#and send u stuff of the character bc it reminds them of u…
dreamwinged · 2 months
i think it’s so fun when u like a character so much that they become a part of ur identity to other ppl
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bobzora · 2 years
persona 5 strikers is the funniest game in the whole world simply because of how much it hates goro akechi. like as much as i love the guy i'd understand if he didn't show up because, yknow, hes kind of dead. but strikers doesn't just do that. oh no, it has grander ideas. it refuses to acknowledge his existence, period. and not mentioning him always leads to this awkward elephant in the room because the extent they go to to not mention him at all is immensely weird. especially because he is incredibly thematically relevant! i mean, come on, look at the antagonists! and we can mention shido but not akechi? a major antagonist even has a backstory that gives Huge deja vu...
i'm half convinced that strikers is a fucked up alternate version of royal where the difference is that maruki is just a really big phanboy who hates akechi's guts so he erases him from existence. so jokers the only one who remembers him and everyone else is just kind of accidentally gaslighting him. that's clearly the only explanation here. lol.
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okkalo · 1 year
Good day~ If your requests are open can I ask you for Chigiri, Nagi and Rin when they have a crush and how they'd confess headcanons please? Have a nice day!~
hi anon! congrats on being my first request <3 i hope u have a nice day too!
reminder that requests are open!! if you have any questions about my requests feel free to send an ask!
second part here with: reo, hiori, and karasu
characters: chigiri, nagi, rin
heart is beating up and down!
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- i headcanon chigiri values quality time
- he’s constantly inviting you to go out or come over (i also headcanon that he makes u avoid his sister when ur at his place bc he thinks she’s just that weird)
- i can imagine you guys getting compliments on being a cute couple in public. he gets so embarrassed and tries to his his face from you. “who says stuff like that?” his play-it-off quote
- he would confess to you in a park. it had been early mid-evening, you guys had just gotten desserts from a nearby cafe and decided to enjoy them on a bench in the park
- after you both had finished your food there was kinda a moment of silence, which was not awkward! it was a more enjoy-the-moment kind of silence
- he decided to break it, finding this a good place to confess to you. “hey, y/n?” you replied with a small hum, looking over at him. you got a little worried seeing him so serious.
- “i like you, a lot.” he would look at you while saying this, his eyes reflecting his confession (god i would pass out on the spot)
- would not be opposed with a kiss, however, he will not engage it!
- pls say you feel the same. imagine his soft smile once you say that
- he’s probably the hardest one to spot with a crush
- would definitely hang around you more, skip practice to see you (pre blue lock ofc) pls call reo and tell him to get nagi.
- would probably somehow make it a thing where he’s always resting his head on you. be it your shoulder or your lap. he also does the thing where he comes up from behind you and rests his chin on the top of your head!!
- he also likes quality time (he’s bigger on physical affection) so he’s probably at your house a few times a week (probably not much public places)
- i feel like he would ask reo for advice on confessing? pls nagi is so hopeless he doesn’t know what to do..he probably gags at all of reo’s ideas, deeming them “cringey”
- i bet he would confess when you guys arrived at your house. he had walked you home (surprising) but couldn’t stay so he just said it when you were about to go inside
- really awkward because he did it so casually? you had to ask him to repeat himself because you couldn’t believe what just happened (he just replied “i like you.” 😐🧍‍♂️)
- if you say you feel the same then and there he would probably just say “cool” like? he’s so stupid, save him.
- i do not think he would kiss you after the confession!! he would save it for another day!
- i will also believe he would be the guy to think you guys are dating even though he never asked you out or anything? reo has to tell him to confess and nagi is just like “?? we’re already dating??”
- PLS i can also imagine he tried to confess to you in a game but you stopped playing it so you never saw LOL. you start playing it again 4 months after you guys are official and just see “i like you” — 5 months ago
- ilovehimilovehimilovehim.
- he probably takes awhile to confess, hoping his feelings would die but only to find out they grew stronger (he’s terrified of rejection [thanks sae.])
- he would probably do things for you without even noticing. oh, you’re hungry? have his breakfast bar. oh, you’re thirsty? have a drink of his water.
- if he gets called out on it he’ll scoff out a “shut up.” will add an insult unique to the person calling him out too (lukewarm will always be in it however). yes, he’s also blushing (don’t say anything about it!)
- will be so down bad if you do something for him too
- he actually confesses when you’re worrying over his ankle. he was practicing by himself and you were watching and all of a sudden he just stopped moving, to which you quickly ran out on the field to find out what happened.
- “rin you should stop for tonight. i’m not trying to say—.” “i love you.”
- he doesn’t even mean to say it.
- pls kiss him. this man has felt this way for months (he’s probably made you wait that long too)
- if u say you don’t feel the same? bye. im crying for his sake
- if you tell him you feel the same he wouldn’t know what to say back (it would be so awkward). so pls just kiss him.
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unedited thank you for reading!
ps. sorry if chigiri’s is weird?
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dani-says-stuff · 1 year
Myrtles Plantation
❥ Back to the Control Center
❥ Nate Hardy Masterlist
- note the reader is afraid of dolls in this one - also my love for Amanda spills through... a lot... but I think it adds character, spice, and humor, so I'm leaving it in
Nate Hardy x fem!medium(?)reader
Summary: Based on this request
« could u do a nate x reader (in a relationship) at the haunted plantation?? like she sees something and amanda lets them know it was evil??? »
Thanks to this anon for reminding me this was in my drafts
Thank you for my first request anon!! so so so sorry it took so long!
I hope this is what you were looking for, I kinda went off the deep end with it lol
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: language, hauntings, evil spirits, creepy stuff, inconsistent capitalization, my disregard for run on sentences and “pRopEr gRammAr”, unedited ramble writings bc i just wanted to finally get it published for y’all, maybe incorrect timeline? technically? bc i can’t remember if Nate was in a video with Amanda before this one…
Dialogue Key:
Spirit Box
You and Nate were currently in his car, driving to the plantation for Sam and Colby's video.
Nate was nervous. That much was obvious from the tight, white-knuckled grip he had on the steering wheel. You could practically see the the tense emotions rolling off his skin in waves. You however, were practically buzzing in excitement.
You opened up the camera app on your phone to record a little clip. One you would either post to your instagram story soon, or you'd send it to Colby to put before the video... you hadn't really decided what you were going to say yet.
First, you brought the camera really close to your face, barely anything other than your forehead, eyebrows, and eyes in frame, "Ok so- I don't really know where this clip is going to be shared yet... or if it'll be out at all... but Nate is being boring and having a panic attack and I'm super excited and want to talk to someone about it."
You extended your arm, full face now in view as you smiled widely at the front facing camera, "Guess what!" you yelled, "We're filming with the boys again!" you spoke, flashing the camera to show Nate as he drove, "and that's not even the best part... drumroll please... the love of my freaking life is coming with us!" you squealed.
Nate's eyebrows furrowed, barely sparing a glance in your direction, instead keeping his eyes on the road, "Babe, you already showed me?"
"Oh not you." you scoffed, rolling your eyes, "You're just my boyfriend."
"Mhm..." he hummed, blinking a few times trying to figure what exactly it was he was failing to understand, "Yeah no. I don't get it N/N... pretty sure 'love of my life' and 'boyfriend' are the same thing." 
You tilted your head pondering the thought for a moment, ultimately shaking your head innocently, "Nah, it can't be. There are two very different people that take up those positions." 
"Oh really?"
"Oh yeah." you turned your gaze, meeting the side of his face,"You may be my boyfriend, and I love you so, so, so, very much..."
"But.." you grinned turning to face the camera, "The love of my life is the wonderful and beautiful Amanda~" you sang, moving your phone forward once more blowing kisses at the screen.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so excited!" you yelled, shaking the screen for emphasis.
The brown haired male next to you laughed at your actions, "Babe, be careful, you're going to make 'em all dizzy." 
"True" you shrugged, focusing your phone once more, "anyways, you've probably guessed it by now, but we're doing another investigation tonight!"
You flipped the camera, showing nothing but trees surrounding the vehicle, "We're currently in the middle of nowhere- but that's because this location is a little different than usual."
"Yeah, instead of like a house with like- other neighbors around it and stuff" Nate spoke up, "were going to a plantation, in the middle of just like- trees" he shivered awkwardly, hissing in discomfort, "so if we get in trouble or something there's nothing for miles."
You scoffed, pulling the view back on yourself, "Yeah I guess, but that's fine because nothing is going to go wrong!" you exclaimed happily 
"Mhm, and how do you know that?"
You winked at the camera, patting the area over your chest, "I have a good feeling about it."
"Yeah ok then- remind me how you feel when we actually get there."
You laughed loudly at you boyfriend, finally getting a small crack of a smile across his lips. "Anyway, that's all for right now. See-you-all-when-we-get-there-bye-bye" you rushed, quickly ending the video.
As soon as he could tell you stopped recording, Nate spoke up, "now what was that for?" 
"Updating the public" you shrugged, starting a quick conversation with Colby over text.
Hey~ might've just filmed a little intro clip for you
You're welcome of course
And you better use it
I put a lot of effort into it
Oh really?
Send it over
I'll check it out
About 2 minutes later after your mini vlog went through, he responded 
Oh yeah, thats going in
You're good if I do a little editing over it?
Later, when viewers clicked on the video, they would be greeted to a huge tone shift between the first 2-3 minutes of the video, versus the of it.
First, your little intro, which basically became a fan cam for Amanda. Bright hearts and anime blush- the whole nine yards.
Broken, of course, every once in a while with a freeze framing on your real partner. The video going gray scale, with rain and violin music playing in the background.
Then, hard cut straight to the footage outside the plantation. ━─━────༺✧༻────━─━
Soon, the group of five were all stood before Myrtles plantation, waiting for the tour to begin.
Sam turned to Nate, camera pointed to him, "Are you excited?" 
"Dude- I- just-" your boyfriend sighed dramatically, bringing his hands up to rub at his eyes. You, however, could be seen lurching forward in laughter at his reaction, "It just like everytime you bring me on one of these."
