygiene up to this point so they're laying a whole new framework that I hope they give sufficient depth to. I'm an OCD sufferer myself, about death anxiety in fact, and I haven't resonated OCD with Klaus before if that is what they go for - I'm open to it, just not a cheap OCD gimmick. There's So Much trauma in all these characters at this point, my worry isn't them exploring new avenues as much as not bothering to look into the trauma they've already heaped on and doing something new for the sake of it. If it's done well, I'm all for it, but there's some previous with trauma getting forgotten on TUA so...
The Jennifer Incident. Please, please let this be more interesting than a romance story.
Lila's baby. I love Lila, I don't have a problem with her being preggo etc, I worry a little that TUA tends to speed run life so what is this actually going to look like? Parenthood is such a big life changing deal that I'm curious / cautious about what they'll have done with the characters here.
Viktor. His schtick is that He's Mr Apocalypse, sadly that limits his character coming to a place of peace in some ways. But mostly just let him have an actual conversation? Please? He'll have had 6 years this time skip, if they bullshit that 'oh no one's really seen each other in 6 years' lazy ass nonsense I'll be fuming.
As above, there's been 6 YEARS here, I want to watch the characters and feel that time has passed, that they've interacted, have in jokes now, shared history, maybe not all of them but that makes it even better; have Diego and Klaus have a cleaning routine together to help Diego understand Klaus and trying to be supportive if brusque, but then defending this to his other siblings. Have Luther share some actually positive moments with his other siblings and not just have been in Sloane-hunting solitude, make him always be trying to host awkward family BBQs that the others force (or pretend to force) themselves to go to. Have literally any of the siblings be on the look out or Five's triggers for him - and better yet actually give him some now that he's had time for the PTSD to swell. I want the small nitty gritty details, I want the filling, I want to feel the expanse of time not just 'oh shit another week and there's an apocalypse and we haven't seen each other hey ho oh look a ball pit!'
Anyway, I'm hopeful, but concerned, and I'm sure I'll love it and don't intend to be negative, it just helps me to voice them. Either way, I pray for the fan fiction that follows the series most of all, the rising of the crowd to give us more of what the series does deliver and flesh out what it does not. Is it weird to almost be more excited for that?
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allisoooon · 2 years
The reaction to Allison has been interesting ,(and mildly infuriating) I've seen so many people saying "obviously" this was setting her up as the big bad villian of S4 which I don't see at all.
I think it comes from a few different things:-
1) people saying they want morally ambiguous/dysfunctional characters but in reality don't unless it's 'pretty' or angsty or something people can easily project on to. I assume there has to be a big difference in demographic for TUA Vs say, The Boys which is full of reprehensible people but the audience expect it. We've seen The umbrellas kill people as kids , I don't think their morality is the same of everyone elses.
2) there are two things I think from a writing perspective probably should have been done differently a) the Luther rumour scene -it brings back the romance subplot that people hated and couldn't even accept as an example of how their childhood fucked them all up, and well, it's hard to redeem SA. Probably should have been cut.
b) there's a certain point in S3 where all Allisons dialogue becomes almost entirely angry/snarky which has lead to a large influx of 'omg Allison is such a bitch!!!!!' I wish there was a late in the series convo with someone neutral like Klaus to give the character a moment to breathe.
3) Lack of sympathy for the character bc we've seen very little of Allison's life pre S1 and in childhood. I've seen loads of people say that she has had a basically cushy life due to her powers, and I think sooo many of the audience believe if they had her powers it would be all sunshine and rainbows. We got multiple flashbacks for Klaus this season (which I loved) but I really think Allison would benefit from some.
4) good old racism and misogyny. I reaaaaallly wanna know what the reaction would have been if Klaus killed Harlan for revenge for the moms or some shit.
Whew, this is all very true. People want traumatized/morally grey characters as long as they're sexy about it (see: Spike from Buffy, who took the SA way further and was still probably the most popular character). It's still bizarre for people to have watched the second season and say she's never had to work for anything.
I also think it's the target, though. Being mean to Viktor is kind of treated like the ultimate sin. People act like he's a little kid. So we get an angry black woman (already stigmatized as fuck) screaming at a small white person people essentially see as a child and go "I understand why she's angry, but she's crossing a line by being mean about it." She's talking to someone who destroyed her life twice. Does she owe it to him to be nice about what he has done to her, sometimes intentionally? Don't get me wrong, their fight was fucked up and Allison said some fucked-up shit, but the issue of the audience's reaction to Allison this season is multi-faceted--and it is an issue.
We needed more of her perspective. Fuck, we needed that scene with Klaus or someone where she says she doesn't get why everyone's so keen on dying and letting everyone else die with them. Put that between the vote and Reg killing Luther and Klaus could help her come to terms with death by talking about what awaits them on the other side. She could start looking forward to seeing Ray again when they hear a scream from down the hall...
