#and she got kicked out for controversial opinions
musical-chick-13 · 10 months
All the people in the "Controversial Doctor Who Opinions" post saying that they 👉👈 Don't Like River 👉👈, lmao I did not fight for YEARS in the FUCKING TRENCHES for you to say that hating this character is a "controversial opinion."
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pickled-armchair · 15 days
I’ve been going insane so here’s a list (compiled by yours truly) of Gravity Falls characters and what The Magnus Archives entity’s they belong to!
Also these are my opinions so if you disagree please be kind about it!
Spoilers for TMA ahead (probably).
Starting off simple, Ford and Dipper are two of the most Eye coded people on the planet. Dipper’s obsession with trying to find out who wrote the journals, Fords search knowledge no matter the matter the cost. Pretty Eye coded
Next is Mabel. She has me a bit stumped in all honestly because she doesn’t really have any fear that really reminds me of her, but I think the most accurate is probably The Spiral if only just for all of the colors.
Stan has so many things that go with different entities but from the moment he was kicked out of his house at 17 he has been weaving a huge web of lies (intentionally or not). He’s so good at lying he’s been able to pass as his brother for 30 years without anyone batting an eye (was that partly because his brother was a recluse? Yes. But don’t discredit him!) He’s also got a bit of Slaughter in him considering his plan B if lying doesn’t work out is punching till something does.
Now for probably the most controversial on this list, Bill! He aligns with so many of the fears it’s genuinely so hard to even try and place him in one category, he’s very Desolation coded in the whole trying to destroy everything senselessly for fun thing, but The Web accounts for the manipulation, and I mean The Eye is right there, I mean c’mon that’s literally his thing. Except I think there’s one fear that encompasses most of Bill (I mean it’s obviously not gonna be all of him, one fear can exist without the others for a reason). In my personal opinion that fear is The Spiral! Fear of madness, fear of the world lying to you, not being able to trust your sense? If that isn’t Bill Cipher then I don’t know what is.
I do have more thoughts on other characters and their fears so if anyone wants to know I’d be willing to share.
Ford and Dipper: Eye
Mabel and Bill: Spiral
Stan: Web (but a bit of slaughter in there if you squint a bit)
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daisyychainssj · 9 months
Absolutely nobody was wondering my opinion on this but I wrote this out in my drafts last night at like 4am so here is my order of the eggs heights! It’s very real and canon and I will not be taking any criticism (I’m kidding please tell me your thoughts and opinions if you’d like to! 🤲🏻🩷)
First of all, to me, the eggs are still young so when I’m saying any of them are “tall” I mean tall in comparison to their siblings not in comparison to the adult islanders. I think at best the taller of the bunch reach a bit above their parents waists. They’re still babies to me 🤏🏻
🎩 Dapper - T A L L for his age. I like to think this is because of the hc that bad, being a demon, is intimidatingly tall but is able to change how tall he appears like in front of the eggs for example as to not scare them. Also the hc that the eggs take on physical attributes of their parents so I like to think dapper has taken on bad’s height
🥀 Tallulah - This may be controversial to some people but she’s a Tall Girlie™️ to me. She was VERY small when Wilbur found her in the attic due to being malnourished. However, when she began being cared for properly, eating and sleeping correctly she began to grow pretty fast! Also spending all of her first couple of days out of the attic around Wilbur and becoming quickly attached to him she took on a lot of his attributes, noticeably his height
🐼 Leonarda - Kinda on the tall side but is pretty much the expected height for her age. Had a growth spurt earlier than most of her siblings so was the tallest for a while but when her first growth spurt ended her siblings’ began and now she’s happily average height wise which she doesn’t mind because she likes being small enough to be her pa’s (ONLY) baby but also she likes being tall enough that the younger ones remember that she is older and was here first!
⚙️ Ramon - Baby boy made in heaven by god himself has always been a little shorty among the original eggs. He’s never minded and still doesn’t. Fit assures him that he’s still got plenty of time to grow! Which is true! they’re all still young but he’s not stressed about it either way. Being smaller means he can sneak into places others can’t to have a snoop around and get into the smaller areas of his machines and projects
🐥 Chayanne - WAS the tallest of the original eggs and Tallulah, Richas and Pomme when they showed up but eventually his siblings hit growth spurts faster than he did. He’s not super upset about it and still feels like he needs to and is still able to fulfil his role of big brother even if he is smaller than them now. Apart from Richas who he is still taller than and he will absolutely happily point it out to him every opportunity he can
🍎 Pomme - Small but mighty! Pomme hasn’t really had any noticeable growth spurts yet. She’s petite but boy can she wield ANY weapon with confidence no matter how big or heavy. She puts on the front that she doesn’t like being on the smaller end of the scale compared to her siblings but truthfully she kinda likes that her parents can pick her up and hold her like they were able to when they first found her. When times were simpler and she didn’t have to constantly be paranoid and anticipating the next bad thing that’s going to happen and carry the weight of the world on her little shoulders and feeling like she has to protect everyone she loves. So yeah she’s short but she doesn’t really mind at all
🐮 Richas - Wants to be tall SO bad but the poor little eggy just isn’t. Shortest of all his older siblings and absolutely furious about it. If anyone brings up the fact that he’s short he WILL throw a tantrum about it and will probably kick you in the shin but that’s what you get for saying he’s small when he so clearly isn’t!!! (he is)
~ The New Babies ~
💎 Sunny - Small lil baby compared to the older eggs but taller than both of the newer eggs. They just give me the energy of being tall for their age but not by a lot ya know just like a bit above average for her age bracket
🥞 Em - Tiny baby, little baby with pancakes on her head. So small but will slap you upside the head with her frying pan so don’t be deceived by her littleness. She’s hoping she’ll grow a bit soon because she’s tired of having to ask her mum’s to pick her up to reach hard to reach places in her room whilst decorating
🍿 Pepito - Just the absolutely tiniest baby. Could fit in the palm of my hand, the tip of my finger even. No Pepito has ever been as small as this Pepito
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roguerambles · 4 months
Blood of Zeus Season 2 Thoughts
Overall, I really liked this season! I'm so glad the show is back, and I really feel like they fleshed out what they had in the first season and I'm very eager to see more.
Random thoughts --
I loved Hestia. She doesn't get much spotlight, but her and Athena get a lot of screentime in the first episode. I think they did a good job of conveying a lot about her in fairly subtle ways. She's the Goddess of the Hearth, she's not a warrior like the others, she's gentle and nurturing but when she has to she'll fight. She's still a FIRE goddess, and even though it clearly doesn't come naturally to her, she fights tooth and nail to do what she has to. Her and Zeus seemed to have something of a bond, which was unexpected and kind of sweet.
