#and she got the cutest video of her saying 'oh hiiii are you here!??!?!' when i suddenly came up to her
sisusen · 2 years
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animeomegas · 3 years
Omega!Saiki Kusuo x Alpha!Reader
Anon: Hiiii, I was delighted that you included Saiki K. on your list.Now yes, can I order a Saiki Kusuo x alpha reader, please? I have nothing in mind for now, just a few soft headcannons would be fine,please.
Anon:  omega saiki kusuo x alpha male reader ?🥺👉👈
Anon:  omega kusuo with alpha male reader? sfw and nsfw headcanons pls!!
(Heyyyy! Saiki K is so popular today and this is my favourite anime so I think you three have excellent taste. I re watched some episodes yesterday and remembered why I love him so much. I try my hardest to write gender neutral alpha reader so that it can be reader either way. N-SFW under cut. Enjoy~)
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Saiki is a very sweet omega but this isn’t obvious unless you’re close to him and you make an effort to notice his actions.
He expresses his affection in actions rather than in words and this is the most obvious when he’s in a relationship with an alpha.
His love language is acts of service. 
He will help you with work, clean for you, stoically mother hen you when you’re sick etc.
And all he asks for in return is for you to take bugs outside for him.
Saiki doesn’t really like PDA in front of people he knows: his friends and parents are too nosy for him.
But if you’re out together in public, he’s happy to hold hands or have you rest your head on his shoulder. 
Stay at home dates are Saiki’s favourite though. Watching old terrible films or playing video games, a blanket over both your laps is Saiki’s idea of an amazing date. A perfect date is much the same but ends with coffee jelly. 
Saiki really likes the smell of both your scents mingling together but he’s too much of a tsundere to admit that and ask you to scent anything, which is why he always brings out a blanket when you hang out together. 
He puts those blankets in the prime position in his nest.
As your relationship progresses, Saiki gets more confident initiating and accepting physical affection, but he’ll never ask for it verbally. He will simply start cuddling you, no words needed.
His favourite cuddling position is the half-spoon. He loves to rest his head on your chest, especially when he’s wearing his geranium ring. When he’s wearing it, he isn’t bombarded with the din of other peoples’ thoughts, and can rest while listening to your heartbeat. 
He always feels less anxious when he’s wearing his geranium ring in your company. He trusts you to keep him safe (from his other friends mostly *cough*).
Kusuo has a very light florally scent. His scent isn’t normally very noticeable unless he’s feeling extremely strong emotions or he’s near or in heat.
His scent is very similar to his parents. His family’s scents are as follows:
Kuniharu (omega) - Very sweet flowers, almost like perfume. His scent is much more noticeable in comparison to his sons.
Kurumi (alpha) - Her scent is also a nature based one, but she smells like a forest after it’s been raining. She gets a lot of compliments on her scent.
Kusuke (omega) - His scent is very similar to Kusuo’s, but stronger. He always wears scent blockers though, so most people will never smell it.
Once you know about his powers, everytime your mind wonders you panic about whether Saiki heard you or not. He always gives the same little smile when he heard what you thought.
Saiki always finds it amusing when you get embarrassed after thinking dirty thoughts about him.
He doesn’t really like to use his powers too much, so he won’t like it if you ask him for things too much. 
He loves to feel normal, and your relationship is the closest to normal he’s ever felt.
Dates like this were always so peaceful. 
You and Saiki were wandering serenely around a nearby park, the chill of Winter clear in your visible breath. You watched some nearby children play in the snow with a gentle smile on your face. This was a lovely date.
You were staying with Saiki and his parents temporarily and Saiki demanded you both leave for a moment of peace. You couldn’t help but agree. His parents were lovely but you had to admit, the crying got a little much at times.
You were enjoying the comfortable silence with Saiki, even as you were slowly losing feeling in your hands. Jeez, it was cold.
You jumped at the sound of Saiki’s voice. He was holding out a hand for you to take, a light blush dusting his ears. He was the cutest. 
You smiled and accepted the hand, basking in how warm he was.
‘Thank you.’ You thought, knowing he was listening to you.