You walked up, placing a hand on his shoulder, trying to calm your breaths, "Yeah, so thats a no." you looked up at him, pouting when he met your gaze, "He's very nervous"
"You look terrified." 
"I can tell by your- genuine face of excitement right now"
Nate forced a sarcastic smile on his face that turned out more of a grimace, "Oh yeah? This face? Right here?"
You struggled to hold back your laughter, "All excitement from him on the way up here"
He turned his head, looking down at you as you were still holding onto his shoulder, "You know, usually you're a bit more cautious about these things."
You shrugged, "But we have Amanda here this time," you gestured to her, "There's finally someone else to help me keep you guys from doing something stupid."
The five of you entered the house, deciding to take a quick look around before the tour guide arrived.
Almost immediately upon entering the door, something caught your attention- and no it wasn't the smell the boys were busy commenting on.
Hung on the wall of the foyer, there was a mirror. You couldn't quite put a finger on it, but you could tell there was something strange about it.
For now, you just assumed it was how dated the mirror looked. Nothing from today looked like that. 
Soon, the boys called you over to the steps, wanting to take a peek upstairs. Sam and Colby had already made their way up with Nate following behind them, leaving you and Amanda  still on the first floor. 
"Hey" you tapped the blondes shoulder, "Just to- uh, to make sure... you feel that too, right?" you asked, looking up the stairwell. 
She hummed, "Yeah, thats probably because of what happened on the 17th step." 
You simply nodded enthusiastically despite having not clue what the significance of that specific step was, "Oh yeah of course. Just making sure I wasn't the only one feeling that sense of impending doom" you joked
Amanda laughed breathily at your phrasing, "Yeah, after events like that, they tend to leave a heavier, darker feel behind." 
You didn't find out till later that night, it wasn't just a slip down the stairs, but a death on the 17th step.
Thanks a lot for leaving that out Sam. 
By the time you made it up the flight of stairs, the group had entered one of the bedrooms. Everyone was inside except for your boyfriend, who stood before the doorframe waiting for you. 
"Hey babe..." he spoke scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, grabbing your hand with the other, "so, just like a heads up, there's like... a shit ton of creepy ass dolls in there." 
Your eyes widened looking up at him, "What?"
"Yeah, like the entire mantle?" he gestured with his hands, "Just- completely covered." 
"I don't wanna go in there" you shook your head quickly, eyes still wide as saucers gripping his hand tighter. 
"Just- just don't look to your right when we walk in?"
You squinted you eyes at him, "...why?"
Nate shrugged, "Oh you know, there might be one that is kinda-sorta positioned to look at you when enter." he spoke nonchalantly as he dragged you through the door. 
You glared up at the brunette, "what?"
"By the way, we have to sleep here tonight-" the both of you heard from further in the room, "So someone is getting the room with the creepy doll staring at you."
You knew your friends- so without even thinking you threw your pointer finger up, touching your nose. 
"Woah, woah, woah" you rushed when the other three looked in your direction with shit eating grins, "No I did it- it was Col-"
"Nope, I'm safe" the black haired man cut you off.
You looked up slowly, glare pointed directly at your shocked boyfriend, who hadn't done it in time. "I'm going to kill you."
You looked over his shoulder, seeing the dolls for the first time. You quickly dropped his hand running over past Amanda and out to the next room, "Nope! I just wont be sleeping with you."
Nate quickly followed, arms extended "Wait babe! No please! Don't leave me alone!" Leaving a laughing Sam and Colby behind, filming the entire thing. 
"Sam" you spoke up once the tour was over, "next time we do one of these things you've got to tell me more than just 'oh were going to a haunted mansion'" you mocked 
"What's up?" he laughed, "What do you mean?"
"Oh you know" you gestured around, speaking with your arms, "yellow fever death child, owner of the house killed on the steps, poison murders, voodoo queen death, ghost mirrors-" you listed propping your hands on your hips, "I could go on and on." 
"It's haunted Y/N, what did you expect?"
"Not this!" you shrieked.
Soon, the five of you began the investigation in Chloe's room, each wearing a set of clip on earrings. Thanks to your wonderful, amazing boyfriend, you and Amanda were wearing the hoops. 
In addition to the earrings, Amanda came with some gifts with the four of you. she gave Colby a crystal to help amplify his empathic skills, and evil eye bracelets for both Nate and Sam. 
"These are just because I felt bad getting something for Colby and not you two." she spoke handing over the bracelets.
The raven haired man gasped, bringing his hands up to his chest, "She has a favorite!"
Nate placed his hands up on his waist, popping out his hip, "Well that's ok." he shot back sassily, dangly earrings swishing by his neck.
The blonde girl however, hummed in agreeance with Colby reaching back into her bag, "Yep, but it's not you." setting off scandalized gasps from the two men and hysteric laughter from sam. Amanda approached you with a small bag usually used for jewelry.
You took it smugly, leaning forward to kiss her on the cheek, "Thank you m'love"
"of course darling" she played along, "I heard you also have some abilities, so I picked out three things to help" she spoke as you opened the bag, pouring the items in your hand, "Ok, so this one is Labradorite" she pointed to the darker, slightly iridescent one, "It is one of the best crystals for enhancing abilities, it extends your awareness, helps you connect with the spiritual world and can be very grounding and helpful for mediums." she moved to the brighter crystal, "This one is Angelite, the same as Colby's-" 
"oh." the mentioned male scoffed playfully, crossing his arms, "I see how it is... I feel very special now." 
"-and the last one," Amanda pointed to a pitch black stone that was attached to a corded necklace, "is Black Tourmaline, which is really good at protecting and shielding you from bad energy. It can basically cleanse you from any unwanted energy that comes your way." 
"Ok!" sam exclaimed, "Now that we've handed out the gifts and the pity gifts" he raised his wrist up to the camera, making the rest of you laugh, Lets get on to the investigation!"
The group decided to move on to the seance room after very little seemed to be happening within Chole's room. 
"I hated this room earlier" Nate shivered next to you, "It just... I don't know, it's just weird."
You nodded as you followed him in, "Yeah? Now imagine feeling heavy when you walk in" 
"Really?" he looked down at you, "What do you mean?"
"It's just like what Amanda said earlier," you shrugged softly, "it's just very heavy in here, it feels tight." 
You let go of Nate's hand, leaving him as he went to look at a painting in the corner, approaching Amanda instead. You stood next to the blonde as she looked up at the mirror that faces the one in the other parlor. 
You shifted you gaze between her and the mirror quickly, "So... whatcha lookin at?"
She gestured you to stand next to her facing the mirror, never once moving her own gaze from the glass, "so look up there," she pointed at a specific area, "and unfocus you eyes- almost like youre trying to look through the mirror" she explained. 
Within a few seconds she could feel you tense beside her, causing the blonde to grin, "you see it?" 
"yeah" you breathed, nodding slowly, "yeah I see it" 
"Yo wait" Nate whipped around, "see what? exactly?" he moved up behind you, placing his head over your shoulder, squinting his eyes to find whatever the two of you seemed to see, "I dont see it"
"I keep seeing things move behind me" Amanda spoke
"I cant see anything specific" you added, "but I can see shapes moving" you explained gesturing up to point in the direction of the areas you spoke of, "like I saw something move like this" you dragged you hand, "and something over there" 
Amanda hummed in affirmation, "yep, where you just pointed, between this wall in the candles, there's someone" she moved her other hand, "and over here, where you saw something move, there was some kids." 
"thats crazy"
"are you feeling anything right now?" Nate questioned, as Colby moved to flip off the lights.
The both of you answered simultaneously, gaving very opposite answers,
and for the first time in what felt like hours, you and Amanda broke your gazes from the mirror turning to each other instead.
"You really dont feel that?"
she shook her head, "no, I'm seeing them. I feel that someone is here, like I have full goosebumps"
"N/N" Nate placed a hand on your shoulder, "what are you feeling?"
You looked back to the mirror, looking for anymore blurs, only to see nothing, "It felt like- happy? I guess? Like you know that feeling of when you'd go to the park when you were younger and you were just like- excited? it felt like that."
Amanda nodded slowly in thought, "well, that could be the kids I saw, they did look pretty happy."
"but now" you spoke up once more, causing the boy's eyebrows to furrow, "now it just feels crowded. I cant pull one emotion from another. Its so weird." 
"the energy in here is insane" Amanda agreed, "I feel like if we did a seance at the seance table- we could get some pretty gnarly stuff"
So, that what the group did. you broke out the spirit box, and immediately you were greeted with several hellos. 
"Is there any sign you could give us of who were talking to?" Sam spoke up, "a name, an occupation?"
Colby looked up with squinted brows, confused at the sound "what did that say"
"it said Kate" you responded from next to Nate, hand on his arm, "im pretty sure it said Kate"
"yeah" Amanda added, "I wrote Kate right before it said that"
"is it true that this room is a portal?"
you stepped back at the question, making Nate look to you in concern "guys I just got really nautious-" 
"oh no-no-no- I don't like that" you rush out, placing yourself on the other side of the doorframe, "i'm definitely not a fan of that"
Sam, Colby, Nate and Amanda continued to speak to the spirit box within the room while you stayed in the hallway. Nate moved from the group and closer to you to make sure you were ok.
"Can you tell us how many spirits are in here with us right now?"
from the doorway, you couldve sworn you saw a flash of green reflect in one of the glass window panes. Green, like the head wrap Chloe was said to wear. 
"do you think.." you trailed off moving closer to your boyfriend, "could Chloe be one of them?" you whispered. 
he stepped out of the room upon seeing your expression. You seemed paler than usually and he could almost see you shaking with wide glassy eyes staring back at him. He wrapped his arms around you, rubbing your back to give you some semblance of comfort. 