Athena, loved her. Wish we'd seen her in Season 1, tbh. Loved her big sister vibes to Heron and all her other siblings, kicks a lot of ass.
I liked what they did with Heron this season. I liked him well enough in season 1, but he gets more fleshed out here, and it really made me like him even more. HE MUST BE PROTECTED GIVE HIM A HAPPY ENDING DAMN IT.
Loved everything between him and Seraphim, their interactions in the latter half of the season really got to me. I'm very curious to see what the future holds for them both. Their entire relationship screams tragedy but I'm gonna cross my fingers and hope for a happy ending somehow.
HADES AND PERSEPHONE. I thought this was a great take on them, and maybe a controversial opinion but I actually liked the show's take on Demeter. I always thought the fact that Demeter inflicts winter on the world whenever Persephone leaves suggested a much darker side to her - yes I know in some myths its because she's sad and despondent over Persephone being missing, but in others it seemed more like a conscious choice on her end. "I will starve the entire world until I get Persephone back." Even when the arrangement is made, she continues to bring winter, so with that in mind it makes sense to me she'd have the potential for more selfish or ruthless actions. She's not PURE EVIL exactly (at least not anymore so than any of the other Olympians, let's be real) but she's definitely not nice either.
I want to kick Ares in the head. That's all. (Aphrodite, girl, I think you can do better - and honestly Hephaestus can get it, give him another shot, anyone else really)
I loved the Underworld and the trials and the judges. Hera surprised me this season too, I'm very interested to see where things go with her.
Not a lot of Poseidon this season, which bummed me out a little.
What was going on with Evios? I guess they are saving that for Season 3 but I was very confused with him, and who this mysterious woman he and Kofi worked with before. Was she involved with the giant remains thing as well?
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silantryoo · 5 months
as much as im annoyed by the potential implications of the mhj/hybe drama i do feel like theres way too much speculation rn ... rlly doesn't sit so well with me that everyone is bashing on mhj alone (im not supporting her either though) and not bang sihyuk too. some hybe stans rlly js worship the guy and idk why . its not like he's innocent too. like those texts from him are so annoying too. abt if she's satisfied that nwjns is so popular and also abt trying to rival aespa / bp alone ...
hybe has sm power and r known for their mediaplay so i rlly do wish people would keep that in mind instead of doing their own speculation to bash on mhj . we don't know fs if she's the reason behind seunghan, youngseo, etc .... it seems so forced that everyone just collectively is making stuff up on their own theories and pissing on her. like im all for it when everything's done with but it's giving misogyny to me ughhh idk how to explain it eitherr without sounding like a mhj stan I PROMISE IM NOT TAKING HER SIDE T_T i just cant help but feel like poeple find it easier to hate and bash on women sometimes. even me scrolling x nowadays feels so annoying. literally feel so bad for illit and nwjns rn.
personally i was a teeny annoyed that illit had a similar image to nwjns w their nostalgia/coquettecore (also though just seems like cute/youthful concept is making a cb in general in kpop) but only because their songs on super real me were the exact type of songs i liked most from nwjns (super shy, hurt etc. the softer less peppy songs compared to hybe boy) so it bothered me that there was an implication that nwjns might be forced to distance itself to a more differing concept to keep some contrast btwn the two ... but ik that's not illit's fault at all (literally love the girls sm im a runext fan ^^) i feel like i can understand the upset that illit was getting a similar concept when every other grp before illit in hybe had more defined concepts seperating each other. but once again that's all hybe's doing ...... seeing the choreographers supporting mhj too makes it seem like not even the nwjns team or even all the staff were on board with the references in the choreo either...
anyways i do hope this controversy doesnt impede on either grps promos :( and i rlly hope everything gets sorted out... im srsly hoping this doesnt turn into a 5050 situtation again but with nwjns i was so upset when that happened . was curious on what your thoughts were or if u were keeping up with everything?
the way im coming back to reply to this first thing after my exams is insane, but this nwjns thing makes me so angry for all the idols under hybe. both parties j cares sm ab money that they're blindsided by the potential of ruining their idols careers, mental health and images. mhj is being stupid and hybe does seem to be doing anything to protect nwjns (as far as we know. i could be wrong).
(yawl, jsyk i obv dont have ALL the information. from what ive seen online and the articles ive read, this is what I THINK. ME. youre free to think smthn else, whether i agree or not.)
i def thing that bang hyung sik (bhs) isn't innocent either. although min heejin (mhj), in my opinion, is more in the wrong j based on the treatment of other idols, bhs seemed to provoke her, and on top of that, the company seems to blindly support ppl and give them a platform so long as they make profit for the company. ive been seeing a lot of ppl saying hes j human but youd think theres a reason why mhj got kicked from sm, yk? and you j took her back in w open arms.
hybe is v good at media play fs. its their forte, and ppl seemed to stray from the from the main problem. mhj is using nwjns as a weapon. hybe probably is doing the same thing w their other groups too, dont get me wrong. ppl seem to forget that this entire issue isnt "drama", its a legal battle ensuing between a huge corporation and its subsidiary. hybe has infinite power compared to ador. its horrible on both ends.
the thing is tho, mhj has consistently been showing the public red flags. the lyrics of 'cookie (ik she didnt write the lyrics but shes the ceo. she got them approved)', the portraits gifted to her of naked underaged girls, her obsession w olivia hussey (who happens to look like minji), her treatment of sm employees, her past work w shinee (sexualization of underaged taemin), etc. not to mention her extremely (at least in my eyes) inappropriate relationship w nwjns. the gifts shes gotten them and how she uses their emotions as a weapon. if bhs did that, everyone would be up in arms.
i dont think (for the most part) this is misogyny. i think ppl alw had a weird feeling about her. at least i did.
idt its good to speculate on ppls departure tho. youre def right ab that. the lsfm hate train (esp the coachella one) most likely has nothing to do w mhj. and i do agree that hybe copied or was at least inspired by nwjns, but idt illit copied them. illit and nwjns have a very 'pinkpantheress' sound, the uk early 00's bedroom pop genre. however, nwjns is more y2k and illit is more dream-like, ykwim? hybe was def inspired by nwjns tho. i think a more fitting one would be tws tbh. their sound is v similar to me (emphasis on to me) than illit.
