#and shauna was holding the baby on that bed this whole time
lotties-ashwagandha · 5 months
how the yellowjackets would react to you being sick (headcanons)
i wrote these forever ago when i had the flu and they got lost in my drafts enjoyyyy gender neutral reader i think but taissa does reference her partner as her wife. also if the pics on this don’t format right (theyre supposed to be 3 in a row and then the header) pls tell me sometimes it fucks up :(
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sees you sneeze once and runs to the store for cold medicine with the fervor of middle aged preppers fist fighting for toilet paper in 2020
she would do or get absolutely anything you wanted, would go and buy takeout food from your favorite restaurants or make sure you’re comfortable wherever you’re situated
will make sure you’re taking whatever medicine you need, whether it’s just over the counter cough medicine or it’s something prescribed by a doctor. you can’t put up a fight with her about it bc you’ll never win. she gets so intense about it but it’s ultimately for your good and you know that
also just likes to hold you. she cancels whatever plans she has and you lay and watch movies together — she might not like everything you pick to watch but she’ll put up with anything to make you feel a bit better. as for the close proximity of holding you, she doesn’t care if she gets sick because she knows you’ll take care of her once you’re better in the same way she cared for you. plus i’d imagine her immune system is of fucking steel after having a baby in the wilderness???? no germs are getting on this woman ok and ykw that probs goes for all of them they probably have some fucked up forest girl immunity or smthn idk im not a doctor don’t come at me
she’ll never admit it ever but at first she gets kind of excited because she’s been waiting for someone to fall ill so she can try out a new herbal remedy
but then she sees how upset you are and how much discomfort you’re in and feels guilty
anyway rich girl lottie is averse to germs and when you first get sick she handles you a bit like you’re a giant jellyfish someone’s trying to throw at her , she wants to help you but girl has a whole wellness center to run she is not getting sick
until she caves and you’re cuddled in bed together watching movies because she can’t keep away from you
she lets you watch whatever you want while you’re sick , but she does get a bit bored sometimes when you’re asleep so she flips the channel to nature documentaries. she’ll flip it back to whatever you were watching immediately after you wake up tho, and yes of course she was watching your horror movies instead of bird watching shows go back to sleep
she also cooks for you while you’re sick — probably not very well, but she won’t allow anyone else cooking for you because she wants to make sure you’re eating quality food that will help you get better and not just anything you could pick up
she gets very protective over you and over your health in general and won’t allow anyone to come bother you, if you work outside the wellness center she makes sure your bosses aren’t being bitches about you being sick and she ensures everything’s in order to her standards
panics because she has absolutely no idea what to do when you get sick, probably googles “what to do when your wife is sick” and follows the wikihow
she’ll take a few days off work for once to look after you, it doesn’t seem like a big deal but it is to you because she hardly ever takes time off from the campaign
she’s very stereotypical in the way she takes care of you — she’ll make you chicken noodle soup, get you blankets, everything she knows is the “standard” of taking care of someone with a cold but she works so hard to make sure everything’s perfect for you
she knows you’re miserable so she’ll try to make you laugh when you’re sick. telling you stupid jokes, funny stories from work, anything she can think of. your body is down but she won’t let your mental health go down with it especially if you already struggle with mental health
might offer you some dirt and a spot in her tree if you’re lucky
knows you’re sick before you do it’s some psychic ass shit she just KNOWS
you sneeze once and she’s like “oh I bought you some cold medicine earlier” like ??? girl ok whatever
she usually loves to make you watch her old dvds and tapes but when you’re feeling bad she puts on a marathon of your favorite movies
she buys you a lot of sweets. she’d be one of those “chocolate fixes everything” girls and whenever she would go out to buy you something she would come back with some sort of treat for you
she lets your rant about being sick if you’re one of those people who get grumpy when you get sick, she wants you to trust her and feel safe enough to express your distress
i think we all know natalie isn’t the best person in health and wellness situations but she does make it fun to be sick at least !
raids the vending machine for you
will probably google how to take care of you like taissa , but thinks the instructions are too long and gives up
will probably call misty and make her bring over whatever medicine you’d need because she knows she’ll fuck it up picking it out herself
she’s silent on the bed for an hour and then announces “i made you a spotify playlist” out of the blue. it has like 5 songs on it but they’re all very very very meticulously selected and she’s so proud of it, she knows it cant help you get better physically but hopes it will make you happy
warns you not to get her sick as if it’s something you can control. looks at you so sternly and goes “don’t. don’t get me sick.” it makes you roll your eyes
she’s been waiting for this day her whole life tbh not in a creepy way but in a loving “i want to take care of you” way
will do absolutely everything to make sure you’re comfortable when you’re sick, she would kill for you (she would anyway but especially when you’re not feeling well)
knows a bunch of get better health hacks from all the reddit forums she’s stalked over the years and only half of them work but it shows that she cares
tries to search amazon to see if there’s a little covid mask she can get caligula “just in case”
she makes you watch true crime documentaries with her and narrates every episode and then gives you all her hot takes afterwards. you can’t escape and she takes advantage of it
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lottiesboy-moved · 2 months
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ HYPER GUY
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pairing: cg!lottieshauna x little!masc!reader
summary: after a long morning of running around and playing, your mama has the magic to get you calmed down.
tags: fluff, sfw, age regression, reader is regressed to age 3-5, mama!lottie, mommy!shauna, sippy cups
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you always had a burst of energy when you were regressed and your mommies loved it. shauna had taken you to the park earlier to let you burn yourself out, but you still wanted to play.
“be careful, baby boy,” you scolded lightly as you ran past her in the kitchen, where she was chopping onions for dinner later that night. “you know what mommy and mama told you about running in the house.”
shauna watched you slow down, crashing on the couch. she put some ice and water in a sippy and brought it to you, chuckling when she saw you panting. “calm down, honey. drink your water. you want the tv on?”
you shook your head, wanting to go run around and play some more. “hold on, mister. just relax for a little while, mkay?” she sat down next to you on the couch, running a hand through your hair.