Nate, his chin resting in your head, repeated your words louder to for the group still inside the room to hear, "Was that Chloe?"
you whimpered, pressing your face into his chest, "nope. tell Amanda to look at the window-"
"-that candle just got so bright at the far end-"
"-yeah that one." you mumbled, "the window by the candles. I saw something green over there."
the brown hared man nodded, raising his voice to cut off the trio 's conversation on the candle's, "Amanda? N/N said to check around that window. She said she saw something green flash overthere earlier." 
"Yo! What?" sam exclaimed excitedly, moving to you both with the camera while Amanda looked by the window pane, "What happened? what did you-"
 he was cut off by Nate shaking his head quickly above you, "not right now" he whispered to the blonde, "later." 
Sam nodded understandly, moving to film Amanda by the window, "You see anything?"
"no, not anymore." she stated, "its all clear, whatever it was must've moved by now."
A few rooms and a short reenactment later, it was time for solo investigations. Well, at least it was solo for Sam and Colby, you, Nate, and Amanda were able to go out on the porch together.
The three of you were given the spot where Chloe's picture was taken, and had decided to take turns doing the Estes Method. Amanda was first up in the rocking chair. 
"I've got some information"
"woah" Nate turned to the camera to you, who was laughing softly from shock.
"We didnt even ask anything yet," you looked into the camera lens, "and were already getting answers? this is crazy"  
Nate hummed, "Yeah this is insane- what type of information do you have?"
"lets go"
"Go where?" you questioned, "where do you want to go?"
after a few minutes you received no response. you shrugged, looking over to Nate, "I don't know, you ask a question" you laughed, "it doesn't like me I guess"
He shrugged at your statement, readying his next question "Chloe, did you put yourself at risk to get the information?"
you squinted at one another, "are you ready to put yourself at risk?"
"for the information?" Nate added on. 
you shook your head with a smile, " I guess she's ready ti talk"
"Chloe was it you that they photographed in this alleyway?"
"You didnt intend to be in the photo?" 
You turned around, looking off the balcony as Amanda shivered, brushing her arms, "something just touched me" 
Nate turned his head, looking your direction as you gazed out onto the dark field, "Babe?" he whispered, "You alright?" 
"yeah" you muttered, scanning the yard, "yeah, I just got that feeling that something was watching me." you shook your head and rolled your shoulders, "it was probably nothing."
Nate nodded slowly, continuing his questioning of Amanda rather than you, glancing at your from the corner of his eye to make sure you were alright. "Chloe, does guilt keep you here?"
"I knew it was wrong"
You and Nate brought Amanda out of the trance to add a trigger object, things for more intense from there. The answers seemed more and more on the nose, and the small inkling you had of being watched quickly increased tenfold.
You soon felt like you spent less time engaged in the investigation, and more time peering over your shoulder.
"it was the family name"
"Woodruff? Did you hear Woodruff?" Nate rushed, "are you trying to tell us about the Woodruff family?"
"It went silent" Amanda exclaimed, "like full complete silence for a full 'Mississippi' and then it started again"
"it was in the house"
"Are you tired" 
"I hope you don't mind" Nate mentioned, gesturing too the plant, "We have oleander in Amanda's hand-"
"I know"
"-was the death an accident or was it an act of revenge?"
"Nate" you whisper, looking out into the yard, "I...I don't think this is a good idea anymore."
his eyebrows furrowed, peering at you while keeping the camera on Amanda, "Why? What's up"
 you sighed, "I just- I think we should stop. something doesn't feel right." you tore your gaze from the dark, looking up to him, "something's wrong-"
"its time to wrap up-"
The blonde spoke removing the blindfold and headphones, "I swear, it said, 'its time to wrap up'"
"See!" you gasped hitting the man's arm, "told you!"
Amanda looked between the two of you, both of your eyes were wide and your posture screamed that you were both worried, "what's going on?" 
Nate set the camera down on the bannister, still filming, as he went to get all the equipment together, "N/N was just talking about how something feels wrong and we should quit." he looked up at the blonde, "she's been feeling weird this whole time"
The two continue talking while you walk further up the porch. The feeling of being watched became stronger and stronger as you surveyed the yard, eventually catching a glimpse of something off to the side. You leaned over the wood and squinted, trying your best to get a better look. 
Soon, you saw it. 
"Guys" you muttered, trying again louder when they didn't respond "Guys!" 
Nate looked up seeing how far down the porch you'd wandered, "N/N? what's going on?" 
you looked at them eyes wide, "There's someone out here." you panicked, "please, please tell me you're almost done because there's someone in the yard and they're getting closer."
Nate straighted his back, looking into the grass too. he didnt see anything at the moment, but you were so far down and it was dar enough that it could simply be that he was too far. He waved his arm gesturing you over to them, "N/N I need you to come down here right now" 
For all he knew, that was some psyco trying to add a new spirit to the home. That spirit, would not be you if he had anything to say about it. 
"oh my god" you yelled, running up beside the two, "its getting closer."
The brown haired man moved to shield the two of you, shoving the equipment you three brought out to you an Amanda, only keeping a flashlight, "Go inside."
"Y/N go inside."
"Wait" Amanda spoke up, peeking around the man's shoulder, "to the left?"
you were shaking at this point, "yeah, It followed me down from that side"
The blonde moved forward, pulling the flashlight from Nate's grip, illuminating the patch to see nothing there, "There?" 
you tilted your head in confusion, "well... yeah? it was-"
Amanda turned off the flashlight and the both of you were greeted with the dark figure once more, this time it was only about 10 feet from the railing. 
"oh my god" you breathed, heart hammering in your chest.
The urgency in your boyfriend began to dissipate, believing that while a spirit following his girlfriend wasnt the best- it was better than her being followed by an actual crazy person.
However the seriousness of the blonde nearly doubled once she caught sight of the glowing red eyes. "You are not allowed to be here." she spoke stern, making you stiffen even further, "you do not have permission to follow us or come any closer."
"Amanda, what is happening?" you spoke, eyes trained on the humanoid figure before you. 
"move back to the door" the blonde spoke softly to you and nate, before strengthening her voice once more, "You do not have the right to follow us into the home, you must stay out here." 
Once the door closed, the blonde watched the figure through the window until it dissolved into the air. 
"you see that stuff all the time?" you stuttered, clinging to Nates arms that wrapped around your waist, "like thats what a ghost is? I've never actually seen something like that before" 
"no." the blonde spoke turning to face you, "that... Y/N, that wasnt a spirit. that was a demon."
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talonbite4596 · 9 months
This took over 20 hours to make I'm deceased... I'm glad it's done I need a break lol
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Close ups on the pins under the cut!! (And some extra little notes for fun)
The formatting and graphic design could be better but, again, I just want to be done 😭 so ummm oops sorry !!
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Yay yum yayaya art woooo yes !!!
More notes for fun !!
- when I say "loves animals (... not many, but still)" it means he can, has, and WILL burn squirrels alive for free entertainment, as well as shooting animals for fun... but he would also cry and feel awful if he stepped on a dog's foot... he's got favorites, basically, and does NOT hide it
- sun freckles, because why not
- kinda a dirty kid... literally the definition of "boys will be boys 🤪" where he's just always getting into the weirdest shit. You take your eyes off him for 1 second and he returns with mud all over himself and probably has a cat or something and just has the dumbest smile on his face !!! Idiot kid love him tho
- I added a gir pin because I love gir and for fun, doesn't matter if it doesn't make sense.... just roll with it !!
- made him Trans bc psychonauts as a whole is a trans allegory in my mind so, it made sense !! And because he's... 10 he hasn't done anything medical yet, just socially transitioned !! (Adding this point because some people see that and think the wrong things, like those ppl who think 4 year Olds are getting surgery and forcefully getting hormones jabbed into them. NO that's not happening)
- if he was a 2000s kid he'd like a lot of different things, like Mario and sonic games, and certain TV shows and movies (like invader zim, pokemon shows/movies, Disney stuff etc. Just general kids stuff yk?)
- sasha gave him coffee once.... he then proceeded to ramble about random things for hours while he tried to help work on things. So, he was able to focus better but won't shut UP (I'm projecting)
- he enjoys media that reminds him of himself, which is the "odd man out" type stuff, it helps him feel better about feeling like he doesn't belong bc he knows he isn't alone. It's sad but it helps him idk!!
OKAY IM DONE (for now) but yippee wow isn't that cool !!! I'm curious what yall think so lmk if u wanna !! I love hearing what Y'all think of my stuff, and I might post more headcanon type stuff later on if that's something ur interested in, honestly just send me an ask if u wanna know my hc for specific characters!!
OKAY goodbye drink water 💖
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1eoness · 1 year
hi! could i request something fluffy? maybe leon spoiling reader with some meal, or cuddles? thanks! ❤️
and yes ofc i love writing fluffy fluffy hehehehe (im kind of uncreative rn so sorry). btw i'm writing this in the same format as the other one but if you want it to be more structured and narrative just uh tell me LOL
content : fluffy leon kennedy x gender neutral!reader (it's written in second person though). pet names lol
synopsis : leon wants to spoil you so he's feeding you and providing you with an army's ware of cuddles >:)
-food is fuel and leon is a fucking engine
-tbh i hc that leon has a big appetite for sweet stuff,,,, i'm sure a big collective of ppl agree bc he's so squishy squishy [what the fuck am i saying idk]
-anyway enough about me gushing on leon.
-YOU. when will you ever take the time to let him spoil you? are you trying to avoid him?:((
-leon is part kidding. he's not mad ofc but sometimes he can't help but get a tiny bit worried about you sometimes.
-see, leon is a firm believer that a person cannot come to their best senses unless their basic/psychological needs are fulfilled. that includes things like eating, or affection—because when your body senses that you're lacking in something, it will use your brain power to signal you that you need to eat or be smothered with affection! hence you can end up feeling burnt out if u dont pay attention to ur love vitals!! >:(
-leon's mindset will always be applied on you because you're his second heart, you're his tough rock and you need to be taken care of!!
