#and she got jealous and stopped her pill so she would get pregnant and for some reason you were the person he called to freak out about it
I dreamed I worked in retail again and I got in trouble for sneaking off to a display of little plush clothed animal dolls...repeatedly...Now I've got to make a little 8 inch frog in cotton overalls a reality. He was the only one my brain would fully conjur an image of.
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twicesserafim · 1 year
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G!p jealous sakura 🥹🫶
Maybe it was the bartender and random people flirting with you at the party, maybe it was the people you saw that recognized you and hugged you for a little too long, or maybe it was how you danced on the dance floor when some sensual songs came on and everyone had their eyes on you.
But you don't know the true reason why she was so jealous. But what you do know is that she's pounding into you continuously.
Making you shake, scream and whine in both pain and pleasure. The members and everyone at the party could hear from downstairs, sakura had dragged you upstairs a few moments ago, without saying anything she just whipped her cock out and shoved it in you.
"kkura!" you screamed out as she grabbed into your hips so hard, you were scared it would bruise. "gonna fuck you so hard, gonna cum so deep in this pussy, in my pussy. You like that don't you? get you fucking pregnant? breed you?"
You couldn't find the right words to say, knowing you both weren't ready for children but you didn't want to upset her further.
She left a harsh slap on your ass, making you whimper, "answer me, you fucking slut." "y-yes..!" "yes what? huh?" "yes mommy..!" "now tell me, have you been a good girl or a bad girl?" "b-bad girl.. i'm sorry.." "you better be. now tell me whose pussy this is, scream it for everyone to hear."
"your pussy!" "scream my fucking name, you whore." "this pussy is yours! all yours! fuck- sakura- it's your pussy- kkura unnies pussy!" She chuckled and smirked. "good girl"
You could barely speak from the rough pounding from behind, and it didn't help as she grabbed your neck and started choking you.
You were struggling to breath as she kept on pounding, spanking and choking you. "g-gonna fucking cum in this pussy" she moaned as you panicked. "wait! i'm not in there pill!" "i know, bitch." And with that, she came inside you.
After a few hours, you were crying and shaking in her arms as sakura rubbed your back, "do you understand now? you're mine, got it?" you nodded, "i'm sorry.." "i forgive you, only because you were such a good girl, do you wanna go home now?"
You nodded as she smiled, grabbing her zip up, putting the pair of shorts you wore under your dress on you and zipping up the hoodie, pulling the hood over your head and kissing your cheek. "so cute"
She giggled as you smiled, "i would put you in something longer but i don't have anything, plus, i ripped your dress in half so you can't wear that." you laughed, but your throat was still slightly dry so it sounded a little raspy making sakura frown. "you want a drink? i'll grab you one" "yes please"
She quickly went downstairs after putting the dress pants and t-shirt she had on, fixing up her hair slightly, she bought a drink, no alcohol, she hates when you're drunk.
You drank a little more then half of it before bringing it up to her lips with a small smile. "you look so cute right now, in my sweater" Sakura muttered, taking the sip of the drink and finishing it off before grabbing your stuff.
Putting it in the bag she was carrying, putting it on her before picking you up bridal style and carrying you home, but before you guys left the place, chaewon, yunjin and kazuha stopped you. "you embarrassed all of us!" sakura smirked and shrugged.
"well people should know better then to touch my girl. I wanted them to know she's mine, all mine." "everyone knows now.. and jesus christ you guys are so loud" "you mean y/n's loud" yunjin corrected kazuha as they all nodded.
You hid your face in her neck, feeling a blush cover your cheeks in embarrassment before sakura replied and left the place with you in her arms.
"yeah she's loud, and that's why i love it."
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rebouks · 9 months
I would really like to see Vicky's thought process throughout all this, like did she think she could strong arm Tristan into being a parent or did she genuinely hope that that the baby was tristan's?
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Basically.. Vicky got jealous of Tilda and how much time Triss was spending with her/how willing he was to help out, so she gets this bright idea that he'll do the same for her if she were pregnant, completely ignoring the fact that he doesn't even fkin like her skdjsjdksk..
She stops taking the pill and tries extra hard to be "nice" and get Triss in bed.. but we all saw how successful that was, except the woman has needs you know.. 🙄 so ofc she sleeps around a little on the side, no big deal she thinks..
But now she's pregnant, Triss isn't happy about it after all and instead of being nice to her, he flips out, tells her she'd be a terrible mother then fucks off to Oscar's and completely ignores her.. AND she doesn't even know who the father is
She convinces herself that it MUST be Tristen's, it HAS to be.. except it's not, and now he's left her..... and since he managed to escape her for a lil while, he's also clean which is DISASTROUS because now she can't even cajole him into sticking around 😩
What was she thinking?? Uh.. she wasn't! I'd like to say she had this whole scheme planned out or smth interesting up her sleeve but she's just a fkin idiot.. she doesn't even like or want kids and deep down she KNEW Triss didn't love her so this "plan" of hers was completely ridiculous... She's right in that he would've felt some kind of duty towards the kid if it was his though, but I rlly don't think he would've stayed with her.. I actually think if it were his he'd either wanna fight for sole custody (which he'd fail miserably at cos he's an unemployed addict and her parents are posh and wealthy enough for good lawyers 😞) OR he would've suggested adoption, which her parents wouldn't have agreed with either.. and she likes to stick on their side cos.. her allowance/inheritance u kno 🙄 so either way, the outcome would've been the same.. baby stuck being brought up by grandparents
She's far too petulant to admit that she was stupid though, so she'll run crying to her parents that Triss knocked her up and left her, they'll be manipulated into feeling sorry for her and I foresee that over time, she'll leave most if not all of the parenting up to them and carry on her own merry ways without any remorse or regret...... 😬
Although.. I think her parents might be a lil sus abt her story once the baby pops out cos @akitasimblr was right and the father issss...
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I'm ngl even I didn't know who the daddy was at first lmao.. but Triss got this sentiment so I think that answers our question (i also checked via mccc ahahakdksjd) 🙈
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xsugarysweetsx · 3 years
Congrats on 2k mama sweet,,,!! :))
Since there is no sk8 requests yet how about option 2 - Kaoru x reader <3 Had this thought after reading ur arranged marriage fic... how about at the start of the marriage reader thinks that Kaoru is cheating on her when he sneaks out at night but after he tells her about S, reader feels kinda silly for thinking so.. next thing you know Kaoru is taking reader to all the beefs as his lucky charm. Reader even has a matching costume and the others start calling her "Lady Cherry" or smth,, teaches reader to skate (she's lowkey jealous of carla >.<) + some domestic fluff (what if reader finds out she's pregnant....) This doesn't have to be connected to the other fic & you can ignore the cheating part if u like... :-*
A/N: :0 Lady Cherry is a super smart name!
other fic here
Please enjoy~🍰
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There he went again...
The sliding door of your shared room altered you from your sleep. This was the 6th night in a row that he left without a word in the middle of the night. The first 2 nights you thought he was simply tending to business and was just busy. After the 4th day, you were suspicious and a bit hurt. He did tell you he didn’t want to hurt you and treat you right....so where was he going?
This was another night he had gotten up, so instead of staying in bed you followed him. 
“Carla, make sure to lock the doors when I leave“ he said to his AI
“Yes, master“ you scoffed. You had to admit the stupid computer got on your nerves. He practically loved talking to her and every time she answered him, he gets all giddy. You were really jealous but you wish he’d get that way with you.  
Just as he was going to leave you called for him
“Kaoru?“ he froze and turned around “It’s late...“ you said coming closer to him. That’s when you noticed what he was wearing, he was in a sleeveless yukata with a black mask over his face, and a...skateboard?
“Y/N I...um...“ being that he can’t speak about S he was contemplating whether to tell you or not. But you were his wife and he wanted to be open with you on everything. However what you said next caught him off guard
“...if there’s someone else please just tell me...“ and the way you looked when you said it just broke his heart. Did you really think he was cheating? Even though this was arranged, he couldn’t ask for someone better to be his wife. You were smart, shy but bright, not to mention beautiful.
“Y/N“ he walked to you and rests his hand on your shoulder “I would never cheat on you and I assure you there is no one else.”
“Then why do you leave at night?“ you ask
“*Sigh*....I go skating.“ he said bluntly. There was nothing to hide from you and it was all true
“...huh“ he lifted his board for you to see
“Some friends and I go skateboarding in a secret location for races and such. We only go at night so we go unnoticed.“ he held up a small pin “It’s called S..now that you know you can’t tell anyone. Now go throw something on, we’re heading out.“
Just as he said you were heading out in the dead of night. And of course you had to ride on Carla, every time he spoke to her it was like he was talking to his crush. As you approach a gate with two guards he gives you a larger sticker of the letter ‘S’. You show them to security and make it inside where people had started screaming. You knew he was popular among women but this was more than you thought
“Lord Cherry!!” one screamed 
“Cherry” he interrupted 
Getting his bike to a stop he helps you off and says “we don’t use our real names here for security reasons. Here I’m Cherry blossom.” 
So what he was telling you was true. You honestly felt a bit silly for jumping to conclusions so quickly. Before he was off to what he called a ‘beef’ he introduced you to JOE. You were surprised to see the popular chef here as well, although you knew they had been friends for years. The large screen in the area showed you just how goof he was at this. 
He was fast but graceful, sharp an precise on corners. The crowd only cheered louder than before. 
“So, you’re the one he’s been talking about huh?“ Joe asked 
“He’s been...talking about me?“ you asked
He nodded “He was gone for like 3 days in a row not to mention he was brushing off more women now. That’s when he told us there was someone he wanted to be loyal to.” okay, now you felt really silly. After the race was done and over with Cherry had made his way back to you. He comes and embarrass you and whispers in your ear
“You brought me good luck.“ you felt your heart skip a beat from the feeling of being close to him
“oooo, look at Lord Cherry with his lady~“
“Shut up you big oaf!!“
During the next few months you had gone with him to almost every beef. You had even gained a name for yourself, ‘Lady Cherry’. You had become quite popular among some men there and even cherry’s female fans. He would usually bring you as his ‘lucky charm’, it was cheesy but sweet at the same time. They also had a habit of saying 
“The Cherries have arrived“ 
On his free time he would actually taught you how to skate, well he tried anyway. Balance wasn’t exactly easy and being from a traditional family, this was unusual for you. You’d be holding on to his shoulders while his hands held your waist
“Don’t let me fall“
“You’re doing just fine dear. Why don’t we try some tricks“ he offered  
“Are you sure you’re the man I married?“ you ask with a smirk
“The one and only dear“ he kissed your cheek 
It was honestly so cute to him. You’d have a scared but excited look on your face. Your cheeks would turn pink and it just made his heart fluttered. On top of all that you were willing to indulge in something he has loved from a young age. He always took you with him to each beef he attended. Both for showing you off an he is in love with the idea of winning every race for not just himself but for you as well.  
Although tonight you wouldn’t make it to the beef. He was going to race Joe but that was put on hold. You had been feeling sick all day and you just finished emptying your stomach. As much as you told him to go, he refused to leave.
“You’re my wife and you’re clearly not okay“ he said helping you up off the floor “you come before any beef or competition. Now come on, let’s get you to the hospital and get you checked out.“
A short drive to the general hospital was taken that night. No, he would not wait until tomorrow morning. He wanted to know that you were okay and didn’t have anything terminal. After speaking with the nurse and giving some blood and urine samples you both patiently waited. You leaned against him playing with the digits of his fingers. 
*Knock knock* “Ma’am we have your results” the doctor says holding up a couple of papers and even some medicine. “well, you’re clear for any terminal conditions or diseases. although you have some hormonal imbalances and some new ones kicking in.”
“Meaning?“ Kaoru urged him on
“Congratulations, you’re 4 weeks pregnant.“
“....“ you both sat in shock at the news. You were pregnant? Well, you two were active, and maybe Kaoru has his own little rituals. Either after or before a beef he’d get frisky and was set on pleasing you both. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that this would have happened, still it was shocking news
“These are some prenatal vitamins you’ll need to take for the month. Make sure to make an appointment to check on the baby alright?” giving you the vile of pills he takes his leave leaving you both in silence. What were you supposed to say? How were you going to deal with this? Were you even ready?
“-together.“ you didn’t catch his whole sentence 
“I’m sorry what was that?” you ask him
“We’ll this together alright?“ he took your hand in his “believe me I’m as shocked as you are but, we’ll figure this out together okay?“
“Alright“ you smile back 
“We should probably start with a bigger house for the three of us“
“Kaoru, come on it’s just paint I can-“
“You are not moving a muscle“ he cut you off “I want you to rest all you can. You’re making a baby and that’s enough.“
To say he was strict during your pregnancy was an understatement. As soon as your belly started showing you were no longer going to beefs with him. You were currently 6 months along, and expecting a girl! Kaoru was over the moon to know it was a girl. he would have been happy with a boy too, but a little copy of you was like a dream. He couldn't wait to see the little girl that would look like you and act like him.
Today was nursery day, which meant painting, building and organizing. Kaoru had you only fold and organizing the clothes and things while he painted. Of course being your idea you had called the boys over to help. Joe was building some stuff along with Shadow. Langa and Reki were actually helping to paint the walls. 
“I appreciate you guys coming to help“ you smile 
“Hey it’s no problem, at least you told us about it“ Joe commented. Oh yeah, he also wanted to keep it a secret so that 
‘the idiot wouldn’t ruin your pregnancy‘ which made you laugh for a good 5 minutes. But they were very good help and made the process easier 
“Hey so what are you naming the baby?“ Reki asked 
“Well, Kaoru kind of wanted to associate it with his skate name so we agreed on Sakura.“
“AAWWHH“ everyone said out load slightly teasing him. Without turning from the wall he said
“....I just wanted a beautiful name for her was all.“ although he was cold at times they knew he meant well especially for his family.  A while late Joe made a small dinner for you all to enjoy. You thanked them for coming over and you were done for the night. You were putting on some lotion over your rounded middle when Kaoru came behind you. He wrapped his arms around and over your own hands and rested there for a moment
“Who would have thought we’d be here huh?” You whisper
“In all honesty I was hoping for it” he admired “before we married you were described as a caring and sweet woman. But you were so much more once we were married. You’re compassionate, intelligent, stubborn, beautiful, and absolutely perfect” he said kissing the side of your head “and now, you’ve given me the gift of being a father. Thank you”
Turning in his hold you wipe away small tears “oh Kaoru , thank you too. You’ve treated me like I’m the only person you need. On top of that you take care of me but still give me my freedom. I love you..”
“And I love you” he rests his forehead against yours as his fingers trace over your baby bump.
I hope this was okay!❤️
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wehavelayers-shrek · 4 years
Boyfriend, D.M
⚠️: smut, swearing, unprotected sex
Au: no nose voldy
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You and Draco had a very complex relationship you don't necessarily hate each other but you also didn't like each other except for sex. You both agreed to be fuck buddies when you caught him masterbating at a secret room which you also use to release your frustrations and let's say it escaletad quickly from there. You both got each other's virginity.that was a 7 months ago he has been dating Astoria for about 2 months now so you stopped seeing each other. You were fine with it no strings attached you thought yet Everytime you see her hugging his arm Everytime they would walk together it gives you a heavy heart. You didn't want to admit you have caught feelings for that blonde boy.
It was now night time you were now drinking your feelings away at the three broomsticks.
Not noticing a boy was now approaching you you look up to see the famous Harry Potter.
"harry potter what a surprise seeing you here"
"I could say the same y/n, if you don't mind me asking why are you here"
" Nothing much I just only want to drink to get my worries away, so how about you Potter"
"same thing you're here for"
You ended up having a great time with him laughing and chatting the night away you really liked him not in a boyfriend type of way but as a friend kind of thing after that meeting at the three broomsticks you have been much more frequently seen together hanging out. Words go fast in Hogwarts and the gossips started.
You were at your charm's class with Harry by coincidence you and him had classes together and we'll you and him agreed to sit together at class which stirred more rumors you clearly didn't care about it since you both knew it was false.
It was the end of your class you and harry decide to part ways since you were going to the library and he wants to see Ron and Hermione.
You were now walking alone to the library when you were stopped by your tracks by none other than Draco with Astoria bumping into you.
Draco spoke in his ideal mocking voice "watch where your going"
You didn't spoke to him only avoiding eyecontact from him and Astoria.
You headed to the library not long after that and just read about the most random things you could find to get your mind to stop thinking about draco.
You noticed a a hand slammed your table hard
"what the fuck" you spoke you look up to see who was messing with you only to see the person you wanted to avoid.
"y/n what the fuck is going on with you and Potter" he's voice was now filled with anger as he dragged you out of the library and to his room where you two would fool around together
"what the fuck Draco" removing his hand your arm was now red from how he hard he gripped his hand.
"anwser my question" his tone was now calm but you can sense the anger hiding within it
You didn't speak why should you anwser his question he didn't need to know who do he think he is your father.
He cut off your thoughts when he spoke again "you really aren't going to anwser pricess then im going to make you anwser my question"
Hearing him say that give shivers down your spine
He slammed his lips onto you while his hands was undressing you and your hands grabbing his now hard dick peeking through his pants he groaned
"princess do you want this dick" he spoke
"too bad princess you need to earn it" smirking at you he enjoyed teasing you well you weren't going to give in that easily
He put his hands on your clit rubbing it it you whimpered
"Draco ah-" you can feel your legs tensing up
He was laughing now mocking my state.of course being the competitive present you are you weren't gonna give him this satisfaction you stand up and grabbed his throbbing cock stroking it slowly he was shocked from the way you were behaving.
You keep stroking him while licking the tip slowly you knew he was getting irritated from the way you were behaving
"y/n fuck you" was all he could say
As he forcefully grabbed her head and pushed it all the way to his length she fasten her pace bobbing her head up and down until Draco cummed all over her mouth forcing her to drink all of his cum.
You pushed him onto his bed and teased him you didn't insert his cock you just rubbed your clit against his dick
"y/n put it in" Draco whimpered he was now being submissive just how y/n wanted him to be
"hmm I don't think you earned it draco" smirking at this sight usually you were the one who begged him to put it in.
"pls y/n I need to be inside you" he cried
"I suppose I also need to see harry later so we should be quick this time" you smiled knowing this would piss him off
After you said that you can feel the anger as he gripped your waist harder and flipped you two him being at the top and you being at the bottom
"don't worry I'm going to make sure you wouldn't be seeing potter anytime soon" with that he pushed his cock all the way in hard and started going in and out of your hole each time being rougher and harder than before
He grabbed you throat choking you, you gritted your teeth while his other hand was on your boob you enjoyed him being this rough to you.
Only your moans and his groaning can be heard.
"Draco I'm going to cum" you moaned
"me too princess"
As he fasten his pace you can feel your walls getting tighter and tighter and his movement being sloppier at ever movement he did and Without warning his cum was now flowing inside you.
"Fuck" you muttered shit you forgot to use protection and you weren't on your pills
"Draco I'm going to get pregnant you shit"
You look over to him he was smiling almost laughing even.
"what's funny Blondie aren't you fucking scared I'm going to get pregnant you shithead"
"don't worry I planned this, I want you to be the mother of my child, we are in our last year at Hogwarts y/n and I want to marry you after our time here" he spoke while hugging you tightly caressing your face
"Damn this bitch is bipolar what the fuck" is all you can think about
"Draco have you forgotten that you have a girlfriend are you out of your mind"
"we were never a thing" he smiled
Okay he must be high or something this is absurd
" we had a deal to make her ex boyfriend jealous and you jealous" he spoke
"Draco you are a little shit why would you do that"
"well I've always got feelings for you ever since we were in 1st year but I really knew that I loved you when I saw you at the yule ball"
"well it would make sense since I'm really hot" you said jokingly
"oh please don't flatter yourself, darling"
You both laughed and he bringed up the question which led you to this fuck
"so harry what will you tell him"
"I can't believe you believed the rumors" you laughed
"me and harry are purely just friends"
"so his not your boyfriend"
"yes Blondie"
"great so I can marry you without any trouble"
"we never formally said that we we're together so y/n would you like to be mine forever"
"yes Draco as if I have a choice" you sarcasticly say
"oh shut it y/n both of us know you love me especially my goodlooks and charms"
"you are so full of yourself Malfoy"
"well didn't I fill you up soon to be Mrs Malfoy"mocking you
"oh shut up"
He cuddled with you and kissed your forehead as you were about to drift off
"I love you y/n" was the last thing you heard as you passed out in his arms.