“where mama?” you question, realizing you haven’t seen lottie in a couple hours. “she’s upstairs, baby. you wanna go say hi?”
you nodded happily and took your mommy’s hand, walking up the stairs with her to their bedroom. lottie was laid back in bed, typing away on her laptop. shauna knocked on the door frame before letting you come in. “someone wanted to see you.”
you hopped up on the bed and jumped on it a few times before shauna scolded you to sit down, lottie laughing at your antics. “don’t jump on the bed, sweetie. we don’t want you to hit your sweet little head, huh?” she moved her laptop to the side and pulled you into her lap, already feeling you get settled. shauna couldn’t believe you were getting sleepy.
lottie rocked you gently on her lap, shauna cooing when you yawned and sweetly rested your head on your lottie’s shoulder. “you’re all tuckered out now, huh, sweet boy?” your mama spoke softly, patting your back as went limp in her arms. “he’s such a mama’s boy.” shauna smiled, reaching over to caress your cheek lightly.
lottie smiled back, never wanting to let you go, so she held you the whole time you napped.
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rippedpatches · 2 months
general headcanons for your favorite teen and adult ship . ASAP
i don’t have any favorite adult ships ONLY because the main person in half of these ships has kicked the bucket.. I do have many favorite teen ships thought but i’m only going to write for 2 because 1 i’m lazy and 2 erm i’m lazy.
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- friends to lovers asf
- shauna knowing lottie’s emotions like the back of her hand
- they definitely have annual movie nights when shauna isn’t following jackie around like a lost puppy. lottie has to go over the top, getting shauna’s favorite snacks getting her her own blanket (that happens to be plaid like her flannels) and ofc picking movies she knows shauna liked and or wants to see.
- i feel like shauna would steal out of lottie’s locker borrowing a notebook or something and then returning it with scribbles all over it from her nervous ass in class not paying attention. lottie doesn’t mind it it’s normal.
- lottie offers to buy shauna simple things like a new flannel she sees or maybe even something for her room to (brighten it up) ending in shauna ALWAYS declines saying she can pay for it herself. in the end lottie gets it anyways
- lottie wearing shauna’s varsity jacket. dare i say more.
- despite jackie being the first one to comfort shauna, lottie was one of the firsts running to her aid to make sure she was okay checking for wounds etc. (she’s also the same precrash but will obviously laugh at first seeing shauna trip over her own feet)
- after the first few nights shauna would be there for lottie knowing somethings up trying to comfort her to the best of her abilities.
- this is canon at this point, lottie is the father that stepped up. lottie would be there constantly for shauna making sure she’s okay making sure the baby is okay. shauna is a little skeptical at first knowing everyone and their mom is crazy as fuck but TRIES to trusts lottie after knowing she defended her for the whole jackie fiasco.
- after they got rescued shauna would stay by lottie’s side knowing how skeptical and vulnerable she is.
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- enemies/friends/lovers
- annoyance at first glance duh
- jackie so laughed at nat on the field, seeing her fuck off in the corner trying to skip practice. she so so so probably accidentally started a rumor on accident about nat and felt so genuinely bad about it. jackie eventually tells nat after they become friends and nat holds a grudge for a week before jackie bring her a pack of cigarettes and she’s happy again.
- knowing both smoke they probably shared a cigarette and or a blunt at least once. jackie is more of a nonchalant smoker and we all know nat is a stoner. (ahem cue red wine supernova)
- as they were becoming friends slowly laughing at the same jokes and or talking shit they so started to like each others company. jackie can be mean but she has such a genuine personality and kind heart like nat feels safe around her.
- the first time they hung out outside of school nat felt so awkward about quickly shutting jackie down after jackie wanted to see her house making up an excuse while hiding underlying hints that her home life is shit. the end up at jackie’s house nat feeling so out of place.
- anytime someone comments on the rumors about nat jackie is quick to defend her.
- nat showing up at jackie’s house after a fight with her parents sneaking in through jackie’s window to just plop in her bed and drag on a LONG sigh.
- jackie isn’t pushy when it comes to nats emotions of course wanting to know how she feels but knows how nat feels about certain topics. she doesn’t want to dig at nats feelings she wants it to flow naturally.
- when nat finally opens up jackie is there a little overwhelmed but consoles nat none the less and then after nat is calmed down she’s like “that was.. a lot” and nat calls her a dick and then they laugh about it.
- nat definitely got jackie high before jackie being out of it high as FUCK and nat is trying to keep her from having a bad trip feeling terrible but also sneaking a laugh in.
- if jackie ended up having a bad trip nat stayed by her side reassuring her constantly that she wasn’t like going to die or anything.
- if it’s a good trip they end up laying on jackie’s bed buzzed tf out just chilling.
- jackie would want to hunt with her so nat would help jackie with the gun, standing behind her so her little ass doesn’t fly backwards 💀
- they would leave travis behind to go hunting together
- idk i lost motivation
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peach-and-bugs · 1 year
💚Lottie Matthews NSFW Alphabet💚 (18+, age in bio/pinned or you will be blocked)
💚Read the SFW Alphabet here!💚
Fanfiction master list
disclaimer: don't repost my work. I only post on Tumblr and on Ao3. anything else is stolen and should be removed immediately
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Warnings: All Smut, given the nsfw title, thoughts about pregnancy, periods, mention of prior ptsd [AFAB Reader/anatomy used] (18+, age in bio/pinned or you will be blocked)
Word Count: 2,035
A/N: Honestly, I feel this could be my most "outlandish" set of headcanons for one of the girls, but only because I think I interpreted Lottie differently than others might. I don't really have a reason, it just kinda feels right for her I guess? I'm not really sure. As always, feel free to leave questions or comments in my comments or ask box, and happy reading!💚
Lottie Matthews Tag List:
Yellowjackets Tag List: @frasersgf @minimickzy
General Tag List: @summergeezburr
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
She’s very touchy-feely after sex wanting to be the one to clean you up, run her fingers through your hair to freshen it back up, and take you into the bathroom for a bath because she just wants to pamper you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
It’s corny as hell, but she loves your eyes. She constantly watches how your eyes grow and change with every touch because that is the truest indicator of pleasure and approval that she’s found. The eyes can rarely lie, and oh how beautiful yours are when they roll back in during the height of ecstasy that she gets to bring upon you
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
She loves the taste of your cum on her tongue, especially when she gets to mingle it with the taste of your lips after she’s done a good job. 