dont get me wrong, it's incredibly shady and the way that a lot of staff are on her side makes me think that hybe was leeching off of the success of nwjns. it referenced all girl groups under hybe tho, lsfm and fromis, but there was def more nwjns references.
what im worried ab the most are the groups, esp nwjns. lsfm has been going thru their own struggles and rn this isnt the best for them, but theyre not extremely involved in the situation, not like nwjns and illit. illit, from what ive seen, has majority of the success and recognition from overseas. however, their success in korea'll take a huge hit. itll def take a toll on the girls mental, considering they j debuted and this happened.
nwjns is the worst off. theres a chance they might leave w mhj if ador does pull away from hybe, which isnt in the groups best interest. mhj's press conference and overall attitude is gonna affect their upcoming release fs, and their proximity to mhj herself is worrisome.
hybe doesnt seem to be doing shit to protect their artists, they're j protecting their name. theres no statement on or for illit, no statement on malicious comments for any of the groups (that i know of).
tldr: min heejin and hybe are both at fault. dont take sides of either, take the side of the idols.
sorry, im j so passionate ab this. the shit ive been seeing online has been making me mad. after getting back from the lsfm hate train too... as mad as i am at mhj, hybe GAVE her that platform. if the things they claim is true, and if the speculation is true, they alr knew from her past employment that she was shady. its their fault for allowing that.
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carigm · 1 year
Today Millie had a fan panel in which she answered that her ideal ending would be Mike and El getting married and Will being happy and confessing to Mike (lol) and ofc the Stranger Things fandom kicked up the old Byler vs Mlvn war once again, regardless of the fact she doesn’t write the show. But I want to break down some points here about things I’ve been noticing today, but also for a while and that I think need to be discussed. Keep reading if you want.
I’ve seen a lot of hostility towards Byler and Bylers on Twitter lately, saying we’re delusional and don’t know what we’re talking about. This always seems to be the go to argument even tho it’s all in the narrative. Today it got really bad after Millie’s comments and even people that were merely disagreeing with her opinions got called everything from delusional to misogynistic.
IF the Duffers suddenly decided to ignore everything they’ve carefully crafted and put into their narrative that doesn’t make anyone delusional, it just makes them terrible writers. Who would be doing a great disservice to all three characters involved in the love triangle.
There’s been an insurgence (on Twitter) of so called “Will stans” who seem to be completely fine with the idea of mlvn being endgame because “Will can just get another boyfriend” Not only is this insulting to what the writers have already established for Will’s character but it’s also a defense and endorsement of the worst kind of lazy/bad writing that could graze our screens.
The Duffers CHOSE to tie Will’s character arc to Mike’s and El’s.
How do you expect them to undo that and create a well fleshed out character that’s deserving of Will, in 8 episodes that we know are not just gonna be dedicated to Will’s supposed love interest, because there’s a shit ton of stuff to resolve?
If this was the route the Duffers were going for, they could’ve clearly given Will a love interest last season (like with Robin) or two seasons ago (like with Dustin) And yet somehow, people think it would be totally okay for Will to get the most meaningless romance of all time as the writers ignore the same story they’ve created.
Another point I’ve been seeing a lot from these people is “Mike won’t come out. Let it go. He’s just a very unlikable character” What does that say about the quality of the writing and content you’re willing to consume then? You’re okay with characters being poorly written? And please someone explain to me how Mike’s actions, especially in S4, make any sense unless he likes Will.
The more people try to simplify this story the more plot holes and inconsistencies it creates.
The funny thing is that a lot of these “Will stans” used to be Bylers themselves but are so deathly afraid it won’t be endgame that they’ve started to use the same rhetoric mlvns use every day to justify what would be atrocious writing.
And this next thing might be controversial but I think it needs to be said.
So many people on Twitter have hit those who disagree with Millie’s opinion today with “y’all are misinterpreting Millie’s words” and let me tell you, no one has. She’s been saying the same stuff for forever and quite frankly she’s never had a coherent thought about Will. Which is fine, at the end of the day that’s not the character she plays. However, I haven’t forgotten how last year (at another panel) she was asked about Byler and said it was just a reflection of Finn and Noah’s friendship and that was what people were seeing…
Whatever the fuck that means, I guess.
Again, I’m not taking her answer today too seriously cause truth be told she’s been saying some version of this since she was around twelve, and has even at times said she was joking about it. If a wedding were actually happening she wouldn’t be able to say it cause I’d literally be a spoiler, even if she doesn’t have the scripts yet or doesn’t know I’m sure there’s things that would be off limits for any actor to say at this point.
But this defense squad that formed today begging for us to not misconstrue her words because “she really cares about Will’s character” is laughable.
Her answers regarding the topic of the love triangle have been anything but nuanced. If she doesn’t want to get into it or address it, that’s fine. It’s her choice.
But of course, mlvn stans are gonna take her answers seriously, as well as those who are now “Will stans” who basically ship mlvn too.
And to me there’s a fundamental flaw regarding the ship wars in this fandom, which these people don’t seem to grasp. At this point, it isn’t so much about “which ship is better” but “which outcome isn’t violently homophobic”
That’s it.
I don’t care how much you ship mlvn, this is the undisputed truth here.
But when your lead actors act like it’s not a big deal, it’s no surprise the fandom doesn’t give a shit.
I can only hope the Duffers were smart enough to see reason and were able to write the only outcome that won’t set television back around 10 years or so.
And hopefully one day, when S5 is out, we can get a more in depth and honest conversation with the actors about all of this.
As for me, I’m gonna lay low and not give much of a fuck until we start getting those Reddit leaks, which were very much accurate for last season. I’ll take a peak at those, and depending on what they look like, I’ll stay around or dip completely.
If you read all of this, thank you.
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 8 months
Last Twilight - final thoughts
Well, this isn't a fraught topic at all today, lol.
Normally I wait a bit longer before writing about my final thoughts, but I have a lot spinning in my mind right now and want to get it out.
Disclaimer - this is just my subjective opinion. I cannot speak to having a disability like Day or a trauma like Mhok.
To start, overall I greatly enjoyed this show. The acting was fantastic, the story was compelling, the romance was romancing. I do have some mixed feelings about the last few episodes. I know some people liked it! I know some people feel very let down. But I hope we can all use this as a chance for respectful discussion.
Disability representation and how we talk about it
One thing I do think it is important to remember, is that the disability experience is extremely different for different people. And there are a number of people with disabilities who are working on recovery, or looking into options for reducing the impact of their disability. This can be a very controversial thing. One example is the Deaf community, and the very different perspectives on things like cochlear implants.