A/n: I was having a mental blocked as I was writing this so if it's bad thats the reason and also I'm a bad writter so yeah
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fanfics4all · 4 years
Behind The Mask
Request: Yes / No Could you do a Flash x fem! Reader, where R has had a crush on Barry for years but he’s already with someone, at a town masquerade, she goes in disguise and takes a new name, to which she and Barry end up sleeping together that night and she leaves early so he doesn’t find out but one day he finds the mask in her closet and he argues with her about and leaves to go his gf’s birthday party meanwhile she overdoes on ecstasy drugs and when he comes back to apologize, he finds her and that she’s-That she’s pregnant and she’s in a coma and it’s months and she only comes out of it when the baby is out and you can decide the ending, fluffy or angst, either works Anon
Requests are open <3 Have a nice day/night
Barry Allen x Fem!Reader
Word count: 2495
Warnings: SMUT! Overdosing, and a little bit of cursing 
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nick Name
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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I’ve been in love with my best friend forever. Barry Allen was always there for me and he just always wanted to help people. The only problem was that he was taken by a girl he met in Jitters. I couldn’t help myself from feeling jealous. Here he was with a girl he hardly knew, meanwhile I was here hopelessly in love with him. We had so much in common and we got along great. I should have told him that I love him sooner… 
The police department was having a masquerade ball and the whole city was invited. I of course wanted to go because I love dancing. I went out and got a long black and blue dress, matched it with my silver heels, my Mother’s earrings, and a silver mask. I curled and did two small braids in the back for my hair. For makeup, I did a black, blue, and silver smokey eye and paired it with a dark purplish grey lip.
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 I walked into the party and spotted Barry from a mile away. He was always easy to spot. I noticed his girlfriend wasn’t with him and I smiled slightly. Maybe tonight was the night. No! Get that out of your head Y/N! He’s taken and you can’t change that… I decided I needed a drink. A strong one. I walked over to the bar and ended up downing a few drinks. That’s when someone walked up to me. 
“Are you alright?” He asked and I looked to see none other than Barry. My heart skipped a beat. 
“Yes, my date just skipped out on me.” I lied. What the hell was I doing? 
“That’s not right, he shouldn’t leave a pretty girl alone.” He said and I blushed. 
“I’m Barry.” He offered me his hand. 
“Samantha.” I said, taking his hand. 
“Well Samantha, would you like to dance?” He asked. 
“I would love to.” I smiled. This is wrong. A little voice inside my head said, but I ignored it. It was only one dance. Barry led me to the dance floor and he held me close. It was the perfect moment, like no one else but us were on that dance floor. 
After a few dances we ended up drinking a bit together. It seems like he got drunk pretty quick and was getting a little touchy. I should have stopped it, but I didn’t want to. 
“How about we go back to my place?” He asked and I bit my lip. 
“I’d love to.” I answered and he led me outside. We got an Uber and went to his place. As soon as we got up to his apartment and the door was closed, his lips were on mine. We were desperately pulling clothes off each other and he pulled me into his bedroom. He pushed me on the bed and he hovered over me. Our masks were still on and he went to pull it off, but I stopped him. 
“Wouldn’t it be more fun if we keep them on?” I asked and he smirked. 
“I like the way you think.” He said and started kissing my neck. My head fell back as he trailed kisses down to my chest. His hand found my wet pussy and I sighed as he gently caressed it. He traced my collarbone with his lips and I bit back a moan. He kissed all the way down to my pussy and started licking teasingly. He lapped hungrily at my pussy and I gripped the bed sheets. 
“Barry!” I moaned and he went faster, almost inhuman fast, but I thought that was just the alcohol tricking me. I moaned and bucked under his attack and I couldn’t stop the orgasm that came. I grabbed him and pulled him in for a kiss, tasting myself on his lips. I pushed him back and slowly pushed my mouth onto his hard cock. I looked up at him as I worked his erection expertly. I was jerking what I couldn’t fit in my mouth. He was groaning and he gently wrapped his fingers in my hair. 
“I-I’m gonna cum!” He said between groans. I didn’t stop, I just kept on sucking and pumping his cock. He pulled me off and up to kiss me hard. He groped my breasts as his other hand explored my body. He flipped us so he was on stop without breaking the kiss. He paused as the tip of his cock pressed into my swollen lips. 
“Please.” I begged. I gasped as he pushed his full length into my tight pussy. I moaned loudly into his mouth. Slowly he began to pull out and pushed back in. He continued pumping his cock in and out of me as I gasped and moaned. 
“Yes Barry! Yes!” I moaned. He fucked me harder and faster, again almost inhuman fast. 
“Oh fuck! I’m so close!” I moaned. Barry didn’t stop. He continued ramming his cock into my pussy. Barry seemed to go even faster and I screamed as the orgasm crashed through my body. I bucked against him, riding out my oragsm. 
“Fuck!” Barry moaned and came inside me. Barry pulled out of me and he pulled me to cuddle into him. He passed out pretty quickly and everything hit me. I had just lied to my best friend and slept with him! He has a girlfriend! What the fuck did I just do? I quietly got up and dressed. I snuck out of his place and got an Uber to mine. 
It’s been three months since I spelt with Barry. I had said anything and neither has he. As the months went on I started feeling sick and I ended up taking a pregnancy test. I was pregnant and Barry was the only one that could be the father… 
“Hey Y/N/N, it’s been a while since we’ve hung out, wanna hang out before Izzy’s party?” Barry asked and I thought for a moment. 
“Yeah sure.” I answered, hoping it would hide the nervousness that I was feeling. 
“Your place? I’ll bring the pizza.” He asked and I nodded without thinking. 
“Sounds good.” I said and he smiled. 
“Great, I’ll see you in an hour.” He said and hung up. I didn’t really think about him finding the mask. There was no way he'd be able to. 
As promised he showed up an hour later with two pizzas. I let him in and smiled as he gave me a side hug. We went to my couch and Barry put on a musical we both love. The two of us were eating pizza and singing, it was perfect. 
“I’ll be right back.” He said and walked off to my room. 
“What are you doing?” I called. 
“Going to the bathroom!” He called back. 
“You know I have a bathroom in the hall right?” I called. 
“Yeah but you keep the best smelling soap in yours!” He called back and I rolled my eyes. 
“What a stupid reason.” I laughed. I was waiting for Barry to come back and when he did he didn’t look happy. 
“What’s wrong?” I asked, worried. 
“What the hell is this?” He asked, slamming the mask I wore to the masquerade party. My eyes widened and I tried so hard to think of a lie. 
“You were at the party Y/N, or should I call you Samantha?” He asked, clearly pissed. 
“I-I was drunk Barry! I didn’t know what I was doing!” I said with tears in my eyes. 
“You knew it was me and still let me do something so fucking stupid? I cheated on Izzy and I felt horrible! And it was fucking you this whole time!?” He growled. 
“I-I’m sorry Barry, I’m so sorry!” I cried. 
“I can’t believe you! I-I can’t even deal with this right now.” He said and stormed out of my place. My heart broke. I was sure Barry hated me now. I was such a horrible person. I didn’t even get to tell him that I was pregnant. No, that would only make things worse. I felt so overwhelmed with emotions that I couldn’t think straight. I ran to my bathroom and pulled out my anti-depressants that I haven’t had to use in a few years. As I walked out of my bathroom I noticed the molly that my friend left here so no one would find it. I stared down at the pill bottle in my hand and then at the molly. Fuck it. I grabbed a few tabs and dumped some pills into the same hand. I shoved them all in my mouth and took a big gulp of water, swallowing all the drugs. I wanted everything to stop. I laid down on my bed and shut my eyes, just waiting for the pain to end. 
Barry’s POV 
It’s been a day since I talked to Y/N, I was too angry at her. Why the hell would she do this? There was only one person I could talk to about this and that was Iris. So I went to her place and told her everything. 
“There you have it.” I said with a sigh. 
“Well she was drunk.” Iris said. 
“She knew it was me and used a fake name!” I said. 
“Well yeah, Barry Y/N had been in love with you forever and you’re too stupid to realize it. Her drunk mind probably didn’t want to ruin your friendship, but still just get one thing she wanted.” Iris said and I stared at her with wide eyes. 
“She loves me?” I questioned. 
“Yeah, you’re telling me you never noticed?” She asked and I shook my head. 
“You’re so oblivious.” Iris shook her head. 
“But I’m with Izzy…” I said. 
“Do you love Izzy?” She asked and I thought about it for a moment. 
“If you have to think about it, then you don’t.” She said after a minute. 
“Do you love Y/N?” She asked and I nodded. 
“See, no thought needed.” She said with a smirk. 
“Oh God, I have to tell her!” I said shooting up. Before I could run out my phone rang. 
“Hello?” I answered a number I didn’t recognize. 
“Is this Barry Allen?” A woman asked. 
“Yes, who is this?” I asked, confused. 
“I’m a nurse at Central City Hospital, your number was on Y/N Y/L/N’s emergency contact list.” She said. 
“What? Is she alright?” I asked and Iris looked at me worried. 
“She’s in a coma, she overdosed on MDMA and antidepressants. We managed to save her and the baby-” 
“Baby?” I cut her off. 
“Yes, would you like to come see her and fill out some paperwork for us?” She asked. 
“I’ll be right there.” I said and hung up. 
“What’s happening? What’s this talk about a baby?” Iris asked. 
“Y/N’s in the hospital, she overdosed and she’s pregnant…” I said and her eyes widened. 
“What? Is she alright?” She asked. 
“She’s in a coma and they said the baby’s okay.” I said. 
“You need to go!” Iris said and pushed me to the door. I nodded and ran. I made it to the hospital quickly and a nurse told me what room she was in. She gave me some paperwork to fill out and I went into Y/N’s room. She was laying in bed with her eyes closed with needles and tubes poking her body. I looked down at her stomach and you could see a small bump starting to form. I sat down and looked at her in shock. Why would she do this? Did she know she was pregnant? Was this because of me? I started filling out the paperwork and a nurse came in. 
“Do you happen to know who the Father is? We would like to contact him.” She asked. 
“I’m not sure, but it’s possibly mine…” I answered and her eyes widened slightly. 
“Oh, well we can do a DNA test now if you would like.” She said and I looked at Y/N. 
“Will it hurt her or the baby?” I asked.
“Not at all.” She answered with a smile. 
“In that case, please.” I said and she nodded. 
“I’ll be back in a bit with the supplies.” She said and left. When she returned she took blood from the both of us and said that I should get the results soon. 
I ended up breaking up with Izzy and visited Y/N everyday. I watched her belly grow with my child. The results confirmed it. She was pregnant with my baby. I wanted her to wake up so I can tell her how sorry I was for pushing her to this point. 
I woke up to crying. It was a baby’s cry. I groaned as I sat up and looked around. I was in the hospital? Why? I noticed Barry holding a crying baby. 
“Barry?” I asked, confused. He looked over at me with wide eyes. 
“Y/N? Oh my God!” He said. He put the baby down and came to my side. 
“You’re awake!” He said. 
“What happened?” I asked. 
“You overdosed and you’ve been in a coma for months.” He said and my eyes widened. 
“What?” I asked shocked. 
“And you had this little guy.” Barry smiled and picked up the baby again. I stared at this little boy in shock. 
“W-What?” I asked with tears in my eyes. 
“They've been bugging me for a name, it’s been two weeks since he was born.” He said. That’s when everything hit me and I started to cry. 
“I’m so sorry Barry! I’m so sorry!” I said and Barry put my baby down. He gathered me in his arms and kissed my head. 
“Hey, it’s okay. Everything’s okay.” He said. 
“How can you say that? I lied to you! I’m the worst person!” I cried. 
“No you’re not. I’m an idiot for not seeing that you’re in love with me.” He said and I looked up at him. 
“And I know he’s my son.” He added and I bit my lip. 
“I’m sorry Barry, I-” I was cut off by Barry’s lips on mine. I melted into the kiss, but we pulled apart when our son started crying again. 
“I think this little guy wants his Mommy.” He said picking up our son and placing him in my arms. He instantly stopped crying and I smiled down at him. 
“Hey little one.” I whispered and kissed his head. 
“What do you want to name him?” Barry asked. 
“W-What about Henry?” I asked and Barry’s smile grew. 
“It’s perfect.” Barry whispered and pecked my lips. 
“What about Izzy?” I asked and bit my lip. 
“I broke up with her when Iris helped me realize that I love you too.” He answered and I couldn’t hold back my smile. 
“I love you too Y/N.” He said and kissed me again. 
Tag list: @les-bio-lie​ @tashy-bear​ @ashwarren32​ @hollie-blogs​ @schisbro87​ @lover-of-books-and-teas​ @nerdygaloresposts​ @teenwolfbitches2​ @genius2050​ @drw0301bieber​ @softgamerking​ @lady-of-lies​ @ravenmoore14​ @ravenempress101​ @cillianchamp​ @rowanthomasknapp​ @flashettewrites
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youllneverknowrac · 4 years
Oscar Diaz-Six
“I took the pill.” You complain to Oscar,”I told you we should have been using condoms.” You say and run you hand down your face in annoyance, Oscar standing there with a victorious smile,”You did this to me! Again!”
“If I remember correctly it takes two to make a baby.” He chuckles and places the positive pregnancy test down on the dresser,”You weren’t complaining about me not wearing a condom when I was hitting it the other day.”
“Ugh, shut up.” You groan and pull your hair into a messy bun,”You won, congratulations. I’m having another one of your kids.” You weren’t mad, you knew you could have been smarter in preventing yourself from getting pregnant but the truth was you hated what birth control did to your body and you did not like the way a condom felt. You were just annoyed that Oscar was going to rub this in your face forever,”You fucked yourself, because now we’re going to have three kids in our room, you get to explain that to Angel. He already hates sharing the bed with Alex.”
“Those two have a shared room upstairs, and their own beds. So by the time my little girl gets here they are going to be well trained on sleeping by themselves.” Oscar says simply,”They have a few more months left until we have to kick them out.”
“Girl? Ha!” You laugh as you throw one of the couch pillows at him,”I’m positive it’s another boy seeing as we’ve already done this five times.”
“Hormones already changing?” He teases as he lets the pillow hit him in the chest and fall to the ground,”How far along do you think you are with my princesa?”
“Oscar, I swear to you if I have to carry another one of your boys I’m getting my tubes tied.” You pout, ignoring his question
“Mami, you don’t have to worry. It’s a girl, it has to be.” He says as he walks over to you and pulls you into his arms,”Six kids, it’ll be more than perfect.”
“I guess we’ll have to wait and see if your right. Probably not.”
“I will be, try and get an appointment in as fast as you can okay? I want to know how far along you are so we can start planning.”
“I can’t be more than eight weeks, I just took notice in my body changing, but who knows since you almost never manage to pull out in time.” You say smartly
“It’s harder than you think, and it’s not exactly what I’m focused on when I’m trying to finish.” He defends
“Whatever, your pull out game is weak. I’ve known this since you got me pregnant after the first time we ever did anything. Best five minutes of my life.”
“I was sixteen that does not count.” He laughs,”It was more like seven if you want to be technical.”
“You keep telling yourself that papi.” You say with a shake of your head,”Go pick up the kids from you brothers house, I’ll get dinner started. Looks like we got some big news to tell them.”
“Okay.” He says and pecks your lips,”Make sure you eat enough for my bebecita. She’s gonna have a appetite like her daddy.”
“Go away!” You laugh and lightly push him towards the front door,”I’m going to get the last laugh when we find out it’s most definitely not a girl.”
“Wanna bet money?” He challenges as he grabs his keys off the hook.
“Your money is my money, and my money is my money.” You grin
“Niña mimada.” He teases, giving you another kiss,”See you in a bit, love you.” He mutters against your mouth.
“I love you. Drive safe.” You say, not shutting the door until he’s in the car and out of the drive way.
“Mommy!” Angel says as runs into the house and hugs your leg tightly”I missed you.”
“I missed you too.” You say and lower the heat on the final smothered pork chops you were making. The sides already done and waiting to be served,”Did you have fun at Uncle Cesar’s?” You ask him, the rest of your family coming in.
“Yeah! We stayed up all night and watched movies.”
“It was not all night. Angel passed out at 10.” Anthony replies amusingly before sending you a wave,”Hi mom.” He says, coming over to give you a side hug,”I’m gonna go put my stuff away.” He informs before heading up the stairs with his over night bag.
“I missed you mommy.” Carlos says, his turn to hug you now,”It smells really good, did you make macaroni?” He asks with a toothy grin.
“Yup. There’s also mashed potatoes and cheesy broccoli.” You tell him as you run your fingers through his hair,”So go upstairs and put your things away, the food will be ready in a few minutes.”
“You got it.” He says, giving you one more squeeze before taking off.
You pick up Angel, checking on the food one last time before heading to the living room, Junior and Oscar in conversation as your husband holds Alexander,”Too old to come say hi to your mom?” You say to your eldest, who was home for the weekend like always. So you were a bit sad when he decided to go over to Cesar’s last night since you only had limited time with him.
“Never.” He grins, towering over you as he gives you a big embrace,”Missed you mom.”
“Hm, what did you get up to last night?” You ask, knowing that out of all of your kids he was the closest with his uncle. Only because they were so close in age and you all lived together up until Cesar hit legal age and moved out.
“Nothing.” He shrugged,”Just chilled with Cesar.”
“Uncle Cesar.” Angel corrects him
“Yeah, yeah, Uncle Cesar.” He chuckles,”Smells good mom, like always.” He compliments, grabbing his own bag as well as the bag that you packed for the two little ones,”I’ll take it to their room.”
“Thank you.” You smile and turn to your husband,”Did your brother say anything about Alex?”
“Just that he was stuck on Monse’s hip all night. Only wanted to be fed, changed, and put to bed by her.”
“Ladies man.” You laugh and swap kids with Oscar, pressing a kiss to your still bald babies head.
“Just like his daddy.” Oscar says amusingly
“Excuse me?” You say with a raised eyebrow,”We’ve been together since we were teenagers. You were never a ladies man. I’m your only lady.”
“I had game before you. That’s how I pulled you so easily.”
“You were trying to get at me since I was 12, I didn’t cave till I was 15.” You respond knowingly, the two of you heading into the dining room so you can sit the boys down in their individual chairs,”And the two girls you did try to show off to make me jealous we’re not even on my level papi.”
“I was still pulling though.” He chuckles as he secures Alexander in the high chair.
“Yeah so was I, remember Javier Gomez? He was in your grade...He was why I didn’t give you the time of the day.” You smirk, Oscar knowing about the little crush you had many years ago.
“Man, you always got to bring him up.” Oscar says with a smack of his lips,”You should have married him if you liked him that much.”
You quickly fix Angel’s hair after he’s in the booster, tying it back in his usual curly ponytail,”See that was my plan.” You start, going to the kitchen to serve the plates,”But another tattooed, muscle shirt wearing cholo got my attention and ended up trapping me with a baby.”
“More like you trapped me.” Oscar says, pressing himself behind you as you put food on all of the plates,”You climbed onto me, we were suppose to be watching tv.” He reminds, pressing a small kiss to the side of your neck, his hands wrapping around you and resting on your stomach,”Now here we are, 20 years later with almost six kids.”
You grin and lean back into him,”Hmh.” You hum, grabbing two of the finished plates and turn around so he can take them to the table,”I’m sure Javier would have given me my daughter by now.” You say, shoving the plates towards him.
“Alright I’m sorry, I was never a ladies man. Please stop bringing his ass up.” Oscar says as he grabs the items with a pout.
You smile and peck his cheek,”Fine, now go put those down and come back for more.”
Oscar nods and does as you say,”Come eat!” You shout, serving more plates as Oscar takes them to the table when they’re ready.
“Thanks mom!” Anthony says as he zooms past you and to his usual seat.
“Mac and cheese!” Carols cheers as he does the same.
“Thanks for cooking.” Junior smiles and takes the last plate to the table for you. You grab the pitcher of water and bring it over to the table, sitting down as you all begin to eat. Alexander just eating the mashed potatoes with his hands, the only thing you served him along with his bottle of milk.
