#and rude and self righteous
persephoneggsy · 1 year
Sebastian Vael: *had, at the very minimum, neglectful if not outright emotionally abusive parents, was basically kidnapped and sent to the chantry against his will, decided to stay in the chantry bc Elthina actually gave him a choice which no other figure in his life had done to that point, found peace and belonging in the chantry, then found out his entire family was murdered, leaving him with massive survivor’s guilt and a throne he’s not even sure it’s right for him to reclaim, breaks his vows to the chantry to chase revenge which he immediately feels even more guilt about, finds out it was an old family friend that ordered his family’s deaths so that’s a fun betrayal he has to deal with, is torn between the peace of the chantry and his loyalty to Elthina or his duty to his home city and people of Starkhaven, despite all the trauma tries to stay optimistic and genuinely wants to help people, never preaches to a unwilling audience and instead engages in actual dialogue about his faith, seriously homeboy even acknowledges the chantry’s flaws but has hope it could be made better, opts to stay in Kirkwall to protect his pseudo-mother figure Elthina from a potential mage rebellion, only for her to die in a catastrophic explosion along with several of his brothers and sisters in the faith, whom he likely knew longer than he’d ever known Hawke and Co., and the chantry that he called home for more than a decade is also lost, and the guy who did it is literally right to next to him ranting about how he had no other choice but to commit wholesale murder, so he is understandably consumed by rage and grief and isn’t in the best state of mind, but if you kill the guy who murdered his chantry family he’s basically a ride or die no matter side of the mage-templar war you choose*
Y’all: ugh what a boring character. i hate his dumb temper tantrum at the end of the game. wish we could kill him.
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ghostcrows · 1 year
You will get through an entire story thinking a woman character is, anywhere from alright to pretty cool to actively the best character, then go online and find out dudes fucking hate her for reasons that make no sense at all
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killazilla777 · 1 year
not to be that guy but I was soooo excited to see Kim Gordon at riot fest and she low-key was lame ass hell the entire show felt very pretentious and self righteous and a little too artsy fartsy for me but yknow what show was SOSOSOSOSO good??? THE BREEDERS it all felt so real and genuine and this is gonna sound cringe but I felt seen yknow and Kim and Kelly deal, Josephine wiggs, and Jim MacPherson where SO COOL
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mint-mumbles · 2 years
My advice for polls:
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Please stop being rude to people or the characters they chose just because you don’t agree with their vote!
Kindness goes a long way and makes polls a lot more fun!
(The only exception I’ll make is the Best Tallest Poll 2023 where everyone collectively (yet affectionately) trashed Red like the little loser boy he is like they were his older sibling)
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teeforhee · 2 years
not going to jump into a stranger's askbox to defend another stranger. not going to do that with my hours of consciousness this Saturday
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disappearinginq · 2 years
I wonder if the reason so many people have such high anxiety about being judged is because they are in fact the judgiest bunch of fucks to come around. 
Like, of course you feel like you’re being judged and people will decide on a dime to switch between being your bestie to trying to cancel (read: be an asshole to you and try and justify it because of a MoRaL standing that’s just arbitrary) because you do it too. 
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astrobydalia · 3 months
The different inner placements for each sign — observations+ranking
by astrobydalia
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Disclaimer: these are based on my personal experience and opinions!!
Mercury: so insanely smart and fast thinkers. Very real, straight to the point and say-it-like-it-is kind of people, love them. I could hear them talk all day
ASC: most authentic people you'll meet!!! What you see is what you get. Also very spontaneous and effortlessly fun
Venus: love, so fun to be around and specially the women with this placement they're soooo hot
Sun, Mars: these are very similar imo. so loyal and protective people but they tend to be pretty crass and often come across as rude unintentionally. Aries Suns are more blunt and outspoken while Aries Mars can be more chill but they're more prone to attracting hate. Great people to have in your corner overall.
Moon: Stubborn as fuck. Not open to understanding anything beyond themselves so they tend go around life with HUGE tunnel vision. Trying to reason/negotiate with them is nearly impossible
Moon: my god, you won't know emotional intelligence, calmness and care until you meet a Taurus Moon like DAMN. Their patience, empathy and sense of boundaries is just impecable
ASC: their energy is sooooo soothing like ugh. They have a very cute and comforting aura, very magnetic people and naturally gorgeous
Mercury: they speak slow or not too much but once they let a full sentence out it's usually GOLD
Sun: hmmmm they do tend to be kinda full of themselves but they have BDE and are pretty hot so I'll give them that
Mars: VOICE is soooo good. However they tend to be low-key problematic tbh. Will get very snappy and petty real quick
Venus: I know this is venus's domicile but... most taurus venus I've seen were low-key kinda..... harsh and stern in their love style?? And not all that loyal if im honest with you, they're only loyal when they see personal benefit/satisfaction. It’s true that they’ll spoil you if they truly love you tho
Mars: comeback queens/kings, also very multi-talented. What else can I say they always manage to be so iconic
Moon: out of all gemini placements they're the most likely to sit down and really listen to you. Can be too honest, another say-it-like-it-is placement. Comforting others is not their forte but they're very tolerant and patient
Venus: golden retriever energy, extroverted and popular and I've said this before but they can be very loyal!!
Sun: they are cool and so so funny but can also be veeeeery immature and a bit self-righteous. I love them but that bad press they have in pop culture exists for a reason that's all im gonna say
ASC: they're very intelligent and entertaining but gemini on the asc is such a messy placement imo cause they have an identity/existencial crisis at least twice a day which can make them kinda chaotic people to have in your life (love you guys tho)
Mercury: talking with them is VERY annoying tbh. They will just roughly listen to what you say just keep interrupting and eventually start their own monologue. They ain't listening they aren't even wanting for their turn to speak they're just waiting for whatever opportunity to speak
Mercury: such good listeners!! also they are very honest and genuine with what they say like aries mercury but more tactful
Venus: this placement soothes down the most fiery personality. They are very loved and inexplicably magnetic
ASC: mommy issues. I love their intuition and they are really good at creating community wherever they go but my only complaint is they are defensive 24/7
Moon: hit or miss. Either really emotionally mature person that wants to take care of everyone or very immature and childish with a victim complex
Sun: huge attention seekers. Insecure, codependent and always looking for validation. Tend to portray themselves as innocent/clueless/harmless, etc.
Mars: these are SLY motherfuckers, they scare me more than scorpio mars
Moon: I have to admit this placement surprised me for the better. Yes they can be egotistical and entitled but when developed leo moons are very profound and passionate people with strong morals and are really good at inspiring others and lifting them up
Sun: the main character complex rumors may or may not be true but their magnetism and charm is undeniable
Mars: extremely prideful, my way or the highway kinda attitude, but they’re usually pretty harmless people from what I’ve seen. Their anger can be intense but they let it go easily after some dramatic moment. Dedicated.
ASC: daddy issues central. Known to be the most introverted leo placement but they’re very very very attached to their pride underneath. They really do wanna be/feel special and unique to the point of keeping most people at arm’s length cause that’s how much they wanna distinct themselves
Mercury: won’t hesitate to change topics if they don’t care what is being talked about or it has nothing to do with them. Laser focused on their interests tho that’s pretty cool
Venus: yeah they're generous but also a bit overbearing and low-key snotty. Tendency to associate themselves with people they don’t like all that much just because it gives them status or cause they get to receive lavish treatment
Mars: omfg I love this placement so much. They handle conflict with SO much grace and embody all the good traits of virgo (capable, responsible, hard workers, great to work with, helpful, self-accountable....) *lady gaga's voice* talented brilliant incredible amazing show-stopping spectacular-
Venus: genuinely very responsable, dedicated and loyal in their relationships and commitments. I always find myself often complimenting their style and fashion choices
Mercury: a bit of a menace bc they can be good liars but they're always very very talented individuals in whatever it is they do
ASC: pretty self-serving tbh and often come across as goody-two-shoes or know-it-alls but they're alright for the most part. The virgo placement that has it the LEAST together tbh
Moon: they'll be there for you when you need help or advice but they can be pretty judgmental. They have a tendency to not really give people some grace. If they genuinely like you tho they’ll be extremely appreciative of everything you do right. Supportive
Sun: Very standoffish personality. Hard on themselves on the surface but probably also has a hidden superiority complex. The only placement where I prefer the men over the women
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Moon: least superficial libra placement. Very introspective, sweet and find it really easy to understand other's emotions in an unbiased way
Mercury: invented the concept of understanding and voicing other perspectives with necessarily agreeing. Mind of their own.