...Apparently I have a fanfic to write.
But for real, I don't think Allison's arc will feel satisfying until next season. I think there will be big consequences for her, as many as there were benefits for her this season, and I hope they will come after she has calmed down and is ready to make peace with everyone. That's not even getting into what Harlan could have meant when he said her vibration sounded "wrong" (something to do with her self-rumor, maybe?).
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gribouillenotes · 2 years
I will do a brief but very professional analysis on why this season of The Umbrella Academy felt so jarring — or, at the very least, describe a potential factor.
This chart shows the general sentiment/relationship between the Hargreeves siblings (excuse my dumb art skills):
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Starts off bad (~S1), forced to cooperate with some fights (S1), happy reunion + world saving adrenaline (S2), forced to stay together with some fights which end badly (S3). By "some fights," I mean the issues between some of the siblings that end up impacting the season’s story, like Viktor and Allison or Viktor and Luther in S1, or Viktor and Allison in S3.
If we group together pre-S1 and S1, we can see that S1 and S3 are both heavily influenced by the drama among the Hargreeves. S2 is the only one where no one truly damage each other, whether it be physically or emotionally.
And when we group all seasons together and look at this as one long story, we’ve pretty much ended at a point of conflict and not at all a resolution. I’m not even talking about a cliffhanger; the ending of S3 is arguably the least cliffhanger-like ending out of the three.
But according to fans, it’s apparently the least satisfying. Why?
Because many TUA fans care about the relationship between the siblings and how well they get along, and S3 literally ended with everyone separating with losses, just like before S1. And the Hargreeves before S1 are defined by a big red frowny face, as you can see on my chart, which means it’s not good.
So I added my predictions for S4, along with a possible time skip of like 3-4 years between this season and the next:
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Most of them probably won’t be satisfied with living in Reggie’s dreamland because of obvious reasons. Part of that dissatisfaction comes from missing their siblings, regretting the separation and how they treated each other before they left, etc. And once again, they’ll have to come together to accomplish something, which leads to their dumb little brains feeling happy and/or relieved at seeing each other’s annoying faces again. See a pattern here?
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Of course, fans will like a season better if it’s written and presented well as a coherent story. But we all know that the sibling chemistry itself is a HUGE factor in how we judge a season, possibly even bigger than the actual plot at some points. The most lighthearted S2 was the most popular, while S1 and S3 both seem to have mixed reviews among fans for varying reasons.
And, if the pattern holds true for S4, then we'll get to see a repeat of the "Hargreeves reunite and learn to love each other again by being forced to cooperate," except this time, the reunion will look more like a combination of S1 and S2.
So my theory for S4 looks like this = The uncertainty of working as a group again after so long (S1) + the relief of them being a family again after feeling lost in an unfamiliar world (S2). A more “satisfying” season compared to the previous one, at least for the fans.
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mangoshorthand · 4 months
I am glad! It's really nice talking to you and sharing some infos if you like.
Yeah, Aidan's dad is.. well, I would say he is sons biggest fan, but I sometimes feel he involves himself too much, or more than Aidan himself. He makes a lot of sarcastic comments that people also take too seriously. Like the one where he said the storyboard picture of a woman with powers on Steve Blackman's instagram would be Five's daughter, and he deleted that comment shortly after, most probably because people were actually taking him seriously without considering he CAN'T legally just say something about S4 even if he knows something. I also remember him commenting somewhere back then he is excited for the end result "at the end of the year", meaning end of 2023, and yet they announced the season for 2024, lol. Not throwing any shade/hate towards him though.
But everyone from the staff and cast saying it's the best season (well, they kinda have to say it for promoting it) makes my expections really high and I am kind of scared of feeling a little disappointed even though the leaks seem interesting like the one where they were looking for several doubles for Five.
I am mostly sure the Commission somewhere, somehow, still exists in the new timeline as well as it exists out of time and I read somewhere last year that the new characters Jean and Gene work(ed) for the Commission. Sadly I don't know the source anymore as it was found out during filming I guess.
I am so with you! Also, I don't know how much of his past there would be more to show. We basically know the main things about his childhood up to the apocalypse. I really want to know how he managed to fit in the new timeline but I sadly doubt they will show anything before the time skip took place. I am all in for his personality be explored more.
I don't know why, it might be due to Elliott in S2, but I can kind of imagine him.. befriending some nerd, like a computer freak, that maybe even looks a little bit up to him, like if he would work in University. Someone who is almost his complete opposite but loyal.
(Whoops this came out much longer than expected, I am sorry Mango ily.)
Haha no worries!
