#and rn it’s just me trying to donate more clothes that I never bought but ended up in my room cuz I don’t need them
bootyful-seventeen · 4 months
Cozy rooms can be a double edged sword cuz one hand it is my sanctuary but on the other hand it relaxes me so much I never wanna move unless necessary
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purplesurveys · 2 years
What is in the back seat of your car right now? There are letter-shaped pillows. Used to be in my parents’ room but they donated it so that my car can have pillows if anyone needs to take a nap in it. I think one of my bucket hats may also be in there.
What was the last thing you threw up? A bunch...my dinner, soju, the snacks I had while drinking. Last night was a mess, lol.
Menthol or regular cigarettes? I don’t use cigarettes but I do vape. I always get the watermelon variant.
What is your favorite episode of Friends? Okay, so even though I have access to it since all the seasons are on Crave, I haven’t actually watched the entire series in chronological order from start to finish. *Shock gasp horror* I may finally do it at some point, but so far I’ve only seen a handful of episodes. I laughed really fucking hard at the one where Ross goes on a date and gets stuck in those leather pants, though. < This is LITERALLY my favorite episode - The One With All the Resolutions. It has Phoebe trying to steal a plane, Rachel trying not to gossip, Ross trying something new every day which somehow leads to him struggling with leather fucking pants, Joey learning the guitar, Chandler trying to not make fun of the name Hornswoggle, and Monica taking photos of everyone. Everything was just so well-put together and made for a really funny episode.
Does anyone have any blackmail on you? Probably.
If you could marry any celebrity today who would it be? Delulu-wise, I’d go for Yoongi in a heartbeat hahaha.
Have you been to a strip club? I have never been inside one but I’ve driven past some and the doors are for some reason always open wide, and so I always take a second or two to look at the poles inside and the pink lights and stuff like that haha.
Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? Yeah - my keyboard cover is literally pink.
Are you wearing socks right now? Nah. I could wear socks rn since I’m holed up in our room in Zambales and feeling cozy and all, but I’m too lazy to put them on.
What was the last thing you had to drink? I had cookies and cream milk tea from this local tea place.
What are you wearing right now? Yellow tank top and denim shorts.
Last food you ate? Quattro formaggi pizza and chicken tenders.
Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? Nah, I only occasionally buy new clothes.
When is the last time you ran? I’m not too sure. I don’t run a lot since I spend much of my time at home; and when I do find myself outdoors there’s usually barely any reason for me to start running.
What’s the last sporting event you watched? Does it have to be live? I watched the first hour of Wrestlemania 30 a couple of weeks ago. As for real life, probably a UAAP game back in 2019.
Last person’s house you were in? I didn’t go inside anymore since it had been like 11 PM, but I last drove by Angela’s place to drop her off.
Last movie you saw? I rewatched Steve Jobs last weekend and the screenplay was every bit as spectacular as I last recalled it to be.
Who is the last person you sent a message to on Facebook? Angela. I was just telling her how socially exhausted I am from this trip and that I plan to spend my remaining time here holed up in our room. Extrovert Robyn is OUT, hahaha.
Ever go to camp? No.
Were you an honor roll student in school? My first school doesn’t have one l since they don’t want to encourage competition and all, which honestly makes more sense to me and I’ll always be grateful for that. But in college, yeah I made it all throughout. 
Do you like sushi? Fucking love it. It’s probably my top favorite food.
Do you have a tan? My co-workers remarked earlier that I’ve already started to look darker, so yeah it’s safe to say that I do have a tan now.
How old do you want to be when you have kids? 27 is an ideal age but the possibility seems bleak at this point.
Have you ever drank your soda from a straw? I don’t think I have. I barely drink soda in the first place anyway, so.
What is your age? 23, but I’m turning 24 in April.
Are you someone’s best friend? Yes.
What are your siblings’ middle names? Beatrice, Edgardo.
Where is your dad right now? In a cruise ship somewhere in France. He’s coming home next week though! :) What was the last thing you said? “Thanks Gela!” I just asked the owner of the hostel we’re currently staying at for the wifi password and I thanked her after she typed it for me on my laptop.
What color is your watch? I don’t wear watches.
What do you think of when you think of Australia? My aunt and her family who live there.