He squeezed your hand tighter in response. 
Silence was never uncomfortable with Saiki. That was one of the things you loved the most about him.
N-SFW Headcanons under cut (feat. Slightly!Older!Saiki)
Note: I write both male and female alphas with the same genitalia so this will be gender neutral.
Saiki is a sub leaning switch.
Most of the time, he is happy to let you take the lead, especially the first few times, but deeper into your relationship he gets quite a thrill from occasionally having his way with his alpha.
When he gets in these moods he likes to pin your hands above your head while he rides you. He smirks the whole time as well.
When he subs, he gets very wet, very quickly and this makes his so blushy.
When you first started this kind of relationship, it was very vanilla. Saiki won’t bring up new things to try, but if you introduce an idea, he’s normally willing to try it.
He would never say it out loud, but Saiki enjoys feeling powerless. He likes being tied up a lot but it requires a lot of trust for him (even if he could escape whenever he wanted).
This man looks phenomenal in black shibari ropes.
One of Saiki’s biggest kinks is mind-reading during sex.
Out loud dirty talk embarrasses him too much, but reading your dirty thoughts about him riles him up like nothing else.
Hearing how sexy you find him and how turned on you are makes him feel so hot. 
Saiki doesn’t like being punished, but he enjoys some teasing. 
He likes to be overstimulated, but it can be risky because he can and will lose control over some of his powers. 
Accidentally collapsing two walls of your bedroom was a bit embarrassing for him.
His scent is the strongest when he’s in heat
Saiki always showers after sex (apart from when he’s in heat). He hates feeling sticky. He doesn’t mind if you join him though.
You absently scrolled through your phone as you watched Saiki play video games. You were both sprawled on your bedroom floor, Saiki’s favourite blanket draped over your laps. You huffed a breath, closing your phone, bored. Focusing lazily on the game, your mind began to wander to a more interesting topic, mainly your mate.
It was coming up to your one year mating anniversary. You almost growled thinking of the first time you mated. Your hands gripped the blanket as your thoughts began to go down a dangerous path.
He had moaned so prettily for you back then, too much of a sensitive virgin to even try and control himself. And my god was he wet. Your stomach clenched in need. You remember how soaked his nest was the first time you mated and you didn’t even make him squirt. How wet would he be if you made him do that?
‘Hmm,’ You thought. ‘Bet I could make him squirt.’
You jumped as the automated voice echoed around the room. Saiki had lost the game. You turned to him.
“Better luck next...” You trailed off, distracted by the aggressive blush plastered on his face. “You okay?” 
Saiki turned away from you, hands flexing under the blanket. Belatedly, you noticed something else under blanket. He was hard. You sniffed the air discreetly. Yep, he was definitely turned on but why would he...?
Oh god, he’d been reading your thoughts. 
“Stay out of my head, Kusuo!” You whined, throwing a pillow from your bed at him. 
He dodged the pillow easily. 
“I don’t know why it’s my fault that you think so loudly.” He stated, his monotone voice more shaky than normal.
You raised an eyebrow at him: his shoulders were shaking. “Did you like what you heard?” You scooted closer to him, making sure to tickle his mating mark with your breath. 
Saiki shivered, and that was all the invitation you needed. Easily, you pinned him to the floor, both of you still tangled in the blanket. 
The floor wasn’t the most comfortable place, but neither you nor Saiki noticed for even a moment.
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violetnotez · 4 years
Hiya! Could I maybe request Shoto with a s/o who can be a crack head around their friends? Like one of my friends and I kept talking about bones and making jokes and me with another one of my friends, like we just make weird noises to communicate and stuff? Sorry sorry- Apollo 🌻
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I got a similar request so I kinda put them together, I hope that’s fine! 💕
HC: Crackhead S/O
Pairings: Shoto x reader, Bakugo x reader
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
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Kskskekkeek this screencap was just too good I can’t
EXACTLY what he will look like when your doing something off the walls crazy
He can’t understand or really wrap his head around the fact that you act so strangely around your friends
Like your a whole different person-but in a good way of course!