D = Dirty secret (pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
She’d never bring it up unless the conversation lead to it, and it’s not really “dirty” per se, but she often thinks about how beautiful you’d be carrying your (being you and her) baby. The thought of you bringing a new life into her world that belongs to the both of you is just so magical to her and it kind of gets her going. It could have stemmed from watching Shauna’s pregnancy during a traumatic and developing time, she’s not sure. Of course, she’d never put you in a position where you felt that having children is a requirement with her, but if you wanted it she’d gladly welcome the idea and enjoy the view
E = Experience (how experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I don’t think she’s all that experiences in general. Lottie doesn’t seem to me to be the type to have explored that a lot in her teen years given she thought she’d have had time in college and after the crash, she was sent away. She’s only been able to explore herself for the last few decades and I think she’s a far more guarded character than we might think, so it’ll take quite a bit of time for her to get comfortable enough with someone to explore that part of herself 
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
She loves being on her knees for you, holding your hand in hers as she eats you out with you dripping down her chin and cheeks. She loves her view from below. But if she’s the one being pleased, she wants you right next to her in bed, hand buried deep in her as she wraps around you, her head buried into your neck and shoulder with little to no space between you. She wants to feel your breath fan over her face and hear every comment you have to make whispered in her ear.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
Lottie is extremely serious about sex. It's almost ceremonial or sacred to her. She feels as though sex is an ultimate bond that partners choose to take that can help them grow into a whole new point in their relationship. She’d convinced that sex can and will elevate your relationship to a whole new level that connects you in more ways than just physical. Over time though, I think she can become more casual when it comes to sex if that's what you both want, and with that loosening up, I could see her becoming more carefree and silly during intimacy
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I honestly don't think any of the girls are completely hairless after the wilderness just because 1) they got used to having body hair, and it's no longer taboo for them and 2) they were growing up in the 90’s when body hair wasn’t stigmatized. But for Lottie, she seems like the type to wax rather than shave, but she doesn't keep up with it rigorously, so it's common for her to have a reasonable amount of growth most of the time because it doesn’t bother her. And that’s with everything. Arms, legs, all the goods
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
She’s sickeningly romantic. There isn’t a moment where she’s not entangled with you in one way or another and she constantly murmurs sweet nothings in your ear, as you do with her because she craves any form of praise. She also loves sex under candlelight, or just fire in general. The way the flickering light gives her a minimal view of you, but what she can see is basked in hot, warm light is such a turn-on in of itself, even when you haven't touched her yet
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
She didn’t masturbate a lot before. Again, Lottie didn’t explore her sexual side much, if not at all till well into her adulthood. But once she’s committed to a relationship with you, masturbation is reserved for when she can’t have you, and part of her loathes it because she’d much rather be touching you than herself. And while she’s learned to please you, there's a curve in learning to please herself that she finds intensely frustrating. It could be really fun to teach her  
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Body worship, except she wants to do the worshiping rather than be worshiped. She’s tried it the other way before and even with it being strictly and completely out of intimacy, it reminds her of her teen years and the position she felt forced into. Despite still being in a leader's role in her comune, it's not out of a want for that position. It's to provide the healing she also needs. She much prefers to be on her knees for you, bathing in words of praise and encouragement as you reward her with pleasure
She’s also into tantra sex, which is using sex as a spiritual connection. It’s part of why she loves your eyes so much and constantly wants to be as close to you as possible when intimate, almost to the point of becoming one being
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Of course, she loves sex in the sanctity of your bedroom, but on particularly daring nights she’s a fiend for having sex out by the forest fire pit under the stars and the moon. There's an exhilarating feeling about being able to be as loud as you like but still wondering if you’re truly alone, and she adores having the fire lit, blazing beside you, and warming exposed skin even further
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
She’s especially turned on when you get touchy-feely with her, especially on her face. She loves when you touch her ears and the back of her neck specifically. Do that enough and she’s whisking you away for herself 
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn-offs)
She is very against period play but only when it’s her. If you’re on your period she doesn't care one bit about pleasing you, but when it’s her, she doesn't want to be touched down there whatsoever. The image of you with that much blood brings out such a heavy feeling of dread that she doesn’t like thinking about 
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
She’s a connoisseur of both but prefers giving. She loves looking up at you through her lashes with those big bright brown eyes just to make sure that she’s doing a good job. She loves the tightening feeling of your legs pressing in on her head and nearly suffocating her because she knows that she’s making you feel good and right and the clawing feeling of your hands gripping her scalp for support. There's an electrifying magic to it all really
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
She’s more slow and sensual. She needs to make a connection with you and you can’t rush that. She’ll draw sex out as long as she can just to be one with you for a minute longer
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
She’s not a quickie girl. She needs to take her time and have her fill
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
I think after a while she’d be curious to experiment more, but it would take a little time. When she grows interested in adding new things to the bedroom I think she’d be the type to order a book online. She’ll read it when she got free time with her reading glasses on, taking a highlighter and sticky notes to the pages of things she wants to remember and keep in mind and she’ll bring them to you when she finished with a new passage to get your opinion on it
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
She’s pretty average, not lasting a crazy amount of time. She adores you, but she doesn’t need all day or night to be spent with just sex. She enjoys her time with you to be occupied in a wide variety of ways
T = Toys (do they own toys? Do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I don't think she’s that into penetrative toys. However, things like bondage rope, a silk gag/blindfold, and other kink-related memorabilia are fair game
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She’s not much of a teaser in my opinion, mostly because with you there’s no need to tease. She gets what she wants just by asking, but she does enjoy being teased now and then. But it can’t be obvious. Maybe it’s by wearing a favorite dress of hers, or by touching her face each time you need to get past her, or the chance to see her intermittently throughout your days
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Lottie is another quiet girl to me. She’s more squeaky and airy when she's making any sound that pleasure related. She whines and whimpers a lot rather than moans and she seems like the type to muffle her words, but I think she talks quite a bit when it's your turn with her, and it's all very rushed and whispery in your ear, her words scrambled together as she tries to get it out before taking another breath tightly through her teeth
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
She’s into waxplay and is delighted to find out about lotion candles from those esty stores. She’s got all different sents and she loves the double use of wax and lotion. She loves both giving and receiving the wax and the additional task of rubbing the lotion in is one of her favorite forms of foreplay
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
She’s pretty lanky in her limbs and tends to hunch her shoulders when relaxed. I think she’s got a small happy trail over her stomach and she often braids her hair before sleeping
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Her sex drive is only high because of you. Now she’ll gladly have you every night if that's what you want. But, sex isn’t her main priority and she’s always game for a tame night in with tea and books or a movie instead
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterward)
She doesn’t sleep quickly. I think sex is more refreshing for her than anything. Like, after an orgasm she’s ready for a shower and then goes off to do laundry. That is, she’s only leaving you if you fall asleep. But when it's very late at night though she’ll stay in bed, curled up with you and stroking your hair till she comes down enough to sleep
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@gangstertogangster​ so since we’re on a glee kick for the OCs, I figure now is about as good a time as any just to have more things that totally get said during domestic au lines.