I don't really want to go into it over a public ask, but I've been giving Rob some serious side eye recently so I wouldn't blame you for throwing shade. 😄
I think it's estsblished the commission existing out of time ≠ existing outside of the universe (hence why they were destroyed by the kugelblitz), so I think if they were back in Regiverse it would be as a result of Reggie's programming or Five refounding them. It would be cool to see how/if that plays out assuming Jean+ Gene are employees.
I think there might actually be some glimpse of Five's life pre timeskip. On the tua subreddit there was a Toronto resident who found a prop sign left somewhere they'd been filming that read Hargreeves Home for Wayward Boys, which seems like a good candidate for where Five ended up.
Also, LOVE the nerd idea. I can also see him meeting another jaded guy and getting on with them well, (a little like Hazel).
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mortal-song · 2 years
we now know that five founded the commission, so i wanted to share my thoughts on that and what it means for the show as a whole. i posted this as a thread on twitter too, but figured i’d write it out here as well.
now, since 100-year-old five was missing an arm too, it’s safe to assume he founded the commission after the events that took place within oblivion. there were so many timelines within tua, it’s not unrealistic to think that there was one in which he ended up in the sparrow timeline, and did all the same shit that happened in s3… however, something was obviously different there. my guess is that Founder Five came from a timeline in which they’d all still made it into oblivion… but the button was never pushed.
since founder five grew to be 100 years old, you can then assume the other siblings all grew and died, as well. it ALSO explains why Founder Five created a fail-safe room in the commission, one that can’t be affected by any paradox. my guess is that Founder Five had the exact same journey s3 five did, and that these journeys divert each other at the button push. because of this, Founder Five knew that this other version of himself would stumble upon that fail safe room.
he knew he’d be able to give himself that warning: “don’t save the world.” in other words: “let the goddamn button get pushed.”
saving the world = trying to stop the kugelblitz. which is impossible. so, in that timeline in which the button WASN’T pushed, it’d make sense that five would then make that last-resort decision to found the commission. because this version of him was faced with the knowledge that there were situations in which he had no way out. the commission was created within a single timeline, but its intrinsic nature is that it exists omnipresently — that’s something a version of five would have wanted, so that he could live with the knowledge that no matter what happens, no matter WHEN or WHERE something happens, there’s always a way out.
because founder five created the commission, i believe he could have left that room if he wanted to, but chose not to solely so he could warn himself in s3.
it’s a sad thing though bc he stayed in that room alone, for a long time. because he lived in a timeline in which the entire universe was “swallowed” by the kugelblitz. and it makes sense that the commission would be affected by the kugelblitz too, as we saw in s3. bc the kugelblitz affected the universe as a whole, not just a single timeline. the kugelblitz affecting the entire universe is WHY it had to be reset. there was no other option. that’s why Founder Five said “don’t save the world.”
founder five is someone who DID try to save the world, and that’s what left him with no other option but to create the commission.
and yet, it’s a strange loop. none of this ever would have happened had the commission not been created. five’s creation of the commission is what allowed the events of season 1 to even happen in the first place, which allowed the events of s2 to happen, and then the events of s3…. etc. it’s almost tragic? the fact that it was an inevitable loop, that it was ALWAYS going to happen.
Founder Five is probably the most tragic version of the character… his creation was borne of raw desperation, from being left alone in a room that exists without a universe.
five created the commission because he found oblivion. and he found oblivion because he created the commission.
the conclusion? reginald better have had a DAMN good reason for needing everyone in oblivion. he adopted the 7 in both timelines SPECIFICALLY with intentions to lead them there, bc he knew NO ONE else in the universe had the power to survive oblivion. and there’s no fucking way it was ALL because of his dead wife, and that’s not just wishful thinking. i don’t think his wife’s death was the cause of all of this, but rather her death was one of the side effects of a much larger problem. a problem only the 7 could solve in oblivion.
i’m sure s4 will shed light on it more. reginald got what he wanted, but hopefully, this is also what was /needed/. it’d be fucked up if it wasn’t. maybe things are better now that the universe has been reset, but we’ll have to wait and see.
ultimately, idk how much of this checks out. my theory could be wrong, and it doesn’t answer everything. but we’ll get answers eventually. also, my brain hurts and i hate the umbrella academy for doing this to me.
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sharkneto · 1 year
did you hear about tua s4 having only SIX EPISODES.. how are they gonna wrap character arcs up with that time? hopefully the episodes are long but we’ll see i guess
My greatest advice in this time is to have no expectations so we can all be pleasantly surprised. If we go in thinking it will be bad and disappointing, that's what it will be. Give the writers a chance to do what they're going to do, enjoy our six episodes with our characters and whatever insane shenanigans they get into, and then if we don't like it that's what fanfic is for. But we're so early in the process, it's not worth getting all worked up over what they will or won't do or how well they'll do it. Am I disappointed there's only six episodes? For sure! But it's probably six more than Netflix wanted to give them, so at least we're getting some sort of conclusion to this crazy show we love rather than an unceremonious cut like so many good shows get these days.