Ever ridden on a roller coaster? Yeah, once.
Favorite gemstone? Diamond.
Do you go in at a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? Drive-thru or just delivery altogether.
Do you have a roommate? Nope. Do you have any bad habits? Yeah, being a hardass perfectionist and overworking are two of them.
What is your favorite number? These days it’s 7.
Do you know anyone named Lori? Nah but this name reminds me of Lori Grimes from The Walking Dead, who I rooted for just because the actress who plays her is really pretty HAHA. Lori is objectively a shitty character, though.
What color is your mom’s hair? Black.
Do you have a dog? Yes and I miss them both so much.
What happened to you in 1993? Like, I was probably a sperm cell back then.
Does your first memory involve your dad? It doesn’t. My mom is in it, though.
Do you remember singing any songs as kids? Yes. I have a couple of videos of younger me singing, too.
When was the last time you went swimming? November. I’ve gone to the beach a couple of times during this trip but I haven’t actually swum. I’m not planning to either; I don’t feel like getting wet and all this weekend. Looking at the sea will suffice for now.
Has your luggage ever gotten lost? No.
Biggest annoyance in your life right this minute? Welp, the power in the hostel came out five minutes ago so we’ve lost the internet connection. There’s also like, zero signal here so I can’t connect to 5G either. Hopefully it comes back soon so I can actually post this survey and look for other ones to take.
Have you ever thought it would be cool to smash a guitar? No. Unless it’s a rock concert and it would be cool to see a guitar getting smashed, this just sounds like a big waste of money overall.
Do you like watching a bonfire? Sure, they’re fun.
Are you allergic to anything? Grass and certain fabrics, yep.
What is one thing you miss about your past? I miss being an associate, hahaha. Being a manager gets really hard sometimes.
Do you ever get flu shots? No.
Favorite shoes that you wear all the time? My Ivy Park sneakers.
What is one thing you’ve learned about life recently? I really need to separate my emotions from work. I take the smallest of mistakes incredibly seriously and personally so it affects the way I approach work more than I would want it to.
Are you jealous of anyone? No.
Is anyone jealous of you? I doubt it.
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daemonmatthias · 3 years
Everything has been A Lot lately. Extremely overwhelming. I can feel the stress in both my digestive system and my sleep. I'm constantly juggling 50-billion things at work (obviously), with anywhere from 1-2million of them last minute surprises (of course). And now the same thing is happening in my personal life! Vaccines, family stuff, crafting, car troubles, apartment hunting/moving- all (and more!) just a multitude of vague ideas that I (a teacher with adhd in april) need to keep in my head until things outside of my control coalesce enough for me to nail down specifics. It's fucking ridiculous. So here's a list.
I got my Covid shot Friday 4/2, so I will be fully vaccinated on 4/16.
I was not at all intending to just jump out there and immediately start acting like things are normal, but other factors are forcing my hand. (Don't worry; you can bet your ass that I'll be wearing my mask and social distancing as much as possible until the CDC says otherwise, no matter what anyone else around me is doing.)
We are spending the day together on 4/23 instead of taking our anniversary off because it's on a Wednesday.
This evening I booked a haircut appointment for 4/23 because I desperately NEED a haircut, especially before my cousin's wedding (and there should, in theory, be less people on a Friday than a Saturday.
This also means I need to figure out what the hell I want to do with my hair. I would love to go short but also I like to do exactly 0 maintenance/styling with my hair. I am a brush it and air dry it kinda girl. So if I don't go pixie, then it has to be at least long enough to bun overnight because I get terrible acne if I sleep on my hair. It's annoying. I just want my hair to look nice with no effort on my part. :(
Robert got his vaccine appointment info today! He gets his first shot on Thursday and the second 3 weeks later, so he'll be fully vaccinated the day before I leave for my cousin's wedding.
Speaking of.... I bought my flights and got the days off, so that trip for my cousin's wedding is really happening. I have mixed feelings cuz, again, I had no intention of traveling like that already. But also, I'm excited to see that part of my family.
But ALSO me travelling is always a logistical nightmare so there's that stress. I'm already trying to think about what snacks of my own I need to bring and how/when I can go to the store and the best ways to handle meals, etc.
