#and riko could only try and scare him
depresssant · 3 months
'geto would burn in the fiery sea of hell if it meant only he would be the one thing your heart-stopping eyes could see'
warning!!!! : yandere is a warning in itself 💀, yandere!geto, unrequited love, kidnapping extremely suggestive themes, idk what else 😭
also reposted bc i accidenly deleted the first one 😬
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to say that geto suguru was helpless was an understatement.
he was at a lost, and it felt like the entire world was against him. so many conflicting thoughts battled with him day by day, and time came to a stop the second he watched that bullet go through riko's head. that helpless feeling of not being able to save what was dear to you... to be able to not do anything except for watch as something slipped out of his grasp⏤he felt like it was happening all over again.
dark thoughts⏤ones that only you seemed to get rid of⏤dropping him over the edge plagued him like a disease with every twist and turn. these were the dark thoughts that only you washed away with your warm touch and loving smile.
but now?
now you were cold and hostile.
all because of a damn rejection.
geto knew his decade long friendship with you would never be the same after that fateful night you confessed to him. that night⏤just a week and a half after riko's death. he had rejected you. geto was scared. what if you died just like riko? you were a sorcerer with threats that had you walking across the line of life and death. what if you, too, withered from his grasp? 
but he supposed you already did.
bit by bit, you had started to ignore him. you were clearly distancing yourself. you knew he was going through internal struggles, and while you once would've been there right by his side, you weren't this time. you just... stop talking to him, acting like he was the plague, and a single look would kill you.
it killed him.
it killed geto to see you hurting because of him, and it hurt even more that he wasn't able to help. the raven haired man was bitter and angry at the time. he should've understood that you were just trying to give him space after realizing your confession wasn't thrown in at the best time. you were trying to help him in the best way possible while hurting yourself, and he was too fucking stupid to realize it.
geto had stormed into your dorm for an explanation as to why you were ignoring him. the worst fight of his life occurred that very night where you told him you never wanted to see him again. so he had granted you your wish.
thinking back at it, both of you were hurting. riko's death and the following had affected you just as much as it had affected geto, but he was too selfish to realize he wasn't alone. he was too conceited to realize that even when keeping your distance from him, you were still there for him. he was just too proud to reach out.
well... that would never happen again.
he furrowed his brows but he said nothing as he watched you struggle against the chains with a look of panic on your beautiful, beautiful, face. geto had plenty of time to reflect on his behavior⏤to sort through his feelings and plan, and now you were finally back in his arms.
with a sigh of relief, said arms pulled you into a suffocating hug. he held you so tightly he felt like his arms would cramp up, but that didn't matter. all he wanted to do was just crawl into your skin, become one with you, so you two would never apart again. he wanted to kiss those pretty lips of yours until his own became bruised and swollen. he wanted to hold you like this for the rest of eternity because the sound of your heartbeat was the best type of music he had ever listened to.
this was wrong, some part in him screamed. holding you captive like this just for himself was immoral and evil, but... all for himself? geto would burn in the fiery sea of hell if it meant only he would be the one thing your heart-stopping eyes could see. those eyes... those eyes pulled him in like a moth to a flame, turning him into a person he never thought he'd become. but perhaps that was one of the million things he loved about you.
"what the fuck do you think you're doing?" you hissed, pressed up against him, and geto felt completed. "you're insane! how the hell do you... do you⏤"
"i love you."
his hands were all over your body frantically, leaving a blazing trail of fire in every place that he caressed, and it was like he was trying to become one with you.
"... geto... what is this? why are you doing this?"
lavender eyes as alluring as a violent ocean rested on yours. "it's a form of acceptance. your confession? darling, i accept your love. i want your love... i need it."
"that was in high school! it was just a silly crush!" your brows furrowed in anger at first, but your expression crumbled. a face that you once adored now looked down at you with stinging eyes, fangs out and all. 
"don't lie to me." geto grabbed a hold of your inner thighs, pushing you down onto the bed and nuzzling into your neck as if he would die if he didn't. you'd be lying if you said that you didn't like it. it was something you had been waiting for, for a very long time.
"we're meant for each other. you just need a little help understanding it."
his hold you was like a snake wrapping around its prey, constricting like a suffocating pillow until said prey finally fell limp. you were the prey and geto was the snake.. and, well...
he was threatening to swallow you whole.
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dellalyra · 1 year
I looked at the prompt list, but i literally COULD NOT decide, but i was thinking, what if Megumi or Tsumiki had a really bad nightmare? How would Gojo and Reader help them? I was thinking baby Megumi, in his sleepy, not being as menacing and just being scared and asking reader for help (cause gojo would bully him)
Also Ily, thank you for your service to society.
A/N: cryin screamin throwin up i can’t this was so sweet to write I think I got a cavity. Having soft sleepy baby Megumi made me so happy to write bc I feel he definitely had his vulnerable tiny little boy moments with these two after he settled in - still a prickly little cactus man most days but occasionally he just needed a cuddle - bc who wouldn’t? Especially if it’s Gojo giving them. Also ily and thank you so much these kind of messages MAKE MY FUCKIN DAY. Keep em coming!!!!!
listen to: luv note - chloe moriondo
la lune - billie marten
A Little Extra Love
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Waking up to the sound of obvious nightmares wasn’t unusual for you. You’d been sleeping beside Satoru for a couple of years now, and you’ve shared rooms with Geto and Shoko - the four of you have seen too much shit to sleep unscathed. At least once a month, you’d be sitting with Satoru, still shaking and crying from the lingering feelings of fear and pain stemming from the nightmare - of Riko, of Suguru, of Toji - of losing you. You were no stranger yourself, dreams of bloodied white hair in your lap and vacant blue eyes with a stab wound through his throat plagued you - the image of Suguru holding a young girl's corpse, of the last time you saw Haibara all poisoned your sleep now and again.
So waking at 2am to the sounds of soft whimpers made you immediately turn around to wake your boyfriend from what you expected to be his nightmare - only to find him fast asleep, hair wild across the pillow and drool leaking from the corner of his mouth as he lay starfished across the bed. There was no relief however in seeing a peaceful Satoru - because that meant it was one of the kids.
They’d been with you for about 9 months now, and it was almost Megumi’s 7th birthday.
You bolted up, trying to stay silent as you creeped out your door and ran down the hallway to the kids rooms - the sound was coming from Megumi’s room so you softly opened the door and came face to face with a sight that broke your heart. Megumi was clutching his frog plush so tight that his small knuckles were white and his face was contorted in fear - whimpers and soft cries coming from his trembling mouth.
Dashing across to his bed, you gently sat on the bed beside him. You knew that waking anyone - let alone a 6 year old - abruptly from a nightmare would only cause more fear, so you began to softly coo his name and stroke his soft black hair away from his face. After about 20 seconds, you placed a hand on his little chest and rubbed soothing circles - causing his eyes to flash open and the frog to be clutched even tighter to his chest as he let out a yelp at whatever woke him, eyes wide and petrified frantically scanning the room before he surprised you by flinging his tiny arms around your neck and clutching you right and crawling his way into your lap.
“You’re okay sweet boy, you’re safe. It was a nasty dream, that’s all.” You coo into his hair, with the softest voice you can muster. You hate seeing him like this, you wish he didn’t have the trauma he did so he could worry about things normal little boys did instead.
He sniffled into your chest, head pressed into your fluffy pyjama top face first. You continue the slow cycles on his back and wrap your arm around his legs to keep his close to you.
“Do you wanna talk about it, baby?” You ask.
He shudders, but nods.
“He c-came to get us, my dad, he came in here and took me and ‘Miki and said w-we had to leave with him to the big Zen’in family and never come home again and h-he said you didn’t w-want us and-” and the sobs took over as you got the gist of the dream and if the ghost of Toji Fushiguro was in front of you right now you’d kill him and send him back to hell again.
“Oh, my sweet boy - that’s never gonna happen. We’re never leaving you or Tsumiki, we always will want you guys - we love you both so much. I promise, no matter how much me and Satoru annoy you guys you can’t get rid of us, ‘Kay? We’re a family now. Your dad isn’t taking you from us, pinky promise.”
‘Because your unofficially adopted father killed him and him and I threatened the Zen’in family so much that they’re too scared to come within a mile of you two!’ Is the bit you leave out.
You also leave out that you and Satoru are looking at legally adopting them - that’s for another, happier time.
He sticks his little pinkie finger out and locks it with yours, sniffling a tiny bit more and rubbing his face (snot and all) onto your koala print top, but you couldn’t care less when you can feel the shaking start to settle.
“We can stay with you guys forever, ‘Miki too? Even though she has no magic stuff like me and you guys because the Zen’in said that she wasn’t worth keeping and -” He asks.
“Megumi - we don’t want you two because of what you can or can’t do - we love you guys as Megumi and Tsumiki, nothing else. Even if neither of you could do any of that stuff, you’re stuck with us, okay? Satoru and I have enough magic to keep us all safe - the whole family, okay?” You hate the Zen’in family for even planting that fear in his little brain.
“I love you too.” He says as his tears dry and you wipe his little face. This is only the second time he’s said it to you both, once was a few weeks ago when you and Satoru put him to sleep and both whispered “love you!” into his softly lit room and he whispered “love you guys too.”
You both sobbed that night - you’re both only 21 - can’t be doing that bad of a job with them if he says it back, can you?
“You’re such a brave boy. If you get more yucky dreams again, you come get me or Satoru, okay?” You plonk a kiss on his spiky hair.
“Just you. Not Satoru.” He looks down, fiddling with your necklace.
“Why not, sweetie?”
“I - don’t want him to know.”
“About the nightmares?”
He nods.
“He - he’s the strongest. I don’t want him to think I’m not brave or strong.” He says, words that shouldn’t even compute that way in his head.
“Absolutely not - baby, who told you that being scared makes you not brave or strong?” You tilt his little head up.
“My dad.”
“Well your dad’s dumb then. You can only be really brave if you’re scared. Being scared and fighting anyway is the bravest thing a person can do, I promise. Think about it this way - who’s the bravest and strongest person you know?” You ask as he giggles at you saying Toji’s dumb (you’ve plenty of other names too for that man.)
“You and Satoru.” He says with such resolve your heart melts, you expected him to say Satoru, so being included felt good.
“Satoru and I both get nightmares too, I had one last week, Satoru a few nights ago. It doesn’t mean you’re not brave or strong - it just means you need a little extra love, that’s all.” You nod at him, and you seem the surprise in his eyes at the revelation that the strongest and bravest people he knows get nightmares too, shattering the words Toji had planted into smithereens. How could nightmares mean you’re not those things if you guys had them? You had to know, because you and Aunty Koko were the smartest people in the world. Maybe Ijichi too.
He’s quiet for a minute.
“So if I have a bad dream - I can come get you or Satoru?” He asks.
“You can get more or him for anything at all, honey, not just bad dreams. We’re always here for you, and nothing will change our minds about how much we love you, or how brave and strong and smart and kind you are - ‘Kay?” He nods into your chest at this.
He settles down, small fingers still fiddling with your pendant.
“C’mon, do you wanna come stay with us in our room tonight?” You say.
He thinks for a second.
Then nods, and yawns.
So you lift him onto your hip, ensuring he has his frog and his water bottle and carry him down the hall into your room. Satoru’s still splayed across the bed like he’s determined to use every single centimetre of his long ass body to claim territory.
You point at the drool on his face and Megumi giggles, hearing Satoru order dessert in his sleep.