After while when most of the kids are near finished you clear your throat to grab their attention,”So, I have some news. Well me and your dad do.” You start
“Oh god, your pregnant again aren’t you?” Junior guesses,”I’ve been through this conversation four times and you always start it off like that.”
“Three times for me.” Anthony chimes in before taking the final bite off of his plate.
“Are you mommy? Are you having another baby?”Carlos asks excitedly
“Well yes, thanks for that Junior.” You laugh,”I took a test this morning so I don’t know how far along I am exactly.”
“Hey, I’m just saying. I’m use to this.” He shrugs,”Still, congratulations mom. Dad, glad to see your not getting too old.” He jokes as he stands up with his dishes, taking his younger brothers as well.
“You’re not to gown to get smacked around fool.” Oscar jokes as he tosses his balled up napkin at him, Junior laughing as he goes to rinse off the plates.
“Baby?” Angel says, confusion etched on to his face,”Alex is baby.”
“Yes he is a baby, and now mommy has another baby in her belly.” You explain
“Two babies?” He asks with furrowed brows
“Yes, two babies.” You confirm
“No thank you mommy. No more babies.” He decides with a shake of his head
“Well it’s too late for that mijo.” Oscar chuckles, reaching over with a new napkin to clean off Alexander.
“No more brothers.” Angel disagrees
“What if it’s a girl? A sister?” You ask him as you stand up to let him out of his booster chair.
“Yeah! A sister.” Anthony and Carlos say with glee.
“Girl?” Angel repeats, thinking it over,”Okay mommy. Only baby sister, no brother.”
“Let’s hope you’re right.” You laugh and let him run away after setting him down, the other two boys getting up and joining him in the living room to play with the LEGO’s.
“So is this the last one?” Junior asks, coming back for more plates
“See I want to say no, but seeing as all of you guys -besides Alex- were surprises I’m just going to say maybe.”
“It would have been cool if you could have had a baby closer to my age.” Junior says as he takes your plate along with Oscar’s.
“Are you crazy? We were too young and besides we had Cesar to take care of too. He’s practically your hermano.” Oscar answers as he gets up with the baby.
“Still.” Junior shrugs, heading over to the kitchen again to empty his hands.
“Besides you got to enjoy us all by your self, and I got to enjoy my first baby.” You say and bump his side with yours playfully.
“I guess your right.” He smiles as he cleans,”It was fun, sometimes I wish we could go back to the old house and relive the days when it was just us and Cesar.”
“It was fun. I miss it too sometimes.” You admit,”But the future is always better, at least for us it was and is...I’ll finish up. Go study or get some work done.”
“You sure?”
“Yes, go.” You nod and take over, Oscar going ahead and putting Alexander in the bath.
It doesn’t take too long until the kitchen is once again spotless, sending Carlos and Anthony up stairs to get ready for bed. Angel following you into the bedroom,”I take shower with you.” He says, already pulling off his t-shirt and putting it into the hamper.
“Okay.” You laugh, the two of you walking into the bathroom to find Oscar drying off the baby,”All clean?”
“All clean.” He reply’s, reaching for the lotion and lathering up Alex from head to toe.
You don’t reply and run the water, Angel getting completely undressed and running over to his potty chair that sat in the corner.
“All done.” He says aloud, you already in the shower and Oscar dressing Alex.
“Hurry up, before the water gets out.” You urge, pushing open the glass door and letting him step in with you. The two of you taking a quick shower before getting out and drying off. Angel leaving to his room to grab his pajamas and a night pull up.
“You look like your already showing.” Oscar says from where he lays on the bed, Alexander already asleep on his chest.
“I’m just fat.” You laugh as you walk over to the closet, pulling on a over sized tee and a pair of underwear,”I’ve always had this belly.”
“Nah, I know your body. That’s definitely a pregnant belly.” He chuckles, a now dressed Angel coming back into the room and closing the door behind him.
“Scoot over daddy.” He sighs,”You knew I was coming.”
“My fault.” Oscar reply’s, scooting over to his side so Angel could lay in the middle. You shake your head and turn the light off, sliding in the bed and turning some cartoons on for him to fall asleep too.
“I can fit the baby right here.” Oscar informs you, patting his chest,”If it comes down to it.”
“Be quiet.” You laugh
“Sólo estoy diciendo la verdad.”
“We can not co-sleep with three kids. So like I said earlier, you better have these two in their own room by the time this thing inside of me gets here.”
“Yes mam.” Oscar says teasingly,”I can do that easily.”
“It’ll be a walk in the park.” You say sarcastically, already knowing that this was not going to be a easy task to complete. Nothing in your life being a easy task to complete when it came to your family,”I’ll call the doctor in the morning, I’m sure she can schedule me in sometime this week.” You add, referring to the same doctor that you used for all of your kids.
“Just let me know, I’ll try to call off of work.” Oscar says happily.
“Okay.” You yawn, your mind still processing that you were once again creating another human life. That the love between you and Oscar already blossomed 5 amazing boys. That you guys had enough love left to be able to give it one more go. Even if it wasn’t exactly planned on your part you knew that baby was going to bring much more joy into your family’s life. Your lucky little six.
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Stories Intertwined
Part 2 to Life Story, requested by anon (Your other request will be done soon!)
Summary: Alfie and his wife Marianne discuss having children after seeing Tommy Shelby. Incidentally, this leads to Marianne deciding she wants to get pregnant and Alfie knows just how to make that happen. 
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Smut ahoy! 
              Marianne heard Alfie talking to someone as she entered the home, she now shared with him after they wed a few months earlier. There was an unfamiliar car in the driveway, a nice one too. Going to find Alfie, she stopped in the sitting room. There, a slim man with dark hair and startling blue eyes was wandering around the balcony.
            “Hello.” Marianne greeted hesitantly.
            The man looked a little surprised to see her. But Alfie came walking in before he had a chance to say anything else.
            “See you’ve met Tommy then, aye?” Alfie went to sit down. “Yeah, this is the fucking mad man who shot me.”
            “Oh.” She wasn’t sure what to say to that. “Nice to meet you.”
            “This is Marianne.” Alfie introduced. “Holds the key to me heart, doesn’t she?”
            She smiled and rolled her eyes. “A poet now, are you?” She teased.
            Tommy watched the two interact with disbelief. It was one thing to find out Alfie had survived being shot in the face. It was another to find out that the man had found love out in Margate. “I’m glad to see Alfie hasn’t been lonely all this time. I was worried he might be without his dog.”
            “How is Cyril?” Alfie wondered as he settled into his armchair.
            “Good. He sleeps in Charlie’s room. Likes to chase the horses. Slobbers all over the house.” Tommy took out his cigarettes to strike one up.
            Alfie looked chuffed. “Good, good. Glad he’s happy.”  
            “Is Charlie your son?” Marianne took out the medication that she’d gotten for Alfie’s chronic migraines. She set the pill bottle down on the side table closest to him.
            “Yes.” Tommy nodded. “I have a daughter as well, Ruby.”
            “Right, that’s right. I’d heard little titters that you’d remarried.” Alfie took notice of the medication but waited to take any pills. “But that’s what happens, innit? When you continue getting women up the duff, gotta marry them to protect your image, aye, Tommy boy?”  
            “Alfie.” Marianne scolded.
            But Tommy just looked amused. “It’s alright. I’m accustomed to the way Mr. Solomons speaks.”
            “Yeah, s’fucking eloquent, mate,” Alfie muttered. “Mari, will you please get me a fresh cup of tea? I need to speak business with Mr. Shelby.”
            “Sure.” She kissed Alfie’s cheek before going into the kitchen.
            Tommy waited until she was out of earshot. He gestured toward the door. “So?”
            “She’s beautiful,” Tommy remarked, only giving a subtle hint of his disbelief that Alfie had found someone so lovely.
            “Yeah, mate, I’m only blind in one eye, not both of ‘em.” He muttered, trying not to sound jealous.
            Tommy just shook his head. Leave it to Alfie to be so cavalier about his love life.
            When Tommy left, Marianne returned to the sitting room. She set the tea down and picked up the bottle of tablets. “The chemist said you should take these every day, twice a day if you’re feeling worse.” She said.
            “Alright, thanks, love.”
            “Of course.” She smiled at him and went to curl up on the fainting couch near his armchair. “Have you met Tommy’s children?”
            Alfie’s brow furrowed. “No, why?”
            “I don’t know. They must be lovely. Especially if they have those blue eyes.” She shrugged.
            “Aye?” He spluttered. “You were looking at his eyes?”
            “Well, they aren’t very easy to not notice.” She replied calmly. When she saw the look of disbelief on her husband’s face, she scoffed. “Oh, please, Alfie. You’re telling me you’ve never noticed his eyes before?”
            “Ain’t ‘bout that, it’s about me wife noticing his eyes. Asking ‘bout how cute his children must be, fucking hell.”
            Marianne just giggled. “You’re such a bear sometimes.”
            “M’not a fucking bear.” He muttered. He pretended not to be fond of his wife’s pet name.
            “Yes, you are.” She stood up. “Getting jealous that I happened to notice your friend’s eyes.”
            “Fine.” He set his tea down and stood up to grab his wife by the waist, pulling her back to his chest. “You little minx, are you looking for trouble?”
            Marianne chewed on her lower lip. “Maybe…”
            “You sure are. Tryna tell me something, are you?”
            She smiled and turned around in his arms to face him. “I’m trying to tell you that we would have beautiful children.”
            It was a bit shocking to him. Alfie merely assumed his wife wanted a little romp in the bedroom. “Yeah?”
            She nodded with a shy look.
            “Well.” He cleared his throat. “I think, now correct me if I’m wrong, that we need to fuck in order for that to happen.”   
            Marianne, who was used to the brash way her husband spoke, merely laughed. “You’re correct.”
            “Good, right. Well, then. I’m gonna fuck you so hard, you ain’t gonna remember what color Tommy fucking Shelby’s eyes are.”
            Her eyes widened. “Alfie…” She giggled, her stomach twisting with excitement. It had been a bit since they’d been so playful with each other.
            He gave her a wolfish grin. “You blushing, Mrs. Solomons?” He always knew how to rile her up.
            She gave him a look and started to push him back. “You know I’m not some blushing bride.”
            “Come on, my little socialite?” He teased. But he let her back him right into his armchair.
            “I’m married to a gangster.” She reminded him as he slumped back into his chair.
            His hands braced against the arms, watching her with anticipation. “That is true. But you’re still a dainty little thing, ain’t ya?”
            Her eyebrows raised. “You’re trying to provoke me.” She surmised.
            “Just making observations.” He grinned.        
            “Hm.” She didn’t reply, just got to work undoing the buttons of her blouse.
            Alfie watched, thoroughly pleased with the turn of events. He let his legs stretch out, reclined back as if he were a king sitting on his throne. Watching as his queen cast her clothes aside. His stomach twisted and he started to harden when she undid her bra and carelessly tossed it aside. “Still observing?”
            “Yeah, love.” He replied in a husky voice, his eyes taking in every inch of her in the daylight.
            “Good.” She gave him a coy look before turning around and leaving the sitting room.
            The moment was suddenly interrupted and Alfie was left sitting there, looking a bit dumbfounded. “She wants to play then, aye?” He grumbled and stood up so he could follow.
            Marianne smiled to herself when she heard his heavy footsteps coming after her. He caught up to her, mostly because she was taking her sweet time going down the hallway. In a fluid motion, he spun her around and pushed her up against the wall.
            “You’ve poked the bear now, haven’t ya, love?” He growled playfully.
            She bit her lip, her heart fluttering with excitement. “I’m just a dainty little thing.” She batted her eyelashes innocently.
            He let out a low chuckle. “I may have misjudged you, Mrs. Solomons.” He murmured. She reached to start undoing his waistcoat but he snatched her hand. “Ah, ah.” He tutted and used one hand to force both hands over her head. “You may be coy, right, but you ain’t in charge.”
            The playful look on Marianne’s face started to melt into pure need. “Alfie, don’t tease me.”
            “You started it, Mari, m’fraid I’ve gotta finish it.” He kept her hands locked to the wall as he began to kiss her neck.
            She made a needy sound as his beard dragged across her skin. When he grazed his teeth against her collarbone, her knees buckled.
            “Lookit you.” He tilted her chin up to lock eyes with her. He rested the pad of his thumb on her bottom lip, tugging it down slightly. “Playing before, now I’ve already got ya begging.” He let go of her hands and she immediately went to undo his trousers. “Now you’re just being greedy, aye?” He stopped her yet again by picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder.
            Marianne couldn’t help but giggle, thrilled he was being so naughty with her even if it was driving her mad.
            On the way to the bedroom, Alfie playfully nipped her thigh. “You’re laughing now, love.” He shook his head. “Just you wait. I’ll have you unraveled in minutes.”
            The promise made Marianne stifle a moan but it was cut off as he tossed her onto the bed. She lifted onto her elbows, watching him start to remove his rings at a painstakingly slow pace. Trying to move things along, she parted her legs to entice him.
            He just smiled at her attempt. “What’s your hurry, aye?” He took his time unbuttoning his waistcoat and slipping his glasses off over his head.
            “I want you.” She replied.
            “Well, that’s been made clear to me, hasn’t it? But you wanted to play your games, so I’m just playing ‘long.” When he was left in just his shirt and trousers, he walked up to the bed and ran his hand up the inside of her leg.
            Thinking she finally got her way, Marianne sighed softly and let her head hang back with victory.
            But he stopped mid-thigh and withdrew his hand.
            “Alfie!” She complained.
            He looked positively delighted at her frustration. “Yes?”
            She huffed and gave him a pout. “Will you just fuck me, please?”
            “Such language!” He pretended to look aghast with a hand to his heart. “Dainty thing like you shouldn’t have such a mouth.” He scolded.
            Knowing he was relentless and would tease her for hours if, given the chance, Marianne decided to try another tactic. “Fine, don’t. That’s your loss.” She sat up as if she were going to leave. But as she suspected, Alfie wasn’t going to let her slip away. He pulled his shirt over his head, stopping her in her tracks. Without a word, he made his way up her body, bracing his elbows against the bed, only letting a little bit of weight rest on her.
            “You must be fucking soaked by now.” He hummed as he pressed chaste kisses to her side and up to her chest. While he distracted her with his mouth on her right breast, he slipped a hand to her center.
            Marianne’s breath hitched when she felt his fingers just barely graze her. “Alfie…”
            “Mhm.” He released his mouth off her nipple. “Jus’ as I suspected. Drenched.”
            She was about to quip back at him when he sufficiently silenced her with two fingers slipping into her and his thumb pressed to her clit. Marianne released a moan of relief as he finally began to give her what she was craving. The stretch was agonizingly perfect. His fingers curled as he slowly worked her over, his arm flexing.
            After being teased for so long, she already felt her toes start to curl. One hand gripped the bedsheets and the other knotted in his hair, lightly pulling.
            Alfie felt her knees turn inward and knew she was close. So, he withdrew his fingers and lifted himself up off of her.
            Marianne’s mouth popped open in disbelief and her eyes snapped open. “Alfie!” She protested.
            He chuckled and stood up again. “My rules, love.” He reminded her as he stripped away the rest of his clothes. “You’re coming on my cock.”
            Despite the frustration, Marianne realized he had never riled her up so well before. He knew exactly what he was doing and it made her heart race.
            “You’re gonna work for it too.” He warned as he lay down on the bed.
            His wife didn’t have to be told twice. She got up on her knees before straddling his hips.
            Alfie kept her eyes locked on him as he put his hands behind his back. Marianne wanted to call him what he was, a smug bastard, but she knew that he might prolong their fun. She knew him well enough to know his stubbornness knew no bounds.
            He let out a low hiss as she lined herself up and slowly began to sink down on him. “That’s it, fuckin’ hell.” He groaned in satisfaction.  
            Marianne splayed her hands over his chest to keep herself steady. Her legs trembled slightly as she adjusted to the feeling. No matter how many times they had sex, she always needed a moment to accept the utterly full feeling she got from him.
            Alfie watched her eyelids flutter as she moaned. Her fingers pressed into his chest and she started to move her hips. It was intoxicating to watch her hips roll in a fluid motion, trying to find that sweet spot. He could tell immediately when she found it. She whimpered and squeezed him as she rocked in a shorter, faster rhythm.
            “Fuck.” He grabbed her hips and sank her down further on his cock, earning a grateful cry from her.
            He was losing her. Her head lolled back and a hand left his chest so she could squeeze her breast. It made him dizzy. But he hated not being in control, so he interrupted her bliss once again by sitting up and removing her from his lap.
            “Alf-” Marianne’s disgruntlement was silenced again as he got her on her hands and knees. Quickly, her words of frustration morphed into moans as he thrust into her from behind. He wasted no time bringing her right up to the brink again. Feeling boneless, she sagged forward into the pillows, not bothering to be quiet. She knew he enjoyed hearing her appreciation.
            “Thata girl.” He praised, keeping an iron hold on her hips. “Taking my cock so well.”
            “Alfie…” She cried longingly.
            He grunted as he grabbed onto the headboard for more traction.
            It completely unraveled Marianne. She let out a sharp wail, her back arching, and her hands mindlessly latching onto the nearest thing.
            Alfie pulled out and rocked back on his heels to watch her twitch and moan through the aftermath. When she let out a final sigh of completion, he guided her hips back so she was sitting up again. She melted back into him, her head laying on his shoulder with a dreamy look on her face.
            “I ain’t done with you, love.” He murmured as he kissed her jaw.
            “Oh Christ, Alfie, give me a moment to breathe.” She wheezed out a giggle.
            He did. Laying her back down, he let his hands wander over every inch of her as she lazily kissed him.
. He played her like an instrument, knowing exactly how to kiss her, where to touch her, and what to say to her to tune her up. When he began to kiss and suck on her neck, she breathed out, “Please fuck me.” So, Alfie hitched her leg over his hip and slid back into her.
            When her eyes shut from feeling so overwhelmed, he cupped her cheek. “Look at me.” He ordered in a low voice. “Want you to look at me, love.”
            Marianne opened her eyes and whimpered softly. “Alfie. Oh, please, Alfie, I love you.” The words fell out of her lips without any thought.
            That was the difference, Alfie found, between just fucking and making love to his wife. She fueled something deep inside of him that made him lose all sense of himself. As he thrust into her, his fingers bruising her thigh, he became almost drunk off of her. Every little sound she made, the feeling of her gripping him, it was pure ecstasy. Nothing else mattered. Only her.
            He crushed his lips to hers when he felt his climaxing hit him like a train. Completely uncaring of the world around them, Alfie let out a guttural sound against her lips. He slammed his hips into her one more time before releasing into her. For a moment, his whole body felt numb. But then he began to regain feeling, the feeling of Marianne wrapped around him. The sound of her soft mewls as she came down from her high as well.
            “Fucking hell.” He finally sighed and began to unlock his arms from around her. He flopped onto his back but Marianne cuddled right back up to him again. She tucked so perfectly in the crook of his arm, her legs tangled with his.
            “I can’t even remember what Tommy’s last name was.”
            Alfie laughed. “Told ya.”
            She giggled and pulled him in for a long kiss.
Permanent tag: @papa-geralt-of-cirilla​ @giftofdreams​ @biba3434​ @kimmietea​ @karmezii​ @enrapturedbythemoon​ @vampgirl1997​ @tarafaithe​ @evelynshelby​
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piratejct · 3 years
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* 𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐚𝐲, 𝐜𝐢𝐬-𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞 + 𝐡𝐞 / 𝐡𝐢𝐦 | you know 𝐤𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐲 “𝐬𝐢𝐝” 𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐮, right? they’re 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲-𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞, and they’ve lived in irving for, like, 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐞? well, their spotify wrapped says they listened to 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 by 𝐨𝐡𝐢𝐨 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬 like, a million times this year, which makes sense ‘cause they’ve got that whole 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐭’𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬, 𝟐𝟎𝟎𝟎𝐬 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬, 𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐨��𝐬𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐨 thing going on. i just checked and their birthday is 𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝟏𝟔𝐭𝐡, so they’re a 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐧, which is unsurprising, all things considered.