-HE KNOWS WHAT YOU'RE THINKING "affection? that's absurd people can still learn attentively and work efficiently without having to be coddled >:(" while yes in a sense its true—but sometimes you just don't realize that what you need is some time to be vulnerable and intimate, which can explain why your emotions feel a lot more heightened recently than usual (which he notices by the way). you've been tense for a while, and leon reasons that you can't just 'move on' from being overwhelmed with work stress and whatnot—you have to relieve it! but enough about theory.
-your hunger for food or affection is like a 7th sense to leon to be honest. while it's not an accurate intuition everytime, he's bound to think of you once every like two minutes.
-leon actually has very clear and high critical thinking skills. this means he is able to remember a lot of things about you even if he only notices them or you mention it once: this includes your comfort drink, where you like to be touched, hell maybe even the MBTI of your favorite character. and he ESPECIALLY knows what food you like. pad thai, sushi, oxtail, jerk chicken, cake, boba, YOU NAME IT HE KNOWS IF YOU LOVE IT OR NOT
-so when it actually came to asking you what you wanted, he'd send a text saying he's downtown and asking you 'what would you like, baby?'. he's careful with his words and doesn't say "do you want me to get you something on the way?" because it means he's giving you a choice >:( when the whole point is to spoil you because you deserve it.
-and if you answer with something vague like 'anything' HE DOESN'T MAKE YOU SPEAK FURTHER he'll just buy what he knows u like and keep the rest in the fridge if you dont wanna eat it :3 well that's what they're for, right?
"oh, my sweet.." his voice was quaint at the sight of you. leon tried his best to be silent when he entered the room, not wanting to sound like he was pitying you, but seeing you half-covered with comforters, mildly upset and your mind in a frazzle has his heart dropping a bit. you were probably thinking about so many things: meeting some deadlines, picking up this and that from the store, computing this... but you just couldn't organize your thoughts. but that's why leon was here.
your head moved to swivel his direction. "leon.." you smile at him weakly.
it was cold in the city tonight. leon places a hefty white plastic bag of your favorite on the nearby surface before he sits down in front of you from the edge of your bed. he takes the brief second of studying his lover's face before he pulls you into a comforting and warm hug. he can't help but pat the back of his sweet baby's head down, and you feel his lips barely nuzzle onto your ear as he mutters. "y're so good to me, baby. you know that?" leon reminds you before kissing the side of your head shortly. you tried to reciprocate it by giving him a nimble kiss on his cheek, which he gratefully accepts with an eager beam on his lips.
his hands slide down your arms in a soft stroke as he lets go of you gently. the rustling of the bed's layers being heard as leon moves a bit to reach for the hefty boxes of food, which he opens for you once he gives you take your utensil/s. leon's happy seeing you eat. it's a form of reassurance to him personally witnessing you getting the fill you deserve after a whole few days of being so busy and rushing everywhere. it's a calming sense to him as you both soak in comfortable silence while he watches you eat. he was caring less that it's 2 in the morning and caring more about the way the color on your face slowly vibrates back onto your features. you seem less tired, just by a tad percentage. it makes him smile to himself knowing he was able to take care of you. " 'm finished." you mumbled with a hum, feeling a little full and having to lie down. fullness makes you sleepy (and leon knows that!) so he has a subtle, cheeky little grin as he leans over and collects your legs with one arm, pulling you to make you lie on your back. he crawls over to lie down next to you, once again pulling you close to him while he wraps his arms around you— one patting and planted gently on your back while the other cradles your head close to his heart. just where you belong... "you tired, baby?" leon asked shortly and your little nod sufficed. his cheek gently rests against the side of the crown of your head. his touch is soft, it's sweet as he rubs and scratches down your back gently. he gently scruffles at your scalp with his other hand's fingertips, and the motions will send you to a hopefully revitalizing sleep ♡. he places a kiss on the top of your head, like a ribbon keeping its gift from falling apart :( he knows at this moment maybe you're thinking you don't deserve him. but that's so far from the truth.
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valfeathers · 1 year
OMG YOUR ART IS SO GOOD! Gonna go on a reblog spree tomorrow or something <3<3<3
Anywho, care to share some (more) of your opinions on Wammy's House? Saw a few text posts and they caught my interest 👀
Like, how do you think L feels about his successors or something. Or just rant about why you hate Watari and Roger (omg or more BB talk LOVE that). I dunno I can just ell your opinions/takes are *chef's kiss*
i'm so sorry this took so long but!! i had no idea where to start lmao
i spend so much time just thinking about L in any capacity,, i mean it, he occupies a scary amount of my waking thoughts (blame the autism)
so for starters, as much as i shit on wammy's and its terrible negligence, i find myself putting L & the successors into little found family scenarios & i often draw them all together
(eg. here's some older sketches of L & the kids)
Tumblr media Tumblr media
now i know that canonically they probably (definitely) weren't like this but,, i want them all to be loved
i can understand why/how other people would have a different interpretation of their dynamic, but portraying L as a mentor/brother/father figure is very near & dear to my heart :'))
(this is also partly projection as i'm an eldest son who loves their sibling & wants the best for them, who also deeply relates to L so do with that what you will haha)
most of my wammy family art is for comfort! and maybe it can comfort other people too :')))
maybe one day i'll come back & explain the extent of my hcs about this dynamic but i'm not confident in my ability to like. word my thoughts coherently yet so !! for now u get art & some surface level stuff :)
but anyways, sometimes i question what being at the centre of a program like that must feel like. i try not to overanalyse L's backstory and dictate what he must have thought because i know that he's a complicated character and a lot of his morality/actions are up for debate but like,,,
having your guardians look for a replacement for you while you're still alive? that's like saying 'we're just waiting for you to die/mess up/become useless to us and then when that happens, we can instantly replace you with a new & improved version'
even if they were trying to do a classic 'heir' system where a person inherits L's position and this wasn't meant to send that kind of message,, the environment that was produced is still incredibly toxic. that still isn't good. they used children. malleable, vulnerable orphans. that's no coincidence.
and idk that's a little messed up to me.
i don't really know how else to word my thoughts on this situation rn? i just acknowledge that that's no way to treat a person and move on bc,, what else can i say? :'/ it's a terrible situation for everybody involved and watari (& roger) are fucked up for creating a cycle of abuse and putting L right in the centre of it.
and a prime example of how damaging this system was is B. he wasn't born hateful and vindictive and violent, something made him that way. we are all products of our environments, and his was inhumane by definition.
this post is getting long as fuck, jesus,,, okok i'll wrap this up by saying that i'll expand on B at a later date
and reminding u that this is my interpretation and you're free to disagree! we all read into characters & their relationships differently
but yeah a lot of my thoughts about them tend to be really sad so i pad it out with sweeter stuff like above!
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irritablepoe · 13 hours
I JUST FINISHED THE CATERPILLAR AND it did not give me same level of focus and anticipation that the Human Chair did but it's still pretty good!! I think it would do even better when illustrated visually!!
the part where the husband just bangs his head is kinda eerie to me but like what other options did he have to call attention T — T edogawa rampo seems to love sending his characters into a spiral, making them question things or like the wife in this story was overcome by a delirious-like fit ??? and that exact element reminded me of a telltale heart bc the character also slowly loses touch of reality!! (i should read more poe too, his books are more popular here than ranpo so it's easier to get a cheap secondhand copy hehe)
when will asagiri reveal that ranpo is also an insane lil freak too :((((
i just downloaded a pdf of the beast in the shadows and AAHHH im so excited to read it !!
also saw ur chuuya post and honestly same hswuhshw i think i still have my sparring partner chuuya x reader draft from my deactivated blog hshshs where he's ur rival in being the official co-coach and,,,, it's not nsfw but it's very suggestive while the two of you are quite literally fighting each other after hours at the training center and bantering while doing so shushwhh like there's blood and bruises and combat HWUSHWAHS
anyways id just like to thank u for geting me into rampo edogawa’s works i shall now go down a rabbithole 🫡🫶
yepp omg i feel you, the human chair was definitely a lot more pleasant to read as well lol. and do you mean an illustrated human chair or caterpillar? i think there's a movie inspired by the caterpillar, it focuses more on the anti-war message in the text though (as far as i've read at least, i haven't seen the movie). and omg yes, out of touch characters are so good and i think ranpo and poe both write these kinds of spirals so well, like when the thoughts start to be repetitive and stuff hjshfsdhkfsd
and yes i feel you with the book stuff, i haven't seen a single copy of ranpo here too :') BUT OMG MUCH FUN!!!!!!!!! :D
ohhhhh that sounds intriguing tbh, loveeee a good flirting while fighting lol :33
and you're welcome omg ahhhhh i'm glad i was able to share some stuff hehe😌🙏 also as always thank you for listening to my ranpoe ramblings heh :3
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honeybcj · 1 month
heyo! while i was never an anon i did immensely enjoy all your replies to them (and the anons as well ofc)
but im sorry that u had shitty ppl in ur inboxes (from what ive understood in ur reasoning for why ur turning off anons), it frustrates me to no end how dehumanizing the online experience can be, and the awful ways ppl think they can act when theyre “anonymous” (bc tumblr obviously knows- side thought id love if future jobs would be able to pull up d-threat msgs and stuff bc while nsfw stuff isnt anything companies should be concerned abt, i think life threats and otherwise should be! end thought)
i hope that ur inboxes clear up of that negativity (if that’s what it was, or rly whatever it was that caused this action, i hope they leave u alone), and that u can take some time for urself to just remind ur self that UR AMAZING!
ppl fucking suck sometimes. but know that you are an INCREDIBLE writer (genuinely captivated anytime i scroll by ur posts- i have to stop and read), and LOVELY from the sounds of everything!!
as well, if it were bc of like grossly inappropriate stuff that would be socially frowned upon, then ppl need to have a mandatory class in fucking elementary school abt boundaries and the extent to which certain thoughts are to be shared to the masses.
anyways, i send love, hugs, and positivity your way<3
it’s evening where i am so im sending off with a goodnight, or good afternoon, or good morning depending on when u get this!
i hope the fun anons who inspire ur microfic moments send u more ideas:)
hi lovie <3 you have no idea how much this means to me. (i did see your other ask before responding to this one, but i still wanted to be able to thank you and give a little extra clarity on the situation). yes, the other day i did receive an anonymous ask telling me to kill myself for supporting trans people and giving characters trans hcs.
i know i don’t have to explain myself to a single person, but i do want to say that i have worked immensely hard to get to the point where i am mentally and i’ve overcome multiple obstacles in my life that deteriorated my mental health. to have a message like that come through, it really hurt me. i didn’t want to allow myself to slide back into old habits, so i simply turned my anons off for the time being. i’m hoping this will come to a close soon, but i wanted to be upfront and honest about what has been going on.
i appreciate your support and kindness more than anything. it means the absolute world to me to know that there are people that are genuinely kind souls with the best intentions. i’ve been immensely fortunate for the interactions i’ve had on here, and i hate that one comment has ruined to fun and joy for some people, myself included.
one day, i do hope to turn anons back on, but for now, they remain off. giving you a big ole kiss for being such a sweetheart. again, i appreciate you so very much. thank you kindly for you generous words and sweet soul. i hope that you have a great rest of your day/evening. you deserve it <3
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eddies-ashtray · 2 years
*cracks knuckles* modern!Eddie HC, you say?