You lay him down between you both, and crawl in under the covers as he settles in - the movement stirring Satoru, who’s eyes open and he looks in confusion.
“Princess whatcha doin’ up? S’late. Wait - what you doin’ here kid?” He slurs, lifting himself onto his side to face you both.
Megumi looks at you and you smile, tucking him into the bed with you both.
“‘Gumi had a bad dream, ‘toru - so he’s going to stay with us tonight, a little extra love - yeah?” You say, petting both your boys hair. ‘A little extra love’ was what you had said to Satoru when you found him awake after a nightmare back in first year of high school. He smiled at that, eyes dropping back closed as he ruffled Megumi’s hair.
“Bad dream are the worst, aren’t they kiddo? I hate ‘em. If any bad guys come near you I’ll blast them into space, ‘kay? You just shout for me in your dream and let me deal with ‘em.” Satoru mumbles, sleep quickly taking him again, as he shuffles in closer to the middle and you both wrap an arm around the little boy who is snuggling in to return to sleep.
“Promise?” Megumi asks, poking Satoru’s nose.
“Pinky promise.” Satoru replies, lips quirked but eyes shut.
Megumi smiles softly to himself, and hugs his frog and shuts his eyes.
You let out a yawn, eyes closing heavy.
“Goodnight boys, I love you both.”
“Night Y/N. Luh’ you too.” Megumi mumbles, hair splayed almost identically to Satoru’s.
“Night night, Princess. Love ya’ always, you too kiddo.”
No more nightmares that night, just four sleeping soundly in a quiet cottage.
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sunriseabram · 6 months
Yes. Riko was an abuser. Nobody can deny that he hurt, sexually abused and tormented people physically and emotionally.
Yes. Riko was abused. He was hit by Tetsuji when he got things wrong, conditioned to believe that he had to be the best or his life wasn't worth living. He was abandoned by his father because he was second born, ignored by his big brother, and not even congratulated after he tried everything to gain their approval.
Yes. He hurt Jean out of anger. He used Jean as an object because that is all he had ever been to his father and family. He was a way to make money, but his father never saw him as anything more than that. It allowed him to feel powerful and in control of someone when everything else in his life was out of his control.
Yes. He flips after his father dies. Of course, he does. When you've worked your entire life to be acknowledged, spending thousands upon thousands of hours training to win, winning trophies, doing sponsorships, raising great chunks of money for the family, only for your father to die before even showing an ounce of pride for you? Of course, he flips. Jean just happens to be there, someone he knows he can hurt and get away with. Someone less than him at the bottom of the food chain. Perhaps the only person who sees the anger for what it truly is: failure. And Riko doesn't like that.
Yes. He hurt Kevin out of jealousy. Riko grew up in a world where failure was unacceptable. Failure meant pain, death and suffering. Exy was all Riko had and all he ever had. He couldn't stand to be second best because second best is all he had ever been. He would not be second in the one thing he was meant to be the king of. He hurt Kevin out of jealousy, and was beaten to an inch of his life for it.
Yes. He grew up sheltered. Riko was groomed to be a star by Tetsuji. He was groomed and exploited for money by the only person who had ever looked at him and seen something. He lost his mother. His father didn't care about him. He had nobody. He lived underground in the nest for most of his life and played exy every single day for most of his childhood. He probably had no friends his own age until Kevin came along. There was nobody who understood what Riko was going through.
Yes. Riko hurt Andrew. He had Andrew hurt as another power trip. It was to show he had great power and could do what he wanted with it. He had no boundaries. Throughout the series, Riko is shown to be insecure. He craves power and acknowledgement and wants to prove he has a place in the mafia family next to his brother.
Yes. Riko is more complex than a simple villain. He is self-destructive and works to the bone to try and be worth something. He uses anger to cover up his blatant abandonment issues. He is never and will never be enough. And if he can't be enough, then nobody else can. Nobody can take his place.
He is scared of Kevin, frightened of Neil, terrified of Andrew. He is constantly trying to stop his precarious tower from tumbling in the only way he knows how.
If all his mistakes were punished with pain, disappointment and anger, how can he know any different? He doesn't know the world really and hasn't experienced it outside his little box of stardom. He doesn't know what is 'normal.' For him, failing means getting beaten. Failure means losing his status. Failing means falling from power. It always has.
No. Just because Riko was abused and groomed does not mean that his abusive behaviours were justified. He chose to become an abuser, despite everything he had suffered.
No. He wasn't born evil. He is horrible - don't get me wrong - but he shouldn't just be cast off as coming out of the womb with horns and a tail. He was shaped by his experiences, negative and positive. We all are.
Riko thought beating people into submission would show his power and prove his worth to his family. In the end, it resulted in his downfall.
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bisexualchaosdemon · 5 months
Do you think Jean is sex repulsed as a result of his trauma? The way he’s actively trying to repress his feelings of attraction to people is giving sex repulsed
I'll preface this by saying that I am in no way and expert of these things, but I wouldn't say that, no. He clearly experiences sexual attraction, and it's not that he doesn't want to act on it; it's more that he's scared? But would I be me if I didn't provide excessive evidence? No, let's gooooo
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(The Sunshine Court, ch.11)
I think it's only fitting to start with Jean's beach party bi panic™️ he refers to his attraction to Laila as inappropriate and his attraction to Jeremy as dangerous. He's not disgusted by it, though? He just doesn't seem to think he's allowed to feel that way. He seems more frustrated than anything, I think. He's giving 'why is everyone fucking hot?!' vibes, like he thinks it's cruel because he thinks he's not allowed to do anything about it?
I do think that it's interesting that he doesn't deny it when confronted about it, though. Like, Jeremy straight up (no pun intended) calls him out on his very poorly concealed sexuality and he didn't bother to even try lying.
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(The Sunshine Court, Ch.12)
Jean being unable to lie to Jeremy is a common theme, which I could rant about separately, but Jean caring more about Lucas insulting Jeremy's integrity than his friends knowing he's bi doesn't scream disgust or aversion to me. In fact, I may go as far as to say that this suggests that he isn't trying all that hard to repress his sexuality in the first place.
Jumping onto the next chapter, we've got some more of Jean's idea of what he is 'allowed' and him actively testing that boundary, just a tiny bit.
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(The Sunshine Court, Ch.13)
Jean-Yves, my precious baby boy, you are allowed to feel how you feel! Personally, this isn't giving me sex repulsed vibes either, though. Yet again, this isn't about what he wants, it's about what he is allowed (Riko, I hope you are burning in hell 💕).
But even with the belief that he isn't allowed to be attracted to Jeremy, Jean still dips his toe in, just the tiniest bit. I'm hoping this is a taste of what's to come, and Jean will feel more able to try things as Jeremy continues to prove that their attraction to each other isn't inherently unsafe. The fact that he's testing it at all, and that he seems happy with the outcome, suggests to me that he may be open to trying things once he feels safe.
For my final point, we're sticking with chapter 13 for sex toy gate!
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It might just be me, but this reaction doesn't give 'sex repulsed'. It's giving kid being teased by his friend or mortified by their older sibling. It's iconic, it's hilarious, he's a blushy little boy. I really hope that we see something more about this in tsc2. I think that, once he is done dying of embarrassment, Laila's thinking might not be too far off.
Riko is dead, Tetsuji is gone, Jean isn't imprisoned in the Nest anymore. He is free and safe to explore his sexuality and I think/hope we will get to see Jean realise this in the future. It has the potential to be really beautiful.
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hxhhasmysoul · 4 months
Hey, I read your analysis on yuuji sukuna and i loved it and i was craving for more so do you have anything more to add into. Like why sukuna is being this handsy to yuji Or keeps talking to yuji although yuuji mostly ignores him.. It reminded me how gojo was trying to do the same thing to sukuna but didn't get much response yorozu too But in yuuji's case their positions have been reversed to the point I am feeling embarrassed on his behalf. 😭😭
I think being embarrassed on his behalf makes sense. He’s really showing his emotions like that.
Sukuna didn’t respond to people who didn’t challenge his convictions.
He was used to being challenged by other sorcerers in the Heian era, they even ganged up on him then to defeat him and it seems like they failed then. And it seems that back then, like in the modern times the cult of strength was what governed the sorcery world. 
Sukuna was surprised that Gojou wasn’t the boss of the modern jujutsu world but Gojou actually misled him about that in a sense. Because Gojou kinda was the boss of the jujutsu world, not the official one but he could do whatever he wanted. Maybe what happened to Riko and Getou made him think that he shouldn’t take over by force. Maybe it was paired up with the thought that if he kills the elders he’d actually need to do some administrative work and take some responsibility for his actions which he avoids at all costs all the time. 
So maybe his plan to train devoted child soldiers to take over the jujutsu world stems from his laziness. Maybe getting Megumi as his first child soldier made him think he hit the jackpot because Megumi has the personality ripe to be turned into a professional bureaucrat. 
Sorry for the tangent, back to Sukuna. 
Sukuna was also revered in the past, like Gojou in the present. He also existed kinda on the side of the official power structure. Crowned the strongest and feared and worshipped, but not exactly in charge. Probably also because he didn’t care about ruling, he preferred to look down on everyone, like Gojou. 
Unlike Gojou he wasn’t worshipped from the day he was born. His mother was likely poor, she possibly was scared of him when he was born and abandoned him. Or the people around her forced her to abandon him. 
And he still ended up on top. He still became worshipped. He’s very much “what’s your excuse” towards the weak. But he also has no illusions about those who are strongish from his point of view. Those people suck up to him, want to add him to their power, want his attention and acknowledgement. He doesn’t respect that. He has no interest in their selfish goals.
Yuuji doesn’t care about him, so he feels like he needs to get to the bottom of that. Also Yuuji is now becoming a serious threat to him in ways that none of those selfish people ever were. 
Yuuji is of his bloodline but so different from him. He is something Sukuna surely has potential of being. 
I think Sukuna has always seen himself as the peak form of being Sukuna. That after absorbing his twin and possibly locking his soul inside himself, he has then perfected himself. He’s got exceptional knowledge of jujutsu rivalled and possibly surpassed only by Kenjaku’s and Tengen’s. His body is very strong. He’s an amazing strategist. 
But Yuuji has the potential of being more than him. And the difference is in personality. Kusakabe may dis Yuuji all he wants and pretend Yuuji has nothing special to him. But the fact that Yuuji is still sane after so many body swaps, or how quickly he’d learned everything before they figured out that he can be swapped into. Sukuna wasn’t fucking training him. Sukuna was doing everything to break Yuuji’s spirit. 
And he failed. The whole jujutsu world threw everything it could to destroy Yuuji and they failed. 
That’s why he’s so focused on Yuuji. That’s why Higuruma briefly caught his interest, because Higuruma also had convictions that weren’t in line with the jujutsu world’s norm. That’s why Maki also interests him, because she a) is curious for his jujutsu nerd side, b) she has also persevered and achieved incredible strength despite being rejected by the jujutsu world. The world that elevated and worshiped him, that bolstered his philosophy is crumbling in front of him and the people who are challenging him truly are the antithesis of that world. And Sukuna is nothing but curious. Especially of this kinda version of him that’s the first person that’s actually hurting him badly and is actually close to killing him. 
As to being handsy. 
What I think the canon reason to be: Sukuna is drawn to Yuuji and wants to see how he hurts Yuuji, wants to see his suffering but also wants to study him, understand him. 
What my shipper heart says: he’s missing how close they used to be and he subconsciously wants to be close again. 