He won’t really say much while your with your friends, he just kinda watches the total fuckery in front of him
Once you guys leave though, that’s when the questions happen
“Do you know another language y/n? I’ve never heard you speak like that before,” he’d ask, his tone fully seriousness on his question
“What do you mean, Shoto?”
“It was like I couldn’t understand a single thing you said-it was so-different,” he’d try to put into words just how CRAZY you sounded with your friends
You just have to laugh it off-poor baby doesn’t understand slang or inside jokes
Mina is one of your closest besties from UA and she is always asking you to make TiK Toks with her
Girl is freaking popular on there just saying
She makes videos with you all the time, and you honestly just goof off on there
Of course Shoto is watching every video
Ohhhhh but if anybody writes anything he doesn’t like, will be FLIPPING HIS SHIT
Shoto turns Into Bakugo when jealous
Calm that boi down before he burns down the dorms
The cutest thing though is when you post your own videos with Shoto while doing the dances
You’ll be performing them perfectly, while Shoto is doing them off beat and with the most confused, deadpanned look ever
It’s the thought that counts
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He can’t understand how your honestly this wierd
Don’t get me wrong, he thinks it’s cute, but like-who the hell is crazy enough to be on the level of Kaminari
You obviously
When you start hanging out with Bakusquad, you fit him so perfectly it’s honestly really scary
Kaminari lowkey would have a crush on you if you weren’t his buddy’s girl
Kamianri, you, and Sero are like the gamer group that just Mario Kart all day and try to whacky stuff while playing
Bakugo once walked in on you playing against Kaminari while Sero tried to throw Cheetos into your mouth
He just left the room-boy was too damn tired to deal with your antics
Bakugo feels like he’s gotta be your mom 24/7 around his friends because you will agree to ANY bat shit crazy idea they have
“Y/n, wanna come jump off the roof and into the pool with us?”
“Omg yes!”
*angry Bakugo storms in “THE FUCK YOUR NOT”
Your type of chaotic is you just like to screw with him
Like on a DAILY
any chance to get him pissed off your gonna take cause it’s just so FUNNY
The best thing you have ever done was when you pretended that you “lost” the remote under the couch
You called Bakugo over, telling him you had dropped the remote and couldn’t find it
He bent down, grumbling about how “you were so damn clumsy” and “he had to do everything for you”
You started giggling hysterically because your plan was working-he had his ass perked up in the air, shimmying slightly as he tried to find the remote
You instantly grabbed your phone and taking a ton of pics-you needed evidence of this wonderful event!
“The hell you doing?!? I don’t see the damn thing-“
“Oh I’m doing nothing, just keep looking, I’m sure it’ll pop up somewhere...”
Let’s just say when he realizes you were messing with him after Kamianri turns the TV on with the remote, he’s gonna be on a rampage
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raeyvies · 7 years
Hiiii!! Request open? If yes could you please write a Headcanon about a pregnant mc who suddenly disappeared and the boys are desperate as crazy? Thank you! Hope you have a nice day!!
RFA boys + Saeran reacting to pregnant MC who disappears suddenly
I actually haven’t done headcanons before but I really liked writing this one last night. Legit went to sleep at 2 am to finish this. I REALLY liked writing this and made the headcanons long af xD I got way too into it and I really hope you like it c: There’s a mix of angst and fluff in here for variety! 
Also, I have more than enough time on my hands now so feel free to request headcanons ^^
You kept your pregnancy a secret from Yoosung to surprise him at first but your plans (more like your baby’s plans) changed
Luckily you were one of the few whose belly didn’t start showing until later so you were able to extend your surprise for him however, your doctor found that your baby had a condition now that you were 4 months in
The baby’s condition could be treated, but just not in Korea
While yoosung was at work you packed up your things
You ended up being a little unorthodox and just took the earliest flight possible to Germany
Saeyoung and Jumin were the only ones who knew about your situation so they helped you out
Jumin helped with all the expenses
(as much as you didn’t want to, he insisted)
And Saeyoung fabricated evidence to show that you were selected to be on a psychology committee for the next year all to convince yoosung
after all you were a psychology graduate
You kind of left one detail out and that was to tell Yoosung that you were leaving
You were so distracted by everything going on with your baby, it wasn’t until a week later that you contacted yoosung
In that week, Yoosung dialed your mom, your dad, your siblings
He spammed the messenger every single night hoping the you would answer but you never did
At night he hardly slept thinking of every possible thing that could have happened to you
Nobody could have kidnapped you right…?