Mans is either texting you 90 times in a row or he’s lost track of his phone for the next 4 hours and is unreachable
Texts you random ideas at 4 am bc he’s up anyways writing some D&D campaign idea
He has basically the same music taste just with modern stuff included. This mf would hate modern pop music but if his lover liked it, he might tolerate a bit.
Major alt boi vibes. I just wanna put sparkly eyeliner on himmmm
Still has a seedy dive bar that he hangs out and performs at - it probably hasn’t changed much since the 80’s tbh
Probably cosplays something. Would def go to cons with the boys (Garret, Mike, Dustin, etc)
Defffff a gamer. I wanna curl up in his lap and nap while he plays…whatever
I’m lowkey obsessed with modern eddie almost more than canon Eddie? Whoops
yes omg i agree i agree!!
eddie is more than a double texter. this boy will send you MANY texts in a row. most of his screen time is spent in the messages app because he’s texting you. messaging you about things he sees when he’s out that remind him of you. sending you i miss you texts anytime your separated for more than a day because this boy is CLINGY. he’ll text you that he misses you like 5 minutes after you leave. also, he has you saved in his phone as “freak” cause it’s ironic and you have him saved in your phone as “loser <3″. 
he’ll send you voice notes with ideas in the middle of the night because he’s far too lazy to type them out. it’s also way faster for him to just talk them out rather than type them and he doesn’t wanna lose them so he sends them all to you. especially cause he knows that you love listening to them in the morning cause he’s got such an attractive voice; you could listen to him talk and talk for hours about anything. 
oh he would despise my favourite artists. but i think he would for sure pay attention to the artists you like and make a playlist that’s a mix of both your fav music and his so you can have a happy medium. like some song by dio would play and then daylight by harry styles would come on right after. and yes it would be a very chaotic playlist, but it’s perfect. (also i’d like to think that you play creep by radiohead for him once and tell him it reminds you of him and he’s mildly offended, but also his heart soars because a song reminds you of him </3).  
oh yeah, he’s dressing basically the exact same way. still the same loserboy, but probably with black/red nail polish & YES, black eyeliner sometimes. but when he does it it’s really messy, so he gets you to do it for him on the nights he has shows at an old dive bar. you’ve told him to practice applying it himself, but he enjoys having you sit in his lap & hold his face gently while you put it on for him.
somehow, i think eddie would be so much more of a nerd in present day & yes he would totally cosplay 😭
i think he’d be really into story-based horror games (he’d despise shit like fortnite) like Until Dawn & he’d love finding all the secrets & clues & all that. let’s you sit between his legs or in his lap while he plays. & u don’t mind watching him play cause the stories are interesting & you like seeing how eddie makes the characters interact & what paths he chooses. let’s you make decision as well; he’ll ask for your input on what you think he should have the characters say to each other/do. he wants to make sure you’re having a good time & if he can sense you’re getting bored he’ll save and switch the game off.
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icharchivist · 1 year
heyy icha!! started up autumn, it’s fun!! got through the first 16 chapters and decided it was time to pause so here’s my thoughts.
I was very surprised by the random guy azami called during summer act 2, but actually it is just. idk. shift is cool. you can absolutely Hear the way azami’s voice gets lighter and looser when they chat. it’s wonderful. actually hugeee props to azami’s voice actor—I feel like soo much of azami’s character is inherent in his voice? like he’s kind of muted in subtle in the way that he talks which is kinda hard to convey with text only, because he’s Also sharp-tongued so if you’re only looking at the text, it’s a bit hard to notice he’s actually kinda… quiet? anyways I like shift it’s nice that azami just has a like. Normal Friend yknow? and shifts family seems cool too. so I’m glad that azami at least has like, an example of a healthy kind of family dynamic and stuff.
anyways. the way u could hear a pin drop when azami says hes gonna join akigumiz rly unfortunate he announced it AFTER sakoda announced the boss was trying to get him back. since like. uh. hed decided it beforehand, anyways. through kumons suggestion. at first I was a bit like cmon sakyo… you’re gonna send that kid back to his dad? homophobia. however the fact that he 100% called it regarding azami making something up for his portrait is so funny like ah. he was correct there.
like banri I also think azami is good for autumn so someone can bicker with sakyo. the way they just started physically brawling was so fun but what was funnier was omi breaking up the fight with the same level of casualness he broke up banri and juzas fighting. it’s like… these r not even two rowdy teens anymore. sakyo is 31. love that for him tho.
banri is also being such a good leader. checking in with azami and helping him with his portrait thing. his collage? reminded him of how he advised yuki in into the night. he feels reliable now, which is cool? anyways yeah he help. it was nice to see him tell azami abt the previous autumn exploits. the rookie introduction is rly such a good mechanic… it’s like. new chara for one. but bc they have to be introduced to the troupe it’s such a good way of bringing up past themes naturally and then having the opportunity to develop them further. anyways it’s nice to see autumn like. Bonding. I’m sooo invested in that one scene where azami tells omi not to bring him stuff like scones.
sakyo: “I practically raised him”
me: ah. *horrible impression of sakyo* hmph. I’m not the step dad, I’m the dad that stepped up.
this is a total shot in the dark but I have this like feeling that azami, during this story, is going to cry. Loudly. and I’m going to tear up abt it. we shall see.
kumon and muku being like angel devil fairies was SO CUTE. their voices especially!! like the way kumon has to quiet down his voice by a lot lol. anyways it was sooo lovely. I loved how it paralleled what natsugumi did to help out kumon. and I especially liked!! kumon bursts out laughing when natsugumi does their girls thing but here azami doesn’t like actually Laugh™ at all, but you can hear the laughter in his voice? it’s so cool.
I liked azamis audition portrait. the fact that he’s unable to give up his makeup is so good, and I really loved the convo he had with kazunari later, where kazunari pointed out that his family and makeup might be both so important to him that he’s unable to simply give one up… it’s nice, seeing characters give advice. but yeah azami. I am Looking at the part where he’s like oh I can give u makeovers but I’m kinda new with all this stuff, because all my old stuff is broken. and the way that he refuses to show them what he looks like wearing normal makeup…? I’d bet both of those r related to his dad who is not sakyo.
like oh my god the “…” from azami while izumi says she needs a parent/guardian permission. and then sakyo says like “I’m basically his guardian” and then azami going “…!” like oh u Know azami had that moment of uncertainty like. man… sakyo hates me anyways is he gonna send me back. like it’s just like… Telling he asks tsuzuru to cast sakyo as the villain of the story. when I saw that scene I was like ohhhh sorry azami. you’ve just given tsuzuru something terrible: personal info abt yourself. you realize he’s absolutely going to make u confront stuff with his play right. actually I did watch the play and. it’s very the stranger esque in that they’re all like. we live in a doomed apocalypse. I am a unique existence with it but this gift of mine will never be imparted unto others. still we shall live. as the only two real people. some people r beyond saving. like tsuzuru is so weirdly depressing during these plays. I respect that. and I was right bc he did throw in an emotional dad scene.
azamis such a professional middle schooler. like the makeup and also writing for a site. I loveee seeing azuma and yuki bond with him. let’s gooo. yuki and azami teaming up for budget is awesome. they’re actually just a great duo together. like first off the fact that they’re two middle schoolers who can seemingly put the fear of god in anyone is so choice. I loved seeing how professionally they worked during that fashion show. and banri modeled too! made me have feelings abt into the night again lol. also that azami scene was so good! like u said, the rookie cg in act 2 really showcases the relevant character well… the whole school festival was just nice. kazunaris talk with azami was rly cool ofc and the whole like. way azami is like ah. once I’m in high school I probably can’t do anything… and the little detail that both tenma and misumi haven’t ever been to a school festival is so like. wow. they’ve been denied a lot of “normal life” things bc of different reasons and now they get to experience them! idk it makes the fact that misumi treats tenma like his younger brother all the more heartwarming.
loved the whole thing where they discussed themes for the autumn troupe play. like juza talking abt like frilly gowns and grand staircases and when banris like wtf he’s like what? you think I can’t do it? get this guy in a dress for real.
they eventually settled on the undead / zombie theme but like… when taichi suggested visual kei tsuzuru actually didn’t seem too against is sooo. what I’m saying is. a3 autumn does a version of zombieland saga. I’ve never seen that show but it’s abt zombie musicians right. speaking of tsuzuru I love that he just passed out between a door so he didn’t hit his head. that’s like a skill.
the whole kindergarten thing was so cute. like the animal costumes… I saw omi and squinted like. wait oh my god is he in a WOLF costume!! and he was!!! I think that’s like. So Cute. like can I imagine autumn sitting around those costumes picking and someone’s like well, omi, this one’s kinda like, your name…. from personal experience tho there r absolutely kids who would see juza and stuff and be like oh my god he’s so cool I’m gonna follow him forever. but the animal costumes were a smart choice. and hey now they have em for free! more things to haunt tsuzuru with <3 when I first saw them I immediately thought of. yknow the volume 3 extras of gsnk where nozaki wears that bear costume and does judo. I love that bit. the voice acting for the section was so good tho like juza is kinda stilted taichi is kinda nervous and banri sounds extremely breezy abt the whole thing bc hes banri and can pull it off.