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spidey-boyy · 2 years
woop woop guess who’s back with the liveblogsss anyways here’s titans s4 ep threee
-oh I forgot about what happened with rachel
-okay what is w/ the the short term memory going around
-nice lava lamp there
-“don’t take her on alone. we’re a team,” yeah says dick lmao
-eww she can ChAnGe Her VoIcE??
-wHat is with the music
-well that was quick, bye jinx,,, this whole thing is quick why are we we moving so fast lmao
-yooo gar’s faceee, he’s so sad man damn
-“it’s okay I’m past all that” I WOULDVE LOVED TO SEE IT ON SCREEN. look i know that’s a lie but damn, it really just highlights the fact that we haven’t seen anything on gar dealing with his past and it’s frustratinggg. they make it seem like he’s moving past it and has it under control to an extent at least in his eyes, but we’ve seen n o t h i n g in terms of how he’s dealing with anything. it really just feels like the writers have no idea what to do with him so they just made him the exposition for the plot with little development of his own to an extent
-wHat is this lighting Tim and Conner are in, oh okay
-damn Conner why you throwing Tim under the bus like that
-jinx is giving off lilia from tua vibes
-love you kory,, what wait why did she turn to stone
- “of corse the only sane one in the group gets taken away”, quote my sister
-okay is it me or is the pacing is hella weird in this ep? we’re jumping from scene to scene and all of the info we’re getting is only for the plot and mostly everyone just seems kind of bored?? idk I feel like the plot for this ep is hanging on one thin string and they keep on shaking it to get to another scene as fast as they can. i don’t think that makes much sense but in general, the pacing is not it lol
-Sebastian what’cha doing ,,, WAIT NO DUDE HE DIDNT CALL YOU. pls this poor man
-great is this man gonna throw up blood or something. waittttt- dude STOP
-ahhh what is with everyone getting arrested
-Gar you okay there buddy?
-wait so he’s like the bridge to their world to the red world?? interesting… why him though? okay random thought but can it have something to do with why he was able to resurrect himself in the beginning of s2? and no, i’ll never be over the fact that he was able to do that with no explanation
-jinx i barely know you, why we’re doing this “old flame” crappp. she seems fun I want to know more about her and not just through one liners made towards dick
-why is this party at a church lol
-korryyyyy what’s going on. oh wait she’s connected to the red world? Oh shit the diner
-which destiny has arrived??
-sebastiannnnnnn getting pulled into so much shit already
-“congratulations, detective.” pleaseee i forgot dick had a job before all this lmaooo
-conner, you good there too?
-yo conner what are you doing lmao
-ooo the corpse tree
-gar how do you know this??? like how and why is he specifically able to do this? Is it connected to koryyyyy? probs not. also why was Rachel able to see it earlier? wait it was probably bc of her gem but now that’s taken awayyyy. ummm okay we’ll see if anything is added to this next eppp
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lyctorism · 2 years
my top tua theory right now:
one of the biggest reasons for the five is founder of the commission reveal they did this season that everyone says didn’t really make sense (it did) and was out of tone for the season and out of left field (it kind of was) IS that it establishes something really important for s4. it HAS to, or otherwise they wouldn’t really have done a reveal so big just for five to have a HINT toward the solution to oblivion. my theory is that since the timeloop has to continue and move along to complete the circle, the commission must exist in the Reggieverse somehow. despite them not having powers. if Five is the founder of the commission, there must be a reason (or reasons, plural) for all of these things to have happened. there is a Way. as there always is.
everyone asks well, if Five is the founder of the commission and basically ultimate surveyor of the timeline then how come he let Klaus be tortured by Hazel and Cha-Cha? how come he let Viktor be outcast his whole childhood and be led to believe he was ordinary? why let the seven be burdened by so much trauma? because it’s the timeloop. if he alters something, even something small, from the continuum then it can change everything. there is clearly a certain way that everything has to happen. it’s a larger version of the grandfather paradox. they had to be abused their whole childhoods. Five had to arrogantly jump forward into time to prove his father wrong, had to be trapped in the apocalypse for 45 years, had to be found by the Handler to join the commission to eventually leave to help his family. eventually found the commission, which leads to all of this in turn. if the commission was never founded, then the Handler never worked for them, which means she never came for him in the apocalypse. if Five just went into the apocalypse for his younger self and dropped himself off with his family, then briefcases never existed to transpire all the events of s1 and s2. basically all these versions of him would cease to exist. it’s like he says when he’s getting the tattoo from Pogo, “...get that ink. Complete the loop.” except he’s not *completing* it then, just continuing it, but I digress. dramatic irony as the audience, only we know this.
basing off that my theory for next season is that Five probably finds a way back to his power (something something I think he finds a way to redistribute the marigolds’ power to everyone) and founds the commission, or it somehow exists in this branch of the timeline still and actually assists this time to revert the universe back to the way it’s supposed to be and oust Reggie.