HE was legit pulling his hair out at night
Yoosung was just paranoid out of his mind
Some nights he may have imagined that you returned even
It wasn’t until he received a call after coming out from work that he was able to calm down
Given, he asked you every single question to exist in the first minute when he picked up
You told him that you couldn’t use your international minutes too much to explain and that he can ask Saeyoung to explain
The boy fell for it. The whole lie. Thank God. He didn’t need to worry about a baby just yet.
He finally calmed down and counted down the days until your returned
What he didn’t expect was to see you at the airport with a baby boy in a stroller
“Sungjae, you finally get to meet your daddy,” you greeted Yoosung with the happiest expression ever
Jumin left early the morning when you found out you were pregnant
Apparently you had been pregnant already a month and 3 weeks without knowing.
You had forgotten to take two birth control pills at some point because you were so overwhelmed with work
You stayed in the bathroom for at least 2 hours staring at your pregnancy test
You felt you were too young to have a baby
You were enjoying life, your job, your husband
Neither of you had plans for a baby any time soon either though Jumin would have welcomed him or her just fine
This wasn’t something you could just talk to anyone about so you went to Jaehee who was in Jumin’s office while he was in a meeting
You broke down in front of her and she comforted you
You decided to get an abortion but wanted to make sure you were a distance away from Jumin so that he wouldn’t be able to stop you
By the afternoon you took a train to a very reliable abortion clinic where you had made an appointment that was for the next day b/c you were Jumin’s wife
It was like 400 miles away
When Jumin got home and saw you weren’t there, he called you assuming that you stayed late at work
You didn’t answer any of his calls
Okay now he was anxious
You always answered his calls
He tried to suppress his emotions and stay rational but THIS IS HIS WIFE WE’RE TALKING ABOUT
And well he is who he is
There were so many reasons why you could disappear just because you’re his wife
So he literally dispatched all his security to search for you
This was an emergency and that was enough to even have his intelligence unit hack into all cameras around the city and beyond to find you
He got absolutely no sleep. He paced around in his office waiting for a phone call
He demanded that every ten minutes he’d be given a status report
He wanted to sleep so desperately but he couldn’t. He wasn’t going to until you were found
Around 7 in the morning, security found you again walking into the abortion clinic through surveillance cameras
Jumin was confused why you were there of all places until he put two and two together
Within an hour he was at the clinic (he took his private jet duh)
You were already mid procedure so Jumin was not allowed to disturb
But he was there when you were finished and moved out from the procedure room
Your heart dropped when you saw him
He wasn’t mad or anything, he was just relieved to know you’re okay
You didn’t have the guts to tell him what you just did and why until he asked you if there was something he should know
You tell him all about how you’re too young to have a baby yet and breakdown
He says that it’s okay.
Jumin accepts your decision (I mean what’s done is done right?) and six years later you have your first baby
It’s a girl and her name is Han Juyi !
You were both already aware of your pregnancy
HE was the one who was super stoked to have a child. At first he thought it would be a little bump in his career but he’s okay with it
His career already lifted off and he could afford having a child
Zen had to tame his beast with you now Oh lord he was so protective of you
You were glad he wasn’t overbearing
He was already making a list of names in his head and well you were too
You stayed up to date with your prenatal vitamins and took very good care of yourself while he was working.
This was where working from home had all its perks
When you started showing a belly you just upsized your clothes
After all it was just a fashion trend lately to wear oversized clothing
You were a firm believer in that pregnancy should be a private matter so the few times you went out in public, you made sure to cover up as well as you could
The last thing you wanted was for the paparazzi to catch a glimpse of your baby bump.