Venus: superficial and obsessed with the opposite sex? Yes. Extremely devoted in all their relationships? Also yes.
Sun: meh. I keep having this experience with Libra Suns where I think they're great at first but then they end up being... not so great after some time. They're not bad really but their air-headedness makes them very unreliable
ASC: Their charm is manipulative and can easily hide a shitty personality underneath (not always the case tho). They're also the most emotionally superficial/detached of the bunch
Mars: hypocrates, huge huge hypocrates. Dubious morality. Playing devils advocate
Sun: they mind their own business and are really good at picking their battles wisely, only taking out their “dark” energy when it’s needed
Mars: don’t bother them and they won’t bother you. That’s the golden rule. Otherwise they’re pretty chill and unproblematic, dark humor enjoyers and strong-willed. I won’t say they’re completely drama free but hey
Mercury: they’ll be open to talk about anything, you can tell them literally anything and will listen intently without judgement. They can easily use info against others or withhold info tho so make sure they can be trusted
ASC: y’all low-key enjoy toxicity and drama but you don’t wanna admit it!!! They really thrive in uncomfortable situations and probably likes gossip too. One of the most black-or-white mindset placements
Venus: yeah not the best in relationships. They don’t really give their all and when they do give something it’s never unconditional. Relationships are always a power dynamic to them
Moon: Very tricky placement. Life has not been kind to them oof. Either they’re very traumatized people with a good heart deep down or very traumatized people with a really ugly and nasty soul. They also romanticize psychopaths and antisocial behaviors for some reason?????
ASC: yes Im biased I don't care. But, be honest, when have you met a sag asc that wasn't cool af? Case closed. Life's good as a sag asc and when it's not, we make it that way
Sun: if you keep the men out of the equation sag suns are amazing!!! Their personality is like a breath of fresh air
Mercury: soso profound and intelligent. Will introduce you to new perspectives, great researchers. So good at finding answers and solutions!!!
Venus: Very open-minded, they are genuinely very accepting of literally any kind of person! They will applaud and celebrate your differences and quirks however they tend to be flighty and pretty light on their feet
Moon: Anger issues!!! Very volatile and defensive people underneath that chill and funny persona. They have well-known beef with someone. Don't like admitting their wrong, prone to ghosting everyone 99% of the times
Mars: the most entitled and rude out of all the sagittarius placements. The type to laugh in your face and never take accountability, their attitude can be revolting if you ask me
Venus: they make me MELT. So incredibly attractive, reliable, such an impecable taste, the way they treat you will bring you to your knees like ugh I can't
Mars: most resilient individuals I've seen truly!! Literally nothing will bring them down. So so ambitious, focused and have endless energy love them
Sun: cap suns and I have natural synergy. They're very level-headed, reliable, loyal and mature. However they are huge fatalists, very pessimistic and my jupiterian ass ain’t got time for that
ASC: too obsessed with their status and/or how they're perceived compared to others in their circle like sis stop caring sm what others think and live a little!!!
Mercury: listen, these folks can be very intelligent and well-read, but they tend to come across as narrow-minded or bigoted sometimes with the things the say or how they say things
Moon: I wanna root for y'all cap moons but being honest I've seen this placement is very common in really toxic personalities. They hold lots of past resentments and can be very judgmental and mean similar to virgo moons
ASC: socially adaptable but they stay true to themselves at the same time. Attractive, loyal and fresh personality/presence.
Mars: veeeery likable and popular. They really are dedicated to making an impact on the people
Sun: when they just simply focus on being themselves and doing their own thing they're very genuinely special and chill people and great friends! However when they care too much about being making themselves special they're very egocentric and unnecessarily problematic
Venus: messy placement. Very welcoming but they have big trust issues. They go back and forth between 'everyone loves me' and 'everyone hates me' and so they act accordingly....
Mercury: super intelligent, great in debates and very convincing, they always make great points. However the god complex is BLATANT here, they really think they're the only one that's right
Moon: another deeply traumatized placement. They can be great advocates for the collective however they tend to lack empathy specially when it comes to interpersonal relationships
Sun: rough around the edges at first but they are a lot more helpless and vulnerable than they seem on the surface. Also they are genuinely really good at disappearing??? You won't even notice they're gone. Their presence is striking tho
Mercury: "idk what the fuck she's saying but girl I am living!". They have such a rich inner world I can't. SEDUCTIVE
ASC: they are... functioning humans. They go around life not being completely sure of what's going on but hey that Jupiter is somehow making everything work for them
Moon: "There is an idea of Pisces Moons, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real them. Only an entity, something illusory. And though they can hide their wondering gaze, and you can shake their hand and feel flesh gripping yours and maybe you can even sense your life styles are probably comparable, they simply are not there"
Venus: I've already spilled the tea on this placement. Next.
Mars: ever person I've seen with this placement was mentally unwell like, severely. They're doormats for the most part but there's this hidden side of them that can turn into a total demon
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by astrobydalia
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hellotweetygirl · 1 year
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interiorlulus · 2 years
I know people my age are the way they are bc 18-25 is like. self-centered stupidity peak. but I could do with some maturity and sensibility around me.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 month
Meeting DG for the First Time: Coffee
G/N. Fluffy? Strangers to lovers-ish. Masterlists
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"Watch it!" You snap at the pink haired stranger.
Granted the collision wasn't entirely his fault, but he was the one who walked around the corner at breakneck speed, causing you to stumble into him and spill coffee all over yourself.
Not even a single drop landed on him, not even a splatter.
The look of surprise on the guy's face is soon replaced with practised indifference. No apology leaves his lips, he just glances coolly at you before striding off.
"What the hell. So fucking rude!" You snarl at this retreating back, loud enough for him to hear, see a brief pause mid step then he continues on.
Adding one more insult to soothe your temper, you holler, "Stupid pink haired weirdo!"
It does nothing to pacify your ire when you see his shoulders shaking, and a sudden bark of laughter from his direction.
He stops, turns, and grins. Sharp canine on full display and eyes full of mirth.
"Asshole," you mutter, narrowing your eyes and flipping him off.
You continue walking in the opposite direction, not wanting to have him interrupt your day any longer.
That idiot. With the pink hair and the fucking teeth. God how you want to wipe that smile off his stupid face.
DG is distracted all day.
Seeing your face all scrunched up with righteous anger was frankly adorable. The way there was zero recognition even when you saw him properly, and the viciousness at which you were slinging insults only added to your charm.
If only you thought the same. You spend the rest of your day cursing him.
Misfortune finds you, and luck finds DG when he sees you again the following week.
He recognises the back of you, your posture, the way you hold yourself.
It's not a surprise to him that he does. After all, he's a genius in many things. There's enemies and his past trying to catch up with him around every corner, it pays dividends to be vigilant. 
What is a surprise though, is the shot of joy at seeing you. The smile he has to hold back.
What should have been a no-nothing encounter has spread like a wildfire, burning his skin and blazing over his entire being.
A brief wrinkle in time - the incident, your insults, your attitude and face screwed up and indignant - has left a mark on him.
Catching up then matching you stride for stride, DG murmurs loud enough for you to hear.
"How's the coffee stains?"
Part of him wonders why he asked that. Why the cold Diego Kang persona is dropped and his old bratty James Lee self has reared its cocky head.
Like being around you has flipped a switch.
You turn to face him, confusion fleeting before you take in his pink hair and the haughty, mischievous expression and your eyes widen in shock and recognition.
The smile that he held back breaks through when he notices your lips pursing, the annoyance painted blatantly on your face as you choose to ignore the question.
"Ruined, I take it?"
"I'll replace it."
"It's the least I could do."
Curiosity gets the best of you. "What? The coffee?
"No, your clothes."
Who even offers to buy people clothes?! You give him an incredulous look and receive a full on grin in return. 
There's that damn canine again. You wonder if it's as sharp as it looks.
"No thanks."
DG shrugs, "Ok just the coffee then."