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my predictions for tua S3 (this list will change, feel free to add your own predictions. i will put them in my notes)
1. one of the hargreeves will die
2. the cube from sparrow academy will cause another apocalypse
3. ben will die, again
4. more of the 43 children with powers appear
5. one of the sparrow academy kids have a shape-shifting power
6. reginald will be a traitor
7. s3 will come out in may-july
8. klaus will meet dave again
9. allison falls in love, again
10. harlan will come back and meets with vanya
11. vanya will fall in love also
12. more hargreeves shenanigans
13. drunk siblings, a lot. just some chaotic moments
14. the sparrow academy kids are the polar opposites of the hargreeves. mostly in personality
15. lila will die or kill one of the sparrow
16. the swede will return, will join the hargreeves
17. five snaps, gives up
18. five gets his old body back
19. vanya snaps, again
20. while being in the sparrow academy, ben remembers his memories and life with the hargreeves
21. drunk diego
22. we get to see why reginald made a robot like the exact copy of human grace
23. we know more about reginald and grace back story
24.  five may mention dolores
25. the sparrows are a functional family and don't have trauma
26. a fight between the sparrows and hargreeves
27. the hargreeves powers get better, they get stronger
28. lila replaces ben, becomes a "hargreeves". is actually faking being one
29. we get to see how ben died
30. grace is still alive and is human
31. pogo comes back as well
32. the commission is now good but they're secretly planning something bad
33. the handler isn't actually dead
34. the timeline can't be fixed, the apocalypse is permanent
35. diego and lila fuck and they become a couple
36. lila betrays diego (and his siblings)
37. the sparrow academy siblings have powers that have some connections with the elements (earth, fire, air, water and ice ) or are just a freak show
38. vanya or five stay with the sparrow academy in the end
39. will be a s4
40. we might se some old antagonist as good guys, timeline is broken
41. a lot of comic references
42. possibly death of a sparrow
43. diego stays with lila
44. luther or five confront reginald, luther about the moon five about a way to restore time line. again
45. sissy is dead, probably
46. harlan has telekinesis and mind reading
47. dave doesn't go to the war and lives
48. five gives up, sacrifices himself
49. a lot of chaos
50. something will surprise the fandom, the fans will be shocked and upset
51. the song list will be good, probably some ABBA songs
52. five and lila fight a lot
53. the handler will be mentioned or we get to see how she knew about the 43 six children with powers
54. we will know who was the lady reginald spoke to in s1, was his wife
55. we get to know who the swedes were and their back story
56. we see reginalds true appearance
57. pogo is back, young pogo
58. diego meets grace again, talks to her
59. s3 might leave a lot of suspense, will reveal more secrets
60. five gets back to the commission
61. five being acting like a normal teen despite being an old mas
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feralnumberfive · 2 years
Since pre-production for TUA S4 has begun or is about to start, I would like to make a PSA that this blog will be SPOILER FREE for S4. I will be spoiler free up until S4 actually starts, then that's when I will begin posting and tagging spoilers as I watch the season. I think a big reason why S3 was disappointing to me is because we, as the fandom, had many cool ideas and theories about S3 pieced together from spoilers and personally I found S3 to just end up not that great. Granted that's my own fault for expecting more from S3 *cough cough* to be fair many people did too and it was "advertised" (or lack of) that way too *cough cough* so I've decided for the final season of TUA to just wait until S4 comes out and be surprised instead of expecting and being disappointed (well I still might end up disappointed).
Sure this upcoming season could still disappoint me again, but not knowing about it will be kind of fun and it'll probably be fun for you guys to watch me freak out over stuff most of you already know by the time the teasers/posters and actual season come out lol. So with that being said, in the past I've had a few people ask me about spoilers/news for S3 so if you would still like spoilers/updates then I could point you to other people in the fandom who will still post just about every single update for S4 so you won't miss anything! Or y'know you could browse the #tua spoilers or #tua s4 spoilers tags. Also if you haven't already you should check out tua_updates on Instagram and Twitter, she posts every single bit about TUA and filming updates she can find
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soshadysoquiet · 9 months
Grace Thoughts
Grace's transformation in tua is fantastic, and I'd like to talk about it, so I will.