I rly liked both taichi and juza’s collages abt running away but to me it’s like. So Funny. how taichi and juza r like “I promised I’d be a better person from then on… and when I’m a better person I’ll…” or something like that and then when azamis like soooo how about now they’re like ah… I’m not nearly good enough yet. like i get why they r still uncomfortable with themselves but from personal experience like. reaching for an idealized self that u have to get to First before you’re Allowed to do things is like… not good. anywyas to me it’s rly funny that like azamis reaction to both of these has been kind of like “um okay? why are u still worried about that loser.” (he’s much less harsh abt it I just think this phrasing is funnier)
azamis response to taichi asking him abt his love life, tho… ”k-kiss? that’s for after marriage!” like oh my god u have to introduce her to parents, date, get engaged, and THEN you hold hands? and taichi being like. did sakyo teach you that…? personally I think azami managed that level of repression all on his own. like honestly tho for him the “introduce to parents” is probably a pretty. terrifying step so I can see why he’d be hesitant.
oh I wanted to talk abt juzas portrait. first of all him jumping in as a bodyguard to azami was so nice. the power of his glare alone! I know we haven’t seen omi or sakyo do a boyhood collage yet but I have to imagine that like midway thru juzas collage azami is squinting at autumn like… is this secretly a troubled kids home? is it like just normal to run away from home once, statistically? anyways juzas both correct in that u can learn to avoid fights but azamis also correct in that like. what’s he gonna do. let those guys kick the shit out of him?
but anyways juzas portrait made me tear up. like the. the. ”Kumon’s nothing like me. He ain’t big or bulky, and he’s like a ray of sunshine. Everybody loves him. He even cares about me.” LIKE FIRST OFF IM GOING TO CRY… JUZA…. second off the way I literally wrote “If there was ever a human embodiment of sunshine…” in my fic abt kumon. me and juza mind meld. jk this is such an obvious description that I think anyone reading through summertime survival strikes back would be like oh yeah this guys like sunshine.
but the way that like. all juza did was get picked on by a bully, glared at him, and then the bully stepped back and fell off the stairs? and juza stayed frozen in place instead of running bc he. I dunno. felt guilty probably? or just terrified bc oh my god the injuries… like even in this collage he describes the whole thing as a “mistake” on his part even tho it’s like. he didn’t do anything!! and then his mother had to apologize for him too… I love that she was angry on his behalf tho. hyodo mom I love you. and it was so nice that they found him bc it was the place where kumon played catch with him.
anyways I loved that the lil detail of like, tsuzuru visiting his family to explain why spring and winter weren’t at the festival like. was used to effectively to bring up zafra and stuff. I think it’s cool that tsuzuru recognized that it looked similar to citron’s stuff! like even tho tsuzuru is so exasperated with him he always seems to like. know the word citron wants to say and like. Pays Attention it’s nice. also when tsuzuru was like “I spent the whole time cleaning” I was just like ah. oh my god. if spring troupe ever leads tsuzuru on a play again… cinderella is right there. citron as Prince Charming ofc. masumi as an evil stepmother bc I think the drama of that role will be good for him in that it’s kinda a little silly and grand. he can’t rly cool guy his way out of it. like probably this won’t happen bc we already got a play with tsuzuru and citron as lead and co-lead but I can like, dream. it would overlap pretty hard with clockwork heart anyways bc I imagine the whole miracle vibes of cinderella would make tsuzuru have mizuno feelings again. but like hey. could be a fun fan-creation.
anyways zafra…. just wanna say I’d had it in my head that citron was a runaway prince since like. act 1 of spring when he said he ran from his country soooo… not gonna be like I called it but I called it!! tho I think this was kind of an easy guess lol. like when he’s all monarchy hater in alex in wonderland I think it’s pretty blatant.
uh but chikage said their monarchy has been having issues lately, but tsuzuru was like oh it’s fine. a new king is gonna be crowned in a few months apparently. and when izumi asks if citron is going back he goes “yes. I am… sure I will”
assembling the evidence. chikage would know secret internal details due to the organization, but tsuzuru would only be aware of public facing stuff. so my theory is… citron was a prince of zafra, and he ran away. I think he described himself as like an “eyesore” to the people he ran away from. this caused internal strife within the monarchy bc like. hey who the fuck is gonna inherit now. but seeing that we see guy in one of the event stories go “…citronia” or whatever I fully believe guy like. is citrons retainer or guard or something and is here to bring citron back and put him on the throne. hence why citron is like ah… I’m sure I’ll be at that coronation… because they’re going to coronate ME… and I’m being dragged back there….
the other alternate theory I have is that citrons like part of a succession war. the reason I think this is bc like. it would be a reason for why citron was like I’m an eyesore. also he mentions having three younger brothers during the new years event and says they don’t want to see him again. so citron is just like ha… yeah… sure… I’ll be at the coronation… (I Am Never Going Back) instead. and guy is chasing him to drag him back bc he cares abt him. I bet he’s the guy citron wants to see again. and also the source of that charm citron was staring at.
anyways the base of these two r the same. I’m excited to see what the facts are! I bet that’ll be in winter—it’ll be a fun spin since so much of spring was occupied by winter since hisoka was such a big deal there. and it’ll happen in reverse with citron being a big deal I assume. summer and autumn also have like. kumon and azami so they kind of overlap their seasons too.
anyways obviously this is good setup for winter arc but I think it’s also like. a perfect bit to have in autumn bc like thematically. azami is also struggling with like. inheriting a position he’s on the run from.
that’s all I have for now! excited for whatever zombie run night is
Shift does indeed sound very cool!! it makes me so happy how Azami lights up when he's talking to him, you can truly feel how close they are. And you're so right about Azami's voice, and all kudos to his voice actor. I think you sum it up well, he's quiet despite his lines generally being sharp and stuff, and with Shift's phonecalls making him this happy it constrats even more.
AND HELPP. Crazy how at this point it's Chikage's joining that went with the least problem. (not the same as "Chikage staying" which was the core of the issue but you get what i mean.) and DLKFJDLKF yeah Sakyo knows this kid so well. for better or for worse.
ah yeah the true admission fee to Autumn: you need to bicker with Sakyo. This is the new rule. And hey good on Sakyo to remain young like that! Omimi really embracing his place in the Autumn Troupe as the fightbreaker.
BANRIIII he's always so good sobs. It really shows how far he has come on his own and yeah, i can definitely see a bit of how he advised Yuki come out there as well. And it shows also how closely he cares and look out for his troupe now that he can tell all of it to Azami. it's so nice.
:3c interesting ehehe.
And yess god those kids are so cute. Kumon really just learnt from Summer how they made him feel better, and then decided to give it back to others as well. He knows it worked on him!!! it must also works on Azami!!! God this scene is so cute. solidarity!!
Azami's audition was really good and his dilema is really interesting toto go through. I did like Kazunari helping out too. I really like what you say about Azami's makeup stuff and "his dad who's not Sakyo" is such a funny way to talk about his bio dad. get out of the way bio dad you might be the DNA but you're not as dad as Sakyo.
the scene where Azami expects Sakyo to send him back home but Sakyo backs him up is so!! AND "ohhhh sorry azami. you’ve just given tsuzuru something terrible: personal info abt yourself. you realize he’s absolutely going to make u confront stuff with his play right." IM ABSOLUTEY CRYING OVER THIS. so true though. Azami, unknowingly giving Tsuzuru ammo. Tsuzuru: sure :) Everyone at Mankai: oooh boy kid, rookie mistake.
And so true it really is a lot like The Stranger. Also probably something to be said with how in both plays Sakyo plays a father who was doomed to screw his own child over no matter how much he cared about them. And hey Tsuzuru makes it work, and maybe getting depressing in Autumn is kinda the afterfact of having to be so damn silly with Summer. balancing it out.
"AZAMI IS SUCH A PROFESSIONAL MIDDLE SCHOOLER" THIS IS SO ACCURATE HELPP. And yess i love the Fashion Trio. Esp with the whole subtext of Yuki and Azuma's dynamic originally being really like, "Azuma can prove those kids who might be unsure about their future that there is one to be had by still being themselves and enjoying themselves." Azami doesn't need this lesson as much as Yuki but it can still be reassuring. And Yuki and Azami together are a MENACE, SAkyo's greatest nightmare, love that for them. AND YESS GOSHH the modeling thing just sent me right back to Into the Night as well!! DKLJFKDLF i really had the Priviliege of Insight to mention that about the CG, since i know all of them, but yeah, it really showcase them very well. And yeah the school festival was really nice, and it must also have really helped Azami to participate to something so… normal. usual for people his age yaknow? being a Yakuza son probably doesn't make those as usual as it could be otherwise. shoves Azami with Tenma and Misumi gang of "we're going to show them what Normal is or so help us."
GET JUZA A FUCKING DRESS THIS IS A THREAT NOW. i'm still a bit bitter that Banri was the SSR card for the noble-woman dresses event, this should have been Juza's time to shine. Juza KEEPS wanting it SO BAD and Banri keeps shutting him off, why is Banri the one getting the frilly gowns. GET JUZA A DRESS.
isn't Zombieland saga about idols especially? but yes, what works would work, it'd be fun! but i'd love to see a Vkei look, whenever you guys are ready!!! And Tsuzuru truly has a skill at this point rip.
AND YES THE KINDERGARDEN THING WAS SO CUTE. And pleaaase it's so cute i could totally see those kids adoring Juza. Joining Kumon in the Juza fanclub. But yeah the animal costumes were a smart way to make sure the kids would feel safe. And <333 always fan of tormanting Tsuzuru <3 AND HELPP THE GSNK REFERENCE. BEAUTIFUL.