NAME: kassidy averescu  NICKNAME(S): sid. strictly sid  D.O.B: january 16th, 1996 AGE: 25 BIRTH PLACE: irving, north carolina  CURRENTLY RESIDING: irving, north carolina SEXUALITY: bi-curious, but we don’t talk about it  OCCUPATION: entitled twat / pesky lil crook 
tw: mentions of gangs, crime, drugs, weapons, attempted murder but not really. 
born and raised in irving, has lived in the same freakin’ mansion in aquila drive pretty much his whole life. serving you the full rich boy fantasy, except it’s all rotten. illegal as shit. his mother, who’s been pretty much an outlaw since she was in her early twenties, literally runs like a tiny little crime organization where she recruits family members and people she finds trustworthy enough to pull off heists and just... earn all that $$$ in ways that could get you seriously fucked if anyone ever found out. she’s quite powerful and.. frankly quite scary for a woman in her late fifties. truly knows how to get shit done. i mean.. she trained her kids to be semi successful young criminals, so.. that’s pretty badass of her. 
to be fair, though, he still had a childhood. he wasn’t, like, laundering money at the age of six. growing up, he obviously wasn’t exposed to a lot of illegal stuff. would get whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted and didn’t even question it. thought for the longest time that his mother really was this successful business lady or whatever, and all the shady people in their living room past 10pm were just other company owners. 
never met his dad. guy’s been out of the picture since before his mother even knew she was pregnant. has few half-siblings, though none of them probably has the same father as their mom was never one for commitment. sid fully leaves the half part out when talking about them, because.. well, they all pretty much grew up together, so that makes them 100% siblings. 
he’s the only boyo in the family and uhh... sometimes it’s as if he believes he deserves special treatment because of it??? idk. 
did well enough in high school, got accepted to college in charlotte on a swimming scholarship even though the fam had more than enough money to pay for the studies. but, he was a good swimmer and.. it was recognized. he used to compete a little and even won a couple of times, but.. he still wanted more. started getting greedy. grew up getting everything handed to him, was the best on the high school swimming team so when he went off to college and met another guy who was maybe even slightly better?? oh, hello, he was not gonna take it. i think that was like the first time he felt properly jealous. threatened to shit. at that point in his life, he was aware of the stuff his mother had been pulling, having been involved a couple of times before. so, he thought he could just take the matter into his own hands and once before a competition, he crushed up a bunch of sleeping pills and had someone slip them into the dude’s gatorade. guy literally passed out in the water and almost drowned. to nobody’s surprise, the competition was put on hold and sid literally had the audacity to be like ??? what !! but he passed out, so .. how does that not mean i win??? 
anyways, the accomplice felt so horrible about this, they told on him and sid was obviously kicked out of uni. in fact, the whole situation was serious enough for people to want to take it even further (aka to court) but that’s where sid’s mom stepped in and did some of her ~ magic ~ to get her shit child, as well as the overall family name, out of trouble. she was so, so disappointed, though. like, wow, she went in on him, and he cried like a little bitch on the ride home. hasn’t spoken of this incident since, but if you bring it up, he’ll stick to the story the guy just passed out. not his fault. don’t hold it against him. <3 
has grown a lil since the incident. learned to be more careful when it comes to sabotage. now, he’ll smile to the opponents face, lose with grace, and afterwards get his revenge if he’s feeling petty enough. 80% of the time, he is. 
currently lives with the fam and is very involved in the whole.. heisting. gets a massive kick out of it, tbh. 
um, first of all, he’s absolutely unhinged. quite unpredictable. like, he’s not necessarily always ready to stab someone, but there are moments where he just does something and you’re like ??? oh my fucking god, please stop. literally, whenever he’d get angry abt something he’d go a little off the rails and maybe shoot the radio or the tv and his mom wld jst be like ... it’s okay, baby. go at it. i’ll let you shoot one object a week. whatever makes you feel better <3 so yea, in a way she... encouraged a lot of this behavior?? idk, i don’t wanna point fingers, but if she had let him.. not be a brat for a second, he wld maybe be a different person today. rip. 
restless. so fucking restless. and you know what does not help?! all the coke he does! and molly! and other shit that doesn’t do any good when your mind is already going hundred miles per minute. yum, yum. 
absolutely thrillseeker. he just wants to feel stuff. adrenaline rush 24/7. can somewhat contain himself enough not to mess up when on a job, but in his free time?? he’ll literally get someone to ram his head into a wall and freakin’ laugh abt it. it’s a mess. a riot. 
omg ... has the nasty tendency of handling weapons like they’re toys. will spontaneously do shit like a point a gun at you or put it in his mouth and be like ... yo yo yo. thinks it’s funny? i honestly don’t know what’s going thru his mind. 
because his thoughts move at the speed of light, he also tends to speak super fast when he’s all riled up abt something. also knows a bit of asl n ... its actually quite scary how fast he can sign along. 
doesn’t hold back. if he feels strongly abt something, he’ll prob voice his opinion. isn’t afraid to be like “i hate that guy and i don’t want him around” when the guy is literally stood there like ?? chill. i just came to get my copy of great gatsby ??
acts like he’s the shit. conceited prick. self-proclaimed big dick energy, but if u look closer, it reeks of insecurities. absolutely never point that out. 
genuinely offended when he can’t be the best/most skillful person in the room, esp if it it’s something he considers himself good at. has bit of a hard time admitting defeat. 
fr the most part, his bark seems bigger than his bite. has definitely tried resolving conflicts by going “mooooooom!!!!” at the age of twenty-fuckin’-five. manbaby realness. 
guess he can be bit of a fuckboi?? sleeps with a bunch of ladies while looking at boys from afar and going ..... *heavy sigh*. has had a crush on.. quite a few, but he’d rather eat his own hair than ever publicly admit to it. 
though, he’s by no means homophobic. jst ... a little unsure of his sexuality n it makes him a lil insecure. bt.. vulnerabilities and ... that sorta stuff?? pfft. not in his household. 
also . don’t call him kassidy. he won’t respond. unless you’re his mom. and you’re angry. then he might weep. 
um. i’ll make a list at some point maybe bt until then.... come punch him in the gut? <3 
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Fucking Jelly (Syverson x Reader)
Summary: Reader is a Doctor who cannot stand the captain, yet when he asks for help, they can’t say no. 
Type: playfullbanter/fluff         Gif: andsowewalkalone               Word Count: 4k
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You were threading a small stitch in a mans arm as you heard talking behind you, "this here is Y/L/N." You rolled your eyes, stopping to turn and see Syverson giving his tours to the new people, "go to her if you get a boo boo, she's good with those." You lowered your mask, "Fuck off Syverson, I'm busy." "She won't bite," his thick accent annoyed you to no end. You gave a joking silent laugh and flipped him off, your blue gloves too big for your hands. "Alright boys, this way." 
You tied off the ending of the string and gave the soldier some ibuprofen, lowering your mask and taking off your gloves, "read the label, and take what's prescribed," you picked up your clipboard and began writing, "if the pain does not subside, or you believe the injury to be infect, you must go to the base compound and be evaluated there. I do not have the supplies nor medication to deal with infections." You watched the blonde haired boy nod his head. You were just saying all the basic things they told you-you had to. You had that shit memorized verbatim. You wrote his info as you kept going, "I can provide you with alcohol pads that you can rub on them to clean them." You turned around to open the cabinet and hand them to him, "and for god fucking sake don't try to eat them or get drunk off them." He took them, and smirked "people do that?" You focused back on the form, "you would be surprised.” Returning to write down the soldiers name, “But, I'm done with you so can you get the next person if there is anyone?" "Yeah, thanks doc." You nodded your head and turned back to the small filing cabinet, you had to put his paper away and grab a fresh sheet. You washed your hands in the small sink and heard steps behind you as someone sat down, "alright," you got new gloves and you reached for your pen, turning, "what can I do for you toda-" you were stopped by a smiling Syverson dangling his feet off the one tall chair in the room. You dropped your shoulders, "What are you doing here?" "I came to see you doc." "Oh my god," you leaned against the tan cabinets, "For fucks sake? You know I have actual people to see and help, not you?" His brows moved together, "what? With the little needle you carry around?" You locked your jaw, "I could do a lot with that needle, and that's what they supply me with. Maybe if they gave me more I could do more." He smiled, lifting his hand to shoo away the conversation, "no ones out there anyway. Thought I'd ask you a question." You rolled your eyes, "Syverson, if you're gonna ask me to go on a date you know the answer already." He smirked, "now doc, is that all you think about? A captain asking you on a date," you crossed your arms and glared at him. You could see him try and hold in his laugh, "no, I do have a question, a real one." You raised your brow watching, waiting, "you know a lot about human biology?" "I'm here aren't I?" "Oo, doc no need to get sour on me, I just need you to take a look at one of the dogs that we found outside." You moved your brows together, "a dog? . . I don't know anything about dogs." "Yeah, well you know about humans, they're pretty close are they not?" You stared at him in disbelief, "what? No." "Come on, a quick look, you liked Aika, this dog is no different." You sighed, Aika was cute, and when you could, you made sure to play with her outside. "You never asked me to examine Aika." "I did not say 'examine'" You narrowed your eyes, "then what do you want." He smiled, "we might have some pups coming soon." Your face went flat, "the dog is pregnant?!" "Come on doc, ain't nobody in the hall for you, take a 10 minute break?" You stared at him, trying to decide if you should trust him or not. Finally, rolling your eyes you lifted yourself off the cabinets, "where's the dog?" He smiled, "follow me." You kept your gloves on as he led you through three hallways to his room. He got a room to himself, bastard, so he was somewhat far off from everyone else, "she's been here for a while and only moved to get eat or drink." He pushed the door open and you were greeted with Aika, "hi babes." You spoke softly at her as you began to scratch behind her ear.  She jumped up on you, "Aika down!" His tone was sharp and stern, like he was talking to soldiers who were under him. You gave him a side eye, "she's fine, you know that." "I'm trying to teach her not to do that," he sighed, "this way." He guided you to a bigger dog, fatter in her belly and her nipples were prominent, "you needed me to tell you she's pregnant?" Now this just seemed like a set up to get you in his room.  You bent down to kneel by her side, "No," you scratched her stomach lightly, she looked like Aika, but with the obvious belly. Her fur was also almost all black, "I need you to tell me when she'll give birth. She whines a lot at night and like I said she don't move." You looked up at him, and almost laughed, "Syverson," his stern features didn't shift, "I'm a doctor, not a vet? I have no idea when she'll give birth." He crossed his arms and you rose back to your feet, "all I can say is to wait it out. She will when those pups are ready." He put his hand to his mouth before scratching his chin through his thick beard, thinking, "I can't raise puppies." You smiled at him, "I'll help," he gave you a coy look. Which in turn, made you side eye him, "oh sweetie not for you," looking back down at the soon to be mom, who was panting in the heat, "for the puppies." He grunted and you looked back at him, "what'll you name her?" He squinted down at the dog, "I don't know yet. . . what's your middle name?" "Syverson-" You drew out his name, annoyed.  "No seriously, what is it?" You rolled your eyes, "Y/M/N." (Your/middle/name) "Settles it," he knelt down to the dog and rubbed behind her ears, "Y/M/N," he looked up to you and smiled. After then, you didn't think of the momma anymore, while Syverson constantly made sure to bring her up on your radar. But, today you had seen twenty-two guys which was far from normal, and being you were the only one on base who knew how to give proper stitches and offer medical care in your make shift clinic, you wanted to sleep. Your room was with some of the other female soldiers, but they were nice to you so you didn't care too much. As you were getting ready for bed, you brushed your teeth, let your hair down from it's bun and got it a little wet, so it would return to its normal form. You looked in the mirror and felt dead, wearing a tan t-shirt with no bra and shorts that were too short, but wouldn’t be uncomfortable under your cargo pants (in the instance you needed to get dressed quick). You shuffled to your bed and closed your eyes. "Y/N," you felt your body shake furiously and in an instant, your eyes opened and you reached for the gun you kept at the side of your bed. "No," the dark figure grabbed at your arm and when you went to scream a strong hand covered your mouth, "aye! It's me! It's Syverson." You squinted at the figure and could make out the beard, "Shumveson?" It was muffled because of his hand. He put his finger to his mouth, "shh, you gotta come with me." "Hmm?" Again, the idiot had his hand over your mouth. They really let the dumbest people be captains. "Y/M/N." It took you a minute but then you remembered and nodded your head. "Come on." He let go of your mouth and backed up. When you stood to walk, you whimpered from the pain in your feet, but you followed him to his room, the walk was silent except for your cries of pain. "I think she's having them, I gave her my shirt to lay on." You looked over to his body, "is that why you are suddenly without clothes?" He didn't wear a shirt and only his cargo shorts, which were loosely hanging around his waist. He rolled his eyes at you, "says the girl who's boobs and ass are hanging out." You moved your brows together and felt slightly self conscious, but turned your attention to the dog. "I need you to go to my office and grab two sets of gloves, and probably some Benadryl. Get me some food too." You lowered to be level with the dog. "You're hungry right now?" "Are you dumb? It's to put the pills in and feed to her. Go!" He did as you said and all you could do was scratch as the girls face, "shh, baby," she let out whimpers and you were afraid she would wake people up. He came back and dropped the materials next to you, "get the gloves on when the puppies start to come." He nodded his head and sat down on your free side, "okay baby, we're gonna help you." You looked to Syverson, "she should know how to do this herself, so it's just waiting. But when the puppies are all out, we will figure out the genders then lay them next to her so she can clean them, keep them warm, and let them eat," he nodded his head, receiving all your orders, "get the food you brought and lather them up in Benadryl." "Can dogs have that?" "yes, and it's all we have," she whimpered again and you both looked down to her. He shifted to grab something from the side of his bed, and when you looked, it was a jar of jelly. You almost gasped, "what the hell? You have jelly?!" He cracked the lid open and used his finger to scoop out a chunk, looking to you, "what? My mom mailed it over." You were still jealous. "I hate you," you muttered. He gave her two pills and you both sat watching on the cold tile floor, it was like watching water boil. After about half and hour, he jumped, exclaiming: "I see a head!" You put your hand over his mouth, "she needs to be at peace right now! Don't disrupt her." You felt his tongue against your palm, which made you with draw quickly, "ew!" He smiled, "you liked it." You could only roll your eyes, but you felt his arm wrap around your back pulling you to sit in between his legs, "look," his voice was deep in your ear, which almost put you in a sleepy trans. But you followed to where his finger was pointing, which was to the small head of puppy coming out. You smiled, sitting criss-cross in between his thick body, "you're gonna be a dad." You spoke softly. You could see his hands rest on his knees, "damn, that makes you the step mama." You couldn't help but laugh, while shaking your head, knowing he smiled at you from behind You didn't notice it, but as the longer you both watched the puppies arrive, the deeper you were in his lap. You laid your head against his fury chest while he rested one hand behind him to support you both and the other laid gently against your body. You had gotten so tired, you jumped when his deep voice rose again, vibrating against your head, "you think she's done." You rose quick and looked around, darting to her and the puppies surrounding her nipples to drink. "Um," you rubbed your eyes, "yeah. We can count them and know the genders I guess." "Alright," he shifted from his position, "we could've moved to the bed instead of making me sit on the hard ass floor." You shook your head, "I didn't mean to fall asleep," you yawned a little, looking over at him, "what time is it?" He checked his watch, "4:08" you nodded and moved closer to Y/M/N, he was close behind you, settling at your side as you both looked at her in awe. "Good job babe," you rubbed her head, she welcomed it and kept her mouth open panting. You could hear him getting his gloves on, "Let's see," he picked up one and checked the underside, "girl." You looked to the puppy, her little eyes were still closed and she was so tiny in his hands, "what's gonna be her name?" He took a long look at her, "Doc . . . for doctor." You rolled your eyes and met his gaze, "i want to keep this one and for her name to be doc." He looked so serious about it that you felt your heart pick up. You shuffled closer to him and watched as he set the puppy down, "fine, but the next ones name is gonna be cap for captain." You knew he was smiling, and by the end of you guys going back in forth with names, you had seven puppies, four girls (Doc, Ivy, Ace, and Lyn) with three boys (Cap, Sage and Hendrix). By the time you were done arguing on the names, it was 4:42 AM. You both got up at six hundred hours normally, and you knew if you fell asleep you'd be out. "What some coffee?" He asked after you two were done admiring the cute little puppies and their whimpers. You nodded your head, "you can sit on the bed, it's softer," he got up and disappeared from the room. You scooted to the mattress and first thing you noticed was how much nicer it was than your own. You leaned your head against the wall and when he came back with two mugs you gave him a glare, "your own room, a jar of jelly, and a soft ass bed." He smiled, handing you the cup, "it pays to have a momma that loves ya, and I guess a good position." You rolled your eyes and blew on the coffees surface, watching the steam rise from it. He picked up the container in one hand and tossed it on your crossed legs, "take it." You looked up at him and he walked towards you, laying down next to you, putting his weight on his elbow so he could look at you. You felt yourself frown, "I can't take it." He shook his head, "that's what I'll pay you in, Berry jelly." "Pay me?" He smiled, taking a sip of the black coffee, "for helping." That almost made you snort, "I fell asleep? Really Sy, you should have it, it's from your family. I'm good with the beans and noodles." "Let me see it," he rested his coffee on the bed, letting it sit against his chest as you handed him the jar and he unscrewed the top, showing you the delicious looking substance. You felt your mouth water, "take some." When he could tell you were resilient, he nudged it closer to you again. You pulled one hand from your coffee mug and let two fingers dig into the jar, coming out with a beautiful scoop of the substance. He watched closely as you put your fingers in your mouth and moaned, which made him all the more tentative. His eyes scanned over your body, and took a long glance at your chest knowing you weren't wearing a bra. Your eyes were closed as you threw you head back against the wall, "that good?" It was so sweet and tart at the same time, it almost made you feel like you were in his hometown. You could imagine him picking berries for the mixture and helping to smash them with his mom, it was so cute. When you finally opened your eyes, your smile was giddy, "like an orgasm." "Well doc if I would've know it was that easy I would've given it to you the first day I saw you." You looked straight at the paint chipped wall, still feeling in a daze of jelly happiness, as you shook your head, "no, you could never get me like that." He watched your every move, licking his lips, "wanna make that a bet." Your head shifted down to him, and you looked at him with the most loving eyes he had ever seen, "this was fun." Before lowering to kiss his cheek, you stopped at his ear, "I'll come by tonight and look at how the kids are doing?" He nodded his head and you pressed a kiss to his cheek. It was quick, but it left a warm print on his skin, and made your chin rub against his beard. "Bye Sy." He hummed, and watched you lift yourself from his bed. He watched your ass as you tiptoed and opened his door lightly, giving him one last glance before you disappeared into the hall. "Fuck." He muttered looking to the jar he laughed, "fucking jelly." 
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yandere-for-you · 4 years
HOLY SHIT!!, sorry but I’m happy to finally have this done!
This takes place pre canon atlest a year or so
I tried to make this as gender neutral as possible but the reader is called mom in this and there is mention of pregnancy and brainwashing with medicine
I own none of these ppl.
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It started with headaches.
It was unusually bright today in the sector, in the apartment, that your small family lived in and you were sitting on the couch, watch your four year old son, Lea, playing with his toys on the floor. When suddenly you were hit with this awful headache, it was more migraine then headache actually but still you felt terrible. You placed a hand over your eyes.
"Mama?" Opening one eye, you saw your kid looking up at you worried. You loved your son, even if the time you were pregnant with him was fuzzy; one minute you had shown Reno the test, the next you were in the hospital, nine months later, tired and high on pain killers, with your husband by your side who had your new born in his arms. Reno had told you it was a healthy little boy and let you name him. You decided on Lea, which for some reason, to you, it just fit in your hazy mind.
Picking him up, you sat him on your lap, he snuggled against you, "Just a headache, little firebug."
You knew you made a mistake in telling him when his eyes widened and he tried hopping up.
"Gotta tell dad!"
You stopped him, patted his head, "No, no, no, it's just a headache. No need to worry your dad about this."
You gently shook your head, laying down and pulling your son with you, "Let's just rest and it'll go away.", he wiggled around to get comfortable before finally settling down. You'd only closed your eyes for a second, just for a second.