I am also trying out some new bar shampoos, conditioner, face soap, etc and, while it normally wouldn't be, trying to keep track of trying each/in combo fast enough to reorder the ones I like before my trip is... Difficult.
Another issue is what to wear. I just had to put a large portion of my nice clothes in the donate pile. And my brain will NOT let go of wearing a circle skirt I want to make to the wedding. I even already bought a top to match and stuff. Why is this a problem?
I've never made a circle skirt before. This will be my very first garment I make! And Robert didn't want me to mess it up and lose the fabric I like so much, so he got me to buy another fabric to "test" and now I need to make TWO circle skirts before may 14........... Uh, really before then so I have time to get something else if it doesn't work. Which is a whole 'nother issue.......
Yeah.... Life's a mess rn. A good mess? Mostly? But I am super overwhelmed like all the time, lol.
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the biggest thank you to @caws5749 for sending me all 134 questions 🥰
1: Name Lorena
2: Age 20
3: 3 Fears drowning, the ocean, and fishes.
4: 3 things I love my dog, my friends, and mangoes.
5: 4 turns on humor, charisma, telling me how much you want m-, and moaning.
6: 4 turns off being full of themselves, disrespectfulness, afraid to be themselves, and not showing a care about the well being of others.
7: My best friend k, f, and @brownmantwo.
8: Sexual orientation bisexual.
9: My best first date i’ve never been on a date!
10: How tall am I 5′2
11: What do I miss being fucking skinny-
12: What time were I born 10:45 pm!
13: Favorite color red.
14: Do I have a crush uh...
15: Favorite quote “I got STDS they make my coochie itch” SKSKSKDKSDKAD.
16: Favorite place my house.
17: Favorite food rice.
18: Do I use sarcasm 99.9% of my vocabulary is sarcasm.
19: What am I listening to right now “everything I wanted” by billie eilish because ya girl is depressed.
20: First thing I notice in new person how they hold themselves.
21: Shoe size 8 or 8.5 sometimes a 9.
22: Eye color dark brown.
23: Hair color black.
24: Favorite style of clothing baggy clothes or dark bold colors.
25: Ever done a prank call? yea. I use to call those numbers where it takes you to a different number to prank.
27: Meaning behind my URL its not necessarily an interesting story I just came up with it in my head one day.
28: Favorite movie too many to count.
29: Favorite song literally too many.
30: Favorite band three days grace.
31: How I feel right now fucking sad.
32: Someone I love my friends.
33: My current relationship status single.
34: My relationship with my parents its good! but there is a lot I tend to not discuss with them.
35: Favorite holiday halloween!
36: Tattoos and piercing I have I have two tattoos, both on my left arm. my finger tattoo is of a rose and my bicep is a ghost wearing a witch hat! piercing: septum, conch (but it closed) and my two lobes.
37: Tattoos and piercing I want a bunch more of tattoos and I want to get a few more ear piercings.
38: The reason I joined Tumblr to be cool like my older niece.
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? no we do not. lots of love and respect left in between us.
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? not really.
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? NO BECAUSE @domromanoff and I ARE BASICALLY SISTERS AND THATS INCEST.
42: When did I last hold hands? years ago.
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 10 minutes to get up from bed and 5 to actually get ready.
44: Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? yes I have because I like smooth legs.
45: Where am I right now? my kitchen.
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? no ones because they'll just leave me behind and laugh at my misery. jkjk but my dear friends.
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? L O U D.
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? I do because rent in LA is fucking e x p e n s I v e.
49: Am I excited for anything? to go to bed.
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? I have 2 of them.
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? too often tbh.
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? a few weeks ago I believe?
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? they should because thats their baby momma.
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? yup.
55: What is something I disliked about today? waking up.
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? lady gaga and scarlett johansson.
57: What do I think about most? what tattoo to get, if I should get another dog, how to annoy @caws5749 that day, etc etc.
58: What’s my strangest talent? I can move the bones in my wrist.
59: Do I have any strange phobias? im scared of fish!
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? behind because I am a nervous mess and I like taking control of such.
61: What was the last lie I told? “im okay”
62: Do I prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? both honestly! I love video chatting with @domromanoff and my friends!
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? yes and yes.
64: Do I believe in magic? hell yea I grew up around all that shit.