As we talk about Last Twilight, of course people can disagree with how the story went, or the timing of events. But I would caution people from saying that Day's experience as a blind man is meaningless, or that the story was pointless, because he regained his sight in the end. Because that can be a very invalidating thing for people who have been through similar experiences.
To me? It honestly felt realistic for Day to get another donation. He's wealthy and privileged. He also had gained a sense of contentment while still blind, and knew he could live a good life that way. And I think all of his past experiences still mattered, because it was part of his journey to being who he was at the end.
Do I also want more representation of people with disabilities, in all ways, shapes, and forms, living amazing lives and kicking ass? Hell yeah!
Day's mother
I've written a bit about my feelings on Day's mom before, so I'm not going to go in depth. I did see some people saying this was about culture, and that she was acting in accordance to how a lot of parents would in her situation, who are a part of that culture. I don't disagree with that. My issue is that she started at point A, she was suddenly at point B, and we saw nothing of how she got from A to B.
I do think, in terms of disability representation, showing more of her journey in accepting Day's autonomy would have been worthwhile.
Day & Mhok's relationship
This is where I have more of a struggle with this show. To be clear, I don't think Day is a villain, and I understand how terrified he was of being seen as lesser by the person he loved. I don't even have an issue with a breakup, just some of the aspects of it.
A lot of what happened felt rushed for these past two episodes. I may have felt better about it if there was more space to dip into nuance. Considering how the time was spent in earlier episodes, this was so fast paced.
I mostly have an issue with Mhok being treated as 100% responsible for their break up - and for him apologizing and thanking Day for doing it.
I used to actually professionally train people in Conflict Navigation, and I've spent a lot of time with people on some of the key components when successfully dealing with conflict.
Btw, we deliberately didn't call it Conflict Resolution, because a lot of conflicts don't get resolved. And that's ok! It's learning how to work within them, if you want to maintain a relationship.
But a really important part of resolution is that both parties need to understand the role they played in what happened. It's not fun or comfortable, but it's an essential piece to moving through it.
And I get that Day & Mhok were both young, so not having the best approach to conflict at that time makes sense. Day being impulsive makes sense. (Though I maintain that scene should have had a few more minutes to it).
But when they are back in the same space, (after Day blocking Mhok's contact for 3 years, yikes?), when they have both grown and matured, and yet Mhok takes all the blame for what happened back then - to me, this reads as the setup of a relationship where Day will get mad, and Mhok will continue to take full responsibility to keep things smooth.
And honestly, it again feels infantalizing of Day to say that because he is the one with the disability, he was the one who was 100% correct in everything that he did. If he is going to be treated as a fully independent autonomous person, that means accepting the role he played in what happened. His perspective was valid, he still has to own his piece of their relationship falling apart, and him doing nothing to address it in any other kind of way before going straight to breaking up.
Again, not saying Day was wrong. I'm saying for a healthy future relationship, he needs to own his part in things, and not just agree that Mhok was the problem.
Privilege and status
My final quibble is that the early episodes did such a good job of showing how Mhok and Day were both in disadvantaged situations - of very different kinds, but it was a connector between them. Mhok was struggling due to his status as someone from a poor background, and his status as an ex-con. The way he and his sister fought to make ends meet after the parents passing away, and then the trauma of his experience of losing his sister. The struggle to find work, to be seen as worthy, as someone who is still a part of society regardless of having been to prison.
But this all slipped away through the story, until at the end the only thing that mattered was Day and his journey. Which was important! But Mhok had his own journey, and it matters. His trauma was significant, and it deserved more than being treated as an excuse for Day to leave him.
Final final thoughts
Oof, ok, needed to get that out! I think a big part of why I disliked Mhok being fully blamed is that I just love the guy so damn much. If only men like that really existed, lol.
But what incredible acting by Sea & Jimmy, they worked so hard. I adored Night & Porjai as side characters, and now very much want a one shot spinoff of their honeymoon, where they stumble on to a secret spy meetup and shenanigans ensue.
P'Aof is a very talented director, and there were some great visuals in this show. I've never seen such erotic hand touching in my life.
Well, at least it never gets boring in BL land!
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noahschnappinfs · 15 days
Everytime I see those hate posts with lots of likes I remember that Noah’s spam acc almost has 600k followers. Not all of them are fans but yk what I mean. Also his WB post got 1mil likes or a little bit more. It’s a post about Will, but people still liked his post, his haters don’t do that lol. There are 8bil people on this planet, most of them don’t even know about Noah or just don’t care. And yeah, some of them just follow what other people say, especially on twitter. Also didn’t a post on tiktok about people having a crush on Noah in the past (it was about him coming out as gay, not him becoming "problematic") got 1mil likes?
Sometimes it’s cool that I’m from Eastern Europe ha. ST fandoms here love Noah or just don’t care about him. There are few Noah haters but I noticed that most of them are obsessed with twt/western internet culture so that tracks lol. There’s a vid about his cancellation and it got almost 100k views and all of the comments (there were like 5 hate comments only I think haha) were supporting him or saying something like “Damn that was a stupid move from him why did he do all that but whatever not a big deal”
it’s impressive that after all the hate he’s has received, he’s still the most followed male actor in the show. that says a lot about his appeal and like you mentioned, he also has a successful new tiktok which is impressive considering that it’s private and he keeps kicking people out if they are hateful.
yes, i also saw that tiktok of a girl remembering how she cried when noah came out because she had a crush on him. it was posted quite recently and got like 1M likes, it was full of other girls expressing the same sentiment.
i’ve also talked with some friends about the fact that i think this whole outrage is a very american thing. i don’t want to dive too deep into my opinions about that but i agree with you on that one and you can ask a bunch of non-americans and you’ll get the same answer that most people actually don’t care at all because there’s other crazy stuff happening in our own countries.
i feel like normal people that aren’t as chronically online really don’t care about his “controversies”. remember that aggressively wasted report a few months ago, i saw a tiktok reporting it as news for a more adult public and most of the comments were like “yes he’s a teenager, i also got drunk at his age”. my favourite comment was one that said something like “let noah party” and i was like “yes, let noah party” lol
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For the TMNT Ships Ask Thing:
Caseynardo (Leo x Casey)
Aprilnardo/Leopril (Leo x April)
I love these 2 ships so much. I know they are kind of rarepairs (though, MM gave a lot of love to Leopril and there has been a lot more Leopril stuff. Which is great!), but I love them.
They are very dear to my heart. Personally.