Yelena: Veruchka that isn't how babies happen. Nika: Uh huh! You and mama are both girls and you have me! Yelena, eyes widening, sweats: ... Nika: Hey how did that happen anyway? Where do babies come from? Yelena, driving faster: Ask your mother. Nika: But you are my mother? Yelena: Ask your other mother! ~oOo~ Michael: Look, alcohol is an answer to any problem. It’s not always the best answer but it is an answer. So pass me my wine or not even God himself will be able to save you, Raphael! ~oOo~ Vasya: Nah, my Aunt Shauna loves Olive Garden. They have better bread. Michael: What’s wrong with my restaurant?! It’s authentic Italian! The real deal! Vasya: It isn’t Olive Garden’s. Duh. ~oOo~ Nika: Hey guys, do you mind if I ritualistically slaughter this chicken? Peyton, jaw dropped: Uh... yeah a bit. This is the stage where we’re, you know, about to have a musical practice. Not... make chicken nuggets. ~oOo~ Vasya: That bitch is crazy! He had me kidnapped! Adrian, looks away: ...  Alexei: Ohmygod... ~oOo~ Jack: Papa, where do babies come from? Vladimir: ... Russia and Spain. Matt: That is not- Vladimir: My babies came from Russia and Spain, Matvey! Matt: Well if you want to get technical! Jack was born in Hell’s Kitchen! You idiot! ~oOo~ Mariah: Oh, Misty. Lucille is just... such a delightful child... Misty: Thank you, Mariah. I just... adore Honor... Danny & Shades, both sighing: ... ~oOo~ Matt: What's wrong?! Why are you bleeding?! Vasya, crying: I think I have internal bleeding! Matt: Oh honey. Internal means it's on the inside. Vladimir, smacking the back of Matt's head: Asshole. ~oOo~ Lucille: Breathe in. Now breathe out. Breathe in. ... Jack. Dani. Wake up. Vasya: They don't like meditating very much. Jack, snoring: ... Danielle, snoring: ... ~oOo~ Karen: You taught her how to treat a hemorrhage but not a period?! Matt: I didn't think it was important?! ~oOo~ Taka: I’m like the Malcolm X of our community! ~oOo~ Jack: Hey Siri, what was it like being poor and Asian? Marie: Terrible from what I’ve heard from my grandma. Peyton: Well, the mangoes aren’t as good in America. ~oOo~ Toly: I love fencing. I get to make new friends then stab them. ~oOo~ Vasya: I think I'm dying! Matt: Honey we're all dying. Vladimir, smacks Matt on the back of the head: What is your fucking problem tonight?! ~oOo~ Ravdí: Peyton, when you asked us to choreograph a dance number for this musical, you did not say that it was for Maddie’s zombie love story. Peyton: Yeah! Isn’t it a great idea?! Maddie’s story makes for a great musical and with you and Vas making a dance, I think this will be a big hit! Vasya, staring at Jamie: ... uh huh. Got this.... Ravdí: ... fiiine. We’re choreographing a dance number for zombies in love. Let’s go, Vas. ~oOo~ Bucky, wearing galaxy print yoga pants: Look my pants are out of this world so shove it. Vladimir: ... damn that was good. High five, Yakov. ~oOo~ Honor: Richard, I can taste your axe body spray. Get off of me! ~oOo~ Vasya: Well a drunk Stalin called me and told me that if I wanted Russia, he’d just give it to me! Matt: ... we need new Sunday dinner topics... Shauna: Ooh! I got one! Vladimir! You smell like melted cheese! Jack, whispering to Toly: You owe me five bucks. Eight minutes in and they’re screaming at each other. Matt, sighing: This is fine... Anatoly: I have vodka. Do you want some? ~oOo~ Yelena: If that boy so much as touches her I am destroying him. Natasha: I've already thought of ways we can hide his body. Yelena: I love you so much. ~oOo~ Michael: Both of my girls could kick my ass without even blinking and I find it unbelievably amazing. ~oOo~ Brad: Ooh authentic Chinese food! Diane: It's not Chinese, it's Asian! André: ... ya'll bitches be trippin'. ~oOo~ Richard: So I talked to your sister about who's the boss on this group project. Jack: Uh huh. How'd that go exactly? Who's in charge on your project? Richard: ... it's still unclear. Jack: Right. My sister is in charge, isn't she? Richard, sighing: I can't tell her no. ~oOo~ Maddie: ... why is there a live bear in the house? Marci: What? ... Ahhh! Bear! ~oOo~ Vladimir, saluting lazily: Aye aye captain. Yelena, ugly snort laughs: Shut up Vova. ~oOo~ Bucky: So how's that Eurofest thing going? Vladimir, pausing: ... you mean Eurovision? Bucky, snapping his fingers: Yep! That's it. ... don't look at me like that. I was closer that time than I was earlier. Vladimir: ... this. Is true. I don't even know what you said earlier. ~oOo~ Toly: Hey, Al? Alexei: Yeah? Toly: What was that? Alexei: An icecream commercial. Toly: No the fuck it wasn’t! Don’t you lie to me! ~oOo~ Jack: So you love my sister? Michael: Sí, more than air. Why? Jack: Would you be willing to take a bullet for her? Michael: ... yes? Why? Jack: I'll see you at the pier later tonight, Moretti. ~oOo~ Alexei: Man if one more person tells me that I am appropriating my own got dang culture Imma beat someone's ass. ~oOo~ Richard: I can't believe you said that! If you weren't a lady, I'd deck you! Vasya: You try and I'll have you on your back so fast you'll think you're out on a date! ~oOo~ Raphael: Wait, wait, wait! Hold on. You’re dumping me? For him? Nika, rolling her eyes: No, I’m dumping you, period. And then I’m gonna be with him. Period. If... that’s okay with him, question mark. Francis: Totally. Exclamation point. Raphael: Oh puke. Parenthesis, bold, underline. Michael, holding Smolya: Snort laughing. ... period. Raphael: Why are you even here? Michael: This is my apartment! ~oOo~ Yelena, after explaining a plan: It’s brilliant, right? Vladimir: Not brilliant at all. Yelena: Thanks for being on board. Vladimir: No. Not on board. Yelena: It means a lot. Vladimir: Big mistake. Very big mistake. Yelena: This will be wonderful! Vladimir: We are going to die slow, painful