65: Do I believe in luck? not really.
66: What’s the weather like right now? its chilly.
67: What was the last book I’ve read? jesus christ I forgot the name but its currently under my bed rn.
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? YES.
69: Do I have any nicknames? clown, wueej by @caws5749, pi- prin-, bottom by @domromanoff, lore, lorecha, whore, hoe.
70: What was the worst injury I’ve ever had? I pulled my thigh muscle recently and OMG I WAS IN SO MUCH PAIN.
71: Do I spend money or save it? I SPEND IT HONEY YASSSS.
72: Can I touch my nose with a tongue? sadly no.
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feet from me? my water bottle c:
74: Favorite animal? I fucking love cows.
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? crying lmao.
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? nikolas is it not??
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? “Judas” by lady gaga.
78: How can you win my heart? just be yourself and believe wholeheartedly of what you want and desire.
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? “madi did it”
80: What is my favorite word? fuck.
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr @caws5749 @domromanoff @dailyavengers @ravenforce andddddd @supercorpbechloe there’s so many more I’m editing this rn AKSJSHSHSHS I love each and everyone’s accounts here!
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? GLOBAL WARMING IS A REAL THING YALL.
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? i think so 👀 but im not close to them.
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? maybe like telekinesis or some mind power.
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? what goes on in your mind?
86: What is my current desktop picture? a winter forest.
87: Had sex? if oral sex counts then sure.
88: Bought condoms? I haven't bought them I just magically obtained them.
89: Gotten pregnant? oh god no.
90: Failed a class? yUUUUP.
91: Kissed a boy? yes.
92: Kissed a girl? yes.
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? back in middle school lmaoooo.
94: Had job? yes im on my second one rn.
95: Left the house without my wallet? all the damn time.
96: Bullied someone on the internet? no because im not a fucking asshole.
97: Had sex in public? not yet.
98: Played on a sports team? yea I was in track n field and cross country!
99: Smoked weed? I haven't but I once wanted to try it but I was to much of a pussy to skip class.
100: Did drugs? nope.
101: Smoked cigarettes? ew no.
102: Drank alcohol? y’all Ive gotten so fucked up on here so of cOURSE. my friends think I have a drinking problem ksjlksdjlkjds.
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? I am not.
104: Been overweight? yea.
105: Been underweight? No.
106: Been to a wedding? I have when I was younger.
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? sadly yes because of video games.
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? yea when I binge watched the walking dead.
109: Been outside my home country? yes!
110: Gotten my heart broken? yeah.
111: Been to a professional sports game? Yes because everyone in LA has possibly been to a dodgers game.
112: Broken a bone? nope!
113: Cut myself? oh man..I have and I deeply regret doing so but its a part of me now and i’ve accepted it.
114: Been to prom? YES! best night of my life.
115: Been in airplane? once and that was it because fuck planes lsjdkjlksdjs.
116: Fly by helicopter? nope!
117: What concerts have I been to? daddy yankee and some other guy I don't remember heheheh.
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? duh im gay.
119: Learned another language? I tried (and failed) to learn japanese.
120: Wore make up? a couple of times. i’m not the hugest fan of makeup.
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? nope!
122: Had oral sex? once.
123: Dyed my hair? too many times.
124: Voted in a presidential election? no but I will this upcoming one for sure.
125: Rode in an ambulance? no but I want to!
126: Had a surgery? no but I did have to get stitches on my lower lip.
127: Met someone famous? I meant jenni rivera’s brother at a movie theater once!
128: Stalked someone on a social network? yes? but not to a weird extent.
129: Peed outside? only because no one was around to open the door to my apartment complex and I couldn't hold it in-
130: Been fishing? I am T E R R I F I E D of fish so no.
131: Helped with charity? yup! I bought a shirt from one of @markiplier‘s livestreams that donated all the money to a charity.
132: Been rejected by a crush? yea.
133: Broken a mirror? I think maybe once??
134: What do I want for birthday? I want a tattoo.
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sassypotatoe1 · 4 years
I feel like being petty.