When you saw another famous actor/non-actor couple on the news talking about their unexpected pregnancy, you immediately felt a knot in your stomach
The paparazzi was getting much more clever these days and honestly you didn’t want to risk them finding out your pregnancy
You didn’t want the added stress to affect your pregnancy
So you call your mom who lives in the countryside and asked if you could stay until the baby arrived
That night was one of Zen’s performances and you never miss one. You always have a front row seat reserved so that Zen can always catch a glimpse of you
However, you left to the countryside before the show started. Zen saw that you weren’t there and assumed you were a bit late
But halfway through the show, you never arrived and that threw him off. He was sweating under his costume more than usual because he was nervous
His mind was racing.
He thought maybe you fell sick and stayed home
Or it could be something worse
At a scene change, he ran backstage and dialed your number as quick as possible
You didn’t answer any calls and he began to lose it
He was breathing really hard and was just lost. He couldn’t focus on anything because he was trying to figure out why you disappeared
Zen yelled out and told his understudy to take his place for the rest of the musical
Today that understudy was being a lazy prick but Zen was not having any of it
Oooohhhhh shit
He grabbed his understudy by his shirt and growled at him
“You’re taking my place right now or so help me I’ll make sure you never get a role in anything again. Got it?”
Having made his point he left and took his motorcycle back home only to find that you left.
You left a lot of your stuff there because your mom already had what you needed
He called you once again, this time tears are already about to fall
But he hears your voice when you pick up the phone and is so relieved
You explain with you left without notice and he says you should’ve at least told him
For the next 5 months until you give birth, you two video chat and you send him copies of your baby’s ultrasound
When the gender is revealed, you two spend an entire night thinking of names over video call and by morning when you’re too tired, you finally decide a name
He’s there for you the night you give birth and he is literally the happiest person in the world
While you’re in recovery, he fills out the baby’s registration
Gender: Male
Name: Ryu Hyuk
Lately he’s been pulling off so many pranks on you
You just never have an idea that can beat his out
His latest prank actually resulted in the two of you having some ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) time in his office full of computers and cameras recording everything
He claims it was an “accident” but he does nothing to delete the video
Lowkey he even threatens you in a joking way that he’ll send it out to everyone
One night you try to delete it but can’t figure out how to, but you at least manage to get a copy of it on a flash drive
You actually found a use for it later
A few weeks later when you miss your period you know that you’re pregnant
And you know exactly why
You think of what way to tell him you’re pregnant
And then a light bulb goes off
You’re going to pull of the best prank to tell him you’re expecting.
With the help of Vanderwood, you manage to get a surveillance recording of you being “captured” in Seven’s garage
One of Vanderwood’s old friends, who Seven doesn’t know, joins in and helps film a few ransom video that even you would believe was real
Seven comes home and like always goes to his computers to continue hacking. He’s totally oblivious to what’s going to happen next
A recording of your screams goes off and God Seven is literally bolting upstairs to where the scream came from
He runs to your shared room on the third floor and you’re not there. He searches the rest of the bunker only to have his alarm go off and he goes to the computers
(thanks to Vanderwood who knows the workings of the bunker)
The video of you being captured in the garage appears on his computer screen followed by the ransom video
Seven’s heart was beating so fast out of fear that he was sure he was about to faint.
He knew it. One day you would pay the price for being around him
He yells out for Vanderwood, his voice cracking and they both run out to the garage where they expect to find MC
Another video appears on his phone, telling him to go to the roof
Vanderwood is legit laughing his ass off b/c finally got him good
On the roof, there’s a chair right in the middle. A video is prepared and it’s an unfamiliar face.
“There is one more thing you must do besides handing over the money. There is a confidential video in your possession that must be deleted. And then we will return MC unharmed.”
Seven is willing to delete his life at this point just to get you back
And then yours and Seven’s ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) video starts playing
Next thing Seven knows is that you are driving up in a children’s battery powered car from Toys r US with blue and pink balloons attached to the back of it
“Babe, I think we’re going to need another parking space. Preferably sized for this car”
Seven legit couldn’t be happier to know you’re expecting.