Caseynardo 2012:
I've never heard of it until long time later
Now I'm just kicking my feet
Silly goofball jock x serious and quiet nerd RAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
TO MAKE THIS BETTER LEO IS PRETTY MUCH BI IN THE SERIES (He's stated to have a man crush on Captain Ryan)
I'm aware they were kind of trash talking big foot in a foot too big but they were STILL bonding!!!
Please read Breaking the Ice by @fabuloustrash05 . I stopped studying for a few minutes to just read it and I'm proud. Disclaimer don't ditch your studies to just read fanfics that is not my message.
Anyways the fnafic solified my love for the ship.
Opposites attract
I can also see them as two friends who act gay but actually aren't or maybe they are.
Or two guys who seem gay but~ (inset bisexuality)
It's amazing. A solid 10/10.
2012 Aprilnardo:
We sadly don't get too much content with them but like-
I remember I was kind of introduced to this ship because I followed one of my idols who shipped it and made fanart of it and it was on DA. This was back before it got deactivated my account.
I LOVE 'Eyes of the chimera' episode. They were basically supporting each other all the way.
Ngl the transfem Leo lovers made me love it even more because I love me some lesbians. TMNT is already filled with some lesbians so why not add more!
I love how April is always by Leo's side and we see how much she cares for him.
I love the idea that April used to be into Space Heroes and then Leo got her back into it.
(For those who headcannon as both autistic) they would so totally talk and rant about their hyperfixation.
I wish though they had more moments together.
They are legit underrated.
The ship will get 9/10 for me.
I'll include rise and the mutant mayhem version cause why not.
Rise Leo x Cassandra:
Meh not bad
It's okay at best
I do feel like they could have become very close friends if Cass left junior under Leo's care in the bad future.
They are both reckless and over energetic and yet still have a lot of insecurities and issues that they have to cover it up.
Not a bad idea I suppose.
I guess 4.5/10. I don't know. We didn't get much of them so I mean.
Rise Leo x Junior:
"But I'm shipping the teen version of Leo with junior not adult-" NO. IT DOESN'T MAKE IT ANY BETTER.
Negative 0/10. Get the f out.
Rise Leo x April:
I've seen and been bombared by a ton of art regarding this ship on YT.
Controversial opinion: It's cute.
They both have the same energy and another controversial opinion but, Leo has a way closer relationship with April then Donnie. I've kind of seen more scenes with them together then with her and Donnie.
Though just like last time I prefer her being an older sister figure to him that Leo looks up to.
They both care for each other and love each other no matter what.
April pretty much comforts the turtles about their insecurities so she would do the same with Leo.
Probably a 6/10 or something. Again, prefer them as siblings but don't hate it. I'll kind of indulge in it tbh-
Mutant Mayhem Leo x April:
Better then 2012 Donnie's lmao-
They do have sweet moments
It's sweet they went to prom together
Mah boi was simping real hard
I feel like they should have gotten more scenes
I do feel like maybe April and Leo won't really happen or be cannon though. I don't know man. I'll see how it goes in the Tales of TMNT that will happen in 2024.
I'm really hoping they don't make it into a toxic love triangle or make it creepy or toxic.
I'll take this ship anyway as one of the only few good Leo romances.
It took them after 1987 to finally give Leo a good love interest.
the way he looks at her AHHHHHHHHH
The fanart of them together is really cute and wholesome (that made me remember that I still had that art request from you just sitting in my files- I didn't draw it because I didn't see MM yet- I'll try and get to it at some point I swear-)
Hope we get more scenes of them together
I'm unsure where I sit with this ship just yet. Again I'll see how it goes in the show.
For now, 7/10. I feel like a bit too high but you know what, whatever. The ship is okay so far.
Is anyone interested in Caprilnardo~?
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chaifootsteps · 11 months
Also involving TADC. This isn't some no name. This is Gooseworx. She has a long line of animation before this that was popular. And I mean it that it has better wider appeal.
I tried to show my friends Hazbin back when the pilot released at a party, and I got stopped by someone saying "that creator is a pedophile, transphobic, racist, homophobic, disgusting person" and I got threatened to be kicked out of the party after trying to show someone the pilot. Now, dear readers, I had not heard the allegations at that point because I just wasn't on those parts of the internet, and I only knew VIvzie from her Die Young and speed paints. I knew of Zoophobia, but it did not interest me much so didn't read it. I will be honest I was orginally really sceptical, since that was alot of accusations being told to me aggressivly. I asked the guy where he saw this and said he had never heard of the creator until that week on twitter. I honestly was a bit suspicious since this was during the time of hunicast and everything seemed great. I almost got kicked out of a party over it too, which is not a good way to get someone to be sympathetic to your opinion if they had heard nothing up to that point. This was sometime after the pilot when the main big spike in controversy had started to settle and alot of callout posts got deleted by this point, so I just shrugged my shoulders and moved on. I couldn't find the evidence after all the big deleting and broken links, since it might be obvious to us, but it can be rough figuring it out for a newbee to the controversy. Especially back then when things were overwhelmingly more positive. I also wasn't going to condem someone for something I couldn't even find evidence for. I never spoke of Hazbin amongst anybody for years, and it was my biggest secret, since I knew folks were weird about it because of some twitter post I couldn't even find anymore. Maybe I should have read the writing on the wall, but I don't blame myself for being skeptical when I had such a hard time finding the evidence in the beginning, and the few I did find were some of the more softball accusations that leaned toward more a slap of the wrist like how she could he kind of a brat on twitter or something (alot of people are, so not gonna drop her over that. That's like alot of internet personalities). Obviously I found the stuff later and now things make more sense.
Not to mention some of the Hazbin content is edgy without a purpose at times, so it takes some disclaimers when showing a friend. The Hazbin pilot was not the worse, but you wanna show a friend the Helluva Boss Pilot. Good f***ing luck. You'll get alot of silent judgement. I will give credit that actual Helluva Boss after the pilot is more sharing friendly a bit. I think I could shiw a friend some early HB epidsodes especially the harvest moon festival without too much incident. Hazbin is pretty okay without the controversy with some bad moments like the Jeffery dahmer joke and shit, but you can kind of get by. However, Viv's controversy kept the show back from being shared more. It also sometimes push the envolope but rather than in storytelling it was edgy humor and you would have to ask yourself "Do I want my friends to associate this with me?"
My main point though. Throughout this entire time we watched the shit out of goosworx and would even hang out having "viewing parties" aka an excuse to hang out and eat. I never have been nervous about showing their stuff. I don't think you have to be no controvercial or plain for that either. Look at little runmo. My friends and I were obsessed with the idea of a capitalist metephor and some of the theories we made with deeper themes. But it was never crude in an embarassing way so it spreads through word of mouth better. That's why Vivzie has a fandom more than viewers now. You gotta already have bought in to watch it.