So my dad just threw a hissy fit because I said I'm going to buy some new underwear and clothes in March when a fixed deposit I made opens. He was like "when I see you you're buying or making clothes," and I was like??? "I talk about it a lot but I don't actually ever do it," and he was like "no but you do," and I went "if I do it's because I need it" and he's all "but you don't need it! You have an entire closet full of clothes!" and I'm about to explain, "well, I actually don't have a lot of clothes at all, and what I do have is either too big because I lost a ton of weight, old as fuck because it's stuff I got second hand 6 years ago from family, not really age appropriate anymore, not functional at all and not my style but I keep it out of necessity because I can't afford new clothes rn and I can't exactly toss out everything that doesn't work because then I'll have literally two crop tops, a spaghetti strap tank, two massive button ups, a flannel, one jacket, one really fucking baggy sweater, two too-big skinny jeans, a not-at-all-warm sweat pant, two shorts, and one black dress, and I don't know about you, but I can make about 10 outfits out of that before people start realizing I'm wearing the same 14 items of clothing over and over again and come to the conclusion that I have none, and all that's about 65% of my closet already, so I don't know what you're seeing but I am definitely not coming home with 7 shopping bags full of clothes every month like you seem to think I am," but my mom beats me to it and goes: "she just threw out three trash bags of clothes," (and I folded them so it was a LOT of clothes, because none of them fit me, some of them were tatters and a lot of them were the clothes of a literal 13 year old, I'm serious I've had them since I was 13, when I got them from my cousin who had just turned 15,who also bought them when she was 13, and I actually threw out half my closet at my apartment in my university town to donate so I've probably thrown out about 70 kgs of clothes by now because it wasn't functional) and he goes, I shit you not, "YOUR NOT HELPING! SHE HAS A PROBLEM AND I'M TRYING TO GET HER TO SEE THAT!!" gets up, and storms out of the room.
So now y'all have context, I'd like to tell y'all what my plan is, because I'm about to be petty as I've ever been and I've locked my brother out of the house for 13 hours because he called me fat. I'm going to organize my closet right? And I'm going to make a list of how many items of clothing I actually own, and then a seperate list of how many of them are only wearable in one season, and one of how many are torn/too tight/too big/old as fuck and covered in paint and other stains because they function as work clothes/only usable for hyperspecific situations but I'm not yet able to get rid of them/technically too childish but I own and wear them because I have no other options, and then one of how much is left that I can *actually* wear, and then, just for funsies, a list of how many items of clothing my dad has, and how much of it is functional clothes, just so I can go "so you say I don't need new clothes, but I have 4 shirts, a pair of pants and a dress, two bras and two panties, 4 pairs of socks and two pairs of decent looking shoes that I can actually wear, but you have 17 briefs, 42 pairs of socks, 7 pairs of work shoes (and 14 other functional pairs), 15 work shirts, 32 t-shirts, 7 pairs of work pants, three pairs of warm sweatpants, 5 shorts, 13 jackets and 3 sweaters you can actually wear, and that's AFTER tossing half your clothes last year. Am I really the one with the problem? Or am I trying to be a functional adult that takes care of herself to the best of her abilities and all you see is a vain little girl that buys everything she thinks is pretty because she's too STUPID to actually understand that money runs out. I'm thrifty as fuck motherfucker, I get by on so little that I could probably out-thrift you any day, and you want to throw a tantrum because the VERY little money I get, not even from you, I spend so well that I'm able to save up enough money to re-do my wardrobe so it's more functional, after which I'll throw out literally ALL the clothes I currently own, adding to the four bags I've already thrown out, so I can donate it and recycle what I can't donate. Fuck that. Fuck you. My whole life it's been "you're not good enough. You did all these things wrong. You're never going to amount to anything because you don't know anything and lazy spoiled and vain," and I did a whole lot of fucking things a whole lot better than most people, destroying myself in the process to keep you happy, and earn your approval but you know what? Fuck that. The moment I'm not dependent on you or my mom anymore for anything, and I'm going to bust my ass to make sure that happens VERY soon, you'll never have to look at this dumb lazy spoiled vain bitch again, because I won't have a father anymore and you'll only have your actually spoiled mysogynist son left. Well done. I'm officially over having a dad. Bye fucker, I have more important things to do with my time than waste it trying to please you.