deaths. ~oOo~ Yelena: You get them! Vladimir: No you go get them! Natasha: What is going on out here? Yelena: We thought- Vladimir: Ah! No! There was no 'we'! Yelena: Shut up! We thought that the girls needed some life lessons... Vladimir: It was Lena's idea. Matt: Don't you dare tell me that Vasya and Nika, who are small toddlers may I add, are somewhere up there on that 100 foot tall building! Yelena: Okay, we won't. Vladimir: ... again, her idea. ~oOo~ Vasya: Fuck you! Dimitri: Later. Now shut up. I was talking. ~oOo~ Jack: I want to kill those guys! Vladimir: No! Matt: What a shocking turn of events... Vladimir: I don’t want you to bloody your beautiful hands! I will do it! ~oOo~ Vladimir: Oh congrats! You’ve made my seven year old look like a whore! Shauna: I think she looks great! Vasya: I think I want a leather jacket and combat boots now! Matt, groaning: Our seven year old is joining the mafia! ~oOo~ Rikki: I am a chapstick lesbian- is that the proper term for this? Because I’m not a lipstick lesbian, I’m definitely not femme, but I’m not entirely butch either? So I think I identify as a chaptstick les- screw it. I identify as chapstick! Just chapstick! Darla: What kind of chaptstick though? Sasha: Is it cherry? Because I see you as a cherry. ~oOo~ Marie: I’m like a Little Ceaser’s Pizza. Always hot and ready to go. Jack: Oh my god... Peyton: You’re gross. And I hate you. ~oOo~ Alexei: Toly’s a crackhead. Toly: I am not! I’m a motha fucking ganster! Alexei: See? Smokes crack. Andrey: I’m seeing myself out of this argument. ~oOo~ Yelena: All these screaming babies and yelling mothers and angry dads and annoying teenagers. They make me want to shoot up this mall. Nika: You cannot say that in public! Yelena: Why not?! It’s my second amendment right to shoot up a shopping center! Nika: NO! ~oOo~ Darla: I’m not much into BDSM. If I wanted to be whipped and chained up I’d just go back in time. ~oOo~ Peyton: Oh my sweet, poor, Japanese cherry blossom... Taka: Thank you. ~oOo~ Michael: This person wants us to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to them?! What?! Rahphael, snorts: That’s not happening. What do they think this is? Applebees?! ~oOo~ Peyton: It annoys me so much when people come here asking if we have a table and then get so offended when we don’t have them because of incoming reservations. Jamie: Honestly! What do they think this is?! Applebees?! We are a five star establishment! ~oOo~ Anatoly: You three better eat these pierogies! I didn’t starve in Utkin for you to deny yourselves food! Alexei, Toly, and Andrey, sighing: Yes, sir... ~oOo~ Bucky: You are a whole ass menace to society! Yelena: I will live. ~oOo~ Wesley: ... I’ve lost Maya. Fisk: Again, Wesley? Wesley, sighing: Unfortunately. ~oOo~ Lucy: I fear nothing. Not even god. Dani, Vasya, and Honor, watching her drink a smoothie: You’re disgusting. Jack: Can I have some of your smoothie? ~oOo~ Daisy: Being an inhuman is genetic. Vladimir: She gets this from your side of the family, Matthew! Daisy: But... you two adopt- Matt: I know. Don’t ask. Go with it. ~oOo~ Ian: Ugh, what do I take for hangovers? Darla: How horribly caucasian. Marie, snorts: Ha! Darla: Well isn’t it?! Marie, shrugging: I don’t know. I get the Asian flush so I take medicine before drinking. ~oOo~ Vladimir: I wonder what she’s going to buy... Matt: I wonder where she got the money... Jack: Vasi’s buying a bag of pepperoni! ~oOo~ Shauna: Look, we all know Toly won’t get into Harvard otherwise- Toly: What if I don’t want to go to Harvard?! Shauna: Ugh fine! Yale then! Toly: But mom- Shauna: Harvard or Yale Anatoly Jr! ~oOo~ Vasya: At least you all woke up in a bed! I woke up in the garbage! Jack: Okay. But. That’s nothing new. Nika, elbows him: Don’t be rude. ~oOo~ Sasha: I was in the dumpster! The dumpster! Rikki: My mom is blue! Darla: So I can see that this is a very stressful time for you both... ~oOo~ Dani: Lucy’s gonna be a minute. Vasya: Did she wake up in the trash too? Dani: No, she woke up half Asian. Lucy’s having a full blown identity crisis. ~oOo~ Vladimir: Your house is full! Full of sadness and emptiness! Yelena: Alright first off, you’re rude. Second, you’re a hoarder! ~oOo~ Sam: We don’t need this! Bucky: Sam, need and want are two different things. ~oOo~ Matt: I may not have vision but at least I have taste! ~oOo~ Vladimir: Ooh! For realsky?! Vasya: For suresky! ~oOo~ Anatoly: No son of mine is going to listen to shitty rap about doing cocaine! Alexei, thinking to himself: Please don’t tell mom... Anatoly: And Alexei Anatolyevitch! I am telling! Your mother! Alexei: Noooo!!!! ~oOo~ Therapist: Mr. Murdock, I think that Ms. Natchios may be one of your triggers. Matt: Please! I don’t have triggers! I am fine! Vladimir, snorts and coughs to cover it up: Okay. Elektra: Suuure you are Matthew. Matt: I will throw this chair at you, I swear to God! Don’t test me! ~oOo~ Shauna, lunging for Wesley: Augh! I can’t take it anymore! Vladimir, watching her punch Wesley: Shauna has earned my respect. Matt: It only took you five years to give it to her... ~oOo~ Jack: I’m so American that my favorite food is a McDonald’s cheeseburger! ~oOo~ Vladimir: If all your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?! Vasya: I dunno! Maybe if they invited me! Matt, slowly rubs his temples: ... I have a headache now... ~oOo~ Yelena: I drive like I have nothing to live for. Which I don’t really. Vladimir: Remind me to never drive near you with my children in the car. Natasha: And remind me to drive Nika around from now on. ~oOo~ Rikki: What do Asian parents beat their kids with? Francis: I don’t know. Textbooks? Ian: Rulers with F’s written on them? Jack: Slippers? Marie, glaring: I’m judging you all harshly. Jack: But are we wrong?! Marie: They feed us! Francis: Well