I'd say that at the end of the day, the adult show that you can show your friends, kids, and mother is going to have an easier time finding a bigger audience than the one that opens with the r-word...but Family Guy and South Park.
Vivzie's shows have several hurdles in place just by virtue of being an extremely crude animated show. And then, after all those, they've got to overcome Vivzie.
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Since the new live action Avatar is apparently out on netflix, I figured now is an excellent time to remember the last attempt at a live action this series got.
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Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of the most beloved TV shows of all time, with amazing writing, world-building, and characters. Conversely, The Last Airbender (no avatar in this title) is one of the most detested and worst movies of all time. I doubt that I have anything new to say about it because it has been getting dragged since it was released 14 years ago, but that won't stop me from dragging it some more.
As is the trend with many live action reboots, this movie hates fun. The original show was colorful, funny, and charming; the movie is none of those things. The color palette seems to have been taken directly from a Saw movie, with not a warm tone to be found. For comparisons sake, here's a side by side of the gaang from the movie and from the original:
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Isn't it incredible how they managed to sap all the color out of the original character designs?
One of my favorite things about the original cartoon was the expressive animation. I don't expect a live action movie to have expressive animation, but I do expect expressive acting, or even just regular acting. Unfortunately for myself and the world at large, the main actors did not get the memo that they were supposed to do that, so instead they delivered their dialogue stone faced with weird pacing. I don't want to hate on the actors too much, as many of them were children when this movie was released, and who knows what sort of direction M. Night Shyamalan gave them. However, I will say that with maybe the exception of Dev Patel, who played an okay Zuko, the cast did an awful job of capturing the magic of the original characters. I am willing to give a pass to Seychelle Gabriel, because she voiced Asami in The Legend of Korra, and I am nothing if not an Asami supporter. But the rest of the cast is on very thin ice. 
Another fun thing about this god-forsaken movie is the way it manages to make the viewer feel incredibly uncomfortable. It has an aura about it that I can only describe as constipated. The feeling I got watching is reminiscent of the time I was roped into listening a coworker at McDonalds talk about his crypto scheme, except that only lasted about 15 minutes, and the movie is 103 minutes long.
Truly the only good quality of the movie is its ability to bring together so many people in hatred. There aren’t too many things we can all form a near-universal opinion on, but we can all agree that this movie is a dumpster fire. 
Unlike some of the other movies I have hated on this blog, I don’t think it is controversial for me to hate this one. It has already been so thoroughly hated on that all the points I make here are hardly likely to be original. Regardless, I felt it necessary to kick this dead horse, both for the opportunity to complain (one of my favorite activities), and because I need to choose one movie to hate per week for the class this blog is for, and this one is so so hateable. I didn't even list everything wrong with it and this post is already so long.
I haven't watched the new live action show yet, and I don't really have high hopes, but given how low the bar is, it would have to limbo into hell to disappoint me.
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eebydeebydoodle · 28 days
Maybe my most controversial take but im feeling a bit silly tonight
Its currently liek 12 am so please ignore bad grammar and/or me just completely forgetting plot points feel free to correct me, I may turn this into a script for a YouTube video so I want to get things right
TW: The game I'll be ranting about has themes of canibalism and murder but I dont go into detail about it
I want to say this before I start, I do not hate the game. I genuinely think its good game, and I love that the indie dev is getting so much attention for it, BUT in my opinion its very overhyped. Everything I say is just my opinion and I understand if you do love the game, I won't stop you or tell you not to :)
I love me a canibal story, so when I saw it pop into my recommendations on YouTube I decided to watch a playthrough from ManlyBadassHero's YouTube channel right before the fan base for it blew up out of nowhere. Now at first I thought the game had maybe had an ending I didn't see or something for it to suddenly be trending so much but no. I had seen every ending and it kinda felt lackluster. Im not criticizing the creator at all, I think it was a really good concept, but it just didn't have that twist or kick I was expecting. The story is kinda too on the nose if that makes sense? It's straight to the point with not a lot of dread or tension, which in a horror game isn't really a good thing, and even the character duologue and relationships feel a bit generic? It felt like a beginner fanfiction "yandere" story id find on wattpad or maybe ao3
The characters feel somewhat flat to me, maybe it's the lack of important side characters, and not knowing much about them before meeting but the world in general just feels bland and empty. Some horror games can get away with that, but the main character works in a restaurant as a server, he would likely be talking to his co-workers very often. The main character's (ex)girlfriend Marianne is the one and only side character in the entire game and she ends up being killed off and turned into "Grilled Hanger Steak" if I remember correctly?
Something I did like a lot though was the character designs and the settings, I really do think if this game is ever remade by the creator it could be one well worth the attention it's getting, but from an outside perspective it just feels like a fanbase going nuts over the gay canibal chef. My reasoning is hes "hot" but I kinda feel like that's part of the downfall of this game. The antagonist feels so one dimensional, which kinda upsets me because it felt like Rody and Vince were actually making a connection then it just flips on its head right before like a serious bond is formed, like even if there was just one more day where they got closer id be happier with it. It just feels like such a missed opportunity to make Vince feel like more than just the guy Rody works for, like an actual person with a lot of story as to why hes the way he is. I feel like even just barley touching on that subject would improve the story so so much.
Overall the game is a 6/10 for me, the story is lacking but the artsyle and general concept make up for it
TLDR: Dead plate is a good game, it could be better though, I like it but I wish there was more focus on the characters backround depth to make it feel less like a generic "toxic yaoi love story" 😭