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teaboot · 6 years
Hey, I’m in my first year of studying international politics rn so if you still feel like talking about unethical GMOs that sounds super interesting and I’d love to hear it! :o
Aaaahhhghhghhgff okay okay okay, so it's kind of super complicated and stuff but I LOVE this topic, jgghggf.Okay, so when I was training to be a fashion designer, we did a bunch of units on textile Sciences and pricing and stuff, right? Which included learning about where fabrics come from, what countries export the materials, etc.Now, take a look at pretty much any item of clothing you own. Odds are, they probably contain some amount of cotton, right? It's soft, reasonably durable, holds dye super well, and can be blended with a bunch of other stuff.Cotton, though, is a plant that takes a lot of water to grow. On dry years, it's harder to produce, so the cost goes up. Cotton becomes a more expensive material, cotton clothing is more expensive to make, the company making it takes a hit. And their goal is to make things at the lowest possible expense, because. Capitalism. A GMO is a Genetically Modified Organism. The idea of that freaks people out, because they hear 'genetically modified' and their brains imagine a bunch of test tubes, syringes, glowwy chemicals and sci-fi bright-colored science stuff.The truth is, 'Genetic Modification' can really be as simple as Selective Breeding. Mating your strongest bulls to get a stronger breed of cow, for example, or pollinating between plants that produce meatier fruit so you get less seeds and pulp in future crops. Genetic Manipulation has existed as long as farming has existed. There's just about no organic matter you can buy today that is exempt from this process, because we've been doing it a REALLY LONG TIME.So, back to cotton. It takes a lot of water, right? But what if we could tweak it so that it didn't need as much as before? What if we made it so a single plant could produce twice as many blooms? Or if we made it immune to certain strains of infectious fungus? Not a bad idea, right?Now, the fancy cotton seeds you've created are a brand-new Breed. Like a Dog Breed. Husky, Pug, Pekingese, etc. It's YOURS, and because you invented it, you can patent it. Let's highlight that, there: A private company can OWN DNA.And that new Cotton- that shiny new breed of it- that can ONLY be sold by this one company. And it's Awesome.It doesn't dry out when other breeds do, it doesn't get fungus like the others do, and it produces twice the yeild at half the cost. Farmers that buy THESE seeds are blowing every other farm out of the water.Other farms can't keep up. They're forced to cut costs, tighten their belts, cut wages, absolutely ruin themselves in order to maintain that bottom line. Eventually, they can't do it any longer, and they lose land that's been in their families for generations. A lot of these farmers end up killing themselves. The land left over is bought up by another company, and becomes another tiny piece of a multibillion dollar corporation.But hey, if things get tough, they do have the option of cutting their losses and selling their land instead- to that same corporation, run by the same people, who kind of also might possibly OWN that other company that might have made and sold those wonderful new cotton seeds in the first place.Either way, you end up with a little bit of land (usually in a third-world country, where laws about human rights and environmental safety are a little loose) owned by a corporation based in a first-world country. Perfectly legal, then, for the new company taking over to use pesticides and other chemically fun stuff that... May or may not leech into the ground, or the local water supply, getting the people in the surrounding area sick and bumping cancer and infant mortality rates just a bit. This issue is exacerbated by the relatively recent phenomena of 'fast fashion'- the habit we have today of owning cheap clothing that we replace quickly, as opposed to making it last and repairing it when necessary. People buy new T-shirts as part of a casual grocery run, new dresses for events we go to once and never touch again, looking for the cheapest we can find and tossing it the second it no longer fits our tastes. We actually throw some of it in the garbage- perfectly good, just not in style anymore. Don't get me wrong- the control over this cycle rests pretty much solely on the hands of the ones running this system. But if you want to help, you can start by understanding that the one sole purpose of fashion is social integration. Sure, you could keep wearing your paint-stained old jeans that are structurally solid, if a little shabby- but you won't be able to wear them to a job interview, because they'll think you're a bum. In your personal life, though? Style is... Geologically effusive? It's fluid. It always changes. What was in style will come back, and a few staple things take centuries to change. My advice is to find what you like, and make it last. Donate to second hand stores. Maybe learn to see, if you're feeling particularly ambitious. If you have the luxury of it, try and save up your money to buy something you really like, that will hold up through the years. Do research. If you're well-off, even go online and find ethical brands that are more expensive, but incorporate materials from family-owned farms. If you have a farmer's market, and you can afford it, maybe check it out. Keep in mind though that if you don't have these options, you're not being blamed. The system keeping you down is the same system catering to your limited options. It's rigged as hell against you, and it's not your fault. Just knowing that it's there can be a help. You're not the reason people are suffering- this system was in place a long time before you were involved. Anyhow, cotton is just one example, and this is just one area where this can branch out from the legal ownership of DNA. This subject also branches out to criminal law- where your personal saliva or blood isn't needed for testing, if a sibling or parent is available instead- to the food you find at your grocery store, genetically designed to be sterile, so you can't just buy a lemon to grow your own at home. Hell, even your dog might have been bred specifically to appeal to your natural urge to nurture. It's a fascinating subject, actually, if more than a little intimidating.