You pull another face at that. Is this guy for real? Is he trying to ask you out for a coffee? Just as you're about to tell him to piss off, he cuts you off-
His next words surprising even himself-
"...And sorry. For running into you like that."
Huh. You think he's sincere, although his expression seems to be constantly trying to challenge you and he looks very full of himself. But at least, his eyes seem genuine.
Your resolve wavers. You can’t believe you’re even agreeing to this.
"Fine. One coffee."
DG finds you a little awkward and a lot funny. The way you take your coffee is absolutely disgusting, and your loud slurps are an abomination.
It's endearing as hell.
He watches you watching him. Silence sits well with him. It's a powerplay he has learned to use to his advantage. Whoever breaks first, loses. Useful for media shenanigans and negotiating with idol agents. But he sees you fiddling, your glances when you think he's not looking, feels your unease lingering in the air.
And the silence is broken-
"Do you still keep calling me asshole in your head?"
You choke on your coffee, not expecting such a conversation starter. He's not smiling, face blank, but you hear the playfulness behind the words. 
Still, you grimace because it's true.
"And other things." You confess.
"I see."
Then he leans forward. Gives you a nod as a form of introduction.
"I'm Dieg-" he pauses. Thinks he's always been a good judge of character and makes a split decision that he hopes will come to bear fruit. "James Lee."
"James," You say. Casually. Not knowing the weight of the secret he has let you in on. You gesture to the cup in your hand, "Thanks for the coffee."
It's... nice. It's been so long since anyone has called him by his name without any expectation. Or malice or animosity.
A clean slate.
James Lee nods again in acknowledgement and sips quietly on his own drink.
This really is nice.
Fuck it.
"Can I get your number?" He asks, holding out his phone, and internally cringes although the outside remains a mask of cool, self-assured confidence. 
It's been so long since he's had to do this. He's used to actors and starlets and models throwing themselves at him without having to do any leg work. Do people even ask for numbers anymore or is it social media handles now?
"So I can warn you the next time I'm speeding round the corner, drink in hand."
Ugh, what a line, you think, huffing out a laugh. He really is an asshole.
You reach out for it anyway, and tip tap away, adding in your details before handing it back.
"Y/N," James reads, savouring the syllables.
He likes the sound of your name as much as his own on your lips.
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maysileeewrites · 10 months
a helping hand - John Murphy x reader
Summary: „Why are you helping me? I’m the bad guy, in case you forgot.“ Set during 1 x 10 (I am become Death), based on this teaser.
warnings: mentions of blood + injuries, angst, Murphy being Murphy (yes, he does have a soft side in this, but that doesn’t mean that he’s not still a dick); please lmk if I forgot something! 
AN: I’m not quite sure whether anyone will still care for Murphy x reader in 2023, but I love my trash son so much, I just had to write something about him. Please let me know if you liked it! 
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You dip the bloodied cloth into the bucket filled with water, watching as the water slowly turns red. Your hands are bloody as well and there’s dried blood crested under your fingernails, but with all the sick teens around you needing medical attendance, you don’t have time to try to thoroughly wash your hands, so you just dip them into the water, grabbing a bar of soap, watching as the water turns an even deeper red. 
There’s just so much of it. 
You sigh, standing up again. There’s no time for dwelling on your thoughts, not when the whole first floor of the Dropship is full of sick, coughing teenagers that need your help. 
You go to Fox and Connor next, checking up on them. But apart from trying to clean them up - they’ve started coughing up blood as well - and getting them to drink some water, there isn’t much you can do to actually help them. You have no medicine, no painkillers - apart from Monty’s moonshine and considering that a painkiller really is a stretch in your opinion -, nothing. Only a few spare blankets you and Clarke gave out earlier, in order to help keep everyone warm. 
A sudden wave of anger and irritation at your helplessness when faced with this unknown, dangerous virus overcomes you and you clench your fists in frustration. You allow yourself a moment to try and bury that emotion deep inside - because being this emotionally overwhelmed, you won’t be any help to the others -, closing your eyes and breathing deeply. 
When you open your eyes again, they land on Murphy - who’s looking right back at you with his good eye, the other one is still swollen shut. 
You gulp, trying to swallow down the nervousness that is suddenly clawing its way up your throat. Murphy’s the one who brought the disease into the Camp. 
After being tortured by the grounders for days, you try to remind yourself. After being unceremoniously tossed out of Camp for a murder he didn’t commit. And while he’s definitely a rude asshole that can be a bit unpredictable at times - though you think more often than not he’s just lashing out when provoked, attacked, or in case of the whole Charlotte incident, wrongfully accused - you don’t think that he’s as bad as everyone makes him out to be. 
But maybe that’s just you being naive, always wanting to see the good in people. He did try to go after Charlotte, after all. Though, you think, that probably had more to do with him seeking justice - a twisted, self-righteous kind of justice, but still justice - than vengeance. 
You sigh, tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. Whatever the deal with Murphy is - and whatever the reason for you to suddenly spend so much of your thoughts on him is - right now, it doesn’t matter. 
Right now the only thing that matters is that he’s sick and hurt and he needs someone to help him clean up his wounds and that’s exactly what you’re here for. 
So, you take a deep breath and square your shoulders, before walking over to him and dropping down in front of him. His blue-green eyes - the good one at least- meet yours for just a split second, but then he’s looking away again. You dip the cloth into the bucket of water - after helping Fox and Connor you’d gone out to get some fresh water - and reach out for him, but just when you’re about to touch him, he twists away from you. 
„What’re you doing?“, he says, his voice low, distrust and irritation evident in his expression. 
„Helping you“, you answer, gesturing to the wet cloth in your hands. „Someone needs to clean up your wounds, Murphy.“ 
He scoffs. „Yeah, right.“ 
You frown. „Look Murphy, just let me help you, please.“ 
He doesn’t say anything to that, doesn’t acknowledge your words with anything other than a raise of his eyebrows, but you decide to just take his lack of a verbal response as a good sign - or at least as a sign that he hopefully won’t refuse your help any further. 
You wet the cloth cloth again, before carefully reaching your hand out to him again. This time, he doesn’t twist away from you, so you gingerly touch his bloodied and scarred cheek with your fingertips, before carefully applying pressure with the cloth. 
All the while, Murphy looks at you, an undecipherable emotion in his blue-green eyes. The intensity of his gaze is distracting, and you swallow, trying to concentrate on cleaning up his wounds, trying to ignore the burning heat of his gaze. Though it’s impossible to really ignore it, with you two being so close that you can feel his warm breath ghosting over your skin, causing you to shiver. 
Something shifts in Murphy’s expression then - if you weren’t paying so much attention, you might’ve missed it, but as it is, you can see the bitter smirk that crosses his lips for an instant, before he bites down hard on his lips. 
Your eyes meet then. You swallow - you feel caught in his stare, unable to look at anything but him. 
„Why are you helping me?“, he asks you, his voice low and raspy and laced with something that almost sounds like desperation. „I’m the bad guy, in case you forgot.“ 
„Because you need help“, you say, underlining your words by lightly trailing your fingertips over the deep cut on his left cheek. „And because I want to understand you.“ It’s true - you do want to understand him. You want to know how he came to be who he is today, why on earth he set fire to a room on the Ark. 
And fuck. This - this is dangerous. 
That bitter smirk crosses his face again. „Oh, so you want to know why I’m such a jerk, why I told the Camp’s location to the grounders, is that it?“ 
„You were tortured“, you say softly, but Murphy only scoffs. 
„Yeah, I’m afraid that doesn’t count as an excuse“, he says, voice full of bitterness. 
„Wha-“, you start to say, but then you remember that you saw Bellamy talking to Murphy earlier. And yes, that would certainly explain Murphy’s comments about his being tortured not being an excuse for giving up your location. 
You sigh frustratedly. Of course you know that Bellamy only wants to protect everyone at Camp, but you also know him well enough to imagine him making some kind of petty remark how he wouldn’t have caved under torture, wouldn’t have given up the Camp’s location. 
Which - fuck that. Anyone would eventually cave under torture, even someone as strong-willed and fierce as Bellamy. 
Murphy’s hiss of pain when you accidentally linger too long on one of his cuts with your fingertips draws you out of your thoughts. „Sorry“ you say, biting your lip. 
Murphy just shrugs and suddenly you’re hit with the desperate urge to help him, even though you’re not quite sure if there even is anything you can do that could make his situation better - apart from cleaning up his wounds, which you already are doing. 