Then before you knew it, you had woken up in your bed and the only soft light from the lamp your bed-side table illuminated the room enough to for you to see. Sitting up, you saw the sun had set and it was nighttime. As you got out of bed, you saw you were dressed in an over sized button up. Reno must have changed you out of your day clothes. It was nighttime so he must be home, but he wasn't in bed.
You walked out of bedroom and into the living room, where you say your husband was sitting on the couch, dressed in a plain black shirt and pj pants with another lamp on and the tv running with some seemly boring show, "Hey, Babydoll, you're up.", you made an agreeing noise as you sat on the couch then curled up against him and he placed an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer.
"How was work?"
He hummed, "Same old, same old.", you wouldn't really know, Reno never really told you in detail what he did for work, all he told you was that he worked in an office and sometimes had boring days.
"He's fine, says hi.", you felt bad not being able to see your husband's partner a lot, giving that he was also his best friend and Lea's godfather.
"Did you eat? Sorry I fell asleep before you got home."
Reno chuckled, kissing you on the forehead, "Yeah, me and Rude picked up something, fed Lea, he's asleep in his room. There's something for in the fridge for-", you didn't wait for him to finish has you jumped over the couch and over to the kitchen. You flipped him off when you heard him laugh at you as you pulled out the take out box.
After heating up a plate, you curled back up against him, having changed the channel to something more else, "Sooo, a little munchkin told me you were having headaches?", you nearly choked on your food then after drinking some water to get the food down, you looked at him in embarrassment for being caught keeping something from him. He ran a hand through the your hair, "Could have called and told me. Have you been taking your meds?"
You picked at your food, "I just didn't want to bother you, you're busy with work and yes, I have everyday, like I'm suppose too."
He hummed, "Should we go to the doctors'? They could take a look, make sure nothin' wrong with your meds.", you froze at what he said, you really, really, didn't want to go to the doctors'. You hated them and their hospital/offices, they felt cold and unfriendly, even if they tried to plastered on a friendly smile whenever one of the significant others of Reno's friends or you were around. You gave birth to your son in one of the rooms of the hospital and as soon as the drugs wore off, you wanted to leave, immediately, which caused them to drug you up even more, so you wouldn't hurt yourself or them.
"Please, Reno, it was just a headache and I'm fine now. I really don't wanna go back there.", you place the plate on the coffee table, not really feeling hungry anymore.
"Hey, hey, it was just a suggestion. I know how much you hate it there.", he picked up the plate as he got up from the couch. You watched as he placed the food back in the box and then back in the fridge. Your husband walked back over and kneeled down in front of you, "Let's go to bed, Babydoll."
"No doctor?"
He chuckled, "Nah, no doctor, just tell me if you have anymore problems. Now, come one, bed time.", you agreed and both of you quickly brushed your teeth and went to bed.
Then you were seeing and remembering weird things.
You were at home, cleaning up the apartment and watching Lea and his friend, Isa, who was dropped off by his mother, Li Mei, the wife of your husband's boss, Tseng. Li Mei was a beautiful woman from Wutei, with two different colored eyes, one a deep pretty brown and a beep blue, light blue hair that matched her son's and flawless skin. Honestly, sometime you were kinda jealous of her flawless looks, you only had a son and she had two kids, and yet, she looked like she wasn't stressed as hell with raising them. Xion was their other child, a daughter, with hair like her father but with her mother's soft face and blue eyes.
You froze, seeing something strange appeared in your reflection of the window you were cleaning. Leaning closer, you wondered if you had always had that strange bright green ring around the pupils of your eyes, "Mama!", you filched away from the window and looked down to see the boys standing to the side of you. Lea holding up your phone.
"Yes, you two?"
"Dad's calling! Also we're hungry, food please!"
Sighing through your nose, you smiled and grabbed your phone from him, "Okay, let me talk to your dad then I'll make something for lunch. Go on, go play.", you bend down and kissed him on the head and messed up Isa's hair, which made him pout and then follow a giggling Lea back to the living room to play. You answered the call and placed it to your ear, "Hello, sweetie. Why are you calling, you don't usually call when your at work unless somethings up."
"Aahhh, Caught me, Baby doll. But I just got the feeling I needed to-", you flinched away from the phone as a yelp came from it.
You place it back against your ear, "Um...What..what was that?"
"Some one hit their toe on their desk or something I think, don't worry about it, Gorgeous. So, how's you and the munchkin doing?"
Rolling your eyes, you answered him, "We're doing fine, Li Mei dropped off Isa because she had to take Xion to a check up.", you made your way to the kitchen and started pulling things out, looking for something to feed the kids, "And I'm just trying to find or make some lunch for the kids.",
"Great, anymore headaches?"
"No, I'm haven't had any in a week.", in truth you had been having them, one almost everyday for the week since they started but you really didn't want to worry your husband, you decided on making a sandwich, "How do you feel about curry tonight for dinner?"
"If it's the spicy kind you make, hell yeah!", you smiled at the enthusiasm he showed about your cooking, you weren't the best but he thought whatever you made was.
"Of course, but I need to to pick up some stuff from the store before you get home."
"Got it, send me a list, Baby doll.", as you were saying your I love yous and before you hung up, you thought you heard another scream, this time for help. Looking down at your black screen, and saw that the green ring, you thought saw a moment ago, was gone. You shrugged as you placed your phone on the counter then picked up the plates, filled with the kids' lunch.
The next time something happened was when you were getting up in the morning. Your son had jumped on you both as you slept, yelling about how it's the weekend and dad has the day off and, "Get up, get up, get uuuuup!!",
You groaned, rolling over to Reno with your eyes still closed you told him, "Your son's awake."
"Before 8 am, and coffee, he's your son.", then you smirked when you heard him grunt as Lea landed on him, "Alright, Alright, Munchkin, I'm up.", cracking open an eye, you giggled when you saw the claw marks you left on his back last night, good thing he put pants on afterward. You stopped when Reno side eyed you, and smirked. Squeaking, you hid under the blankets, listening to him chuckle as he picked up his son and walked out of the room, telling you he would get breakfast started.
You tossed the blanket off as soon as they were gone then sat up and stretched. Getting up, you walked over to the bathroom and turned on the lights only to nearly trip backwards at what you saw in the mirror. In the mirror was you but you looked strange in the reflection there were bruises and cuts on your body and your face had a bleeding cut on your cheek, you looked like you had gotten into a fight and a pretty bad one, "Baby Doll?", blinking, you saw your normal everyday self reflecting back at you and the only bruises you had were on your neck and peeking on from your shirt collar. You turned to see Reno looking at you with narrowed eyes, worriedly.
You rubbed your eyes, "Yeah, yeah before you ask I'm okay. Do you need to use the bathroom or anything?"
He hummed, "Naah, used the other one, was worried about ya. You take your pills?"
You huffed, "Not yet, was about too.", you waved him away, "Now shoo, you tomcat. I need to use the bathroom, myself.", He grinned then kissed you on the lips as he rubbed your back and left, telling you he'd had the coffee ready in a bit.
After using the bathroom, you held your pill bottle in your hands, staring at it. It was a plain orange bottle with a white lid, a normal bottle, all considering but it had no label. You didn't even pick up your own medicine, even ever you were running low, you would tell Reno or Rude and they would get them for you. Dropping one in your palm, you stared closely at the white and green capsule, wondering if you were ever going to stop taking these, probably never with the way your husband was. The last time you suggested maybe weening you off of them, Reno had gone still and quiet, narrowed his eyes at you then got really close to your face, so close you could see the very light freckles doting across his nose and cheeks. He smirked at you, but you knew in your gut it wasn't very kind, he told you that he could take you to the doctors and see what they said, then two weeks had pass and before you knew it, you had gotten pregnant with Lea and it was really never brought up again. Maybe...maybe, just this once you could stop taking them and make him see you were just fine without them. You watched as the little capsule made its way down the toilet, hoping this wouldn't come back to bite you in the ass.
It came to bite you in the ass and bite you hard at lest two or so weeks later. You were home alone, with Reno at work and Li Mei being so kinda to watch over Lea with you just wanting to get some stuff done and some alone time to yourself, you busied yourself with doing the normal chores around the house. You were sitting on the couch, folding laundry when out of no where a terrible pain ran through your head, it felt a lot worst then the first headache. You let out a cry of pain as you bent over, holding your head. Flashes of memories went through your head, some you hoped weren't real.
When it was finally over, you looked up and glanced around wide eyed at the apartment, "W..where am I? What happened? Wait...", you pinch the bridge of your nose, blinking away the rest of the pain then you remembered what happened and who you really were.
You were...are(?) a part of Avalanche, a rebel group that fought against ShinRa and its Turks...wait, Turks! Standing up, you looked around, again and saw a photo frame. You snatched it up and saw you holding a little red headed boy, no, that was your son, Lea and standing next to you both, with his arms loosely around you both, was...fucking Reno Sinclair, second in command of the Turks and a really, really, really, dangerous man. You remembered, now, how you had fought him a hand full of times and only barely gotten away with a only a few bruises and maybe a broken finger or two.
So, why were you here?
Glancing down at your hand, you nearly screamed when you saw a deep red and sliver wedding band on your ring finger. You looked closer at the photo then tossed it away from you when you saw a matching ring on Reno's hand. You felt nausea roll around in your stomach, were...were you married to a Turk? How were you married to a Turk?! How long had this been going on and why can't you-Gasping, you ran into the main bedroom bathroom, you ripped open the medicine cabinet, then grabbed the blank pill bottle. These...these things that he was making you take had...brainwashed you into marrying and having a kid with him. You looked at the date written on the bottle with marker and dropped it in shock when you saw it was five years.
Five years of brainwashing and being in a relationship with this man. Did your friends at Avalanche think you were dead?
Oh, God you had to get out of here!
You changed into a pair of torn looking jeans, comfortable and easy to move in, an over sized hoodie from the closet and a pair of boots that were a size to big, then you packed a small bag with what you needed, just enough to get to sector seven, check on everyone and then find a way out of Midgar, maybe go to Wutai, you had a friend there, or Icicle Area, or..or...anywhere but here. You pulled off the ring and placed it beside the picture frame, taking one more glance at it, you felt shame and guilt waste over you as you looked at your son, you felt bad for leaving him behind but being on the run with a four year wasn't safe for either of you. You know Li Mei, the poor woman was probably also brainwashed, will take care of him. You pulled the hoodie over your face then walk down the hallway, you left through the window, and down the fire escape, making sure no one saw you.
Li Mei had an awful feeling something was wrong when her friend, (Name), didn't come pick up Lea from her apartment on the time they said they would, then she got even more worried when an hour passed and still no (Name). They were never late picking up their son, really they were never late for anything. Making sure the kids were still playing and ignorant to her worry, she grabbed her phone and quickly dialed her friend's husband, "Li Mei, what's up? Like, I don't mind ya calling but if something's wrong you should really tel-"
She didn't let him finished as she blurted out, "(Name) hasn't come to pick up Lea at the time they said, it's been an hour, Reno, and I'm worried.", there was silence for a moment.
"Ya sure? Maybe they're just-"
"Reno, you and I both know (Name) hates being late for anything and if they were, they would call and tell us.", Li Mei bit at her knuckles, an awful habit she had picked up from childhood when nervous that her husband, Tseng, was trying to get her to stop.
"....Fuck..Fuck, I'll right, I'll tell Tseng what's going on, you make sure for the time to keep the kids from figuring out what's going on."
"Of course, please, find them, Reno.", they hung up and she glanced from her phone to the mini red head, hoping the boy didn't find out something happened to his other parent. But, Lea was a very smart and observant child and she he would find out what was going on soon.
Reno and Rude walked into the red head's apartment and immediately their senses were on edge, something was wrong, "Baby Doll?", bright blue eyes narrowed as they glanced around then down the hallway. He turned to his partner, "Check the kitchen, I'll get the living room.", Rude went to the kitchen and he walked into and around the living room. Reno saw the half done laundry on and around the couch, but nothing else seemed out of place, until he saw something sparkle beside the picture of his family. Picking it up, he nearly had a heart attack when he saw it was (Name)'s wedding band, "Fuck..Rude!", he ran into the kitchen, and showed Rude the ring.
"Shit..this is a problem."
"No shit!", he placed the ring in his pocket then ran down the hall to their room, "(Name)?!", he looked in the closet, in the bathroom, even under the bed. As he went to check his son's room, Rude walked into the bathroom and saw the pill bottle. Picking it up, he walked back out and met his partner in the hallway.
"Reno, have they been taking their medication?"
The red head run a hand through the his already messy hair, "uh, yeah, I've been making su-", his eyes widened when he remember what happened a few months ago, "FUCK! I should have taken them to the ShinRa doctors as soon as Lea told me they were having headaches.", headaches were the first sign that the medication was beginning to stop working, then seeing or remembering things, and last it was having the urge to stopping taking the pills altogether and then remembering everything.
Reno looked at his partner, "Call Tseng, tell him we have a Code: Runaway. I gotta go see Lea, make sure he's okay."
"Got it, partner.", Rude pulled out his phone and dialed up his boss as Reno went to Li Mei's place.
They wouldn't catch you for half a year.
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
I Forgot That You Existed : Chapter Five
A/N: Chapter five is here. The pent up tension between our ex-lovers is getting too much for them to handle. As things get heated up they give in to their feelings momentarily. Are they gonna regret it? Or will this reignite their love giving a new dynamic to their relationship? Y/N has been hiding a secret will she reveal it? What implication will its revelation bring in their lives? I hope you like this chapter. Feedbacks and suggestions are always welcome. Let me know what do you think Y/N has been hiding.
Pairing : Tom Holland × Singer reader 
Summary : It's been more than five years since you and Tom have gone their own ways after a heartbreaking breakup which had left both of you shattered. Both of you thought that you were finally over with each other and were happy in your respective lives until you meet again at a reunion trip planned by your best friend and you realize you are still not done with each other.
Warnings : fluff, making out.
Mini Playlist : Bad Blood by Taylor Swift, Cheap Thrills by Sia, Break My Heart by Dua Lipa
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Tom and El breathing heavily. Tom rolled over to the side placing his hands below his head staring at the ceiling. El scooched into him, placing her hand on his bare chest.
“That was amazing.” El said, letting out a deep breath.
“Hmmm” Tom hummed.
Loud laughter and giggles were heard from your room. As you and Z were literally screaming at the top of your voice singing.
'Cause, baby, now we've got bad blood You know it used to be mad love So take a look what you've done 'Cause, baby, now we've got bad blood, hey! Now we've got problems And I don't think we can solve 'em You made a really deep cut And, baby, now we've got bad blood, hey!
“They are really close aren't they?”
“Yeah they are soul sisters." he chuckled. "Surprisingly Y/N has been with us since childhood but Z seems to know her more than any of us in such a short time.”
“Because we girls understand each other very well mister. There are some things guys will never understand”
“So you are trying to tell me that I don’t understand you”
“I didn’t say that dummy” El laughed lightly slapping on his chest
Tom and El were startled by a loud thud as if someone fell on the floor as they heard you groaning loudly
"Owww!!! My ass!!" you groaned going into fits of laughter. You and Zendaya were pillow fighting as you lost balance and fell.
“You deserve that bitch” Zendaya giggled.
El smiled listening to your banters “Someone is way too excited and happy” she chuckled.
“You know I think they are perfect” looking up to Tom
“Steve and Y/N, they make a perfect couple. She should consider this relationship.”
“I think it's too early to comprehend darling as much as I know her Steve isn’t her type”
“Why not? I mean their personalities complement each other so well; it will in a way benefit both of them professionally too. She is a world class singer and he is such a skilful event manager if they work it out and get married in future you know what I mean.
Tom turned to his side, his back facing El. He frowned at the thought of seeing you with someone else. But then El's words struck him, he thought what if that guy was trying to befriend you just for his professional gains. He felt he needed to protect you from another heartbreak. He decided in his mind to talk to you about this tomorrow.
You were all having breakfast. Steve had called you saying he will come to pick you at 9. You chose to wear a cute top with your shorts.
“You look cute in that top Y/N” El complimented
“Thanks El”
“Any special reason?” El danced her eyebrows
“Oh nothing” you shrugged.
“I know, Stevey boy is coming to pick her up” Chloe chirped
“Oh shut up” you blushed.
You went to put your plate in the kitchen sink. Tom was already in there. He thought this is the right time to talk to you.
“Umm Y/N I need to talk to you about something”
“Yeah what is it?”
“I think you should keep your distance from that guy. I mean Steve”
“Umm okay I'll give it a thought. But any reason why should I be away?”
“Because I said so.”
“Wait a minute. Are you jealous?” You smirked, raising an eyebrow. Tom scoffed
“Listen Y/N I’m serious. I..I’m just trying to protect you okay”
“I’m not a baby Tom. I can take care of myself but thanks for your concern”
“Look who is here Mr. Johnson” you heard Ed and ran out to meet Steve.
“ Heyyy you.. you look ...pretty” Steve fumbled
“Thanks. You blushed tucking your hair behind your ear. “let's go then”
“Yeah, after you.”
You buckled the extra helmet Steve brought for you and sat down behind him on the bike. He started his bike and pulled the clutch to shift the gear you jolted into him clutching his broad shoulders tightly.
“You did that intentionally didn't you?” narrowing your eyes.
“You weren’t holding on to me tightly darling” Steve gave you a cheesy smile. You rolled your eyes.
You reached the spot in around 20 minutes. Steve led you to the stage.
“Okay so this is your stage rockstar. Whatever you require just tell me I’ll arrange everything”
You slipped your guitar strap around your shoulder as you started rehearsing the chords.
“You know you should start with look what you made me do. That's really a badass song and maybe finish with something soft and romantic. It will be even better if you give a sneak peek of your upcoming album by performing a new song.” Steve suggested
“That’s actually a great idea Steve! Thanks” You continued rehearsing and completely lost track of time. Suddenly you felt a pair of hands around your hips. You smiled. Steve placed his chin on the crook of your neck.
“Hey beautiful! Are you hungry?”
“Yeah a little” you nodded
“Let’s go and grab some lunch then”
“So should I take this as a simple lunch or an official date?” you smirked
“A lunch date maybe” he shrugged with a toothy grin
Back at the house everybody was having lunch.
“Excuse me guys” El ran to the bathroom feeling nauseous and she threw up. Tom ran to her aid. He came out with her carrying her to their room. Everybody was worried.
You were seated at a nearby restaurant. You both were having a good time eating and chatting; your phone dinged the screen flashed Zendaya’s name.
Come back immediately. It’s urgent
“I’m sorry I gotta go something urgent has come up” you got up from your seat apologizing to Steve
“That’s fine love. I’ll drop you” Steve got up too as he took you home.
You reached home around noon. Zendaya had texted you about what had happened. Everyone was sitting in the living room as you entered.
“How is she?” you asked
“She's fine.. taking rest” Sam stated
“So is she pregnant or something?”
“Y/N?!’’ Zendaya elbowed you looking at you with wide eyes.
“What?! I'm serious; the symptoms you told are either indigestion or pregnancy. And please don't tell me that they aren't sexually active because we got the sneak peek yesterday itself."
 “This isn't a joke Y/N” Tom said sternly
 “I'm not joking Tom I will never joke on such a serious topic because I'm very well aware of the implications it brings to a person's life.”
 Zendaya grabbed your hand and shook her head violently, panic in her eyes to stop you from talking further. You understood what she was trying to say and tried to cover up
 “And.. anyways you two are getting married it’s nothing to freak out. I would still recommend her to take the test.”
 “It's okay Y/N. I had my period plus I’m on pills so nothing to worry. It was actually indigestion. Sea food really does not suit me. But I don't think I will be able to go to the beach carnival with you guys, still feeling a little unwell.” El said as she came down the stairs.
 “It's okay babe you take rest I'll stay with you” Tom went up to her as he ran his hand on her back in a soothing way.
 “No Tom, you should go, why miss out on the fun for me.”
 “It's okay El nothing is more important than you in my life.” Tom held her hands placing light kisses on them.
 “I know bubs and your happiness is my first priority, so go and enjoy for my sake.” Tom didn’t extend the conversation any further and agreed to her.