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cloudymistedskies · 2 months
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To keep things in mind:
- Mari’s backstory is in her perspective, meaning some important aspects are left out since she doesn’t know them (yet).
- This will be unnecessarily long.
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As much as Mari could remember, she didn’t live a completely terrible life, but not a good one either. Her parents (mostly) neglected her well-being, especially her mother who doesn’t even bother looking at her in the eye, and people in the village she lived in avoided her for some odd reason.
Amongst that, she only had one person who took care of her and loved her and that was her older sister, Riko. She raised her and took care of everything she needed, and treated her with affection and care. With the lack of parental love and having nobody else to care for her her besides Riko, she developed a co-dependent relationship with her, practically relying on her for everything.
Riko then would one day suddenly leave the village when she was 7 with no further reason aside from ‘working to get money’ and left Mari to be cared for by her father, who only did the ‘bare minimum’ which was feeding her. Being left all by herself (at least that’s how Mari felt), she was scared of showing any sort of vulnerability to anybody around her and began to show more aggression and hostility to anybody that isn’t her sister.
Riko would still occasionally visit the village to check up on Mari every once in a while. But whenever she isn’t around, Mari spends most of her time exploring the mountains near her village or the forest and befriending bugs/insects she spots.
Then when she was 8 years old, during her usual exploration around the mountains, Mari got distracted by something, which then leads her to getting injured and lost around the mountains. She was spotted by the Tokito dad who was chopping off wood and seeing a lost injured little girl, he immediately went to go help her.
It was difficult at first, since Mari tried to fight him off, fearing that he was gonna hurt her but he eventually somehow managed to calm her and took her into the shack where she met the Tokito twins and their mom.
After treating her injuries, the parents left to find more herbs to treat Mari with, leaving her with the twins. Muichiro was curious and excited to see another person his age, trying to make conversation with her despite the girl not responding to anything he said and keeping quiet. Yuichiro tried to tell him to leave her be, but he refused and kept talking to her.
Mari was anxious as she was in a different place and was unfamiliar with any of them. In an attempt to get away from Muichiro, she tried to stand up, but the injuries didn’t recover yet and resulted in her feeling a sharp pain around her leg, causing both the twins and Mari to panic.
Muichiro immediately tried to help her out, and Mari was about to push him away and refuse but he managed to catch her arm in time and with a soft smile, he assured her that he won’t hurt her and just needed to see if she’s okay.
The genuine kindness in his eyes reminded her of her sister, making her realize that the family wasn’t trying to hurt her and was genuinely helping her out. So reluctantly, for the first time let herself be vulnerable for just a moment.
Ever since her first meet with the family, Mari became a frequent visitor to their shack, spending most of her time there when Riko wasn’t visiting and bonding with the family. It was the first time she experienced feeling welcomed from anybody aside from her sister.
Then the Tokito parents died when when her and the twins were 10. Their relationship became a little strained (especially with Yuichiro), but she still visited to at least either accompany them or help out with anything. Yuichiro refused any of her help, which upsets Mari.
She hated feeling useless. Hated that she wasn’t good at even basic house chores or lacked any talent. Mari wanted to feel useful, to have a purpose to fulfill.
And she was granted that wish when she was 11 and went out during night to admire the moon that looked bigger than usual. As she walked up to the mountains for a better look, she spotted a rabbit and with typical curiosity chased it.
The rabbit escaped, leaving her disappointed. But that disappointment would quickly turn into fear when she heard the bushes rustling and spotted something that looked.. both human but also not human..? That was what she described in her head.
The creature then tackled her, prompting Mari to instinctively stab it using a knife she was carrying around for self defense. Hitting it directly at a vital spot before barely managing to push away and run off. Turning back, she became more confused and scared when she sees that the creature was still chasing her even after she stabbed him.
Mari finds herself cornered and just as she thought she was about to die, somebody came to the rescue. Wielding a sword in her hands, a young woman shielded her from the creature, telling her to go hide while she takes care of the creature.
Scared for her life, Mari did what the woman asked and hid herself in the bushes, covering her ears in fear while hoping it’ll all be over soon. Eventually, she heard footsteps and slowly looking up, she notices it was the same woman who saved her, asking if she’s okay.
After ensuring that Mari was okay, she offered her to take her back to the village after some small talk, which the younger girl agreed and the pair started making their way back to the village.
On their way there, The woman explained to Mari about demon slayers and what role they serve as one. Surprisingly to Mari, her interest was piqued when she said she was a demon slayer. As if she was drawn into it. When they arrived to the village, Mari remarked that her uniform looked similar to what her sister wears usually. That remark made the young woman confused for a moment before realizing what she’s saying and told her that it would mean her sister is a fellow demon slayer.
That information surprised Mari. It was no wonder she’s busy, has a sword with her, and even has a crow that talks and delivers letters to Mari. After being taken to her home, the girl was stuck with a thought of being a demon slayer like her sister. She made a plan of following the crow who delivers her sister’s letters, believing that it’ll lead her to her current whereabouts.
She didn’t mind running away. She knew her parents wouldn’t even notice her sudden disappearance. But she was worried about leaving the twins behind, especially since they’re in a bad place after their parents death.
Mari didn’t wanna just suddenly abandon them, but then she thought more about it. Along with being by her sister’s side, she could possibly finally have some use, even protect the twins from any dangers from demons. And for some reason, something about it just drew her in. Those reasons were enough to motivate her to become a demon slayer.
After a week passed, she ran away during night, following wherever the crow was going and eventually being lead to an estate.
Instead of meeting her sister, she met an old guy, Genkichi. He recognized Mari as Riko’s younger sister and took her in the estate. After some quick talk and informing her that Riko is out for a week long mission, Mari then asked him to train her, which the guy was surprised by the request and hesitated.
At first he was denying her, but after some time he reluctantly gave into her wishes. Genkichi was surprised of how quickly Mari learned, especially for somebody whose only 11 years old. It was intriguing for him.
Riko eventually returned and was shocked and bewildered to see Mari training to be a demon slayer, let alone being here as well. Definitely, she didn’t approve on her being one, but Genkichi convinced her to let her be; explaining that Mari is unusually talented for someone her age. Riko reluctantly gave in, still not agreeing with the idea but their mentor was pretty stubborn.
Throughout out the months, Mari was trained under Riko and Genkichi. Despite her odd talent with swordsmanship for her age, she wasn’t able to learn wind breathing. This disappointed her greatly since she knew that being a strong demon slayer meant that she has to know how to use breathing forms.
Then one day, while asleep, she finds herself in a ‘dream’ where a young woman was training as a demon slayer like she was. The young woman used a breathing technique called ‘Cloud breathing’ and performing a form of it.
After waking up, she still has vivid memories of the dream. Wanting to test it out, Mari decided to try performing the same form. It took a few attempts, but much to her surprise, she successfully performed it. Mari was ecstatic about it, and ever since then, she’s been sleeping more frequently to learn more forms of Cloud Breathing, more determined than ever.
After just 9 months of training, Mari took the final selection exam. After the exam, she slept for a whole day. During her time sleeping, she finds herself in a field of clouds. She walked for several minutes, eventually finding a familiar figure.
The woman that she dreamt of. The same woman who was the reason why Mari knew Cloud Breathing in the first place. The same woman called out to her, beckoning her to come closer. Mari was hesitant, but she complied, eventually facing her.
The woman was called Harumi, and explained to Mari that she made Cloud Breathing. She was very much impressed of Mari learning it as Cloud breathing, as it wasn’t as easy to master it, let alone learn it due to it’s picky requirements.
Harumi told the young girl that she was special, that she was born strong to fulfill some form of use, to fulfill a purpose. And that purpose she has to fulfill was killing the uppermoon one.
Her soft tone, the praises, and the seemingly genuine kindness, everything felt real to Mari. She felt obligated to accept it. It was for the first time she could actually prove she actually has some use.
Ever since that dream, Mari was now more motivated in being a demon slayer, determined to fulfill her purpose and become as strong as she could. She was happier than ever now that she has her sister by her side. But the question still lies: Will her happiness last?
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Taisho Era Secrets regarding Mari:
- Mari joined the same Final Selection exam as Muichiro (and Aoi). Surprisingly enough, Mari didn’t know that, nor does she even remember the people who attended that time aside from Aoi.
- The bow Mari is wearing was gifted to her by Riko when she was around 12. It holds a special place for her.
- Along that, Riko also made her haori!
- At some point, Mari would meet her relatives during a mission, which would significantly improve Mari’s happiness.
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This is so unnecessarily long, nobody is gonna read this istg
Word count: 1762
This isn't art, but its Mari's backstory so !!!: @larz-barz @kimetsu-chan @rion-isnot-an-ai @pinkwisteria @kiiroibarathedragontamer @sunnilovesgrilledcheese
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vrisrezis · 1 year
Guys this is au where suguru isn’t insane cuz in my mind he deserves eternal happiness and to be surrounded by people that love him and to live a long life and- yea anyways basically au where that didn’t happen and kuroi and Riko r actually fine
Also reader is considered to be on equal footing with geto and gojo, fellow “strongest” if you will :p
Also this was originally short hcs on how geto woos his stoic crush but I got carried away
Not proof read made this at like 3 am alr I’m so tired and sick and insane and this is probably terrible
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I am under the believe suguru doesn’t even have to try to woo you, no matter how cold blooded and closed off you can be. Suguru is such a sweet man that it’s hard not to fall in love. No matter how much you try to reject it, it will happen one way or another. That doesn’t mean he knows it, but he will still have that power over you regardless. He has such a sickly sweet laugh, it’s impossible to not stare and admire. It’s impossible to not make your heart race, to not feel that sudden heat on your cheeks that thankfully isn’t noticeable. His genuine smile has you on cloud nine, but your favorite is when he shyly looks away from your hard gaze that never softens, despite how the male makes you feel deep within your very soul. The world will never know how bad you have it for him. Suguru is rather closed off about his affections towards you himself, though not nearly as much. Besides he makes it pretty obvious to you anyway, as you are somebody who has mastered the art of hiding how you truly feel. It’s in your blood to read through any facade, especially somebody you pay such close attention to.
Suguru, at first, is overly polite with a shy smile. The attempts in becoming a friend are certainly there, but he’s not as bold as his best friend is, so it’s a rather slow progression. And honestly, without gojos help, he wouldn’t have been able to form such a close bond with you over time thanks to how extroverted the white haired male can be. Regardless, over time as he grows more comfortable with being your friend, he teases you, he even shows subtle ways of being affectionate, typically through casual, physical touch. A hand or elbow on your shoulder, fixing your hair, etc. though he could be bolder, your general personality drives him away from closer and more intimate touches. He still gets rather shy around you, and when you grow comfortable enough to be in close proximity of him, his cheeks get all red. Which you secretly think is adorable. His general shyness around you indicates his affections towards you as well, he’s constantly left wondering if you can just feel how much his heart constantly pounds around you. Or if you feel his gaze on you during class. He wonders if you appreciate his kind gestures, constantly trying to take you out and buy you food or simply buying you things you’ve learnt to open up to him about enjoying. He wonders if you know how grateful he is and how special he feels, knowing you of all people trust him with things you wouldn’t trust just anybody with, even if it’s something as small as admitting to the games you like playing.