„I’m sorry for what happened to you“, you say then, looking at him. „That’s not - I can only imagine what you went through and I really am sorry that that happened to you.“ 
Murphy looks at you, confusion and irritation evident in his expression. 
„And I know that won’t change anything-“
„No it won’t“, Murphy interrupts you, but this time, there’s no venom in his voice - just pain and resignation. „But it’s nothing I haven’t experienced before.“ 
Now it’s your turn to be confused. As you continue cleaning up his wounds, you mull over his words in your mind, trying to understand what he’s implying with his words. Does he mean that he was tortured on the Ark? But that can’t be right, can it? Yes, the Ark’s council is strict and unforgiving, but you haven’t heard about them torturing somebody. 
„Can you even see anything like that?“, Murphy says, interrupting your thought process, and suddenly he’s reaching out with one hand, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. 
You swallow, trying desperately not to show how much that one little touch affected you. But your heart is thundering so loudly in your chest that you’re convinced that he’s able to hear it. 
Especially once you can no longer pretend to re-inspect the cuts on his face yet again - you really need to take a look at the wounds on his chest. 
You clear your throat, trying to sound more confident than you feel. „I - uh - I need to take a look at the wounds on your chest, judging by all that blood I’ll probably need to do some stitches … uhm could you - uh - maybe take off your shirt?“ 
Kill me, you think, wanting to die from embarrassment. Of course, the first time you’ll see a boy without his shirt on - apart from some of the boys that walk around Camp shirtless in the morning and you don’t think that they actually count - has to be in this weird situation. 
As if reading your thoughts, Murphy just smirks, before taking off his shirt. But just when’s almost free of his shirt, he hisses, his face screwing up in pain. 
„Let me“, you say, helping him. 
For a moment, you just stare at each other breathlessly. 
Then, so quietly that you’re not quite sure whether you’ve imagined it, he says: „Thank you.“ 
You nod, clearing your throat. Not knowing what else to say, you start inspecting his chest, lightly trailing your fingertips over the various scratches and other wounds - trying not to be distracted by his muscles you can feel under your fingertips and his burning gaze. 
Murphy hisses again when your fingers brush over a particularly deep wound. „Sorry“, you murmur, leaning in even closer to get a better look at his wound. „This wound needs some stitches, I’m, uh, going to get a needle and some thread.“ 
You get up and walk over to where all the medical supplies are stored, thankful for this short moment away from Murphy, his intense stare and your confusing thoughts about him. 
„Here“, you say, after sitting down in front of Murphy again and hand him the bottle of moonshine you’ve grabbed as well, „you might want to drink this before I get started on those stitches.“
Murphy just nods, taking the bottle of moonshine from you and taking a long, big sip. „Do your worst“, he says, prompting you to roll your eyes. 
„Thanks for the vote of confidence“, you murmur, though you can understand why he’d be apprehensive about this. If it were you being in his situation, you’d rather be stitched up by a trained doctor as well, but since you teens are all on your own and Clarke, the only one of you with actual medical training is currently getting some well-deserved sleep, you’re his only option. Unlike Clarke, you haven’t received any actual medical training but you do know how to give stitches - in theory at least - so you hopefully won’t screw this up. 
Here goes nothing, you think, getting started on the stitches. 
Murphy bites down hard on his lips, though a slight hiss still escapes him. 
You cringe, shooting him an apologetic smile before concentrating on his wound again. „Sorry.“ 
Murphy doesn’t say anything in response, just nods. 
You’re both quiet as you continue with the stitches. Then, when you’re almost done, Murphy suddenly says: „I got real sick when I was thirteen … only made it because my dad stole some medicine for me ... course, he got floated for it …“ 
You swallow, meeting his gaze. You don’t know why he’s suddenly telling you this - you just know that the story he’s about to tell you most likely won’t have a happy ending. 
Murphy looks away from you then, laughing bitterly. „My mother … she was never the same after his death … She started drinking. Blamed me for his death. Told me everyday that I’m a worthless good-for-nothing that’s responsible for his father’s death. She died three years after him … and I just-“
He stops talking then, shaking his head. 
„Murphy, I-“, you start to say, though you stop as well, not quite knowing what it is that you actually want to say. Murphy suddenly opening up to you is so confusing and his story so heartbreaking, you’re not quite sure what the appropriate words for this situation are, let alone if there even are any. 
„Anyway“, Murphy now says, voice tinged with bitterness, „I just - I had all this pai- anger in me and I didn’t know how to handle it, how to let it out. So I set fire to those rooms, got arrested.“ 
„Murphy …“, you say, your voice hollow, your heart breaking for the broken, angry boy in front of. 
He laughs dryly, though the sound has a wheezing quality to it that instantly worries you. „You wanted to know, didn’t you? Wanted to understand why I became such a jerk. Well, there you have it.“
„I do“, you say, putting away the needle and thread and looking at Murphy, meeting his gaze. „I do understand you, Murphy. I still think you’re an opportunistic jerk, but I understand, I really do. I - I know that it’s not worth much, but I am sorry that this happened to you, it’s awful.“ 
Murphy just shrugs, not saying anything. 
But he’s still looking at you and now that you know what to look for, now that you finally understand him better, you see the pain in his expression.
Not just due to the torture. There’s so much more, pain that’s probably been building in him for years and that he turned into sharp, pointed hate and anger, because he didn’t know how to deal with all of his pain. 
You want to help him, though you don’t really know how and why. Yes, he is a rude jerk and at Camp he was also somewhat of a bully, but you think that that’s most likely due to him not knowing how to communicate in something that’s not just anger and aggression. But you also believe that there’s more to him - that he’s not just this lonely, broken, rude jerk that that’s probably just a facade he’s hiding behind. 
„I understand, Murphy“, you say again, still looking at the storm of emotions in his green-blue eyes. Something shifts in Murphy’s expression then - he’s listening to you and something in his gaze tells you that he believes your words, believes you. „I truly do. But there’s more to life than just pain, anger and aggression.“ 
With that, you reach out a hand, softly grasping one of his hands with yours. You’re not quite sure why you’re doing it, you just know that you want to be there for Murphy, that you want to help him - and that you want him to understand that you truly mean your words. 
Murphy’s arm jerks, as if he wants to rip his hand out of your grasp, but then he grasps your hand, squeezing it lightly. He reaches up with his other hand, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. 
Just like before, your breath hitches. But this - this is different than before. This time, there’s no venom in Murphy’s gaze, no quiet challenge, no pent-up anger. Just curiosity and something softer that you can’t quite describe. 
„I still don’t really get why you’re helping me“, Murphy says, leaning even closer to you. You’re so close that you could count the lashes on his good eye. You feel his breath ghosting over your skin and you shiver in anticipation. 
„But I’m glad that I let you.“ With that, he leans in even closer, searching your eyes and whatever he sees in them, must convince him. He presses his lips to yours and you’re so overwhelmed that you don’t know how to react. But just when you feel Murphy starting to pull away, you kiss him back, bringing your free hand up to his neck. 
You feel him smirk into the kiss and if you weren’t currently kissing him, you’d definitely roll your eyes at him. As it is, you continue kissing him, though you give his hand a squeeze that’s probably a bit too harsh. 
Murphy just smirks again, deepening the kiss and tangling his hand in your hair. You can feel your heart start to beat faster and there’s a curious sensation in your stomach that feels like those butterflies that you’ve read about in books. 
You lose yourself in the kiss, in the feeling of Murphy.
Kissing Murphy feels good, though his lips are chapped and dry and he hisses in pain when you overeagerly lean a little too much against him. But still - kissing Murphy feels good. 
And even though you’re still confused and you know that one conversation won’t suddenly make him sunshine personified - you like his dry sarcasm way too much for that - you also know that you want more. You want to get to know Murphy, really get to know him, you want to be there for him. And if there are more occasions to kiss him along the way of getting to know him and helping him, then you certainly won’t complain about that. 
Murphy gives you one last, bruising kiss, before breaking the kiss, breathlessly leaning his forehead against yours. 
„I - Murphy - what …“, you stammer, still too wound up from the kiss. 
Murphy smirks. „That was thank you.“ 
You can’t help but roll your eyes. „I see“, you say dryly. 