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hageny · 1 year
Succession Thoughts: Gerri x Roman 
1. Love’s A Losing Game.
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I finally have a chance to touch on the scene between Roman and Gerri, and, as usual, my thoughts may be a bit controversial, but here we go. When we see them again, Roman is propositioning Gerri for advice after having fired her in the last episode, and Gerri rebuffs him with a firm, “No.” This seems to shock Roman, who then quickly plunges into damage control, attempting to cajole her and convince her his firing of her wasn’t real. As he puts it, “Dad fired people all the time. I was just feeling kind of fire-ish.” I can understand the logic behind Roman’s statement because, if one recalls in Season 1, Logan fired Frank, and, shockingly, Frank came back to Waystar and to Logan again anyway later on. Even Gerri was shocked by this, to which Frank replied, “Baby needs shoes, moth to a flame [...]”. This moment in Hunting between them sort of sets us up for what Gerri does in Tailgate Party by refusing to return, but again, Roman had seen the Old Guard kicked so many times he naturally thought Gerri wouldn’t permanently abandon him. Sadly, he thought wrong, and she has firmly--and gladly--removed herself from the picture. Most of the discourse online has cheered Gerri on, saying Roman got what was coming to him, and, to degree, I can agree with this. However, Gerri says something interesting that I’ve seen no one comment on which is the line about his dick pics: “[...] I will sue and I will go public with the many, many pictures of your genitalia that I have in my possession.” This struck me as quite pertinent because many fans debated about Roman’s sending of the dick pic in Season 3, wondering whether the one he sent his father was the only one, whether when Gerri asked him to stop sending, “the items”, she had been receiving photos before. This confirms that Gerri had received photos of Roman’s private parts before, and, until the moment she took the CEO spot, likely entertained his proclivity for sending them the same way she engaged in his other kinks. This brings me to my point, which is, did Roman deserve for Gerri to walk out on him? Sure, to a degree. He treated her poorly several times this season, and expected loyalty in return, which was foolish of him. However, was he the only one in the wrong? Not in the least. What many seem to conveniently forget when discussing their relationship is that Gerri willingly entered into a pseudo-romance with him, dancing the dance and leading him along as much as he led her. She was no virginal ingenue out to sea with a predator, she was a willing participant in their relationship, and she is as much responsible for its dissolution as he is. Her inconsistent communication with him in Season 3--her vague outlining of what was appropriate, her pulling back suddenly without any real clear sit-down conversation--is largely what led Roman to send her the photos. He even says to her, “I’m not so sure, I feel like you do want them, but you’re being kind of typically minxy.” Of course, she did seriously tell him to stop, but us fans remained confused through the run of the season like Roman did, and so I can’t help but sympathize with him now. He knew better than to send the photos and sent them anyway, and Gerri knew better than to enter into a relationship with her boss’s son and then turn around and throw the responsibility for it’s destruction in his face as though he was the only villain in the story. I am prepared to get a heap of criticism for this opinion, but I still stand by it. There’s something about the endless backing of Gerri and lack of actual critique of her actions that rubs me wrong. I do, however, still hope for some sort of turn in their relationship, naïve as that may seem, because, truly, they were much better together than apart. They were a more powerful team when they worked alongside each other, and to see the show just throw it all away feels cheap. I am interested to hear what others think about this scene, and, of course, discussion is always welcome, whether you agree or disagree with me. 
AN: I just wanted to add a quick thank you to all who have read and commented on my writings so far. As always I like hearing everyone’s thoughts, and I like how honest people are in the replies. Makes life more fun. 
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foulfirerebel · 1 year
This might be a bit of a controversial topic so I understand if you don’t want to answer but who do you think was in the right between ghira and sienna? Specifically in the Adam trailer.
In the interest of fairness, I will be considering both perspectives here and the overall situation.
There are, roughly speaking, 9 racists shooting at The White Fang convoy passing through. With Sienna's blessing, Adam breaks cover and deals with six of them before the seventh guy frantically charges while firing and then Adam slashes him with Moonslice and kills him.
Putting the rest under a readmore, I go on for a while.
In Ghira's perspective, he only scolds Adam over the killing part. He got hit in the hand and his aura flared but didn't flicker or die. The rest of the Fang with them are likewise armed and could've shot back at any time/could've probably disarmed the racist when he got closer as he's running and firing blind. This does include Sienna likewise, and Illia who's there with them.
As he's lecturing and scolding Adam over how this is the very reason people THINK they can treat Faunus unfairly, Sienna interrupts. From HER perspective, Adam saved Ghira's life and is a hero for killing a racist. Nobody else, from Sienna's perspective, jumped to shoot back or otherwise to return fire when their enemy began firing on them.
In my humble opinion, they're both correct. In the short term, Sienna has the right of way: everyone else is armed, Adam was quick to action, and the racist was shooting at them and running toward them. To declare Adam a hero for saving Ghira's life is also a nice little ego boost for Adam himself, but that's another point.
In the long term, however, Ghira's correct. The violent actions of Adam's, including the assassinations and trying to blow up the train in the black trailer, and the fall of beacon and the MANY human lives he's taken and otherwise brushed off as accidents (including the DC comic where he even gloats to Blake about how he was crying when they first met over not getting to kill MORE humans, not over the Faunus dead) does end up damaging Faunus' perception with the overall public and the White Fang as a whole.
But what about Adam himself?
Rewatching the trailer, Adam deals with a total of SIX people (if my count is correct) without any form of lethal force. He comes close, but always knocks them out or otherwise sends them packing. He even snarls at the two calling them all "freaks" and seemed like he was going to go after them next, if Ghira hadn't interrupted.
If he's really THAT fast, there's no way he couldn't have just tackled the running guy down and disarmed him. The guy was running and firing blind, the rest of the White Fang is behind the truck, Ghira's aura didn't break cause of one gun shot, etc.
The trailer further demonstrates that "accidents" like that aren't uncommon with Adam in the field, and he gaslights and emotionally manipulates Blake when she calls him out on it. Sienna even has to call him off from executing an SDC security officer.
Of course, in the heat of the moment, there's usually no time to think about what's going on and what the best thing to do is. All that's left at the end of the day is the consequences of what is done. It doesn't seem like Adam himself lost any sleep over the racist being dead, and I wouldn't either.
But what's crucial to me is that nobody other than Ghira, Blake, Sienna (in V5), or Illia, questioned his actions...until he utterly fails in V5 with the Haven raid.
In that moment, he could've learned something about the proper application of force and why spilling blood isn't the way to do things unless it's absolutely necessary. Ghira never objected to kicking the racist's asses, just the killing part.
And we all see what feeding Adam's ego does to him. So, basically, I find Ghira's point to be valid had he had been allowed to deliver the whole lecture about how it'll be used to spread more fear and hatred. Because that's exactly what Blake's view, and the view of the White Fang and Faunus, end up being in places like Mistral and Atlas (and judging by idiots like Cardin and the casual racism spewed by Torchwick, Vale isn't immune).
Though, again, I agree with Sienna's call to send Adam in to deal with the situation since he was seemingly the fastest among their number.
Short term, Sienna. long term, Ghira. I swing toward Ghira given that Adam would repeatedly get into arguments with Blake about his number of "accidents". He needed a good scolding or a lecture at that point. If praise was to be given, it should've been for helping them out of that jam and worded as such. Not calling him a "hero" and inflating his ego.