S1. She's obviously created to be a specific image, but comes across as a well-loved doll, if a stereotypical doll nonetheless. She's clothed and pressed neatly and finely, respected and loved by the children she cares for, viewed as a member of the "management triangle" by Pogo and Reggie. She's kept limited (Lord knows Reggie loves to suppress) and not given free will that she's clearly capable of, but there's the sense that she's cared for and respected in her own problematic way, probably as much as Reggie is capable of (again, weird seeing S2, but we'll get there)
S2. Reggie clearly Does respect and value this Grace, they talk about sharing lives and he looks genuinely emotional. But in the original timeline he... remakes her as not a scientist, but a mother? Along with changing her accent which is a hilariously pretentious choice. Question is; did Reggie value her Scientific mind, or value her Nurturing one? She was able to form a strong bond with Pogo, teach him to do incredible things. Perhaps Reggie is so scientifically advanced that her scientific intelligence wasn't what impressed him, but her ability to nurture and teach was, a skill set Reggie decidedly does not possess.
OG Timeline: Did he construct Grace into Mother of the Year Every Year Ad Infinitum (in his mind, I actually don't think she's a perfect mom, but thank christ the kids had her.) because of respect for her natural nurturing ways as he saw her? It's still wrong that he created her at all in plenty of senses and removed bits of her personality to suit, but that is very Regginald of him. Also, what happened to OG Grace? We may never know...
Now, in the timeline spawned by the 60s: Grace grows to question Reggie, she never might have without Diego tipping her off, and also giving her some likely not-common-for-the-time-period respect. Her and Reggie face a fallout point, and we all know Reggie doesn't like to be questioned, disobeyed or not have things go his way and resorts to drastic measures.
So that leads us to, S3: For Starts: this Grace seems to have a very different physical appearance; compared to S1 and S2 her hair is less lustrous and more plainly kept, her clothes are less flattering and more basic. She seems less like an upheld stereotypical ideal and more like the slave that she truly is, negating any respect for her 'nurturing' or 'scientific' mind. Even the children have no love or respect for her. She's sidelined and the kids are actively cruel to her often.
So Reggie was so pissed off about Real Grace getting a reality check about him in S2 that he did her an even greater disservice when recreating her as a robot. Did he create her out of cruelty rather than misguided affection this time around, and spare her little other resources? Either way he was still obsessed enough with her to create her, even when we know there were other nannies (did these ones get offed by the Sparrow kids like the Brelly ones did? R.I.P the nannies). Either way, Grace was always going to be made.
Grace's transformation really shows us in yet another way just how sick, twisted and cruel Reginald's mind is. If they try to make him 'nice' and 'redeemable because it was all for love' in S4 I will flip a table.
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Hi! First of all thank you for making so many amazing gifs that fill my dash with joy, second I would love to know what are your ideal story lines for Klaus in s3? I’m dying for his siblings to know/acknowledge what’s he’s been through
hi! and thank you so much <3 i love making gifs, and im so happy to know you like them!
ohh, this is a good question, and i thought about it a lot!
well, IDEAL story lines!!
i’d like dave to be a commission agent all along, faking his death to get rid of klaus in the 60s (because dave couldn’t kill him bc a) he fell in love and b) klaus is immortal) (but even IF tua would decide to make dave an agent, it’s more like s4 for me, bc i only see dave as a hallucination in s3)
klaus’ cult doesn’t exist in the sparrow timeline bc a) it’s not necessary and it didn’t affect the timeline in s2 so i think i can just ignore it b) everything changed anyway, AND they can make the cult parallel with sparrow 4. also i think they should mention klaus’ relapses but not trying to JOKE about it, bc recovery is a lifelong process. it’s important, and his siblings still don’t know that he was sober for 3 years (probably to be able to conjure them) 
klaus is the first one to realize that Christopher can make their worst fears “real” because let him do SOMETHING one day. i like thinking about this one, and about the hotel in general, bc klaus can either bc IMMUNE to Christopher's powers bc he’s living in fear OR he can be the most vulnerable for the same reason
while at hotel, he discovers new powers trying to figure the shit out? im 99% sure they will not give him his comic powers, so i think it can be something mediumship-related. dreams, visions of the future, SIGNS, something that helps him realize his life’s not real. maybe he meets dave at the hotel, notices that something’s off, or well, he actually talks to the ghosts?
i saw a post (or a tag, im sorry i dont remember) and someone said that it would be great if the siblings needed klaus like a person and their sibling, and not only for his powers (tbh “needing” his powers was only mentioned in 1x01 and the other times were just haha you can’t conjure shit u r high. and well, i don’t count the moment in s2 where diego tried to push him against vanya’s powers in fbi building “you’ve got to save the world :)” bc  w h a t?)
i want klaus to use SOMETHING he learned in vietnam. combat skills, knowing a lot about guns, rifles, all that because come on. if it’s not on screen, then what’s the point? 
ideally, i want him to talk to dave in s3. like, to crt dave. even if he’s somehow dead again, i just want to see them interact. but as i said, i think that even if we’re getting some klave content in s3, dave will probably be just a figment of klaus’ imagination :< but it’s fun to fantasize! 
this makes me want to see s3 already :’)
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flodaya · 4 years
I’m sure someone’s asked after your skames one but now I’m super curious about your druck actors skill ranking!!