You’re both smitten for eachother, one way or the other. You’re not completely clueless to it like he is, but you’re scared. You’re scared of vulnerability, you’re scared to love another human being. Because that means admitting to weakness. It means admitting that you’ve let another person get the best of you, when you’ve worked you’re entire life trying to be as strong as you possibly could be, to not let a single person in, to only be able to rely on yourself, because you’re the only one that’s trustworthy, letting people in gets you hurt, leaves you broken. All that time, building up those walls, all the pain and abuse and torture you went through, was all broken by some pretty boy in the matter of seconds. And for some god damn reason you welcomed it with open arms. And for some god damn reason, you don’t regret it. You feel the happiest you ever felt. It’s strange, cause before him you think you didn’t even know what happiness really felt like. All you knew was pain, all you knew was people would hurt you if you got too close. A part of you thinks, you were happy because you finally learnt how to love another, and you finally learnt what it felt like to have another love you. You know he loves you for you, not in spite of you. But a part of you, just can’t believe it was so easy, so effortless. Not only to love him, but to be loved. You chased endlessly after your family, to pay attention and to give a damn and for them to show some sign they cared. The day never came. But now you know, that love isn’t something you should bend yourself over backwards for. Love isn’t forced, it is natural. And yet, you felt yourself trying to go back to your old ways, in fear of history repeating itself.
You tried pushing him away, again. After everything that happened with toji, you realized you could lose geto in an entirely new way and you were not willing to go through that again. You needed him away from you, out of your life. You needed to focus on being a jujutsu sorcerer, that was what was most important.
You were exhausted. And it’s no question why.
Once again you are training at a rather late hour, something you seem to have been doing nonstop since you “failed” to deal with toji in time before your two boys nearly died in the process. You were always very hard on yourself for things like these, one of the few things you were pretty open about was your personal failures. Doesn’t matter to you that you were stabbed in the stomach, that you shouldn’t be training, you didn’t care. Things like this never stopped you, why should it now? Besides, you’ve been through worse.
Suguru had tried countless times to get you to stop, this included gojo and even shoko, too. But you didn’t listen. You never listened to them anyway.
But the moment he sees this going on for officially five days straight, he’s had enough.
“Still at it, huh?” he says, but you don’t even bother to stop and look at him. It’s become routine at this point for him to come and try to get you out of this motion you’ve been stuck in. Besides that, you’ve been trying to keep him at arms length. You don’t bother saying anything, putting both your fists out to have your hands let out a particularly smaller fire than what you normally would’ve made. You stop for a brief moment, huffing at the lack of results.
“Maybe some sleep will do you good?” he suggests, but you don’t bother to look at him as you continue your training, seemingly ignoring him. He lets out a sigh, suguru is not one to be stern with you. Out of the two of you, you’re the one that does the scolding, though it’s typically towards gojo, it’s been towards the raven haired male on several occasions, due to his overconfidence in a lot of the situations he’s constantly being put in.
“Don’t push everyone away, y/n.” he says, his voice being the most stable you’ve ever heard it. His voice is firm, rigid, even. “Don’t push me away.”
There’s a moment where you stop, a brief moment, but it’s enough for him to quickly put a hand on your shoulder. You look down, your back facing him. Your hands are clenched in fists in a feeble attempt to make yourself seem strong, to make yourself seem unfazed, unavailable. You don’t need anyone. You don’t need him, either. Why have you suddenly convinced yourself you do? You’ve lived your entire life without him. Why does it suddenly feel like you need him? It’s not fair.
You grit your teeth, but you finally allow him to turn you around.
He finally gets a real good look at you, for the first time in a couple days. He noticed you were losing weight, sleep too, but he didn’t think it got this bad. He lets out a guilty sigh at the pure sight of you, and you hate how it sounds. Like he’s pitying you. But honestly, how can you blame him? You are a pitiful sight. It’s a disgrace to consider yourself one of the strongest.
“Whens the last time you ate?” he finally manages to ask you, “slept?” his voice is laced with concern, but you don’t meet his worried gaze. “Who knows..” you shrug, stuffing your hands in your pockets. “Are you done worrying about me, cuz I have shit to do.” you say, in your usual nonchalant manner. Trying to pull off this facade this late has you exhausted.
You two haven’t been very intimate with one another, but suguru finds his soft hand on your cheek anyway, causing you to look up at the male in front of you. He strokes your cheek with his thumb, “don’t hide from me, please?” he says, “this has been hard for me and satoru too but… even we are learning that we’re okay, what’s got you so messed up over this?”
You look up at him, you don’t push himself way anymore. You accept him with open arms.
“I feel like I failed you all.” you admit. “I feel as though there’s something I could’ve done. The mistakes I made on that mission nearly cost kuroi and rikos lives, I wasn’t good enough. I cannot forgive myself for that.”
He pulls his hand away from your face, you almost want to glare at him for the lack of touch, but he grabs your hands instead. “Jeez..” he says, sounding pretty tired himself. “You’re always too hard on yourself y/n. It was me that practically failed to protect them, you’re the one that saved them, you know. And, if it weren’t for you, that fushiguro wouldn’t even be dead right now. If you’re really beating yourself up over that, please don’t.”
You sigh, looks away from him, “I just don’t … want to fail again. More than anything I don’t want to lose anyone else.”
Suguru seems to take in your words, as if something was finally clicking with him.
“Is that why you’ve been avoiding me?” he asks, and you almost want to cringe at his words. You quietly nod.
“Y/n, Cmon. You could never lose me. One of the strongest, remember?” he says, a soft smile peaking through, but you shake your head, taking your arms away from his. He frowns, seeing you retract again. “Yeah well, I almost did. I almost wasn’t enough to stop you from dying. I was almost the reason you died.” you say, and honestly it’s the first time since you were a young child you let anger drip from your voice. He almost hates it’s directed towards him. But a part of him knows he need to let it out somehow, someway, after everything you seem to constantly bottle up.
“There was a time in my life I had nothing, suguru. And now I have everything. I have you. I am not willing to lose that. Anytime I form a connection with anyone, I lose them. That cannot happen to me again.”
You feel arms wrap around you. It’s sudden, “tch- do you not listen to me when I talk? Yknow, I should really kill you.” you threaten, but as his hand comes in contact with the back of your head to stroke your hair, you fall silent. “I love you.” he admits, quietly.
“I don’t care how you feel about me,” he continued, “but no matter what, I want to be there for you. You won’t lose me, you know? I’ll always come back to you. Cause my love for you is so strong, it’s enough for me to change fate itself, to escape even the clutches of death. I love you so much, I would do absolutely anything to make sure you wouldn’t lose me. It’s okay to let me in, fully and unapologetically.”
“I’ll make sure you don’t regret opening up to me.”
It takes you a minute, but you finally allow him in. You wrap your arms around him, you let yourself cry for the first time since you were a child, for the first time in front of anyone since you were an infant, you allow yourself to finally grieve, to cry, to feel.
And you welcome it, with open arms.
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gojoscalico · 11 months
Turn Back Time || f i v e
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Summary: You were never sure when it started to fall apart but it did. 10 Years later and now you're facing him again. Will it reignite the feelings you both once had for one another? Or will you both end up walking away from each other once again? Word Count: 2004 A/N: I know the last chapter was so confusing but just trust the process!! Hahah! Also I am thinking of posting on Mon-Wed! But please enjoy this chapter and let me know if you would like to be added into the tag list for this story! Tags: @coffee-on-a-rainyautumn @thefictionalcharacterssimp @picievi @tqd4455
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“Where’s Y/N?” Satoru glared at Suguru as he sat up from the hospital bed. “Satoru…just focus on getting better and we can talk about it when you get better.” Satoru looked around to find that Riko was in the corner of the room with her eyes closed. He sighed a bit in relief, he was glad that he was able to complete his personal mission of saving Riko from becoming Tengen’s sacrifice. He knew that there was going to be a fight with the elders of the clans and maybe even a fight with Tengen. But if she was born to be a sacrifice doesn’t that mean they can just choose someone else? “So you’re finally awake?” Satoru nodded as he winced a little in pain. “And you’re still alive?” She chuckled a little bit, “Thanks to you and Geto…” 
“And Y/N. Where is she anyways?” Suguru sighed as he grabbed Riko. He has to tell him. He wanted to wait until he was a little better but he was going to find out eventually. Might as well find out now so he can't do anything since he doesn't have the energy left to do anything, “Riko why don’t you go wait outside? I need to talk to Satoru alone.” She nodded as she left the room leaving an awkward silence between Satoru and Suguru. All that could be heard was Suguru shutting the door behind Riko. The silence made Satoru nervous, he felt his heart beating faster. Trying to remember in what condition she was in before he came into the room to help fight Toji. He couldn't remember. His head had sent him into the worst place possible. She has to be okay. “You’re scaring me.” Suguru sat down on the chair by his bed and took a deep breath, “She’s gone…” Satoru’s whole world stopped as he felt a mix of rage and grief take over his body, “No…She was–”
“No, she left. She’s not dead. She left.” Suguru had forgotten for a second that Satoru hadn't seen her yet since the fight with Toji of course he would think she was dead. Satoru laughed away the anxiety that filled his body, “She’s okay then… when is she coming back?” He watched Suguru’s stoic face, “She’s…I don’t think she is.” Satoru laughed thinking that it was a joke and Y/N would rush through the door crying and hugging him because she thought he had died but he waited and no one bursted through the doors. “What are you…”
“After Shoko healed her she was summoned by Principal Yaga and then she started packing for a mission. But she packed all her stuff that meant something to her…things she wouldn’t normally bring with her because she was afraid to lose it.” Satoru was shocked; he sat there in silence trying to put things together. Trying to figure out why you would leave so suddenly with no explanation. Why you wouldn’t even wait till he woke up, if not to say goodbye but to at least tell him why you were suddenly leaving. “Get out.” Suguru nodded as he quietly got up from the chair. He knew what Satoru needed right now wasn't a friend but to be left alone.
Weeks have passed since you left the school. There was no news of you anywhere. It was as though you had vanished into thin air. Satoru did his own investigation trying to find some reason behind your decision. But the only thing he had heard happened before you left was that his clan and Yaga had talked to you after the Riko assignment. “Satoru, are you listening?” He shook his head, “Sorry. I was trying to ignore the bullshit coming out of your mouth.” He watched as a representative of the Zen’in clan scoffed at his remark. “You know your hubris will be your downfall, Riko is a sacrifice to strengthen Tengen-sama that's what she was born for so she has to be sacrificed.” Satoru, distinctly pissed off at the remark of the elder, got up and laughed maniacally in his face. He tried everything within him to not kill him. He was weak. A simple punch was all it took for Satoru but he didn't because all he can hear in the back of his head was your voice asking him if it would be worth it. After calming down a little he glared at the elder, “She’s a child, she has the right to choose whether she wants to live or not.” 
“Really funny coming from a kid himself, did you fall in love with her or something?” Satoru scoffed pausing before he replied to the question. The only way he can think of right now to save Riko and to keep her from being sacrificed was keeping her by his side. “That’s right… and if you touch her you’d have to go through me and through the Gojo clan. Is that a battle you’re willing to fight?” Flabbergasted, the elder couldn’t say anything back. Satoru turned his head to the head of the Gojo clan. He was quiet and he sat there with his eyes closed listening to the conversation unfold. He suddenly opened his eyes looking straight into Satoru’s eyes. He meant it as a way to intimidate his clearly superior grandson but he didn't flinch. Dissatisfied he turned to the Zen'in elder who flinched at his gaze, “If my grandson is so sure of the way he feels about the young girl and she agrees to marry him then that makes her family. Which means you can’t touch her unless you have a death wish.” 