Because if he's a hero for killing one auraless guy...then what else can he be called a "hero" for? What next, in other words? What else can he get away with, heedless of the consequences?
This isn't to say I'm not against lethal self-defense and niether is the show: Blake and Yang killed Adam after he refused to back off despite warnings, Ruby tries going for kill shots on Tyrian and slices his tail off, Jaune attempted to stab Cinder in the face, etc.
Unless you have the ability to otherwise disarm and make absolutely certain the lethal force coming at you is neutralized nonlethally, yes I do think lethal force can be used when met with lethal force.
Like I said earlier, however, the problem is optics. Who's using the lethal force against whom? Will this be seen as necessary or twisted? Is it survival or just revenge?
The court of public opinion unfortunately is real, and people defending themselves get thrown in jail a lot. People have also used Stand Your Ground and other laws to chase people down and kill them and then TRY to claim self-defense. Whether it works or not is up to the court and/or jury.
But it can be especially damning when one is part of a group demanding equality, as bigots will pounce on that and try to discredit a group of people (even going so far as to make things up). It's worse when they have power and the people fighting them don't, because the media can easily twist things to make them seem the villain (Queer rights, the Civil Rights movement, Occupy Wall Street, etc.)
In this case, however, we're dealing with people with superhuman speed up against relatively normal people. It's like Superman being threatened by a punk with a gun and killing them instead of the numerous ways he can disarm him...which, ironically, led to Justice Lord Superman in the old JLA animated series but that's a whole other story. Plus, the White Fang has more been compared to the IRA then the Black Panthers and that comparison makes more sense given the very real violence the IRA committed.
That's just me. I don't lose sleep over a racist being dead myself, just the optics and long-term damage caused by Adam afterward especially when he gained a position of power himself. It obviously wouldn't start there, but it's a neat way to show how things shifted toward where they are now.
TL:DR: I agree with both of them, though lean more towards Ghira given the events of the series and Adam's worsening violent antics. Nothing wrong with the lethal approach when confronted with lethal force, but there has to be a consideration of how much force is applied before one goes too far.
Even Ghira, IIRC, did say he learned a few things and fought against the White Fang when they were trying to assassinate him and his family and later at Haven. Sienna herself even spoke out against Adam's actions at Beacon too as being beyond the pale since he attacked a school. They’re both correct and should’ve worked together more in my honest opinion.
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hannahssimblr · 11 months
I'm curious what the drama was about with part 2 of your story? What were people getting annoyed about?
Haha i'll put this under the cut for anyone who doesn't want to be spoiled
it was all about DEAN!!!
Some people clocked almost instantly that he was playing games with Evie and trying to mess with her head, and others thought he was a nice hard working man who didn't deserve skepticism from others.
It really kicked off on chapter 9 - it's the one where Evie waits outside his place of work to ask him why he's blocked her and he insists on walking her all the way home even though she's not totally cool with him knowing where she lives.
People were fighting in the comments because some felt he was right to accompany her because it's unsafe for a woman to walk alone at night, and others pointed out that it's unsafe because of men like him. Then it became a bit more like 'well if Dean is a creep then Evie is a creep for waiting outside his work for him'. It was a whole big thing where some of the women were saying 'well she said no! and he pushed her anyway!' (which is Dean's MO) and some confused men were saying 'but she's drunk! she doesn't know what's best for her - sometimes you have to act in a person's best interests even if they insist otherwise' it was really about a woman's right to choose for herself versus a man's perceived responsibility to take care of her. It was interesting but it was also a bit much for me hahaha - i just wanted people to read the story, not for them to make it controversial. It wasn't really supposed to be a commentary on women vs men, it was supposed to be Evie just doing what Evie would do, and Dean doing the same.
The other thing was that some people were annoyed because Evie was being a bitch - there were comments about her unkind thoughts about her college friends, and questions about why she hung out with them if she didn't like them, and I honestly felt the reasons for this were clear enough, but I guess if you don't get it and you'd never personally behave like that then it might seem a bit weird. I was surprised by the absence of empathy towards her, as though she should have somehow developed a rock steady sense of self and been able to resist peer pressure despite never showing signs of being able to do so before. Evie is mean about the other girls and Dean because she is rewarded socially by the others for doing so, and she does drugs in the final chapter despite being against them for the whole story because she's given up the last shreds of herself, she doesn't care anymore and nothing matters, so neither do her personal rules and boundaries. Everything has been bulldozed over already by these people, so what's one more thing?
Obviously Jude got flack too, because he always does hahaha. He's definitely not his most wonderful self in part 2, he's avoidant of the hurt he's caused, but he's also like, 20 years old. It always bothered me that very adult expectations were placed on him when all he ever did was act like a normal young man. In my opinion he's in the right in chapter 19 during the conversation at Jen's flat, but I remember commenters were annoyed by him coming in and trying to tell Evie what to do - interesting, seeing as the same people argued for Dean to be allowed to overrule Evie's explicit desires in the interest of her safety, but Jude was not. I just never really got why Jude should be held to a higher standard than Dean, but anyway, it was all interesting, if not slightly stressful to experience.
I don't really get any drama with part 3 - I think mainly people are reading silently, and if they hate it and they're fuming about what's happening they don't really let me know, which is fine with me hahaha I just wanted to write a little story at the end of the day.
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bruciemilf · 1 year
W for the alphabet fandom meme ask game please 🥺👉👈
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
HMMMMM SJSJ not safe for robins everyone --
1) superbat - praise kink. Bruce got called a good boy ONCE and couldn't form coherent sentences for weeks. I think BDSM would fit them too!! Specifically dominance and discipline. Bruce is def a brat and Clark would like to deal with that jssj
2) bruharvey - daddy kink. I mean. I MEAN. Bruce called him that One Time and now Harvey won't respond to anything else. I think size kink for these two as well!! I think they're on the rougher side (pain play, slapping, biting) but the aftermath is really sweet shsh
3) brutalia - choking!! Controversial opinion but I like to think they switch a lot? I'm just saying, Talia should have "I love a woman that can kick my ass" syndrome for Bruce. I think he'd stop every 5 minutes to make sure she's fine, which she finds annoyingly endearing shshs also handcuffs and cross-dressing
4) Wonderbat - soft femdom!! Also, she def has a thing for his voice, and he def has a thing for that lasso!! I can see edge play for them, but Bruce is too patient djd
5) Not a pairing bc I ran out, but, for all of them?? Breeding kink on Max
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