„For stitching me up … and for not giving up on me“, Murphy adds, his voice serious again. 
You smile softly, reaching up to brush a strand of hair out of his eye. „I’ll be sure to stick around then.“ 
Murphy grins, though there’s a vulnerability to it now that wasn’t there before. „Doesn’t sound too bad …“ 
„Yeah, it doesn’t“, you agree, before leaning up to kiss him again. 
You feel him smiling into the kiss, causing you to smile as well. 
Yes, the road ahead is not going to be easy - this is John Murphy, resident sarcastic, rude asshole, after all - but you’re not afraid to walk it with Murphy. 
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furiousgoldfish · 10 months
How many of these 'rules for thee but not for me' have your abusive parents enforced on you?
I am allowed to criticize you, insult you, humiliate you and put you down in front of others. If you ever as much as imply I do anything wrong, or make me look bad in front of anyone, I will end you.
I am allowed to be aggressive, loud, intimidating, forceful and violent. You're not allowed to use force even in self defense, otherwise you are the abusive one, and how dare you.
I am allowed to need attention, comfort, appreciation, admiration, praise, reassurance, resources, time, energy, and everyone's support, at all times. If you ever need any of this, not only you are a burden but you're taking away attention that could have been mine and I need it more than you do. You do not deserve any of it.
I am allowed to make mistakes, to do harm with 'good intentions', to make human error and do things completely wrong. Everyone needs to give me a benefit of the doubt and forgive me immediately. If you ever make something I decide is a mistake, not only I will assume you had the worst intentions, but I will punish you severely for it and make you feel like you're the worst failure ever born.
I am allowed to control you completely. I can forbid and deny you anything, even food. I say what you do and when you do it, and you have to do it regardless of how rude I am asking it. If you ever even ask me to do something you need me to do, I will act like you are unreasonable, selfish and trying to take something away from me.
I am allowed to be emotional, whiny, complain, rant, threaten, wallow and cry. You are not allowed to show any emotions or you're spoiled, whiny, insufferable and unworthy of human society.
I am allowed to be seen as human and reasonable, all my actions excusable, and nobody is ever allowed to forget that I have emotions and that it's wrong to blame me for anything. You are not allowed any of this, you don't get to be taken seriously, and all of your actions are inexcusable. I can forget you're human and that you have emotions and it still makes me better than you.
I am allowed to hurt you if you do anything that irritates or annoys me even a little, even if you did it unknowingly and were just being a human. If you ever hurt me, even accidentally, you are a demon, worst child alive, and deserve to burn in hell forever.
I can take any revenge against you and it's justified. If you even consider any kind of revenge, you're evil.
I can forget that you exist and not care at all how my decisions affect you and your life. If you ever make a decision without considering my feelings first, you are the most selfish, disgusting, deprived and evil person who lives only to cause me harm.
My anger directed at you is righteous. Your anger directed at me is selfish, ungrateful, spoiled, deranged, out of control, disgusting, dangerous, makes you evil.
If I ever show contempt at you, you are supposed to still rationalize it as 'love'. If you ever as much as look at me wrong, I will take it as an expression of utter unreasonable hatred and disrespect.
I deserve respect, regardless of what I do to you. You don't deserve respect, and you never will, regardless of what you do for the rest of your life.
I am intelligent, and my every decision is superior to any of yours. You will never be intelligent, your every decision will be considered stupid until you do exactly as I tell you to.
I decide who you are and how are you to be treated. You don't get to decide, not for yourself, not for me. You will perceive me how I tell you to perceive me. I will perceive you as unlovable and awful no matter what you do, and you must perceive yourself this way too.
You must center me in your life. You are completely irrelevant to me and exist solely to make me look good, give me benefits of labour and love and to avoid making any trouble for me. If you try to do otherwise I will attack you as if you are the worst creature existing who is a burden to everyone alive.
Guests and relatives are here to give attention to me. You are not allowed attention and should instead be there as a servant/make me look good.
It is never my fault how I react to you, or even for what I do to you unprovoked. It is always your fault how you react to me, and you are further responsible for all of my actions and emotions as well. Nobody is responsible for your emotions, you might as well not have any.
I am not responsible for my own violence. You are responsible for my violence, and for violence of other people towards you.
I deserve everything I ever wanted from parenthood and raising a child, and only good parts too. If anyone tries to make me go through any unpleasant part, they're stupid or evil. You do not deserve even the basics of a normal childhood, instead you need to be the toughest kid alive if you want to survive.
I can be sensitive to every little hint, implication or face expression. You are not allowed to be sensitive even to the most crude and humiliating remarks or insults. You are not allowed to even have a problem with threats, blackmail or violence.
Whatever bothers me is a real and serious issue. Whatever bothers you is superficial, unimportant, made-up, you dramatizing and you seeking attention. Your problems are not real.
I cannot be compared to anyone for I am unique and special. You can be compared to the most despicable monsters, criminals, predators, and other groups of people that I consider disgusting.
If I am sick, it's a tragedy. If you are sick, stop pretending and get to work. And it's also your own fault and how dare you be sick only to force me to tolerate you being in bed and otherwise ignore you. You've done this on purpose to make me worry.
If I'm hurt, no measure is big enough to comfort me, bring justice back into the world, ensure revenge and correct whatever evil hurt me. If you're hurt, you deserved it, and you're probably just making it up anyway.
Taking care of me is your responsibility. Taking care of you is nobody's chore and you're selfish for wanting it.
My problem are your problems, and you are responsible for fixing them, even when you can't possibly do anything about them. Your problems are irrelevant and nobody cares.
You have to make me look good even at the price of truth, free will, and your own sanity. I can make you look bad in front of others for fun and amusement.
If you're inconvenient to me, I have every right to hate you, hurt you and do anything in the world to force you to change whatever is bothering me. If I'm inconvenient to you, adjust, and keep silent.
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genderlessdude92 · 5 months
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PAIRINGS: Alastor x Reader
SUMMARY: You and Alastor get into a fight because you’re just worried he got hurt after a fight with Vox. He snaps at you and…well, you isolate yourself. whoopsies!
WARNINGS: Emotional abuse, Toxic relationship dynamics (but they both love each other dw), Intense emotional distress, Language, Potential Triggers, Donestic conflict. (MAJOR FLUFF AT THE END THOUGH!!! ESTABLISHED RELATIONSHIP!!!) They were a couple alive too if you don’t mind idk i suck at writing- USAGE OF Y/N I ALMOST FORGOT AHHH- Lmk if i missed anything :3
NOTICE: please don't copy or steal or translate any of my work or you will be haunted in your dreams and i will spawn something unpleasant at your porch the next day. But...thanks for liking my work !! >.< Property of @l4zyb0n35 and @genderlessdude92
Requests are open, support is highly appreciated!
WORDS: 1.7k
〰ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ..。.:*・゚♫₊ ♪ *♬‧₊enjoy!~
“Alastor, are you serious?!” You yelled as Alastor started to walk away from you, mid conversation.
Alastor had just gotten into a big fight with Vox, luckily survived, though. The frustrating part is, he won’t even let you heal him. Or know what the battle was even about?!
Which made you really, really paranoid.
“Alastor, don’t walk away from me, that’s rude.” You caught up with him and began to match his pace and he walked to the halls of the hotel to lucifer knows where. “We need to talk about this.” You say firmly. “I’m going to find out one way or another.” You add, raising your voice slightly.
Alastor stopped walking and turned around to face you. He was looking down at you, which always made you feel so small. Even if he wasn’t actually looking at you, you could still feel it.
“Well, then.” His voice was calm, but a hint of annoyance was there. “Aren’t you just invested in my little public hiccup.”He crossed his arms, waiting for your response.
“Yes I am. And I think we should talk about it, instead of you getting defensive.” You looked him dead in the eye and kept talking. “And why you didn’t tell me.” Your voice went quieter again.
Alastor hid a chuckle, “I thought you would care more about me surviving, than knowing how many lives I took today.” He raised his eyebrow, mocking you. “Or maybe, I don’t want to share this kind of information with someone who will judge me for it.” He was now fully annoyed by you.
You stepped closer to him, trying to keep him from leaving again. “Alastor, please stop. I’m just trying to help. I don’t…” You trailed off nervously. “I don’t want us fighting.”