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@museofnightmare i knew people would ask me, and of course i will 
1. michi - i really think he is one of the best actors in the skam universe, and even outside of it i think he has so much potential as an actor. he has a way of portraying so many emotions with barely any words and that is impressive af
2. anselm - his line delivery is the best, i literally can never tell his lines are scripted, it feels extremely natural
3. milena - extremely talented, she really has probably the smoothest technique out of the entire druck cast
4. lea - same goes for lea, she knows how to act, it’s all really natural
5. lukas - kind of the opposite for lukas, i feel like he doens’t really have a technique, his acting skills are more “getting into character” rather than knowing how to portray which emotion, does that make sense? that’s also why i think it took him 2 episodes to really nail his performance of david, he needed to loosen up a bit and understand his characer, but after that he was excellent 
6. lilly - really natural, especially impressive considering she had no prior acting experience, very good and believable facial expressions, some of her lines are a bit idk cringy but she makes it work 96% of the time
7. tua - i didn’t like her acting in s1, but again, she was new to acting and she has improved so much really quickly, and by the time of s4 she actually delivered (it was kind of hard ranking her, in s1 she would have been in alright but in s4 she is great)
8. jule - okay, so without seeing her irl i probably wouldn’t have put her this “high” but knowing she is super shy and introverted i am simply impressed how well she pulls off condescending queen bee (and her portrayal of a closeted lesbian is god tier - no matter if it’s conscious or subconscious)
9. chris - he is good, no question, much like milena and lea he has a very good technique, he knows what he is doing, he simply didn’t have a lot of opportinity in druck to really show it, his panic attack was great though
10. jobel - SHE SIMPLY DIDN’T GET ANYTHING TO WORK WITH, give her something, anything apart from talking about boys and hooking up….. i’m sure jobel has more talent what it seems
11. louis - for him (and arda) i think it’s hard to know how much is acting skills and how much is just him being himself on set, improvising etc
12. mile - she is alright, but sometimes her lines can sound obviously scripted and a bit unnatural 
13. arda - see louis + a few times when i do know his lines are scripted they feel a bit too acted
overall, the druck cast is one of the strongest casts in my opinion, there are barely any scenes that are over-acted or that i feel like the acting isn’t working
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somethingtoconfess · 4 years
HIGH ON SKAM 2_Day 1 (Saturday)
Hi guys ! :)
I’m sorry, I wanted to post before but I was really busy and I still needed tme to process everything.
The whole weekeend was amazing and I don’t even know how to express my feelings with words. So thank you once agin to The Rainbow Team and to all the actors present !
My friend Alex (@thebipanfangirl ), whom I spend most of the time at the convention with, already posted about this so you can also check her posts to have other informations.
- So, I arrived early with Luna (@classypicklepatrolroad ) and we had the time to chat a bit with other fans and volunteers. Everyone was in a good mood and really excited !
- Before the opening, we saw the actors walk by when we were sitting in the room and everyone started to get so excited, it was really funny. The opening panel was really fun! Everyone was so excited and Michelangelo talked a lot spontaneously!! He was really confident. Fun fact : He drank a looooot of water! And even poured glasses for everyone. That was sweet !
- Then it was the DRUCK panel and I loved seeing all the actors interact with each other. You can clearly see that they all like each other and that they are quite close ! The questions were really interesting and the actors semmed to have a great time as well (you can watch the livestream on Twitter if you want to).
- After that, we went upstairs to go to the autographs. Hassan recognised me and hugged me while I was waiting in the stairs (and people looked at me weirdly aha).
- Luna and I didn't have a ticket for the autographs (I wouldn't know what to do with them tbh). But we had to give Louis, Arda and Jobel the fanbooks. We waited a bit and then we saw that Louis and Arda were free so we asked if we could give them the fanbooks right now. The volunteers said yes and we gave them the fanbooks. We started with Arda and at first he was confused. Then we explained to him that it was his fanbook and he was really happy ! I also gave Louis his fanbook and he was really happy as well. They both hugged us and Michi and Jule were just watching us and smiling the whole time, it was cute. At first we forgot to take a picture with them so we had to ask a staff member to take one for us and had to queue again but on the side. So we were directly next to Michi who was dipping biscuits in his coffee so I told him "bon appétit" and he replied "Merci" with a really sweet smile. We finally took the photos with Louis and Arda and then we gave Jobel her fanbook. At first, she was confused and thought only Alex did it so Luna and I stood anwkwardly on the side but then she understood and she all hugged us. We took pictures and then Luna and I went out because it was realy hot inside.
- We had lunch and had to hurry up to go back to the convention. Sadly, we missed the beginning of pannel for S4 and we didn't want to go there for just a few minutes so we waited for the photos.