“Tsk.” The Zen'in elder scoffed as he got up and left the room. Satoru won this fight but now he has to somehow explain to Riko that until he finds a way to stop them from coming after her as a sacrifice they are bound together. He watched as the head of the clan smirked. He knew Satoru was lying. But he didn’t care if it meant he could have him forget about that low-born sorcerer he had fallen for. 
“Riko…what are you doing here?” Satoru asked as he glimpsed back at him to watch you walking away. Fuck. “The clan told me that the school was attacked and I had to make sure that you guys were okay…how’s Suguru?” Satoru sighed, “He’s fine. But now I am in a pickle because of what just happened.” Riko looked down at her shoes,”Sorry…I didn’t know who could be watching and it would just look weird if I didn’t run up to you like that…don’t you think you can explain everything to Y/N?” Satoru sighed as she ran towards Suguru. “I hope so…”
It's been a week since the incident but for some reason you were all still in Tokyo. You have been trying to avoid Satoru especially now that you knew that he was in an approved relationship with Riko. Your heart would hurt every time you thought about what made Riko good enough for Satoru but somehow to his clan you were an eyesore. Avoiding them was a little harder than you had originally thought because apparently Riko was a teacher at the high school too. And for some weird reason she had been looking for you everywhere. But you weren’t ready to meet them. Just thinking about Satoru holding her in his arms made your stomach turn. Afraid that when you would somehow run into him or into Riko you would burst into tears you decided to lock yourself in a hotel room you had gotten for yourself for three days. You spent most of those days crying or watching tv while crying or eating while crying. Whatever it was you were doing you were doing it while crying. You took a look in the mirror in the bathroom. Your eyes were red and poofy. Sighing, you washed your face with cold water wiping it dry with a clean towel from the rack in the bathroom before checking your phone; thirty-five missed calls from Hime and hundreds of texts all from just today. She was worried, after all you did what you did best when handed a difficult situation. You ran. You flopped yourself onto your bed groaning into the pillow. “Ahhhh…Why are you so stupid? Of course he was gonna move on, it's been a decade.” You sat up sighing as you dialed Hime’s number before placing the phone on your ear.
“Oh my god! You’re alive! Where are you?” You sighed, “Hime I’m fine…I’m at a hotel. I needed to uh…unwind?” You heard her laugh from the other end of the phone, “Was that a question or?” You sighed again, “I’m not sure but meet me at X Cafe in like half an hour.” Before hearing a reply you hung up, throwing yourself off the bed and back into the bathroom. You put some makeup on to hide the redness around your eyes, you didn’t want her asking any questions because you were supposed to no longer be in love with Gojo Satoru. So why should seeing him with another girl hurt you as much as it did now. You knew he wasn’t gonna be in love with you forever. Feelings fade, especially love, you knew that.
You walked to the cafe. You wanted to enjoy the Tokyo scenery before you went back to Kyoto. You didn’t want to admit it but you missed the way the streets are always bustling with people. It reminded you of the days when Satoru was afraid of losing you in the crowd and he would hold your hand and put it in his pocket. You remembered the first time he had done this the both of you weren’t dating yet and you were so sure it was the first time you felt your heart skip a beat. You laughed because you recollected the conversation with Shoko that ensued after that, you were so certain that you had caught a disease of some sort. “Arrived at your destination, X Cafe.” You paused as you turned your head to the left. You tried looking in from the outside to try and see if Hime had arrived but the windows were tinted a dark color which made it a little difficult so you just pulled the door open.
“Y/N!” You turned your head to the left of the restaurant and smiled waving as you walked towards one of the tables by the window of the cafe. You faltered as you suddenly became aware that she wasn’t alone. Fuck. Sitting at the same table as her was the trio and Riko. You glared at Hime who averted your gaze, “Hime…I see you brought other friends.” Hime laughed nervously, ‘Ha...Ha…Did I not mention this in any of my ten thousand messages.” You sighed because she probably had but you didn't bother reading the text messages. Satoru clearly saw the anger written on your face. He knew there was no way you wanted to see him. I mean he confessed to you while being in a ‘relationship’ he knew that his actions may have seemed unfair to you. “We really just needed to explain the situation to you since you kept avoiding us and we couldn't get a hold of you...” You nodded as you took a seat next to Suguru. 
“Okay I’m here now…let’s talk. I have a lot I also need to tell you. And I honestly thought that I would have a little more time to gather my thoughts but since I’m ambushed I’ll have to wing it.” Satoru nodded, “Okay fair enough…to move past whatever happened between us ten years ago we need to talk about it.” You agreed as you looked down at the drink in front of you and took a sip. Satoru watched you drink the tea and he smiled, “I’m glad I still know your preferences.” You felt your cheeks burn red. Damn it.
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kiwiaok · 8 months
aftg is eating up my brain so badly, I have a constant stream of ideas and I’m shit at actually writing them but I need to get them out of my system bc it’s suffocating, so:
• an au where king and sir turn out to be shapeshifters so andreil magically acquire two spoiled kids
• andreil saying to each other ‘IU’ instead of ‘I hate you’ or ‘I love you’ or anything else. they use it in every kind of situation bc it’s the testament of how much they feel about each other and that’s more important to them than anything else. they’re fighting? IU (I hate you, I’m scared for you, I’m scared of how much power you have over me, I still want you to stay) they’re having sex? IU (I trust you, I love you, I’m going to take care of you, I’ll make you feel good) they’re breaking down? IU (I’ve got you, I’m here, I’m going to stay, I’m going to help best I can)
• a fic where neil dies in baltimore and we see the aftermath told from his perspective as a ghost: introspection, character study, cannibalism, polaroids, inspired by strangers by ethel cain:
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• neil taking great pleasure in buying andrew expensive things and seeing him use them, not out of possessiveness but bc he truly just wants andrew to be happy and taken care of. and andrew learning to accept those gifts bc neil never wants anything in return, not even gratitude
• neil getting drugged at eden’s by some stranger and proceeding to glue himself to andrew’s side. the next day andrew is frustrated by that show of trust and he asks how neil could know that it wasn’t him doing the drugging. to which neil replies that he didn’t know that, but he knew that andrew wouldn’t drug him or let anyone touch him without a good reason. so it was okay, he just needed to trust andrew’s judgement and stick by him. and then andrew realising just how much faith neil has in him and having a breakdown about it
• after neil’s bad days, andrew spoons neil and keeps his hand wrapped around neil’s throat while they’re sleeping. it makes neil feel safe and grounded and makes andrew drunk on trust and control (bonus scene: foxes witnessing this one day and completely failing at understanding their dynamic)
• neil getting into a habit of spitting after his time at the nest bc riko used to spit into his mouth and make him swallow it as a power play. whenever neil remembers it the thought of any spit in his mouth, even his own, makes him sick. so he spits
• whenever aaron is on the edge of relapsing instead of telling anyone he just trails after andrew 24/7 bc he knows his brother won’t let him destroy his life
• tlou au where andrew is traveling the world in search of his twin brother and he’s hired to transport neil somewhere. meanwhile, they fall in love with each other and they find out andrew was supposed to deliver neil into his father’s hands (andrew promised neil safety and he refuses to break his promise so this becomes the first job andrew ever failed)
• andreil breaking up and neil desperately trying to prove to himself that he can move on so he takes the page from andrew’s books and starts sleeping around, but he only succeeds in hurting himself and feeling miserable (they get back in the end bc I need them to be happy)
• OH MY GOD HORNY KANDREIL CLASSICAL MUSIC AU!! kevin (and neil?) playing violin and drew being freakishly good at playing every instrument he ever touches but especially the piano. kev giving a performance and andreil sitting in the first row, neil getting a hard on bc kevin looks so good in his suit, with slightly greying hair combed back and passion burning in his eyes. andrew discretely edging him on, palming neil’s dick through the fancy suit’s material and keeping eye contact with kevin the whole time
AND SO MUCH MORE AAAAAA. this is insufferable, I’m writing fics in my head to fall asleep and then I’m waking up literally quoting aftg (genuinely happened last week, I felt like a lunatic) and then I’m going to uni and I spend every lecture thinking about how I can use my degree to better write about those stupid murderous college athletes. what kind of crack did you put in this series, nora?????
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kevinsdsy · 5 months
“kevin left evermore as soon as the coast was clear, and it had taken weeks to convince riko and the master jean was innocent and ignorant.”
ii. kevin day’s pov
kevin day held his own broken hand in his right, non-dominant, hand. he couldn't believe what had happened to him. his disbelief when he realised he'd never play exy again was more deafening than the pain in his hand.
i need to get out.
i need to get out of evermore. evermore is not my place.
it was the only thing going through kevin's mind right now and the thought was almost as sickening as the look of his broken and bloodied hand. kevin had always known his place was at evermore with riko by his side and with an exy stick in his hand, but now that riko took the only thing away from kevin that had kept him in this horrible place, he knew this place would be the death of him.
he had to get out of here. he'd grief his broken hand later. for a split second he realised he'd have as much time to grief his broken hand as he’d liked when he was out of this place. he wasn’t gonna be using it anyway.
riko had left him alone with jean. it wouldn't be too long before he'd come back and kevin knew when he did it would most likely be too late for kevin.
iii. jean moreau’s pov
jean moreau watched as kevin was trying his best to push through a panic attack. kevin's face was smeared with tears, but jean doubted kevin even noticed��� kevin only had eyes for his broken hand and jean knew riko had gone too far this time.
kevin day was nothing without this sport. it was all kevin had and all kevin truly seemed to care about. jean helplessly stared at kevin. he couldn't fix this. a broken hand wasn't the kind of pain someone could push through to keep playing this sport.
"help me." kevin's voice sounded so small. jean could almost not make out his words through kevin's quiet sobs. but kevin had been there for jean so many times before, he could not turn his back on him now. jean knew he would do anything for the man sitting in front of him, so when kevin begged him for more time, jean did as he was told. he promised he would try to get kevin as much time as he could get— he didn't dare to promise him as much time as kevin needed though. jean didn't think that time would ever come and riko definitely wouldn’t let them have it, anyways.
ii. kevin day’s pov
it did cross kevin's mind to take jean with him. he could maybe beg for jean's life and freedom in return for what was taken away from him, but kevin knew jean better than that.
jean would not follow him out there. his place was here at evenmore and when jean found out kevin was planning to leave, he would try to stop him.
"help me." kevin said in french. he didn't recognize his voice, but he didn't care. what was his voice in comparison to the hand they had taken away from him? "i need more time." kevin begged. "i don't want to see him. i can't see him yet." jean didn't have to ask who kevin was talking about. jean would understand he was talking about riko.
jean didn't ask any questions in return. he didn't give kevin any reassuring words either. they both knew it would not make a difference. jean gave kevin a small nod and left the room. kevin took a few seconds to mourn his broken hand and then he got up.
they had given both riko and kevin a car in his freshman year. it was a stupid mistake they had made— a mistake they probably would regret when they realised it would be kevin’s way out of this place. kevin never had much use for his car since ravens weren't supposed to leave the nest anyways, but he was glad for it now.
kevin could barely recall his steps, but he didn't dare to look back. all he needed right now was to get this one task done. get to his car and drive.
he was scared if he'd turn around now he would stand face to face with riko again. riko would look at him with an amused face if he found out kevin tried to escape. kevin’s punishment in return would be beyond anything he could imagine— but then he remembered the broken hand, fought the urge to throw up, and he knew it wouldn't have mattered anyway.
he found his black car. it didn't have enough fuel to make it far enough to be safe from the nest, but it would be enough to get him to a gas station. he started the engine and left.
iii. jean moreau’s pov
jean could feel new bruises form on his body. the master was watching as riko tried to get the truth out of jean.
jean had given him the truth. he didn’t know where kevin was. he didn’t know kevin would leave. if he had known, he would have stopped him. but riko didn’t seem to like this version of the truth.
jean was tired and in so much pain, but even the pain couldn't have made him forget that kevin had damned him to this place. he was truly all alone now.