Now you felt nauseous looking at their cliche tooth rotting romance. You blew out your cheeks and turned towards Steve who was standing at your back.
“Okay then see tomorrow” you hugged each other.
“Yeah bye darling” Steve left
Everyone went to their rooms to get ready for the carnival. Tom was dressing up as suddenly your words reverberated in his mind. He couldn't make any sense out of your words. What did you mean by the implication of pregnancy in a person's life and why did Z abruptly shut you up. He felt as if you both were hiding something.
 “Seriously Y/N were you out of your mind?! You were just going to spill everything out.” Zendaya lashed out.
 “I know I'm sorry. I just don't know what came over me.” you sat on the bed covering your face with your hands.
 “I know babe but you gotta be careful. It's a secret you chose to hatch it down in the darkest corner of your heart, can't let it spill unless you want it otherwise ."
 You went and hugged her tightly tears rolling down your eyes
 "What would I do without you" you sobbed
 "You'll always have me by your side darling, okay now cheer up and let's get ready.”
You all came out of the house. Two cars were already parked outside. You immediately ran towards Harrison's car.
“I'm taking the front seat"You opened the door and sat.
Harrison, Zendaya, Harry and Paddy sat on the back seats
“Who's gonna drive?” you asked confused
Then you saw Tom with the car keys as he opened the door and you both momentarily glanced at each other as he sat on the driver's seat.
You divert your attention outside the window as you feel a tension arise between you two.
 As Tom drove the car an eerie silence prevailed. It started to get kinda boring so to lighten up the mood you turned on the car's stereo and connected your phone.
 Cheap thrill starts playing
 (Come on, come on, turn the radio on
It's Friday night and I won't be long Gotta do my hair, put my make up on It's Friday night and I won't be long)
 Everyone cheered and started grooving to the music.
 ('Til I hit the dance floor
Hit the dance floor I got all I need No, I ain't got cash I ain't got cash But I got you, baby)
 Turning a little to your side you took out your phone and started recording everyone singing and grooving. Tom occasionally glanced at you.
 (Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight
(I love cheap thrills) Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight (I love cheap thrills) But I don't need no money As long as I can feel the beat I don't need no money As long as I keep dancing)
 Unbuckling your seat belt so you got up and kneeled on your seat facing backwards. As you all continued lip syncing loudly and vibing in the car. Tom kept his straight face all the time.
 (Come on, come on, turn the radio on
It's Saturday and I won't be long Gotta paint my nails, put my high heels on It's Saturday and I won't be long)
'Til I hit the dance floor Hit the dance floor I got all I need No, I ain't got cash
I ain't got cash But I got you, baby)
 A sharp turn came as you all jolted to the right side. You almost lost balance, one hand holding tightly on the head rest of your seat and another grasping on Tom's shoulder. He held your hand tightly to prevent you from losing balance, giving you a stern look. You knew that look very well, he used to give you that look when you were being a brat. You felt a little intimidated and straightened yourself and sat properly again.
 (Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight
(I love cheap thrills) Baby, I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight (I love cheap thrills) But I don't need no money As long as I can feel the beat I don't need no money As long as I keep dancing
I don't need no money As long as I…….. Song continues
 Reaching the carnival you were overcome with nostalgia so many sweet memories you had of this place. Everyone got out of the cars and went in different directions. Out of habit you waited for Tom to park the car and then go inside. When you both entered the carnival ground none of your friends could be seen.
 “Guess what our friends ditched us” you pressed your lips together frowning
“I guess so." Tom twisted his lips looking around then turning back to you
"Okay, stay right here I’ll be back in a minute”
“But.. but why? Where are you going now?” you asked confused, tom trailed off in the crowd.
“Huh!” you scowled “am I so bad that he hates to spend a little time with me” you thought. You looked around and thought going into the stalls checking out the stuff. You eventually went when a sparkly pair of earrings caught your eyes. Taking it in your hands you placed them in front of your ears checking in the mirror if they look nice or not.
“I told you to stay right?” you heard Tom say from the back.
“I'm literally near the spot you left me.” You tried to reason.
“Okay here take this.” He handed you a grilled corn. Your face instantly lit up  
“Hey thanks.”  You cheerfully bite into the corn.
 Tom hadn't noticed earlier but now when he saw you carefully your necklace caught his eye it's the same black dahlia necklace he gifted you after filming far from home. A smile crept on his face at the fact that after so many years you had kept it.
You looked up to find him smiling at you “What?” You asked
“Nothing” he shook his head.
It didn't escape Tom's eyes the way you were staring at those sparkly earrings and he instantly knew you wanted them but you were confused if it would be worth buying.
 "You like them?"
 “Huh? Oh no just looking" you shrugged off
 “Oh don't lie to me I know how much of a fetish you have for earrings"
 He immediately asked the seller to pack those for you as he took out his wallet to pay.
 “You know I can pay for myself” you commented
 He grinned "Oh don't worry you can pay me back later by cash or you know by the kindness of your pretty little"
 “You finish that line and I’m gonna kick you in your balls Thomas” you were so done with his snarky comments; you were fuming as you stomped away from him.
 "Hey Y/N! Wait for me!" You picked up your pace. Tom ran to catch up with you. He stood in front of you blocking your way.
 “Here you go" he handed you the small gift bag.
“In no circumstance I'm taking that" crossing your hands and turning your face away annoyed  
“Hey, hey listen” he tried to hold your hands stepping closer.
“Don't touch me” you swatted him away
“Okay feisty pants, calm down” he stepped back raising his hand in the air in defeat.
"Oh come on Y/N I was just joking I'm sorry. Here take this. Pleaaase" he pouted.
"Go and give that to El I’m sure she will pay you back nicely like she did last night." You taunted.
"I don’t switch gifts meant for someone else moreover El isn't much of a fan of my gifts she says my taste is like an old man. She would totally figure out I did’t choose these."
“That’s true you are an old man.” corner of your mouth quirked up. Tom stretched his hand to give you the bag you took it lazily.
“Are we cool now?”
“Yeah sort of.” You gave a half shrug.
“Let's do something like old times then shall we?” Tom proposed
“Yeah fine by me anyways our best friends have ditched us so we are stuck with each other.”
You both went to try out different rides in the carnival. You enjoyed the roller coaster the most. After the ride you both sat down on a nearby bench to rest. Meanwhile you were deciding what to do next.
 “Wanna have some ice cream?” Tom offered
“Have you ever heard me saying no to ice cream?”you smirked
“Okay wait and don't go anywhere this time.” He disappeared in the crowd. You sat on the bench scrolling through your phone.
“Boo!!” Tom grabbed your shoulders from the back. You were startled, almost dropping your phone .
“God! You scared me” you gasped
He chuckled “here you go darling" he handed you your ice cream. Your heart swelled up by the fact that he still remembered your favorite flavour combo by heart one scoop of chocolate and cookies & cream with lots of extra choco chips.
You both started walking, licking on to your ice creams, your bodies brushed against each other occasionally as you both glanced into the stalls. Tom carefully watched you, the way you licked the ice cream made his mind wander to inappropriate places making him smile internally. You both were passing in front of a gaming stall.
 "Wanna win something for your girl?" the owner of the stall threw the question towards Tom.
 “Oh no he has a very bad aim” you tried to get away from there as you always thought these games are just a waste of money.
 “What! I can aim." Tom retorted widening his eyes.
 “No you can't" you argued "And these games are rigged you know that very well Tom" you muttered in his ears.
 "What do you want babe?”
“Babe?? " you gave him a puzzled look.
“Just tell me.”
“Okay that big bunny which you always failed to get to me.” You challenged him.
Tom paid the money he had three chances to throw the ring on the small replica of bunny.
“After you lose don’t tell me I didn’t warn you” you quipped
“Yeah, yeah will see that. And if I win, what is my reward?”
“Of course the big bunny that’s what you paid for, idiot” you grinned.
In the first throw he completely missed it.
"See! I told you it was a waste of money" you complained
"Oh! Y/N just let me concentrate" he huffed
The second throw was almost close, you both groaned frustrated. The third throw was a kind of prestige fight for Tom because he knew you were gonna mock him all his life if he loses. You on the other hand were tense crossing your fingers you wished he would win. Tom threw the ring and it went in the exact spot you both cheered, throwing your hands up in the air and hugged each other tightly. Pulling away soon but you felt a slight pull as you noticed the chain of your necklace had tangled with his spider man necklace. Tom struggled to untangle it, you swatted his hand.
"Stop pulling it dumbo, you are going to break the necklace" you grumbled
Tom felt warmth filling his heart seeing you so possessive about the necklace.You stepped closer and slowly tried untying the knot. Both of your breath hitched. After a few seconds you untangled your chains. The seller handed Tom the stuffed bunny.
“Here you go princess” Tom handed it over to you.
“Thanks.” You took it hugging it tightly. You were now more comfortable with each other giggling and laughing in each other's company. Anybody could mistake you both as a lovely couple. Unknowingly you were now holding hands and walking across the carnival.
“Picture for the beautiful couple?" a photographer from a photo studio chirped around from the corner.
“Oh no no we are not..” Tom cut you off
“Yeah sure why not”
“But tom..”
“Come on Y/N it will be fun”
You reluctantly went inside the studio and tried different costumes. You both posed and clicked some silly photos of yourselves.
Finally you caught sight of the rest of your gang, both of you rushed to them still holding hands.
“Hey where were you guys?” you asked
“Hey aah..” Zendaya stopped halfway to look at you, your hand hooked on to Tom’s arm furrowing, her eyes all skeptical.
You both followed her gaze as you realised, you leave each other's hands feeling awkward looking away.
“So what's with the bunny?”
“Oh it's for El Tom won it as a souvenir for her as she couldn't make it.” You lied.
“You guys wanna go on the Ferris wheel? it will be fun to watch the fireworks from up there”
“Nah we are good down here plus we are hungry.”
“Okay then we are going for the Ferris wheel. Will meet you at the parking lot after that.”
You queued up and waited for your turn to buy the tickets. You turned back a little girl caught your attention, she was glancing at you both mostly Tom curiously with her doe eyes. You thought she must have recognised Tom. Tom looked back too. He waved his hand towards her with a smile.
She tugged on her mother’s dress and whispered.
“Mommy, look spider-man” her mother turned her gaze towards you and gave out a light shriek
“Oh my god! Tom Holland and Y/N Y/L/N!! I’m a huge fan of both of you”
You both smiled.
"I'm Claudia nice to meet you"
“Hello.. nice to meet you too” you both greeted the lady
“Where’s MJ? Are you spider-man’s new girlfriend?” the little girl chirped. You and Tom looked at each other chuckling.
“Ssshh!! Don’t tell MJ” you joked. The little girl frowned. You crouched in front of her as you caressed her cheek.
“I'm kidding honey I’m not spider man's new girlfriend I’m his best friend. What’s your name little miss?”
“That’s a beautiful name Vienna”
“You are so big but you still play with bunnies?” she asked you innocently
Tom stifled a laugh hearing that. You looked at him narrowing your eyes.
“No one is too old for bunnies honey. And this was given to me by someone I love so can’t throw it away can I?" Vienna nodded in approval. You glanced up to Tom.
“Can we take a selfie?” Claudia asked
“Yeah sure why not?” Tom picked up Vienna in his arms as you all cuddled close to take a selfie.
“I heard you are going to perform, is it true?”
“Yes I’m.” You confirmed
“Great!!! Looking forward to attending your concert.”
“I’ll be eager to see you guys in the audience”
"Hey Y/N! come here it's our turn." You heard Tom calling you
"Okay see you guys in the concert bye. Bye Vienna."
Tom had already bought the tickets while you were talking. You got up in your cabin. Sitting close to each other shoulders brushing in the cramped space, it was nothing new though for you two but now the circumstances have changed. The wheel rotated for a couple of times and then it halted as the fireworks were about to begin. Your cabin was at the top so you could get the best view.
“You did this?” you quirked your eyebrow
“Nothing a little extra tip can’t do” he winked. “Wait a minute, it's gonna get better.” He took out his phone and played one of your favorite songs which both of you used to hear.
Perfect starts playing
(I found a love for me Darling, just dive right in And follow my lead Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet I never knew you were the someone waiting for me)
“It feels as if we are teenagers again.” You giggled
The fireworks began as you looked up in the sky in awe. Tom was looking at you the whole time. He had missed your heart warming smile all these years and he felt happy that he was the reason behind your smile. You turned to him to find him already gazing at you with his soft brown eyes.
“I really missed this you know” you gave a tight lipped smile.
“You like it?” he asked softly
“I like it?! I love it!!!” You said excitedly
('Cause we were just kids when we fell in love Not knowing what it was I will not give you up this time Darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own And in your eyes, you're holding mine)
Tom's eyes never left you. You cuddled close leaning on his chest to look at the fireworks show his hand around your shoulder. He felt heat rushing to his ears his chest pounding as he leaned his head above yours to look up at the colourful night sky.
(Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass, we're listenin' to our favorite song When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight)
You felt butterflies in your stomach under his gaze so you straightened yourself looking at him timidly. The atmosphere felt heavy as both of you felt a strong magnetic pull luring both of you. Your body was slightly turned towards him. Your hair blowing in the gentle night breeze.
(Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets To carry love, to carry children of our own)
He himself turned a little facing you, his hands slipped down to rest on your hips as he drew you in. His warm breath falling on your face. He gently brushed away the hair falling on your face tugging it behind your ear and rested his hand on the side of your face caressing your cheek with his thumb. Both lost in each other's eyes. You gazed into his warm brown eyes which were full of love. His eyes flickered between your eyes and to your slightly parted lips. Your faces were just a few millimetres apart, warmth blossomed in your chest, sparks igniting as Tom leaned in close, lips brushing together.
(We are still kids, but we're so in love Fightin' against all odds I know we'll be alright this time Darling, just hold my hand Be my girl, I'll be your man I see my future in your eyes)
Tom pulled you close, deepening the kiss your lips were soft he could taste the chocolate ice cream you had on your lips. You shivered and let out a soft moan. To your surprise you were kissing him back, you felt his warm mouth on yours and closed your eyes, your hands subconsciously went around his neck tugging on to his soft curls. He groaned into the kiss.
(Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass, listenin' to our favorite song When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight)
A strong passion taking over both of you as you frantically kissed each other. Like the first drops of rain brings relief to a rain deprived parched land you both felt the same way, an euphoric bliss, as if you were thirsty for ages and finally the thirst is being quenched. A million emotions of love, lust, desire surged in your bodies. Neither of you wanted to stop, you just wanted to savour this moment.
(Oh, no, no Mm
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms Barefoot on the grass, we're listenin' to our favorite song I have faith in what I see Now I know I have met an angel in person And she looks perfect No, I don't deserve this You look perfect tonight)
 The world seemed oblivious for both of you. Both were brought back to your senses when the wheel started to move again. You slowly broke the kiss still in a haze. Your foreheads resting against each other as you both were gasping for air. You looked into his eyes, a panic strike both of you, you immediately pulled away trying to avoid each other's gaze as you looked over the illuminated town. Part of your mind felt so good and didn't want it to end but the other part reminded you constantly that whatever happened was so wrong. The cabin descended down your heart still beating at an alarming rate you tried to calm yourself placing a hand on your chest. The cabin squeaked as it halted, Tom bent low to squeeze out through the small door of the cabin. Wordlessly, he helped you step out of it. It was time to go back so you started walking back to the parking lot. Not a word was spoken between you two throughout the whole walk.
“Oh the love birds are finally back.” Harry joked
Your heartbeat quickened at his remark as you gave a death glare to him.
“Okay sorry, sorry my bad.”
“Haz can you sit in the front? I want to sit with Z at the back.” You almost begged.
“Yeah sure no problem love.”
You sat silently. Tom looked at you through the rear view mirror as he started the car.
“What happened? You look all flushed out are you okay? Zendaya asked concerned
“Did you guys fight over there or what?” Harrison asked, rolling his eyes.
“No nothing like that, just tired actually.The rides were really fun.”
So let's continue the fun. Harrison turned on the car stereo and played from his Playlist.
 Break My Heart starts playing...
(I've always been the one to say the first goodbye Had to love and lose a hundred million times Had to get it wrong to know just what I like Now I'm fallin')
Everyone started singing. Zendaya nudged you a little, giving you a questioning look, you nodded your head to assure her everything was okay , smiling and joined them.
(You say my name like I have never heard before I'm indecisive but this time I know for sure I hope I'm not the only one that feels it all Are you fallin'?)
You glanced at Tom through the rear view mirror pressing your lips together in a thin line. You had a lot of questions in your mind. You wanted to ask Tom why? Why did you do that? What does this mean to you Tom? Why couldn’t you control yourself from giving into the kiss?
(Center of attention You know you can get whatever you want from me Whenever you want it, baby It's you in my reflection Now I'm afraid of all the things it could do to me If I would've known it, baby)
The air felt suffocating, your throat felt dry as you were sweating. Your mind kept drifting to that heated moment on the Ferris wheel, subconsciously nibbling your lower lip. The whole incident was wrecking your mind.
(I would've stayed at home 'Cause I was doin' better alone But when you said, "Hello" I know that was the end of it all I should've stayed at home 'Cause now there ain't no letting you go Am I falling in love With the one that could break my heart? Oh no, I was doin' better alone But when you said, "Hello" I know that was the end of it all I should've stayed at home 'Cause now there ain't no letting you go Am I falling in love With the one that could break my heart?)
 You now seriously regret coming here; you really should have stayed at home you thought. That face, that damn face will be the death of you one day, it makes you go weak on your knees. You can't be falling in for him again when you know that a heart break is inevitable.
 (I wonder when you go, if I stay on your mind
Two can play that game, but you win me every time Everyone before you was a waste of time Yeah, you got me)
 Tom himself was having a hard time to concentrate on driving his hands all sweaty. You were all on his mind. As he looks at you through the mirror his eyes instantly goes to your plump rosy lips which he was sucking a few moments ago as if his life depends on it. He just wanted to pull you around a corner and feel your soft lips again.
 (Center of attention
You know you can get whatever you want from me
Whenever you want it, baby
It's you in my reflection Now I'm afraid of all the things it could do to me)
This time you caught him staring at you a chill ran down your spine. He immediately looked away face turning red; heat crept up your cheeks turning pink.
(If I would've known it, baby
I would've stayed at home 'Cause I was doin' better alone But when you said, "Hello" I know that was the end of it all I should've stayed at home 'Cause now there ain't no letting you go Am I falling in love With the one that could break my heart? Oh no, I was doin' better alone But when you said, "Hello" I know that was the end of it all I should've stayed at home 'Cause now there ain't no letting you go Am I falling in love With the one that could break my heart?)
.......... Song continues
 As you reached home you waited for everyone to get out of the car and go inside.
“Here take this.” You handed out the stuffed bunny to Tom
“It's for you love not for El and you know that very well.”
“Hmm” you hummed looking into his eyes, many unsaid words were spoken.
You both went up the stairs. Standing in front of your rooms you glanced at each other for one last time and went inside.
“I thought that was for El.” Zendaya pointed out at the stuffed toy.
“Yeah I'll give it to her tomorrow.”
“Now you are going to lie to me too" Zendaya scoffed
"I know it is for you. Mind telling me what's going on between you two?”
“Nothing, nothing is going on. Wha.. What makes you think that? You stammered
“Nothing, just you have been acting strange through the whole ride back home.” Zendaya frowned; she knew something was up with you two.
“Oh I must be tired that's why I guess.” You let out fake yawn.
The night was going to be long for you and Tom as you were still hot and bothered needing some sort of relief but none of you are going to get it tonight.
Taglists: to be added send a message or ask I'll be happy to add you in the following chapters.
@sleepybesson @sophs-library @spideyparkerstark  @itstaskeen @milli86 @biebsmylife95 @quaksonhehe @hannahholland1811  @awhollandx @joyleenl@itsnotmeh24  @bitchinwpoei @astridcomming
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hollyhomburg · 4 years
lili!! i enjoy packtan so much and i couldn't get enough of them! it is such an amazing concept! i love the idea, and how u write them in an ask au, making your reader sort of creating their own fantasy and u expand them in a much finer wording and i am just??!! BRILLIANT! so here i am shamelessly wanted u to expand more (only if u willing to) pregnant!reader. i'm having such a wild baby fever bcs all of my closest friends are pregnant and we're just drowning in this motherhood vibe.
i’m so glad you like them! it’s kinda really fun to like- pop in and add a little bit of the au each day and kind of expand on it- I've gotten a lot of asks about Empireverse Packtan au and I’m kind of resisting answering because I know I have SO many ideas about it that once I start posting it won’t stop. so given that, I’m gonna answer this in idolverse au! 