But he’s also so salty that you gave him a heart attack
He gave you the silent treatment for all of ten minutes while you and Vanderwood were laughing so hard and high fiving
You let him play with the miniature car and he forgave you immediately
This child I swear
8 months later just before giving birth, you ended up buying another toy car
One was pink and one was blue
The pink one had the name Choi Saeyeon written
The blue one had the name Choi Youngjae on it
V (forgive me this one is so much angst T_T):
When V found out you were pregnant, he took it upon himself to make all the announcements
He decided to call this collection of photos “Family”
You both were so happy
V was just so overwhelmed by emotions of happiness, love, and anticipation
Too emotional at that so he started crying
This is what true happiness is and what love is
The collage you both made became the announcement that you sent out to everyone close to them.
It also showed a picture of V and you holding blue daffodils to show that the baby will be a boy
V insisted on sending Rika an announcement as well much to your dislike.
You were just being cautious but he convinced you that it was his way of showing that he moved on and that there is hope for her to find love just as he did
Rika legit went crazy and had an episode upon seeing
She tore up the card and became heated.
She waited patiently, having Ray monitor the expecting couple until the The due date was near
Around the eight month mark, Rika decided to strike and had her believers (or at least what remained of them) kidnap you from your home
You couldn’t fight back because you were already so exhausted from the extra weight you’re carrying
You breath in from a rag they placed over your mouth and nose and next thing you know you’re in darkness.
V comes home to an empty house and calls out for you. He told you not to leave the house unless necessary since you’re in your last month
You’re not upstairs or in the basement, not outside either or in the bathroom
He tries to keep himself calm but when he sees a note on the bed with a logo that’s all too familiar he just freaks
He starts sweating and his hands shake.
It’s all his fault he keeps telling himself
I mean it kinda is though
He yells at nothing
He kicks things from the ground
And when he’s had it, he punches a mirror, it breaks and his hand is bleeding
There’s only one person who can help him and of course it’s Saeyoung
He has him track down the new location of Mint Eye
And he actually yells at him to hurry up
That’s so unlike V to yell at Saeyoung but like its your life on the line so he’s right to be pissed
With the new location found, he grabs Saeyoung’s car keys and tells him to get in the car now
Legit is driving like 120 mph
When you come to your senses, you’re laid on a surprisingly comfortable bed.
Rika is there sitting on the bedside stroking your hair
“Let’s make sure we save this baby when he comes to our world. We’ll save him I promise”
You try to refuse the elixirs that she gives you but Rika gets tired of you fighting back and just injects you with it instead. Proven to be just as effective
You become delirious because of the drug
Your head spins and next thing you know you’re falling in and out of consciousness.
You’re mumbling words that don’t make sense as you hear V’s voice again.
When V finds you he literally pushed Rika aside and takes you back
Saeyoung right behind him made sure that Rika didn’t get in the way
V was literally seething with rage but he couldn’t focus on his emotions when you’re a drugged mess in his arms.
Going to the hospital is the first thing in his mind because he had no idea what the drug is doing to you and the baby
By the time you, V, and Saeyoung reach the hospital, you’ve gone into labor
The doctors say that the drug affected your body in such a way that premature labor was induced
You were put under anesthesia for an emergency c-section. The baby was the priority
After that procedure, they tried to detoxify your blood stream from whatever drug Rika put in your body.
After waking up from anesthesia, you were in so much pain.
You didn’t know a c-section would hurt so much you couldn’t even move
V was right by your side the entire time with his son in his arms
“Say hi to your mommy, Jiwook. She’s the one you got your looks from.”
Saeran still had to go to therapy a few times a month but his therapist finally said he’s made so much progress you wouldn’t even think he’s mentally ill.
On the day he was finally cleared and no longer had to go to therapy, you two decided to celebrate
You went out for ice cream and movies and arcade games
When you came home you were both really joyful and playful
Then you both played a little game of chase in your apartment because let’s be real Saeran is deep deep down fluff.
One thing led to the other and next thing you knew you were pinned beneath Saeran
On your bed
The next morning you woke up with hickies all over and well that glow that can only come from really good sex
A few weeks later you missed your period.