"why would you tell me to give kevin time if you didn't know he'd leave?" riko scoffed in japanese. jean looked up at him and it took all effort to remember the right language.
"he told me he wanted to be alone." riko begged in a desperate attempt to proof his innocence yet again. "you broke his hand." jean knew it was a fact, but riko could hear the silent accusation in his words.
you were an accomplice in kevin's crime. you made him leave.
"enough." the master's voice carried through the whole room. riko was holding jean up by his shirt, but even jean could feel the quick stiffen in riko's grip.
it took jean all the effort he could muster to look at the master, but the master looked bored of jean's abuse.
jean expected another accusation to his name or maybe a sentence for the unjust crime he hadn't committed, but instead the master left the room. it was possible his phone had rung in the process, because he had switched from japanese to english and was talking to himself while leaving the room.
jean wouldn't know. he was left alone with riko again. he was forced to fight against the pain like he had done many times before. he silently wished when he’d wake up, kevin would still be among the ravens.
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zweetpea · 4 months
TBRAHE Chapter 8 The Pains of Forgiveness
The next morning you had awoken to a mountain of gifts in your room.
"Addie!" You screamed. She opened the door almost immediately as you hopped out of bed and rushed over to the gifts. There was no joy on your face. You tried to stay composed but in truth you were scared. Chisa only worked throughout the day. Someone someone would have gotten past the guards to get into your room. If they could do that, they could have hurt you. Or someone else could have. 
"Yes my... lady? What happened?" She stood in the doorway flabbergasted.
"I was going to ask you that. Who one earth sent these?" You frantically looked at the presents trying to find a tag. 
"I'm not sure my lady. Would you like me to find out?" She asked.
"Could you please? This is too much. We need to return these." You looked through the boxes for the next hour. 
There was everything from dresses to shoes to jewelry. Some had rare teas, some had handmade tea sets. This is all to much for you to handle. How did someone sneak in and leave all these for you. It didn't make sense, unless...
"You called?" He appeared in the doorway miraculously at your fiery scream.
You slammed him against your bedroom wall and glared at him. "Do you have ANY idea how stupid this was? We don't have the money for this! Nor do we have the time! Also having people sneak into my room while I'm sleeping is SO creepy! What is wrong with you?! I genuinely thought I was in danger for a second!"
"I- I just wanted to do something nice for you." He looked like a kicked puppy dog. "Besides I used money I've been saving in my personal finance." He caressed your face for a second. "And finally I'd never let anyone hurt you."
'You already have.' You thought. "Well why don't you do something useful with that money, like helping to fund our army! Or have you forgotten that the Enemy is at our boarders waiting to attack! We have to meet with congress in about a week and the first thing they're going to demand is that we go to war!"
"I don't want to go to war." He let his hand fall to his side.
"You think I do? We'd be loosing hundreds if not thousands of our people! Now stop acting like a lovestruck idiot and actually get your paperwork DONE!! If you don't want to go to war then fine a solution to this political conflict!" You pushed him out of the room and threw the boxes out with him. "And for the love of all that's good return these and get your money back!"
This went on for days. Every time Satoru tried to do something romantic for you you screamed at him.
First it was having a big romantic picnic planned for you both.
"Honey. Baby. Sweetheart. Pookie." Satoru called to you outside your office window. 
You opened your window. "Do your work!" you screamed out to him.
"Come have a picnic with me!" He pleaded.
"Mr. Toronosuke, I'm sorry but he's too insufferable to deal with." You muttered to... yourself really. "Go Away Satoru! Go Do Your Work!"
"No!" He said sadly. 
"What do you mean 'No'?!" You shouted angrily. 
"No!" He repeated. 
"You can't say no!" You tried to reason.
"Please? I really want to spend time with you! I had all this made just for us!" He begged.
"While I appreciate that, I have work and so do you! Go! Away!" You slammed the window shut.
Satoru sighed and slowly walked back into the palace where he handed the picnic spread off to some servants. "Here go ahead and so with this what you will. Eat it or don't, I don't care." He walked back to his office dragging his feet.
Then it was buying new equipment for Riko and Pendragon.
You walked out to the stables to tack up Pendragon. You were going to head into the city to meet with your father about meeting with Congress and strategize about what to do with Naoya and Vidar. 
However when you arrived you were greeted by shiny new gear, and Satoru standing in a lowcut white shirt and dress trousers.
"What on earth are you doing here?" You glared at him. On Pendragon sat a new blue saddle and white reins. 
"I'm coming with you. Oh no! it looks like all the other horses are being used."
"Too bad for you then, looks like you can't come." You looked for your old gear.
"Or we could share." He suggested in a singsong voice. 
"You know that's not physically possible. Saddles only hold one person. And besides you're in no condition to ride in those clothes anyway. These are nice dress clothes and- okay where are they?" You muttered the last part to yourself.
"I had them put away. Now you HAVE to accept my gifts." He smirked triumphantly
You sighed annoyed at the man child you were forced to call your husband. "We will talk about this when I get back, okay?"
Talk about it you did not because the second you got back all you saw were people moving things around the castle.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" You screamed in Satoru's face. 
"Well since Riko can grow and shrink I thought I would get you something to actually make him useful. TADA! I got you a saddle for him! Now you can ride him into town just like Suguru does with his dragon curse!" Satoru smiled. The saddle itself was very beautiful It was vermilion with white and lavender flowers painted on it. But Riko did not look amused; well until he saw you. then he shrunk out of the saddle and rushed towards you. He jumped on you and curled around your neck instinctively. 
Safe to say you were not amused. You left and wouldn't let him near you for the rest of the day. Despite the pleas from both Satoru and many of the staff you held firm in your decision. 
After that he tried to buy things for Addison and Chisa.
"I'm just so sick of it, Addie! When is he gonna learn to be responsible." You rubbed your temples in one hand and worked with the other.
"Probably never if I'm being honest (Y/n)." She giggled.
"Uh (Y/n)?" Chisa called for you as he walked through the door shyly with a few parcels in his hands.
"What is it Chisa?" You asked not even looking up from your mountain of papers.
"The King sent Lady Addie and Me some gifts." He said bashfully.
"Is he seriously trying to bride you guys to wingman for him?" You asked in disbelief.
"Either that or trying to get on your good side by spoiling us." Addison perked up from next to you. "It's pretty ingenious. Spoiling you hasn't worked but you like us and find happiness in our joy. I'll hand it to the king, he's far more observant than I gave him credit for." 
"I don't have the time or energy to deal with this." You groaned. "If you two wish to keep his presents I'm not going to stop you (that would be incredibly rude of me) but if you do I'd request you send I'm a thank you note and explain that I will not be swayed through both of your happiness."
"As you wish (Y/n)." Chisa bowed. He opened the parcels with his names and one had a new sword with his initials carved in the blade. he also had gotten some tea and snacks. Addison got new ribbons for ribbon dancing and some pendants. 
"(Y/n), Not t be rude or anything but I think you should give the King a chance. He's trying really hard to get to know you and while I don't know what spurred the sudden change of heart or why he did what he did in the past I can say that the King really wants things to work out. Maybe just try to like the next grand gesture he does for you." Addison pleaded with a kind smile adorning her face.
"Never. He's a cruel, vain, arrogant man." You gest.
"Saying truthful things in a joking tone makes them sound less true. He may be awful but he's trying to be better." Addison teased.
"Okay, if you think it's best I'll do it for you Addie." You smiled.
"Honestly I just want the king to stop snooping around on you." She whispered and gently nudged her head towards the door. "I also want him to do his work as much as you do and for him to stop causing you so much stress." She whispered again.
"What would I do without you?" You smiled at Addison, ignoring the loud cracking sound emanating from out in the hallway.
Finally it all culminated when he changed all the plants in the palace to these beautiful Blue roses. 
You woke up that day to the entire palace staff in a tizzy. You weren't entirely sure why but you figured it was due to another one of your husband's schemes to... kiss up to you? Apologize to you? Seduce you? You weren't really sure why he was doing all these grand gestures for you.
You got ready as fast as you could and made your way to the thrown room. the amount of marble in that room always made you a bit dizzy but it was counteracted with the various different amount of plants.
However when you walked in you only saw blue roses. Beautiful blue roses. You didn't even know what to say. It felt ethereal in there.
"Hey (Y/n)." Satoru said as he walked into the room from one of the side entrances. 
"Satoru what is this?" You asked still entranced.
"All of this these past few days have been me trying to apologize to you for what happened this summer. I realized how much you mean to me. I'm so sorry I was such an idiot."
You stared at him in shock. "How... how did you do this?" He may be a headstrong stubborn fool but he was trying to change.
"I found someone who could manipulate the biological make up of plants with their cursed technique." He shrugged as if it was the easiest thing in the world. "Do you like them?"
"I love them!" You practically pounced on him with the way you tackled him into a hug. "And I promise I'm not just saying that because I know you were spying on Addie and me yesterday and she suggested that."
He scoffed. "What are you talking about? I wouldn't spy on you. I have better things to do that that."
"Oh really then why did the servants tell me that there was a vase that was shattered in the hallway and your room was a mess."
"They told you about the room too?"
"Ha! Nope. But I heard you as I was walking by yesterday. The servants hadn't told me about either of those. I knew it! You're jealous!" You smirked at him and he scoffed again.
"As if! What would I be jealous of?" He rolled his eyes.
"You tell me." You kept the smirk on your face.
"I have nothing to be jealous of considering that I'm the one who gets to hold you right now. And considering that you jumped into my arms of your own free will. Your in my arms right now so why would I be jealous." With every word he uttered cockily the reality of what happened hit you harder and harder.
"I'm sorry. That's so unladylike of me." You blushed and tried to pull away but he held you firmly against him.
"No stay! I think it was cute! And I finally have you smiling in my arms I don't want it to end." He stayed firm in place.
You rolled your eyes and activated your cursed technique on him. He floated up and eventually hung upside down. "Okay enough Romeo. you did good today but you're gonna need to do more to earn my forgiveness for embarrassing me."
"So you really aren't mad about me cheating?" He asked hopeful. 
"You got the more rotten outcome out of that ordeal." You smiled slightly at him.
You dropped him and he fell flat on his face. "Ow." he sat up and you offered him your hand to help him get back up.
The two of you stayed in the thrown room for a while. You took one of the roses and tucked it behind his ear. "Thank you for this past week Satoru." You smiled and admired the beautiful Blue Roses Adorning His Eyes.
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yatsurinamikaze · 11 months
Ch 3. Feel it Still.
Summary > One > Two > Three > Four
Aomine Daiki x Reader [MDNI]
Aomine groans as he wakes up, stretching his arms, Well no practice at least. He rubs and squints his eyes as he sees a tail wagging at the edge of his bed. Wha- “I was wondering you could take care of Tetsuya 2 since you won’t be playing for a couple of days.” Kuroko talks calmly, looking up at him in anticipation. “Yeah sure.”
The bell goes off in Aomine’s head, Wait a second. His brain short circuits, as he looks between Kuroko and Tetsuya 2 subsequently. ”What-how- WHEN DID YOU GET IN.”