- The photos started with Lukas. I had two photos with him. I hugged him tightly and he was so smily and sweet. I showed him the poses and he laughed a bit at the first one, which was the Titanic pose. We started with this one and then we did the second one, which was a hug with his hand on my face but he squished my face and pushed my hair on my face so the photo will probably be a bit weird aha. I hugged him again and told him I'll see him later
- Then we went to the panel for s3 and it was really nice! Before it started, Michi was already inside the room and was talking to some volunteers. Then Lukas arrived and they had fun together. Then Henrik arrived and fans screamed when Henrik hugged Michi and Lukas. And finally, Maxence arrived last. Michi seemed so confused when Henrik and Maxence talked because he didn't know what they were talking about since he hasn't seen any ot the shows (nor Druck) aha. Henrik talked so slowly and Mawence talked a lot as well. The four of them seemed to have a great time.
- Luna and I had two pictures with Louis and Arda. For the first one, we wanted to recreate memes so we showed them the pictures. They looked at us and did the pose asking us if it was like this so we laughed and said it was. It took us a few tries. For the second photo, we wanted to do like a yoga pose but it wasn't working because of the lighting so we had to change the pose. Instead, we just did a group hug.
- Then I had a photo with Tua and Hassan. So sweet! Tua is sooo cute. One of us had to squat a bit and Hassan wanted to do it because I was wearing a skirt but I said no because I didn't want him to dirty his pants.  So I ended up squating in front of Tua but the photographer took a long time taking the photo so I was shaking like crazy. I hugged them again and left.
- For the Lukas / Michi photo, I was actually really nervous because it was the first time I would be able to talk to Michelangelo in person (and if you didn't know, I went to Rome because I really wanted to talk to Michi). I hugged Lukas first and then I hugged Michi really tightly and told him it was nice to be able to finally hug him and he smiled. I showed them the pose I wanted to do and Michi seemed happy to do it (everyone was doing the same pose so I suppose he was happy to do something else). It was like a martial art pose and he looked at me doing the pose so I laughed. Lukas started to get in position as well and I asked them if it was possible to hold hands as well. They said yes so I went in the middle and held their hands. But the three of us were standing on one leg and we were shaking, trying to find our balance so it was quite funny ! I hugged them again and told them I'll see them soon.
- For the Druck photo, I wanted to do a special pose without the chairs and I waited until the end so it would be possible, and asked 3 different people and they told me it was but then the photographer refused... So I stood in the middle, between Lukas and Arda. I asked them to do a superhero pose but they were confused and I think I'm the only one who ended up doing like the Wolwerine pose so the photo will probably be quite weird aha
- Then I had a photo with the OG cast (my only extra not Druck related) and they were so sweet !! Henrik is sooo tall and his hugs are really tight! Iman and Ina are really pretty and they were smiling a lot. I showed them the pose and they looked at itfor a while (idk why, it wasn't a hard one aha). Henrik asked me if he had to bend and I said it was ok but when I stood behing him I noticed I was really short compared to him so maybe it would have been a good idea aha (as I'm writing it, I received this picture and it's really cute !! I will post all my photos here later as well). I hugged them again and left.
- I was sooo nervous about my photos with Michi. I was in the first ones and I started by saying that I came here just for him and he thanked me with a big smile. I showed him the two poses and he was a bit confused then laughed at the first one. He had to do the « Ma che cazzo » pose looking at me and I actually told him this in Italian (he must have been confused because he knew I'm not Italian aha). We ended up doing it but I don't know how it turned out. I was really nervous so I can't even remember if I looked at the camera or even smiled. I couldn't see him either because he was looking at me so Idk if he did the pose or not aha. Then we had to do the second pose but he forgot what it was so I had to show him again. It was a really tight hug with my head on his chest. The photographer had some issues with the photo so I ended up taking another one so I apologised to Michi but he smiled and said it was OK. I was about to leave but I saw that the photographer was looking at the photos so I talked a bit more to Michi and said he was an amazing actor and that I watched all his projects. He was really touched and smiled when I told him I'll see him tomorrow!
- Because the photos were talking a while and that I was doing my last ones with Michi, we arrived late for the closing panel but it was quite nice! The actors seemed to really have a great time. Michi arrived later. We asked questions and then we watched the closing video (I was in it and I cringed so hard). They took a photo and then they left. Lukas, Maxence and Henrik arrived so they quickly said goodbye (the said they were really tired) and we watched the closing video with them another time.
- We took our coats and ran into Lukas oustide. He was carrying a bag full of gifts that he fot during the autographs session.
And that’s it for the first day. I probably forgot some things but that’s the most important things I suppose. I’ll post about Day 2 (I have even more things to say) later or tomorrow!
I hope you enjoyed it :D
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