Admittedly, you felt you weren’t ready for a baby and neither was Saeran.
He’s scared that he might lose control of himself and hurt the kid. Or even hurt you
You trust him enough that he won’t revert back to violence. He’s so mature.
That night you tell him over dinner that you’re pregnant
Saeran drops his spoon on the plate and he’s kind of at a lost of words
“it’s okay if you’re not ready to talk about it Saeran. We can talk about it another time”
Another time never really comes
You’re already 3 months in but you’re still doubting that you and Saeran can raise a child
Considering that he’s never even made a mention about the baby you just conclude that he feels he’s not ready for the responsibility
You leave the apartment without calling him that you be home for a few hours and go to an adoption center
In all honesty, you kind of want Saeran to say that he wants to start a family but you don’t want to force it on him
When Saeran comes home, he’s carrying a few bags with baby stuffs
He actually did so much research and this was his way of telling you that he wanted to start a family.
He dropped the bags when he found out you weren’t in the apartment
You were always here at this time. There’s never been a day you’re not home when he comes back
He calls out your name with a normal voice but soon enough his voice starts cracking.
His head starts spinning.
He thinks you ran away or abandoned him because he didn’t ever mention to you about the baby.
“Don’t leave me please. Everyone leaves but please not you, I wanted to start a family with you”
He forgot to think and then realized he could just track your phone from his phone
this child I swear
He finds out you’re just a few blocks away from the apartment complex and he dashes all the way to where you are
He notices it’s an adoption center and when he spots you, he hugs you so tight repeating over and over that he loves you and he wants to start a family with you
Literally makes a scene at the adoption center
A few weeks later you both go to find out the gender of the baby and…
It’s a girl!
“Uhm, MC, i don’t like the color pink. We are not painting our daughter’s room pink”
“then what color do you want to use?”
You literally facepalm
“Magenta is literally pink, Saeran”
You still go with that color and paint your daughter’s room
Time flies and next thing you know, you’ve already given birth to your daughter
Turns out it was two daughters. Fraternal twins!
Saeran literally ate an ice cream cone while you were in labor
Both you and Saeran couldn’t decide between two names for a daughter
Now you got to use both names instead of choosing
Hyeran was born ten minutes before Saejung
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rs-gs-archive · 7 years
Genuine Stardust. (Act 1, sequence 1)
"Isn't it funny? All these years being surrounded by stars that barely seemed to be any closer to us. But I've never been so happy to look at the stars from this distance again. Get what I mean, dude?"
"I hear ya…"
Weeks had passed since the Park dome was safely returned home; back on Earth. Its inhabitants needed time to re-adjust to their old lives, as some changes turned out more brutal than others. Pops would not be joining them, ever again. Muscle Man was elated to find out he had a small family now. Making sure to properly bond with his daughter, and making up for the missed times with Starla, he decided to take a long, well-deserved vacation. Fives seemed to follow suit, as he and Celia went out to explore Europe together, after these three years of separation. Benson was pleased to find out his studio appartment was still there, belonging to him. It was amazingly clean and neat too, despite his long absence. Could his pet pig have had something to do with it? Rigby and Eileen were about to make things official. And Mordecai? He didn't seem hurried to leave the park just yet.
"Hey, Mordecai?", Rigby began, "Shouldn't you… you know, set out to find a special lady again?"
"Nah", the blue jay replied, "after three years of being without either Margaret or CJ it feels like.. I don't know, dude. Maybe it's just fine this way. Guess I'm better off being on my own." He stretched, and went to lay on his back, staring into the star-filled night, on the roof of the house that once belonged to Pops. "What will be will be", he muttered, slightly sarcastic.
Rigby sat upright next to him, shooting him a pained look of disbelief. "You seriously want to be some sort of Benson?"
"What! No!?", Mordecai responded to this insult. "How is that anything like Be-..", he didn't finish this sentence, as he seemed to realize the similarities. At that instant, the two fellows witnessed their boss walking out of the house, heading for his car.