that’s not a punishment. Marie: It is if you don’t like the thing they’re making you eat. ~oOo~ Vladimir: Has anyone seen my son?! He’s about yay tall! Clearly gay! But we haven’t had the talk yet! ~oOo~ Yelena: SHOW ME LOVE! SHOW ME LOVE! Nika: Mom... what is going on? Natasha, stirring her coffee: Oh just the usual amount of bullshit I deal with on a daily basis due to your other mother. ~oOo~ Maddie: I’m supposed to be in class. Ravdí: It’s okay, I’m supposed to be at work. ~oOo~ Darla: Oh what do I know?! Only what’s best for you! Rikki: I’m self destructive. Darla: I was just kidding. Rikki: I wasn’t. ~oOo~ Anatoly: How’s your dad’s restaurant doing? Alex: Very well. Alexei: Grandpa deletes bad reviews off his facebook so it only has five star reviews. He sees two stars, delete! Five star, it stays. Alex: He needs to fix the roof. Anatoly: ... what’s wrong with the roof? Alex: It’s old. Alexei: It leaks. Alex: The AC needs to be fixed too. Anatoly: What’s wrong with the AC? Alex: It’s old. Alexei: It’s broken. Shauna: ... I love your dad’s restaurant! ~oOo~ Vasya: Does anyone know if the damage control shampoo works on PTSD? Adrian: What about emotions? Asking for a friend. ~oOo~ Yelena: Oh god it’s missing! Natasha: What is? Yelena: The... the thing! Natasha, turning to face Yelena with baby Nika in her arms: What ‘thing’, Lenosha? Yelena, sighing in relief: Oh thank god, you found it. Natasha: ... you mean our daughter?! ~oOo~ Francis: A four letter word starting with ‘c’. Go! Rikki: Cock! Jack: Cunt! Rikki: Ooh! Nice one. Vasya: ... mine is corn. Nika: Well that’s adorable. Darla: Cute. ~oOo~ Vladimir: So it’s just a girls night? Vasya: Yeah, we’re just going to see a movie, grab a bite to eat, talk to the dead, and, if we have time, try to commit arson. Vladimir: Okay, have fun and don’t come back too late! Matt: ... after all that you just let her leave?! She said she’s going to commit arson, Vladimir! Vladimir: No, she said they’re going to try! They have to talk to the dead first, Matthew! ~oOo~ Matt, on the phone with Brett: Yeah, hey, if you get a call about a fire, can you give me a call? No reason. ~oOo~ Ravdí: Hey! I waterboarded myself! ~oOo~ Honor: This is a three day vacation! Lucy: Where are we supposed to be sleeping?! Richard: Well I just assumed you two would be inside each other. Jack, spits his drink out: ... ~oOo~ Vasya: So I met this girl at this coffee shop this morning- Honor: Oh no... No no no no. Vasi. You will not come out of this alive. Vasya: Uh... excuse me? Honor: She’s clearly a cannibal. Have you looked at yourself? You’re clearly an easy target. You’re a ballerina and very well marbled. If I were stuck on a deserted island with no food, I would absolutely eat you first. Literally everyone just stares: ... ~oOo~ AJ, the highschool art teacher, very clearly drunk: Listening to Brad talk is like listening to a horny bear claw into a chalkboard. I’m not pleased. Matt: ... well neither am I with that in mind. Shauna: I’m going to throw up. Bucky: God I love PTA meetings! ~oOo~ Honor: Gay kid! Alexei, blinks a lot: ... Honor: Asian girl! Marie: ... Marie. It’s not a hard name. Honor: Asian girl two! Peyton, inhaling deeply: ... she’s a kid. Breathe... Honor: Panda Express! Jamie: ... I swear to god... Honor: Weird twins! Rikki and Darla, blink and roll their eyes: ... Honor: Creepy incest twins! Jack and Vasya: ... we are not- Richard: Okay! So theater club meeting is in session now! ~oOo~ Ravdí: Sloppy babies! You’re all sloppy babies! Dani: Maybe we shouldn’t be calling the freshmen that. And give them encouraging words of wisdom instead? Ravdí: No! They keep dropping their flags! Again, babies! ~oOo~ Richard: Aren’t most of you gay? Honor: How dare you! ~oOo~ Ravdí: I’m sorry. All this time I’ve been treating you like an unpaid intern. When what I should have been doing is treating you like a paid intern. ~oOo~ Jack: Buenos dias, fuckboy! Ian, screaming shrilly: ... ~oOo~ Alexei: We’re all going to die someday. Well. Some of us. Toly: If you figure out immortality you have to share. Alexei: Uh. No. You’re annoying. Andrey: Will you share with me? Alexei: Maybe. ~oOo~ Alexei: Let’s come together! Like Voltron! Andrey: I’m the leg! Toly, rolling his eyes, softly but with feeling: ... fiiine. Losers. ~oOo~ Jack: I wrote this song for my sister! Vasya, closing her eyes, softly but with feeling: Ohgodno... Jack: I wrote this song to tell her that I’m always by her side! Even when we fight! Vladimir & Matt: Aww! ~oOo~ Andrey: Sometimes I feel like Ugolyok films me while in the shower and is waiting to sell the videos on Craigslist. Toly: ... what is wrong with you...? Alexei: ... I... uh... kay. ~oOo~ Lucy and Honor, trapped in an elevator, staring at a creepy puppet on a bike: ... What the ... hell... The puppet: Hello, girls. Let’s play a game. Lucy and Honor, banging on the door: Get us out of here! ~oOo~ Dani: You’re not letting them out of the elevator, are you? Richard: Nope. Not until they confess their feelings. Vasya: This is maniacal... I like this plan. Jack: You are all. So fucked up. ~oOo~ Maddie: I’m going to start projectile vomiting any second now... ~oOo~ The Principal of the highschool: I say we release the hounds into the school. Nick, the highschool science teacher, eyes wide: Let us not do that. AJ, the highschool art teacher: I think it might build character and therefore I veto Nick. ~oOo~ Ravdí, screaming as she runs down the hall: Why are there so many dogs in the hallways?! Vasya: This is the opposite of a problem! Francis: I love them all! Nika, climbing up the lockers, and hissing: Leave me alone! Unless you’re planning on eating my math homework! ~oOo~ Vasya: I will stop at nothing until you are homeless and drinking gutter water. Richard: Ouch. You’re rude.