I think that before the reader gets pregnant (in the surprising way we see in this ask) she kind of feels a little shy, they’ve only ever talked about the possibility of pups with jimin and jin, and she knows like- she’s been in their pack for little over a year and she’s kind of just accepted that...it’s going to be a little while before they’ll talk about it at least, kind of worried about bringing it up and causing friction
in this au, she’s only ever almost been in a pack once before and things were really toxic and the alphas there were really controlling and often guilt-tripped her into making her feel like she couldn’t ask for things. And she hates that the first thing she assumes is that she can’t- but she doesn't. Even though she babysits her friend's pups and kind of starts to look forward to them, finds herself getting jealous of them, how their alphas and betas are so soft and caring with them. 
She wants it so bad it starts to kind of intrude into their sex life, she finds herself begging for knots with a new vigor, trying to not let their cum escape she’s not on her Heat so she can’t get pregnant but :( she wants a pup kinda badly and she thinks they don’t really want them with her. 
until her friend takes a video of her nuzzling into their pup and doing some good old babytalk, the one and a half-year-old sitting up chubby in her lap, giggling every time you poke at your own cheeks, making ridiculous faces just to get some more giggles out of them. they send it to you and then one of the boys texts you “ugh- filming is such a drag today they just can’t get the shots right, how is your day baby? are you enjoying your time with Jae-shii and little Hoon?” you send him back a little string of emoji’s and the video and put the phone away totally unaware of the chaos you are about to cause.
meanwhile, at the shooting, Taehyung visibly melts when he sees the video, grinning and turning to bury his head into the couch cushions kicking his feet. “what's got you so happy” Hoseok asks, enjoying a little lunch between takes, “no this is only for me~ it’s too cute~ it’s mine” “let me see!” hobi holds his heart after the video ends, “I need to sit down,” 
namjoon and yoongi see it next, jimin crumpling onto jins lap as the two omegas watch the video again and again, “tell me we’re too young for pups hyung- please tell me we are,” yoongi looks up from the video, shaking his head, gummy smile on display. “never joonie, god she’s so cute how-” 
the video ends up getting sent in the group chat so that all of them can save it to their phones and you look down to a barrage of messages during lunch, blushing at the messages how they’re spamming you. your friend teases you when you tell them what they’re sending you. “baby you look so cute~” “y/n + babys = terrible for my concentration” “wow now i want pups with you” “our babies would look cuter than yours hobi” “jungkook you’re a baby- you can;t be talking about having babies” “i can’t wait to have pups with you” 
you even get a text in your private chat from yoongi “this had me dreaming of our future, I can’t wait to start a family with you, even though we’re a family already”  “haha really?” you respond in the group chat, and are suddenly treated with a flurry of new messages, “yes!!?!? of course!” “you’d be such a good mommy with jinnie and me” “yeah why wouldn't we wanna have kids with you?” 
“i don’t know, i just didn’t think that you guys really wanted pups with me, we’ve never talked about it before, and when you do talk about it it’s mostly about jimin and Seokjin so I just- kinda assumed.” there is a momentary silence on your phone, you can sense across the city there must be something happening if they’re so quiet, eventually, namjoon’s the one who texts the group chat. “okay, pack meeting when we get home about this, we definitely need to talk about his face to face.” 
you’re anxious, but it dosent end up being that bad as the pack meeting happens when you’re all cuddled down in pajamas, some members going in and out of the bathroom to wash off the tiredness of the day. “of course we want to have pups with you, and i know we’ve always tabled that kind of discussion for a later date because of our careers” “but we don’t have to wait if it’s with you,” “we would kinda want to be around more though, we wouldn’t want to have to leave you alone for long periods of time” 
taehyung cuddles up to your side, his hands rubbing soothing circles onto your abdomen, and you can already tell he’s imagining you swollen with pups, likes the idea too from the way he scent marks you close. “I think- I think I want it too, maybe like you said, maybe not now, but definitely one day soon” you guys talk it out, and eventually you agree that like- within the next five years you’ll start seriously trying for pups with you at least.
 jimin and jin are okay with waiting for a little, they’ll be sated with their maternal urges by seeing you, and you talk it out more, how jin and jimin have always had the agreement that the two of them will help out a lot with each other's pups and yours, you now that all of you will end up being parents, the pups will be yours and whichever alpha or beta gets you pregnant first, but they’ll also be loved and taken care of by the other 6 of them, the responsibility shared equally. eventually, you fall asleep with more than one hand on your belly, feeling happy and reassured that they want to start a life with you, that you’re here to stay, 
and of course, the next few months you end up being a little too lax with your birth control around your heats. usually one of them makes sure you take your pill once every 12 hours during your heat, but after some confusion, it gets forgotten for the first day- they don’t even realize they missed giving it to you, which is how you end up getting pregnant in the first place. it might be a little earlier than they where planning but they’re also just so so happy.
i know this isn’t exactly pregnant! reader but I did want to like expand more on how they talk about having kids. 
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So many people have given me feed back on the Alan and Sarah have 4 evil children AU so I made some more vignettes!
How Alan responded each time to Sarah telling him she was pregnant.
Oliver: Was absolutely elated. It meant he would appear as a family man and would be more likely to get re-elected.
Marie: Was overjoyed. Didn’t know he was going to be ousted though. Was in awe that he had a girl and liked that she looked like Sarah from day 1
Constance: Was happy, told Sarah that this was it. No more children. Was hoping that this would be another boy, but was happy none the less.
Grace: A surprise! He was furious. How could Sarah be so forgetful?! How hard is it to take a damn pill?! Another child, it threw his plans completely out of whack and that new yacht he was wanting would have to wait. However the moment he first held Grace he knew she was going to be special. But no more. Sarah’s getting her tubes tied.
Connie: Honestly, what kind of night vision goggles are these?! I can’t see a thing!!
Gervais: *takes them and looks at them* These are regular binoculars..
Connie: Then why is Dad always using them at night?..
-Awkward silence from all of them-
Oliver: *dangling keys at Marie* Do you need a ride home or is your trust-fund prince taking you to the local stupor?
Marie: I never should have pulled you out of the pool that one time..
Leslie( Pier’s and Clarissa’s middle child. 14): I worked all summer for these arms! Why won’t Constance notice them?
Oliver: You shouldn’t have stopped. You look like a potted plant that’s barren.. also you’re never going to get my parents permission to date my most problematic sister. *lights a cigarette*
Leslie: Why not?!
Oliver: *takes a drag* Because my father hates The Gentry. Sir Leslie. He hates it when blokes just get handed things without working for them.
Girl: Oliver!...Here. I did your biology homework.
Oliver: Aww..thank you, Darling. Shall I see you at lunch?
Girl: Sure..*giggles and walks on*
Leslie: Who was that?
Oliver: Hell if I know.
-A girl has threatened to beat up Connie for running her mouth. Leslie is trying to save her but it does not go as planned-
Leslie: ...Honestly why must we fight, ladies? We are the children of the most powerful people in Great Britain. What on earth could we possibly want for? After all Neville Chamberlain once said : “I am myself a man of peace to the depths of my soul. Armed conflict between nations is a nightmare to me; but if I were convinced that any nation had made up its mind to dominate the world by fear of its force, I should feel that it must be resisted...”
-Girl punches him in the gut and falls to the ground-
-Oliver steps over him-
Oliver: Yes, but Winston Churchill said: “Those who can win a war well can rarely make a good peace, and those who could make a good peace would never have won the war."...You have a mean right hook. I like that. Oliver B’Stard. Future MP, current president of the Senior Cla-
-Girl knees him in the groin, he’s now on the floor with Leslie. Both groaning-
The girl’s father has requested to speak with Alan and Sarah.
Alan: “There is no need to fuss. We will have a civilized discussion..Pay attention, Oliver this is how -adults- handle things.”
Oliver: “If her parents are anything like her you might want to keep a reasonable distance. I’m still recovering...oh..here Mum..”
-Oliver reaches into his pants and pulls out a bag of frozen peas-
Sarah: Here. Thaw out these carrots while you’re at it. -hands him the bag and he slides them under his belt making a tiny noise of relief-
-Sometime later-
Girl’s father: As a doctor I can tell you it would be in your incredibly unstable child’s best interest if she were immediately sedated sent to a personal care home.
Oliver: -Watching from the stairs with his siblings. chuckles. Knowing how this will end now. Accepts the bag of popcorn Connie gives him-
Alan: Oh really? It’s my understanding that your child is jealous of mine. I mean...look at my wife...look at me..she comes from incredible stock. She’s going to be naturally beautiful and popular..if ..a bit of a late bloomer..
Constance: -offended gasp-
Girl’s Father: You know what? All of your children are spoiled, problematic derelicts and they’ve done nothing but bring the academy into a further social decline since they arrived!
Sarah: -stands up- ...I would tread lightly, Doctor..you’re standing in a mansion full of guns, explosive devices and illegal immigrant ex-assassins from Russia working as our house staff...
Marie: I thought there was something off about Mrs.Gorbachev..
Girl’s Father: I knew you B’Stard’s were evil but raising children to be evil?...I‘lol report you all to the school board...
Alan:...Now now..let’s not get hasty...-Alan reaches into his jacket-
Connie: Aw here it comes. I bet it’ll be 12,000
Marie: No more than 10
Oliver: He’s made Dad pretty mad. I say 3
Grace: I think it’s a gun. -points at Alan having a gun-
Oliver:..Well. That’s certainly new.
Sarah is watching Grace play with William, Pier’s youngest son who is one year older than Grace.
Sarah: Alan...come here. Look at Grace playing with William Fletcher-Dervish.
Alan: Another one? They just keep spawning like Sea lamprey..
Sarah: Watch her. She’s being incredibly demanding and bossy. I don’t like that one bit..
Alan: Oh dear, I wonder who she inherited -that- from.
-She glares at him-
Alan: But I can see your point...She won’t attract a husband with that attitude.
Sarah: She’s seven years old!
Alan: And that’s my point, we’ve got to get on this NOW, Sarah. I mean by the time she turns 21 who knows what society will look like. We have to have submissive conservative women or the Tories will die out!
One of their children is in trouble
Alan:...Alright Sarah. Which one is it?
Sarah: It’s Oliver.
Alan: Oliver?! He’s the good one! I mean..Marie will probably get pregnant before she’s 21, Connie will marry the first bloke that gives her attention and Grace will probably be in prison before she’s 13 for money laundering or leading an organized crime syndicate. He’s the only one that has a future!
Sarah: Alan! Surely you have more faith in your daughters than that.
Alan:...I would if it were legal to keep them at home until I find suitable husbands for them. That was the plan when I was Protector..BUT NoOoOoooo. This is the 20th century women are “liberated”. They get to pick their -own- husbands.
Sarah: Do you know who you sound like?....My father. You forget..I got to pick you...*rubs noses with him*
Alan: *pushes her away* I’ve had a bitch of a day, Sarah. Don’t tell me things like that....and our marriage was a strategic masterpiece, Darling. I only hope Oliver finds -his- Sarah one day...hopefully one that doesn’t try to kill him all the time. I’d like my name to live on.
Sarah: I’m only stating the truth, Darling. Just admit it. You’re protective over them. It’s okay to love them. I love them...sometimes.
Alan:...*sighs...running a hand over his face* ....What did he do?...
Sarah: He was caught in the girl’s locker room. Showering with the girl’s field hockey team.
*Alan grins and nods approvingly*
*Sarah crosses her arms and rolls her eyes*
Alan: Oh, that’s just a healthy growing boy’s habit, Darling. I was doing the same thing at his age. Except I showered with the future homemakers club. A conservative boy’s fantasy come true...
Sarah: You were showering with them because they couldn’t tell you were a BOY.
Alan: Your point? I still got to see 12 naked girls all at once.
Sarah: Marie...that Diamond bracelet is lovely where did you get it?
Marie: Oh. I bought it with the money Daddy gave me to breakup with Brian.
Sarah: Aah. I see. Seems it wasn’t serious as you thought?
Marie: Oh no. I really just wanted this bracelet and I knew you and Daddy would never give me the money to get it so I fake-dated Brian Crippen and poof!...Bribe money. Bracelet. Pity though I don’t think I’ll be able pull it off twice
Sarah:...Marie...That’s ..brilliant. I’m so proud.
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Fatherhood [South Park] Prologue
Kenny isn't a complicated man, no way, he was raised in poverty and expected a lot less as a kid as he did as an adult. He expected himself to finally move from the shitty home into another shitty place away from his house with Karen in tow. He wouldn't dare leave his sister in the same shitty house he had been raised in, and end up at some dirty part time job to make ends meet and so he could help put Karen through college or a home of her own, whatever floats her boat. Then he'll meet some super hot chick, slide into her dms and somehow get her pregnant then marry her out of guilt she since was stuck with him and their kid. Just like his mom and dad, but he wouldn't abuse her or anything else, he wanted to be a better father than his was. 
He wanted to be the best and never let his kids go through everything he went through as a child. Kenny expected his life to be like that until he met [M/N] at least.
The guy turn his head around and made his chest hurt, he actually died. [M/N] actually gave him a heart attack, which was funny and the next day, he asked [M/N] for his name and number. The rest was history actually. They started dating at a young age, they never really fought either which was different from most relationships in South Park, they always had a date every Sunday and Thursday night since [M/N] and Kenny's schedules were terribly busy with their own lives and families. Usually it was at [M/N]'s home too, both relaxing and they watched movies. As they grow older though, they had more dates and worked their own jobs. [M/N] saving up for college and maybe somewhere nice to stay in while Kenny saved up for himself and Karen's own needs. Though, slowly, their relationship began to slowly break. Like the chain that kept them together was slowly rotting and cracking.
They knew it, everyone else did too but mind their own business. Kenny's eyes began to wonder and [M/N] began throwing himself into his studies and work when he noticed Kenny's eyes did wonder to the female population like he did in their younger years. Oh how it hurt him, how it made [M/N] question himself too. Was he right for Kenny? Was he neglecting him badly that Kenny wanted more compony with someone that had a perky set of breast? Was he a horrible boyfriend? [M/N] must be if he was holding back the only man he loved. He was horrible.
That's why he had to let him go, If you love something then you have to let him go right?
So, that's exactly what he did with a heavy heart and soft sobs, " I'm sorry," He had began to Kenny's horror and as horrible as it sounded, to his relief. " I don't think I can do this anymore, keeping you with me when you want something else. I've seen your eyes wonder to girls and I knew you don't have to gull or balls to cheat on me. So instead of making you suffer any longer, I'm breaking up with you." Before Kenny could console his Ex-boyfriend, [M/N] walked away from him and down the street. Kenny's eyes watching his figure get smaller and smaller until he was out of sight.
Kenny began chasing girls after that, he was a free man now. He was free from being the best boyfriend, free from his expectations, free. Maybe he wasn't someone who liked being in a relationship that lasted long as theirs's? Of course, he glanced at the occasional man but his focus was on women with the largest tits and the softest [H/C].
[M/N] never seemed to taken interest in the same sex, as far as Kenny knew, Craig was pushing it at times but nothing serious between [M/N] and him or any other guy, not like Kenny was paying attention either. It just bothered him but Kenny pushed it away.
He wasn't jealous, no way. He should be busy with the current girl around him, they kissed, screwed and everything else but Goldie Anderson never was one for labels. The short black-haired girl had two dull brown eyes and usually had cheap and dented glasses. She had a medium set of breast and a slightly curvy waist, but god, her lips were thick and usually wore ruby red lipstick. Her outfits were dirty or were tight on her which she used it to her advantage when she seduced Kenny to her bed.
Goldie Anderson's situation was like Kenny's, poor family and drunks but the only difference was that Goldie was an only child and often seduced others who had money. How she ended up with Kenny was a strange situation but no one said anything. They were almost adults, they'll handle their messes.
Except this was a mess they couldn't exactly clean up, or Kenny couldn't. Nine months ago, Goldie had slept with Kenny, no condom and claimed she was on the pill which was good enough for Kenny at the moment. After that, Goldie avoided Kenny like the plague which confused the other but shrugs it off. More girls were waiting for him anyway.
[M/N] gotten his student job thanks to the school, which would look great on his college application, he would help at the local daycare on the weekdays after school. Only Monday through Thursday, paid twelve dollars and hour. He was good. As long as he works through until he graduates, PC Principal would send a letter of reccomdation at a college in Boulder or Aspen for his teaching degree. He was busy with focusing on school to know of Kenny's sexcapades. He would start officially in October. He had his own expectations on himself, work hard enough so he could teach kids, don't get caught up with drama then marry some guy and have his own kids.
Two different men and their expectations through the roof. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kenny groans as he woke up to his parents fighting in their bedroom, they were fighting since he could hear his dad say over and over, " Fuckin' bitch, FUCK YOU!" Like a broken record, then the sound of glass breaking against the wall. The blonde sighs as he combes his fingers through his blonde hair and slowly get off the bed. It was early as far as he knew, the sun was poking out from under blanket that he covered the window with. He shuffled his boxers back up and covered himself the bottom half of himself with them, then a pair of sweat pants then his orange Parka. He pulled the hoodie up before walking out the door.
He was sure there was some bagels for him and Karen for breakfast, not to mention Tweek as given them a few days old coffee to warm up. Nice breakfast for the first day of the month, the blonde entered the kitchen and ignored the squeaks of mice and rats who breaks away from their groups and hid away. Kenny pulled the bag of bagels out the fridge and open up, his teal eyes peering in to see the first bagel was turning green and fluffy, he throws it away and takes the other one that had yet to turn gross. At least Karen would be able to eat today, he placed the bread into the toaster and switched it on. Kenny takes what's left of their cream cheese and placed it on the counter. 
The fighting hasn't stop but he didn't move to stop it, they always fought and always threw things and today Kenny didn't want to be apart of it. Kenny placed the coffee he had left in the cup and began warming it up in the dirty microwave, he watched it spin around slowly and the machine humming as it warmed his drink. Probably the only thing he would be eating at all. Not that he minded, his sister before himself. Kevin finally booked it when he turned seventeen with Stan's sister, Shelly. Last he heard, she was large and about to pop out Kenny's first niece or nephew. 
As long as Kevin doesn't turn out like their father, than Kenny had no problem of them having a kid together in some other none fuckish place like South Park. Plus not another mouth to feed. I hope they're okay though, knowing Kevin isn't one for reasonability, Kenny thought as he placed the bagel on the plastic plate. He used the butter knife and spread the cream cheese over the bagel as he heard footsteps come towards the kitchen. He turns to see Karen, she was rubbing sleep from her eyes and smiled drowsly at her brother. For now, karen is my only responsibility. " Morning Ken." Karen greeted with a yawn, " How are you?" " I'm good princess, you?" Kenny asked as Karen smiled but both winced when another bottle hit the wall and then there was knocking on the door. " Get the door?" Karen smiled and walked towards the door just as the microwave beeps, the blonde turns around and opens the tiny door and picks up his lukewarm coffee cup. He inhales it for a moment before drinking it. He heard the door open and closed within minutes, " You okay-woah-baby." Kenny said all in once when karen came back into the kitchen with a baby in her arms. It didn't move but he could see it breathing. " Just because we live in a shitty neighborhood, doesn't mean were a dumping ground for bastards." Kenny said, annoyance growing. " It's from Goldie's mom." Karen answered softly, looking down at the sleeping baby. " It's a boy..." " Okay, so Goldie got pregnant from some other dude and her mom wants it gone-" " Ken, he looks like you from the pictures mom has." Karen stops her brother from ranting away at Goldie being a bad mother. " She said Goldie went away and she didn't want him." Kenny stared at the bundle in Karen's arms for a moment and blinked, he could see blonde hair poking out from under the blanket a bit. He had a son, a baby boy. Another McCormick, he had made another McCormick. Kenny made a baby with a girl who didn't want anything to do with him other than sex. Oh how screwed he was, the grip on the mug falters and it falls to the floor which startled the baby and began crying loudly in a distressed Karen's arms. He wails and raised his chubby arms in the air as he sobbed for comfort. That's how it all began.