The collages are so good yeah!!! and sobs yeah they're still so uncomfortable with themselves but it's especially striking considering how far those two have come…. esp Taichi who had to run off from the Godza and had to come to term with his spy days, and Juza really going from thinking of himself as an acting lost cause to genuinely managing through his insecurities and inspiring everyone around him. Alas yeah, they both are still so ashamed of who they were and still gunning for so much higher that they don't see that… "“um okay? why are u still worried about that loser.”" LKFJDLKFJDLKFJKLDFJFDFD
AND HELPP. honestly i could see Azami do that all of his own, remember that Sakyo loves romance novels and has no problem sharing them with Muku, so anything about that is fully Azami made. Also very good point about introduce to parents.
Juza <333 always the savior isn't he. AND HELP i could imagine Azami just think that at this point. Probably already clocking "ok i was thinking Omi might be a normal dude but now that i've heard how the whole troupe is i have Doubts." Also for the funfact i have a friend whom i dragged into a3 a bit kicking and screaming, who had a hard time getting too involved but when he related to the charas, he related hard (Itaru and Tenma for instance came to murder him, if that gives any idea). Anyway we went into Autumn, watching the anime, and he was so scared because every single one of them were his type, so he was worried to be emotionally damaged by looking at a mirror, and we finished the chapter and he was like. actually i'm fine. I'm so fine. But he got curious about Azami so we watched Autumn 2. And he was quiet for a long time, going through the collages and stuff. And eventually, i think around the time of Juza's? my friend turned to me and went. "did i ever tell you I once ran away from home." And it was aBSOLUTELY HYSTERICAL he was SO MAD by the end of this chapter, he ended up relating to Azami a litttle too much AND everything that didn't hit hard in the first chapter ended up hitting him hard by the second one. Point is. "is it like just normal to run away from home once, statistically?" it is for punkass troublemakers. not targetting anyone. (also let's talk about how Misumi also ran away from home but only to never come back. Honorary Autumn kid.) AND YEAH both are right. But i love Juza's take away still.
And Juza's portrait was so emotional and how much he cares and wanted to protect Kumon was just so :sob: AND AAHHH You REALLY understand Juza's mind so well that you looked at Kumon and knew exactly how to refer to him the Juza way. (but yes Kumon IS the sunshine itself.) and Juza poor kid. No one ever cut him some slack :( HYODO MOM SO GOOD WE LOVE THE HYODOSAKISAKA HOUSEHOLD IN HERE. But yes sobs Kumon finding him because Juza couldn't help but go to somewhere he probably felt safe to and it meant being safe with his brother…. sioft.
and god yeah the Tsuzuru bits is really cool. I remember in the first Summer chapter my biggest issue with it was how there was so little focus on Spring that it felt like they weren't living in the same place….. and i'm just so glad this was an issue that was never truly repeated, and moment like that showcase it so much. the rookies chapters tends to focus on two troupes at once already (like Awakening Moon was Spring and Winter), but here they still had some focus on non-focus troupe and it's so nice. And i love that it showcases Tsuzuru and Citron's dynamic so well it's so soft. AND HELPPP cinderella play when Tsuzuru, you have it all set up for you!!! And god i love the casting for that. And true for the vibes (note: Sakuya as the Fairy God Mother? baby angel that grant people wishes because he gives them an opportunity to? (like how it's giving the opportunity to keep the theater opened that helped everyone?)). Anyway as a fanplay it works still. Tsuzuru coming to term with his feelings for Mizuno everytime he colead with Citron is really funny tho.
AND HELPP. I still won't say anything for Citron but yeah things are starting to shape up! And oh god Citron's reply to it all huh. God. Anyway interesting theories, obviously i can't comment on them just yet but. interesting!
but yeah the duo season focus is built on each chapters in a sense so Spring will have its time to shine again next chapter. I don't htink it's that much of a spoiler since we do know Guy is looking for Citron, the same way we knew early on Chikage was looking for Hisoka. Something to be said about how Spring and Winter both have their past catching up to them with an acquitance from the past coming back to get you, while Summer and Autumn's main connection is between the two new kids who are starting to get to know one another. (and obviously Kumon-Juza, but i suppose it's also a bit like Azami-Sakyo currently yaknow? family bonds over troupe bonds).
Anyway! :D
Thank you once again for the ask <333 so much goodies in there and it's always so fun to relive the chapter with you like this!!! thank you for sharing all of this <333
take care and see you around :3c
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mushroomjar · 1 year
i would love an update on your presentation <3 one time i made a vocaloid presentation for my simultaneous interpreting classes (basically u talk abt thing for like 20 minutes while everyone interprets it into another language in their booths) and got a mid grade as it was too convoluted bc i gave an in-depth walkthrough of the program when they expected me to talk about the culture/characters lmao (girlautism (unisex) moment)
Oh no! But I love when you talk about the complexities of the program as someone who knows and talks more about the characters and cultural impact :(
My presentation ended up being 30 slides long, it gives an introduction to the program, voicebanks, competing programs, some of the more popular characters but also ones I thought it would be cool to talk about (I have slides for the Cryptonloids, Gumi, Gakupo, etc, but I also have slides for Leon and Lola, and Bruno and Clara and others), information on some of the different types of concerts (mainly focusing on the Miku, IA, and Vsinger Live concerts, but I also bring up NicoNico Cho Parties and other instances of vsynths in concerts), and some of the more influential producers
I'll write down a reminder to send you an ask about how it went after it happens!^^ I'm pretty positive though because my friends hype me up about this stuff even though only one of them also listens to vocaloid
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earthtooz · 8 months
this is my first time sending anything to anyone so I turned on anon.. really sorry if I put it in the wrong place / ur not accepting rn cus I’ve NEVER done this 😭
I just found an interesting fact, ik u might not care but Sae and jing yuan share eng vas! I thought this was kinda funny since I (thinkkk??) you don’t like Sae and you’ve written a few pieces for jing yuan so I found it cool
apologies if u already knew or don’t care or smth
i absolutely DESPISE sae (/lh) you are correct. i mean, that never deterred me from writing for him though, but i like that people remember lMFAOO. honestly, i did hear from somewhere before that sae and jing yuan share a va, and i still think it's insane because like... how...
because cyyu/alejandro is so goofy... and sae is so... not......... regardless, i'm very excited to hear more from eng sae in the future bc i am a big fan of cyyu. jing yuan has to be one of my favourite english dubbed characters of hoyoverse, along with cyno!! when jing yuan's english trailers first came out i flocked to watch them and kept them on repeat BECAUSE DAMN his voice is just TOO DAMN GOOD.
also please don't speak like you're bothering me :,)) you never need to apologise for sending an ask or interacting with me, i promise!! sending stuff can be scary, i can't even lie, even if you're on anon, but i'm very honoured that you decided that i was worthy to send ur first ask too!! i will always care about what my followers have to say, but thank you for the reminder abt this fun little fact :3 i appreciate it!! i adore alejandro so much- i adore everyone of the eng sumeru crew, they all have a special place in my heart <33
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brownfrogs · 2 years
i leave for a day or two and come home to the most chaos, like the tag of u begging ppl not to send u asks about piss really sums everything up here
the imagery of satya spraying cole with febreeze like hes a cat is quite fun however
buttttttt- i am here to combat the chaos with some wholesomeness
so post recall- i like to think the heroes who do return end up developing different rituals with each other
like i always adore the idea of hana investing her time in the older heroes to try and learn as much as she can. like doing target training with hanzo and respectively talking in their own native tongues. she still teases him for whatever social mess he has gotten himself into that week of course, she is mischievous by nature but holds a huge deal of respect for him too!!! she would invest a lot of time earning his respect and company and i think she would be very interested in the dragons themselves!!
i could imagine her comparing the dragons to her meka, (because she would carry that level fondness and admiration for it!!!) shes like oh theyre just like tokki!! and hanzo just deadpans like respectfully your technological contraption is not way comparable to the divinity and history held by the dragons
whilst the dragons themselves i think they would simply be amused, like hanzo desperately trying to defend their honour and they r like no no, technically she has a point, they would totally have a soft spot for her
i also think hanzo would eventually carry a similar fondness for her too!!! like the different perspective that hana can give! he knows the life they live can be tough and unforgiving and yet she still takes the next day in her stride. some part of it probably worries him as it’s an uncomfortable reminder to how playful kiriko and genji were when they were all younger and how he couldnt of stopped what had happened to them but he never /ever/ would doubt her capability. he’s not that kinda person!
it would totally help loosen him up too, like i could see him only taking part in like self enjoyment very briefly thinking it’s frivolous and time could be spent elsewhere but one night when they had originally scheduled training but maybe something comes up (honestly with all the trans headcannons the idea of hana dealing with menstrual stuff and hanzo being like oh shit yeah lets change plans is a big slay actually.)
so they sneak off of base, this is how hana learns how sneaky he can truly be and he teaches her a thing or too, and head into more central gibratlar and they go find a late night food place/arcade (hana would obviously know the best spots) and they eat the like best worst takeaway food and play games in a quiet arcade and its our favourite causal intimacy (who cheered!!! and all platonic ofc if that was not clear)
but it’s a very fond memory and hanzo is like okay maybe sometimes he does need enrichment outside of his enclosure u know haha
anyways !! short rambles but theyre so <333
- sabs !
See, thats the thing bout this blog. You’ll never know what you’re gonna get. And I think that’s kinda beautiful 🥹
BUT YEAHHH!!!! I wholly agree and enjoy the idea of all the characters interacting on day to day basis. Makes me happy. They all do their part and take turns with the grocery runs, kitchen duty, and tending to the community garden. One big misfit family :>
Hana does contribute when she’s not in her room streaming. As for the older heroes, she definitively respects a certain few like Ana and Rein haha.