Alastor smirked at you, “Oh, don’t worry love. We aren’t fighting. Yet.” His tone was harsh and he leaned down to look you in the eyes. “But I will if you continue to harass me about this.”
You felt yourself start to panic, but tried your best to hide it. “I’m sorry Alastor, I just…” You couldn’t finish your sentence, as he interrupted you.
“No. Don’t ‘just’ anything. You know I hate that word.” He said with a cold smile. “Now leave me alone before I get upset with you.”
“…You know,” You began, standing in your place as Alastor walked away, “You should at least act like you care about my opinion, maybe act like a husband, as well.” You snapped back, but in a more calm, collected tone. (minus the shakiness in your voice.)
“That’s rich coming from you.” Alastor snapped back, turning around to face you again. “What did I ever do to deserve such a self-righteous wife?” He raised his voice a bit, but not enough for others to hear. “How dare you assume things about me without even asking. How dare you come here and make demands of me. How dare you try to control me.” He continued yelling, walking towards you. “You have no right to tell me what to do! I don’t have to explain myself to you!”
“I’m not trying to control you. I’m just saying, maybe you could at least consider what I have to say sometimes…” You tried to say bravely, but failed at the end. You felt so small. So insignificant.
You felt like nothing.
Alastor was now right in front of you, towering above you. His height and stature were intimidating, but his voice was worse. It was rough and demanding, making you feel like you weren’t worth anything. “You are nothing, nothing compared to me.” He sneered. “I don’t give a damn about what you think. What you say. What you do. You’re just a pathetic little sinner who has no idea what real power feels like. You’re not worthy of my time. You’re not worthy of my attention. You’re not worthy of my love.” He spat out the last word like it tasted sour in his mouth.
His words were cutting through your heart, and you couldn’t take it anymore.
You dashed away to the nearest staircase, needing to get to your office. Your only safe space.
It has been about a week now since the fight you and Alastor had.
It had also been a week since you came out of your office.
You didn’t really leave your office because, one, it had a fridge of food and other things. Two, you had a makeshift bed with the couch. And three, why would you even go out there?
Only problem is, you’ve cried everyday, and that made you feel like complete imp-shit.
You really wanted to see Alastor, but you knew it wouldn’t end well.
You also didn’t want to be around anyone else, either.
Alastor was a gentleman to all women who deserved so.
An example he would give you is Rosie. He’s a gentleman to her because she’s nice to him and has manners. She deserves it.
But, if he was near Velvette, he would call her cruel names and shred all her ‘designer masterpieces’.
But, now he was confused.
What happened with Y/N?
He had never fought like that with her before no, usually she would be next to him in bed right now.
He was starting to miss her.
…he needed to give her an apology.
But he knew he wasn’t good with words.
So, he brainstormed.
“I could probably give her a heart…” He thought, stepping out of bed and pondering for a moment, “…no, no….maybe…some flowers?…” he looked over to his bayou. “…Allergies.”
He slumped onto his armchair and looked around his room for any ideas at all.
“…maybe some candy? No.” He thought, “She doesn’t eat much sweets.”
He sat there for a while longer, thinking.
Then it hit him.
You heard footsteps outside your door, and immediately froze. You looked around your room for any escape route, and found none. You decided to sit back down on your couch, and began to wait for whoever was there to leave.
The footsteps stopped outside your door, and a knock sounded out. “Y/N, open the door.” Alastor’s voice was stern and commanding. “I know you’re in there.” He added.
You opened the door slowly, and peeked out to see who it was.
“Hello, darling.” Alastor said with a warm smile. “Can I come in?”
You just stared at him, saying nothing
‘fuck’, he thought, ‘i caused this.”
“Y/N, I just want to apologize.” He finally said, breaking the silence. “I shouldn’t have said those things to you. I was wrong.”
“…you don’t mean that.” You replied, still not moving.
“I do mean it, darling. Please jsut…let me in.” Alastor said sincerely, taking a step forward.
You hesitated for a moment, then moved aside to let him in. He closed the door behind him and stood there awkwardly for a few seconds, unsure of what to do or say next.
Then, your eyes wandered to the large picture album he was holding to his side.
“Alastor…what’s that?” You asked, taking a step back cautiously.
“…it’s our picture album.” He looked at you, remaining calm. “…from…when we were alive. You know, with all those crappy photos.” He smiled softly.
You looked up at him, “…I’m scared.”
Alastor knew exactly why, as well.
He sighed, “I promise…I will keep myself contained if i ever, ever lash out like that… ever again.” He claimed, tears building up in his eyes.
“What i said back there was not true at all. You are everything to me, you are worth so much, and most of all, I love you.” He dropped the book to the floor and held out his arms to hug you.
You didn’t move, “…I don’t want to be here…” You said, letting a tear fall.
He nodded, “That’s okay, dear, let’s go to our room, okay?” He reassured, picking the book back up and holding you tight to his waist as the shadows consumed you both, talking you to his room.
You and Alastor missed this.
Limbs tangled together in bed, holding each other close, breathing in each other’s scents, you wish you had this sooner.
Alastor flipped a page of the album, “Oh look,” He noticed, pointing his claws to the first picture in the album, “It’s our cat, oh, what was his name again?” He asked, looking at you.
You were still crying.
He took a deep breath, “Y/n,” he exhaled, “It’s okay, dear…please don’t think about it.”
You looked at him, “w-what?” you said, wiping your cheek.
He ran a claw through your hair, “Nothing.” He said, smiling softly.
You put your head on his shoulder, “Okay,” you mumbled into his chest, closing your eyes and enjoying his scent.
He stroked your hair, “Do you remember our wedding day?” He asked.
You shook your head, “…no, I don’t…it was too long ago…” you said, sniffling.
He kissed the top of your head, “That’s alright, sweetheart, we have plenty of time to talk about it.” He assured you, pulling you closer to him.
You closed your eyes, listening to the sound of his heartbeat. You felt safe in his arms. Safe and loved.
Alastor flipped the pages until he found the wedding pictures, “Oh, here we are. Look, see how my mother walked you through the aisle?” He rubbed the picture with his thumb, rethinking back the memory.
“…yeah…I remember now…” You snuggled closer into him, trying to control your ragged breathing.
“…just breathe daring.” He reminded you, “Look here, you see how much you’ve changed?” He laughed softly, flipping another page, “See here? Here you are at our anniversary dinner, you wore that beautiful dress that made your legs look amazing.” He blushed lightly, “I remember you told me I was the only one allowed to see it.”
You giggled, “…that was a joke, silly.” You said, opening your eyes and smiling up at him.
“Ah, yes, I know.” He smiled back,
“…You’re so precious to me, y’know that?” He said, leaning down and kissing your forehead.
END NOTES: Idk what i was thinking when i made this fic erm…! Idk I’ve been going thru some shit rn but I’ve gotta impress the community because the notes/likes/comments/reblogs on my posts aren’t doing to good rn!! Oh no!!! (that is a sign from my greedy ass) And i just started a multi-chapter fic so like idk why i’m typing this- support is appreciated. BAI!!![![![11!