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soulful-ofevans · 8 years
Back Where I Belong - Chris Evans
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request: Can you do an imagine where the reader and Chris are dating and she meets him at the airport after he's been away filming for months?
people: Chris - Reader (You) 
warnings: FluFFY 
word count: 1000+
a/n: This is a request that someone asked so long ago, I’m so sorry I neglected your request, anonymous person! Thank you for this lovely idea, though, I’ve had this tucked away for so long.
“These seats are hurting my ass. God, now I know why airport seating is so fuckin’ painful, they want you to be motivated so you haul ass to get to the plane,”
I stopped to laugh at my joke, chuckling loudly enough to awaken the elderly lady next to me who was waiting for something she was not willing to talk about.
“Would you, for the millionth time, shut up! It’s three in the morning!” Across from me was this bitchy woman around my age, most likely a lot older. She had this weird orange hair, that I knew was dyed but she still had ginger-like looks to her face. She had the whole nine yards of freckles, ginger-tinted brows, and even wore green just to brighten her orange complexion.
“No! It’s three in the morning and I’m here because I’ve got someone to pick up that I’ve been waiting for. For four months!”
The Irish-wannabe looked at me and smirked, giggling to herself like I wasn’t ten feet away from her. “Who are you picking up? Your boyfriend you ordered off some sex website?”
Jesus, when will Flight 4301 land, dammit! I don’t have time for this!
Smiling sweetly, I got up and grabbed my bag along with my third cup of Starbuck’s black coffee. “Yes, you got me Lucky Charms, I ordered a sex companion. His name is Julio and we’re gonna get married in Vegas. Good day.”
Ginger-snap wasn’t fast enough to shut her wide opened trap that had fallen when I was quick to reply to her. Walking off I went to sit at another set of empty seats, hopefully not causing controversy with whoever lands up near me.
Chrispy Creme:  I land at BOS @ 4:45 baby! Sorry it’s so early :/ I love you xxx
It was two to forty-five and no signs of his flight were announced. Deciding to let it be, I plugged in my earphones and brought up my Itunes, clicking on a much-needed song right now, one that would ease the ache of Chris’s arm not being wrapped around my waist right now. It would numb my lips that could almost feel the pressure of lips on mine.
Humming along to the beat of Alicia Key’s ‘If I Ain’t Got You’ I closed my eyes that burned with lack of sleep. I hadn’t even slept all night because I got too excited about Chris finally coming back home. So I made myself an espresso and watched musicals that would make me stay awake because I could never sit through one without getting up and dancing to the beat of the melody or singing along with the cast. I was hitting my breaking point, though, my head throbbed, and my ass still ached, my eyes were burning with tears now, from sleep-induced stress. I felt my chin waiver as I silently prayed for Chris to just get here soon, I was waiting for him, Dodger was waiting for him. Then tonight there’d be a huge surprise party for him courtesy of Lisa, Carly, Shauna, and I. My fingers roughly rubbed my sunken eyes, I cannot fall asleep! No Sleep, no sleep, no sleep-
“Flights 4305, 4308, and 4301 have arrived. The gates are open for you to pick up your guest, thank you for choosing Boston’s Logan Airport. Have a nice day!” With that I grabbed my bag and abandoned my coffee, running to the sea of people who seem to have magically just appeared out of nowhere.
Now, I’m not the tallest bean in the stock so my only resort of finding Chris was jumping up and trying to get a glance of a NASA Cap, some blonde hair with ashes of brown in it, or those blue eyes that we're quite hard not to miss.
After my twelfth jump with no such luck of a glimpse of him, I gave up on that plan and went with sour plan b. “Humph..Ugh! Fine, people. I’ll go to the back you asswipes.”
Leaving the crowd I went to the terminal area, watching the people pass by with their collected loved ones as I stared at them angrily, pissed that I wasn’t one of the lucky ones. I didn’t lose hope, though, I waited for a good twenty minutes before finally, I caught sight of a very familiar looking button down.
I don’t know whether it was the possible dangerous amount of coffee in me or just the adrenaline of seeing him again but I bolted down the hall.
“Chris!” I yelled just in time to have him catch me in his arms, wounding me tightly around his hips. I was a koala bear that refused to let go of him. The numbness of my subsided when he kissed me fervently, almost clawing at my hair with a desperation to be closer to me, than he already was. we already were.
Pulling back just enough to let himself whisper breathlessly to me, I couldn’t help but kiss away the tear that leaked from his glassy eyes. “You..have no idea...how long... I’ve waited for this.” Beaming with a smile that hurt my cheeks I laughed sneaked a kiss from him again.
“Oh love, you have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for you… but… now that I have you back-”
“Oh I’m never fuckin’ leaving again, that’s for sure.” Both of us burst out laughing at Chris’s words.
I let my feet hit the ground and soon we became just another couple walking out of the terminal, smiling with each other’s arm wrapped around their waist. We looked so ordinary, so normal. No one asked Chris for a photo or even a question. They just smiled as we passed, on our way to my car in the parking lot.
I felt Chris let out a sigh of relief, feeling his fingers dig into my hip a bit, as we walked out of the airport. “It feels good to be back home...”
“It feels good to just have you here...” Chris smiled down at me when I softly answered back to him. 
I stole another glance at him again, just wanting to see that face once more. Letting it sink in that he was actually finally here. Finally in bed with me at night, eating my terrible made up foods, and listening to my awful karaoke. I let a few tears fall to the earth, not caring if my mascara made me a raccoon or not. 
All that mattered was he was here with me. His burly arm around my lower waist, cuddling into me like no time had placed since he’d last held me like this. 
“I can’t believe I went so long without seeing your face, Y/N. God, it hurt sometimes just to think of seeing you on skype at night because I couldn’t reach in and just grasp your hand,” His arm left my waist and he took my left hand into his right, interlocking our fingers. “Or just see your eyes in the real sunlight... I don’t know how you summoned the strength because I sure as hell was caving in on week three...” 
Giving only a smile, sincere smile, I kept his hand clasped with my own, holding his palm just a bit tighter to mine as I felt my throat tighten with a sob I refused to release. “Oh love,” I replied. Staring at his beautiful face while Chris looked at the sun rays starting to beam their light down on us, letting the skies lighten with a blue color so beautiful it lifted his spirits even higher. 