Kuroko just smiles and puts Tetsuya 2 on Aomine’s lap. “Thank you.” Momoi speaks from the other end of the room,”Riko said you should still be there.”“ Aomine short circuits again, “You are here too?!!”
Momoi giggles as Aomine grumbles, “Remind me to change my locks.”
“You will be there right?” Momoi Satsuki, who is the chief analyst of the Basketball Association, studies his expression tilting her head. Normally Aomine would have skipped, since what’s the point of going if you can’t play ball but your pretty face pops into his head and he responds, “Yeah, whatever.” As he scratches the back of his neck.
To his dismay, you don’t show up at the practice, something about recovering from jetlag and sleeping in late. To his further dismay, he was now the errand boy for the group.
“Hey Mine-chin, can you get some fruit chuppets for me? Im not feeling it without ‘em today. And since you’re not doing anything..” Murasakibara trails off in his usual jarring tone. “And if you’re getting those, can you also get some Sparkling Water, Aominechhi?” Kise peeps from behind Murasakibara. Aomine gives them the death stare and soon, there’s a list of errands he has to run for everyone.
He groans and starts dragging his feet to the supermarket along with Tetsuya 2. Upon paying for all the things he just bought, his phone dings. “Can you get my knee pads? - My apartment is on the way. The door code is 458902” - Kagami. Great. Him too. He rolls his eyes. Just keeps getting worse this day.
He starts making his way with the little pup following him enthusiastically.
Meanwhile, at your place, you step out of the cold shower with a towel wrapped around yourself, the ends of your hair still dripping wet. You finally feel better from sleeping in late and taking the cold shower. You blast music on max volume, Feel it Still playing as you rock along the beat.
You start grooving to the music, your feet and body moves animatedly pretending to be a sexy dancer. You bend down and pick up your panties from your suitcase, you get up sexily with your hips moving in circular motion, you do a final hairlip as you get up.
You flip around to your make-believe audience, with your left hand on your waist and right hand raised holding your panties. You scream in shock as you see the same blue-haired male standing in front of you, same shock etched on his face, his mouth open in bewilderment.
Your mind is racing like the wind and face is getting red in embarrassment. You watch him slowly close his mouth and gulp. You both look at each other in stupor, unable to form words.
As the music dies down, the silence pierces through the room, breaking the stupor. Your eyebrows start scrunching up in anger, and he takes it as a queue to look away from you, you can see a red hue forming on his cheeks. You fold your arms, “What the hell are you doing here?”
“I uh-“ Before he could finish, he’s interrupted by a loud shriek, he looks back at you only to find you on top of the coffee table pointing at Tetsuya 2, “What the hell is that?” You notice the little pup and start freaking out, you have never been a dog person, and are scared shitless of them.
Tetsuya 2 on the other hand just wags his tail and pounces around the coffee table trying to get to you. Aomine starts laughing looking at the scene in front of him, his eyes forming tears.
“What the hell are you laughing at” You scream as you jump from one couch to the other. “Take it back!!”
At this point Tetsuya 2 manages to jump on your couch. Shrieking, you jump from that couch to the one near Aomine, but right before your take off, Tetsuya 2 bites down on your towel.
Aomine’s eyes become wide as you jump onto him, completely naked, shrieking and putting your arms around him, his basketball reflexes catching you bridal style. He freezes as he looks down at you, naked, drenched, and in his arms. Your hair dripping water onto your soft body. You are breathing hard, your eyes are closed in fear.
Aomine chuckles and commands Tetsuya 2, “Hey 2, sit.”
You open one eye and see the pup sitting down, wagging his tail, no longer jumping on you.
You sigh in relief and look up at Aomine, still in his hold, and then back to your body. You shriek watching yourself completely naked and get off Aomine in a hurry. “S-stop looking!”
Aomine turns around trying to control his laughter, he walks to the pup taking the towel clutched between the pup’s teeth and handing it you, with his back still turned towards you. You quickly take it and wrap it around yourself. He picks up Tetsuya 2 in his hands.
“And what exactly are you doing here?” You walk back to your suitcase. “Don’t look.” You pick up a sweatpant and a loose hoody.
“I came here to get Kagami’s knee pads. He forgot ‘em here.” Aomine states with his back turned to you. You quickly put the clothes on you. “Im done.”
Aomine turns around to look at you, little pup smiling in his hold. “Aomine Daiki”
“Y/n L/n.” You open the drawer and toss the knee pads at Aomine.
He catches ‘em,”Nice to meet ya.” He says with a shit-eating grin.
“Yeah, whatever. Close the door on your way out.” You speak calmly, trying to act cool, as if nothing happened.
He walks towards the door, when he turns around, “Im uh-..Im sorry about the..whole thing”
“Cool.” You shrug looking away.
The door clicks as he exits.
“Ughhhhh” You groan loudly and lie face down on the couch, burying your face in the pillow. You’re embarrassed as hell, and start screaming into the pillow, “The fuck! The fuck! The fuck!” You groan once more.
You hear someone clearing their throat, and you look up from the pillow, your eyes blowing out of their sockets. He’s still here. Just kill me already.
“I-uh. I forgot to take the groceries.” He says with the shit-eating grin.
“Just leave.”
He quickly picks up the groceries and winks at you before turning back to open the door.
“And never come back again.”
“Sure thing.” He says while leaving. You can feel him grinning and are staring daggers on his back. The door clicks shut.
You groan, “I hate this life.” And bury your head in the pillow again.
Summary > One > Two > Three > Four
Author’s Note:
- I hope it came out as hilarious as I imagined it in my head. :D
- Interaction is my motivation juice. Taglist is open.
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exstasyplague · 1 year
My analysis/view on SatoSugu ☆
Some disclaimers: I am a fanfic author and I do personally ship the two yet I will try to keep my thoughts as objective as possible for the sake of this post. I will include my perosnal points of view as well but 'll keep them separated from the "canon facts." Contains manga spoilers.
Are they gay?
This is a funny question yet it's the best way to start in my opinion. Short answer: they don't fit inside a label. I think the best word to describe their bond is intimate. Emotionally, it's at a place in the middle of love and appreciation and I don't think this balance is constant, sometimes it might have leaned more to one side, sometimes more to another. From an emotional point of view, they could very well be in a platonic situation.
The physical aspect is not a detrimental side for either of them in regards to one another. What makes their connection so special is the fact that it happened before Gojo Satoru became officially the strongest, before he was burdened with so many things. However, he was never free. The beginning of his very existence caused a deep disturbance within the Jujutsu world. For Satoru there was never a childhood, there was never a normal life, only a path of emptiness.
Gege is good at making his characters. Especially the villains/ good guys parallels. Just how Yuji came to the realization that he is Mahito and Mahito is him, the same parallel is drawn between Gojo and Sukuna, only Sukuna is what Gojo would've been without Geto. Both the strongest sorcerers, the difference is that Satoru got surrounded by love and his mentality evolved from "the weak ones are pathetic, I don't want to look after them" to "I will push everybody up along with me through teaching and have pupils even stronger than me, allies."
Back in highschool, Gojo was young and somewhat arrogant. His power was like a blanket for him; despite not understanding Geto's philosophical things and not agreeing with them, Gojo also, unintentionally, gave a meaning to the things happening to him "I am the strongest."
Even in the current ongoing fight (Sukuna vs Goatjo), the panels sometimes speak about love, but not in the way we would normally think; it's about the feelings of the strongest, different from the perception of average folks like us. Nurture vs Destruction.
Gojo had the power of being evil without any repercussions. Being the strongest, nothing could hurt him. He always showed his compassion towards Riko through small gestures, such as staying more at the beach, teasing her etc. Him wanting to go on a killing rampage under the pretext of 'not feeling anything' was Gojo's way of showing his disgust at the fact that hundreds of people were celebrating the death of an innocent girl. Being the strongest didn't matter. She was dead.His conviction shattered. However, he had so much trust in Geto's morality and mentality that he followed his advice. That is the kind of person he was for him. Even in Jjk 0, Suguru said that he didn't think Satoru would have any trust left for him— he did.
The only one who could understand him, speak with him, treat him like a human. His one and only. Gojo liked the fact that they were the strongest together because he also had someone to lean on.
In the manga, Naoya, the head of a powerful branch of the Zen'in clan talks about Toji. He said that as a child, he expected him to be a miserable man since he had 0 cursed energy yet when he saw how powerful and proud he was he got scared of him. He mentions that the only one being able to understand Toji was Gojo.
Only... Gojo is stronger. Toji couldn't understand him, he called him a monster. He got drowned in petty feelings characteristic to what Sukuna would call weakness and got himself killed.
Gege also mentioned in an interview that he wanted to give his characters abilities similar to Bankai (Gege legit started making manga because of Bleach, what a God) Bankai is a reflection of the soul in Bleach projected onto the swords of the Shinigami. Same with Domain Expansions in JJK. Gojo's literally repels everybody around him, it's called Infinite Void and it shows the way in which he looks at the world and views himself. Untouchable. Out of reach. An overflow of information.
Even if Bleach is a pretty stereotypical Shonen creation (don't get me wrong, I love it but the plot is pretty basic) when the protag. Ichigo was fighting against the main big powerful villain, Aizen, he said that he could feel Aizen's sword wavering with loneliness. This very concept applies to the powerful peaks of Jujutsu Kaisen. The path of power is lonely. Kenjaku himself said that Gojo is truly in his element when he is fighting on his own, the ones around him can become a liability really quickly. This of course, when it's about fights where he has to put in some efforts. That's why nobody is interfering with his Sukuna duel.
Satoru started being truly alone after Suguru left.
Another waver of his conviction. But this time, not only about not being strong enough. He didn't do enough. Ever since Gojo unlocked his techniques and became powerful, he wasn't allowed to be human anymore. He had to do mission after mission, take over the missions unfinished by others, he was expected to do everything and be the saviour of the Jujutsu World. With Suguru, he was human. Yet, just as Suguru said 'it was a busy summer'. No more space for one another.
Geto was also strong. A special grade. He too became lonely.
For Sugru, having a meaning was fundamental. His cursed technique was a constant reminder of how awful non-sorceres are. He would eat their malice, who tasted like a cloth wiped in puke and shit and whereas he understood Satoru, nobody understood him. He himself said that nobody has any idea just how bad curses taste.
When Itadori was eating Sukuna's fingers in the beginning, he would choke, cough complain a lot. Geto had over 2000 curses. He had exorcised and ingested again and again and again. The only humanity around him was Satoru, his best friend. And that got taken away by the Jujutsu world and he remained alone with his own despair. He went on his own path, feeling useless and misunderstood, still viewing Satoru as a friend but also as a term of comparison. He got left without meaning and so he forged himself a new one. He became really similar to Sukuna, with no regard for the ones beneath him, the monkeys. But also, ironically enough, Suguru stopped being the strongest. He viewed himself as weak. He doomed himself. He wanted to feel necessary— he was desperate. He thought he was saving the Jujutsu world.
They were probably meant for tragedy. And that's the sad part. Satoru would've outgrown him regardless but maybe Suguru wouldn't have chosen such a radical path. Toji's existence, an anomaly, broke the flow of their fate. (approx quote from manga) That's why he is more relevant to the story than people believe. Sure, he is sexy as fuck but Toji is literally the beginning and the end of an era, he is everything.
Gojo's second waver pushed him to become a teacher. He had grown and chose a smart path, preserving the youths, the future; no more mass murder. Suguru remained stagnant with his hatred and eventually died. For him, I'd say his life stoped the moment Riko died. His potential as a sorcerer came to a plateau. Everything came to an end so it was only a matter of time before his body died as well.