-Lynn ¸¸♬·¯·♩¸¸♪·¯·♫¸¸¸♬·¯·♩ Masterlist Link
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scaryinclusive · 10 months
by @scaryinclusive.
presently, narcissist is a word used to define individuals with narcissistic personality disorder. a narcissistic individual is someone exhibiting traits or symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder. due to its widespread use as a derogatory, dehumanising and stigmatising label, despite its original purpose, the use of 'narcissist, narcissism and narcissistic' as an adjective, especially in an insulting, derogatory way, is ableist, sanist and stigmatising.
why should you consider altering your vocabulary and stop using words like 'narcissist' as an adjective — especially a derogatory one? please read this informative post. help the npd community out by opting to utilise less harmful, stigmatising language in your speech and writing! please note: the following words listed are not synonyms with or indicative of npd symptoms or traits. but for the context 'narcissist' is typically socially applied to, they are a beneficial replacement. feel free to reblog.
arrogant. an exaggerated sense of one's own worth or importance. this can come across as overbearing, or socially inappropriate.
selfish. very concentrated on one's own personal profit or pleasure, typically lacking consideration for others.
self-absorbed. preoccupied with one's own interests, feelings or situations.
boastful. excessive pride and self-satisfaction in one's own achievements, possessions or abilities.
braggart. same as above, just a synonym. relating more to bragging than boasting.
conceited. alternative for vain, excessively proud of oneself.
egotistical. excessively conceited or absorbed in oneself. a synonym for self-centred.
haughty. acting superior in an arrogant, disdainful way.
insolent. rude, arrogant, showing a lack of respect.
ostentatious. a pretentious or showy display, an attempt to impress.
overconfident. excessively confident, an excessive certainty in one's abilities.
proud. a deep pleasure or satisfaction gained from one's own achievements, qualities or possessions.
self-confident. trusting in one's abilities, qualities, and judgement.
self-important. an exaggerated sense of one's own value or importance.
superior. an overly high opinion of oneself. synonym for conceited.
vain. excessive high opinion of one's appearance, abilities or worth.
egocentric. thinking only of yourself, without regard for others' feelings or desires.
self-centred. preoccupied with oneself and one's affairs.
self-involved. preoccupied with oneself, not paying attention to anyone else.
smug. an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements.
pompous. grand, self-important or solemn in a way that is insincere or pretentious.
self-serving. having concern for oneself and oneself only.
sycophant. someone who is too eager to praise or obey someone in order to gain an advantage.
complacent. smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements.
vainglorious. overlay vain, excessively proud of oneself.
obnoxious. extremely unpleasant.
egoistic. relating to egoism, preoccupied with oneself, synonymous with self-centred.
callous. showing or having an insensitive or cruel disregard for others.
cruel. wilfully or deliberately causing pain / suffering to others, potentially with no remorse.
abusive / emotionally abusive. extremely offensive or insulting. a form of interaction wherein the abuser is psychologically controlling, manipulating or harming you.
manipulative. exercising control or influence over another individual or situation. can be intentional but equally can be subconscious.
self-righteous. a certainty, especially an unfounded one, that one is totally correct or morally superior.
unsympathetic. not expressing, showing or feeling sympathy towards others or a situation.
toxic. poisonous, very harmful or unpleasant in a way that is pervasive or insidious.
insidious. the proceeding of something in a gradual, subtle way, but with extremely harmful effects.
malignant. very dangerous or harmful.
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hunterwritings · 10 months
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summary: "Tbh after Johnny I thought I could ask bi-han angry sex?, like the sub reader with their hands tied behind their back, while bi-han do his job, and maybe in the end he cuddle reader, making sure his beloved is fine" | requested here warnings: 18+, smut, angry/make-up sex, rough sex, choking, fingering finger sucking, power struggle, temperature play, ice play (kinda?) notes: need him carnally
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"You are insufferable."
His words cut you like a blade. You scoffed and shook your head before turning away from him. "And you are unbelievable!" You spit as you raise a finger against his chest. You turned and began to walk away from him before he grabbed a hold of your wrist and pulled you back to face him.
"You speak to your Grandmaster with such disrespect." Bi-han snarls as he holds tightly on your arm. "Oh? So now you are my Grandmaster?" You remark with wit. "After the various times you have reminded me that I am no Lin Kuei warrior, now you want me to refer to you as 'Grandmaster'?" His eyes squint with anger boiling in his veins.
All of this could have been avoided, it really could have. But Bi-han had overstepped, treated you as if you were just another Lin Kuei member and not his dashing partner, his betrothed. You weren't going to back down that easy, you knew Bi-han had a sense of ego when it came to how he ordered around people but you'd be damned if he'd say something like that to you. Today you could tell that Bi-han was annoyed and was clearly taking it out on you, to which you stood your ground.
"I am your wife, not just a pawn for you to order around!" You snap, pulling your hand away from his grip. "And if you wish to keep me, you will understand that." You add. His eyes scanned over your face, as if he was contemplating his next move. Although he would never admit it, he loved this side of you. The side of you that stood your ground and wouldn't take his shit just because of his title. Bi-han is draw to confidence just as much as he is drawn to obedience.
He rose a hand to press on your chest before pressing you against the wall, harsh but not enough to hurt you. A gasp left your lips, a bit shocked at his response. Before he could get a word out, you quickly push his arm off your chest and swoop down to sweep his legs out from the ground, causing him to fall onto his back. While he was still dazed, you rushed to sit atop of him and reach for his hands to try and pin him down; you knew it was pointless due to how much stronger he was than you, but you weren't going to submit to his rude behavior and you wanted to make it clear. Before you were able to pin his hand to the ground, he quickly grabbed a hold of your waist and turned you over so that you were pinned beneath him. He was quick to pin you wrists down to the cold, wooden floor. A frustrated groan left your lips as you dropped your head back onto the floor, your chest heaving up and down.
"Do you truly wish to fight me?' He asks, almost with a cocky tone in his voice.
A guttural growl sounded from your throat as you looked up at him. He was basking in this sight, knowing that you wished so hard to overpower him even though you knew you physically couldn't.
"I deserve an apology." You firmly stated. A chuckle came from his lips before he leaned down until he was just an inch from your face.
"You're so self-righteous." He says before roughly pressing his lips to yours, feeling an angry groan vibrate against his lips. Even with how angry you were, you still moved your lips against his; how could you not? Before he pulled away, you bit the bottom of his lip, pulling the flesh back before letting go, seeing a mischievous smile on his face.
Without a second to think, he rapidly moved his hands from your wrists to your waist, picking you up with ease before slamming you into the wall. He held his cold hands tightly on your thighs as your back pressed against the wall.
"You expect me to forgive you if you fuck me hard enough? How easy do you think I am?" You snap as you reach one of your hands up to tightly wrap around his neck, the other tightly gripping at his exposed bicep, digging your nails into his skin deep enough to draw blood.
"I guess we will find out, won't we?" He smiled with arrogance before crashing his lips into yours again as he feels the grip around his neck tighten.
He held you up with one arm as his other reached under your legs and pressed up against your clothed folds. A small moan fell from your lips, trying to suppress it with biting your bottom lip. His ego inflated at the sound of you, knowing that you tried so hard to defy him but still came undone at the slightest of his touch.
He pulled you away from the wall and dropped you onto the bed. He crawled on top of you as you laid your head against the pillow, leaning down to press his lips onto yours. As he opened his mouth eagerly to capture your lips, you reached up your hand to shove your middle and ring finger into his mouth. To your surprise, he roughly sucked on your fingers as you pushed them further down his mouth. You removed your fingers from his mouth and brought them to your mouth, leaving a string of saliva falling from your mouths.
"You are trying so hard to be defiant." He wraps his cold hand around your neck.
You chuckle as you reach your hand up to wrap around his own neck, a feeble attempt to gain power. "So stubborn." He chuckles before finally pressing his lips against yours.
His hands roam your body, pulling off your clothes one by one, not daring to remove his lips from yours. His ice cold fingers make their way to your folds, now exposed. He inserted one of his fingers into your pussy, causing a groan to hum against his lips. He quickly pumped his fingers into you, pressing his thumb up against your clit. Your legs instinctively squeeze around his figure as he continues his pace, curling his fingers into you. You threw your head back onto the pillow as you rose your hands to grip at the wooden headboard above you. As you reach your hands up, Bi-han takes his free hand to grab a hold of both of your wrists and hold them tightly in on of his hands. As he holds onto your wrists, he presses tightly against the headboard and suddenly, you feel cold ice surrounding your wrists. You look up to see that Bi-han had frozen your hands above your head, rendering you incapacitated.
You groan before looking up at him, a smug grin plastering his face. "You need to cool off." He smirks as he removes his pants. "Oh my god, I'm going to kill you." You shake your head, wincing slightly at the cold on your hands. "You couldn't if you tried." He added.
Without warning, he positions himself between your wet pussy and slams fully into you. A loud moan erupted from your mouth as your head fell back. He moved harshly at a face pace in and out of you, gripping the area of the headboard around your frozen hands. You felt tears forming in your eyes, a mix from the roughness of Bi-han slamming into you and the cold sensation of ice from above you. "Fuck-" You cursed.