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Undercover Lover prt 79 prt 1
Driving back to Trost felt wrong. Leaving Eren again felt wrong. In the end Levi nearly turned back half a dozen times before giving up and giving in. He’d wanted to respect Eren’s wishes. He truly did, so he found himself a hotel room before sitting down on the edge of the bed for some serious wallowing. There he was, 43 fucking years old, pining over his brat who was 15 years his junior. Life. Work. Existing. He’d gone through all the steps before Eren came along. He’d tried dating. He’d tried feeling. Now all he felt was old and useless in the face of what he’d left Eren to go through. How the fuck had he let himself fuck it all up so fucking bad? Why did he run away at thought of losing Eren? Why did he have to let his shitty fears get the best of him when Eren needed him the most?
There weren’t enough hours in the day to scrub away the memory of that day. He’d lied to his friends. He’d lied to himself. He’d broken Eren’s heart and his own along with it. Then he talked about respecting Eren, only to now he renting a shit hole of a room because he couldn’t walk away again. Hanji had tried her fucking hardest to help him. All he’d done was blow up at her. He’d blown up at everyone out of his own self caused misery. He’d thought Eren could forget him. He wasn’t all the great things Eren saw in him. His brat hadn’t left his mind for an instant. He missed it all. Eren didn’t need a snivelling alpha who let his fears get in the way. He needed Levi to get his shit together and prove himself through his actions.
He missed Eren being at home waiting for him. He missed Eren giving him shit about not bothering to know the neighbours. He missed the days when they did nothing but lay on the sofa together like the world didn’t matter. He missed cooking for his brat, and knowing in some way Eren understood why he was the way he was. He missed listening to Eren go on and on about his bike to the point he was jealous of the damn thing. There was this kind of energy that came from the omega when he was working. Whether it be on a case or on his bike, Eren had such pride in what he did that Levi envied him. He didn’t want to hold Eren back. He wanted the omega to achieve everything he ever wanted. He didn’t own Eren and never had, no, Eren had gifted him with his love and he’d fucked it up.
His depression had been worse than it’d ever been before. Thoughts of acting reckless and stupid invading his mind. He’d been such a coward and he hated himself so much it made him physically sick for a time. Even working with his team didn’t distract him from Eren. He couldn’t go out in the field as he was, so worked what he could from their centre of operations, annoyed he’d been benched over his own shitty actions. Why couldn’t he have accepted things sooner? He’d been thinking about Eren wanting children... He’d let himself think about it. He’d let himself start to want it then feared he’d ruin Eren’s life if they stayed together. He couldn’t... he couldn’t walk away and wait another two weeks, no matter how selfish that made him.
Pulling his phone from his pocket, he opened his photos. Their daughter right there. He didn’t want to walk away from her. He didn’t want her to be asking the same questions he had. If she was loved. If she came from love. If she was wanted. Who her father was. Did his father even care that he’d existed or had he never know? Had his mother truly loved him or was he a reminder of what could have been one of the worst experiences of her life? What would it have been like to grow up with her there? Would she have loved him? Would she have accepted him? It’d been so long he no longer remembered the face of his mother. He didn’t remember how she smelt or how it felt to be with her. He didn’t want children because... deep down, his biggest fear was he’d pass on his sins to any child he had. He feared his sins as much as he’d feared Eren hating him. He’d feared his omega dying trying to chase his dreams. Eren out there somewhere happy without him was a far easier pill to swallow then Eren not being out there at all.
Eren had told him he’d do some “serious thinking”. Levi wanted to throw all thought out the window and let emotion cloud both their judgements. He wanted to take Eren on a proper date. He wanted to see him smile... and maybe just a little bit hoped that his omega would go “dumb” as he’d complained he did so often. Eren could be very dumb, yet he wasn’t stupid. He’d never been stupid in all the time Levi had known him, despite doing some pretty stupid things. Fuck, if he was going to ignore Eren’s wishes, he might as well call him now and take the scolding he was bound to receive... but first he had to do something about the lie he’d been lying. He was going to be a father and it was about time he spoke up about it... and the first person he really owed it to was Hanji.
Rewriting his message to shitty foureyes twice, it took all of thirty seconds for Hanji to be calling him back. He could imagine Hanji there with her hands in some shitty corpse getting Moblit to read the message to her, before she promptly dropped everything. Sliding his thumb across to answer, Hanji was already yelling before he moved the phone to his ear
“Levi! What the fuck do you mean Eren is pregnant?!? Did you get him pregnant?! Are you really going to be father?! How is he?! Is he talking to you?! You better have fucking apologised or I’m going to castrate you! Did this happen in Marley? Is he okay? When did this happen?! Levi? You better still be there!”
Hanji had a way with words and ignoring the basic function of breathing between words
“Levi!? Say something!”
“Hey, Hanji. I’m going to be a dad”
“Oh, thank god. Now, what do you mean our Eren is pregnant? I know you saw him in Marley but...”
“I fucked it all up”
Hanji took a sharp breath
“You better not be telling me what I think you’re telling me”
Yep. She’d already guessed the truth
Levi had winced in preparation, moving his phone away from his ear as Hanji started yelling again
“Are you stupid?! How could you do to that to him?!”
“Trust me, I know how dumb I was”
“Do you?! He’s an unstable omega! How could you do that to him?! Do you know how much he loved you? How much he trusted you?! What if he’d had a drop?! What if his dynamic had shifted? To much beta and he could lose the baby!”
“I know... I mean, I talked to Hannes. Eren didn’t mention it, and I’m waiting until he brings it up”
“You’re the dumbest arsehole I know. Eren wouldn’t want you to worry! Where are you?”
“In Nedlay...”
“Good. I want you to go throw yourself at his feet and beg his forgiveness!”
Levi sighed deeply, Hanji needed to stop watching so many weird movies
“I’ve already apologised... He wanted time to think... but I don’t think I can leave him again...”
Hanji let out an equally deep sigh
“I know you’re not dumb but I’m so fucking pissed at you. At least now I know why you’ve been insufferable dick. Is he at least okay?”
“Yeah... Fuck, Hanji you should see him. He’s so excited about the baby...”
He’d nearly told her it was girl, but Eren should at least have the choice when he shared that. As far as he knew, Armin hadn’t been told yet
“... they’re so small... He’s gone through so much alone... but... I’m going to be a dad...”
A dad to someone who’d wear those tiny socks he’d bought. Someone who’d be so tiny and grow up in front of their eyes...
“Levi... I get that you’re caught up in this, but have you really thought things through? I’m not trying to be a bitch here, but babies in general are more work than people think...”
“I know. I already talked to Hannes...”
And he’d read himself into a hole of tangled thoughts from all the online advice
“Which is good and all, but did you try talking to Eren about what he wants and needs from you as his partner? You can’t walk away again... and you shouldn’t have in the first place”
“I know... He says he doesn’t want anything...”
“Idiot. Of course he does. He’s a pregnant unbonded omega who fell head over heels for our resident cranky pants. You’re lucky he’s talking to you at all, but if he’s not being honest about his pregnancy with you, then you need to be the one honest with him. There’s this magical thing called talking. You two were getting good at that”
They’d talked last night. Eren missed everyone from Shinganshima and Trost... Isabel would be so excited to know Eren was pregnant... Yet... Hanji wasn’t there. She wasn’t in Eren’s head, nor had seen him. He’d told Eren how he felt, but maybe it was time to go big? He didn’t want Eren thinking he didn’t respect him
“I don’t want him to feel pressured or obligated”
“Because love is logical like that? Does he know you’re there?”
“Yeah. We talked a bit. I was going back to Trost today and I couldn’t do it. It felt wrong to leave him”
“And you say I’m the idiot. You’ve been a complete bastard since you two broke up. I understand why now, and I knew it was hard because everyone could see how much you adored him, but you’re not listening to your instincts. You need to be there for him. Having his alpha there for the pregnancy will help him stay calm and settled, though with you, I wouldn’t be surprised if snaps and smothers you in your sleep”
“I want to be... Fuck, Hanji. I want to be there for him”
“Then go call him. You fucked things up but Eren is Eren. Tell him how you feel”
“I already did. He wanted space to think”
“And you rolled over and let him. Now, I have a baby shower to plan, and you’re not coming home until you bring him back”
Eren wouldn’t love Levi dictating his life. Why was he the only one who seemed to be listening to what Eren had to say? Hanji knew how damn stubborn Eren could be
“He’s got a life here”
Hanji sounded ready to explode. Levi didn’t think he was being dumb enough to warrant her annoyance
“And you won’t if you don’t make up with our Eren. You’re lucky you’re not here or I’d stab you myself. Please tell Eren I’m excited for him. Who would have thought you’d be a father?”
Though she didn’t say it was because he was “fucked up”, Levi could hear it in her tone
“Not me... I’ve got to go. Thanks for the chat”
“You should be thanking me. And tell Eren to message me. I miss him...”
“You do realise he’s carrying my baby”
Hanji cackled like the maniac she was
“Pffft. I’m clearly the better choice. Widdle Levi’s gonna a widdle ba-“
Hanging up Hanji. He didn’t want to hear it if she wasn’t going to be serious. She hadn’t even congratulated him. Now that he’d told her, she’d tell everyone. Shit. He didn’t want Isabel and Farlan finding out from Hanji... nor did he have the energy for another phone call with a screaming woman. Texting both of them, pride came with being able to tell. He’d kept quiet for Eren, and now he finally had the chance to brag that his brat of an omega was carrying their baby. It’d been hard not to confide in Erwin. Erwin less than impressed to learn the secret he’d been keeping. He wanted to tell his team. To tell Hannes. To shove it Grisha’s face that he was missing out on the life of the most amazing omega he’d ever met. Hopefully Eren would hear him out about staying, and hopefully his brat would like what he was planning.
Watching Levi leave, Eren needed a few moments. The alpha’s anger had made his omega panicky. Levi meeting Floch wasn’t supposed to happen. Floch would have known who Levi was, without Levi having to introduce himself. If it weren’t for that shitty call to forensics to see if they could get their evidence bumped up in the queue Levi wouldn’t have had to come looking for him.
Heading back into the foyer, Floch was waiting for him. Eren had half a mind to punch him in the face again for talking to Levi. Instead, he ignored the alpha, knowing it’d upset Floch more that way. Heading towards the elevator, Floch followed him. Why couldn’t he take a hint already? Hitting the button Floch moved to stand next to him, nearly as unnerving as having the man behind him
“What’s in the bag?”
“None of your business”
“I’m only trying to make conversation”
“From what I understand you’ve been telling people I’m a slut. How’s that for conversation?”
As the elevator doors opened, Floch followed him in. Eren lifting up the bag to rifle through what the hell Levi had bought. There was more in the bag than the two prescriptions he’d been expecting
“It’s not like that...”
“Floch, I don’t care. You can play all the games you want to, but if you ever go near Levi again, I won’t hold back”
“I’m telling you it wasn’t like that. He wanted directions to your office”
Three bottles of hydralites sat in the bag, as well as big block of chocolate and something pinkish down the very bottom of the bag that he couldn’t pull out without making a mess. Levi didn’t have to buy him anything, yet the gesture was appreciated
“I know. Reception called me. But what this has to do with you I fail to see”
“Because it’s clear you’re setting yourself up to be hurt...”
“Whether it is or isn’t, isn’t your business”
“But you need someone... You don’t have to go through this alone”
“Floch, I’m fine. I don’t need someone”
“Then what’s in the bag? If you were fine you wouldn’t need so many pills. We weren’t the best when we were together but we could try...”
“No. And don’t even think about leaving flowers on my desk again. I don’t know what game you’re playing, but this is my life. I’d die before I get back with the likes of you”
Floch threw his hands up. The alpha could lay hands on him in the elevator when there was a camera right there
“I’m trying to be there for you. Why can’t you listen to me?!”
“What? Listen to you tell the father of my child that I get around?!”
“He left you... I wouldn’t make that mistake again. We could be a family. You, me and the baby... I’d love it like it was my own”
Eren wished to god the camera wasn’t watching them, or Floch would be eating meals through a straw
“Floch. Your childish obsession needs to come to an end”
“No, you need to see sense. No one’s going to love you like I do. Please Eren, tell me what to do to make you see that”
“Nothing is going to make that happen. I’m going back to the case and I suggest you should too”
Having borrowed a conference room to go through all the evidence again, Eren was stuck with Floch following him. Armin watching the pair of them enter, silently asking if he needed to kill Floch with his eyes. Giving a slight shake of his head, Eren dumped the bag down in front of where he’d been sitting
“Right. Where are we?”
Please for the love of his sanity don’t let them be going over people’s socials again...
“We’ve finally got the call records back for the bouncer. I thought you’d like to see them first”
“Perfect. Do you have the call log for the omega too? I want to cross reference the numbers”
“Sure do. What’s in the bag and why do you smell awful?”
Seeing Floch was sure to open his mouth, Eren figured he should explain things first
“Levi brought me some things I’d left with him yesterday, and picked my scripts up for me this morning”
Armin gave a squeal jumping on the spot in happiness
“Dude! How did you not tell me?! I asked and you said no”
“Because I thought he’d be on his way to Nedlay but he had the ultrasound photos and my stuff from the obstetrician. Can we get on with work now?”
“Nooo. Oh my god, did he see the baby?!”
“If I say yes, will you let me get on with my work?”
Armin squealed again, rushing to throw his arms around him. His best friend seemed to have forgotten there were other people in the room
“I’m so happy, but you’re being careful right? You have to tell me everything when we’re done here”
“Seeing you’re giving me a ride after work, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt. There’s not much to tell. It was... nice”
“You totally slept with him, didn’t you?”
“‘Min, we’re at work, can we please focus? I’d rather not discuss my private life with a witness”
Armin let him go
“I know. It’s just you guys are so in love and now he’s met the baby... I would have congratulated him if I’d known he was here”
“You can congratulate him when you see him next, and for the third time, can we please get back to the case?”
The expression on Floch’s face left him feeling uncomfortable. Armin’s excitement seemed to be pissing the alpha off
“Okay, okay. Sooo do you want to write on the board or should I?”
“You can. I’ll read the numbers. Let’s start with the omega first. Did we get the club call list?”
“No dice there. Not enough evidence despite the dealing happening there”
“Fuck. Well, I guess we just have to do things the old fashion way”
Knowing there was chocolate there, Eren pulled out the bar, then gave into his curiosity as he emptied the bag to the bottom layer. Socks. Three sets of tiny socks. His omega melting at the size of them. They were so tiny. Tiny and very cute with their pink bows... Levi had given their baby a gift. The first gift he’d gotten for his little girl. Tearing up, he wanted to laugh at how much of a practical gift giver Levi was
Quickly wiping away his tears, Eren placed the papers from the obstetrician over them, then replaced his medication into the bag. The socks were so small. Socks for their baby girl... Levi didn’t have to... but he had and now Eren wished he hadn’t left. He would have thanked him if he’d known. He hadn’t bought anything for their daughter yet and the gesture had him feeling so emotional
“Sorry. I’m good”
Armin raised an eyebrow
“Right. That’s why you’re crying”
“It’s hormones. I’m so happy to have chocolate that you wouldn’t believe it”
Armin shook his head, turning back to the glass board
“I don’t. You ready with those numbers?”
“Yep, gimme a second...”
Breaking for lunch, Armin hung back with Eren. Having demolished the whole block of chocolate, the sugar crash wasn’t fun but it’d been so worth it. Waiting for the room to clear, his best friend was on him the moment the coast was clear
“Why didn’t you tell me Levi was back?! Did he go to the scan? Is he staying? I know you said he’d be back but what happened?!”
“We’re having a baby girl... I wanted to tell Mikasa first, but she’s not on until tonight. Levi came to the scan, and he spent the night”
“Not like that. We slept... that’s all that happened in bed. But... I left my prescription in his car so he picked it up. ‘’Min, you’ve got to see this”
Pulling the socks out the bag, Armin awwed over them
“They’re so tiny”
“Yeah... and he... he chose them himself. I don’t want to rush things... and he gets that, but I can’t help but hate that he’s gone again”
“Why didn’t you ask him stay?”
“I’ve got the baby to think about. I... you know how much it hurt to lose him once. What if he leaves us again? I won’t do that to her... You should have seen his face at the ultrasound... and he... he wanted to know how the baby was, how he could help...”
“I know he hurt you. I still want to kick him in the balls for it, but he loves you. You love him”
If only things could be settled that easily
“I don’t want to be hurt. I don’t want our daughter growing up with parents that can’t talk to each other... I don’t want him if he doesn’t want me. Not just because I’m carrying his baby”
“He loved you before then. If he wants to be involved, that can only be a good thing. He had to have given it a lot of thought, with all you said, I get the feeling he wouldn’t have wanted to leave either”
“But how am I supposed to work this out when I’ve been doing it alone for so long? I can’t even think straight around him”
Armin snickered
“You do prefer men”
Eren mentally rolled his eyes
“You’re not funny. I’m serious here”
“I know. I also know you well enough to know you haven’t told him everything, have you?”
“No. And I feel like shit now. If I tell him and leaves us then there’s no hope left”
“And if you don’t tell him, it’s as good as lying to his face”
Armin moved onto the next set of socks
“I should hate him for the condition he left you in. You took weeks to settle back in. He broke you heart and I was scared he’d broken you... but obviously you two have a connection. Maybe you should go to Trost for a few days? Sit down and spend some real time together and see how it makes you feel”
“I can tell you it made me stupid yesterday. My omega couldn’t shut up about how happy it was to be near Levi”
“You are compatible partners. He even got morning sickness because you’re pregnant. You need to face it, you’re both hopeless. Look, all I’m saying is that you love him”
Love wasn’t the issue, but it was. Loving Levi came to easily even after all that had happened. It terrified Eren to think they could that if they bonded, they’d be more drawn to each other than ever before
“That’s not the problem”
“Then talk to him. He seems like he really needs to talk to you. I can come with you if that makes it easier”
Armin might be “pro-Levi” but that didn’t mean he didn’t have his own alpha instincts and putting the pair of them together wouldn’t result in someone taking a swing
“No... I need to work this out for myself”
“Okay, as long as you don’t forget you can talk to me”
“I know. So what do you think of the socks?”
Armin beamed at him
“Dude, they’re so fucking small! Was Mina this small? I feel like I can’t remember”
“She was tiny... you’d never know now”
“Man... I’m getting all clucky. Annie wants to wait a little longer until she’s done with her Mitras stuff”
Armin and Annie would be great parents. They’d be prepared and have each other’s backs for the whole thing
“You’ll be a great dad. I remember how much you helped me get through being a kid”
“I remember Mikasa chasing away all the bullies. Man, we’ve all come so far. They let arrest bullies now”
They were running more from him than Mikasa when they’d been kids. Whenever he’d shown up, they’d left Armin alone. Mikasa happened to be there by coincidence.
“Yeah. Still, you helped me out, and I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you enough for it”
Armin smacked his shoulder, trying to lighten the mood and change topic. When it came to serious praise his friend was great at deflecting it
“Pffft. Don’t go crying on me again. Can I see the scan now? I wanna see my niece”
“Can I send a photo to Mikasa first? You know, she is my sister and everything”
“Fine, but the second you’re done, I wanna see! Then we’re getting lunch. If I have to keep looking up names and numbers I’m going to need food”
The afternoon dragged on with them putting names to numbers. Eren well and truly over numbers as hung up, crossing yet another name off his list. Armin was doing the same on the other side of their office. Normally Armin would have insisted that this kind of work be passed to their junior officers, but Eren didn’t want Floch talking to potential connections. Nobody liked a spam caller, all of the people he’d called thought he was selling house insurance. Thank fuck they didn’t have to do things like other officers. Anyone could be a potential leak back to the main supplier, and or, dealer.
Coming in early for her shift, Mikasa brightened the day in a way she didn’t realise, just as Armin pegged him in the side of the face with a lackey band. Scowling at the world, his sister had been busy, carrying a gift bag with pink paper poking out the top
“I can’t believe you’re having a girl”
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