Back on Gojo's humanity. The funny thing is that this point was proven by the readers of the manga themselves, lol. When Satoru got sealed, he got shat on hardcore. Like, you can't imagine. Reddit and Discord servers were eating his ass up worse than they do now with Sukuna for using Mahoraga. Gojo got blamed for Nanami and Kugisaki (rip my angels, still praying for Nobara), he got blamed for Sukuna taking over Megumi and probably he blames himself too— what "mistake" did he make? Showing humanity when being met with the corpse of his best friend, his only catalyst, his only balance, the only one to ever make him feel normal and give him his Blue Spring, the most beautiful moments of his life. And Kenjaku knew that Suguru's corpse was the only thing to make Satoru waver. In the manga it's clearly stated that despite more than one minute having passed in his mind, physically he stood still for 6 seconds. Even his most regretfull, sorrowful crisis lasted him an inhumane amount of time.
And Gojo too, was the only thing that caused the remaints of Suguru's soul to attempt strangling Kenjaku. (which he admits has never happened before. and suguru is dead— gojo literally triggered the residues of his soul). That's what I mean by intimate.
Even if the concept of soul is often spoken about, their souls are connected. That's how much they mean for eachother.
Perosnally I find this relationship to be perfectly beautiful as it is, without any flaunt of erotica needed, kudos to Gege. I still enjoy writing angst and smut based on their dynamic tho XD. And I don't agree with the ones calling them straight and being so eager to deny them or resume this deep connection to just friends. Like sure, they are not gay-gay but they are... linked. More than friends, more than family. Gege themself said so when speaking about them. I think it's a very clear statement.
If you like the way I think and view characters, check my fics, lol. Much love <33 exstasyplague on A03.
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greyabditory53 · 6 months
The whole conversation was absurd, but Rico was testing him.
pt.3 of what ifs, just a short cutout
"Hello?" Renee.
Jean tried not to make a sound. The others had let go of him at Riko's signal and were keeping their distance. He stood slowly and carefully. He only shifted his weight onto one leg. He was sure his leg wasn't broken; after all, they were in the middle of the season.
Rico held his phone in his hand and waited until Jean stood in front of him. Jean couldn't help but look at the floor. "Hello?"
Rico nodded demandingly and held out his phone. Jean took it hesitantly. He took deep breaths and tried not to let the pain show in his voice. "Hey."
"Jean. Are you-" Renee interrupted herself and sighed. He could hear in her voice that she was trying to stay calm. The way she said his name made his heart shatter into little pieces. "You wanted me to call you." Jean nodded slightly and looked at Rico. "I... I'm sorry... Natalie." It was a poor attempt to keep her identity secret. Of course, if Rico really wanted to, he could find out who she was in no time. Of course, he couldn't allow that, and at the same time, he couldn't provoke Rico any further.
"That video that-, " He immediately cut her off. "It was a joke. Not real. I'm fine. I lost a bet... I hope I didn't scare you too much." His voice became lighter, and he now sounded worried. Renee took the hint immediately. "No, no. Everything's fine. I'm glad you're okay." He could practically feel her fake smile. As if everyone involved didn't know what was going on. The whole conversation was absurd, but Rico was testing him. "Natalie... I have to concentrate on my team and the next games. I don't think I will have that much time." It took a few seconds for the answer to come. "Okay." And with that, he hung up. He looked at his phone again. He was relieved that Rico had already deleted the video. Renee would still have it, but it was no use. Only he was visible on the video, and he could never say anything against Rico. He pocketed his phone and looked at him. "Natalie?" Jean nodded. "A girl who gave me her number after the last game." This time, the lie came automatically. "Just a way to pass the time." he added. Rico looked at him amused. "It seems like you have too much time. We need to change that."
"I'm sorry. I will take the training more seriously. I just got distracted. I'm sorry." He hated his pleading voice. Rico isn't interested in her, that's all Jean thought and he was relieved for that. He just wants to have Jean under control. The world was spinning and his body was vibrating. He put all his strength into standing upright so he could collapse later.
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perfecteggpartyland · 4 months
I just got here, read through all this. I have seen multiple responses saying exactly my thoughts perfectly. They’ve answered your questions, and you are talking around them and bringing up subjects they’ve already addressed. I’m sure a lot of the people that are not explaining themselves have read them and agree with them. Why would they see the need to reexplain what’s already been said? So your argument about there only being two people explaining doesn’t make much sense to me.
I do agree with you that some fics can take Kevin’s fear and responses to trauma too far. It doesn’t bother me much, I don’t mind traits being exaggerated, I think it can be fun in the right context. I completely understand if Kevin’s exaggerated “cowardice” can make you uncomfortable. You’re valid to feel that way. It doesn’t mean everyone else does tho, it’s objective.
Kevin is called a coward because compared to the other main characters, he decidedly is. It would be a normal reaction for normal people, sure, but this book is not normal.
Neil has been running for 8 years of his life, and decides even though he’s terrified, to stop. Even though he knows it’s a death sentence. He knows he’s going to die, and so he starts defending and protecting people. It’s not that he doesn’t realize how much danger he’s in, it’s that he doesn’t think it will effect anyone but him at first. And when he does, he actively puts himself in harms way to make sure no one else gets hurt (more).
Andrew has gone head first into every supposed threat to “his people”.
Aaron reacted to seeing his brother getting hurt almost instantly, faster than even Neil, and killed a man. He faces off with everyone with a lack of self-preservation rivalled only by Andrew, Neil, and Nicky(tho his is a little more out of naïveté in a way).
Jean is a “coward” in that he stopped trying to save/help himself. But he always did what he could to help Neil, even when it could get him in trouble.
Nicky came back to America to raise two violent(Andrew), angry, and drug addicted(Aaron) teenagers. One he barely knew and the other he didn’t at all. Leaving the safety of his fiance and the distance between him and his parents. Now this one I acknowledge seems smaller than the others, but he still put himself in emotional distress for years to make sure these boys weren’t going to his parents.
Kevin was in a position that he still had some power. I know it wasn’t a lot. I know he was mentally abused by the people that were supposed to love him. But out of everyone, he was the closest to Riko. I don’t think he could have, or should have been responsible, for completely stopping Riko. But he could have done more to help Jean in the ways Jean helped Neil. I’m not saying stop the abuse, I realize he doesn’t have that much power, but be there more to support him.
The difference between Kevin and the others I listed, is that they all went through abuse of there own. But when someone else came into the picture they could help in anyway, they did their best to help them. Kevin did a little, but he was scared so he didn’t do all that he could with his “privilege”. And when he got horribly hurt for the first time, he ran and left Jean.
I am NOT saying people in abusive situations are cowards. I am not saying I think Kevin is a coward for putting himself first. You do what you have to do. Kevin’s reaction to his trauma is NORMAL. (Your reaction to trauma is normal too, anyone who’s reading this <3)
In the context of the f***ed up story that is AFTG, and the other characters I mentioned: Comparatively, Kevin is a Coward.
To touch on the one point I see you keep bringing up. Neil “broke” after being in the nest for 2 weeks because he was being constantly tortured and then physically pushed to his limit for 2 weeks straight, to the point that he doesn’t remember some of the things done to him (tattoo, hair dying.) Kevin was abused and forced to watch torture, yes, which is completely horrible, but he was steeped in it from a young age. He was groomed into it. Comparing their scenarios makes NO sense.
Most “Kevin is a coward” people, do not hate Kevin. (Not speaking for the entire fandom obviously). Kevin is objectively more cowardly than the others in OUR OPINION. This is objective. People are going to see this differently. I’m sure some might agree with the basic point but disagree on some of the finer details. Which is fine, because it’s an opinion.
You’re not going to change our minds by calling us morally wrong, and vice versa.
I know this will probably be cherry picked. But this is a nuanced situation. Neither of us a right or wrong. (⚫️⚪️ ? 🚫 -> ☑️)
If you read this entire thing than thank you.
And I know it can get rough on the internet so please remember I’m just a stranger on the internet with opinions. I’m not attacking you, i don’t think you’re wrong, I just think this is getting a little ridiculous.
(I didn’t read over this so I’m sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes)
Thanks <3
Got it; I was curious and never forced someone to change their minds; people responded with their points ; some points I agreed and said so; I said my own points as in why I think the way I do; politely ;I didn't intend to change anyones minds and I don't call people morally wrong who think about Kevin's character and think he's a coward; I think if Kevin being called a coward simply because he was abused is wrong;like that's the sole reason some of them responded that I didnt answer and calling someone a coward simply for being abused doesn't sit right with me; especially since a lot of people including me can relate to the foxes; Neil;Kevin; etc. I appreciate you being polite and didn't really mean to come off as some sort of morally crusader cause I hate that; I made a post about Kevin as a an abused being called a coward for specific people who just wanted to piss of someone. I'm okay with people disagreeing; like I said I enjoyed a discussion with people who responded and both of us said our perspectives and points; cherry picking but no one wanted to talk even before I stated my points; but it's fine; I simply was curious as in why; and if people don't want to discuss it and are tired is completely fine as in they can ignore me if they want too. Never wanted to shove some stuff in people's minds so things got heated I guess; most people who I talked with over the years do HATE Kevin and I was just wondering why; it's fine if he's not everyones fav character at all; thanks for talking about this tho; appreciated a lot. Didn't really intended to come off that way
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problemduetest4life · 2 months
Wait ok I know u posted about this like. Four months ago but I’m still trying to figure out the Grayson + Zane January thing in TSC and the other description of it we get is jean remembering Grayson as “bruised and bloodied and bettered” in January and then when Grayson demands his number Jean says that “Zane won that contest” - I think riko found out about the deals made/broken over the number 4 and got involved not because he cared that Jean got hurt in the crossfire but because only HE gets to decide the perfect court numbers, and then made them fight each other for it. And well, knowing Riko, darker part of my brain wonders if he didn’t force the winner of the fight to assault the loser - something Jean wouldn’t wish on anyone, even the people who did the same thing to him
Y'all.... What happened in January scares me so much. I know there's going to be a reveal but like I would not be opposed to staying in the dark on this one... Especially knowing how Riko is the most crashed out character ever, it's just going to be disturbing no matter what it is.
I mean there are a ton of theories out there now, a lot of them including SA as apart of the punishment. I can see that being true, mainly do to the wording here:
Tumblr media
I mean it could mean anything, but at the same time it's pretty specific. Part of me wants to be like "the reason it's worded that way is because Jean's highlighting the fact that Zane was not ordered to betray Jean, he did it of his own volition," but that part of me is THE PART THAT'S SCARED, OKAY?
Anyways, since making that first post I have reread TSC and I don't have a lot to add that's not already been said, but here are a few things I have thought of:
It's possibly a secret. Grayson wanted Jean to say Riko made him Perfect Court. If the other Ravens knew he lost this "contest," would that even be believable? Maybe this is another thing that was kept under wraps. (Opposition: Grayson is deranged and desperate, going to Jean could've just been a last ditch effort.)
Grayson is the one who lost the contest/game ("beaten, bloodied and bettered") but Zane is the one who feels the shame ("Zane hadn't been able to face her..."). This could just be because Jean see's Zane's reaction in the aftermath and not Graysons or because Zane has a conscience and Grayson doesn't (not confirmed, but you get what I mean).
I also feel like a lot of Grayson's anger towards Jean probably stems from this situation but like duh
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