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transssexualheart · 7 years
oh boy
1. namerain
2. age14
3. three fearsnever being loved back, hurting the people i care about, and the people i love secretly hating me
4. three things i lovepokemonnice weatherthe piano
5. 4 turn onsgetting hit by a car is apparently one of themi actually dont know honestly if i’m attracted to you, because i so rarely find people attractive, everything u do will Get Me Goin and that’s all i can think
6. 4 turn offsdamn bitch idk
7. my best friendyall know who i would choose if i had to choose one do i really gotta say it again
8. sexual orientationim pan, i also think i’m demisexual but god who knows
9. my best first datei don’t even know what qualified as a date bc ive only gone on dates with one person and i don’t know what we actually considered a date or just hangin out??
10. how tall am iuhhh i cant remember exactly i think i’m 5′5
11. what do i miss?honestly?? i kinda miss the way things used to be before i confessed to liking the person i currently like. i mean nothing has actually changed between us but i still feel bad about liking her and hate that i can’t comfort her without it seeming like “oh, you just think i’m great and talented because you have a crush on me” i feel like me comforting her ends up less sincere now and i hate that and it’s also,, like god i didn’t want to feel this way i really intended on taking a break from romance but my dumbass heart was like “no” and ughh fuck
12. what time was i bornidk
13. fav colorblue
14. do i have a crushfeel like i just made that pretty clear
15. fav quote “And you know it’s not good–that there is no good–that there’s absolutely nothing that can ever come of it.But you do it anyway. And then…Well. Then you burn.”(from Carry On by Rainbow Rowell)
16. fav placethis is gross but anywhere with her
17. fav foodidk
18. do i use sarcasmof course 
19. what am i listening to rni’m being Exposed,, i’m listening to sarah smiles by p!atd
20. first thing i notice in a new personusually their clothes, like the way they dress
21. shoe size8 and a half or 9 in womens
22. eye colorbrown
23. hair colordark brown
24. fav style of clothinguhh idk
25. ever done a prank call?no
27. meaning behind my urlit’s just a pokemon lol
28. fav moviewho knows
29. fav songi really like robbers by the 1975 and rn i’m obsessed with do i wanna know by arctic monkeys 
30. fav bandgosh idk
31. how i feel right nowgay
32. someone i loveall my friends!! all of u!!
33. my current relationship statussad
34. my relationship with my parents:/
35. fav holidayeither halloween or xmas
36. tattoos and piercings i haveone piercing in each ear lobe and one tat on my ankle
37. tattoos and piercings i wanti kinda want a lip piercing but idk and i wanna be like,, covered in tats 
38. the reason i joined tumblrmemes
39. do i and my last ex hate each other?no, i dont hate any of my exes
40. do i ever get good morning or good night texts?sometimes goodnight texts
41. have i ever kissed the last person you texted?god i wish,, no tho
42. when did i last hold hands?gosh it’s been so long i don’t remember
43. how long does it take me to get ready in the morning?like an hour maybe more
44. have you shaved your legs in the last three days?idk i forgot
45. where am i right now?my bedroom
47. do i like my music loud or at a reasonable level?loud
48. do i live with my mom and dad?ya
49. am i excited for anything?excited to die
50. do i have someone of the opposite sex i can tell everything to?nah
51. how often do i wear a fake smile?i usually don’t, i just let myself look sad and my friends usually don’t say anything or they’re making me laugh and i’m distracted
52. when was the last time i hugged someone?i huged @strawberrymilk-kid when getting off the bus today
53. what if the last person i kissed was kissing someone right in front of me?i’d be like “dude!! did you get a girlfriend holy shit i’m happy for u!!”