"But, speaking of Benson", he continued in stead, "I don't think he's heard anything from Pam anymore since we got back here".
"Yeah, what's with him and all this bad luck when it comes to women", Rigby chortled.
Something sparkly shot through the sky, catching Mordecai's attention as he went to lie down on his back again, arms behind his head.
"I honestly wish he could be happy for once", Mordecai suddenly spoke out, as he stared at the disappearing trail of sparkles. "I think he needs a special girl in his life.. way more than I do, at least"
"Yeahh! How about a real babe- EeOW!", Rigby clenched his teeth as Mordecai punched his shoulder.
The raccoon was met with an unamused glare.
"Fine", Mordecai sighed, "Let Benson have a 'real babe' then to love unconditionally.. but you better not get jealous, Rigby", he ended with a sneaky smile.
"You think wishing upon shooting stars really works?"
"Nah, probably not"
"WishCorp.", the giant letters read. Grandest Grants Guaranteed!, so says the slogan on the side of the huge structure.
"Ughhh, this is lame", a young girl inside the building groaned, as she walked past the many cubicles, serving mugs of coffee.
"I'm not learning anything from this, I need those credits".
Obviously, this youngster was an unappreciated intern for WishCorp., and like so many unappreciated interns, she got to do the crappy chores. The black sheep of the family. Or company, in this case. Quite literally too; she was a short-build, dark furred sheepgirl. A wooly afro added about 15 inches to her total length. Both sides of her head featured an impressive horn, curling around her ears. "Hi. My name is Avery", said the paper name tag on her chest.
Her colleagues' computer screens were showing recordings of people from all over the world, wishing upon stars that fell at just the right moment.
"Yeah, don't we ALL want to win the lottery?", one guy at his computer hooted. "Not today, buddy!" and he clicked "deny".
"Rude…", the girl thought to herself, walking past.
"I honestly wish he could be happy for once" she caught coming from a currently unmanned cubicle. She couldn't help but walk back and watch; "I think he needs a special girl in his li- *buzzzz* The screen seemed to have trouble processing the imagery. Yeah! How about a *buzzz*babe-EE *bzzzz*
Fine, let Benson have a- *buzzz* babe to love unconditionally".
The intern's eyes widened with glee. This has got to be the cutest wish she's ever heard, so altruistic. Maybe, if she took this matter in her own hands, she could finally get those required credits and make somebody happy as well. Shifting her eyes, her hand went for the mouse and clicked "GRANT". "Please specify" appeared on the screen, and she rapidly typed something in; the things she heard the glitchy blue jay and raccoon from the video footage say.. or so she thought. She then clicked "CONFIRM" in conclusion.
A radiant capsule popped out of the large device beside her, which she snuck into her pocket.
"This is gonna be SWEET!" she gushed to herself, as she made haste.
Back at the park, Rigby and Mordecai had left the rooftop and were bidding one another goodbye. Just as Rigby was about to walk out the door, said door was slammed open by an overly enthusiastic young ewe.
"WHAT THE-?!" Mordecai called out in surprise.
"Who are you?!"Rigby followed, rubbing his face where the door had hit him.
"Hiiii!", the girl cheered, "You two must be Mordecai and Rigby, correct? I overheard you making a wish and OH MY GOSH, I am absolutely smitten, so here I am!"
The raccoon and the blue jay stared silently at the girl in front of them. Rigby tilted his head.
"Sooo, are you the special girl Mordecai wished for..?"
"HA HA HA, good heavens, no! I'm an intern at-" she stopped right there, then corrected herself. "Uh, I work for WishCorp. and like I said, I overheard your wish for that Mr. Benson guy, so I got here as fast as I could to grant it!"
Mordecai and Rigby looked at eachother, then back at Avery. They didn't question what was going on at all.
"Awesome!", the jaybird exclaimed.
"That's what I thought!", the girl said with a nod, "So, if you guys wanna sign your names here, I can make things in order and mr. Benson will know he has some wonderful friends looking out for him!", she winked while speaking those words.
"We're gonna get the biggest raise!" Rigby chanted, scribbling his name on the card presented to him.
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