Just looking at his widening eyes, and dopey smile and felt a sob and chuckle come out at once. God, I’m in love with this man...How did I get through these months away from him? Lord knows it was spent sometimes with my face in a pillow or my body tucked under the sheets all day... all of it, though, I’d do again and again just to be able to hold that face...
How hard was it to be away from you, Chris? 
 Love, you have no idea.
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Tell me your thoughts! I wrote this on a whim so constructive criticism is always welcomed haha! - R .xx 
tagged:  @boredoutofmymindstuff  @iamimanim  @hibaabdo@oneshots-imagines-and-that @neonwolf2020 @toc1985 @mculove1@chrisevans-imagines @ptprocrastination @evansscruff@jamesgiuseppe @boston-boy-evans @writingcreatingstorytelling@username-evie@imaginingbucky@boredoutofmymindstuff@shamvictoria11@ateliefloresdaprimavera@raveviolet @i-am-cass-1@tranquilsouls-riotousthoughts@myluvislikewow @nalatheshadequeen @not-your-cup-of-joe  @musiccoffebook @nea90sweetie @jinxx-ed13 @j-jewel-l@ethereal-beaut-y @jemjemiansworld@hiddenavengers@itsteph13@rachael-othman @abigrumple  @jasli123@jamesboobchananbarnes1234@emmucz @happelu970@amandulie@bisexualbuddhist@imaginesofdreams @teacoffeebooks@chrisevans-sexualfrustrations @stylesnbarnes@bsicthought@captainmqmeep@marrish-af @100acresofwood  @missmotherhen@science-of-deduction-sh @sireanscall@crapythings@batmanbreeann@amyyleblanc1999 @coldeath@hhedegard@happelu970 @hollycornish@justanneforyou@ramiramblings@training-wolves@dracodormiensnunquamtitillandush@oneshots-imagines-and-that@coldplaylover17-blog@amandulie@whatmakesmebeme-tblr@giftofdreams @sfreeborn@winters–doll @purplekitten30
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Fuck it
lets get personal: send me a number 1: 6 of the songs you listen to most? it depends what comes on shuffle.. but atm mainly shawn mendes  2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? celebrity wise- Margot Robbie, Demi Lovato  3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. there isn’t a book next to my bed and effort moving  4: What do you think about most? so many things  5: What does your latest text message from someone else say? okay... i love you baby  6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on? half and half  7: What’s your strangest talent? talent-less  8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence) by saying what  9: Ever had a poem or song written about you? kind of  10: When is the last time you played the air guitar? not in a long time  11: Do you have any strange phobias? erm  12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose? possibly  13: What’s your religion? i don’t have one  14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? walking somewhere  15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? behind  16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? jamestown story  17: What was the last lie you told? can’t remember  18: Do you believe in karma? absolutely  19: What does your URL mean? the fact that people just assume your fine if you smile  20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? my weakness is when people attack the people i care about  not sure about strengths  21: Who is your celebrity crush? Demi lovato/ Margot robbie  22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping? no  23: How do you vent your anger? different ways  24: Do you have a collection of anything? key rings  25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? phone  26: Are you happy with the person you��ve become? its ok i guess  27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love? hate- people talking all at once love- shaunas heartbeat  28: What’s your biggest “what if”? theres so many  29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? ghosts.. kinda.. aliens.. not so much  30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm. right arm- phone left- bottle of water  31: Smell the air. What do you smell? my body spray  32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to? erm  33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast? west  34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? erm opposite shawn mendes... despite the fact i’m not into dudes  35: To you, what is the meaning of life? mine is charlie and shauna  36: Define Art. a feeling  37: Do you believe in luck? to an extent  38: What’s the weather like right now? warm but im not sure what its doing  39: What time is it? 12:20am 40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? nope.. but on a driving lesson i nearly crashed into a tree  41: What was the last book you read? demi lovato- stay strong  42: Do you like the smell of gasoline? a little bit  43: Do you have any nicknames? yea  44: What was the last film you saw? started watching the mask  45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had? broken shoulder  46: Have you ever caught a butterfly? id rather not  47: Do you have any obsessions right now? no  48: What’s your sexual orientation? lesbian 49: Ever had a rumour spread about you? more than i can count  50: Do you believe in magic? no  51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? for such a long time  52: What is your astrological sign? virgo  53: Do you save money or spend it? i can do both  54: What’s the last thing you purchased? a waterproof camera 55: Love or lust? love 56: In a relationship? absolutely  57: How many relationships have you had? not that many  58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue? no  59: Where were you yesterday? shaunas house  60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?yea  61: Are you wearing socks right now? no  62: What’s your favourite animal? tiger  63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? idk but it worked  64: Where is your best friend? at home  65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr. i don’t really check other peoples blogs  66: What is your heritage? not sure  67: What were you doing last night at 12AM? in bed  68: What do you think is Satan’s last name? hollow  69: Biggest turn ons? ..  70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? no  71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? i’d probably pull it out of the canal call a vet and then go to work  72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? i’d probably tell the closest people to me spend it with them and make sure everything was sorted so it wasn’t left for everyone else to do  no  73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love. without trust you can’t have love  74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? stitches  75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? 5808 76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? trust, fun. respect, connections, and quite a bit more  77: How can I win your heart? its already taken  78: Can insanity bring on more creativity? possibly  79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? asking shauna to be my girl.. and then marry me  80: What size shoes do you wear? 6 81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone? no idea  82: What is your favourite word? don’t currently have one  83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. shauna  84: What is a saying you say a lot? idk i just say it  85: What’s the last song you listened to? kings of leon- sex on fire  86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours? black/red/blue 87: What is your current desktop picture? a quoute- sometimes you’ve gotta fall before you fly  88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? there would be 2 people.. charlies dad and another twat  89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on? depends on the day 90: Turn offs? ...  91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? making people disappear.. or something that makes sure certain people are out of horrific situations  92: where are your parents from? england  93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? not going there  94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? i wouldn’t cheat on shauna.. but if shed join in then either margot or demi  95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? take my girl to hawaii  96: Do you have any relatives in jail? not that i know of 97: Have you ever thrown up in the car? a taxi i think  98: Ever been on a plane? yea  99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say go to sleep 
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