With Hanzo, I think their relationship was actually pretty rocky at the start. They def butted heads a lot bc both are such leader types. Hana thought he was way too old-fashioned and overbearing while he thought she was too naive and reckless. I do love the voiceline of her putting Hanzo in his place the most.
But over time, seeing the other sides of the other helped their assumptions change. Hana begins to appreciate Hanzo’s tactical plans because it always gives her an easy escape route whenever she gets overwhelmed by enemies. He admires her vital spirit and always willing to sacrifice her mech for the team. Eventually it turns into Hanzo giving her shooting tips at the training range and Hana challenging him to spicy noodle eating competitions. I hc Hanzo is a polygot and knows Korean and Mandarin (learned it for business). Hanzo whips it out whenever he wants to motivate her or when she’s feeling homesick and can’t call her dad. Hana on the other hand can sense when he is about to ruminate and drags him to one of her streams. He backseats game the whole time, but he is just so deadpan funny, the chat adores him so she lets it slide. She even has a Hanzo unimpressed emote.
Oh yes, Hana absolutely is interested in the dragons. While she thinks the kitsune is Cute, the dragons are just way Cooler. Imagine Hanzo trying to explain all the grueling hours of training he did in order to harness the dragon’s power and control them at will, while they are just nuzzling up to a giggly Hana. He sighs. I can definitely see the dragons sunbathing on top of Tokki on a nice day 😂😂😂
Once there is that mutual respect, Hanzo wouldn’t dare to think she is in incapable at anything. Like you said, he would often be reminded of Genji’s and Kiriko’s youthfulness, so the Older Brother comes out occasionally. But she is different to them because she is so headstrong and knows who she is fighting for. And Hana always comes to him when she wants a serious, no bullshit answer because others tend to walk on eggshells with her due to her celebrity status. She counts on him to be the realist to her idealism.
YEAHHHHH, Hanzo knows what’s up and they sneak off on a hovercycle that he hotwires. Hana comments saying she didn’t know he knew how to ride one of these. While Hanzo just smirks, he has many secrets that only few are worthy of being privy to.
They eat and play at the arcade, casual platonic friendship at it’s best!!! Hana beats his ass at all the games, but he is a worthy opponent. Hanzo def is an expert at those crane games tho, and gets her the pinkest plush they have. Hana gets him those tacky orange sunglasses. It’s a warm pleasant memory for the both of them.
Also I 100% know this was one of their interactions:
Hana: are you homophobic
Hanzo: im gay…????
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cubedmango · 2 years
oh god ok so what i did was just rewatch the episode and wrote thoughts as they came along but that made it really song so IM VERY SORRY IN ADVANCED BUT I HOPE U ENJOY READING THOUGHTS 1) adachi taking care of kurosawa by getting him the day off makes me want to bite something theyre so sweet 2) kurosawas worries in the beginning IM JUST. I NEED HIM TO CATCH A BREAK SO MUCH BUT I KNOW THAT IS NOT COMING THIS EP 3) i will beat the other companys ass up for bringing everyone so much stress (1/???)
KFHDKFHKDKF DONT BE SORRY reading these asks was so fun, and A Huge Mood on everything u said fr 😔 (gonna put the rest of them here under the cut bc it got long fhsjhd)
(2/?) 1) adachi going up to talk to the other company when kurosawa isnt there yet bc he wants to defend him like saying he didnt have any documents with IM JUST. LIKE THINKING HOW MUCH HE'S GROWN.... speaking so clearly and everything 2) but god the way he came in and was like adachis worried abt me like sir im glad ur happy (?) abt that but ;v; the ppl who want to bite ur head off - so endeared by rokkaku being like why didnt u let me talk to them >:( hes everything to me
kurosawa, hungover and deeply sad and having to come into office on his day off: but i still have to be gay though . adachi cares abt me wow <3
ROKKAKU MY BELOVED HES SOOO [incomprehensible noises] hes my little son i care he
(3/?) 1) kurosawa not wanting adachi to come along bc he doesnt want him to see him like that like ?? hey?? u stop thinking like that- BUT LIKE I REALLY LIKE HOW WHEN EVERYONES TALKING ABT KUROSAWAS MISTAKE... adachi is the first to speak up for him because yeah!!! ur right!! everyones asking him for help!! and rokkaku being like we're depending so much on kurosawa!! AND IM JUST. HOW IT PARALLELS THE TIME IN THE COMPANY RETREAT WHEN KUROSAWA STOOD UP FOR ADACHI....
YEAHHH THE EP 4 PARALLELS and adachi actually reminding everyone that kurosawa is also Just Some Guy Who Makes Mistakes is ..... smth smth park bench scene flashbacks cries
(4/?) 1) glad urabe was like we should take care of each other like yeah and WHEN URABE WAS LIKE THATS TRUE FRIENDSHIP BETWEEN MEN IT MADE ME LOSE MY SHIT like yep! close friends! and i also lost it how like right after rokkaku was like let me go! if theres a fight we'll outnumber them! LIKE ITS ALWAYS ABOUT FIGHTS WITH U.... hes so unhinged 2)kurosawa being upset that adachis protecting him like cmon man...ur not useless!!!!!! adachi saying who protects who doesnt matter like yes go off adachi
urabe said "u two look like a couple. a couple of besties!"
rokkaku always down to throw hands no matter what universe its beautiful
(5/?) 1) kurosawa is so ridiculous getting like jealous of tsuge holding onto adachis shoulder and stuff even if i have to acquiese that hes right them suddenly not talking to each other is a lil eyebrow raising 2) also adachi buying time for kurosawa so he can send an email so true <3 we love to see it- LIKE WHAT KUROSAWA DID I WAS LIKE YEAHHH LETS GO!!! u go make sure its no longer ur problem 3) AND JUST. adachis presence gave kurosawa the ability to do this. like wow... his strength for real
kurodachi power couple-ing their way into getting back at the other company so true their brains are so massive. personally i loved adachi finding the footage himself in like 10 seconds flat and then he goes to the other guys and says "im not good w that stuff" its so fucking funny. king shit
(6/?) 1) GOD AND HOW KUROSAWA SAID HE WAS SO HAPPY THEY BOTH HAVE THEIR OWN SILENT UNDERSTANDING NOW LIKE THATS SO ENDEARING HOW HES HAPPY ABT IT BUT ALSO. YEAH. 2) them just holding hands and taking a walk rlly made me feel a type of way like my god its so sweet i cant believe these two- when adachi was telling him how he didnt believe it at first bc kurosawa was perfect and how he sees himself as boring and kurosawa instantly was like youre great too they make me sick in such a positive way
THE HAND HOLDING GODDDD adachi being comfortable enough letting it happen in public made me Scream . also i hc'd maybe he wanted to bc he thought it might be the last time he gets to do it ..... Haha :)
THE FUCKIGNGJDNGJ KUROSAWA IMMEDIATELY DEFENDING HIM AAAUGGHH hes literally finding out magic is real and his bfs been reading his mind his whole time AND YET???? HIS FIRST INSTINCT IS TO COMFORT ADACHI???????? i hate these two i hate them (real)
all those flashbacks got me so bad i swear esp the forehead kiss one i had to lie down....... these two make me so sick i cant handle it
THE EP 7 CONFESSION PARALLEL TOOK ME OUT I CANT BELIEVE THEY DID THAT........... i did not handle it well i spent the whole week up to ep13 coming up with . So many possible ideas for what could happen next it was A Time . the actual ep13 made me insane tho its too good pls look forward to it
FKHSFKJD AGAIN DW !!! ur always welcome to scream abt cm in my inbox its v fun seeing other ppl react to the radio drama hehehe
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userrhaenyra · 2 years
🎬📺 Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order 🎮🃏 Then send this to 10 people (anon or not, your choice)
Sending this to you <3
OH okay yes i have a list w every character i’ve ever loved so this is quite easy for me
sirius black honestly it’s my personal mission in life to get every single person that’s ever met me to associate me w sirius black. that stupid little cunt has been my FAVOURITE guy since i was SIX years old. that’s thirteen years what
mike wheeler if u think this needs an explanation i feel like you’ve not rlly looked at my blog!
peter parker am i convinced if i was a marvel character he’d be in love w me yes. am i also convinced i’m the same person as him. also yes don’t psychoanalyse me
wylan van eck if i had to pick one ginger to save from total destruction it would be him… which says a lot because my cat is ginger
annabeth chase surprisingly enough i didn’t get attached to her the first time round reading pjo because i lowkey was too busy learning abt greek myth stuff to attach to a character but the SECOND TIME?? ur dad chose his new wife over you?? bitch me too the fuck
ronan lynch i think ronan was one of the characters that it took the least amount of time for me to fall in love w actually. he’s just so insane and the whole like. thing. of his existence. like his entire being. what’s the word. idk. but he makes me wanna gnaw my fucking arm off
simon snow i’ve been compared to this guy by multiple people and he’s literally sunshine personified and it made me rethink my stance on the “am i the moon gf / or the sun gf” thing bc i THOUGHT i was the moon but it turns out i am not. he was the first “sunshine” trope character that i fell in love w. not the last tho! half of the bitches in my list are just sunshiney motherfuckers it’s filled w them
aled last i feel like most people underestimate how much i love aled! i’m his biggest fan! i’m ao3 user aledlast! i’ve never cried as much over w character whilst reading their source material (etc. not fanfic or just crying over them in general) as i have him. like. he made me feel seen in a way i’ve never felt before and i’m l obsessed w him. if u love aled last i love you
chris halliwell he’s from charmed ok i feel like the majority of people who follow me have ZERO idea what that is! it’s my favourite show of all time and hes fucked up w mummy issues AND daddy issues AND abandonment issues so how could i not get attached to him
zuko listen he’s just like… THAT. idk i enjoy men that remind me of fucking drowned skinny little stray kittens. do i think abt him twenty four seven no i don’t but he’s one of those characters where whenever i think abt them i feel like i’m getting a hug. i don’t particularly like hugs so it’s not a good analogy actually fuck whoever came up with that
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