54. is there someone i trust even though i shouldn’t?nah
55. what is something i disliked about today?um all the parts where i started being a jealous bitch 
56. if i could meet anyone on this earth who would it be?dan avidan
57. what do i think about the most?wtf do you think bitch
58. what’s my strangest talent?haha talent whats that
59. do i have any strange phobias?no not really
60. do i prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it?depends
61. what was the last lie i told?this is emo but probably that i was alright hah
62. do i prefer talking on the phone or video chatting?gosh idk,, calling is less stressful bc i don’t have to worry about my disgusting face i guess
63. do i believe in ghosts? how about aliens?there are probably aliens, but idk about ghosts i mean like who knows
64. do i believe in magic?could be real, might not be, who knows
65. do i believe in luck?yeah i guess
66. what’s the weather like right now?it’s alright
67. what was the last book i read?hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
68. do i like the smell of gasoline?no
69. do i have any nicknames?my mom calls me rainbow but not really other than that but i love nicknames so someone call me by a nickname
70. what was the worse injury i’ve ever had?i sprained my arm once
71. do i spend money or save it?spend
72. can i touch my nose with my tongue?no
73. is there anything pink ten feet from me?im wearing pink so
74. fav animal?idk
75. what was i doing last night at 12am?sleeping after a long day of mental breakdown 
76. what do i think satan’s last name is?burke
77. what’s a song that always makes me happy when i hear it?uhh idk
78. how can you win my heart?be funny, love music (especially if you play it/can sing), and if you have curly hair or freckles i’m probably already in love with you so
79. what would i want written on my tombstone?“i’m gay”
80. what is my fav word?i have a few, my top three are “gentle”, “lover”, and “soft”
81. my top five blogs on tumblrman i dont know
82. if the whole world were listening to me right now, what would i say?that’s too much responsibility 
83. do i have any relatives in jail?my dad went to jail a few times, two of my uncles have been in there too, but none of them are still in there
85. what would be a question i’d be afraid to tell the truth on?i sat here trying to think of one for live five mins and i cant86. what is my current desktop pic?danny sexbang 
87. had sex?no
88. bought condoms?no
89. gotten pregnant?no
90. failed a class?not for a quarter grade or anything but there have been times where i was failing
91. kissed a boy?yeah i think so
92. kissed a girl?no sadly
93. have i ever kissed somebody in the rain?no
94. had a job?no
95. left the house without my wallet?probably
96. bullied someone on the internet?no
97. had sex in public?no
98. played on a sports team?i was on the soccer team in seventh grade
99. smoked weed?nah
100. did drugs?no
101. smoke cigarettes?no
102. drank alcohol?no 
103. am i a vegetarian/vegan?no
104. been overweight?nah
105. been underweight?idk
106. been to a wedding?ive been to two
107. been on the computer for 5 hours straight?probably
108. watched tv for five hours straight?probably
109. been outside my home country?no
110. gotten my heart broken?yep
111. been to a professional sports game?no
112. broken a bone?no
113. cut myself?no, but i’ve wanted to
114. been to prom?no
115. been in an airplane?yeah
116. fly by helicopter?no
117. what concerts have i been to?i went to one twenty one pilots concert that’s it
118. had a crush on someone of the same sex?oh yeah
119. learned another language?no
120. wore makeup?i wear it everyday
121. lost my virginity before i was 18?i’ve never had sex so no
122. had oral sex?no
123. dyed my hair?yeah
124. voted in a presidential election?nope
125. rode in an ambulance? no
126. had surgery?i had a tooth extracted but that’s it
127. met someone famous?no
128. stalked someone on a social media account?dude every time my friends are online i look through their whole blog just bc i like seein what my friends are rebloggin
 129. peed outside?a long time ago but yeah
130. been fishing?yeah
131. helped with charity?i don’t have money to donate to charities 
132. been rejected by a crush?hoooo boy i sure have been
133. broken a mirror?no 
134. what do i want for my birthday?a nude binder
thank u for asking!
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