He grabbed a hold of your chin and forced you to look at him as he shoved his cock further into you. His other hand held tightly on your hips as the sounds of wet skin slapping against each other filled the room. Your back arched off the fabric of the bed as you squeezed around him tightly, feeling his cock hit your cervix. Bi-han groaned as he felt your walls tighten around him, one of his hands reaching up to tightly grip the headboard around your hands. "Where was all that talk before, huh?" He teased, continuing his fast pace between your hips. "Ugh... fuck you." You breathe out with a moan, feeling cold water drip from around your wrists down your arms and onto your collarbone. "It should be a privilege to have my cock buried in you ―shit." You could feel his hips begin to falter as he could feel his climax coming. "You ― ah!, would be alone with your hands... without me." You tried so hard to keep the last word, it made Bi-han almost laugh.
"Gods, I love you." He whispered before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours, much softer this time. Ironically, he sped up his hips, creating loud moans from your lips as you clenched tightly around him, cumming hard on his cock. As you squeezed him, he moaned loudly before burying his head in your neck, gripping at your hips tightly. He shakily hit his hips against yours a few more times before spilling his seed deep within you, clawing at your sides as he heaved.
The two of you stayed in this position for a moment, heavy breaths exchanged as he pressed his sweaty forehead against the crook of your neck. He reached a hand up to hold your cheek softly as move slightly to press his forehead against yours, feeling beads of sweat on his fingertips. He leans up to press a kiss to your forehead before sitting up to focus on the ice around your wrists. He holds on the block of ice and gives it a swift hit, breaking the ice into various pieces and releasing your hands. A small exhale of relief leaves you as the cold dissipates from your skin. His hands wrap around yours softly, rubbing your reddened skin as he looks down at you with soft eyes. "Are you alright?' He genuinely asks as you nod in response.
"You are right." He breathes out, taking you aback. "You are so much more than a mediocre warrior." He admits as he holds your face tightly. You chuckled slightly as you raise your head from the pillow. "That is what I like to hear." You smile as you lean up and kiss him. He exhales as he wraps his large arms around you tightly, pulling you even closer to him. His hands gripped around your back as he rubbed in circles. "You are so much more than anything I deserve." He compliments. "You know your worth, know how you deserve respect and nothing less, it makes me proud to be with you." He explains as you smile up at him as you caressed the side of his face. "I don't wish to lose you." He whispers softly. "You will not lose me as long as you treat me as your equal." You peck him on his lips as he nods.
"Let me bathe you, clean you up." He offers. "Only if you will join me." You smirk as he chuckles before swiftly picking you up in his arms and carrying you to the bathroom.
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Here is a list of traits Silver has shown in the games, Sonic Channel and other Sonic Team made content:
Righteous, has a strong sense of justice and is driven to make things right
Kind-hearted, puts other people’s happiness before his own and will drop his mission to help others, is motivated by his desire to protect smiles, wants to use his powers not for himself, but to help others.
Extremely Determined
Optimistic and Hopeful, believes there’s always a chance as long as you don’t give up, inspires hope in the people he works with in Forces, the final story of Sonic 06 and when he helps Elise through her performance anxiety
Pure, has a “sincere, unpretentious and kind” demeanor and wears his heart on his sleeve, this genuineness and purity gives him an “enduring charm” that is one of the biggest things his friends, particularly Blaze, enjoy about him and makes others want to support him
Forthright, is very direct and frank with people and has a straight to the point mentality, is straightforward in his actions and thinking
Earnest and blunt to the point of naivety, expects people to believe and cooperate with him when he says he’s from the future, hides very little and is so honest that he announces himself when attacking Sonic
Not trusting post 06, doesn’t give Sonic a Chaos Emerald until he proves he’s real in Sonic Generations and is the most suspicious of Dodon Pa
Snide and Sarcastic, sneers at Eggman’s theme park in Sonic Colors and has a snotty attitude towards anyone he can one up, remarks “What am I doing?” when going with Amy
Brash, has rude/informal mannerisms and can be abrasive, particularly to people who are not his allies
Juvenile, described as young and immature by his creator Shun Nakamura, this immaturity ties into many aspects of his character as well as his purity but is also the source of his snotty attitude and rude behavior, supposedly he doesn’t like green peppers which is the Japanese equivalent of children not liking broccoli 
Focused, proactive and practical mindset, seen particularly throughout Sonic Forces
Focused on his goals, Does not care what the plan is called in Forces, only that it works and when asked about his favorite race item he says that he likes Jade Ghost because “It lets him disappear and focus on the race”
Inquisitive and proactive, questioned others about how the world was destroyed in the Iblis future his whole life, fought Iblis to try and clear the sky himself, spent most of Team Sonic Racing cracking down on Dodon Pa and Eggman, reads into “Ancient Wisdom” in the good future
Sharp and intuitive, Figures out how to revive Sonic in 06, sees through Eggman Nega's disguises by noticing small details, does successful detective work in Sonic 06 and Team Sonic Racing, intuits Blaze trying to control great powers when seeing them for the first time, has solved various puzzles and mysteries by himself, “knows a lot” according to Sonic in Silver’s Sonic Channel introduction story
Skilled and Crafty, skillfully accomplishes various tasks during his Town Missions in Sonic 06, turns his fight with Sonic into a race to collect Chao in Sonic Rivals 2, Vector refers to him and Blaze as professionals in the Team Vector Nintendo Dream interview, has had jobs as a delivery boy, a figure skater, a “genius” skating coach and a butler
Trains off-screen and makes steady efforts to improve his abilities, seems to be self-taught in his skills 
Sometimes takes everything on himself
Warrior with a warrior mentality, described as a warrior, enjoys fighting and will fight his friends for fun, fought and struggled for half his life in the Iblis future, values bravery and facing things head on, dislikes cowardice and indirect tactics, can endure “pain beyond description” and is undeterred by injuries (Shadow’s infamous kick to the head only made him mad)
Competitive and proud/confident in his abilities, has a smug attitude about his abilities and can get competitive over something as simple as handling Orbot and Cubot, clashes with Blaze the first time(s) they meet because of this
Headstrong and Confrontational, confronts Infinite alone because of this, gets offended when Blaze she calls him “weak” and treats him like an amateur 
Very Emotional, tends to rush in and deal with things too head-on because of the strength of his feelings and start confrontations because he gets heated, his passion drives him forward but this same passion can cause him to be rash as his actions are dominated by his feelings
Hot Tempered and impatient, can be easily angered and gets frustrated or indignant when things don’t go his way, can get annoyed at things that get in the way or impatient with things that aren’t to the point, his sense of justice causes righteous indignation at great injustices, his temper can be quite similar to Blaze’s
Has Aggressive energy in both his demeanor and body language, generally has confident or determined expressions, often makes fists, punches things when he's frustrated and gets up by punching the ground
Can be Ruthless, has resorted to playing possum, sneaking past Soleanna guards, robbing people and killing to accomplish his goals
Courageous to the point of being Reckless, puts other’s safety before his own, instantly reacts to protect those around him when attacked in Sonic Comic, Instantly battle ready when surprised in Generations, fought against Iblis and its monsters from a very young age growing up in an extremely hazardous devastated future, both values bravery and dislikes cowardice, recklessly went off to face Infinite on his own and is noted to not back down even in the face of his mighty power, will sacrifice himself without a second thought if necessary
His way of life inspires others and makes them want to cheer him on, this even extends to real life as the illustration at the top this post inspired everyone in the office to give him a high five that day
Cannot lie but can change the subject
Doesn’t know how to explain/express himself at times
Scratches his head with his index finger when processing his thoughts
Feels joy and anger loudly but is quiet in sadness and contemplation
Gets rowdy, riled up and puts his all into things he’s feeling but is very low and quiet when something is on his mind or he’s feeling down(He’s totally autistic, this is autistic volume)
Has a mischievous side
Like apples, ate apple flavored rations in the Iblis future
Deeply appreciates peace, prosperity and people‘s smiles, beautiful vistas and people living peacefully leave him breathless
His desire for peace is seemingly driven by strong empathy for both the people and environment around him, blue skies make him feel at peace, natural beauty and people living prosperously takes his breath away, desolate or destroyed areas sadden and upset him, he can’t help but smile when he makes others smile and can’t stand to see the suffering in his destroyed futures
Has a very quiet, introspective and empathetic side (he deeply and quietly reflects on the morality of his mission throughout 06 and quietly takes in everything about Elise’s past)
AB blood type meaning that he's dual natured and adaptable based on the situation
Is a Taurus
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